Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1886, Page 6, Image 6
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , DECEMBER 14 , 1880. THE DAILY BEE. COtlNCJlTBLUFFS V TUESDAY MOUNING DEC. II. OFFICE , AO. 12 , PEAHL STREET. Dflircifd Vjfnvrlcr in anypnttot the city at Ifltnty cintsrirwcck. JMV.Tn.Tox , - Mnn.iRcr. r , No. tt. NlUIIT EllITOH NO. 31. MINOIt MKNTION. " N. Y. Plumbing Co. New fall goods at Roller's. Gentlemen's oy tor supper , Broadway church , Thuriday from 0 o clock until 10 p. in. Conic to the soeiablo and oyster supper nt Broadway church Thursday evening and sec how nicely the gentlemen can cook. A goodly number of the music lovers of thrlcityarc plannlngto hear Emma Abbott in Omaha this week. It is too rich a treat and too near home to be allowed to M. L. Wheat , slate master workman of the Knights of Labor , is to give a lecture hero to-morrow evening in the 1C. of L. hall on Pearl street , over the postolllcc. He is said to be a line speaker. Yesterday a drunken fellow giving his name as Frank Monk , was arrested at the transfer for making a beastly show of himself. He was taken to uolfec head- liiarters there to sober up enough to be if-hamcd of himself. There will be a conference of Christian workers at the Y. M. U. A. held this after noon at ! l o'clock. All interested in any phae of Christian work are invited to be present. It is hoped that every pastor in the city will be on hand. The seals for Burbnnk to-night , at Ma- Kjnio hall , are .selling rapidly , and there is the assurance of a full house. Bur bank is immense as a reader and im personator and will give a rich enter tainment for old and young. M. Phelan has been made to give bonds to keep him from turning Mike Nolan and W. S. Kelley into coltf corpses. The threats were very bloodthirsty , and were insnired more from pop than by any determination of a sober brain and malicious heart. The increasing activity in the real estate market is evident from the fact that one man bought a niece of property yesterday morning , ami before noon had found a purchaser for it at an advance. Such an occurrence hau not been recorded here in a long lime. All the Mraws show boom. In the district court yesterday most of the time was taken up in hearing the evi dence in the divorce of Surah Larri on vs. Samuel Larrison. The plaintill' claims that the defendant had become so nddictcd to drink as to neglect his family. The attempt to secure the divorce is be ing strongly contested. Yesterday morning a small cvclone " struck Broadway , and although the" Hurry of wind was very strong for : i few ii minutes , there was no damage. John Limit and Dr Coou were whirled about several timcM and Dr. Cook's coat was blown oil' . It caused quite a commotion while il lasted , and the two gentlemen who wore caught in it had a narrow cscapo from injuries. Substantial abstracts of titles and real estate loans. J. W. & E. L. Squire. No. 101 Pearl street , Council Binds. Notice Opera house barber shop , bath rooms re-opened. Urackctt's "Wonder" store , No. 2C8 Ilroadway , is the place to buy holiday presents. We have a line large line of Christmas novelties that we arc selling cheaper than ever was known , also mulllers. silk handkerchiefs , ladies' and gents' gloves , clothing , fine sealskin caps , etc. JOHN BENO & Co. The Fathers Dodge. There was considerable expectation concerning the meeting of the city council last night , but the expectations were ruthlessly dashed to the giound , as the count : ! ! held no meeting. There was n great crowd of property owners inter ested in the Tenth avenue project , nnd it was hoped that this would bo settled. Then there was Mr. Sweeney , foreman of the Vincent contract , waiting for a chance to demand a final settlement with the city. The mayor , Aldermen Shugart nnd Danforth were the only ones who put 111 an appearance. There bcimr no quorum , adjournment was taken without date. Aldurman Struub put in an appearance for , i fen minutes , but he left before the call to order. Alderman Keller was at his store , and declared that it was an understanding among the alder men that there should be no mueling. The mayor can call a special meeting , uml may do so for this iifternoon , but if not the council will probablv not meet until the regular meeting in January. It looks as if the aldermen are dodging the Tenth avenue and the Indian creek mat ters , and hence there was a howl wont up from ihu lobby. Wall paper , shades , paints , etc. 11. P. Kilos , No. 4(12 ( Broadway. . Five hundred overcoats for boys and children , from $1,00 up. Mirc'Ai.F : Buos. Weather-strips at Chapman's 103Main. Bracket ! has a larger and finer assort ment of books and toys than ever before , Hard and soft coal , best quality , al Fixes , Missouri and Iowa wood. 0. B 1'uiil company , 03'J Broadway. Tele phone 13(1. ( llaril On Free The Milcide in the city jail seems to have had tins ell'ect of badly frightening ofl' free lodgers , who have been applying nightly for a chance to sleep there. The idea of trying to sleep in a place liable to be visited by the gho t of a .suicide seems to till with ( oar the superstitious mind. nnd they even prefer to take their chances on thu street. A colored woman came last night applying for a clianco to sleep in the jail. She was shown to a room up stairs and ono of the boys jo. cosely went up with a pail of water to wash up the blood , as he said. The col ored woman turned : i pretty fair white. nnd no explanations or assurance would prevail , Sno came fortli with a bound , und rushed down stairs , insisting that eho would either bit up all night by thu olbcn lire or stay out in the street. She was finally pacified with a nickel cigar end a chair by the otllco stovo. Variety is the spice of life. At Drnoketrs you will find it. Buy Christmas wares of WS. Homer & Co , No , 23 Main street , and save money by BO doing , To "See Naples und die" may bo verj good , but to own a New Era dot hot washer and live out a natural lifo happj Eoems uioro sensible. L. U. Crafts & Co. are loaning money on all classes of chattel securities at urn ; half their former rates. See them before tccnring your loans. Millinery goods at cost for next 3 ( days. M s. W , J. Scolcs , No' 230 Broad way. TOOK A CHANGE OF VENUE , A Shoemaker Arrested For Being Drank Hangs Himself. A ROW WITH A HACKMAN. The Doings of the City Prttlicrs Ijast Mght A Variety of Council. nttifTri Jottings Personal Himself In Jnll. Yesterday morning some of tlio prison ers in the city jail discovered that one' of their number , a man occupying what 13 known as the stocl cell , was hanging by his neck. They gave the alarm , and the cell was opened and thu man found to be stifi"and cold , death having apparently come to him several hours before , lie had hung himself by means of a rod silk handkerchief , pieced out with a bit of cloth which ho had picked up in the jail. The man proved lo be one arrested Satur day night bv Olllcer Dyer for being drunk , lie gave his name as Joseph Visck , and claimed to be from Marshall- town. Ho had told some of the prisoners that he was a shoemaker by trade , and that he had a family. On his person when nrrcslnd were found several small articles , among them a recvipt for a box of tools .shipped by him over the Chicago & Northwestern railway on Saturday to Marslialltown , and on which he had paid the freight , amounting to 50 cents. Two letters wore also found , one written in Omaha on Metropolitan hotel paper. The man when arrested was loolish rather than ugly drunk. He had boon drinking pure alcohol , and as he took the last there was in the bottle ho threw it down on the sidewalk with such force as not only to break it , but to cause one of the pieces to My into the face of a lady who was passing , causing a slight cut on her cheek. Ills arrest fol lowed at once , and while in jail Saturday night ho expressed a wish that ho had a revolver so that he might kill himself. During Sunday ho kept wall-ing the corridor rider constantly , and declared that he would starve himself to death , Ho ate but little , nnd when his supper was brought to him Sunday night he drank the collee and gave the rest away. He said he had taken his hint meal on earth , but little attention was paid to his talk by the follow prisoner. * , who deemed it but the expression of natural remorse felt on recovering from a de bauch. During the night lie carried out his threat' hanging himself to the bars , his feet being but a few inches from the floor. He had apparently stopped upon the conch , arranged his own knot , and then swung oil' . No noise of a struggle was heard , and the lirst known of it was when his form was discerned hanging there in the dim light of the breaking day , A jury was summoned consisting of A. T. Whittlesey and Oflicers Hcswiek and licndricks. They returned a verdict in accordance with the above facts and the body was placed in charge of the under taker , Mr. Morgan. Yesterday afternoon in response to a telegram sentloMarBhalltown the follow ing reply was received : "Bury Visck. If any cllects send to marshal here. L. K H. Holt , coroner. " It seeming that hib family and friends do not care enough for him to have his body sent home , it will be buried here to-day. Heating stoves at cost to close them out. W. A. Wood , No. r > 0Main street. See that your books are made bv Moore- house iV : Co. , room 1 , Everett block. Weather strips at Chapman's 105 Main. Dr. Hanchett , olHceNo. 12 Pearl street. Residence I'M 1-ourth street. Telephone No. 10. A linn , largo line of the most elegant watches , chains , silver and plated ware , lecorated China and glassware , suitable "or holiday and wcddiuir presents , at C. J. Jacquumiu & Co..s , No. 7 Mum ilreot. Stamping and full varicty.of embroidery ualerials. Mrs. II. P. Nifes , 402 B'dway. Don't buy your new suit or overcoat mtil you look at those at Mctculf Bros * . Mustn't Monkey With Hack-Drivers. The only exciting item on the streets- yesterday was a rumpus between Billy Martin , the hackman , and three passen gers whom he hail hauled from the trans- 'or. According to Martin's story the .lirop men , who were strangershad some lilllculty with him at the transfer , and one of them struck him once. In some way this was patched up , peace restored mil Martin engaged to take the trio up : own. On reaching Broadway , near I'earl street , the three got out , and the same one who had struck Martin at the transfer became again pugilistic , nnd re fusing to pay the fare. A lively light fol lowed which drew a large crowd. Martin is said not to have been satisfied with knocking the noisy ono of tint trio down , but ho kicked him afterwards. The follow was badly punished , his eye being closed , and the Ulood llowing freely from his nose and mouth. The party , including Martin , were taken to the police station and charges lodged against them. Martin was not searched or Joeked up. The three stranirc.Ts gave their names as S. F. Ross , H.V. . Stone and O. C. Roberts. Roberts was the ono who re ceived the pounding and the kicking , anil ho was quite drunk. The others were sober , Apparently. Rob erts claimed to have friends in Rapid City , Dak. , anil being out of cash tele graphed there for funds to help him out of tlio scrape. Ross had about $10 , and the other but a little change. They will probably have a hearing this morning. There was considerable indignant talk among the bystanders at the brutal man ner in which Martin punished his obstrep erous passengers , and there was u nar row escape from other tights following as a result of the discussion. Some witnesses - nesses claim that Martin did not strike until Roberts had struck at him. An elegant line of short wraps , new- markets , etc , , cheap , to close them out , JOHN Hnxo & Co , Now goods and Christmas Novelties at Kirk-laud's , jeweler , No , ! 