Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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j\mr. ! > wlfhlne good rthnblr help cnn bo
_ . supplied nt ( hott notice by vaillntr nt 119
North itth ft. irouncc block. Omflhn Km-
Iilnymtnt ( luienu. ICC 13
\r.NTI.T'MAN ) of good address find Inrge
trrnernl mi lne Mpcrlcnc Is open for
nigngerr.cnt In fotne office of trii't or responsi
bility. Cnn tilrnlMi unquestioned testimonial *
nntl n > o df > oilt tl/iOO to $2OW ) security. Ad-
ilrog A 53 , llco ollico. 1.V1 12 *
_ _
rrMIH V1KNNA fortune teller , nsiiUnce M8 S
J. 14th M. " " lr *
SiloimiANT ) In ten lessons. ' No
nn po'llton , rnpld ni speech fend
fortrlnlltMon. 11. M 1'ernln , Detroit , Mich.
r'Vir im' n good mortaMro or note to dis
count sec Mtnd.v Jnmieson.'iiss 15th ft.oil
P VOFiinxeii go oil inortgnKtTiiFnmo to nis-
count no Mend A Jnmlteonil8 : 8 16th M.
F .oil HUNT OrgRii : , J2 per month.
1M3 Douglas.
MOIl HKNT fqunro Pmno , I t monthlr.
t ? Holpc. 1613 Douglas. f-IO
t'luno montnlr. A
Hotpc , 1613 Doiik'lns.
VOT hnxe n good mortgnce or note to dls-
IT .ount ftoMiad iVJnmlcton , alb S 16th ct.
' . . ' .
8AIi-Ocnulnn : dlnmoml rliiKf.
I 1 ia.00 ) , J.TO.OO , Jl.W ) ) , nml up to JWUfl , nt
11 nnh & ijun ACo. . 'JJI S. Uth t :
Oil .SAI.K-DcMiltK- rctlro from tl.c
ImMntu : , 1 olterfor pnlo or trnde , In w hole
or purl , my entire dock ol bookK , Mntloncrr ,
Inner Kooiln , show LBSCS nml tontuils : would
fAcliimcp for mil ePtnlc , Improved or Unlm-
rpnxpil , or tor oiiulty intfre tc , nml n umo rx-
Mtnr inoit : npc , or won ] , I p\clmugu for \ohl-
ilonnd hoiPCF" . XV T. Srnmnn. _ I'll ' _
SAMJ-A lot ol choicn fresh cows nml
I ' rnrlmn > r , Just nrrlxnl troin the ilnlry
In lown. Tomb nml Cnpltol IVVP. 12SJ11 *
nold , IS 60 only , Hi
Krnnk .V-on * Co. , s-'U
B-XI.E-A izooil Ft-coiiil liand lm e biir-
ner , llmllnnt Homo , Nn. 60 ! toxo early
new , ehonp , No KfiS.UMlij . _ _ IW la *
. - nter
1 dog : MX months old. Addrost A. Al , llco
odlco. lOSia *
_ _
: \ C.M.I Oil.TI1 No. 2for $ HO with lenlh-
Nt\V ( rtriivflliiffuasonnil tiihlp. cost flOO.
Sc-mUor Eamplo of XX'rltlnir. H , llnmplon ,
Neb. : '
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ n'iJi' _
( ) lT ri.M.l'-Sinlekln tncc\ic | , mull nniHiyn-
I ' net. o-Tnur linino tmtlivr use , Address
A 45 lloft olllci- . ' 14 *
ni S.M.U-l'onj.nt 1111 1'Ieret.
Olt SAM1 Ti-iini of hoists. Hr Cfllnorcr
lrof. ! , HS lOlh ft. 852 Jfi
1)1 A NO A rltrli now llmci oiiiiprl t-hnip ,
Kliout one-half cnsh. Addicts A ill Hfu
F OK HAI.I' theiip A ImnilBonie ,
horBO. Very Rentlo. nml unltnble for fmn-
Ily purpo es. lniiilr | of Colornilu cnttlo In-
fpoctor , t' . S. ynnts , South Umnlm. 7U5
HIllxRS l.otl.rnrinsl.niHlK inoiiaj'Ionneil
llcmlii. room 3. llnrkcr block , 9. W. cor.
Kith nml I'limum nts. Ml
' HAI.K-At public nuclIonIce" ) 15,1101 pesT
inllchcoiTB , lioiihvhold furniture , hot bed
h mill fnnn tools , lit noith und of 18th st
11. XV. Hull. 72--U'
TTioil .SA l.K Furniture nml ICRBO ot six-room
JD Jinllfe , tlmoon pnrt. Cull 120 ! North 27th
Hi cut , two blocks from licit Cnr line. N > J
Foil SAI.R Cncap , iron columns ind irln-
ilowcnpRnnltnhlo for front on brick tiulld-
lnif. rorpnrtloulHrinpply nt thgo(1\cc. | ( \ 811
ANTI'D Competent cook formnnll family.
Apply at Mrs. Ciarnean's , 118 S. lllliet.
I ANTKD-A girl for general housework ,
\ tlO S. K'lh ' st. Danlsli girl preferred.
178 II *
AV 1'JU Dodge. 17U 12
AV ANTKI-A woman to ilo gfiienil house
work ; must bo good cook ; no other need
, nt in'.Hh N. r-t.,4 and lip. in. IBt.
WASTr.n- once , Mrst-clnss moat nnd pas.
try cook llufcieneos ncccsinry. Mutio
polllaii hotel , Hnrvaiil , Neb. l.'ti 15 *
rANTii-'ood : ( cook IniniedlHtely , l :
I'llSH. UUI2'
W ANTKD-A gill for geiiornl housework.
Apply ut Noil'iwust cor. ItHli and I.env-
ortli sts , 144 12 *
Al'ANTr.D A lady or gentleman to tnko
> ohargoofn huslmss Hint's tiny Ing (10 n
< lnj : from $5'J to f)00 ) requlreil ; this Is a ruro
I'hancii for the right pnity. Cnll or address Mrs.
K. A "on , 1902 rnrnuin St. 100 10 *
\\TAN rill ) Kxperloncod Shirt hnnds at
Vf OmnhuHhlrt I'nctory. IMS N. Ifilh t.
\VANT13ti A good girl , Uerinnn
> .Mrc. Julius Nngl , 15th and .loncs J7I1
' . ) - ( ! for Commercial House. .Ino.
.1. Stoek. 1'ioprietor. 172 12'
' A N'FlTT ) A Competent person to do ho
work at Kil S-'Ulli ! > 7B III
ANTiil : Povoinl Intelligent joungladies ,
iiood pay and pernmiient employment to
light pintles. Apply hot w eon Handy n. nii'ii
fi and l > :3 : p. in. Itoom S , Crcighlon bloeV , 1511
and Douglas. VM
\VANTI5D l.ndlis to work lor IIH nt thulr
> own homes ; f7 to 110 per week cnn bo
iiulttlv made ; no plioto. painting ; no canvass
ing. I'or full partleulnrH plca-o add ! ess , nt
onceCrescent Ait Co. , ID Ccntial St. , Iloston ,
Jlnu..box5lfO. ti5 ( 22'
tVANTKD-rirst gill. Ifil'J Capitol i
Oil IS *
AV ANTii-nod : ! girl ( or general house-
nork , 11111 ticorgln ave. 71K !
AY PANTUD ( ilrl for gpucial houseworK 111
Hiiall family , 1112 b. If HIM. 704
\\TANTiH : I'lrst-eliiKs cutter for duissinak-
' Ing can find work nt 102 , coi nor 10th and
Dodgu I-18. U3G UU *
\\rANT151) ) : l bullcH Ac ( fnnts to lonrn tclo-
giaphy Prospect good for potililon when
caiiipitent ; nddrcts XV. J. lJoom ! 1 , Cronnsu
lilli.Oiiiiihii. i : > 7
W.XNTKD Snlc.sini'n to solicit niders for
our elegant new style nickel plated door
flnteH , itieet nnmuers nnd mall boxes , dales
rapid ; prollts linniem-e ; l.'i.CKI to 115.00 n day
> IIKninUu. | | . Order snmples. circnlnra , tcstl-
inonlalHc. . Mich. Door Pinto Co. , dram'
.JlapIdH , Mluh. 200-15'
WANTHD a piirliier with n email capitnl In
n it-lull gioccry. Address A HI , lluo
ollico. IK1I8 * .
AV TANTii-lood ; Try cook nt .xilllnrd Hutc
i ' this dny. ( VJ
WANTIU ) Rtcnoginpher , one who under
slnndh doiiblo entry lioukkceplng. Ad'
ilni.enllli rotciciico , sl.itfujr talniy desired. A
4 , lice ollico V. < 2
AV ANTT.D-llnr'icr. stcndy work nt Pnxtoi
Hotel Imrbur Miop , VH
* l TANTii-HHilronil : ) I.aboieis , All winter'i
work. AllnlKht's Labor Aguncy. 130
rnriinii ) . 141
\\7ANTii : ) - llelialili ) contractor to bullu
TT dwelling , twofctnry , 3li.ll In oxchitngo tor
fO acres freed land Lumber , llmo and hurd
nnro furnUheil Call Hist lioueu noun Popplo
ton RMMin east sldo Jeorglu. Any evening
niter 6:30. : lev
"ll'ANTl'D Cit'illt mnn mid expert Recount
nnt with c.-iteiislve western aequnlntHnct
dfsltcs K hliuiiilou xvllU IliBt elt's house. Very
bett o ! iuli'rence , Address A CO , lieu ofllco.
101 1U *
WAN'1'KIi-At oncegood man cook ; also si
men to bonid nnd room together Kx
culelorliouBt > , b07N IBib et. 11712 *
\\TANTKI ) Agents with good appearance
ft for u new article ; cnn niiko 15 to fH u day
Call nt 1434 S. 13th st. V15 14 *
WANTii-Ollice : boy. Address In own h n
writing , stalingtuperluucu and wagei
vantrJ. A 32 , Ilca ollice. Ml
\\'ANTii-8 : Rood bilck mapons lieit o :
it wugca pnh ) , Apply at 1'Iutttmouth XV nit
XVorks , Plattsinoulh , Nob. ( U
fltHIUliukeis' Life AtlocUtlon of 81 Paul
1 Minn , hnr Ntbraskn work for , , a foi
peed solicitors Ktf rencrs utceunrj Ad
ilressYllco ti Sleet * , Btito Annals. Uncola
Nrt > . 114 decl
AV IHH.IU At 1109 i
ACr.NTSInthoclty or countr ) can mni | 5t
$10 a dity ( elllair our iperlaltiu ; . N XV
Notfltjrcoiupanr.lM I'trnom st. 912
VITANTKIJ-To go out nulling or lo do nny
_ fT by ttieOuy. Cull utiiwcorof
Unrnvy nud Hlb si.
