Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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The Situation of Affaire At the Hospital
> For tbo Insane All Serene ,
Hiilto Pllril for ( ho O\vnof.xlili of Mn-
foln Ilonl Kwtnlo I'rojjrp'M of
Work. Upon the New Charter
Capital NCWB.
Irnoii run lit : ' LINCOLN mnr..uM'
The citimliott of affairs up to hist even-
\ K ruinalncd unctinnc $ < l at tlic insane
hospital. In tlui morning Secretary Hog-
gun came to the city and hold a confer-
mien \\Hli his associates of the board ot
anil buildings. The lli.r/.i war
inlorviowcd Mr. Uoggen ,
'v.lio stated that all was quiet sit the my-
Itun and nothing at all disturbing tlic
i.siial routine of duties among the oin-
ployes. The mcrctary reported that the
t-oal of ths asylum as well us Hie keys
was missing , but no one was allowed to
enter the grounds for the purpose of
placing Mallhewson in position ot hold
ing the fort , anil the secretary reported
that the board would hold the state ins-li-
tution from intrusion. After an hour's
conference with Messrs. Willard , Scott
and Louse , his conferees on the board ,
the secretary returned to the asylum ,
where iie remained during the day. Late
toward evening the asylum wa called
upon for news , but the wires were networking
working and no answer was obtained.
Dvring the proceedings of the night Lo-
fore , as related by the Hun yesterday , two
attempts were made by the l\latlhcw \ ons
to regain possession , the first by the .son
of the doctor who went out about ! ) p. m
in a carriage , and when ho was met by
the guards was ordered to hault. llu at
tempted to drive on over the guards , but
they stopped thp horse and the young
man returned to the city later hi the
night. Sometime ab ut the hour of It p.
JM the .sentinel at the out post described
in the moonlight the approach of Uortor
jHultltowHon himself. A courier was at
oneo dispatched to the building , and when
the doctor reached the gate ho was met
liV the warden ami thugeiitlemaii in com
mand , Secretary lloggen himself. The
poreullis was rn'ucil sullieier.t to allow : \
snack of conversation to bo carried on
mid to the doctor's demands for admis
Muti Mr. Hoggpn stated that no one
claiming authority over the institution or
holding the keys to it , would be permitted
insidetiiat ; the board had only one tlesiro
tn at was to know who had control of the
institution ; that ( iovcrnor Uawes hud
ri-moxed Matthewson and appointed Hav ,
and thai the duty of the board as super
visors in the matter was plain. That if he
( Doctor MaUliewsou ) wanted admission
lie could obtain it by dropning his pre
tended authority and turning over the
KiMS , and that he could obtain admission
iu no other way. The doctor then re
turned to the city. At tlic meeting of the
board yesterday at tiio oilice of Land
Commissioner bcott no one appeared ex
cept the members of the board themselves
mid their aetiouVIH ; confined to passing
iiiioliition * ) regarding future action to bo
tnUen if Mrs. MalthWbonwho ( ! is inside
th" institution , should attempt to make
double by attempting to eiilorce her
claim ot yet being matron of the institu
tion in the faeo of the fact of the gover
nor's removal of her at the time that her
li'isbaud was removed as superintendent.
Members of tlie board , who were seen
yesterday , were of tlic omnion that thu
contest was practically ended , anil the
attorney general was positive inhisstato-
iiient.s thai the board and thegov urn or had
law and the equity on their bide , lie
t-tiiUnl that in all their actions , in which
lluiv unanimously concurred that the
board had both experience and evidence
that they worked upon alone ami that us
guardians of the interests of the state
uiey proposed to hold the possession them-
Helves until tinal settlement was made
and the property uml accounts turned
over to their keeping There were rumors
during the day that steps were to betaken
taken to arrest Mr. lloggou , but the
board expressed their readiness to meet
any such stops if they were brought.
The rumored arrest of Secretary Rog-
gen and the members ot the board did
not materiali/o and neither did the ill-
lejjed suit , paid to be in preparation by
Matthuwsou and his attorneys against
the governor , wherefore peace and quiet
ness ruign out at the headquarters of the
wat. At the asylum ( ieneral Hoggon re
mains in command , surrounded by the
old guard , who die but do not surrender ,
unit the batteries on Yankee hill are
silent. Jftho keys are not turned over
by Matthewson in a few days the board
will put new locks on thu building and
the standing army will bo reduced to a
peace ba-iK
Ycstuulay the papers wore tiled in
district court in two cases that will call
into question the title of some valuable
city property. The plaintitT in the cases
is ( . ' . ,1 Hall , and ho brings suit against
S. A. Jlrown & Co. and Humphrey IJros. ,
for thu recovery of lotH M , 1(5 ( , 10 and 17 ,
in block 70. of the city. The nlaintilPt
petition recites that ho held undisputed
posses-ion of the property smeo 18U'J ' , but
that since ISS'J thp defendants have hekl
unlawful possc.ision and have collected
as routs therefrom the sum of ijl.'JOO
each , ami it is for possession and these
I .rental * that Hall brings the suit.
"Thu road will not be completed to No-
britaka t'ity the present year , " &aiit Mr.
