Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 15, 1886, Image 1
IT"- HE OMAHA DAILY KE , i SIXTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MORNING , DECEMBER 13. 1886 , NUMBEK 180 * < K DO 90 ad. DOO ) O TERRIBLE RIVER DISASTER , Biity Lives Lost by tlio Burning of n Steamer on tbo Mississippi. THE J. M. WHITE'S FATAL TRIP. liorrniH or the Situation lncionm' < l hy u rrlchtrnl i\thHlin | C.iri-jlntf Dentil nntl Demi notion In 1(8Vnke. . Mi'.Mi-iiis Tenn. , Dee. 14. it Is currently rumored licie Hint the elegant stcaiiiet , J. M. White , running belxveon Vleksburg nnd New Oi leans , lin ) ned at nn enrly hour this morning neai Baton Itougc. Li. , nnd that litty lives were lost. nn. NKWH coxfinvtri ) Mi Mi'ins Dee. H. . 10:1.1n. : m. The loss of thestinmerJ. M. Whltnlias been uinhrnied. bhe bin ned to the w atei's edge nt 11 o'clock last night , wlillo IIng ) at the bank neat Bayou Sara , nnd about slxtj lives were lost , consist ing Inigoly of women and children. Nearly nil the ciew wcio saxed. Among the passcn- KCIS tcimitcd lost is the superintend ent of the \ Idetla ra'lroad. ' nt Malchc ? , who , together vxith his wife iiml chlldttn polished In tlio disaster. ' 1 he books ol the boiit weio lost. The mea- Kin details weie iccelved here over tbo wires of tlie Louisville , Xevv Orleans & Texas railway. Tlio J. M. White was the hnost fttfamc'i on the Mississippi liver. .She had ncatgo of cotton aboaid , estimated nt not less than 'J,000 bales. The surviving passen gers nnd crew weio convexcd to Xoxv Oi- leans this moinln ? . rriuiii.n mrAii. . XKW Oni.iiANs , Dec. 14. Thn steamer J. M White , fiom Vicksburg. Miss. , to N'oxv Oilcans , binned nt 10 last night nt Blue Store , Point Conpce , thirty miles above Baton Kongo. She had quite n number of passcngeis Aboard , i,000 ! biles of cotton and r > , ( HX ) hacks of seed. Seveial lives are lepoited lost , but the captain telegraphed that only one life the porter of the boat Is known to bo lost. The bo-it and < argo are a total loss. Tbo steimer. which cost VJ.'XOOO , was considered b > many the finest nnd tnstest boat oxer inn on the Mississippi rlxer. The boat was valued at 8100,000 , the cargo nt SOD.OOO. 'Ihe Insuinncc on the boat is S-H.OOO , The cargo was undoubtedly coveiedby Insurance. Thomas Banv , second engineer ot the J. M. White , was on dntv w hen the lire broke out in the cotton midship. For n time he thought he had the lite under contiol , but it hnallj gained such headway that nothing could he ( lore with it. Bany stated that the hrothen spread so rapidly that tlie boat was wiappod in Unities in n short time. He thinks there weit ten 01 twelve fives lost. Including ncoloicd llremon and two coloicd chamDei- iimids. Barry also icpoi Is the loss of the captain. Bird Ploxtl. and the snpciintondcnt of thn Vidella railroad , with bis wile nnd daughter , whoweropassen.rois. ! Barrj knows nothing as to tlie number ol passcngeis nboaid , but thinks there were not many. Kvidcnco accumulating shows them were many lives lost , borne people place the num ber utility. A Tltnil.T.lNn ACCOUNT. The States the following account of the loss of thn J. M. White , gathered riom theollicersand ciew : The boat bad landed to take on a pile ol cotton seed , nnd theio were between tliirtj-lho nnd forty roust abouts engaged in this work when , meclsely ntlUlpi : o'clock , cverjbody was staitled by the loud ringing ot the bell by the watchman. Tom Miller. Immediately after the ciy of "lire" was taken up by twenty voices , in an instant the dlicst confusion reigned. Men darted to and fie and the w oik of nronslng the blefliilng passengers wns begun. The fne wns discovered by Tnomas Barry , second engineer , who , witli Ids partner , Steven Jan- no } , was on watch at the time. Bany gave tbe alarm nnd his voice lang through tlio deck room of thn vessel. Watchman Miller took In the situation at once and tang the huge bell located on the second deck. Miller htood nt his post ilnging the boll until lie was forced to rctieat by the encioachlng tl lines. The noise of the clanging bell nroiisod Will iam Mcllreevy , chief engineer , who wns asleep in the texns. lie spiang out of bed nnd groped his WAV throiuh the smoke to vxako up his partnci , John 1'allasier , second assistant engineer , who was asleep In the lorwaid pait of the texas. About inulwny ho met 1'allasiei , who had also been amused bj thu bell and xv is on Ids wax to InintMeGteevy. Tlio two men then looked as best they could tlnoiisli the stilling Hiioktt foi the others who slept in the texas. lint not seeing anj one , and bellox Ing tliat nil but themselves had lett , the > eiawlcd out on tlio liuiriennu deck and wore compelled to climb down on one of the stanchions to the light side of tlio boil , from whence they got on nhoie. In the iji'-antiino ' two streams ol water weie brouiril to play on the Hie , but the heavy black volume of smoke diovo the engines back. Tlioy touglit tlie flames stop jij hU'p , but w 010 nt last forced to drop the host ) to saxo themselxes. Tlio lire burned with lilghtfiil lapiditv , nnd In less time than it takes to tell it the entile lett s.di ) of the boatwas n mass ot Humes The the soon caught the railing of the cabin deck , and be- toiean ) assistance was to be had the boat looked ns if she vxere ( inclieltd lij a stream of Ihe. The crackling of the llames and shilcks ot the passengeiR nnd crexv caused tlio most Intense excitement. When the alarm was ( list hounded Alex McVav , head eleik , was sitting at the stove In his cnbln. The iiist peal ol the bell caused him to rush outside , and seeing the ( limes lean high In air , lie ran back to the cabin nnd cmU.uoied to get the books and money. The lire gained rapidly on him and ho w.u compelled to leave the olllce , but not beloio he had seemed the bum > f inonex liom the Hife. MoVaj then turned his attention tosivlng the cabin passcngeis , of whom there weio about ntleeii or eigh teen , unhiding eight ladles. Ho first axxoko the bccond cleik , John Callalmn , who ran out ot the room In tils inideishiit and trousers. Call ilmn iind McVay went to each room and nwoke tlie inmitcs. The teirlbed passe-niters quickly Lot out , neatly nil ot them In their night garments. Among them was n gentleman , name un known , but recoL'til/ed ns thu siipennten- ilentof the Vldiilla Southern i.iilioiid. Ho bad his wife and tvxo children , girls of nine und twelve yeaiH. with him. Ho called them mound him nnd bade them to follow him. By this lime the llames had teaclio I the cabin , throiuh which the thick Miioku was lolling. 'Iho innle-stili-Kcn passengers iiulekly made tor the entrance , some to the btern and otheis to the trout. The gentleman - man icfeirod to was nmong thosothat went to thu stern. Upon reaching the deck he grasped his twochildiim , one at n time , nnd tliiexv them Into Hie liver. Befoie he nnd ids wife could follow the llames had reached them and they were burned todeath. The two pilots on xv .itch , John btout and Bob .smith , ueiu In thn pilot liousonnit were tompelled to jump into tno nxcr , where they weio picked up. They had a narrow escape fiom death. 