Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1886, Page 7, Image 8

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    sr5rt Tv * Mf . 'if * ? 3wt. iaa3W ra'4tei3jafi ( *
/-smrTTA TA A TTT T3T7 < 171 . < TVr < "I7C < TA "V Til ? f\ \ I1TT1317 ! I ? 1.1 1 CCrt
AilvcrtKemcntB nnJcrthls licad , 10 cents per
line lor the first Insertion , 7 cents for each sub-
Bcqucnt Insorllon , nnd tl.SO a line per month
Ko aihcrticemonttHkon for lcs tlmn MccnU
hr the "rst Insertion. Seven words will be
coiinicrt to IN ? line : thcr must tun cpnsoeu-
tlroljnnd must to ? ' " In n.lvtmce. All ndvcr.
tlicrnents must bo liana 1" before S o clock
Pm .and under no clrcumHaCcc will they betaken
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties aihorUsInir In tliosu columns nn J' ' r *
Intrthe answers nJdri-s cd In earn of THE HE
willt'lenfo ' stk for achocX toennblothorn toget
their letters , as none will bo delivered except
on presentation of check. All answers lo ftd-
vortifomonts should bo cncloiod In nnvclonns.
tftWO.OCK ) TO LOA'J nt 6 | icr cent. J. Ma-
'Viomty , 1609 rnrnain. 790
$ .10,000 to 1ofin. Bums 1500 nnd upwards ,
Lowest rntos. Ilctnls , room i ) , Darker block ,
8. W. cor lSth nnd l nriuunsM 5')4 )
OPKH CB.NT-Monny to"ir > nn.
( IruKory A llndlcy ,
llooms 1 nnd 3 , HcdicK block , 320 S. 15th St.
ON iv to lonn by the Homo Klro Insnrnnoo
eompnny on utifnouinnoiod rnnlestato , for
onoycnrorlonircr. Olllco 1515 Douglasl st. 387
MONHV to loan , cnsh on nnnd , no delay. J.
W nnd II. L. 8qure | , H1J r'arnnm St. , I'm-
ton hotel building. KM
TO I/AN Money Loans placed on Im
proved real ostnto In olty or county for
Now Knirlnnd Lonn & Trust Co. , by Doulni (
County bank. ICth and Chicago sis. 813
ONIY'T : > LOAX At ow rntos , nn ( food
city property , Hatcher * Co.,1210 Domrlna
street. 582.
' TiTONlIVtolonnon city nnd fnrm property ,
1V1 low mica , Stewart & Co. , lloom 3 , Iron
Blink. Ml
TO LOAN-At reasonable inlcs.on
ATI furiiltnro. line watches nnd otlior pursnnal
property. C..I. Cnswell , room 19 Iron Hank
bullillmr , IZth and rnrnnm. 633
M TO I.OAN O. F. Davis & Co. Hoa
Estate and l.omi Agents IOT5 J'nrnnin st ,
l ( > Nir TO LOAN On real estate nnd oiic.1-
I tots. D 1 * Thomas. 6OT
M ONKY TO MIAN-Insilms of tZflXI nml
npwnrds on nrst clnss ronl ostnto sccurtly.
olih , UI5 I'arnnmat. 5i)7 )
Mo.EV I.OANII > nt0. 1' . Heed .V Co's.f.oan
otncs.on furniture , plnnos , horscB.wnRons ,
> iiorsonnl property of nil kind1) , nnd nil other nt-
lllolcsot vniuo , witlioiit romovnl. 319 S. 13th ,
* tfr lllnKlinm's Commission store. All bust-
ni'BSStrlctly oonfldontlnl. SOS
C fiOOooo To lonn on Omnliu city property ntfl
P pcrcont. O. W.lny , over Mlli DouKlnsst.
Ml )
T.OANS Louiis l.oim * .
Collntninl luaiij.
Chattel loans.
l.onR-tltno loiin .
Hhort tlmo loans.
Money alwnyi on hnnd o lo n on nny np-
IrncBtincnt securities bought nnd sold.
Omnhn Mnnnclnl oxchimco , 1WJ 1'arnnm.
Ciirbutt Mnnnccr. 001
M ONKVto lonn by the uniloislifnoil , who has
thn only properly orfnnl/ou ( lonn nironoy
In Omaha Lnnns of $10 to $1,000 mndo on fur
niture , plnnos , onwifl , horses , wngons , machin
ery , &o. , without romovnl. No dolnys. All
business strictly eonildontlnl. T.onns so mndo
that nny part can bo pnld at nny time , each pay
ment reducing the cost pro rat ft. Advances
rondo nn line watches nnd dlnmonds. Persons
eliould cnrefully consider who they ro dcnllnff
wlth.fts mnny now concorni are dnlly comlnir
Into oxlptencc- Should you need money , call
and sco mo. W. H. Croft , llooni 4 , Wlthnoll
Dulldlni ; , 15th nnd Ilnrncy. no' )
"VirANTKD I.iKlies mid ( fontlomon pos os = ln r
TT smnll cnpltnl to luindln n rare Invention ;
ocllpes all otliors ; no poddllm ; , no opposition ,
i'o link , onslly cnrrlod , easily shown , ciibily sold :
'uplnit succors , S1U n day , ilOO u week , ? 500
outh , f.'i.OOO n onrsuro. will or nddiessfor
nmrtlunlnrs Mis. K. JcSon , 1MJ Fninnni street ,
203 IB *
IT'Oll fjAM : Iliipld Holler Dump I/oaf Ooplor ,
JL1 Blmnnon Vllei. Letter iind Illll Files , I'll-
Inn t'nhlnc'tt nnd Trausfor Cnsos , Indexes for
Lodger und nil purposes. Imposition luilldlni ; .
. : SA LK At n bnrfiiln ( , a nrst-clnss firo-
cory with a llrst-clnss trndo ; no bolter
locution In Omnhn. Address , A , 37 , Iteo olllcu.
220 111 *
TjlOlfSALE Oil TJlADE-Vor KOiHl fuiin Inml
X Inlonunr eastern Nobinskn or Kansas ,
a line suburban residence and fruit plnco , two
mlliiri tiom postolllco In Council lluirn.Improve !
ments drst-ohun and pluoo In Rood order , 18 1-2
ncics , nemly nil In bcntlnjr fruit. Tor pnrtlcu-
Inrsaildifss H. U. McUco , Council Ululfi. in.
i 1 224 1U
V17ANTKI ) A lady or ( rontlumnn to tnno
TT ohnrKnofn buslneas that's pnylnif 110 n
day ; from 150 to $100 required ; this Is n ran )
chnnco for the rlifhl party. Callornddrosi Mrs ,
II. & Son , 1002 Fnrnam BU 100 1C *
VANTKD A llrst-oliifls Krocory or ( fcnornl
TT muiclinndlso business In the city or ad
jacent towns for cash or city property Mead
A Jamison. 318 8.15th. 170
171OH BALK Uot llfrocory ( on the outskirts
JJ of the city , Invoice 51,200. Address A 42 ,
Hoc olUce. 75 14 *
" 171OH BALK A rcnl solid bargain. Ono of the
JL1 best restaurants located In contro ot the
olty , which tins Income or f 75 to f SO n ilny. Address -
dress A 41lleo olllcu. IKitfi
T710K8ALI : llutchershop , with tools and fix-
Jturcs ; Rood location ; uo < vi tniBliiops. C. xP. .
