Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1886, Page 2, Image 2
T. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , DECEMBER 14. 1880 : Citizens of an Iowa Town Cause a De praved Couple's Arrest. A YOUTH'S MYSTERIOUS DEATH. HIP Arrest of llninljiii-s'fl Defaulter ninmoml Hotl > rry nt Ilavctf liort Pntnl AITrny In l ! c Conn I y town News , An Urnnvory Couple -tailed. Dm MoiNK" , In. . DPR. 13. [ Special Tr-lc- Kt-nm to tlio HKI : . ] The rjulot Quaker village of Iji'Craml , Marshall county , Is very much exercised ov cry tlio dcirn\lty | of n man and woiimn , named Terry Morrison and Maud Jtoborts. * Saturday nleht they were arrested , lie for Adultery , slio for bigamy. It Is charged Hint last Srptuirrbor Morrison brought the lioborti woman from Illinois nnd Installed her ns his wife , omitting the rcirmonlos that ustiallv pro- ciMtc such relationships. AJonlsoti a wllo illeil nbonta joarngo. anil as slits was a KI cat favorite , tlm pcoplo Indignantly resent the new piocccdlni ; . It Is understood tlio Jtolieits uonmii has a liuslmnd llvlni : In Il linois , The. people of Letiraml are mostly OuaUcis nnil tln-y could not .stand such opun uoJiHiicoof vhtiie , mid Uifluirinicoii | Io wuro nil us ted. 'i liny loilued lust nU'lit in the Mar- Hlialllnwn , but were released on Lull tu-diiy. Hlottx City's Snlonit Klr > lit. Sioux Cnv.U. , Dec. in. Ibpectnl Tclu- plain to tlio llni : , ] A largo lot nf abatement l > apuifl were Issued to-day by tlio eleik of tlio court and placed In tlio hands of tlm shoriir .tor execution. A numborof paitios agnlngt whom proceeding" ) wuio Instituted have already cone out of business. Some of tlio Jiror rlntor8 of buildings occupied by tlio sa- loonlsli against who'ir the abatement orders were rccerilly Issued ulTor to ulvo bond that they would no rtfJJcer allow tlio sanio to bo used for saloon nuipuse1 ! Hie probabilities nro that applications In Hit ? proper form will be presented to. Indjrn Lewis tlm latter mrt of the wrck , at which tlmo otlior Injunctions will bo askrd and contempt proceedings com menced. llniiilitirjr'H Defaulter ArrrMcd. Xr.w YUUK , Dee , 13. ( Jeortjo Urown , as sistant postm.ister of Hamburg , In.wasto-day nrr.tljjned before United States Commls- uloner Shield * , charged with roobing the malls. Hrnwn , when arrested , rn.itlo a con fession. He left Hamburg In April last and Im.s tia\eled nc.irly around the globe. Hu was followed by ck'trctivos and this morning lie was aircsted at the offices of tlio shipping commissioners. Ho left Liverpool u shoit tlmenconnd shlppi'd SIB a roinmon sailor under tlic nnrnu ot J.irkson I'erbnsli. Utow n was turned o\er to United States Marshal Hernlmid , who .stalled west with him this Two Dead Hodles found. Cr.nAii ItAPins la. , Dec. 13. | S eclal Telegram e-gram to the HKI .1 IjjciirKiis W. Pearson , n well-to-do f tumor ot Sprlngvilc , was found hanging In his barn jesterday. lie was thirty-live years old and bus a tamlly. Mo. cati o Is assigned. The body of an Infant was f jund on the Ice hcio by boys skating. Xo parent.ijjo has been dlseo\eicd. The First 1'icsbjteilan church was rc-tlcdl- catedyciteiday , A Bank Cnsliier'H Defalcation , CniCAOo , Dee. W. It is icported to-nlcht that the savings bank at Charles City , In. , lias supcnded payment. It Is understood that a defalcation of S'JO.OW ) on the part of Cashier Itoselno has been disco veied. It Is stated that Koseinu Is now In Europe , whuro Iio went some months ago. According to In formation received the olllccrs of tlio bank ussmcd the deposllois tliat their claims would 3 Iio settled in full. Switched tlio Itoail , Dunup.ur. la. , Deci 13. [ Special Tolcgiam to the Uhi : . ] Tlio headquarters of tlio lu- bmino A ; Keoluik railway of this city were to-day transfcncd to Mr. SticKncy , president of the Minnesota iV : Northwestern niihvay. The foimcr reid connects with the latter nt Sunnier and runs west to Hampton. In Frank lin county. Dnbiuini ) iiHToliaiitu nm highly pleased with the change , as it opens up to iliom a now territory. Patnl Shooting "t Dciunnrk. 1'our MADISO.V , Iti. , Dee. in. [ Special Telegram to the liin. : ] .Last evening at Denmark , Lea county. Jt. ) Slont .shot and killed a colored man by the name of Monroe. It Is understood that n < | imrrol arose and the doctor tiled in suit-defense. SnoceHsfnl Dininoiul llobbcry. DAVINI'OIT : : , la. , Dec. 1" . [ Special Tel egram to the llii.J : At 0:30 : this evening two men went Into the ring factory of J. 0. Tllton , and , engaging him In conversation , throw red popper In his ovea and ran with Savj woith of diamonds , llo followed them to the door and tired at them , but they es caped. _ A Mysterious Killing. DnnMoiNRs , ! . , Dec. lil. [ Special Tele gram to the Dr.ic. | Heniy lilood , thoHlxteen- ycar-old son of L. Jilood , ot Laglo Grove , wab found dead In ; i Held a lew miles from Hcnwlck this morn Inc. Ho had not been seen since Saimd.iy and .seaich was made early tills morning. A pistol shot In the forehead and a revolver near by are the only cleu.s so tar to his death. A Rimy Nonspupor Sinn , Di'nwjui : , la. , Dee. II ) . [ Special Telegram to the HKK.J Hon. Mike Mlllcr.deputy rev enue collector of thin district , was In town to-day and tendeied his resignation to Col lector Webster. The ic.ison ho alleges Ih that ho Is about to htart u deniocnitic d.illy nt Sioux City , nnd bolnc already the publislier nf a democnitlu paper at Cm toll , will not Inuo tlmu for the additional olllce. Knockoil OlVn KNn , Ncli. , Dee. ii : , [ Special Tolo- gnim to the DKK.J J. A. , a ioinig man \vlio works In the matcilal jaul ot tlm D. & M. railway of this plueo , was Knocked on * a bridge by the trarklaylng train on the AVahoo line this monlng , bie.iklng liH light leg. Ho fell about eighteen feet. unit Iowa Weather. Kor Nebraska nnd Iowa : Fair weather ; nearly etntloinuy lempcratuio. Ovci * iho Itutinlllon. NJCW YOIIK Dee , ll ! [ Special Telegnun to the llri : . ] ( iencral Dindy of star route tame , : ind M.ijur Uiiiljiufoul , formeily on the htutTtif Stonewall ilaclvsonhadau ] > i > < onal n retiel. " ' 1 he major replied that the general was a MielsiT anil thu llo was Liven by tliu Kenpial. The vvoidi weioi-cancly out or his month when thu's list sliot out Mralcht ftom the shoulder. Tlm two men clinched and weio btinnini ; to pummel each other when they were separatea by tlui porter and mutual fi lends l-1nU Ilolr lo a Fortune. DiTitoir , Dec. 13.