FHE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SIXTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , FHIDAY MOENING , DECEMBER 10. 188G , NUMBER 175. Senator Merrill Delivers a Speech on the Subject in the Senate. DEMOCRATIC PARTY AT FAULT. Ueclc and Bhornian Take Part In the t The I'roccndliiKH of llnth HrnnolicH lit Detail. Krnato. Dec. 9. The hotiso amendment to tlm senate bill for the relief of graduitcsof thu United States military academy and to fix their piy was among the matters submitted by the presiding olllcer when the senate met to-day. 'I ho amend ment piovldes that eulits shall bu allowed full pay as second lieutenants from the date of their graduation to thu date of their acceptance of the commission. The amendment was concuncd in and thu bill now goes to thu house. Mr. Cameron moved that when thu senate adjourns today it be until Monday next. Agreed to , Among the bills Introduced and rcfuired were the following : Hy Mr. McMillan To authoilzo the con- Ht-uctlon of a bridge across thu itcd Itiver of the iVoilh. Hy Mr. Sevvull To : iuthorl/u the redemp tion ol trade dollars , The simate then proceeded to the considera tion of the resolution Introduced by .Mr. Merrill , declailnglt to bu inexpedient and detrimental to the trade and Industry of the eountiy to makn any further attempts at n revision of the tariff by the present conitress nnd Mr. Alorrlll addressed the benato In .support of thu resolution. Ho said It was cleat that the democratic pres idential candidate lu IHb-l would imvo been defeated hut for the protective tariff buck- bono Insetted In the democratic platform by thu national convention at Chlcaco July 10 , 1834. These f-troim pledges , pregnant witli fair minded protection In eveiy sentence , had been , he said , Introduced Into the demo cratic platform through thu insistence of pro tective taiilf democrats , who weru now re ceiving vitriolic denunciations from the latu half breed allies ol fieo trade because of tliclr honest efforts to lire vent their paity from violating the pledges on which thu party obtained its \lclopy bv a majority of only n finger's breadth , ileloro the election , "Iho devil was sick , the devil a monk would lie , " but after the election "thoduvllwas well , thu devil u monk was lie. " It would seem that the pn t > of lice ti.tde , under the alias of "revenue reform , " hasduteimiueilto run amuck against nearly all the Industilcs and pioductlons of America , and such as e-iiipu thu first assault could not hone for lii\nunll > fiom the next. Hu pioccedul to rimoule .Mi. Monlson's schcnus lei a hori zontal letluetlmi of thu tarltf , comparing them to Dr. bangrado's specific , nnd "aid that their eifect could only bo to let a Hood ot foieiu'ii pioductlons pom in land overrun the Amcilcan markets. Thesu measures , ho mid , not havlmr Insplied lovu at lirst sight among the members ot the house anxious lo esoano a Waterloo In thu Ides ot November , a juvenile gamn of bo peep had commenced and an amended bill had been hurilcdly brought to the liont , while tlie horizontal lumped to the peipundlcular , and all about lion diopped out ol sight toi salctj. Iho authoiH had seemed to leali/o "What perils do env iron The man that me'ddlu with cold iron. " Finally the farmers had been selected as the victim' ; of the new experiment , and the vast wool Interest , deeply Identified with all poitlonsof the eountiy , vvasio be exposed to absolute annihilution. it might be , hovv- uvur.tuat the lamb like si'bmissiveness of thu Mool-giowc-is had been overestlmited. In numbers the } had a glant'b strength , and they might not consider It tj ranuous to use it in bc'lf-defense. A new generation has ap peared in the bouth. Factories , foundries and machine shops on tliuJamus liver , and on the Tennessee as potential as those on thu Mcnimacnml Providence wcioso maiiv battering rams , belaid which alien theoiles nnd crooked nbstiactions weiu tumbling down to ralsi ) i > o moio forever. Hostility to and desti uctlon ot thece j onng but piomlslng workshops involved something akin to the Herold's slaughter of the Innocents. Hut the tlmo vvfiuld come when it would bu said : 'They ate dead which toiight tlio young child's life. " ituferrlnir to the famous truu tradu club of Chicago , he said that the Iio- quols were --till emplojed by tliu Iliitlsh to tomihawk Auioile.ins. Hu admitted that the extinction oL thu public debt had pro ceeded M ) rapidly tint a tempoiary smpins inlL'ht become inuvitible. Thu question , "What bhould be done with it' ' " was a fall question , borne of tlie biiiplns would he.vu to bu used tor the new nav > and foi seaboard dcfciiMS , and then thu Internal lev untie tax on tobacco mUht bu wholly surren- doied. The consumption of tobacco added much to thu WotkliiL'mon's cost of living , and to them the iepe.il of tlm lax would he a substantial boon. In coneliihlon hu said : Altei the deniociatlc jiarty , long In poiver , liaddostiojedtliuciedit of thu government , leaving It , in 18il ! with an empty ticasuiv and with a tiioken- backcd democratic tai iff vvlilch w.vs incapable , ovun In time ol peico , ol fnrnUhliigaiuvunuu fur the ordinaiy suppoit ol the government , thu republican party was Intrusted with thu contiolot the eountiy and toi a qua tor ot a century , conftontcd b > unexampled dilllcul- ties during onu of thu greatest epochs ot our history , won endutlni ; fame , In addition to Itspiiilotloaehlovuments , bv the Integiity , bloll and Miecess with which it conducted thu financial alfalisot thu nation. On thutin of March , iss5 , the republicans hinded over to ilemocratiu successois thu admlnisliation of the u'overnmt nt In a condition of nucqualcd ciedlt , with an oveillovvlng ticasury , and n tailflH ) iiivulnei.iblu that its ficu tiado op ponents proposu to change It because It Is unlv too teitilu In pioduchiK revenue , whollj iinnilndful as the > apjiear tobeof theli own iirodltral aptltuilo as nutioiml spemllhrilts , i'liu iiarami.nnt credit for llnanelal measuies vvhleh have bien so long and aio now so i-lot-olj Iduntllicd with the growth and mos- neiit > ot the conntiy iinquostionabl ) belongs to Iho reiiublUnn pail ) "Whoso vesteiday looks back wltn a smile , " Theexeeuiivi ) du- puitmont of the uovcrnment eiul ) ollleially piochilmcd Itsiiollcy on the civ II f-ervlen and iho silver questions , but U Is to bufeaicdthuy nt oiu u let | t lioundeistood that thesu weru only Pickwickian deelaratioiis , or tlmt the adminlstiatlon dropped Its eggs Ilko osttlches with no eaio whether the ) hatch or not , and that their friends vveio at Illicit ) to favor or . oppose anv action upon either subject , low In on "heads ' or "l.ills , " with no feai ot dimin ishing their personal bliadus in any future nppllc.itions toi Iho place.of "ollunsivo p.u- titans , " jirovided they malnfalnod truu ullu- glaneo at the polls to thu pie.sont administra tion. tion..Mr. .Mr. Heok desired to know whither thuen - ntor from \eimonl proposed to advi u his friends In both houses ami hu took that to liu thu Mope of his lemarkhto usl t all ef forts that might ho mailo towards a reduction of taxation. If this ess.iv vveiu lead lui thu inupo.