Btorrs , soiitbcust cor. "Mb and Fauiani. Wl J 6 *
FOH BALK A meat market in n Kood loca
tion doing f 1,000 business pnr month. In-
qiilro or address room 20 , Ouinha Nut'l liank
bid. 83 J
Oil 8ALII Or tiudo for mrinhnndlso , 010
acres of Nn 1 farm Innd near Grand
Island. C. J. Canan 815
HOUSKS Lots.Fftriiis.Lniins money loaned ( ,
llemls. room 3. llarkur block , B W. cor.
lath and yarnaJists. 5ill
BII.SINiSSlllANUK : A ( rooil ocntlon for
eroekory and queen's vuiio btoru. Inquire at
A. Doniian. C07 B. 13tb str. 5S2
It BALK Wcllcsliibllitied business , In one
of tlio best business points m uoithwcut-
rn Nnbrnska , situated at Ilroken Ilow , Cusler
nly , Neti. ; stock consisting of dry BOOJs ,
_ and shoes ; will show up oed
loconl ot business Itiiiisous for selllnir will bo
Kit on by iidaro'clmr lock-box 74 , llrokcn Dow ,
Custcr county , Nob. 537
lt-Laily or iwntlumiui.
with biuall cupllnl. to tnko hnlf lutoroH In
stabllshed , purmmient , tlrst-clnxi city LiHl-
npfs. puymir KWO to $4,000 yearly ; Rood ren-
ons for FPlllnir ; xrand obnncu for rlbt | pnrty.
Addrris U 40 , flee olllco. C04 L
" | IHI ) < "riAL"fe llardwnie lliiBinuba Ho offer
Jour shrir and hrnvy hiirdwaro business for
ssle. together wlili nur lonso and tfooil will ,
Trnile Inruost In the cllv nnd location the bust.
Itctirlnir from the business cniito lor iff
The Ilnum Hardware Co. , 1028 O si. , Lincoln.
O5T Oil MI8IAll > - * uiwimlT"A Bialo
j coin iod Unlit nvi < ri > ont with bunoli ot koytt
mid nlilelil marked Friink Wilton. Koturn to
IIIiiKlus' and tucblvo ruwiird. 1'rank Wllnoii.
223 15 *
LOST fa.oo lu sih or bills bet llea oniu nnd
10th mid Duvunport. The Under will bo
mutably rewarded by rotnrnliiir toV. . riyini ,
Dm t'lipnrt brt , Oth and 10th US. 'Jib I3 >
] \r \ ADA VI ALASKA , Clainvojant and pulmlst ,
fil3 eiouih luth sr. 1
W TILL Peuil LOMI call lit OU , lloiuird st. fur '
tiuuk. nu,14
Milt ONAI. I-tialeV weld \inlcheti for fJO.OO
nt Knink. \ boll A' Co , 2-JOtouth Hlh ttreet.
TTSrMINAL Itlilniinone runt * and cm rings ,
* olld Kold , ut f JOO , nt I'liink & ton \ Co ,
_ 101.18
. . . Dr Kmime V. Uurnm
clHir\oiint , nml IniiMness Modlum
No. S , Kl North ICth ft.JJnmha , Neb.
" 1 MlAltll J'lrut class ; also onuli\rto bedroiin ,
.lJ suitable tor two Kciulvtueii ortjenlleman
und \slle. Itill Dodfutt. NVi t'i *
1Tl'IIND Iho prcut "Ilrd letter Sulu" of
iTi. Clothing. < ! e nt ' rurnlt-hlnvs , Huts and
L apd tor IS ilii > only at the only Uurgntii t-toro ,
CIO N , ICtb St. , hot. Cullfornli and Webster.
_ W'.i 1) 11
_ _
TlKSS POOLS , privy vaults clciiuist by the
vy oJurN'sa proiosi. K. i\rlni- : , l ) . t > ox 427.
T AD1K8 wlahloir Hood rcllal'lo help cun bo
.1 J supulioU at ebort nolle * by culllns at lit )
berth Idth et. , CIXJUDCU block. Oinahn Kin-
ployuicnj Burvau. IM 13 ,
. . . . " . VIENNA fortune teller , residence 1518 S
i. llth st. 5f"
Qlloitl HAND In tonlessoiH. No
O no position , rnpld m spoech. Bond Jta.-np
for trial lesson , ll. M. I'ernln , Detroit , Mlhch.
J F Vor hate n ( food tnortifBBOor note to dis
count SCO Mend ft Jamloson , 313 S loth st
K VOITIharcn irood mordrnROornoto to OH-
. count see Mcnil & Jainloson , 319 a 15tu tt.Utl
UINT : Dranns , fs per month. Jio po ,
1613 Douiclas.
"Ijioit JIKM pquiiro Piano , J tnonthllr. A
llospo. 1513 OouKlif. 010
I'lnno ta montnly. A
. . „ J have a pool jiortif ? q emote to dis
count sec Mead JcJnmtc P" , Ji
TTIOH SAI.K-ltnpIl Itollor Damn f.enf Cotilcr ,
JL1 Shannon Tiles , I-ettor and Illll 1 Mos and 11II-
Ins CnblnoMnnd Trnnsfor Cnsc , Indexes for
l.edgor nnd nil purposes. Exposition Mi Irtlnp.
1J10H SAMJ ( Jcnulnn diamond rlnns. f 10.00 ,
J ? J20.00. S.TO.O ] , JIO.liO , nnd up to $60000 , nt
1'intik A. Son & .Co.,2.0 8.14th St.
TTIOIl i-c inir o rer r
JL1 business , 1 olfei for snlo or trade , In whole entlro stock of books , stationery ,
fnnry ( foods , show unEOS nnd contents ; would
oxchnuito for rcnl estnto , Improved or unlm-
rpntedi or lor oijulty mtcrosts , nnd nssutno et-
Istlntr mortr K08. or would oxclmiiEo for void-
clos nnd horses. W T. Seaman lit
A MIITHYSTltltiifi.solld Kohl , $2 CO only , nt
1'innk A Son * Co. , 220 9. tllligt. lw-18
Nf.\Y OALinitAl'It No. 2forSO with Icath-
or truxcllnif cnso nnd tnblo , cost $10 < 7.
Send forsamploor Writing. 149 , Ilnmpton ,
Neb. 1' " ' "I *
J7011 BALK-Senlskln saoquc. miilf nndbon-
1 not. Owner has no further use , Address
A4KIIOO onico. 9 8 H *
r , nt 1111 1'Icr st.
OU SAI.n-Toam of horsca. Schlcslmror
llros. , tilts lUth st. M2
FOIt SALIJ-Clioup A bundsomo. l.tMO-pouml
horso. Very ( fontlo , nnd sultnblo for rain'I
lly purposes. IiKjUlrn of Colonulu cuttlo Inspector -
specter , ti. 9. yards , South Onmlm. i95
" SiJMS iatgrarirn.i.ands money lomioil
llomls , room 3. llnrkor block , 8. AV. cor.
IBtli nnd rarniim sts. B34
1JH51 l"HA M J STi JiTii I kTiiuctlon.Deo. 15,1m rso t.
Jt ? milch cows , household furniture , hot boJ
snsh nnd farm tools , nt notth end of 18th st
II.y. . Hull. | 72J-14 *
TJIiiK SALIC Furniture nml Icino ol sir-room
JD house , tlmo on pnrt. Cnll 12 ( North 27th
slroot , two blocks from Hod Cnr lino. KW
oil 8AM ! Cnonp. iron columns nnd win
dow cipssultnhlo for front on brick bulld
if. Forpnrtloulnrsupplr nt this offlco. BIJ
WANTKD-A girl for penornl bouso ork
Apply ntNoithwcbt cor. 18th mid I.euv
cnworth sts. 144. 16 *
TJI/AN'PEn A Rood fflrlto wnlt on tnblo for
Tl her room nnd boiud. 117 N. 14th st.
203 IT
T\rANTin : fllrlfor t'oncrnl housework.2211
IJOUKlllSSt. 210 U *
,7 , ANTED-A girl for Rpnornl housework ,
1 810 S. 1' Danish tflrl proferrod.
173 14 *
WANTCI ) woman to do pcnornl house
work ; must bo ( rood cook ; no other need
apply , nt m I'th ' N. st , t and 0 p. in. 184.