-MUS belt llolstk' , liv ing with her patents In destltnto circum stances 111 this city , todav received word linma huv film In Noiwlcli , ICn land , ( hut j.ho litul fivllon heir to . ' < 0lxu , hair of thu futiiinoli'it by au uncle , who recently died lu Australia. A IjucUy Durullniont. CANTON , Dak , , Dee. it ) . A Milvraukeo ' passcriKCt train , northbound , struck a broken rail live miles below llawardon at inorninfr. 'ihu coactj vv as ditched and. tadly sliattereil. Konu of thu uassenncja tirerHoiir.l ) Injureii. J ulry SlnrUct , Dec , li' ThO Inter Ocean1 * KlKirr UII. ) . | H.'Ll4l says : Uuttor advanced 'i rents to-day , the > vul.ic sales tieluK'-- < pounds ut UOKc. Nl rheuse was j > olu regu lar. Total safes , $ ,5risv TUtAIJ. 'I lie Testimony Introduced Hoforo ttic Jury Yontcrilnjr. Si\v Yonic , Dee. l" . The trial of Alder man Mcu.ide ( ) , chaiged with rccchlng a In connection with the pas ago of the Uroadway Sarface railroad franchise , was continued to-day with hearing of o\ldcnco for tne defonso. W. S. Wllllama , tircsldent , and Hon. > . A. Xelson. vice president of the cable road , testified that llii-y did not know of any offer basing been made by their com- liany to the alderman , cither directly or indi rectly , for tlio Uroadway franchise. A num ber of witnesses tcstllicd that McQuado fa vored tlio htrcct railroad before ho was chosen alderman. To account forMcQuado tjclng "flush" ot tnnnoy It was shown that he had been left n legacy ot &JOUO in 1S04. This was followed by evidence as to the pris oner's good character. Testimony was Introduced to show that McQuade had been n man of property for jciis. ; Thorashlerot his bamc testified that McJiiado's ( transaction for sc\eral jcars liad npgrcgated 3120,000 to SlW-ttW tier \ear. John O'Xeil , one ot the Indlctod alder men , denied any knowledge of the "combine ; ' ' denied attending the meetIng - Ing at Piillgi ill's olllce , or cither ot their meetings at McLanghlin , Never before heard any amount of irronoy had been olfuied for thu fianchise. WIlncsA reluctantly admitted ( fiat ho at tended the secret 0 o'clock ineellmr. Al derman Moloney biotlght the call to him at 0 o'clock In the evening. Did not know ot cuawhatlho object of the meeting was. \VhcnhowmitliUo \ the meeting ho asked and was told that the Injunction had been dissolved and that some ono also was to Irtg loitct another Injunction , Never knmv the names of the "combine. " Heard Keenan had something todo with tlio "combino" on lallroad matters. Witness explained that tluouijliout Ib34 tlieio was a t > orslstunt elfoit to li.ivo niornliip sessions of aldermen. j\-Alderman : Chailei Itellly , ono of tlm in dictedcontradicted the testimony of Full urn If and Dull In evci > essential iiartlcular , but nothing new was elicited. The Indictment of ex-Alderman Clear v , who was 111 and did not testify at the , denied all knovvl- eilgoof a "combine , " but .said ho called on McLaimhlln during the latter's illness and Insisted on contr.idljtlng the servant gill who swoio on U.itnrday tlrit Clcary rang the wrong door bell on that occasion. ON TO I'nul Hoyiilou Hellcved to he ( Juttliitr. Ni.w YOKK , Doc. in , [ Special Tolcgiam to the HUE. ] Last ol'rlday I'aul Dojton , the swimmer , surprised friends by suddenly re- tiirnlnir. They thoimht ho was .still In South America. He said ho was on his way to Chicago cage on uiircnt business , and added : " 1 am goim ; to build n rallioad through Centtal America. 1 liavo n contract and I want to take n legimuiit of NMW York boys. There's jilenty of labor down In that country and it is as cheap as dirt. 1 want the boys for is to keep mo in food and protect my'piop- erty. It is the Lord's own country down there , nnd there is tun and a lei tune for those who want to go. 1 want 1UK , ( ) able bodied men who know how to shoot when they have to. " lie > ton started Saturday lor Chicago , and jc tcrday his agent , Aimond Cico , advertised lor 1,000 men accustomed to flin arms for railroad work In Central America nt SM ) a month. Cico is unable to say just where the tallioad is to be built. About twentj-livo young mon answered the advertisement yesterday and said they were willing to go anywhere under Uoynton. An old acquaintance of liojnton's smiled shrewdly when asked what ho knew of the plan , and milled : "I'loni one or two bints that I got , 1 don't believe there is any rail road In it nt all. That would bo too tntne tor itovnton. He means business every tlmo. 1C ho takes 1.000 New York bo > s from the city they'll bo heard liom shortly In Mexico. My private opinion Is that the scheme Is ono that Kdltor Cutting is Matching to invade Mexico , lie Is getting an army of cowboys together lor the purpose , and Boynton w.iuts a few New Yorkers w ith him. " THE AVOllK. OP GHOULS. Body of a Murdered. AVouinn Found lu a DlHseotlnir Konin. DAT.TIMOUI : , Dec. 13. The coroner's juty to day.Investigated the death of JCnuly Urown , whose body was can led to the Mary land University last Friday night and sold for use in the dissecting room. The ovl- dcnco adduced and admissions made by the men under an cst showed that the woman w as brutally mmilered by John Uoss and Albert Hawkins , the former confessing to IMV ing smashed her skull with n brick and stating that Hawkins afterwards tin list a knife through her heart , lioss was perfectly cool while telling his stoiy and states that the murder had been deliberately planned by himself Haw kins and Anderson Perry , colored jan itor of the university , and that the latter had for throe weeks been airaneing tor the deed. Thobodvwns brought , warm and bleeding , to the college wheie It wa received by Ten v , who did all ho could to destroy tlio woman's identification , such as cutting off and binn ing tlio hail and washing away the blood. The mon were actuated .solely by a desire