Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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b'pcculRtors Mauifesting Ntrvoiutets as to
Dis Tnture Course.
J'ro\IMi > iis Wcnkcr nnd I'rlcc *
Inr A Very QnlnL Iny In
Cnftlo nnd lloK
Mnrkr.l Quntntloiis
CtitrAfio , Dec. 8. ( Special 'I'dogram to
llio llKi l The amount of wheat on KiSTiRe
decreased for the week l , ! > 'XXiO ) ( bushels. This
\\M the only tiling the crowd had to start
\\llh , mid e\un this was ulvcn no nttenlton
whatever. Tlie ouo thlnK the crowd was
H.MXOIIS | over was Ream's nttlttule. Wnslie
KoliiR to give up his bull caiuiialsn , or was
) iColtg ; ) to liKhl It throtigli for rt whllo
longurV 'J'rndcr.s stood about nnd talked of
nothing cNe , nnd It was not tinre.xsnnnble ,
either , unless everybody lias been we l-
ously fooled. J'lio cll < iue , which Is beaded
tiy Ik-am , nnd which lias probably Kut Pat
Kelly nnd I'lllsbury for members , has more
xvlieal bought tlmn any bull ayiullcale has
been loaded with since Armour nnd I'l.inkln-
tnn niul Kcrslmw ran their great July corner.
From hc for May the pilco Ims gotten back
to Wic , not on extraordinary bleaks , but what
is te.illy serious the bull .signs havu tuiu-
poiarlly tllsaiipeared , cables ba * > e lost their
Bimp , the export movement has disappeared
ud , worst of nil , the speculative fin ore np-
iicars to be over. If UIMIII should sell
now , who would take It1. ' Wouldn't
there bo n collansu that would take the
Diice lo\\i > r than the slatting point , and put
thlsmaiket In n worse slouch than uvciV
The'c were tlie tlilnjs ; whleh lillctl the
linnmiiatlvo minds of tnulei.s this morning
ami nmdo them all neivous. May wheat
startcn at SN'C nnd kept near llicic. January
poik was down to S1U.'J2 > ; at one time. May
wheat uns up tn65fc } , nnilnly leeausu there
\ > s H Bhow of strength at Xew Yoik , nnd
became cxpoitlni ; hnases there were .lending
buylnc orders bun ; . It was at once sup
posed that these Now Yorkers had soinu news
which they would spring after they bad their
wheat bought. Hut lliitclilnson bold them
what they wanted nnit olfcied them
more tlun they wanted. Ho from WKu May
off to $4Je again , anil tliu show oC
i was IJODO tempoiarlly. Itwas all day
n \ \ nillnumarket. . Olio Inlluonco , which
iiuilu the bull position moic dllllctilt was the
ndvanee. In the rate of money. Tliu latter
commodity lias become t > o lilch-pilced that
the oarryfng clmrge In wheat , which fioni
J'ecember to Slay was only 7e , is now'T e
f nun January to May , and wbent was charged
over Irntii Dccumborto January on Decem
ber 1 at Jie , while it Is now being charged at
} ( . In ollicrwoids , the catryliiR charge has
n\anceil becaiibe ot the tightness of money ,
and It i.s bccomini ; as diniciilt to bull wheat
ns to bull stocks. There was
home Intimation thai Aimour was
putting out cash for tint purpose of
widening out the enrryliiE ehaiBOS. Coin
ojicned easy ned deelinetl ' c , but reacted lVi' ,
and for awhile remained steady , with a fair
volume of t mil inn. The receipts weie lair
and an incieasu was predicted. Operators
were inclined to sell and n Krual deal nf loiif ;
itnlV was thrown ovciboaiil. Soiling ot this
coupled with the depicsslon In
wheat tinil provisions , liinl a wcakciilni !
olfcct , nml n * < @ 5i'c tlncliuo resulted before
the 1 o'clock cloio. "tiny ojienrd ixt-JUj/c , sold
atlaj e , declined totiic , roaeted
bioke toCJ Q-rJ ciinil closed at that
o'iSli1 tleclTno ( roni yesterday. January
closed at : ; OKc. Tiovlsions wuro weaker and
prices Irremnar. The receipts ofho , ; ? were
larcer , and packers were Irec sellers a ainbt
tlieir current inakn ot produce. Outsiders
buve been tilled up and aie dispo-ed to await
further devclopmunts , but towaid tlie close
became tltcd nnd unloaded .and tlie last sales
nt 7 o'clock were at inside litrures and showed
n decline of lOc on mess poilc , laid and shoit
ribs from the close ot yesteiday.
On the alternoon Ooaid May wheat opened
at Kl.'ft'c and went inpldly to S-l'fe. ( Jossip
* 'as very greatly mixed and tiado was
BO laige and nxtendcd that it was hard to dc-
fluro inucli Intonnntlon fioni any of it. The
crowd sinumarUed it ull to the etlect that
oretty nearly all the lon wheat , except that
bclonu'lni ; to the Icam ! clique , had been sold.
Ciobby A : Co. and J. M. Shasv it Co. were
larcohclleis. One of the largest bnyera of
the day wan Milmine , Dodman tV Co. , who
boiicht wheat all day. Near the close the appearance -
pearanco ot J { . W. Claik , Keam's piutner , as
a huyer , advanced the maiket to MXc.
The close atJtSO ( f clock was at 84flJS ; , ' o
lor Jfay wheat , -ttJiCe for .Nfaj corn , 810.1)0 ) lor
January poik and ? O.G7.j } tor Jiiinaiy laid.
Cnir.uio. Dec. S. [ Special Telegram to
the HKI : . ] UATTJ.K The iccelpts of cattle
thus far this week MJOW a considerable do-
cieasotiom last week , but have been < | iiito
ample noverlholcss. To-ilay tlicru seemed to
bo too many cattle of all kinds. There were
Mime very extra heavy beeves here , one. lot ot
71 ! head , averaging I'.KKI Ibs , sellini ; nt
Vilceseie lOe lower than yesteiday. Uest
.heavy cattle sulfeieil quite as much as crdi
nary kinds. Very commou qiiiili ics were
\cry dull , buiiiR in large supply anil almost
iiotlemnnd. Sales of the wcuk have Included
Miippeis and exporters , lOlrj to 1-00-lb cuttle ,
nt SiUO i.Tfi ; lAW to HWHb ste ra nt Si.CO@ !