-e of encouraging the senator's n lends In ouch housu toieslst'all eifoits at u reduc tion of taxation thu tounliy inlgf t as well uiutei.stand that all Mich efforts were to lie Imeetalled and defeated , Mr. .Moirill h.ild ho only dcslted to show that hu was opposed to Mich ptoposltioiisas had eouiu last bosslon fromho ( democrats , hut ho was quite nad ) to unite with any part ) that vsouht tnUo hold ot thu Mibject in the spirit which hu had biigge-s-tt-d in hl tu- mark * . Mr. Heck eald the senator should odvKo nls n lends to bum : up MIIIIU measiiru that would t > ult his vlevvb ; uut , so long as tiieru wasieslstancu to consideration , tint was thu end of ail etfoil. At tbopie-ent late of taxu- tlon thoMirplusievenuu ( altti all thu public debt that was pa ) ablu was iiald ) , would bu tl-ivOOU.tOOn jeai , theieloio thu democratlo president and b 'ret.jr > ot the tieasury du- nmniled and Insisted that taxation on tlm people bhould be tcduicd , 'iheru was no other way to get clear ot thu surplus revenue honestly. JMr. Slierman caiil hn liad watched In vain foi over uigbt mouths oi thu last session for Bii ) luopobition torodiuo iho taxes on the part ot thu democratic majority In HUT liotuo ( wherealonooiich hills could oikinate ) . Hu k'liovcd thut ttiuievumies colluiied vu-io too JaUjy DUd tha.t public lately and iiubllc In- tcrest demanded a careful reduction of Inxn- tion. 'I hero was no illspntn between the parties nn that subject. Hut , who had pow er to propose a plan for a reduction ot tnxcsV The democratic party That pirty had been Intrusted with the power of leclslatlng In the house , limy had nromlscd In then national platform to reduce taxation and do It in such n manner as not to Injure tlie in- doUtles of the country. Hut the trouble was that the democrats could not pioposc any plan. They could not aerce among them- elves. 'Iho propositions that had been mndc In the house had been m dlvctco andarlotis nnd some of them had been so absolutely contrarv to the Interests of the country that tliu party Itself had revolted at them. If the plan proposed by n member of the demo cratic pirt ) In thohousehad been sanctioned by congress and had gouclntoelfcct it would havftlKHMi the oveilhrow and destruction of tlio democratic pirty , beciuse , w hllu It might hive reduced taxation , it would hnvo des troyed the industries ol the eovntry. The democratic parly had hadeontiolof the hoitso of lepru'cntatlvos. ( the only bed ) whcru tax- ntlou bills could originate ) , for ten or twelve ) eais , and > el thu only leductlon ol bills which had been made within that time had been made during thu only two jeais thu re publicans had control of the houe. . 'Ihen , In l SJ , the taxes had been reduced some S'O 000,000 or iOO.OOO.WW , and the senator front Kentucky had opposed that law to the bitter end , Mr. Heck said ho I.ad voted for It until it was chauucd and manipulated In the conference committee and then hu had voted aval list It. If the deiuocrallc party wanted to reduce taxation , wltcio was their proposition ? NOHO had been made until the democratic party , havlni : n large majority In the house , could send a bill to the senate. The senate had no jurisdiction on the subject. The senate had awaited the action of the house on that subject for elcht lone weary months last session and had waited in vain. The proposition tint had been made in thu hoti < c had created such n revulsion of public opinion , especially in thu noithvvest. that the majoiltyof Undemocratic party had been iarcely reduced. It thn demo crats Imd been ablu to carry ono of their measures through , their mijoilty would have disappeared IA all. Therefore , until some proposition was made to the bcnatc by the house or icniesentatives , It did not llo In the mouth of thu senator from Kentucky tocomplaln , or scold , or chide tlio senate with a falluro to ludtico taxes. In conclusion ho said that until the democi.u e party could agicc among themselves and could present to the senate a plan by which the dumocints vveio willinc to stand , they had no ruht to chide or complain ol thu leptiblicans. When the ) would bend the senate a bill , thu senate would show them It had the power to reduce taxes and tliosenato would propose a measuio hy which the taxes might bo reduced without crippling industries or decreasing waies. Mi Danes obtained the floor and will speak when the subject Is next taken up. Adjourned till Monday. House. WASHINGTON' , Dec. 0. The committee of conference on thu fortification appropriation bill repoited a continuous dlsagieemunt. A fuither conference was ordered and Messis. Forney , itandall and Uutterworth vveio ap pointed coiilerec'i. Mr. Moirlsou of Illinois , from the com mittee on vvas and means , reported back the bill relating to the fixation of fiactlonal parts of a gallon of spiiits with thu senate amendments thereto , with a recommenda tion of non-cnrienco. Tlio repoit was ngieed to and con f ei cos appointed. Mr. P.ison of Illinois , from the committee on public lands , rupoited back the bill to 10- strlct the owneishlp of real estate in terri- ritories to American citizens , with thu senate amendments thereto. In the morning hour the house lesiimed eonsldeiatlon ot thu bill extending the freu delivery siMein. Uy * arrangement with the committee on postolllces and posl loads , Mr. Cannon , of Illinois , withdrew the amendment otfered by him jesteidny , and Mr. Dockeiyof , Missouri , on behalf ot that committee , ode red nn amendment so as to maku tlm bill provide that letter carriers shall bo employed lei tlie frcu delivery of mall matter as frequently as public Dtislness may leqtijie , in eveiy incot- porated city , village , or borough containing a population of 6,000 within Its coiporato limits , and may bo so emp1oed utuvcry place containing a population of npt less than 10,000 within its corpoiate llmlis uccoid- ing to thu last geneial census taken by authority of the state or United State's law , or to any postofllcu which produces agios * revenue lei the piecedlng hscal ) ear ot not less than S > 10OUO. Mr. Dookeiv's amendment was adopted and as amended thu bill was passed. The house then resumed consideration of the electoral count bill. Aftei .some debate the bill was pissed with the amendments lepoitedb ) the housu com mittee. The house then went Into commltteo of the whole. Mi , Spiingei , of Illinois , in the chali , on the bill creating a depaitmcnt of agiicul- tinuand labor. .Mi. Weaver of Iowa , supported the bill as being In the interest of thu gicatest Industr ) ot thu country. Mi. Hreekenildgo ot Aiicansis. opposed thu measiuo as cicnting a political dunut- mcnt , and