THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE. . . 5I \ SIXTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA , SATURDAY MORNING , DECEMBER 11. 1886 , NUMBER 170. THE LADY TELLS HER SIDE , Lord OolinOampbell'g ' Wife Takes the Stand and Makes Denial. A VERY STRAIGHTFORWARD TALE Jler lentil Bullion to nc Continued Xo-ilny and n Jlot Cross-Plrc to I'ollovv It DIsKiistn the Qnccn. Thr Campbell Dlvorrn. tCnpvrW IWltiti Jamn Oordnn HenntllA LONDON.DCC. 10. fNcw Vorkllerald Cable Special to the Hnn.J What the McQuade trial Inlercst is acioss tlio Atlantic the Camp , bell case Is popularly among the Londonui : and nothing else was talked of to-day. Lasl Might , at theKieat lire here , when Captain Shaw ciinu ulf the scene , his firemen gavi groans for Lord Colin. Plvo guineas wen offered to-day by mail ) as bribes to the courl attendants to get In when It was known thai Lady Colin was to be examined am : the duku temporarily out of the w Itness fee < c , and blr IMvvard Clarke for tw t hours rhetorically butchered Lord Colin It his spaech for Dt. Hlrd , as did Mr. Murph ) for Colonel Hutler. Lord Colin and Ms In-other got the full beneht of what wen rcall ) tirades against the former. Noverthi ! less it could bo seen that the Juiois wen impatient , expecting Lad ) Colln's testl inoiiy. When called shcaioso , Self-possessed , ask Ing Mr. Indervvick , Q. 0. , In a linn voice "Please give me my dlailcs. " Her face was pale , which brought her glowing black cC ! Into greater relief. Sliewoioan embroideicc walking dicss of blue seine and u modes cottage black straw bonnet tint under lici chin. She entered tlio witness box erect as ni - N- Arab which is her pet name and in ix s.veu voice , singularly distinct for she Is an ac compllshed vocalist she answered all ques tions , alter looking caccrly at the jurors Among thcl oesterday'snote takers dropuci their pencils and intcntl ) biirvucd her. .Summingup her long ditcct exam nation not finished at the adjouinment , 1 should charactuii/u her testimony thoughout as do nlals , or apparently flank corrections niu explanations , of the scivant's testimony She is either a ti nth teller or a most con summate actu'ss , for her manner was that o an inieiiue , her ansvveis i cad 11) ) given and unstudied , and lici nuthoc of talking a species of exposition of Kng laud's gartei motto : * "IIoni soli qul mal pcnse. " Whenever reterring to Lord Colir bhu Inv.nlably looked down at him and he noticeably shunned hei ua/e. At times she would smile , as if intimating , "fancy tin absurdity of Unit. " I'ortunalely toi her , sin was largely conoborated b ) hei dailies , minj ot thu entries exploding lots of dates and lo entitles named in Sir IMwaid Claikc called the jealous kitchen conspiracy against hiuli life up stalls. " Shu was admirably aided by hei examinliu counsel , Indctwick , who uses lhat puuint matinei to a witness tor which Justice Hlatchford wns remarkable when at the bir When she quitted thu box lor thu dav sin was v..mill } gieetcd by Sir Aitlini Sullivan of whom shu was a pupil , and In whosi "Tilal b ) Jury" she lias ns an amateur plavei thu fall suitor. llow she will stand such a filmy , teasing ! bcotcli cioss-oxamlnatlou as Advocate KInlay will give lici remains to be teen to mono1 * cleaily. If tlio jury bellovo her , she lias deslro > ed tin Ingenious chain ot little suspicious link1 which hei lord's counsel have made. The bar however , still see ns a icsiilt only a drawn game for her that Is , she may elufeat Loie Colin'- , claim , ) et what is known as tin "Waison-.MiIes adultciy , " on which shi relied lor a decree in her favor , has undc nlably failed Whuiefore , in the end , Jus tlco Hull may be called upon to repeat wha ho has tans fat often said : "What a * s.u waste of time. " TIM : nvinrvcr. LONDON , Dee. 10. Lad ) Colin Campbel entered the witness box amid protouiu silence. She was very pale and testilied In i slow , distinct voice. She said that until the family meeting at Thurlou square in iss , ] flho had exchanged loiters dally with her bus band when absent. Hufoto theii mairlage Loid Colin asked her If sliu Avemid consenl lo their occup ) Ing heparate rooms. She con scntcd , and ionl Colin asked her not to ill vulgu HID fact that lie hiul m idu this request , but site insisted upon telling her niotliei. Tin natuiuol his illness was unknown to liei until May , IbM. Shu novel picsaccl Loid Colin to many her , but liei mothei disliked long ungaKemcnts. blic felt ill lust live das alter the consuinmution ot the maiinige. In November 1S81 , she was veiy ill , and was never tree fiom tlio syinp- touib until IbS. ) , Her sickness was ot varied Intensity ; soim times shu suite red great pain. Shu Rpoko to hei husband about her condi tion and hu saiil : "It'sot no consequence ; all women have that sort of thing. " In Keb < urary , IbS. , Lord Colin letuineel homo. On oneuee.ision , while sitting beside hei conch , hu began to ciy , and said that people weie MM ) eiucl In salng that lie ought not to have man led on account of Ills health , ' 1 hu name evening Lord Colin said it was better to bo on tlio Hale Hide , ami ho told her what piecautlons lo take , blio followed hlsdhec- tlousnnd ituavuhirgrcat pain , blieconsulted Dt. llird in November , INS. ; , and he examined hei. In April , Ibst , Him was seriously III anil wusatteiidid by Dr. Hhd. Dr. Hicks was twice summoned. An opciatlon was pur- termed In Octobir , lt-81 , and she aftensanls impioved. Shu did not know thu nature of her own or her husbanil's illness , bliu never had thu Duku of .Mailboiouuh at supper. Sir Philip Miles occupied tlie loom next to tiers at Lei u 11 comt. Thu mom on llio other Hide was dimity , be'ing kept foi hei husband. She did nut know what leiom Hie Duku ot Marl- bonnmh occupied. .She nevei was at Pur- fleet. On the Satuiday Suight on which [ she w as accused of liav Ing bee'ii theiu with the Duke ot Marlborouvh , slut went to the theatre with a lady friend. On the. .Sunday following stio took tun with Lady Miles and dined with her mother , Mrs. Ulood. He-feu Ing to her visit to Paris in May , lb > * 4 , she salil slie was on liervvar lo Jtify. ' Thu inictlng with tlie Duke of Marlboioiigh was purely accidental. She was once taken 111 at n concert and was In great pain , She diovu to Dr. Bird's ' house and lemaliied until the doctor prepaied some medicine- for hei , when alia re tinned home , nu U ing there ot 11 o'clock. It was untrue tint shu leaned her head on Dr. Hi id's shoul der while elilving home. She gave an abso lute denltl to tlio evidence ot lto < K < Uaer. Mis. Dullv , O'Nell and oilier witnesses , and declined .she had nevei committed adultery with the Dukeot MarlboroUju or any other man , It DisguslM llio Queen , LONDON , Dec. 10. The queen has forbid den thu admission to the household of Windsor ser castle , or within the castle precincts , of newspapers containing repoitsof the Camp bell divoice case. Lira Doat AVrocked. LONDON , Dec , 10. A life-boat has * been wrockcHlat Southport while endeavoring to relieve a dibitos ed vessel , and thirteen per sons were drowned. Intelligence trom Southport cavs that another life boat's crew ventured out Into ttio rough sea off that port to da ) to assist a vessel and were also lost. The Unco llfetwats left Soutlipoft to aiaUt the distressed vessel. The litest rcoortsijs that the crew of ono of thn boats succeeded In rooming the men on the vessel , but tlio two other boats capsized , and It Is believed tint lwent-sevcn i > crsnns weio drowned. The survivors of ono of the lifeboat ciews say that Instead of righting herself the boat re mained bottom up and that five of their num ber \vero underneath It for nn hour In water only knee deep. Threu of them wore suffo cated , and two others were rescued. llnsslu nn el ST. PKI nnsiirisei , Dec. 10. The OflWal Messenger sas : The recall of Husslan agents was not Intended to sever the tics uniting Hulgarla and Hussla. It only signi fied that Hussla refused to iccoRiiI/o the lo cality of the condition of altalrs under vvltlch an Insignlticaiit minority scl/eil tlie supreme imwcrand Imagineel it vvas entitled to guide mtlgarian elestlnlos and make the people its tool. 'I he rev olutlonary passions have had n pernicious effect upon public morality In liuluarlii. _ AVIII Open With Coercion. LONDON , Dec. 10. The cabinet met to day and will not come together aualn until after Christmas. The orelur of business In the coming session of pirllamcnt was revl'ed. Tlio session will e > pen with tliu introduction eif a coeicion 1)111 ) , Including special ptovlslons foi thcsuppiession ot bocotting. The Trench Ministry. PAIIIS Dec. 10. The radical prc s de nounce Goblet anel dcclaic lhat in his position as pi into minister lie will be a second addl tlon of DeKre'H'inet. They prophesy the earl ) fall of his ministry. AVIII Uccclvollic Delegation. Soi IA , Dec * 10. llcri Thlelman , German ncent here , has Infoimcd thu govoinmenl that thu Iu1iniian deputation will be ic- culved. The Antl-Itrnt Cnnipnlgn. LONDON' , Dec. 10. The Glasgow Mall si ) < It is authorl/ed to state that Gladstone doe" not approve the anti-tout campaign , In lated by the national h > agnu In Ireland. Declined the AVar Portfolie ) . PAIMS , Dec. 10 Haron do Courcel haselO' ' clined the foreign portfolio and Goblet has olfered It to lllllol , French embassador at Lisbon. _ The Prince AVill Take a Ilnth. LONDON , Dec. 10. The eiucen has elccor- aled Pilnco Alexander wttn the order ot tlie Hath. _ TIIADHS UMO.C CONVENTION. linportiint Action Taken at the Alcct- in } ; nt ColiimbiiB. Coia'Miii's , O. , Dec. 10 Tlio trades confer ence to day instiucted its committee to In sist upon a settlement eif the dlirerence > between the unions and Knights of Labor upon the bislsof the trades tieaty , mid Mi. Daly , of the shoo-laster , was added to the committee in place of Piesident Weihe , of the Amalgamated association. Alight was made on the political icsolutioii. It was flamed by Mcs-irs. Kiichuer and Ulock , unit advocated thu founatlon of a third pirty by the vvorklnu'inen , tiadcs unions being paitic- ularly uiged to take action looking in this diicctlon. Several clauses legardini ; third put } Ism werii sttuck out b ) a laigo inajoiity ot the vote , and the resolution , aftei being amended thoioiighlv , was adopted. Without the lemjthy preambles it leads : Heseilveil , That this convention ur cs the most geneious support to tlio independent political movement of woiklngmun. The icsolutlon opposing tlio piefeiencc the Koveinment is supposed to ii\eex soldieis In thunmttci of einploynient was killed , but an- otliei asking cougii'ss to pass a compulsory indentuielaw feu the Distilct of Columbia and the tui i itorles vvas adopted. It waseiecided to make the nliiht session continuous to tlio close' . Tlieconleienee re-solved itsellintoa trades congi ess about 4 ] > . m. and some time was dcyoti'd te > linancial mitteis. When the congress adjourned it was understood thattho conterencu of tiaelcs would form an amalgti- matlon anel that when the eongicss adiom ns this session It will bu sine die and no longei exist. Chairman House , of the Powdeilv committee- , reports to nUht that their confei- cncc with the traeles coinmitteo resulted in tlio uneteistanding that negotiations on tlie basis of the trades union ) vvas out of the finest Ion , and before the conference closed thu trades union men talked very faiily Hilda tacit understanding was icached. InocndlarlcH Arrested , Ci.nvKt.ANn , Dec. 10. Theic Is consider able excitement at Flndlay , O. , over the ar rest of three men Implicated in a plot to burn the citv. Night before last thcie were seven fires bofoie midnight. They vrero In differ ent pirts of the town anel clearly of incen- eliar ) oiipln. Jacob Twining , who acted sus- iiieiousl ) near one hie , vvas ai rested at once1. Today nu niadu a confession , implicattni : William H. Smith nnd George Kami-ay , who have bec'ii nircsted. Twining sas lie nnd t'te two otliei men laid n plot to bum and plunder tlieelty and that each was stationed In elllleient tcrutoiy to cany out his pait ot the work. _ _ Shoo OcrailvoM | Strike. Covooui ) , N. 11. , Dec. 10. All the opera tives In the shoo factory ot Lincaster & Co. , at Pittsliold , were oreleied out by the Kniulits of Laboi this moiiiing. The trouble was oc casioned thiougli a dls.igi cement witli female stitcheis as to thumicoto bo j aid pei case. About live Imndied hands are tin own out ot employment. Sonic TUoio Templars. A now lodge of Good Templars , to bo known us Cristal lodge , was oigani/eil last night nt ! 