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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY. DECEMBER 14 , 1880. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCilfBLUFFS TUESDAY MORNING DEC. 11. OFFICE , JNO. 12 , PEARL. STKEET. Etlivcrtd t.y rnrrlcr In any pnrt of thccllynt m inly tints fir week. H. AV. TJI.TOX , Mnnnccr. UrMKmorncr. , Xo. o. NHIIIT EnnoH Jso. . MINOK MKMTION. " N. V. Plumbing Co. New fall goods at Rotter's. Gentlemen's oyster supper , Broadway church , Thursday from 0 o clock until 10 p. in. Come to the sociable and oyster supper fit Broadway church Thursday evening and sec how nicely the gentlemen can cook. A goodly number of the mu.sic lovers of Ihejcityare planning to hear Emma Abbott in Omaha this week. It is too rich a ( real and too near home to be allowed to JI.IKS. JI.IKS.M. M. L. Wheat , state master workman of the Knights of Labor , is to give a lecture here to-morrow evening in the 1C. of L. hall on Pearl street , over the postollicc. He id said to be a fine speaker. Yesterday a drunken fellow giving his name as Frank Monk , was arrested at the transfer for making a beastly show of himself. He was taken to Dolfrc head- iiiartcrs | there to sober up enough to be ashamed of himself. There will be a conference of Christian workers at the Y. M. C. A. held this after noon at ! 1 o'clock. All interested in any phase of Christian work are invited to be pre ont. It is hoped that every pastor in the city will be on hand. Tin- scats for Itnrbank to-night , at Ma- ( unit : hull , are selling rapidly , and there ix the assurance of a full house. Bur bank is immense as a reader and im- pcrsonater and will give a rich enter tainment for old and young. M. Phelan lias been made to give bonds to keep him from turning Mike Nolan and W. S. Kelley into cohf corpses. The threats were very bloodthirsty , and were insnired more from pop than by any determination of a sober brain and malicious heart. Tim increasing activity in the real estate market is evident from the fact that one man bought a piece of property yesterday morning , and before noon had found a purchaser for it at an advance. Such an occurrence bait not been recorded hero in a long lime. All the Mraws show boom. In the district court yesterday most of tlie tune was taken up in hearing the evi dence in the divorce of Sarah .Larrison vs. Samuel Larrison. The plaint ! ! ! ' claims that the defendant had become so addicted to drink as to neglect his family. TJin attempt to secure tlie divorce is be ing strongly contested. t Yesterday morning a small cyclone ' struck Broadway , and although tlio'llurry of wind was very strong for a fn\v minutes , there was no damage. John Limit and Dr. COOK were whirled about several times and Dr. Cook's coat was blown oil' . It caused quite a commotion while it lasted , and the two gentlemen who were caught in it had a narrow escape from injuries. Substantial abstracts of titles and real estate loans. J. W. & E. L. Squire. No. 301 Pearl street , Council Blulls. Notice Opera house barber shop , bath rooms re-opened. Urackclt's "Wonder" store , No. 2C8 Uroadway , is the place to buy holiday presents. We have a line large line of Christmas novelties that wo are selling cheaper than ever was known , also nmtllers. silk handkerchiefs ladies' and ' , gents' gloves , clothing , line sealskin caps , etc. & Co. The Fathers There was considerable expectation concerning the meeting of the city council last night , but the expectations were ruthlessly dashed to the giound , as the council ! held no meeting. There was n great crowd of property owners inter ested in the Tenth avenue project , and it was hoped that this would bo settled. Then there was Mr. Sweeney , foreman of the Vincent contract , waiting for a r.haiico to domain ! a final settlement with the city. The mayor , Aldermen Shugart sun ! Danforlh were the only ones who put in an appearance. There hcini : no quorum , adjournment was