Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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    0HE ? OMAHA DAIL ? BEE : THURSDAY * , DECEMBER 9 , 1886.
j > Td\ort ! rinciit8 tin'lorthli head , lOcenlspor
line lor the Dr t Insertion , ' cents for ouch ub-
Boqiient insertion , and ll.r.O a line per month
' No advertisement taken for less than C5 cents
for the flrft Inicrtlon. Seven word < will be
counts ! to the line ! they must run consecu
tively nnd must bo paid In advance. All ndvcr-
- tltcmcnt. must bo Imndod In before 2 o'clock
p.m. , and under no circumstances will the > be
tdkrn or illHontlnucO by tolophono.
1'nrtles advertisini ; In thcst columns nnJImT-
Inp the answers nJdienpw ! In care of Tnr. lint
wlHtilrn'o nsk for a cbftk loanable them to cot
their letters , as none will be Uollverod oiecpt
on presentation of check. All answers ( o ad-
yprtlfpmcntl should l < o rnclofed In nnvclocf * .
> .Y)0,000 ) TO 1X1 AN Rt 0 per ount. J. J Mn-
1 ' - - I'arnnm. 7iK )
iiicyW \
, ( ) OC ) toloan. Bums J6vK ) and miwanls ,
Lowest rntoi. llomls , room 3 , llnrhcr block ,
XV , cor 15th end Knrnjun et Ml ,
GI'I.II CIMT : Monny to loHii.
UruKory * llndlny ,
llooms 1 and .1 , ItotlicK ulock , IBO S. 1Mb St.
by the llomn 1'lro Insurance
company on nnfnoumiicroil rcnlCKtntu , for
one ycnrorfonifur. Ullloo 1.115 DouRliut nl. ! IS7
TilONI'.V lo loiinomit on nntul , nn delay. J.
Ill XV iiml I-U Squire , 1(1. Karnnm St. , Pnx-
ton liotol building. - KM
M'O I/JAN Money Ixinns placed on 1m-
-I proved real oMuto In oily or county for
Nnir Hnvlnnd I.onn ft TinH Co , by Dmt lii3
t.'ounty bank , inih und Chicago ets. K\'J \
MONIJYTO l.Mf At ovr rntos , on oed
oily property. Hatcher A Co. , 1310 "
ONHY to loan on city end farm property ,
low rate , atowiirt k Co. , Hoom 3 , Iron
Sliiii . Ml
SliiiiM ONEY TO IXAN-At roMonabta rates , on
furniture , fine watches nnd other personal
tiropoity. C..I. Caswoll , room 19 Iron Hank
bulldlnir , 12th nnd Kuriinm. 5'ji :
M ON BY TO I.OAN-O. 1' . Davis .V Co. Heal
Estate und 1/otui Agents IM.'i Karunm st.
. TIIONKV TOI.OAN Onrcnloitato nndolint
1 } JLUjoli. n U Thomas. 600
MO.NKYTOl.OAN-lnsumsof 12OCU and
upwards on first class run ) osluto scourity.
I'otlrr.V Cold ) , 1515 Kurimin Bt. 6I7 !
MO.NKY I.OANKlT n t C "h'lleod A ro'sTf-orTn
orncs.oii furniture , pianos , hoiK < > awiiKona ,
personal property of all kinds , nnd all other nr-
Ides of value , without romornl. 319 H. IJth ,
- er HliiRlium'B Commlssloii store. All bust *
MONI'V If you hnvopood notes tn sail , or
lsh to borrow on real estate or chattels
at lair Intnresl , call on J , II , 1'urrottd , 16th nud
$ 'iOO,000 ToInnnnn Omaha city property ntfl
jior cent. O. XV. Day. over Mia Douclnsst.
T .OANS Loans IiOnns.
Kent e'itnla loans.
Collntcriil louni.
Chattel lunus.
Uxifrtlino lonnn.
fihoit lliiiulonna.
Money ahriiyi on liand o lena oa nny np-
proved security.
Investment eooitrltieB boiiRht nnd sold.
OmnDii Klnanclal cxubiingo , 1WJ I'nrnnm.
Cnrliclt MimnRor. (101 (
MONKVtolonn by tbo itmlorslKtiort , wbo has
thn only pitiporly oiKiinl/od lonti n onoy
in Omiibn Ixinn ? or f 10 to 11,000 nuido on fur-
nltnrn , plnnon. OIKIIII" , IKIIHCS , wntjons , inaebln-
fry , \c. , without romovnl. No dolnys. All
liiKlnesi etrli-tly confldnntlnl Lonn KO mnrto"
tlmt any pnrt cnn bo paid nt any time , ench pny-
taunt rodueliiR the cost TIIO rntn. Advnnee *
mmloon flno wntchos nnd dlnmomlfl. PcnonM
Bhonld cnrofully cfjnslilor who thor nro dcnllnor
with , M mnny now concerns are dully comlnir
Into cjtl itt'iioo. Should you need inonoy , cnll
mid sea me. W. K. Croft , Hoom 4 , XVIIhnell
nulldlntr , IRth nnd rinrnor. ' ) n' '
fl'ANTKn-To buy nn interest In u small 10-
"wlull Kroccry butiiu'Ss. AUiiiesi A 1)1 lleo
> , llce.
" \\TANTr.D A Hvo and onei etlc business
V iimnniih u eiipitnl of $ UIH)0 ) , cupablo of
handling live or ion salesmen , to establish u
biiinch of our business In tills city. Ourirooils
lire well mid lavorubly know mid In Kuncrul
\iso. Tiollts largo nud no risk of Ios by dctcri-
orutlon. Addrcs ) , I * . 0. llox LI'O ' , Clnclnnntl , O.
85S *
"IOIt s'ALKflutcliorehop , with tooli nud llv-
J. lures ; KOOI ) locution ; good liuslnoss. 0. I' .
) > | OITB , southciist cor. " "tli und Km num. Sil'i J n *
T7OHSAIil5-A doing1 ( food but ) .
- - rcH3 : Hie house lull of rcuruhir boardois ;
Kood ruiison for selllur. InnulruVOI Doutrlus
lit. , but\\cun 11 and 2 o'clock. ' W B'
"TJ OIl SAM' I.uuch counter , chop house and
* - uy.'tcr parlor doing good business. C. L.
Hanchutt , 1K4 Douglas br. * HIi-8 ! *
FOIl 8AI/K A meat marKet ip u KOOI ! looi- :
tlou ( loliitf Jl.OW ) biishii'ss per month. In-
qulio or address 1001112" , Omaha Nnt'l bunk
bid K13
0(3,000 ( XVI IJ , IIIIV one of the best billhird hnlls
P | U 1)03 ) MolllOS , 111. ; will KUiirnnloo II mull
525U n iiioiitii cJortr of ovponsos. Turtles iiiouii-
inu business uddiees 0. /lmcr ! , lies Molncs ,
lowu. tea 10 *
Foil HAI.K Or trade for merchandise , 040
acres of No 1 fnrm hind near ( Irntid
Island. C.J. Cunnn 615
" 171011 HAM ! or trade on city propoity Stoclc
JL : of shoes , trndn established. Address C. S. I , . ,
box 4 ( > i , lleatrice , Noll. BU4 B
ITIOU NM : OH KINT - Hotel. Owinsr to ad-
JJ vniioln years nun f alllnu health I will offer
my hotel property forsalu. r'or inonoy making
this Mono of the host stand * In Nobra.Ku , Any
clti/ouof Aphhuid will iipholil mo iirthiB last
stiitoinnnt. 1'riiiR Lliierdllffur , iiroprlutor of
I'liil to Valley HoiliiU , Avhlund , Nebr. 7110 13
H4IUS1SS I.oulrftrni , Linmiiioimy loaned. 3 , ilailter bloi'k. H XX' . cor.
lf-th and I'ainujists. CVI
BIISIM'.SS UIIAMJIJ-A peed oentlon for
crockery and iiin | u'H wiuo btoro , limulre ut
A Doriimn. OUT S. Ullistr. Mti
tied bufilncus , In nun
of tno best business points in noithwost-
ITII Niiliritskii , Hltuutodut Ilrokon How , Cuslor
uounty , Nob. ; slock conslntliitf of Uryjroods ,
olotluiiK , boots und shoiis ; will show up uooil
ifuonl of business Heusoini forsollliiK will lie
i by iidarossliitr lock-box 71 , llrokea How ,
* ; er county , Noo. 687
HAIiK rirst-i'UPS billiard room In ooil
- location , eoninlnhiv throu billiard HIM ! two
pool tutiloHi IHO yours' loaio on room ; oyury-
thingIn nrst-olHSHiHiiiilliioii Per pnitlculnri
nnd rousons for sulllua : , Inijulro at or addres No
tuj Couth 18lUst , _ _ _ _ _ 4m _
-\VANTKD-l'AltTNKU-I.ady or Keiitlcnjun ,
> > with Miiu.ll cupltul. to taku liulf nituro-il In
p lHbllahed , pi-rniuiifnt , llrst-elusi city t.iiiil-
iiekB.jiuymir f"Wti to 14,000 > early j gooil ren-
KOIIK nn selling ; uraud oliunvw for rluht purty.