U.bO , with l.'iOOto 1000-lb steers nt 54.
and U > 'X ) to 10tMb : cattle at I.T.'ifas.'JO , with
e\tra IbOO to l'J05-lb steers at
JJicised beef men paid $3.00 1.00 for
common to oed l.O.V ) to 1-llS Ib. .steers , w 1th
lfiH ! to l,7WUb , Chilstmas steers , at S5.00@
li.'O. The market this at tci noon was weak and
unsatisfactory. In ranpo cattle Monday's
Texas tallinps sold ns low as Sl..X ) ; cows ,
7i' h to h)0 ( ) Ibs. , JiWAai : steers. b74 to l.ois
Ibs. , SiWKitfUaw. Tuesday 7:1 : Texan coast
fiteers , SlUlbo. , sold at S-J.r > . * i , with common
N * to WX ) Ib. steers at Su'.ta 'i.70. ( jood to
rholce fat Texas cattle are Quoted t
SI.t.0. .
HOOP-The hog market was actlro and a
trlllo easier nt the oienliiK | , but toward the
rlosniulcil steady. About 4S.OUO went over
the scales yesterday , and it was esthnated an
equal manlier would be sold to-day , I'rhno
and fancy heavy were celling at I mm S4.I5
to SI.'J. ! , prime parking sort nt SU.
and roiiKh and common at S.7.r'i.S.ri. : ! ! !
fort hold within nranizoof Si.7.X' : ' .W. Thure
veie about 0,000on sale.
Now York. Dec. 8. MOKBT On call
active nt < C < 47 per cent , closing'at < ( < . ' 5 per
PniMK Miuioxvirii.K I'/pr.u @ * > per
rent ,
STicnnyn EXCHANOK Dull but steady ;
S4.K > X 'or ' hixty day Dills ; JJ.b. ! lor demand.
( ioYKiimtiLNTS Government boiuU were
dull but bteaity.
S roruh Stocks contlniiPd linnand nearly
everything on the active list was
nlKkt. The openlnjt was very Irregular ,
wrfti changes from latt evonlnp's llnal
rtlces ninglng to K per cent either way.
llusinesh was coinp.Matwely light , but prlres
WITO linn to strong , the maiket quieting
rlovrn toward noon , Itieinalned quiet nnit
moderately linn until the last Hour , when
lie upward niovninont gatheied streiiKth.nnd
on Increased business the market closed at or
ncai the best prices reached.
BTOOBI on WXt.t.
64' ' * :
MJ <
Ohlcmtco , Dec , S. Flour Steady unJ
; vrluter flour , lt.069i.10 ; south
ern. .1.W(14.00 ; Wlfcon ln.
Mlcldfmn roft fptlnclinl. . ia60T.lO ( ;
.Minnesota bakers. $3.50 < vu.iu : patents. M.IW
CH.60 ; low crailes * 1.75 42.75 ; rye flour.
( imi.'t nt i.i.iVgt..W : In barrels , ftntl { 3.00 ( ? <
3/JO In ueks.
Wheat Model ately ncllve and un ottlcd ;
maiket o | > cn d stronz nnd tiecllnen \ < S ' < , c ,
after olliicttiatlnp closed about ' * ( ; under
yeitcrday's closliik' : ca h , 7i ( ? < o : January ,
n.T-lCc ; February. 7fo' May , 4fTc.
Corn Upcnod Boout the same us yester
day's close ami hl\u under : cash , 37c ;
January , 37'1,1c ; February , a7icj May ,
4i 15-lCc.
O.\ts Slow nnd cay ; closliiB at (3Ve. (
decline : cash , -O. c1 January , cc ; 'c ; May ,
Kye-Qnlct at " r.
Harlev < ) ulrt at .Mr.
Timothy seed Prime , $ I , "S.
Flax-seed P3c.
Whisky S1.18.
Pork Moderately nctho and < nmcwhat Ir-
K-Riilar : opened weak with 'xtil c decline ;
Iliictnntlnnsconllned within nrttncn of l" > c ,
closlncat inside fiitirrs ; : cash. J10.M ; .laiiu-
aiy , MO..W ; February , Sll.OO Atay.Stl.JW.
Laid tjiilptand eaiy ; 7H10c lower for
fntntcs : Ica-di. lU ! < jriiric ( lov\er at Sfi.OO ;
January , J0.07W l-ubruaiy , S0.17'i ; ; May ,
Bulk McatsShotildeis4.7.SI.SO ; shoit
clear , 53.s."i@3.U05 short rlb , S j.4' ' ; j for Jan-
Mutter Steady ! rreamcry , 23Q17l c ;
iklry , very linn -'OOlMo. .
( 'hccse Firm ; full cream Cheddars , lti )
Mats , lSQ12'4'c ' ; yount Amerieaj" ,
inn ; tor 16' ' , ' < 3We.
limes Heavy green salted , fully cuicd ,
fe : llpht , /nS"e ? " ; damaged. T uf/TKo : bull
hides , o e : dry suited , UQl'-'c ' ; dry flint.
l" Uo ; c.ilf skins , bQlO'fc ; deacoui , Mt- )
Tallow No. t country , SJi'c ; No , 2 ,
2Ko ; cake. S'fc. '
Whe-it.bti . 127,000 1S.OOO
'orn. on . 274,000 ( iWOO
) ts.tin . ICl.oot ) CS.OOO
.tyc. Im . 5,000 1,003
Uariey.ou . 71.009 2J,000
New Vorlc. Dec. ( ? . Whrfal Kero Ipts
,4,000 , ; exports , I'9,000 ; caMi , JKith'c lower ;
iptlons opened tlrm : md ndvnncrd '
but afterwards declined J < GtXe , closing un
settled , with reaction of } (3\e ( ; ungraded
oil , S'Qi'.hii/c ; N'o. : t led , b7 , ( c ; No. 1 red , U2e ;
No. 2 ted. bUo In ele-.ator/.KiVJO'fc dell\cied ;
Jnnuaiy closing at i-Ji'fe. '
Corn \t@\f \ lower , closing lioavv ; re-
'eipts ' , 17,000 ; expoils.'Vi.OOO ; ungraded , I'Kct' ' '
ib fc ; Xo. 2. 47Kl4ic ( ! in elevator , 48Jid4' c , 4b ° fe f. o. b. ; Jnnuaiy , 4HVc.
Oats Lower but inoie active ; receipts ,
15.0UO : export" , 1,400 ; mixed western , 35 < < ii7u : ;
white western. 37@J"c.
Petroleum Steady ; United , closed at COJJc.
JCges Fulr leqnestand linn.
Poik-Firm but lalilv active ; mess. 311.M )
for one-year-old ; SlO.'SiS 11.80 lor two-year-
Lard-Ileavj ; western steam , S(5.42 ( fil0.50.
Untlor Finn with fair Inquiry ; western ,
12i ( > 15cj Klein cieamory , : iOc-
Cheese Firmer nnd rntlicr quiet.
Mllwaiilcoe , Dec. S. Wheat I'nsct-
led ; ensli , 75tc : January , "G' c. ; May , b'Pge.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , U7c.