1VAN1KI ) A po itlon nf hoiuelierrer by n
Y > with nlillle girl. Mrs. J.S. , nm'hcntt
cor. IQtfinnd IllcVory. IM12 *
\\7ANTKI ) Pitunt'on by ynunir mnn , ( icrnmn
In music store , to lenin rcpnlrlng nnd
tuning of Instrument * . | Address A fi7 lleo of
fice. 153J
WANTIU ) Situation by young man M nny
rtfpcctntile tuislncii. Address A SB , Dee
olllce. 157 14 *
\\7ANTKl-Po8ltfon ) liy > oung Inily ns book-
T > kccpor. olllce fir cnjhler : best ol refer
ence ? . Address A 40 , lleo olllce. OV3 14 *
rpo the Tftdlcd of Omnhn irishlng flrst-cln
JL dre itnnklng , Kiinrnntecd cutting nnd fit
ting : sewing done In fntnllles. Inquire Mrs.
j : . J Aiuold.lfXK Davenport. Xl 12 *
XA'ANTKD A young mnn wants n plncoto
> V work for his bonrd XThlle polng lo school.
Aildrc'B A ai , Hi o ollico. 101 13 *
WAN'Fr.I AgtntTTor quick soiling house
hold nrtiele. Kelts nt sight. Apply It.
IcDowoll & Co.up stnlrs , 1306 Hnincy st.
18)-45 *
- good safe with double doors.
512 s. loth M. m i.i *
" _
. . . . 'II'll Mile > inuii to hnndli ! the iiectilc ;
Ink I'.rnslng Ftiicil ; crnses Ink In two fee-
nils : no rbrailon of paper : one agr-nt s sales
mounted to Jfi.iimst week ; 201 to ( WO jier tent
rollt ; territory free ; sntiiplenai CVIIIH ; snlaiy
.ndcxpontuR to good men. Adilross the l.lec-
tic Inn Ei nscr Company , 408 Main St. , yulncy ,
\\ANTIU-Voung , ) men Intending to go to
> T Texas to learn or engngeln tock tnUIng
o wilto me : rnio Inducement * , dellghtrul
llmatc , hoi e'jto ride Contract must be made
icfoio Ktuitlmr. I'or further pnitlcuhus in-
iln Mnmp. II. Van Hntlb , lloerne , Kendall
VlfA.NTUD-liy gcntlemnn of large oxper
Ti i-ncolupoino legitlumlo inermntlleorof
Ice budlneM. willing to lined fl.OOOto 2inw.
'an furnish best of rcleieuce. Address A. 1.1
locollicc. 180 12 *
IVMNTI'D Ily HiM'iitlemim , thu acquaintance
i of n iiililillo-ngcd IndV or widow of ie-
pcetnblllty. Hood home , View mutual bone-
le. Address , A , 5 ? , lice ollice. 171 12
' stable. T 2' , lleo olllcc !
WANTED Ily n smulogeiitlrinnn.rooii ) nnd
boiiid. State locution nnd terms' ' . Addicts
A 64 , llec ullleo. IfLlr !
"lA'ANTKI ) A nentiy fiirnlshcd room , x ell-
T > heated , ill lensonnblo price. Adilies * A 4'J ,
Ice onice. H)4 )
1"\rASTI'l ) Tor pot en h , n good rehldcnco
IT nndlot , worth t.l.O'jO to $8,1)01) ) ) . Address
' .O. box 414. 113
\\MNTiJI ) Ciittomers for Johnston's Auto-
TT inntle witshci. Already njtoii'lx'oly cir-
sulnted in the city , f-clls rondlly on Its own
merits. Labor saving nnd Inoxpunulvo. Try it.
Mrs. M. J. Cnrrliior. 1621 Cnssst. H7I 111 *
AN'I BD To rent On or bolorn Mnich 1 , a
More or half store , on I'lirnnin between
3th nnd 15th. or llth between rarnam nnd
Dodge , lor n dcslrnblo retail business. Address
A , 2 ? . cm o lleo ollico. t-07 lfi *
_ _
WANTKD-Stock of diy goods , clothing and
gents' lurnlshlng'iroods or boots nnd shoes
in exchange for Oinnlia leal estate , i-chloslng-
er Hros . 014 H 10th st. SHI JO
-ANTKI ) 50 men to cut buokwliunt cakci
. i nndmnple syrup ovcry uiornlnirut Norrls'
Ilestnuinnt.lfith St. bet. Dudgo nud Oouglns.
Striilgbt board i > ur neoitfX.5-t ; meal tickets ,
III 50. Oit. :
IJlOll KENT -liny land. 000 neros at Ames , 7
JJ miles west of t'rcmont on I'uion Paclllu
Side track on laud. Apply to A. K. Dctwllcr
22d nnd Dnvvnpoit , Oninhn. 1B7 , " . ' > .
I.I'ASK A ( list-class hotel Minuted In u
tlulvlng ton n. I'or pinticiilnis nildieas
Andiuw Andcftou , Stionisburg , Neb. H > 2,18 *
POH HKNT House of il rooms , with ulosols ,
pnutry.good cellar. I'nqiilro Mrs. Wind ,
1ft house e t ot Snciud llentt convenl , on
south bide of Unit St. t'CQ ' 1.1 *
Il HUNT A newcottngoon upper Fnrnnm
F H. Inquire lit 2100 I'nrnnm st. UU
FOH IIKNT Store on iiuh and I.euvenworth ,
Imiillin nt Ni elty Carriage work * , H o cor-
nerlCtb and Chicago. Cluis. Xiumnun.
[ toil HUNT 1'nrt ofii fuin | liuil hoiiBowlth
the conveniences of the whole of It. Hefur-
unces requirc-d. Address A. , U'J Ucc olllce.
OU HKNT Kino location for Jobbing tirm ,
Donulns Pt near llth , address stating busi
ness A 33 Bee ollico. HKi
Olt KENT A burn for l hend of horses. In
F quire of M. T. Mill-tin. 8H7
Foil Hl'.NT lluildlng sulliiblf ) for n ilrui :
store In the llnost location In the city.
Inquire room 20 , Oinnhn NntlO'ial bank build.
Ing. J
_ _ _
F I Olt HUNT A nice fi-room cottngo , by S. T.
Peterson , s. c. cor. 15th nnd Douglns.
FOlt HKNT-Or lenso 20 aero ganlon with
house and stable inside clly limits. Apply
to 11. Mcraddcn , Sidney , Neb. MI-JO *
Foil KI'XT A first clussrc&taiiriuit , mqiilio
of Lot * , Nlchoi & Co. 13"
jIOH HUNT A splendid cottniro. modern Im-
- iirnvcmonts and tlno gronnds.on North Kith.
It C.ll'nltcrson , 15th and llniney. 103
IMll HUNT Olt PALI * House No. HII Spruce
1 tt , .1 rooms , lull lot , 0 blocks from depot , In
quire nt 008 N 131 li i-t. . or'Ml Spruce M. 1.18 13 *
TOOK Ul'NT-SloiuiJll N. mult. 003 10 *
IjtOH HKNT In South Oiiiahn , n ! ) room IIOUMI ,
J. . good pantiy andclosct. Inqulio KM4 S. IHth
Foil" Ttl'N'I Ix house of llvo iiioiiu , coin
pletcly turnlshed. Inqnliu IH1) ] ) Cass et
Ipoit KIINT Houso. n room * , Hnrncy street
and 21st , UU per inonth , also honso near St
Ma'y'n ax e. OrooniP , { 25 per inoiith i * . A.Slo
man , 1,112 I nriinni al. 117
HUNT Six now brick stores with blue-
nicnle.onniBr Kleventh nnd Howard ; choice
locution ; nil coinonlonccs. J.e\vitl : lluinhnni ,
lloom 1 , Crolghton block , OJ7.
F ( ill itTjNT Sfores , lefcldcnces , FiTrnTsTibd
nnd unfurnished rooms. I'iist class locu
tions. Kejes HcnllngAgency , Itoom 7 , South' '
east corner 15th nnd Douglas. J81 ! d ! M *
1" ; 5oiiiiiNT Astoro nnd 11 iTsem i-IiTo n a good
' biislne Rst. Inqulro of , Nlchol i Co. ,
lloom 23 , XVltliiiell block. B4.I _
F'OII HKNT-Ono new cottage , 7 looms , $ ' .
Three now 2-story house * ) , $10 , one at fill ;
well located , nil conveniences , l.unvltt Hum-
ham , Itoom I , Crclghton block. 127
FOlt IlKNT 7-ronineottnvulii XVnlnut Hill.
Terms , I.'O per mouth. Apply to D. XX' . Sine.
H'4 KniniimSt. 2'H. ! '
KKNT SO norcs adjoining city north-
weft , siiltiiblo lor dairy or market gnrdnn.
Apply to Theo. Willlnras , Hoe Ollice , UI4 Far.
num. t'.iS
ItlCN r Store22iw ) , IHO Jncuson st.
F OII HUNT rurnlahed looms for geiitlonien
f 12.00. Inquire 15US Cass st.
FOH IIKNT I.nrgn fi out room , fecund floor
either with or without bonrd , 25th axe. nm
Jones st. Call nt lOOt ! Karnnm et. IbO U
5'OH HKNT 1 fiirnlfhed front room for -
gentlemen , 1611 XVebsterst. 1:11 : 12 *
1J10H lIRNT-One Nice Itoom , New House
-L1 with ( ins and llutli Itoom , with or without
Hoard , X'J N 15th st. 142 12 *
FOH HKNT New furiiichcd rooms , to gen
lleninn nnd wife , or single gentlemen , al
reasonable ruleslit 2117 Hnincy street.
