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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY SIXTEENTH YEAK. OMAHA , MONDAY MOBNTNG , DECEMBER la. 1880 , NUMBER 179. DIED DOING THEIR DUTH Tnlo of llo Terrible Loss of Life Battlir With the Waves. A LIFEBOAT SAILOR'S STOR' How TMciitj-Ono Ilrave rcllows Un\ I'l Tlictr IJ\CH An luvenllKa- tlun lo lie llnd 'llirco Ke- inn i liable Crimes. Houthport'H Hail Ilcrravcuicnt. 1C" ) If'u'll ' ' IPtiliu Ininrs fintiliillf'llllf'I. . ] lilM.ill'ooi. , Dee. 12. [ New York Hern Cable Special to tlic Hni. ] Soiithport , thcnortliwaid , so cay a vvateiing place hiimtnei , I found on u visit Ihero this 11101 Ing pervadeel vvllh great sidncss over t ! ; loss of twentj-one Illi beiat sallois throiii the Inexcusable negleit of tlio governiueiit providing worthless "lifeboats. " "llu vveio death tiaps" said John Jackson , a si vlvoi , ns ho lookeel down , wltli lustrous ej < and the lings of exhaustion iindei them , i ncinlj headed daughter on his knee. She iinlv four old nnd ignorant of In ne nr she came to being nn orphan , nn. sToini. Heroic giving the Intel view let mo pioml that nt nn hour , when Soul DOI t soclnty was at a reception given by t ii'.ijoi anil mnjoress , crow els of people we watching the sea and btoim on the beach ai a vessell off tlio coast. The waves were rus ing upon tlie beach with a eleitenlng 10 ; danldn clouds of spiayovcr the promoiia nnd seeding like tlic boiling contents ot glgantlu caldron. Above tlio dlrgeful d vvas heatd a danger cun , while the brig ( lame , "heiahls sea , " iremi t iockct , continuously buist upon the dai ness. In n brief time honest , sturdy m < vveio pushing forwaid around tlio 111 boat house volunteeilng on tlio poiiioiis vi : ago that vvas to end so tragically. Klfi mairicd and eight nnmniiicd men so ma up the crow of tlic lifeboat r.Ii/nbelh Tur ley. A srnvtvem's i u.r. "Yes , t was ono of them , " began Jackso : " ' 1 hirteen have gone alof and one vvas n brother , but Henry Hoblnson , saved with in has lent two biothcrs. and two biothe : were also diowned In anothei lifeboat , t htaine , fuither up the coast. Only last vvei 1 was at a jolly mcrrj'-makliig for her crc for having in tlie week bcloio saved a ship cicw. Oddly enough , thirteen of tliem we also lost , a lateful number some people sa Sixteen times have 1 handled nn oai In tl KlUabcth 'I'mnicy. 1 saw what proved to the Mexico at : i o'clock in tlio nitcinoon , b anchoi , and nouody thoughts' ' vvas in danger. About half past 0 bhe ga signals of elistrcss , and we got tlio boat o about tun minutes to 10 , the vessel not bell above half a mllootit. When we got toll wo saw a light on her 1111/7011 mast , the fe ward niul main masl having been cairli away. Theio was a terrible gale blovvii and the sea was awfully rough. We con hear no shouting nothing but the sea loa Ing , The vessel seemed diiftliig about , ni we kept drifting tovvaid Soiithport. Whe about thlity yauls oil the vessel the se caught us and tlio lifeboat went over to tl port side. 1 was just about throwing out tl nnchoi when she eapsi/ed. Some scramble out as well as they could , but the othe could not. Theio weie scveial In the si clinging to the ropes alongside tlio bor lUchnrd Kublnson was besldo me. Ho g exhausted and I held him up until a s tame and can led him away. I novci sa him an.iin. Then 1 got exliausted anil gi nndei the boat for n lest. I spokes lo lieu Jtoblnson nnd to my brother , Jackson , .said : " ' 1 think she will never right herself life boits should , ami wo will all eh owned.1 "Kobliison said : 'Ave , every man of ii " 1 ihen felt Iho boat touch bottom and got on my leet and got outside , but 1 dur not leavoher. I stuck tohci lor half an hoi and then tounel 1 couldn't fteo mjsclt ni was bulleted nshoie. Some time I laid devon on the sand to rest mv sell. I vvas that eloi up I don't know how 1 got home. " 1 spoke to my brother just befoie t lef Ho wns iindei the boat still , but ho nov answeied me. 1 did not know anyoi vvas sav eel beshies nijsc-lf , though I saw tu or tlnee struggling in the wnlci. All wl died diet so liom exhaustion , becaui the boat elilltcd Into three leet ot wale 'J hey lost strength to hold on or scramb along. The vessel , the Mexico , n ficriun chap J hear going liom Llveipool to Soul AIIICIlea , think how she wns dilvcn out e hei CGUISC1 nm glad hei ciow was icsciu by nnothei lllcboat ono only two week old and good palttein-tlionxli It has take two do/en lives to save less than that mil bei. " A Mornsri i , Mr.iir. After healing Jackson's story I visited tl tcmpoiary mortuary. Theie , In a lonsriov laj the thirteen bodli-s , at the head of tl Kioup being Charles HodL'c , coxswain , a tal powcilul man with a beard. While the rel' tions ciovwled the place the peillco had th greatest dlillciilty In keeping back the ciovvi Mothers who on Tlimsday night saw the beijslcavu homo in theli biUk and muni Vigor now wept over theli corpses. Tl same sons' wives , with their babies in the aims , fi.uitlc.dly dialed the cold hand while the joung daughter lovingly lain tl head of her elead f.uhei In her lap , smootl In , ? down the wet Inlr with gentle tendei ness , A moro moving sluht than tin of thu tblrte-tn bodies ramrcd along tl clean straw , with the gumps of moiiiuln and walling friends around them , has pc haps neverbcfoio been witnessed. An Invent leal Ion Orilprnl. [ f i > ijrtaM tvsu i\i \ Jtimcitonion lltnnctt. ] Lo.VDo.v , Dec. I',1 , [ Xevv Vork Heial Cablu-Speclal to the 111 i.l : The bond ei trailohasoidercd an olllclal Inqulrj to asce ; tain how It came about tliat tliu lifeboats ill not right themselvfs when turned ovei Captain Chetvvjnd lias left London to at tend tlio Invcstlgtitlon In behalf of the in tloniii lifeboat Institution. AN oiTirat r\I.KS. An ollle-cr of tlio Xatlonnl Lifcboit uistiti tion said jestcidny : "During the past thlit ; two jears our self righting llteboats hav been launchcel neaily nvu thousand time and saved upvvaids of twelve ihoii-and live- 'I lie boats h xve been capsized altogether toil times , Iml enl ) on ci'italn occasion has tliero been any los of life. Th unmoor of lives lost , cemntlng tli twcntv-six men who peilshed i the icce'iit disastcis to the Soutlipiut an Statins lifeboats , amounts to onlj eight } eight , Including twetlveshlpwieeked person' M'vuntj-slx lifeboat men ropic.'ent about on Ins'iOineu umplojed In boats on thuse'rviee Tim e-aseis of o-it > izlinj were ) at tlio rates i onu in i-ach of thei 120 ( .erv lee launches ' 1 li lifeboats Invo also been out on exiueU within the tame period ot thlrtj-tvvo jear npvvaid of nOJu tlm 9 , vv Itli the Jv > s ut enl tiRi't ' Jives. " HIAXKS I'Oll VI ) ) . The majoi of MJuiiiport vvlica to Iho Dail Tclo laph , vvhlcJi stalled a subscription 01 batuiday afieriiooii. for the families of th uicu Jot lu the uceut storm. "Thank yoi heartily for jour generous help. Weslia need largo support. The vvldowsand famllU of those brave fellows nro badly oil In man cases. " Up to the tlmoof going to press the Tel graph had received 200 In n few hour Wltulham , tlio actor , scndlii ? twenty guinea and announcing a benellt nt his theatre f < the object In view. All the papers prlnte Interviews with the tirvuors. THKin ; SINUUIiAK ClUMIiS. A Dclllioi-nto .Mm < ler , nn Acchlcnti Olio and 'Hit co Hitlcldc . VII\NA , Dec. 12. [ N'ew York Hrra Cable Snccial to tlm Hi i : . I Last wee began with three singular crlnifi. A she makei's appicntlco In thu suburbs of I'lagu about nineteen jears old , named Wen ? .Maine , who continually asked his pool o fathci foi monny , was aimrlly told tlie oth other day : "Iob ! or muidei some 0110 at then > ou will bo locked up and taken ca of. " On Sunday noon ho came homo at found his slx-j ear-old stepbiother at liom and beat Ids mains out with a liammc Aflci covering thocoinso with a fcilher be ho Immediately gave himself up to the nolle In Ituda-Pesth about 5 o'clock In the mor ing tivo olllieis and several singeis from tl Uiphcum , a much fienuentcd pi ice of amtis ment , went to the cafe Ciiitfieund , on U corner of Andiassy street , In tlie center > tics town. Some dispute ailsliu about sea at a table , nn aitlllery lieutenant , Arth Sehneevvclgs , asked u little girl of nil jcais , n favorite Koumaiitan singer naiiii ItosaTaelanu , to move , and on her refits pointed his revolvci at her and laiichlni ; said , "Take cue , Itosa. " Unfortunately tl pistol went off , and Hosi fell dead on tl spot. A Her a moment's hesitation , Sclme welgs blew out his biains. On Sunday evening a man , a woman at a jouth went to a hotel In Huda-1'csth , tea < a room ami had a good supper. Later tl jouth went out with one of the seivantsai amused himself rojally , though ho scemi sad on returlnu' . In the morning all thr were foiitui dead In a nhcap on the be It seems Irom letteis left on the table th the man M ikkovas mart led , but hail f.ilU Inlovewitli a cafe glil mined lolantl AssLtalos , also n mauled woman , and to s Isfyliirdennnds hud made aw a > with 000 Hi Ins Intrusted to him by the Industrial muscui As lie could not loplace tlio money ho sli himself. The woman shot heisolf for love him and the jouth , who was a calo wait named Wagner , ascd IS , had agreed to she himself fiom sympitliy for both. A icvolv lay by his side with three birrels still loide nihinoM : or SITKI it i'nnvi.NTii : ) , Freedom of speecli is practically prcveiiti nt Vienna by the conduct of the antl-semit pirtyln loicing their war into electoi meetings shouting and jellimi until tin cause the meetings to bo dissolved by tl police. A POITIC cjinr.v. Itis icpoited that tlio IUICIMI of lloemnnl known as n poetess under thu name of Ca men Sylvia , Intends to glvo weekly lectun on modern lltciaturo in the drls' high bdio ol Hucharist. The queen , who is a meiub of tli lloitminl.i academy , was dlssatlslie with the distinctions on lids subject and lit alieady given Instructions to tavorcd pupil but this excited bo much jealousy that , afli obtaining the king's content , she dccidi on taking ( Jmi co ot the entire literary COUP ot the institutions. Fear KUHsInn Occupation. ICojiyi tuM ISSt , bu Jainrt Ooiiinii Hcnnctt. ' ] VIU.N.VA , Dec. 12. [ Xew York Heia Cable Special to the IJi.i : . ] Iho IJulgarl. deputies saw to-day the papal nuncio , wl shaies tlio fears of the AmeUcan Piotestai mlssionailcd about the effect of a Jtussla occupation of Bulgaria. The c/ar refus. . absolutely to allow the delagates enter Kussla. There is a diilicitlty eve about theii reception at lierlln , because tin demanded that they bhould be presonli tluough tlio Turkish embassy. A gloou \ \ oot tlm situation Is prevalent. It Is said heio tliatthc ligures1 given icsto day In the Gorman parlianient of the nun bers of foielgn aimlcs were grossly oxagge. . ated as tigaliibt Goniianj- . Ho Stoned Hm 1'alacc. | Tfj > i/i / iitM JSW/jy / Jama ( Ionian Uennctt 1 HKIIIIV , Dec. I'fNow York Caole-bpeclal to the J5ii : . ] This atternoo a bhabbj. hun < ry looking man , appucntly workman , Hung a stone Into the famoi study window 01 the empeior's p dace in tli Untei den Linden. JIo was instantlj a rested and marched off to prl-on before th bjstandeisfaiilyhad time to rv.ill/o wh ; waslia ] > penlng. The kal er was not hit ( seated. The piisonei donii-d that ho s < rlously intended to injure tlio umpeior. Tlie HriiHsuIrf l-'astor . lCoi/i ) | luht tSXb'j JluiiM Gonlon Ihiuirlt. ' ] LONDON , Dec. I1.1 [ Xow York Heial Cablo-Speclal to the ! ! IE. ] The Unisse lasting man , Senior , has bioken down atti thu eleventh day. llo had violent pains i tlio stomach which compelled him to tali food. He attributes Ills failure to 111 healtl Independent ol the fast , mid asserts that li wlllshoitly icnow the c\peilmeiit In He giuui , with the ceiialnlj ot success. Hut th public nro sceptical on this point. A .loiirnaliht Impelled , L''oj > j/i tylitv.v / , lii Jama danhn 1) ) miff' 1 Hilt ssi i . Dee. U ) , 1. a. m f.Vow Yoil lleiald Cable-Special to the ! : : , Th Ilelgium goveinment has o\pclled riench journalist , M. St. 1'atihk , the editc ot l.u.Muusiiuotaiiodu Scribe , the oinMn i ; the Comte do I'arls , because it cilled upoi J'ranro to rountoi balance tholoas of Ats\t and Loiialno bj unnnxliig Dclglnm. A Woi'kiiiiunirH ; Victory. [ Oipt/rfu'i / ' ! l i 1 > V Jiimct Guiiluii llenixtl. } JIIILASI.I.S , Dec. 12. i.Vow York Heral Cable-bpeclal to tno UIK : j Tor the lire time In tlio hbtnrv of Uelglum , n woikinn man was elected ted ly as eommon counse : lor. ' 1 his Is the ciuso of greit eMiltatloi among the trades , I'ho succos-tul eindidat Is not , however , a socialist. . liiniiN , Dec. 12 'Iho meeting of th septi-nnato commission , tiumn'li nominall si'cut , h ivu been open to all members of th reichstng , over one imndied of whom hav been piesent each day. ( iencral \ 01 bchellendoill , I'aiislan minister ofai , np pears to bo possessed of no Infoimatioi worth concealln. , lie eaiuestly Intlslei upon sieieo re ardln , ' MI itex'e ' niaps am map > show lug uiiiteb In fisiejn (' toward IEuala and nmtei in vvesieii tictnmnv lovvaid I'lanee , and tint vvhol tenoi ot hN reniaiks Indicated tint the ov ernment is pn'iuiini : Uu a Iiustilo cnalitioi against i'lamo and Itu'i. . llii inoluiig.