THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY. DECEMBER 8 , 1880 : THE DAILY BEE. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. STUMS or fit'n ( cntirrto : Dolly fMomMit Edition ) Including Sunday DIP. Ono Vonr . . . flow rorBlx Montln . n IM rorThrro Months . CM Jlio Omnlrn H rt'l y llr.E , nmilcd to nny ndJross , Ono Vear. . . S OJ O-MTTA orrtcr , Xn. m AVD pn FAnrAM STIIKBV NRVV IOUK orrtrn. noon Kl. TninrNC Itl'ii msn. otricc , NK. Mt Kounrtr.xTii HriiLet. COKRK * io DF.SCE ! All communlcilionq rolntlna to noivs tnrlnl niRttor Minukl bo tui-itosbod to Ihu lint' TOR Of 11IK IlKK. All liiilnc H letter * nn't remlltnncon nhnuM be nil il roused to Tin. HKK riniusiiiKn ( . 'OMPANV , OMAII . DraTIs , chocks ntnl poMnfllca nrilor to be rando jmj able to I be onltr of tlio coniiuiny , THE BK POBLiSHiNTlIpw , peopaitioes , . KHITOII. TIIK 1JI2K. Sworn Statement of Circulation. KtnteoC Nebraska , I. - County of Doiijjla * . ( Sl Sl < 5co. It. Tzschuck , secretary of The Hot FubltahltiK company. does flolemnly B Hint tlio actual circulation of tlio Dully ! k-t lor tlioeek ending Dec. Uid , 1S3Cvus a < follows : S n t ti i U a y. No v. 27 . 1 a , av Kiuidnv. Nov. 2JJ . M.11X Monday , Nov. 20 . 1U.8U Tuesday. Nov. SO . V3.WM Wednesday , lt-c. ) 1 . i : , oi I'lutrsday. Dcu. 'J . ii : : is Friday , Dee. : J . iiot : ; Amage . I.UK ! ) . ( Ir.o. II. T/.sourcK. .Subscribed and swot n lo Iwf ore mo this -llli day of December , A. I ) , , 18M5. N. P. Kr.ii. . I SEA I , I Notniv Public. ( Jco. U. Tzscluick , being first duly swom , rtepoM-8 and says that ho is srcrutaiy of the JUu Publlshiiij ; company , tlmt tlio nctnai nv rraco dnlly circulation of tlio Dallv Bee lei tlio month of January , 1SKI.vns lO.iltS < > nple.s , lorL'cbrnaiy. IbbO , 10,503 coplra ; for March , 18bO , 11,637 copies : for Apiil. IS * * ) , 12,1'JI ' copies : lor May. 18W ; . 12,4K ! ) copies : for , lime , IBtfl , 1B,29S copies ; for .Inly , I860 , 12ll4 ! copies : for Aucttst , l&SO , 18,404 copies ; for Sentonilh'r , IBbO , 18.OJO copies ; for October , 1S. " > 0 , 12'Jb' copies ; lorNou'iiiuci , iby ) , tutmponle.s. Gio. : B. T/sriutrn. .Sworn to and subscilbod belorc me this till dav of November. A I ) . 18SO. I8KAL.J N. P. FIIL : , Nolaiy Public. Mil. KANDAI.I , thinks tlio message : wetilc document , The president's opinion ! on the tnrill'evidently full to meet will Iho npprovnl of Mr. Randall's friend' ' among the monopolist manufacturers o : I'cnusylviinia. Juuofi CJitnbiiAM dunounccs Soloi llumptiruys. Jay Gould and ether high tonml railroad wreckers as thieves anil hcoundrels. The Colossus of Rogues ii used to having such charges made am proved. The judge's scathing opinioi ' .vill ) irobably not disturb his dreams , a : ] io bowls over the ocean waves in his pa Jallnl steam yacht towards Cuban water- , Tuu scorctary of war asks for funds U repair Jefferson barracks. Funds to re move them would be more in order. Jcf ferson barracks is a pestilential hole from winch every year a score of cases ol typhoid fovcr are distributed through the army. It is unhealthy and malarial , wretchedly located , poorly drained anil ought to bo abolished. ST. Loi'is ministers have felt called upon to denounce the ballet us immoral and St. Louis women have forwarded to Mrs. Cleveland a severe rebuke for hav- me wine on the table at a ladies' lunch , railing in her ambition to become a great commercial center , St. Louis is now striv ing for prominence as a great bccntcr ol iniquity in other cities. Mu. llrr.niTT's surveyors are survey ing a new line b6twcon Omaha and the JClkhorn Valley. It should strike farther west than any of its predecessors. If Mr , Ilughitt will oiler to construct a roail from a noint between Hooper and Nick crson to Omoha , giving thiscity a straight find air line connection with the north west , ho may hoar something to his ad vantage. Such a line would bo of prac tical benefit to our people. A NimiiKK of "stalwart" .country papers pors whose stnlwartisrn needs to bo bol utercd every twelve months by an iiniina DSSB , are dreadfully exorcised over tin four that tSencrul Van Wyck will aceopi n number of democratic votes it tcndcrci blm in joint legislative session. To b < sure. Why not ? So would any of bii competitors if they could secure them If wo remember correctly It is one of the maxims of war that it is always propei to "forage on the enemy. " KEEP it before the people that the cor .porate monopolies through the bogti : revenue law. nro shirking tlio entire burden don of municipal taxation on the slioul dors of the tax-paying citizens of No braska. While every other taxpayoi pays state , county and city ta\cs tin railroads uvndu till city taxes on nine tenths of their property , under the tint pretense that they pay state and counti tuxes and that Iho law does not ooiupo them to contribute to the support of mil nlclpal governments. Tun mooting of the humane society wai a gratifying success. There was a largi house , an interesting prray of speakers and an nudient'o who lollowcd them will sympathetic attention and generous ap plaurio. The graceful remarks of Judgi Savagt'tlie oloquimtand hauilful udroas : of Mr. Popplulon , bubbling with idnai and burning with warm sympathy fo the objects which it advocated , tim inter cstincr and chatty talk of Dr. Miller , am the friendly words of the other speaker ; iiiiidu up an evening of instruction cm entertainment which will not soon bi forgotten by those present. The Nobras lu humane society hits been started wcl on its mission , it remains for our citi ti/.ous to scu to il that it is goucrouby ! RIIS tamed in its good work. SKXATOII DAWIS : recently expressed Jdmsolf Fn favor of placing on the frci list every raw material that U used bj the manufaeturers of the United and tha is not produced in this country. This i ; something of a concession for the Alassa chusetts senator , but ho would mor < ftrontrly commend liimsolf to approva if ho should enlarge his free list to in elude- some ether articles , among then the