Aildr s H 4U. nun uillci ) . _ _ tX)4 ) _ _ _
FOIl SATdl IlhrdWniO HlliUilPbd Wo offgr
oiirtht'lf nud Ux-nvy haiilwaro buslnei * for
nnli1. touvlhnr wltfi our lento am ) giwil will
'IrHiin larpri t In Ilin rlty nnd locution the beat.
Untiring from the buMuusH raiit-o for Holllni ;
The llHiim Hardware Co. , 10 y 0 si , , Lincoln ,
ITUWND-D&ff , pull ; fuqilln , ' 51 S. "iifii.
.1 ! J mil
_ _ _ _ _ _ '
m AKIN : ill1Itotuvcn ra mid no tieu'i or cat
JL tly.oii Uio Mllltmj lou.l. . I'lillllpftiji-r.
IKK ) '
_ Clairvoyant.
M ADAM ALAHItA.Cluiavojunt and
aia Houtii Kin ti.
IKMU\J | ,
BiiAIIH 1 ( rot cUsnj ube onolnrwu budro'iui
uuitiiblii tor twit KOiiUuuiun or K'nlkMiiui
unil wlfo. 1011 DiidKo ill , bVi ii : *
I OST 2 > rnt- old rouulifilur ; iiMuril lu loiiu-
J A Auj b , Ulh st , Mid. KouKli , and Kia r -
OST I'Riunu XViitrli Clmrm Hllh Monotrrain
I Ji finttinbnck. Thu Undue Mill bn llbumlly
rtttuiOL-d by rcturnnitf iaiuulo thu Dec cniuu
( ) ' - r nuim livut , two pnsta boiird
j boxed , onn vliltuHml tine gri'on , uoDtiilnod
cloik , ( iidluri bio\fn < * iilt , twi ) luilieri liatri and
Kimillnrtlrlea. ilbluinto XV. II. Cartel' , rooms
7 nndf ( , Iron llMik. b.t ii'
OST [ n the noitoillcv , tit uoVtovktiiM morn
3 4 l\\e \ \ , n bunch of ivy * . 1'iJider U'turuto Hco
olk'c | and clulu rc ard. _ > W
- . Dr. " "Nanni * V. XX arrel
elilrvorrnt. Medical and buelnuis Medium
lloon KG. 3 , 1'-'l Noith Uth kt , Omaha , Nab.
J. ! Ho ntli KirUkti | cut from
noon Co * ii , lu. ' Tbl-icU Vi-if Ji : | > orUutuovf
fvryou. A. N' C. "
[ IKHPOXAINorthirnrrt the star of poeula-
I tlon uhlnri brleht nnd Heir XX'eoansiiow
vou ndo\ibtod barcams on Mth 8t..8auii < im
I , nnd Hhorman nvo end Hamilton ftt , in
holco residence property , that Is sure to make
nn a hund-onif Uivldond within 0 months. XVo
mvo nn rleirnnt modern 7-room story and halt
cottnge. full lot , in K. V. Smith's add , at n bar-
( rftln ; I27H ft. front on Sherman nve , onpnved
trect , a special purchao It tuken foon ; K6 ft.
on Pniinders St. . worth lnve tlfatintr ! ; 7fi ft.
rout on i-Hiinders St.pnved In fronts Curt
rent nmr cor. Sownrd on Saundcrs st .piivid
n front ; 130 ft. front on Snundorts st , thh side
.nko t. , with In one block of pavomtutt tJd fU
on aith st. on cable line ; 144 feet on Faundors ,
raprovcil , | ia\pmtnt In front ; 2 choice acre * lu
luonailiii anne lots In.Donlso's ndd : a cheap
otsln Slier * . II. iTIIdcn * ndd : C residence lots
n IIo o'p ndd on Ilnftol Bt.clly water In front )
M ft front on Paumlori St. , I'lalnviewndd ;
00ft. front on Sutindors t. , 1'lnlnvlow ndd ; 5- )
Mt front on Hammers St. . 1'lnlnvlow add ; M
t. fronts. Kith st , sw. cor. Martha t ; line corner -
nor In I'nrkor's ndd , 1 block oil Pnundersst ;
cheap corner In Patrick's add , 1 block elf Satin
lor st ; bnautlful Improved corner Klnif nnd
Hondo sts. . on car line , oxtinbnrtrnln , L'nll nt
our olllcc , roomfl over Commercial Nat. Hunk ,
or prices and terms. Heipettfullr.J. I * . Hico
& Co. 1H 10
. . . . privy vi i" < > elenncd by the
1 odorln'g proct-M. B. Hiving , I1.0. box 137.
( 09 J 7 *
rpllij X'IKNNA fortune ti'lllir , icsldcnbn 15188"
1 llth St. WJI7 *
A TTHNTlON-XVho want * to fell n ohcnp lot
xv utul tuko n mum yuliiud nt HuO ns pait
inyment ? Hulter & Cauipbull , Hoom 1 1503
aniatu sU ( H3
FOIt ItnNT-Typowilter. I' . 0. box 025 ,
Oinulnu _ BS7 0. _
A TTT.Nf ) the firont "Hod l.etlor Snlo" of
-ex Clotlilinr , ( louts' Kiirnl'lilnifH , Huts nnd
rnpi lor 15 diiys only nt the only Iliirtmln Store ,
CIO N , Iflth st , , bet. Calif01 nla aud XVeinter ,
S'lloifrilANl -tn ton lessons. NoThadltifrT
no position , rnnld ni speech. Pond
for trial lesson. 11. M. 1'orntn , Detroit. Mich.
Tl1' YD ! ' hatciHuood tnortifnioor unto to ilU-
J. count see Muiui A.jiimles < jn,3isa 15th ft.
f > 71
TKX'OU Huron Tr77n < l uiortRaJrcTdr noTe ( o ciTi-
JL count sec X Jumlceon , ilia U IBtli st.
TTlOnitKNT Orijnfij , ja per mqnth. llospo ,
X1 1513 DoiiKlhs IW'J '
F r\OIt \ KI5NT Square Piuuo , f i nionthlv.
Hospe. 1613 DoiiRlno. 010
I' Hqtmro I'liino IU muiitlilv. A
Hospe. 1E13 Doilttlns. Oil
K YOt * Imvo ( food mortirnKO or note to dis
count see Jlend , V.lamlesoii , JtSSluth Bt.
ron KAI.E rciJcii.i.AjrEO'ja. :
riOliTaALB-l'oiiiy 1 , at lilt 1'lor st.
tW5 10
71011 BALB A lot of uholco fresh cows und
pprlmort , jii t in at Ilsteibrook'H ynrd ,
10th nud Cnplloi nve. H71
Oil SALH TC.IIII of horses. Schleslnifur
Ilros. , 0148 lUth SU WUJO
1 > IANO A rluht now Hineisoii cheup ,
nbotlt olio-half ciibli. Address A ! U lieu
oDlce. EC4 13 *
FOHSAIl - < , hm | | > A ImmlHumo , l,00i-pimml (
horso. X'cry Kentlo , unil miltnlilo for fnni-
lly liurposcs. Inqulru of Colorado cuttlo In-
spoutor , II. S. yards , South Omaha. 7"5
Lots , l''ariiH'l.iuidR monuy Inaiiud
llomlv room B , Darker block , S. XX' . cor ,
IMIi and rarnnm st ! . 591
Fmt HAliK Atpuhlloiiucllon.Doo. 15 , hoi tea ,
mlleli eowri , hoiif-uliold Imnltnre , hot bed
saali nud farm tools , at noith end of 18th Bt
II. XV. Hull. 71TI-14 *
1011 BAliK rnrnlturp line lease of.hotpl.
Aildrosa llydor houso.Slroiiisburg , Nob.
F ; ( ) HAI.K L'urinturo and icnsn ol en-room
J honso , time on part. Cull latfJ North S7tb
otroot , two blocks from Ited Car line. H)3
Foil SALE Cnonp. iron columns and win
dow caps sultnhlo for front on brick build-
n . Forpurtloulursupply nt this offlce. Ml
AV 7ANTKD Cloud Kitchen girl. Omuhu flub.