'Ihe h binned so nnicklx tliat it was Impossible to M > o who was > axcd and who \\iis lost. 'Ihe deck WAS crowted with roustabouts and deck passen .er > , thhty of the lattei liavIng k'ot on tlio vessel at 5s'ow lexas Inndlng. just above where the boat was binned. Jsearly nil of thunxuiu lost. U Idle the passengers and ciexv weio escap ing fiom the boat , a Menu pipe blovv up and vvasliurle.i00eetln : ! | the all. 'Iho foico of Hie explosion rnused over twenty bales of bin nlng cotton ( o Iv hurled tilth in the nir , vvheietheyrevolxid several times and then fell Into tlio rixer. Immediately nfter the explosion hhilcks. were heard coming iioin the stern of the vessel. Tor an Instant two colored xxomen were seen standing on thu gallery just back ot thu wheel house , and In I'll liisiunt they wen * hidden Horn view by the smoke mill llames. The lirst pact of the boat to nlvo way was the wheel lioii-ft It fell into the water , and a draft belni ; eteatcdtho tl.iuiesi-ufpt through the ThoM } vxho escaped were taken fiom the ECCIIO bj Ihe SteUa U IUI , which plies between BaxouSata and Natchez. As ( lit ) Wild was backing out thieo ke s ot powder tliat were in the hold exploded , and cotton nnd burning timbers xvcro hutled In all directions. 'I bis virtually mil the tim out , and what was once n pilatlal steamer was now a blackened wreck. When HIP Wild leached the river A loud cry for help came Irom the middle of the sticnm. A boat wns loweied nnd was iniiekly nulled In thedliec- tlon of Iliecrj. Through the dnikncss the ciew saw tlie iignre of A man grasping a bile of cotton , but befoie they couldji each him the bale turned over nnd when it wns lighted tlio m an wns gone. Colonel b. L. James was taken to his homo , No. an I'rjtnnla stieet. on hlsairlval , where hu is In a critical condition. He stnted tliat the sight was honlfj inp , and could not be told. Ho positively declined that there must have been sixty peisons lost , because out tit sixty-rue In the cabin lie could onlj see himself nnd four others , among w hum was II. C. Blown , state en gineer : K. Denery. . hit hot ; i led drey , poitei. and .1. Collins , deck watchman. Den- erx said lie would nexer loraet the sisht hu beneldat St. .Mori Is plantation , when the White was enveloped in Unities. Ho xvas sure one child had been rescued and brouslit Into St. Morris plantation , 'to his knowledge , of the boat's emplojts. there vveio two cabin bojs. two ehnmbei maids , one Ihemnn and ono stevedore lost , besides IM Jackson , Amos Moss , Louis Wnlkei , 1'iney Walkei and nil- other eoloied woman named Lucv. "I do bellexe. " continued Denery , "tliat the boit Imint up in about llfieuti minutes altci ttic alarm was siven. " Ciptnin Homy C. Broxvn , slate engineer , w ho w as a iiassenger on thu White , estimates the loss ol lite nt about Iliirts1lie gives the names of tlie follow Ing iier-ons who were saved , but were all slightly Injnied , and wore left nt the house of Mr Bnrgois : John Stahl , pilot ; Slloitens Smith , Mis. Smith , ot Ka- elnc , WIs. , nnd A genllomiii and his wife finm Chicago , names iinkown. Mheie wore about Unity cabin passengers and a number of nearo cabin pas sengers in tlio "buicati. " The niimbei of deck n.issengeis is unknown. Brown said : "Walsh Llovd , formerly n clerk on the WINS. Hajs. ran through the cabin calling up tlie passengers and nobly lost his llfo tiy- ing to save others. Captain Muse , com- mnndorof the White , bad been ill all day and was In bed when the HIP broke out. Thn chief mate was In charge of the steamer. 1 had nuout ten feet start of thu the , nnd although I im rapidly foiwaid , when 1 leached the bank the the was within twentj-Dvo feet of me. 1 had on my underclothes. 1 did not see A soul in the cabin as I inn tlnough. The cabin wns In full blae at the time and flimes weio rnpldly eating their wa > to the hurilcnno deck. " Pilots Stout nnd Smith say tliat from the number of persons the } say mound them In t homer fully toitv must have perished. A rAin IAI. MSI OK THI : vunsivo. The following is n list , as tar as ascer tained , of the white persons missing : S. H. Snofford , wife nnd daughter , of Vldnlia ; Captain 0. W. Klojd , a well Known steamboat man ; Mis. Mmrny , of Xateliez : Miss Agnts McCobb. ot West I'clleion , and two other ladj passengers , names unknown. Three men and ono woman were walking on the hniricane deck when It fell in nnd nil di * ippeared in the flames. The following Is n list of the colored per sons lost : Loxi Koblnson , captain of the watch ; two unknown negro women ; Dick Randolph , Inoman ; Oscar L-indiy , pastry eook ; Lewis .Martin , second cook ; Albert Blown , cabin boy ; John Piuker , cabin boy ; 1'eriy Williams , cabin boj : Amos Moiso , poiter ; Kdxvnrd Jackson , cabin boj ; Penny Walker , cliimbernnld ; Mnithn Wash ington , chambermaid ; Duncan Kointh , cook ; two ueio pruachcis , names unknown ; a negio woman from Port Hlckoy and hei son. aged sixteen ; Volsln Bell , lahoier. and two negro women , each with nn infant. Two white men , William Diley , ot Xe- br.iska , nnd Mi. Obcrchnin , of Kentucky , nro believed to be lost ; .Mrs. Wnde , of West Tellclon. had an al most miiacnloiis escape. She speaks in glow ing tenns of tlio lietolc nnd gallant conduct of Captain Flov ds. who sacrificed his lite in trjin/ save the lady passengers. All of the ollleers ol the White weie saved. Among those who escaped were J. 1" . Cnrexv nnd wile , of Ottawa , Ills. A I'LJIITUKIJIJIJ 1'OOIj. 1'asscnnor RatcH Kioni Chlcnso nntl hi. Ijotiis to Omaha n Trifle Slinky. CntrAoo , Nov. H. [ Specinl Teleginm to the BKI . ] Tlio obstacles in the way of tlio foimatiun of n pool on western passenger tralllc are almost as serious ns those which have thus far prevented the founntion ot the Notthwestein nassengei pool. At the last mcetlngofthoWeateinpassengerassocIatlon , after the troublesome question of allotment ol peieeutages hnd been adjusted , the \Va- bash prevented the consummation of the agicement by making n demand that it be pei milted to make tlie same rate per mile be tween St. Louis and Omaha as was made be tween Chicago and Omaha , claiming that the roads from Peoria weie allowed to make the Kimo into and consequently it could see no icason why St. Loins should not have the same piivihvte. The othei roads declined to enteitain thu pioposition , and , as ( ienetal Manaxci Talmage , ot the Wabasli , was not piosent , the matter wns icfei led to him. It ( s now learned that Tnlmagc has notlhed the chnlimnn of thnt meeting that his company intended to stand bv the position taken ut thelast meeting anil unless the Wnbisli wns permitted to make the same i.ites per mile between St. l ouls and Onnha It would de cline to become a part > to the nexv pooling agieement. As the existing temiioinry agreement expires December is , and there being