grades of wool that wo do not grow jute , lumber , s.ilt , coal , tieo and SOUK ether necessities.Vo welcome thoavowa of Mr. Pawes , however , as tending ii the right direction , It may be noted hen that another hitherto stalwart defend ? ; of the protection policy , Ruprosentntiri llibcock , of Now York , is disposed to g < somewhat farther tluin the Mnssaclmsott senator hi reducing tlio list of taxei utlclcs. Those are promising sign * . t'rnctlcal Tlcrrnuc Ttcforni. The first practical move of the session , for revenue reform was made in tlio ln ( reduction of a bill by Senator Van Wyck which proposes to place sugar , molasses , and lumber on the frco list. All these arc articles of dally necessity. They are tt'ed by poor and rich alil.c. The tariff ta\ which they now boar is maintained . olcly to benefit a few sugar planters in Louisi ana and lumber barons in the northwest at the expense of the rest of the country. Last year -VJa.OOO.OOO worth of sugar and molasses paid ditty in lliis country , and tlio cost of rvcry pound of that produced at home was increased by almost the amount of duty paid per pound on that imported. The ciluct of the taritl on imported necessaries of living K to enhance tlio cost of the domestic articles of the same kind nearly If not tltiito to the amount of the duty. Con- Mimor.s could easily afford lo pay the duties on imports , if thai were all , for the revenues from them go into the public treasury for the support of the govern ment. Senator Van Wyck's bill is a practical one because the most practical way of reforming the larlfT at present lies in a gradual enlargement of the free list. No measure of sweeping reform will run u ghost of a chance ot success as congress is at present constituted , Pam pered industries have formed an of fensive and defensive alliance to eli % lrucl any tariff reduction iiflccting thiMiisuhcs. If iron is assailed , 7.iuc rises to throw its cohorts into the breach. If wool is attacked the cotton reserves rush to strengthen the Hanks , while crockery and gla sw.iri at oucu place themselves in position to defend American intlti'-trv in general and American capitalists hi particular. Hut there are articles now subject to tariff taxation of .such general necessity and universal use that the folly of continuing importdutics ou them Is scarcely subject to defense. They should form ttie skirmish ground for rev enue reform. When these outposts arc driven in , other- , will in time give way. A gradual enlargement of the free lift is the practical field for revenue refoitin-is. It all'ords ample ground for honest endeavor and a fair light in which the people will be on the side of the as sailants. There arc a do/on stalwart in fant industries rolling up wealth by the taxation of the many for the benefit of the few , which would lind profitable .scope for the investment of capital if every penny of duly was removed froiu the manufactured product. The Imw Stust bo Changed. The virtuous indignation of the r.xtl roads over the proposition that they should pay city taxes in Omaha , Lincoln , Beatrice , ( irdmt Island , Fremont and Hastings , and in every oilier citv in Ne braska whore their lines run , is very amusing. What reason is there , we should like to know , why the Union Pacific and Uurlington roads should bo exempt fiom one of the duties ot property ownership which all other citizens and corporations except themselves arc obliged to per form ? Why should honest John Smith and simple John lirown pay statocounty and city taxes on ihuir property , and the corporations managed by Mr. C.illaway and Mr Holdregc go seot frco of city taxation ? Chinches and charitable institutions are often ex empted , but no one will claim that a rail road company comes under cither classi fication. Experience with their mana gers and management forbids the idea. Our state revenue law , which was shre.wdly smuggled into the statute book by tliu railroad lobby , makes the stale board of equalization the listers of all railway property included in right of way , depots , depot grounds and build ings thereon. This generous classifica tion includes about nine-tenths of all railroad nropcrty in the state. By the present law all this assessable prop erty is lumped for cai-h road and divided pro rata among the counties through which the road runs accord ing to the mileage included within the county limits. The amount of assess able property is certified to each county and placed on the books of the county rlork for county taxation. Cities , under the law , transcribe the assessment rolls made by county assessors. As the county assessors have nothing whatever to do witli the assessment of railway property , included in that niostgeneraltornVright of w'ay , " the city is unable to list it for assessment. As a consequence , wo have the remarkable spectacle of great corpor ations plying their business under the protection of municipal governments , extending their lines through city streets and alloys , reaping tlio benefits of police and fire protection , municipal improve ments and municipal administration , and cooly declining to foot their portion of the tax bills because , indeed , they pay state and county taxes. What part of the state and county taxes goes to the payment mont of city salaries ? Do the state and county pay tor police and water and steamers , for pixvint : and sewerage , tor grading ami curbing aud guttering , all of which advantages of oily life these tax shirking corporations share as fully as the humblest citi/.oiAvho has to pay his taxes ? The position of the railroad attorneys is absurd , The law must bo changed to compel the railways to pay the taxes they now decline to pay under tlio pre tended sanction of the statutes. Ktcry citv in Nebraska and every town winch oxpccis to assume municipal airs with the inevitable burdenattendant should com bine to enforce it , A Question Answered A Sarpy county paper imagines that it has detected a largo sl/.ed African in the wood pile in connection with the tele phone company