to get the prlco of the body. The coroner's jury decided that Itoss and Hawkins were tlm murderers and 1'erry an accessory , and will ask the giand jury to indict them. Another Itoad to KansaH City. CmcAfio , Dec 13. One of the principal In- corporatois of the Chicago , Santa Fo & Cali fornia railroad company , which was men tioned in the dispatches ot Satiuday , stated to a repot ter for the Journal todr > that it was iho purpose of : ths company , which is composed of Boston and Chicago capital ists , to begin at oncu the constiuctlon of a road from Chicago to City. He de clared that while the stock was not hold by the Atclilson , Topcka & Santa Fo .stockhold ers in any exclusive pense , the would un < iuc < ition.iblv fall Into thucontiol of that company , forming n through line from Chicago cage to California. The Incorpoiator would not state whether the Chicago A ; St. Louis road had fallen under thu control ot the new coimuny , which was sutmlsut in the dis patches of Satuiday. A Socialist Corncrnd. Mti WAUKKI : , Dee. 13. In the municipal court this morning Jud e Sloan took up the case of Paul CrottKan , the socialistic agitator , who , during tlm piogressof hlstrU ! last week , published an article nnd poem in his paper , the Arbiter Xeitung , Insulting tlio piesldlng judge. After considerable argument on both sides the judge gave Crottkan until J o'clock this atternoon to show c.uiso why ho should not lo ) punished for contempt ot court. Tlio belief N central ( JiottKiin Is In a tight pl.ico and will not escape punishment. Much to the surprise of the court a letter was read this afternoon from Kdu.ird Loow , ( itottkan'H private secretary and city editor of his paper , stating that he alone was ie- flponsllilo for tlio llhulous articles and that ( iioUkau hid not written them. Judge Sloan dispatched the bheritl in < iuc t of Loew. who had bi'en In court all foienoon. Ir was ascertained that ho had taken the ne\t train to Chlcatro. The case against ( iiottkan wai adjourned until nest Tiiesduj. Indiana Polities. ' iMHANArouii , Dec. 13. In the United Slates circuit court to day Judge A > res sin- tallied the demurrer of Attorney General Michovcr to the complaint of Senator J. ( ireen Smith , in the lieutenant governor In junction proceedings. This Is advctni to bmith'b claims and Iio vvlllat once cauy the ( .isetothu mipremo court in eider to get a decision before the le Ulatmo meets. A AVrcckcd Btearner , I'mi.ADKijAiiiA , Dee. W. Tire schooner Francis 1. CoopiT , from 1'ort Louis rcpoils on the Wlr Instant one-hundred and twenty miles south ot bandy Hook a steamer alno headed tor Now York. At noon slm appealed to explode and the horUon was covered with dcn e smoke. Arrest of ti rostpl Thief. rtTrsnrrto , Dec , IS. Ida Haldridge , the young daughter of ex-Postmaster Haldridge , of Ureeiibburg , Westmoreland county , was uirested nt this place this morning for rob bing the malls. She was well and favorably Known In town and her arrest caused Intense surprise. Funeral of CougreaMiinu Dovvdney. NEW YOIIK , Dec , IS. The funeral of the late Conure smau Abraham Dowdnuy took place this morning from St. J urlck's cathedral on Fifth IUKUUO. THE METHODIST UNIVERSITY , The Efforts BOIDR Made to Secure Its Loca tion in Omaha. THE BOARD OF TRADE MEETING. Tlie Huriinnc Society The Ijenvou- worth Street Grade Wanted nt Sew nrd Arrested Tor Arson Local Ncvvi , The Mellioillst University. The commission appointed to select n location for the establishment of a central Methodist university in Nebraska will meet nt Lincoln \Vetlnesilay to decide upon a location. In response to n pub lished call a mooting of churchmen nml citrons wns held nt tlio First M. U. church lust nignt to decide what induce ments Omaha will oiler to secure the location af the university. Presiding Klder Phelps was made chair man nnd nddiossed thu meeting , llo urged the clti/ons ofUnrtrha to take im mediate action to secure the location of the university. Other towns hnvo hoen working for months to prunarc induce ments to oiler for the location of Iho university. York , Lincoln , Central ( Jily and other locations have of fered liberal inducements tor the location of the institution. Whatever is done must be done nt once. He referred to the desirability of Omaha ns a loca tion , and expressed his opinion tlint this la the only city in the state nt which the collepo can bo made successful. Air. 15. C. Patterson wns called upon to give his viovv.s upon the question from a business man's .standpoint , Ho said that ho had novel1 boon behind in the per formance of his duty in advancing Iho catiso < of education. Nothing , ho said , so contributes to the happiness ttnd pros- P.critr of u mnn as education and Chris tianity. There is : i great future for tliu Methodist university it it is located ru thu proper place There is no use to plant the institution in n f mall town , where it will take jcars to get its reputation es tablished. The school .should bo located where 200 students can bu placed in it the lirjjt term. Omaha needs n school in which her children can bo educated iu higho-st branches niblcad of sending them to eastern institutions. Mr. Patterson said ho would bo one of twenty men to nivo flOO.OOO to the project if : ur institu tion is built to co-t , at least § 100,000. Judge J. M. Thurston was uoxt called upon. Ho stud that he hud been brought to tlio meeting by Hov. Savidgc under false pretenses , but ho was willing to do all in his power at all times to advance three interests , the destiny of Omaha , the education of the youth ot the land and the dissemination of the orthodox princi ples of religion. Ho said _ that this can mvbcst done by education in denomina tional schools. Mr. Thurston said that the great question which will demand the attention of the twentieth century will bo the dissemination of education founded religious principles. He spoke of the many advantages in having the college located in Omaha. Such a location would be butter for the school , the students and all concerned Omaha is the only pl.ico in the state where such nn institution can be made : i success from its foundation. Kov. T. M. House