} \ THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY. DECEMBER IV 1880 , 7 SPECIAL NOTICES AdvcrtlfcmonH nnricrtlil * , ho.id , lOccnHpor line lor the Ilrst Insertion , 7 cents for cadi sub sequent Insertion , mid 11.50 n line per month Ho advertisement token for lew tlmn 25 cents for tlio llrtt Insertion. Seven wonli will b counted to the lines they must run consecu tively nnd mult be paid In advance. All adver tisements mint 1)0 lifinded In before 2 o'clock ji.m. , imil tindrr no clrcitm tnnrcs will theybe taken or discontinued btelephone. . Putties adit-rtidnir In these columns sndhiv- Ingtha nnswor * nddreitoil In euro of THE lire will plenjo n&k for n check tocnnblo them to pet their letter * . R r.onn will bo delivered except on nrcscnUtlon of check. Ml answort to ad vertisement * Miould to rnclo fd In envelopes. TO X.OAM-MO SZTt. 1rXtOT ' ) ( ( ) ( XtA.V nt 0 per cent. J. J , Mn- $ honey , luOli I'nrnnm , 700 no.OO ) to loan. Sums S&W nnd upwards , $ I/owctt rmcf. llcmls , room 3 , llnrkcr block , 8. W. cor Uilh nnd rnriinrnats. _ VH Ol'V.U CC.NT"Monny toTmin. drcttory & llndlcy , llooins 1 nnd : i , lludick block , 3-0 S. 1.1th St. 7D2 ONKV lolonn by Iho Homo I'lrolnstirnnco Lcompnnron iiiilnciimtcrHl nnl cetnlo , f ir onojcarorfonifcr. Olllco l.ri JW7 MONKV tolonii , anshon nand , no delay. J. W. nnd Ii. It. Squire , 1413 Fitrnum at , PAten * - ton hotel building. 828 rpo LOAN Money Loam placed on Im- JL proved real estate In clly or county for New F.nuland Loan It Trust Co , by Douglas County banh. ICth and Chicago sts. HI3 TlT"oSiY TCI LOAX At ow ratei , on good il city property. Hatcher & Co. , 1216 Douglas street. CIU. MON1JY to loan on city nd farm properly , low rales , Hlowart & Co. , Itoom n. Iron Bunk. 531 r MONBV TO 1/OAN At rensminbUi rules , on furniture. Due watches nnd ether porsnnnl jjfotiorty. C. .1. Ca < well , room IV Iron llanlc ijulfdltig , 12th and I'nrnam. lyia ONK * . TO T.OAN-O F. Davis A Co. Heal M Bstalc and Loan Agents 1105 Farnam nt. Mf f ONiv TO I.OAN-OII real cstato am 1 tcla. D I. Tliomm. 6'JO ' MONKY 111 LOAN-liuiims of $2,000 nnd upwards on flrel-clnss ical ontiito uicurity. 1'oller , v ColiliiJSiri rnriintnjsl. _ 697 MONKY ! . < > ANin ) aft ) "K Heed ACo's-Loan olllcs , on furniture , pianos , horsrs.wiiKons , yursonnl property of All klnilg. and nil ether nr- iiclcsof Taluc , wllbont removal , uitt S. 13th , ovrr HIiiKhnin'ii Commission Btoro. All tnial- y conflrtontliu , f.'JS OjMW/XtO TolnnnonOmalm city property nto < P percent. O. W. Day , over UI12 Dout-'lf-sst. _ 001) T.OAN3 Loans Loans. Ilenl estate lonns. Collnturul loans. Chattel loans. Longtime lonns. Short tlmoloatiB. Money nhriiyi on hnnd o loan on nny ap proved ei'CUrlty. InvfBtiriciit securities bought and Fold. Omntm Klnanolal cxchaiiKOWi I'nrniun. CoilieU MH naircr. _ C01 MONiv to loan by tlm umlorRlKiincI , who 1ms the1 only propel ly orianloil lonn agency In Omnha. Ixinnn of $10 to J 1,000 made on fur niture , pianos , organ ? , horses , wnRons. machin ery , io. , wltbout removal. No delays. All business ftrlctly ronndiintlal. I.onns so tnnilo thnt nny pnrt can bo pnlit nt nny time , each pay ment reducing the cost pro rain. Advances made on Htm watches nnd diamonds. Persons should cnrofullv consider wbo thor are dealing with , as ninny new concerns nro dally coming Into eilntrnce. Should you need money , call and POO me. W. n. Croft , Itooro < t Wllhncll Imlldlnir , iMh nnd Ilarnny. no' ) BUdlKESS CHANCES. TTIOIt S XliK-DcftliliiK to retire from tbo -L liuslnps , I olfi'r for Palo or trade , In whole or part , my cintlio ftocK of books , Mntionery. ftun'y K'loila , ahon * ra et nnd conlenta ; would g clinngi * for rcnl oetnlo , inipiovud or nnlm- rpoM'il.nr lor equity inton'stc. nnd a snmoox- Ntlng iiinrlgntK1 ! , or would c.xclnuigu for vohl- cjlort iiiul hoiet'M. W. T. fcnmnu 11)1 ) ITlOlt SI.K Invoice of a Jlrst-olnsi hotel In a -i ! boomlnir town , cheap : will o.xchatiKO for Hlock Addrcte J. Krubeuk , llltto SprlnuR. Nob. 100 12 * lJ l.ntU'h counter , Inciitlon. ildrrcR A 47' . Hoeolncc. . ITW 12' ffOlt SAIiK Iti-tnlUMOccryon the outskirts ' of the city , Invoice fl.'JOO. AiMrosa A 42 , Uco ollli-e. U7f > 14 * 'rpOH 8AI.K A real solid bnrriilii. ( Ono of the JL1 lost rcftnurnnts located In contro ot the city , whlfh hup Income of $75 to JKlaiiuy. Ad dress A 41 , Uco Olllco. TCU 14 * TfTOHSAMl-lltitchor shop , with tools and fl.v- . .Jtine's ; good loratlon ; jjood hnslnoEg. 0. 1' , Uoi-iR , noutlU'iist cor. anh nnd 1'uimun. 8B'J J 0' SAI.K A moat markut in a Kood locit- tlon iloliiir fLfrJO biiKltirss ] ior month. In- iiilro or Hililrc e loom 20 , Oiunlin Nut'l bank did. K3U $ : iOOU W1J.I , I1I1Y ono of the host billiard halls In DOB Molnes In. ; will Riiarnnleo a man 5250 n niontli clear nf expenses. Vmtloi inonit- intrbuBltiOBS address O. II.imlor , les Molnos , lo a. il-JS 10' "T7OH sAl < K Or trade for merchandise , 1140 JJ uiri's of No 1arm iund near Grand Ibland. I' . .1. Cnartll. 815 TTlOlt sTiJllotrl. . OwlitK io nTT .L MinciMKjcaie and fnlllnir health Iwlllolfcr mj hotopioi ! | > rly for sale. 1'iiriuonoy making tins Is one ot the best stands In Nnbrnsica. Any c.'iti7on of Ashland will uphold mo In this last Matomcnt. I'l-lnx S eiill'cnt'r. proprlotor of 1'lattu Valley llouee. Ashlaml , Nobr. 7i'J ( 12 HotlCS / Iot8rarmsti'iuusmoneyloaned , llnmh.rnnni 1. llarK'T block , B W , cor. l&th nud I'mnu.nfits. 6VI B I SINisS : CM \ > Ti : A good oration for i-rockory nnd quc'cn's ware store , Inquire at A Dorinan. C07 S. Uth sir. ! > fl "I olt PALIWell ofliiblTshedinislnPhT TiTolio Jof tno besl business i > olnts m noithos | . em Nnliiiif-kn , pltuatod at Itrokrn llo\ . Cutter I'Oiinty , Neb. ; clock ronsl-tlng of dry goods , clothing , boots nnd shoes : will show up wood icrord of liuslnchs. Heiifons for Foiling will bo nt\Hi by addressing lock-box 74 , Urokuii How , Cutter county , Noli. 6S7 WANTKD-I'AHTNKK-Lndy or gentleman , with ktnall vapltal. tn take halt intoroit In established , purnuinuit , first class city bnul- ness pajing ? 2iXPO to $1,10 yearly ; good rca- BOHR lor Bulling ; gland cbaiuu for right party. AldreBR.S4'J | , fireolllce. C01 TTHJlt < ALK if 7cl'Tiir fA7sinosa- offer JL' our shelf and heavy hnrdwaro buslnosa ferRule Rule , together wlih our lon n and good will , Qlinto liuirctt In th clly nnd location the be t. lletlrlng from the buplnens rau o for nulling Tlio llauin llmdwarv Co. , 1028 O St. , Lincoln , FOU.VJ ) . 