taken without date. Alderman Straub mil in an aiipcaranco for , i fen minutes , out he left before the call to order. Alderman Keller was at his htore , and declared that it was tin understanding among tlie alder men that there should be no meeting. The mayor can call a special meeting. and may do so for this afternoon , but if not the council will probably not meet until the regular meeting in January. It looks as if the aldermen are dodging the Tenth avenue and the Indian crock mat ters , and hence there was a howl wont up from the lobby. Wall paper , shades , paints , etc. 11. P. Kilos , No. 402 Broadway. Five hundred overcoats for boys and children , from $1.50 up. up.MKTOAI.F HKOS. Weatherstrips at Chapman's 105Main. Bracket ! has a larger and liner assort- lui'iit of books and toys than ever before. Hard and soft coal , best quality , al fii/.cs , Missouri and Iowa wood. C. B Fuel company , O'J'J Broadway. 'IVlo phone 130 , Ilnrd On Free The riiilehlu in the city jail seems to have had thu effect of badly frightening oil' free lodgers , who have been applying nightly for a chance to sleep there. The idea of trying to sleep in a placet liable to be visited by the ghost of a suicide seems to 11)1 ) with fear the superstitious mind. and they even prefer to take their chances on the street. A colored woman cmiio last night applying for a chance to sloop in the jail , She was shown to a room up stairs and ono of the boys jo cosely went up with a pall of water to wash up the blood , as ho said. The col ored woman turned a pretty fair white , and no explanations or assurance would prevail. She came forth with a bound , and rushed down stairs , insisting that elm would either bit up all night uy thu olhcn Urn or stay out in the street. She was linally pacflicd with a nickel cigar and a chair by the ollice stovo. Variety is thn spire of life. At Urnoketf s yon will find it. Hu v Christmas wares of W.S. Homer & Co , No , 2:1 : Main street , and savu money by 0 doing. _ To "See Naples and die'1 may be very good , but to own a New Era clothed wither and live out a natural life happy Eccms uioro sensible L. 11. Crafts & Co. are loaning money on all classes of chattel securities at one- half their former rates. Sco them before securing your loans. Millinery goods at cost for next 30 days. Ms. n. J. ScOks , No. 230 Broad- TOOK A CHANGE OF VENUE , A Shoemaker Arrested For Being Drunk Hangs Himself. A ROW WITH A HACKMAN. The Doings of the City Fathers I ast Night A Variety of Council niufTti JottliiKS 1'crsonal Paragraphs. Hung lllniRcir In Jail , Yesterday morning some of the prison- rs in the city jail discovered that ono of heir number , a man occupying what is renown as the stocl cell , was hanging by iiis neck. They gave the alarm , anil the icll was opened and the man found to be tiff and cold , death having apparently ionic to him several hours before. Ho liad hung himself by means of a red silk handkerchief , pieced out with a bit of cloth which he had picked tip in the jail. The man proved to bo one arrested Satur- lay night by Olllccr Dyer for being drunk. He gave his name as Joseph Visck , and claimed to be from Marshall- owu. Ho had told some of the prisoners .hat he was a shoemaker by trade , and that he had a family. On his person when arrested were found several small articles , among them a rccvipt for a box of tools shipped by him over the Chicago & Northwestern railway on Saturday to Marshalltown , and on which lie had paid the freight , amounting to 50 cents. Two letters were also found , one written in Omaha on Metropolitan hotel paper. The inan when arrested was foolish rather limn ugly drunk. He had been drinking pure alcohol , and as ho took tlie last there was in the bottle he throw it down on the sidewalk with such force as not 'only to break it , but to cause one of the pieces to lly into the face of a lady who was passing , causing a slight cut on her cheek. His arrest fol lowed at once , and