THE OMAHA DAILY BEE < FRIDAY. DECEMBER 10 , 1886. A REPORTED SELL BY REAM , Tbe Big Operator Snid to Have Disposed of a Large Amount ol Wheat. THE STATEMENT DISCREDITED. A Very ytilct lny lit tlio Corn Market Trailing In HORN Active : nnil Prices Stonily General Cjitotntlona. CHICAGO PIUJIIMCI3 .MAHK1CT. CnifAoo. Dec. O.-lSpoclal Telegram to the Hir.l : An e\cnln 5 paper snys : "It Is jprctty eerlnln that IJcam has ( .old out his client. The crowd is not disposed to believe It , Mid there arc ninny commission men who nre still denying It , nnd pretcndlnp that so much wheat could not be sold out without thotr knowing of It. Ucam \ \ as about this mornlnc , but refii fd to commit himself. It Is pretty well settled , nevertheless that the bin snles yesterday anil the day bcloie by houses with Xow Yotk connections , and by mcial biokcrs iitit.ibly Mitchell and Lnvlnsky were for Hcam. The situation now Is believed to be that Heam Is liquidated , but that the New Yolk crowd , headed by Henry Cluws , which sold out to Ucam nnd his nlhiiie at 8.Vi/yc ; , were buyer * of his wheat BRaln K" > lerday nt b-liS4j ( ! < c. > , * ew York was the sole sustaining inllucticc In wheat tins moinliiR , and held It up pretty well. Knily rallies were not vrry encouraKlui ; , but thi-y t-niiio In better lowaid noon. Them wasalso n report from New York that some war news was excttini ; the licilln oxchniiRe , nntl this heliied .May \ \ \ \ to SsUMay wheat opened tit tMJ/e , a slindt ! higher than hist night's closliiK , sold at bi ; < c , then bark to siVc and licoamc easy. May rout opened at 4'25fc , and n little later -old at 4e. ! ! Pork was stiotig on llilit ; receipts of pout quality , and joMupto ail. 10 for January. On wheat sales by I'raley , Catti-r and llutchlnson the innikct ilscllitcil lo MKc , but subsequently lerovcred to M fc. Corn was a very quiet market and presented no sptelal featute. Toward 11 u'clock llui tont- Improved on \arloty of K'abons. Cables , which up to this time had been practically inlssiiiK altogether , now came In quite shone , and uavo local traitPts sometliltiK 10 hope ) > for in case tlieytook thubtiyliiK side , whlrli they wen ilUpusutl to do In lollouinc in the \yabt * ol New-Yorkers. Tlii'SiO people \veio very free imycts , nnd houses having eastern connec tions liad no hesitancy inaylnc that these Minm inevented tliobtcnk that the mat l < el was nil rerttly for. For n while the local situation looked BO stiong that many ot the strictly homo crowd wuie rather down Into the market against their will. Hut the short lived , for after sell- fUKMinilnuly at * At ! > c the pilrts of May le- aetcd to Wfc ) and In thu way ol'a mill ket wa not much to brag about. It stool at this ilmite half an hour butote the close and nlio ed every disposition to t'o still lower , being hoavllv sold by patties who were bny- eiseatly. The volume of business In wheat to-day was considerably larger than yester day , with the proportion bought on short and speculative account apparently very evenly divided. On the bteal ; to WJ c John Cudahy was a liberal seller. Toward 1 o'clock I'ar- ttlde liuan co\eiine his shott wheat and fntred. May up to the top point of the day Kl e , tt closed linn at S.'XJSjS.Vic. Corn diagyed moru or less all day and moved very llltm more than ' c. The streiiKth noted in provisions early remained In the maiUet , In n gi'iii'inl way , until th.c close. Uio : : ] \ m. On the late session v.xlitcs wore still i > t longer under continued slioit co\orlnic by local p.utlcs. anil a better showing ot oTil- sidc outers. Jlay wheat advanced to 'i o , utter opcnlnn nt a'jV1 ! ! The linal clos- iUKSwerc : Wheat stiong and active at 77J c for December , 781,0 , lor Janitaty , Tll i1 for Kebutary , 8T * ( Je for May. Corn lirinerat 3Tc for December , . ' 17 : ) c tor .Innnary. UTXatii' for Kebtuary , V'M W' ' c for May. O.its dull and sti-adv. Toik inmer at &'for ! lu rember , Sn.lU > i lor .lanuaty , Sll. ' K lor February. Sll.W for May. hard steady at Sfi.o.'i for DecemhiM , SO.l'JS for January. SG/JO tor Kebiuaiy , SO.J7H : for March. UIIIUACOMVTB HTOClt. _ CntCAriO , Doc. V.- [ Special Telegram to the llr.i : , ] C.VITI.K Outside of a lively hputt on Clnlstmas steers business ruled .slow and prices at about the same low lan as for the past weels or ten days. The ordln nry run ot fat cattle , such as the regular shippers and the tegular luiyets for the dressed bcel tiado usually buy , sold fully as low ns ut any time , and tair to miMllum steer were rather lower than otherwise. Native butchers' stock , especially rows , rouch steels and bulls , continue to sell at extremely low prices if anything lowet than last week Thete is nothing new In the stocker am ! let'der tiade , and lair business but low ptices the L'L'tietal repot t. Christmas beeves , SD.OO'i.'t ) . Shipping steers. littOto 1.000. Ibs , s-i.oii i-i.75 : iao to IKO : lb-4. 8j.rU(7-i.oo : ( ; QM t lliOO Ibs , si.OO'I.W. : Stoekers and It-Pdcrs , SJ.OOii.uocow81 ! ( : ; bitllsanil mixed. St.xJt.lO : : bulk , S2.00di'J.75. Texas cattle , sa. ' ® . . ' . IIOOH Tiadu was netlvo ntnl prices steady , closing rattier httoiigcr than ar the opunlng , Heccipts lell cotihiderably below thu cut ly e.stt niatos heneutheiii wnsa stronger I eollng at the hnlbb. I'limo ami fancy heavy were selling at from S4.I5 to Jr-Wi. prime packing sot ts n , and tough and common Ut s1.75i ? ( . . : ) .b.j. Liclit hints sold within a range ot i.7rj ; ) @ 1.0U. Thete were about 00,000 on sale. FINANCJIAU Now York. Dec.MoKYOn ! > active ut 50(1'- ( ! percent , closing at C per ecu Hsked. I'tiiMK MUUC.VNTII.B I'APKU ig5 ( per rent. dTK.nii.No KXCHANOH Weak ; 3 .60'i fet sixty day bills ; $4.hs'i.i for demand. ( JovEttwuhM'is Uovcinment bond1 } were dull but linn. S torus Stocks were a ttiflo more active. The opening was decidedly stroni ; , advances over last evening's Inures ranging up to per cent. Texas 1'acllie , hewcver , was > per cent lower. There was the usual decrease It : activity towatds noon In u\erythlng e\cet ) Keadlng , but prices liclit strong throiiglioiit There was a fractional recession niter 13 o'clock , which was followed by futthcr ad vances , Bidding upon mouoyl te In the af- tet noon had Hie etfcet of diipteshlng prices In the hist hour and the maiket closed ally heavy to weak. 8TOCKI OH W\T.t. ITRBKT. cent bunds. . . . 