Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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A Bearish Feeling Prevalent Among the
Crowd in the Wheat Pit ,
Itulc Knlrly Stcnily-A
Store Fnvornlilc Outlook ForCnttle
IIojj Vnlucs the Hnnio nn on
Hatiirilny Qtinlntlons.
Dec. 12. [ Special Telegram to
the Hni : , ] Tlio wlicat mnrkct opcnrd this
nioriilnc at a slight decline. The Chicago
prcwd felt bearish , nnd the whole west
f-eeuicd to share the locllng to n certain ex
tent. The , on tlio other hand , was bull
ish In fontlmcnt , tlmiiKh It was noticed that
thcioeru fewer than usual buying ordeis
from that direction. Cables public and prl-
alc , ueto llrni nnd inillcullvo of n continua
tion of tlio Improvement abroad. Kxport
clparancps from Atlailtle imits for last week
were reported at 'JOi , < i , < XW bushels of wheat
nnd corn. Tight money huru and In tlio
northwest may be held lespouslblo In a lingo
dpereo for tlio weak feeling In this section.
Hanks ate holding borrowers down and an
Incieaslng illflicnlty In obtaining money for
the carrying of gialn Is icpoited. The tic-
lucsslng Influuncn of this Hort of thine Is
HC\crely felt , and to tlio same causu Is at-
tilbutcd the iiiescnt Increase In tlio mo\c-
nicnt of wheat In thu direction of Chicago ,
\vlicro nionuy is niucli clicaper than In Mln-
ncnpolU , Duluthor tin- back country. In tlio
wheat pit tnulc was of a lighter \olnmo than
on any of tlio days of last wock and the ten
dency of prices seemed to be downwaul. Sev
eral times diirltic the morning May touched
KV.fc and once it sold down to SWfftST.'Je.
The 1 o'clock closing was Sj O o.
Kcpoited now business fiom New Vork and
Itidllmoie aggtugattng 10,000 , bushels and
accpiitntiuu as true of tlio btatcmpiit that
: ,00,000 bushels of wheat .sblnppd out Satur
day would appear In to-morrow ctcnlnir't
totals , hoivctl to harden values tompwhat
towaids thopiul of tlio long session. .Some
private cables rccphed late weio
htrongcr. N'oilliwpstein advlcos , bownvcr ,
were that the iccelpts at points of sircumula-
tlon would DC heavy for e\ oral days. At
the end tlio fcclinc was as weak as at this be
ginning nnd jirlcps were } < Ju oir us piuninitPd
with Satindny. Thcio was a good t ratio In
porn , but the market was wlthul iiithur quiet
nnd prlpas , gcnpi\lly hjieaklng , wull main
tained through tlio session. .May at onetime
bold up to 4Jc. : but tlio bulk of tradlnc was at
Wfp. The close at 1 o'clock was lirni at
4'Jii4S ( ; < e. The majority of business In
.1 an nary was nt 'MJfdi'nc. Oats wcru lather
ncti\o In tlio May option. No Important
ciiiingo In prices. Provisions were t'alily
steady ami seemingly quiet , though qulto a
good business was done in the speculative
market. The slight changes that are reported
were in the dlicctlon of cheaper prieos.
Lnrd rpiunlns piautlcally nncliaiiKed , but
pork ami jibs moved down a peg. The close
was linn.
3:20 : p. in. was quiet nnd a shade
easier In the absence of any news or any
actlvu demand. In corn there was llttlo
< lolng , and ) ) i < ivisions were also quiet and
unchanged. Wheat quiet and a shade easier
nt 78'jc for .lauuaiy , 7c ! ) for Kebinaiy ,
' . ! ; < u for Mai ch , b..6 < p for May. Coi n slightly
lower at :50c : lor Januaiy , .1TlMc t'oi Ktsb-
rnary , W4tH Xc for May. Oiits stendv nt
i" > Xe for Jantiarv. : w * C'i"OjJc ( tor Mny. J'ork
lower at for December , 311.1(1 ( tor .Ian-
iiarv. Sll.'JO for Kpbruaiy. J.aril easier al
J-H.07 } , ' lor December , S0.mjif tor .lanunrv ,
SO.'J2J < J tor Febniiiry. The big Minneapolis
miller , C. A. IMllsbtirv , was on 'Change , nnil
although cietlited with selling wheat , talked
very bullish , lie said : "Tlio Hour trade Is
larger and moie pi otltablo than I or years. I
believe Kuiopo would take our wheat just as
lively at 10 cents advance a" at piesent
prices , and judge so fiom the tenor ol my
Cinr A < iolcc. 13. [ Special Telegram tojthe
JlKK , ] CAITM : There seemed to bo a more
favorable outlook for salesmen this morning
on account ot light receipts , and they accoid-
Ingly asked higher piices. Buyers , however ,
were not much disposed to grant any ad
vance. More dcshabln kinds of tidy , fat cat
tle , however , bold much better that Sntuiday ,
though the improvement was hai illy quotable.
The market for held-over extia heavy Christ
mas beeves was slow and weak , nnd some ol
them sold lOc lower than Tnur.sday. Chi 1st
mas cattle , S4.r @ 5)0. ' Shipping stoeis , l.MO
to 1,500 Ibs , SU. ! > 0@4,00 ; V-00 to 1.I55U lbs.S3.CO
( < UOO ; U50 to 1'JOO Ibs , Sj : 25@3. W ) . StocKeis
and feeders , S2.OOiiK5.BO ; cows , bulls and
mixed. : ; bulk , S2.20@J.r ! > 0 ; Texas
cows , S'.00(2r. ( .50 ; steeis , StJ.50@.15..liO.
lloos Tiade was fair at prices about the
hamo as on Hatiuilay on good to pilmo hc.iv >
or closely nssoited ; best medium and light
mlxpd weio neglected nnd did not sell quite
as well as on Saturday. About all tlio desir
able stock was sold out early , but there weic
huge lots ot undesirable medium and com
moil Ictt unsold. Tim wpatlmr Is soil nnd
murky. Alpwfancj heavy sola as hluli as
S-t.5 : ! ( < C MOitli prime packing and shipping
soils nt SUXKiN.'O ; lough and common , St.7.r :
C' ' < : ) . .0 ; lieht soils .sti-ady. Mght light am
jiigs , si.M@,70assoitcd : : ! ; light , ? < Ln. to.
Y < irlf. Dec. 13 MOJKY : On call
active lit CX'JIO ' per cent , cloblng at 13 per cent
STBiti.ixn KxcuA.voi ! Dull , steady :
S4.bOjf tor sixty day bills ; S4.bH / lor demand.
( JoVKiiNMbNTb Government bonds weio
dull but steady.
STOCKS The maiket lenewcd the decline
of Friday anil Saturday and the losses during
the day were much moie general than on any
day of last week. Canada Southern was the
principal feature , recording a drop of over 4
per cent , duo to the fact that many Mop
ordciswoie iiucovcied alter t > oiiie hammer-
Inn by the bears. Among the specialties the
L'HMt featuu'was ' adiop of 10 per cent In
Tenne : > see Coal and lion without any as
signed cause , U of this being lecoveied. The
opening was extremely active and nearly one-
tlilrd of the business ot the onllre day was
transacted In the lirst hour , t'llccs went oil
with n rush In eaily tradlnianit In the lust
twenty minutes declines ranging up to 2K
per cent were iccoided , Canada Southern
nnd Re-ullnirbelni ; Urn principal features , A
Iractlonal tally followed , but before thu end
of an hour the tone was asaln heavy and so
remained until toward 3 o'clock , the general
market losing a fraction , while a few stocks
displayed decided weakness , ' The last hour
was marked by a Koneial recovery , which
ranged up to over 1 per cent , Tim market
Dually closed bteady nt a recovery.
$ rent bonds. . . . 100 ,0. , ib N.V \ mv
New 4's '
I'acllicf.'sof'itt. Oiecon Trail. . . .
-eiitral 1'acillc. . 40 racltlcMail
C.&A 14' . ' " I ) . & U
nreierreu. . . . 1U ) . . I'.O 140
O. V.A U ISO Rock Island 120
II. h. .V-W St. li. AS , F , , . . *
1) ) . &R. U preferred. . . 05' '
Eile 4' ' C.M. , ifcSt , I * . . . ' *
prefenei ! . . 73 ; preferred , . . 118'
Illinois Central , 1S2 St. I' . A-O
1. , 11. &W ill' ' preferred. . .