20i3 St. Marj'N uvcnuu. There sue twunly members. The follow ing olliccrs vvcro elected and installed- \\ortliy chief D. W. Parker ; vlco templar , Ltiitrn I'itoh ; secretary , K. I ) . Slu.ii us ; lin.tnulnl seeiotury , w. U , C. Aliissey ; troasnror , I ) . M , Wilson ; chiii'ltfin , Alary A. Maitin ; marshal , B , W. Combs ; insidu guard , Kobuit I'uns- toiioiitsiilo ; tiuuul , C. A. Harnus. The installation services wore ooneltieled by Miss Anna M. Sainulors , j'raiul chief templar of the slate. Art Exhibition. The art exhibition given jointly by the laities' society and the young ladies' so ciety at the North 1'rosbytcrian clinreh last night , was gotten up for the purpose of pacing on"u debt of $200 for nphol- storing the church. This is the last in debtedness mul when it is settled the church will bu clear. Mrs William An- tleison repiesented tlio ladies' and Miss Ilattio Kddy the young ladies' society , and much of thu success of the atl.ur due to their efforts Thu art room vvas the feature of the fair nnel some very cicehtiihlo amateur piodiictions were ex Inbltetl , in addition to thopiutuies loaned DlHiutaniH | , JuelgQ Uorka lias given the use of his court room on Thirteenth street , to a literary siocietj * , composed of young attorneys , the lust meeting of which will bo hold on next Monday night , Olliciirs will bo changed ovurv evening , when n debate will bo indulged anil nn essay tcad , The membership is limited to titteeii , Uncle to Japan , Prince Mileto , a copper colored son of Japan loyally , was a passenger on the Union Pacific overland train last even ing , bound for hia sunny homo on the other bide of the Pacific. The young gentleman has been In this country four 5 ears engaged In stiuly , anil returns to his homo in Yokohama where ho is to take a professorship lu , a university . JlOODtiHU Homo More Interesting Evidence of the Aldortncn's Coinlilne. Nr.vv Yonif , Dee. 10. At today's session of tlio McQuado trial Duffy was again placed in the w Itness chair. The re-dlrcct examina tion began by Nlcoll try Ing to extricate the testimony of witness from Its muddled con dition. To the question if Duffy had sworn falsely on the Hist trial , witness replied that he had made mistakes , as ho had a poor mem ory. ory."Duffy , " spoke up tlie rccorelcr , "yesterday ) oii testlied ! lhat jolt swore falsely before tlio semite committee because ion were told to so testify. Who told ) oti what to tesllfj ? " "Nowcombe , " answered Duffy. Newcombo aiOMj , his face pallid and lips blanched. "At this point. " ho uttcicd , "of llio case. I ask permission to take the witness stand In my own behalf In icgard to this mailer. " "Not now , Mr. New combe , " replied the ic- cordcr , "all In good time. " The recorder said New combo should bo al lowed to make n statement , but that liowould not have an ) speechmaking now. Dully vvas then dismissed , Lawor Newcombo stated he had received Icttets thieateuliig him with pcisnnal violence lence It he did not "let up" on px-AIdcitmn Dully. He savs ho vvas warned that Dully was nolng to attack him fiom the witness stand , and tint hit had prepired to meet the charge ot Dulfv. He wished to lead in the com t a paper containing the written state ment of tlie aldeimeii made at thu time of their engagement of hint as then counsel be fore the senate committee. In that state ment thov one and all denied then- had any connection with tlio alleged bribery in llio mailer of the Ihoadway fianchlse. "This waste to bo his answci to tlie chatgo by Dully that he hail committed perjury boloto thu senate committed by Instruction of New combe. Newcombo ftntliei stated that onu of tlie threatening letters vvas evidently wiltlon bv * an educated person. It was signed "Justice.1' He had thiown letter . the away. Kx-Alder- nian Wiiltu was then calh d as witness for the ' eople. ' Walte told his version ot events of 1' hu , memoiable ) eai ol 1SSI. It did not dtlfei from thestotylolilon theformei trial. After this a leeess was taken. Tlie next witness vvas J.Frank Kiernan. Hewastheclt ) hall reporter who first made public the pioceedinus of llio "boodle'1 alder men In seeiet meeting. lie wns at the city hill early tint men nlnj * and saw several al- denien coup.stalls toward the chamber , lie , too , went un and entered thn cloik loom , opening the eloor with his piivatokey. He could see into the chambei from the" cloak room. Aldernnn Walto vvas In the chaii. Kicinan had previously tiled to enter b ) the public eloot , but it wns locked , so lie enteied the cloik room. AVItness heard the Broad way tianchiso bill mentioned and waited no longei. but left to wiito up hisnewvs. Sev eral other witnesses were examined without eliciting an ) thing new and a iceess until evening was taken. The Shooting Scrape at Catlawny. HitoMCN How , Neb. , Dec. 10. The shoot- hnr alfiny In Callaway Wednesda ) night has developed novel features lit action and situa tion , ( illson A. James , keepci ot a hotel amlrcst.uii.mtat Callaway , vvas biought to this city ) estcrdiv cliatged with killing Chailes Haves. The ciicumslanccs. as re lated b ) James , ate as follows : Tuesday nil-lit Iiau's went to James' hotel and took Mis James out lot a walk , being absent about two hours. Altei midnight Wednesdiy night ll.tvps went to James' bed room and ordered James to get up , which hu did , Hives then getting into bed witli Mrs. James. James went out and asked seveial men to go with him to Ids loom , telling them ol his tiouble. They lefuseel. He then pio- euied a lovolvei and went home. Haves , who was diunk , ordeied James to get in bed with them anel cover up. James got into bed with Mis. James between them , llujes tlien ngiiu otdered James to cover up , and on his ictucal. Haves leaclicel out fet his rovolvei la ) ing on tliu table , when James shot him through the head , Killing him instantly. The coioner is now holding .111 inquest. A Duel With Uevol > cifl. TIII.NTON , N. J. , Dec. 10 - A duel is said to have taken place on tlie Pennsylvania side of the Delaware rl\er \ , opposite this city , cat ! ) ) cstetday moiiiing , in which tlio prin cipals were a Tienton dingglst and a spoil ing man of New York. The dlfllculty which led to tlio cncountei w is a dispute as to the rights of tlio belligerents to pay court to a pretty Jersey belle. It Is said them weie seven persons In the paity , which loft Tien- ton at dawn ) esterelay moiniiU' . One ol tlio seconds was a Princeton student. A Tien- ton physician also wmitalnng. Tlie bill ne-ir the old brew cry at the edge ol Hill grove was thu site.selected. The principals took thuii regulation distance. Huvolvcis weie the weapons used. Thu first shots exchanged went wide of the maik. At the second lire the spent ing man fell , wounded by the drug gist In tlio left sliouldei. 