At the Cuunold house , dlnlnif
room gltl nud chamber maid. OJS & *
) -A Kirl for troiicral housoworic , 80 < i
S. 18tt ) st. fllO 8
\7ANTnD A HIrl , Hired 12 or 14 to insist with
1 ; uousekooplujr. IBOi K. 17th st.a .
a 8 >
WANTii Snvorul Intolliffdiit younir ladles ,
flood pay nud permanent employment to
rlxht purlieu. Apply between B ami9 n. in. , end
nundOp. m. Itooni 33 , Urelnhton block , 15th
and Douglas. 03fi
" \ArANTKD-A chumtiormald In u fumlly of
thrcont Kort Oinalm. Apply nt room 14.
1'axlon hole ) , on Thursday mornlns between 10
and 13 o'clock. IW ) 8
\\7ANTED-Acook In ix family of three at
T 1'ort Omiihii. Apply ut room II , I'axton
hotel , on Tliursuay morjiin ; , ' betivccn 10 nnd \ -
o'eloelc. C31
WANTKD Conipetent woman for ironorul
houio\vork : ftimilyof two ; good wanes.
Mrs. 1' . B. Ku9tte , ai3 Cupltol avu. 1'07 ' lo *
l7ANTBU-aooa girl iiUtl7 Cuss st.
\ 884 8 *
"VXTANTHD Two good kuittore , boys or
VV who Imvo IJW t'xperlonco In Lumb or
Hrniison Knlttiiiff maclilno , No others should
cull Jo . K , HllOmuua Knltilnff FrtUory.liOU
St. Mnry's Aveniio. 87T-10 *
WAXTHI ) Anlrltoilo general housoworKj
npply 1723 Cuss st , 8708 *
"VA7ANTI5D LnUU'B to work for us nt their
i > own homes ; f7 to 810 per week cnn bo
quietly ininle ; n < | jihoto. palntliiK ; no canvass-
luff. 1'or full purllculan * please address , nt
onceCre c < mt Ail Co. , Ill Central St. , Hostou ,
Muss. , box 6170. 80533 *
Ti/ANTKD-FIr tglrl. 1 13 Capitol nve.
> > 81V ) 13 *
\A'ANTKD A tflrl for poueiul housework In
TT lamily of two. Cull nt southwest corner
Catherine st. nud Popplutoii live from 10 u. m.
to 1 p. m. . ' 0 11
W IANTKI ) A Kill Cor Kaneral l > ouso\rork. nl
1003 Idaho nt Mrs. Iluriihlim. bl 8
ANTKD CJood Kirl for gc'licral housework -
work , IH'I ( ieoi'Kla nvo. 7UD
WANTIID A. competent Kill for irnnornl
honsuivork nt third eottutta north of
Lcnvcnworth , went slilo of 1'olux st. 7iW o
W t\NTKI > fllrl for Kenernl housework In
sninll family , 3ia a. 1 ftli st. T04 a
" \TANTKD I'lrtt-cluss cutter for dressmnli-
> Ini ? uun flnd worU at Wt , corner lOlh and
Dodge fits. fljC ! iO *
\ \ r A NTTTiT ! )0 Indies 'it geiVtij lo io'irli tolo-
Y > griiphy , Prospect ( rood for position wliou
eonipeent | ; address XV. J. 1) , Hoom 1 , Croiiusu
blk.Omiiha. 137
I ) I'lvfct-elasa mnlo corond oook , no
others need apply , Omuhu Club. ! MT t *
p 6try cook at the
t.'oiiens. Only tlioso with llret class rec
iMiimeniliiilons nued upply. U17 H
\\J ANTKD-Aircnu in this nud all Inruo cities
ii to introduce our system into uverj build
Inir , school , bnd room nnd olllcn. Bolls ut flslit
X'ury liberal terras. Diamond X'untlluloiCoin
puny , Ib7 Dearborn bt , , Chlcaifo.
VA7ANTKD A jroo < 5 iiTiicliliie blacksiullh
I'nxtoii V ViuiliiiL' Iron noiks , U. P.
trnuk ana a 171)1. ) Ml 8
_ _
\\TANTHD-Wooil ciirvor , tlrst-cluss worker
II wttnU situation ; upply to II. XX' , , Sontlien
hotel , Unialin , Neli tOd b
\\'ANTI5l > A ent with treed iijipeurmipi"
> 1 fur a now article ; cjiu makufj lo ti > u day
CnllatHJI H,13ibL | ) _ Pit H'
\\TAM'KD Ociirpentara to ilnisli Innulie
at ouitier ot ilui l ami J'lsatttntet. P , J
W ANTii-Ollli'o : ) boy. Adn n ownani
n , tliillnir cinerioucu and
A It' , lice ollloe ,
\\rANTKIi-Oiio fliM cliisiiooat inaker. Noni
i i but u KO < ul man need apply , bicmly noik
nnd lit ; puy. XV. 11 Ulbson A Co. , 317 S. 15th SI
_ PM 11
\\ANTii ; ) -One man'iulddlo BKO ) , one boy to
I' learn louUUet pint ; , -ttuutlon. J. 0
nilth , 1613 Clilca.o t ,
\\7 A"i'TID-51iliplii ! | r clcrt , by a la
> i IUB house , AUdict * jtoi gj , city. til < 10
\VANiI'il -Oiiostuiiiiri cJUiLlo man to cl
i foods In uiiy , bto.idy umployiueut. Cul
l Olliet. b306
K lUukersM.lfo AESoclutlon of St. Paul
Minn , have Ne'jrusUuotg for. a few
Itefereiiccj neceJ ftrr Ad
dress xvitoox _ Steele , atm A.ejits , Lincoln
Nc-b. l dee lu
_ _ _
\ \ rAMTji ; ) . 100 men fur railroad work 0 ° l
l trave ; uteady trurk ell ivlntar , All
Ibor Aituncy , 13jj Fttrnam , 172
AOKXTriln UJQ olty oruounuy vaii'inaKeCi to
| 1U it day e lilair our i | ) CliiUioj. N XV
Ku Jlycum)8n-rW7 ( 1'itruam t , 41)
ANTKD-Pltiiation by n nrst clni bread
an-l cihc baker , can work on pan randies.
"o take otianro or otherwise Addre3. H. 1'rlm
ro c , 1518 XX iliiamsbt. , City. _ 5-
WAN rKU llinploymc'iitof oomo kimT with
some lioiiso , wholesale prclcrtcd , AIU
peed bookknoper Oort.l niforonco given. Ad-
Ircss Ii X. Thomson , Houston Co. SW 10 *
1 10 the ladles of Omnha
X , Kiiariiutccd uuttlnir and tit *
Inir ; rewliiR done In fninlllcs. Inquire Mi .
. Arnold , O 'l'ort. ' 8J3 13'
" \\TANTKD-An attorney hsvin ? had four
it years prctlcpilo lre ft ponltloh wltti u
roputnbla law firm In the city under nuy nr-
rnnffomenl sntl'tuctory. Is also nstcno rapner
Ion of references given. Address A 13. Iteo
onico. [ Oii-a *
_ _
\tANTIl ! > A yoilnr mnn wants n place to
) * work for his board while ffolnif to Fcliool.
Addre'a A X > , lioo offlco. fiol 13
\\7 A NTR U To bur Bond ( Jpllynry horse ,
nui t bo chonp , aUo second nanilxprjng
wagon and Imriiuss. Addrt < 4 A ! M lloool.lce. .
8M OJ.
_ _ _ _ _ . _
AT'ANTKn Nlco lame room In private ram-
* llj'i eonlnil loc'ntlon , for one gentleman
AUdross A ? , cw glllce. C1U 8l
WANTKlTo liny , npood Raloon In Nohras-
kn ; I luivo thn inonuv to pay cmh. Ad-
Ureas Luck llox 1JJ , Cljdu , Kan , uio n *
\\rANTfi-Customor : forJohiiston'a Aulo-
TT mallo waihof. Aln < ftdy uxtoii'lvoly olr-
eulated In the city. Sells roudlly nn Iti own
inorllB. I xhor savinitiind Inoxponalvti. Try it.
Jlrs. M. J. CnrrUer. 1W1 Cuss st. B71 1,1 *
WANTIiD-Onuliundroit workinirini'ti to In
vest In lutfl at South Omi\lm , $2a doposlt ,
halnncaf5 Monthly , livery f50 nowlmrstod
will reallJo $100 boforonoTt May Apply W S ,
Si-imiy , 111 South Htll street. bSD 8
WANTED To rent < > n or before Jlareh 1 , n
Store or hnlf fiiore , on I'tirniun between
'llh unil 15th , or lutii between I'lirnam nd
Doduo , for n doslrablo rutull biislnoas. Address
A"s , care llooolllco. SOT 10 *
ANTKU Lady room mutu at 1107 Howard
\VANTKD-To H'lX'i ' frolu n ' ° ' - ' ' ' acres adjoining -
joining this city or South Oin.ilm. Onto
City Kuiil llfitiitu Co. , KIJO DoUKlKS. 75S
\YrANTKO Clothiers , tailors , Rrocora and
> T other trndesmen to know that It pays to
ndvrrtl'-o In the South Onmlm Stockman.