3'Ot'Nn-A ixx-kPt rae of Biirgicul inslru- inentH , Inqnlru barber shop , u. o. cor. 14th and /arnam , WS ] : : > riioT'M ) IioKi bulilTii.juiro 518 S. 14th J. IK ) I 10' Clalrvoynnt. I ADAM AI.AHKA , Claiavoyunt and palmUt , 1 SU Hontli 16th st frl I.OKT. ' 1 > ST I'ockPt book , large slio , with about J i tM ) in money and n cm-tjllcnte of ( leposlt on tlio Cniiilm FiulinilaiiUfor ! flt > 0j , payable to my order , A liberal reward will bo given for the rt tui n of sumo nnd contoiitd. D. H , Andr 'W , Windsor holt'I. UMJ 10 * L OKI Pointer puii , four mouths old , weighs nbout ! W pounds , Itewnul. Huturii to un- tlncnr.VoodmaiiJll ) work * . (133 ( 10 * fST ) I'nmeo Walch rinirni with Jlnnogrnm c > n tlici baik. Thotlndor will bo llhmally ! ) ri'tiiru'ntsanio Io thu lloo Ollieo. HI7 1U * vanaottA.it. JJl.ll ONAI. Northward the slur ot tpecuia- tlon bhlnex bright and clunr Wo can show urn undoubted har mns on anh it , fiuuidors M , and hirniHii IHO nnd Iliuiilllon H. , In rmuc > nfldcncopioporly , that Is biiro to mnko i ou a hnmlMiiiui dlvidnnd within li nionths. Wo luminu elegant modern 7-ioom alory und half , ull lot , In K. V. Sinlih'B udd , nt a bar J27i ! 11 fiont on Sherman nvc , nupiued ttr-et , u fepoclnl purch&to If tnken MJOII ; 12C. ft. on Mtundcra et , worth Invi tlgntlng ; ' , e > ft. front on Saundui * t > t. , pavoil In trout ; CO ft. Iron ! neur cor. Hi'HanJ mi Sauiulois et , inivtd inlront ; 120 it. front on t-nundors st .thiseldu I.Hkott , iflthln ono block of pavement ) liOft. on 2tih | ( t , on cable line : 141 feet on bunndon , improved , pavement In front : 8 Choice acres in UUt > s add ; Ulhui lota In Donee's add ; U cheap lots In Mi crs. H. .VTIlden'e add ; tl rosidrnco lotn jti Iluivii g add on llnsto ! t.elty iviiter in Iront ; irort front oil ( iiin.tcr.s Bt. , PlHluvU'W fuld ; 100 ft. front on Bniindcrii tt , Plaluvluw add ; M foot front on iiunUors et. Plaliivlow a d ; f.1 ( t. fronts. 10th st , . ear. Murllm bt ; llnocor- HIT In PiirkPi-'n udd , 1 block ntf untuleis ( , t ; cheap rorner in I'm rick's mldl block otr aun- it rkbt ; beiiulllul improved Tncr King and Jlloudo tieon ear line , ritru bargain. Call at ciiiriitlicc'.iooiiit ovrr Commercial Nut. ( tank , lor price. Hiul tonne. Ite.-iHt-ttullv , J U Hioo \Car. 1 jr. { ? ONAI < To them lies ff Omaha gonth of JL r. P. tracks. MI * PS Wnldlnff nnd Mnher havn opened . drossmnklng nnd filling parlor ntISI9& . 6thst. * _ _ _ _ _ "I J EliPON Al > 1 r Y T > r Nnnnie V. Warren - - clBirvoynht , Mcdlcnl nnd business Medium lloom No. 3 , 121 North ICth Et , Omaha , Nob. 'HOARDING. ' "OOAHIl First class : nlso onolnrgo bedroim , JJ snitnble tor two gentlemen orpenllcmnn nml wife. 1611 ndgot .V > 13 * _ 1ADIK3 * nnd children's clonks and suits mndo -J to order , rcasonabld prices. Inquire 1JJI NlSlh. ItTJ 12 * _ odorleOLP , privy vaults cleaned by the \J odorle ss process. K. Itolng , P. O. lm 427. ' pjr\TIiNNA | : fortune teller , residence ni JL llth at _ 03 J7 * _ ATTRNTION Who wants to sell n cbenp lot nnd take n mnro valued at SI.'O ns pnrt payment ? Ilcitor .V Campbell , lloom 1 1509 * ' . " " CCS _ _ _ . ) the great "Ited Letter SaTo" of ATTF.NI . Ooiits' Furnishings , Hals nnd Tups J6r 15 < laj onlj'nt the only llnrgaln Store , CIO N. IGth St. , bet. California and Webster In ten lessons. .No imposition , rapid ai speech , fend Ma > np for trial 1633011. II. M. I'ornln , Detroit , Mich , lindlfl IF YOl' hnvo a good mortsrniro or note to dH- count see Mead JcJanile9on,313S l&lh ft. 671 F" Voi7 imtna goofl mortgage or noTe to dis count gee Mead & Jamlcson , 318 U ISth Rt. rOHltl'NT Organs , J2 per month. ilospc , 1613 Uouiflas. 009 „ Ijioit JCK.NT Pquaro Piano , ft monltilr. A JL1 Hospe. 1S13 Douglas RIO I'limo * 3 montQIT. Hospe. 151J DouKlns. Oil YOU have n geol mortgage or note to dis count see Mead iVJamlosoii , 818 S 15th Rt. 571 SALF.-A lot of choice fresh cow * , and FOH , lust arrived Iroin the dairy farms In Iowa. Tenth and Capitol avo. 123 12 * 1710H BALK A good second-hand Imsolmr- JL1 nor , HadlanlHoine , No. CO ; stove nearly new , cheap. No 1127 8. 18th at. 130 12 * OH SALF.-dcnuino water spaniel , female , dog ! six months old. Address A , HI , Uco olllco. 10S12 * NliW CALIOHAPIINo. 2for $ M with leath er traveling case and table , cost $100. Hond for sample ot Writing. U'J ' , Hampton , Nob. 115 13 * FOU 9ALF.-Sealsklnpncquo.mutr and bon net Owner has no further USD. Address A 45 lloo olllcc. UM It * FOH SALH-Pony , at 1111 Pier st. WXJ 10 * 8ALI5 Team of horses. Schleslnifcr FOH . , 10th Bt BJ2 JO 1 > IANO A right now Knior'ioiiupilgJt cheap , about one-half cash. Address A Ul lloo office. 801 12 * F ) llSALF.-Uioap A handsome , 1,000-pound horse. Very gonllo , and sultablo for fam ily purposes. Inqulro of Colorado cattle Inspector specter , U. S. yntds South Omaha. _ 7B6 OUSEiv T.ots. l''arni3.Lnnds money loaned llcmls. rootn3 , llarkor block , S. W. cor. Jfitli and Farnam BIS. Kit _ FOU. SA'Ml At pubTlc"uictlon"Tec. ! 15 , libreon , inlluh cows , hoiisohold fitrnltnro , hot bed ptiih and farm tools , at noith and of 13th at II. W. Hall. 725-14 * . : Kurmtnro nnd lease ol sir-room honpo , time on part. Call 1202 North 27th ctreot , two blocks from Hod Cnr lino. 80.1 FOK SAIiK Lnoiip , iron coliimnB nnd win dow capaanltablo for front on brick buildIng - Forpnrllculai-'itipply at thlaofflce. 813 WAKTED FEMAJ.E KE1.P. WAN'lTD- once , tlrfit-class moat and pas try cook. Hoforciu-es lloce 8llrJr. Motro- polltan hotel , Iliirvard , Neb. WS ID' VVTANTnO Dining room girls and dlshwnsh- i or * . Apply at the Canllold house. 13il 11 * ANTHD A small girl to take ctno of baby. IKtt N. 17th st 118 10 * ANTKO-A'gtrl 12 or 14 ycnrd old , to assist with light house keeping : . 1803 'N. 17th street , nan ) * XlfANTHO-Salesladles , at 1ZOS. 13tli t. 125 10 \\7ANTr.D-A lady or goiitlemnn to take 11 clmrgnofa business that's paying f 10 a day ; from J50 to $400 required ; this Is a rare ehanco for the right party. Call or address Mrs. K , & Pen , UKM Ftiinoni st 100 10 * V\T ANTr.D Two girls , ono chambermaid nnd Vi ono for gcnoial houauwork. 710 S. llth st root. 109 11 * W ANTHD Immediately , good cook at N. K. cor 12th nnd Pierce. 877 1U * Fxperloneod Shirt hands nt WANTI5D Omaha Shirt Factory. OS N. lUth St. . 