made an appeal to tlio members of tlio M. E. church and nil interested in educational work to com mence action at once to secure the loca tion of tiie university He closed Jtis re marks by a motion that a committee be appointed to get out and get to work at oiicosoliciting subscriptions and to go to Lincoln to present Omaha's claims bo fore the commission appointed to locate the uuiroreity. Judge Thiirston , It. C. Patterson ami Rev. T. M. IIouso vvcro appointed as n committee to go to Lincoln and present Omaha's claim's to the conimission. Tlio committee , consisting ot Messrs. Frost and Rector , which was appointed to wait upon the board of trade , returned and reported the following preamble arid resolution which had been adopted by the board : Whereas , At a meeting of the Omaha board of tiado the matter as to the locating of thu Methodist university In the state of Xobraska was submitted , and Whereas , The time for seemlnj { ofleis nnd subscriptions Is too short to enable Omaha to make a proper showing. Kcsolved , That the Omaha board ot trade requests and niges that the locating commit tee ot the said Methodist univeihlty allow of additional time and postpone definite action to a later date , promising Its hearty apprecia tion of the idea ot seeming the unlveislty lor Omaha and Us assistance in that diiection. They also announced that Mr. II. G. Clark had guaranteed $500 , nnd further that ho would bo ono of 100 men to niiso a subscription of $100,000. On motion of Mr. E. J. lirodcriok it was decided to r > Incc the amount of money which Omaha will donate for the college ut $100,000. the subscriptions to bo made payable in five annual install ments. It was also decided to hold another meeting at the same church thi.s evening to hear the report of the soliciting coin- milieu. A committee was appointed to secure speakers to properly present the matter to the meeting. Subscriptions wore taken last night amounting to $11,510 , Among them nro thu following : Mrs. II. Hoorur , $500 ; K. StoveiiH , friOO ; R. Lang , * 1CO , C. K. Hatrison , $500 : K. P. Sweeney , $500 ; K. Young , WOO ; W. J. Slovens. $500 ; R. J. Sa\o , * 'J50 ; L. O. Jones , $500 , .J. U' . Phelps , $ , ' 00 ; , J. M , Thurston , * 500 ; C R. Woollcy , $250 , T. M. House. $500 ; T. C. Clemlenning , $500 ; A. Rector , f 1,000. i ; AVVKE. The Hoard HntlHlleil With $ U5O as Initiation Fco. II. 0. Clark called tire meeting of the board of trade to ordur last evening at 8.U ) o'clock , The minutes of the last regular and special meetings were road by Secretary Js'tittiuger and adopted. Upon the appearance of President Moycr Mr. Clark resigned the chair. President Moorsild : that the committee appointed to place the advantages of Omaha bcforo the Indian commistioncr , with a viovv to securing the ru-location of thu Indian supply depot , now ntXovv York , in this city , had called upon the ollicer men tioned and spoken in favor of Omaha. Hut no action had been taken , nor would there be until nolTuesday , Tlio proposed amendment to Iho by laws wns introduced. Mr. Clark moved its adoption and Mr. Uoodmnu otl'orcd a second. It is as follows : The business of sild corporation t > h.dl be conducted by a board of dliectoi.s. nine In number , to be elected by the members , such election to take place on the flist Monday of Januaiy of each jeu , us hciulnaftcr pro vided. AVtIio that annual meeting , after iho adoption of this amended article , the direc tory then elected shall determine by lot their respective terms of scrvlcu In such a manner thut three of btich directors shall serve for one year , thrco for two years and three for three years. At the annual meeting there. after , three directors shall bo ejected for the term of three years to supply the place ot those directors whose terms then expire. Ya. cancrcd In the board of directors shall be tilled by said directors until the next annual meeting , w hen the u&explrtd term sli.dl bo filled In the same manner as the other expira tions. The amendment' was carried unani mously. ' < 'I ho question of Ilietr raising the initia tion fee to $ oOO was introduced. Mr. Her did not Uimk the time had to come for the adoption of the amendment. The board had a membership of but KW , and that number wns not sullicicnlly representative of acitr of $100,000pcoule. Five hundred doliarV Would stop n number of mcrchnnU from'Mibcoinlnir members. They had not done .nuioli. They had no place to meet , nnd , ( h'iy ) .should not kill the board bvraising the price so high as to oxcltido peed members. Mr. Dtifrono thoiitfhllhatntiy mnn who should bo nhlo to join the association , now , for $ ; ij0 was potting in very heap. The price ought to bo considered a fair investment when the value of the certifi cate was considered. Mr. llor wanted looticoiirago now com ers to join the association and thought it would bo to tlio advantage of the hoard to admit runny of those now people oven if they should bo permitted to coma in at $50. They should not tax thcso now comers. They were contributing to the success of the place by what they had paitl for their real estate and in the routs , which are now three times as high ns they wore three years ago , Mr. tinrncau looked upon the board ns a mercantile association and not as one for the transaction of nny particular line of business. For that reason , lie thought members ought to be encouraged to join , which could not be done by raising the initiation fee. Mr. Hi-minor thought that , nftor the boatd should got into its now quarters' , many inoio members might be o\neetod to join if the initiation feu wine loll as it is nt present. OH. ( ! Clark thought thr > tlmu had come to limit the membership and raise the ini tiation feu. Max Meyer thought they would not bo able to get oOO members oven If the fee was $100. Husides , he would rather Imvo 100 good members than 500 poor ones. He wnM in favor of solun raise in the initiation fco. Hut ho did not exactly favor $500. Mr. Tovvor felt that $250 would react to thu benefit of Omaha. Mr. Unfrcno wanted the matter to bo placed on a business basis and it would bo found that , in paying * 500 , the nu-m- her would find that ho was getting the iH'tiolit of his moiiuy. Mr. Martin thought a compromise would bo best , and moved to amend thu amendment by making thu initiation fco On motion of Mr. Brainier the matter was postponed till the next monthly meeting : . The next amendment was that the mom- bcrslrri ) of the board should not e < cceed ' , > 50. 