Twelve hundii'd worklnicmnn nro IIIVKO monthly
conxiimura. XX'.S.Heiivov , 111 South 14th street ,
! < the Omnim ii ent for the Daily Htou.uimn.
\ ArANTKI8tookof dry eoodi , glothlnir and
K' > nts'furnlshliiirifoodsor ( boots nnd shoos
in oxuhiliiKC for Omaha real estate , Bcliloslny-
orllros , OH 3 10th st. sna ] u
\\'AM'rl to buy ono blinro or stoclc lu
> Omiihabourdof-tradu. 8. A. Sloman.lil"
I'lirniim st. 671
A\ANTKD 5n men to cut Ime'twlio'it ' cake ?
' nnd miiplo syrup uvory iiiornlnirnt NoirH'
Itestaurnnt , Iftth St. bet. Doilwo and
Sirultfht board par weui [ , J.5t SI meal
KJ50. 013.
roc nciix-jiouEca AUD 1,013.
HUNT Do'irablocottase , 41U Hntnllton
Bt. liKiuirolfilb Capitulavo. n.-J d >
Foil HUNT Store on illth and I.onvenworth ,
inciulio at Roiith enat corner ICtU and Chi
cago. Cliua./.iemmm , 05 ! !
FOH UKNT-A new i-room louse. | 170S S. Oth
street. 0000 *
[ 710It 11K.NT Thrqo iiew4-rooincottuppa : low
jrent. . Ono 7-ruoin house ; Rood locution ,
nt Hcntlnff Aponcy , cor. 15th and Capital ftvo. ,
Kiposltlon InjildliiK. . 891 8 >
HUNT rino location fqr Jolihln ? linn ,
Doiivlus Bt near Htb , uddruss stutinti busi
ness A . " 3 Doe ollirc. P 5
F OH HUNT A burn for i head of horses. In-
( julro of U. 1 * . Jlurtln. 837
Foil ItENT-DulHlii mtitahlo for a druir
bloro in the finest location in the city.
Inquire room ZO , Omuhu Kutloual bank liulld-
liijr. aj >
OH 11KNT It-room house , S'J3 n month ; nUo
fi-room oottnifo tu \ mouth. Cuunlnuham
& llrciinan , lull nougo st. Bill H
F Il UHNT-7 room house.aud burn ; imiulro
CIS SUthst. BiiS
oil HUNT-Brlok store on N. ICth St. Tor
new stores on S. lth ! ) St. . nour Hn cuU'a
hotel , fl".U.i per month each. U. V. Muyiio. K.
W , cor. 15th nnd Hurnoy. 7.11 II
OH HUNT House of 8 looms , cor. 2let mid
IT 1 > Clark. Apply 1 dcor oast. 8T.T U *
FOll HEXT A brick Rtoro room , Illth St. .
suitable for waru lioimo , hns ono Irontiiijc
on Ilelt line ; can huvo uiljolnlinr store If re-
qlrod. 0. K. Muyiio , 15th and Harnoy. 7.11 W
F ( Jll ilUN'f A B-rooin'ootTuup ( , by S. T. '
1'otcrsen , s. o. oor. 15th and Domrlas.
Tnolt HUNT Sloro 311 N. lith St. on Dec. 1st.
J.1 DOS 9 *
HUNT Or It-use 'M aero Kimlon with
house nnil stiiblo Insldo clly limits. Apply
to II. MoKnddcn , Sidney , Nob. fc01-J8
FOIl HUNT .Vroom cottnso , Locust et.tieiir
Shormnn nvo. , tUO per month.
Tineo unfurulsliod rooms ( n brick house on
l.nko nciir "Otb st. , $12 per month. Gregory &
Hudlcy- 753.
Foil IlKNT A first classrobtaurnnt , iticiuiro
of Lee , Njoliol k Co. la *
FOlv RUNT Hondo. 8 rooipf , Harnoy street
and21st , $3 < J i > er monthalso upuso nunrSt
Ifary'nave , 0rooms , 125per inoutu. . A.rjlo-
man. 1618 I arimin Bt. 117
FOIl HUNT Six new brick stores with base-
tiionts , corner ISlovonth und Howard ; nholco
location ; till conveniences. J.euvitt llurnliuin ,
Hoom 1 , C'relghton block. 027
IHINT Stores , iiisldonens , turnlsliod
apd unfurnlshpd rooms. I'irst cliisi loca
tions. Koyoa llontliiir Agency , Hoom 7 , South
east corner 15th and Douglas. 285 d - - "
FtMtllhNT A store mid baaouient onn Rood
business Bt. Imiulro of Lee , Nlchol it Co. ,
HoomZl , XVltlincll bloult. OH
FOIl IlKNT-7 < roomoottairoln XValnut Hill.
Terms , ttO per mouth , Apply to 1)\V. 8nxe ,
1434 Knrnnm St. SUO.
IilOll KICN'T SO aorus nljoiiun city nortli-
vrcsffSiiiintilnfor dmry or ( narket pardon.
ApplytoTueo. Willloms , Ileo Olllco , 14 Far-
num. fc'JB
HUNT Sloro WxW , UIO jngtson BU _
Oll HUNT nieuautly furnished parlor , aNo
siuiillor roym , lliaputli Ittli near DodKU * (
Foil HUNT Nicely furnlshtd rooms , mow
rnniaiu st. ' , > ) SI
ITItH 11KNT Very desirable furnished rooms ,
4 ? location central , ItfH gapllol uvo. 831 10 *
oilllJNT-Piinilshed loom. A llospo ,
\ MDlHlKJIIB \ Bt. Ull
_ _
oiT room t Also mi-
I uriiished room fa , at 00 > N 17th at.
7880 *
TT1OH HUNT Newly fnrnlnhed , hontoil front
JJ loom siiltublo for two noiillemen , 'Ml
Si , Jlrtry H nvo. fee
TTIOU HUNT I'iniiwioil rooiu , 8H1S , leth.
-U _ HOJ10 *
r/Klt ) HUNT t.Hriro room , with eloaiU. South
J' front. Suliabio for i truntluiiien If do-
ilrud. 1(10 ( CUIeatfU gticut , 81tl
TiTniFTlUXT-alioiuoj In tVolnnt Hill. 110.00
J1 per month each. J , 1' . IlummonU , 117 . liith
Bt _ _ 773
" 1710H HUNT fi room honsu lu Marlon 1'luuu ,
J' f IB per uionili. J. F , Hiimmond , 1176.
UlU st. _ _ 713
"IJ10H HIvNl'l'iirnlshod room , third Iloor , ri
-U XV , cor. | ; it1iuii'l Ilovrnrd , 7(810 ( *
171OK HiSNT Kin iiUhtd room for one or two
-V Kfiitlemen , M7 tiouth WJ , between Fimium
and UOU IHU. 704 10 <
: oit IlUN r X'ory doilrabla rpom eultHblo
X' ) or two. In HOW houu wltli oycrjr moilern
corirunloiu-o , lain Dodge. 7i l
TT'tTll ' lTKNT Nicl > TrturnTuud'ro6in , cTTpapT
J > ut fii)7i ) N. 17th st 7td tt *
T71OH HUNT riifurnUhod room , Inquire Mi a
JA. . XVrltflit , llualiiuan bin. 0'J
HUNT 2 nicely furnished rooms : sup
X1 per If wfliiteil ; occailon tu spoaU I reach
iunllijrmuiii714 ( N , I'.Hlist , OT'J b'
Foil HUNT Newly furiilauud pleasant loom
low rcuU.1 , limiuiro ut UOJ ygrnuin et.
Ftl JUSNr-Two nicely furnlihod rogms
eulublo forSor'J . eiuleineii ; lovely loca
lion with every uiodorii iinprovoipoat 1415
TUJllftKNT Nicely furnUlioJ iouiiiTfor I'orS
' etiitlcmojuiodcrucouroulonctj ) ; , CIO N.
OU ItUNT-l'uiiilthU'l rooms forliirht holiso
ki > cilnir.Udoui | r ! ) iQck , cor 6th & Howard.
room , IB10 Ilodiro.
1 : ; , .