and the editor of this paper. II Is impertinent enough to ask how much telephone stock the editor of the lhn holds and "whyhis company Ims never paid n dollar in taxes on its lines through Sarpy county. " The editor of the UKI. has no objection , in the world , to answering the llrst question IIo docs not own u dollar's worth of stock in the Nelnaska Telephone company or in any other company of the kind or description , saving only the IJKcl'ubllshingcompany , of which ho is president aud a heavy stockholder. Ho has no means of knowing whether the Nebraska telephone company pays its taxes in Sarpy county or not. If it docs not the proper authorities should take 'the matter up , and bring the de faulting company to time. The county attorney and county commissioners ought to know their duty In the matter. If not , their local weekly should en lighten them , Ho much for that. Wo confess that wo hiiTo a gruat deal of sympathy with the complaints against the Hell telephone monopoly. II is op pressive in its charges nnd inefficient in its service. The value returned is proba bly Ic s in proportion for the money than that pivcn by any other com mon cairicr. It is an arrogant mo nopoly , fortilbd in its insolence by patents scoured by fraud and .swindling and maintained by the usual methods of other monopolies whljh ( ax their patrons all that the traffic will bear. The tele phone Instruments cost the American Bell company $ ! J. 12. They arc rented by the parent company to the local organ izations for ? 11 a year. And our oppres sive patent laws prevent any competi tion which will enable other companies to enter the field and break down the exorbitant rental. Hut the people after all have the remedy in their hands. Like other common car riers the telephone comuany is subject to legislative control. Its larlfl's can be fixed by statute or municipal ordinance. They .should be. The ( Question of Const Defense. The president in Ids message , Secre taries Kndicott and Whitney in their reports , Admiral Porter , Commodore Sicaul and Hilgadicr Uonoral Bcnet the chief ordnance officers of the nav/ and army all strotiglj urged the neees- Mtyof enlarged aud improved coast de fenses. In these several reports , with others that preceded them , the facts showing tlio defenseless condition of our f > cn coast and Itiko fionlier are fully set forth , aud they would seem to carry all the argument that is necessary to enforce upon conjrress the impoitance of tins matter. It is impos = i-do to forego the conviction , in reading the concurrent statements and opinions of men who arc foremost in their profession , that the country in not entirely secure while its numerous gateways , close behind winch are accumulations of wealth amounting to thousands of millions of dollars , arc in their present unprotected condition , lixcopl as to a few ports we are easily vulnerable along the whole vast stretch of our sea aud lake coasts , and most so wheto the possibility of injury is greatest Confident in the security ot our isolation and in the wise policy of minding our own business , with a strong faith in our ability to meet the demands of any ex igency , wo have left the entrances to the citadel practically unguarded. In tending no disruption of friendly rela tions with f.n.y other nation , wo have apprehended none from any. This is undoubtedly the prevalent reeling now. Probably the great majority of intelli gent people would regard with entire indifference - difference an -ertiou of possible dan ger. There is not a threatening spot on the lion/on to warrant apprehension. The president lias but just asbiiied us that our relations with all other powers : tre most friendly , and there is no dill'ereneo or controversy so serious as to justify a doubt of the continuance of tin- , gratify ing international situation. 1'anger ' , however , cannot always be foreseen. Nations , like individuals , may be plunged into unexpected dillicullics which force upon them a defense by other means than argument and diplomacy. To be prepared is more than half the bat tle. Butter fllill , adequate preparation may of itself avert trouble. The man who is known to be well armed is more secure against assault , even from the most desperate , than he who is unarmed , though he bo a giant. Tlio United States is n giant among tlio nations in popula tion , wealth nnd resources , but it is a fact that there arc states , which as to all these eonuitions are pigmies by comparison , that were they disposed might make this great country cry for quarter. Wo submit that thia is at once an insecure aud a humiliating posi tion , which cannot bo justi fied on any sound and rational ground. The nation abundantly able to provide ample means for its protection and defense , and while to do this would bo to comply with an imperative duty , it would servo also lo greatly benefit the in terests ot labor and of numerous indus tries. If our harbor defenses were un dertaken on u scale such as the facts show to bo necessary , the government would give employment for the next ten years to thousands of laborers , among whom would be distributed tons of millions of dollars. If we arc to con tinue wringing money from tlio people by the present policy of taxation , in excess of the actual requirements of the government , certainly the revenues thus exacted could not ho more wisely or use fully expended , than in improving the means of defense where the nation is most vulnerable to danger. We are not sangulno that the promise of this being done by the present con gress is more hopeful than it has been for the last do/.cn years or more , during which the matter has boon presented at uvory session. The outlook for same- thing being done at the last session seemed for a time exceedingly favorable , but sectional prejudice again assorted itself , as it had done many times before , and nothing was accomplished It is probable that another effort will bo made at tliu present .session to got an appropri ation as a beginning , but there H veiy litile