50.Mr. Mr. Tier-moved to amend making the limit 500. On motion ot C F. Goodman , consid eration of the subject was , postponed till the next meeting. Mr. Evans from thcuucraorial commit tee , said the members had been working every day for the last ten da.\s with the charter amendment committee , nnd that the work of that body Woultl bo submitted to an adjourned meeting to bo held at the board rooms on. uc.xt Monday af ternoon. With reference to Mr. Biunncr's tcso- jutiou introduced at the last meeting , to increase the county board to five mem bers the gentleman thiiignt the the peo- Die ought to take some interest in tlio matter. They should have a county board who should liavo meetings at staled times , also county auditor to check up the accounts of the commis sioners , who , nt present had nobody to check them up except the men they em ployed for the purpose , llo then "intro duced a resolution thut.liislast resolution offered at the last meeting bo referred to the committee of fifteen on charter amendments. The motion prevailed. Mr. Evans moved that the memorial committee bo discharged. Carried. The secretary read a loiter fronr C. M. DCS Islets of tlio Helvidere Commercial club setting forth that Tlrayer , Fillnroro and other counties were in n country tributary to St. Joseph , and that the JJ. & M. railroad had lately established a con nection bctwco.n Fairmount and Ches ter , thus biinging the section mentioned within six hours of Omaha. _ It requested tlmta committee of citi/ens from that part of the state bo given an opportunity to confer with Omaha merchants witfi a viovv to inducing thorn to estabjibh trade relations with the section mentioned. On motion of Mr. JJufrcnc , an invita tion was extended to the merchants in question to meet the board at Omaha at a date to bu pot bv the former , when the board would bo glad to welcome and en- tcitaiu them. Adjourned. TI1K LBAVKNWOKTII OliAl ) . ; The Proposed Cliuncu Hccomuiondcd by Properly Owner * . A largo number of property owners convened at tlio store of Porter Hros. htit evening in pursuance of the call fern n meeting to tliscuss and consider the proposed changes of grade on Leaven- worth street. The meeting was called to order to Mr. McShanc , who nominated C , W. Hamilton ns chairman. This motion was unanimously adopted , and upon sugges tion of the chairman Mr. McHhuno was elected secretary. A discussion of the proposed changes of grade was then en tered upon and continued for about two hours. A resolution was then olTorod by Mr. Council , as follows : Ros-olvcd , That it is the HCIISO of the property owners piesunt that the proposed changes of grade in Leavcnwotth street , cast of Phil Slioii dan street , bo approved and that tlio city conned bo requested to catiso such changes to bo made. The resolution of Mr. Council after some further discussion was adopted by a vote of about two to one , and after being declared carried by the chairman , another resolution was ollbrcd by Mr. Roes that the proposed grade on Leaven- worth Htrcot , west of Phil Sheridan street , bo also adopted . , The resolution of Mr. Rces was so mended as to dcclaro that the property owners present approve of n cut of six teet at Park nvurutc , and that from' that point west ward the best grade possible bo mado. The { csolution us amended was currlcdi by a largo majority. Tire mcetingi then adjourned and the gunornl expression of those pres ent was to the ullcct that a decided advance - vance townid securing a good grade for Leavonworth street hudbcon , made , and that if the proposed giado ; was carried into effect LeavonwoiUi ) street would soon bo one of the ] business streets of the city. city.Tlm Tlm Humane Jiocioty. The first regular meeting of the board of management , of thu newly formed humuno society was hold last evening at the residence of Colonel C. S. Chase , president of the organi/ation , There was a very full attundancc , and much cn- thiisiubiu was manifested in tno work to bo accomplished. The board's labors last night consisted in the planning of an o\- tensive programme of work for the society. It was decided to send out cir culars inviting these who wish to become members to send their namvs to the secre tary. Committees nro nlao to bo ap pointed from all the city ohiirclics and other societies to awaken nu interest in the work of the liiiiiuuiu sooietv and to confer with its olllccrd. An cflbit will bo made to oiguni/o in both the public and Sunday schools Hands of Mercy for too purpojo of instructing and interesting the children in the cause. Hy vote the board fixed the time for holding itt : regular meetings for the first Tuesday of each month. Tim SEASON or orntiA. Tlio Abltott Company In "ImcrclH Jtorsln" Jj.iHt Mirlit. The season of opera opened most attspiclotisly last night with u very largo and brilliant audience , ll.vroly has there been gathered In the oppra house tin audience so uniformly fashionable anil loprc.flontativc. The opera of "Lttcrotla Horgla" is now to an Onmlin audience , and fell rather coldly at first , but i\ performance - formanco of such a high order vvtts bound to win approval and m the opera progressed the audience gradually wanned up to such a pitch that they were loth to depart oven when the curtain had fallen on the last aet. Abbott was In glorious voieo and charmed moro than ever with her sweet silverv tones niul brilliant vocalization , wlrr'ch was admirably displayed in the grand aria "Com n' Hello ' sung after the en trance of Lucretia. The allegro move ment with which this aria ends is Invari ably cut lu Italy on account of itsdllllcult evctttlon and the great number of high note' ilcontains. Thoirramlduoof linrgiti and Gennaio was one of Iho gems of the evening , Mluhileti as Uunnaro was agreeabln vocally ami an embodied sym pathy to look upon. The handsome tenor is a tioubabour style of lover , looks volcanoes of passion , strikes ties- iieratu attitudes , but really is nothing lint inolh'nsivo. lie sings pleasantly , moves with enviable ease ami grace , and looks picturesque even when he does nothing , so that his lack of diatnatic force is fully compensated for in his other manifold endowments. I'niollo sang the pail of Alfonso beau tifully. His round , rich , mellow luri- tone is e.