072 15 " \\7ANTnD-Olrl for general housework in > > smnll family , llHW Farnam st 1)7B ) 11 V\TANTiD : A'glrl for general housework. VT Nona but a Swede need apply. Inqulro 1717 Et Mary's ave. U71 11 * W ANTHD A competent person to do houso- worn lit 82.J S 20Ih 079 13 "WfANTRD ( Jlrl for roncrnl housework In V > small family. 'JIS Whoalon ( N.25thl , a good sluatlon lor the right girl. W5 11 " \\'ANTF.D A flrst-cliisi cook , washer and ii Ironorin family of 3. No other need ap ply. 1908 Fnruaitl. U40 11 * WANTKl > Several Intelligent young ladles. Hood pay and pommiinnt employment to right pnitlcs. Apply between N and0 a. niHnd B nnd 8:3. : ) p. in. lloom 22 , Crolghton bloek , 15th und Dougjas. KM V\7"ANTHD-Conipetent woman for general ii housework ; family of two ; good wages. Mrs. 1' . 8. Kus-tls , 2312 Capitol avo. WI7 Io * ANTHD Two good knlitors , boys or girls who havci had experience In Liinib or Hrnnson Knitting machlno. No others should call ,1ns , F. III/- ! , Omaha Knitting Factory , I7UU Ht Mary'R Avenue. H77 10 * \VANT1JI > Ladles to work for us at their II own homos ; $7 to $10 per weult can bo quietly miidn ; nu photo , painting ; no canvass ing , Kor lull particulars Please address , at once , Crescent Art Co. , 10 Cunlral Bt , Huston , , box 6i0. bU5 22 * 1013 Capitol uvo bliO 12 * WANTED tined girl for general house work , 111J ( loorgla live. 7W > WANTKH Olrl for grnrrnl housework In small family , 312 a. Itthbf. 70t " \\TANT13D I''lret-elns ' cutter for dinssmak- ii ing can Oud work at 1IW , corner lOih and Dodge tts. 010 BO * _ _ \VANTKTl m Indloc A gents to loirn telo- i T graphy Prospect good for position when coniputcnt ; address W , J. D. , Itoom 1 , Cronnao bllt.Oiniilm. I'M 111:1 : , ? . "WANTIID-nood Fry cook at Mlllard Hotel t"la'l" > ' ' OT3 ' \\rANTUD V slonoginpher , ono who under- ii Htands clotiblo entry bookkeeping. Ad- clreifvlili ix'tei'unco , btutfng salary desired , A ii , lice olllco. ( KU \VANTKD llarbcr ; steady wo.-k nt 1'axton > i Hotel barber snop. U.'l ' " \\rANTKD A tint-class state agent and sub ii ugoiils In ovorycouiiiy In the west , ( i , V , Alchlson < S : Co. , 51 Doaiburn t , Chicago , 111 , lis II * WAXTKD-Aclock ropairur ut HW Dodge Bt 105 VirANTL'D At oncegood lUHiicook ; ulio six i i men to hoard ami room together. Kx- cclslor housofc07 N. 10th st 117 12 * A\rAXTUO An actlvu young man about 18 i > Hou mail room. Apply uolwcun U nnd 11 n. m. lit \\TANTKI > Agents with good nppcnruncen 1 1 for a new article ; can uiuko $5 to f a day. Call at 14il ; H. Wlh bt W > 14' _ WANTUO-Olllce boy. Address in own hand wrltin ; , stating eqicrlouco and wugea wanted , A as , Ileuotllcc. Ml , Vl'AKTKIl-U goo.l brick masons licet of 'i pnld. Apjilrut I'luttaiuoutli Water Works , PliUtBinontti , Nob. 1)51 ) 12 rpHF. Bankers' I.lfo ABSoclaticm of Bt. Paul , J. Minn , have Nubraskti work for. a few goodbolleltora. Hoferences necessary Ad- drvsa Wllcox & Sloolo , Stale Arents. Llncolu , Neb. l t dee 18 _ \\TANTKO-Ouo flrti class coat maker. None T i but a good man need apply. Btc/uly work and big pay.V. . It. Oibson i Co. , SIT B. 15th St. \ lANTiilShipping1 : clerk , by a mauufuotur. U iiiirhoiijo , AdJu-sa Iloi S , city. UK 10 * WANTIID M cntpentors nt Fowler Packing house , South Oraftbn. Inqutrn ( leo. A. Long. 137 11 _ WANTBR. 100 men for railroad work ; good wanes ; ctoftdy work all winter. All- bright .s Labor Agency , 1303 Farnnm , 172 \\7ANTF.D A first-class broad and cake TI baiter. No others noel apply. liilfiCum- Ingjt. 074 10 * _ _ A HUNTS In the city or country cnn mnnots to $10 n day selling our opoelallios. N. W. Novelty company. UJ7 1'atnam bt. _ 613 BITUATIon WAHTED. VlJ'ANTl'D A position ns housekeeper by n ii Indy with nhttlo gltU Mis. J.S. , southeast cor. IQlli nnd Hickory. _ 135 12 * \\7ANTnn Poslllon by n young man of five 1 1 year * eipnricnco us clerk or bookkeeper , rofcronces , good habits , nnd will commence cheap to show nblhty. Address A , 52. Ileo olllcc. 10711 * _ \\'ANTir : > Situation In wholesale or retail TI drug store by n graduate In Pharmacy ! ppcnks German , Kngllsb nnd Scnndinnvlan. Address A frjllco Olllco 111 10 * _ WANTKD Position by joung Indy ns book keeper , ofllceor cnf-filer : beat of refer- oneos. Address A 40 , Hoc Olllco. 9J3 14 * \\T A N T Kli K m p io yin tn t of goin6 kTnd " wilK TT omo house , wholesnlo proforrcit , am good bookkeeper , Oooil niforoneo given. Ad dress L T. Thomson , Houston Co. 8113 10 * 1 0 the ladles of Omnhn wishing1 first-class . dressmaking , guaranteed culling and tit ling ; sewing done In families. Inquire Mrs. It. J. Arnold , 1C07 Davenport S02 12 * \V * ANTED A younp man wants n place to TT work for his board whllo going to school. Address A 35 , lice olllco. rot 13 WAHTS. WANTED tty a stnglo gentleman , room and board. State location and terms. Address A 64 , lieu olllco. _ 13112 * \VANTKD-Stnall safe Oljen & Vore. 218 8. ISth st W7 11 _ " \\rANTEU-A neatly furnished room , well. 1 1 heated , ut reasonable prlco , Addioss A 4' ' . ' , lloo oltlco. 101 _ WANTED To uuyn well assorted stock of hardware In western NcbriiBka. Addrosj W. L. HutlodKO , ItocKfonl.llU. 11011 * WANTED For spot cash , a coed residence and lot , worth (5,000 to $8,000. Address P. O. box 414 . ' Jill _ _ _ _ _ _ OK HUNT 1 filrnTsTicd front rooiti for 1J gentlemen , lull Webster st lltl 12 * \VANTKD To rent n small store In the bust- IT ness pint ot clly , Address lor S dnj-s , stating locution , slzo and pi Ice , W. II. Craig , St. James Hotel. VJ1 11 * WANTED lllda for paving or concrellng cellar ot my house on Fnlrvlew Kt.near HI Mary's nvo. J. W , Grllllth , uudilor's ollleo U. P. lly. OS011 * W ANTHD Table board for a few gentlemen _ at 1503 Davenport si , UVJ 11 * WANTED- Huy , ngood saloon In Nebras ka ; I have the money to pay cash. Ad- droas Lock Ilex 12. , Cljdo , Kan. UIO 11 * T\rANTrtl ) Customers for Johnston's Auto- IT tniitlo iviisher. Already o.\ton ivoly cir culated in Iho city. Soils roadlly on Its own merits. Labor saving and Inexpensive. . Try It Mrs. M. J. CarrlKor. 1821 Cass st H71 13 * WAN'I KD To rent On or before March 1 , n store or half store , on I'arnaln between 13th and IMh.or 15th between Farnam and Dodge , for a deslrablo retail business. Address A,2icttlo ? lloo olllco. 607 1C * _ \\7ANTKD To Huv , from 5 to 25 acres au > IT joining this city or South Omaha. Qato City Heal Kslnto Co. , 13JO Douglas. 