- . tavonblo erlt'ehms unon the condition ot th liemliaimj aivb tuming thu c > ut > ject of oc c- > , iinul rommuiiis union , ; membeis ot tin viiiiiiiim 1 he aniiin. of tlm dermai tru n > s vvitu ri'ihiitii g rnleb Isboinvcha'temil I ivcium ) I'orji-i huonlieadj been eiulppoi viitli Impiovedarm- the I'lttcuiith corps w lilch oi-cuplcs AKac-c-Lorralno Is now 10 ' item , Tuo Koiuloii r.ultu-ns. I.O.MION , Dec. 12.-A petition In bank ruptcy \\l\l \ be lilod tomorrow byl.aik.s Sons , gennal meichants , London , LUljili tleiiiintlj a million pounds. Kaj nioiid Kdmond Dav Is , a West Tnd so lleilor , who at three elections contested tin Isle ot lliuuct tor parliuuii-ut , has tied K'av liic liabilities of 100.000. He Is n brother i the notorious Hen Davis who nbscondc three years ago owing half a million pound Terrible Djnnmltc explosion. Ht'citAnr.ST , Dec. 12. A box contalnlr 200 pounds of tljnamltc exploded to-da against the king's summer residence at Cn raccne. It Is supposed the Intention was destroy the palnce , Kvery window In tl building was smashed , 'I IIP mangled corp- of a strange man was tound In the \ icinlt Tlieic is no otliei clue to tlie culprits. c Opposition Irish Drill iv , Dec. 12. The tenants on Lei O'Neill's ctitn In Antrim havec.illed n nice Ing for Monday to consider the plan of tl cuupilu'ii and tlio OciMiKcmcn have sin moiii'd a counter meeting. Both incotini will probably be pioliiblted. OiTereil n Cabinet Position. I'vuis , Dec. 12. 'I he portfolio ot foreit nllairs li is been offered M. Cnmbon. TIOIH ambassador at Madrid. He will probibly d cllnc. _ Anotlicr Ciudinnl Dcnil. KOMP , Dec. lJ.-Cardlml Cilovannl It- tista Tranzeln is dead. Ho wasseventv joa old. Onialia Ttiirtccntli In tlic Lint ttn * Ijiii'ucst Increase. N , Dec. 12. [ Special Telegram tot , llr.r. . ] The follow ing table , compiled fie special dlsp itches to the I'oot dom the man gersof the leidlngcleirlna houses of the Ui ted States , gives tlio gross exchanges at ea point tor tlie week ending December 11 , lb ! In comparison with the corresponding we In lbt > .V. Hialveston p.utly estimated. T1IK WEEK IX STHiiT. Advances In Prices Checked an Lioivcr Stocks the Kulc. XKW Yonic , Dec. 11. [ Special Telegram the lii.i : . ] In n single week the advance prices , as indicated by tlio stock exchani quotations , has been set back to the hgut of the last ot Pctobci. A week njo Ihe avc ace prices ot the stocks most nctivo weie ; tlio highest point ot the vcai ; now they n lower than they have been since the'iflth i Octobei , and the piogiess of six weeks h been wiped out. Hut a gieat deal mo money has been made In buj lug stocks dn Ing the six. weeks than has been lost by ha Ing to sell them In the pist sixdays. . Tli lias been a conscivativo mnikct and mm who were bujlng during tlio pist mom have taken their prohtsand let them acciimi late , wailing foi anothei chance , while pe plo who have sold oulnt n lo = s aio in tl verj smill iiilnoiity. It vvas time tor a i action. Ono of tiio most biilliaiit and conl dent biokers on uxchaiue , a memb"i ol house has pmbablj donu a laigei coi mission business titan any otliei ono sloe broket this jeai , telesiaphed n reply to oi of the biggest tiadeis In Chicago in icspone loan inquirj ; "I think in the IIUM tliat we have stocks have passed Im weakci hands ; usiiallv on a elccllno thoj la into the boxes ot stiongei people , but tho' ' wiio can hold them best hnve veiy Illtlo o their hands. Wu leul conseivative nnd , o the whole , pielci to wait. " Wit it caused the decline. ' 'I lie detennine opposition ol tlie moimvcel liitoust te > nnv thingllko Illghtj speciil.itieiii. which woul culminate in a e i.isli niul put a d imper on n vestments In stocks tor six months to com 1 hen. too , Iinks and tiust companies , vvli Inivo been trj ing to loan moncj at a lai higher than 2 pel cent lor the pist two ye-.u were stimulated to make whit they e ould 01 of tlieli Idle fiuiils and cot as high n later inti'iPbt as possible witliout taking eliancf on collateral. Monev has iiileel liich on t ! exchange trom 4 to 12 pci cent , and the ave ago has been 7. On short tlmo le > ans fe th li ty elav s , tlio rate has been 0 , but only upo cedlateial with a veiy broid and deep gi edge. Ionr , tlmo loins have been done at per cent , tinel pappi IH senl out e town , ruw peoploeij al Ihu decline ; man welcome the tnct that an iinhcalthj sptciil , tion In stocks , that liavo onlj a most inelei into promise of the Inlnre. 1ms been clu-cKee Tliero were otliei teatures ot the market < nili'ot inteiest. but It Is enough to siy thn H is stronger than it looks We may le > vvi thu iiiaiket , but the di'cllno will bu checke bj the coviTinu'ot shorts , and tlio ndv.uic w II bo hastened as they get frlglitcnei 'iheiuis a verj healthy leellns anil tli m.uket elosos ste'aely. Tiadlng is npt to L on a sin illor sc.ili ! lei tlm next tlneo week1 nnd the closoot the jeai wi distloso no boio places , On the whole , looks as It it would be veij sato to gamble o a.Iaiutai ) ii-e. KUMOK3. anil ( iailaiul Salil to H Hcaily to Keiiio. XKW Vonix , Dec. I'i. [ Sjteeinl Telcv'iain t the JJi i.l The Star this moinlnz jiints th follow ins Washington special piominentlj "Theio are Intimations coming fiom what I Miisideied an authoiitatlve souico which li illcato Ihat Important change * In the cablnc nro contemplated. It Is expected that Mai nlng will u'slgn becau o of his Iieilth , wblc lias not been nnd Is not so good as tlie publl lias been led to believe. Jn the prep.ii.itlo 'Jf his lepoit it becomes necossarj lor him t ieljuieuly on llio assist.tnio ot Munto Jlarble , Sldnej Ai cbsler , nnd , ot course , upo Assistant becrctarj nmclilld. As disagree ible as this ntellUenco must pioiu to th liublie , It is lll.e-ly they will soon losu th ibluand valuable services of the prescn > eeretnrj of tlio tie.isiirjIt is believed , ton daiiand Is tired alter ) lon < { nnd si 'ontlniied publicservlee , and tint ho will le ilrt. seek much needed rest , and bccomo i Miidulato tor tlio senate from Arkansas tvv < \ ears hence. There is also ono mora possibli ictlrtMiient , though Um information t get ii regard to H is not bunielent to just iti publl ration , " A KtliujKuit Soclnlist. Mil WAii.ii : , Dec. 12-1'aul C.ioltkovv ho socialistic leader recently on trial for In ; ltingilots , addressed n mass nu'etliiK Hi ! iftcrnoon , bllterlj attaekitu tlio atithoutta ind the "caiiitallstfc press ' ( Jrottkaw vvll warralnsed to-mouovv on a'o ot pel uiv alul contempt of couit nnd there willbi in Investlfation of thurnaigcs1 that vvitnes s.against htm were ioiicd to Ucej for theli UTAH'S TERlliBLE EXAMPLl Anti-Mormon Representatives Bring on Reformed Saint to Influence Congress. WORTHLESS MILITARY SHOE ! l'ro iicct or nn Investigation ol' tl liC.