while in jail Saturday night ho expressed a wish that ho had a revolver so that he might kill himself. During Sunday he kept walking the corridor rider constantly , and declared that lie would starve himself to death. He ate but little , and when his supper was brought to him Sunday night he drank tlie collec and gave the rest away. He said lie had taken his last meal on earth , butlitllo attention was paid to his talk by the fellow prisoners , who deemed it but the expression of natural remorse felt on recovering from a de bauch. During the night lie carried out his threat' hanging himself to the bars , his feet being but a few inches from the lloor. lie had apparently stepped upon the conch , arranged his own knot , and then swung off. No noise of a struggle was heard , and the first known of it wan when his form was discerned hanging there in thu uim light of the breaking day.A . A jury was summoned consisting of A. T. Whittlesey and Officers Beswick and Hcndricks. They returned a verdict in accordance with the above facts and the body was placed in charge of the under taker. Mr. Morgan. Yesterday afternoon in response to a telegram sent to Marshalltown the follow- ng reply was received : "Bury Visek. If any effects send to marshal here. L. E. B. Holt , coroner. " It .seeming that his family and friends do not care enough for him to have his body sent home , it will be buried here to-day. Heating stoves at cost to close them out. W. A. Wood , No. 501 Main street. See that your books are made by Moore- house & Co. , room I , Everett block. Weather strips at Chapman's 105 Main. Dr. Ilancliett , ollice No. 12 Pearl street. Residence ISO Fourth street. Telephone No. 10. A linn , largo line of the most elegant watches , chains , silver and plated ware , decorated China and glassware , suitable for holiday and weddtnir presents , at C. B. Jacqiiemiu & Co.'s , No. J7 Mam treet. Stamping and full varictyof ) embroidery materials. Mrs. II. P , Nilcs , 402 B'dway. Don't ' buy your new suit or overcoat until you look at those at Metcalf I5ros' . .Mustn't Monkey With Hack-Drivers. The only exciting item on the streets- yesterday was a rumpus between Billy Martin , the hackman , and three passen gers whom he had hauled from the trans fer. According to Martin's story the three men , who wore strangershad some dilliculty with him at the transfer , and one of them struck him once. In some way this was patched up , peace restored and Martin engaged to take the trio up town. On reaching Broadway , near Pearl street , the three got out , and thu same ono who had struck Martin at the transfer became again pugilistic , and re fusing to pay Iho fare. A lively fight fol lowed which drew a large crowd. Martin is said not to have been satisfied with knocking the noisy ono of the trio down , but ho kicked him afterwards , The fellow was badly punished , his 03-0 being closed , and the blood ( lowing freely from his nose and mouth. The party , including Martin , were taken to the police station and charges lodged against them. Martin was not searched or Jocked up , Tlie three gave their names as S. F. Ross , H.V. \ . Stone and C. C. Roberts. Roberts was the one who ru cclvcd the pounding and the kicking , and ho wad quite drunk. The others were sober , apparently. Rob erts claimed to have friends in Rapid City , Dak. , and being out of cash tele graphed there for funds to help him out of tlie scrape. Ross had about $10 , and thn other but a little change. They will probably have a hearing this morning. There was considerable indignant talk among thu bystanders at the brutal man ncr in which Martin punished his obstreperous erous imbscngers , and there was a nar row escapu from other lights following as a result of the discussion. Some > ylt- chiim that Martin did not strike until Roberts had struck at him. An elegant line of short wraps , new- markets , utc , , cheap , to close them out. JOHN BE.NO & Co , Now goods and Christmas