753 \\7ANTKD-Stockof dry goods , clothing and ii gnnts' turnlshlnglL'OoiIsor boots and shoes in exchange for Omaha real estate. Schleslng- or llros , OUS10th st. V.:3 : 39 _ \\ANT15l > to buy ono gimro or fitock In IT Omaha board of trade. S. A. Slomanl" > 12 Far n amst _ 571 VA'ANTKD 50 men to cat buckwheat cakes IT and maple syrup every morning at Norris' Hcstiuimnt , IRth St bet Dodge and Douglis. Straight board per wooKJ.25 ; 21 meal tickets , $ .150. 013. _ _ rou tiEJiT-nousEs AKO LOTS. TTtOH HENT-Ono-half store room 21x8) ) ft. for . * ! Indies' furnlsliing goods , clonus , tnncy goods or Joweiry bust location In the ell- . Ad dress , A 40 , Omaha Uco. 'A-'J-H FOH HUM Housn of 5 rooms , with elo = olH , pantry , good collar. JSnqulrQ Mrs. Wind , HI house onst of Sacred- Heart convent , on south sldo ol Hint st ICO 15 * farm. H. Mnnn oiler , B. llth st. 034 11 * TJ'OH HKNT A now cottage on upper Farnam 1 : st. Inqulro at 2100 Farnam st. 04t Foil HUNT Store on illth and Lcavonworth , Innulro at Novelty Carrlagp works , s o cor ner liHh and Chicago. Chas. X.lumann.UJJ UJJ 11 * ff ; > OH HUNT Part of a furnished House with -T the conveniences of the nholo of It liefer- oncos required. Address A , , 31) ) lloo ollico. 017 13 * T7HVH HKNT Fine location for Jobbing firm , JL' Domains st near 14th , address stating busi ness A 33 Ileo ollico. 8K > HKNT A barn for 4 bead of horses. Inquire FOH quire of M. F. Martin. 837 IIF.NT 40 acre farm. II. Manwoilor , . llth at. 1157 11 * F OH HENT 320 acre farm. H. Mauwoilor , 30US. llthst U5d 11 * OH HUNT-Hulldlng suitable for n drug store In the Iluost location In the city. Inquire room 20 , Oinalm National bank build- Ing. BJt FOH lirjXT-7 room houso.nnd barn ; Inquire 01D S 13th St. mi F OH HHNT-A nice G-room cottage , by 3. T. Peterson , a. o. cor. 15th and Douglas. 477 FOH KKNT-Or lease 20 ncro gnrdon with house and Etublo Insldo clly llmita. Apply to H , .McFndden , Hldnoy , Nob. bfll-jC * FOU HKNT A first clnssrostaurant , inquire _ of Leo , Nlchol Sc Co. _ lit * ium KHNT House. ! ) rooms , Harney atrcot -L Mini 21st , f.'W per month , also house near St Mary's ave , ( I rooms , two per month. S. A. Slo- man , 1512 Karnam st. _ _ _ _ _ 117 _ _ FOH HUNT 120 ncro farm. H. Manwciilor , S09 S. llth st. ' ! 11 * _ _ FOH HKNT Six now brick storc vltlT base- nients , corner Klovonlli and Howard ; choices location ; till convanlences. l.onvitt Hurnham , lloom 1 , Crclghton block. ii27 'rnoit Hll.N'T Sioros , icsidonccw , Iiirnlshod Jand unfurnlsliitd rooms. I'iist class loca tions. ICoji'n Honting Agency , Itoum 7 , South- mint corner 15th and Dougbu. 2H5 d 2J * Foi ! KiiNT A Htoro and bnsemont on R good business st. lii'iulrn of Lee , Nlchol ACe , , HponiSt , Withiioll block. _ _ 9 ; ' _ _ _ HKNT-Ono now collage , 7 moms , MO. Throe now 2-btnry houses , * IO , ono nt $ ; l,1 ; well located , all convonic-nci-s. Leavitl Hum- hum , lloom I , Crclghton block. 127 Tjioil KIN : r 7-rooiu oottavo in Walnut Hill. J- ' Terms , < M per month. Apply to D. W , Saxo , 1424 Km mini St 29tl. " 171 < It 'HKNT 80 norna adjoining city north- -I.1 wept , snllablo for dairy or market gnrdon. Apply to Thoo. Williams , Hue Ollioo , 0U Fur- nil in. _ MS ' IJV1K KKNT-Stoie aSjtW , lllttjiickson Bt ' A ? _ 7R8 JtBHT-BOOMS. F I OH HUNT lloom with board , 1010 Dodge , 128 15 * J HKNT Largo elegant loomi.wlth closet Soutlifront. 141h U'llcagu street , 810 "IT1OH HIIN'r hlogant rooms on street carL -L ? liny , bath and s s , u. w. cor 20th and Webster. 13i 17 > OH HENT A room with a bay window , and 1 board. 1810 Cnlcago bt. Wi 12 * "l oir HK.N'T-Niccly funilahod front parlor , K wltb or without bomd , at 2021 Weoslcr et. UJi 15 * FOH HKNT Sleeping rooms , furnished und unrurnlfthcd , at bid Howard hot. 8th and Uth. 1U2 ] foil ltENT-3 rooms unfiirnlshod , 110S S. 7th st 3 rooms unfuruUhoJ , U12 S7ih st 12J IjTOH HENT-3 roomi sullable for house- -L1 Looping711 1'acltlcBt , Jleat , fISCK ) . 123 IJIOH itlJNT-Wlth board , furnished roonn , JU 1710 Casa st lit ID * FOH HENT--A comfortable , newly plnsloied room ; central and with every convenience. Apply W , 8. Scovuy. Ill a IttU it. OJ7 10 TjlOH IIBNT Kleirantlr ( urnltliod parlor , uUo J-1 im&llcr.rooin , lllduuth Idth near Dodgro Bt. tOi lt FOH HENT-Nlcely furolshod rooms , ntscru Farnam St. t Ji 21 TT10H UENT-3 unfurnished rooms for light JL liouseUooplny at 17Q Uurt it Kl 10 * T7IOK KEN r South room furnUhoa , n. e. cor L1 tin mid Davenport til FQH HENT FnirJdlie ; > d room nultaWo for 2 gontlemcn "I'/nLii and wife ; nlso first-class board , 1U11 - 15 * T710K HENT Nowjy furnished , heated front -L ? room sultnblo for two gentlemen , -Ml St. Mary s ave , .p ! > flj TTIOH HRNTFJlfnilJied room , 810 S. ISth" . J ? * § 03 I0 _ TJIOH HEXT Suite of newly furnished rooms JLJ In new IIOUFS ; > modoru convenience * ! ! to gentlemen. IP.'l Dodge st. 2GO FOH HEN'T Wllh Tjoard , to 2 gontlemon.vcry pleasant * onth-front parlor , nicely Tur- nlshecl , Id private family , 4 blocks from U. 1' . depot Addrcss'At'f'k lice. t'Sl ' 10' 7UMI ItKNTtoriloslrnl.lo \ furnished rooms , L ? location contrnl , tflll Capitol nvo. PJI 10 * "T710U HUNT IJurntlhod room. A. Hoano , JJ 1613 Uouglns St. Oil _ \\TANTKD-Vfnfurnl hcd rooms for llaht ' iioupokccplnR. nirliuMiind and wlfo ; cuu- tralljlucntod. . A ! J , llcoolllco. 8'J3 10 * FKH lillN'T 8 rooms enltnbto for hoiisc- koopliiff , biith room , wntnr In kltchpnvonl IIOIIBO ice. ! r out 2C.OO. S. H. cor 'AJtli nnd Nicholas su 131 _ T710H HUNT Anrgc \ front clii\mlior with -U cloict , pn , f iirnnoo nnd biith , Ml 8 20th at. Uiloclc northj t. Mnrj- n Oj _ Ml TT10H HUNT A comfortnblo front onico.wnrm JL : fo/r , contrM ntul cli cup. W. S. SUAVOJ- , 111 S ntbl IHJ3 1U _ " OirilRNT A well furnished room , third tloor , No. Oil S. 13th SU ( near Jnclison nt. ) Via W poll HUNT rurr.lshort room nnd 1 Butt f nr- I 1 nlslicd forlliilit housokecplng , Bin N. luth St. 777 16 * _ FOH KENT Kurnlshod room for two Indies , All model u conveniences. HUJ .tone * sU O.'i7 11' _ _ FOU UKNT-Ftirnlslu-d room , thli-d lloor.S. W , cor. I3tli iui'1 llownrd. 770 HI * Foil HUNT FurnMiiil room for ono or two Rcntlomon , 2J7 South 3d , between I'armuu and loU'las. ) 7Bt 1U > J. OK IIKST Very ile lrahlo room snltnhlo X1 for two , In now hmt o wlllievury incident convenience , 1010 Dodge. 