WANT1JD Atonce , llrst-elass mont nnd pns-
try cook. Hoforrncoi nooessiiry. Jlotro-
polltnu hotelJlnrvnrd , Neb. 2 1
WANTUD r.-tperlenood Shirt bands nt
Omaha Shirt Factory. H08 N. ICth st
72 15
\VANTIHI A ( rood Klrl. Norman proforreu , ut
T > Mrs. Julius Nngl , inth.nnd Jones. 17a
_ _
ANTinr A compoTeiiTpcrson fo do housework -
work nt 82.1 3 20tli. U78 13
to work for us at their
own homos ; $7 to $10 nor week can bo
quietly mndo : no photo. pnlntliiK : no onnvnss-
liiT. ( Tor full pnrtlrulars plenso nddioss , nt
oneo , Crescent Art Co. , 10 Cuntinl St. , Huston ,
JIoss , bOTfil'O. 65 22 *
WANTKD Oood plrl lor general home
work , 1113 OoorBla nvo. 70S
WANTI',1) Girl for ( ronornl housework in
sinnllfiuillly. 312 8.18thitt. 704
_ _
"YVrANTIU ) Klrst-clnss cutter for drnssmak-
TT inif can llnd work nt 1IK , corner 10th nnd
Dodge Bts. QIC ! iO *
\\TANTHU 30 Indies .4 gouts to loiril tolo-
T T ( friiphy. 1'rospnot peed for position whou
competent ! address W. J. D. , Itoom 1 , Crounso
blk.Umnlm. 137
\\7ANTKD Two tlnnois. Apply , Kowlor
IT 1'acklnjr liousu , South Omnhn. 22114 *
\\7ANTED Tullor for coat nnd pant work.
TT Steudy Job nnd good wages to Unit-club *
num. 1' . llurk , Dunlnii. lown. SOI 14 *
WANTKD A live man to drive dulhery
WUKOU for mont market , nust know city
wnll , npply Omnnu I'ncklntr Co. , icforcnco ro-
( liilrod , Uth nnd Irani. 221 11 !
WANTKD SnloBinon to solicit orders for
our ( ik'Knnt now style nlcKol plated door
plntos , street numbois utid mull botcs , snlei
rapid ; piollta Immonsoi $100 to 315.0J u dny
cuslly mudu. Order samples , circulars , lestl-
moninla. Arc. Mich. Door 1'lnto Co. , Oinnd
llnplds , Jlloh. 200-15 *
W ANTKD 11 partner with a small capital In
a mlnil grocery. Address A 81 , Itoo
olllco. 188.18 * .
WANTKD-Qood Fry cook at Mlllurd Hotel
this day. ffM
W ANTED A stonoxraphor , ono who understands -
. . stands double entry bookkeeping. Ad.
dresswith rofciunco , stilting salary deslrod , A
4 ! ) , lice ofllco. VX
AA , > ANTED Harbor : steady work at Pnxtoo
Hotel burbor shop ,
llTANTHD-Hnllroiid Laborors. All wlnlor'H
V > work. Albrltfht's Labor Agency , 1303
Farnam. 141
WANTED - Itcllnblo contractor to build
dwelling , two story , 31x11 In otchnntfo for
SOaureSBOod Innd. Lumber , llmo nnd hnrd *
ware furnlslii'd Cnll llrst hoiiso north
ton nvo on east sldo otorKiu. Any
ntlor 5:30. :
\1TANTED Ajents ( with Rood npponrancca )
TT fora new nrtlcle ; cnn makotS to $8 a dny.
Call nt 1431 H. 13th at. 015 U *
W ANTED Onite boy. Aildrcss In own hand
writing. Bluthiff ocpuilouce and wages
wanted. A .13 , lleeolllcc. Ml.
rpE ] | Ihinkurs'Llfn Assoclutldn of St , I'uul ,
J. Minn , hnvu No'jrnsku work for. a few >
( roodsidlultois. Kofornucus neveisury Ad-
ilruss Wllcox A Stoulo , Stutu Agents Lincoln ,
Neli. 19 dee 19
W ANTED A i lock icpiinor ut 1103 DoJirn 105 st.
AGKNTd In the clly or country can inane J5 to
111) ) n day selling our Hpo.-laltios. > . toV.
Novelty oompanr. 1207 I'rtrnura bt. 012
IX'ANTl'D-Hlnulo woman wants place to
TT mind Imliy ; would help unsh and do llirht
work. Call nt 1XW ( rurmim street , lleforenco
S09 13 *
\\'ANTIID Slliuit'on ' by younirmnn. Ocrmaii
IT In musio bloii1 , to lent n repairing and
tuning ol Instriiinentti. ] Address A 67 lion of-
iim 153 in *
" \\rANTKD Credit man and nxpcrt aocouiu-
IT nut ttltli ritenslvo wrsii'rn acquaint iloo
desires a sliuailoii with Ibst class bouse. Vriy
bet > t of relerviices. Address Ad ) , Dee olllcu
104 13 *
\\fANTiTD A position lis coiicTiuian bj
TT rlnifle colored man. Host ot rcfoienio
Klvcn. Address A3J : , lleeolllee. 21010 *
" \\TANTII1I SlTuwtToiniy youmr uiaiiTt any
TT jospctlablo butlno 6 , AddienS A 61 , Ueu
ollicp. 157 14 *
\\TANTIID rosllion by joumr Indy us book-
IT kcopor , olllcu or cashier ; best of rotor-
Address A 40 , lieu olllce. I'M ' 14 *
\\'ANTED A younr man wants a place to
IT work for his board H Ullo g-ointr lo school.
Adaro A m , Ilio olllco. Wl 13
ITANTIID A cnls fur quick soiling boiuo-
hold urtlelo. HvlU at eUht. Apply It.
Co.up tlulrs , iJod Harhey st. ' _
183-45 *
" \\TANTKD A ( , - ooiUafovlth double doors.
TT 512S. 10th 8U 1K1 11 *
\\7ANTHD-SttTc > racn to handle the ETcctilo
TT Ink ruslntr Funcll ; erases Ink In two cola -
ondi ; no obru lon of paper ; ono agrent'8 wl la
amounted to fOAJlast week ; SCO to 500 per cent
protlt ; territory free ; samples 35 cents ; sdlury
and expense * to L-ooJ men. Addrc-tu the Kleo-
trio Ink Kracer Company. 403 Main at , Qnlncy ,
m-U '
'iV en A gooJ stable. TSI , Hoe olllce.
-A neatly furnished room , well *
heated , nt reasonable price. Add ess A 19 ,
Hoe ofllco.
WANTIUror > spot ca h , n need residence
nml lot , worth 15,0 0 to $8,000. AddroiS
P. 1
\\rANTKD Customers for Johnston's Auto-
TT inntlc wa , hei. Already ouanMtcly cir
culated In the olty. SolU rondlly on Its own
morits. I.nboriavlnsnnd InotpcnsUo. Trylt.
Mrs. M. J. CnrrUer. Cnss st 871 13'
\ VANTnittoom and bonrd with usn of
> > bath room In prlvntci fninlly by pontlo-
nmnnndwlfo. Terms must tie roaonatilo nnd
location within ten blocks of 1'mton hotel.
Itefcrenees elchftngod. AdaressP. O. Hot 710.
f4 < >
WAN1KU To rent On or before March 1 , n
store or half store , on rurnnm between
13th and 15th.or lltli tiotwccn Kiirnam nnd
„ . , for a doslrablo retail business. Addrosi
A , MS , care Hoooltlco. P07 10 *
WVVNTr.D-Htockof dry Koodn , clrithlnir and
T V Komi' lurnlohlnir ( roods or boots nnd shoes
In nxchnnfOTOmnbii ( ronl estate. Sohloslng.
er iiroi , 014 S ( Oth et. t5HO
\IANTKI > u > men to cat buokwhont oakpi
> ' nnd mnplo lynlpovory monliO' nt NorrH
nc < tnurnnt , intli HI. bet. noilzo nnJ iJouems.