FOlt HKNT Throe newly furnished looms
centrally liu-m-M. I'nrnlturo for t > nlo , f 175
Kent , J'-'S. C , K , f.ce , 1207 Firnnmst. 14U U
FOlt HUNT Koom with board , 1813 Dodge.
128 1,1 , *
FOK IIINT ; Very doslrablu room suitnliU
fortwo , In now hou o wlthovciy modcri
convi'iilencu , IHlt ) Dodge. 7i3 !
1OU 11 ENT-Furbisheil rooms , 1015 Dod.r
no n
HKNT XVurm rooms ; table biuird , ling
llfchfnnnly , 212J Fnrnnm bt. D160 10 *
I OH HKNT Two nicely furnished pnrlois
single or en suite. Modem convfiilencts
1120 Capitol nve. 154 12 *
J f71011 IIKNT Lrtfu elegant rooins.wllU cloiet
1 Soutbfront. MlBChlcflfo btrcet , 81U
I1OH HIJNT Centrally located , tno nice fur
nibbed rooms situated near street car Hue
In hout > e unh nil inodurn conrc-nlonccs. XVji
lent Mlth board or tor light housekeeping. Ad
drtJM A 69 , Ileooffice. 176 17
FOlt HENT A comfortably furnUheO room
flrbt Uoor , front. Modernto rent to periua
sent parties. Smnll family. 1615 Cam fi
174 U *
Trnou HKNT-TWO nlcoly furnished rooms
A * suitable for 2 or 3 fenllemvn : lovely loca
lion with every modern improvement 141
Jones st. V8
FOIt lir.NT-SleepIng n > onis , furnlsheil nnd
unfurnishednt KW llownrd bet. Mb nnd I'tti. '
"IfOH HUNT 3 room * unfurnlihed , 1IOS P
* 7th st. 3 looms unturnlshcd , 1112 S7th st.
_ . _ _ _
"IJ'OH Hl'VrI'Jcgnnt room * ! on trect cur
-L line , bnth and gcs , s. IT. cor 201 h nnd
XVebster. 132
IP OH IIKNT A room with a bay window , nnd
1 bonrd , 1IO Chicago st. l M2 *
. . furnished front parlor ,
with or n Itliout bonrd , nt 2021 XX'cbatcr st.
I.I3.1 15 *
/ Oil HUNT I rooms ultnble for house
- keeping. 711 TncIOcst. Itcnt , J15.00.
FOH HKNT-XX'llh bontil , furnished rooms ,
1710 Cnss st. 114 15 *
[ TtOll HKNT Elegantly fmulshoil parlor , nl o
JL smaller room , HlSoulh Ibth near Dodge sn
UK 14'
TOIt HKNT Nicely furnished room ? , taStf-VS
jrnnmrn st. tws l
_ _
f7M 'iT IflTxY ITiriiisTiod room sTlltiaiTo'r'or * . '
L frontlemrn or man mill \\lfo ; idso tlr't-cluss
loixnl , 1 11 Iodo. | DIJ l.V
FOH HKNT Ncixly furnished , hcnteil front
room Riiltnblu lor tno goutluinen. 2511
"t. Mnry snxe. "CO
Foil HE NTSulto of newly furnished roomi
In new house ; modern convenlonccs : to
gcntlcracn. Itwl Dodge St. M
TIOU Itl'.ST rurnishcil room. . \ . lloppc ,
J 16IH OoUKlns st. uu
[ TlOU HUNT B rooms Biilnililo lor hotiac-
L keeping , linth room , ivutur In kitchencoal
lotmec % : r nit I2U.OO. & K. cor 20th nnil
FOH IIKNT-A Inrgo fiont ehutnbur nltti
closet , gas fin-unco nud bnth , Mil K. 20th Et.
block north SI. Mary's avo. _ P6J
[ 7011 HKNT Kurt.Isheil room nnd I Biilt fnr-
l ? iilshcd for light housokeopliig , C19 N" . ltth )
t. 777 16 *
FOlt IIIJST t'lifurnibhcil loom. InqinroMrs.
A. XVrlglu. liiislmmublk. CJJ
_ _
roilTtT'N 1' I'iiriTlBhoTrrooins for IlKht house
kucpinif , lleciners block , cor 11(1 ( V : Hniriud.
J10HHUNT ruriihhed room , 1810 DoclL'c.
Foil Itl'.N'T To frcntlcmon onlj * . two tur-
nbhed rooms in coed location , 'Jitoors from
'trcel ' unrsonoonflm lloor liirpo front loom ,
my window , Kns ami re lsier. $ - > per month.
Other Irout room , second lloor , register nud
Kn , fl.r ) PIT mimtli. Hofcioneo toipilicd. Call
it ilosk7. lil'W ' rurnniu St. , llrst floor. ! iO
W n. si
ft. on l.rAxenwnrth by 1'JO ft deep ,
corner , near licit line . f i ) , * > PO
xlS ( > 'i ' ft. corner on"itli nud Patrick
nxo.Kood tltlOKlXCll . " ,00ll
lots In Thornliurir , e. trunl , each . 515
on Siumdutfi ucnr 1'atrick uxo . 3.UOO
S. frnnt lot , Ilcilfoiil plnco . fiffl
; < \128 It. just n. St. Miiry'siixi ; . 1,0(10 (
llcnntllul lot on Vlrplnia nxc . 1MU
[ 'ulllot on Cti'wniMif.'stli . 1UO
Full lot on Cidlloaiiln f-t. , just 1 mile from
po-tolllce. . l.HIO
Burner lot on Sherman nve. near ( ! rnco st. ,1,500
xlII'.i ft. on CaldwL'H neiiriTth , Plnnn's
Hililltion . 1,7.10
OKHO It. on N. 20th tt . 1,0V )
I'm ) lot In Klrknood . 70(1 (
full lot on Nicholas near tilth . 4,500
G0.v1"0 It. o. trout , "blocks from red car
line . 1,500
xl" ! ) tt. e. front onM Bt. , near St.
Mary's HVO . ri , . " > 00
1'nlllot on 'Mbt nciir hcrnmn . ' . ' . .VIO
I'lnlnviow lotslnioiisy terms . 7CiO
luipi-o\cd 1'ioperty.
Nice cottntrp , f > rooms , on tins * ' s > t. ncrtr
-Mh , rcntb for 115 per month . l.'M
C-room cottage und lot lii.\l-7 ! , on in ! car
Hue . . lr)00
1'ull lot nml j-ioora lioueo In Shlnn's d
tiddltlon . * . ' ,0on
Kill I lot and 2 hotipos on Davenport 8t . . ! IUIO
Tixlluft. nml hoiisaon Giilifoinln si . 8Wi )
ID-room house on ( jcoi-Blu uvo . 5.0JO
utre lot , ll-ioom house , nil modern lin-
rovcinutq , mi I'lcnsnnt st . 11,000
,10-fl. lot mid house on North u'Olh < ! . , on
cutilo car line . . 2,70U
It houses and CU ft. lot on Noi'thOth Bt ,
on cable Hue . H.fluO
Vioom hoiiseon Clmrlcs st. | ( ! 0 It. lot ) . 2lttl
61-00111 eottiipc on Charles nndSith . . . . ' ,000
101 11 Opposite l'o tonice.
C. I'-VITKHJUN , N. XV. cor. 1.1th and
\vcstBiiiolot-HI $ aw
Ton ncrc , snltiitilo for platllni ; . . . . B.iiOU
rilli'on iicrc * , sultnblu foi-lnttlnif | t'.OoO
TwoDoiliro street lots , Inside IC , 0)
Two Kirkwood lots , each K
iiiiiiscoin t'liico lots fi.iwo to : ; , ina
( oiiicron.liicl.son , ] > avod sticet SOflOO
iCoiint/o'H Place. ? 1WO : to J-i'iO '
Twenty nurcs suitable for plaitintr. Fr ) n
llhncbniltrh \ l'ittci : > ons * I'laco . . 4IX )
wixlTO feet , tlnoly Improxoil , ICth struct 10,0.1' ' )
' .ixlX ! feet , Fnrnnm corner . . . . IB.tiOO
slU feet riirniun. linpi-ovcd t-n.OOl )
1 Imve sole agency on I he above. 177
.KO for nn aero In Cole HHfllanto. XVi 11 take
n wood hor-o or mure a < purl puymimt , ami
easy touns on bnlnnuu. Van lliiurun , Donitlns
and llih .st. ire 14
FOlt SAI.i : Lot r/ixrt' feet on Diivonport
bet jltli anil l-ili streets with - liouseH ,
PJ.OOO. J-.OJO cnsh and lonir time. .
XX'o have n Inwe list of hielde clly projieity
both ImMiiesgnnd rc-ildcnco , Ili-t elnsg. 1'nr.
clinkers will do well to tuo us. MiU'-liall \ l.o-
ck , IfiO'J Kaiiiiain- 1(57 (
GENIMNK IIA KG A INS Two corner lot * in
lliinlottocouit , only I blocks Iroin tiuun-
dor's vtrcet cnrs. XV. M. llusninan. llooin 10 ,
llualinmn lllock , N I'cor ! ' ' , th nml
" \\7Uollor lor F.ili , two sections ol ( rood farm
' laud In Howard county , thlx siato , nour
iitlhoHdb and coed tonn ; iincu * * . ( I nud S'J.OU '
Iicraciu. lllcKS.V liiKhram-l.1 H. 1.1th M.
'Jb7 U
NO ! tl'MlllTri.-l , < it fiontlnir two Mrcpts.honn )
on eni'li end icntlntr lor ? - , " > per month ; " 5th
and I'aclllo tL'.Mi.
House and half-lot , ' . ' 5th and I'n.'lllc. fl.'J.'Kl.
\Vorlli looking at
House and hall-lot , llth and 1'aclllc. $1,500.
lletlor KCII II.
Corner lot lllh and I'nciflc ; U gwnl hoiir-o :
BOOI ! rentFflUJ. ( .
Kirit-eln" ! lenli-lntu moitirntremllscoiintrd.
i'N'i ' .Mend .V .lanihon , 1S S. 15th fit.
LIST your property ulth It. C. I'atteieon , 1.1th
and Itnrncy. 11' yon naul It gold quickly nud
for spot cash. 112
WK Inn i ; had placed In our hands lor sulo
Mimuof tlio Illicit iicic property In Oiiinlia.