likelihood that it will succeed Tlio Council nnd tlio Alurwliul. The committed of the council h-ivo very properly exonerated Marshal Ciiinmlugs from all responsibility in the Mollat case. What else could they do ? The marshal was at homo and' in bed when the arrest was made , and know nothing about the matter until the next morning. The majority of Iho committee wont out of their way to incorporate in their re port an opinion that the marshal is in competent. This was to bo expected. All the three members of the council who signed their mimes to this precious document weredemocrats. . The mar shal is a republican , 11 was a oed opportunity to ring in an endorsement of Mayor Boyd's policy of persecution towards the marshal , aud it was not omitted. Messrs. Leo nnd Kaspar very properly protested against such a diver sion of the functions of the committee to partisan ends , and presented a minority report which confined its'elt to Iho case under consideration The council promptly endorsed their position by a vote of seven to five. The retention or removal of the mar shal has been made n partisan issue by Mayor Boyd and his democratic backing. The glove has been flung full in the face of the republican majority. They should not be slow to accept the challenge. No public interest can possibly bo subsoi ved by the marshal's resignation or removal. Within' threi months wo shall have a now police system and a new chief In charge. For three months ( line Cum- inings will do as well as any man TVIO could bo selected under our present methods of police control. As the mayor has made the case one of personal en dorsement and partisan interest it should he allowed to romaui ? o. The republican majority of Iho council cannot nfl'ord to retrace their steps or to release their hold on an impregnable position. Meantime , in spilYof the mayor , and his spies nnd the hindrances thrown In his path , Marshal Cummings should be- cin an earnest effort to enforce the laws to the best of his ability. The dens and dives should be closed , not forgottinir a few private gambling parlors where cer tain citizens , high In office and loud in their professions of devotion to law and order , shnfilo the cards and pay tribute to the "kitty. " Wr must have n city assessor with au thority to appoint deputies and power to supervise the returns from every warn. Kansas City has an assessment roll of "HO.OOO.OOO , while Omaha , through her slipshod system of copying the county returns , has barely n quarter of that amount on her assessment books subject to municipal taxation. SCXATOH VAX W\cic signalized the first day of the session in the senate by introducing ablll puttingsugar , molas os , timber , lumber and salt on the free list. Hero is a measure in whose iavor the west will bo utianimous , apart from the lumber barons of Minnesota , Wisconsin and Michigan. Tuu panic in oil at I'Hlsburg on Tues day , In which the price ot cnide declined over six cents a ban el , meant a shrinkage - ago of several million dollars in the available assets ot that greatest of monopolies , the Standard Oil company. Now let the marshal give proof of hi < competency as far as lies in his power , by a lively shakinc up ot the dead bones If the mayor and police interfere , . the public will take a hand in the business 1M3KSONS. Zlts. Cleveland is sending her photof'iapli to babies who : ue named after Oiovei. James Anthony i'loudo is RC-luf , ' to the West Indies and \ \ ill wiite a bonk about the Islands. Judge Af. . TOUISCP , theauthoi , says ho isent'iely out ot politics and Is not writing any moio books. Helms been too ill to work for two months. Mis. jil/.abeth : Clay btanton and oilier stroiui-iuludcd women 1m e pone to Kuiope to co.ich tlieni'elvcs , so astoellect the pio- posed new tuiislatlon of tlio bible , uliicli will do justice to uomon. D.ivld Uiuilcy says il'ni the people of New York pay annually over ? 100,0o for recoul- ing surplus words in mniUagcs. He makes no estimate , however , ot the vastly gieater amount squandered upon lawyeis. Hamilton fish Is still hale and hearty , tliouch ho lias compassed the loiuid ot sev enty-eight jeaus. He still watches the course of affairs with tlie keen Inteiest of one whose life lias been among eicat men , purposes and gient ideas. Mi. and .Mrs. I'Ni wIllcclL'brnic their goldnnveddintj December 15. .lay Gould will po vachtincr asaln tills M Intel to Ueimiulaaud llioSuuthcru Islands. Ho will take his pluitorr.iphiu apparatus along , nnd expects In mid miiny now views to his collection. 1C he coukl tiansferto lilt.ranvns the "views" which the people cntartuln ol his methods tlio pictures would jto ses-j a peculiar inteicst for tlio great nuniptdatoi. lioneral .Sherman spends inanv o his even 1 DCS at Hie ojiera and tliuatio. IIo is Yen- nopular In New Yoik , anil has so inanv in vitations ro dinner Hint lie is obliged to keep a memorandum ot them and consult ft daily In older that none maybe forgotten. The old soldier has the peronal ncmialntance ol every Amerlran actor and actress of piomi- npiico and is never more delighted than In a hit-and-miss Interchange of"loininlsrence and anecdote with lus theatrical irlond . On ( ho Installment I'lan. Clevflanil Leader , ( Jiover Cleveland Is giadually becoming a di'inociat on the Installment planas It were. Coming to H Head. .S't Limit Pinl-Dltpaleli. The picsldent Is veiy fond of boiled cab b.ige. This looks as If .leiretsonian sim plicity wcie coming to a head. A Consolation. lliitrettim fl'cu . It Is Bouio consolation to know that In tlio Colin Campbell case there was at least one servant gill that was decent among all the parties to the disgusting scandal. That nilenmm. I'lltiliuro C immcicial f ? : cl ( . Miss Clo\oluud's new poem Is entitled "The Dilemma of the Nineteenth Century. " Perhaps her In other may have given her some points about his oxpcilonce In tiylnt to please tlio mugwumps and the .lacksonliin dcmociats at tlio same time. Bly Ciistlc. Lee O. Jlarrli. I Itullt me a castiu , strong pnrtaled and hleh ; Its minarcU pierced to the dome of the sky : Its towers WL-IC crowned vlth tlio clouds over head ; Its battlements bannered with purple .ind ted. ted.Hsliiod Hsliiod by a sticam That wns costal as truth , It wns built In a dic.iiu In Ihe Hum ot my youth : And said tomvfu'ir , I will shut mjsulf In , And laugh at thu ariuws of soriow and sin. Its ditches wcio deep , and 1 ot them afloat : Ha portals weto gnaitli-it by diawbildge and moat ; My sttoidasuiiblicatlied and my banners mituih'd , And my Inmlo blew cliillonco tut into lliu win Id. I laughed as I thought How the story would inn , When tlie b.illlu na fought Anil i tin virtoiy won That safe in assault trom all plllaco and mill My valor had kept the fair castle of youth. Alas ! Jlv defiance and vnloi worn vain , A hoit ol t'lim wairioii * ramo over tlio plnln , Tliny wadi-d tlio moit , tjiuy ascended thmvnll : They captured the battlements , tunni'i.s and all ; My weapons were cist I'o Iho earth as I fled , And tl.o aiiows fell fast On tlit ) way tlmt 1 sped. 0 , liemt hurls uut ttoir , but my sorrow nnd i lulu Is deeper lor wounds In the wines of my soul. ' 1 hat castle last nlirlit I beheld It ngaln ; A inln it bluiiil ! . In tlio midst of the plain. I'oul things aio ciui'ping about In thu hall , And owlets aio hatched In tlio bittlcmfciit wall. wall.Tno Tno vale Is hent And , with bugle and hounds , The toe tracks mo yet lly tlie blood ol my wounds. Alas for the castle I built by the stream , 1 \ Islt it only by stealth when I dream , STATE AND TKUi'ti 1OUV. Nebraska Jotting * . Wahoo is promised a now pasaongor depot. l-'ive miles of water mains have been laid In Hastings. Oleo county criminals are decidedly opposed to Pound sociables. Nebraska City capitalists propose to reduce tiio blutl's , iu that viciuilv mineral paint ami danl ) the world In chrome lints. A spouting contest is billed in the Franklin academy for March 11. A Harhin county man Is waxing consumptive in a sod house that cos ? 1,800. The pile bridge over tlui Mi 'ouri river nt Nebraska City is completed and trains are crossing on it. A frisky mule with a limber lire tipped a lantern nnd started ft lire in a grading camp near Wahoo. Nineteen liorscs and a quantity of tools and liar ness were cremated. The Wabash Local Item , by Kd. Hullish , la a late addition to the crowded ranks of journalism , \\abash is a now town in Ca s county anil Hulllsh wil sing its praises just as loud as patronage warrants. The station agent at Cedar Bind' saluted a pair of burglars with n revolvoi tl'o other night and induced them tocal a ain when business was not so pressing Ihey stood not on the order of tlioli going , but fled in disorder. ' County Treasurer Morse , of Dodge county , was knocked out in one round bi n runaway team in L'rqinont , Monday. The runaway collided with Morses buggy , demolishing it. and skinning his back with the pole His own horse then dashed away and brought tip at a wire fence. L. P. nterbaclc , of Nebraska ( "lly dropped a largo section of piety on his way to churrh last Sunday. With his mind wrapped up in u comforter of the world's wickedness , a yawning cellar way crossed his path and took him in lie was sincroly bruised and is now laii up with bis pains. Maurice O'llonrkc , of Plaltsmouth , Is trembling \ylth cold and rage -mil a con .sumiiig desire to embrace a whilom friem to whom ho loaned his overcoat. The lollow not only failed to return the coat bill "kippedsitn the new still whii-n In got at the same llmo and forgot to paj for. The winters of two score and lei years have fringed the Kerry locks o Maurice , but ho tcels sufficiently activi and Sullivan-liko to build a McUillicuddy reek on that beats brow in one round Io\va Items , A toboggan slide is a great curiosity at The municipal expenses of DCS Moinc * including public works , for 1887 , is es timatcd ' . ' . at M''o.SOO. Major W. M. Wilson , of Osceol.i. has been elected lieuteiiaiit-'eolonol of the Fifth regiment , Iowa National Guards. A brakcmanof the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy , by the name of B , M. Lewis had his hnml badly crushed while making a coupling at Tracy. A new euro for "blackleg" has been discovered by the farmers about Stuurt , which is claimed a success. The juunlat \ cm id tupped and : i quart of bloou for every 100 weight of the animal ii drawn out. out.The The pay roll of Iho officials about the stale house , their deputies , clerks and janitors , and the judicial officers and dis trict attorneys for each month amounts to : jn,7G.Hi. , ; ! This includes all salaried ollicer.s paid by tlie state. Taking the word , of the Journal for it , "One thing is sure tiic business men ot Sioux City'luivo tinner faith than ever bu- fore in the future ot Sioux City. As the last sands ot the year of 1880 begin to run out , there is no nervousness of inquiry us to the f.ite of Siou\ City in the year soon to open , and in alter years. " Tlie supreme court has affirmed the de cision of the district court of Greene county , nnd IIugbMcCahill , lound guilty of manslaughter and sentenced to im prisonment for three icars , will serve out his sentence. He was a member ot the mob ol the Otli of January , 18Sj , that en tered tiic house of Ncls Muuson , at Angus , and shot and killed him. The weekly statement of the slate debt , rendered Monday , shows that cash in the treasury has decreased 911,000 , while the debt has increased in ( he week past . ' M > ,000. Accurately put the amount of outstanding warrants is Siir SSt.OS , cash in the treasury , ? ril,5'J'I.SO , leaving the amount of warrants in excess of cash $74Ii5ua,81 , as against ! ? 