he contended tlmt ngiculture ( would not bu ueiiehtbd b ) tinsel and lnp- iieiv. What Is needed was a reduction of the load of taxation. Mr. lilbson of West Yiiglnla took the bamo view. view.Mi. Mi. Kcagin aigued that there was no war rant in the-constitution lot the pioposed leg islation. Mr. Anderson of Kansas , supported the bill. Mi. Hatch of Missouii , deiunded thumeis- uro against the cluircy that It wa * unconsti tutional. Thiity millions ot larmersdid not intend that thu duputment nt agrlciiltuio should bu Plotted out of thu stitutu books of the t'nitcd States. It would not bu blotted out. and if the gentlemen on thu dcmociatlc had u propei appreciation of thu president ( laughtoi and applause ; they would give htm an oppoitnnit ) of eallimr into his cibluet council : i lejiiesuntatlvuof a great Inteiest ot the Amuilean people , llo belluvcd that the president would m ike ns good a selection as had been made in thu last twent-livo ) ear > , and tint man who got the position would beai thu pioudest title In thu vvoild , exeunt that of piesldent of the United .States. The agrl- eultuilsts of the country knew what they wanted and thuv demanded this bill and weiu going to havolt. Mi. Tnckci opposed thu bill , and pending fuithei debate the c-ummitfoit rose , i Mr. Itindall loported thu sundry civil bill , which w.IK referred to tlio committee ol thu vvholu and the hoiisuadjotiinul. Hugh luCulleiuh on the T.irilT. .Mvv i OIIK , Dec. 0. ( Special 'ielegiam to the HIL. : ] 'Ihu Times'Washington spo ol d sab Scerutary of thu Treasury Hugh MeCulIoch , halu , heart ) and blight as when ) eais a.olio was at thu head of the leading department of thu government , talkIng - Ing fieul ) about thu report of Secretaiy Manning , Bald to-day : "I have read It all , and I approve It. llo btands preclsel ) where Id hi when 1 was in his place. I am glad that hu met thu tanII question tali I ) and squiicl ) . ' | hl country should no Jongei plead thu bab ) art as a reason tortaxlnsrtlw people to unluncu thu profits of protected in- leiests. It Is well to remind the auiicullur- Ist ot Iho country of thu Interest the ) should m milcst on the .subject. It Is my opinion , lepeateilly uxpre-sed , tint thn Amor'c'an ' inanufactmeri can compute with the world without luithui Mippoit liom the yovern- " meiit. Pin chased For thuSanta Ko. Xiw : \ OIIK. Dec. 'J. It was announced In Wai ! Mreet to d.i ) that the puichaso ot tho. ( hicago A St Louis road by the syndicate reiiresented by Franl ; C. Holllns was for the Atehison , 'i'opeka A : .Santa Fo railroad , and that that company w 111 hereaCtei. operate thu iu id. Thi ) Slis-iisslppl CniuinltiBlon'H Work , WA-HI.VOION , Dec. S > , The report of the Mississippi i her commission shows that Its work- has boon limited. Slucu June SO the expenditui' > s In all the districts ag.jre.jated SIO-Ol' ! . having an avullablo baUiico of Nuhr.iakn nnd Iowa Weather. Tor Ni-bnska und Iowa ; Fair weather , followed b ) lain ; slightly warmer WHEN DUKE MEETS DUKE , An Epoch in History Recalled in the Oolin Campbell" Divorce Case , BLOODY BATTLE WITH ARABS. They Puree the Whites to Ahnnilon Htnnlcy Trtlls In the Congo The NcW French ministry Mnilc Ut ) . The Colin Campbell Cnsc. wrW lla by Jitmta ffmrfnii HcUilrH.1 I.ONDOV , Dee. 0. f Now York Herald Cable bpeclal to the Ur.U.l It Is not often that duke meets duke In the legal tug of the divorce court , but a few days ago the JJukc of Argjle , the descendant of that Mncfullnm More who was , A I ) . 1S.TI1 , Kobeit Uruce's nominee for the Scottish crown , ga/ed from the witness box on tlio descendant of the hereof of Ulcnliclm. To day the tazo w as rutui ned with the Duke of Mai Iborough entering tlio witness box. This was onu ot the gie.it featuies or the lilal Afterword Colin came AttornuvGeneralWebsteivvhooixiicdtliec.ise ) for his client of Dlenhclm In a speech reni.uk- nble for Its invective against I ord Colin , who married to obtain a nurse for his loathsome- nc s and who recklessly svvoro lo falsu aflldavlts In order to pollute the historic name of Campbell by widlng his wife to tlio hospital foi the degraded women of Paris. " During the speech l.ojd Colln's face as sumed that ashj hue , which shows n l.eait oppressed by the singing Hood of icpressed rage. rage.The jurors listened with lapt attention , and two of them expressively nodded In ' a'llii mation when Webster lemaikcd that "his lotdsiiip seemed to consider the mere mention of the duke's name with that of n lady as an Implicat'on that every foim of iniquity had been practised by them. " ills dissection of Jay Gould's yacht steward was quite on a pir with Judge ( Sresham's dissection of Gould's Wabash scheme that the London papers to diy print. Ho made cobwebs of the kejholu evidences , and de clared the chambermaid's stoiy about an adulterous Christmas and the Paddington love making aftei i'astei to bo ridiculously false , because the dnko did not meet Lady Colin at Christmas noi return wllh hei after Kaster. In speech-making Ioid Colln's ' case stands at a great disadvantage. Sir Charles Kussell has the last iv old for thn lady , and Muiphy and Ciitlly , both Q. Ct , arc with the attorney geneial and the solicitor gencial. Tlie latter acquitted Airs. IKirtlett , and both are eloquent men and will oiato for the co-iuspondunts , while Lord Colin will have but oneadihess , and that a sandwiched one. When the ottoincy general concluded his address , the testimonj of his client was post poned , it being agieed that each of the coun sel lei the co rehponttcnts should now suc cessively make addresses. The tory olllclal was followed by the Gladstone liberal , Gully , member for Carlisle , who repiesents Captain Shaw , whoso claughtei was Lady Colln's bridesmaid. Ho is very Conklinglsh In his biting sircasm , and if the piomisu of his speech Is carried out by the evidence tlio jury will say as to his client what I heard n Temple bencher e\clalm when he read the extraordinary keyhole cv idencc : "Oh I pshaw. " Tlie speeches Imo obviously changed Hie ntmospheie of the couit loom opinion. This has latterly been favoring Lord Colin , as , at the outset , It had given sympathy to Ills wife ; for , if the counsel to-daj aio rlcht , the In trinsic improbabilities of tlie servant evi dence In the case are to be weighted with tlie alibi dates , and the physical contiaditions rendering their scandalous stories impossi ble. .Stanley Kails in Al'ilcn Abandoned by the Whites. [ Cop/f | lulil Itfi 1i\j \ Jamcx Guidon Itcnnrll. ] lilt i sej.i.o , Dec. U. [ New York Her ald Cable Special to the Hir.l News liom the Congo gives ciicnmstanti.il and au thentic details ol Hie causes which have led to the abandonment ol btanley Falls oy the Uelgian Congo mithoiitles. The chlet of the stitlon , an Kngllsliimn named Deane , hivIng Ing refused to suriendei to the Arabs a female blavo who had tikon refuge in the stitlon , the Arabs attacked