1 ; 3 Broadway. Mrs , Dr. D. Trnosdoll , a graduate of the Toronto , Canada , Therapeutics insti tute , is prepared to treat all classes of diseases "and demonstrate the curative power of electricity" in accordance with a new and complete system of Electro- Therapeutics , Electro-Magnetism and Static Electricity. Female diseases a specialty. Located at No , 307 Broad way , second lloor. Office hours 0 a. in. to 5 p. m. 1'erhonnl I'oracraphs. William Kintz , who has been in off the roud for a few days , will go out to visit his trade this morning. II. J. Rifenberick , of Denver , arrived in the city yesterday and will this after noon bo united in marriagiUo Miss Lizzie Parks. Judge Loofbonrow and District Attorney noy i'hernoll spend Sunday at tlieii homes , nud resumed theirdnties in court yesterday. Chris. Specht , the "cornice king.1 leaves this evening for the west , and will be absent gome time in the hope oi re his health , which has not beet goo < I for some time. Ho leaves ; his busi ness in charge of competent men , and leaves with the belief that to throw off business cares for awhile is the best medi cine In the world. Elcclrlo door bells , burglar alarms nnd every form of domestic * electrical appli ances at the New York Plumbing Co. Htovcs ! Stoves ! 1'or the next thirty days 1 will soil heating stoves at cost onlv. P. C. DEVOL. The Army Mnko.fl ft Feint. Last c\cning Dohany's hull was packed with those curious to witness the peculiar doings and services of the Sal vation Army. Towards the close of the meeting some little excitement was caused oy the captain suddenly falling over in a dead faint. The audience was quickly dismissed and the j-oung lady re stored to consciousness. To "see Naples and die" may be very good , but to own a Now Era clothes washer and live out a natural life happy seems more sensible. Smitten Death. Yesterday afternoon little Hazel , infant daughter of Theodore and Anna Beckman - man , died very suddenlv. She was aired four months , and up till noon seemed in accustomed health. The funeral will take place Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'cloclc at the family residence No. 5)08 ) Sixth street. "French Cook" direct from Paris will be on exhibition Saturday , 18th instant , at Brackctt's , No. S38 Broadway. A HlRiilllcant Picture. The last page of the Fremont county circuit court bar docket is embellished with an emblematic picture. A big , fat frog is represented silting on n leaf witli his mouth open waiting for a plump iipider that is .suspended by the single thread of his web to fall into il. Brother Reid , the publisher , lias an eye lo the eternal fitness of things. This will bo the v eek for bargains. Our entire line 25 per ct. discount. Cloaks , Cloaks Way down to close out. They must be sold. We distance competition in qual ity of goods anil low prices , IB the verdict of any customer. CARPETS Tliey never ivtts no loir , tint' , citn not so HOSIERY This week look Tor ( litpluy < > CIirMiiiao Xovellies tliat will Interest the l idiesanil C'liildren Call and see our goods before purchasing elsewhere. BARENESS BROS. , rj'ii.'iEOM : ; : net. 