7M ( FOH HUNT 'Unfurnished ' room.liKiinroMrs. A. Wrlglil , llushmnn blk. 0'J T71OH URNT Two nicely furnished rooms , JL1 sultablo for 2 or M gentlemen : lovely loca. tlon with every modern Impiovoniont. 1415 Jono9st. _ 2HS HKNT Furnished rooms for light house pine , Hoomors block , cor 8th & Howard. (114 ( "Ij10H HENT Furnished room , 1810 Dodgo. JJ 5P4-d-29 HENT Nice furnished room and board FOH In private family. Address A. 37 , Ileo olllco. 013 10 * FOH HlXT : Largo furnished front room ; cnllntlerO. Inqulro 1C.07 Davenport SU 10 * FOH HKNT To g-imtlnmon only , two fur- nlshocl rooms in good location , 2 doors from street cars , ono on first lloor large front room , tiav window , gns nnd renlstor , J25 ppr month. Other front room , second lloor , register and K 3 , flf > per month. Ituforonro roiiulred. Call ntdoskT , ItiiWFnrnam at.tlrst floor. KB TOH HEXT I'nfurnlsnacl rooms ; Imiulro drug stoi 0,0158 Mthst. KJ3 FOH HKNT In private family , nicely fur nished rnom.lurjro onoutrh for two itontlo- inenK4S. ; ; l th St. 847 U * TCiOll'llBNT-S roomq , unfnrnlohcd , in my J now Hats w cor. 7th nnd I'nclllo 3t. 3 room house 1CI9 Nicholas st. Apply to M. F. Martin 310s. 15th. 2M SALD nODSBS LOTS. 17 C. I'ATmtSON , N. W. cor. 15th and * * Harnoy. West Bide lots titr. i. _ $ 200 Ton aero * , snltitmo for plattlns ? 8)0tf ( ) 1'lftunn acressultnblOlor platting U.OiiO Two DodifO street lots , Inside 10X , ( ) ) Tno Klrkwood lots , oacB 00 Hanscom I'luco lots Sl.OJO to 2r > 00 Corner on.lnclismil ivod ( street COHK ( ) lCount7o'R 1'laco. $ lii 0to 2'JOfl Twenty acres suUitblo for pluttlittfBfKil ) llltaobauifh APiittor on'8 1'lavo -100 HRxlTO feet , finely Ifaprovod , IGth street. . 10.il.1il ISixKMfoet.KiirnnmO'orner . , 18.WUO 13J.\13-- fcot 1'rtrnam. InipiovLMl 10,000 1 hnvo solo iiffenoy on the above. Ill T 1ST jourpropeiftf'wlth H. C. Patterson. IMh J mil Hnrnoy , If you want It { .old quickly and for spot cash. * v- , * .i 112 P. HAM.MONU , Heal Ustnto. 117 S. If.th . st nAHUIS & TIAHUKS.IMIS. lAth Bt , money to loan /iom.l03tl up on Impioved city prop erty , nt the. lowest rnto Interest. ! W8 A MKSMIISArrnSTATilToKNCVculls your nt tontionto bit r ( ruins us follo.vs : Hlllsilali ! sells lor $200 u lot. lllllsdalo soils lor 10 per cent cash. Illllsdalu payments are $ : > a montli. HilUdalols the nearest lor the money. Hlllsilale orcnpiL'S. limuiillill 11 round. Hillsd.ilo oirnrs a chaiico to stivo monoy. IlillsdiiloiMll pay lite Intuiost. Hitlsdiilovillanlt yon on sliiht. Ilillsdulo at f. > a month. Hlllsdnlo lots for 10 per cent cash. HIlHdalo alfflilly location. Hlllsda'o ' Invites Inspection nnd will piovo n splendid investment for n smnll sum ot monoy. CD mo and BOO It. Amos' , 1.MJ7 I'lmmin. .HI 12 LIST your property with II. C. 1'attorson , inth nnd Harnuy , If you want It sold quicklv nnd for spot cash. 11" HhGOHY & IIADLKY. .Members Omalm Itoul I'.jtato r.xrhanuc. Hooina 1 and 3 Hedlck's Now Illock , ItM i * . 15th st Call and see us for real bargains , Business Illocks , llcsldenoo Property , Improved 1'roporty , Vacant Ixtfl ) , Cheap Homes. Wo hnvo plenty of South Omaha lots , tin- moved or unimproved , and now Is the tlmo to Invest ywur money thoro. Vou cnn mtikomoro money In Ponlli Omnha In thu next 'M clays than In nnv other pnrt of the city. Don't tnkoour word for nnythlnir ; let us take you to South Omnha and see lor jour.-otll. Wo iiNo hnvo 1U acres 1"J mlles troni stockyards - yards on count v road that can bo sold for ? 3)0 ) per aero for I his week only. Telephone S51. Oropory & Hndloy. OH SAMi-Cornor lot dtli and I'acino Bts. , for warohoiloo ; uunriraln. Olson .V Voio , 21SS. ir > th St. 'Jilfl 10 . P 1'A'rrnilSON , N. W. Cor. ICth nnd Hnrnuy. West sulo lots at $ 201 Ten acres , sultablo for plattlnjr C.OiiO I'lltecm aercssultablo forplattlny .i.liOO Two Dodito Bt lots , lil'-ldo 10,000 Two Klrkwood lots ouch HV ) Hanscom I'laco lotsjl.000 to 2,500 Corner on .lacKson , puvod Bt 20,000 Kount/os I'lnco tl.ilml to 2.20J Twenty anres suitable for platting..T P/M Hlmobaiirii and Patterson's I'laco . . . . 40. ) 8)1x170 ) It. , finely lmpro\ , 18th Bt in.ouil INtixlU ft. , rnrmini corner IS.tioo Ktivinft.rai'inini : , iminoviul BO.O.W I havuBolo iieuncy on qbovo. 111 MOITIIH HHAL F.STAT1J AUUNCV , JL 211 R. 15th 6t , Oirornfow Special Hargalns. 7 lots In Foster's add. f I.'IOO to $2W10 oaeh. lot III and 17 , block 6 , Konnt/.o'sltli add. Cull at ollleo for prices. Hargalns. njotson Saundeis bt In 1'lalnvlow , $1,100 teL L nts 15 , IB and 17 , Davenport' * dubJivUlon , $1.200 c'lieli. Kimy terms. Full lot In H. V. Smith's add. , C8\1IO , fa.103 . : * 1,000 cash. ( lood lot on Baundcrs st , $1,701. Ono of the bnstlpiiUu Kunnysldo , (1C03. Full lot In 1'atrlUUiild. just elf tiuunders Et , f 1.700. A bargain. , . 3 lets in HranrYOlr-1 ? * ! , f l.O'iO each , Ho-t lot on HiuuIJtoujit , II.MJ. Full lot 111 llawThiirmi , trw. Don't lot this chance slip. Onorfjxjh rush. Lot In Clarendon. J1.2.W ; * 1W cash. " of the host loivllu.lLilUiao , W'J caoh. Lot ( I , lloeso I'laco , on 1'arko iiv. Cull at olllco for prlo o. Corner tot In Miu-tb/s add. , $1,100. The Motler Heii 'liAiHo Agency , 211 S. 1Mb * ' a-"J - II/JT \i \ T 1ST A our propejtT.fVlth 11. C. 1'iitteison , 15lh .l.Jaiul Hartley , If'you want it eold ijulekly and tor aiiot cash. | [ ,7 113 RO. I'A'l'l'KllSON/ . \V. Cor. I5lh nud Hiirney. West fclde lotsat.h.M.1 „ $ WW Ten acres , riuilablp/or.platlliig H.OUJ Fifteen acres , suitable' for platting U.O'IO Two Dodge Bt. lots.lusldo 10,0kj Two Klrkwood lots eacn 800 Hanscom Plaee lots f 1,000 to 2.500 Corner on Jackson , paved Bt , , 20,000 KonnUe's I'luco IIU)0 to U.200 Twenty acres bUltablu for jiliittlnt' . . . . , . 6,000 IIlmebaiiBh Ii Patterson's I'laco 400 MX 170 ft.finely Improved , 18th st 10.000 l-'Jxiil ' : It , Farnam eornor is.0 to lT.'xi21t ; ; , TaruHin , lniirovoi | ] HO.OOO 1 have boloageucy on above. Ill F. HAMMOND Heal Estafe , 117 S. iirit7 1MJ BHIJNNAN I'LACB-Vou no doubt know how nlcoly llronnan I'luco lies ; If not , you should nnd out before purchasing a residence lot elsewhere. We can sell lots hero t from f I400to JluXi , which will surely be north $2003 in the sprint ; . Orogory It Hadloy. 1 and 3 Iledick Uik. , 320 S. 15th St. 040 171OH SALE po acres lying west of Walnut -L' hill In tnictH to Milt , will sell all or purl. ' ' .lioji.,014 f-'o. IDtli st W'HO R. C. rATTKRSON , N. W Cor. IMh Mid Hnrney : A\ > t Side hl Ht . . . . . . . . $ rOJ Ten acres sultnblo for plnttlnp . ? ,000 Kiltern ncrcs < > iiltnblp forpinttlng . P.OOO Two Doduo M Iot , Innldo . 