the lattei. Deane and Ids native foices fought success fully against the Arabs toi thrco d.is , at tbu end of which tlmo the natives , ha\imr exhausted their ammunition , fled , leaving Deane and a Belgian olllcer , DuUoIs , alone with fem men. These decided to retlio also , after burning the station buildIng - Ing with pctiolcum and destioylng tholi guns and powder. During the retieat DuUols fell in thorlvoi and was drowned. The Aiabs have occupied Stanley Falls. This Is agieat moral blow foi the tieo state of Congo. However , it is believed that the respect ot the natives for white men will In- cie ise , as In the light asainst the Arabs sixty of the latter were killed , while Ucano and Duliois only lost two men. Von Moltk.o Not Dylntr. ICopj/j / iuht lSk < > tin Juinci ( iiiitliiii litnnctt. ' ] UKIII.IN , Dec. 0. fXevv York Ileiald Cablu Special tothollrn.J A ittmoi that fieneial Von Moltku was djlng hpie.ul like wlldliro this atternooiu To night 1 called at Von .Moltku' & reslduncn to make Inquiries. I was about to knock at the dooi when it was opened anil the old wairior himself walked out , hearty as over. Ho got Into a carnage and diovuolf to the rojal palace , vvhcie ho spent the evening. Illjiloinnlli ! IJ\isioiiH. CONST AT iNot'i.i , Dec. 0. A majority of the povveis have replied to theportu's clicular asking udv Icn ns to the solution of the Did- imiiandifllculty. The replies are all eithoi evasive or Indollnite. Some of the powers ask lor further explanation and nonu throw any new light on thu matter. . 'Iho Uiltlsh foieign minuter rulers the potto to Kngland's viuvva on thu Utilitarian solution previously expressed. Italy Is allttlo more explicit , al ludes to thu alleged dillleultj , and what Dul- gailans must expect in accepting Prince Nicholas , of Mlngrclla. It is now thought tlio portu will Miygcst a solution of the dllli- eult ) Italy H'fers to uul llcypt. Dec. 0. hilr William White , British minister heio , received liom Loid Iddoslelsh a dispatch savinc the porlo intimated verj dlstinctl > its desire to discuss the biibject ot thu evacuation ot F.gjpt by the lirltlsh , and ho ha jiromlscd to consider the porle's Intimation , Count d'Auna } , French agent at Cairo , has informed thu public debt commission that his government will decline to enter into any arrAnifement looking to heyptl.in administration reforms until a data ' has been ti\td for theI3ritlsh to evaluate Pranco'H \ vv , Deo. a The following are the probable members of tlm new mlnUto : 5r Goblet , president of tlio council and minister of the intet lor ; Duelere , minister of foreign nffalis ; Dauphin , minister of finance ; liui- Uoatt , minister of public institution ; Sarrlen , luinUtt'r ot justice ; General Uoulangcr , mill- istti of vvnrj Admiral Aube , minister of iua- rineand tlio colonies ; Oranet , minister of posts and telegraphs : Lockr.iy , minister of commerce ; Ulchard , minister of agriculture. Ocrnmny nml Her Army. Hint ix , Dec. 0. General llrousatt von Scallendcrf , minister of wai , met the com mission on the military bill today It Is re ported ho said the government desired the Immediate pvtsage of the bill for the purpose of moblh/inc tlio army. The military jcar bcuan April 1. and It was Impossible for the war depaitmenl to inako the necessary changes In the pioper tlmo unless the bill was passed by January 1. orcholern. HiT.xos AMIHS , Doc. 0. Telegrams fiom llosarlo ot tlie date ot Decembui 7 say that on Monday thu heat was tun I lie and that heavy rain fell during the night. Twenty- two deaths from choir i a occuncd on that day. Dining the pist twontv-lour hours ( hero have been seven deaths Horn cholera , and no now c.i"cs ; In Coidovu , dining the same period , seventeen now ca < es and ton deaths , The Kngliflh Storm. Lovnov , Dec. 0. The storm yesterday was worst In the British channel. The soi walls wcic demolished and many freight cars over turned. The btotm has not jot abated on the northern coast. 'Iho sea Is i mining moun tain high at Holrhend , Hallin.imoio castle fell In to-day. Miss Cody , one of the In- matca , was killed , Count Knlnoky'N Kcccptlon. VifWA , Dec. 0. Count Kalnoky iccelvcd the delegates very cordially. They wcru highly pleased , atul are hopelul of thu suc cess of thulr mission. Count Kalnoky told them that no occupation of Uulgiuii would be peimitted , and that Austili would sup port whosoever liulgaila elected as prince. Collision at Sea. LONDON , Dee. 0. Dispatches from Ilris- bane state that the stcameis Kcilawaira and Helen Nieholl have collided off Queens land , resulting In thu drowulni : ot foily-two poisons. Germany Will Not Ohjcct. UKIILIM , Dec. 0. The Cieiman government has informed the porto tlmt It will not object to any auangoment of the lUilgaii.m qucs tlon , especially concerning the choice of a prince , it Turkey and Kussia agree upon the conditions. THC STOCK MAKKKT. Vestcrdaj's Traiisnutlone iii Securi ties on AVall Sticcr. Xi.vv YOIIK , Dec. R [ Special Telegram to the HCB 1 Thu cour-,0 of thu slock m.ukct to day alforded anothci Illustration of tlio controlling Influence still exerted by the bull cliques. ' 1 he list was held steady against all the selllncr of thu bears , and several special ties were advanced shoitly , which in tuin stieucthencd the bull feeling and .1 belief in a further advance. Heading , Louisville & NashvllleJNovv .England , and Stisquehanna it Wcstcin , werellttcd by the cliques , and Vandeibllt stocks Tvero v\ell boujht and showed some gains. It was generally be- llevcd tint Gould and Field had seemed a contiollf ng interest in the Now Kngland , and would conned it with Manhattan , guaian- tecing pci cent on Xuw .England stock. The Woeimers were heavy bujers of Head ing and gave thu point to thch fi lends that this stock was to have another boom soon. Coal stocks weiofdl alive and higher , and the advance in Nt w York , Susquehanna. & Western was supposed to be ju Sympathy with tlioKtienifth in JvaeL-a\vanna. Louls- llo A Xashv 1116 touched the highest point 111 several years , 'Ihe bull putv in this stock were confident that a much highci range of pi ices would soon bo iccorded. They claimed tint it would cam and pay a dividend eaily next year atid was likely theieafter to remain on the list ol sine dividend paerg. Bull points were thick on Canada Southern , but there was no important change in tlio pilcu of the stock to < lay. Western Union was heavy and the impicssloneenis to be growing that the people most heavilv iutciested in it are favoring a tuture decline. The sales to noon w ere 2 0,000 shares. 