H L Heed , of Weeping Water , to this I\KK \
representative yesterday , "owinji largely
to the liilwiuss of date in commencingthu
work and some delays in locating thu
line , " .Mr. ttucd has been in the employ
nf the ( joniinuv ) as right-of way agent for
both the Lincoln and Nebraska Oily ox
iuiifeion < i the .summer and it is geutlv
hinted that with the advent of Mr. Clark
as general manager that Mr. IJooil wil
bi > lioreaftur ono of the Missouri I'tieilii'V
prominent men in Nebraska work. On
thi < new line to Nebraska City there wil
bo three towns platted , two in C'ass am
uniin Otoo ,
iwo Mtiiirs or ornitv
are approaching for thu citizens of Lin
colii u ho hayo bopii apparently anxioiHlj
awaiting entertainments of this uiiarau
tin1 , judging from uriticisms heard upoi
the htroots Thu Kim ko opera house is
an-.wt > rln2 UIH demand by bccuring tin
Mct'aiill opera company for L-ndayaiu
iSiuurdtiy ovcnings at that popular IIOIIHO
UIODhioh / occasion Lincoln people wil
| HIM > Hit pluasuro of liuarhu ; the "Dlnck
lliissnrN1' and "l-'alua. " Tim roservoi
scats for those two evenings of tong gi
on itnlu tills morning at the box ollicu
with indications favorably tor great
A r ioitu rros TIII : cu uu iit. ;
work of preparing a new city
ch artor for lc"islitivu : action and enact
the coining winter has progressci
through a joint meeting of thu city conu
oil and llui citi'/cns committco of tldrtocn
to ilie apointment ] ) of a sub-committee o
live who will draft thu instrument am
pa r"iit it to the entire committee for dis
fusion and approval. The sub-commit
t > < ot live are John II. Ames. II. D. Hath
u < \ iv , . I. II. Webster , A , O. Uickctts and
Al'ru ' W. 1'iuld , cud the rest of the com
inMtoo aitd picsumably citizens genorall ;
: ir t'Htr ictcd to hand any amt all sug
& tums to the sub-couimittoo for thoi
u- ion ,
- U'n'a. ' two parties nnmed itoyco am
hin's ivroivc'd a dii > pu > itioii ot thu
KVI-KOS preferred against tuem for as
nulling a man named dim Kccno , The
tartios were arrested the evening before
uid Joyce plead guilty and wa1 * lined and
lischarged. lidwards , however , rcfn cd
0 plrau and he was Ponf back to jail for
rial yesterday. \ \ hen he outorcd the
corridor he ntniKed himst-U by smahiiic
he shelf where tlie water bracket ruled
mil kicking the bucket to nieces , l-'or
his pleasantry he was locked in a cell ,
and in court yesterday ho paid a line of
'f and CO.MS.
The fact that the West Lincoln stock
iiarket is growing U illustrated in the
'act that in receipts the amount has
loubled in the pa t week. Yesterday
over twelve hundred hogs were received
it SJ p. in. , and the day previous the
'Igurcs ' ran up to a higher notch than
[ hat. The prices remain from $ < 1.03 to
M1.7."i per hundred , and the demand was
active and upward. Within the next
week the second packing house will com
mence killing , and as this house will con
sume a thousand hogs daily , the neces
sity for a lUoly market and plenty of
hogs in U csl Lincoln is apparent.
AT Tin ; iiim.i.3.
Among the Nebraskans in Lincoln
ycf-tcrdav were noted the following : T.
.1. Majors , I'nru ; K. L. Heed , Weeping
Wnlor's ,1. W. holmes. Omaha ; 'I1. U.
Cobboy , Wymore ; 1) . It. Perry. Ciotc ; A.
S. AlclCay , Fremont ; U. 11. Ponblcs , David
City ; ! ' . H. Galbraitli , Albion ; A. S.
Maiisfi-ldo , Ashland ; K. W. Kcglesoii ,
Walter M. Seplcy , Honnctt : II N Car
penter , Syracucc ; K S. Dundy. jr.
Andrew Hosuwatcr , (5. 15. Christie , Judge
Sitiih-r. I'ldlli ) ) Andres , Omaha.
"tt Knook.s the Spots , "
and ovcrytliing in the nature of erup
tion" , blotches , pimples , ulcers , scroful
ous humors , and incipient consumption
which is nothing more nor less than
icroinla of the lungs , completely out of
the system. It stimulates mid invig
orates the bowels , purilio I lie blood , and
builds up the weak places of the body.
It is a purely vegetable compound , and
will do more than is claimed for it. Wo
refer to l > r L'ierce's "Golden Medical
Discovery. "
Standing by tbo Kotdicr.
Chicago News Circuit Judge McCul-
him , of Iowa , began his career at thu bar
characteristically. His Ural case was bo.-
fore a justice ol marked moraljty , who
was extremely liiuslt with criminals.
The weakness ot the old Puritan was his
\oneratioii tor veterans of the war , all of
whom lie esteemed as unrewarded
heroes. McCtillum had fought fouryoars.
His client was a thief. "Tho only thing
1 can do for you , " said McCulluni ,
after having gained "the man's ' confi
dence , "is to implore the mercy of the
court. When yon go 011 the stand tell the
whole truth. "
The man had stolen a cow , killed tt ,
sold the hide , and taken the carcass homo
to his family , which was really hull'uring
for the necessaries of life. The puosccu-
lion , with a long line of witnesses , had
made out a perfect ease , and the brow of
the justice was draped in ominous frowns
when the prisoner was called. The lat-
tur did as directed by his attorney , con
cealing nothing from the almost starv
ing condition of his wife and family to the
dressing of the stolen beef.