10,010 Two Kltkwood lota onoh . SXJ Hnn com rince , lots $ I.OWto . , S.Wii t'ornor on Jackson , paved St. . . . . . . 20 , ( Ki Konnt7C'8 place , $ lWJ to. . . . . . 2.a.X ) Twenty ncrossuliablo for pml Hag . S.OX ) llnnehaueh .t IMttorson's plnco . 403 ixl70ft flnfly Improved , 16lh si . 10,000 isytia : ft Fnrnam corner. . IS.ocii ) 13xt)2ft. : ) rnrnnm , Improved . MJ.OOJ 1 hnvo solo money on nbovo lit ' acres Hicks * lii- Rbrntn , V54-14 _ " \\7KolIer for ilo two sections of Rood farm ' land In llowaril connty , this Mnto. nonr rnllronds nnd creed to n ! prlco $ MU nnd S3.0J per acre. Hlcks& liigliriini,2l" > S. I5lh fi. 037 II I 70H SAl.K rino corner 3 streols.Indlani * 1 nvo. Pier , Cnldwoll st , lot'XHIU ft.Il houses rent for f ! " > per month anil HHTO 13 room for it inoro houses. Ifjoiiwixnt to buy n bargain do not wnlt but comn nt once , llonnwn & Cd. , oppoMto V. O. l.U 13 _ FOH SAT.K-AloKVitmnnSt. Mar.v'o nvo. paved. Pownr , water and gns connections inndo wlih lot , now sl.lowAlk. $ .noo , 5J.WO cnsli , bal to suit This price will hold treed fern n few days. O. W. Mount IteM r.stnto nnd Investment - vestment Co. 873 TTHm SAI.K-CA ft , frontinn on OodRO et. 8 J-1 blocks east of the l > ostolllco , A bargain at $18,500 ; $10,000 cnsh. Marshall * Lobeck , 1.W9 Farnntn. 610 GBXUINn IIAHOAINS-THO corner lots m llurdolto court , only 4 lilncks from Sunn * der'sMreet PRM. w. M. Itushtmin. Itonm 10 , llushmau tllook , N M cur Ifltti and Dougla * . 017 R. C. PA'ITUHSOX , N. W. Cor. 15th nnd Hnrney. Woct sldo lots nt . J 200 Tonncros , suitable lor plat I Intf . 0,000 VlfU'on acres pultublo lor platting . . . . 0,000 Two Oodirn st. Iota , InMdo . . . . . . IB.WO Two Kliknooil lots , each . N)0 ) Hnnsoom 1'laro lnl Sl.Utflto . S.N)0 ) Corner on .IncKson , Paved al . 20.TO ) Knunt/p I'lRCpfl.IlliO to . 2.200 Twenty ncros suitable tor plattlnir. . . . . H.ftlfl Illini'limit-'li and Patterson's Place . 4iK ) 81\170 ft. finely Improved IGth st . 10,010 IB'ixllC. It. Km until corner . is.wo VWTlffi It. I'Rrnnm. Impitivetl . W.OOO 1 hnvo solo agency on above . Ill FOH S A Iill One acre mi Ijcnvpnworth street , near licit line , $ .l.RiXi ) $7iH ) wish , balance $2" per month : will make six business lots nnd two rpxidunco lots. Tor Siilo-Two horses , wncon and harness. H W. Illinlrcsi. lMj ! Kurntim st 121101 _ NO nUMIUJ--UtTrontlnjrTwostroos.bouso ( | on eacli end rentltnr for f2 , " > per month ; 25th and I'nclllc $2r,0t , ) . lloitfo and half-lot , 25lh and Pnolllc. f 1.250 , Worth looking at. House and half-lot , llth and Pacific. $1,500. llctt IT see It. Corner lot llth and Pacific : 3 good houses ; Rood rnnls. $ , IKJI. Wanted A lln > t-class grocer/ general mer chandise business In the city or adjacent towns for cash or cits4 pioporty. 1'lrst-class real ciMato mortirairns fllBConntod. 85 Mpad Jamison , 318 S , I5lh st I OTi leot front on I.rnvemvorth , near 2d Bt. J will ho soldchonp If taken at onco. Klcuant south front lot , Diipont Plnco , high nud Rightly. lSJ.'i : $150 cash , balance $10 pur month. A special bargnin for n few days only. I' , 1) , Tan ner k Co. , Win Howard Rt. 8OT 10 LIST your property with 11. C. Patterson , 15th nnd Harnoy. If you want It sold ijulckh and for spot cinh. 112 Wll hnvo had placed ill out- hands for sale Bomoof the llncst aero property In Omaha. Ileautlfnl south and cast slope , close to licit Mnolly. : can bo Fold In tracts of D , 10 or 20 acres. Call and secure your choice. Hicks & lngliram,215S. intlist. me 14 _ OKSAtK-12lot 44xin2feet , t routine ' , north on Hrlstol street , half way octwoon Snun- dots andStato , near street ears , city waterin front. $300 each , 1-4 cash , balance In 1,2 and S yoais. Address 31 1 , line onito. 253 T r. IlAMM ONllit'al Kltnte , 117 sTlBthlt t ) tW.1 FOH SALE lly Sohloslngpr llros. , fiU South lOtn stiopt. ISO feet on 2oth st near 1'arnam , will sell all or part , n aero lots In Fnriinm park. $125 per acre. Knsy terms. This la very desirable for garden- Ing.Wt . Wt acres , Improved , near city , house , barn , cribs , etc. Chrnp and on ensv trrmg. Lots In Scnloslngcr's addition ? - > ' > to $ J30 on easy tcims. iViT J 0 BUST lots , lowest prices , largest list In Han scom Place property. Cull and sco. ! ' . U , Tanner & Co. ,1015 Howard. KW 10 SALE Lot with ilvo-ioom house , on FOH Poppleton uvo. , cheap J2,8'XX $1,000 cosh , balance on easy terms. C. W. Mount Heal Ks- tnto and Investment Co. MIS. HOUSKS IxiU.rarms.Lnnrts inonnv loaned. llcmls , roomtl , Harkor bloCK , S. W. cor 15111 nnd rariiiim Ms. fi04 THACICACn 2 line lots on North lllli at rout , $1.750 oaeh. Riisy terms. ! ' . 1) . Tiinncr Jk Co ,1015 Howard St. 89'J ' 10 LIST your properly with It C. Patterson , 1.1th mul Hnrney , it you want it sold quiculy and for spot cash , 112 BOWLINO ( JUKEN-Our now addition is west of Walnut Hill , on Hamilton street. lly selecting lots ut fl.lj for inside and S17.r for corners , you will miiko a good investment. Terms 10 per cent cash mid M monthly. No charge for showing the lots. Marshall ft Lo- beck , 1M9 Farnam 019 " IIAlT I-isTATB AND LOANS-U. H. Hall & R Co. 115 S. 15th et RIB fjlOH SALK-Cboap , 20 acres lying west of J3 Walnut Hill In tracts to suit Will sell all or part Sohlcslngor HI-OB..Oil S. 101 h at. U50 ito SE. corner Potter's Addition , 2 lots on Loivn live. , only $1,100. HOIIHO oft ! looms and 2 lot ? . Mil lit each , only * 2riOO ; $ r > 00 cash ] my- m'cnt Very cheap , y. I ) . Tanner & Co. . inl5 Howard street. K > 0 10 R KA iV KSTATi : IIAICOAIK Chnleobusiness lot , near cor. Sowar * ! St. , fronting on Sunn- ilors Bt. and paved sc. ; ohcup for cash , .1. L. Hko&Co.ov3r Coinniorcinl li.ink , 775 J' W. IIAMMbND.llcal TTstnro"Tl7 liriiTritT ( ; W5J " \\rK HAVH constant inquiry for all kinds of business and losldcnco propnrly. Ifyou have any property lor giilo list sumo with us. Schlualngor Hro3..QI4 S 10th St. KM JO HOIISKS Lots.Farms.hniids money loaned , llomls. roomll , Ilarkor block , fi. W. cor. l.llh and rarnain et'i. 594 U are iiut hoTlzoil to invest fJ'I.OW ' in 1m- pioved Insldd property. What hnvn you toolfer Wo lucanbuslneio. Mead \-Jauilosoii. HISS. 15th st. t > 72 Probate Uotloe. STATK OF NKIIHASKA. Douglrts County , S3. ' . At n county court held lit tbo county court room. In and lor , < nld