-ucnvvorlli Manuttiuiory .Mrs. Clc\elaiHlN Boclnl De part HtCi Iloriornnr \ \ ' viitviiToV , Dec. 10 ISppcial Tclcgra to the Hi E J Utah has sent her anti-Mi moil icpiosonlitlves bore ngaln , and thej i putt evciv liullcatlon ot the passage of tlu bill making tlio IMunimls act moie ndlc The HM : coii-esponuent Is Informed th these I' tali woikers have with them " . awful examplo" ot the elfeets ol Moimonis and polj eamy. Ono would naUnally su liose It w as one ol tlio nnmeioiis w iv es ol son old Moimon eldci but H is not. It Is a fi Hedged Moimon man. He Is a iclathc ot tl Into Ihighnm Young and has had a Imcc c perienco In Moimon wnjs of life. He Is st ayouni ; man , but ho'iins pished tlic enoi his vva\sdlsehaigeil his superlluous wlvi and Is now in this citv as the "tciiiblu c " When he befo'e tlie ample. goes conjm sional committee tlio filghtf ul tales ho w tell of his life with tils iinineious wives AV sostnitle the membeis tliat the nnti-Mi mon's claim relief will bo given them at one At piesent this "awful etimple" Is Uci quietly housed , because the antt-Mounons i not want him intcu lowed. Phey wnnt hi to tell his tciiibio "lien-pecked' ' tale ilist members of congress. Miss K ito field also takimr gicnt Inteicst in tlie Moimi question tliis session , as she nlwaj-s lias , ni she oiicns bet campaign on Wednesday nig with n lecture on the "Honors of Mormo ism. " Tins is liei hist lecture in this city 1 some time and no doubt will help thu can grcatlj' . IHOSi : AVOIITIIU SH SHOES. In ( icneial Miles' icpoit on the Apache w ho states that the army was very much ei baiiassed because ot the poor quality ol t ! shoes finnlshed the soldieis , which we made cot rotten letter and t.o . badljsewi that they would fnll to pieces aftci a fe dajsofwear. This was considered a idle tion upon t"iicral ! Drum , who has chaigc the army shoo factoiy nt tlio Leavenvvor militaiy prison , Thu supeiintendent of th tactoiy was , until icccntlj , n imn naim liudlong , a nephew ot ( ieneial Diiim. I is now iiost trader at > ort Leavenwoith. ' ] ' ! bo ird of commissioners of the juison , cm misting of ( Senerul Tetry. Ctcnernl JJiiim , at JtulKO Advocate Geiieial Hair , made anil \estigatlon , and in his annual icpoil , tl secretarj ot wnr announced that the ? four ( ieneral .Miles complaints to bo unjustilie ( iuiieinl Miles' has taken pains to seeuieaf davits ticiii hundreds ot soldiers and otlice who wote the shoes , and they all Icstity tin they were worse than useless , as the Jeatln was so lotion that the stitches would m hold. Companies that went oil lorn week campaign vv itli now shoes on come back bai footed. Ccncial Brairg , chaiiiuan of tl house military committee , proposes to bin nn investigation ami is supposed to bo I communication w hlieneinl Miles and otlx ollicers , wlioso experience with the Leave ! woi th shoes Is simtlur. Hragi ; has also bee looking up tlm cost of famishing shoos f < tlio ai my and ( mils that it now amounts i three 01 tom times as much unnualiv as did when they were bought bycontiaet. Jilts. CI\Vii.AM : > S'\\OI.H. Speak ! ig ol lier every day annoyances L the jiublic , Mrs. Cleveland is quoted to-day . Mjmg : "Vohcan have no idea liovv man letleis 1 receive daiij' . 1 get letters by Inn dieds almost ; letteisfiom oveij' section c the count ! r , and about oveiy tiling nuclei tl ; sun that can bu vviittun ot. 'lliej aie iiio5tl iiom women and ono half of them are d voted to advlco upon ono matter 01 aiiothe The tempeianco women ot thu west ai favoring mo with a great deal ol advice jiii now. They nro vv irnlng us to slum tli How ing bowl , by which 1 ? upposo they me.i to dissuade us fiom wine diinking : but as seldom tastu it , expostulation is quite ut necessary. There nro a lew poisons wome 1 should sav who imagine Iho white hou-o i dillicnltto man mo and thevolTei sucjcsllonh A good deal is said to mo respecting m ex.imple in this 01 that lespect. Occisiontdl 1 do get a lettei troiil some good , kind soule woman vvhoieallj writes becinse she tliinK sheinaj do some Rood , hucli letters alwav Impress me and are veij lull ot hiigjestlv thoughts , Ofcouiso 1 ilon't ansvvet any c them. 1 did wilteonu or two letters tope oils who had written mo about sometliln that 1 lancicd lequlied.v ic-plv. but J usuall loiiiul mj lettei lepioduced in the local no\vi papei neiicst the iccipient. I now don icply tonnj imkiiowncoiiespondent. " MK . fll VI I.AMl'Sfrivi ( l'I , VVK Social elides are somewhat stlnud ii ] > litho the announcement thut JIis. Cleveland pu poses to institute an entirely new oidc-r o tlilngsattliowliitelioii"0tliiswintei bj glvln daiieliiireeejitKins nt which tlio most chniii ing losolwds in the gaideii ot capital soclel will bo the leatuies. This is very giatlljin , news to the joung people , many of wlion have ottcn e\pressed Ihowish to try thu tes live waitIn the commodious cast loom , am the preteieiieobhnwn by the misticss ot tn mansion lot the company ot prisons noi her own ngo seems to given justitiablo cole to tliostorj now on its loiimls. It was lit quentlj rcvictted at tlio receptions hilherti held at the white liouso tliat thu M > lcntlli dance music of the Maiine band should be al lowed to go to waste , and If tlio new oide goes Into ellect this oi ani/ation ot imislea geniuses will bo moiepopiilai thitnevei heic ' 1 huio has been some eav II ovci tlio iibsenr- - ot Mis. Cleveland tiom Washington whil < her husband was sick , and It lias been fie quenllj meed ilint she < ould not think inuel of linn to go oil on n Icasiiietnpcven It on of tliupinj was tlie famous Cousin Him J'ol som. Consul Stinv nit , who undo tlm thin niembfi of thopaity that lett Wasliingtoi seveial davsagofoi New Voik , noli't bj presenting Mis. I lev ehnd witli a 1 icncl poodle , ami the piesldent with an nnclen lock , and besides lit ) showed the tiitino liis lady of thu hind nuiueious alUntlous wluli she was on the otbci side of the bi imnd tot tlnu'readj fin her wedding. It bus kept tin coircipondents busy leu the past vviel ailiriuing niul denjlng the piosonco of Mis Cleveland in tins < iy | , nnd ono varaeloir ehionlclni of hlstorj even went so far us ti put the ladv on a Desbiossus htreet lerrj boi bound foi Joisey Citj tlneu dijs bcloio sin atuall > icttiined lo the vvluto hoiiho. 