718liO.OS ) ! one week ago. _ Dakota. The Brooking colleges has 195 students. The Yanktou woolen iiiills have shut down for the winter. The improvements at Miller for the past six months amount to $11,020. Tno thermometer was -10 degrees beiow 7croat Abcidccn on the inorm.ig of tlio nil. nil.A A ton of flax has been dicovered by Da kota farmers to be more valuable for heating purposes than a ton of soft coal. The scarcity of Rood pure water at a number of Dakota towns is causing a great deal of sickness and distress , and it is feared that calamitous results will fol low. Judge Cimroh , now holding court at Columbia , i.s makingshort work of gamb lers in Brown county. Indictments have boon found against a large number and several lined $ 500 each. \ \ y oinlnc- The trial of the Mclntosh brothers in Cheyenne cost the county f O.OOD. . The total vote of the territory at the last election was 11,71)2 ) , against 1S.811 two years ago. car-old of Alderman The lifteen-j - gen Crillin , of Choye.nno , was drowned wlulo skating on thin ice , last week. An interesting dninago Knit Is on trial in Cheyenne William V. Turner , of Denver , sued Daniel Ullnian , a wealthy resident of the mngle city , for 3,1,000 damages for alienating the affections of his wife. Mrs Turner is the divorced wife of a man called Thompson , and for three vcar.s previous to lior marriage with Tumor was acting as housekeeper for Ullman. Ullmun lias been separated iromhlswifo for a number of years. Turner , the plaintilf , came to Cheyenne two years ago as agent lor a sowing machine com pany. He met Mrs. Thon.pson , and after a buff , but olfective courlsitip , the twain eloped , were married at ( ireely , liouiiy. mooned nt Denver and Onuha , and finally wont to Ohio. Ullmmi was not easily leeonoiled to the loss of ft > pretty ti housekeeper , and in a short time com menced cllbrls to regain her. IIo wrote her a number of lotions , ono of which in in the possession of the plaintiff , and ono of tlie most important In establishing his claim. It rccitea that hu ( Ullman ) h Mck with weeping on account of her absence , that he will surely die if she does not return , HIU ! tulds dial be wished to be buried in her lot in the fomutury. anil finally olfurs if she will come back to pay her $ ! > r.O , which lie claims he owes her for past services. To lliis luttci no name is signed , and while the writing resembles llllman's ho claims that it is a foigery. The outcome of tlio letter-writing , however , resulted in UJInnm's goingto Ornalui , meeting Mrs. Turner at the train , and tholr go'mg together to the Co//ena hoiic-o , where Ullman represented Iho lady to be u rola tivu , and on account of alleged Mcknons they occupied adjoining rooms \\llh fold ing door. They remained there three days ami tlien came to I'hoycnno , Mrs. Turner taking her ola pliico as house keeper , which position she still holds. A Now York sharper , who only had desk room for himself In an oflicu , "routed" the rust of the plaoo to mi Kng- li&hmun for $500 a year. The money wu ; paid in advance and the sharper Is now Borne distance in advance of thu officers , AnOwatonna , Minn .alderman vyorUod night and day to gut a dog law passed , * nd ( ho first dog lhatgoliu thu pound Was liisowa. SANDWICH ISLAND FESTIVAL * LuJcrou3 Teattircs of King Kalnktuu' ; Tiftioth Birthday. A South yea Donation Pni'ly PlR * Pol , Coin null Cnlnliaslies for ( Sirtq TheKing's Quarrel uith Sptcckcls. San Francisco correspondence of Hi St. Louis ( .lobe-Democrat : The Uono lulu papers , which arrived lalo tlo | nigh of November Sfl.contain elaborate report' of the observance ot King ICalal.'ana's fiftieth birthday. It was the design o tlio Kanaka monarch lo make of this da ; a festival * ocond only to his coroiintiot ceremonies , on which ho squandered ? 10 , 000. The wealhcr and lack of coin prevented vented the carrying out of the royal plans Heavy rains , following animus- nally long drought put ueoinplcli'danipei on the out door ceremonies , while tin sad absence of money in the cxchequci interf erred with the observance of thai generous hospitality for wlueh Kalakatu is noted On November 1(5 ( Knlakau : rounded fifty years of a lifo which lui : seen singular vissitudes. lie wa.i wretched od ly poor until ho ascended the throni1 but lus poverty prevented him from In dulging in tlie vice of fvunbling , whicl has been his bane since he has come It throne. The passion for play is said ti be growing upon him , and something wil soon have \o ho done to put a check on it or some finu day the Hawaiian will wake Up and lind that thi'ir ' king has stakei and lo > t his island kingdom in the tun of acaid. .v rorri.Au Timirrr. In spite of his vici-M , however , Kalakau : is popular with the people , because he i > hail follow well met witli oxcrybody , and because ho is generous with his money. The birthday celebration showed thisand , it also allowed thu appreciation of the financial straits of tlio Sovcioign. The popularity of the king was shown by Hit large number of the country people whu lloeked to town , bringing some simple gift in commemoration ol tlie day , while the royal lack of coin was manifested by the many money picseuls given. The lolana palace , which was deeoiatod for tlio occasion , must have presented a seem ; somewhat nitmlar to the parsonage of n country preacher after n donation paity Cattle , sheep , pigs , sweet potatoes , taro , poi all the natural productions of thu islanus wcro gathered in the palace yards. About 150 of the guests brought ornamented calabashes. As the kiny had already a liberal supply of thesi\ \ water vessels , he will be able to become an exporter. exporter.MAN MAN * or COIN. The most welcome gifts , however , wcro those which contained coin or money orders. The police loree were the first visitors of the birthday , and they left a < nibMantial reminder in tlio shape of a money order for ? ri70. The king's guard gave him a check for $18.50 ; the board of health presented him with a pretty little card containing fifty new f''O gold pieces The diplomatic $ orps con tented it-elf with giving the usual cala bashes. The miscellaneous presents were laid out in the royal dining room , ami bore a sttong resemblance to the dis play at a wedding consisting of gold and silver jewelry , brie-a brae , ete Kala- kana received no less than five elegantly bound Bibles from as many missionary' and church societies , although