'llio wounded man while ho lay on the ground fired on his an- tigotiist and struck him In thn shoulder. ' 1 ho two duelists were then eh i vcn back to town , and unless their wounds move seiious their names will not bo divulged. Il.ildvvln'H Sentence Confirmed. AicittsoN , Kan. , Due. 10. The supreme court filed an opinion ) cstcrday in tlie ccle- biated Baldwin minder case , lef using n new tilal and alllimlng the sentence of deatn parsed by the Atchlson district court a ) ear ago. The decision gives geneial satisfaction In this community , wlieio the crime was committed. Baldwin's eiimu was tlio murelei ol his sister Mary by chloioform tlie night of July 7 , Ibb5. Although hu Is iindui sentence of death , his sentence under tltei peculiar lavvsot Kansis amounts simply to JHo im- pilsonmunt. Ho Is not ) et twemj-tonr yeats old , and has a voung wile and tuby living heic , thu child having been born since its liUher'siiiipilsonment , A Convict AtmauItK Ills Forpinan. Jj.rri iisov Cm * , Mo. , Doc. 10. At 10 o'clock yesterday moiiiing a nejro convict In the penitentiary in this city named Joint Himhes made a murderous assault upon George Gould , foioman of the Glescclc shoo taetoty. G.mld was standing with his back to the convict , when the lattei suddenly sei/ed him and cut him viciously about lite head anel neck with a shoo knife , 'llio guarels quickly disaimed and attested him ami placed film in solitaiy confinement. Gould Is badly injmed , but as thu jugular vein was not severed It Is thought that ho may iccover. Gould had leported Hughes foi bad conduct , and the attack was made upon him probably lor icveiige. A Defaulter Dies In Ireland. PiTTsnuiio , Pa. , Dec , 10 Several ypars ago S. H. W. Gill , a prominent attorney of this city , who was tliu custodian and trustee for numerous widows , orphans , and others of vaiIons sums of money , aggregating over $ : ! 00,000 , dlsappeareel and no trace of him could bo found. A letter has ju-,1 been re ceived front Belfast , Ireland , saying tlmt a former resident of Plttsbun * . nassing under the name of S. H. Wallaeo , died tlieio No vember 10. Among his books nnd ellects wPIO papers bearim ; the name of GUI , nnd it Is believed the dead man was the defaulter. Disastrous Fires. CINCINNATI , Dec. 10. A disastrous fire is reported racing at Attica , Ohio , which has alteaely Involved a loss of SIW.OOO. No par ticulars. CLEVELAND , O. . Dec. 10. The business ponton of the villauoof Attica , O. , waa de stroyed by lire this forenoon , Tlie loss , dlv letcd among a dozen or more persons , will reach S1W.OOO ; insured for about one-half. The principal losers are J. H. Straneli-er , hardware , feJO.OOO ; H. S. Hearse , druggist , 88.000 : AimatlKoA * Wartz , hanlvvaie , 5,000 John Carpenter , grocer , 4,000. Can Only Sing For Catholics. PjULADFi-mA , Dee. 10. A Cincinnati dis patch published here to-day announces that Archbishop Elder has foi bidden llonian Catholic vocalists and musicians to employ their talents In Protestant churches and inti mates that the promulgation of this order vvas the result of an action taken by the recent plenary council held at I ) alt I more. GENERAL MILES STANDS 18 , Secretary Endlcott His Personal Friend nnd No Investigation Will Follow , THE NEW RAILROAD REGULATION Prominent LcKlalntnra Think tlic Uo- constriictcil lutcr-ntatc Commerce Dill Will Pnsn The Imlliuin HcnatorHldp Notes. Friend nt Court. N , Dec. 10. [ SpccialTelpgratn to the HrE.1 People lioio are generally a Kootl ( U'.nl surprised nt the statement niailo In the report or tlio secretary of warconeoining General .Miles , antl cseclally ) ) those who know of the existing Intimacy between these two men. General Miles Is chained by the secretary orar In his report \ \ Ith haIng violated Instructions , and to ono who loads the leport the wonder arises \\liy General Miles has not been ariested and court- martialed. Hut Uuticrnl Miles antl Secretary Kndlcott aio on the most intimate terms pos sible. ( Miles Is atSccrclaiy Kndl- colt's house on two or thico pvcnings of each week , and Is a treiinentcr of the latter's ollico dally. It may bo said upon the highest authority that the statement made In { secre tary Kudlcott's report allcctlng General Miles does not meet the lormer's approval , nnd that It will be rectified. It can bo further said that General Miles stands In no danger of a conrt-m.irtial or proceedings of Inquiry to as certain If a court-mart lal Is necessary. Gen eral Miles Intimated to a friend to-night that the statement In Secretaiy Kndlcott's icpoit reflecting upon him ( Miles ) and his campaign against the Apaches was not due to any opinion entertained by the secretary. An explanation will icich confess later on which will make the matter perfectly trans parent. Till : INTBK BrATKrOMMr.llCT. I11I.I. Tlio Urn correspondent thk afternoon talked to the Influential dcmoci.itic and re publican members and scnalots on the out look ot the Inter-state commcrco bill prepired by the conference committee jcsterday , It \\astho opinion ol such men as Senators Cnllom , Van \Vjclc and I'luinb , and Hepro- senttttivesltegan , Weaver of Nebiaskn , Pay- son of Illinois , and Cobb of Indiana , that the hill will be passed at an call ) day. They do not hive tear ot any rallioad influence tlmt may bo wielded to create dissensions and bi iiiR about a lengthy debate , and ultimately defeat final nassapc. They confidently ex pect the adoption ot1 the bill. and financial agents arc so telegraphing theli houses In New i oilc. Although the bill is not all that the bou o wanted , it is believed the rail- loads will try to defeat It and feu Its effect. coMi.Nd TUOUMI.I : IN INDIANA. iliero is pcirect unanimity among both dumociats and rcuublicans in Indiana on the point of electing n man in eithei parly to suc ceed Senatoi II. in is on 01 nuking an election impossible. As heiutofnrc stated | n tlio HI.K specials , tlie Jlon. John C. New. who lias been in tlio city a few dav s , savs tliattheio is not tlio shadow of a doubt that it a senitoi is elected this winter ho will be n lepubllean. Jn adducing tun Indiana Demoei.itic club , which organi/eil heie last nljtld , I'M llondut- son , chairman ( if tho'dcmoeratle state central coinmilteeot Indiana , announced , with tint same positive language cmplojed by Mi. New , that if si senator is elected this winter to succeed GcD'-ral * Hauison ho will boa elcmoeiat. lhat-'lho democrats can at least pievent the election of a repbiican senator , and they intend todoit 1C they lm\o to dis solve the legislature. Serious trouble is ex pected In Indiana this winter. NO1II < ! A I' mil CONOJtl SS10VVI , AID. A petition has been received hero by tlio membeisof the Ncbiaska delegation in con- Ki oss lioni Warden J. (3. Nobes. asking the goveinor elect toieappolnt Nobes to his posi tion at the ponitcutiaiv. Senator Mandciaon is the only one ao t.u who has signed the petition. FORT CKV.WI oitn. Tlio cantonment on tlie Uncompahcio river , Colorado , will bo known as 1'oit Craw- foid altei C.iptain Ciawloid , who was killed by Mexican troops last January w hllo on the Uncle ot thu Apaches. THI : INDIAN ni'i'OT. Commissioner of Imllan Affairs Atkins to day heard arguments by gentlemen le-pre- suntiiii' bt Joseph , Mo. , Leavooworth , , and Hock Island , 111. , in favoi of thu le- moval ol the Indian warehouse fiom Now York City to this place , bo much conten tion and rivalry Is growing up in this mattei that it is generally believed that tiio depot will not be removed liom Now Yoik. r . . Mr. Itnsowator , of the liu : , arrived hoio from New York last night and will leave