"Now. your honor , " said McCullum ,
"the defence has no witnesses. My cli
ent is guilty , lie has hidden nothing
from tliis court. Jt is the first time lie
ever transgressed the laws. He was in
spired to do wrong by thatinstinct which
wo oven admire in brutes.1 Then , turn
ing to the prisoner as if the fact had
nearly o-icapcd him , Me' 'ul.'u.n s .id. ' J5y
thu way , you were a soldier ; in the lute
war. were j-ou not ? "
"Yes , sir. "
"Weren't you at Gettysburg ? "
" Yes , sir.1'1
"So was t. And you were in other his-
torjc battles , fighting for your country ,
while your wife and family suffered from
waul at homey"
"Yes , sir. "
The prosecution at this point saw the
way the case was drifting and attempted
to ridicule the "old-soldier defense , " a.s
the prosecuting attorney named it.
The ofl'ect on the old justice was to
arouse all his loyalty and indignation.
"Kmnigh of this. " said he , bringing his
hand down on the desk in front ot him
with a thundering thud. "No soldier ,
no man that has shed his best blood for
his country , not even if he be a criminal ,
can bo reviled , in my presence. The
prisoner is discharged. And , .sir. when
you are suffering tor the necessities of
life again come to me. "
The joku was too good to keep. Me
Cullum told the justice one day that the
oltt soldier was an ex-confederate , but
never again did AlcCullum practice in that
It always gives us pleasure to speak
well of a good article. The "Garland
Stoves and Ranges" are acknowledged
to embody all that is bct in that line.
They have the r oputation of being the
best made. Though imitated by many
they are equaled by none.
Juat the 3laii for the IMace.
Chicago Herald : "There's something
funny about me , " said a long-haired pas-
Hcngor from the west who was airing his
feet on ton of a scat in an cast bound
train , " 1 kin drink niore'n any dozen
men t over saw , an' novcr feel it. Why ,
stranger , 1 kin git away with a quart o'
whisky an tyour , an * then hit a quarter
with my shootin * iron fit twenty paces.
1 kin mix whisky , wine , beer , gin , every
thing , an'it has no more ellect on mo
than so much raiu water. 1 don't know
why 'tis , but I 'pear to be proof again all
'to.\icatin'htuir. It's on account o' that
I'm makin' this trip. I'm goin' down to
Washington to git a Job. "
"A job from the government ! "
"Yes , Itayard huard of me an1 baid 1
was just the man ho wanted to send down
to Mexico. "
_ _
Physicians proscribe Dr J. II , Mc
Lean's Tar Wino Lung Halm : in it tlioj
Lnd no trace of opium or morphia , whili
its elllcacy in curing all throat and lung
diseases is wondertul.
Xach T. IJi'bt ' , of Aden , Ark. , rigged up
a cistern for his wife to fall into and
drown , and the next day ho fell in him
self. Neighbors pulled him out.
Two men of Philadelphia wet a load o !
tii FO that it loukcd like coal and then
sold it to an miMispecting citl/.un , who
thought hu was lucky in buying it foi
no Ammonia , Lime , Aluia or Fboipbatf 8. Dr.Prlco's
liiuicu , Yacill , liCiaon , BtCnttiTOlCfiUcioui jr ,
A Place That Was Made Famous by Fred
erick the Great.
Emperor YUllInin null the Ciown
I'rlnco A. Collection of 1'nl
ncc < Kredbrick's Former
Potsdam bears the relation to Merlin
that Versailles docs to Paris , writes a
correspondent of the San Trancisco
Chronicle. It was the favorite residence
of Prussia's greatest monarch , who
adorned it with palaces , and gave it the
importance that it would otherwise never
have possessed. It takes less than an
hour to go there by rail. The route is
not greatly dlversilled b.y villages. The
road traverses interminable forests of
young pines with viststs , through which
you catch a glimpse of shining lakes and
crosses .1 canal now and then , which
serves to unite the sluggish streams by a
common bond of commerce. A glance
at the Prussian Versailles shows why it
was selected by Trederiok the Great as a
suburban residence. It is sulliciuntly
near thu capital. On one side is
the Havreith the series of
lakes through which it Hews , and
on the other a .series of hills , not
imposing , but of siifllclcnl elevation to bo
a relief from , the general level and to com
mand a broa'd and not unattractive land
scape. The soil , too , has an unwonted
fertility. The city is full of fruit orchards
and fruit trees in streets , parks and gar-
donsand tlio environs arc well cultivated.
Add to this that no climate could well be
more agreeable in spring , summer and
early autumn than that of this part of
Prussia and ono can easily understand
why a residence here is agreeable during
a large part of the year. The Kinperor
William does not , however , spend much
time at Potsdam , lie prefers Uablcs-
burg , a chateau in the English Gothic
style , built on a hill on tin- shore of one
of tlie larger lakes of the Havre , across
which thu palace of Sans Souci , so long
the homo of I'Vi'dcriek ' this frreat , the new
palace so caHc'-lthough it was built by
Frederick ut is now occupied a part of
tlie time by the crown prince ) , and the
marble palace , the summer residence of
the crown prince's eldest sou , are plainly
inn oi.n UMIMIOK. : :
So when he is tired of cpntemp'.at'my '
the great canvases on which arn illus
trated the wars with Denmark , Austria
ami France , he can from Ids chamber
window sweep his eye over a landscape
which includes the rcsiduncc.s of the
greater part of his descendants , and at
night tell whether , like good children ,
they Imvts gone to bed at a seemly hour.
But if the stories told by the French press
arc true ho will not be able much longer
to indulge this patriarchal fondness.