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs THE7ATRfCAL WIGS , BEARDS , Grease Paints CTC. The I'lncst Tin orU'd l.lno ot Goods Weil of ClllCHKO. Mrs. C. L. Gillette's Human'Hair Emporium No. 209 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. ISTABUSIED USED IN ALL PAR1SOFTHE WORLD nd Prlcion tppllcttlon. Hold by all the best < * rrUEr Hutldcr * and Uraleri. C1MJ1NNAT1. V. H. A. Aatttit. COO-CIN. Ita causes , and o now and successful CUllKat your own lioino by ono who was deaf twenty eight TCUIP. Tr att < d by mobt of the noted special lets without lienetlt ; cured himself In three moutlie , and once then hundreds of others. Full particulars sent on anpl'entlon. T. H. I'AOK. No. tl WcBtaist St. , New York City. Theuoljr perfect ub tltut * for Mother1 * mllUi InvoIuiEle ID cholera Infantum and Teething. * prdl | ; ted7oo < J for O > - peptlo , Contumetlvee , Convalescents. Perfect cuuioot ID all Wattlns Dlteaee * . RquU * DO cooking. " Our Book. Th * Cara and reeding of Infante , m n4 f P IJ SB. aaoDAUt * CO. , Boetoo. u tm ONE IIDSDHEDJREE GIFTS. to Be Given Away By Henry Eiscrnan tc Oo.'s People's Store. TO THE LUCKY TICKET-HOLDERS Jn < tntuinry t < * > ili , 18H7 , CoiislsllncJof Ku nil in re , Clilnnwnrc , Clothing , lMaiikctHjTabln Iilncn , Notion" , Money , Silk Dress Put- Htc. , 12tc. For ovcry t\\b ; dollar's worth of goods uircliascd , yon will receive a coupon ickct , Rood for otio clianco in the follow- ng Orand Presents to be given away by is on January loth , 1837 : L'lHST I'lUXE-Ono suite of I'urlor I'tirnltnre , consisting of sofa , tcttxi-totc niul tour grand easy chairs , all uphol stered in assorted shades of elegant silk plushes , worth JIM. SKCON1) IMUXK-Uno Mahocony Hod loom Suite , consisting of Hpdstimd , Jrcsscr and Wash Stand of elegant linisli vith beveled glass , worth f 100. Tlilltl ) I'UlXK-One of thu very best six-drawer Nickel Plateil Domestic Sow- ng Machines. 'J'he very best machinu n the United Slates , worth ? G5.00. FOURTH PH1XK - Twenty yards iiilnctt best jrros grain Black Silk , cost f 3,00 per yard , worth * GO.UO. FIFTH PKl/.K-Ono elegant Seal Plush Condon Dyed Cloak , to bn made to order to lit the lucky ticket holder , worth $ < > 0.00. SIXTH I'KIZK-Onopairof the finest A'liltc Blankets made by the I'ionecr Woolen mill , of California , worth * 10.00. SKVENTH riUXK-Ono Beautifully Jecorated Dinner anil Tea Hut , consist- ng of ono hundred and forty pieces , worth $ rrt.OO. EIGHTH PR1XK An Elegant Seal Skin MulV , worth sfM.OO. NINTH P1UXK-A very line Paisley Shnwl , worth $ ( ) : > .QO. TKNTH PRIXK-One Angora Beaver Shawl , worth $ ; i.00. ( ) ELEVENTH PRIXE-Onn ( Jenlloman's suit of Clothing , inailo of Imported Worsted , guaranteed a line fit for the winner , worth $ ! | Ti.OO. TWELFTH PRIXK A Gentleman's Fur Beaver Overcoat , worth $ ; ! 0.00. THIRTEENTH PR IRE -Ono Boy's Jvcreoat , for a boy between the ages of t ! and 10 yearn , to bo chosen by tlie lucky party holding the ticket. Wortli $15,00. FOURTEEN'TH PRIXE Ono Boy's Suit , for a boy between the ages of ! t and 1(1 ( years , to bo selected by tlio winner. Wortli $15.00. FIFTEENTH PRIXK-Ono Elegant In fant's Cloak , worth $10.00. SIXTEENTH PRIXEOne Elegant Brass Parlor Table , worth $10.00. SEVENTEENTH PRIXE-OnopIcco of 50 yards "trull of the Loom" muslin , worth $1.00. EIGHTEENTH PRIXE - Ono half dozen of thovory best Celebrated "Gold" white shirts , of which we arc the exclu sive agents , worth f'.l.OO. NINTEENTH PRIXE-One Fine Silk Muiller , worth $ . ' 5.00. TWENTIETH PRIXEOne Linen Table Sot , consisting of Table Cloth and a Dozen A'apkins worth $10.00. TUENTY-FIKST PRIXE - A Cash Present of a Twenty Dollar Gold Piece. No. 22One Toilet Si-t. Xo. 2' , ! One vi-rj line Doll. Mo. 21One Handkerchief Bov. No. 25 0110 elegant Hand Bag. No. 2(5 ( One large Doll. > . 'o. 27 One Stand Cover. No. 28 Ono bottle line Perfume. No. 20 One Toboggan Cap. No. 30-Onp. Table Scarf. No. 31 One line Splasher. No. :52 : Olio line Lunch Basket. No. ! W One hammered brass Umbrella Stand. No. 31 One-half dox. . line Towels. No. : Ono Silk Umbrella. No. ! 