Ilenntlfnl hoiilh and cust blopo , clo u in licit
I.ino Ily. ; can bo told hi trncts ol f > , 10 orI )
acres. Call and tocnro jour uholco. Hicks
iS. 1.1th Rl. UN ) 14
IIST vonr propuity with II. C. I'litleison , 16th
Jiind llnrneyIf yuuxinm it sold quickly and
tor tpot cash , 112
IJIU'NNAN l'LACi-Vou : no doubt know how
JJ nlcoly llreiinnn 1'lacn lies : If not , you
should find out before purchasing n lo ldeiicu
lot cl-owhcro. XX'n can n-ll lotrt hero nt from
fllOQto IPWO , which will 8 > irt < ly bo worth f-'ix
In the bpriDK.
Oroiforj A Hadley.
1 and 3 lloilick 111k. , ; > 'U S. 15th SI.
OIt SAMI-'JO ncies ) yln > r west of XX'nliiul
hill in tracts to Milt. XVIII tell nil nr part.
ll-o | . , UU So. 10th H. Vi" 'M
171011 SALK-rJlothUxlWrrel. fronting north
-L1 on 11 rlstol street , Inilf way bctweon Suun-
ilcisniidState , nour atruet oars. City water In
front , | WJ each , 1-4 cnsh , tinimico In 1,2 nud 3
ycara. Address 8 M.Iioo ofllco. 254
TTIOlt SAU-lly. : chlo lnrer [ Ilios ,
-L RU i-niithlOth Ktiuet.
INI feet on 25th et near I'armim , will sell all
or part ,
,1 acre lots In Fnruam park , ! ! - . ' > per iieru
1'usy terms. ThU Is very de lrnblo lor garden
Nncrcs , Iniproveil , near city , .innse , burn ,
cribs , etc. Cheap and on catty tt .t.
Lots In Sculeslnger's addition tl J to JtVlon
eusy terms. eS'l J 0
HOUSKS Ixl .rtriii9l.nnils inonux' loaned.
IloinU , room a , Ilnrker blocc , S. XV. cor
1Mb and rnriinm sts. 5Ut
Co. 115 S. 15th 81 C.18
FOH .SAI.lI-Corner lot Oth nnd Pncitlo sts. ,
for irnrehoueo ; nbttrgiiln. OUen & X'oio
2ISH. 15th ct. WUIO
Our new addition
Acres WW to 1275 pur Bcro.
Near South Oninhn ,
And -jdlcnte Hill.
Marsbnll & l.obcck ,
108 IMJO Karnam.
PH SAI.U Flno corner 3 Urceta , Indlnnn
nrc. Piur , Calilwell st , lotfxJvUl It , : ) houses
rent for (45 per inonth nndthoru la room for ! )
inoiehouses. Ifyouwunt to buy a bargain
ilo not wall but comout once. IJeiiawa AT Co. ,
opixisite V , O UJ U
HAHK1S HAHHIS.3WS. . | 5th st
Money to limn In sums nf 150(1.00 ( and up
wards on But cluij i cut estate t-ceurlty. 157
pOH 8AI.B-Cbcup. 20 ucrcs lying west of
-I' XValnnt Hill In trat-ts 10 niin XVIII evil all in
pnrt. SchleeIn erHro . , til4 H. 10th si. UM 3 (
lot. near cor. Sowar-J ( t. , fionllmr on t-aun
ders it. und p xtd If. : olienp for Cfteh. J. I.
Hlce A.Co ox.'r Commercjiil bank. 7,5
' OMAHA-tHautilul lot In llnwley's
. . i-niid l.xt'hnuse pmce. . ' .I'.llmntnond ,
IKS 16th n.
C i Il.T KtHiK-I.nrge , ll-tooin house on llntnll-
' ton t , near 2tlii clo et throughout
| liouo. bnth rcoin * , water clo tt , hot nnd cold
. city wnter : Inrtfc binii XTPI ! built nnd In be't repair -
I pair , holrts7 hoises , 11 loniclonnd liny loft ;
nlso enclosed hnruets loom and pint form on
nlloy : corner lot , 4flTl2' < j : pi Ice $7fKU. J. V.
Inmmoiid , 117 S. 16th st.
TUNI" hoit e. with ' . ' Inrgo rooms , city wntcr
- lOO-barrei clitorii , hon e heitcd bv furnace ,
nrgo bnrn. well bullt.ion lhnre ! , nrnr 2'th ! ' :
, ill i-ll house , bnrn nnd Improvements , with
'or. lot , WiU5 foot It.t , for | ( iJOO , t',000 cash ,
) nlnnce to suit , or 100 'cct front liy I' ) . * , dc p for
f 1.100 , "j ensh , bnlnncc to suit , or the whole , ISO
xl3 * ' . for HO.OtW , $ : i,000 cn li , bnlftltcc 1 , 2 nnd 3
enr < . .1. F. llnminontl , 117 P. ICth st.
_ house , nicely
built , fnelng north , lot Mxl2l leet. In I'ol-
min 1'lnce ! price II.OiX ) , " 4 cHili.tinlnnce $15 per J. r. Hammond , 117 S. Ifith n.
"IT'INI" LOT on 20th st. . Just uoith of St. Mnty's
-L nxo.,6l\I2f , f 4Vt' ) ' , fl.100 insh , bnlnncc to
suit. ,1. ! ' . Hammond , 117 S. IGth K.
' OIM'OHTI-NITV-A roomTuin i > , nicely
built , fnelng north , lot , Vxl2l ) li , In I'ellmin
Mnce. Price. * 1,000 : 'i cish , bnl J-15 per inonth.
1. 1 % Hammond , 117 S ir > tb st.
EVKKVHOOY-Hliy n lot In Cnlklns' . * 10 ll
mnLn xourllrst payment nnd f.lpor mimtli
: hcrenfterlll buy n $2.0 lot. CAlklni' addition
> bcnutlfully sltuiitcd wet ol XVnlnut Hill on
'tunings t. Do not ml" * this ehaiico for n real
, 'Mnto Invr.Mmenl In Omahn. Now Is the time ,
1. 1' . Hammond , 117 S UltliM.
G IIiTntKJI'-l.nrgo 4 itory brick building
with high basement , elevator , etc ; lot 44\
, 'K : Hnrnov t. , between llth nnd 12th , FOtith
'rout. IVlce10,000. . .1. 1' . llnininond , 117 S.
ll'tli Bt.
I 1ST jour property with II. C. Pattpison , IMh
J nml llniney , II you Mnut U told quickly und
fur spot cash. II-
A MCS' HEAI , r.STATi : AH t'NCV calls your nl
J Vientlonto Imrgiiins ns follows :
lllll ( liile sells loi-f.'iKln lot.
Hlllsilnlet-cIN for 10 percent caMi.
lllllsdnlu iinymunt" nre f" > n month.
Hill diilcls the ncnre t tor the money.
HII Isilnlo occupies hontitlful ground.
llillsil deollet.s n chance to fine money.
IllllfdnliMvill pnv tilfr inlci e t.
Hlll il lu 111 suit you on tlrht. |
Illllsthikiat f.'ia month.
Illllfednlo lots for 10 per cent cnsli.
Illll ln'oinx lies Inspection mi'l xvlll prove ti
splendid mx estmcnt for n smnll sum of money.
Conic nml sco It. Amos' , iffi 1'nrnAm. IU4 IS
I 1ST your property with H. C. Patterson , 1.1th
J am ! Hiirnoy , II jou xvnnt It &old iiulcklv nud
for f.pot cash. 112
TTills.VIKC \ < it frontiiiB on DoilRO st. 2
Jtiloekp ens ! of thu po tolllco. A bargain nt
Slli.UOO ; 110,000 ca h. MnrshnllA l.obcck , ir,09
F I ( lit SAlnleautifumMCH ! HIckB.v lu-
t > SM
GHi.noitv > v ii.viuv. :
Member Omaha lloiil I'stato Kxclinncc.
Koomsl mid 3 Redlch'i New Itlock ,
KM M 15th St.
Call and t-ce u for real bargains ,
lluslncsIllocks ,
Heiiloneu Property ,
Impiovcd Piojiorly ,
Vnunnt Lots ,
Chonp Homeo.
Wi have plenty of Sotitti Omahn lol , Ini-
piovcd or iinlinproxcd , nml now is the time to
IIIXOM ywur money tliinc. Vou can makemoro
money In South Oiniilia In the ucMoOilios
than In auv other part ol the city.
Don't tnko our ord for anything : let us tnke
you to South Omahn and ECO forjour clf.
XVo aNo hnve 10 iicrcg 1'i ' miles from stockyards -
yards on county road that can bo bold 101 J200
per ncro for this xvcek onlv.
Toluphonu Ml. ( Stoirory & Iliulley.
' .nil
211 S. ISths-t. ,
Oiler u few Special ItnrgnlnH.
7 lotin roster's add. fl.'JOO to $2,1nO each.
Lots 1C , and 17 , block 8 , KouiU/o' 4th add , Call
nt olllco lor price * . 1'nrirahis.
5 lotion 'iiunders etlu Plaiuvlow , f 1,10'J to
Lots M , 1(1 ( and 17 , Davenport's subJivMon ,
$ lKJeacli. ( I'a y terms.
Full lot In LV. . Smith's ndd. , no\HO , $3,10) :
Coed lot on Saundcrs st , $1,700.
Onuof the bust lots in Suniiyfidc , $1,100.
Full lot in Patrick's add. just oil uumK > iS ft ,
f l..OO. A bargain.
! l lets In Kcsin-voir ndd , tl.OVl each.
lleM lot on llainlltoasl.IMJ ,
Full lot In llnwlhornc , ! ' - > ! . Don't let this
chniico slip. One-sixth cash.
Lot III Clniomlon. $1.2.7) ) ; $ lf,0 cish.
2 of the be t lots In HIIIslilo , f.VW ounli.
l.oto , Itecso Place , on Pnrko nx\ Call at office
for prie e.
Corner lot In Mnrsh'sadd , S 1,100.
The Motif r Henl llstatc Atjency , 211 S. 15th
st. . K."J
Wr. IIAX'i : constant iuiiilry | for nil kinds of
Inislnuss and icsidence property. If you
hnvc any inoperty tor side list MUIIO with us.