Novelties at Kirkland's , jeweler , No. 323 Broadway. Mrs , Dr , D. Truesdell , a graduate oi thu Toronto , Canada , Therapeutics insti tute , is prepared to treat all classes o. diseases "and demonstrate the curative power of electricity" in accordance with a new and complete system of Kluctro- Thoranfiuties , Eloctro-Magiictisin and Static Electricity , Female diseases a specialty , Located at No , 307 Broad way , second lloor. Office hours 9 a. m to G p. m. _ 1'crsonnl Paracruphs , William Kintz , who has been in off the road for a few days , will go out to visit his trade this morning , II. J. Rifenbcrick , of Denver , arrived in the city yesterday and will this after noon bo united in marriage to Misa Ll/.zio Parks , J mice Loofbourow and District Attorney noy i'liernell spend Sunday at their homes , and resumed their duties in court yesterday. Chris. Speclit , the "cornice king.1 leaves this evening for the West , and wil .be absent 401110 time in the hope of re gaining his health , which Las not .been good for some time. Ho leaves his bus- ! icss in charge of competent men , and eaves with flic belief that to throw nil' Business cares for awhile isthcbcstmcdi- line in the world. Electric door bells , burglar nlnrms and .very form of domestic electrical appli- inccs at the New York Plumbing Co. Stoves ! Htovcsl Stores ! For tlie next thirty days 1 will sell heating stoves at cost onlv. P. C. DEVOL. The Army Makes n Feint. Last evening Dohany's hall was iackod with those curious to witness the jcctiliar doings and services of tlio Sal vntion Army. Towards tlio close of the ncetlnj' some little exeiteiucnt was caused by the captain suddenly falling over in a dead faint. The audience was quickly dismissed and the young lady re stored to consciousness. To "see Naples nnd die" may bo very good , but to own a Now Era clothes vashor and live out a natural life happy seems more senMblc. Smltlcii Dentil. Yesterday afternoon little Hazel , infant daughter of Theodore urn ! Anna Heck- nan , died very suddenly. She was aired 'our months , and up till noon seemed in accustomed health. Thu funeral will ako Place Wednesday afternoon tit 2 o'clock at the family resilience Xo. 1)08 ) Si.\th street. "French Cook" direct from Paris will jo on exhibition Saturday , 18tli instant , it Hrackett's , No. ! WS Broadway. A SlKnIltonnt Picture. The last page of the Fremont county rcuit court bar docket is embellished with an emblematic picture. A big , fat Irog is represented silting on a leaf with lis mouth open waiting for a plump npidcr that is suspended by tlie single hrcad of hii web to fall into it. Brother ; { cid , the publisher , has an eye to the eternal litness of things. Harness Brothers This will be tlie v cek for bargains. Our entire line of shawls at 85 per ct. discount. Cloaks , Cloaks Way down to close out. They must be sold. We distance competition in qual ity of goods and low prices , is the verdict of any customer. CARPETS / . ' / ' ' i/rtiiif/Vif./im'jvi arc inlrancinypi'lci ' ' ' low am'-can Then nct'i'i' wits so , - not so remain. HOSIERY ROCKFORD. ILLINOIS. Till * week look Tor < li i > Iay Christina * * \ovcllies Iliat will Intercut Hie bailiean < l C'liildren Call and see our goods before purchasing elsewhere. HARKHES5 BROS. : \o 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs THE ATRICAL WIGS , BEARDS , Grease Paints ITC. : The 1'JncBt Im 'ported l.ino of Goods Wubt of ChlciiKO. Mrs. C. L. Gillette's Human'Hair Emporium No. 209 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. ESTABLISHED USED IN AIL larro. iraoDoo PARTS OF THE WORLD nd Prices on uppllcallon. Hold by beti ( VrrlAce Bulldcrn nd Draleii. C1MJ1NNATI. U. . A. Cabin Aatitit. COO CIN , nCICUCCC It * causes , and a now and IIR.Hri1l.Od Fuc-ecssfiil COUKntyour own * homo by ono who was deaf twenty clfht Tciiis. Treated by most of the noted spoulul lets without benetlt ; cured himself In three months , and nco then hundreds of