'I ho market eased oil a traction to wai ds the close , vvhon the uites foi menu } vvcrorun up as blub as 1C pur cent. The list closed lathei easy at a tiac- tlonal decline liom top pnpes. The total siles weio about JSO.OOO shales. An extiact tiom a letter to a Iloston bioKeragu housu savs that a uromlnont member ot congress , well known In Wall street , and who stinds high In admlnlstiation circles , tolls hh ! bearish fi lends to cover their shoits In Union Pacifies , because the Heir debt extension bill , as iccommunded by the government dnectorx , is sine to 1:0 thiough. Ho knows th it 40,000 shares ot Union Pacific liaveheen bought by somebody who has supplied i calls to about that extent among Washington members. Tlic.su congressmen , ot whom some auo go out of ofliee at tills session , me going to make all the money thoj can get now. CHICAGO'S Description of .Her Contemplated .theater anil Hotel. CHICAGO , Dec. 0. [ Special Telegram to the Ui.i.l Thoirreat new hotel and amuse ment cdlhce that Is to bo orcded in the city at a cost of Sl,7"ijcOO on Congress stie 't , e\ tending ftom .Michigan avenue to Wabash avenue , is now positively assuicd. A ninety- nlno jeatb' lcae of thugiound has been virtuilly secured and tliewoik ot lemoving the buildings now on thoslto and of excavat ing for the foundations has alieidy begun. A btillldcnt amount of thu capital stock ot the company has been subscilbed to justify these prclimlnnrlcs. Tlio edlike , as adopted , will bo n monumental allah of nnusuallv classical design. It will lie ten stones high with entrances on Congicss street and Mich igan nvo nuc , the main hall cntiauco bolni : on the former. Tno proposed sttuctnio will bean oinatualfali. designed upon lines ot special magnlllcenre. Tlio last two stories , are lo bo of fancy design , including facades , pooitlercs and hticet en trances. The build lug's face will b < i 10- lleved by swell fionls. 'iho roof the build- In , ' will bo ilat perfcetlj , nnoinimentcd ex eept with ncuvulcup stone and irle/uover thu miln aiulltoriuiu o'ltrancu ' on Congress street. Theru Is u > bo a tovvur J'OO feet high. The first section of tills btiiicturo is square and surmounted by a fac-simllu of thupia- mlds presenting altogether a unique and classic appcarancn. Tlie detail ot the build ing involves a > ast amount ot cai vliissuper - hcial and ornamental , without coinoving in its use oven n suggestion ot gatidlneas or over display. I'roin photograpfilo impies- slons It appears to be u htiuctura tlmt has everything to commend It , both from an attlstlo and eonvonlent point of view. Tlm interior of the great edllico will bo devoted almost ex clusively to tlio gianil auditorium , seatliu 5,000 people on oritlnary occasions aud b.OOO for convention purposes , and a Kuropeau hotel of MiOrooins. The interior of the opera house will be arianged after the most im proved plan. There will bo two bilconles and lift vonoprlvato boxes- . The main floor will seat Ji.UJO. In etauo capiclty thciu will ho nothing lacking. ' 1 ho main floor will be TOxlSO feet and convenluntly lilted out with all thu modern oppurtenances , There aiu only two stages in tlio world that will Jiavogi eater dimensions. The Collupso in Oil. PiTTSiiuno , Dec. 1) ) , Thu oil maiket took another tumble this morning , declining nearly live cents. The m ukct opened fever ish at 'Oi , declined to G.0 nnd leaded to ftscatnoon. One falluio was icported huio this morning. After 1 o'clock thn session was devoid of exciting features. Thumaiket became moro settled and closed stead ) at Gti'a. A Miser's Dig Hoiost. | JJosTo.v , Dec. 0 , The will ot Olekel 1'iico ( iicdnleaf , of Ho-.ton , hied this afternoon in the Suttel k county probate court , bequeaths SMO.OOO to the presfdeut and fellows of H. r- \ardcollesu ( In tnist ) , for the bcneht of the college , r - . , SFILL WORKING FOR OMAHA , Nebraska's Congressional Delegation Now After Part of the Indian Depot. VAN WYCK SCORES A MONOPOLY The ni-AndorRoiuillo Ounrd in the Pension Oltlco to llo InvestlKnteil Manuractttro Iinnmlng Up in the South , Chnnon Vor n Half Ijonr. WASHIMTTOV , Dec. 9. ( Special Telegram to llio Ur.p.l Thu Nebraska delegation In eongtessaro pioparlm : In written form the advantages of Omaha foi certain feitures of tlio Iiiillnn supply depot ami will tonil tliclr efforts to securing a portion of the pitronage. Tlioj havocomo to the conclusion that it will be more feasible to work for the removal of enl ) those featmes of the depot which sup ply to the .Indians food , etc , which must bo secured west of the Mississippi , and let those which supply clothing nmi othct articles bought in Xow York icm.iln there. It has been argued with a Rood deal of foico th.it many of the supplies must be secured at Now York , and that therefore It Is unwise to sep- mate the bise of supplies and the depot piopor. Thoargumontfora division of the depot and icmovalof a portion of It tnOmiha will likely bo laid before Indian Commis sioner Atkins to-morrow. PCOItCItINO A MONOPOLY. Senaloi Van \Vjck ilred another center shotat a Washington monopoly to-day. Jlo Introduced ' ; In the senate a resolution directIng - j Ing ; the District commltteo to investigate cer tain impositions and neglects by the Metro politan Street Hallway company. Although this corporation owns the e\clushe right of waj for street ralhoids here , it Is alleged | that It neglects to run cars on certain routes at . . times when most needed it It docs not suit Its convenience. Since It is trying to keep out competition , and demands so much at the hands ot congress , the senator means to aseuituin it the people have not some lights which even a corporation must respect. This uvenlim's Star has this on the subject : "Mr. Van WvckBildlicoflTeied the resolution at the request ot many cltl/ens ot Washing ton t , who aie compelled to depend upon this rnllioid line tor means of tr.tusit. lie slid this t was only one of the many griu\aiires the people 1 of Washington havotnsuirur. It was appxrentthat the determination of this com pany 1r 1 is hrst. second and last , to opeiato the road 1t foi thuii o\vu benelit without icg.ird to thecomtort t 01 convenience ot thcii patrons , Hint t when tlui load was chaiteted some idea of the people's rights seemed to pte\al ! , but now all that Is ignored , and that the people are unable to nrocuruiuliuf. .Mr. Van W\ck bald the ch.ilimnn ol the Distiict committee 1s had 1 expressed an Intention to investigate the sttectiallwav 1S 1t question ot thu national cipl- tel t , and ho ( Van W > ck ) hoped ho would do so. Mr. Van Wck , continuing , said the cars ol the Metropolitan llneaie overciowded , horses and drivers ovcrwotked , and that the natrons are oveiworked In being compelled , ri rli in i addition to palug laios , to pcrfoim the duties of conductors. Ho desciibes the in- coineuience ot u.issengets In an o\ercio\\ded car , passing up faics , and unking change , stepping upon the toes of other passengcis. and jostled about over the shoulders oi lellow-sulferers. 