Ilis eye is said to have lot its brightness1 ,
Ills head its imperial pose , his form its
orcctpess , and what is stranger than all ,
lie is no longei able to distinguish tlic
members of the Prussian from the o of
the general parliament ot tlic. German
states. Is tins prophetic ? A poet of
some celebrit.v has said that coming
events cast their shadows before.It is
possiblethen , that the venerable monarch
in his capacity of aged seer may have a
vision of the lime when , the process of
absorption completed , the German rep
resentative body may ho merged in that
of what was once the little Duchy of
IJrandinburg. But whatever may be the
state of Ids health or ot his tottering
reason , it i51 probable that he will insist
on holding lu- > power to the last , and that
if on his deathbed tlie crown prince
should come in , as did the son of that
llenry of whom Shakespeare tells , and
begins toying with the imperial crown ,
going perhaps so far as to sec if tliu cap
tits him , hovill como back even if lie has
passed thesdent bourne and replace it on
the bald poll that has so long worn it.
IN TIII : isti'EitiAi , rmdr.Ncn. :
It was my privilege to catch a glimpse
of the imperial poll at the late grand ro-
vicw of Potsdam on the anniversary of
Frederick the Great's birthday. The da } '
was admirable for the occasion. Bis
marck did not come nor Von Molikc.
But the emperor came over from Bablen-
btirg with the empress and some gentle
men aud ladles of the imperial house
hold. Thu crown prince was naturally
present in 1iis capacity of ofliccr of thu
guard , and there wore other persons of
distinction who might have shown had
they not been so overshadowed by the
presence of royalty. The emperor , cm-
press and suit attended divine .service at
the military in the morninc , and then
came in carriages to the royal chateau ,
but u little distance from it. Tlie review
took1 place in the pleasure t'ardun back
of the chateau , apart of which lias been
cleared away for a parade ground. Thu
front of the old aud ugly udllico is on a
courtyard which faces on one of the
principal streets of the city ,
The principal rooms open on the
garden at the back , where tncro is also a
perron witli broad steps which com
mands the parade ground. On this perron
the ladies of thu suit gathered during tlio
parade , and candor and a powerful Held
glass compel mo to say that compared as
respects beauty and tasteful attire with a
similar assemblage of ladies in Franco ,
England or America , they wcro a failure.
Tlio ompc.ror wore the uniform of tlie
guards , ami surrounded by u brilliant
group of olficorri , gave the orders for thn
regiments to dolilo before him after they
had first taken their places. This in
itself was an allair of the time , and while
it was in progress the crown prince
did not hc.sitatu to show his manly
.form in passing hero and there across tlie
parade ground and conversing fumiliarly
with thu oiliccr.s of the guard , Ho is a
tall , line looking man , but somewhat
dwarfted by several officers , who , by
tl'eir fetaturo , which appeared to bo
nuarly seven foot , would have warmed
the heart of Frederick the Groat' * , father
and caused their prompt admission to his
regiment of giants.
A Miumtv mvii\v. : :
Though the oecaMon was a centenary
it did not scum to have drawn the crowd
oi .spectators that might hava been ex
pected. They scarcely numbered a thou
sand. Comparatively few came from
Berlin , and of these a largu proportion
wuto foreigners or tourists from other
parts of Germany. The facilities for sou-
ing wcro not good. No ono "was ad
mitted to the garden , aud as a largu part
of it is still filled with trees the re
view was only to be soon through a portion
tion of thu railing at two of its sides.
My own position was fortunate. By
dint of considerable llattonng I had
forced mydnlf between two oftho cob
uni us that Hank the main entrance , and
found standing room on the in
ner side of the pedestal of one oj
tiiem. Thence 1 could command
tlie entire parade ground , the person ,
ami , as good luck would have it , the
ci'cnyii prmco , as if for the special satis
faction of my curiosity , came ami stood
awhile directly m front of me , The parade -
rado ground is small and while ttio regi
ments were taking their places they were
obliged to occupy the edge of the woodeil
part of the garden. In coming into
place they wheeled directly before
mo , giving me an opportunity
to study their uniforms and
personnel to thu boat advantage. Ho\v
many there were 1 do not know , but the
garrison of Potsdam composed entirely
of regiments of picked men , numbers
7,000 or 8,000 and most of these probably
participated in the review , It was quite
ouough to till all the aviiilublo space with
a mass of gay plumes , shining helmets
aud brilliant uniforms.
OMIM VN3 ANMI rnr.M tt.
The Imperial Guard , without doubt
represents the flower of the German
army , which is best in its personnel and
most cfllcicnt and exact in its disciplin. 1
say the best , but it is a dillercncc only In
degree , for the spirit and discipline of the
army arc in general r7 peels every whore
the same. U is undeniable that the
German army has been brought by Bis
marck to the highest degree of perfection.
You see it in a Ticrman olllccr or a Ger
man soldier all over the country , whether
ho is on or off duty. Ills bearing is mil
itary. Ho carries himself erect and his
unilorm is well kept. I Kayo heard it re
peatedly said in ! ranee , "The Germans
are a dirty people" ( ( " o < a uu sale people
ple ) . Without entering into Hie question
of the relative claims to neatness of the
two nations , it is unquestionable that
from a military standpoint the Germans
are much the neater of the two. Their
uniforms arc haml.somor , they are
heller made , they arc bctterjcept. This
is nstom&liing when we consider that the
standard of ta tu is much higher in
Franco than in Germany. The French
soldierVuniform rarely lit' him and he
does not take good care of it. lie
is often round-shouldered a defect thai
Is rendered moie unpleasantly apparent
bv slouching habits. The French aillhori-
ties have begun some changes of uniform
which may produce tlie ilcsirod results
if tlie French soldier can only be induced
to stand up straight and carry himself
like a good soldier , wliich he certainly is
when it comt'3 to the test. Then ho rises
to tlio level of the situation and shows all
thu bravery and staying qualities that
urn necessary. It is largely on the elan
of the French soldier in time of battle
that the nation bases iti hope of success
in a war with Germany. Hut t ho Ger
man soldier is Mibmissive aud disciplin *
MEN Of NOHI.r. SI'ATI'ltn.