Schleslngur llroa .014 S lOlh hi. S51 JO
HOl'SKS Lots.rarms.l.nuds money loaned.
DemlK. roonill , llurkcr block , t ) . W. cor.
l.Mli nnd rnrnani sts. 594
WKnrontithorl/pil to invest f-0,030 in Im
proved Inside property XVhnt lin\oyon
to oner X\'o \ menu business , Mutul .X : Jmnlu-on.
: iKS. | 15th st. .172
It C. Patterson , 1.1th
' and Harncy , it yon want it told qulcxly an.t
for spot cash , 112
BOWUNC. OlliKV-Onr : now addition Is
we-t of XYiilniu Hill , on Ilnaiilton ftroct.
Ily polcutimt lota nt $1.1) fnr insldo mid f71 ! for
coiners , you will make n trouil Invojtinent.
TcrmilUpor cent cash and $ .1 monthly. No
churitn for showing the lots. Murslmll , V l.o-
bock , 150'J Fiirimm r'iy
Notice of the Sitting of the C ty Council as
a Board of Equalization.
rpt ) the ownciN ol all lots and real ( "tale along
1 Ihe line ol any stiect or alley herein named
lor Ihe entire length thereof , or In any block or
addition ndjiicent Unto } ot b.tld streets or alleys
ojioned , e\tuniled or \ \ idrntd.
Vou , am ! eiich of jon , am heioby notilled
thin the city council ot thccltyof Diiiulia. nlll
Fit as iiboind of cqiuui/.atloii at the ollleo ol the
cltj elc.ik.ln the iJoiiglus county couit IIIMIM' ,
in Mild clt } , on I'riday and .Siitniilny , tlui I'.tli
and lh l ( days ol Dccomber , Wtt , buiweon the
hoin-hof ' .i o'clock a. in. and 12 o'clock in. , and
but u ton the hours ot - o'clock and. 1 o'clock p.
in , , for the purpose of cipiidl/lng the levy ol
epeclal laves nnd iiHSe siiumts , and eonectliig
any t'lrorst heroin , to i overt ho cost ol opening ,
ldcningstiecth nndnlleys , as lot-
Opening nllry through block : ) , llnitscoin Place.
Opening alley llirougli nlouk .1 , Kount/u , V
Hiuli'K addition ,
XVideiilng Howard Ktrect from Full-view street
to Charles etreet.
Opening nnd extending lllth htieet Irom I * . V.
Hinith'n addition noiili toilaljitli | : ! ' ! ai u.
Opening alloy Ihiough lots 1M and lot I-'J and
iniei veiling lots In NeKon' * addition.
Olit'iiliigand exieiidiiig 2Uth Mud from Top-
jilrton nxcnuo i-ontli to cUy limits.
Opening nnd e\l ending -ill li t-treet Irom not th
lliiuol i : . V. Smith B uddilion north to Spruce
' Opening nml oxlcndlng Hint si reel from wcxt
line of baiiuilers tluct to cast line ol l.on's
2nd Addition.
Opening nml widening Claik street fiom 1Mb
clieel to liltli Mii'U
It IK propoBfd by ie = olutioiidulv ndopted by
the city council , to Invy and nsseng bald cobt , In
inopoitlon to and iiccoidingto Kpociul lienelll" ,
toliudL-ternilneil by snll Hoard of Kiiuall/atlon.
upon all lots and re l estate in said City of
Oinalin hhown to bo hcnofltted.
Vou , Rial ciich ol yonaie , heiL'by notified to
uppcnr bcloio tald lipnid ol I'ljunll/ntlon at the
tlnio nnd place above speciltcd and make any
complaint , statement or objection yon may do
hire com ernlng MiUl proposed levy nnd nsscsa-
mt'iit ol tpcclul tnxes.
J. II. OI'TIIAIID , Oily Clerk.
Omaha , Neb , December llth , ItW.
i Dll-dOt
Oinnlia , Nob. , December 'Jth , P-SQ , f
SiAIii : : ) I'roiioMilg. in triplicate , ulll bu ri > -
cuhfd at this olllcu until 11 n m. Friday ,
December Kill , ItttJ , , nt Which thno they
will bo opened In the .picsenco of blddcru lor
government supplies of Ilio following kind :
toxrs and stow ilpnlrs , hardwood lumber ,
Inn d nre , pniuti , nnd oiU , J.I six glxlng iUan- |
ties and other Information furnished on appli
cation ; best quality of articles rcmilred ; piulcr-
eiuiiglvcn to ntticles of domestic pioductlon.
Illddiirsnui rniuenled to uttttch copy ot tills , ad
010-1'M5 Ciipt. A. Q. .M. , U S. Army.
Dry LiutnDer.
No.l Com. s. 1. s. 12 , 1 < and 10 ft . $17.50
No.U " ' 12 Hand 18 It . 14.75
No.3 " " 12 , 14 and 16 ft . 13.50
± _ _ 12. H and 16 ft . 12.00
(12 ( ft lift 1U ft 18 It 20 ft :
18.60 1B.60 18.50 17.00 18.0021.0021.00
ilft 1B.M10.M 1U.W * i . Wi * Ikn1i-"i u.wv > . ) JiiW v"- > fin
2a8 1U.W 16.50 16.50 17.00 18.1)0 ) 21.00 ill.00
ZilO . . . IH.iO 1B.W 1H.50 17.Uj'lb.OO ' Ki.OO 22.00
. ' 112 . 1U.S i 10.50 10.50,17.00 , lK.f/0 / t..OO 2-.00
( li-ttlS . 1U.60 16.50 1H.60J 17 1 IB.IJOJO ( lO'gaOj ' )
F F N C I V ti
No. 1 , 4 A 0 Inch , 12 anil 14 ft. roueh. . .817.00
No. 'A 1 & Olnch , 12 and H It.ioinu. . . 14.0J
The Proposed Advance in Oatrjing Charges
Expected to Decline
Cattle Kocelptn anil Shipment ! ) llotli
Less Than Iinst Week The le-
inniul For MORN Active
General Quotation * .
Deo. 11. [ Spcctnl Telegram to
the UKK. ] CittcAon , Dee. 11 The scalping
ciotvtlvcic sellers ofheat tills morninc
and were evidently feartul that wheat kept
ivcr Sunilny might on Monday show a profit.
WHh xvhoat fur May at sCc this morning the
crowd tllctn't know wliclhur lo tlccltlc that
: he price was still on Hie Iricuular way up
'roiu Sic or on Us li regular way down from
U tlliln'l look al Hie openlnc as It the
lay would decide either , for theic was dm-
ily an cxcnlnp tip of trade forthu llrst hour.
tables weie still encoinaglii ) ; , public ones
saying that the feeling was linn , und private
mi's especially Alex < ! eddrs'brliiRlng
jtiyhiK orders. The visible of Monday Is
ooketl forwaul lo with some nppiehenslon.
The lontf-deferied advance In the east-bound
relKht rales was announced to-day , drain ,
which has been goln ? east In very small
quantities at Me per 10 , ) , will now be charged
; 0e. Provisions have also been advanced 0 5
We per 100. ThU mix mice in freight ought ,
of course , theoretically to effect wheat nnfav-
vowbly , for the theory Is that thu pi Ice at
the seaboard shall bo the price hero at Chi-
capo , plus fieiKht ami chaises but It Is line
.hat this theory Is seldom e.urled out. So
Ittlc grain KOCH lorward at full winter rates
that the ( illleienccs between the prices at the
seaboard und Chicago are never the railroad
laill ) . Still the advance oiwht to have a sen-
thiu'iital I'llcet and piobably will , both on
corn and wheat. John Cudahy said this
morning : "Wheat is certain to decline In
price bv as much as freight has been ad
vanced. " 1'iovlslon men , too , tnouilit ; that
the advance would hint their trade some ,
deter shipments until .swing and thus Imll-
loctly hurt prlcex. The advance does not go
on tilt the ' 'oth. In the meantime tlio
movement will natuially be stimulated.
Now Voile kept up its tmllinc all day. It It
nadn't the materials hero would have tone
oil" . So far as local trade concerned , the
transactions were all the while sttone and
the disposition all day bcaiish. New York ,
IIOWUVIT , Kept on vending nothing but nuy-
Ing orders , and tliesuabsoilieil what the local
eio\xd \ had to sell. May wheat , closed xve.ik
at b'iCilvl'kg. ' Tiadlng In coin was done
nullify by Malmri > , xx ho took advantage ol
the weakness in and hammcicd the
marked down uhoiit 'ic. I'ho quality of hogs
atilvlngat the yatds continues to be disap
pointing. The prices in pork were more or
less unsettled. The opening prices were at
Hie top. January sold off to Sll.Wj , but
latei iceoxercd to Sll.n'.j.
Cnir Af.o , Dec. 11. ( bpeclal Telegram to
the Ur.i : , ] CATTI.K The iccoipts this week
amounted lo less than -t-1,000 , against almost
51,000 last week and n , : 5S dining the cones.-
pondiiig week last Shipments tor the
week xveroS.oW ) , less than the number for-
wauled one week ago. To-diiy's maiket was
rather slow at about pievious quotations.
Only one eastern shipper was in the market
and dieiscd heel men miiehased sparingly.
Moie than halt' the iccoipts were Texan * . A
2,210 pound strerr was sold to a dicssed beef
establishment at S4.W , and two cat loads of
1,480 pound steers at S-1.70. A Hoston shin-
; icr paid 5H. ,0 for seventeen head averaging
almo- 1,700 pounds. Tlueceailoaitsof fancy
Christmas beeves held since Thursday re
mained unsold. ( Julte n good many common
cattle wcntovGi in lirst hands.
lloos There was an active demand at
about tha .same range of pilcrsas yesteiday
until near the finish , when It was evident
that the receipts would oxerrun early esti
mates , hence thu let-up in the demand , the
market generally closing a shade lower than
at the opening. A lew fancy heavy sold as
high as SI.V4.)0 ; ( ) , with prime packing and
shipping sorts at H.OOS-l.-'i ; rough and
common , S3. 7r > @ 0.00 ; light soils steady. Light
light and pigs , SWi3.70 ! ; assoited light ,
S3.K4.14. ! )
New York. Dec. 11 MONET On call
active atJC'tS ' per cent , closing nt 5 per cent.