1i Uo said poisons dependent upon the lino. norm ot Dupout ' ' 'nele ' lose J .ton minutes 111 each trip , as these t Is only ono horse to diaw an overcrowded car. The late of speed , ho de- claied , is not equal to that of a dray team drawing a heavy load , lie declaied that the nntortunato people ot Washington have no powei 1 In themselves to compel these coipo- rations to iexpect their rights , and tliatitls 1c high 1 tlmocongicss should interpose. He des cribes 1t the lallroad company as a corporation thai t had giovvu ilch out ot the people It now oppiesscs He said It has the people by the tnroat , and Is lobbing them. " The resolution was adopted without anj dissent. mi. DAiiN'in'j nicimi ) . A good dc il of contusion exists at the in- terioi department over the st dements in ulo respecting the milltar > career ot Dr. D.ibnuy , wlio was recently appointed a special ex- amlnet in the pension olllcu. It was chaigt'd immediately alter the doctor's appointment that dm ing the wai he hail solved as a con- tedei.ite guard at thu Andeisoiulllo prison. Tlieiuha\o been blttei comments on the polio ) of appointing n man who had stood at tlio "dead line" to pass upon thu clilms of union Mjldlei foi pensions. Di. Dabnej has written .itird statinif th.it at the time ho is alleged to have been a guaid at Andeison- \ille ho was only Jourteen years ot age. This Is nil the explana tion 01 denial that ho \\ill make , and the most diligent Inqtilr ) fills to secure fmtlim Inloimation on tlio subject. Dabney is said to Imo been appointed Horn K.msis , but statesmen from that state disavow anj knowlecUuot Ids past cateei or wai recoul. 'I lie deputy eommlssionei of pensions said to-day tli.it the charges against Ji. Dabney wculil lie taken up at once , and that the com- mlssionei ol pensions inlunded to mike an investigation foi olllcml action. Hesaidtli.it the matter was only brought to thu attention of the bineau yusteida-v , and theyweie tin- prujiarcd to expiess an opinion at this time , bo It seems that Di. Dabnu'ti explanation is not altogethui batistactoiy to the ollicials lusponsible. I'liof.isns- inr soim. , ) ud o Kellj. ot J'ennsjlyanli , father of tlio house , his just leimned I rota ids thlid ttip into tlu < bouth and speaks In elomiont teims of what ho saw there. Judge Kelly lias for many jeais been the leader of thu 10- publlc.in side of the hou&o lot tailll protec- tlon , and sa\ she sees no necessit ) for moro \Igor In tills direction as It will eifect the in- teicstsot thu south , lie reports the negroes making money and siving or spending it vvlsel ) . Ho thinks the people In the south are making moiu monov mill progress than these In the north. 'Tho south , " said he to your coiiespondent to da > , "c.in produru lough Iron moiu cheaply than wo can in Pennsylvania because - cause thu mateilals are in such close jnxta- position , 1 stood on coal beds which h id lion mines on both bides of me , not moro than two miles away , and limestone bet ween. In Pennsylvania It costs S7 to act the ma terials logi thn before tlie manufacturing of lion begins. In the south It does not cost morothuiW. Then land is much eheapor , ' 1 hey don't maku unougli to meet the de mands there > et , but they will soon bo Penn sylvania's shaip competitors. " A J'ALSK nrroiir. This morning's ' i'ost has this : " 'i'ho stateuicnt that Marvin 8. Hughltt , RCII- eial manager of the Chicago A Vorth- western lailroid , and president of the Chicago cage , hit. i'.iul , Minneapolis ifcOinalm road , called upon tlm president Tuesday and asked toran Older allowing his reid the ilghtol way through Kort Mc.ido military itsm.i- tloii In the Hlack Hills distiict In tlio ten I- toiy ; that the piesldent lefnsedMi IltiKhllt's jeiicst ( | , and that the lattci lotieatodlrom thu whltohotiso as'Oiting that ho would goto congress for thu peimiislon , is absolutely without foundation , -Mi. Huflntt has not been at tlie whitu house in a iear , and the matter has never been referred to there , " SKNA.TOH MANIl'UJO.Vs JIOMH , This evening's Critic bayt > : "bomtor and Mrf. landeihon will occupy Henatoi 1'al- mei's house durliiK thu session. ' 1 Mis tjiiperb mansion WHS so gieatly ndmlied the last fu \ da)8ottl.ulast ) ; > ussionwhen Mrs I'almei was at homu to hei trlends , that there Is gen eral tcellnir ot pleasure that t > o attiactho a hostess as iirs. M.indcrson will be tlieiethli ) season In welcome both her own cud Mrs. 1'aluier's friends , AIIMVrrMiH. . I'lm Lieutenant 1'aul Ulendenin , assistant Mirireon , | ha been assigned to .station at I'ort Da\js. lexas. Captain Henry l.Tauill.asilstintsurseon , has Ix en assigned to duty at t'oit hpokuue , Washington terriloi ) . Llentt'iiaut \ . I A himp on , Third cavaliy , Is assigned to duly at Fort I.eavenwoith while awaiting lib tuuisfcr to the Inlantry corps. . Captain < ! eor > ie W , Dais , i'oiirteeiith hi- tantrj' , has been ordered to San Francisco us a mcmboi of th < > general court martial olttin0' there. The following nrmy promotions aw caused by Uie retirement ot Colynel L. i' . Uiadley , Thlrteouth Infantry : lieutenant Colonel liobert S. Inmotu , Twelfth Infantry , to colonel of the Thirteenth infantry ; Major William K. Drum , Fourteenth Infantry , to lieutenant colonel of the Twelfth Infantry ; Captain Charles A. Wicfcoff , Klcxenth In- faulty , to innjor of the Fourteenth Infantry ; 1 lr-4 Lieutenant Albnrt Mojer , iin\euth : In- rfttitry , to enptiin ot the Seoond \ Lieutenant .lonas A. Kniery , iio\enth : Infantry , to llrst lieutenant. Army leaves granted' Captain Charles A. Coolldge , beventh Infantiy , Fort Minmle , \ \ \ominir. ten dajs further extension ; Men- tenant William A. Mercei , KlRhth Inlautry , Fort Itoblnson , Nebraska , two months , with permission to apply for two months' exten sion. "It Is a eurloui coincidence , " said an army officer to dav , "that on Hie very day tbat Colonel W. < 5 Moore was uppolntrd chief of police he would haui become a deputy pay- mister geneial Imd he remained In the army , owing to the icliiemimt of Colonel Keblger , which was announced vestotdiv. " First Lieutenant O. I * Smith , fourth civ- airy , has neen ordered to temporary dutv ut .lelferson burneks , Mlssouil , and to conduct the lirst itetnchincnl of leorults that may leave foi the dcpatIntent of Arloua. I'l'.ll'-ONAt. MKNIIOX. 0. 