KaneasitTexas. Texas Pacific. . . 22' '
Lakn Shore Union 1'acilie. . .
UA N W. , SUL. & ! . . 22'3i
Mich. Central. . , . . preferred , . . 3i
Mo. 1'acltlQ \\Vhtern \ Union *
Northern 1'uc. . . U 1 * .
pieferud. . .
. . Dec , 13. Flour Firm and un-
winter ilour. g4.0.'Xg-1.10 ; south ,
em. 83. V 4.00 ; Wisconsin. tS4.0U <
Michigan fcoft Bprlni : wheat S3.50@4.10 ;
Minnesota bakers. S3.UKil4.lU : patents , S4.30
\ 04.00 ; low cradesC I.5@i75 ; rye Hour ,
( iinet at Sa.'Ji(23.&o in ban els. .and 53.003
tL'JQ In strkH.
Wheat Weaker and a\eraKed lower ;
oixjiied , ' ( , ' 0 below Satteiday's close and clospd
hi1 He under Saturdav ; cash , 77 ? c ; January ,
7UJ e ; February , TKe ; May , W&'c.
Corn Quiet and easier : opened shade
tndcr Saturday's close add closed Xc lower ;
ash , ijOVc ! January , 3fi''c ; Febrttary , 37 c ;
May , 42 fMGc : ,
IO ts Sympathised with decline In wheat corn , ran lnp from 'iCi3t. < " lower ; cash ,
- > , ' < ; e ; .lannary , * ' > J < c ; May , : JOl3-lGc.
Jyc Dull at We.
Harley ( inlet at M , (5 ( * Jc.
Timothy .seed rrlme , higher , $ l.9a/l.lO.
ria\-secd-Steady , We.
1'ork OITerliiEsnot larse , demand llmlicd ;
n Ices ruled easier , declined li'xw.'ic , anil
closed at Inside licnrcs ; caoh , Sll.OCKWll.lO ;
Frlmiary , SIL'-H ) ; May , S11.57'f. '
Lard Kasler nlthoneh . no marked deellno
- i Jan-
_ . . . . . . . . . short
clear , SS.MdJ.'U'O ' ; short ribs , „ Si.Si for
Hiitter Creamery , 21W2fiVc ( ; dairy , lM21c.
Cheese Full cream chcddais , ll ceil'Je ;
lats , ll } 6llc ; JOUIIR Americas , 12"t@i:5c : ;
skims sc
Hides Heavy green sailed , fully cured ,
' "iTrfHe1 } : bull hide * . CJ c : drv
haltedll'j@Wc ; dry Hint. 13 ( Hc ; calf
sltlno. 8 < rtloj p ; ileacons , 60c each.
Tallow > io. 1 country , 3 , 'c ; No , 2 ,
JJfc ; cake , 4c.
Shipment * .
Flour.bbh . 16000 in. ( J
Wheat. bit .
Corn , mi . l , ooo UOOO
Oftt.bu . HS.OOO 01,000
Ityc. bit . 4,000 1,000
Hariey.ou. . . . . T.1,000 10,000
New York , Dee. 13. Wheat Receipts ,
'H/.OOO ; exports , ; cash Kd Wo lower ;
Hc ) In clovalor , liKJjttl-v alloat , tXKS'JO c f. o.
X : January closing at ' .Kj'c. )
Corn Lower , closing steady ; receipts ,
f.7,000 ; cxpoits 15,0-JO ; niiciadetltC"ftbHc ;
No. ! ) , 4dc In elovator. 47cdell\crcd ; Xo. 3.
III elevator , 4i > ; jr@4'.1 ' ) > , c alloat ,
f. it. b. ; January clo ini ; at 4b-\c.
Oats ( inlet ; iccelpts , 4'IOUOeMOits : V-00 ;
mixed western , 35aGYc ; ; ; wlilte westein ,
I'otroleutn Firm ; united closed at GUV.
Kijits In fair leanest and tlim ; western ,
Pork-Quiet and firm : mess quoted at
811.00 foi two-jear-old ; ull.SOrvi 12.00 lor one-
hard Moderately active ; westein steam
spot , 8R.4lJl ( rM.45.
Untter ( Julet but film ; western , I'J&'iOc ;
1'lirln cieamery , ! iO.rtilc. ( :
Cheese Steady but quiet ; western liat.llfB
Milwaukee. Dec. 13. Wheat Steady ;
cash , 77c : January , 77c : May , Sl' e.
Corn-Quiet ; No. 2 , JKiJfc.
Oats-Dull ; No. 2 , 25'ffc.
Rye -Lower ; Xo. 1 , .MJJ c.
1'rovlslon.s Steadv : pork , December ,
810.80 ; Jaiiuiiry , 5-11.00.
Cluclnniul , Dec. I'i. Wheat Finn ; N'o.
2 , red , " ( Kai-Oe.
Com Kabier ; No. 2 mixed , 117' ' ' " '
Oats Finn ; Xo. 2 mixed , "f
Rye Stronger ; Xo. 2 ,
I'oikOtilctat 811.50 ,
l.ard Finn at $ ti.0.y ?
Whisky-Firm at Sl.Ki.
Minneapolis , Deo. 13. Wlicut Active
and 'jp lower ; No. 1 haul , cash , "fie ; Jan
uary , 70' < fc ; .May b4c ; N'o. 1 northern ,
cash , 7lc ; Januaiy , 74J c ; May. Me ; Xo. 2
northern , cash , 72c ; Januaiy , 72 , ' c ; May ,
Flour-Finn ; patents , 54.IOJt.4.CO ; bakers ,
Receipts-Wheat , 250.000 bu.
Shipments Wheat , 2H.OOO bu. ; Hour , 27,000
In Stoic Wheat-n10l30 bu. ; St. I'.xul ,
075,000 bu.
St. houlu. Doc. 1" . Wheat Weak ; No.
2 red , cash , VJ/1jfi7c ' ( ! ; Ftibi unry , W } c ; May ,
Corn Kasy ; Xo. 2 mixed , cah , 35 < < j@
: ; fi'fc ' , : Fcbmary , ffi VtfWi c ; May , H'JVc , bid.
Oats About steady ; No. 2 mi.\Pd , cash ,
2SMc ; February.2'Ji cbid ; May , : ilcbld.
Rye EasvatC ) > 4ubld.
Whisky-Si. 18.
Pork Kasy at SI 1.25.
haul Kasy at 35.'JO5.C. !
Butter Dull ; creamery , 24(3270 ( ; daily , 15
Afternoon Hoard Wheat-Steady and prac-
ticallv iiiichaiiKed.
Coin and oats unchanged.
KaiiHnH City , Dec. in. Wheat Weaker ;
No. 3 led. cash , GJj o ; January,08 > .jC bid ;
Mav , 'C'fc bid.
Corn hewer ; N'o. 2 , cash , : ; t'4'c ' bid ; I'eb-
rimrv , n2r > < c ; May , : > iic.
Oats Xominal ; 2fic bid for cash.
Liverpool , Dee. 13. Wheat Firm ; good
demand ; holders olTor nindetately.
Corn Firm and In lair demand.
New Orleans. Dec. 1" . Corn Unsettled
and uencinllv lower ; white and mixed , l > d $
40c ; yellow , 47(5-48c. (
Oats Kasier : choice western
Com meal Fliiuer at 2.15.
Ctilcnuo.&e. . K ; . Tlie Drovci's Jouinal
lenoitsas tnllows. :
Cattle Receipts. 7,000 ; steady ; Chrivt nas ,
S4.yOnl5.50 ; sliippliiKsteers , S'i : ! * ( l.dl-.lock ;
ers and feeders S2.00y.uO : ; : cows , bulls
and mixed. Sl.50@i.l5 : : bulk. S2.20ft2.50 ;
Texas cows , S2.00@2.50 ; Te.Nas steei-s , V2.00c < g
" " '
"H'OSS Receipts , S'.i.OOO ' ; steady ; loiiEh and
mi\eil , S.MI@U5 : ! ; packliiK and t > hippini : ,
SJ.OO@4.JO ; lltfht , jfa.lOiU.lO ; bkip.s , ! y.2
Sheep Receipts "iOOO ; slow ,
natlM's , Si.ri0'if4.25 : ' ; westein , 82.50 :1.50 : ;
s. S2.0fHS3.25 ; lambs. S4.70M5.00.