100 C. Jv N. W 110' G. b.4 } < 's HO'd .prcterrcd. HO ' ' ' " ' ' ' 1155)1 ) Pacificfi'sn'r'05. ' ' 'con'Ti'iin. . . 20 * . -mitral J'acilic. . 1'ai'llic Mill I . . C.AA 1' . 1) . & E 3.T ' IM . 0 HJ c. n. * u . .V.V. in ? Hock Island. . . J ) . J , . * W VWJfSt. U.tS , K. . . D. All. U nrufoned. . . Kilo .M. iiHt. P. . , Kiloprtifftrrod. . . piefcrred. . . 119 Illinois Co ut ml. 6'iJ ) . , n. * w { I pieferrcd. . . 113 } Katma&Tovns. { 'Texas ' r.iclfio. . . 25 Laku Shore i' Union I'acilic. . . j V Mich."Central ! ! ! 8 " 'profnued . * . ' . 37J Mo.'acinc 1HVWestern Union. Morllivrn I'iic. . . .tt.'iJjO. . K. A N pi uteri ed , , . WJfl * Kx-dlv. I'UOUUOB MAUKUT. Olilcnco , Dec. > . Flour Steady am1 anchinui'd : winter Hour , 84.0.V3-UO ; tnuth trn. sa.VOS-i.UO ; Wisconsin. 5100.ii ( ) Michigan boft vprlni ; wheat , S3.0&4.10 Minnesota bakers. S3.506t-i.iu : patents , St.'A ftH.CO ; low grades , 1.75(8 ( .75 ; rv flour , iiuiet at t3.'i5'ijy.KJ In barrels , and S3.00 9'M in sacks , Wheat Opened n shade stronger , and closed ; 31'o higher than yesterday cash 77Kc ; January , Wc ; February , 7J'Jc ; May b55 < c. Corn Quiet ; opened ) /c under yesterday , nnd closed > ie nlgher ; cash , STc ; January 87s'e ; Febrnnry , 3T 13-10c ; M y13 a-lfic. ( ) ats Dull nnd easy ; cash , 'JOKc ; January 20Yo ; May.aic. Kye Quiet nt 5.V. Harley-Qulet at . Timothy beed Prime. 91,7031,77 , Pork Fairly active and strongct : cash , 10.K.'KJanuary,511.1'- : ; Kcbtuary.Sll.iy ) May , 11.50. Lard In niodcmte demand and steadier ; t Ehado higher ; cash , SCLUS ) Jniiitary , S1. ! ' . ' ) , ' ; FetH-nary. C.tO ; Mat cli , SO. ' . > 7Kc. Hulk Meats Shouldt- , $4.70@-l.75 : bboit , clear , S5. .V35. l , short ribs , $5.M for Jnn- ttary. Butter-Creamery , M < a.o-ic ; dnlry , l ! ft 21'tc. ' nicest-Firm : full cream Cheddars 11 ( fll''c ; Hats. I'iflis p ; young Americas , li ( QMct skims 7@7'jc. ' Kpus-itfla-Jc. . Untes Heavy preen saltrd. fullv cured. $ Vlleht. : fJ/w/lVj damaged , 7' ' < 7 ; < c : bull hides. G'fe : dry salted , ll@l'Jc : dry Hint , 13@Hc ; calf skins , 6 < 3lO4c ; deacons , We each. Tallow No. 1 country , 8)'c ) ; No , S.'i'c ; cake , . Shipment" . Flour. bb's ' . 25.0TO 1TC < K ) Whent.bu . GS.OOO . ' .O. ( 0 Corn , on. , . 4Cooo . , OL m.OOO Hye. bit . 4wo ( Hmiey.ou . .000 cy.OOO New York. Dec. . Wheat-Cash , ' < C * jc higher , closing sttonir ; options opened ' < WHc better , later lost advance but after wards reacted Kftfl' . closln ? firm ; receipts , W.uoo ) : exports , -i.t.uoO ; ungraded red , HI ® Wfc : No. 3 led , b7 ic ; No , frcd , M' < c ; No. a icd , fcP < gM"cln elevator , 'JO.Uuf. o. b. ; Jan uary closlnc at t .Uc. Corn Cash , ' < c nud options ' ( . ' (3 ( We better , closing ilrm ; receipts , ; expotis , 44,000 ; ungraded. 40'it4s fc ; No. : i , iTtf' c ; No. U. 47Kc In elevator , 4SJ < tt41'34c nlloat , 4S > io f , o. b. ; January closed at 4S'4c. ' Outs Moderately active ; lecclptR , a.OUO : exports , I.IKX ) ; mixed western , U4G1SCC ; white western , ! 37 ( > f4' 'e. Petroleum StcaiU jUnlled closed nt fiS\c. Kgcs Finn ; wcitcin , S4@ ' Jfc ; limed , 1" Pork- Steady but veiy quiet ; old mess , SI 0.75 ® ll.oo ; now mess , iHl. . " > Uglt.5. ( hard Unsettled and closing a shade bet ter ; wcstein steam spot , S0.40. IJutter Firm : western , r.'S'-Oc ; Hlgln cteameiy , JWiHlc. Cheese Fltin ; western Hat , ll(21- ( > < \ MIlwAnkoe. Dec.Wheat Stiong : cash , 70J < c ; January , 77\c ; May , bIHc. Corn Dull ; No. a , : i7c. Oats-Quiet ; No. a , ' 'five. Hye Firm ; No. tt , W' e. Itarlev- ( Milling : No. - ' , .We. Provisions Unsettled ; porlt , December , S10.&JK ; January , SlU-li. Olnoinnntl. Dec. 'J. ' Wheat Weaker ; Vo. 2 , red. 7Vv.t7HJ c. Corn-fclrm ; No. tf mixed , 3"i8''e. : Oats Strong ; No.i mixed , : i0 c. Kyo Finn ; No. 'J. fXc. ) Pork ouict atSll.a ? } ; . l.atd-Kltuier at 8r.00r.02 . Whisky-Quiet at 51.1s. Mlnne.npoils , Dec. ! > . Wheat Steady and aell\e ; No. 1 haul , c.ish and Janunty , Jteceij'its Wheat. iiir,00 : : bti : flour , 12bbls. . bliiimionts Win-ill , &S.OOO bit. St. KoiilH , Dec. ' . , Whi-at Inegular ; No. 3red _ , cash , 7'Jc ' ; January , bU e ; May , Outs , Firm nt 27e : cash , Vc ; May , "l'ic. Corn We.iU : No. 3 mixed , cash , M ; fiCc ; Janiuiry , Uo Vc M y , yj ; v. Hye Firm at5iii : ) : . Whlbky-Sl.13. 1'oik Strong at S11.2S. hard Steatly at 3ilTao.OO. ; ( IJiittct Arllvo but steady cicamcry , 2-1 ® 27u ; daii-y , 16wS3c Attcinnun iJo.ud Wheat Stiong at ? i ' , < 3 ! < c lilgher. CoinUna at c highur. , su\uly at 'bC lilslic'r. Kunsan city , lice. ' . . Wheat Steady ; No. 2 icd , cash , MJio bid ; January , tVsc bid ; May. 75Ko bid. CoinVuaker \ ; No. 2 , caih , aic bid ; Jaiiiiary , S'ic ; May , WS'ic. Oats Nominal ; iic bid for cash. Liverpool , lrc. ) 0. Wheat Demand poor mill supply uood ; red we toin sprint ; , 7s ld@rs ' 'd : rod wi'stern winter , 7s ld < 37s 'VI. Coin Qult't anil nnclmnguil ; new mixed western , -4s Oil pur cental. Now Orleans , Hue. 9. Corn Easier ; white , -lfi@-17c ; mixed , J7c ; no yellow. OatsFliiiier ; choice western itebiStK ; . J'otk JllKher at SI 1.00 ® 11.5. J.aril JJull and lower : i dined llctce , SC.OO. Cornmciilinlet but liui. lion J'rodiict-i Steady but firm. ItulK Mu.its , .Sliouldeta , lower at sH.Sj ; long clear auU libs , S > .1 > . -LilVB STOCK. Ohlonjjo , Dei' . 0. The Drover's Jouinal lepoitsas lolloivs : Cattle Hecelpts. 