Htrnlght board per woolcPJ.'Wi al meal ttott
H no. 013.
roa nEux-norjcra Ann LOTS.
17IOR 1IF.NT-A 1 improved fnrm In Mont-
-I ? comciyCo. , Iowa , to oxchantro for ( rood
wild laud or boots and shoes , llox tin , ( liant ,
Iowa. 2utl 15 *
TpOll lin.N'T 3-hoilsos lilcoly piiporod , Rtld
Jl1 ( rood well nnd cistern , llloks i ltiKhrntn.215
BQIl't'ti 15tll St 201 15
"TPOll HENT A four-room houso. now , at
$11.50 per month , adjoining my residence
west nf ihinscoin Vmk. A ciiriibntor or Inlor
cun tmy mu In woik. Jiuuos L. Morton , 1'reu-
zor block. 217 15 *
1/lOH 11KNT 0 room house 8. W , cor. Oth and
X1 1'nolllo Imiulro M. P. Martin. 213
T71011 HENT-Hny land , TOO norei nt Amos , 7
X ! mlles west ot 1'rotnont on Union Pnolllo
Sldo trnck on Innd. Apply to A. K. Detwller
22d und Davenport , Omaha. 137,25.
rpO LEASE-A nist-class hotel sltunted In a
X tin ivlntf town. Tor partleulnrs ndiiiesj
Andrew Anderson , Stromsburtr. Neb. UclR ! >
"ITIOll ItENT House of 5 rooms , with elosots ,
X ? imntry , peed cellar. Enquire Mrs. Ward ,
1st bousii onst ol Stored Heart eonvent , on
south sldo of Hurt st. I'OO 15 *
TOU HUNT A now cottnpro on upper Vnrnniii
st. Inqiilro nt 2100 rurnniu st. 1'U '
ii OH UF.NT 1'nrt of n ftitnishcd house with
the conveniences of the whole nf II. Itofoi-
011 cos roqtilreJ. Address A , , IW Doe Ollloo.
U17 13 *
K KENT A tmrn for 4 ho id of iTorsos. lu-
qulro of M. F. Martin. 8J7
sultnblo for n druir
store In the llnost locutlun In the city.
Inquire ioom-0 , Omaha Nalluual bank build-
_ _ _
URNT-A nleo fi-ropm cottnifo. . by"S. . T.
i'utursun , s. o. cor. 10th and Douglas.
' HUNT Or leuso 2U ncro ganton with
JL' house nnd f tnblo insldo clly lliults . Apply
to II. Mcl'addon , Sidney , Nob. fll-JU *
Eon KIM' A llrst olnusrostnurnnt , inqulro
or I.oo , Nlohol & Co. 13"
Tj Olt HUNT A splendid cottnifo , modern 1m-
JP provcmcnts nnd line tfrounds.on North 10th.
It. C. Patterson , 15th and llarncy. 1C5
HU.Vr OU HAliE House No. Sll Spruce
JT et ,5 rooms , full lot , 0 blocks from depot. In
qnlro nt 003 N 13th st , or 301 Spruce St. 153 1J
TJ10U KENT-StOro 311 N. liitn St. 003 Ifc *
FOR KENT Houso. 0 rooms , Harnoy street
and " 1st , $33 per month , ulso house near St
Mary's nvo , OrooniB , $23 per month. . A.Slo-
man. 1512 Farnain st. 117
FOH ItENT-Six now brick storog with hose-
ID cuts , corner I'.lovonth nnd Howanl ; ohoico
looatlon ; nil convcnlonocs. Louvitt Uurnhnm ,
Kooml , Crolghton block. C27.
FOU HUNT Stores , icsldoiKos , Inrnl'hod
ami iinfurnlshod rooms. First clnss loca
tions. Koyos HontlnK Agency , Itoom 7 , South-
oust corner Ifitu nnd Douglas. 285 d 122 *
TjiOllKKNT Astoro and basement on R peed
X1 business 9t Innulru of Lee , Nlchol & Co. ,
lloom ! , Wltnnoll block. P4'l
ItKNT Ono nowcottnfre , 7 rooms , ! 30.
Throe now 2-stury houses , JMO , ono nt 5,11 ;
wclllocntod , nil convonlcncos , Lonvltt Iturn-
ham , lloom 1 , Crelgbton block. 127
OH IlICNT-7-roomcottnso In Walnut Hill.
Terms , iiO per month. Apply to D. W. Sasce.
1124 rniiiuinSt. 2CB.
OK UKNT-80 nores ndjommi ? city nortli-
wcHt.suliublolor dairy or market irnrdun.
Apply to Thoo. Williams , lloe Ollloo , 014 Far-
num. 833
'ni itisniT Store 22itK ) , lllfl Jackson it.
TT10II KENT T.urpo plonsant furnished front
JC room ; tcuns loasonablo. 7lON. 17th t.
21U IB *
FOIUIKNT 3 well furnished rooms , onsulto.
Only tboso wnntlnir need rooms need apply.
1509 Itanium 8t , 3d lloor , room 2ft. 207 15 *
1OIt J-1 HENT-Furnishodfiontroom , KOrCnbs.
- 211 w *
TJIOII KENT Furnished looms for ( tcntlomoii ,
X1 $10.00 and f2.00. Inquire 1508 Cass st.
1 M3
"T71OII KENT Lario front room , second floor ,
X' either with or without bonrd , 25th uvo. and
Jones bt. Cull at 1000 1'arnam st. 16013 *
FOH KENT Throe newly furnished rooms ,
centrally located. Furniture lor sale , $175.
Itont , $ . ' 5. C. K. Leu , 1207 Tarnamst. 14013
T7IOH J3 ItrNT-toom with bonrd , 1013 DodBo !
12fl 15 *
IlKNT Very desirable room sultabln
X1 for two , in now house wltu every modern
convenience , 101U Dod e. 703
T IOH ItENT Furbished rooms , 1015 I > oiUo.
OH HUNT Wurm rooms ; tublo board , linf-
llshfaraily,2J2J I'linmin si. DldO 10 *
F ,011 , HUNT T.argo elegant rooms.wlth closet
Southfront. 141U Chicago street , 810
TTlOlt JtKNT Centrally located , Uo ulco fur-
-L1 nisliod rooms sltuntoil near Btiout cur line
In house with nil modern conveniences. Will
i out with board or for llitbt housekeeping. Address -
dross A 59,1 lot > olllco. 175 17
TTUHl IlKNT Two nicely furnished
rooms ,
Jsultnblo for 2 or3 Kontlumeii ; jovuly iocu.
lion with every modern improvement. 1(15
Jones st
ir'OK ' KENT Bloeplnir rooms , Inriilshed nnd
JJ unfurnished , at UOU Howard bet. bth nnd Vth.
Foil HUNT Nlco room with hoard for two
Kontlcmon in private family. I5\\l \ \ Cull *
forniu strnet. 212 is *
'Oil ' 11HNT-3 rooms unfiirnUlied , 110S K.
7Ih st. 3 rooms unturnlshoJ , 1112 S 7th st.
F Ioil HUNTElopont rooms on street car
line , bath und fits , 8. w. cor 29th and
Webster. 132
1 [ 1 OU IlKNT A room with a buy window , and
board. 1810 Chicago st. WJ 12 *
FOIt HGNT-Niouly furnlshoil fiont pnrlm
with or without board , at 2U21 WeDjIer st.
OJ5 15 *
KENT 3 rooms sultubln fnr house
7111'neilloat. Kent , $15.00.