Oats-Stondy ; No. 2 , 2(1 ( Vc.
I" > e--Scaree ; No. 1 , 57)40.
llarloy Firm ; No. 2 , 5Sfp.
Provi.slous-Lower ; pork , December ,
S10.75 ; January , Sll.oo.
Cincinnati , Ucc. 8. Wheat Easier ;
No. 2 , red. SOe.
Corn Firm ; No. 2 mixed , % @ ! JS * e.
Onts Strong ; No. 2 mixed , JJO e.
Kyo-Firm ; No. 2. OOe.
Poik-Dull ntStl.flJ. Low r at 5i.oO@(5.05. ! (
Whisky-Firm nt 81.13.
Mlnncniinila , Dec. 8. Wheat Weak and
msettled ; No. 1 haid , 7e ! ! : Jnniinry , * ' 0 < c ;
May hiic ; No. 1 northern , cash , 74c ; January ,
74l e ; .May , Me ; No. 2 northein , 7Jc ! ; Jan-
lary , 7l > < jc : May , 7Uc.
Flour Firm ; patents ; 54.55 4.50 ; bakeis ,
Kecelnts Wheat. 1 7,500 Im.
bhipmouts U'hcat , i,0Ki ( bu. ; flour , 17,000
8t. rjoiilH. OPC. 8. Wheat Unsettled
nnd easy ; No. 9 red. cash , 7'4c ' ; January ,
'Hjiv.May , B7@S7'c. (
Corn Weak ; No. 2 mixed , cnsb , "OJ c ;
lannarv.15'tjc bid ; Mnv , UUJ 'e.
Oats-Iirei-nliir ; Xo. 3 mixed , casb , 2H
C'W.'e ' ; May , : ilc.
" o Steady nt 5 > ) ( g53Ke.
i _ .K Steadv n't SI 1.00.
Lard-Kasy at 8C.OO.
llutter Quiet anil easy ; cteamcry , 24 < a27e ;
daily , 15@'i5c
Atternoon Hoard Wheat easy at 1.jc :
ewer ; corn , weak nt " . ( eloper ; oats , nt ) t < jt
; > Kc lower.
KnnxnK City. llec. S. Wheat Weak ;
No. 2 led , cash , r.5u . bid ; Jtxuuaiy , Su bid ;
Mav , 75Vo.
CbinAVcaker : No. 2 , casb , 31' . 'c bid ;
Januarv. Hl'/e ' ; May , 30jic.
Outs-Weak ; 20 > ic bid lor cash.
Liverpool , lice. 8. Wheat Demand
poor nnd Mipply good ; retl western sming ,
7s Id$7s2il ( : red \vestern winter , 7s Itl@7rt2d.
Coin Dull and low ; new inlxctlesteni ,
4s Gd per cental.
Now OrloniiH. Dec. s. Corn Dull and
lowci ; white , 4CCJ47C ; mixed , 47c ; yellow.
Onls Easier ; choice western 3c.
Poik-lligher at Sll.00all.20. (
Lard-Finn nt S-.12i. (
Coimnenl Qulut but lim.
11U Products Steady but rum.
HulK M4-ats-ShouIders , S-I.O.'K :
clear nnd ele.ui libd , $5.75.
OhloaKo , IJOf. 8 , 'lha Drover's Journal
iiipoits ns follows :
Cattle Receipts. 11,000 ; tlow nnd n shade
lower ; Chrlstmns beeves , 4.bO ( 5.M : ; ship
ping Btcnrs. U1.JK)0 ) ; cows , bulls nnd
mixed , Si.4U Sj.2q : ; bulk , SJ.20@i.OO ; TBXIW
cattle slow nt S2.2.cJ3.iil ( > .
Iloxs Ueculpts , 50,000 ; slow ; good
steady nnd common \ ! ; rough nnd
mixed , S3.5J@1.00 ; packing and shipplue ,
$ : ! .WQSI.25 ) ; liuht , " ) & IOHSJ.'J5 ( ; hklps , S2.25
Sheep Heceipts. 8,000 ; stonily ; natives ,
S2.25GW.50 ; wc-stein. S2.r > 0 ( < l'J.50 ; 'J'exaiib ,
S2.0Uar.2.5 ( ! ) ; lambs , 5 1.GOotf.oO.
8t. liouls , Dee. 8.- Cattle lieculpts , 2.003 ;
sblpinents , 700 ; maikot naslui on oveiythini ;
except MiKKith nnd tat KTfulfs ; choice heavy
iiiitlvu i > teoi.- ) , S4.uR4.70 : ) ( ; lair to good ship-
pinit Bteurtt , jl.Mi4.20 : ( ; butcheib' steeu ,
common to choice. SiUO&M.UO ; feetlers ,
fair to good. 82.50 .10 , stockeis , fail to
good , S-.OOttii.TO.
Hoes Kecolpti , in.000 ; shipments , 1,000 :
market slow and5@10c' lower ; nil sold ; clo cd
steady Bt a decline ; cholc-u heavy and butch-
ert > ' eulectlons , S4.10pt.2r > ; packing , fair to
limey , SH.HIC J.Oloilars ; , common to
prime. . $ : i.C > 5 ( U.b5 ; pigs , common to ( food ,
Hnimna Olfy , DHO , 8. Unttle Receipts ,
1,200 ; shipmentH. l.oofi ; slow and weak ; com
mon to choice , Swow : ; > 4.r,0 : stocken. fa.t5@ !
V.7S ; feeding steers , SJ.o.'jGja.W ; cows
SI. . ' > 0fl2.bO. (
JloKi-HecPiptH. 14,00'i ' ; shipment * , . ' > 00 ;
slow and &Cjilou lowur ; connnon to cholco ,
_ Wednesday , Dec , 8.
The receipts were oxtteinely' lnht to-tiny ,
Values lemaln about thusitnioanil there ncu
no es | > pctally new featiues in tliu maiket.
OinTloatl ot coin-fed steers and u leweow.s
were about all that were sold.
The receliits of hogs were slightly heavier
than yesteiday. 1'ho maiket ouennl quiet
nnd dull. The buyers wore very
nnd did not show much Inclination to , otty
Thn wtiather was nnfavorablo for a good Im ?
marlict , It belne qulto warm. The openini ,
prices weru about steady with yesteiilay's
closu nnd about 5c lower tlmn yesteiilay's
openliiB prices. Heavy hogs were almost entirely
tirely neglected In tliu mornlnc. the tic-mam
boinc for light wulchts , which sold fairly wel
nt $ : -i.70t.75 : , Ono load of benvy bogs sole
early In the morning at I3.b0. There was
very little done with heavy hops during the
middle of tliu day , the salesmen bolnu unwlll
IIIK to accept the bids made by tliu buyers
Part of them sold iust before the markc
cloicd , rather than hold over , at a decline o :
iodise below the opening price. A toot
many loads \\eiu lull over.