Clcy , Dec. 13.Cuttle Receipts
1,100hhipmentsnoiics.tiMd ; ; > ; coiiiinon weak
hard to sell ; common to ehoici' S" .2ijl.0 ( ) : ! ;
stockers , s 2.2'ic < 2.75 : teedmi ; steeis W. Ods
: j.4 ( ) ; cows. SI .Wmi'-o.
llou's Rpccljits , 1,000 ; fihipmeiits , 500 ;
stroiiR und acthe ; choice 5c hlu'hci : mciliiim
and commoii , steady ; common to choice ,
St. l iulN , Dw. 18. Cattle Receipts
l.SOO ; Bhlpments.nOJ ; stionuer , 10o < fl5chlplier
on choice smooth trades ; benvos
S4..K ' ) 5.(0 ( ; choice heavy native Meets , 94 H
( )4.05 ) ; talr to iood .shipping steers , S3.5U@
4.25 ; uiilchois' steers , lair to prime , S3.00 r ,
4.1(5 ( ; feeders , fair to good , S2.50 ( Sy.10 ; stock-
ens , fnlr to eood , ? l.Kitti70 ! ) ; .
lions Receipts , 7.000 ; shipments , 400 ;
active , mled lo 20c higher ; choice heavy and
biitchcis' selections , 84.20 ( 4.40packing : , luir
to fancy , SU ! ) " > $ % 4.iS : Yorkers , medium to
prime , Sl.75(2-1.00 : ( ; jilgs , cominon to ( 'ood ,
Slonday , Dec. 13.
The Went.
Tlio cattle market dining thopast week has
been quiet and Inactive dining the greater
part of thu time. Values remained about
steady with last week's quotations A few
corn fed steeis weio sold , but aside fiom thnt
theio was not much t lock dunelng hands.
The hoc market opened at the hcglnninir of
tlio week a little < iulet. About twelve
hundied hous belon lnc to Sheeloy A : Co. ,
the packets who weio burned out , weio
thrown upon thu mitiket and sold. On Tues
day the market closed about r o lower , and on
Wednesday there was n further deellno of 10
< 315c. The buyeis were not al all anxious to
buy on account of the weather beliiKso warm
asto Intel tore with the packing , On Thins-
day the market was active and steady. There
was another dcclinu ot 5c on Friday , hut on
Katmdtty the maiket was &r$10u hicher.
Theie weie a few sheepsolddunnithe ,
but notemmuh to make a maiket ,
The receipts were \ery llRht and the mar
ket steady at former quotations. There was
nothing done aside Irum the sale of a tew
The loceipts were llht { ; to-day and the de
mand K < 'od. The market was active at an
advance ot 10 < 15o over Satuidays prices.
Everything \\uj sold and the puns were
There were no fresh receipts aud theie was
nothing duintj.
Cattle , . r oo
Jlo.'s. , , , . . .2,100
Weekly Kecolpts.
Showing the number of cattle and hogs re
ceived on each day of the past week , and of
hogs on each corresponding day of last year :
ProrAlllnR Prlcop.
Showing the prevailing prices paid for live
stock on this market.
Choice steers. 1350 to 1500 lb S4.00@4.20
Choice steers , liuo to 130J ibs s.M 'n3.Sj
lioodleeders , . 2G5H2.7.'i
( iood to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2,05 2.l-5
r air to met nun crass CONYS 2.Xa.2.M ( ) (
( iood to choice bulls 1.2.VrM.50
liiclit and medium noes ,
iood to choice heavy noes. . . . , . , .
( iood to choice mixed notfs
" 5ood to choice sheep. 2.75M3.30
Falrtoeood sheep 2,21 2.50
Representative Hales ,
Cow s.
Xo. Av. Pr.
21. . . . 1070 S2.SO
N'0. Av. I'r.
8. . . . JX ? : .50 per head.
No. Av. Pr.
3..13W tiOO
N'o. Av. Shk. Pr Xo. Av. Shk. Pr.
80..210 4SOS3.75 fiO..ROO K.O J-3.00
in. , . 22. ! < ao : t. HI r,2.ra : 200 : u >
UO..KU 40 3.S5 57..29.3 120 3.CO
( ! ) . . . .247 1X ) 3.S5 fS..275 200 3.05
151. . .220 100 3.S5 03 . . .20 ! ! 200 3.05
70..221 40 3.S5 f,0 . . . : ! 21 120 3.05
05. . .254 ICO 3.M ) (17..2X5 ( M ) 3.95
02..2S1 100 3..K ) 01..324 flaO 3.t 5
l.V . . . , W4 440 8.K ! ) IH..2S2 200 3.115
57. . . 3M 200 8.1H ) M..2U3 120 Jl.tO
55..2SS 8. < > 0 5S.il4 : ICO 4.00
17..237 tO 3.1O 43 ! ) . . 2M 1120 4.00
52..3S1 120 8.00 58..307 ICO 4.00
lines Mfiiir Ltiiltr.
No. Av. SliK. I'r.
Ml. . . . 151 200 S3.40
No. Av. Snk. Pr. No. Av. .Shk. J'r.
W..I20 bO S3.00 2i7..1 J 120 S3.15
Hniico of lrlcc < < .
Showlnc the hluhcst and lowest prices
paid for loads of IIORSOII this market during
the past seven days and tor the same time
last year :
Nov. Doc. "l Nl . IMVi
7th ; uo Il.Tfi
MM Sunitny . ' ) . TO < & 1.85 a'jj
.nil 3.6' , V.70 ) : uo ; ; > .a : > } t m
10th1 'LSI 011.75HO . '
11th HO J 70
iiitti )
Suiiilny _ _
All silos of stork in this market ere made
pcrcwt. live weitrht unless otherwise stated.
Dead hoes sell at * f < s per Ib. for all weiRhts.
" .Skins , " or lie s weUhliiE less tlnin 10J His.
no value. Pregnant sows 1x10 docked 40 Ibs.
and stags5 > 01b > , by the public Inspector.
C.ittlo qnlct.
lloqs advance.
Heavy hess sold well.
Xo s'lieep market.
K. .Snckct , of Albion , nas in.
Winy A- Hall , Alton , had In a load of cattle.
1) . 1) . Andrus , Mauley , was In looking for
JudcoNewPll , Plattsmouth , was a visitor at
thu yauls.
PhilljiMooie , Vill ca , la. , was In and sold
a load ot c.ittlo.
Mr. II01 inc. of llonno & Waggoner , left
to-day forChlcaito.
P. .1. Files , ot Cedar Uapid , was in and
sold t\\o loads of liotrs.
0. K.Vclch , Papilllon , was heic buyiiif ;
biitRlicrs1 stock lorlilsnmikct.
A. 15. Hull , Cicston , la. , was lieio with a
load ol milch cows and .sprlngcts.
(5. II. Hammond t Co. , leceivednlne lo.\ds
ot cattle bought on other uiatkcts.
A. L. Thomas , Inith thiee loads of
hog.s lor Kuno A Stons Horn Oakdalu.
Capt. Shnoiis , Corninir , In. , \\as in and
sold u load ol hogs and a load of cattle.
James McCirt'iivy. Hanciolt. stopped nt the
yaids on his \\ay lioine liom Dubmiuc , la.
The Slock Kxchangc hotel is very uopular
among stock men since it lias come undcrthe
management of S. It. Jiiigcs.
Liu'ht soft iilgs aio not wanted , and will
not bring the prices quoted for choice light
hogs , Liirht piss aru not light lio-rs.
Wm. W. Loilmcr , John M. Westcrliuld ,
and phas. .S. Malev have opened a commis
sion otlico under the linn nnnu of I.orimcr ,
WesttTlield & Maley.
On the market with boss : Nelson .t Youim ,
Oakland ; Dowliiig.t Puiccll , North Hund- ;
Morse Koceis At Co. , Noith BtMid ; K. C.
.Miller , Kiilleiton ; M..I. Hughes , West Point ;
J. II. ( ilhson , Italian , la. ; Kcno Stoii.s
Oakclale ; K. ' 1'aylor. Mcina ; A. Flint ,
l.itehfield : W. J. Davis , Broken How ; U. F.