1OII ItENT With board , furnished rooms ,
JJ 171U Casn st 111 15 *
FH ) Itl'.NT Elegantly funilshoj parlor , alia
Binullor room , 111 South 13th near Uodifo ut t
033 I4
FOH liKNT Nlrely turnlshcd rooms , nt2025
. 81
Foil HUNT furnished room sultnblo for "J
( femlomon or man und wife ; also tlrot-cliisa
lioanl , 1(111 ( DodKO. Uta If. '
Oil HUNT Newly furnished , boated front
room sultnblo for two gentlemen , 251 11 ]
St. Mm y save. M3
TTIOK ' HUNT Suite of newly furnished rooms
X' la now lioui-c ; modern convunlunces : to
Kentlorpcn. ll'-'l Doil.-e nt , ' . ' 60
TTttM HKST Purulshcd room. A ] llospe ,
X1 iota Duuglas Bt. tut
TmOIt HUNT 6 rooit.g nultablo for hotiar-
X1 Keeping : , bnih room , wntur hi kttchoncoal
hoiiBo Ao.r ; cut 120.09. & U , cor 20th uud
Nicholas it. 121
Oil HUNT A larse front Ummbor with
closet , KUS. furnnro und bath , 601 b. 20th bt ,
1 block north bt. MHQ'SUVU. iiflj
17OH HUNT Furr.ishea room and 1 suit fur-
-f nbhed forlttrht housekeeping , CI9 N. 1'JtU
st. 77716 *
1710U ItlSNT-UnfurnUheil room. Inquire Mrs.
X A. Wrlgut , Dusbinan blk. CiJ
ItENT ' I'urnlshod rooms for light bouse
, Itoumci * tlocktoor othi Howard. ;
611 |
litOKItUNT Kurulihod rboia , IBltf Dodee.
filOtl RUNT To sentlemon only , two fur-
J nl hed rooms in ( rood location , a doors from
street carsono on nrst floor IsiVo front room ,
bny ; window , ( fas and register , $ J per month.
Other front room , second llo&r , roffUtor nnd
pas$15 per month , lloforonco required. Call
ntdojk 7 , IBOJFnrnum st , Mrst flqor. P33
FOK SALE-Lot In Hondo's aid * 1,800.
Two lots in JTostor's add L00.
Two lots on Cass st , nonr SSth'S.I.OOO.
Three lots in Kllby Place cnch.J75) ) .
Three lots in Loavonwurth Torr ieo $ .3,530. ,
109 foot on rierco st. ( corner ) $ .1,30.1.
Hoitso,5 roomi , two Joty , _ c ch / > Otl5J.n east
I , ( corner ) J2.100 , $700 cnsh , 1ml. J.'O per
mont . Very clienii. 11.V. . Jluntres . 1J03
1'nrnnm St. " 15 17 *
"rTllAMMONli , icnl cotnto , 117 8 , l th.
\\7 G.SHlllVnit ,
130 ft. on Lon nwotth by 1W ft deep ,
corner , near licit line f 8MO
COilSiVJ ft. corner on JSth nnd 1'ntrlck
nvo.f"od ( title gl\on 2,000
2lot * In Tliornlimp , o. fr ( < nt , Cftch . . . . fi75
( UtK'Ort on Hniindcrs nctr I'Atnck n\o . 3,000
B. front lot , llodford plnco . . . . Wn )
nivlSS ft. Just n. St. .MIIIJ'SHVO t.oini
Ilonutlftil lot on Vlrplnlnavo l.Vfl
riilllotonCnineara'th ' lfiOO
Full lot on Citllfoitnla st. , just 1 tallo from
postolllce. > . . . . 1.B01
Corner lot on Sherman no. . nor 0 race St. 3,500
COxi" . " ! ft. on Cnldwell no.irS7th ( ahmn's
nddltioti JiTM
nontiort. on .PlH l st ln. '
I'M 11 lot In KlrkwrttsJ , J )
Full lot on Nicholas liOhr ISth . . . . 4i".KI *
0)xl20 ft. o. front , y blocks from ted car
line ! - . 1,500 ,
ft. o. front on Wd st. , near St.
Kull lot on 21st near Hhcrmnn S/oS
I'lalnvlew | ( lots on oiisy terms 750
Improu'd Property.
Nlco cottnco. 5 rooms , on Ouss st. near
asth , lentsfor JlSpcrmonth 1,253
3-loom cottage and lot 30127 , oil red cat-
line 1JOO ,
I'lill lot and 5-room house lu Shinn's 2d
mlilltion 2.WO
I'ull lot nml2 housoson Davcnpoit St. . . . 9,000
05x 130 It. and house on California Bt . ' . . . . 2Ml , )
10-room house on Georgia uvo 5,000
Larpo lot , It-room house , all modem im-
provomotq , on Plouiimt st 11,000
,10-ft. lot and house on North 20th St. , on
cable ear linn 2 , ' > 00
n Illumes ami Oil ft. lot ou North 20th St. ,
, on unblo line " . ? >
5-ionm house on Chnrlos st. ( IHI H. lot ) . . . . 2,11X1
D ; room oottngo oil Charles ntiil27th sts . v -.000
] 9 > 13 Opposite 1'ostolllco.
KAL E3TATK bargains "suio. " J. r. 1111111-
moiul. 117 S. Itltli. gQI 13
1(1011 ( ALE A decided bnrjaln , well locntrd
X ? property , cunslstliKrnf 2 lots , each 50x110 ,
nml new house , 7-room , Rood collar , cistern.
etc. , nil In A No. 1 f-hnpo. I'nco low and terms
% er eyiisy. Address A. ( U , Hoe Ollloo.
203-15 *
EOH SAM5 rotin\tJ ( ; ! feet on Davenport
bet THli nnd 12th streets with 2 houses ,
$9,000. $ . ! .OJO cii h and long ttino.
\\'o hnvo n Inrgo list of Inside city propoitr
both bnstnossniul rcsldonce , Mist class. 1'ur.
chnsers will do well to see us. Miushnll * I.o-
lieck , 1MD Fnnnnm- 107
$3.10 for nn ncro In Cote Ilrllllmito. Will take
n good liorso or mure as part pnj mont. nnd
easy terms ou Lmlnncu. Van Iluuren , Ioiifliis ) (
nnd Kth st. 1CJ U
GENUINE llAHGAINS-Two oornor lots in
llurdotto court , only 4 blooks Irom Sunn-
dor's street cnM. w. AI. Itushmun. Itoom 10 ,
Uusliuiau Illock.N Eoor 10th and Doutflni.
for sale two sections of ( food fiirni
laud In Howard county , this stnto. nonr
rnllronds nnd K < od town ; prlco $8.00 nnd $ aOJ
per norc. IllcKs.VInghrnm,21R S. IGth st.
Od7 14
NO HOMIIUO-rot frontlnir t\yo strcetP.hoiiRo
on onch end renting for $25 per month ; 25th
and Pnelllc. $2,500.
House nndhnlMot , 25th nnd Tnolllo. $1.250.
Worth looklniriit. | S
House und half-lot , llth nnd J'aeinc. $1,500.
Hotter sco It.
Corner ( lot llth and Pacific ; 9 good houses ;
pooilionts. $ SOU. ) .
First-class teal ostnto mortsragc1 ! discounted.
HS.-I . Mend i.TnuiIson , 3188.15th xt.
LIST your property with 1L C. 1'iiltoi son , 15th
and Ilnrncy. if you want It sold quickly nml
forspotcnsh. 112
B AHUAINS Nothing but burenlns In real
ostuto. J. r. Hammond , 117 S. 10th.
204 13
hare had placed In our'hands for snlo
T T someof the llnest aero property InOmalm.
TIcnutlful south nnd east nlopo , close to Uolt
Llnolty. ; onn bo sold In tracts of 5 , 10 or 20
acres. Call and poenro your choice. HioKS &
Inghrntn,215 H. 15th st. ft 14
L 1ST vour propelty with It C. Patterson , 15th
and llarnoy , If you want It told quickly and
tor spot cash. 112
T > C. VATTKK5ON , N. W. cor. 15th and
IV * Harnoy.