no ptospect of tlie immediate adoption of the pioposcd pool , it lias been decided to extend the temporal y agieement until Jtinn- an 1,1S6T , so as to piexent n gcneial demor- ally /ntion ol rates. The McQiuiilo Trial. Nr.w VOIIK , Dec. M. [ Special Telesiam lo tlio BEI.J : John A. Hennesy , of thu Mail nnd Kxpress.told . Dlstiict Attoincv Mattlnon story which may bring the present trial of ex-Alderimin McQnidn to a sudden end nnd cause the discharge ot the jurors , llonnosy six s ho has the evidence ot two men who would ho nble to move that Juior Jacob Itosonberi : was n clou friend ot John Keo- , and an associate ot indicted e.x-Aldei- men Thomas Shields and Patilck Kniley , The men aie.l. W. Vickeisliam , A tiller foi some tlmu in the employ ot Itosonbcrir. nnd Vlckeisham'npiitner , P. J. Xosbitt. Wicker- bliiini MIJS Kcenan and liosonbeig nio great friends and Itoscnberj has si'd ' inaiij times that thn aldennnn did right to take the Broadway hoodie and If on thu jury be would not coin let any mm for taking monox lor his v ote. When examined ns to tils nualitlcntion toi u jntoi , Hosenbi'irf said lie did not knoxv Keenan 01 nil ) of Iho men Implicated. Mai- tine said after hearing the statement tliat If it was corroborated he would taUn immediate Mops to pievent n mlstarrlago The jiistlro would tiy Itosenburg tor perjury nnd probu to tlm bottom tlio method by winch Ho-en- beiggot on the jury panel and finally on the jury. Inthetilal this nftei norm tlio stnto icatcd Its ease. Theiecoidei lenewed Ids decision as to the ntlldavit chaiglng Juior Itosi'iibeig with being Intimate with the bondlo nldei- ineii tlllnfutino time. Motion to Instinct thojuij to nciiult was oxcriulcd. The 10- iiiaindei of the session till rci ess w as taken up by ( loneral Tiaej In tlio opening address on behalf of the defendants. Douglas County C < umnUbloiier . CmcAf.o , Dec. 1 ! ! . [ Special Teli'uinm to the BEL. 1 The county commissioner fiom Douglas county , Neb , , have been In this city seveial davs Inspecting public Institutions. 'Ihej > esteidav liiMjeeted the Cook County hospital and tl.o KIchard Keosu home nnd this moinniL' me xiMtinu- the poor faun nt Jetfeison. Fiom Clile-agn tlio party will pio- cced to Detroit , where they will also visit hospitals , riiecommlsaloncis express their ( Icteimlnatlon to obtain all the Intormation jHi4 > lble concern liitf the construttlon , work- Inirsand management of thu hospitals in the principal cities. I'.uti Will Go to Mtuleo. Nixv : YOKK , Dec. li. [ Special Telegram to the ULUil Schoetlel. Abbei'.s agent , said tea a Times reporter : "Palti xx 111 go to Mexico and blng. There Is no feeling whatever against hei amoiiL-st the general public. The tickets of thu swindler were almost all bout'lit IIP bj ticket speculators. It really was a case of hi tern bit at d nobody in Mexico has uiucli with them. " THE NEW LOCRSLEY HAIL , Tennyson's ' Latest Poetical Volume Brings the Author No Honor. A FEW SPECIMEN LINES GIVEN. The niTimlon Rcccktrtl In l nglaml AVIth Utifnv ornlle Comment Hot1- rlbloMimlrrTalc from franco Other foreign Vcvv < . The I'oot Ij.inrcato'H lintest. KopiifM tMlwJam'iGonlinJcilnrK.1 LovnoxDec. . II. [ Xoxv York Herald Cable-Special to Iho Hen.I Tonnysotrs nexv volume will proxeawoful dKappotntr nient to his admirers. This 1 } ric is doubtless tbebcht in the volume : "O. happv laiU , tint waihlest high Aboxc thy lowly nest ; O , brook , that biawlcst menlly Hj tlioilchls that once woio blest ; O , tower , aspiihif : to the skx ; 0 , graves , In daisies drest ; O , love and life , how weary am I , And how I long for rest. " Cannot many American newspaper poets do better than that' . ' miNKW iorK irnu.r. . The prlnclptl poem , however , Is a continu ation nrconcluslon of "Lncksley Hall. " ' 1 ho now Locksloy Hall is dedicated to "My Wife. " It is an address to a Rraiidson , who Is supposed to have met with a fate analogous to that of the nnlnppy lover who was rejected by the "shallow hearted" Amy In the first part. This grandson has also suffered rejection and is Inclined to curse the xvcaltbler suitor tor whom bo has been jilted. Lord Tennyson , how ever , assures him ho Is throwing away his Indignation , and compaics the voulh's love foi Judith with his old pission tor Amy : Amy loved mo ; Amy failed me ; Amy was a timid child , lint join Judith , but jonr vvoildllng. She had nexoi driven me xvild. She that holds the diamond necklace Dearer than the goldo n ilng ; She tliat finds a vvlntci sunset J'alrer than the mom of spring. In ordoi to soothe the ontraped sensibili ties of his grandson , the poet pioeeeds to tell the history ol ills own life , Amy's and her husband's sincc"Lockslcy Hall" was penned. It Is a history which might make a cjnlc laugh and u lover weep , for the fair cousin whom bo had loved nnd failed to win died within n jear of her manhiKO to 'ho clown. Her husband , Instead of treating Amy on a level with his dog- , and hoiscs , son owed tuily for her lei the icst of his life. Tl'e whole moral of the poem is contain ed in this staii7a : Torward let the stormy moment 11 } And mingle with the past. 1 thit loathed , have come to love him , Love will coniuiei at the last. Madness , jealously , tollv , wickedness , human hate the truth that tinny tilings will seem different altei slxtyjeus havollown seem tlie lessons which the latest Tennjson- ian monologue is designed to Inculcate. With this poem Is published "The 1'iomise of MAy. " a rustic tit Aim bioiuht out at the tilobe tlieitro in Noxembei , Ihb2 ; "The ri 'ct , " an appeal for the maintenance of the navy , nnd an tide sung nt the opening ot the Colonial A nd Indian exhibition. The tone of the poem , when touching on pollt cal sub jects , will not suit the libeials , who made the author n peer. H smacKs of torylsm as the hrst stmcked of the head waitei's pint of poit at thp old Tleot Stieet tavern. u\r\v OIIAIH.I : COMMIS : r. All the pipers notice Tennjson's volume , the Times being the only one expressing an opinion. Kefeiiin.'to an isolated poem it says : "It hardly adds much to the lanteate's reputation. We are afraid we must sa > the sinic of 'LoLksley Hall Sixtj years After , ' and , indeed , ot the whole volume. " \VOKS12 THAN Till } Tale of a Most Outrageous Crime in 1'rn nee. [ Ctpin tuhl 1MO by Jamra (7ni ( < l > /fonir/f.l / I'niv vs. ] .N-AIIDI f in : ( near Valence ) , Dec. 14. f New Voik Herald Cable bpeeial to the Hi.r..J One ol the most diabolical cases of minder ever tiled In Kuropo is now boloie thocouit of assi/esin Aaleclie. A fiend by the name of Jean Tame and his w Ife .110 ac cused of having murdered , boned and boiled their biotber , Claude r'.imc , and , niKIng tlio remains vvlt'i ' cabbage , of having given the reeking hell biotli to the tarm pigs , who grcedilj devoured It. Jean and his wife lived In n latgo farm house with Claude , wno was sl\ty jc'al' ! of age , sobei , thrifty and Industrious , while .lean was reckless nnd extravagant. Jean had man led against his