0. Hojt , of Jleatilce , is In the city. I. COMMHUCi : . VoxeO ( Juestlons rtnntly Agreed lljiou by the W < SM'ISOTO.V , Dec. I' ' The con forces upon the Intci-stato commcrco measures , popularly known as thu Koagan and Culloiji bills , reached an agieemont to day upon the differ ences between the senate and house. The repoitof tlio confoienco committee will bo picsentcd as soon as It can bo picpaicd and signed , and Its adoption will bo asked at an eailydato. The bills passed by the senate nnd house proK | > so different plans foi the regulation ot the iutui-stato tralllo of the country. Iloth prohibit unjust discrimination between persons and places , the giving of special rates , preference , etc. , as well as cer tain other practices , which tire declared to be unlawful. Doth bills luqulro the railroads to publish their rates nnd to adhere to them when published. The > did not differ mate rially In thu penalties piovlded for violation of their general piovlsions , but they dif fered widely In the methods pro posed for securing their enforcement. The house bill gives every shipper with n grievance the liL-hi of action in state and United States couits , on his motion and in Ids own behalf , for tlio rccoveiy of tlio damages ho may have sustained , with a pro vision that aieasonabloattoinev's fee should be allowed In every c.i o of recoxeiy. The senate bill did not piecludo shippers from instituting suits in their own behalf , but It icquiicd the cieatiou of a commission ice - o , nil oil to investigate all complaints made and to settle them bvaibitratlon , if possible , and If not , to piosecute the case in the comt when It finds thit the shipper is en tilled to ledress. U > the compromise which has bc'cn agreed upon the con- lurecs ' pioposu to put both ol these plans of tegulatlon into operation and to ictaln the lemedial featuies of both bills. They will recommend that the' house agree to the commission si stem , as It stands in the senate bill , and thai the senate agicu to the provision allowing such slilpputs as may elect todoso topiosecute suits lor 10- covery of damages in United Stiles coutts on tholi own beliilf , with the pro-.islons that the ) shall not have the right to PIUSUO the ! ' . remodj In the couits and iliuJhgli thu com- iiissiori : in the satno ease. On the vexed and much debated question of loin : and short haul , a compromise has been agreed upon. The house blllabsolutoJyprohlbllcd a ureatei chat KO lor shorter than for longer distance which ineluclcsshoitei upon an ) ono lall- loid. The provision in the senate bill prohibited a gic.itei chatc * for a. Miortei than for a longer distance iindci siibstantl illy similar cncumstances and conditions over thu Mime line , in the s.nnu direction and fiom thn same original point ol dcpartuie , oi to the same point of arilval. It alsoaiitlunUed the commission to make exceptions to this geneial rule In special cases in which it seemed proper. The substitute section agreed toby tliu conferees makes it nnlawlul lor any ladioid to charge moiu foi tianspnita- tlon of passengeis 01 of like kind ot piopcily , under substintiall ) similar circumstances and condition" , for shorter than for lonuei distance ovu the s'imo line and in thcsimo diiection , the shoitei being included within thu longei dlstaiicu , with u proviso that In special cases , upon application and aftei investigation thu commission may pie- bciibu thu extent to wlilih such lallrntd shall bu iclluvcd liom the opoiation ot this section. ' 1 he house bill contains an absolute prohibition of pooling , while the senate bill jitovided lot an Immediate Investigation by ihi ! commission ot ( he-question of legislation upon thesulj"ct. Upon this point the senate confeiecs lmvuiedcd. ! and adopted iho 1110- vislun ol thu house bill. Upon the question olpublicit ) ot talus tlieiu w.is no dllUiencu of opinion. The Miimto bill made II the did ) of the commission to enforce the publi cation of such through tales as It might bo found possiblu to publish. A substitute his been .uicul upon which is tint each lailroad Is requlied to pilnt and keep in eveiy depot lot the inspection ol the public the rates it mny establish between noinLs upon its own line. Other modhlcatlnns of miner Impoitancohavo been m ule , nut these aie tliu princlptl ones upon which dllleienees ot opinion exlstid. When thu substitute bill has been piinteil the commiltvo will coovei it eiielully , and m i'lind It necessii ) jet to make sonic ! changes , but they have Hiibstan- tlally agieed upon their iccommendntioiis. CalcnlatlmiH on JHHH. Xi-w Yoiih , Dee. 0. . ( Special Telugiam to the HEI . ] ThuTiIbtinu saS"it is tindui- slood from a close , personal friend that Cov- ! oinoi Hill to whom Senatoi Cockiell , of Missouri tclitcd thu Incident , that during the Henfon contiovoisy , Cocki ell , as well as his pugnacious llttlo collu igue , 'benatoi Vest , had occasion to cill on 1'iusident Cleveland The conversation nntuiallv ran along thu liunol Dolltlcal discussion with lefoieneo to Ibbd Cleveland was wained of thudangei ot alienating his paity friends in Now York slate. His i espouses Indicated that hu tins bee omo possessed of thu Idea that liu can canv tliu country without Now York state. Hu had just returned liom llaivnid commencement and declared In emphatic teims that he be limed hn could cany Mass icliuhutls , N'uvv Hampshire , and Connecticut , and Maine-as a-jalnst an ) onu oxrcpt HI line , and enough states In Iho noithvvest , Michigan , Wisconsin and Minnesota posslblv , to win the election with the aid ol tlio solid south , not counting on Now York. ( til lo I ho IIN | Cm OK Mi'Aico , Dee 0. Francis Del Moral , whoio execution was set fortoday , was the mmderei of a Trend ) lesldunt of this cltj nearly two jeais ago. His case hasne- cujiled much attention nnd thu Fiench mln- I'jter , in his private capacity , oven went so lai as to ask that his sentence bo commuted Hut President Dl u icfnscil to allow the hw to be intnteml vvlth and HID cilminil was shot to-day by a lilo of sohliei.s Hudled bravelj , protesihiL' his Innoience to thu last Proclaiming i'Imiio > l'noiiinon.i ! , LVNSIM. , Mich , Dec l . ( ioveinrir Al ci toilaj lEHiied anothei and moro percmptoiy pioclamation iegai < llng plomo pneumonia in Cook county. 111. Jlo ouli rs tlmt until ( ur- thei notice no llvo stock will bo shipped to any place In this fetato from said Cook count ) ' , cither fur breec'lni ' ; . slauu'hti ring or othti puriioses , and that all catiJuMiimicd through this state shall nol be unloaded and fed within thu otate , uxcent at such pouit , us will notuxpoau othei cattle. Probably a fianU's Ci iri ! < Hloii. ItitiiviOM ) , Va , Dec. O.-Chiel of 1'olicu I'oo toilaj received a letter liom .Siipurln- tendent-Mmraj , of New York , containing a lettei of confession , signed "Lillian Maill son's inutdeiir " Thuletter glvos no p.ntic- ulais , allLxs remuiso on thu jiiit f the vvriler , who promises to piesnnt hims'if on tlui morning of thu dnj ol Cluverlus'e\ i- i tlon. The police lit-ie ru.iird thewnur.is 4 crauL- , I END OF CUT-TIIROAT RULE , Juilgo Qreslmm's ' Knock-Down Blow to Job * bers anil Railroad Wreckers. THE COMMENT OF WALL STREETi A Chance Tor legitimate InvostorH 10 I'olloxv the Overthi-ovy ol'Ciuild'n AVIokoil Chii-nnpty mill Sclienilnjj. Gould's Itlnck ijc. : Xiav YOIIK , Dee. 0. [ Special Telecr.im lo the t Ilir. : | The Times sajs that Wall stieet has 1 Ind no news lu man ) a day , save only announcements ( that have led to disaster or developmcnls suddenly wliiillng thu stock market I upvv aids , In which so much Interest has 1I 1 been manifested as was jesfeiday shown in 1I I Iho decision of JudeoGresh.uu of Illinois , In I the Waba h recelvoishlp ca e. Such