\nulsilo to the ear , and his ac tion is dignified and intelligent , lie is destined to have a future. Mi'-s Anuamlalc , as Orsini , appears lo ( ho tlti > . .bestidvantage , especially in a dramatic sense. Her voice is somewhat impaired in places from the cultivation of chcsfy lower tones that are ruinous to the voice and directly opposed to good singing. SU11 , an aiuliunco .somehow generally applauds it , and theaitislis forced to saeiilico purity of tone and her own superior knowledge to cater to n vulgar tasto. Miss Annatidale's upper notes are delightfully full and melodious and after herrendcringof " Tis Hotter to Laugh than be Sighing , " she was made Iho recipient of a basket of flowers. Thu chorus was eminently satisfactory both as to quantity and quality , and the en semble at the close of the first act was powerful. In the poisoning scene in tlic last net Miss Abbott was usncciallv line , dramatically us w'ull as vocally , and acteii with all the strength that tlm situation demands. Miss Abbott's eostumc.5 and jewels were magnificent. In the first act she wore a white Ottoman silk with skirt laid in large plaits ami garnitured with pink feather trimming. Her corsage awl train weie of heavy brocaded velvet. An other dress was of white watered satin with pearl front. A large wine velvet cloak trimmed with orminovvas thrown over her shoulders. In the tratric scene she appears in an cll'eetivo black toilet of richest ' ilk and velvet. A black lace shawl was fastened over her head. The "Mikado" will bo presented to night with a strong cast. Water Trench on licnvcmvorth Street. Stieel Commissioner Menny rcpoits tliat the water works trench on Leaven- worth between Seventeenth and Twen tieth streets is in iv dangerous condition from holes and c.ivings in and if not re paired by filling in accidents arc almost sure to happen which will certainly re sult in monetary and physical damages. The trench was coveted a couple of weeks ago , yet , a number of holes have been found in it because of the weather. It is understood that the company has to keep the place in good condition for a year , at least , after which the citv becomes - comes responsible for its good repair. This Panic state of u Hairs , it is claimed , CN.IMS on Dodge street between Twenty- third and Twenty-fourth streets. Vounji Men's Hebrew Chit * . Sunday afternoon , the second meet ing of the Young Men's Hebrew club was held at the synagogue when a constitution was adopted and the follow ing standing committees weio appointed. Entertainments : Messrs. Dr. Sloinun , Ansp.tchcr , Kahn , Wolf and Harris. Li brary : Messrs , l-'iey , Trench , Slomau. Gan/ ana Ilejn. Tno next meeting is on Sunday "Uth mutant. It is thu intention of the association to secure and furnish in a most beautiful manner a suite of rooms in a central part of tlio city. The society has a membership of sixty and promises lo secure many moro before long. A Card Prom Chn.H. J. Johnson. Through the columns of your paper a I ! onmo to thank the friends who so kindly came to the assistance of myself and family during the misfortune wo sustained by the lire of Sunday night , Kov. Sit , 188(5. ( To Mr. Toft for his many favors I wish to give special thanks. To the firm of Crcigh , Daniels i : Co..for the niomptnet-s in which they sullied the IO M > S carries by the Rochester German and German Insurance company of Fico- port I shall alwavs feel under obligation to all who did so much to help when it was most needed. Respectfully , CIIA& . J. ' Thrown from n Car. \V. D. Wholan , head brukcman of an extra Union Pacilic ficight train under charge of Conductor Kennedy which rolled into the depot , yesterday morning at 11 o'clock , was thrown from the top of the cars , when attempting a coupling at Silver Creek. His leg and wrist vvvro broken Hownscariicd to his residence 815 Paciiro street and Dr. ( liilbraltli , the Union Pneilio iiirgcon was summoned to attend him , rorniltg. Superintendent VYldtlock issued build ing permits yesterday as follows : J. ( ) , MrCart , one-story fiamo coitajin Twentieth and Clink . S 050 Millnrd Hotel company , additions and alterations lu building , Thirteenth ami Douglas . ir.,000 O.K. Mat no , one and one-halt story frame building tin paint mtiuufuc- tory , Twenty-lust and I/aid . 2,000 German M. K. chinch , one-story frame church , Twenty-seventh and Daven port. . . . . . . W > 0 _ Pour permits aggrPiwtiiiK . S' IilocriHed to Wed , Judge AlcCiilloch granted marriage licenses v.citoidaj to the following par ties : Xamc. Residence. ARC. t Arthur W IlPllhvell Montpeller. Idaho : ; o j FannloL. Coltman . .Woit lllehhold , O. , W I Andrew .lensen . . . .Omaha -i I Nettle .MaJtliiseii . .Omaha 24 tUwhdit L. Baker. . . .Douglas county 0 ( AinyJ. Wilco * . Douglas county 19 Wanted to IStrrii lli House. Isaac Walker , who lives at the corner of Sixth and Marcy streets , was arrested last night on the charge of drunkenness and attempting to set file to his own lion-c. Domi'stiM infelicity led lo his at tempt at arson , Wanted nt Reward * Tito police authorities yesterday re- ccrved word from Howard that Henry Hcnlrow , who wns sent to the county jail hero n few days ago as a vagrant , Is wanted at Howard on the charge ot grand larceny. An ollicer will arrivoto-uuy to take charge of him , COXSI'imXO nAlLKOADS. Two Idnc * Itcfiisc to Carry Knightf ) of tinbor Conlt CIIIP.VOO , Dec. in. The Knights uf Labor state executive board In session heie spent considerable tlmo conMdorhiK the outcome of a moAsmo which , it successful ! , will thwart the rapacltj of the coal monopolies In Chicago nnd pei Imps other neighboring cities. Agents of Iho order hnvo circulated n