0,000 ; steady ; Christmas stcets.fe5.0l ) @ . > .70 : sliippiiigstcersy.00@l.7.r ) ; stoeUets ana tceitcr.s S'J.OU' ; i.0 ! ! ; cows , bulls ntirt mixed , Jrl.liO@i.lO : ; bulk , SiOOCi''J-'j ' ; Texas cattle. Si3T.e3.50. Hess Iteceipts , 40,000 : steady and strong ; roujzh and mixed. i.l.5'3@l.W ( ; packing and shippiniSi.yoQl.o : : ; ; light , Sil OitJJ..ij ; skips , gii.2r > < 33.-10. Sheep Itcceipts , 8,000 ; stionp ; common weaker : natives , 62.00iM.b7Kestein ( ; , Si.r.O yi.50 : ; Texaus , $2. ' i ( ; ! ,2j ; janibs , $ i.W& 5.00. 5.00.St. St. I.oulH , Dee. 0. Cattle Hecelpts , 000 ; shipmeuls , sou ; rniukct bteady ; choice native hleei-s , 'I. : ; ( ) ( < J1.75 ; tair to good sliippiug stccis , S : > . "iOiC4.r,0 ( ; butchei.V steei.s. lair to choice , S3.Ooru-t.lO ; feeders , lair to good , S'J.Mia'3.10 ) , Miockers , lair to good , SLOO © 2.75. lions llppc-lpts , 10,000 ; shipments , 1,000 ; mail ; nt stionu' t i e.sterday's liginus ; all sold ; choice heavy and butchers' ( selections , S4.10 C4I.25 ; { lacking , fair to laney. Si.b.Xf4.05 : ! ; Votkers , medium to piime , S3.u5Q3.bT ) ; pigs , common to irood , 4i.iiUy.70. : ( City , Dec. 0. Cntllc Roceipt" , 4,000 ; shipments , 2,000 ; market weak and veiy dull ; common to choice , SU.ti.'ifWl.'J.'i : stockcts. $2.25 HTVi ; leedlug .steers , S fcO © 3.-IO ; cows , Sl.fiOdj'.N ) . Jlogs HeceiptH , 17,103 ; shipments , 0,000 , ; weak and Oc lower ; common to choice , % D.0 U.MAHA JjIVK STOCK. Thursday , Dec. ' . ' . Cattle. The receipts were light and the nuirkct quiet. Values icrnain about the same. 1IOKS. ' 1 he hog maiket opened about steady , with yesterday's close. The receipts weto light , but taken with those lett over from the day bolero there were about ninety-three loads on the market. The market was active nnd tlio pens were cleaied before the close. Sheep , There w as one load In to-day. A few were sold nt piivate sales. . IlccelptH. Cattle 200 Hogs ; jr > oo Sheep . .jjjj ICO Prevailing Prices , Showing the prevailing prices paid for live blockon this market. Choice steot8. IHSOto 1500 Ibs S4.0Q@4.20 Choice steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs 8.50&U.85 lioortleedorH , 2.650C.7.'i ! ( ! oed to choice cnrn-tcit cow.s . . . . 2.Vi@2.b5 ( 1'airtomoi nun gtasscowu iOOr N.25 ( ! oed to choice mills l.35(31.IX ( ) hicht and mod mm noes 3.00@3.70 ( iooil to choice Heavy nogs S.r > 0c3.7G { ( iood to choice mixed ho3 a.r 0u'i.C5 ( : Coed to ciioico bhcep 2.75W1.BO Fairtogood sheet 2.23g2.50 ( RcprcBoniiitive Stiles. conx Kh ; sriir.iis. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 8..10.'X ) S3.2.-I 51..12b7 J4.00 11. . . . 1110 . ( M MCOWS. . No. Av. Pr. 2.i..ioia * 2.eo lions , No. Av. Shk. Pr No. Ar. Shk. Pr. 70,211 07 . . .ass 120 ei.cs : C5. . . 243 400 ! M < 0 M..S73 120 JIC5 100..IbU bO 3.IX ) 6'J. ' . . ' .W 240 3.05 70 . .154 103 'i.OO 04.-J77 120 K.C5 t'/J. . .29t 200 't.fiO 57..U24 X ) n.05 C5 , . . , ! . ' < . J 1MU MX ) 6U. . . . ! iOJ 40 S.O.'i ' 7S..1M ICO 3.fiO'5 3.65 72..2t < 3 120 3.110 5.5.iC4 : 60 3.07 71.251 bU 3.0 > Uf 4S.t4'J : ' bO 3.C7U b7.,150 3.C2) ) . ; (1S..2.VJ ( bO 3.67U CO . , ,310 203 57..311 S.C7U C8..a.kJ 40 3.0.5 M. . . . : 200 3.07) ) ] C2..271 160 3.05 nO.31S 240 a 7) 74.2. 120 3.05 70.'J40 40 8.70 71..343 120 aOS 7U..2C8 bO 3.70 CS..2S."j bO ! U5 71..8.10 fcO S.75 CS.2J 2sO 3.05 ( X.35 ) $ MO 3.70 57. . .255 200 3.05 50.,323 120 a70 C5..20S 240 3.0.5 67..SOO 120 3.70 54..265 40 a05 65,315 bO ! ! .70 6 , , . . ! J18 120 3.05 54.,340 bO 3.70 OSAW 40 8.65 65 , . . .235 120 8.70 50.801 200 3.M 77.245 bO 3.70 59.80S 120 3.0.5 5S..SOJ 160 & 70 70..231 120 8,65 50..332 40 3.70 77..253 120 8.05 59..317 bO 3.75 llnnge of I'rlccs. * StiowiUK the iilkhest and lowest prices paid lor loads of. hogs on this market during the r > a t seven days and for the same time lastyear : j Sovl Bee. lco. itw 3d 9.30 ftl.M . 4th 3 4' , fit 05 3.75 . 3.20 < a.i.r,5 tth Sunday 3.20 347'J ' rth 3.40 tl ( > ] . ; U OKU Sunilny 7th Sunday I a70 Mb. ' 38' , fl.1.70 3.CO „ . . . . . Stll 3.51 ( ftl.75 ' 3.EJ lH.7.y ? All sales of stock in this market are made per cwt. live weight \mlesi otherwise stated. Dead hogs soil at " c per lb. tor all weights. "Skins" or hogs weUhtne less than lee Ibs. no value. 1'resnant sows are ilocked 40 Ibs. and stags SO Ibs , by the public inspector. NotcB. Hogs nil sold. An active hog market. Hogs steady at ycsterdaj's close. Ninety-three loads of hogs on sale. II. H. Miller , Wlnslde , was In with a load of hogs. Mr. Hamilton , Montrose , Dak. , was In with cattle. - Mr. Doiuhcity , Hawthorn , la. , was in with a load of hog . The hoe market ole ed with a healthier feeling than it opened , Watson Tyson , a well known citizen of IJlalr , was a visitor at the yards. Thomas , ! . Upton bought 1171 hogs , the nvetngH weight being 20i Ibs and the a\er- ae price J3.M. ( OMAHA WHOLiESAliia MA JUUiTS. General Produce. Tliursdny. Dec. P. 27ip/olJoifIitp prices arc Jor rottn/i lots of prvttticcnssi > l < lontlic innrhctoJ / < tThe | / qMntntlon. ? onrtiit ? repreiciil ttte prices at M'/ifch / nutnUte orders aic filled. Eoos rhi'rels acry good demand for ecgs , and not cnotiKh coming in to supply the same. Some pickleu ate , coming In now ; thete me always haul to place In our mar ket. The bulk of choice stock is going at c. c.Hrrrrii The maiket Is dull and stocks aecumnlatlne. Packers will have to take the surplus at fair prices to bring about a better state ot all'nlrs Creamery , 2527c ; choice country roll , KiuSlSc : coed country roll , 14i ( * ICe ; tair countiy loll. 10 ( , < U7c ; common , /Vrftie. / LIVK Ptit'i.TitY Thete Is nery limited maiket for live poultry of any kind. CiiKKsr. Full cream ehedilars single , 13c ; full cieam flats , twins. We ; young American , IHHe : fancy Sxvis , li in ; Swiss , impotted , 2.V ; Uinhnrgcr. 