Stllluy A" Co. , Western ; J. II. I.andci ? . VII-
lisca ; F. C. Hawks. Cedar lapids ! : Keine , t
.Malonuy. Albion : A. Citiise , O'.N'eil ; Thomas
Ihniis , Central Uity ; I ) . AnderNon , Colum
bus ; Woods vt Co. , Council Hlulls.
General Produce. -
Monday , Dec. 13.
The fallowing /r/e / / ! ? ura jnr roniui lols nf
jrudiiccHssnMoiitlte iiwrhcl to-dnii. Tlie
qi/olnt/oiis / / oil , f mill represent , tuc prices n !
iL-hlch mitkluc 01 tiers me tilled.
The Week The weather hab bcon warm a
greater pait of the past week anil uniavoi-
able for the pioduce iiiaikets. .Moit lines ot
iiiodncp have boon fairly active and prices
have ranged \cry steady. ' ? ; have sold
all til" week at about 2le. Uttttor hub de
clined Iroin 2c to 4c per pound since the he-
{ 'InnlUK of last week , owlnu to tlio heavy re
ceipts and the lii lit tlcmaiid. Poultry has
boon slow sale all the week , and dealeis have
loiind it haul woik to keep stocks cleaied up.
The apiile and potatou maiket has been turn
ing up.
Kjs ( ! The bulk of the o's on the market
aio belli UK at 24e.
Jit rnit : The maiket Is dull and stocks
arcuinulatinir. Packei.s will have to take the
surplus at fair piices to biln about a butter
state ot allaits. Cieamery , 25f3J7c ! ; choice
eoiintry loll , 10@lbc ; uood country toll , 14@
ICc ; lair countiy loll. lO tKc ; common. .Vnik1.
htVK Pout/iitv Theiols u very limited
market for IHe poultry of any kind.
Ciir.r.sK Fulfcieam chodtlais , sinzle , l"o ;
lull I'leam Hats , twins , liip ; yoiini ; American ,
18 e ; fancy Swiss , Ilfjfl5 ; , Impoited ,
i.5c ; Jjlinburcer. 12 > c ; bilek , 13''QMc.
Pol 1.1 tiv The poultrv mailcet is quite
low. It has never recovered tiom Thanks-
Klving ( 'lut , and prospects are that low piices
w ill rule dtirlni ! the ieit of the season. Tur-
kuvs and chickens foi our market .should bo
dry picked , head and feet cut otr , entrails
drawn. Clilckens choice , 0S7c ( : tin keys ,
eliolce , 7asc ( ; ducks and ttcese , choice , 7W811.
CiAMi : Prairie chickens me In jjood'dr-
mand , and sell on arrival at quotations.
< } uail will probably bo lower. Thoio always
is a stiong deiuund for deer , antelope and elk
saddles tor Chilstmas. Pi ah ie chicken , choice
per doS4.00 ; quail , per do$1.50 ; ducks ,
mallaid , per do175 ; ducks , teal , per doz ,
S1.25 ; dupks. mixed , per do51.00 ; ueese ,
per doS3.50 ; deer , snddles , per Ib , 1012c ;
deer , carcasses , per Ib , 780 ; elk saddles per
Ib/iSlOo ; elk. carcasses , pel lb.Gui.7e ; anlelone ,
saddles. i > er Ib , I0j < )12c ) ; antelope , s.
per Ib , 76 < bo ; Jack rabbits , per doS.50g : ! (
4.00smull ; rabbits , per doWe ,
Poi'AioKs There is nothing doing In the
maiket aside lor the sale of small lots ftom
Arriis : Thomaikct Is slioncer. Choien
Missouii stock is quoted at & 2.60 und lancy slock at 53.0D.
ONION'S The maiket lu'nbout bare of home
grown stock , which is quoted at 81.25. Them
are n lew Spanish onions In , nlilch aiu ul- !
inirat 52 , Oo per bush crate ,
HKA.NS Interior stock. 75c@l,00 ; good
clean eountrv , Sl.00ai.2. ( " > ; medium , hand
picked , Sl0ia : ; > 1.40 ; hand picked , navy , S1.40
31.50 ,
PHO VISIONS- Ham , llj c ; breakfast bacon ,
10o : clear side bacon , b ) o ; dry salt sides ,
8c : shoulders , Tc ; dried beef , rcmilar , llo :
diicdbeef , ham pieces , He ; lard , 50 III cans ,
tiK ' , lard , 20 Ib cans , Fairbanks , ! ? ( ; lard ,
10 Ib cans , Faiibanks , 7c ; lard , 5 lli cans ,
Fairbanks , 7'se ; laid , 3Ib cans , Fail banks ,
74P.CKI.EHV The market Is steady. Choice
stock per doz. . 4ito : extra large , per do/,45c ,
Ovsirns Mediums , 25c ; standards , 28c ;
selects , ao ; extra selects , 35c ; N , Y. counts ,
i Messina , per box 5C.50.
OKANOKS Jamaica , per bbl. 510.00 ; Flor
ida per box , $5.50.
CitAxiiKKiiiKs Cape Cod , fancy , per bbl ,
511.00(312.00 ( ; bell and bugle , per bbl , Ss.OO.
UANANAB Theie in no change In the
market. Dananas , yellow , per bunch , S2.00 ®
2.25 ; bananas , jellow , large , pei bunch , S'.7"
Ki.o'tiR AND MiiJ.STUFrj ) Winter wheat
flour , best quallt\ patent , S2.75 ; second qual
ity. $2.40 ; best quality bprliiK wheat
flour , patent , 8-.00 ; bran , 50c per cwt ; chopped
feed , 70o per cwt : whlto corn meal , yOc ;
yellow corn meal , Kc ) per cwt ; screenlni ; , COo
per cwt ; hominy , J2.00 per cwt ; shorts , SVs
percwt ; crabam gl.COjhay , In bales.
C.OO ner tou.
Grocers' r.lst.
riciu.Ks Medium , in bbls , 80.50 : do , In
half bbls , $3.75 ; small , lu bbls , $7.50 ; .do , in
half bbls , SI.25 ; cjhrklns , Inbblj , . ' 58.50 ; do ,
in half bbls. S4.75.
" r No. 70. 4-gallon kffjy , 81.20 ; N'ow
Orleans per cation 3fr ( ! < 40c : maple ; sjrup.
half bbls "old time. " per gallon , 72c 1 eal-
lon cans v cr doz , 810.W ; half gallon cans ,
per do ; , 85.50 ; quart o s , SS. X > .
STAHCII Mirror glass 1 Ib , 54c : mirror
ploss , 3 Ib , 5i > , c : minor glo s oib , CKc ;
Uraves' corn , 1 Ib , Cc ; Kingston's corn. I ID ,
7c ; Klnzsfoul'sL'loss. 1 Ib. 7e : Kinesford's
doss , 6 Ib. 7Kc. Klnsiford's jmrc , 3 Id , 7\'c ;
Kinttsfords bulk , 4c.
Ton Arro Plup , elimax , 42c ; her e < hoe ,
37c ; .Mar. 31V ; spearhead , 7. > c : plperheldslck ,
fflc : gold shield , Ste ; merry war , SJc : J. T.
J , . 3.'C.
ToiiAcro Smoklnc , Durhftm , Is file ; * $ s
54cs. ; . 57e : Us , COc : tneer < iehum , 30c : old
style , 22c ; I1. X. 0. . lw ; spirit cured , 45c.
MATCHES Percaddie , 2Sc ; square
Sl.'O : mule square , 81.20.
CANDY-MlTed.JiC'UPi'o ; stick , 8 i _ . _ .
CitACKr.ns Unrncau'a soda , butter and
picnic , 5'e ' ; creamsbjsc ! BliiKcrsiiapsb ) < c ;
city soda , 7W
SoArs Kirk's ' savon imperial , $2.70 ;
Kirk's satinet. S3.00 ; Kirk's standard , S3.01 ;
Kirk's while Russian , S4.00 ; Kirk's whitecap -
cap , 0.50 ; donip , S3.S. ) ; washboard , S3.10 ;
white cloud , 53.75.
ROPK } i Inch , 0)/c ; 1 Inch , lO cj 'A
Inch , 10J4r.
Dninn Kiii'tT No. 1 quarter apples 4V < ?
fie : In evaporated boxes Il/@l'-pl4'c ; black
berries , boxes. HYfgtPc : peaches , Salt hake ,
18M ) . loigio' ' c : peaches , cvaimratcd , 15J ( r ?