In regard to stature , it would be im-
pos'qblo to get together in France 7,000
men of the si/.u of the Potsdam guards ,
though the latter have probably dimin
ished in height since Frederick 11 formed
nis regiment of giants. Tills was dis
banded by Frederick the Great when ho
ii'cundcd to the throne , but he developed
the same tendency later , for we learn
from tlio correspondence of Voltaire
that ho complained to his royal friend
aud patron that he was unable to take
the air in the garden of Sans bouci with
out having a , musket thrust into his
.stomach by one of the huge guards that
surrounded tiio palace. It was part of
the ceremonial observance of the review
to march with tlio parade step common
in the time of Frederick the Great Every
olio lias scon this in engravings. It con
sists in throwing out the leg as if the sol
dier hud no furthur use for it and was ab
solutely trying to lliiigituwuv.then bring
ing it down on tiio ground as if he InJ
feuded to bury it several feet in the sod.
Some of the London papers call it "pran
cing , " though that word poorly suggests
the movement. It is dillicult and its only
advantage is to cultivate the soldier to a
greater promptness In the use of his mus
cle aud a higher degree of precision. All
tlio regiments pass through thu ordual
successfully , but several military schools
composed of boys of different .sixes who
had been practicing the same step and
who were anxious to be put through their
paces in the imperial proienec , were not
allowed that privilege. The nervous force
of the emperor < ravi > out too soon. No
sooner had the last regiment passed him
than he ascended the perron surrounded
by his just and thrust his aged , wrinkled
white taco and waxed moustache over tlic
balustrade to catch a glimpse of the com
ing generation of soldiers , then withdrew
incontinently to the inner rcccoses of the
The Potsdam palaces were not visible
on this day , but I saw them afterward.
The interest that attaches to thorn is
principally historical and personal , for
they have little to show in the way of art
or architecture. Tlio circuit is usually
made in a carriage that costs 00 cents an
hour , and need not occupy more than
half a day if you are a foreigner Devout
Germans like to linger with many oh's
and all's , hats oil' and bated bru'ath , in
apartments consecrated b.y the birth , the
death , not merely of Frederick the Great ,
but of all the other Fredericks who pos
sessed any title whatever to distinction.
The coachman usually takes you first to
the Hoyul Clmtuuu jubt mentioned. You
are shown through It by ono of the uni
formed servants , who by promptly pull
ing oil his liat in certain rooms indicates
to visitors tlie degree of reverence which
attaches to each. Ho also adds
some words of explanation , calls
attention to the pictures b.y Lancrct , Wat-
tcau , or by Frederick himself , and the
special use to which each was appro
priated. Tliu style of decoration is rococo ,
with a lavish display of silver aud gold.
The rooms occupied by 1 < rodcricl\ remain
much as ho loft thorn. That which inter
ests most is the celebrated "Cabinet dc
Conlidiues , " made with double doors and
ofl'uetuully freed from tlic ovosdropping
of servants by having the meals served
by means of a table raising and descend
ing through the floor. Tliu rooms that
servo as the temporary residence of Will
iam are simply furnished. That used as
an ollico being furnished in gold , and has
among several other not very remarkable -
able paintings a picture b.y Meyer Vou
Bremen , aud the celebrated portrait of
Napoleon as first consul , showing a face
delicate , rcliued and almost cfl'emint.te.
A collection of army rosters , all the books
in tlio room , are seen on tiio little desk at
which the umporor theoretical works.
The adjoining room is his bed cham
ber. So much has been said about thu
extreme austerity of iho routine of Ids
daily lifu , and especially of the hard mili
tary couch to which ho condemned his
aged bones , that [ 'determined to make a
critical oxamimitjon of it. Tlio servitor
did not sue anything irreverent in it , and
it was easily made , for the couch was
destitute of finoii , .showing that domestic
thrift sometimes puuotrato.s even into the
precincts of imperial palaces. Thu bed
stead wiio narrow , but it was furnished
with a mattress soft as downy pillows
are , in fact so yiuldimr that even an
American could sluup comfortably
on it , rebelling a little , perhaps ,
At its extreme narrowness. I'lio beds
at Bedclsburg and in ilia great palace in
the Unlcr dun Linden are , 1 doubt not ,
equally soft , not to bay luxurious. As to
rising early , the emperor does not dlfl'or
in this respect from other old people
Most of them have the luibit of going to
bed with thu hens , which entails the ne
cessity of rising at cock crow. The bed
occupied by Bouaparto when he was hero
in ono of his early e : > in ) > aigns is in a
chamber close at hand , It lm % no mili
tary narrowness , being in fact wide
enough to contain : i Mormon household ,
plurality of wives and { { roatgrandchil-
drun included I
FltnniiltlCK'.S rOIIMKU HUiIW.NCH.