J'niMic 1'ArEU 1& per
SrEin.ixo EXOIIAXOK Dull , unchanged :
S4.N ) ' lor sixty day bills ; Sl.bS tor demand.
ISovnuNMLSis Govornmcnt bonds weie
dull but steady.
SSTOfKS The stock inaikct was Inaclivn
liom beginning to end , altliough the Imal
figures aio somewhat butter than Hie lowest
ot thedav. Thoroiu > i > of pi Ices was down
ward In eailj tiadini ; , and alter aslighl rally
the down turn was lesimied hefoin noon. Al
ter that time the dullness was accelerated and
WAS not checked until the hist hour , when a
mateilal recoxery took place , and the maikut
closed active and linn.
iO cent bonds. . . . 100'4 ' C. it N. W . 114V
U. fc > . 4U's . )10 ) , pi el cried
New 4's. . I'X. ) ' . T. U . IH U
Pacific O's of 'iO. 124 ( , Oiccon Tinn. . . . 3. > ' ( ,
.entinl J'aeilic. . 47 I'acinc Mall . K\ln \
C.&A . H'J J'.D.iVE . \WA \
mvifriea. . . . 1IW 1' . 1' . C . 141
C. I ! . & < .l . I.JO1 , Kock Island . VJC4 , '
] > . i. . it w . m : < ; st. L. & .s. K. . . . 3-44'
1) . it U. ( S . : H'V iHclcned . . . im/ ;
Kilo . . " .vv C. , M. , t.St. I' . . . 'Jliij
prefenoi ! . . 74 I nrclcried . . . H'.i
Illinois Central. Vi'J.St. , ' . J' . * O . ! > } * <
I. , ] ) . it W . 17 | pielcrred. . . ll'W
KanwsitTcxas. K4 ' „ Texas I'aclhc. . . ' . ' :5J : <
l.aknShoie . ' . ' „ Union 1'aellic. . . ftSX
UV\ . fll ( .W. , St. L. , fe 1' . . m (
Mich. Cenlial. . . % piefencd . . . ' ' i
Wo.J'acilic . 111'Yt ' \ > tein Union , 'itrig
Noi thei n I'ac. . . 2S ? ; O. . U. AN. . . 104 ; ;
piffcrnd. . . Cii.'fi '
l UOI > UOB MA UKl ! ! T.
Clilcnco , Doc. 11. Flour Quiet and nn-
chnngc'd ; winter Hour , ( ; south-
em. si.00rti4.00 : ; Wisconsin. tS4.00 ( 4.lO
Michigan soft spiinc wlic-at
In sacks.
Wheat Unsettled xvith .Derange ; opened
a shade above yesteidny's eloso and closed
' ( ,0 under yesterday ; cash. 77it-H'e : : Jiuni-
ary. 7ft'ie ; Kebrnary , Tti' ' c ; May.O' ( e.
Coin Quiet and e.iifcr at l v\v under
yesterday ; cash , w ll-liV ; Jainmty , y71-Kc ! ;
Kcbrnaiy. JiT' c ; May , 4'c. !
Oats Dull and slow , eloslnu 'KC ' under yes
terday's closing ; cash , ' 'il'4e ; Jammiv ,
JOTMiic ; Mayto : < ( s.
Hyp Dull litMJ : c.
Hailey Quieliit KlijC.
Timothy heed I'rime , 81.78'i < l.VJ.
I'oik Moderately active , prict-s liiegular
11.,77 * $ .
Lard Mtllodolne and prices easier , xvltli
light demand ; cash , 8 07fi0.iO ; .Jniitmry ,
80.WUfaii.i55 February , SO.-iJ ( ( i . ! 5 ,
Bulk Meats-Shoulders. SlVTBiiM.SO : short
clear. gr.tKit.1.0.1 ) ( ; short illw , 85.57X(5i5.C ( ( ) for
Nutter Creamery , aicS'-oVc ; dairy ,
Clieeso Full cream Cheddars , 11
Hats , I'JQIB'/c ' ; young Americas , lii ;
Bklni8 , 7M(3c. ( * .
Jlirtes Heavy green salted , lully cured.
8c ; light , bi Oc ; damuged , 7'4i37J c ; hull
hides. ic : diy balled , llQl-c ; dry Hint ,
iiHc : ; calf skins Ki'O/'jc ; deacons , OOc
Talloxv No. 1 country , 3J c ; No , 2 ,
2 c ; cake.' ' 12.000
Wheat , bu . 11.000
Corn , uu 1M.OOO 4:1.000 :
OnU.DU 12 ! > ,000 M.OOO
Kye. bu 4,000
' _ * i.OOO 34,000
Nexv'yorkV IJec. 11. Wheat-Receipts ,
SO.OOO ; exports. W.OOO ; spot ' < ( < ire higher ;
options opened steady , but later declined > /
( H3 c , afterwards advanced ? ( ! fc , and cloa-
ffijr .xx llh a reaction of . 'iti c ; ungraded red ,
siaP3V ( ; No. 2 led. WjoW ' In elevator ;
Wjcrall delivered ; WStiJl'li' ' iob ; January
closing at JXi'jc.
Corn Ca h a shade and options UotUo
higher , and closing with lr s slrcngth : le-
colpls. 10,000 : oxpoiK lTi.000 ; nncradcd ,
tf.'owijc ; old No. n. ire ; nnxv , 4CSe , Xo. 2.
4Mc ( ; atloal , 4S ! C fob ; January closing nl
Oats-lerolpl ! , SWO : px'iotK IIOIIP :
mixed xveslern , 3 :370 : ; xxhlle weslcin , ! > 7
Petroleum Stead } .Untied clo'-rd nt G7-V-
Kgc * , Firm ; fairrequest.
J'oik-Quiet nnd lirm : mr * qnotpd al
SI 1.00for txvo-year-old ; Sll.JOCiJ 12.00 foi one-
j car-old.
Lard l.ard openedloxvcr nnd closed lirm ;
\x ester n steam spot , SOM'.W.-HVt ,
Mutter Finn bill lather quiet ,
Cheese Fltm.
Mllnmikop , Dec. 11. Wheat Hnsi'l-
tlodi cash. 77V ; January , 77J c ; May , M'jc.
Corn Steadx ; N'o. B , : > u c.
Oals Dull ; No. 2 , StiUc ,
Kye Kasid ; No. 1 , arc.
Iiarlfv Klrm : Xo. S , , VJ fc.
Provisions I * uscltled.
Pork Decemlicr , Sio.s'j ; January , Sll.l.l.
Olnclnnntl , Ucc. 11. Wheat Film ; No.
2 , red , IH' lMJo.
Corn-Kasleri Xo. 2 mixed , aTp OaS1 , * .
Oats Firms Xo. 2 mixed , ! ! 0l < c.
Kyo-Fltmcr ; Xo. 2. V.
l > ork ( ] ulet at Sll.fiO.
l.ard-btroncer at 50.10.
Whisky Firm nl 51.1S.
MlnnenpoilN , Drc. 11. Wheat KM in
and SWlc hlchcr ; Xo. 1 hard , cash , 7fi < , c ;
January , 77o ; May iM e : Xo. 1 noilhern ,
ca--h , 74 > c ; Jnnuaiy , 7ftc : May , b'J.V ! N" . ' -
northern , cash , " -'jc ; January , 7 Jo ; Ma > ,
Flour Higher ; patent * , S4.5UK-I.CO ; bakeis ,
3..lo@i.70. :
Kpcelpls-Whi'at ' , H.1,000 bn.
bhlpiupnls Wheat , W.OOO bu. ; flour , 10,000
bbl * .
St. Louis. Dec. 11. Wheat KaMer ; Xo.
2red. casli , Mc ) ; .lanuary , M'tfc ; May , * * ' , , ( .
Corn hteady ; N'o. 2 mixed , cash , iVi' , ,
JJO'ii' ' ' Januaty , Hii'i'c ; Mav , 40'f ( ( ; lOUc.
Oats Steady ; N'o.'amKed , ci.sliS\ ; ' ; Fcb-
itiary.iS'H'c ' : May , ale.
AVhisky Sl.lll.
1'oik Flimerat SII.O-V
Lard Utrady at 8.l.lci < jZHih ) .
Uuttcr Dull ; eicamcry , 'J-lcj Tc ; dairy , 15
City , Doc 11. Wheat Htionper ;
Xo. 2 red , cash , 07)jc hid ; January , Gl'c ' bid ;
Max * , 7Gl < e.
Corn Weaker ; Xo. 2 , cash , .ll cbld ; Jan-
nary , : > 'ic bid ; February , Ji'iJiCi * bid.
Oals Nominal.
Liverpool. Dec. II. Wheat Firm ; do-
maud Improving ; holders olTrr miiileialely ;
led xxestein hpring , 7s ld@7sd ; red xvesl
ern xvlnter , 7s IdCLtts'-'d.
Corn Firm and in fair dnmaud ; nexv
mixed xxestern , is . " > KI ( per cental.
New Orleans. Dec. 11. Corn Knsiei
xvliitoIRc ; mixed , -ti'c ; yellifxx- * < c.
Oats Steady ; choice western iteof'Wc.
Hoif fiodiicls IJutetand ste.uly.
Chlonuo , Dec. 11. The Drox-ci's Journal
lenoilB as lolloxvs :
Cattle Uecelpls. 2,000 : quid and steady ;
hlilpplnRStPcr * < , si.OO : < < | 4. ) ; htookPis and Iced-
ers s lo xxal S.00it ( : > .4U : coxvs , bulls and mixed ,
Sl.w@i..lO : : ; bulk , S1.7.Xii-lO : ! ; tliiotigh Texas
cattle , .IQlOc loxxer at SI.bO ( < ? 'J.7.l.
Hoes Ueceipts , 'J-1,000 ; opened llriupr but
closed fie loxver ; lotiich and ml\od , S't.i ' < 0@
1.0.1 ; packlugandshliJplnc.So.'JOlLtil.lO ; light ,
$3..10&Ctt. O ; Hklps. $2.4.lOK.oO. )
Sheep Keceipls. t,000 ! ; steady and un
changed ; demand lair ; natives. Si-lUyi-l.-lO ;
xxestern , S-.OOdto.ilO ; lambs , Sl,50c < f,1.00.