paper among commercial and maiiufnctur- Ing men heio by which the signers agico to buy coal of the knights provided the lattci fuinlshltat latcs St to $1.60 | > cr ton under those made bv the coal ring. This document has been signed by about 000 of the leading consume ! s of the city. The knlehts me iclvlni ; upon tlio co-opetntlve shafts at Can- ncfbuii ? , liul. , and In bt. Clalr county , HI. , puicha-'ed by the cetieial executive board of the kuhchts last jcai. The capacity of the o mines Is ; x,000 ) tons per day. All arrangements weio made to begin nitti kcl I UK 1 1m coal here the 1st lust. Only ono ditllciilty was encountered , but that h.ts been liisuimouniiible. It Is alleged that the Ohio A ; Mississippi refuses toe-any more than onecarlotd per day for tlio knights , and the Illinois Ccntial ictuses to c.ury anv coal whatever. Kvldencu Is now being taken by a special committee of tlio state executive boaid coiiceinlng the conspiracy against thnlr minus , said to exist between tlm rail roads , coal opciators and banks' Tlm re cently clopttd labor renre-entatlves Will. It Is announced this evening , bilmr tlm evidence before the slain le lslatuic. Pait of the evi dence consists ol allldav Its and letters. The advisability of takiiu : legal measures to com pel the loads to c.iriy the coal Is now the ( picstlon , In connedloii with the ptopilely of seckiiurthu foifelturo ot tlm Illinois Con- tral's lallroad chatter. A Thieving I'nstor. ( , Dec. 13. A special from San Antonio to the News sajs : Kev. Win Mlci , paMot of the llurnett Stieet Methodist church , was arrested to day on a chumi ot lioiM1 stealing. The casa has been submitted to thu grand Jurj and the prisoner has been refused ball , Jumped the Track. PiTisntKO , Dec , 13. A ( ilnsgow , Pa. , special says : The regular passenger train on the Hells ( Jap lallioad. consisting of one coach , a box cai and a tiuck laden wltn lum ber , jumped the trick near hero this moining and the entiin tialn went ovei a steep em bankment. Fourteen passengers wuio In the coach and lout were soriouslj Injuicd. Itcplcvlnod. T. J Kvnns , I. A. Miller and S. Farns worth commenced a replevin action in thu district court yesterday fo get posses sion of a quantity ot bridge material which had been attached by Hiiuubaugh A : Ta\lor to sicuro a claim of § IOJj against Uayiuond A : Campbull. The Itnnkin tArgtiment < wcic concluded in the Han kin cattle case yesterday atturnoon bcforo .Fudge Duudy and the canso went to the jury , Me irs. Webster and Thurston both made eloquent and forcible ad d rcsscs. _ ISrciilics. The bank clearances amounted \cstor- day to fcW3'J02. ! 17. . ) . J. Dickey , superintendent of the Western Union , returned yesterday from Chicago. Clara J. Latham commenced suit in the dhliict court yesterday against Mack Latham , to whom she was married in DCS Monies in 1885. She alleges dinnkuuncss and cruelty as a ground for the desired divorce. Lieut. Hcnncjt of Foil Washakie , is in the city on a bricl Icavo of ab = eneo. He says that the Northwestern is pushing on toward Washakie , nnd it if expected that before another year that road will bo within forty-fivo miles of the post. At present the nearest point on tlio railroad is at Havvlins. Wjo. , 115 miles distant. Philip Kraus , a faithful employe of .August Dorman , on Thirteenth stieot , will bo married on IhoIth proto Miss Jenny Farrta , a niece of Airs. Stein , on Douglas street. The young lady lias but lecontlv arrived from Bohemia , Austria , and is lughlA' connected in this city. L'ho rerenrorrv will lake place in National hall , on Thirlcmith street , and Kabbi Hciison will olliciatu. IT AHHOY5 ( XTVV JDRUGSTORJS : " TAKE IT FAITH FULLY , /\ND You ffi > r one COUGHS & COIDS _ fl/vo / rwr is BY W H/IRRI Sd Co i5P S Cm. 0 'OM'AINS THE flmrvn I'f vvi.nI'mntisplcco. . TMIFII mi. MibM-.TOi lly Harriet 1'iestott Hp < illuul. In IVIM 1'oKviniM vn-lly J Kstun Cixiki- . MIIMIII In liy Kultutiiio ruilna. MNt.n lh- ( .in.rh I'oom. llj William G. ItlchiinlH. ' 1'iir. CowiKiVhOi- . .NoiirHWtsi-JlliiitiiiluiJ liy W in T. llorimdiiy. MAITMI.II'H Cnih KOII Cnw- AIIIIICI. Uy Slnry lloso I'loyil. A l.mi.i HCIPTII AMI KHUN II ) Olhu'Ihdiiin Millor. ( Milt Dm ( u m.i.i , II ) w. llolinbtiifr , A ilrvmi.i.CAKri.Kr SI-UN liy Win V | . lilies , Till1'iiihi DAM ISO lies l'iill J'titri ; Illii'tii'ilon | ) K MV IJsf * l't 1IIOM A HllhHUN I'lllSON liy NltholHS hitknuy. Mil ! VOUM. I OI.KS. A PINK m ITHHITIOS 11 } Cluin r , Ouuriisoy , I III , IIOl s.1101,1) | ) , hiiivn I'll MS - Iivlrw. . llclun liimui MoitsiM ) 15 TUB riiiiiuib - 1'ooin , 11 } Lhirouco frni } . 1'riff , UO vviittt i > 'r i'DjijTor Sale It ) all .ViiusiUsnleri. TllU SIlllrCllp'IOM ' pi ICU Of Tllh ( ' 0- > IOI'II.I1M ( U 1310 PHI u vii. vuin A bllA ( ) I.I nuit AMI llll.l. I'll. ) OK A MU.S.NOS rillH.l-.MfslO Ilisnm , ( Ilit' jctull prlco ( it C'HC-II uiriilih I * JJ - " ) III I JO I.V HIV lllS ( IIIIIHI. liUcll lllllll- hoi of iliifi publication , which is tlio InnidMuii- ust , most onti'it'Jlnlnir. low-piito llhiuliitiuil fmnil ) inuif.i/uii ) In the oiId. Id urlin lull of mart fitoiios. hliclthi'B , rru\oU , ndU'iiturfs , lir.of mid lirlKhl lll < nar > and Hluntlllc 11) Mich dlilliiffiiiBlied Ainoili.un and willum n llurrltl i'lettoll i-iiiiroiil | , uir I'nibons l.iillnop , Ixiiil < o ( 'Inindltr .Moullon , John llniroiiKh * . fiithonmi UHIII , Hov , It. lleber Nonum , Alphonm Dinidit. ( jtiy ill * Mini- lia-tiiiil , Paul llo ) o , ( ount Tulstul. Tli Dim- tnlvBlc } , Willhiiii VS'ostnll iiii'innuiy filhurs Ai- ntd huvo liutn nmlo Ini IllustiutiU arllLlti oii Multo , Jupiiti , ( ( inttitii- tliiiio ; | , Iho J.lfht ilnuio ht'iuod. ruiudu , Lull fornU , Iho pnlncfs of I'miut' , cto Tlm Jt v t - \ it , K nnd HcHrM'iioi.n dciHituientg nlll bi > nx- _ . , liitt > ro tintf nnu viilunbin.unil the IUIIK- lulno lll bo uiKdtiku bright niul cnttrlnlnii g that r.v Bin riowv wru. HI'AII tv LIIV iMtiu HIOM tlllST 7O I.VST. SCHLICHT & FIEUD CO. . Publishers , Rochester , N , Y , cTNFuWnpT ( 1b T * poililT * n < l/ for IU ltx > T dl > u > , It lu aw > tboa Dj cI tuMvMho vorilllnl > nJ e't lonB anJIuK linVbMBCinil Indfid. o .Irons