From thu Chateau Uoyal you are driven
from there to the now palaeo built by
Frederick after the seven years' war. It
stands at the edge of thu SausSouei park ,
opposite tlie palaeo of that naino and thu
new arrivals are required to wait at a sort
of barnyard gate till the concoirgo has
finished showing it to the squad ho had
in hand and is ready for another , Every
onu is furnished at the entrance with a
pair of slippers like those given to visi
tors to the mosques of Cairo , that they
may not scratch the polished inlaid llqors
with their bootheols. As it is impossible
to lift their feet without their falling of ) ' ,
progress through the series of rooms dec
orated with gold and silver , or in
laid with shells and precious
stones , is made by n skating
movement , The visit , as performed by
the visiting squad , therefore , resembles a
winter festival on a Dutch canal. The
style is that of Louis XV , and the p'tC' .
turcs are by the artists of the period Lan-
crut , La Sucur , Wattoau and ohuri ( It is
rococo , bnl rococo run mnd. II 5s a sort
of nightmare , rich without elegance ,
which ono is glad to escape. The rooms
occupied by the crown prince and his
liotischold. which nre said to contain
some good pictures of ditt'orenl llalian
schools , arc not usually visited. After
linvme made tun circuit ono shtifllcs off
Ins Turkish slippers and emerges into
tlic open air gladly , after having dropped
a coin of value into the itching palm of
the cicerone , who has run on ahead and
stationed himself by the door to rocclvo
the tribute.
SANS souci.
J'hcucp to the famous oraiiRory ami
the palaeo of Sans Souci , tlio llrst of
which lies about half way to the last. It
is composed of a long , o-slory edifice ,
In the Florentine slvle , Ihc facade orna
mented with numerous statues , ami the
terrace which it surmounts having
several more ol the classic kind , lu Iho
galleries within arc some not remarkable
pictures. It must have been in its day
an attractive philosophic retreat. The
Sans Souci palace ( Carlvlo calls it "No
Bother'1) ) is u modest , one'story structure ,
which the visitor almost stumbles
over , and which ho is with
diuicully made to believe is what he l.s In
search of. Tlic gardens in front , aroelc
gant and the landscape tin.- ) . There is a
long scries of rooms in which Frederick
nnd his successor slept. In those which
he himself occupied are hislibrary.sheots
of music written by himself , his music
stand and a ghastly bust of him made
after ho was dend. There is not in tlio
building a relic ot Voltaire. Only the
room whore ho slept. Pictures , decora
tions , everything in French of the Louis
XV period , but interesting. Altogether
two days in Prussia may uo much worse
spent than in witnessing a review of tlio
Imperial guard aud visiting the Potsdam
All our city lallieas sa."u . > c Salvation
Oil , Iho greatest euro on earth for p , in. "
It costs only US cents.
Since Mrs. Brown has taken to using
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup she has saved an
independent fortune "in doctor's bills.
You can do the same.
I' rcil Archer nml Sir . ( .lines I'ajret.
Pall Mall Gazelle : The following
story comc to us from a correspond
Archer , having been bitten or other
wise injured by a horse on one occasion ,
called on Dr. .lames Pa get. The eminent
surgeon having bound up the wound ,
Archer requested to know how long it
would take to heal. "Oh , " said Mr.
lames , "I think in three or four weeks
you will bu all right.1'
"But shall I be lit for the Derby ? " a ed
"Ye-es , " was the reply. "Oh , yes I
think you may go to tlie Derby. "
"No , but yoil don't quite understand
me , Sir James , " persisted the jockey.
" 1 mean , shall I be lit to rldoV"
"Well , 1 don't know , " was tlie answer.
"Hotter drive ; better drivel"
Archer , rather taken aback by this very
innocent and nnoipcctcd rejoinder , had
to explain. "I am afraid , Sir James , you
scarcely realize who I am' ' "
"No"said the surgeon , politely , re
ferring to the patient's visiting card. " 1
see 1 have the honor of receiving Mr.
Archer , but ' '
11 "Well. " said Archer. "I .suppose 1
may say that what you are in your pro-
fosMoni Sir James , that 1 am in mine , "
and proceeded to toll him what that pro
fession was.
The famous surgeon , on learning the
status of his visitor , was at once grcallj
interested , and asked him eagerly many
questions , among others. What would
bo his k > ss supposing lie should be unable
to fulfil the Derby cncagiincnl" to which
Archer replied : "About Jtt..OOO. " His
average annual income he stated ( if I
mistake not ) lobe about 8,000 ; upon
which Sir James is said to have remarked-
"You may well say that what I am in my
profession that you are ju yours. I only
wish that my profession were half as
profitable as , yours. "
One of the institutions of Connecticut
this fall is the cider boat , who , pretending
to be out buying cider , samples tlic
farmers' apple juice , gets invited to
dinner or lake tea , says he'll call again ,
and goes on his dishonest way.
Captain Mitchell , of the bark Antoinc
Sala , New York and Havana trade , came
home in May , entirely helpless with rheu
matism. He went to the mountains , but
receiving no benolit , at his wife's request
began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. Ho
immediately begun to improve ; in two
months his rheumatism was all gone ,
aud he sailed in command of his vessel a
well man. Hood's Sarsparilla will help
you. Sold by all druggists.
Three of a Kind.
Hartford Times : A Bridgeport man
who was in Now York last week met
with a singular coincideucc on an ele
vated train. He was approached by a
man who had found a glove with the fore
finger of tlie left hand cut which was
suitable for his hands , on account of nn
accident in former years. While the
pair were talking a third man canio for
ward and claimed the three-lingered
glove , and on examination all the parties
had aforc-lingor missing on the left hand.
The trio of thrco-lingored men shook
hands in honor of the event , look three
fingers of sherry , and afterward separated
in three different directions.
Sutlerril 10 Years unit Curril.