'J'i L'lvea color of tiuth to the Moiy ho ovoi wuniholarns to Jmvo Colonel i.nmont nr eonipiny her when us n tact theiiiesident'i rlu'hlbovvei wns not out of thoieachol tin elilel mnrflstrntu dining Mis. Cleveland'i absence. Hut I ImcMiajed fiom my oiig- inal propobltiuii lo aidiiu' dnneing at tfii vvtiito lnm e , vvhlill would bo simply a 10 . ot simlhr events , when Miss Nellii ( iiant was within the time honored wall .No one sets any nartUiil.u objection to Mis Clovcland glvlntru dancing pally 01 n ul dancing leceptloiib dm liii. thu bhnit tlmi iillotted foi t-oclal tcvilvitles Ihlbwintei al Washington , and In the minds ol main 1 would ton decided Improu incut upon tin still awkward handshaking oideiK thiougl hich the ndbtrcss' ot the white house is compelled polled to piss. Xotliin. could bo moipnttraetivo than tin ceno tliat would bo presented in tliotdstoi caleastiooin of thubeautiesand beaux of tin 'i > soda ! cliclo hcioliiilint ; In the ina/.c- if thu dance to the Insulilng strains of tin Marine bind oichoitra niul even tliHstatclj niiiuct could wltli thu utmost piopnct } bt igaln as In thuoaily daja ot the rciiubllc r. : eatinuatu picsldcntht partj * . houiu ot tilt low ager might object to such asarnhco ol tlh'iiltj on Iho part ot the piesident's vvite , jut uuqiiettloiiabl.v the ioung people would inanlmoiisly second nn Innovation "Mis , I'lov eland does not want to bo tlcil low n to llio companionsiilpot licr.senlois,1 cmaiked a leadei ot societj to jour con e- iiiouitcnt , "for slio cannot lielp rralUing that .lioUcoiiipaititlvely . lU-sh tiom bclwol and liinks that sue ought to btnilovv ed to tn joy lersclf. It U In deft-it nro to this verj seiuf. rent tliat Mrs. Secietnrj WJiitnej- . with rare act and good tastCj always makes It a point to have a number of j011111 ; people at any t\ \ tcttnlnmrnt she may give in honor of tl joung bride , and < oii cmicntly her parti are atvvnjs voted delightful by the p.irtle panls. S | VATOH 1IA1I ! ! ! ON 1 M.K . benator ll.iirlsun was by j-oiir corrospo dent to night show nan Indianapolis dlspate n to-diiv's Xew York Sun stating Hi he hail become dUeti-tcd nt the "disrepii able work of Ids party" to spcuron major ! or thu legislature anel hid vvltlidravvn fie thoscnatoiialince , believing that if ho co tinned In it he would bo Injmetl In his pie < dcntlal boom. Tlio senator said tli there was DO tuitli whatever I tlie statement. In tlio Hist pine he was not a picsldentlal camllda niul , therefore , did not need to look after piesldentlal boom or consider Hint qticstlei ns In anv vv.iv atlVctlng the scimlorslil Seconellv , lie did not know of anv eilsicput , ble political work hav Ing been dotio In li tllnnn , except bj Hie democrats , lie did in think the autiiens ol the gcrrymandi vvoiilel make an aupe'al except upon tl iccord thcj have alrcnelv made. Seiinti Hairison said ho hael thoroughlj at heaitllv supported the lepublicans ot Indini in the r determination to nialtUrnii the lights In the loirlsl.iture even in the facet the blood and tlumdei threits being tu minuted In some qiuucrs ot fie opposltlo : Not one of the statements made In thed- ' pitch sent liom Indl.mapolis last night tint' . Seiiatoi llanison is wltli Idsputji their deiiiand lor lalrness and honesty an Intciuls loslny vvllh It. mi vn.ssAon nisru OMIIH . H is undeislood that none ot the specific i imnoitant recommcndntions of the piesidei in his message tocoiigiess will be taken i foi lulllllinentby llio house commltten c wavsand ineins. The document 1ms bee laid befoio the committee' , which finds th theio Is so much In It to elicit piolougcd ar nciimonlotis elebato that tlic leeummeiid tions seriatim will not , as Is eiistomaiv , I given attention. The viuious commiltei having appropriation bills to prepare wl co as lai ns possible in cialifj In the pie < dent's eleshcs. Hut tlio inlo adopted at tl last session which prohibits now icglslatle in appiopriation bills will make it impossib toi anj very potent legislation to be enaete as the result ot the president's mess me. II mom's ' of Clialiman Monison , of wavs ar means , say Hint it Is not tiuo tliat his n tilcndllne'ssto the president is the cause \ the Intention ot the committee to nut K\\ \ customary attention to tlic mcssasrc. VCIIANCI : ion vvunxi v. I ho uilo piopospil In the house llio otlu day bj Chairman Ileibcrt. of Ihe cominltti on naval alVaiis , piovldlm : tor tlm almost it niedlatn eonsiderntion ol appioprlation till nftpi Intioduction. is taken ns an indicallo ol Intention on the pnit of ( Seiieial Horbe to ntlciupt to enlarge the poweis eif the seci of tlie navj in navalie'constiuctlon. Tl cimeiit appropiiations foi this purpose sin plj give a lair stall to a now mivj , and It picsumeil that Mi. Whitney wants to tal lonestildcs in his woik befoie anothei je. passes ; but just what this is lias not been a ccilaiiied. n YIM roii nrrr.AT. Quito a number of democratic repie ent ! lives who tailed lo sevuie lu election at il polls last month , oi who weie noi eandielati forie-election. ate spoken of positions. 'J heio me at least tilteen ol tlici and 11 all weie to get positions it would n quire an almosi complete eiveitinning ol eli ] lomntic ollico holdeis. Among tho-e mo : proiulnentl ) spoken ol aie Mi. Monison e Illinois , Mr. Cobb of Indiana , Knndolii Tuekci ol Viiginia , Mi. Willis ot Kentuck' ' General U'aiien ot Ohio , Mi.Ctntin ol I'cni svlvania , Mr. Wellbemi ot 'loxns , Hen 1. Kuvieol Ohio. Kiank lltiul , another Ohl statesman , was spoken of , but has deolaie that ho would nut leave the piactlcc of la1 toi any fedeial position. The othcis namei and many more , have nut vctocellheni noiincGiuents made by their trluuils that the would accept appointments. 1,1011 r coMvmTii : : vvoiur. Xot ov er a eto/en house committees otlu than those which will compile npniopiiatio bills will nave ic ular meetings dining tli session , and nut ovei a do7on nlleigelhei wi have more than Unco 01 loin meetings eacl \\avsanil means conimeicc and judicial : will meet more liequciilly thin any otlie" committees not having the pieparation ol ni piopilntion bills. 1'ublic buildings an grounds , which lias done veij little dm In thopiPsont session ol eongiess , is not i" peeled to have anj vvoiklnsr meetings. Till congiess seems to be veiy much aveiso to a | propilatim : moiipy lei goveinuientstiuetmi tlnoiicliouttlieciuintiy In the waj ot publl buildings , but is veij much in favoi of th moie questionable lorm of ilveih and hni bois. xi MI noe's I'OSIAI . It is announced at the pnstolllce dcpai niHiit tliat foity vacancies oecin every elnj o the average trom death , ieslgmtion en olhe icnsops In postollices tlnomjlioiit the eounli j Iheio have been suspended and cicatci inoio postollices dm nit' the past eightee months than there we-in duiiiigthe foiu jeai immediately pieceellnir the inanimation i'lcslpcut Clnveland. The numbei ot peutoi lice's Is giailimllj elect easing , this is e > Pliincd bv the iact that u gie-at many icslj nations oeciu tlnoiuli tlio politics of tlie a' ' ministiation , the old olliceis not deslilni ; t scive , and there bolna a dlfnVulty in proem ing ncollicois. . tlm