West side lots nt S 200
Ton acrossuitable lor platllmr 8,000
Fltti-on acres suitable tor platting1 t'.OnO '
TivoDodu'OSlrcotlots.Iiisldo 10,003
TwoKlrkwood lots.caoti 801
Huuscom Place lots $1,0110 to 2,500
Corner on JacKBOii , paved street 20,000
Kountzo's Plnco. $1.fWO to 2,200
Twenty acres BUltablo for plattlnif- 8noO
Illiiiobaut-'li A : Pattcr.-on'R Place. . . . 400
8K170 feet , tlnoly Improved , leth street. . 10.050
, Knrnnm corner 18.000
13.\ii2 ! ; foot 1'ttrnnm. Improved N,000 )
I hnvo sole ngoncy on tlioubovo. 174
TOIJSES , lots and lauds bouirlit and sold. J
F. Hammond. 117 S. 10th. 204 13
UMNNAN PLACK You no doubt know how
nlooly Hronnnn Plnco lies ; If not , you
should und out before purcliiflnp n residence
loteUowhrro."o cun sell lots hero nt from
tHOOto $1G3U , which will surely bo worth { 2000
In the sprmff.
Gregory i Hadloy t
1 and 3 Krdick ! llk. , 3JO S. 15th St.
T7IOH SALK SO ncros ljlnr west of Wnlnut
JL1 bill In tracts to Milt. Will sell all or part.
Sohleslngcr llros. , 014 So. 10th st. 052 ; iu
nmoit SALK-lilots 44x132feet , trontlng nortli
JU on/lilstol street , half w y between Soun
ders und State , near street ours. City wntorln
front , $ * W unch , 1-t cnsh , Dnlanco In I"nnd3
years. Address a II , lloo olllco. 253
FOH SALK Dy Sohle lnffor lli-os. ,
IH4 South 10th stroot.
ISO feet on . " > th st near Turnum , will sell nil
or part ,
n acre lots In Fnriinm park , $125 per nuro.
I'.uiy termw. TUIs Is vary doslrablo forifardoa-
lnr.Wlnoros (
Wlnoros , Improved , nonr oily , house , barn ,
cribs , etc. Cheap ami on onsy terms.
Lots In Sculoslngor'fl addition & 50 to $ avon
eusyturms. t& > jti
H OU8KS Ixls.FnrnisI.nnil3-- ) loaned.
Itonils , room 3 , LJarkor blocx , 8. W , cor
15th and Furnuin sts. 591
\ > Co. 115 8. 16th st
Foil SAL15-Corncr lot fith and Pnclflo sts. ,
fnrArnrohouso ; u bargain. Olsen & voro ,
21SH. 1Mb fit. IWfl 10
Our now addition.
Aorcif-TiOto 1275 per acre.
Near South Omaha ,
Aud Hydlcato Hill.
Marshall ArLnbeck ,
168 t150'J Fnrnnni.
I 1ST your properly with It. Ci Patterson , 15th
J and Hnrney , II you want Itiold quickly nnd
for spot cnsh. / 112
T7UJU HALK Kino corner 3 AtirotsIndhuia
X1 uvu. Pier , Caldwcll at , lottiqiJll ft,3 houses
rent for 911 nor mont h and there 19 room for ! )
more houses. It you want in 'f > uy B bargain
do not wait but come at oneo. ullonuwn A-Co. ,
opposite P. O. . ; iu : 13
H AItlHSAc IIAllltIS,3)OK. rth , t ;
Money to loiiu In sunm nr. ? .V)0.00 anil up.
wards on nrot class reul ostuto H'eurlty. 167
nvill BALB-Choup , 20 nero , lylmr west of
-I ? Walnut Illll In truolH to suit. , Will soil nil or
part KchloiliiKor Hros. 014 8. jdlh st. OVJ ! W
: , KSTATintlt : '
KIAI AiN-'lioIrobusiness (
lot , near cor. owar1 st. , froiitln ? on Soun
ders ht. nnd jinicd sr. : ohoiip for cash. J. L.
Hlco& Co , , ever CominoroiHl iWnk. 775
T 1ST your property with It. 0. J'uttorson , 15th
J J nnd Hni ncy , II you want It wild quickly nnd
for | spot citBli. 112
TTUm KAr < K CO ft froiinn ? on Oadjfo st. 8
Jl blocks east of the postolllco. A bargain at
\ $111,000 ; $1U,000 cash. Marohull .V Ixjbock , Wn
rarimm. ' BIO
TT'OllSAI.U-Ilcntitlful acres Hicks * In-
Mumbets Omaha Heall tale Exchange.
Itooms 1 and 3 lluJlok'd Neir Illock ,
' 1Mb st.
Call nnd see us for reul bargains ) ,
IteslJt'iiio Property ,
Improved 1'roporty ,
Vacant Lots.
Cheap Homes.
WH have plenty of South Onmha lots , Ini-
proved or unimproved .and now U the tlmo to
luxnsl your money . . .ro. You can maku ro
money , In South Omutia In the next 30aa >
than < in anr other part of the city.
Don't take our word for unythlni ; : let us take
you to South Omaha aA eoo for j oursnlf , Icek
Wo also have 10 acres ] < mile * from stockyards -
yards on county road that CHII be sold for $200
per nore for this week only.
only.Ore ory &Hadley ,
Sll S. 15th St. ,
Offer ft few Sppclnl Ilnrffntns
7 lots in I'ojfor's add. $ f'HM to tSVQ ouch.
Lots Ifl and 17. block 8 , Kountre's 4th add. Call
at ofllco for price * . Hnrcaln * .
Slotson Saunucrs stin Plalnvlow , $ I,1W to
Ixits 15 , 10 and 17 , Davenport' * sublivlslon ,
$ lWOench. l'iwy terms.
rnlilotlnU.Smith's nd.l. , CfltHO , $3,103 , ;
$1,000 cn h <
( lood lot on Sftundcrs at , $ I,70J.
Onoot thoboniois In Sunnysldo , $ tfM.
Full lot In Patrick's add. just on Saumlors st ,
tl.Vn. A birpaln.
3 1 M In Kdoervolr niM , f l.O'.l enoh.
ltc < t lot on Hamilton st , f\W \ ) ,
full lot 111 Hawthorne , 750. Don't let this
chnncosltp. Ono-sltth ensh ,
Ixit In Clarendon , fl-"iJ : f 151 cnsh ,
2 of the hc t lots In HlllOde , $ .199 each.
Lotfl , Itooso Place , on Pnrko nv. Call at otTloo
Corner lot In Marsh's add , J3.100.
TheMottcr llcul Hstnto Agency , 211 3. 15th
Bt *
\\TK TtAVi : conotnnt Inquiry for nil kinds of
TT Imslnds * and residence property. If yon
hnvo nny property for snlnlln same with us.
Schlcslmror Hro > .HI4 3 IQlli st.
HOUSES Lot j.Fnrms.l.nnd < i money loaned ,
Homl . room 3. Darker block , 8. AV. cor.
15th nml rnrnnm sH , 094
" \\ri3ftronulhorl7oil to invest JJJ.OOO m 1m-
T T proved liHido property. What have you
to offer Wo moan business , Mend & Jnmieson.
3188. Kit list 672
T 1ST your pioperty with U. C. Pattorion.lMli
J and Ilnrney , if you want It sold qiilculy nml
for spot citsh. 113
BOWMNO OltKRX-Our now addition Is
woHotWntnut Hill , on Hnmtlton stioot.
lly soloatltiB lots nt $150 for linlrtn nnd $17 > for
Corner , you will mnko a RDOI ! Invostmont.