17c : raspberries , now , 20(3Jlc ( ; cunenis ,
" > i&t > } ( v. prunes , new , * K ( < HHv-
SfOAits Powdered , 7c ; cut loaf ,
( " ' ( . iTc ; pranulaled , Gtfe ; confectioners' A
( ifafi'.c ' ( : htundard extra C. t > } ( iijf > * ( < ti extra
C. " > 'f < 3&Ke ; medium jellow , 4 ; < @ ' > c.
CA > NKDiOoiis-Oj > tcrs.standardpcrcase ,
S3.15' 3.25 ; strawberries , 2 Ib. per case. 82.20 ;
laspberrles. 2 Ib , per case , 52.10 ; California
pears , per c.iv , 34.50 : apricots , per C.IM ;
J4.CO ; peaches , PI"- case , 55.23 ; white cher
ries , per caie , SO.OO ; plums per case , $3.05 ,
blueberries per case , S1.M ; e/c plums 2 Ib
per case , 82.50 ; pineapples. 2 Ib , per case
83.20 ( 5.75 ; 1 Ib nmA-erol. per do81.30 ;
1 Ib salmon , per do ? , 51.55(31.00 ( ; 2 Ib goose.
toes , 82.10Q.2.25 ; 2 .VJ. .
CorFii" : < Ordlnarv erndes HfJiU's'e fair ,
I4fr.i'p ; ; priine.Ktfnh'e ( ; clinlec.lVjfftin c ;
laney green and yellow. lCW17c ; old cov-
prmupnt .Java , 20@l.'tV ; Interior .lava , IfiJ. ; ®
20c ; Mocha , W < W4c : Aibiickle's masted
lvi4V ; MrLauehlfn's XXX \ roasted , l e ;
lil\\oi th's. is > ' 4c ; Ki-d CiobS , is4'c.
General MarKcti.
Wool. Medium IHir-Oe per il > ; line heavy ,
light , ICfi lbc ; coarse , 14 ® ICc ; burry
liinis : ( ireen butcher" , G' c ; geccn cured ,
S > c ; dry Hint. 11W1 e : dry salt , WlOc ;
creen catt skins , i'Mll'-Jc ' ; damnccd hides
tuo-thlids price. 'Billow ilifc. ( ! icase
1'rimo white , 3s ; yellow , -c ; brown , IJf
bheen Pelts a" > @ 7fic.
t < ixi : 1'rinie slauchlcr sole leather ,
S''c : primuoak sole li'iithor , J&Xgitec. I'ppei
leather per foot , 20ui25e ; hem , kip. 7Sa&n ( ! ;
oak kip. KkdO-V ; 1'reiich kip , Sl.OOutl.aO ;
hoin , calt , Sl.Ofai.iO ) ( ; o\lc call. Sl.00t.rf 1.23 ;
French call , S1.2. > @l.t < 0 ; Morocco , boot iep ,
JiOraiWc : Moioeco ml pebble. 'J)5gWc ) ( : ; toppings
nudlininpsfiOct'.Wc. '
HP.AVY llAiiDWAitr. iron , r.itn S2.00 ;
cast tools , do. I'Jtol c ; wafiii ) spokes , per set ,
S'J.OOtrt3.r.O . ; hubs' , per set , tl.25 : lelloes
eaucd dry , 81.50 ; lonjriie.s , rai'h , 8'e ; axels.
eacli. 75o : snunio nuts , per Ib. loiile ; cell
chain , pur Ib. O'/fil-Jc ; malleable. Tte'.ie ; iron
wedues , Ce ; ciowb.irs , Tie ; hanow teeth , 4'c ,
spiiii steel , " ( fit'c ' ; HtiidunN horse .shoes ,
SM.50 ; Burden's mule ihoes. ? ) .50. Uatliod
wiie , in car lots Sfl.OO ner 100 Ibs.
Nails rates 10 to rx > , S2.50 ; steel nails , S2.03.
Sliol , Sl , < * > . * > ; hiu'khhot , Sl.tvi ; oriental iiowder ,
ki-frs , .50 ; do. halt kegs -00 ; do. quarter
kuKs , 1. : > 0 : blastlin : ki'i-- . S .33 ; luse , per 10
feet. C5c. LiMil , S10 ' *
N Aiivimins Uaiieis , per gallon : r'uinl- '
tuie. H.xtr.i , S1.10 ; furnUuif , No. 1. ? 1.0ii ;
coach extra , Sl.-IO ; po , ch , No. 1 , S1.20 : D.I.
mar , e.xtr.i , 81.7. ) ; Japan , 70c ; a--jihalliiiii ,
\tra We ; shellac , S3.fX ) ; haid oil tinish ,
Jl. < jO
bi'iniTs Colocrne snirits. 188 proof , 51.17 ;
do 101 pioof , ; spirits , second qu.ilily ,
101 proof. 3U7 : do Ibb pioof. 51.10 Alcohol.
Ibb proor , S.-O per wine Ballon. Kedistllled
whiskies Sl.OO'ul.fio. ClD , blPiuled , Sl. V
2.00 : Kentucky bourbons , S2.Kqfi.OO ( ) ( ; Km-
tncky f % _ 1.1 . . . . and tt. _ Pennsylvania e i.-i _ _ ryes .1 , - _ SJ.005n.50 _ i.ti.i _ . ;
per ca-.o. S10.OOc.aiO.00.
TAINTS iv On. White teail. OnmliaP. I' . ,
"Me ; white lea < l , St. Louis , pine , S7.73 ; Mar-
ielllesKieeti , i tofi Ib cans , 'u ; l-'iencti zinc ,
creen seal , 12u ; French /ine. red seal , lie ;
Trench yinr. in vainiih as'it. Sflc : trench
/.Inc. Tfieennillinn ; , Kncllsli , in oil , 75c ;
led. lOc : rosn pinii. lie ; Venetian red , Cook-
son'.s , 2 ? o ; Venetian led. Aineiican , 1' c ;
red lead , TVc ; eliroino yellow , genuine , 2Uc ;
chronic yellow , K , l'-'c ; ochre , rochelle. ! 3c ;
ochre , French , ii e ; ochie , American ,
1'np ; U'inlpr'b inlnenil. U'jp ; hehlili ; blown ,
2' < c ; Siianhh brown , 2Hc ; I'rlnco's iclneral ,
Jc *
Uuv PAINT'S AV'hlto lead , He : French sine ,
ll-'e ; Tnris whitinir , iiJ.jc ; wliHin , clKlerM ,
"Ji'p ; wliltlnu , coin'l , 140 * ; laiiipblack , Cer-
nuin.stown. 12c ; lampblack , ordinary , c ;
Prussian biiie.Vciiltraiiiarine ; , INaiuiyk ; ; -
brown , be ; umber , bnrnt c ; umber , law , -Jo
sienna , burnt , -Jo ; sienna , raw , 4p ; 1'anc
gieen , cenuine. iop. J'arU Rreen. com
mon , 'J2e ; chiomo creen , X Y. . t0c ! ;
vennllliini Ainerioan. ibc ; inaiau
law and liiirni umber , 1 H ) cans , TJc ; raw and
burnt hlenna , r.'cand.kc : . biown , Hie : 10
linpd lampblack I2c- coach black and Ivoiy
black. IHc ; drop black. ICc ; I'ru-vSian blue ,
40c : iiltrainaiiiip black. 18c ; clirome un'onlj. ,
M. \ , 1) . , Irtc ; blind anil shutter preen. L. . M.
& 1) . , ICc : I ' .iris cropn , ISc ; Indian red , l.lo ;
Venetian ted , Ik1 ; Tuscan , 2c ; Aineiican
vermilllon , I , , it I ) . , 20c ; yellow oclne , ! Jp ; L.