to moiiovv night foi Um.ihn. aii.voii CAPITA ti MWH. ivvirno TO I'AJiTirii'Air. WASH jvo ION , Dec. 10. Tills government lias received thiough tlio British legation in Washington an olllclal Invitation to puticl- pat > In an International exhibition which Is to bo held in .Manchi'stei , England , next veai to cclcbiato the julillcc of her Hilttannic majcstj's reign. Tim object of thopxhlul- tlon will bo to Illustiale , as fully as possible , the process made in the development of arts and manufactures dining the Victorian ci a. I1IK 1X1)1 ) VN.SCri'l \ DU'OT. CommissioiierAtkins , ot the Indian olllee , heanl aigumcnts to diy in favor ol icnieiving tin- Indian supply wart'liousuliom Now Yoik to Hock Island , ill. Jin : 1'itr.MDi NT'S ni.rri'Tiov. The inesldent was so much Impioved In health to-day that ho was able toiesiimo Ills inibllc receptions In the cist loom. In addi tion ho iciohi'd about lilt ) eallcis in his pi I- vateolllce , most of whom w ere members of pongiess. IIIK MIDI , v\n su.r ooNi'mMi.D. Jiislirc1 Ilurlan made the linal oulets to day In tlw Illinois Mldtiiid rallioad ease. The offoi of Dow , the puiclmser , to paj , In addi tion to his hid of ? I,12rooo , the sum of fclbWW lot the bonellt of labor claims , is ac cepted and tlio sale is continued. Tlio pur- chasci is dhectcd to piy Ills bid Into comt in tlirc'o InstalltiieiilH on the ( hit dav s of Jan- uai ) , Febiuary and Maich noxt. Tim court also bottled all questions of allowances. Death of Contrreminiui Doudnoy , WASJIINUIO.V , Dee. 10. In tlio house Mr. Campbell , of New York , announced the death of his colleague. Dowdnoy , and of- leied lesolutions expressive of ii-gret with which the announcement of his death had been iccelved by the'lioufie.and piovldlnglor a Joint committee of' the house and senate 10 attend tlio funeral.4 The resolutions weio unanimously adoptefl , ar.u tlio house , as a mark of lespect to the inuinor > of the de ceased , at 12-20 adjourned until to morrow. The speaker appointed this nfteinoon the following commltteo to attend . jilnoy ( i- . . . . _ . _ . . New 1 ork , etlcd' at his residence In Now iork citv at 8 o'clock tills moining Ho was stilcekn with apoplexy while nu his homo last night. Tlio Congressional Death List. WASIUNOTON , De JO. The death of Hepiescntallvn Dowdney , which was an nounced to-day , swells to twelve tlio death list of the Forty-ninth congress. It is as follows : Vice President Ilendrlcks , Sena tors Miller , of California anil PiKe of Now Hampshire , Kepresentntlvus Kllsvvood of Illinois , HaiiUiu ot Wisconsin , Halin ot Louisiana , licach. Arnot and Dowdnoy of New \ork , Price of Wisconsin , Cole of Mar > lauU and Duncan of l'unns > lvanla. Kent ? , Loxnov , Dec , l Thn Duke of Manches ter announces a permanent ictluctlon of 25 percent In tliv renl , ' . nf all ld c-etatts In Ireland. I AID POK INDIANS. lleport of the Commission of the AVork Accomplished. WA HI\OTOV , Dec. 10. Th commission consisting of Bishop 11 H. Whiople , of Min nesota ; Colonel John V. Wilght , ot Tenncs- sie , and Major C. P. l.arrabee , of the Indian office , appointed under act of eongicss to negotiate with certain tribes and Muds of Indians In Minnesota , Dakota , Montana , Idaho and Washington territories , have sub mitted to General Atkins , commissioner of Indian affairs , a report of their operations up to Decembci 1 , lbS3. The report s'vjs that two separate and distinct agreements have been elTocti'd as a result ot their negotiations , ono with the Indians of White Kutli , I.ecch Lake , Cass Lake , \Vlnneblgoshhh \ and NYlilto O.ik Point reservations nnd the Hull Itivcr band , and the other w ItU tlio Indians of the lied Lake reservations. Hy the terms of the agiecmcnt with tlio White I'artli , Iako Wlnnebigoshlsh and other scatteied bands of the Chlppewas , concluded August 11 , isso , tim unoccupied lauds of tlio WhUuKaith icscivatlnn aie thiown open foi all of the tribes antl bands of Chlppewas In Minnesota , the Indians now occupying the leservation , which contains about eight bundled thousand acics , being Ihst permitted to make selections foi themselves. The quantity of land each tudiin will be entitled to iccelve undei tlio agieemeut Is as follows : Kach head of a family , 100 acres ; each single poison over ekhtoen veais of age , S ) aeies : each orphan child under eighteen ) cats ot ace , bo neies ; each other peison undei eighteen > eais of aue10 acres. The Indians aie to have the benefit of and bo subject to the crlmintl laws of the state in all offenses , the penalty for which is death or imprison ment In thu stito penitentiary. Piovislon is made tor the support of , the Indians remov ing to White Kaitli. to be continued until they arc able to take care of themselves , but in no event to exceed two ) cais , Kach head of n family and each male Indian over eighteen jeais ot ago , w lion ho becomes a permanent resident upon his allotment , will bu provided wlthacomtoitablo hewed-log house , a cook stove , a ) eke of oxen , a plow , a wagon and cow. an axe and other Implements ot hus bandry. Kach Indianshill have live acres of land broken for him and bo provided with sued for the fust crop. Industrial and ills- ti let schools are to bo established lorallchll- dien on the reservation. To unable thn gov ernment to cirry out these designs the In dians cede a laigo tract of land belonging to them north of Leech lake , which Is to be sold upon the most advantageous teims possible. Tlio agreement contains several other nro- vislons intended to protect the persons and property and improve the moral conditions ot the Indians. H ) tlio terms ot the ngiee- ment with the Hed Lake baud of Cliipe\vas | ) \ , concluded August it , li > so , about two thirds oftheli icservation , 01 an area estimated to contain ovci : ! ,000,000 acres , is ceded to tlio United .States to bo sold foi the bcnclit of the Indians. The poition ceded embraces a vast timbcione. . said to be ol almost incalculable value. The repoit savs that tiicso Indians iciMiiio immediate help and it was agreed that the United States should advance S10.000 to bu expended in tlie building of an agency saw and mist mill , and in tlie election of comfoi table houses and the purcha > o of cer tain needful implements. Schools are pio- vided loras in thecasc ot the White Haitli Indians. As with the White Ktuths , tlie criminal laws ot Minnesota ate extended ovei the leseivationin eeit.iin cases. Ihese UL'ieements cannot become opciatho until tlie ) aio appiovcd by congress. The 1'rlccH ot Farm Produce. U'AsniNmov , Dec. 10. The crop repoit of the department of iigiictilturo sajs : 'Ihe December returns of the avciagc fnim prices by counties show a matcilal icductlon as compared w lib the values of thccrops of 1SS. , In vvhcal , rje nnd barley , Corn made an advance nearly equivalent to the peicentaRC ot icdtiction in quantitv , and oats in sym pathy witli corn rathei than with small Ki.iins used for human food. The avoiaties show slightly highei value than last ) eai. 