biothei's wish a \ounir girl named Koslne ISlanchoi , whose grandfnthci , in Itv'X ) , hid kept nn Inn nt Heg- jebelle , aiidlin 1S3.'J had been tiled nnd guillo tined foi the nuirdci of twenty-live tiavelers dllTcicnt times had stopped nt this nn but never icippeaied. Among these twentj-livo victims was n certain Knjohns whosoname made siuh an imptossion upon Vlctoi Hugo tliat ho embodied him in his famous novel , "Ies MiseiahlCs. " Ills MUItWKOrs Ml lllII ) . Kosino's giandtather's fnvoilto method was to watch until the guests weio sound asleeiand then KISS tl.em with a pitchfork Into n proviouslv prcpiicd caldion of bolting watei. Todaj Itoslno nnd her Inubnnd standardised befoio the tomt of Aidecho of mmdering and boiling her brother-in-law and taking possession ol 100,000 irancs that the lattei bad savciMiom sales of cattle and the rev enite for his .share ot the ) farm , riu : iirsiiAMi COM ISIH. : : Jean this moinlng made a complete con fession in com t , causing u piotonnd r-ensn- lion. He declared , in a faltering voice : ' "lo ; I killed mj Brother Claude. Sly wife nnd I cave him int poison in Ills soup , but this only made him ill and aioused Ills suspi cion. 1 then smashed his head to pieces with n crow bar. "My wife , who was piosont , said : "Let us do for him as mj giandtathei did with his guests. ' "Wo then took a saw and savvcrt of his head , lojs and arms , heated up a caldron of water , throw In Claude's body ami boiled him two hours. Hosine , then , w Ith a pair of tongs , p'cked ' the bones out of the caldron , put in cnbbiges , and made a pot-aii-feu which she gave to the pigs. She took the bones n ] ) on the hill and muled the.m , Tlie same evening she cooked soup foi the chiidien In the amo caldron. " A DKbl'KItVn : WOMAN. Jean is n ferocious looking man , but trembles with fear before Itis Avife , who is a thin , sallow , black-eyed woman , vvltti long black hair and glittering white teetli. , Itoslne , after Jean had made Ins confession , fainted nvvay , imiUeiing : " .No , no ; ft is not true. " She had , at the previous dial , tiled to com mit suicide by plunging over the banisteis of tlie pi Ison steps , falling on the stone floor , but did not succeed. She had to bo can led to-day from tlio court room by two stout gen d'arms. AN ACCOUPUCC sTjnnrs. Itolnre'abrother , who was an accomplice in the horrible crime , wns found jcsterday In bis cell , dend , Imvint ; committed suicide by hanging himself with his Milrt , which was torn Into strips like cord. In n corner of Ids cell wns found A written confession of the dctnils of the crime , talljlng exactly with tliat which Jean made to-day In full court , 'i lie affair causes a tiomcndous sctmtlon nnd thousands of people ate flocking Into HIP ijiilet little town ot 1'iivas fiom miles nnd miles. A Olchrntcil Cnse Settled. | fnjii/i / f0 > i Iff * , l i Jac \ < Qontiii llrantUA IliHsKi. , Dec. II. iXcxv Vork lleiald Cable Special to the llr.R.I Tlie court of nsslzes of Antwerp has lust llnUhed nn cliilit da > s' hearing of the notorious w 111 fot- geiy repotted fem months n o , when it np- poired for the fust lime. The case was ntrnlnst Dehnnov , clcik to n jus tice of the poii'i' ; D 'ti-ind. a b.inlstei and notoilons liberal vnlltltlin , nnd the woman Kandeline , Delannov's painmonr. Tlioy vveio accused of having broken seals nlid foiled wills In order to nppiopilato im portant letters. Thuj were icspectlvelj sentenced - tenced to liftcen , six nnd live jears' hard labor , hut the judgment was im ished by the snpiemocouit on tcchnlcil grounds. Now thuAntwein comt has loiuanded the scn- teiico against Dclannoy , but to the gcneial snrpilso has ncqniitcd Dedand nnd the woman Kandcline. The Prcnoh fltllluuUy. PAHIS Dec. H. Chamber of deputies to- dn > by n vole of rXMo lU passed the ptovls- ional budget tot two months asked foi bj the ncxv government. In the cotn o ot the de bate on the budget M. Clomcnccaii con tended that the majoilty favoted the separa tion of church nml state. Ho said the late cabinet was overthrown because it had re mained statlonaty. The declaiatlons ol tlie new ininistiy were not satislactoiy. The cabinet would linil it Impossible to obtain a majority without the co-operation of the extietne left , which section onlv asked foi re- foims which vveio demanded l > y tlie entile republican paitv and the carrjlng out of which would buns about the union ot all republicans nnd extremists. [ Applansed | . M. ( tablet , replving , eulo'i/ed M. Do nov- cinet , who , lie .said , was defeated on n side Issue nnd not by n vote of the lepubllcan ma ) oiit.v. ICheeis ] . The chamber , by n vote of ! UI to11 , rejected a motion to Immedi ately begin tlie dilute upon the bill piov Id- ing foi a sin tax on cerealo. The Dillon Case. DUIII.IN- , Dec , 11. John Dillon appciied foi hlmsell to daj In the action biought by the government ngainst him for agitating in lav or of the plan of campaign. In his ad- diess to the comt Dillon contended Hint the language he used In the speech selected ns tlio basis of the prose cution wns justilinble , and tint the ciown was stinlning the i.ixv ug.iln-t him. In renly to Dillon , Judge Liwson declared that Dillon's plan or eamuaign was eleaily illegal and ordeiod him to nnd security in Sl.OOO and two sureties ot M.OUO each w ilhin twelve dajs 01 goto prison toi six months. AVillinjj to Accept tlio Throno. Vir.sxA , Dec. M. Prince Kcidinand , of Sa\e-Cobuic-Gotli.i , nfter n long talk witli Count Kalnoky , received tlip Bulgarian de putation to day. flic prince told the depu tation to-day that ho was willing to accept the Ilulcaiian throne If the sobianje elected him and the powers continued his election. It is rcpoilcd that negotiations on the sub ject have been ouekicd nt St. Petersburg , and that the deputation is awaiting the czai's reply. An Illegal Conspiracy. LONDONDec. . W. The Stundaid's Dublin correspondent sajs that owing to the decision in the Dillon case the government will issue n proclamation declaring the "plan ol cam paign" an illegal eonspliacj. Stanley's New Ilxpodition. LONIIOV , Dec. 14.-Henry M. Stanloj'd expedition for the relict ot L'min Hey will start in Febiuary. The Egyptian govein- men contributes 10,000 towaid the expenses , and a private gentleman has guaranteed the projectois against monetaiy loss , An Older to Irish Clcr y. HOMH , Dec. M. The pope had a confer ence to day with Cardinal blmeoni , and pro- tnred Institutions to the Itisb bishops charg ing them to keep the clergy scrupulously within the limits ol duty in icgaitl to the anti-icnt movement. French Affair * . Pxnts. Dec. l-l. Tlio prox isional estimates to which the cabinet yesterday decided to limit the government's application , nnd which the ehambei ot deputies , It Is gener- allx thought , will readily vote , nio tor two months onlj , and not lor twottep irtmciits ol the goxeinment as nt Hist lepoited. t Ktotcru Sentenced. HMI ASI , Dee. II. The jmUo to day sen tenced fem of the men uirc&tctl toi xviccking house' ? along the bliaiiKhlll toad dining thn ilots list June , to lour months' impilson- inent each. 