There were three bunches ofsheep sold 01
the market to-day.
Cattle . 100
liogs . . . . . 5000
l'rovnlllmf 1'rlcoi.
SiowluB | the prevalllns prices paU for live
stock ou this market ,
Choice steera , 13W tu 1500 IbA . . . . . . 4.(0@4,20
Choice slecrs , 1100 to 133Dlb , . . . . . fl.Mrtn.P5
Soodtecflerj . . . 2.6w. ! . s
iood to coica ! corn-fe4l cows. . . . 2.05f2 { > S
airtomc ) mm Rrasscows . iOOirti.W
Jood to choice Dulls . 1.251.50
.ichtftiid medium no . . . . 3.0@.75 : )
? oed to choice heavy noqs . S.OOfcXl.C5 ;
iood to choice mixed nos * . S.fiOirfa.70
? oed to cnoice sheep . 2.75Ma.o :
Falrtoi-ood sheet . . . 2.20Q2.M
Hcr > re riitntivo
No. AV. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
2..1265 S3. "A ) ! $4.10
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
5..1(100 ( S'l.1'i S..10117 $ ' , ' .IV )
10.-.10(3 ( 2.00 . . . . * ; 2.1K )
No. A v. Pr.
1. . . . KO $0.00
in ni\
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. IV.
Ml 71 lit * Ul S7lU.UU
UOOi * .
No. Av. Shk. Pr No. Av. Shk. Pr.
64..323 3 ! . .UK ) 100 811.70
( VJ..SIII HOO 3.t',0 , 75 157 JO 8.70
c . . . . : ii7 24D ,'j 410 a'n
07. . .2VJ 203 : ttiO 74. . . 2IW fcO 3.70
IIS. . .215 2SO . " . .CO ; < . . .240 SO ! ) .70
5'i . . . ! W4 : ! . < r > tW 2 7 200 ! ? .iO
51. . . ! ) 240 3.05 57..2S-0 5.70
w . . .2is ; vo : 8.B.1 } ( io.'m ice 3.o
in. , .a > > i 200 : ; .c. : & . . .ya 120 JITO
rf . . . . : xx ) 4J 3.C.5 cs . . . : t 200 n.'jo
04..JW7 2tlO 3.M Oft. . . .25fl 1 0 3.75
55. . . ! ! 2l 120 ? .Rt 77..2i'.l . 160 3.75
47..n04 200 3.W fi0..2s > 4 ! WO : i. " >
Kl . . . .ll ? 40 3.lVi 7i.'Jfi3 : 120 3.75
5 > . . . : nj : 3.rri , $ w. . . . 105 a.7n
! > ' . ! . . . .IS ) 2 0 ; * , ( , ; ! { M..281 2 0 ! l.75
ri5..2U7 to .7ii oo.o.i ; ; : ; .75
17..212 200 ! * . ; 0 42..1U7 100 3.75
07..2S5 40 ! ) .iO ( X.uM ) : bO 3.M )
ol'I'rlcc" . '
Sliowlnu thn lilKhest nnd lowest i-rlcv ( *
ld for loads of hogs on this market dnrlni ;
ihopastseu'ii d ; > s niul lor the s.imu time
la&tyear :
Nov. I Dec. Dee. 18Nr.
Jn.l . : i.70 a : .8'i
: m 3.50 '
4tii a.Vr > OI.'PJ
2th Siinil.iy 3.20
nth < 8i.7o n.75 3.20Suminv
7th Snnilay 11.70 56'l.Wi n.t : '
Mil u. - . a.i.70 : i.tio at ] 'jct .
Allowing the number of cirs of rattle , boss
nndihcep shipped troni South Oinnha tliiHng
the day :
lion1 ! .
No. cais. Kouti1. Dpstlnatlon.
4 . N. W . Chicago
All sales of stock in this market nr made
nercwt. live weight unless othci wise stated.
Dead hoes sell at Jfc per Ib. tor all weight ? .
"Skins" or IIORS weUhltii : less than 100 ll > < * .
no value. Pregnant sows nio docked 40 Jbb.
and btausSO Ibs , by the public Inspector.
< "attlo mniket steady.
Jlo s take ii biitumble. .
LiRht boss held up fairly well.
John WIcKlns , Colnnibns , was In to-day.
Heavy hogs close 15@0e lower than j Ohtei-
C. Dtillcy , Schnyler , was a visitor nt the
S. S. Hoover , Woodbine , In. was in with n
load of hogs.
A .11. Wll'-on , Walton. was > here nndold n
load ot hogs.
Liiiton's strine.of . 50U hogs to-day averaged
202 Ibs , at S3.70.
C. 11 , Spurceon , Prcscdtt , la. , was In nml
hold a of cattle.
F. M. Jeirroy , OtceolaMIS licie nnd mat-
Ketetl a load ot l\r \ > x * .
P. A. Barrett , Weojiini ; W.ituras In nnd
bold two loads of hogs.
J. II. Lnndcr , Conilnc , la , was heio nntl
innrketed three loads of hogs.
( } . Kriidcn , inanncer of the M. E. Fuller
stock lirm nt Schnyler , was liere.
C. II. ( iould , Lincoln , n ent for Keenan fr
Hnncock. was nt the ynuls to-day.
O. 1C. Paddock , Percivnll , wn-j In with n
lend of hogs which sold on the market.
C. L. Hint , of the linn of Reynolds .t Hint ,
Central City , was in nnd sold n lend of cattle.
A. M. Jones , Kivei Sioux , In. , was in with
tv\o \ ears of lioj-- , hih Jiist bhipmeut to tills
It Is stated that 300,000 sheep will bo driven
tliis season from Oregon to Xcbrnskn anil
Wyoming , * . - , line they will be wintered niul
led for next bprlncS market.
Cattlemen in the westein counties take a
gloomy view of thn winter prospects. They
fear n severe winter nnd consequent .sulTcr-
liiKofhtock owiiij : to the'shoitness of the
ginss crop.
The quality of the ho.1 ; * arrivlns is , or nsRil
to he , sometnluuof an Index to the biipplies
yet to come. For Instance , large supplies of
thick tat , well-niatuied stock would Indicate
plenty of hoes In the country , whllo npie-
pondornnce of "tail-end" stuck Indicates
that the country supplier have been pretty
well exhausted. The quality of bieediiifr
block has been improving tor years , however ,
ami the faet of cm rent iccolpts Including n
share of choice heavy hogs is-not IHKCII by
some or tlie knowing ones as an indlcntiou of
"plouty in the country. " Tlie ijinilitv llne-
tuatesftonsidornbly. Last week it was ro
inarkably Kootl , but this week there was a
very ) ieicotlblo | ) lalllnc-ou'ln that iupcct. .