Hyde Park , Soranton , Pa
1 liavn bepii lioulili-d with Inino Lurk
for thu lust ton or llftirn ; ruis , ami ilnr-
inx Unit time Inn i ! tried nil kinds ot rcino-
dlcM , hut found no icdiof. I trlnl Si.
iliu'tilis Oil , uliii'h I inn happy losavhus
completely cuicJ me
mellltS. . II. II.VI K
.SiifTVird 1 VIM is anil Cnii'd ,
Mr A. Vnricr , IMXI Walnut "licet , M
l.oulf , Ho. . Hiffurud fur two yniiit nltli
lunilniKO , nmt wax ronhno < l lo III * lied for
Miroral month ? He VMIH rnllinly t'linxl
by t IIH ii-o dl .St. if iicolin Oil , which lie Kiys
U also tli licbt turu fur sjiiulns .nut all
otlior pains ,
Could not Itlxn sinil Clued.
117 VoikMrei't , Kidney , K K W.
I li.ul u severe nttack of rhoumafin
liimhak'o , midcrlii : , ' mo mialilo t < > rlsn
I rein my ih. dr. un < t iipiillml St. , lucolj <
nil. Vklii'iuli ) IViib I MI far icliitvoil Unit
Hie pain ttus icniovoil. Mini liai not ic-
bpiuo Mrichuinl.
Stnrie I.niiilriRo t'ureil ,
IIKI l'i Inoo St. , New York , N. V
I had arry teu tc ca i of linnliiii ( , no I could h.ucjly wiilk. A flKii'l of
inlno m oininendoil hi .laeubs Oil 1
tried n liottlo ; II iele\ed ! mo [ tiled
anollier lioltle ; It euri-d mo , ( .nil now I
would not bo without it if il cost ffi per
| iei hotlle. ( , ' O , HIIA.YW !
Knllndy Cini-d of I.nmliaxn.
riirruLjul lloutt * . i-alem , Ma *
J-omo tlino ago 1 contracted n lioavy
cold , and It It-It mo with lumlufo I
ilM'd mnnoioiis leiiuxlles , hut got no i -
llef After nsliiK about one uucl n half
holttcs ut hi Ju < ol Oil I wus entirely
cuied. W J UUIIU. .
Uli : niAHLES : U
S3 fcffl/lR . .
i3S W " " ' 'l I > 'K'k uyt.4ir rl >
Sl. " * ' ' > * i C ialeOrelhra |
l3fc U tBAtO KS. Beulfjrmr u mml..t 4
'K iit.uu.AUu > ir.u , , -.j.
Ajtncy , 174 " ' " * * T.
Display at their vnrorooms , 1 SOB and 1307 Farnam
the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be found aJ
nny establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces tha
highest class and motllun ? grades , Including
Prices , quality and- durability considered , are placed at the it
( owost living rates for cash or time payments , while the long ly
established reputation of the house , coupled with their most
( iberal Intorpretatlomof the guarantee on their goods , affords 8t
the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible 8th
refects In materials or workmanship. If ,
LYQN & HEALY , 11o
OS A 1307 STRKCT \3 \
2fe.ft Tlis ! Montht on A'orcinbcr tlOth * nig Xo
With $2 You Can Secure
One City of Barletta 100 Francs G-old Bond
TU e bonds arc tlr.-uvii 4 times annually , with prizes of 2,000,000 , 100,000,000 , '
500,000 , 200,000 , 100,000. 50,000 , etc. , down to the lowest piizc of 100 Francs Gold.
Anyone sending us $2 will secure one of these Bonds and is then ENTITLED to
the whole prize thai it may draw ih next drawing , balance payable on caiy install
ments. This is the best Investment ever offeicd , IJesides the certainly iccciving back
100 lrrancs Gold , you have the chance to win four times n year. Lists of drawings
Mill be sent free of charge. Money can be sent by leijisteied letter or postal note.
l''or Anther information , call on or address HCRf.IN HANKING CO. ,
30 ! ) Bioadway , New Yoik.
N. B. These Uonds are not lottery tickets. , and ate by law pcimittcd lo be sold in
the United States.
Ice Plows ,
Markers , r ,
Hooks ,
Grapples ,
Tongs ,
Saws , ' OMAHA.
Run Iron , Etc.
i \
One of the Bsst and Largest Stocks in the
United States to Select From ,
Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware
Tlio larpcst stock. Prices the lowest. Rop.'iiriug a spociulty. All work warrant
Corner Douglas and 15th streets. Oinah *
The 0. E. Mayn © Real- Estate and Trust Co
Property of every description for sale m all parts of the city. Lnuda for snlo lu
eyery county iu Nebraska.
Of Titles of Doiifjlsii county kept. Main ot the city state or county , or any ether
information desired , furnished free of charge upon application.
APOSIflYEi oltio. Piitentol Octo
ber 10. 1U78.
One bor will oar
thamoit obtln&tocnio In four J T
No nmiscoun floiol ot cnbotn. cntmlbn or oil of
Enndalwood tlmt are corUiln to oroduce dydio | | > -
elu bv dosuorinir the coiitltik' < of the slonmati ,
l'rlco$1.50. Sold hr all UriifritlBti or raullt-a on
rocclptof pricfl. For furlhor lurtlculBr- omit
torriroular. P.O. Bor LIT ? .
3" . C. .01iIjwfi..3iT CO. , . CORE.