li n. J f lth In lt nlcMy It at I"will TWO HOTTI F * fnEE , I U rwllUTil \ LB THKATI8E bo tbUd. < . ! * > tl * lulffrrr. Ol ! "l , .A.bWtfW.Iu nul.btl. t RULED BY PBEJUDIOE Few person * rcali/c how thoroughly arc controlled by prejudice c\cn to their own di adv anlagc. Tor many } cars the ticat- incnt of KlicuniHtiMii , neuralgia , sciatica and headache 1ms been by some outward sppli- cation , and , therefore , without stopping to think that the orgin of these troubles must , from necessity , be internal , the weary sutlercr continues to nib , rub ami find no relief , Athloplioros is taken internally , and as a proof ( lint this is the concct principle It cures surely niul quickly. The ttatemcn , of those who have been cured ought to cent vincc the incicdnlous. Palmyra , Neb. , Aug. ! M , 18SO. I believe 1 have been gicatly benefited by Athloplioros I keep it In the hou c all the time , and if I feel a twinge of Ulicuiu- ati tu I take a dose. 1 have not not had to take anv for months and hope I am pci- luancntfy cured. I have not hesitated to rcc- commend it largely and have helped others with it. Kitv. E.J. lltun. Mrs. Gco. Hoffman. Cedar Falls , Iowa. says : "My husband was cutcd of Rheuma tism by the use of Athloplioros. Three bottles tles of that medicine cured him cntiicly so tint he lias not had an ache of Rheumatism since.and that is now over a year ago. For twenty > cars previous there was never a time that lie was ficc fiom pain , Doctors nor medicine could dnve the disease away. Having the eclatic ihcum.ilism in his right side , the doctors fr.ild he would always have it , and did not think there was any cute. He was suffering fioiu a severe attack Athloplioros took hold of the disease at once , and by the time he had taken ( luce bottles ho was entirely well and lias not been troubled since. Kvory druggist should kcop Athloiiho- ros nnd Athlophoios Pills , but wliuro they cannot be bought of tlio drutrcist the AthlophoiosC'o. ' , IS'.MVull st , Now York , will sand oil her , carriage paid , on receipt of regular price , which is $1 nor liottlo for * Alhlohoros | and GUo for Iho Pills. rorllvornnil kldnov ili m c , ilysppp lnl u. Uljfoslldii , ookue 9 , iHHvoiisdolilllrj.illst'iioi , ot noiiuiii , roiistlinitUiu , lionili\clio , Impiiio , Mood , etc. . Athloplioros fills i\ioiiuecUidli | > i1. BEFORE-AND-AFTER Electric Appliances are tent on 30 Da > t' ' Trial , TO MEN ONLY , YOUNG OR OLD , WHO arn fullorlnt : from NKIIVOOB Umul ITT , Loir VITALITY , LACK or Nkmn TORCH AKI > Vloon. WASTlMi\VriKSk.ssr.vnmlnll thi oilli < .Me < ornl'tmoNAl. NiTimK rixnltlniC from Anns nnd Oiimi CAimti Hpwily i tiler nnd complclo rest . rAtlonorilKiLTn.viootuuulMAMioounuAHANTKEt. Ttic BroiiJott Ulsi o\erj ut tlio Mmtuonth Century bcnJ at once for lllustmud Pamphlet troo. Address WLTAID BEIT CO. , MARSHALL. MICH. Or tlic Mquor Habit , ro ltlt < 'ljr Cured liy A < liktlnllcrlnff Ilr. Hnlticv' Oolitcii H | > < clllu. t cnn l ) given Inn cup of coCeo or ten without thcknuKlt'ilKUOf lUo person taking It , U absolutory imrmltm , unil wlil eflvct a pcrnmnc ntund speedy cure , wlietlivr the putlent l a moderate drinker ot v > uicuuollc wreck. It linj been xlvt'ii IP i > io . Dti.iJict c.-\w , uinl In cvciy lnstiu.centrfrct curs hm followed It nc7ur falls 'Ilio % jiUm one * Impiegnnleil with the HpcUJc , II becomennuttei Uupoislblllly fur the liquor niiji'tlto toeiUt roil SALT : iiv roi.Lowixci DKUOQISTS : AUIIN A. CO. , Cor. I3lh nnd Ilouclni , null Ihilli < ! e funilna Sl . , Oinuliii , Ncb.l ft. D. KUSTIMt Af It ! ( ( ) . . Roiinell ninfTn , Tnira. CXIlnmrlln for pnmphHl rnnlnlnlnir liulitlrpda c" ( > > > Mmniiliils IrointhuhtCt iruiutiu uuj ni u nxu I Ui cou Uir. _ _ w AKK STII.I. TKIUMPIIAXTJ I'orslilton yours , thuy hnvo Btomlll } Kiiltiod in fiiTiir , and vilth siilos ooiistiintly Incmisln. , ' Imvnliocoino tlio most poiuliiroirsot | tluuuvli' Ollt tllU UllltlMlHlllUH. Thu K , O unil It II wnuliM iiiiuiniiloln Snoar Mr.UM'M AMI HxniA l.osd WAIST , siiltahle foi nil ll iircs. Tin * ( i iimllt | ) , inndii of IviiKllsh CViiill , is u iu united tu vpoin iwku us loii iu onllnurycorsots Illnliosl nunrds finin nil thu VViuld's Rront 1'idifi. 'Iho lu > t inuiliil ru-ulu'd In tnr I'msr IKHI.I' ) ; of Mum , fnini tlio Into Uxposltluii hold ut NnwOiluuns. While ni.niOH ot piitcnl } Iinvo lirnn found worthless , llio prlntlpleb ol thu ( lIiuu-J'lillMt ; hnvo piovcdInvalnahlo , llcliillcra lire nulhorl/oii to lofnnd mnnny. if , on examination , these CIIIHCIK do notiiro\oin roprc'cnlod I'oit HAM ! KVKIVWH/itll ( / ; CATAi.oct'1 : KUIK : ON AVIUJOATION' . THOMSON , LANGDON & CO. . New York. ASTHMA CURED GERMAN ASTHMA CURE Instnnlly relii > vn tlm mott l"l t l tuck. nd ln iira cii > miirt > lil xl < wi Nil HAIIIICJ for UK. si I iH.llumK iiMwlliy Inlnlnllon lit action In lui- inwlijlit , dirnitanil rrrluln.und n t nro ls Iho niiult in all runlilu riwoi A tinila ln l coii. vlnem Iliuincul lMc/il. | | I'rlroMk ! nniliiloo my ilnicnUtt , nr dv mall , Hampla I'rcr tat DRS.S.&D.DAVIESON UK r..v\viciNcu : Of the Misbourl State M"t.cnm . of Analo- my , St. LonU , Mo , ; Unlveifcity College Hospital London , ( ji'escn , Germany anil New York llnving clevotfd llifii alien * tionSPECIAI.I.Y TO Till : 'IKliATMBNT OF DISEASES. More tsci | uill ; tliosc anting from ilcnci. , invitu all bobiiffuriii ; to con without dcla > . DucabCb ol infi'Ltion and contagion ttncd tuM ) and bjitcdil.v without detention from liibinet.s . , und without the Ubu ol clnnKfrGtib drills. I'.itients whotu cai-fb have been noglcctfd , ludly tienlud or pronounced i icnrahlu , should not fail lo write us concerning their bvmptoins. AH letters lectivc iiniiu-duitc attention. t5TJUST PUBLISHED J \ * And will be mailed FKICI ; to any nddic > on rectipt of one ' . cent fetiunp , "I'lactici ! Cliscr\ationb on Nervous Debility and J'liv- hiral ICxhatution , " lo which l'b added an "Knay on Mariiax'V'vvitli important cliap- tCMbOll IHSKA.SI-.b Ol' MIK Kl.l'KOlll ( . 11VK iiioAN.s , llie vvholclouning a valuable med > teal trc4tn > u which thould be read b ) M oun men. Addie * * I > KS. N , iV 1) . AVIls ; V , 14S JMuvrimcu feil. , Ounivr , Col ,