'llio faun value of corn was . ' ! ! cents a bushel in Dccembei last ) ear It is now ! ! r cents , 1 cent lilcliei than tlioctop of Ibs4. Tlie average lor the prevIonshvo ) ears was 41.7 ; and torten ) earsprloi to 18so it was 42.0 percent. Prices In the suiplus states are ; Ohio , its ; Indiana \ : Illinois , : ! l ; Iowa , : : < > : Missouii , : ; Kansas.J7 ; Nebraska , SO. This is an Inciease ovei list ) eu ol 1 cent in Nebraska , : i In Kansas , Illinois , Indiana and Ohio , and ( In Iowa and Missouri. The average Is.r ( i In New York , 47 in Pccns- ! vanla and 41 in Virginia , 2 cents lower in each than last jeai. Tim prices in South Carolina Is CO ; Georgia , CO ; Alabama , 5b ; Mississippi , .v.i , Louisiana , .75 ; Arkansas , 4i ! ; and Texas W , an Increase of 11 cents , due to disastrous dtouulit. Tlio aveiairo pilco of December wheat is 01) ) cents , a i eduction of Scents Horn the average of the last crop and 4Jij cents above the pi ice in IbSJ. Tlie aveiage in New York is W > cents , 12 cents luwcrtlmu lastc-ai ; Pennsylvania , S't , 18 cents lower. The 10- duction Is still gieatci in some western states. 'Ihoavei-.igeof Ohio is 7" icnts : Michigan , 73 ; Indiana , 71) ; Illinois , r/l ; Wisconsin , ( .S ; Minnesota. 01 ; Iowa , CO ; Missouii , C ! ; Kit'i- RIS. 5S ; Ncbiaskn , 17 ; Dakota , M. Tneie is little de line in tlio southern slates , in some of vvliidi the prices aio hlgliei than last year. 'I IIP average in California Is ! c. The avuiacoaluo ot oats is''to. ) , nirainst last December. H > o averages Vt-lc , against fil-'Ji ; last ) cat. Hailcj fi'klast year .Mic. : : Huckwheat M-lc , a icdnctioii ol lOe per b.ishel. Potatoes 4fic , le higher tlian last December. Hay averages neatly S3 per ton , A IturlOHiic | Divorce. lUi/uviom : , Md. , Dec. 10. Idi Hell , the Boubrette , whoso husband , Pied Kustls , the musician , has sued Hany Dixey lot alienat ing his wile's aircctlons , Is a HaJtimoio girl. When Ida adonted tlio stagosho drojipcd the pi incip il pai t of her name , Ida Bell sounding prettier than Ida Hell Smith , Her father was William 11. Smith , who for a time was employed nt the gas woiks , and befoto that time worked on a mud machine. Ho Is dead. The baby that figures in the case Is n cliubb ) , pretty girl that looks like its mother. Ida's motlici. herbabv. and her sisters all live tocetliei Inn nice llttlo homo on North Cairolllon avenue-a fashionable jnrt ol town , The sisters , who , llko Ida , are pretty , earn their living In a shoo factory. Ida , when acliiid. tookpait In amateur iierfoun- nnces in Hiltlmore , and made a hit which turned het head towaid the "legitimate , " and hliuand her tilund Llllio Urubb wont on tlio htage togc'thci In this city and in company joined the Dixey tioupc. Ida , It is said , of late had talked about buying a pretty homo for her mamma and tlio baby , and Mio also lias a nice little bank account. She Is wvll and favorably known bore , and the scandal just brought out In Hoston caused a SCIIJA- lion in Haltlmore. Tlio Casey Murder Trial.'ii ) On v , Dak. , Dee. 10.-Special [ Tele- cram to tlio BKK. ] The second day of tlio trial of Pat Casey for the murder of Dan Donlty , at Dcadwood , was concluded by a motion of the prosecutor to dlschaige the Jury , The murder was cold-blooded , The shooting occurred tlio night of May 3 last. Casey was told that Doirlty had set fire to Casey's baleen , and upon meeting Doriltv In ( Mice's saloon lie commenced shooting. Dorrlty ran out and Casey followed and shot him. Douity died in twodavs. Dorrlty had no lilends , while Casey had both fiiunds and money. Casey was remanded to await the action of the next grand jury. Casey win indicted for manslaughter , His defense is Insanity and ho will piobably Cst'apo punish ment , A 1'rlent In Trouble. NEW VOIIK , Dec. 10. It was reported ) es- terday that the Hev. Dr. McGlenn had been deposed from his priestly ollico In consequence quence of Ids political activity in connection with tlie Henry George campaign. Tills is not exactly true. Dr. McGlenn has not been silenced as yet , but ho has been summoned to Homo to explain certain political utterances and acts of his that have not met the an- iiroval of his immediate superiors , i'lda assertion rests upon thn author ity ot Archbishop Coalman. Tlie fact that Dr. McGlonn ha" bemi called to Homo does not neccs'irllv Imply that ho will bo silenced or even censuicd , It Is said ho may bo able to give such an ex planation as will satisfy the pope entirely and receive no rebuke at all , but this U not thought probable. Priests are now and then silenced for some Irregularity of conduct , but it Is seldom that one Is called to Home to answer for holding doctrines th xt are not ap proved bv theciiurch. For this teason it Is thought the doctor will not rctmn without censuio of some kind. 1 he pope has already declared the principles of the Knlirhts of Labot In harmony with the teachings of tlio Catholic church , Dr. McGlenn Is looked upon as one of the knights warmest defend ers and supporters. J MISS PARIS' VISIT. Her Visit Notth Slightly Opens Her HyoM. Nivv : Youic , Dee 10. Mrs. Jefferson Davis recently icplicd to a lettei from a Xew York trlcnd , who has written , thanking hei , In the name ot peveral lesldcnts ot tins city , foi the ploTine given them by Sllss Davis' vUlt North. Moth Mr. and Mrs. Davis weio re luctant , It seems , to permit Miss Davis to leave home , as their life at Heauvolr Is veiy quiet and their daughter's piesunco Is the only clemnnt which gives a touch of brlght- nstolt. Mrs. Divls in the recent letter said she hid been mote than icpald for any sacrllicoMie might have made by the enjoy ment Miss Dav Is expci I diced. As proof of tills nssuillon Mi . Davis quoted unaiagtuph limn a letter wilttcn by Ml s Davis soon altei reaching Sviaeuse. In It Miss Davis spoke of the astonishment at thu increase of enter- jiri'eandactlvit ) as she made her wa > noitli. /'ho / centrist to Mississippi , whole the mighty i ubbcr ol w hist was thu most exciting incident ut tlio day , and whuto the convoisa- tlon ot an evening was hugely devoted to the question ot tut nips , she found very marked , blio was : especially surprised to note tlio changes in the capital of thu soutliein confederacy. Hei Impicssions of Hlchmond had been gained entirely from healing her piients sneak of it , nnd she was liaidly picpated to tihd It n place full of in inufactuiing Institutions , N'ew York , the objective point ot hut visit , ama/cd hei