others. Full particulars eont on nppl'entlon. T. H 1'AOK , No. il Westyist St. , New York City. Theualy perfect ubttltut * > or Motner * mill I * 1 loToiukEle to Cholera Infantum and Teething ; . A pre-drc ted7ot > d for Dys peptic * , Cpn umptl e , convalescent * . Perfect nutrient la all WattlnK Dl a e * . equlfea no cooktog. Our Book. Th Bar * nd reeding of Infant * , m ll 4 tt * . QOODAUI * CO. , Kcwtoa. ONE HONDREDJREE GIFTS , To Be Given Away By Henry Eiseroan A ; Oo.'sS People's Store. TO THE LUCKY TICKET-HOLDERS On January Ifilli , 1HH7 , Consist InuJof .Furniture , Chlnnwnre , Clntltlnc , ninnkct , a'allc ' Iilncn , Notion" , Money , 811k Dress I'nt- e. I3tc. For ovcry t\yo Uollnr's worth of goods Mirclinsctl , yon will receive n coupon ickct , Rood for 0110 clmnco in llio follow ing ( trnnil Presents to be given nway by js on Jnnunry 15th , 1837 : FIKST I'KlHK-Ono snitu of Parlor I'tirniture , consisting of sofa , toto-a-tctc and tour grand easy chairs , all upliol- stcred in assorted shades of clegnnt silk phishcp , worth | 1U5. SECOND PltlZK-Ona Mnhocony Hod llooui Suite , consisting of Bedstead , Dresser and Wash Stand of elegant finish with bovclcd glass , worth $100. THIRD Pltl/K Onu of the very brst six-drawer Niekol Plated Domestic Sow- tig Machines. The very best machine in the United Slates , worth 105.00. J'OUKTll PK1/E Twenty yards ( Sulnott best gros grain Hlack Silk , cost ? ; ) ,00 pnr yard , worth $ GO.OO. VIVni PKlXK-Onu elegant Snal Plush London Dyed Uloak , to be made to order to lit HIP lucky ticket holdrr , worth $ < ! 0.00. SIXTH PHlXB-Ono pair of the finest White lilnnkcls made by the I'loncer Woolen mill , of California , worth $10.00. SEVENTH PHlXK-Ono Beautifully Decorated Dinner atid Tea Set , consist ing of ono hundred anil forty pieces , worth $ M.OO. KKJHTH PKlXK-An Elegant Sual Skin Muff , worth * :10.)0. : ( ) NINTH PKIXE-A very line Paisley Slisiwl , worth Wi.OO. TENTH PUIXU-One Angora Heaver Shawl , worth | ; io.OO. ELEVENTH PltlXE-Ono ( Jontleman's Suit of Clothing , made of Imported Worsted , guaranteed a line fit for the winner , worth 1:15.00. : TWELFTH PKIXE-A Gentleman's Fur Ucavcr Overcoat , worth sfJIO.OO. THIRTEENTH PK1KE - One Hoy's Overcoat , for a boy between the ages of 8 and 10 years , to uo chosen by the luck } * party holditif tin ? ticket. Worth $15.00. FOURTEENTH PRIXE-Ono Hoy's Suit , for a boy between the ages of ! ! and 1(1 ( years , to be selected by tlie winner. Worth $15.00. FIFTEENTH PRIXE-Ono Elegant In fant's Cloak , worth if 10.00. SIXTEENTH PRIXE One Elegant Brass Parlor Table , worth $10.00. SEVENTEENTH PRIXE-Ono piece of 50 yards "Fruit of the Loom" muslin , worth $4.00. EKiliTEENTH PRIXE One half of thevpry best Celebrated "Gold" white shirts , of which we arc the exclu sive agents , worth $11.00. NINTEENTH PRIXE-Onc Fine Silk Mnlllcr , worth $5.00. TWENTIETH PRIXEOne Linen Table Set , consisting of Table Cloth ami n Do/.en Atipkins worth $10.00. TWENTY-FIRST PRIXE A Cash Present of a Twenty Dollar Gold Piece. No. 28One Toilet Set. No. SB One very line Doll. No. 21One Handkerchief Bov. No. 25 Ouc elegant Hand Bag. No. 20 One large Doll. No. 27 One Stand Cover. No. 28 One bottln line Perfume. No. 20 One Toboggan Cap. No. SO One Table Sc-nrf. No. 31 One line Splasher. No. 112 One line Lunch Basket. No. : 'o One hammered brass Umbrella Stand. No. ! J I One-half do/ , line Towels. No. : ! 