13Kc : btick , 13'tf@t4c. Poi't.Tttv The poultry maiket Is quite low , H has never reco\ered ftom Thanks giving glut , and prospects ate that low ptices will rule during tlio rest of the season. Tur keys and chickens for our market should be diy picked , head and feet cut elf , cutialls drawn. Chickens , choice , tjQTc : turkeys , choice , 7@sc ; ducks and cecse , choice , 7rZhc. ( ( lAMn Pinlrle chickens arc In good de mand , and sell on arrival at quotations. Quail will probably be lower. There always is a strong demand for deer , antelope and elk saddles fur Chiistmas. Prairie chicken , choice per doSI.UO : quail , per do81.50 ; ducks , niallaid , per doz , ? 17.1 ; ducks teal , per do/ , S1.25 ; ducks , mixed , per dozSI. . 00 ; ccese , per do ? , S3. . M ) ; deer , saddles , per Ib , I0@12c ; ilcer. caicasses per Ib , 7Qsc : elk saddles per lb.l ( < J10c ; elk , carcasses , perlbGoi7c ; antelope , saddles , per Ib , 10C ! 12c ; antelope , cuirasses per Ib , 7iifrc ( ; Jack rabhlts , per doS3.50a ( : 4.00 ; small rabbits per doz. ! > Uc. PorATois : There is nothing doing In the market aside for the sale of small lots from the store at MQWe. Ai't'iiKS The market Is slroncpr. Choice Missouri stock Is quoted at 62.50 and fancy Michigan stock at S3.00. ONIONS The maiket Is'about baic of home grown stock , which is quoted at 51.2.X There aiea lew Spanish onions in , which are sell- ingat S'-.OO per bush crate. Inferior stock. 75cni.OO ( ; Rood clean countiv. Sl.OOtgl. ! ! . " ) ; medium , baud picked , Sl.iO1.40 : ( [ ; hand picked , navy , S1.40 l.T)0. Pnovfioxs-Ilnni. lllj'ebteakfast ; bacon , 10c : clear side bacon , b' e ; drvalt sides , 8c : shoulders , To ; dried beet , icinihir , lie : dried beef , ham pieces , He ; laid , T > 0 Ib cans fiKc : lard , 20 It ) cans. Fairbanks ' 'X'f ; lard , 10 Ib cans , l < 'ahbanks , 7c ; lard , 5 Ib cans , Knli banks ' ' c ; laid , 31b cans , Faiibanks , 7'jC. Cii.inv : The market Is steady. Choice stock per do4ic ) : extra large , tier do/,4fic. Ov-'i l ns Mediums * e : standiuds , 2S < : : selects , W ) ; extra selects , 35c ; N. V. counts. 3 * * . LEMONS Messina , per box SG.50. OHAXOKS Jamaica , jicr bbl , 510.00 ; Flor ida tier box , 8o.jO. CitAXiiinuns : : Capo Cod , faticv. per bbl , S11.00@1'J.OO : bell and btisle , per bbl , 8 .00. BANANAS There is no cliango in tlio maiket. Bananas , yellow , per bunch , S'J.03 ® 2 3Ti ; bananas vellow , large , pel bunch , ( 3.f,0. KI.OUK AST ) Mn.i.sTurrs Winter wheat flour , best quality patent , 82.75 ; second qual ity. S2.40 ; best quality spring wneat flour , patent. S2.GObran,5Ucpcrc\Uchopi ; ; > ed feed , 70c per cwt : white corn meal , OOc : yellow coin meal , sc per cwt : Ecrconlng , fiUc per cwt ; hominy , S2.0u per cwt ; shoits , Mo pcrcwt ; craliatn Sl.CO ; hay , in bales , $5.50 © 0.00 ner ton. _ Grocers' IlHt. PiCKi-r. " ! Meillum. In bbls , 80.50 ; do , In half bbls , S3.75 ; small , In bbls , S7.50 : do , In half bbls S4.25 ; eghrklns , in bbls , § 8.50 ; do , In half bbls. S4.75. Svtjui' No. 70. 4-gallon kegs , S1.20 ; New Orleans , per gallon 3bilCc ( ( : maple ; syrup. hall bbls , "old time. " per gallon , 72c 1 gal lon cans , tier do510.00 ; halt gallon cans , per doz. S5.TiO ; quart cans c.' SrAiicn Mliror glas"i. l Jb , 5c ; mirror gloss 3 Ib , 5'i/c ' / : mirror ulo-is , Olb , GVtfc ; ( raves' corn , 1 Ib , Cc ; Kingsford's com , I Ib , 7c ; Klnesford's gloss , l 11) . 7u : Kingsfotd's ctoss , 0 Ib , 7 c. Kingsford's pute , : i Ib , 7J4'c ; KiiitfSlords bulk , 4c. TOIIACOO 1'lug , ellm.ix , 42c ; horsoslioe , 37c ; .star , 'i'.ie ; spearhead , . 'We ' : plperheldsiek , OOc : goldsiiield , 3lc ; merry war , 23c : J. T. J. . 3Jc. ToiiArro Sinokln ? , Durham , Is , 5lc ; 3 < Ts 54c ; > i"s. 57c : ' ( .s COc ; nicer.schum , 'I0c : old style , 32o ; U. N. O. , 15c ; spirit cttrea , 4ic. MATCHES Per caddie , 3Sc ; siiuaio cases , SI. 70 : mule square. 81,20. CANDY Mixed , Ujtliic ( ? ; stick , 8'S9l ( c. CUAOKIUS Ciarneaii's soda , butter and picnic , 5jc ; ; creams , bc ; glnsersimps.b c ; city sodr , 7 SOAPS Kirk fi savon imperial , S2.70 ; Kiik'.s satinet. S3.x ) ; Kirk's standard. S3.0Ti ; Kirk'.s white Ititsslan , 34.00 ; Kirk's ' 'white- cap , 0.00 ; dome , § 3.85 ; washboaul , S3.10 ; white cloud , S3.75. .Koi'K-Ji Inch , 9c ; l Inch , 10'4c ' ; h inch , lOJ c. Iiiun ) J'jtuiT No. 1 quarter apples , 4f@ 5c ; in evaporated boxes , Il @l3'/c ; black- icrrles. boxes , ( i @lOe ; peaches , Salt J.ako. IBS ) , lO&lO'aC ; peaches , evaporated , 15 > f@ 17u : raspberries , new , 20'Jlc ; cunents , 6Wo ; < c : prunes , new. W&Xc. SuoAns Powdered , 7c ; cut loaf , CJ < < 47c ; Rranulated , O&c : confectioners' A fi O' ' e : btandard extra 0 , 5 < @ 55fc ; extra O. 5 fl25Xc ; medium yellow , 4KQjc. CA > NKDJoois-Oystcrsstandard ( , per case , St,15ii3.25 : ; Btinwbeiries , 21b. jtercnse. 32.20 ; raspberries. 2 Ib , per case , 82.10 ; California pears , per case , S4.50 ; apricots , per casa ; 34.fX ) ; peaches , per case , S525 ; ; white cher ries , per case , 80,00 ; plums , per case , 88.0'5 ' , blueberries per case , Sl.b.5 ; cyn plums , a Ib per case , 82.50 ; plneapules , 2 Jb , per case ; i.2o@5.75 ; 1 Ib nihiUerei. per doz , 31.i : 1 in .salmon , per doz , S1.5.xai.60 ; 2 Ib goose , buirles. per case. 81,75 ; 3 Ib string beans , per case , SI. 70 ; 2 Ib lima beans , per case , Sl.CO ; 21b marrowfat peas , i > er case , S2.40 ; 2 Ib early June peas , per case , S2.75 ; 3 lb toma toes , 82.103.25 : 2 S'J.lOOl O. COFKIII : : ! Ordinary grades , 14 ( < tl4Jfcafi | 20o ; Mocha , 22@24c : Arbucklo's roasted lh 4'c ; Mcl.auehirn's XXXX roasted , Ib c ; Dtl > sorth'8 , Ibj c ; Itcd Cross , Ibjfc , Oonorat Markets. WOOL Medium IHQeocperlb ; hno heavy , 14(31Cc ( : light , lOQIScj coarse , 14QlOc ; burry wool , 2 ( < { 5c otf. liiUKH Oroon butchers , Q\c \ ; geeen cured , 6c ; dry flint. ll K'o : dry b lt , IKrtlOo ; green calf skins , UflOKc ; danmged hides , two-thirds price. Tallow 3 > { c. Urcaso Prime white , 3c : yellow , 2c : brown , l " * Sheep Pelts , 25Q75c. LKATIIKII Prime slaughter sole leather , nem , can , i.uucii.iu : oaK cair. ; Krencn calf , 81.2o < ai.bO ; Morocco , boot leg , WKgittc : Morocco oil pebble,2S ( < J32c ; toppings nnd linings , CftayOc. JiEAW HAiinwAitK Iron , rate < 2.fiO ; I > lowbtf-clspecUlca ! > t,4Hccrucib1obteel,0 ; } c ; cast tools , do , liiQIBo ; wagon spokes , per bet , S2.00@3.'iO ; hubs , per set , il.25 ; lelloes , sawed dry , 81.60 ; tongues , each , 8'Jc ; axels , each. 75c ; square nuts , per lb. l 71c ; coil chain , per lb. ( X < trJc ; malleable. 