5'j ' One line Doll. No. 37 One set China Dishc * , suitable for little folks. No. 38 One Brass Broom Holder. No. 30 One pair Men's Silk Suspend- No.10 Ono. Silk Handkerchief. No. 41 One nice Doll. No. 42 One-half doladie's fine Linen Handkerchiefs. No. 43 Fifteen yards Best Calico for a dress pattern. No. 44-Ono Boy's Hat. No. 45 One Boy's Sealskin Cap. No. 40 One line Painted Ornament , No. 47 One Toilet Set. No. 48 One nice Doll. No. 4l ! OIIP fine Doll. No. 50 One elegant Table Cover. No. 51 One Bottle Perfume. No. 52 One Lace Handkerchief. No. 53 One child's line Lace Collar. No. 5-1 One elegant Doll. No. 5."i One elegant Doll. No. nil One Tidv. No. 57 One1 Table Scarf. No. 58 One line Doll. No. 50 One Mouth Organ. No. ( -Ono Imitation Steam Piano , No. 01 One line Book. No. CO One line Book. No. 0i-OiK' : Pocket ICnife. No. (51- ( One line Doll. No. -One fine Doll. No. 0(5 ( One Dr. Warner's Corset. No. 07 One Shoulder Shawl. No. 08 One Infants Lace Cap. No. 15 ! ) One baby Dress. No. 70 One largo Doll. No. 71 Ones Hand Bag. No. 72 One lady's Companion. No. 7i-One : Silk Mnlller. No. 74--One large. Doll. No , 75 One line Book. No. 70 One line Book. No. 77 Ono Lunch Basket. No. 78- One pair children's Shoes. No. 70One pair boy's Boots. No. 80One lir.o Lace Collar. No. 81 Ono large Doll. No. 82 Onn Lady's Jersey Jacket. No 83 Ono pair Gentleman's Sus penders , No , 81 One pair Men's Gloves. No. 85 Ono pair Boy's Skates. No. 8(1- ( Ono nair Girl's Skates. No. 87 One pair Girl'.i Skatc.s. line Doll. No. 88--Ono No. 8n Ono HUH Doll. No. 00 Ono large Doll. No. ill Ono largo Doll. No , 03 Ono Necklace. No. 03 Ono ulilr Gold Cull' Buttons. No. 01 Ono Locket. No. 05 Ono nice Breast Pin. No. 0(1 ( Ono pair Sleeve Buttons. No. 07 Ono Silver Thimble , No. 08 Ono line Breast Pin. No. 09 One pair Kid Gloves. No. 100 Ono Lace Handkerchief Total value of presents , $800. With every $ 'i purchase yon receive a ticket , also a ticket for every additional $2 purchase you make. Hold your tickuts until January 15th , 1887 , when the fortunate numbers will bo announced and Invited to call and ro- CC1ve their Yon have to pay nothlntr extra for your purchases. Wo" guarantee to sell you roods cheaper tlhin any other honso in the west 1 and best stock to select from , MAIL ORDERS. All orders by mail will receive prompt attention , and tickets for the free gift distribution will bo forwarded and enclosed with your purchases , the same as if yon were prcsenl in person , Thesa distributions will be made with every fairness , and yon may depend on it that the lucky numbers only will receive their presents. No tickets will bo issued to the em ployes of our house. Customers only will receive the bene fits. fits.Call anil see the above mentioned pres ents now on exhibition in our mammoth store- and convince yourself. Respectfully , HpiKV EISEMAN & Co. , People's Store , Nos. 314 , 310 , 318 and 3-0 Broadway , Council Uluti'd. , SPECIAL NOTICE. We beg leave this morning to announce that our advertised "change of firm" has occurred , and we are now ready to serve our friends at the old stand , 405 Broadway , In the formation of the new firm we have consolidated with'Mr , Ed , Stockert , who thereby becomes a member of the new firm and will be glad to meet his old customers at the above lo cation , ' We will enter into details more fully later on , but it will je the aim of the new firm to save money for all their cus tomers , F , H , ORCUTT , } I. M , TREYNOR , ' Council Bluffs Carpet Co , ED , STOCKERT , BUTTERINE BUTTERINE , Wholesale tuul retail. Fuinilios sniijilietl with ten miil twenty .wuml pack- . Hires. J. Y. FULLER , 39 Pearl st , , Council Bluffs " * > rtilly l'iiiliipil | | | N'nnniil nnd Coniinciviiil . Department * Tuition IliinljH , . Hoard nnd Kooins nl Kcn'unnblu Hiut > Night School Uunnc thu Winter. S. nF- H $ Far m UK Limite in Iowa , Miniirsotii , Kansas , anil raiiRiiif ; from ftf.OO to 10.00 per acre. School anil stain lan'ds in Minnesota on 80 yi-ars' tiino 5 per l'cnt interebt. Land lluyers fine free. Information , etc. , given by 3 3 ' No. 555 Broailway , Council Blun" ; ; , Iowa , a cnt for Frcidriksun & Co. , C'licago. ' TELEPHONE 109 , FIRE INSUBHNCE Iq Irje following Companies : Oilman