still moie. Shu was pleased with the people , with the iceeptlon , with the places of amusement nud above all with what she called "thu way In which things aio lushed. " Her only icgret was that fiom a business standpoint , the south was not llko the noith. Contrary to a geneial public Impiession , Mi. nuil MIS. Davis do not enteitaln except on rare occislons at Heauvolt. The plicofsnot accessible to traveiois , and tholi meansdonot penult am tiling but a Kinuile mannci of living. No loinml ceiemony Is obseivcd , and the lew people who conio and go arc invariably ticved In the way known to Now Lnglaiidets as "being ono ot the fatuil ) . " Iowa 1'niittry Italsern. MAIISIIAU/IOWN. la. , Dec. 10 , [ Special Tclcgiain to the 13in.J : 'llio state poultry and pet stock exhibition and Maishalltown Hench show closed to-day alter a successful meeting. The poultry assocUtlon decided to incoporatu. nnd tlio following olllccrs wcro elected : J. S. Hiacg , of Hoone , piesident ; J. 1) . Vail , Marshalltown. secretary anil lioasuier ; executive committee , Messrs. An- deison , of Iloone. and Wallen and Hatrls , of Matshall'own. The next meeting will be held in Maishalltovvn in Januaiy , IbbS. The AsspssiiicutH Not Fi.iudiilont. Dunucjur , la. . Dec. 10. [ Special Tele- giam to the ISi.r.J The committee oC the Dubuque stockholders appointed for tlmt purpose lound that the Waterloo Insurance c'mipaii ) made no fraudulent assessments , and that the expenses weie reasonable , but that the pioposud supplemental coutiact would annul the original contract providing assessments on > 4FfiOOO nndowments. There is much indignation at Wutciloo , and thicats of libel suits against the pipers that repotted the cominnv as doing a fraudulent business .tie licely made. AVIII RuoTor Stoi'vt'nv , 1 1. , Dec. 10. ( Special Telc- giam to the Hi.K.l 'I'liu piobibilitlos now are that a suit for damages will bo brought against Ployil Tiippin , of tlio linn of Sloan kV.Tippin , by the falhci ol Tied jiatlier , for shooting hihson while out hunting last Sep- tumbei. An ufloincy ! , hero tiom Wiscon sin looking up tim mattei , but is not certain just whit couise will bo pmsued. He says the shooting was a most cuclcss act. Oakland'H Farmers' Union. OAKI.AM ) , Neb. , Dec. 10. [ Special to tint Hi.K.l The faimeis" union has putcha-'cd two lots and will rreet an elevator im mediately. Ciowell .t Co. and Holmqulst both made the union propositions to sell , but the farmeis thought best tobuy nonnd and build. A boom In grain is confidently ox-- nectcd by the faimeis. ( ieorge Oiborn visited Omaha to dav In the interest ot thu union , and says it Is their intention only to buy giain lei the picsunt. All the leading farmeis In these puts are stockholder and success suicly will eiovvn thoii elloit ? . Dedicated l reo of Debt. ( ) AKr.vvi ) , Neb. , Dec1. 10 iSpucial to the Hr.n.J Tlie new Methodist church of this place was dedicated Sunday free of debt. Kev. M. 1'lielps , of Omaha , being sick , Hey. Mi. Heniy preached thcseunon , and raised over SWO at the close of the erv Ices. This is the first church Hey. Mr. Henry over dedi cated and he Is to bn commended on his good vvoik bete , as but few men would have raised 5100 on dedication day ina town wheio there ate so lew Americans. Dead Men Fljht it Out by Proxy , WAIIVMI , Ind. , Doe. 10. The late K. II. Sheik the Peiii millionaire , foiccloscd In his lifellnioamortga non a mill owned byGeorgo W.Lieuront/ another. Llcuront/ claimed to hold an agncmnnt of Sheik's to restoio to him his Inteicst in tlio mill , butatlui Shulk had got poase&slon of the piopeity be lefuscd to lecognl/e it. During thu dispute both men died. Now their admlnisttatois mo at law over tlio agieeinent , by which fen.OO . ) Is involved , A do/on oxpeits have hworn lliat tlioslnnatuiu of faheik to thu ngicement , Is foigcd. Died a liorilhlo Death. PLTIIIO , Colo. , Dec. 10. William Hond met n horilble death Monday morning nt a sheep ranch of the Colorado Spiiugs Live Sunk company. Ho was cook ( or the camp and was called at ! ! o'clock to get breakfast lor the night herders. Not Jong afterwards tlio foreman found him lying facu down in the camp tire , binned past leco nltlon. Six day hcrdciH Hleeplng ncir by knew nothing nf the accident until awakened hv the toio- man. He is supposed to have fallen into the fne dining an epileptic lit. A Hank President KnlcldcR. CiiiPAtio , Dec. 10. A special to the Inter- Ocean fiom PI. Wayne , Ind , , says : Oscar A , .Simons , president of tlio First National bank , suicided this uttemoon while in a dis tracted condition , He has been suffering for some time from nervous prostiatlon , tlie ie- suit of ovcrwoik , Today his ailment lie- ( iiiiui unbeaiable , nnd telling Ids biotlur-ln. law , Ksmond , he could endmo it no longi r , Simons jerked a revolver liom a bureau drawer and shot lilnuell through tlio temple. The dead man was the wtalthleut cltUen of Kort Waj ne. ne.A A I'ainTnI Slrrteh. ST Lotus , Dec. 10. Holieit Graver , colored , was lianired atOV ) this morning lor murder , Jul ) 0 , l&sj , of Herry Kvans , aUo colored. i. LOUI&VH.I.K. Ky. , Dee , 10. Harvo ) Post , roloieu , was mini. this afternoon at Hards- town , Ky. , In the picscneonf iift > pnojile. The crime for which Post was nxecutid was the murder of a fellow workman named Felix Adams , January II , lbl > i , In Scbon count ) , Ky. Iowa anil NolirahUuVoalur. | . For Nebraska and Iowa : Hainb , loUUr with a cold wave. 0SO : p. in. Hoist cold wave hlgnul 'll. < ; temperature will fall lillien totv\tir ) < ti' ' grcesUurlng the next twcnt-fuut 7 fMI'T T\JO PTrv t I T\T IM TtllT GOuLD S STEAL IN DETAIL , The Facts in tlio Wabash Donl Strippacl ofj Legal Verbiage , A WELL KNOWN LAWYER TAKES , * - Ho Tolls How the Gicnntlo llnllroiul Wrecker nnd Hln Assoclntcs AVorkoil the Wlckinl Hohoiuo AVhlcli ( irchlmni Stoi'l'ed ' , An IntorentliiK Chnptor. Cntr-Aoo , Dec 10.