'I hu pnsonc'is had all iileadcd guilty. _ Ordered to AvrnU Inntruot ionH. VII.NSA , Dec. II. Tlio Bulgarian govern ment IMS ordcied tlie deputation ot Bui- gaiianb to await in Vienna \\ntten Instruc tions betoie smiting lei Dcrlln. Tlie depu tation has abandoned the idea of going to bt. I'ctersbnr , ; . An Cnnttlcial lleunptlon. Bi uuDee. . 14. The Bulgarian deputa tion will be itcclved hero nnntllelali } , not as icpiosontlng the Bulgarian govcrr.mcnt. A Trip For BiiuiN : , Dec. 14. The Herman Ironclad Moewe has sailed foi Xan/lhai to punish the mnidciei ot Il.xplorer Jnchlke. rioilnn's Kloutlon. BOSTON , Dec. W. Tlio weather Is clear today an.l A largo lopubllc'an vote Is ex pected to be polled. At noon the democratic vote was ns Inigo ns1 the republicans , but the heaviest part of the democintlc vote was polled In the afternoon. 'II'O labor men ate hatd at work In uxerv piecinet , and the IniM- tatlons me that they will poll a surprisingly Inigo vote , but it Irf liot though It will bo largo enough to deteat trillion. Kxtia efforts are being made by tbtt teiniioinnco neoplo nnd innny vxell-dresscd , ladles are distiibntlng billets at the polls. Thu license vote will be much closet than last vear. 'Iho clt ) vote lei mavoi , with two pie- cincts missing , gives O'llilcn , demociat , JJ.bi3 ; iimt icnublltan , Ib.ltl , MeNelll , labor , . ' ! . % ? ' . Complete returns" give the following vote for mavor : O'Bilon.vr ! : : ; Hart , lt > ,7ty ; M r Nelll , U.VH. The license vote vxas : Yes. soati ; no. K.7bO ) ; majonty foi license of ; ! , T naalnst 0.'J last jear. Cliintiinali Coopers on a Strike. CINCJ.N.NAH , Dee. 14. The 1,11/0 / coopcis of tliib city and Itlxeisido stopped woik to-day because the proprietors icfiiscd to sign the M'alo of prices picpared by the w oik- men , The scale among other things de mands that n da > s woik sliall not exceed ten hour * , including lunch time , with an liom otf batuidays nlthout loss of pay , A Mlsslni ; Boj found , ItrAiitNC , Pa. , Dec. R Tom A. Ainold , received a dispatch fiom Hast .Strousburir , Northampton county , to-day stating thit his son Willie , who dihai > j > caicd fecu'ial weeks ago , had been found tlieic alive nnd well , IlUSlllCSH l < nilll- . XF.XX VOIIK , Dec 14.-Tlio firm ot K M A W. Wnrd. shlrtniakert- , made nn assign ment to-day for f'U benefit of creditors to Joseph A. Ward , vxilU uieforoncu-s amount- in s' to fcJ4lXX ) . , DABNEY BEING INVESTIGATED The Charge That Ho Was n Guard at An- ilcrsonvillo Looked Into. OPEN SESSION CONSIDERATION. A Repining I'cnr on tlip Part ol'Sen * atoiH to Go on Kroord on the Question Patents Issued Cnjiltal Sewn , I(1\rloinii > nt < i Ahout WX IIINI.ION , Dee. W. [ Speclnl Tele cram to the Bn. | An investlgntlon : is being made bv the pension oflice ot the chaige tlmt Di. labne ) > , n special examlnei. was a guard nl Andeisonville prison. Dab' ney leci-ntlj published a card , In which In said that nt tlie close ot the wni he was onlx hf teen j ears old , that ho vxas not n guaid at Andeisonvillennd wis not In the con feder ate service. 'Ihose who claim tint Dibney was n pilsoti giiinil say his denial Is no denial at all , but nn equivocation ; that fully "j pei cent ol the guards nt ichel pilsons were eithei bo > s under fouiteeti > eais of age oideeiepllold men ; Unit the guards nt AJI- ( lersonville were not in the eontedcinte ser vice , but In the seiviceof Iliestnteol iScnrcin , and that if Dabney was not n pilsoti gnnrd be held some othet position nt the prison. Dabney is vei > x.ignenbout htseail.v history nnd It ma > take some time to get at the laets , nnd till the facts mo developed Dabnej's denial should be held In nbe > nncc , ns it is not tnken ns conclusive bi tlio pension ofllco ofliclals themselves. Dnbnej hns made stntemont to the commissions of pensions ot A similar ch.uactei to that lefeircd to above , but it Is said this statement Is as vnguo nnd no motohatisfnctoty than the lirst one , and was made lei the piuposo ol "covning" the oath lie made when lie was appointed under the civil seixico uilts. A pension says he lie ml Dabney boast of having been n pilson gnaid when fouitecn > eais old. nnd this is wlieie the teport oiigl- nated. Dalmcv'swiieieabouts ; dnnng the war will be looked into nnd Ills statements me not consldeted satlsfactoix' . orr.v srssiov covsuii UAIIOV. A good dealot Inipnilencu Is being shown by Ihe iilondsol the pioposition to consldei in open sessions ot tlie senate nominations made by the piesident on account of the seeming feai enteitalncd by n nnmbci of senators to be placed on lecoidon this sub icct. It lias been onenly Intimated that theio is n combination of senatois whoaie opposed to this measuio working against the Una ] consideration of it. It is a iittlo sti inge that n number of the most couingeotis ivid blunt senators on the llooi of the clumber arc op posing open sessions foi consideration ot ex- centixe nominations Thej oiiposo It on the ground that open sessions will not admit ot that tiee and lull debite upon the chaiacter of nominations which is necessary to secure impartial judgment. Undoubtedly the open session lesolution intioduccd by Mi. Pln't a jeai ng ( > has giown In favor , but theie is such .i strong combination ngainst its con- sideiatlon ami such seeming Iaxit > on the part ot those in cli.nge ol it that it will citliei beuostponed tonnothoi session 01 come up in such a maunei that it will he defeated. Oneol Iliestionsrest advocates lei open ses sions is henalor Lo nn , nnd It is stated that should the Plait lesolution fail ol consider ation or bo defeated it is consideied he will leintroduco n resolution on the subject nnd light for its consideration until It gets tlnough. He does not believe in the assassi nation of chninutcrs behind the closed doois of tlie senate nnd publication ol their pro ceedings in the nexvspapeis in a cat bled nnd iinfnli IL'lit. Noithei docs Senator Platt. uvii.itoMi loiinv IHTSIN rtN.iiiss. ) ; 93 Ahead > much nctlx Ity is observablu among theiailioids ajninst the-lnlei-stateeommcico bill. Anuinbei ol lailioadattoinejs , who have not bei'ii about Washington lor sometime , Inveieanpcaicd nnd arc Infusing nnlmalion intitliefobby. It is said to bo the tactics ot the lailioads to postpone coiisldeiation of the intei-statocommeico bill icported bythecon- fcrenco committee until the appioprlatlun bills tan be gotten up , and thus semi it over to tlie nextcongiess , when all the woik will have to be done ovei again and the laboia of the confeienco committee will have been for naught. Agents ot some of the leading Diokcis in New Yoik. opeiatlng in this citv. lepoit that their enmlo\eis have "covered" on th"lr "long" stocks and nio picpncd to meet the elli ct of tlie pissage ol this bill ; xet at the same time thox doubt anv linal action upon It at tins session. Inasmuch us the measuie Is now in the shape