St. I < ouls , Dec. It. Cattle Heeeipls. 500 ;
shipments , none ; itioiu ; choice Christmas
beex'es , S-t.75 .1. : ; lair to choice natlvu
htuci.4 , ? : i.fiO ( - .705 butchers' steers , inlrto
choice , Si.OOciM.K : ( ) ; fcedeis , fair to good.
S-.MW3.15 , stockeis , lair to good , J52.00.J (
Hoes Unceipts , 2,000 ; shipments , SCO ;
stiong : "ti'lOc ' higher ; all sold ; choice heavy
and bulchers' selections , 34.i ! < % 4.ri : ; jiacking ,
t'alr lo liincy. Sii.OO-.15 ) ; Yorkers , medium to
choice , s.7.j@'J5 : : ! ' ; jijs ) ; , cTjiumon to uood ,
Kansas City , Dee. 11. Cattle Receipts ,
7.10 ; shipments , none ; common cows weak
and shade lower , others steady ; com
mon to choice , sWf : > C < W.50 : tockers , S2.SSC' *
2.7.T feeding steers , S2.bOjJ3.40 ( ; eoxvs , 31.50
@ 'J.bO.
'Hogs Receipts , 12,000 ; shipments , 700 ;
Good steady ; mixed liuhtVs lower , closini ;
; common to choice , 33.70 ( < (4.05.
Saturday , Dee. 11.
The iccclpts xvere extremely light and the
maiket xvasveiyslow and dull.
'J'he light it'i'dpls had a stimulating etlect
iijion thu market. The market was active
at an advance of fiftUOe over yesterda > , and
oveiyllilng xvas sold. Jle.ivy hogs oonliniio
to .sell the best , Ihe iinckcis being unwilling
to buy the class of light hogs that tire com
ing. Piime light hogs of : i class suitable for
the Knghsh bacon tiade sell icadily.
I'lieic xveie no fi sh receipts and tlicic xvas
niilliin. doing.
Cattle . 100
Hogs . . . . . . . . . . IKK )
I'rpviilllnij I'rlcos.
Slioxvlnt ; the pmvailing prices paid for live
Mo < : k onthlsmaikct.
Choice steers. IHVI to 1500 Ibs . Sl.00@4.20
Lliolco steers , 1 10U to KM IDs . IJ.fX ) < i IlS'i
CSooii leedcrs . a.tiX'CiW
( iood to clioics corn-led cows. . . . 2. ( ! " > ( ii2.h5
1'air ' to me < mm grass coxvs . 2.oOiu > . ' .t'i :
Cooil to dinico mills . l.aCftl.60
Liitlitand mediuia nogs . : i.70@i.7.r : ,
( iood to choice iic.ivy cogs . H.75&'i.S. ,
( iood to choice mixed no s . : ! .70j4.isO : !
( iood to choice sheen . 2.7.V ! :
Fair to good sheep. " . . a.S.Va2.iO !
Itcpresciitiitivo Sales.
roii.\rii : ) xvisnu.srii'.n : : : .
Xo. Av. Pr.
GS..1.M8 il.03
No. Av. Shk. _ Pr Xo. Av. Hlik. Pr.
& 7. . . 200 40 : i.70 r/i.ii7 : 240 ; ! .so
70. . .issi 100 a. 7 5 M. . . . : : 7 120 : i.w )
! . . . . 20.1 200 H.7. ' . IMil2 ) : 2MI Il.hO
70. . . . 'iW 100 ll ft S'l . . . : m 2bO : ! .bO
ss.'JG7 210 ; i.r. KJ . . : m no : JH
01..27G 100 ! i.1r fi'l..2S'J 40 H.t-0
4. . . . Ml i-jo ; ! .75 r.s.ou ; : ; MO u.wj
6i.'yo 200 : .75 .in. . .UiJ wi :
! f > . . . -I'M ' 200 : ! .7ri \.Mt > \ 'iOO Ji O
IK : . . .2is 440 : i.7.i O'i..2'.r , bo : ( .bo
GC..WJ : ? io ; i.t-o ( . . . . an 240 a. 2
77..2 t 200 : i > 0 70..227 Ml a > 5
. ' .8. . . .till SO ! J.bO 117. . . . ' .W : ! 00 JI.K5
Shoxving the hlKlunt and loxvost nrlccs
paid for loads ot hogs on Ibis inaikct during
the past seven days and lor thu same timu
lastyear :
Nov. Beu.
nth Htindny
; ih : i,40 . U.76 M.H'i
Hh Sunday , 'l 70 r& I ( - ,
Dill 36' , ft ( .7(1 ( Cfl.HO
loib ; i..i ) 501 T.I
Allowing th number of o.irsof c.ittlc , hogs
andshuep bhlpicd ) Iroin South Omaha during
thu day :
( All I.C.
No. cms , Hnuto. Destination.
5 Mil Chicago
25 C. H. . \ ; ( ) Chicago
hiuii' : :
7 It. I Chicago
1 N. W Chicago
All sales ol stock in thu market aio made
percxvt. live wclirht unles- > otherwise stated.
Dead hogs sell at 3fc per II ) . lor all weights.
" .Skins , " or hogs xvclxldng less than 100 Ihs ,
no value , t'lii nant sows are docked 40 Jb-j ,
and btagsSO Ibj , by the public iuspeutor.
Not CM.
Ciitlln market dull.
HogbiXglOc higher ,
A fexv corn fed cattle bold.
Hogs all sold nurket active.
J. M. Chadxxlck , Cheyenne , had 102 head of
cattloin ,
S. t cott , ( Marks , was In an.d Bold a load of
good iiojjs atiiatlbfactory prices
l.oriuier ACo. . xvlll open a commUsion ol
lice in room 15 in Ihe exchange building ,
Mr. Toxvle , W-abasli , la. . , was In
oxer the miukct and nlll begin hlpptnc here
teen ,
C. Abrams , CroTNplI , xvas In to-day. Hols
on Ids way to visit his old home In Xcxv
It Is repotted thai Mr. l'aion , hos ; Imxcr
for Squires x ; Co. , of Uoston , Incoming hcto
to buy hogs.
Mr. ( Juthrle.of Tiitlle , xV ( inthrie. Orient ,
la. , was In and - > old two loads of hogs at sat
isfactory pi Ices.
Fowler Hros. bought MO hoj * to-day and
( ! . 11. Hammond .V Co. SO. The ll.immond
hogs axeraged 2IS pounds.
Mr. Wpincart , llasllni ; . * , was In and so ! l
txxo loads of lifs xxhlch he had leshlppetl
Irom Lincoln. One load topped the market.
t'owler llro . shipped twenty-llxo cars of
ho/s , which they h.ul on hand , lo their Chicago
cage hoiifo on account of bcini ; short ol Ice
Mr. Slookcr , who xvlll manage Stcxvnrl's
packing hou e al the lllutVs dntlim Mr. Stnxv-
atl's absence In the east , W MX visitor nt t e
yards to-day.
On the maiket with hogs : 11,11. Dorsey
* Co. , Mead ; Clark , lleaton , V Co. , Weston ;
A. F. Mliart A Co. , Kblnu'Si I ! . Fra/lcr ,
( ? oneoid ; A. 1 . Spcaim.m. Sprlnglicld ; 11.
R. Falkniir , I'luin Cieok : Xoilh l.oupCattlo
Co. , Jllba ; ti.V. . .V H. II. Witt , Ansloy.
Satnidnr , Dec. It.
37if/oJIoi'lno ( nrltff are Jnr pnutrf tola n/
iviftiir , a.isuMoii tlic market tolai. ) . /7i
( fioiloii. ( ( ( < ) oii/rulf rcprftenl lite prior * at
\i-Mch nuUhic orders arc fll/ni. /
Kggs The bulk of tlio cirgs on the market
are selling at 24c.
lit * 111:11 : Thoiuailiol U dull and stocks 1 tl
aeeumulatlnr. Packets will haxo to tnkotho
surplus at fair prices to brlni : about a belter
state of iitlulrs. Cioamciy , 2.Vi < ! rc ; choice
country roll , IG I c : eood eountiyroll , 14 ®
lOc ; lair countiy toll , lo t I''e : common. ri ( < ; oo.
IjiX'i : Pofi/rnv Theie Is n veiy limited
markel for live iioultij ot anx kind. : eheddar * single , 1 % ;
full cicam flats , twins , lite ; xoiiug Ameilcan ,
li ? e ; Imicy Sxvis . HKir , ; Hwl s , linpoitcd.
JV ; I.tmliurger. 12Kc : mlck , li'j : 14e. . M
I'ofiTiix The poultry maiket Is qulto
loxx * . It has never iccoverod IIDIU Thanks
giving glut , and prospects ate thai loxv pilcos
will inle dm ini ; the test ol thesLMSon. Tnr-
keys and chickens for out maiUcl should bo
dry picked , head and leet cut on * , entralla
draxxn. ( Milckens , choice , fii ( 7e : turkoy't ,
choice , 7iJSc ( ; dnckt , and geese , choice , 7@ 3.
( ! A. > in Piaiile chickens me In good de
mand , and sell on arilval al quotations.
( Jttail xvlll probably be lower. There alxvara
is a strong demand for deoi , antelope and elk
saddles torClnistma * . Prattle chicken , choice
per doSl.tlO ; quail , per doSl.M ) ; ducks ,
mallard , per doM7"i ; ducks , teal , per doz ,
? 1.2.1 ; ducks , mixed , pel do/ , l 00 ; geese ,
l > er doSii.fiO : deer , saddles , per lit , 10M2c ( ( ;
deer , eatcasses , per Ib , 7 ® > c ; ell % saddles , pur
HV-'CrflOcjelk ' , carcasses , pel Ib.Gi.tTp ; atitclone ,
saddles , per Ib , 10ifll2e ; ; nntolopn , caicassos
per Ib , 7MS- ; Jack labblti , pci dor , SH.oO ®
4.00Binall ; rabbits , per doWe. .
PorAiors There Is nothing doing In the
maiket aside for the sale ot small lots liom
thcoloiont ( VXSt'Of.
A iM'i.KS The maiket Is sttoneer. Choice
Missouri atoek Is ( inotcd at S'.SU and taney
Michigan stock at M.OO.