American , of Ntui York flurnlx , * of Hartford. Hail ford , * of Hartford , California/I , of San Francisco , Scottish Union A National , of Union , of San Francltco , State , " of Des Molnes. Wllllanistjurg C/ty , of Brooklyn. Those marked with a * Insure also against loss by Wind Storms , Cyclones and Tornadoes. FOR SALE IN COU'M'IL > * - Ill.L'FIS ASP OVAIIA. OXEY LOAXED OK coon cirv M AND PAKM PK01TUTV AC LoWP.ST RAIT.S. * * * " * * * * * * * * SPEOIALNOTIOES. Special mlvi'rtlMJiminti" , such ns Lost , To ind Tol-oiin , 1'or Sale , To lU'nt , Vimits , Iloiudliiir , ftcnill Itoiiifcrloil In this column t Iliu lo\v rntootTKNCKNTriPUt MM ! forthollm luser- itmiuid rivoCoiitBl'orliinororonch'jubioiimmt Intuition. J.ciivo advcrllKUiiu'iitH nt our ofllcii No. 1JVul tired , near Jttoadty.iy , Council JIluOs. WANTS. OIC B.UilJ llurborhliop.tri'iid ' IOOHI ion , jrnoil i' Aildio-fl 11 , Ht'o ullloo. TAN"ni : ) X KIIOI ! lioUK'koopm1 lo niKo' 1 ? uliiirgo of a lioinc. llavu lint ono lioy. Address , II. It , Ileo onice , Council JjliilTB. _ _ ANTCD-103 lalioi era nnd 51 tonmfilers to W woikon the Soiithurn Kaneiin railiond in tlio Inilinn toriilory , U inilos soulli ol ICIowu , Knnsas. The tiiro from Knnsm City toKiona IBIH.W. Ity tnkliiK rui-i'lpt or the HKIMII nt U'liiiMisClly , In the naniuof ( ! . PlicnlUild , H ru- bate or l'.fitrill lj ulloiritd by the t'onirautor. WIIRCH taflpor month und board to thu loam- tlerR , and II.M | i r day to Out Inliorers. Iloiird ja/i'J ' iirr wenk. Work will Ind tire ycai-B. tiood woik for intor. Tor fnrtluirinlorinii- llon uddiesa C. Minnllnld , Klotvn , Knntiis. Kef- urencr , Justice N Sclinr ? , Council HlutlH. "SAMJ Or Hunt -Htoro building , SOxBO , FOU stories , lot USxlOA , stnblt'3 , etc. , on picmlscsin rontei1 of buslnusn portion iol Han cock , la. Adilri-ss William II Butler , Nciohi , la. HKXT A now two story franio lioiito FOll B ronm. , hall anil collar under rutlro lioiibc , on N , l corner Avcnun V and l.ittlo Ciiitls Ktrct't. Only 7 lilorkH Irom Do. luiny'h opera hou n. Gallon M. K. Itoliror , at rO. Slum Btcect. ( up-stairs ) . ) A collage ol live or MX rooms. WANTKI convenient to liiiHlni'SBi htnall family , no children. Addreba " Crispy , " Hue olllcc , : > A boy with pony to curry lice WANTin route. Olt BALK Old papers for sale at the lieo ofBcu. - ' intundliiK to bo nmrrled WANTKIi-l'arllf call nt tlio I'ryor'i Jlcu job oRlcoto bultct tbolr uuddliiK cuiUe. A buncli of koys. Onner can Imve POUND by iipplyintr to lice ollico. TJIOUND A Check on Omnlia liunk. Owner JJ can have sumo by upplylutr to Ilcu ollico , Council lllutra. Buy COAL Of G. MATNE , At litli st. uiul llth nvo.i and M. Gitlla- plicr's store , Lower liroaihvuy. RICE , M. D. . , Or other Tumors rcinotfd without the knlfo ordruwlutrof Uinod. Ur r thiur jenre iirncliriil tiperleiicu , No. 11 1'eurlHt. , Council 111 u Ob. | ar Con6ultBiion free. N. SCHUBZ , Justice of the Peace Office over Ameiican Expreti , FIE - FRENCH - MILLINERY , 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha. NEW IMPORTED STYLES OPEN. Ladicsbnying a 5 hat or bonnet , oncfar will Lc paid ; fie , louiul frip. JOHN v. STONH. JACOI ! SIMS. STONE & SIMS , ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW , Practice in thn State anil Federal court * Rooms 7 and 8 Shngart-lieno Star Sale Stables and Mule Hards , HKOADWAY , COUNCIL BMTITS , Ojipotllo Dummy Dcjiut. pa et > _ > Horses and mules kojit conManllv on hand , for sale at retail or in car load.s. Odors promptly filled by contract on short notice. Stock .sold on commission. Snu' A : Hoi.ur , Proprietors. Telephone No. III. Formerly of Keil Salt ) Stables , corner 1st. avu and 4tli .street. fflELVIN SMITH & CO. , < CIOK.STO McMAHON & GO , Abst acts o [ Title , Loan and Real Es- tat3 Broken , No. 236 Maia St , tlir"mostrrlln- Itlc alixti'itrt lidolfn In / / < / known .s tint "J/ij1/r/ ; < _ nlxli < itit nntn : and rcHiH'ct/'nllii - licit the. imtfinitiyaof till Ilioau flenlr- iiill rowct hr.trtietn of title to liiiidn < tiul Iota In 1'ttttnnmttttiuie. con nt i/ , mm mm & co , , NO , 236 MAIN ST. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS COUNCML HUJ1TS , IA , 1B07. Horses and Mules lur al ) purpose * , bought and cold , at retail and in lots , Large quantities to select fiotn Several jialrs of fine drlveri , sin- Cle or do'ible. MASON WISE , Couuclj THE BEATON FUEL CO Will supply you with a cleaner and belter quality of COAL Than any one in the city. A tiial will con < Incc you. NTo 02S Broadway. Telephone 110. WHOLESALE AND JOBBIHO KCOXTSOBS Of COUNCIL BLUFFS. ACtl tCl'l.TUttAh IMI't. K DEERE , WELLS & CO. , Wholojnlo Agricultural Implements , Boggles , s , itc : , Etc. Council nhiUs , low * . K EYSTON E " M ANUF ACTURlTu P MunufncturiTRor ami OcMcm In Hand and Power Corn Shelters , Anil B/rcnoiBl line of nr. t olius Implements Hos. IRGI.IWI , IKttnml J.VJT Pnuth Muln Strut , _ _ _ _ _ Council lliiifTn , Inwu. DAVID HKAULKY A CO. , Mnnur'is ivn.l.lobbinn oC Agricnltnral Implements , Wagons , Buggies , flU.1"1..1"111 : nl1 ktn(1 ( < ° r ' " " > -Mnolilnsrjr. 1100 to 1118 South Mnlo Street , Co u mill Ulilffi , low A. COUNCIL BLUFFS CARPET CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades Oil Cloths , Curtain FUttiroi , Upholstery Oo lite. No. 40i llrondnnjCotm.ll muff * cia.iits , TOIMCCO , KTC. l'ERE(5OY ( & MOORE , Wliolr ilo Jobbers In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco 5 Pipes , Nos. SSMuIn anil 37 l'e il Sis. Council DlulT * _ town. fO.V.M/S.S'/O.V. SNYDER & LEAMAN , STOUAOI : Prnit and Produce Commission Merchants. L-2i4 iiml ttl IVnl St. , I oiincll llliiffo. Ditraatsrs. I1ARLE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , s' BuiKlrli-s. No. M Muln St. , and No. " 1 I'mirl St. . Council O. W. HUTTS , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty General Commission. No. Bl ! niomlwny , Coum-ll WJKT * DUQUETTE , Wholesale Trulls , Confectionery , -AND- COMMISSION , MOP. in niul 18 IVnrlt. . . Council ItlnlTA. JJ.1R.VK.SS. KTC. JJECKMAN , STUOHISEHN & CO. , Mnnii'ni'tnrprs ' of ami Wiol ) nlu DinUira In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. Ko. tCo Muln St. . Council IllulTj , Iowa. Y7.171. " , ( Vira. ETC. METCALF IMOTHEIIS. Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. No . 31 ? nnd nil nmndwny. Council Hlurfs. r n.inn\VAin \ : . KEELINE & FELT , Wliolo < ale Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , Ami WDO.I Stock , Council IthtlTii , lown. UlL.fl. COUNCIL 15LU1-TS OIL CO. , Wholi'fiiio Dcnlen In Illuminating & Lubricating OIU GasoHaa E3TO. , E3TO. F.Tlicodoro.Airoiit , Council Illuirj. loira. I'lhlXQ KTC. A. OVEIITON A : CO. . Hard Y/ood / , Southern Lumber , Piling 4-Bd llriilfc'O Jlnlrrial Sjircliiltlos.Wliolosulo Luu * bor or sU ) KtndH. ( Jilicn No. I'M Mnln at. Council niiilTs. lown. I.lQUUItS. JOHN LINDEH , Wliolcsslu Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors for Si. Gotllmrd'i ) Hurl ) Illlti-ri. Null Muln tft. Council I SCHNEIDER & HECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , iSf. . Council J K. KIRSCI1T & CO. , Wholesale Liquor Dealers. No. 118 llrcmilwiy , Council lllutrs. CRESTON HOUSE The only hotel in Council IilulT Anil all mo'cm improvements. Jin , 21 ? and il ! ) Main kt. MAX MO11N , I'rop. Reduction in Prices , IN China Glassware Etc. , , , AtVS llomor & CoX No a Main st Council lUulli. BOOK IMDING I-M , Joiiriuili , Cuiuily nil" JCiuili WorltufAll UliiiUitSpec Jitlly Prompt Mlentlon to Mail Orders MOREHOUSE & CO. Room 1 Kvcrot Block , Coiindl Itliills Standard Papers Used All styles of binding - ing in Magazines aud -J BLANK BOOKS. 0.1) ) . National flunk , M. K. Bmlth * Co. , CUUc-riB' Dunk. Deem. WulU A Co. , iit National JIuuk , (1 ( li. Iniurnnc * ( A- ,'u r.UauktrtC.U bavmi ; * lluuk.