of a conteience leport , and Iheieloie a privileged mattei , iit- tie exuiise can ho lendeied foi lailmeto con- sldci it at this session. S1I V MlNI ) NAIIOXAI. IIVNUP. The lionsu committee on bankiiu' nnd cur- iPnej have begun consultation with tieasutv oiliciftls upon tlie subject of silvei and na tional bank Mjouiltles as suggested bj the piesident in his mcssige to congress. Mi. Wilkins. of Ohio , sajsit is thcpinposeot the committee to Ia > bufoie thu house a bill em- boilving as many ot the recommendations of the president on financial matteis as pos sible , nnd to | iusi | It to a hiial passage , the western and soiithein membc'is me up in nuns against iiie suppiesslon ol the sllvei dollar , and since debites upon tlio subject in tlie past hnxo slinwn such a variety ot opin ions and volume of speeches , it Is altogether impiobiule tint anj thing can be done upon the sulilect betoie the -1th of Match , It has been Intimated a ninnhci ol times that It th" president should sco tit to call an o\ti a session of congicss it will bo moroespiciallj upon tills subject , as lie feels tint ihu silver and nationalliankhdesorxe Immediate legislation. I.AXI > ( in VNI i om 1:111 : in wutr.Mii. 01 all the wni tnies made against tailroad land grants thu one being wiued agniiisl the Bride Itlver ik Ontiumgon seems to excite most comment. Thu tail Us emplovcd by the people lavoilng the foileitutu nt grants to tills toad a ron ox ( I. Photographs have been taken and .lie being elieiilated of sceneo along this road , especlallj showing the condition ol the Hack and grades and bihUcs. It is foi tlio purpose of ilcinon- stiating that although tnu Hack wns laid it was not Intended to bo ptactlcable and that trains cannot bo inn upon it Miles of the tiacl ; mo shown lo have no ballast and no tirade while tlie cross ties are plopped up with chunks of wood niidaio "skewril" in every possible direction It is opcnlj charired that the constitution of this was not caiiicd out In good faith and that tlio dt sign ol thu ptoje < tors was Iiaud I.AWI.I.H'H i.n 11.1 iti.viiNiHrnVK. Itepiesentatlxe Prank l/iwlei.ot Chicago , nltliouirh a democrat. Is n i.ibld protectionist. He was explaining to some friends A tlav or twnngothu etlotts which htye been made by Messn Morrison and Springer , of his Mate , who an ; well-known tailll leformeis. to torcc lilni Intoeiidoisument of thu tariff bill now on thu calendar ol tlio house. Ho sajs that they came to him alteinatelj during tlio last ilajs of the last .session and warned him that he would lie defeated if he did not help them to get consideintlon ol thu measure. " .Mr. Moirison came to me one ilaj. " said Frank , "nnd said thnt 1 vxas sinelv not his friend 01 1 would help him lo get votes for thu consideration of his bill. 1 told him that I could not possibly eco hoxv my position on his public IIIPISIIIU Indicated my personal tiiemNilpoi ntilmoslty towaid him , Ho seemed to reel pretty badly about it. and piesently sent Mr. Springer to me , -Mr. Springei was ) > oslti\u tint tlm agricultural dish lets were in favor of consldei ntion and passage of tin * Morrison bill and warned mo that If 1 did not help them that I would bo defeated for re election. Itmadu me A Iittlo mad and 1 ( old Mi. .Spiinpci that I would watch with a great deal of Interest the vote cast In thu rural counties ot theli district , the nppioathing election , 1 would see it ilieti constituents endorsed their action. ' 1 lien told them that 1 would not only not tielp them to get up their bill but that I was opposed to It nnd I would vote ngainst it. Both of these men weie a good deileved at mo Well , Mr , MouUon was defeated for re election by u lare majority and I noticed that the heav I- eat votes polled against him vvetu b > the fnrmuis , Mr. .Springer came within an ate ot defeat tor re-election and I pointed out to him vx.heie his strength waned and that it vxai , among Ilia fanners whom he had do- chiredtobu going cra/.y for thu passage of ttiu AloiiUcm bill. 1 was re-ducttu by a uu- jorlty of sixtr-en nnd inn Just alioad of my ticket. The tactics emplovtd by Mr. Morrison have been the e of intimidation and they nre so well Known In his district tliat I believe that fact alone lias Injured lilni almost ns Hindi as bis position on the tailtr. " Hill MOIIIIISON I MUM'HIM. . Mr. MorrUon notllled tbp house today tint on Sattndiiv next ho would move to take tip his tariir bill. ltliat ! time llm stindii ehII bill Is expected to be out of tlio vv.i > , nnd ns there Is no otber npptnpriatlon bill icady thfrcwlll be no antagonism from tbo com mittee on appiopilailotH. Indeed , tlieic is no disposition on thn part or Mr. I ! uul.ill und his committee to make captious opposition to the thaltman of wnjs nnd means , M > Hint when Mori Ison offci s Mi niutlon tbu issue vv ill be squatcly joined and tbe bouse given n fair oppoilutiltv of deciding whelhei It do- shes to consider tbe tatllf. ' 1'bo tecllng is genei il that Mnn Icon's'iiolinn will prevail , but Ills not believed that nnv thing pr.ictlcil will icsiilt fiom It. The \eiiuo reloimers , while le-rantlng the pissnge ot Moriison's bill as Impuniablc , Indulge the hope that some ineasine will In1 cVohed fiom the dis cussion which \\lll heaceoptablotoatmilorltv ol the bouse , and which will le duce the picscnt excessive icvomies ol HID govoinmont. How long the debate will bo continued , should the tntlll be taken tip , eaniuil now oe deteimined. A fall oppoi- tnnltx will be finnlshcd Mi. Monlson to bilngtho house to : \ote , but should the dis cussion dni ! ; o\er SPUTA I da > s , xxltli no puts- peetsol a tciinitiation , thcapptopimtlon and otlii'i committees bavins ; in charge mcM uies that miHticcelvc attention arellkolv to biitsh the taiitr aside. Ibis mi > bo done at nnv time li > a malorllx vote. The fad that : i nmjoiitj m.ij vote \\lth Mi Monlson on Saturday next cannot be held as hiving spceid significant P. as tni as anj action Is conceincd in the bill. It will show thai the house is disposed to giv e the \ \ av s and means I'ouiiiilttep : i he.irlng , but will finnish no in- tlmatton ot the feeling of the bouse upon the bill. It is nmlpistood that a ninnbei of these who last jearotpd against consldeiatlon will vote with Monlson on Satnidn ) , but these gcntlcmon ate among nhe most earnest opponents of attempting to levUo the tarlft at this session , and aftei n lew days ot dis- ciission will onpuso finthei consumption of time In considering the question. A imjotlty can tcimlnal" the consldeiatlon at am tlmu by simph tolnsingto sustain the motion to take up the bill , which must t ; made on each day it is pioposcd to lesuuie tliat oulei of business. NO sv VIPA i n\ ron .io\i s. Amors scnatois theie arc but tew expies- sions of inpathy for Senator .lones , of Floi Ida , w ho h is so long neglected his duties bj icmalniiig In Detiolt. His lecent un fortunate slemh ildu ha io\l\cd the subject of his mvstciioiis absence fiom the senate , and vaiious icisons me