Fen IinST-XV Ith board a fi/rftlslied / room ,
1710 Cn jest. 74.78 *
j OifirnJiT" SotiUi room iurnlsliej , n. o cor
JJ Zlst and Davenport. 312
T71OII HUNT Snltn of newly fnrnlshe 1 roonn
12 In new homo ; tnodorn convenience * ! to
gentlemen. 1W1 Uodpe st. 250
OH KENT VnlnrnMied rooms for light
houtokooplnir. forhiifdiund and wife ; can-
trslly locotoO. A SO , flee olllco. HJd 8 *
F OH HKNT-Sniall turnlshodllftjoin , 11
17OH Hreot. , t L 103
T71HH IIKNT Hoom furnl. hedTfor four or
J- ? light house keeping1. 1613 Calff.lio st. ll-7 ! V *
IpOH linVT-Trro prtrlori , sFngly or en suite.
1 modern conveniences. HSO Cnpltol nvo.
J7OH lir.NT Nice rurnl'liel room nnd bo.ird
In prlvuto fumlly. Address A. .17. Hoc
onico. 813 10'
1710H HUNT Larso furnished front room ;
J ? rail after 8. Inquire 1307 Davenport. 8W10 *
rooai , 1007 S. llth.
F I OH HUNT Ono newly furnished liont room
on ground floor. 431 N , 17th 8t BA9-V
171OU HUNT Nloeljr furnished parlor with
-L board for 8 ( fentleinon or man nnd wlfo , 333
per mouth cuchCOi S. Utli.cor. St. Marv'a ,
IPOH Iir.NT Ftin.lshoii room * nnd tilso ono
suit furnished for light housokcaplnir , 6ia
North 1'Jth st. 777 *
T71OH HUNT To pentlemen only , two fur-
Jt1 nhlicd rooms in itood location , 3 doors from
street curs , one on first iloor lareo front room ,
hay window , BBS and register , S-"i per mouth.
Other front room , second Iloor , resistor nnd
Kin , * 15 per month , Holorenco toiulrcd. | Cull
ut desk of 1WJ rurnam St. , first floor. PX1
FOltHDNT-rurnUhedbodroom and Blttintr
room , wltli Bo'ird ' , In private family , 6 niln-
ite ' wnlK of iiostollluo ; references required.
Address XV 8 H.postoUlo * . KQ H *
F Oil UI5NT IJnfnrnlsned looiiibj Inqulro
drill ? Hoi o , BUS 1.1th Bt. WH
Poll HUNT lu prlvato family , nicely lur-
niched looni.lniKo enuujrh for two pcntlo-
1'Jthst. 847 11 *
TrNf-ir nmins , iiiifiirnl.iioit ! , In my
now Hat s w cor. 7th and 1'acltlo st ,
Hiiinin house 1UI9 NlohoUs St. Apply to M ,
K .Muitlnniaa 16th. S'M
FCC. 3Ar.H-nOTJS39-I.OT3.
lentlon to liiirKiilna us folloua :
Hlllsdnlo soils fur C20U u lot.
lllllsdiilc sells lor 10 per rout cash ,
Hlllednlo payments nro $ . " > n mouth.
HiHsilulo Is the nearest for the moiioy.
HillaiUtle oeouples buuutifiil Kioiiud.
HillBditlcollora n chance to Favo mono/ .
Hfllsdulewill pay bur Interest.
Hlllsdalo will Hull you on sight.
Illll liilont t5u month.
Illllsdule lots for 10 per rent cash.
IHIUihilo"Uhlh liic.itIon.
Hllls.ln'o ' invites Inspection and will provo n
sploudld inveslment lor n imall sum of money.
Come und 300 It. Amuj',1307 Kuriium. UU 13
R15 corner I'n'terN Addition , 'J lots onLowo
two , onlv C1HK ) . House of 0 looms nnd ! !
lots,50x15' ' ) oauli , onlv fi/iOli ; J500 cash pny-
inent. X'ury cheap. 11) . Tnnncr i Co. , ini5
Howard struct. H'.M ' K )
HAHHIS fir HAHUIS.I.'O i } Iflth st T o lots In
Logo's ndd , . lor tills week , $ " )5t ) ) onoh. Do
not lot this slip your huiidj if you want u Imr-
( rnhi. bS3 U
T71tllSALK-t3lots44xi : foot. I routing north
J-1 on llrlstol street , half wuy betvooii Huuu-
doisnndStnto , iiourstruot ours. City water In
front. tSO'J ' each , 1-t cash , balance in lnndS ; :
yours. Address S 11 , lloa olllcu. 3X3
SI'KCIAL biirtialii tu inside losldeiieo lotanio
nowotjero.t within UO ft of l''nrunm ' at , ,
which hits gas , wutor , unil our track now luiil
you enn buy lots ut ? l,50) to ? I.ilSO fo , M ensli.
These lota am positively the nertiest fortno
inonev that you cnn llml. Come mid liivesti-
uuto this Hiutcmoiit , it may pay you to do so.
Amos , 1507 rnrnnm St. 833 3
rOH SALU llySchloslqifer Hros ,
lill .South 101 n Micct.
ISfi feet on 3. * > th st near rnriium , will sell nil
or part.
' Oaeiolols lu ruruam parlr , (135 per acre.
Kay teiiiH. Tills is very desirahlo for irarilon-
hOncrcs , Improved , near city , house , bnrn ,
cribs , etc. Cheap unil on c\ay : terms.
Lot ? I nScliloslntfor's addition > 0 to $3' 0on
easy tornn. 8Ti3 J 0
H "AUIII3 & HAIIHIS , 30 ! B. Ifiih st.-Houso
nnd lot lu Hunseum I'trk , fS. OOi n I
Mumhers Oniiihn Kuul I'-stuto Kxchnnge.
Hoomsl nud 3 Hudick'f Illock ,
B20 b. 15th St.
Corner 133132 , K , lOlh st , Impiovud , J67.000
Corner lT3xl'13 Harnoy st.Improved , fcUO.OOO.
Corner 8 > ) xiU : , Cnlllorniu st , $8,510.
Corner G5\l13ncur ! U. 1 * . Hy depot uud llth et. ,
viaduct , rents $ so ucr mo , $1,500.
iWxl37 Suundors it. near Cuminir , laigo house
complete , rout $ " > 0 , f7,000
FlnoH-i'oom house , Qoorpla nvo , , near XX'ool-
worth St. . on uusy terms , 54,700.
flood lot. 50x140 , ficorgiu nvo. , noith of
Lonvcnworth , OHSV terms. Cho'ip.
Splendid east front. 75x150 in Hunscoin
I'Juco. Cnll for terms , $ J,700.
Hiislncss blocus uud Inslile property of every
description. Improved or unimproved. House
and lots nnd vacant lots in nil additions . Cul
and get u nstof a few of the bartrnlus.
Wo have a lurira list ol South Oinulio prop
erty nnd n tract of 10 acres on county road , I 1-2
miles from Stock Yurds. Chonp for20 ilays
XX lint 11 winter Is eoi.ilngr."o will soon Imvo
plenty of cheap coal , Now istho time to invest
Gregory &liudloy.
BKST lots , lowest prices , Inrife t list in Han-
ficoin riiico properly. Call and seo. V. U.
U'tmnor i Co.,1015 Howard. bUil 10
OH HALE Iot with llve-r.iom house , on
Popplelon nvo. . olienp-3Kia 8MOO cash ,
balance on easy Minus. C. W. Mount llual Ks-
tate nnd Investment Co. cVU-
HOUSES Lots.KaratsLauds money loaned.
Itemls , room II , Ilurkor blocic , 3. W. cor
IDth ondI'nrii8iri _ stH. ROI
] jOH HALlf ! 7-room IIOIIKO , 1 UTOOIU house
' wllU lota froiitlnK out wo alroeti , both
f2.'iV ) .
1 1-room house nnd liulf lot , 81.210 ; 10 per cent
cns > n , buhmoo monthly payninnts , all the above
within three-quarters of n inllo of po tolllco.
Cor. lot , llth and 1'aclflo , OilxIUJ. irith three
de-Kant rottutfoa , would rent for J > 73 per
monthfor a few days at SJ/MD.
I'ann loans at lowmt rutn of Inlurest.
First-class TORI ostata jnortifuifoj , or com-
merelnl paper , dHcountod. Mead & Jamloson ,
! ) H8. IMhst 321
KKA I. IiSTATJiI < \ltIAiy-hocu ! | business
lot , pear cor. Ho ard st. , front Inp on Suuu-
clers st. and pa\od St. ; olieap for cash. .1. L.
Hico & Co. , over Comiuorclnl bank. 775
WI3 HA\fK constant inquiry for all Hindi ot
busilioiifl unil residence property. M you
Imvo nny property for sale list biuue with us.
i < chluslnKor lira * . , 614 .S10Lh. t.
HAHHIS A HAIUUR , 3M S. 15thXX'o lime
two lots in Hniirteoin'g ' for three days only.