.M. Jc O. 1) ) . , l c ; good ochre , Hip ; iiaten
drver , So ; uralniuc color , lisht oaK , dark oak ,
\\alnut. chestnut anil : isli. I''c. '
DnriiSxi > < Acid , carbolic ,
! > ' > c ; acid , taitarip , .We ; baNam copaiba , jer
H' . 4ic ! : Inik sa-jsafias. per lt > . lOc ; calomel ,
per Ib , Ttie , t'hliiclioniiiia , per otlOc ; chloro-
iorni , per Ib , .We ; Dovei s pow4lcr 1 per Hi ,
Sl.'Aj ; epsoni halts , per ft , : i' < c ; glypeiine ,
piuv , per Ih , BOc ; lead , nt-einie. per Ib. ilc ! ;
oil , pastor , No. 1 , per cr l. , Sl.'i c ; oil castor ,
No. 2 , per Kal , SMO ; oil olive , ner jjal. , SI. 10 ;
oil oriL'amitiiu. fiOc ; opium , SH.20 ; ( iiilnine ,
1' . .t W. and It. AtS , , JMT ot , 70c ; potassium
iodide , jir ) ; Ib , 3'i75j s.tllcin. per 02.JDc ; snl-
nhate inornliine , j > er o/ . S2.)0 ; sulphur , per
Iti-c ) ; strychnine , peru. 51.23.
No.l Com. a. 1. a. 12 , 14 and W tt . S17.50
No. a " 12 , 14 and 10 ft . 14.7.5
No.3 " " 12 , 14 and 10 It . 13.50
" 1' ' . Hand 10 ft. . . 12.00
lljlENMOSh AND TIMiU.II1 * ' .
,1 rt
2x1 16.Wlfl.B01B.50 17.00
lf.tX , ) 10.M ) in so ir.ou if.o'j ' i ' .i .
JIB ui.w 18..VJ 18.50' ' 17.00 18.01) ) SI.UOJI.00
2)tIO ,1650 , ia.w l .5Ull7.UO 1H.OO - " . ' .
2x12 . . . . lfl.0 10.50 li : .5017.0l ' ! KiKi . 23.00
IB.W )
Xo. 1 , 4&6 Inch , 12nnd 14 ft , rough.517.05
Xo. , 4 & Cinch , 12 and 14 ft. , loudi. . . 14.00
iFtcom. , fin'whitp'plno Partition. . . . : .oo
2d " " " " "
, . 27.50
2d Com. ? B' In. Xorvju'y PineCelllniril' ! 14bo !
A 12 inch. 8.1 s. 4i ; 0 9'M.OO
1112 inch " " ! | > 2,1.50
Xo. 1 , com. 12 in , , g..l a. . 10 , 18 AIM U. . . 21.00
Xo. 2. " . - , ' ' . . . JH.,0
N'o. 2 , " ' * 12 A 14 ft 17.00
" " " 10ft 10.0 | )
fill P 1 AT1 '
No. 1. plaln.Sand 1U Incli. , . 817.50
N'o. a , plain.8 and lOMnch 15.50
XX clear. S2.iiOj A standard , 82.50 ; Xo. 1 ,
Posr.s White Cedtir , 0 In , , J s , 12c ; 8 In.
- '
Red Star Line
CariyliifllioBelgium Koyul and Unltod Slult-j
MtUl.mllinucr / tuturilay
Between Antwerp t New York
Salon from I CO to $73. Excursion trip from
1110 to | UX Second Cabin , outvrard , HO ;
pri'imld , 145 ; ejcuralon. IW. Steernra uaeta re
at low rate * . Peter Wrurht b Son * , 0 oera
Aitenti. U liroadwar. Now. Vork.
Ili'ury 1'uudt , l le I'uriiunibUi I'uulsCn fc Co.
lU'b > 'uin.uui tt ; 1) . O I'liii'inun , IXilI'nrn.Mu
Only Line Hunnmj : FHKB 11KCI.INING CHAIll
CAHS. tittnccn
Onntlut , Lincoln , Ktinwti * City and
St. Lou in.
i'flesrngcr Trains will arrlvo at anil It-aro
from the ( C.St. P. , M. & O. ) depot , 16th niul
Webster ftrccM ,
Dlrcit connection miulc In I'nlon Depot , Kan
rut City , for nil points South and West ! In
Union Depot , 81 , Ixmls , for nil points Knst nnJ
PULLMAN m'l'Kr.TSLUKl'lXd OAKS on all
nljcht trains.
for tickets , sleeping car berth * nnd other Infer -
for mil iiti , i iill in 1lil it n ( lit ' . , St. I'M ,
0. n. It. ) ilcpot , loth niul Wutistcr streets , or
Ticket Anrnt. Trnellnjr Pass. Agent ,
ir/.t ! Fitrnnm Street , Omiilui.
\V. H . Nf.WMAK. II , CXTnWNIilMI.
tk-n Tranio MHii'cr ( lent. rumXTlck tt At |
yt. 1.0111 ? .
-OF niK
Ctop.lwauta&St.PaulR'y . . '
to mm id council BLBITS !
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids ,
Clinton , Pubufiuo , Davenport
Kock lBlnntlFrcoport , Kockford ,
Elgin , Madison , Jancsvilte ,
Holoit , Winona , La Crossc ,
Audall other Importiirit points Eatt , Northeail
nud Boutlicust ,
For through tickets call on the Tiolcet Aten
nt HOI Knrnum etroet ( la Pailon Hotoll.or
UnluttPaclUo Depot.
I'ullman hlcoucrs and the Oao t Dining Cnri
In tl.8 world are rju on tbo main lln 8OftliB
nnd Terjr atteiUlon Is ] inld to pnisongors by
oourteoni employes of the oompHny.
R. MII.I.EH , acncral MnunKur.
J. V. TDCKCR , Assistant Oeiiprol Manager.
A V. H. CAHPCNTKH , General Pacsengtr and
Ticket Agent.
Quo. I. HjcArrnnn , Acslatant Qenoral Pan ea
ger and TltRot ARcnt
J. T. CI > AHU , Uoueral Suporliitondent.
, ,
and Jail Work.
1020 I'urnara { slreet , Oaiaba. Ueb.
Council Bluffs
And Chicago.
The only rood to tiili * for Dea Molncs , Mnr-
dhnlltown , fcdar llanld' , Clinton , Dixie. Chlcfi-
RO. Mllwaulteo nnil all points cast. To tne people
ple of Nobrn k . Colorado , Wyoming. Utah ,
IdahoNevada , Oiooron , W'nfhliiRlon and Cn\l- \
foinln , It offers Bupoi lor advantages not roisl-
bio by nny other line.
Amontr a few or the numerous points of in-
perlmlty enjoyed liy tlio pattoit" of 1 his road
between Omiilm nnd Clilonjro , nto Its two tml 3
H day of DAV COACHES which are the finest
thnt humnn art anil Ingenuity cmi create. Its
PALACR BIjRRI'INO CAHS , < vhlch are modrh
of oomfort nnU elefranco Its PAHI/m DltAW.
1NQ nOOM CAHS , iniBurnnsooilhi' nny.nnrttts
wliloly oelohnited PALATIAL DIN'INM CAHS ,
thn cqiml of whtrti cnnnrit be found elge'vlicro.
At Counoil IllnfTe thn t ruins nf the I'nlon Tncl-
fleBv. oo'ineet in Union Dnpot with those of
thn Chicago HoitlnYpatorn Ily. In CiilcnRO
thn trnltis of tills line nmlce close connection
with tbnco of all eii tern lines
For Dntrolt , r'oluniliiis. InillitnapollF , Clncln.
null , KlnKiirx Kallf. Hiiiriiln , I'ltlBbnry. Toronto ,
Montienl. llneton , Now Vork , riilnidelplilH , Hid-
tltnor * , WnshliiKlnn nnil all roInlH In tha enst ,
ask the ticket neent for tlekois via the
If you wish thn ) m t ro'ommndfttlons. All
tlrkct iisnnls Fell tlcKu'.s ' i\n this lino.
ji.nroiHTT. K. i' wir. nv.
Ccncinl Mannppr , fipnl. I'nes'r Afcn
K ° " '
, VM. HAHCOCK. ' 'i , ll.HOI.LKfl ,
Ucnl. Wcbtcm Ant Lllyl'iisk A fit.
Omulin , .Vob.
Artists' Material.
Artists' Mrttorials , I'ionos and Organs ,
1M3 Douvlni Street , Omr.lm.
Agricultural Implements.
Airrlcnltnral InipIcniontH , WnpoiiB
CarrUffi nnilrrrr. \ \ \ \ . Jnno ftrret , bet ccn
and lOlli.Oiunbii.Ni't ,
Apri'lciiltnral Jiniik'inontM ,
\Vaconf.rnrrlitire8 , Iluirclon , Ilc. , VVholcmlf , Omnha.