ChicaKo Drovei's Journal.
General 1'roUttoo.
Wednesday , Dec. S.
Tit f following prices nr < * ror round lot * nf
priiliiceas ! < ollontlie market to-ilnn. The
quotations on friilti represent tne prices at
which outKtiic onlcrs arc tilled.
Ktios The market Is steady nt2i72lc ! , with
nn occasional sale of extra biJj'ht stock at 23c.
Bt rnn : The toueipta nio heavy alitl the
nmrket is weaker. Cie.imery , eho'ce , 2flO27i ! ; ;
fancy dairy , Is 'JOc ; cholcecountry. Hi@lbc ;
lair to Eood eountry , 14ojlO ( ; iMor , 'J llO.
CHKESI : Full ci earn Cheddars , slniflc , lf > c ;
lull oienui lints , twins , I3e ; yotins Amcilcan ,
it' : < ; c : laney .SwNs , 146115 ; Swiss , impelled ,
2. > ; LlmbiiiKcr , r4v'nbilck : , 13..j' 14c.
Livi : Potfi.rui There is nery limited
mniket for live poultry of nny kind.
Uiu : , > 5rn POUI.TII v The imirketcontlnnes
very quiet , and tlie demand Is light oven for
cholco stock. An occasional sale of turkeys
is made at 8c , and of chicken nt Gc 7c tor the
best , but they sell very slowly.
( I A Jin Prnlrlo chicken , per do/ . $3.50@
4.00 ; quail , per doS2.00 ; snipe , pel
do/ , Sl.00(4'1.25 ( ; ducks , mallard , per don
S'J.otXfj-j.SO ; ducks , teal , per doS1.25 < ai.50 ;
ducks , mixed , per do31.25l. . 50 ; gcesb , per
do83.50 ® l.OO ; deer , baddies , tier Ib , lltell'c ;
deer , carcasses , perlb , f@t'c ' ; elk saddles- , per
Ib , Ue ; elk , carcasses , jcr ) Jb , 6QCc ; ontelone ,
fiiiddlcs. per Ib. lHf012u ; nntelope , caicnsses ,
per lb,7@Pc ; Jack rabbits , per doz , 83.50 :
small rabbits , per doz , 51. 000 * 1. 23.
POTXTOUS Theie nre no potatoes coining
Into the mnrkct nnd the trmlu Is limited to
the halo ot aiimll lots trom ; he stoic at &OM55c
per bus.
Ari'i.KR The mniket Is firm ; choice
Missouri stock is quoted ut S2.50 , nml Michl-
jun nt ! > 2 < 5.
ONIOXS The maiket U'about baio of home
grown stock , which ii > quoted nt SI.21 There
men icw Spanish onions In , uhlch are sell-
ineat 52.00 per busli ernte.
UKANS Interior stock. 75:31.00 ; good
clean eonntrv. Sl.OOWi.'i.1 ; ; medium , hand
picked , SUO@1.40 ; band picked , navy , S1.40
tJl.W ,
PitoviMoss-Hani. HMe ; breakfast bacon ,
lOct clear side bat-on , JJ3e ; dry salt bides ,
bo ; shoulders , 7cdilcd ; beef , rcuulnr , lie :
dried beef , bain pieces , 14c ; lnrd,50Ib cans.
fiK s lard , 20 Ib cans. Faiibanks , fi'fu ; laid ,
10 Ib cans , Fiilibnnks. 7c ; lard , 5 lb cnns ,
Fairbanks , 7Jfcj lard , 3 lb cane , Fnlibauks ,
7)40. )
CKIXIIV The market is steady. Choice
st4 > ctt penlo4Uc : extra Inrso , perdo/,45c.
OibrKns Mediums , 25c ; standards , 2 c ;
selects , BOjextiabulects , & 1cN. ; \ ' . counts ,
LEMONS Messina , per box J0.50.
OIIANOES .lanuiiua. per bbi , S10.00 , Flor
ida per box , 15.50.
( UAMIKHRIKS Cane Cod , fancy , per bbl ,
SS.K@U.OO ( ) ; boll and bulr. per bbl , 87,50 ;
bell aud cherry , ner bbl , S7,00.
liA.vxNAH < There IK no chance In the
market Uananas , yellow , per bunch , VJ.003
2.2.5 ; bananas , yellow , Jarije , per btincli , 51.&U
Fi.dun AMD MII.I.STUFFS Winter wbeat
flour , best qualltj patent , 82.75 : second qual
ity. 52.40 ; host qtifthty iprinjwlieat
flour , patent , 82.tXbrnn,50cpercwtchoppca ) ; ;
feed , 70o per ewt ; white corn weal , OOo ;
> ellowcorn meal , hoc per c\vt ; eereeninif , 60e
per c-nt ; hominy , 13.00 per cwt ; bhorts , y
per cwt ; eraliaui , ll.CO ; hay , in bales , $5.50(3 (
Ovocerit' ) iUt.
, VjrililKScTHpUiuiuin bllsW - " ' d ° . > n
half pbls , $3.75 ; small , In ubla , 5(7.10 ( ; do , in
half l > blsS4. ! i ; chctklns , in bbls , S.Mj do ,
jn hnlf bbls. 54.75.
MY HIT No. 70. 4-jtttIion ko i , $1.20cw ;
Orleans , per gallon Ji > 1rf40c ( ; manic ; syrnp.
balf bbls , "old time. " per gMlon , Vic 1 pal-
on cans , per doz , SlO'.ou ; bait gallon cans ,
j > er dor. fS.Mi ; qiuirt can , S,0i. ! > .
ST.MICII Mirror glass. 1 lb , 5 fc : mirror
loss a Ib , 5'4c : mirror plo < , oib , 6Kc ;
iraves' corn , 1 ) b , Cc ; Klncsiord' corn. 1 lb.
7c ; Klncsford's clo s , 1 lb. 7e ; Klnesford's
cioss.CH ) . 7' < c : Klngsford'spure , 3lb , 7fc ;
KIUBSfordslmlk.4c. .
ToiiAcro Plug , jlinm4c ; horscohop ,
c ; star. fiV ! ; spearhead , : il > c ! plpcrhcldslck ,
) c : ogold shield , 34c ! merry \ > ar , se ! J. T.
' 'rJnArro ' Smoklnir , Dtnhnm , Is .Me ; ; < , '
6tc : V" . 57c : ' ? , COc : raeerschnm , 30cS old
btyle , 22c ; U. N. O. * 15c ; spirit cured , 45c.