Price J3,70l ( ; cash , Sl.700. _ 8S3 U
FOH SALU-A lot 85x140 oti Ht. Mnry's nvo
puvt'd , Hownr , water and tfas eonneelloiiH
made with lot , new liluwIU. fil.ilOD.WJ
cash , Iml to suit. This price will hold irood fern
n low days. C , XX' , ilonnl.Hciil r.btnto mid Investment -
vestment Co. 873
I fm SAI.I2-CO ft froiituie on Dodt'o st. 2
1 blocks east of the postmtleo. A harjrnln nt
S18.50& ; flO.OOq cash. Mnrdhall Lobook , IMS
furnuni. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ till
COHNKUlotlii VHII Ilnurun pi' fo , SSXi ) ; $ .100
pu h , bal. in 1 , 2undU years , ItQllorA
Campboll.Hooiu 1 , IS'J'I ' I'lirniiin st. ail
KNUI N 15 HA HIS A I N'8-Two corner loti in
HurdettuoQUit , only 4 block * from Sunn-
dor's t-ticete.irj , W .M. Hoom lo ,
llushmon Illock , N Koor 16th nnJ Dou hu.
i 0. ' ) Icet front on Lniivonworthn iii'iir 3d tt. .
1 wjllbuKoldt'hoap ' If taken iiriiii > , Klemiiit
BKAUTIl'TL HOMKS-i ; 2siory , 7-iooiu
houses fai-uiirCuldwoll st , J nloeks west or
punmlpr * ; city water Huxau.-hoiji IIUIIMJ , water
closut upHt'ilr'iSoweritvo and modoin imi > ro\e-
montH.poichholc width of fiont , pleasant
rooms with lanro closet , IiJtsVOxsi , nrlco .1,500 ,
fWWeasli , Iml. lo suit. Also ; i 3 torr n 'oom
lioiibt-s , faelnjf south on Indluna ut. , 2 blocks
north nl t'liuuiKfi city ' .uuer nud modern Im-
prbvtuiieiitb , poruh und I'Jeiiiant roomsj piice
(3.5'M ' ) , S'iOO cuh , bal. to buit. J r. Huinmoijd ,
1178 liith st
room house , on Hamilton st , , near 27th :
cloeeu throughout lunibe , Ijnth room , Hater
clofcol , hot und uold oily miteiluifcQ burn , well
built and liibot icpulr , holds ? hoifcOH , 11 vehi
cles , mid hay lof I ; nUo unclosed harnuei room
nud pint form on alley ; coiner lot , 4'Jxl37iii
price ! 7iyia J K. Hnmuiond , | | ; S. IQtli nt.
HANSCOJI PLACK-Two olcirailt lots , 63150 ,
for3,7X ( ) ; lyio-hulf c h , J , t' , Iluuimoud
U7 South Itlth tt.
_ r _ _
rpXVO Lhylco lot * corner 2tth and Howxnl its. ;
-L ono a corner ; together they urnVxll ) ; prlco
tit * * ) ; two-thirds cush. J. F. Hammoud , 117
South J6th it.
North | ltU street ,
, tl.7-eeh. ) Eu jteruw. . r. 0 , Tanner *
Vo , if 15 llowurd st. b J 10
T > AIIR CHAXCK for homo ; 3 room brick
JLl hou'o with bneement , ( rood well and cistein
In Omahix Vle r ; prleo , J1.450 ; fW cash , Imlanco
110 per month J. r. Hammond , 117 S Ifith 't ,
BAHRAIN House of 0 roomf , city water and
cclrtr ! , together with storu binldlnir on _ M
street near l.onronworth , rents for $40 per
month. Lei li | < t2M ft. I'rlco , } I.WO4 ; oa b.
halrmrg 1 , _ and 3 yoais. J. F. llammobd , 117
S lOtn st ,
TTlTNE Ol'l'OHTL'NITV 7o"om house , nicely
J-1 built , fiiclncr north , lot Mtl2l ft , In Pollmm
riace , I'rice.Jl.Wii : U o.uh. . bal ? I5 per mouth
J. ! ' . Hammond , 117 S loth st.
ljTUIMlR-Mrflo * atory lirlcV bmldln
with nlitli bn'otnont , ol < nntor. < < tcloMlx ;
IMsllarnoy t. , liotwoon Itth Ami Mth , ooulli
Front. IVico , JJJ.OOO. ,1 r. Hammond , 117 S.
BAIUJAIN'S 1B'4 rorcont income : imrtlr Im
proved property on Doitfrln * M , ncnr lltli !
floitth front : ronm for t j.VM per year. 1'rlco ,
tx'O.OOO. J. V. lliiiiiinniui , 117 8 IGtli el.
CplCIAI , II.\H(1 .VtX-tmprnveJ property on
\J \ Fnrimin st , nonr 13tli , mulli iront : rptiU
lorjl.800. rrlco , J.10,000. 0. K. llnininoiM , 117
S , Idth st ,
BU81NisSCCltNilt-On ! tlowni.l st ,
pnutr Improved , routs for fl.MO i > er your.
i'ric , * i.oo ) . j. r. iiiimroonii , in a. lotii t.
BU8IM3 ? ? lrttoor. Iliuney and Huh. 40Hlt > 2
foot. Trlco SlO.roi J , V. llniiiinond , 117
3 19th at.
. t on Vnniam ami Ptli sti , 44.\1M
ifoot , 1'rlco fiX'JOO. ' .1. K Hammond , 117
H. 16th gU
BUSINESS property , 1'arniuu st. nour court
liou'c , cor. PDxliC ! , partly Improved. 1'rlco
Bfi.OOO. J ! ' Hainauiiid , 117 B. 10th st.
TJU3INK3S property , Karnum St. , ii'wly up-
Jposito court house , partly improxod
1'rico $18,000. J. K Hammond , 117 8. Iflth st.
B I'VlNUSS property on 18th Bt ncur Harnoy ;
cntf fiont , 41x10 } ft , alley ulonif "umthshlu
I'rlco $ ,0 0. J.IHiunmoml , UTS. lath st.
0,11 8
211 S. 15th Bt. ,
Oder n few Special llnnrnlns
7 lots In Foster's ndd. f l.tHJO to f3r > ° 0 eiuh.
Lots in and 17 , block 8 , Knuutzo'iUth ndd. Cull
at olllco for prlooi. Iliu-iralin
5 lots on iiuiidnrB st in I'luluviow , 81,10) to
InU 10 , tdnnd 17 , Dftvcnporl'8 subtllvMlon ,
Cl.IXouch. ( ) liaty turin * .
Full lot III K. X' Smith's add. , 00x14 ! ) , JJ.IOO ;
(1,000 cash.
Clood lot on Saiiulcrfl | st , $1,70)
Olio of the host lots lu Suiiuysldo. 91,000.
full lot lu I'atrlok's mid. just oil Kiiumlors st ,
f 1.70. ) . A tmrmilii.
.1 Istd lu tlesurvolr add. , Sl.OY ) cceli.
Host lot on Hamilton pi , * I.TOJ.
Full lot In Ilawthorni' . tTM. Don't lot this
clmixo slip. Ono sixth e.ish.
Iot In Clnromlon , JI.V.V ) ; 81 Ml cnnli ,
! ! or t lie bast lots in Hillside. 3510 each.
IotO , Itoono 1'laco , on I'arko nv. Cull at. ollloo
for prlo e.
Corner lot In Miirsh's add , fH.100. .
The Matter Kuitl UHtato AcunoySll S , 10th
st. B.'J
AHHIHi HAHHIS. M Houlh l/lth6t.-XVo /
have tome choice lota ut u Ij.u-guln In almost
every luldillon to the city ; now is thn tlmo to
buy lots In South Oiimlm It > on waul to mnko
sure Investmentu and quick sales. 68 9
BOWMXCI Cliuux-Oui- addition U
woit of XX'nlnut Hill , on Hamilton stroot.
lly suluatlntf lotsat S'fiQ ' for Insldniind $17) for
corners , you will mnko a orid Invcatmuiit.
Terms JO par cent cash and f > monthly , No
chnrirrforshowlnir the lots. Murahall > V I.o-
beck , 1503 Furiiam 81P
"ifAIy KSTATB AND LOANS -ll. IlTllijll &
Co. 1U > B. 15th at filS
HOUSES l.ots.Varmi.l.ands money loaned.
Uomlfl. room H , liurkor block , B. XV. cor.
15th und KtiniHiii els. r > ' . ' <
\\TKirro7iutiiori7 ri to Invuat f-'J.OJJ ' m Ini-
> V piovod lusida property. XVbiit havu you
toolTcr XVo incililbusluoja. Mend A : Jumlufon.
3188. 15th St. 573
1 fOll SAljE Two wiiBt front lotfl In Koster's
addition , corner , $ JV ) for hoth ! clioup.