olllees tuo snspendcil In these suspensions a less numbei nio le jiivonated than ate clo'cel up. A row DI m ijss nto.viiKu roni. lo-dajs llciahl hajs : "I'lenu I'oitSidnej Ncbiaskn. a icceiit lettei discloses i.ithi'i peculiar state ol allalrs lor a military post n existing. Oideis vveic icceived , in commoi with nil otliei mllltniy posts throughout th united St lies , to lite minute guns dining th ilav ofex-l'iesldent Aiiliur's tuneinl , but a the mnga/iuo was eiiintv ol powdei tliu orelo [ ould not ho compiled with. ' A MSK | ! | | vVb WKDDlXa. ( aids havu been issiieil by Mi. and Mr' Wanon H. Oreuit ol this city to the wexldlni ? eiomonj ot tlieii d.iiiL'htei , Lillian , am Steelc , ofoik , Xeb , nt tin hurch of thu loliiiination , Capital Hill , 01 vyedncselav moinliig , Dc-ceiubei I'i , at ' 3 clock. NOT BIG i\OUGH Poll GltOVKH Jilri. Clovolaiid'H CliristiuaH Piiichnfeei Ate Suspiciously Small. CuiCAfio , Dec. I1. . [ Special Telegiam U JioIJi i : , ] AXenv Yoik special sajs : Tin usit to tltls cilj last week ot Mrs. riancf I'leveland. wlfeot thu pii'sleli'iil , hascrcatee line h small talk in olllcinland soeietv circles Ilitheite ) , vvlienuvei Mis. Cleveland camu ti he metropidis , tlie hut lias been announcei it least sevoial ell > > be-fore. On this occas on the ladj eauio iinlioiahtcil. It Is st itei ; hat Mis. Cleveland made some ve-ij notable .mil hasps , vvliilo here. A e-leik in ono o | tin : toies she pationl/od said : "I'ho papon -aysho came on to buy Christmas pie-cnt oi the piesulcnt , but from 1 hnvu bean ) t tlio piesielunt's build 1 should tnlnk thai hopuichases would beiathei a Hunt lit. " "ics , and liiiullv warm unimirh for a mm .vltli . iheiimatlsm , " gk'gli d hei companion , A link m anothei well known store hi' ' his to tell ; "What a don lltllo man .Mi Jlovclnndiuust be. Suchnllttlo loot as tin li'itr t'ood mriii must luivo abou io JOUR [ anil tl.o joung womai iieasiiieil on on hei linger about ono sue csslvo Inclil ; and what a cunning littlt light cap he must wear , too , all of laiei am link rlbboiir , . and nlioiit big enoiuli lor i food sl/ed doll. Mr. Uoveland must look toe 'Uiinlng ' tor anv thing in ono ol them. Hul shouldn't think ho vvouUl want to wcii hem on the sttcct , " Airs. Cleveland Is also cieditcd with liavlnt inrchnsielalUilusIlk lace eloik nbout lai.e 'iiough forafalrj soveial tmj ouitHof lamb'- \ool and sklitcil , late tiliium d bibj dic-se-i v Ith cunning bib iittachnu nta. < Vitaln It 1 : hat Mrs. Cluveland took biek to Washingtoi vlth hei one * more ) lunik than she had vvlieii .ho . fame to Xu\v Voile , and It the dappei leiks and blushing salesladies tell Ihu null lint trunk contained nn out II that oven Hie aiistocr.itlc I'lc'tiili doll out to bo prom o possess as a Cluibtmas present. Driving Out Cliuie-sc. Xi w vitu , X. J. . Dec. U An effort h icing made by tlie Knights ot Labor tu drlvi ho Chinese laundries from tills < itv and ountj. Casbolt , uioprietoi of the Hellovllh , iundrj- , has airec < | to elischugo sovmal iiindred mongollaiis In his cmpluv. This Is oiishli'ied a gieat vlctoiv b ) Hie knights , : i < t vvas the ) hrst plan ) In the east when : Miliiie laboi vvas eiupioved Xohiaska ami lovva Weather. I'orXebraski ; Tali vveithei , noitheivvest' ilv winds , nearh statUuiarj teiiiperatmc. For lovva : 1'air weather , i : kiuus. sutlouary Uuipeiaturc , i'onirAHT or AMiat tlio Wock In llotli Houses AVI Prolmlily Itrlnc Port It , W vsiu.vnov , Dec. 12. ijonntor Mouill nntl-laritTiesolntlon Is the unfinished bu1 ness of the sonnto and Mr. Diwes has tl iloor for n speech on it. Xe\t to this In i "pcct to right ot wav comes the 1'l.xtt resol tion foi open executive sessions. T'lts ' men mo seems to bo a stumbling block , u is foi doomed lo defeat whenever It comes to Vet but the mnjoiltj nre reluctant to make record out of accord of universal public sei tlmcnt. It stood ns "unllnlslied lmslne > foi several weeks ol tlio last session , boln laid aside fiom Uino to time foi other matte until It vvas Kken Into caucus and smulliou under nll ioi meleriod measuut so lei that there wns no posslbllitj of icn-hlng beioitithcendol the session. Then I'ln scoured nspiclalouloi lot Its consideintlc on thesth of the piesent month , but vvhi' ' the lime came the senate speedily adjoin m tu next Monday. Hv tlieeiisiuinaij eouitc" of the senate , Mr Moirlll vvas given the o poilunltv to make his tailir speech , nnd ni joiitiinuMit follow oil In such a way as to m il his tcsolution , witli its limitless iiossiblllth as incentive to dcbitp. In tlio position i "unllnlslied business , ' vvhleh position It likelj to hold dtiilni ; hall llio session. It undeislood tint riatt will to-motiow , mi lioin tiiiui to time tliereallci , call attentlo to his resolution and suggest that a vote I taken upon It. Tlio leiiiainlngspecinl ordei for tlm piesent week me : Senator L ( gnn jidnt lesolullun authoii/lntr the sieietiuv i jvai to accept tlm Hlghwood tiact of vw acu In Like coiintv , llllnoia , donated bv tl Commercial club of Chicago tor milltai purposes ; Senator Heck's inllioad nttotne bill , mid thu house hill In ehaignof benaU Van Wvck tor tlie leliet ol ettleis i Ncbrasku nnd Kansas. It Is not sale to pn diet tint any ot the special otdeis will I leached dmlng Ciu week , tlio event depent Ing largelj upon the wIllliiLMiess ol tail debates lo siispund tempoiiiillv. They w II howevei , ictnin such uiutelined lights si thuii position on llio special order list glvt them until a vacant bom Is lonched for tliol eunsidciatiun. J\Ir. \ Hlalr has given nolle that he will at an eailv day ask the senate ! ait upon his woman's sulViage icsolutloi and lie niav do thisbetoietlieend of tliowee U benator Hrown , its toi nun opponent , wh has not jo' , ni rived , makes his appoaianci llio Intel-state commcice bill is likely to li icpoited bv the conferees beloro the mlddl ol the week , and may peniaps dlsplaco n business then pendinc. If , however , tli senatuisdesiie to study the confeiunco u poit , the mattct will hosulleied to llu npo the table until next week. 