MATcnns-Per caddie. 2Sc ; square cases ,
SI. 70 : mule siiunre. 81.20.
CANDV-Mixed.Ji H's'c ; stick. 8'0 ' c.
CIIACKMIS Garneau's soda , butter nnd
picnic , -We : cre.imsc ! ' ;
cltv soda , 7j <
Stixrs Kirk's ' sayon Imperial , S2.70 ;
Kirk's satinet. 33.00 ; Kirk's standard , sur : , ;
Klrk'i while Un < slan. Si.uo : Kirk's wblte-
cnp. SG.50 ; dome , 53.S' > ; wA'hboaul , SH.10 ;
while cloud , 83.75
HOPK-K Inch , 1'Ke ' : 1 Inch , 10'4c ' ; > i
Inch , lo"4c. _ .
Dmcii FnfiT-No. 1 quniter npples , 4 > 4 ®
5c : in evaporated bone ? , llJ/tSl-iVc ; black-
ben les. boxes , 0\@lOo5 Deftelies4t Salt Lake.
IbbT . io ( < tlOl c ; pciichos , oMiporatcd , 15H'ft {
17c : raspberries , new , 20@iie ; cunenis ,
JitfdJfcc ; prunes , new 4iu ? c.
. srn Aits Powdered , 7c ; cut loaf ,
Jiftrc ( ; Brnnulateo , o * < e ; confectioners' A
rao'tc ' : standard extrn U , 5X't" ( "fc ; extra
C. 5 4 ( < 154c ; uicdlum yellow , 4u'(3.jc. (
CAXNKOioons--Oy.stcr'istHndtJrdperpnse ( , ,
5fi.l5vi73.25 ! ; strawberries , 2 lb. per case. 8i20 ;
rn plrerrles. 2 lb , per case , 82.10 ; California
per case , a2,50 : pineapples , 2 lb , per cnio
. 5.75 ; 1 lu nih.Mtercl. per do/ ,
1 lb salmon , per doz , 31.)5fl.CO ; 2 Hi Reese ,
beriles per case , SI. 75 ; 2 lb string beans , per
case , SI. 70 ; 2 Ib limn beans , per eno. Si. CO ;
2)b ) marrowfat peas , per. case. S''MO ; 2 lb
curly June pens rcr case , $2.75 : 3 lb toma
toes. S2.10Gj2.25 ; 2 Ib.corn Sv.10 ! < TN. 0.
COKPI.IS Ordluarv grades , I46(14l-c ( fair ,
Ki'H'c ' ; prlme.r.isl"'c ; cliolpe.riUaWj'e ;
fancy K'leen and yellow , 16n17c ( { ; old eov-
ornment Java , 20fl2Get ( Inteilor Java , in ia (
20c ; Mocha , iM&t24o : Artmcklo's loas-ted
isv ; MeLntichirn's XXX.\ roasted , isfc ;
Dilwortlft ) , isi4c ; Keil aos
Wool. Medium lbfi20cpcr lb ; ( inn heavy ,
14fiilGc ; llRbt , ICigiSc ; conrs.6 , 14aiGc ; burry
w eel , 2 ( < l"C on.
itinr.s Green butchers , C'e ' ; geeeu cured.
be ; dry Hint. llW'e ' ; diy wait , Wc&lOc ;
Kieen calf skins , yQ'J'fic ; damaged hide' " ,
two-thiith price. ' 1 allow JJJic. Grease
I'nmo white , So ; yellow , 2c ; brown , IJf
bbcei ) Pelts , 25(3750. (
LixTHKK : Prime slniiRhter sole leatber ,
8Jc ; priniooak sole leather , : { 0jJ38c. ( L'ppei
leather per foot , 20jJ25e ( ; hem. kip , "SCijx > c ;
nak kip. 8.-Q9.c : French kip , 81.00 1.80 ;
hem , calf , 81.OOtai.lO : oak call. 81.00 1.85 ;
Fiencli calf , Sl.'iiOSil.M ) ; Morocco , boot
BOrrfiWe ' : Morocco oil pebble. 28a3''c ( ; toiiiiini-s
nn'd lining ? ,'Oo. '
JlnAvv llAiinwAiir. iron , rate * ; 2.f,0j
plowst-elspccl.ilcast,4HcciuclblesteelOKc ( ; ;
cast tools , do. 12 ( S'lii ' * ; wnKon spokes , per bet ,
S2.00&-3.50 ; hubs , per set. St.2.- > : Tclloes ,
tawed drr. Sl.50 ; touctie.s , each , S c ; axels.
each. 75o : snunia nut * , per Ib. ld(71e ( ; cod
chain , per lb. 0 ( < jl2c ; malleable , 7irl'c ( ; non
wedues , Co ; crowbars , ( V ; harrow teeth. 4' c ;
sprinc steel , 7 ( < iOc : Huideu's borse shoes.
& 4.50Uurden's ; nitiln Fhoes. $1.50. Harhrd
who , in car loft. S4.00 per 100 Ibs.
Nulls , intcs 10 to &o , S2.60 ; steel nails , S2.C5.
Shot , Sl.O.V buckshot , Sl.STi ; oriental poivder ,
keKs , S2.SO ; 4lo. hnlt ke M , S2.00 : do. quarter
kejs. Sl.50 : blasting kegs , j-.MJS ; fuse , per 10
feet. CJc. Lead bar. 310
\AII.VISIII * < Hauols , iicrgallon : furni
ture , extrn , 81.10 ; furniture , No. 1 , Sl.OO ;
conch e.xttn , 1.40 ; co.ich , No. 1 , 51.20 ; 1 > -
mnr , cxtin. 31.75 ; , 70c ; -nlinflinn ,
oxlra 6.jc ; shellnc , S3.50 ; hard oil linlsh ,
biTiUTS Polosno spirits. 1S3 ] > roof , SI. 17 ;
do 101 pioof , SI. IS ; spirits , second quality ,
101 pioof , S1.17 : do Ibb pioot. 81.10. Alcohol ,
Ib8 proof , S2.18 per wlno gallon. Itedistilled
whiskies , Sl.iWsM,50. ? Gin , blended. S1.5U6S
2.00 ; Kentucky botnbons , $2.00(50.00 ( ; Ken
tucky nntl Pennsylvania rvcs. SiTOdifi.SO ;
Golden Shenf bourbon and ryn whiskies
Sl.50Q3.oo. Hrmidlcs , Impelled , S5.00tt8.50 ;
domestic , ( 'Ins , imported , 84.51) )
( fl.C.00 ; domestic. Sl.25ft3.00. Chnmpnftnos.
linpoiled. pcrcaso. S28.00Q3.00 : ) ; American ,
per case. JHO.OOi JlO.OO.