5 One Silk Umbrella. No. a'j ' Ono line Doll. No. 157 One set China Dishes , suitable for little folks. No. US One Brass Broom Holder. No. 39 One pair Men's Silk Suspend- ers. ers.No , 40 One Silk Handkerchief. No. 41 One nice Doll. No. 42 One-half doladle's fine Linen Handkerchiefs. No. 41 ! Fifteen yards Best Calico for a pattern. No. 44 Ono Boy's Hat. No. 45 One Boy's Sealskin Cap. No. 4i ( One tine Painted Ornament , No. 47 Onu Toilet Set. No. 48 Ono nice Doll. No. 49 Ono line Doll. No. 50 One elegant Table Cover. No. 51 One Bottle Perfume. No. 52 Ono Lace Handkerchief. No , 5t : One chilli's line Lace Collar , No. 5-1 One elegant Doll. No. 55 Ono elegant Doll. No. 50 One Tidy. No. 57 One Table Scarf. No. 58 One tine Doll. No. 59 Ono Mouth Organ. No. tiO One Imitation Steam Piano. No. ( II Onn line Book. No. OS Ono tine Hook. No. ( W-One Pocket Knife. No. 01 One line Doll. No , ( i5-One fine Doll. No. 00 One Dr. Warner's Corset. No , 07 One Shoulder Shawl. No. ( i8 One infant's Lace Cap. No. 09 One baby Dress. No. 70 One largo Doll. No. 71 Ono Hand Bag. No. 72 One lady's Companion. No. 7i-One : Silk Muffler. No , 74One large Doll. No , 75 Ono line Book. No. 70 Ono line Book. No , 77 Ono Lunch Basket. No. 78- One pair children's Shoes. No. 79One pair boy's Boots. No , 80--One lir.o Lace Collar. No. 8t Onn largo Doll. No. 82 Ono Lady's Jersey Jacket. No 8:5 : Ono pair Gentleman's Sus penders. No , 81- One pair Men's Gloves. No , 85 One pair Boy's ' Skates. No. 8(1- ( Ono nair Girl's Skates. No , 87 Ono pair GirP.s Skate.s. No. 88 Ono line Doll. No , 89 One IhioDoIl. No. 80 One large Doll , No. HI Ono largo Doll. No , 92 Ono Necklace. No , 9 ! ) Ono pair Ciokt Cull' Buttons. No , 9 1 Ono Lbekct. No , 95 Ono nice Breast Pin. No , no One pair Sleeve Buttons , No. 97 Ono Silver Thimble. No , 98 Ono l\\w \ \ Breast Pin. No , 99 One pair Kid Gloves. No , 100 One Lace Handkerchief. Total value of 'presents ' , $800. With every $2 purchase yon receive a ticket , also a ticket for every additional $2 purchase you make , Hold your ticUuts until January 15th , 1887 , when the fortunate numbers will bo announced and Invited to call and re ceive their presoiits. JUv.VEMBER. Von have to pay nothlne extra for your piirclntMCs.N < f guarantee to sell you goods cheaper tllrfn any other house in the west 1 and best stock to select from. MAIL ORDERS. All orders by mail will receive prompt attention , and tickets for the free gift distribution will bo forwarded and enclosed with your purchases , the same as if you were present in person. Thesa distributions will bo made witli every fairness , and you may depend on it that the lucky numbers only will receive their presents , No tickets will bo Issued to the em ployes of our house. Customers only will receive the bene fits. fits.Call and sec the nboro mentioned pres ents now on exhibition in our mammoth store and convince . .yourself. Respectfully , llEXUV ElSF.MAN & CO. , People's Store , Nos , 314 , 310 , 318 and 820 Broadway , Council HlulTs. SPECIAL NOTICE. We beg leave this morning to announce that our advertised ' 'change ' of firm" has occurred , and we are now ready to serve our friends at the old stand , 405 Broadway , In the formation of the new firm we have consolidated with Mr , Ed , Stockert , who thereby becomes a member of the new firm and will be glad to meet his old customers at the above lo cation , ' We will enter into details more fully later on , but it will be the aim of the new firm to save money for all their cus tomers , F , H , ORCUTT , 1 I , M , TREYNOR. ' Council Bluffs Carpet Co. ED , STOCKERT , BUTTERINE BUTTERINE , Wholesale itntl retail. I'amiltos supplied with ten ami twenty nound pack . ages. J. Y. FULLER , 39 Pearl st , , Council Bluffs WESTERN . * * T TS TcrTTr. vk'js ' T Jv' tv- DLLECEfrJF I'tilly ir < ) iilitptl | | Nnrinnl and Coninipivliil . Departim'iitp Tuition DonkH , . Honnl aul : Itoonib lit Kcii'oiniblu HiiH'S. Nlglit School Duringtlio Winter. V77" . S. nPyi-XJIjSOiCr , IFrest. f 3 Far m n < ; hands in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , and ranging from $5.00 to 10.00 per acre. School and state lands in Minnesota on 30 years' tune 5 per ' 'cut interest , hand JJuyers faro free. Information , etc. , given by No. 555 Broadway , Council 131ullV , Iowa , agent IE3. for Frciilriksen ' & Co. , C'.iicago. ' FIRE IHSURHNCE \t\ \ \ \\\e \ \ \ following Companies : German American , of Hew York Plitrntx , * of Hartford. Haitford , * of Hartford , California , of San Francisco. Scottish Union < fc National , of Cdlnb'Jig. Union , of San Francisco. State. * of Dei Molnes. Willlanisburg C/y / ( , of Brooklyn. Those marked with a * Insure also against loss by Wind Storms , Cyclones and Tornadoes. ron SALE IN council , * lll.L'FIS AMI OMAHA. OXEY LOANED ON- GOOD CITV AM ) FARM I'KOIT.UTY AT l OWUST * , * * * . * SPEOIAL NOTIOES. 