When I mr rural U'Jiiot ui n mornly to Hop lr.uiiK | > r .
tlmomniltli.oliiiTIlium ratarn iiiln. I nnnnuriul cilcurn
I lute nxlotlia dl > e eo i > f I1M , Kl'll.hrhV or HI.LIMI
H1CKNCSH lift ) Ionic lUuly. Itrirrant nif ifuicily locuri
' jilifri hoviifultcaUn o ranson Or
Houdntucco i. > r atrimtiieanln
l l u 'lrl lllTi > Eipr M4 I'oil
llu ! ) . Jl cy > ii ou iiollil it for trial , nnd I will euro vou.
Jiaircis Ur II < 1 OOr. ISJl'eorlBt. . h v Vorlu
iBUcOo sriilCtntl4utoiir own
IHIIIIO liy uiiu who was < i uf iwcnlj cl'jlit
yonrs. Tieaicd by umst ol the noted spojlul
ifto wlilioiil butuillt ; ciiuul liunsoir In iliri'U
inouthx , uml iihu'o tbon huiKlru'li ol othurs.
I'ull iiortk'\iliirri \ hout on uppl c'lllon. T. U.
J'AdlJ , No. ilVst \ llsl St , Now Voil. Cily.
DBB30BI. & EIAUI , ,
bUCCI'aaOf ? tO JllO. ( i .Jacobs ,
UN & $ } K. T A ? M Jit &
t tliu olilatnnii 1 107 I' mum $ t. Or'lcn
by ti'lugriipli 80.ii. it J ami iiroiaptlv ut-
temtud to. Tclcphunu tvj " 'J5
( > < tlto I.IijumliJibll , l'o lt.\ > l }
( 'urml by AtliMlnintfi-lii ; ; Dr.
llnlnui' < < tlilen M | > o < 'Uiii.
rjin bvclven In * cup of cotlrtioi lm wlt ! vjt
tli liiiiil < ' | ( ol thoycruon lakiiig iMnubiutuioly
nies" . ami will jjuc'l a iirTuinupiil &n J 9i wly
cure , wL li ! r lli < fillient U a ino-lciuM u.iukui oj
u Kicoliuiic wivclc 11 hui tmu In Iliju.
LUilttl Cilu.anJ In tvery hnut.oe A.'ttiftci cjru
Una folio * nt It nrrur TnlU I'li : yetciu uucu
iinpifiiiMUd wlih ilie Hpecl.V , II tfc < mie au ullei
Impossibility lor tlic liquor uppoilth to nut
ALIIN d : CO , , ( 'or. 13lh tui4 lJiuxl . uuJ
IHtli ft OuBilnii HI. . , Ouiujiu , KrU.I
i. IJ. I'DSTIIU A : U1U > , ,
Cuuucll niull , lairn.
Duller write lor pamplilfl ronlalDinx l.undraOa
r" wninioiiUU IrunilUu U ; t KMU U uud lu
iiuuv. „
Dim CA'I Altllll.
_ '
I > cVuc oud UuiW ttr 4 ( < In
1. II. ItbUIUAI.CO. , Ltktllj.ui.Ua , l.
lloceiitlj Hunt. Nonlrfun
The Treinont ,
J. C. riTZURKAItU it SON , 1'iuprlotor * .
Cor. Stli iind 1'Stl , Lincoln , Nob.
rutptllW perd r. Slroct COM fruiujioiu * to any
PRIlUf ttlo c'tj. '
J. H.V. . HAlUNS. .
Arcliitect ,
Omc < > < -3.1. ! tl uml 42 , ItUjliniild lllock , Mncoln.
Neb. Klovntoronlltu ulroct.
llrocilorol -llroodcrof
Live Stock Auctioneer
Hn mailu in all paitt of thu U. S , ntfnlr
Hoom 3 , Slain Itloolc , l.lnroln , Null ,
unit Short Hum bulls I'or salo.
Farm Loans and Insurance ,
tjonilmf-o In rc/iu J to loans sotloKti'l.
llfji/ia t. lUelim.ts ISIuuk , Lincoln. Nut ) .
Hivorsirle Short Horns
Of HI i inly nine HIIUM iui'1 Huius TupjioJuultlo.
Kuril lunntior.i about m
I'tlliillliiH i < iiru"iiiilu | < j : J'llboits. CranRI ,
.UnjinlM. Itciiifo , llo.-nj of Mmioiia. Mo-,4 KeitH ,
KniRlitly Duchrfiiftj , Mat Crude Vouuif Muryl ,
riiyllmH , I ouuna uiiil'liud I.IIVIH.
Hulls ( or islo. I 1'nru Hate * I'miAi-l , ! I'nra
Diti'il rnirws , /tO'ool I / flmioii , 1 Vomit Mury ,
1 J'uio Cruluk iSluuik mill iitiimn Couui ii'nl
liiHp : ttho liiTd. AdJroM , OlfAl M. IIIIAN-
HON. Ijiiifiiln , N'ul ) .
Wlion iu Lincoln otop ut
National Hotel ,
j i'U.niDi in i.
i.I I UUAWAV i'rop. 0t
0I t
C , t Hoyul mil Unlln-l a
i-vvry ottturUay H
Aniw&rj } S Hay ; Ywk 0K
ReJoii from { 41 lo $ T * Kicuiirilou trip from .
1110 lo iisi , ilaoon-J 0 bm , - -
ut fan raioa. I'eler V/rltrht & Boas , Ucuera ra
fA Uroudw y , Now Vo-K. raU. .
llotiry i'un I It. 1318 Fat H4 m at. ; I'iiulion k Co
' st 1) i ) 1'ieeinuii luil ! '