county. December 1Mb , A. I ) , , INjil. I'lugtmr , J , II , .McCulloch , County .lllllL'U , In the mnttor of the estate of Jacob Woldon- bull , Jr. , derail Bed , On roiidiiiirunil Illlng the petition of Jonnlo M. Wciclunsnll , widow of Bulil ilcccuscd , piiiyini ; that u ccrtnln Instrument now on 111" in thin L'Oiut , nnd pmportlng to bo the lust will und testament of Jacob Woideit | > all , Jr.dc'coa cd , Ho juovcd , allowed nnd probated as such , and nor- foclf appoliitod xucutrithereof. . OrduioJ , that .liinuury 10th , A. T ) . , ISWI.Bt 10 o'clock n. m. , bo asRlgncd for hearing Find petition , when nil persons Inturosti'd In sanl nmttcT nuiy appear at a county court to bo lu'lil , in and for Mild county , and tlmu- cause why tlio pra > urof said petitioner Hlionld not bo gianti'd : and tluil noticuol the pondcucy ot mild pcilllionnnd thu hoiiiing thercot , bo glvi-n to all poisons inten > t < > d In Haid matlor , by pnbllHliliig a copy nl this ordfir luthuOmuIm Dully Dee , a newspaper prlntod liiHiild cciunty , oncooarh wwk lorthttio succcbslvo wusks prior to said day of homing- , I.A Iruci copy. ] J. II. McCiir.T.ocil , (110-17-21 County Judge. I CURE FTS ! ! V hen 1 uf riua 1 tl < * u-'t iuin merely to ttop inotn it r a Red Star Line Carrying the Belgium HoyM nud United Btatei HtUl , ullnir | oyvry balurday Between Intwern & New York TO THE RHINE , GERMAN ? , ITALY , HOLLAND - LAND A1ID FRANGil WINTKft , B 1on from 60 to US. Kicurtlon trip from 1110 to IlSi Sooond Cabin , outward , 143 ; prepaid , Its ; ejcursloti. tW ) . stoemra nassaaa t loir ral . vn t Wrl ht * BOOS , O ner Areats. U Broadway. New York. Iltury I'uuJt , 1SIB faruuui t < Pttuli n k do. 1423 Ji'gruain tl j p. O I'focuj&u , ViH ' TOO UNANIMOUS -FOR GOOD , Lincolnitea Fear the Consequences of Uuited Hostility to Vim Wyck , A BANKER'S STRONG POINT. It Sets Calm Heads to Thinking of the Fate o ( Iiocal Schemes niul Ap- tiropriut Ions < \ < I ill tlnn , Di vision niul Silence. LINCOLN , N'cb. , Ucc. 8. rCorrcsrmml- cnco to tlio HuB.I Thcro has boon a blanket , damp with ph losopliy sine com mon scnso , thrown over Ihu pile of hatred nnd jealousy belonging to the Lincoln Journal , nnd tliojo politicians who re main nxrttko at night tt dcspiso Van WyckI was In Lincoln i\ day or two njro , and happened to meet three promi nent citi/.ens , heavy tax payers and cnt while Van Wyck haters. Among other things of interest , they reviewed the SKNATOIUAI. ritlllT , now waxing warmer and warmer nil over the state , nnd certainly cave np "some Information valuable nliko to both sides , " Said one of the party , n banker of Lincoln , who for years has been prom inent in tin1 polities of thu state , and of whom it may be safely said , ho is n lead er who voices the sentiments of many politicians , especially the railroad crowd. 'Our ' delegation lias almost nitulo itself powerless by its. determined stand on the Van Wycl ; question. AVlillo I hero on a half ihv.pii republicans in Nebraska to bo preferred over Van \Vyck , any of whom 1 would rather see elected , there is in this light involved more than personal politi cal gratification. It is so shaped that it rises above all petty jualonsy and per sonal preferment. I , for one , am willing to admit that the "old man" is not half so bad as painted by my crowd , and if he is elected , I shall bini : > NO TIAKS. : "No , we must down him , " said num ber two of the party. "Yes , " con tinued number one , "nnd'just such a pol icy is liable to result disastrously. No sane man can for : i moment doubt that Van Wyck's strength is formidable , and if the impression prevails , as it does now and will continue to do , that Lancaster county , and especially Lincoln , is on- poM'd'lo him purely on personal grounds , whitis : ; to hinder his friends from working - ing against onrcilyV Wo need and must have appropriations for our stale institu tions.Vo want pur city charter amend ed , and will require votes to do all this. Lincoln's disposition 10 UK HOGGISH in this matter cuuses Grand Island , lias- iug.5 , Central City , Norfolk and Kearney to eyu the capital with eager eyes. Sup pose there was n heavy light made for capital removal , and their combined strength would be nirainst us , most all the oilier allegations , and especially those friendly to Van \Vycic , would favor any thing to bc.at Lincoln , if our motto re mains to defeat him , and really 1 bnliovo wo should be more considerate. To bite oil * the no. to spite the face , is worse than child's play. " Speaker numbortwo.'at this now face on thu situation , concluded that "may be there was some wisdom in that , ' and the parly then and there agreed that their delegation had better not ho so unanimous , and perhaps they could got TWO VOTKS roit Till : SF.XIOH SttXATOlt. The next day the Lincoln Journal was .perceptibly calmer , more conservative on the senatorial question , as it lias since continued. The gang may not halo Van Wyck less , but it is evident that they love Lincoln niort ) . Prudence would dictate and com mon sense urge a divided delegation , but in their blinded fury to serve their masters and do the bidding of a couple of pom pous bosses , it is not an easy matter to guess at their intentions. ANoniKit siovi : on the political chess board also sends terror to the now discomlittcd forces. The theory is a reasonable one , and the green eye of the jealous ones as suines ( fllTurcnt colors , as the prop osition receives htreugtb. A very sensible citizen of Lincoln said : "Van W.vek will go into the light with a solid and uncompromising delegation of at least lifty nu'mlmro. Suppose the cu-io that ho was unable to secure the coveted persimmon. A man who lm. been prom inent in public life for thirty years has enough political sagacity to know when to "pull out. " With liflyOvolos for an Omaha man a dark horse , say wiiat is to hinder him and his fiicnds from naming the senator ? This would leave him a held for 1883 , and if ho ever goes before the people again , my word for it , ho will capture both houses by a hand- Borne majority. This year the papers op posed to him hold out the idea that 11 ticket with his name on was illegal , and the voter was liable to arrest. Tliuy know bettor now , and that 150,000 would be raised to 100,000 , votes in his favor , which means VAX WVCK TWO -visits iir.xci : . " Ju.it what ellcct such a. solution