i'Aix-r * ix On. White It-ad. Omalm.P. P. ,
7Ke ; wlntolead , St. Louis , pine , 87.75 ; Mnr-
seillesj-reen , 1 to 5 lb cans , 2e ; ,
crecn seal , 12c ; Fieucli zinc , red seal , lie ;
French zinc , in vniniah usst. 20c : French
/.inc. T c ; vermilllon , KiiL'lish , in oil , 7."ic :
leil. lOc ; rose plnu , 14c ; Venetian icd , Cook-
son's , "Jito ; "Venetian led. Americnn , lV c ;
led lead , 75 < c ; ehronio yellow , genuine , 20c ;
chionio yellow , K , 12c ; oclne , rochelle , 3e ;
ocliro , French. 2J c ! ochie. Americnn ,
IS'o ; Winter's mineral. 2"c ; Leliigh blown ,
2 > < c ; Spanish brown , 2Kc ; Prince's , icineral ,
DIIY PAINTS Whlto lead , PC : Ftench sine ,
12c ; Paris whitinc. 2 > 4c ; whiting , ulhler" ,
2J c ; wbltiui ( , coin'l , I'fc ' ; lampblack , ( Jer-
iimustown , l-'e ; Inmpblack , ordinary , be ;
Prussian blucfific ; ultramarine , Ibc ; vnndyic-
brown , 8e ; umber , burnt. 4c ; umber , inw , 40
siennn , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4e ; Pane
KIUCII , cemiino. 2. je , Pail * preen , com-
inon. 22o ; chrome tirecn. N. Y. . 20i- ;
vermllhon Aiiicncnn. Ibc : inniaii
raw nnd burnt umber. 1 tt > cnus , I2c ; raw and
burnt blenna , 12c : Vandyke brown , i"c : le-
hned himpblnck VJc- coach black nnd ivory
blnck. ICc : dtop black. ICc ; Prussian blue ,
40c : illtramatine black , l o ; chrome KreenL. ,
M. A I ) . , Ific ; blind nml sliutter uieen. L. . M.
it D. , ICc ; Pans crenn , We ; Indian icd , lie ! ;
Venetian led , PC ; Tuscan. 22e ; American
vermilllon , L. & D. , 20c ; yellow ochre , 2o ; L.
M. & O. I ) . , l c ; ( 'ood ochre , Ifio ; pnten
diver , Sc ; eralnini ; color , lljjlit oak , dark oak ,
walnut , chestnut nml nsli , 12c.
DiU'nsNI ) MiKMtrAi * * . Acid , carbolic ,
f2c ! ; field , tartailc , 52c ; balsam copaiba , per
lbWo ; bark sabsntras. per lt > , lOc ; calomel ,
per n > , 76 > , rhlnchonldla , per o40c ; chloro
form , per H > , 50c ; Dover's powdeis per n. ,
81.25 ; 4ipsom salts , per tb , 3 } < c ; Klyroiiue ,
pine , per Ib. 3Jc ; lead , nretato. per Plc / ! ;
nil , castor , No. 1 , per Knl. , 1.50c ; oil castor ,
No. 2. per KnI. , S1.40 ; oil olive , per Ral. , ? 1.40 ;
oil qrlirnnnnm. Mc ) ; opium , 33.20 : quinine ,
P. it W.and K. AS , , per o70c ; potassium
Iodide , per Ib , 52.75 ; B.ilicin. per nt. 40c ; Mil-
phaio morphine , per o$2.50 ; sulphur , per
Hi , 4c ; ill jch n i no , per 01. S1.2"i.
Dry LmtnDer.
no AIIDS ,
No.l Com. , 1. s. 12 , 14 and l ft S17.50
No.a " I'AHandlO ft 14.75
Ko.3 " " 12,14 and 16 tt 13.50
No.4 " " is. H and 16 U. . . . . . 12.00
] 2ft 11 ttl ! < i ftjlB ft Mft'-a ' . '
16.Mlfl.60lll.BOl7.00 ) ( ! ) SlioO 21.00
16.GO 10.Wllfl.CU J 2X'.00 2.CK )
2xa IIO.M 1C.W Jv.'JV 17.00llM.OiSl.lohil.OO (
ziio IIB.M 16.6'J td.50 17.110 18.03 . ' 3.0022
i'llZ IIC.6I 1U.&U IB.MiT.O'lll'.UO'H.O '
110.50 17.00
No.l , 4ifc6lncli ! , 12nnd 14 ft , , roii h.,317.09
No. 'A i it 0Inch , 12 nnd 14 ft. , rouirh. . . 14.00
OIH.IVO : AUD 1-AiiriTio.v.
1st com. , win WhltoiPlnfl Partition. . . . S"3.00
2d " " " " . . . y'.M )
2d Cora.V In. Norway Pine Cellini ? . . . . 14.00
A 12 Incb. . l g. 41) ) C
II12 Inch " " 42 D " "
No. 1 , com. 12 In. , s. le."io"l8Jk20fti. . 21.00
No.2 , " ' ( , " ' . . . lti.50
No. 2 , ' 12 A 14 ft 17.00
* " 10ft .
, 10.00
No. 1. pl.iln.8nnd lo inch 17.50
No. li , plam.8 and 10 Inch 15.50
' ' ' ' " '
XX clear. S2.U'SA''Tta'ndart" ) : S-W ; No. 1 ,
1.85 ; Lai li.SS.25.
POSTS Whlto Cedar , 0 In. , } { s , 12c ; 8 in.
1st nd 2a , clear , l ) Inch , s. 2 s
8d , clear , I Inch. B. a s
a , clear , IV , 1H , 3 in
B select , 1 inch , s. a s.
select , ! > { , ! , , a ! . . _ . .
Jlu Han the lleutoula Itlioiiiiiatlc-H.
WashlnRton Critic. "Daniel , " remarked -
marked the president , as ho feat in an
easy chair before his domestic liru , with
his rheumatic Jeg resting across an otto
"Yes , sire. " responded the faithful aud
watchful private secrfitary.
' This rheumatism I < : v d - , excuse
me , a dreadful nuisance , "
"Vcs. biro. "
"Do you think the opposition nowspa-
por.s can muke itny uupitul out of it , Dun'
i ell"
"I don't see how they can , hire , "
"Uf COUFEC not , Daniel , butthuy always
mnn'a e to get there just the same. * '
"Hut this is dUrurtut , fcire. "
"It looks so to you , Daniel , in your
guileless innocence nnd perfect faith In
your chief ; but it is In my knees , Daniel ,
and that will be their hold. "
"How , sire ? "
"llow , Daniel * Why , the ghouls will
call it a case of Uoutonia Kheuniatiea
'ivlfecrviccieformla ; the invariable
symptoms being weakness in the knees.