TOMBS 10por cent ei , h ami t' > monthly. No
rhnrKO for showing the lots Marshall ft Lo-
beck , 1509 Parnatn 019
Notice to Contriic or i ,
"VTOTH'Kls hereby irlvon th nt sealed pi opo nU
-L > will bo reroU ed nt the olllco of Wlllhim .1.
Powell , cludrmnn of the colioul board , for the
erection of n public school building for District
No. 1 , In Sldnev , Nob. , until 0 o'clock p. m. Jan
uary loth , 1887.
Proposals will bo received for oltnor n ttrlrk
or stoiid bulldln ? , snl < l building to bo completed
before September 1st , 1837.
Plans nnd speclflcatlotis cnn bo scon nt iho
county clerk's ollleo In Sldnoy. Nob.
No bids will Im considered unions nccom *
pnnlodbyn Batlsfnetor.v bond for the faithful
iiorforiimiicn of the contract.
The boiud rosei'M-s the rlifht to lolect any or
all hid * . WM. .1. POWULL , Chnlrmnn.
Ki > . MiI.miNOX , Clork.
Sidney , Neb. , Dec tth,1838. dOdJt
SherifFs Sale ,
BV virtue of nn uxccution l sucd out of the
dlMrltt court tor Douglas county. Nobrus-
Kn , nnd to mo directed , I willon tho'Jith day nf
December , A. D. 188(1 ( , nt 10 o'clock n. ni , of snld
dny , sell nt public ailotlonall the quoonswnro ,
Chisswiiro uud llxturos of J. lloblu on. In the
Ptoio loom. No. 201 North 10th Bticol , lu the
cltyofOinahn , Douglas county , Nobra ikn.or so
much of cald ( rooilH as will sutlsly nlalutlirN
claim of flvo thou niid stnon hundiod nnd
foriy-ono ( lolhtiHiitiil llltv cents ( $5,741.5J ) ami
costs ol Increase to satisfy n judgment of paid
district court in favor of Ucboucit lloblusonand
ag nt J. Itoblnson , " "
ontl.lN. . Phor.B. .
Omaha , Nobruska , Dorembcr 13th , 18S8.
oar AHA.
Arrive Leave
Omaha Omaha
Depot 10th and 1'ieico st" " .
I'.icilic Kxprcss 7 : M ) am 8:2ilpm :
Denver E\piess 6:30 : pm 10Viam :
* Local Express 11:00 : am 505 ; pin
* K.\cept Sunday.
B. & M. H. It. R.
Depot 10th anil I'.icilic sts.
JMall and Express GHOpm 8:10 : am
Js igli 10 MO am OiuOpin
C. 15. & Q. H. It.
Depot 10th anil IVjilic sts.
Mall nnd Kxpiess fW ) : am 0:00 : pm
Chicago Kvpicss 7:10 : pin 0:20 : am
. &G. B.
Depof.lOth and 1'dcliic sts.
Vliil'lattsmonth. . . . 7:10 : pm P:20 : am
Lincoln Expicss * 7:00 : am 18:45 : pm
* IC > : ceit Monday.
1 Excetp Saturday.
C. St. 1' . M. A 0.
Depot 15tn and AVebster st ,
Sioux City Kxpiesti 'A'i pm 8ir : am
B.inerott Accommodation 10 : 0 am 5:45 : pin
* xcont Sunday
Depot inth and Webster st
Day E\pioss 0.25 am 11:10 : am
Night Kxjircss 0:0inii : ] U:10 : pm
Lincoln EXDICSS 11:50 : am 0:10 : pm
Leave Leave
TllAINS. Vaids
* Traiii3 marked * tun 0:0 : ! ) nm
dally except Sunday , * 7:05am : 7:35 : am
* S:10am : 8 : : am
Trains loavlncU. P. depot - 10:00 : am
pot in Omaha at 10:55 : a > 10:55 : am
ni. , 5:0" : ) p , m. and 8:20 : p. 11 : : ir nin 2:00pm :
m. , and these leaving 305pm ; "
3:35 : pin 4:0. : > pin
Union stock yards at 0:09 : I : , ' > ' ) ! ) * 5:05pm :
n , m. and 10:51 : a. m. are (1:15 ( : pin 5:25pm :
through puh&onger trains : * S:20pm : * b:00pm :
a 11 others aroiCBnlar stock S:20pm :
yauls dummy trains be
tween Btock yards and
Omalia ,
U. P. BIUDOKTUAINS. traiihfw licavo
C. H.
"Trains marked with 7:13 : am fl:3i : am
thodo notiun on Sun. * 7Bam : :
0iri : ! am 8:00 : am
day. 9:43 : am 8:50 : am
Dummy leaving Omaha ' 10:00 : am
at 0UQa : m , connects with 11:47 : aih 11.10am
S. C. & P. at Council * l:30pm : * loopi : u
KlnlTs , Dummy leaving 2i7 ; : pin JXpm : ( )
Omaha nt 8:50 : a in , con ! li7pm ; ! 2:20 : pm
nects with C. JJ. A : ( i. , C. * 4 : . " 7 pm .1:00 : pm
AN. . W. , C. M. Jc St. P. . 550 inn * ! :0 : pm
C. K. I. A I' , at Council 6:13pm 5:00pm :
lllufTs , Tianslcr ox- 7:10 : pm ruiJOpin
piess Icavliifr Omaha at 7:13pm : 0io : pm
! iUO : p in connects with StfOpiu 7:00pm :
W. St. L. A P. at Council 10:47 pin
Itlnirs , Dummy lea\lnt ; ll:55pm : loioopm
Omaha at 0:10 : p m , con- imopm
iH'cU with all evening
trains lor Clilcaijo at
Council Itliilfs. Trains
leave Omaha nt Union
Pacific depot , 10th and
Lfavo Anlvn
LINKS lianslor tianster
di-pot depot
Tlio following Is a
schedule * of tlio arrival
and departure of trains
Irom thu transfer depot In
Council ItluiTs :
C. K. 1. A-1 > . :
train IraviiiK at 7 15 and
trains arriving at 5 : " " > i > . 7 ; IS u in :15 : n in
ni. and 7:00 : p. in. do not o.-in u m : ' .n p in
run Hiuiday , train iiulv- 0:40 : pm ( Up in
iiiKat'Jir : > a. in. docs not
run Monday
" C. is X. W.
All trains run dully j : in a m
040 ; | ) in ; U ) u ni
C. Ii. A lv > .
All trains run dally. . , . ] a in , : in
Cij : ! P ml 7 ; UJ p m
All trains nin dally. . . . . ] . : l.rm m
( jiu ; p t ; , .uo p m
. .
Train leaving at b:5" : p.
in , dot's not inn Satur
day. Train nrilvingat
< iV : : ) a. m does not run
S. 0. it 1
All tiulnsiun dally. . iar a m
:50 : ] . m
Keep a full line of all kinds of fresh , salt
and b'liokcdmeate. Alto flili ,
sausrge and choice lard.
HtM Siuuulcrs Struct.
Stnrkcn .t U Sawyer 11 Vf
Smith H Stow ell UK
Slddall J E .Signer R
Sailor K Smith U
Hcanlln Mr Slert M
Shepherd J At Sloekholm W
Stone W A Sully C 0
Shpetz A Ii Stlmoon J
Saiitec L U .stiver 11
Smith AHjcrs Hmltli L M
J > awdev Ii Sage L
SaporH E Sai cent S A
ScfilpRt'l 3 Svonsfti S
Satiford S Shaw T II
StndleySli Still ! ll
Thompson I 0 Tatu I )
Tow nor KF Ta > lor 0 S
Ttnko J Trimble F L
'I'm nor B Thorn 0
Thompson LA TtisMiit J C
Tvlor'l I ) Toolo W R
Thompson W Thompson W \ \
Taylor \V C
Ulstinm O
Van Hi nut F VanNc < Pi'- )
Vlpond \ W Vlctoila UP Co
Vandmoori \ 0 9 Vaiidtisdi II
Vandcrford Wm Valcnllnn Wm
Wearo C I ) Wear A K
Walpcr C Wi-stO L2
Wallls J Williams J U
Wellli J Warlike K
Waylicltl R Wollo Mr
WosleiL'aaul 0. Williams C R
Wood C B Wales O
Williams H Will kerf !