will have with the Lancaster delegation , of course , cannot be determined now. Vet it would scum that from a business stand point , they should not all think as Jim Caldwell , who has said he would vote for any democrat before iio would cast Ills ballot for Van Wyck. Ai. F An Klcpliaut ClnnrH Away I lie Taltlu. London Tulctrrnpli : Early this ( Thurs day ) morning ( Nov. IS ) ono of a ht-nl of elephants belonging ton circus whii-h has been exhibiting ut Woolwich escaped mi observed from an cncuisuro at tint buck of Trinity htreol , near Charlton pier , by breaking down the barrier. Smashing the fence in rear of 1 Trinity wtieot , a house which is in the occupation ol an artisan named -Adams the lingo animal attempted to break in at the buck door. The door itself was easily crushed in.but the clophanl could not so much us gc.l his head lusido the house , and thereupon hul : recourse to the window , wlioro 11 broach was promptly eluctud : of sulliciunt ca pacity to admit at least his trunK. Tlii ! remains of the family supper was on thu parlor table , together with tlm master's b'ftuKiii ; l , tied up in a cloth for him to taku to his work when ho iif'so. The olopliaut quickly cleared away the remnants ol the feast , ami then carctully untying the knots of the him- ( lie , shook out the food , and disposed of that also , after which , linding no more refreshment , he swept all the crockery oil' ( ho table with a wave of Ins trunk , and proceeded to further inhcluof with the household furniture. Jt was about 1 o'clock when Mr. and Airs. Adiims were awoke by the clatter , and the lady , armed with a pokur. came down to the .scene. She could just ills- corn some dark object in the room , and suspecting that it was a burglar , site shontwl a summons to retreat or surren der , but thu object approached her nnd she smote it heavily with her poker , whereupon the trunk curled up. and the elephant emitted a roar whioh liighlo'icd the inmates more than ever. The man took to thu street In search of a policeman and n liirht revealed the state of the cac. . One of the keepers from the circus then came and took clmrgu of the runaway. A Jtirge and apparently vigorous woman entered a crowded horse car in Haiti- more thu nlhor day , and , after casting withering glances on non-nil gentlemen nnd not tfcltlngaieat , exclaimed- inn- not stand up , " and ptnk : in ti hctut < m 'he ' lUor. This had the desired Hint / i 'i gentleman at once aro.sv anil tin * ' , uh > * - vw > s\noney $ will buy ct ! > o1t\ev \ " > , ' / \ su e cm < \ Sore M AKE STILL TUIOHPH4NTJ Koralxtcou your.s. tlioy Itnvu stoiullly gnlnea In favor , and 1th unlcs constantly Inorctulnir have become the most popular corset tlirougfc- out the United Matus. The li.U and II 11 grndos nromadoln SIIOR * Hrnii-M AMtUviiiA I.O.NII WMST , sultnlilc fet nil tlffiiros. Tlio (1 qnnllty , mnilo of Kngllih Contll.ls wnrianted to wear twice as long us ord Inary ooritetH. Highest iiunrds from all the World' * great Fairs. The lu t moiiiil rccolvt'd Is lor Kiusr or MKUIT , Iroin the Inle Kxposltlou hold nt Now Orleans. Whlli' SCOIOB or patonli hnvo heon found worlhlups , the principles of tlio Glove-l'ltllng have proved Invaluable , Hutaller.4 arc nuthorlrod to rot'und money , if , on c.inmmailon , thcao CorselH do not proro us I0iie entwl rOK HAI.i : KVIIUVWHKUK. CATALOG I'K KKUB ON Al'l'MCATlON. THOMSON , LANGDON & CO. . New York. BEF.ORE-AND-AFJER Electric Appllincti are sent on 30 Day ' Trial. TO MEN ONLY , YOUNQ OJ..OLD . , arn fUlForlnK from URRvftus PXBILITT , WHO VITAUTY , hicrc or hBRrR'Foiirx JIKI > Vinon , WAHTIMI WC1KKC84K1 , find nil thnne dlvcaicH of A TEftAO At * NATUIIC riKUltin from Jlfluiu nud OTIIRU OAIPES. BficeUy rrllef and complcto rc to- niUonOrHUALTn.Vl'JOH/vn'lWAKTIOODdVJllUKTEED. ' ' Ttio ifranJMt dUcavury u ( Uio Nineteenth Century. bend at oiico for Illustrated I'ampUlct free. Acldrou VOLTAIC BELT CO. . MARSHALL MICH. RUPTURE /I run.combined. Uu&rontccdth * 'only ono In Ui Trorlrtptnerntlnr _ contlauoiii Etrctrto < fr Jrnrfia ? Corafortfibl * BiM. FfTeotlre. jltold tr/uids' Ovrr 0.000 cured. Bi-ndKUmp foi'tuumtUlet. AI , IP ru : < n KIO iui/rH : roil DIHKASKH. PE. HURNE. tiJVENTOR. 191 WAB/ISX / AVE.CHICACQ. . ASTHMA GERMAN ASTHMA CURE Inrtiintiy n llnT ( * tbn mn t vlolnnt ftttAck. and iiwinw cnmfiirtnlilu nlmp nil HAITlna for HE. M. I.Tt..D lri lined tij InhilaUon. iU action Is Im- inedlMH. tliTUirtnnilcrrtnlli.and cure U tlio rna\i \ In all ourahln ciuua. A klncln tri l run- vincuj the loMtaliciitical I'rioaCio. and 81.00 of anr ilniitBirt. nrlij mill Nimpln I'pi-ii for lt.faQl.aiia. Mm mfrprtncrfrflm ! . < VlR r , nr . .u > I > rl > lll < 7 , l irk ot I > f- . | | iui , lit , l-rrumlurn nllnn , rlr. , rf mltdnff from In. I diNCrvlloui'.exfej'MHoi ororwork , ruinl OTllli'.til Nluumcli IlrM.-tlt.K. IIV lll .DUCAT . MARSTDN TREATIaEHT. I , jfirlbvA trillnr Fliutlla f > u rrnii , lir F thcr A plurril In III. , li.iull . * . . . . . M 1 Infill RMUCN Of VHllll > tl > Hll IrUII. MARSTOH HtMlDY CO. 10 Park Place , New Yolk. Mention Omaha Hun. USED ItJ AIL FARISQFTHE WORLD 7ntalOKiic" < unij I'llcfr on nppllculi&n Holdb/ ilbf best c'trrliitf * Ilnllilrriaiid Irenlori. CJN4'iN.NATI , II. H. A. CuUlu Ad.'jt.j. COO U1H , uciypa rfecf utjatTfuo far Mother's n-.IIK. liivulunbiu In cholnrn Intnntum nnd Toothing. A ptilit u.il rood fur D/s > ( loptltm , Con ump l e , Convulesoaiita , Ivr/apt nutrlniit In ll Wactlni : Olsoaaos , Kurjulrm no coolclnj ; Our jior > r Tha and FiioUlnn of lnfnnt > < . mulled n i > . PttUttKH. OiJ 'JAUJJ . CO . Ilooton. WOODBRFDGE BRO'S. ' , State Agents FOHTHE MM BM ! PIANOS Omaha , Web. Army Supplies. Dr.'OT Ol AIITKIIMAhrKll'H OtfJCIT. 1 ( linnlui , Nub. , Di-coinlier'.ilh , 1 60. I Sli.U.Hl ) I'i'opusiilH , In trliillcfcio , will bo re * edliod at till * plliuo unlll 11 u in. Friday , Dtremlier I7tli , | fi3o , at wliloU limp thcr will i u opened in thn preeency of blddcm tor giivciiiTiient eupplloj of thu following kind ! b OMIS und btnvu repalri , bnrdwoud liimbur , l.mdivnid , paints und olid. L'ei-i ' ghlng quan- tli-ii und other inloi iniitlon luiiilkhed on appll- 'cjitKiii : best quality of uillclus idiulrod ; piefer- ( MiL-vpiVvil l nitlrles of domestic production. V Hld'lc nio it ! > ] iii > 4ted to uttuch copyof Hill art- r" eineiit to pioposul. . I 0. A , II.McOAl'LUV. II I iu-l"-is c.ii u.A.'y. . 41. , L , s. Army ,