Two lots , corner , in Koslor'fl ndilC ! , tH )
Huttfiiinnd full lot In Walnut Hill , f 1,000 ; $ TOO
cash , bal ? | H per month.
Throe lots in Kllby IMaco , ftt'iDench.
1 liava a building unii lot worth yilr > 00 niul a
i nek of millinery , notlpiij , otu. , Invoice * tl.DOJ.
AVII1 trade tnovliolo for ( rood fnrm property.
To buy , sell or tnnln mil on
H. W. llmitro s , 1WB 1'iirnnra stroot. 83D-9 *
L. 3 , . 0. P. , London , Huff. )
orrirr.-irOTDoilKrt I Ili3i0i St. sinry'j Avf.
) lonr.101o ISlofiiT to 8 Iluuri > ( iu.m. , \ilta7 1 pm
Yelo phone rreluplionc M.
Hallway Tiiua Table
The following lathe tlmu of arrival nnd < lo-
pnrturoof traliiaby Central Standard Timu at
Iho local depots. Truliis oC the C. . St. I1. M. S :
O. ami tlm Missouri 1'uoltle arrive and dopurt
from theirdepai , corner of 14th nnrt XX'chstnr
Rlreots ; trains on the II. & M. , C. i ) . & Q. and 1C.
0. . SU .1. A C. I ) , from the 11. * M. depot , all
others from thn Union I'nclflo depot
trains will leave D J > . depot nt 0:35 :
m- ) : MIHOll:10ii. : ( . m.mOJ-4:00 : ! :
J:30-:00-U4:00 ! : : : SOJ-5:30- : : :10-00-SI5- : ; :
10:00 11:10 : p. in.
Leave Trans I or for Omaha at 7:13 : IJS:1B : P:2. : >
willleuveU. p. depot , Omuhu , ut 1)8:40 ) : 7:35 :
J1S:35-1U:00 : u. m , ; 3dO-305-i:03-535-800 : ; : ; ;
p. m.
Padflo n.vpreas , 9:20 : p. in ; Denver I10:55 :
a. m , ; Local I'.x.,5 05 p. m.
Liinvn slock yuiks for Omaha at 7:0.HSjlfl :
l:30-ll:35 ) : n. m. ; :33-4:35-0:05-118:25 : : : : :
'chiono Hxprenj lo. 8. 0.5:07 : ; Local I5x. , le.
B 0.10:5111. : in.
Arrival nnd dcpnrtuio or tr-ml from the
Transfer Depot nt Council lllutls :
ciiuMuo. nocic iKtiA nt PACIFIO.
II 7:15 A.M. J 1) : I5A. K ,
A III 15 A.M. 116:35 : i > . it.
A 6:40 : p. H. | H 7:00 : I' . U.
A 9:15 : A.M. I A'J:15A. : M.
A 8:401M. : . I A 7:00 : IMI.
A 0:35 : A. u , I * A'J ; | : > A , w.
A 0:3. : " , p. u. | A 7:00 : ! , u.
A 0:15 : A.M. I A9I5A. | U
AOM9J- . | ATiWl'.M.
KANSAS CITV , ST. JOB t'OtJN < Ilf , lU.Ufr * .
A10W. : . u. I 1)0:35 : A. u ,
Cb:55 : r. M. | A & ; ! ' . * .
WAIIiSII , bT. f.OIUS J. 1 > AGU-IH.
A 3 I1' , u. I A3 ; ) lM. .
siot'x cirr i I'AOiria
A7:0,14. : u. I ADn5A.ll. :
A0:33 : f. M. j A iO _ > l ,
NOTE A , t ruins dully ; II , dully oxropt Sun-
flay ; 0 , daily cxceja ri-Uiuday ; U Jjtily oiciipt
. j
ThoSTHIvriS'rRV ( ; XMlNnil rnny tryKVKHV
Q'1'81' of louL-huiid blHlit without dUtOVi'rlutr
Hint theeouri * utiit-r limn the QUlfQA VBt-
VBTB , they HI flu ely retcmhloitlo ) ( lie po-
rullnr iirranrimcmg -8Ullln In the KAHT
XVOVU.N' 1'II.H enulilu I hem to htiiud lutfrmlnn-
lOvuuj roui.rb nciir , which Mould ruin real tut-
veU tit four timeUrn p.lie.
Tliu aoiiulnu IJjrjS > KLVETRKN'has LPNO
IlEt.NTilul'AMniiTi : lii UMlliAND , and must
not bucoiilounduU u'lth any olhor volVDiuen.
Kvcry vurd of ti | ( ! KN1INI < IH-I ra the nnino
of "IXjrjS"Hnd a ( iUAJlANTKi : pf wear ac-
tompunlea o\'eiy yi < l.
NOTB XVl.l'-The | word IfllJIS1'In cpn '
iicrtlon n'ithtbiVi.'l\utt ( :
and lu nu other way.
- f
The SiilTAtlon Armr.
To the litlltor of Iho HKB : Your rcml-
ors Imrc lionrd of the Sah'atioti Army.
There arc mnny of intelligence
xvlio knoxv but llttlo of Its orlfiln , its tic-
sign , Its organization , Its extent and
The Snlvntion Army in Council HI lift's
has not as yet declared ninrtlal luxv ,
thongli U ficoniH the city is in n Mntc of
siogo. I clip the folloxving from nn olli-
clal bulletin-
"The Salvation Army hn harder xvork
to do und more of it tlmu any other de
nomination of nil tltoso engaged in sav
ing souls , It was born twenty-one years
ngonml the llrst txvelve yuaris of its Hfo
xvits n continuous Rlrusgle. Nitiu yean
ago thcro xvero Iwonty-slx corps self-
supporting managing their oxvn all'tilr * .
To-day there are over 1.700 corps. Nine
years ago there were thirty-six rwlai led
ofllcors , to-day thcro tire -J-OOO. Nine
years ago the army occupied only ouo
country , to-day its colors tloat in nineteen
nations , If the men and money xvero
only available , the xvholo earth would bo
it camping ground for the soldiers of this
great army. In its literature ninu years
ago , 10,000 copies of a circular
xvero issued , to-day there are txvcntv-
txvo ncxvspapcrd printed in seven difler-
cnt laiignngcs , xvitlt a circulation of
GOO.ODO cople" xvetikly. The army has
been charged with setting up Ignorant
men as teachers of the masses , , jel they
have learned thu story of salvation. "
All contributions arc legitimately ac
counted for. Nothing is font to
( louonil llooth in England. The
.Salvation army is evidently not a
moral mushroom of yesterday , to
bo burned in olllgy lo-monoxv.
Thi > undertaker. * of Council HIullM noml
be in no hurry to order a ( dab colllu for
the burial of the Salvation army In the
DOtlurfllicld , hoping that the city will pay
the funeral oxpmiscR of thu pauper. It is
not probable that 1,800,000 men and
xvonieu , Hint compose the Salvation
army , xvlll consent to commit Miicide ,
inoroly to gratify those who desire to see
itdlu. It. Cii.nuitr. !
Oicrn | Cotnltc. | |
Tiioso xvho xvoro at the opera house
last evening xvero given a rich treat of
mirth anil music in thn "Ul.ick HiibRar"
as presented by the McCaull Opera
Comiqtto company. The opera itself is in
truth as well as in name comic , and
much of thu music in of that
taking , catching , popular clijirac-
tor xvliich xvius public favor ont
tlirst hearing and holds the favor
xvitli increasing unthuriiasm. The com
pany is a most excellent one , and in bolo
work , and especially in chorus , justly
called forth much enthusiasm. Those
who xvore familiar with the reputation of
lltu com puny had their high expectations
fully met , while the e who expected only
an ordinary entertainment were greatly
To-night a ! ; till creator feast of good
things is promised by the same company ,
in the prehontation of "J'ulka. " The
UUisic lovers , and those xvho enjoy mirth
xvilh melodv. xvill not have a butter op
portunity this season than that ollercu
to-night at Dohany's. Thu company
pioved themselves last night , and
"J''olku , " ono of the foremost of comic
operas , will be linoly gix'cu without
doubt. _
Good overcoats 2.00 , pants § 1 lo ? ,
oilier jrood.s in proportion. Kvorj bodj 's
Store , 8'J3 Alain.
The Section Foreman.
The executive committee of the 15ioli- |
orhood of Railxx'ay Section Forcmon of
North America held a meeting yesterday
afternoon with u viexv of forming a co
operative company and start a paper in
thu interest of their order und the track
department in general. They have a
large territory to xvork on. An associate
editor of Uailroad Suction Foreman xvas
elected to take thu paper in his hands ,
and run it in the interest of thu order.