7 ( Ju ; iron wwluns , 8c ; crowbars , Cc ; harrow teeth , 4hc ; sprintr steel , 7@9c ; Uurduu's liorto bhous. 94.60 ; Durden s muln shoes , f * > . ! & Jiarbod wire. In car lots , Si.OO per 100 Itw. Nails , rates , 10 to tt ) , 92.60 ; steel nails , 2,0\ Shot , 51.M ; buokshol , Sl.W : oriental powder , kegs , S2.60 ; do. half Kegs , SiOO ; do. quarter kegs , 81.30 : blastlnc kegs , S2.35 ; fuse , per 10 feet. C.V. Load ban * 16 brtniTs Colocne snlrlts. 1SS proof , S1.17 ; do 101 proof , SI. 18 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , S1.17 ! do 1SS pioof. 51,10. Alcohol , Ib8 proof , 82.18 i > cr Ine gallon. Ucdlstllled whiskies Sl.orx { l.Mi. ( iln , blended. Sl.sucs 2.00 ; Kcntuckv bohtllons SioO ( < ifl.oo ; Ken- lucky and Pennsylvania ryes , S-.00 ! ; < t0.50 ; Uolden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies Sl.50tri3.oc. Brandies , Imported , 55.00.iM.r-0 . ; domestic , Sl. : (3aoo. ( ( llti ! > , Importrd , S4.50 C < JO.OO ; domestic , S1.2.Vn3.00. Chnmpajne9 , imported , per raso , S28.XX3S1.00 ( ; American , percale. SlO.OO lO.'Kj. J'AINTS IN On. White lead. OmahaP. P. , 7Ue ; white lead , St. Louis puie. S7.75 ; Mar- setiles green , 1 to 5 lb cans , 2c ; Kronentnc , creen seal , 12c ; French zinc , red seal , He ; French zinc. In varnish asst. 20c : iTcnch zinc , 7.V ; ; vermilllon. Kncllsli , in oil , 7.'Kj ; red , lOr ; row pink. I4c : Venetian red , Cook- son\2 4'c : Venetian icd. American , l'c ; red lead , 7Kc : rhromo yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yellow , K , 12e ; ochre , rochelle. ite ; ochre. French. 2 4c ; ochre , American , IfjCt Winter's mineral , 2iije ; l.chlgh blown , 2' < c ; Spanish brown , 2Xc ; Prince's icineral , 3c Ditv PAINTS White lead , EC : French sine , 12o ; Porls wititltm , 2 > 4c ; whiting , cilders 2 c ; whiting , couvl , l'ic ' ; lampblack , Her- maiistown. V.V ; lampblack , ordinary , 8c ; Prussian bIuor > T > cultramurltie ; , iSc ; vandy it- brown , be ; umber , burnt. 4c ; umber , raw , 4o sienna , burnt , 4c ; . .sienna , raw , -le ; Pane green , eenuliie. 2. > ( - , I'arl.s green , com mon , 22e ; chrome green , N. Y. . 20c ; vermllhon Aiuerican. lsc ; tnnian taw and burnt umber , 1 tl > cans , I2c ; raw and burnt sienna , 12c : Vandyke brown , I3c : re- tincd lampblack 12 < 3' coach black and Ivory black. lOc ; drop black. lOc : Prussian blue. 40c : ultramarine black. Ifc ; cliromo ureen , ] , . , M. A D. , lOc ; blind and shutter gieen , U. M. & D. , lOc : Parm green , ISo ; Indian ted , 15o ; Venetian red , IV : Tuscan , 22c ; American vermilllon. L. it D. , 20c ; yellow ochre , 2c ; L. M. & O. D. , l c : good ochre , KK- ; paten drver , ! ? c ; u'ralnlng color , liirlit oak , datk oak , walnut , chestnut and nsh. 120. DnircisANi ) MiEMtcAi,8. Acut , carbolic , S2c ; acid , tarlarlc , " > 2c ; li.ilsam copaiba , per tt , 4ic : : bark sassafras , per > , ! ( ) ; calomel , per lb , 7Sc , ehlnclionldla , per or.lOc ; chloro form , per III , f > 0c ; Dover s powders , pet tb , SI.25 : epsom baits. , per V > , 3 > 4c ; glyeeilne , pure , per Ib. 30c ; lead , acetate , per tt > . 21c ; oil , castor , No. 1 , per gal. , SWOc ; oil castor , No. 2 , per gal. , S1.4U ; oil olive , per gal. . S1.40 ; oil orlvatinnm. Wo ) ; opium , S3.20 ; quinine , P. & W. and K. AS , , per oz , 70c ; potassium Iodide , | inr lh , S2.7r > ; salicln. pcroz. 40o ; stii- nhatomorplilne , per o52.50 ; sulphur , per Hi,4 > : htiychnlne , pcroz. 51.2) . Drr LiuiuDar. IIOAIIDS. No.l Cow. s. 1. s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft . S17.50 No. 3 " ' 12 , 14 ami 10 tt . 14.75 Xo.3 " " 12 , 14 and 10U . 13.50 No * " " 12. 14 and 16 It . 12.00 ) TIMllUllS. ' ft'iu ' ftjia it'i.'o ' rt'ss ' it . ' 4ft To UlfinOlfi.50'l7.00l8.00'2LOO ! | ' ' il.OO | 2-.MW ) ; . ) . ! ( ! niooiiaiuusiitxi a i.oo 2x10 . 10.50 IBfW tn.5U,17.W.l8.0022.tX)2iW ) ) ilfi.5 ifi.r.o . 17.01 i8.m L'-.oobj.oo { \i-Sx8 . . . . 'jl.5Q ' ! 18 fill ir.Mit7.00llH.X ) ( ) OOIL'O 00 FENCINO. No. 1 , 4 AC Inch , 12 nnd H ft. , rotih. . .S17.0S No. 2 , 4 .k Cinch , 12 and H ft. , rough. . , H.OO CKILINO AND I'Altl'lTION. 1st com. , Kin Wliitu I'ino l'aitition..E 3.00 2d " ' " . . . . 27.50 2il Com. H in. Norway Pine Ccillnt ; . . . . H.DO STOCK IIOAIIDb. A 12 Inch. 5.1s. 4B C 83400 II12 Inch " " 4at ) 2IJ.W ) No. 1 , com. 12 In. , s. 1 s. . 10 , 18 iS : 20 ft. . . 21.00 No. 2. " . . . 18.50 No.2 , " " " 12itUft 17.00 " ' " " 10ft 10.00 KIIIP i.Ar. No. 1. plaln.S audio inch 517.50 No. 2 , pl.un,8 and 10 inch 15.50 SIII.VOI.KS , IA rn. XX clear , S2.1O ; A htandard , S2..V ) ; No. 1 , Sl.uIath.S2.25. : ; . Posrs White CedAr.O In. , } i , 12c ; 8 in. tjrs. , ' " 1st and 2a. elear , if } inch , 8. 2s . $5r > .00 'M. clear , 1 inch , s. - s . 4."i.00 3d. clear. 1 V. 1U , 2 in . 47.50 B select , 1 inch , s. 3 s . 2U.OO B select , 1 M , I,4i3ln. . . . . 