'Ihe senate wi adjoin u to moriovv as a mirk of icspeet t Itepieseiitatlvo Dovvnej , but tlio annoitnci incut will piobabably bodclajed till Inte i the atteinoun , The week In the hou = o piomlses to be heavy one. Altei the call ot stites on Moi dav tint Iloor will be accoideil to tiiecommi teoon the Distilc-t ol Columbia , vvhlih wl call up mnttcisot locil imuoitaiico occnpj Ing the wholodiy. Tuesday ami Wednei dnj will probnblj bo devoted to the considei ution ot tliosundiy civil bill , with a piob. lillitj ol linal action on Wednestl y. Ainon the special ordeis the bill creating the depai ment of at'iieultuiuand liboi has the advai tairo of being nnlinished business. EMr. Hatch , who has the mcasine in charge will endeavor to scenic a vote on it ' 1 lini ! dav. Unless some m ittei of lngli privilen inteivencs. I'Ud.ij will bo devoted to coi sideling piivntc bills. \VAljIvING ON W.VTKIC. Alfronso KliiK Alakoft n I'cdcntrlni i.o , X. Y. , Dec. IS. ISpcclal Tcli jji _ iu to the UKK.J Alftonso King , tli ' "watei vvnlker , " succeeded j-estcrday In hni crossing ( lie toirent in Nlagarn gorge bcloi the tails , but wns overset nnd neaily drovvnc In the "bodcH. " King woie a pill ot "goii Iish , " as he calls them , an evening dres suit and a tall hat. The hsii mo ofIIH thlrtj Inches long , eight inches wide niii nine incites high. Tlm leet .slip doun li them tluondi holes In the top , and when li the wntin the queoi suppuits aio so mucl submciged as to lescmblo go'd ' llshc . Oi still water King sivs ho can walk tlneu mile an hour. The attempt to i ios thogoige vva- - mndo on a wagci ot STX ) a bide by Hem Webb , the tbeatiical manager , and I houia Howe , aev York politician. To win i wasnecessaiv foi King to walic at least im teot on HID sin face of thu stieam , w lilt h dls tnnco ho made , with 'JK ( ) feet moio In a < | ii.u lei ol an hour , hniuo lepmteis in a tov boat nccoiiipanied thu watci poiicstilin tr pick him up In case he c.iimi/cd. King madi slow piogicssncioss the channel , and whet neirlho contei , wheio tlio cm rents come tc gethei , ho got into an eddv which cliurnei up liom below and twisted the gold iisl iiioiind until lie was Ihiovvn oil his teetaiu capsi/ed. The ventuiesomo man was icv cued and again essayed lo make the { tip , bu this timu tlio eddies made even quicker piu ; ol him than belore , and lie was pulled luti the boat. Despite Ills lailuio , Kln perslstui intijing ngain , but the icpoitciH did no want n LOI psi > on their hands and took bin aslioic. ' 1 lie stait had been made fiom Can nda liom tbu Maid ol tlio Mist laiidmi : , lo Supeiintendent Welsh , ol the state icseiv.T turn , would nitlttliofiatboatt ( > mptcd lion this side oi Iho ilvei. King was wet to tin skin , but game. Incendiary KiiUhers Ijj nclicd. Cu\i \xooo i v. Ten n. . Dec. U Ins night about 11 o'clock , n mob of masked mei visited the Jail at Kinirgold In Cutoos , rountj , ( ieorgia , and uflei ovcipowe'lng tlii Jallei took out two pilsoncrs , named < ! ioigi Spaiks and Monioo Smith , both negioes , nm taking ilium to n point mat Hut i.iilioni hontli of town hanged them them to n trei wheiotliev weie tound this morning and cu down bj tlio aiitlioiillos. lioth negioes hai been i uga 'cd lu lobbing and buiiiing lioiisi In noith deoi/la lei some montlis and hni come to lo ) a tciroi tothocommiinily. .Smltl ionic-sell tin * ciiniu of which tlio two met had been guilty. Tlm latest crime was loll blngnndattcmptini ; to biitn u tnmlly rest deuce IK , u Jlingguld , on whidi oicasioi Smith h.ilrl they had plotted to niuidoi evcrj bodj in the hoiisuand mil thu building am then Inn it 'lliuio Is noeluo to thu identitj ul the ijnchers. To.xns Train Hdhberw. I'DUI Woiiin , Tex. , Dec , U. J'ho soull bound pissenger ( tain on thu 1'ort Woith . 'C ' Denvei rnllioad , whllu stopping at Uellevm sestciday moinlin ; lei watei , wns boaidn lj ) tluco lubbers wlto took liom thu pissen geis eight'Jies and fclOi In monnj. Tin llnee robbers were unmasled and wllhoul disguise aiipaientlj.lun the train stoppu liiey seaichcd the engineer and hrciuan. .UK then , with drawn involves , went tlirongl thu train. Tliej had bien M-OII bulori < tin train stojiped nnd about bl-J.OCO and nboii fcl.OOO vvoitli of jovvcliv vv eio placed in UK keeping of ll.o ladies , who woronotscaichcd 'llio robbeirt left quhklj , cctting only SrlO' iiinl.1 few aitieles. When tlio tinln arilvei nt Jicllevtie eillleeiH vvtiu nt emu dlipikhei Inpiirsultoi tlioiobbeis foi each of whom ! rovvaid of fcjvi was ollnul. Ills lliuiiiili Iliuj vvill soon bo nppiohciidcd. A Xnvv IMeiiio-1'iieiiuionla Itlll , WbiiiM.iov , Deoi ; . A deloMtii of the S'ational Cattle ( itowcis assoeialion has c 'Jill ' ill pu n.iiatiun foi Inliodin lion In UK ( Ciiale which b i > lor i's object the suppiev , lon of plnero-jiiu urn ml i. Tlm bill U beliiK aicfnllj di.iwnh \ .lii'l-'c Shellabagiir anil Lvillnrobiblj IIH introiluuud In tlio sciiatu bv Ml Millet , ut Now Voik , It will bean en ; liely now muasuie and tins n'entloiiien nl ivhosoiiistancu It is Iviiis : pnpirud lieliove t will lid miicli moiii cllecthu ih in tlio bill low pending in tlm house , in the speedy > UpplCSsoll ! Of till ! dice IM- IlliiioK' ( JiplKil 'l.ikea l iio. CnirAdo , Dee U A Sjinu-lu'lil , Ull.j .pccial to the Daily News s.ijs ; u,0 , novvlj MCvttd Sl,0jo,000 btato house caught Hie Mil ] this niornlii1 , ' nnd Iho cntno stnicluic ioon tilled witli a dense , black KIPO ! c. 'JJi ( lames were conllned to one * apailmiut tul t Is H'aud tliu smol.c ami lie-it badh fiiiuiMJ heiicinrescolng tlnoujliont lint b'uidln ' , , Ibis isiknlcd bv Um cictodtatis vvlm plnri ! liBdjuuu iHglo.ouOprltw. 'j he nro ' ' utet ) U ) a THE IOWA RAILROAD FIGHT , Brilliant Talent Contesting the Oonstitu * tiouality of the Swoouoy Law , DOINGS AMONG POLITICIANS * I'lanq Alronrtj HeliiK fjnlil Tor the Coming Slnto I'.leotloii-A tic In'KUt Dinlcullj Other low ft News. the Itnllronil Iiaw. Dr. < < MOIMS : , la. . Dec. U1. iSpcclal lo llio Hir : , ] When tlio lust leglshtuio passed tlio law compelling all foreign com panies doing business In Iowa to Incor porate undei the la\vs \ of this state , It pcr- Unimd a dutj dennnded by almost univer sal public opinion. Tlie piinclp.U reason for this demand was the feeling that so long as1 toielgn companies iivllnnds e pcclalh , were not subject to state jmiMllctlon niul state courts It was a ratliei haul mallei for tlio avotago clti/en to get Justice If ovet brought Into litigation with them. The common ptnc tlcu ot the toads of traiisfeiiinu their snltrt nt once to tlic fulcinl coin ts wheio the ex- police involved and Hie luiu delajs attending would the out pilvatocitl/cns lias been very nnnov inland was oiiu of the leasons that led to this legislation. It was baldly supposed - posed at tlm tlmu the Sweeney law was passed that them would be nnj ouunl/ed i\t- tovupt to disiegatd It. Hut the leading trunk lines of the state all foieign companies but the Hock Island hive pooled thuli Issuea and joined hands to resist the operation ot the law. The hearing of the habeas corpus cases by the sum erne court last week , which was given for the nut pose of tc'tlng thocon- stltutlomdltj ot tlio law , utoiuht together soiuu notable talent In tlio employ ot the roads. The state was lopiesouted only by tlio and the nuthoi of the law. senator