ONIONS The maiket Is'about baie of home
groxxn stock , which is quoted at S1.2" ) . There
area loxv Spanish onions inlilcli aiesell-
ingat S2.00 per bush crate.
UKAXS Infcilor stock. 75rJM.OO ( ; gnod
clean countrv. Sl.00 < ( il.2. > ; medium , hand
picked , S1.X ; ) ( < 1.10 ; hand picked , navy , S1.40
lOc : clear side bacon , 8'jc ; dr > salt sides ,
be : shoulders , 7c ; dried ouef , icgular , lie :
dried beef , ham pieces , 14p ; laid , 1 T > 0 Ib cans ,
iljjje ; lard , .0 Ib cans. Faiib.inks , 0c ; lard ,
H ) Ib cans , Fall banks , 7c ; lanl , .1 Ib cans' ,
Fairbanks , 7'i ' ( ; ; laid , I ! Ib can" , Falibanks ,
7'jC. '
7'jC.CKr.Kitv The market Is Me.idy. Choice
slock per do4te ( : extra laiw , per do/ . , -inc.
OYSIT.HS Mediums , 2flc : standnuls , 2Kc :
selects , : x > ; extra selects U5c ; X. ' - counts ,
-Messina , per boxSi3. . " > 0.
f Jamaica , per bbi , $10.00 ; Flor
ida per box , S.l.riO.
CIIAXIIKHUIKS Cajio Cod , fancy , per bbl ,
Sll.CKKaVJ.oo ; bell and bugle , per bbl , SS.oo.
HA NASA s Thcie ! < no change In ( ho
markel. itananas , yellow , pur bunch , 82.00 ©
B.2S ; bananus , jelloxv , lame , per bunch , S-.U )
. .
Ki.ot'ii AND Mii.i.'sTL'KKs \ \ Inter xvheat
flour , best qualit ) patent , * j2.7.i ; second qual
ity. 2.10 ; best quality sinlnc wheat
flour , patent , S2.GObran.r ; > ocpcrcxvtchopped ;
feed , 70c per cxvt : while corn meal , l)0c ) ;
yclloxvcorn mual , Mc ) percwt ; scieenlng , GOo
prrcwl ; hominy , ! 2.0u per cwt ; horts ,
itercwUeraham Sl.GO ; hay , In bales ,
li.OOoer ton. _
Gi-ocorv * tilHt.
l'tcivi.i : Medium , in libl * . 30..V ) : < io. In
half bbls , Si.7rj : ; hiiiull , In tibls , ST..M ) : do , In
halt bbls , S1.2.j ; eglirklns , in bbls , i-8.r,0 ; do ,
In half bbls. 84.75.
.S'l nui' No. --gallon ( kegs S1.20 ; Xoxv
Orleans , per unllon * 55 ! ( < clOc ; ni.uile ; syrup.
hall bbls , "old time , " per gallon , "t'ic 1 gal
lon cans , per do310.00 ; h.dt'gallon cans.
per do/ . SC..10 ; quail cans , Jjl'.Oi , ,
SI-AUCII Miiror gl.iss. 1 Ib. TiJi'c : mirror
gloss ! ! Ib , . 'jc : minor gloss , tilb , OXc ;
tiravos' corn , 1 Ib , Oc ; Kingsloiil's corn. 1 lo ,
7c ; Kinssloid's gloss , 1 Ib. 7c : KiiiL'slord's
L'loss , Oil ) . 7j < e ; Klngstoid'spuie , 31b , 7tc ;
Kingsfords bulk. 4c.
ToiiACfo Plug , cllni.aY , 4Jc ; horseshoe ,
r,7c ; star. ! ! ! ) < ' ; spi-aihead , 'i''c ' : pipcrlieidslck ,
We : gold shield , Sfc ; meiry xvar , 2oc : J. T.
J , . 'We.
Ton.\rro Sinolilng , Dinliam , I , flic ; } < jH
ulc ; Vs. .17c ; "i s , eec ; nicei sebum , i)0c ) : old
style , 22c ; I' . N. 0. . Ifie ; spirit euieu , 4rje.
MAiriins-Percadilie , 2Sc ; bquaro cases ,
$ 1.70 ; mulcsiiuaK1. 81.20.
CASUV Mi.xed. ' .ijilt'i stick.
CtiAf'Kinis ( iarneau's soilu , buttnr and
picnic , .lic ; cieams.S'j'c ; ginger snaps ,
cit ) soda , ty
.SoAi's Klik s sax'on impcilal , S2.70 ;
Kuk'.sf < ) ; Kirk's stand.ud , : > : ur ;
Klik'sxvhlto Russian , 51. 00 ; Kim's xvhllu-
cap. SI5.CO * doini' , ffii-W ; xvashboaid , SJ.10 ;
xvhitc cloud , 33.7,1.
tloi-E-Ji Inch , ! ' ? /c ; 1 Inch , 10' ' c ; \i \
Inch , lOJ c.
Dnir.i ) Fist IT Xo. 1 rpiaitpr apples , 4J4' @
fie : In evaporated boxes , llJiCpjl'J'/c ' ; bl ck-
benlcs. boxes. ! in4 < aiOc ; ncaches , halt Lake ,
IbSO , lo ioi r ; peachp.M , oxaporuted , MK09
17c : laspberrles , nexv , 2 < X < tJle ; current' ,
02i ( 0'4c : prunes , nexv. 4 < Vui4.\c ( ,
niioAiis J'oxvdeic'U , 7c ; cut loaf ,
BJit 7c ; cumulated , Oj 'c ; confcpt loners' A
( Jijffl'je ' : standard e.-.lra C. ft VOu'iJiC ; extra
.r.(3.lKc ( : medium yellow. W@ ' > c.
CA NID ; ( ionim OyhterH.standard.perpasp ,
! : : : .MC < f'l.2.r > ; Ktr.iwbeiiie > , Ulb. per case. 3-.20j
ias | > bcrrles. t ! Ib , per case , $2,10 ; Uulilornlu
pears , per case , S4..10 ; upilcuts , par can j ;
JI.CO ; pcaclicH , per , V.l.i ; white cher
ries , per case , 80,00 ; plums per 'ase , f 8.05 ,
Dliiuberrles porcasc , Sl.Kl ; e.'ir plums. 2 Ib
per ease , .V3..10 ; pineapples , a Jb , per case
Sfi,2or ; < ii.T5 : 1 Ib nm-kerpl. per do51'H ) ;
1 in Kaliiioi ) , perdoSl.fiV. I.GO : 2 Ib goose.
beules per cane , 81.7,1 ; 'i \ \ > stilng beans , per
case , 51.70 ; 2 Ib lima beans , per case , Si , GO ;
2 Ib mariowfat peas , per cast1. S'.i'J ' ; 2 111
eaily Juno ppas , par case , i2.7S : : ' Ib toma
toes. 82.10 ( < i2.2.12bcoiii ; | S'.IO.ei.iiO. ;
. ( : > Ordinary giades , I4f' < 14lj0 fair ,
' '
fancy gieen and yelloxv , IGWUc ; old cov-
ernnipnt Java , iO&f.HIc ; Inleifoi .laxra , lfi } < jal (
20o ; Mocha , iW .Mo : Aibucklo's l
lH4c ; Mel.auchlln's ' XX.\\ roamed ,
Dilxvoith't ) , Is.Uu ; Jtcd Cio
Ornorul MnrkPtt.
WOOL Medium ! HiJ20p ( perlb * . line heavy ,
Hftflito ; light , ! GC JjlHc ; coaiso , 14QCIGC * , burry
wool , 20410 olf.
JIIOKS ( ircun biitcbei.s fl'Yc ' ; giieen cured ,
t-p ; dry Hint. HWc : diy .suit. OWlOc ;
green calf uklns , iiM'.i e ; dniiuucd hides ,
txvo-thluls price. Tallow ilj e. ( Jreaso
I'riino xvhllu. Us : yellow , 2o ; brown , Iff
hlief-n Pelts , ! i.i ( < | 7.'x- .
liKAiniMC I'liniK slaughter ante leather ,
3'Jo ; piimeoak solo leitthur , IV ! i Isi : . I'ppur '
leather per foot , UOC < 42,1c ; hum. ktp. 'iMt'wii
oak kip. av av ; French kin , Sl.OO'id.'JO ;
hem , calf , S1.00C1.10 ( ; oak calf. iI.OJi. < C1.21 ;
Fifliicn call , Sl,2.5 ( l.W ) : Morocco , bo/t leg ,
iXxvt'ttc : Morocco oil pebblo.'Ji' ficj toppings
and linings , COniSWc.
HEAVY HAIIIIWAKK Iron , rat J2.00 ;
plox > ttt-Plspecl.ilcast,4J5eeriiclbIestoel,0 ; > fc ;
east tools , do. 12 ( lhu ; xxagon spoke-j , per but ,
< j2.00u3..V ) ; hubs , per set , Sl.2-1 : icllor.s ,
fcawfd dry , ? 1.V ) ; tongues , each , H > ; axels.
eacli. 7f > c ; s'liiain ' nnU , pur Ib. l ( < (71c ; cell
chain , per Ib. 0 ( > (12e ( ; malleable , 7 < 'i'Jc ; noli
xvedueo , Go ; eiowbarb , Ge ; h.iuuw teeth , 4'fc ,
fipllng steel , 7H''c ( ' ; lluidon's horre. shoes ,
; 4..10Huiden' ; mule shoes , $1..VJ. JJaibed
wlie , in car lots , Sl.OO per 100 I'M ,
Nails , rate' ' . , 10 to f * . S'i.W ) ; steel nails , $2.05.
Shot , Si. to ; biickbhol , blB.'i ; oriunlal poxvunr ,
kegs , 2.50 ; do. half kegs , $200 ; do. nuarlor
kegs. Sl.rxi : blasting kegs , $ J. : ; tuse , per 10
fcet.CTx ; . Ij-ail bar , 810
\ AiisibiiKH UaiioH , per gallon : i-urnl-
tnre. extid , 31.10 ; furnlune , Xo. 1 , SI.OO ;
coach extia , 81.40 ; ( each , No. 1 , 31.20 ; Da-
mar , extra , SI. 7.1 ; Japan , 70efasphultum ,
extra aic ; hrlUc , hard oil UiiUh ,