Williams F ll Weston F
Wslsllojr 11 Wrbttt It
Wilson ? ) M Wiilto J L
Wells J
Wilson M L Williams A
WlnlerJ Wftllberc P L
\ \ oily S Wilson TS
Wind Win Wilson W F
W""W ' Woods W F
Xlmmeiman 1. ZiRiior 0
LA mr.s LIST.
Alipilst T Alexander S
Anderson H S Andriasson N
Aldmi L Amletsnn mrs W
Allen E Andoison A
Alien I ) Alexanders
Anderson mu IIM Allison M ,
BlltenRerA Hoono A
Hnchllneli L Barlow mrs ( r
Hunts mr.s.I Butler mm M
Hnstotilar M Bolin H
HootliE Hoyd mrs II
llogps mrs.T Ilr.MID mis L
llojermis L Biowstur L
Bland mrs II U Boynton mis M
Iliownley mrsM Bin\\n J
Ho.ison mrs P H lower E
Krandenbiiri ; mrs L Hriinn I ) 1C
Batten 11113 D Bright M
Bothcis mifl C
HcnnuttE Belts mis J
HellJ Basset ! J
Baker N
einflcy mis L Bainhaitmrs L
Holey 0
Coper mrs T J Colci mis R J
Cook K Ciulson A
CatsleiiH A Cochran mrs K R
Converse 1111.1 It Cook mis ( }
t'omtoith mr.s C ( 'lnton mis C
Cady mrs M M Cace.1 mrs L
Cathc.tit mr.s A CathlrE
Condon 1C CailosC #
Cross mrs W rase mrs u 11
C.ivender m rs A Carlson A
Carson At E Cavaniiftli mrs P
Chandler mis U C.impilold mrs U
Cost mis A Cinmer mrs
Cook U CrcomisS J
Chamberlain mis NT Cheney mrs A M
Cltitc mis J
nubbin mrs C ! Deulseldey A
Davis mis O Do Beer liirs
Day S A Damien mrs J T
Daniels mrs 1 Q Deuce mis Al
Dinin. mrs M Humming mis M K
lpn/er ) mr.s E Dialco L , G
Doiiohno M Donn-UmrsB mrs J Dunham mrs A R
Emeisou M Kmbeison S' !
Klliott mrs M A Kllimaii | mis
'Jcman T Knglemrs 1'
Jills M Kmpoy A
ICrwm I ! *
'ittsmrs W M Field mrs H
< "it7patiiclc M FlhliorMibJ
'ooto mis U l''orrest ' 1C
'oid mis A H Fieenmn mrs Jl A
Fugen mrs A K
nroseRattW ( irossmisF
Iroehowsko M ( lianbv II Jl
Irifliths inns LIE lloodmaii mrs C
Hazier b K < ! ale 1C
SeorsoL UilllithsS
tiaugu mis J Ciomann b
liariett mis M
I nx holds lllno mis C
lelton mrs b A Hicks in isI E
lilstofmrsE llanim A
lallmrsIIM Hess t
Icnry L llocton mrs T
lair mrs S A3 HolcombmisS
laljjht D Halpln M
lavelerM Aai lister mrs A
lambllh mis AB Hanna mrs M
lammerstroin A Holland L
Hollenbeck mis L
smond R M
lulloison mis M Jelstmrs E
loucs mis R M Q JolniMoti mrs M
lohnson mr.s H. Johnson mrs S
Ions mrs T Jiulson mrs 1 1C
Ciiiidson 1' ICuettor (5 (
CnlilT Koopman M
Knnir Kotmis ( C
xiiapp At Kecne mrs J
CiileliPr | I , ! Kelioy E
Kennedy N Kennedy mr.s J
ICiilUy R Knocko A
Liullow F Lyman E
oniliiiw mrt Wm Llndow C C
.jymon E Llndsav M.
[ .e.iveiton mrs F Lcroy ( ! 'J
Lamphom mrs AM LaiiKcr.v mr.s 11
LaiMii ) inisS
Nfuiry H J\lurr.iy S
Moulton F Ullcliulls mrs
Mej er mrs V Menett mrs E
Mel/licr B Miles D
Miller R Mlnlkiis T
M 01 ton O Morley mis M O
Miles F Manon mis E
Makin 1C Maslerman A
Mcfiurd M MeCoj mrs 8 A
Mi'Cabu B MeDnnald mrs.l J
McICInney J .MclCiay mrs ( i
.McCoy niisO MrCoy mrs P
McCoy 11 MrClnro m rsS
McKarland mrs I > McAilally mrs L
MeCormlck mrs J McKen/le mrs JS
MrManlmle M McLaimhlln T
Nell n C Not i Is mrs N M.
Norl E Nel on C
Nichols L KIlsonlL
Nation T
Osspnkup A Oppcrman J 3
Uaboiiio mrs G B Uiubaid inns A R
O'Xoill M
Pttrsoll mr.s M Pallondor II
i'lilmcr mrsL Patton mrs C II
Pai mon mr.s Packaul S 11
Palmrston M . Patilck mrsS M
Powers S Pratt H
Padliolm G Potrlo Dr E F S
Piuston S Pelerbon mrs A
PiocliaskiuMPaulson Plehurson L
Paulson mis P
Hlcherd mr.s E Unwell mis M
Unlit Rossell U
Until imsCJ Hoot nun
Kay. ) RairerlvmrsS 134
Rotliay A KobliiHon inrh U
KobiTHhaw C I toss T
Itodxt'rs mrfi W Roberts J
Rowley mrs E Kbemcr mra B
llhea Ii lteed.1 A
llnllmlsoti A Rubins L D
Itelnliaiilt mra P Heigh T
RIIIICIH mis M 3 Roepcnack nun F
I toss mrs L B Roper mrs H
HileyMW Rice F
Rlminer mrsI
btenbcrs D Slarkey mrs , A II
.Scully \ > Saxon .M
Hey oo .M ricliinlilt HIM J
bchweKto mrsB KahlbeiBT
Kaclien mi > II I ) Hodeimm misI A
Hveiih.son F SheismiH 1C R
.Smith 1 .M huxton .M
SheeU E Hiilecti Jl
Se.iy HUM ( O 3 Slic'ploy M
Hours mis I'J Stltlei mi a.I
tSp.llt ( i iSpaiildinir mrs J
bmltli inisC J .Sloan mis W A
hmilli mis H .Smith H
SidbloinyC .Shiiphaid mrs A
.Shiiipmis B 11 Slnhei niloJ A
Turner / M Tiiidnowtka 11
Tall mrs N Tulbot U
Taylor mrs A \ \ '
Van Epps mis < ) a Van D Uoert ; ; mis.'i ( J
Van Horn K
Wieiibted U Wnlworlh M
Watson A Walker nub W
U'.iMi inisS J Wiirien mis N V
Warner .1 WnlMi P J
Walsh M J Wlillm-y A
WanhliiBlon E U'ebb ( J
\Vheel ( > r it il
Webb L \ViHsUri \ : ) : HUH
Whits mrs C' 11 Wbeplei N O
Wilson mi.s A Williams mib E
YoikC '
, .
TIIIIM ) AM > KOl'inil CI-AbS MATriat.
Hrolut inrn Q Boll E E J nus ' nretlnu M-
, of Labor
UurneltF HakerME . . . tnts
Blngtson B Blackmnn F % < liters , adopted a
CuiumlnKsPIJ < 'ummltiKs' ' * lVli ttulot the Ibl-
f } . 1C. Cr - < in.