it is a book for which ho has never expressed any partiality. All of the while aituehes of the government , who draw fat salar ies for a small amount of uork and have Irequont opportunities for adding to their icgular income , pre sented their ruspccU and gave handsome aiticles of use or ornament. Altogether 000 persons entered I heir names on the king book , aud the great majontv of them were represented by some gilt. In the evening there was a torchlight procession a 'hall mile long , and after this the day was closed with the Rotting oil'of the $ ! ] ,000 worth of liru- works which the king ordered from tins city. A HO I A I. PHOllU'.M IK ritAXCP. . iCalakaua had planned to give a grotit entertainment at tlm palace , uut the fates were against him. lie ordered from this city a good many gi oss of glass linger- bowls , which were to be used for holding poi the national Uisli of taro root made into a nasto. Ho had given a liberal order lor the best French champagne , but only a part of this older was filled by the many dealers. The want of cash , no donlit , pressed .sorely on the monarch , who for the last seven or eight years has been liberally supplied with money for any caprice. Thu man upon whom ho could always rely to fill * his depleted purse was Clans Spreokels , the million aire sugar planter and refiner , whom ho made a Kanaka knight and invested with nil the other orders at his command. Sprcokels for ton years has been the nil- Inn : power in the islands. No minister wno opposed him could long retain pownr. and the king was accustomed to obey implicitly the commands ot this .shiewd old German trader. 81Mir.OKiiS ; ANH KALAKAUA Of courbo Spreckols' nolicmos were aided by the king. Ho gayo the oppor tunity for the acquirement of Sprockets' vast sugar plantation on the island of Maul , lie allied the great reflnor in breaking down all competition among the smaller planters. If there was any legislation which would aid him , ail Sprcekols had lo do was to see the king and the bill would no passed. American inlluonce was dominant in the cabinet of the King. Sprocket gradually came to control not only tlm great bulk of the sugar product of the islands , but evim tlio transportation facilities Aided by tlm recipioeitv and by his contract in Calilornia with the Central and Southern Pacific railroads , ho was ublo lo out under oven the custom refiner ? , and dining the yearn when Migar was high ho could not not liavt- added II-HH than if 1,000,000 yciu ly to his vast loitiiuo. He Mink some of this in tlio looli-li ( ambition to meet in .Sun FiMuclsco thu Migar rollnory in the woild , but this loss was a more bagatelle in comparison \ulli his gains. A I'l.Ol' AiiUNhl' hill ( l.Vl'S. Pruspority wave Sir Clans an oxaggi-r- idea of id power. The first onion nl the coming lost of IIH pinviir Iho rrtiisil of the ll.iwaiiau guvcrnmriil to sanction the is.u ( ! ot a qimit < Tot a mil lion of debased currdtiny , tlm eontraet of which had been gnon lo SprocKoli by thu the king. Tin- plan was to u e Mexican sllvor coin , which wns worth onb about nlghly ccnls on tlm dollar. Tlio opposi tion grow indignant at lliis attempt to sarroto tlio people , and they seeurml liilough vote.s to di ( out the mr.n-urc SpreokolH placated thu king by giving him it new loan , but his power was blulion A new hot of .idvifeura gained tliu king's uar , They uncmmigul his ; unbiiiou > Ji- > ircfj to make the ll.tuiilnii islands Ihn lioad ot a grout hoijtli 40:1 : umpire They Imo inude him bulu vo lliat with sulll- : -iont money ho can make lu power felt in Polynesia As thu expenses equal the rctvcmie ru uaily ! , the only way to do this was to raise a new loan ' 1 no king H ulii > udy heavily in ( iubt , but Kuliit.uu.i is not worried by this national bin den 1113 moro ( hah the sultan IIo KOI about unking ariaiigeiuonts to float a Knmpi-an oan which hhuiild give linn ample means Till. IM-FI. U'Ol' I UK til i.MC KJS'd \ \ bun Sproukuh heard of ( tiu > H < ; licnu > ili wiuth knew no hounds During Iho nai - in ulmhlio had bitui the viituul nlui t ti lie Clauds ho had advanced var- ous MI IK * of tnonov to the King , uririT rating -ft. Ju.030. Ho haw cli-uily tliut ink'o.s tiiv J'igisl.ilure in. ufc piuUMpa or tlie payment of this sum , lit would have , small socilnlv for the money ho had Icnl , MUCH Iho projectors of the new loan would make it take prcco-lcncc. So JSlr Clans made htisto lo roach the islandvet his lobby at work , made a bard fight and lost. By a majority of 2J lo 13 the now \ loan was authoiiml , with ( ho proviso that the bonds bo issued at US , and tlu > Interest bo secured by the consolidated ' revenues. The nut provided ( lint SI ,500,000 , of the new loan be applied lethe the extinguishment of old Indebtedness , and ( hat the remainder be applied to what was termed internal improvements. The new ministry , which had only 10- cently assumed ollieen * on tlio side of bpreekel.s , and opposed the Moating of any new lo.ui until some of Iho outstand ing debt had been minced. J'ho mem bers at once resigned anil a new cabinet was formed of men in sympathy with the king's stiliemos , and with W M. Gibson , an u.x-Mormou , as the premier. A IIM5tSlii : > KANAKA KNIGHT. The peppery temper of Sprocket * , named out at this insult on his power. Ho called at the imlnce on the dliy after the loan wai nnlliorii'ed , and resigned his order of knighthood and other decora tions. Then ho .shook the dust of the royal grounds oil' his feet , and came buck to Sun FninoUco. .Speckels probably knows moro than any other foreigner of the inside workings , of the Kanaka gov ernment , but until bin recent defeat lie has always pieservcd a ditoreol silonci ! on the subject of the king's e.xtraviigance and of the fearful condition of the li- nancesof the Hands , Now , however , lie says tlmt bankruptcy is sure to follow the king's" passion lor making loans Kala knuii has n civil list of $ l'JVll ! a year.bul this Is only u drop in llio bucket fora man of lus u.xlruvagant habits and Ills fondness for gambling. It is nil open secret on ( lie island that thu King has used for hi.s own purposes thu $7-1,000 deposited - posited in small sums 1 15 the people iu the Postal Savings bank , anil the fund of $150,000 raided by u contribution of * li per month from the planters for uvory laborer employed on their plantations. 