30.00 ns Chrlfltinas 1'rchcnts for Gcntluineii. Hoston Kceord : "It's always the hard est tiling in the world to tell what to iniiku for ChrLsttuas presents for Kontle- mcn.1 This is said every year by un counted hundreds of despairing feminine ift-inakers , who return to the problem at each holiday time with renewed pathos and renewed energy. "I saw a perfectly shocking statement somewhere the other day1 say.s one of those Eflvers from over her necdle-worK ; "J read that a grout many bachelors ha. . vo an ordinary cork by way of pincushions - cushions on their tlre.siiijr-tablcs.'t that awful ? And doesn't it open up an avenue for industry ? Mjf brother says it is a shame that any one lias told that in print ; for now nieti will be inundated with embroidered pin-cushions , which they despise. But they ought not to de spise them , or if they do , they ought to bo educated to like them and to despise corks on their dressing-tables. Hid you ever hear of anything so barbarous ? I mean to cut nut all the receipts for pin cushions that I can find and make a lot of them for gifts lo gentlemen this Christ mas. " This settles the question so far us one worrier is concerned , for there are end less pretty patterns for her to follow in her making of pincushions. A heavy cushion , not as easily tipped over ns thu derided cork , may bo niadu with a simill brick for a foundation and : i square bran cushion on top. Tlio brick .should bu covered lirst with coarse muslm , to which tlio cushion must be lirmly sewed. Colored silk. comes nu.xt , and over this n line sheer muslin , which may bo em broidered with the initials of the receiver of the gift. A Irill of muslin over of the silk should edge the brick , and a bow of the color of the silk used may adorn one or each corner of the foundation. Small cushions in the slmim of biscuits , cigars , tiny bhawl-straps , nails ami cards arc useful and each donor can overt , her own ingenuity in adding to her pretty stock in trade. FIRST NATIONAL BANK U.S. DUJ'OSITOllV. ' Omaha , Nebraska. Capital < V $500,000 , Surplus t 100,000 Herman Kountzc.iPrcshlcnt John A. Crelghton , Vice Prosldaat f.U. Dvl8 , , OsaMiz. W. B.Meeauler , A N , 1'rcg. 4..B.W1I.LIAMS , Vicc-Prei Union TrustCo > i 215 S. 13th $ , Omaha , NP ! , LOANS MADE ON HEAL ESTATE. School , County and Municipal Bonds Negotiated. Ilonr. U fixni.icn ? , F. B. Jonsso.v , Secrtturj. Ti-i-nsuier , OMAHA SAVINGS BANK KB DOUGLAS STRCEM. Capital Stock . $160,000 Liability of Stockholders . . . . 300,000 'J lie only regular favlnns bank In thu date.Five 1'Crctnt ' luttrt-et paid oudtipObHi LOANS MADE "ON REAL ESTATE. orra s : OuyO. llarton , Prctldtui ; J. J. lirown. Vice Piotltltm ; L. M. lleanett , Manairlnir IH- jfcdor : Jubo K. WUbur Custiler. THE BANK OF COMMERCE JGW yorth Kith Street , Pnid in Cnpitnl , . . . . $100,000 UKO K. nAKKF.K. Pro'lilcnt. HOI1T. 1 * UAHUt'HS , Vlco-rrf Mont. r. 11 JOHNSON , Cnsltier. DIItKCTOIlS ! StMfr.t.n. .loitssov , Or.o. K. lUnKrit , HODT. U tiAiii.icii < t , WM. sttvins 1' . It. JOHNSON. A Ronrrnl l.nnklntr . tmsliics ? trnnsnctnl. Intrrcft nllOTtcd on time S.S. HO01 , A.O Mfral > PMUIte tonO < > t.Momhpr | Neir Orlann * . Cot- Inn Kt'ti- St. I.null ton Kicnmisf. . nml Chlc.v Merchant ) UichmtKe. I no IIcan ! of 'Irmlp. S. S. FLOYD & CO * intoKuns IN Grain , Provisions , Petroleum And Stocks , For Future Delivery Will be Ketuly for Business About No vember 7tn. 10'nuni 111 SOUTH ittii : .vr. _ " P. BbTEB&OO. HarsSafesVaulisJimeLocks ! , and JaH Work. 1020 I'iirnain Street. Oaiaha. Neb. CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF f nu THE BEST ROUTE ! [ ori , OMAHA and COUNCIL BLOfH et TWO TRAINS DA1I.V HRTWKEN OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS Chicago , AND llilwnnkec , St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids , Clinton , Dtibuque , Davenport , Rock Islantl.Frceport , Roekford , Elgin , MallBon ; , Jnncsvillo , Itcloit , Wiuonn , La Crosae , And all other 'mporlnnt polnti Eait , Northenil mill Houtlionst. For through tlclicts call on the Tinliot ARCH nt IIOI Kurnuin ctruvt ( In 1'axton Hotall , or B Union Pactllo Uupot. 1'iilliimii bUHHii'ra ami the finest Dining Cnr * In the , rrcrld nre rua on tUa umln lines or tlio OIIICAOO , JliLw uKBK & BT. PAUL HAILWAT , and * rory attention Is pnld to pniaougont bjr oocrteoni employes of the company. H. MILLED , Ocncral Mniinior. J. K. TtiCKEii , Ai > sl < tant Oonoral Mnn ( r r. A. V , H. Oxiii'ESTKK , Gouotal fu53 B or and Ticket Aitent. OLO. B. IluAri-oilt ) . Atsistsnt Gauetal Fasioo- gr find Ticket AKont J. T. CI.AKK. Guuerul SupurintoiiJent. I3AILWAY. Council Bluffs And Chicago. Th only road to fake for DM Molnos , Mnr- slmlltown , < erlai-KnpliK Clinton , Dixie. Ohicn- | ro , Mllwnukee nnd nil points eaM. To tn poo- pi * of Nclirnskn , Colorado , Wyoming , flnn , Idnho.NovndA , Oiepon. Wni-lilitirton anil Cflll- offers supei lor advantages not poisl- ble by ny other line. Among a few of the numerous points of in- perlorlty enjoyed by the patrons of this road iotwponOinihnnnd ) : ChlcHKO.nro Its two trnlm mln.Tor DAY COACHK9 which nro the Ilnost thnt hnmnn art nnil In ennlly rnn create. Its PA LACK Sl.ERl'INQ CAHS , wlilch aio inoddi of comfort nnd oloifiinco It * 1'A IlLOH DHAW. ING liOOM CAltS , iinnurnassoilbv nny , nnd Its widely oolnbrnU'd VAI.ATIAL 1 > 1NIN CAItS , tlio wiuRl of wliloli rnnnot bo found nlie'rlicro. At Council HIuCTs the trnlnsof the Pnlon 1'ncl- flo Ry. connect In. Union lpot [ ) with those of the Clilonffo & Nortlnvcstorn Ity. In Chlcngo the trainu of this line make close connection with these of nil eastern lines. For Detroit , Colnrnliua. rmlltinnrollo. Clnoln- null , KlnKiira Fillip. DiifTulo , t'Htstiurir , Toronto , Montreal , Iloston , Nnw York , 1'lillndplphln , Hal- tiinora , WnshhiRton nnd all i olnts In the eait , ask tlio ticket nznnt for ticket" vln the "NOIlTHWHVrKltN. " If you wlph thu bo t aoconiniodiitloin. Alt ticket nsronlsfell tlckots via this lino. M.IIl'fiHITT. 