Wliolernlo Dmlcre In
Agricultural Implements ,
and Ilueelo , 101'JOI , Wi and W7 , Jonei it
Butter and Eggs.
Ilnyera of lintter und Eggfl.
atur "ml I'crktne llouie , lltli aod I.eavea-
cilliSt. , U. P. II. U. Irack.Olimlm.
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
ilecliaiilco' Toolt and HnrTaln Hralei. HW Douvlui tu ,
y Uualia , Nl'b.
Jobhers of Hardware nnd Nulls ,
Tinware , f-hect Iron. Ktc. Auonti for Howe bcalea ,
itnd Miami Tuirder ) u .Omnlm.Nub.
Wholenalo Hardware ,
mfnts for JefTerion Ctccl Nnlli , Auttlo
I'oviderLo , K lrb nk ftnndard Srnkt. Curour
10th and llnrncy , 4)matm.
Iron Worts.
Iron Works ,
Wournt nnd Tntt Iron Ilulldlng Work , Iron Ftnlri ,
Ilkllliii : , Bc'snii and 4jlrd ri , hioam lin lncs. Ilruri
Work , ( .intrul Kuan < itj , ilkclilne mid Illucknuilili
Woir. OCic mil Work * , tl.r. Hr.ondlTtli .lieei.
Butchers' Tools.
Hntchcrs' ' Tools anil Supplies ,
t/u / Catln tif nil klndi Klwaji la ttock. J2U
Boots and Shoes.
MnurKCttir r nni1 Wbotftsl * DoAltri In
Hoofs nml Shoes ,
Complete ; Mof ti of Uubbtr ( loo.ln nlwati on li Bd
Hi } S. 18tU I..Omi > mi , M b.A.V. . Aiiilln.
ir. r. MOHSK r co.
JobliPM of Hoots niul Sliop ? .
llll Vtrhniu it , Om h , N b. XUnufncloiy , Bummer
x. T. LixsK r area
Knblmr Hootn and Slides.
Ilutner * nillleilClolhliiB ) unit Kelt Hoots , DOS. Uth
ot .
. for Anhcnser-Hush Hrnwhiff Ass'n
SptHil Hritndi. Knutn d l er m
Ucor llrowers ,
Kilt North l lh Slrcol. Um h , Nth.
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
Omnha CofTpo nnd Splco .Mills.
T .Coffees , SBCC | . llaHni ; Vowdcr. IlnTorlnB
trftcti , Ijiunory Illuc. Ink , Ktc. llll 1C llnrntj
jirrtt.Onubi , Nb.
Homo. Cofl'eo aiul Sptcn Millw M'f'ir To.
L'ciroonon.trri nrt Fplcc OrlnJi" " . Mniiaflcuurrn
( if Hiking Powder , t Invurlng Ktlrndu , Uliilnc. Kin.
Trriinprnn > of uar IA ptckiicftllomeulciid Itunitcd
Ooffoe. Itvw ilowanl ft. , Omithit , Nob.
John Knciietcr , Prop.
Uitntifnetnrcr nf ( Inlvsnlicil Iron nnd Oornlrr. M
llnrlo i. . < t iqTunil 105 .N. 101 b ! . . Cm h .Ncti.
WAnufdCtiircrn ot
Oriuuiiontnl Galvniiizod Cornipos ,
Dnrnirr Wlndunr , rina1n.l1etn1li kllilitctc. : 510 S.
IStU > ! . . Onmliu.
C. Spcclit , 1'rop.
flnlrnnltcil Iron rornlcm. etc. 8iipii' lmrroTrd J'nt-
enl Mrtallc Skylight. 'W nnd till ) S. 12th M .Oinnlm.
Jobbers of
Cnvjicts , Curtains , Oil Clotlis , TUngs ,
l.lnoleunis , H ttlnt ( , Ktc. IMI Donclai ntrrrt.
.VT I. < 7liCJTAJt lT
Wholpsnlp. Ciu-pets , Oil Cloths ,
, Curtain lined , Kto. Ill } 1'ninnm ttroct.
( > m ha. Nob.
Crockery and Notions.
Agent for the Manufacture ! B nlnl Importers ol
Crockcrj * , Glassware ,
Clilinnujf , etc. Olflcc , 31 , South 1'itli at.
Umubn. Nob. _ _
Commission and Storage.
" '
J ) . A. UUJlLK\'t
Commission and .Jobbing.
Duller , ntcMind I'rculuce. CoiitlEi.tncnu follcltrd.
IlrailqiinitPra fnr Mnnrtraro , Hurry Uoxn nrt
( ir.ipo JlMi-krlB. I'll '
Commission Merchants.
rrult" , rrortnco nd ProTlslrr.s. Oninlui. Nf h.
Storage niul Commission Mercliant.
Bvicrliiltlo" llnltcr. KBIT * , rhroso. Poultry. CntDO ,
lljulrrr , IUi % , Ktc lUhoulli lull nluct.
tisMA if IP < To
Produce Commission Morcliants ,
I'oullr ) , Uuttcr , Cnine. I'min. etc. 2A1 B. lltbft.
UiinihR , Neb ,
General Commission JlerdiantH ,
Anil Johliprsof Piuclun nnil Doincntlc Fruit * . Corre-
unlli llpil. Wnri'lunino HIK ! cilrun. 110 N.
ulh t , Oinnlu , Nrh. 1 rlvphoti * ' V ? < " ' .
J' . IIOCCO .C CO. ,
mporteri * and wbolo nle dealers In
Italian Produce ,
rorc'i'nrniup ' ) tlcaiid California KrulM nnd Coinmli *
lion Uerchinti. 104S.lUI t. Only cxcluilTe
( rnlthouio In Omaha.
Coal antf Lime.
J' . JUfLJSSTOJW tfCO. . ,
Dealers In
Hard and Soft Coal ,
Office nnil yard , ir.lh and Nlcholan i > lt. , Orrnt.R , Neb.
Vnrc' Tt'lcnlionc. 17.
O o. . I'res. C. F. OoonMAN , r. Proi.
J. A. M'.iDUllLAXl ) , Scc.nndTrc i.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
* .TOSonth Thirteenth Street , Oraahn , Neb.
' '
, r. , r. , jon sox 'col
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime.
And fhlppern of Coal nnil Cokp. Cement , 1'lBftcr.
IJinc. llulr. Mro lirli L , llriiln. Tlio anil Si'ner I'lpn.
( ) ! ! 1C. P ax ton Hotel. IMrnnm M. , omilm. Neb.
J'J \ FAT < 0 CO. ,
jriiiiufiidiiriiig1 Confectioners ,
Jobbcu of r.uUt.NlUB und Ciirtiip. 1211 riiiuum St.
Live Stock Commission.
M , iiniKE ,0 soys ,
Live Stock Commission.
fleo. Ilnrlif , ManflKer
Uclon Sloclt Vardo , H. Dianlin. Telephone
fiA VAGK cl ; GREEK ,
Live Stock Commission Merchant ? ,
Shipment ! of any nnd nil kind * of Stock mllclli'J.
Union pti/ck Yardn , Oiuuhn , Nrb.
Cigars and Tobacco.
MAX METEIt 'f ; CO. ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
Guns find Ammunition , 21ft to 223 fi. lllh it. , 1030 to
1011 rnrniim t.OiunliH.NeU.
Manufacturers of Kinc
And WliolCnl" Dmli'ri In I.enf'I'obiirroc , Non. IDS
nil HON. Utb etrert , Oaiuliu.
Wliolostlo Donlora In
Cigars , Tobaccos , I'ipos ami Smokers'
ArtipJoH ,
AKftll for I ) . I.cMors lorf Si Co. , Fine-Cut anil Siuok *
InnTobnccos , Mlliraukeo , Wlicuntln. No.JU
NorchSlitooQtli Htr et , Omilia , Neb.
Dry Goods.
M. E. fiMJTIf .0 CO , ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing : Goods & Notions
1102 nd 11M Dounliv , cor. llth HI. , Omnhn , .Nrb.
Dlitlliersofl.liiuoit.Alrohclandriplrlli. Impurteri
and Jobbers ot Wlnr and l.lquor * .