3STOT1CE. Special lulvcrtltemciite , such ns t.nst , roind 1 o 1,01111 , Kor Silc : , To Kent , VvmiB , lloardlnir , etc. , will 1'oliifcrtucl in this column nt thu low MNU iorihoflm Infur- iimmid rivoc'ciitsl'erl.lnuforonctisubbociwini iiis-ei'tlmi. I.t'iivo iKlvcrllriUim'tit * nt our ullieii No.'i IVul fctrcc't , ncur ilro&dway , Council Ulufls. WAHT3. FOIt 8.\ln-liirliorsliop ! , irnoil l icnsoii for sullliij , " . Aiidrosa H , llt-u ulliuo. , AN'fii ; ) A Koocl ridiliickot'poi' lo inko n lionic. 1 1 11 vo lint ono boy. Aildrc'88 , II. It , lleo OOicc , Counull IMullB. _ W ANTKD 103 lulinrura anil no toniiifitors lo work on tlics Southom KIUIBIIR rallroml In tlio InUlun lurrllory , UU niilos south of Klowii. Kniisas. The tiiro from Knnsns City tn Klunii IB fH..Hj. lly tnklnK receipt or Iho nxeiit nt KIIMMIH City , In tlioiminoof ( J. Plicnllulil , H re- bntoor * " > . .V. will On nllotrod by the coiurnutnr. WUBCS taflpor mouth mid liouril to thu tnum- toraunil $ l.r > 0 pur iluy to Ibo Inliurer-t. Honnl J3.f/J | > or week. Wort will lust two yearn. ( iooil work for winter. For fiirttiorliilorinn- tlon udiliess U. lionllRld , Kiowii , Kitntiiii , Kef- ereiicc , JuktlcoN. Scliurz , Council lllullH. FOlt "SAI.K-Or Hciit 'Btoro building , : Mx 0 , two Btorlos. lot -JSxlfir. , etnblfs , utc. , on pruinlscs in router of buslnosH portion nt linn- cock , In. AiiilrcBB William irjliitler , .Noola , la. FOH HUNT A now two glory frnmo liouto coiitiilnliiK 0 rooms , hull nail oullar iniilor rnllro boiuc , on N. li corner Avcnuo I' mid l.iltlo l.'urtls htroct. Only 7 blocks ironi Do- buny'K opera houso. Call on 91. ! ' . Jtohrur , at iU ilam effect , ( up-stulrs ) , WANTRH A cottaro ( of live or MX roomB. located convenient to IIUSJIII'HH ; f-innli family , no clilldron. Address "Crispy , " Jlfo ollice , WANTKD-A tioy with pony to curry lieu route. OU 8AI < K oid papers for aalu ut tlio llee ofBcii. WANTK1) I'artics IntendiiiK to bo married ro wanted to call at tlie I'rjor'i lice job oHlcoto select tbelr weddliiK curiU. FOUND A bunch of koys. Owner can have by applying to llee ollice. TJIOUNU A Check on Omnliit bunk. Owner X ! c n hnvo gnmo by upjilylng to Jli-o ollico , Council iiluirs. Buy COAL Of G. MAYNE , At ! Hi ! Bt. anil llth nvo.i and M. Gnlla- pIicr'H store , Lower llronihvay. RICE , M. D. . Or otlicr Tumors rcmovi'd without thB knlfeordrawlinrof blood. Or r thirty years practical experience , No. 11 I'eurlBt. . Council llluBa. pr ConBiiluilon free , . SCHURZ , Justice of the Peace Office aver Amciican Exprett- FINE FRENCH - - MILLINERY , 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha. NEW IMPORTED STYLES OPEN. Ladies buying a 85 hat or bonnet , onciar will be paid ; fie , lound ( rip. JOHN v. STO.NK. JACOB BIMS. STONE & SIMS , ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW , Practice in the State and Federal courts KOOIIIK 7 and B Shugarl-lieno COTJ3STOIIBrjTJIflPS . Star Sale Stables and Mule Yaid $ , HKOADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , Opposite JKiiumv Depot. e pp 8- 8S . _ Horses and mules kept constantly on hand , for sale at retail or in car loads. Odors promptly Tilled by contract on short notice. Stock sold on commission. SiiLfTiiii A : Hoi.iir , Proprietors. Telephone Xo. 111. Formerly of Keil Sale Stables , corner 1st. ave and 4th street. MELVIN SMITH & CO. , si'm > Mju.vro McMAHON & GO , Abst acts of Title , Loan and Real Es- tati Broken , No. 235 Main St , ahsfwirl. liooki * In till * futility , " l.