13. P. WII.SO.V. ( iencinl Mnnnprr , fi.n | . I'ms'r Afit-nt C"1C'ltr0- ' WM. l.AllCOCIf.C"1C'ltr0 . - 'V B. HOLLES , Ounl. WtbternAjrt City J'iiS3 Afc't. Uinuhn , Neb. O AHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY Artists' Material. Artists' Materials , Pianos anil Organs , 1513 Donvlim Street , Orochn. Agricultural Implements. CJIUltCiriLL rAllKEIt , Wholoalo Dealer In Afirricultnrnl ImplcmcntB , Wagons , ca and lliicztfu. Jonea * lroct , telwcun 9th LIX1XGEK J5 METCALF CO. , Agricultural Implemunts , W Eflni&rrlavo > , niigRlce , Etf ? , Whok'ialc , Oinoha , I' A ULlXOltEynOJtI MAItTIX Agricultural ImplementB , tVnconiaml Hnvelci , 'J01UJ3'J05 nnil ' .Of , Janet t Butter and Eons. (5 ( K Ilnycrs of Ilutter anil Eggs. nefrlnerator and Packlnj ; House , llth iind I.ouven- worth Bt. II-P. II. It. Track , Omaha. Builders' Hardware and Scales. S TAYLOJt , Buililoi'.s'JIarilwai'eA.Sea loltepuii1 Shop lleclianlco' Tools and Dufralo Hmlci. Jl'Ji Douelm it. , > Oiuiha , Neb , LEK , FItlED tC CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tmnare , Sheet Iron , Ktc. Apcnt for How * fccala * , enJ ilium I TuwUerCu. . Ounilia.Nob. HECTOR d > W1LHELMY CO. , Wiiolesalo Hardware. Western ntenti for JofTurron ftcel Nnlli. Audio 1'owdvrCu , Kulrbinki f-unOant bcnlei. Corner 101 li anil llarni'j. Om ha. Iron Works. Iron Works , Wrought and Cost Iron Building Work , Iron Main , lialllui : . lleami and lilrderi , Hteam Unitlne * . llruti Work , lUneral fl'oundrjr , Mrchloo and lllackioilib WorkOfflie uiWor , U. P. Itr.audKlb alieel. Butchers' Tools. LOUJfTjIELLEJi , Itntchcrs' Tools und Siiiplies | , taueafre Cmlogi of all klndi alwayalu iloU. JoDOnl.OupaU . OIUHI JOBBERS' DIRECTORY Boots and Shoes. jTSimtiCAX" " JTA\\D \ SHOE COMTAXl' , Uin < ir ctnrrBdVboknlo De.ilfn In lioolsnml Shoes , ComplMc te > rk of ltnht > r ( lood * . nlwa'H on hanrt XV S. l.'lh l. . Omaha , .Neb. A. T. Auillu , ir. r. MOUSE tC ro , Jobbers of Hoots nnil Shoes. 1111 rarnamtt , Omaha , N n. Msmifuctotj , SnmmOf > trf ft , notion. , r ra Wholesale Hnhhev Hoots and Shoos. Rubllcr nnd Oiled Clothing nnd felt llooU , WS. Ulh QU Seer. Agt. for Anlicnsor-IJush Brewing Ass'n Special Hrind * . Fault , tlndveliitr and ntlnnc ( > r , Lnger Heer Brewers , 1MI North I'lh PttCf t , Omah" , Neb. Coffee , Spices , Etc. CLAltKE JtJiOS. cO CO. . Omnlia CofTco nnil Spice Jlllls , RC.OorToevFplof" . Unking Pondrr , Kliroilnc Kr- trnclt , Laundry lltiDi , ink , Kir. 1111 icllarner btrrft. Omaha , Neb Homo Collee anil Splro Mills M'f'g To. CiinXtllniMerinnd Splco ( Irlmlnrt , Mntinf cuirrrs rf Making Powder , riirnrlnii KMrnel * . Itlulnit. Ktc. TrTonpca i nt our Ml. . ruira.ieoltomolllcnd llui'trd Onircp. H Howard it. , Omshv Nrh. Cornice. EA G L K coitxicifwo KKS , .lolin Kpenetcr , 1'rop. Manufacturer of fililvanlted Iron nnd Cornice. MS DodKO iiurt 103 niul K'&NIOIh St. . Omaha , Neb. JtUEMl'I\t ll HOLTE , Manufftdiircr * of Ornnnicnliil ( Jnlvnnired Cornires , Dorrarr Window * , KlnnK Melatlc lrll litetc. S10S. I3III el. , limaha. E WOltKS , ( \ Hpechl , Prop. Onlmnlred Iron Cornier * . etc. Six-tfulmprorril Pot ent Mdalle hkyllKhl. HIS nnil MO 8. lit h "I .Omaha. Carpets. OM A HA CA iiPEr co. , Jobborf of Carpels , Curtains , Oil Cloths. Linoleum" , .Mnttlres , Kte. 1511 Doiti' ' * * ilrofl. AVhoIcsalo Curpots , Oil Cloths. llattlnci , Oirtiiln Onodi , Kte. 1(21 ( Fntnani btrc t , OuiHlia. Neb. Crockery and Notions. Atcnt for the Manufocturcru nnil Importcrgof Crockery , Glassware , Lnnipi. ChlumCiB , etc1. Offlro , 31" South lith tt. Cjjuahn , Nt-b. _ Commission and Storage. ' J ) . A. JIUKLEV , CoiuniiRsion anil .lobbinp ; . Bntlpr , Fus nit 1'rortnco. ( "onilKninonlB dollrllcil. llcnilquiirtprii for Hlmiewnm , llerry llon-n nuit < jrai < c IhiakiMR. Kit DoilcPhtroot.OiDnba. 1'EyCKE 11ROS. , Commission Merchants. Fruit * . Produce mill Provisions , Onmha. N'eb. Slor ffo and Commission Mcrclmnt. Speclnltlt * * .llutlor. Keg * . Ohepafl , Potillry , ( fame , ( Iji-tors. I'tc. , EHll2Miulli Hih uliect. Produce Connnission JleiThuntg , Poultry , lluttcr , Uiiuin. 1'nilli. etc. 220 B. Kthet Onmha. Ncl ) , WEEKS < V > MILL A It I ) , General Commission Me reliant ft , And Johbor of Foreign and Domcnllc Fniltn. Torre- Hpontlcnco HollrMU'd. WaruliciUM ) mid nmcn , 11UN. ' , Ornnlia , Nol > . Toloplioiio77.'i. Fruits. J' . HOCCO l ! CO. , mporteri * nnd whole nle dflalors In Italian Produce , rorj.n.romot.tlcHtid | cnllfornU Frntti and rnimnli' > loa Uercbanti. 10IH. llllist. Only ercluily * fmltliauieliiOin'ihn. ' Coal ant/ Lime , ESTONE t C CO. , Dcnlcrg In Ham nnd Soft Coal , Offlcn and yard , li * > th nnd Nicholas ' . , Omaha , Neb. Vnr Tek'uhonc , u , ; . OBO. r.iMiiAUH , I'ren. C. F. OOOIIIIAN , V. 1'rei. J. A. MJMiiiiu.AXn , See. nnd 'J'rean. OMAHA COAL , COKE cC LTME co Mr AXT , .Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. W.iPouth Thirteenth Ptreet , Omnhn , Nob. o co. , Mannfucturprs of Illinois White Lime. And Shippers of Cunnnd \ Cokp. roinent. IMaplnr. JJmc , llulr. I'lro llrlrk , Dniln , Tile mid Sewer Pipy. omen , r.iiton Hntel. rarnnni M. , < ) m ilia , Ni-b. TcluphimoMI. Confectionery. Manufacturing Confectioners , Jobbers of niiiU.Nutu . nnil riiruie. 1211 I'nrmun St. Omiilitt. Live Stock Commission. Live Slock Coinmisbion. Oi-o. llinkc , M Union RtocW Tnrdn.H , Oranha. Telephone 6S2. KAVAGE .0 GHEEX , Live Stock Coniinlasioii Jlereliantf , Bblpraonli of rny and nil kinds of Hlnok polloitcd. Union Htiick VnrduOmnhn , Neb. Cigars and Tobacco. MAX MEYEJt tt1 CO. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco , QUDI und Ammnnlllon , SIS loXH .1. lllh it. , IIKO to 1014 1'urimm tt. , OmahuN b. WEST id MunufactnrRrs of Fine Cigars , And Wliolf lo DoHler In I.i'af Tobaccoi , NOB. 1M ma HON. lllh ilm-l.Ounliu , JIOUSEJt < C H'OOJJLAlfU Wlinlaiata lie lcr < In Cigars , Tobaccos , Pipes and Smokcw' Articles. iccnltfor P. I.cldortUorf & Co. , rino-iitanil ! Smok ing Tobaccon , Mllnuuliou , NYlaooniiln. No.311 NorthMlxteealhStrict , Omnhn , Neb. Dry Goods , M. E. KMITIf c CO , , Dry Goods , Furnishing d'oodn Notions JIM and 11041)outl ( iror. llth St. , OmMm , Not. Distillers. * - - " - - - - * - " Dlitlllfio or Lliiuorn , Alrohol mid Hplrlti. Importcrt nnd Jobbrnof Wlni'f and I.tquon. WILLOWKl'ltlXGN DISTJLLE'V CO. und JLEIl iC CO , , Importrri. . and Jobtenof Flno YVIiici and I.lquorg. bole iniinuti.cturei of Ki-nnnlr'n Kill Indin flll- lcr and Douif i Icilquon. 