assigned lei his pe- euliii bchavioi. A senator who was Mr- merlj ono of his most misted lilonds. In coiuersatlon with join coiiesponilent ves- tcidny ii'iimiUi-d that "be wasafiaid that Jones was losine- Ins leasoninir powi'is. " Kloihlians assert rinlte ( onthlcntl ) that he cannot nndei mix circumstances hope foi a ic-eleutlon , because dmlng all the time he been in Detioit lie hasnc\ei made , in attempt to explain his curious conduit. Thov sav that he was once o\tiemel.v nopulai in tiio state and might ba\o srciireda icolee- tion without 11111111 dinicullv , but now he is bancd out ot the i.ico and could not sccuie an appointment as n fouith-class pnstmastci. His place on tlie commeico , naval affairs and tciritoiles committees have been tilled by othei senators , and he is tieatcd by his foimcr associates as though he was no longei a member ot the senate. Ills desk in the second low , neai the middle aisle , is dulj occupied by a luothei senator , and should ho sudden ! } apppai on the scene lie would piobiiilv have some double in con vincing the present occupant of his light to resume it. A.N i.roNOMic.u. ssvivx. Tlieie Is a repioseutallve in congiessfiom one ot the E-onlhcin states who manages to live comfortably In Washington at an outlay of not more than 31WO per annum. He lias no family , neither thinks noi uses tobacco in any lotm , nnd jet he apparently enjoys life in his own way and tivotfto with hlf > concessional associates. He has neat but not extravagant npirtmcnts in an eminently icspcctablo section of the city and diessos in good taste.Many of his coinpin- lonsnieveij anxious to loam bis method of saving so miicb of his salaiv , but heielr.iins liom giving them any advice on ttie subject , but tells them good-nntincdly it is the lesultot his icimrkable soll-eontiol. lie is not In anv sense a miser , but he is about the best spcifmen ot a model moral conmessmaii In existence lo-div. A si HIM i s OK WOPI.IHII : I.AIIOII i.i ADIis. 'Iheie will be tour aspirants toi the leader ship ot the laboi > ; rulIn the house of iniue- sentatlves In the Fiftieth COIIBICSS. Kour liishmen John .I. O'Neill ot Mlssonil , pies- ent chairman of thn committee on laboi ; Martin Toran. second man on the commit tee , and O'Neill's luted lival : Kiank Kawlei ol Illinois , lso a member of die same com mittee , and'I im Campbell of New Voik. 'l'h-e ( 'enilemeii are alieadv at work upon their lesppctlxo booms and at present it is dilllcnlt to siy who will caln thecoxcteil nrUe. The x ai ions candidates it cl otiite con- Iident that tbe laboi pirty will hold the bal ance of povsci in the next house and they antlcipite mnl.liiK a vei > llxel > session in the Inteicht of the woiKInc men. O'Neill would mnhibl ) icceho Tim C'linpbell's suppoit it the lattei discoxeied ho could notwlnand Kiwlei would also piolmblx oiefci O Nelll to Koian. .foian ja < inlctl > hut determinedly atxxoiknnd he may liaxea siirpiise in store lor bib competitors .Ml.MsIlM ! MAN > l\fl Ml SI f.O. Thcro Is xeiy little piobabllltj that the name of T. O. Mannintr , aDpuinlcd min ister to Me\uo last Ot lobes , will bo sent to the senate. Itlsstited that adxices baxe been icielved at tne state depailraent to conlhm tbe tcpoitsot .Manning's conduct in Mexico and to lead the pit sldunt to conclude tliat lie Is not the kind of a man wanted to icpiesent this conntiy In om southern slsti'i lepublic. mi roMi'itoMisr mi.i , . Hcnaloi I'nlloin docs not think there is am doubt ol the lompiomisu Intci- htato commerce bill passing both houses. He hayn thcie Is no occasion foi the lalhoadn getting excited , foi the comniMon luoposcd has xeij llbeial pouc'is and is not intruded to injino the stockholders ot i.ill- loads , but to piolect them. caN i \f ( M niiii n itt MIHI. Ycstcida ) exenlng.i repoit was elieiilated that 1'iosldeiit Cleveland hud had .1 stroke ol jiaudxslH ( lining the alteinoon. but when he appeared , tt thn tlieatei last lllulit llm tintb of tlioieport disielld. | ( Todaj , lioxv- oxi'i , It vxas icpoilcd that the piesidunt hid inill > had : ihlnlit ; paial > tlchtioke and tint ho attended the thiatei throtuh feai that it ho imiuilwd within ( loots the rinnois mlclit create a ci eat deal of nneahincss and cause him much tiouble. Noililng at the white hoiiso can be leained to night about it , and ihestatcmcnUsgcnciall ) dinciedited , j'.vri MS issi'i'i ) . 1'he folloxxIng pitentseie Issued for No InasUansaiid louans toda > : N'invlon I. Dou.'las , Wautomi , la. , gate ; Moirls H. Lewis and C. A. Uod e , Orange C'lty , la , rail joint ; L'hailesO. Mavts , deceised , ( John H , .Muvea adminlstiatoi ) . Kast Daxunnoil , la. , potato planici ; I'liailes O. Mcliride , Mils- catine , la , nut lock ; Joseph .McMnlli'ii , Casex. In , tilelajiiiK iniclilno ; Albeit 11. Mcnill and 1) Lenox , .Mar.sli.illlown , Ja , , can xxaterini , ' maclilne ; Henij 0. J'ajne , \vebstcr Citj , la. wash boilei , l'ian/o li , I'cteis , Lincoln , Ndi , liio encapo ; Uliules I'lnlbilck , ( iinnd ) Center , la. , heatlnghtoxu ; ( ildeon A. Itiissell. Joons , la , heating tin- nacu ; James li. Slgaloos , I'lemont , Neb. horse hay rnke , Jcssn .Stuhlis nssl'iioi ) ot one-seventh to ( i. A. Mone , llcmj count ) , lown , gasoline or oil beallnghtove. hMM.I f AI'll AI , MWS. : James T. 1'riontlj , ot I Jo.- , Monies , is at the Kbbltt. Kopicbcntativc elect MciShano Is nt U II- lard'o. The folloxxing armv lenxes Imxe Ix'nn eranttd : J'irst Lieutenant Hamilton Jiowiin , .Second aitiller > , I'ort Leavcnwoith , liftccn dav.s , and Lieutenant John 'I' . Hamp- son , 'second aitillerj , Litlle ltuc | > , Aik. , one month fiom Decembri 17. H. hhawvun , ot DunUon , Ja , and M. AValkei , of Atlantic , la. , weie toda > admit ted to practice below thu Intutlui dc'int- | nient. Win U. Hargor , of Lucas , la. , wastodax appointed an ugent uf thu Intciioi depart ment. I'osi vi. r iiANCirs. Thi ) tollowing Iowa nostinastcis wen up- pointed to dajVin. . J.McC anln , Jit am in urlindy county , theI' , ii WitUv M' moved ; J J , Uawlini's. l'tei'iialiun | Momma county , viie Jas. ( jiaham h'-i.'iu I , J. M. HeirltkVniH'lo \ ! , J.ouu.i tountx , L. Jamloou , * SQUALLS AMONG THE STARS , ' The Trials and Tribulations of the Ameri can Opera Company. A FINANCIAL EMBARRASSMENT. SI mo. Kiirsi'li.Mndt'M A cent Out on tlioVnrpnth With Terrible Storlos Mis. 