- [ Special Telegram ( o the UKI : | " 1 hodeclslon ol Judco Gicsham , " said ono of the ablest membeis of tlio legal profe slon today , "Is ono of the biavcst acts which has been iccorded In jears. " "You know something recanting WabasU lltlgatlonV" " 1 do. The judno treated tlie case upon Ha legal bearings and hlsltndlngs aio to-day ap plauded on two continents. Hut the recital , stripped of legal verbiage and coming points which , ludic Gtcsliam could not piop- oil ) take cogul/ancc of , Is ncihaps the n.ts Inteiestlng chapter in lalliout wirckaga vvliich has ever disgraced tills country. Along In Novumbci Gould and Ids associates obtained possession of what Is called the main line of the Wabash , extending from Toledo , O. , to Dccitui , 111. Fiom Dccatur the ) secured the line to St. Louis nnd n\so \ tlio Hue of thn St. Louis , ICansus Clty.fc Northern , extending ftoin St. Louis to Kan sas Clt ) , In all , with their lateial blanches' , about lr > oo miles. Having alieady acqulicil cut tain roads In Illinois and Indiana that weie. Innkinpt under loieelosiiro proceed ings , the ) proceeded to attach those roads and all others connected with the Wabash hues wheio they could secure a batikiupt road cheap , 'lids went on until they hail gotten about : tf > 00 miles of road which they called the Wabash sstem. It was nu orKaniratlon of picdestlnud bankiuptcy. In thu testimony taken in thu mallei before Judge Grcshatu , Solon Humplnes , one of thu directors of thu Wabash , and one ut the gentleman whom JudRU Gicsham removed as icceiver , tcstllies tlmt seventeen ot tlioso roads thus acqtiiied have never eained oper ating expenses , Mill less thu Intcicst on cost ofconstruction. As an excuse tor voting to aciiulio tliesu seventeen roads , ho sajH lie was mistaken in Ills judgment , altlioui , ' ! ! every ono ot them hid bien constiucted lot a pcilod of ) cais before their neiiiisllion ] ami their liistoiy was well known to the loll- toad woild as binkinpt Jlnes. Why , theto louls were saddled with inulcilying moitcnges subject to which they were ac quired. The ) weie all put into the Wnbihh s > stem by way ol long leases or eonsulldu- tion. Tlien thu linaticial scheme to which all this was a piop.uatlon wns pnliuopcia- tlon. " Tlio attorney then gave a detailed account of the iceulhn linaiicial tiansactlonsln which Ihe AN'abash Is involved and pioccedcti : "lleio is the situation as It now exists : Geneial moil ai es and collateial tiust moitgaRcs have been fmeclosril atbt , Louis. Thn Wabish juoperly has been imicha"ed bv a committee lepicsenting the ownetsof col lateral and geneial moit/agc bonds , nnd thu pieleried and common stock , the pioper title to the property oi tliu Wabash compan ) , subject to all prior nioiljsages , is now possessed by tlio puichns- ing committee , winch , however , by virtue of tliu sale are not entitled to possession until the itccivcr'H cortl denies and othcrvcotirt indebtedness - debtedness ; auioiintlng to H.IUJO.OOO , is paid. The committee have tills amount nt their dlv from the assessment of collnt- and geneial .moitgago bonds and pre- fened and common stock. Tlie puuliasing committee , howevei , find themselves in thin attitude , that In addition to the court indebt edness buloro stated , tlieio is ovei S4.00,000 ( I of | iast due inleicst and paid upon prior moiigmescastof tlio Mississippi ilvei. ' 1 ho coinmitteo have no funds with which to pay this interest and tlio holdeis of this bond In debtedness have been asked by the purchas ing coinmitteo to make concessions in icgnicl to the same by tuudlng their pist duo coupons pens in lieu ot leeching casb. The amount ol pi lor mnilgaKO debt is about $27,000,0 10. Holders of Sll.000,000 ol these secuilties have con sented to the puichasing cnnimltteu's plan , Holders of $ l,0joooo havu opposed it , upon whose application tlio present leuMverH have been lemoved. and the otliei S-M.OOO.OGO of piior bondholders have not v ct been hcara 1 101 n. It seems ceitain tlmt the purchasing committee can inisu no moio money by levy ing assessments upon the holilei.s of any of the secniitles they represent , nnd without assistance liom .Mr. Gould nnd his assistants , who were HO potent in bullilln. : up thu so- called Wnbisti system , that S ) stem is ccitlan in tlio ne.ii Inline to become disintc'Kiateil- nnd lesohed to its oiiginal elements. In the latter event the lioldeis of securities rcn- leseiited by the purchasinu' committee will lind themselves ot theii napei secinllles , un- secuied by any mopcity which Is woitliy the name. Thu emitics which are at present quoUd on the New Yorlt stock exchange at over SW.OOO.OIK ) , icpresent- iiik'a par v.iluuof neailv 3H",000.000 , w ei or iginally sold about as follows : I7ouuoeo first moitgiigo bonds at par HID 817,000,000 ; ' .M.OOO- 000 iireliired stock at about bO cents , aio S18-/OJ,000 / ; 27,000,000 common stock , at about 45 cents , Sl'J.lW.OOO ; total. S I7f/ < 000 : loss to the public as per picsent New Yoik sloclc quotations , < si7IiWX)10XJ ) ( ; loss to the imblie ns per tliu fact. 17 , wti.oou ; profit to Gould and associates , jjl SW.OOO. " And nil thu prolit to Gould and his associ ates does not appeal in that table either , for no account Is made ot tlio collateral tiust inortga-'H ? . Tlio Wat ) isli sv stem was wortii to tlio Wabash wicckers fully S'jO.ooO.OOO. Missouri Pacific ChangcH. Sr. LOIMS , Dec. 10. The stockholders of tho. Missouri Pacific Hail load ( ompan ) held a special meeting to-day In response to a call by President Gould. Three fifths ol the stock was represented. The liist pioposltlon voted was to iitcicaso the capital stock ยง -ltW ! > . - OOOoverand above tlio piesint tapltni , tlio boaid ot diieelois to give thu Mockholdma of the old issue picleiiimu in thu purcimFe of new stock nt not less than pat , Tliu next piopostlion was to incKaso thnbomUd In debtedness ol the eompiny . over the present Indebtedness by tin * issue of lolluteral trust bonds hcaiing'lntcrcht at the rate of ft nei tent , to bo sec mul by a deposit with tlio trustee of the hint inoilgako bonds of theiallwav cnmpinleH contiollcd 01 opci- ated by tliu Alissourl 1'ncilin eompaiiy ns n p.tit of its H ) stem , the h-i-uuof siuh bomlH to bu limited as sp < cllied in the trust inili ntims 'J'liu piopositluiis weie all adopted uintill- inously , 'I ho KcmiliuDlvidodd. . Niw YOIIK , Doc. 10. The Missouri Pacin ( lliecloiH to-day declaied n tegular uiiaifi'rly dividend ol 1 per lent , pa ) able January 3. Hoard oTTrado IMan Ai routed. CIIICAOO , Dec , 10. JiimesV , S.vkcs , pio- prletor ot thn public w alehouse at US Michi gan avenue , was arrested on a Is sued b > Jusllui Ljon to-day foi Iraiululenlly disposing of ' . ' , JOO bags ot timothy seed , the inopeit ) of the Mciciianls' Loan and Tnibt company , and valued at 8ri,000 , and also for hilling a false warehouse receipt to thu same company. He was placed under SK > ,000 bondb on ihurlinrgu ol issuini ; a talsu iu- ci-ljit and ? .tXX , ( ) bonds on Ihu other cliaige. Orson Smith , second vice president of tlio Mutlmnts' Loan and Tiust company , Is iilalntlll In thu case. hkus failed to irlyo liond.H and is In uistod ) . At 2 p. m , bkenr bavin. waived ex'imiiuilon , blurted out with a ( otistablo to setk bondsmen. At a nuetlng ot Ihe tioatd ot ttadu illiu lors this evenliijf. Sjlas was expelled I rum the board by n unanimous vote. Canadian Paulllu KnrnlnuH. Si. PAIJI , Dec. 10 - - \VlnnlpcirBpcclM \ lo the Pioneer Pie-Rday ; Tlio eainiiiK of the CiuulJ.ui ; Paciliu lor November vvera 1 ) " * 'ro ' a/iunsl Siia toi the iauie montU ia i > itU ,