1113 HirnorM. Drugs , Paints , Etc. JL T. CLAIiKE DltUG CO. , Driigr , Paint , Oil & ( flass IIonso Wtttof CUIcaco Complrto I.lnu of Iiruj UU SUB- drle. 1111 lUrney tt.Oin li , Drain Tile , Etc. A. It.BAi'Bii.PrP" . J.\V IliriFouri Bt'i. & II. J. CAIIFOX..Cft . nnd Bupt. THE UXIOX HYDRAULIC nIIA IX TILE CO. , OtUro 213 S. llth ft. Omaha. Not ) Machlnprr acd for iUnuUoturlni : Cement Diiln Tlio. furniture. DEII'El' , C STOXE , Wlioiesale Dealers in Furniture , Karntm t\ * Omaha , Neb. ttTAiTLKfi TiiiJi'EJtTcW Furulturc , Ileddini , ' , Upholsiery- WJt..TT * kr.d 1210 ] > r34ia > l , Oui t . OMIHIJOBBERSDIRECTORY H Groceries , H IMA'7'O.V , ( lALLAGItEtt P CO. , Wholpsnlo Groceries iiid Provisions , Not 7K.o.WandUS.10lhyt.Omi > hii.yfb. _ , MccoKD , uitAi > rtc co7 ( Wliolesnlo Grocers , 15th nrd l.c Tenworth l . ,0miilii\ . Hardware , " } ij. . rtuoATcn , Heavy Hardware , Iron nnd Strel , ' . Waron flofk , Hardware Lumber , tic. anil Hit llarne * * t , EDXE r o Wholesale Iron and Stool , Wneonnnrt C rrl e Wood Stock , \\fxrr \ \ ll rdw rr\ l31THiidHl l.faTf nwunli H. , Um h , Neb. ' Stoves , Furnaces , Tiles , XUntto , ( irntrt , X [ * nd 1 Lumber. LOL'IS lill A DFOJtn , Denier in Lumber , Lath , liliiic , Hnsh , DOOM , Kte. Vr < ti-0nrnprlh nnd r < nrn l nnd Di CHICAGO LUMllEli CO. , Wholesale. Lumber , BUS. I4lhtrct , Omaha , Neb , .Colpelier , Htun Jewelry. E1)HO LUf M Jewelers ( indMuatc Dealers. Dcalrrt In fillri-nture. nttmnntli , Wnlchi-p , flockp , Junolcr'tTool * and Mmrrlnlii , me. UUnmllCVUMu t. , cor. o , Onmhn , Neb. C. Ar. D1ETZ , Lumber. rth nnd rntlfornla ytrcet , Ouisli * , N ti. ir. an A r , Lumber , Lime , Ccniont , Etc. , Etc. Cor. fill mitt iimiitlai tin. , Onm'ia.Nes. ' JlOAGLAXlt , Lumber. T. Tr. lIAlirEYLVMltEK CO. , Vi To Dealers Only. Office , tio.1 Fnrn-im itrcot.Omalin. " VHAS. K. LEE , Jltmlwood Lumber , Wood Cnrrctr Mul I'nrqnrt Hooting , tth nuil Oumbn. . WAKEFIELD , "W.liolesalo Lttmhpr , Etc. Imported mill Aniorlmn roitlnnil Slnt * Accnt rorMllwniiVre lIjdiKulli' I'cnJcnUuxl llfil ynlncjvliltol.luie. . Live Stock. STOCK YAliVS CO. , Of Omaha. I.lmlttd , John F. riojd , B'iperliitepdent. Millinery and Notions. Importer ! nnd Jolibcm of Millinery and Notions , nnmid lll&llnrnc ; St.-cct. Onialu , N'cb. Notions. C. S. Are Hi" nnlr Direct Importer * , at German & French Toys & Faney Goods In Nebrngkn. fhlonco prieea du < llrntod without lultl * InK rteliihl. Ul.'i I' streetOnKliu. lOJi CO. , and Furnishing1 latnml 4in 8. Tenth St. , Omaha. Jobbers In Notions , Hosiery nnd ( leiifs * Gootls. 100H mid lima Fnrnum i Omaha , Neh. ria Paper Boxes a J. L. n'fJKIE , 0o 0t o Mnniifiiuturrr of 1'ujier Boxes , IP. llth St. , llmnlm , Nubr.iKKii. Ordcrn by innllto- llclted nutl \ \ III rixt'lre prompt tittcutluii. i- ii i Overalls. CAMJELD MA XVTA CTUJtlXG 0 COM 1'ANY , 0t 0s Hanufnctiirerg of Overall.1 ? , tt. - Jaunt rnntiHlilru , Ktr. HWiuiil 1101 liiiuli Hlrcct , t. Omahn.Nuli. 1u 1if Printing. ifK ifU .lob rriiitat-H , Hltuik Rook Ifukera , If And Hook Hinder * . IW and 10) Soutli KuiiilucnUl It fitroct. Onialm , Noli. Itj 'EIl UXJOX j- Auxiliary Publishers. j11 Dealers In Tjpo. Prc i > t anil Printers' Suppllof. MO icut. Pickles , Vinegar , Etc. il rioititifi .0 co. , lyMe ttanufarliircn , I'ucUcrn and lilcn : In Met PicUlcp & Strictly Ptiro Apple Vinegar t- Making 1'imilnr , I'lnvorlrg llxtracu , Tatlii HHIIK , i8t Irrncti Miitl " 1 Wn-li HhilnB , Uioceii' iirKiRltiti 8t hole nunim lor Veuk M.ile Sund Honnvd AMdo Ci > , - der , 1411G1 ravt'nworth Bl. , OiniiliH. re nt Safes , Etc. to " lioyistt o co. , Agcnls for Hull's Safe & Lock Co.s' ui Tire nnd IlnrcUr Proof Sic tin. Thus Ijjck * , Vaults and Jail Work. 1UJ ) 1'iirnaia utrept Omaha , Neb. , st G.ANDJIEEN , Ut Omaha Safe Works. U nufrclurfr of Klruind nnrglai ProorSafrt , Vault JoomJ H Work.HhuUers und Wire Work. Cor. Hth and Jackson his. . Oincliu , Ndb , of Sasli , Doors , Etc , la til M. A. JH811KQW A CO. , ho Wliolrrala Maniifnolnrtri of pn Sash , ] ) i > orH , lilii'ulH and Mouldliifc'H , . - Ilinnch cmcc.lJlli nad liard nts.Omaha , J 'cl . ha G. LXMAX ' , I' ' a of Sash , Door , Ullnds , Moultllngs , | xt Dulldlnir I' A pur , etc. 1001 Roiltti 'riilitPOnlh Hireet. Ownha , Nub. A rnuiplela stock of llulldeit' II- Ilurdwarn. 'er nt BO//.V MAXUPAvrvnixa co , , , lie Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Kit Ids Monld'r.EB.hlalr Wnrknnrt Interior Hard Wood Klnlih Just oiientd , S' , K cor. Hlhand l. aveuHi > llliril * . n- Omaha , Nob. l a ito Pumps , in' , " ni- j'rMi * c"6r AVholesnlc 1'unipH , IMpe , KlttiiiffH , Btc mnnil Water Huupllm llfndiiiiailcra fer Matt Jo-jitC < ) 'i.oU'l . lllll-urnam nt.iniaba.Neu. ) 'A , Ll HTHA xv'col , i iv Piinipn , I'ipua and Kn iiies , 81mm. WMcr. Ilillonr arid Mllllnn Kiipillct. Kto. MO , V. aDUlf-'l I amuro el .Oiii lm. Ntl > . no- ifrjJTii'Jxi ) TAV ; ; fxi-rnnir. til ls , llalladar Wind MHlii rlcnm nrt Whter Puppllcs , illy PlurnlifniMJODdk. HtflllMK. llosii. VI4 unit /JO t t. ULIU kl.iuiKhu. b K. H'llmi , Mutmi'fr. tUe | ltphonuNo. J10. iitt for Trunks. the "iT'li. 'MA mi OFF , ' ,000 1U- NVIiolesalo Trunks , r o. Millnril llnlul lllork.O.TJlbu. till ) IH Wagons and Carnages. lYO kPH , A. J. rllli Ing The Leading Oarrlago Factory , ing. IKBIAIU IfcUril li l jy n lit' * aud III ! HuU Mr oi Buildiny Material. clftl OMAITA LUMI'.EIt CO , , tot Duiltrln AII rera Material at mill Itil- Slier l and Dinoo 1'acine Tracif , ( nual.n.