'Ihtlrhcr a Don ml. A Uovv Ainoiijr Slnm rfl. Xnw YOIIK , Dec. It. [ Special Telegram to the Bi i | 'I he Tillmno this morning sajs : Theie mo tiianv nimmscliculntliiR lelatlve to the Ataciican , 01 , as It Is now inlled , the National ojti-ni company , and these touch upon its tlnaiiclnl londillon. It lias been leal ned upon enotl niithotlly that tbe diicclois hnd found it necessaiy tocall upon subsdibeis to the gnuaiilce fund to pi > in lull the amount of tlie sums for which Ihi'j liad made themsc'lves responsible , 'llieso subsetIptlons in idea trial of about ten thou sand dollnis. bheibmne B. I'.nton , attotney of thetoiiipanv , sajs thai Iho old \mciicait opeiaeouipany vxlll be continued ( n existence at least ni'tll ' next summoi , when It wilt elthei go out of belnirot will feint the New \ oik blanch of the National opetn company. Whetlier Ihedliettois of the Ameilcan opeia com pain xvill consent to become n local habi tation and n name tot the National Opeiu companv is a point now In dispute , .some of them will not. Chailes H. Cioi ker Is oneof thee and lie has stated that lie has contiib- nted all he Intends to do to tlie onleipilse , and that he will letlie fiom the diiccloislilp. He declines to assign his leasons. Humors me tilling the nil In musical click's that , with the sum made good by the gu nanteo fund , the Amcilcin Operacompaio is liom Sl'r > , ( HH ) to ioH)0 : ( ) behind , l.aton xvas asked nhont this jesleida > and lie lenlled. " 'I he Ameil can Opeiaeomnxio , at the close ot Its last season , had only nominal indebtedness. Tim sum was a small one , not oxei The new company was lornud this season anil with nil Its salaries , tinvellng expenses and all that could lead to legitimate indebtedness it ceitalnlv does not iany a debt lepicsent- ing oiie-lth ! ! ot what xon mention. Sriavwo ; ceitalnlj S'O.OOJ would coxei it. 'Iho season on the road has been hlghlv successtnl. " In connection with nil this talk the ai rival ofM , De Vlxo , renresontntlxo of Mine. Knisch Mndi , has occasioned a de cided tlntter ol eNcitcment. Do Vivo Ison thowaipatli. He bis been studying the In ternal workings ot the National company and Is propailnga statement frtr the daily pipeis in which he intends to e\pose what he claims is the leal cause ot the tlltlicnltv be tween Mine. Kuiscii-Madl and the opeia compiny Do Vlxo attributes the whole ttouhln to Miss .Inch , who liom tlio organi/ation ot the tiouro Ins been managed by Locke nnd putted by Thomas to tlie disp iiagoment ol every other priinn donna. He distinctly disixows nny prejudice agUnst .Mis Thinher , and havn her scheme is a novel one , but 'I homas is her pel and is sustaining him and his tavonte. bhc Is unwitting ! ) keeping the oi.-anl/atlon in constant hot water. Hois engaged foi : i seiies ot jeiisat S'O.OOit a veai nnd Ills ex penses lor the otchestia are 500,000 a j ear. In spititot the molests ol niainucis she lias insisted that Thomas shall do as Im pleases and the icsult ol this patroiuige has been to make him the most unica ° onablr > tyrant that in01 wielded a biton. Ho does not be lieve that she is nwaie ol the llttlo ling inside the oneia , nor run two be made to see it , for Theodo'e Tltomna can miUo her believe anj thing. DeVtvo SRV-S 'lliomas wishes to i nn the npeiu without the stai sjstem , vvhlcli means that nobody will be starred but Theodoi Thomas and Miss .inch. DeVlvo's accusations with legaitl to the iclatioushipof the vailoiis mombeib ot the coiii ] > anv , If pi luted as he stated them , would cieatc the wildest kind ol a sensation , but lie declines tint Im is in toi the light nnd has facts that the management cannot irain- say when biought lace to lace with them. With rcgaul to the western tilps. he.sax s the compinv lost moiiej owing to the extiava- gant orchestiaand othei esicnses. | fl UlN'ISllhl D IS CIIKM.O. CHIP voo , Dec. II. [ bpueml 'I elo lam to the Bi iThe | ancient suit ol J. II. Me- Vicker against the Amei i ( an Opeia company took a nexv tinn jesteiday when .ilcVlckcr instituted attachment nnd girnlslimenl jno- ( ceilings in the clieiiit comt lor Si.HIO. vi i its weie Issued and placed In t he hands oC ndcpntv sheilll , who last exenlng attached a vast amount ol scenerj and baggage. Cus todians weie pi ictd In these stoio rooms to look alter tbe sliciill's inteiosts until the managei ol the opeia tompinx could fur nish bonds , 'ibis the local imn.iuei ngiccd todoind the doputj wlllnliew Thn poi- loimanco of tlie exdiing pio-ceded wlllioub nny inteiruntioii. MeVlckei also earnishecd Mjxoial banks In the cit > , In older lo liml OIKI in which the opera ( oinpinj had a deposit. Itis saldheto that the dhchain'oof seven teen Itidiati billet gills Sundax was the 10- Miltotan oidei liom tlie diieelois tliat the expenses must bo kept within a eeitain limit n week. The m iltei has eie ited a good deal ot comment In connection with the iciioit Irom New Yoik. Mils lilt nnin ; 1) | NUN CIIKAOO , Dee. It Mis ' 1 liurher Ins ir > - quested the Associated nirss to untradlit the lepoits eoneeining the National Opeia company. Its financial condition nnd nllegtd dlsi old among Us artists , hhe pionminces them sensitional and uiteilj witliont found ation in fact , and sajs the > weio set afloat bj enemies ol thccompanv. . WnntH ThiMii Conll-inoil. WASIIINIIKIN , Dec II. The piesident to day sent to the sen ite for continuation an other long list ol ictess appointments. Among them .tie the following : Oollcctois ol.Cnstoms-Daniel Migone , Nexv Voik City ; Coolej Man , Vlikshmi : , Miss. ; I hailos A. W.ud , Hinon. Mich ; Diniel J. I'ampYn , De- tioit ; Qiiinex A. liiooks , I'nget Sound , Oie , ; John Mi\illiiir ( , Alaska. Joseph | j. Itynti , nssixei ot the mint at Ciison , Nex : David K. Tuttle. mellei and icilnei ol the mint lit ( ai'ion , N'ox. Collivtoiiftl Inteinil Ituvetinu ' 1 homas Coopei , l.ighth disttlct ol Illinois ; .Simon H Calliiinn , l < 'iist distilct ot Mo- bras ! , , ! . I'lamis A. lloDinan , npiaaiser of meielianiliso Chicago Cnailes IJ. Morton of Maine , coiiimisslunei ot navigation. I'ostmasteiR J. Knox Hnll 'Ionion. III. ; .Muria > , Majxille. Dak. Work of the Ifase Itnllii.lH. Vi w VUKK , Dee 14. The bj n ball com- mllteo toda > nxvaidfd the ploi ship to the St Louis Blow ns with the iceoiuiiieiida- tlon tliat ( he championship ol the woild nho be awnided them. ' 1 ho coinmltlee reliibtitul Burns , hut out ol it-spiet foi the Hnhtciu 1 ( ague , ( > l w hit h the Xew Voik club wns u meinbei , it wasdeeidtd that hit siiould n it ho allow i d to feign n i null ut In fun ) liiiiuaiv 15 , so that the pUMinal routine t whlth Ml Dav , ol Iho New Vorkdnb , huhh vxith lilni. la null iiiul void. He will , It Is untlciiufid , LO with the Baltimore's next Keason. llm com- mitt ( e then adjoin neil , Th'i iinini 1 meetii K ot the Amciican nssoclation takes place tu- monovx , ii-rsoii'H Ol > o , W\SIII.N.ION , Det. U.-hLiintoi Mcl' hontoda > intlotliicul a bill aim Hilton of tlmolcomamaniicnct It pioxttuit that ll o heel ion of the htatntti n'tpdrlnt ; nil oleoiim i nrltiu tobepackid bj its maiinl iclnretd in tnklns , tuiis or otliui xvoolunmi vii es not belinti used lot that puipote , eitli i uiiluiniiiK not less than ton pdimdii , asinaiked. slampdl iiltd In indul i * ihneoiiiinlssioiic'1 ot 'iiiii'iial ' uncniio shall pioseiibo , bh ill nott apjicy 'to oleiimai aiiiio tian&iMiitcd In bund toi cxptr- talion nnd ac-tiMll ) exiuited. " fitjiiuroolb it | the NMX OKI , , | ) , i u vt n mcetlni ; to in , dt lii-iinit Vseublj Knignts of Labor | ! No 4 c'linpfjsMl ' if piiitters , adopted i\ H -iiiiiicii c jnr'e ' iiniiig Ihi'tiialol thu I. hi- 'a n iria as mil ill.