-noiint an tin : "dri'/Mulitm Mntruct Jtuolis , " we. n jv ; nun > j 'cHii't'l to J'n r- nluli abstracts and rcHin-ft/'iillii no- licit tin ; jiali-oinif/c.of all HIUAI : tle.xlv- liift comet abxtractH of title to liindH and lots In J'ottnwiittitiiilis count/ ! . SMITH & CO. . , NO , 236 MAIN ST. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS COUNCIL UUJl-TS , TA , rd 1837. Horses and Mules For all purposes , bought and cold , at retail and in lots. Large quantities to select fem ; Severn ! pairs of fine drivers , til ) ' gle or do'lble. MASON WISE , CoiiucU Uluil'ai. THE BEATON FUEL CO V Will supply you with a cleaner and better quality of COAL Than any one in the city. A trial \vill cori viucc you. No fi2S Broadway. Telephone HO. WHOLESALE AND JOBBINQ KCOXTS3ES Of COUNCIL BLUFFS. MUl ICVl.rVllAI , IMI't. KMKX1'A _ DEEHE , WELLS it CO. , Wholesale Agricultural Implements , Buggls ? , Orrlnccs. Kto , Kto. Council ninlTs , lown. KEYSTONE MANUFACTURING CO. MnnufnctiirurRor and DuMcru In Hand and Power Corn Shellers , Anil RKOiioinl linn of firft class iiprluiilttirnt Implement. Nos. ISCI , 1WI , lf i niul .1.VJT ? mith M tn Street , Council lliiifT * , low n. "DAVID IJKADLKY * ox , Mimnf'rH nn.l Jobborn ot Agricultural ImplementsWagons , , Buggies , r rrliurcf. ntid nil klnJ < of r nn Mnolilnrr. liM to lilt South Mnln Street , Counoil Uluffi , _ Ion * . l\\ttl'KT < l. COUNCIL m.Ul-TS CAKI'ET CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades Oil Cloths , Cumin Flxturoi , Upholstery Oo lite. No. 406 Urokilnnr Council muff * IOT > . CIQAliS , TOHACCO. KTC. I'EHEdOY & MOOKE , Wliolomlp .lobbci-x In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco A Pipes , NOB. ZSMnln and 27 1'oirl Sts. Council DlufT IOWR. fOJMMSS/O.V. SNYDEIt & LEAMAN , STOHAOK Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants. 28,24 niul M 1'uiil St. , council Ulntr ? . DitraaiSTS. I1AHLE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , * ' euiiilrlcs. Ktc. NCI. 22 Muln St. , nnil No. 21 I'unrl At. , Council lIliilfH. 1 Itl'ITfi. O. W. 1JUTTS , Wholesale California Fruits a Spscially General Commission. N'o. 51 ! flicmlwny , Cmnu'll lllnlTH. WIKT & DUQUETTE , Wholesale fruits , Confectionery , -AND- COMB1ISSIOM , Nos. 1(1 ( ami 18 IVarl ? t. . Coiiiu-ll llliKTu. HAIIXKSS. KTO. I5ECKMAN , STUO11HEUN & CO. , llnnu'nclurc'rs of Hint \Vliolo-mlu DiulorsIn Leather , Harness , SaddlerEtc. , . No. 625 Mnln St. . Council Illuir.-t , Iowa. /JATH , CAl'3 , ETC. METCALK HKOTIIEIIS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. Xo . 3H niul ! IU nrmulwny , Council Illnffi. KEELINE & KELT , Wholo'nlo Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , Anil Woo.l Stock , Council IlliillV , Iowa. COUNCIL 15LUITS OIL CO. , Wliolopiilo Dcnlers In Illuminating & Imbricating Oil ? Ga ETO. , E3TO. , Ajruiit , Council llnir.i. ! lovra. L.i.Minn 1'iuxa RTC. A. OVEIITON & CO. , Hard Y/ood / , Southern Lumbar , Piling , incUlriileo Mnleriul SircluHI"sWholosnln | Luin- tor ol all KiiiUn. OIIIcu No. m Main at. Council IlhilTd. loiviv AK1) JOHN LINUKIt , WlirilcHfllo imported and Domestic Wines SL Liquors Atfuit for St. fiolllmrd's Herli Illlti < rs. No.U Mai n St. Co u nc II HIiHIs. SniN'KIDKK & 11KOK , Foreign and Domestic Wines aud Lipors , > ( . . Ciiuncll ll'.njf. ' L. KIltSCHT & CO. , Wholesale Liquor Dealers. No. 418 HroiiJwuy , Council UlnlTs. CBESTON HOUSE The only hotel in Council Hlufl'o having © Esoa/p © And all ino 'cm ' improvements , iiir * , 317 and 21'J Main H. MAN MOHN , 1'rop. Reduction in Prices , IN China Glassware Etc. , , , At W. S Homnr & Co's , No. 2 ! ) .Main tit Council IMull'i , BOOK BINDING i-H , .loui'iiali , roimly nn , Itaiilt U'orli ol AH It I ml * a Spec ially Prompt Attention to Mall Orders MOREHOUSE & CO. Hoom 1 Erorcl Ulock , Council Bind ? Standard Papcm Ueod All stylus of bind ing in Maga'/inw ami BLANK BOOKS. HFFKltKNt'BS , C. II. National n ik , M. K. Binlth A Co. , CJti/ctih' Hank. Deere , WulU .V Co. , jivl National Uunk. ( ' . II. Jnnurunc * Co. , 0 Ulcer Al'uney.Uaukers , C.H tiavlUKi JJuuk.