bold woidsasludgeGreshamii''ed aio not often he.nd j from tliu bench in these tlajs. At ono blow ho knock's out onu of the wlckedebt pieces of scheming and chlcuiory that this country 1ms over known In all Its long line of corporation corruption. A black eo foi } Jay Gould , a kicking of Gould's ' dependent out of olllclal place , a scathing rebuke to Gould methods , a check to an almost Inlnilt * able plan ot rascality and robbeiy this , from the bench , has scorned bufllcionl oven for wonderment In Wall street , where alf theories are based on thu Idea that thu "littlo man" owns the courts and has n sort oC vested right In everything that pertains to judges and judgments. But them was noi moio wonderment than admliatlon , Judge Giosham's Independence was evervvhcronp * plauded outside the eliclo where Gould's ' dependents - pendents sing for over the endless song of : their mastei's praises. Tlio stoiy of th * Wabish lecolvershlp has long been a byword - * word In Wall street. Thu iccelveis ha\6 been Gould men for ) uan. Ono was his law ) cr , ono has been his llgniehead in n do/en cntcrpilses. Gould , among klndted clever men , was every where applauded when It necauu known that ho had been so able to manipu late things as lo keep thu baukiupt Wabash sstcm In his own hands for the piofecllon ol bceuilly holders. "Piotectlon I ' 'llila was thu couit's pluase. , lav Gould's mon lost no tlmo In Imniing to maku plain the ejnlc-il humor of It. It is not so long , iiri , only a month or two , slnco a rnreliiig of Wabish f-ecurltv holdon , was held in thiseilv. It was storm ) to the point ot disoidei. Theru vveio those present owning Wabnsh ecmlties who seemed alive to tliu sltuitlon. .la ) Gould was then sav- agclv denounced On all sides was dissatis faction , distrust , and denunciations. None , thoiiL-li , seemed to know just how 01 where to tut n to gel teller. Hut theit quandary was not shared by another part ot the compani'a secuilty ownoM. They decided on some thing moro than woids and waitings. They hired a law ver , they went seaiclnng for an honest judge. Foitunatu In getting Homy Ciawloid , ol Chlcigo , as thu attoinuy to champion tlieii cause , they weru in good luck in finding ncho.p.raio get a hearing befojo Ju'J 'a ( iicshnm. Heiuv Ci.ivvtonl ; still A. JOUIIL : man , Is rapldlv becoming the loremost r.iilioad Jowcr ot the west. Jlo li making a recoid seldom painlleled iu winning cases. Judge Gicsham , befora tlds case cime bufoiu him , hud been given of- llci il expei ieiice. in which the audacity and doublo-denllng ol Gouldlsm had boon openly flouted before him. Thus it was told that tho- uggiluvcd secuilty holders were sitiu noli only of able championship , but MHO , as well , of a full ind honest hearing. That they needed no moio li\ \ amply shown bj thu per- cmptor ) decieuol the com I after the trial tint the bond holders have lights and tli.it Gould'if men must go. All this was what the men interested In the alfalis recited to one anotheiesterdav. . declaring their gladness in the result as tolif in thu Chicago disjiatches. The decision w lit go lar , so those who discussed It agieed , In glvu lnvstoi conlulenco that latch II Iiaa not been possible to cultivate. In this du- * elsion , so general comment rin , clem and positive notUu is served on stock jobbeis and i.illroid wreckers that , aftei all , tliu men who it ly honest dollars lei stoeu nnd lot Itonda IMMI some rights whlcli the law will see re spected. Inveslois have boon Mifo In loccnfe 3 e lib only by thegiace ot stock mat ket rig gers. 'Jheli incomes1 have b ( en legtiltti or Ir regular as It his suited the knaves in coi potato ate eonliol. In Judgu Giosh mi's deciee , v\ these who talkid ol It livened , is deolnicda u fiom this tiit-tlnoit icgimu Conipllnionis to fJ Ni w YOIIK , Dec. 'A ' rSpc'cIal Telegram to thu Hi i .1 -Uofciiing to Judgu Giesham'iJ Wab ish decision Ja ) ( iould said to u Til- biino leporter ) Csuh ( ) : "Theioad to tlio white house begins at ubusuof Gould ami Sage. Fiom what 1 hear I think Judge Gie.s- ham's opinion lu thu Wabash case was ow- Ini ; to thu bu//ing ot ( he piesidontlal bee Iu his bonnet , but Iliu diaigcs against mo are vvlioll ) without foundation. Jiulgr Gicsham 1 is gieat sticks upon tlio lad that L was in- leiesfed In Iho ICIIsworth toil company , anil on it ho bises theeliugo that wo bought to biMic'Ilt that ( omiuny at tlio expense of the Wabasli. I have done pieolsul ) thu Bamo thing in thu Mlssoiui P.iclilc , and Khali do it ; again whenever 1 h ivu nuoppmtunity. An1i Mid , fhu decision Is bised on something besides - sides laclsand piobabl ) on thu politic il am bition ol Judge Gicsham. I am not concuined. about the i liaises against mo because I know tut ) aiebasekas. " Norlhvvostera Passenger Pool. Cnif vno. Dee. 'J Not being nblo to agieo upon the ( luestlon of putting Milwaukee local business into Iho N'oithvvestein Passenger pool , the members to-da ) bioii'-lit up the ques tion of n division of perrentago , All the roads weie In favoi of arbitration nxeujit the Uock Island , which hung out for tier cent'i being based upon the amount of Inislnesy done tor the past tlneo jeais. As theru was no pool during tint time and tliu lEoclc Island leeoivc'd a largo amount ol fefcoud-ehss husl- ncbs , as its competltois elnlm , by jiavlng heav ) commissions foi It , they objected to this method of Division Pen entires , ai wollastho .Milw.iukittt pioblcm , weiu fully reletud to a committee ol m manors , con sisting nf Messrs Potter , HiiKliitt , Cable , Jot- fiuy , Nowiuaii , biuith and Millet Tlui meetiiu llfun iidjouinud subject to the call oi ; thu chalniian. llHSlllC.SH Plllllll ( . MII.VV vi KM : , Dee. U. Tlio Lvc-nlng WIs- coiibln'H s ] > eeliil fiom West IJentl , WIs. , saja tholirmol Fi.inekciiberg , IJplpji itHulvertf , doing a u'cnoial meieantllo and proiluco business.it West Hind and Jacltson , inadci an assignment lant ovonlng lei thu beiwfitoE their CM ditois. N'omlnal assets estimated at iil,000 : ; liabilities not given. Homos , Dec ' . ' . Thu old and well-known boot and shoe housu ol Fluid , ' 1 haver & Co. , 17H Congress .sin et , made an assignment thin afternoon to J. O , lleniv w 'th ' liabilities es timated at SWKIOOO , About SW.OOO of the indebtedness IK said to I o hoi I b ) tiiuks and ( linkers , and thu failure \ uuo to the unvvlll- s of thesu ucditois In can ) such & amount ot any hun'.s papei. 'J ho Pnhlio Itallmad WAHiiMro.v. Dec. ! . ' ! ho IIOIIKO com inilteo on Pacille r.ulioaiU hi Id thu hist meeting ot thu session this murmiiiL' and in- hlrudral the ( haliman toeall up the Pacific raihoid funding bill at tint earliest oiipoitu , nil ) and endeavoi to bC'curo its passage by the house. I1C SlnukH. S\N PIIAVCH-CU , Dec y. .Minliu stocks were all Jovvc/ this moinin . Consolidatucl a \ irajiin. the tiSorite oenedit | S'S. u lossot " 3 ( in l.isf nlK'it ' , and uitUer li ht sales vvouj