A social entertainment xyill be given in
the Baptist church this evening. A
variety of uselul and fancy articles wil )
be fori-alo. Supper twenty-live cents ,
and oysters twenty-live cents , xvill bo
Mirvqd from 0 o'clock through the
evening. Admission ten ccntb to those
who do not liavo tickets. All our friends
arc cordially invited
The Council HI nil's Candy company
have quietly built up a sweet business.
No adulteration of candies is permitted ,
mid their goods are consequently meet
ing xvitli favor. They are running day
and night , and are turning out about
l.I'OO ' pounds ot candy per day , xvhlcli
meets xvilh a ready bale.
Frank llaploy , who has been at xvork
for some lime in ( iray'H harness .shop ,
IIMH become so violently iimno that it is
Hcceodiiryto restrain him. Ho will hare
an examination before the commissioners
of lunacy to-day. Helms a brother who
is employed as a compositor oa ono of the
Omaha papers , Air , Clni.y wishes thu
brother to comes ox'er nnd sec him.
Krlof Sketch of thu Great Actor ,
John K , Owens , who died at hh homo
in Kaltimoro Tuesday , December 7 , was
born in Kiigland. ofVolsh parenta o. in
18'J ! ! , but xvas brought to the United
States xvhun only throe years of ago , by
the parents , xvho lirst seltlod in Haiti-
more , Md. Aflor a residence of ten yours
in that citj , ho removed to Philadelphia ,
xvhoro Mr. Oxyens. pei-c , iMublislied him-
holf In business , no made his lirat up-
pearanco under Urn management of
thu lute William K. liii.Uin , at the Nation
al tlieator , I'lnladulplihi , xvlioro Cliiirlotlo
Ciislimun was then Murtllng the puhllo
with her manifestations of it poxvurful
gcniiib. On thuMlth of August , 1810 , Mr.
OxycnK reappeared in Philadelphia at Iho
museum , in Masonio hall , us Jack
] Iumihne ) , tn "Turning the rabies , " for
Iho benefit of 1) . P. Hoxri-rs. In 1810 ho
became joint manager of the liaUimoro
museum xyith Ham , and in the succeed-
Inir vi-ar a cnmud solo control of the cs-
tabllshmunt. In 18.ri ! , at the cmriipst soli-
( litution of John Hroughmnn , Mr. Owens
consented to inaugurate with lib pur-
formance Hroughiuan'H lycuiim , Now
York , then ni'ivJy built. am | mot with u
cordjul reception. On the ( Uh of Juie ; ,
1H.V.1 , ho for the third nr fourth time
suilrd for Kurow , ami , deolining u Hut-
tcring ougM emniit at the Aduli/lii / theater -
tor , niiuli ! un oxtonddd lour of thu coii-
tlnent , In 1KH lie again cnterod into thu
m Jiiau'eiHein ot the < 'harlos street theatre ,
Haltimpi'o , In 18.VJ ho conducted tlio
anlies theater , Noxv Orh-aiia. In IS01
ho tilled a iiuht Kiif'Ht'iil ( ( cniragiimuiit
at Walhick'h tlu-ntro , Now York. In 1WJ5
ho visited Knglaml , pltivin
iihinglo. " Itctunim to America he
nmdq this pnrt piirticnhtrly his own.plny-
Ing In all HID hirgo cities. As n coitm-
diiin he ranked yvith thu liiirlii' > t , nnd wnti
as grout ill liispuild UH Ji < l ) ° ii > nii and
ClarM' urn in theirs. Ho hud bucn ill fur
a number of yenrtj ,
iH.'dii'i's / Ih'imrJihil
xxlllnlfux HID nillHtion xxhich indnres
Inj , ' , fiixin ; ; inimuiliuie icliul. X'lld unlij in
Three mon in FhignlmT , A.T. , toiled all
mio night to gut a burrol huppa. od to con
tain xvliisky out of ucollur and away to
Hieir caiiiiViL'i ) \ | ) they- tapped it limy
thai it cpntaiuud
Han Francisco bov tolrihirool of the
new cit.y hall , which ia of lead , taking it
tuyay pieec by pioc .
Iowa toxvnu are loudod up xvill ) oloo-
tnurgitriiin B ( > | d by Jovi'u furnmra
dairy butter.
udo ubtcdly
attract a laryc mimbor
of pcoplv , ostablisJiing
tmniytmui n/actories ,
and the city trtll tw
doubt be increased to a et
population. of2VOOUO k
within 2 years , thus itf
f ,
incacasinff tJic ralno 1n
of a II real estate in , the o
city. AH suburban , 9
property now ivill be 0
insidft property tltoi. to
Everybody that hits It *
boityht real estate here 8 h
Ittw uiatle from JTW > to
ltWW jter cent on the
cash , thty hare f.i-
uested , and the satnc
tJiHtff Iti Itutrnd to con *
. Wo liavo a large list of bargains 'ar 'an
of both inside and suburban t- r
property. Here is a partial list : fli to tf
Itlot-Ii IS , Credit E'oiu'ii-r addition lin
tion , H loin , IriifKti o oiifli side , u
\villiiil l\vo blocks ol'ooal iiiino , i
lEargaln. Q
0-rotiiu IKMISC , Idlc\vild , M5ll > .
O-rooni IHHIXC , Edl. wild , new ,
G-rooiu IIUIIM , Jijiproveniciit AN-
ut 1 > ; J.\J 3-1 , east front
< ) -roiun house , JeorjSii avenue ,
Iici : < : d by Hlraiu , water nnd
pas. I'nil lot , barn , cte. , near
I uavonwortli , $7 , TOO.
Ilou e , § rooiim , tS lofx , Windsor
I'lttcc , ii liloeUs wet 1'arli ,
House nnd lot In HO\VI > 'H addi
tion , SJS 0.
Fine new lieu e En EBnim-om
I'lac-c , ( 'atlterino ulruet , to
rooniH. luate ; < l l y rnrnuee , l c t
built in tuc oil ) . Iar itin.
85.704) .
O-room collude , new , eorncr
SOIIi and Ohio Htructs , Lithu'x
mldltton , P'2HOO ; siilOO
balaiu-o Q5 ! itur niontli.
B'inc lul in tVailiingtoii
ftitilatetl n ti itSIIIIary Itoad ,
> ver which iiu > ro travel t-oinett to
Uio elty tliiin any other within 5
blocU * of Walnut Illil Depot on
tlic Kelt BJne , I 'J loll , lor sale ,
u > 'lt'C IVoni iii.10 to ? J500 , one-
tenth cash , balaiu'o AIO per
nionlli. 'I'EiiiKo IOH | will double in
value within n year , llmw making
a profit of 8OOO , per cent on thu
paid , fotno In nl , uc and
what you want ( or tuey will
till ioon go.
Wo alHO nialie a Hpeoiallj' ol'
South Omaha properly for tale.
l ist your property with un. We
will advei-lUe II well for you.
Wo have acre property north ,
M tilli and west.
We alko luiv properly of all
Kind * lor tale.
A great bargain , ! ! largo lots , CO foot
frontage , east , on 2lM St. , xvitli small
bouse , in K V Smith'H ntuld , cable line
bull xvithin S block. This xvill make four
lots of 41)1x140 ) each , iffl.800. Only fi.OOO
cash. Must be taken at once. This xvill
bell for - ? lO.DOo in the Hpring.
A bargain. House ? rooms , lot lOOx-
120. In Oiuiuiu VIoxv. Price fi,800 : , , 1,000
otthli , balance lo suit.
A burguln. lOOslGll , on Sherman ave. ,
in KfrUxvood , ? IKK ( ) , ! # 1HC ( ) cash.
Corner lot , ( IU.\120 , in Fuii mount Place
$3,000 , $000 rash.
A bargain. MJxUO , on SOth st , in K V
Smith's ' add , ? -3.70o , $1,800 cash.
Ji.lxlSO , near Williamsst , onH iitlintoro :
building , 8 sturlcH , rents for fOjriii per
moiilli. * IM)0 ) , terms oa-y. This H a Inir-
gain , will not i ou 17 PIT cont. nor yoiir.ou .
a.'iv IfiO , adjoining thn nbove , xvlth txvo
felory tramo. fitoro buildinjr , rents for $50
per month M.OOO , terms easy This is n
gict | bargain ( Jail at Ihia m ou
tl | ( ' markdi but a slioi't time ,
Ono whole lot in Koulh Omahu , m I us-
mo.vsparl. ? 100. A bargain.
Txvo Initial's , ono of lii roomy and ono of
fJro'ims , rfnts for -fro n month , in Jlor-
bach's add f J.OOu , f 1,000 i-ash , ti tntiguln.
A bargain. I ( OHMS of 10 room" , routs for
WT M p r mouth , in Ilorbaoh'b add. IJ.OOO
H room house and barn , Uorlnoli'fi
rents lor ft ) p r month. ta.OOO , iJl
, Redick's Block
2nd Floor.