WJLLO ' SPltlMifi DIKT1LLE' 1'
CO. find ILEJt t ) CO. ,
Importer * and Jobber ! of Kino Wine * and I.lqiion.
tJolom nur eiiirerior Krnnedy'ii Kan India lilt-
terimidlloinvi'loMquori. 111' . ' Ilirney St ,
Drugs , Paints , Etc.
Drug , Paint , Oil & Glass House
Wetlof Ctilcueo , rumnlcte Line nf DructlHu Bun-
driee. llll llFirnny H.Omnha ,
Drain Tile , Etc ,
A. H.HAI zn.Prcr. l.W li.
U. J.CAliPnN. Yl'rei. ndttupt.
TlfE UX10 .V / / 'l > ItA ULIC
Office 213 8. 14th it. . Omaha , Neb. Machinery nnd
Supplies for Mamifnclurliiit Cement Drain 'J llo.
Wholesale Dcalei s in Furniture.
r'nrnan. it. , Ouiaba. Neb.
Furniture , Itodtling , Uiiludstpry ,
Ulrrorf.ctf. 106 , 1308 ur.d 1210 Kurnnia ! . , Ou.iUu.
Gtoctr'its , * '
Wholesale Groceries nnil Provision ?
N < TIB.07,7 nd7ll ! . 10th 5t , Omalin. N * > . L
jtcco RD , iiRADYit co7t
Wholesale Grocer * ,
IVh Anil I.tirenirnrtli t . , Ora lil.
Hardware ,
: , / .
Heavy Hardware , Iron nnd Sled ,
rlDgi , W.icon Slock , llanl nr Immbtr , rie. IJOD
anil 1211 Ilirnpy nl , Omnlm.
ETE r GI ox ,
Wholesale Iron nnd Steel ,
W con onrt C rrla e < WooJ Stock , Henry Itu
Kic. ir iuU3lj l.riiTfnwotthit. . Omabw , Nch.
llfi . > .SO.V.V ,
Rntifcc.4 , Kuriincps , Tiles ,
Muntlti , Untei. lliaii ( loodi. 1TJI ud 13ii
LO ns mi A n poitn ,
Dealer In Lumber , hath , Lime , Hnsh ,
Doort , Ktc. TtnU CornerTth Hotnlnst t' < 'tner '
Wholesale Litmher ,
HIS. t4thMreetUmihaKib. r.OotpBtier. Mnntiiter.
AVholcsalo .Jowolcrs nml Music Dealers1 ,
Dfnlorn In Hllri'rnnro. ninmnmU , W lchr . Clock * ,
Jenelrr'Tooln iul MMnrl l . me. IJI nnil 10J 1Mb
> tcur. l > Uii , ( Himlm , Noh.
C. N.
l..lh nnil California ytrirU. Omaha. Nf b.
FRED U' . GRA } ' ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. . Etc.
Cor.rth nnil i > ougln ! > . , Onin'.in. .No' ) .
To Healers Only.
Ofllro , 1403 Fnrnnru sl'Cpl.OniRbn.
CHAfl. It. LEE ,
Hardwood LnnihcV ,
TVooil Cnrr l nnil rnrmn't rlciorlnic > Vlh anil Ilcujin *
Wholesale Liuuher , lite. u
Impnrtril unit American 1'orllniul return * . Slut *
Aient lortlllniiikeo llT.liuullc CcuienlKuil Ueit
yiilncy WliltcMiiic.
Lire Stock.
Of Omaha.
il. John F. Boyd , 3'iporlnter.dent.
Millinery and Notions.
* nnd Jobber * nf
Millinery anil Notiotm ,
1 nml UIMInrney J-t.ei't.Otnahn , .Veh.
notions ,
"c. S. GOOlJtICII < 0 CO. ,
Arettiponly Dlit'cl Inipniteriuf
Gorman & French Toys & Fancy ( Joods
In.Nelirntkn. ( "lilcntci iirlconiluiillciiled without nilcl.
IIIK Iieight. Ml' , I'MIIIHII ] viu > i'tiiinliii.
\VlinIcp jlo I > cn1oM In
Notions and Furnishing fioods ,
l nnil 40 > H. 'IVnlh l . Omiihii.
V1XYARI ) ( ' HCHXElDEIt , A "
Jobber In
Notions , Hosiery and ( tents' Furnishintr 1
( ioodrf.
nil IffW Fnrn m t. . Onialin * 0b. | \
1 * I I Tfc
Paper Boxes
, F. L. W ILK IE ,
Mannfnetnrpr of I'ajier fioxes.
W .HtliHI.m'ihnNoliriisl.i. ( ) ' Onlen by mille * .
llLlteil und TllI receive prompt iittentlun.
' *
SFaniifacturcr.s of Overalls
Jcnnn Pants , . lilrt , Ktc. IKK nnd 1101 DoiiflJ" Street ,
Oiii.ihn , Ni'l. .
.loh rrinters , Hlank Hook Mukors.
And Ilouk ninilem. HVI nnil UH Snath I'uurlcunUi
Ktieet. Omalia. Neli.
Auxiliary I'nhlisliors.
Denlern In'J'yiio. I'riMx.t nnil 1'rintfrs'suppllei1. tfft
! -i > iiili Twljih ' tieet.
Pickles , Vinegar , Etc.
ED U'JN MO Jill IN < P T'O. ,
Manuractiircie , I'acken iind lirulers In
Pieklcp As Strict ly 1'nro Apple Vinefjar
llukl'iff I'OTTtliT , I'lnvorliii ; K&tricm , 'J'ablo Kmne.
. ' . .
hiilUMKonu lor York f-lito : Mind llcflned Ai | | > lu CI-
UIT. ! > > I I'HVi'nn'jrlli nt. , Dinah i.
Safes , Etc.
r. no YE it r co. ,
Ajjonts for Hall's Snfo & Lot-k ( Jo.s'
Kite itnil Bura'ar Proof BifJ . Tlnm l.i > ck , Vanlta
mxUull Worn. 1U3) ) riir.iua itifi-t Oiimlin , Net.
Omaha Safe Work .
llaoufarliircriol Klrumiil lliirclurPriiufRaret , Vault
lour > , Jail Wnrk.Miutifr * niul Wlro Work. Cur.
HthKlnl JaL-kion Hl , OiuSlin , Ndb.
Sasli , Doors , Etc.
r. i
Wuolctalo Mnniirmturi'tint
Sash , Doors , Hlinds and Slonldin g ,
llmncli uAlct',12111 mid hnnl nit , ( lniuh , Koli.
U. J' ' ' . LVMAN ,
, Door , lillmK 31oitldiiifs ( ,
BulMlnir IMniir , ete. 1001 Houlti ThlrtcBiilli Hireet ,
Omulm.Sub. A rniiii'leln i.tock of llullilei * '
llanlKiirt ,
Manufacturers , of Sasli , Doors , Blinds ,
Moulil'nKK.StnlrWnrkund ' Intcrlur Haul Wmul I'lnlih
J unopened. K. K lot , Stli mill J.uuvunnuilliHU.
OniabM , > P ! )
Wholesale. I'IIIIIIIH , 1'ipe , Fittings ,
f tea mil Del \Vatrr Supplle * Hua'liunrltTi ' li r > liit
rujftCo'a IJuifln , Jill luriiam | . ,1)111.1)14. ) Net ) .
. L. HTJtANG CO. ,
, Pipes and Kiifrinps ,
Btoarn , Water , Hallway ami Mllllru Supi > ll4 > . KIO ,
\IX \ > , VH UrnKin t.,4 > iuali i , Neb , _
C/r.V / , " U'JXliTlXrilNE nnd PUMP
Hnll.idiiy Wind Mllltt pieam amiVHcr Suppllei ,
J'luiulnnu ( iocJ , llullln . llo.e , VI * anU : ru iu | .
nauml. , Oninlui H 1C. Fellnii ,
' 1 Httpbonu Nu. ' 'Ill
Wliolesulu '
Mlllnnl lintel HIiKt.Orauln.
Wagons and Carriages.
The LeudhujUuiTlatrei Factory ,
( KM Alll.ll > > ! > II 1 > ) I
and 1411 DoJue utreet ,
Building Material.
Dealer In All Kluiiiof
UitililiiiRr Material at Wholesale.
. I8tli Htrtetund Illilun I'aflCo Trjjjlr/Oiiialia.