'J'ho treaty provides thai this fund shall be turned over to tlm Japanese govornmonl whenever Japan sends a commissioner lo audit it. TIII : Ki't.K or Auvi.Mfitr.s. : _ Colonel Mnefarlano is tlio representa tive of the Hawaiian government who has gone to Kugland to lloat the new loan , lie is to got the fat commission of * 100,000 for his work. It is the talk among these who are familiar withallhir.i on the iblunds that the bulk of the loan _ will be taken by Knglish capitalist ? , with * tlio hope that the extravagance of king will soon loud to the foreclosure of tlio mortgage which Kngliind will I hen hold on tlio kingdom. Uis certain that liib .sou can bo counted on to further sued schemes , as ho is a renegade American who has had u picturesque hut unsavory career in the hOiith ea * . In Butavla , moro than forty years ago , he came with in an ace of causing war between the United States and the Dutch government He was next hoard of in .Siimalia in 18.1' ' , when he was tlio leader ol a rebellion against the British piotcetorate. llo saved his life by Ilight to Now York , and the next time lie appealed was as an in fluential Mormon at Sail LnkoCity. He ingratiated himself with Brigluun xoung and was appointed by tlie pioplict to take charge of the Mormon settlements in the Sandwich islands. Tnis was at a time when Brlghnm seriou.sly contem plated moving Hie latter day saints to the islands of the Pacific ' forming a great empire there. Gibbon used his power to buila up his private fortune , llo owns princely Migar estates , nnd of all the fornigners who ha.yo held ollieo under Kaliiknua , he has gamed tin ; umuivlabln distinction of being Iho most servile nnd pliant.Vith him ' at the head of the K/JVernmuiit , ICalakaua will lind no dif- > v lioulty in perpetrating any extrava gance. A IMSMU. orri.ooic Persons who have recently eomo Irom ( ho islands dcdaic that the king is drink ing moro heavilj than ever , and that tin- best way to .secure lus confidence and Iiis friendship is to become a boon com panion in hi.s nightly debauches. His im agination runs away with his common sense , ami lie conceives the most absurd tU'heiiies for Hid nggrimdUcmcnt of h's ' kingdom. One of these was to lloal a loan of $10CO,000 ; in order to c.stablisli a navy and army. Tlio nnvi he dcbiud principally in order to go to Australia lo meet the prince of Wales in fitting style. Ho would hnvo squandered a inijliou' on this foolish .scheme if ho had had it to uso. The same recklessness runs through all his plans , and il is confidently predicted that another ten years , will see him dis possessed fiom his tinono and lus island kingdom in the hands of his largest creditor. BUFFALO BILL'S BARBECUE. How n Cotorlt ; of ICx-Frontlcrsmcn 1C v ml oil tiic Sunday ISluc Imw * . New York Herald' Buffalo steaks a In praiiio Itro wcro the fenluro of a break- tast at which David G. Yuongling , jr , presided rather late yesterday morning. There were a number of hungry gentlemen - . men present in Mr. YiionulingVi uomfoit- able apaVtinenls at No. 150 West Fifty - ninth street , and their Hlmpje tasle.s wcro easily satisfied with Iho plain but abund ant menu , such as frontiersmen aio ac customed to , Hon. William K Cody , as the honored guest of Iho morning , ap peared in appropriate parapher nalia of a Nnhraska stalcAiimn , which differs from the costume of u "Wild West" Indian Killer only in the addition of a crush hat. The other border desper adoes , who .swapped wampum and biiuko stories between the courses of filet do prairie dog and ragout do rattlesnake , wore the feathered headgear of their roHpectivo tribes , and their unstiu\cn J chins were aHllont piotest against ( ho ri closing of ( ho tonsorhil Haloons. Tliu Murqnis < lo Mores and the Huron do .Stillioro , by virtue of Ihuir nolilo lineage , wore allowed to out their portions tions of moat with their tomiiha\vKr nilor Colonel Robert ( r. ( ngtirsoll had invok' ' > d a blessing upon the bieakfust aeeoidiug to the Cherokee church ritual Admiral llerbaron , of Iho Frondi iinty , made a speech on Urn Mipoiior mhaii- lages of naval lo frontier lighting , 1ml lound his inatuh in Colonul I'nni Oclnl tree , who i elated a few exliacls from hi.s rufolleutions of the 'I u\as rung- < srn. C'oiigicssinaii oleet Atnob J. ( 'iini- ' imii'CS told talcs ol love ami < onqiiiisL umong the liluok ovod beauties of Mcxii o , and John ltiu > cll Voting g.tvo his cxpt ri oiices among tlio hoiuU 01 tlm Orient. Thu olhur eiviluud chief * who iirujnu' Ilian they 1 ilkcd owing to the Mow of cx- Si'iintor " Huscciu C'oiikling'd oloqiioncn were Mr. ( ' II , Mitchell , Mr. hawnmnn Icnmie , Colonel Henry Warion , Mr Steele Mucknyo , Mr John llmkc mid Aft I'hnrlePutnam B.iion. wlio Is ( aid to pts4 upon tlie legality of Ihe values of liouirnor Hill , lus law purlin r Tlm Sunday fa t of llicm gaiitlumctt iv , is so cflcctu.dl ) l'i ' that I lie of the duv was piihisod iu Sabbatarian .s'.oie- i-iii lliat UM- ' Indian , you know. " A. D Ponbrnoks , A. S. liomiclt ana Jim Smith stole twniit.v mules in 'io\.iu , and s , igiecd to divide tlie procwdh PenbruoU - > md Bennett < lu thu animals and ran i way with thu money , ( -ninth inn sued hum tiul has jn t got them in jail at as. Williun , Alvn Do Long ran a auk at Lung Ciciik , Neb , taking d loiithoi a iilokel ami upward. At the md of a month he vanished , anil hi ) joigeous bale , which looked as though jl ivuighi d ton tout ) , was fcnud to bu of ivood , painted A Naugatuck , N. Y. saloonkeeper has iust bought a church. His application lor lioeiifeu was objectud to on this ground ihnt hi saloon would bo too in'ar llui [ .lunch Ho did nway with that ol > | "i' lion dy puicliutlug the chimli ,