bvveenoj. If tlio constitution ality of tlie statute is sustained , it will bo n line victorv for the two gentlemen who had to contend w 1th thu keenest and ablest leual talent of Chicago , Milwaukee mid Iowa , nil ill tlio service ol thcgieat coipntations. iiHitvsiso ro 11011 i viii It Is pretty hard to Keep the aveiago pol itician ipilot , oven in "oil" jeart. Althougli it isscveiai montlis beloio tlio nominating conventions , .vet thu political pot Is beginning to boil , and anxious iiuiuliics arc being mndo lei the news. It Isgcneiallv conceded that ( iovoinoi L.uiaboo will bs liisovvn successor unless he should decline to eivo a ' oconu tciiu , and them I" no Indication now that 1m will , llo is looking aftci the public institu tions and other business inteicsN of tlie state witli great c.uu and lidelltv , and the people ceneialh aiepleised with Ills administra tion. lie Is esseiillallj n business governor * with no attempt at sjiluige 01 dlspl iv , but lie keeps up tile business of tlie olllco wltli piomptness anil dlsuatch , and Is looking attei the public good consl.intlv and eloselj' . Ihcio IsioiislduraDlo talk about thu MI- prcme judceshlp that becomes vacant next jc.u. Judge Adams , the piesent chief justice , \villicliiehylimitalionotlavv at that limn unless 10 elected. U is not known whether he Is a candidate lei ic election or not , ' though it anj Inference is to be taken from tlio expression ot ids collcauics it is to bo presumed that ho w 111 , as it Is not uncommon to L'lvu the supicmo judges tour or live terms. Ho Is n very aulo iavvjei and has made a gooil judge. Hn beats the distinction ot being called the "wisest looking man In the state ofjovva. " Indeed U Issald to bo a physical impossibility for any man to bn as wise as ) .ludgo Adams looks. Pleased or displeased } * sad or gay , btisv or at leisure , ho lvvaj& woaisa seieno look ol judicial eomposuio , peivaded b > a cast ol tiemcmtous solemnity and pi of omul wisdom. Among other candi dates mentioned lei this place aiu Judcn Lewis , of the bloux Citv district bunch : Judge ( Jiangei , of tlio distilct uench ot noitlivvcslein Iowa , and Senator Itob- inson , of Uuena Vista countv , In north- em Iowa. The lattei Is the piesent dull man of the commltlce of the senate , mid is a veij htiongnnd able liwyci. Allot these candidates ,110 liom northern lovva. It is safe to assume tlio other poilions of the stain will come toiw aid with Iheli accustomed piomptness and turnisli Iheii full quota ol candidates when tlio time Louies , There is consldei able activity nlso aiuoiii ? mulid.ites tor state piintei , tlie olllcit which Is commonly ild to be the most lucrative state otlice. ' 1 hey hive begun the canvnsi L'ailj. and niu doing what vvoik they ran imoiit' the hold over membeis of thu Jculsln- imo. The stale pi inter Is elected by tlio legislatuie nt tlie beginning ol eacli biennial Cession. The leading cindid itei so I.u an nounced aie : Mi. C. M. .luiikln , ot the Kalr- Ikld Ledger ; Mi. ( Itoi e lia sdale , or the Lu Mais bentinel ; Mi. Kinest llalei , of tlio Staats Xeltinur , the nevv ( leiiuin lepiibllcau iiipci published heiu ; Mr. .1. W. liich , of the Vinton I'agle.ainl Mi. .1. I ) , liovven , loie- inan ot the present stale pilntei. Mi. Itovven tvas cli , ill in , in of the republican cential com- inlttcu toi this eoiintj in the lalo cam paign , and is not only uti active and encr- retlc lepiiblican , tint a Ihoioiigh workman ; iml competent olllcial. 'Iheie will probably Uonveij spiiited ihulij lei tins place , as it Is n good pijlng ofllcc , and Iho Ineiimbent is usually given tlneu ti'ims Mi. Ueorgo Cohens , ol I ort Dodge , the piesent Mate- in Intel , Is not a eandidato toi re-election , DISH vitiiisn A i AVVVI n. .Indue tilvcn , ol thu elicult couit ofthltf It } , lias just oideied pniccedliiL's to bo begun lei thedlsbaimentot Mi .SUkiuon.oni ) if the Avell known mombeis ol this h.u. Jt is very seldom that u piocordhu' ol tills kind occur * , but in this ease , tlio < ourt bcenis to Ililnk ( lie public good demands it. J'hu pic- .Uu ehiiL'o is tliat ol willullvlolatlngnii iidei ot thu com t , and ccimmlttiiiir other nil- iiiolchslonal ( oiidnct. U is just a little Hlngii- lai ( Oincidcnco thai ono ot thu lavvyuia ipolllt | ) < d by tint ( oliit to prepaiii .u tides i aliibt Mt. Moltmon , was hltiiselftho subject jt a similar piocecding some jeais itgo. though thu case was inner Ciiiiied lo actual llsbnmenl. 'llmei chunge , uiui inonlo with thviii. nil' \nvi\rv nn MMI'S iiioinii : . I'lio Mate bu. ud ol pharmacy mo having 'Dim- trouble as well as making homo for Jtlici folks. They mcntl ) dicidid that they ' ' jmiMlltilon to levol.o the coitllleues ot legUteu'd pliuiiiiiielhts who violated their ulcs. Ading on this inling , tliey lovoked thu cm tlllrato of a di uggist IIK rmmcttsbtirg , ind weiu piormliim to do tlio HIIIIIO thing lor two diuirgists nt Atliintli whom they be- iuval lo hav u an abnormal li.ido in meillcln il lilnli.s , when those gentlemen stepped In .vlth . n tcmpoi.tiy Injunction liom .liid o Mc- lleniy ot this citj. leMiainlng thu vvholo noceedini , ' , .linlju , mil tlie phainnej commlssioneis Ihlnk the ( Id gentleman's paitj bjmpiililes lead him ootlei what obstiuctionlieiaulo theli work , ind so tliey have decided to post- KIIIO fuithei action on thu Atl.intlo a es III Homo time in .Jnntuiy niter thu udu'i'ictlics liom the bench , as liu Is In Iliu ast month ol his teim 'I hej think by thin noinslhej have outwitted tlm < njolncr and liej cxpcd toliivo no fiiuh dilllcultv wltli lie judge's tiiurcbooi , who Isu lepiiblican. I he commissioners are doliu nomoihing to iievent an illegal hile. of linuou by ilrtiH- ; ibts , but tiiuiu iHit gieat deal jet lor theme o do. A i-i VMI sV roxvi MIIIV O ; all the ( onvintlnns tint tuu annually aid in thlscitj , niibndv I'xp.-cted a convon- ion of penmen. JJut there ih tri bo one. The nofcsslonal penmen ami iiruliui.s or pcn- uanshlp Imvo concludul to touveiiu and will mid a ot.itu convention luiu In a few day ind disiuss Iho line niul bio id linoof their ailing , l-ew people as jtthavo all Inkllnu > t what will bu dune , but It is announcul tlmt iou > inni LuiaOcn will nddrekS tlio lonvciu ion. 'llio Mig.cMum ia vvittllj undo tliat lit goveinoi addict them in wilting , All Mm aio witli ids pciiminship. vhk-h. nuclei oidtmuy U nbout is lo.-ibli us nn evening sliadovv or an in- cilution fiom the piamids , will ajpicclatu he humor i t the su0'.osttuii. in , ( mil ik-c a In oonao- , i P'II ol itmip ! | { rilu of 11 iilcrolt. Men * vn 1C ) tlio IIP in-lit of C'ulli haoidlircd liat 4iI ) putts bu i losf d nualirt ve seU wiiicli u lei Jiom that i'lavy blueu tbu 7th lust.