. ) hl Daniel , Daniel , the pain is nothing ;
t is the appearance of things that tor-
tires me , and the president burst into
Dinwoody ami Sam Bryant
were playing nokcr at Topcka , Din-
woody grabbed the stakes and ran. Bry-
ml pulled a revolver , and Cicorgc is now
n the hospital.
The charcc is made that rustlers inanu-
" ctiire maverieks to order In thn vicinity
; Donclas , W. T. , by spllUinR the
ingne. The calf thus li.xed cannot suckle
and soon ceases to follow its mother.
iall'sSafes-VaultsJimeLickt '
and Jail Work.
1020 1'ttrnam Street. Oruaha. Neb.
OF rnk
Chicap , Milwaukee fist Paul R'y '
hici mm sod COUXCIl. BLOfH i !
COUNCIL uiurra
Cliicagro , AND llllwauVee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis Cedar Rapidi ,
Cliuton , Dubuque , Davenport ;
Hook Island , Freeport , Kockford ,
ffin , Uftdieon , Junes villo ,
Uclolt , Winon& , La Crossc ,
And all other Important points Knst , Kortboml
ud Boulhoait
For through tlakoti call 01 tha Ticket
nt HOI Farnnm etreot ( In I'aiton Hotel ) , or
UuInuPkcinc Depot.
I'lilltntin hlt'pnerfl and the flocst Dining Can
1& tko world nr ruu on lb main lluti of the
nnd * rurf attention la paid to pm'otmori bj
courteoni emplojrei of thooompnny.
B MH.I.III , Oonernl Manager.
J. F. TuCKcn , A al taut Qoneral Manarr.
A. V. H. CAHptNTRn , Qoneral FasBiuger and
Ticket Agent.
Oto. K. ilKAFFOiin , AssIaUut Qtnertl r u n-
for and Tlckot Affcut
J. T. C&AUK , Uonernl Superlnteudent.
Omaha ,
Conncfl Bluffs
And Chicago.
The only rend tn take for net Molnes. * far-
elmlltown , Cedar Rapid * , Clinton , JJIxlP. Chlca-
to , Miltvnnkeo nnd nil points cast. To tn * people
ple of NeLruska , Colorado , Wyoming. ltnh ,
Idnno , Nevada , Oiccon , Wnnhiniflon and Cali
fornia , It offers Biipei lor advantaces not rossl-
bio by nnr other line.
Among a f w of the mimerouo points of in-
perlorltr enjoyed liy the pntroni of thle road
between Omxhn nnd Chlraeo. are its two trains
a day of DAY COACHES which are the Bnost
tttnt humnn nrt and Inprniilty can create. Il
1'ALACK BI.l'.El'ING C'AltS. irlilrh Hre rnodnls
ofonrnfoit and nloffnnco IU PAHIXIi ) DRAW
ING ROOM CAltH. inimrnft-sodbT any , nnil lt
widely ootobratod l'AATIAL ] DINJNO CAHS ,
Vie pfinal of whlrli cannot be found it'iowhero.
At Council Illtiir * the li-nlnsof the t'nlon Faol-
fle Rr. connect In Union Depot with ihoae of
the Chicago & Northwe tern Hy. In ChlcriKO
the trains of tlil > ) ln irnko close connection
with thee of all enstorn llnov
For Dntrolt , Colnmbiifi , Indlrinapolln , Cincin
nati , Nlanra I'nllf , IlutTnlo , I'tttsburp. Toronto ,
Montreal. Iloiton , New Voik , I'hlludelphlH , llnl-
tlmor * . WnshlnKton and all rolnts In the cait ,
ask the ticket npenl for tloknlf vln tlio
" ' "
If you wish thn lioM aoi'onimodatloni All
llckot nironm ell llckuld vm this linn.
Oenoitil Mnnnffor , Oonl. 1'itBs'r Arotit (
r"lcn ° . ' "
WM. HAHCocic.r"lcn , . . n.iiow.nB ,
Gcnl. Wittein Apt Utyl'iiFs
Omiihn , Neb.
IU'M ol bniErnint nliv.iyH on room 11
I'Jittiloor South ot I1. O.
Artists' Material.
A. IIOSPE , , JR. ,
Artists' Materials , I'lanos nnd Organs ,
l..l'l Inniil ) Street , Omnlin.
Agricultural Implements.
Wltol4B ? ler > oalei In
Agricultural Iinpleincnts ,
tHnd Uiicclen. Jnnri ottutt , bclwtoa Vth
mid lUth.OiuHbn , Js'el ) .
Aricn ( I turn 1 Implements ,
nfCarrlKCoi > , Ilufeiei , Kte , , WholrraU , Oianha.
Wholesale Dealer * In
Asfricntiiii'nl liniilemonts ,
( Vagnnianil llucdc * . ' .01.V03lOi and07 ! , Jnmait
Butter and Eggs.
Jiiiyers of Butter and EfTffH.
Ilelrlterutor and I'acklnc llouio. lltli uml l.eaT
nertuPt. , II F. It. II.Truck , < ) mah .
Builders' Hard wart and Scales.
BnilderH'Uard ware & Sea lo Jlepair Shop
Hacbaplca'TuuUand Buffalo BraUi. J40Jluuglunu ,
. ( luialia , Neb.
LErt , FRIED C CO. ,
Jobbers of Hardware nnd Nails ,
Tmwaru , fcheellron , Kte. A emu tut Jlovro bcalaa ,
and Miami Ptmderl'o.-Onmha.Mob.
Wliolcnale Hardware.
Western agent * for Jeffer un Steel Nalli , Auitln
I'uwdirl'u , Kalrbauki btandard hc Ui. Curtmr
Idlh aud HarncOmaha. .
Iron Works ,
Iron Works.
Wronabt and Coit Iron Building Wmh , Irnn Ftulri.
llallToc. llcaina and < jlr < t r , biearo tiu-mti. hrmi
Work , liiucial Tonndrj , llacblue and IllaiktiuUU
Went , Offlc aoJWorki.U. I' . Hy.undl'tti tieyi.
Butchers' Tools.
Untclierb' Tools and Supplies ,
iu age Cut leu c ( nir klnda tUa ; ln ilock.
Scots and Shots.
Uminrirtnrtritnd WholmUftnleri In
Hoots mid Shoes ,
ComplM * ttock of n bb it ttnoit ! . on h nc *
K $ S. iihM.Uui ti 2 < b. A T. Aimiu. A tni.
77 * . T. MORSlirt CO ,
Jobbers of Hoofs nnil Shoes.
till t'rn m tiOmkti4i > ti. Minutuclotj. Summw
ilrrrt. llotton.
x. T. LixnsEY .p co.
Wholesale Itnbbpr KeeN inul Shoes.
RubUer ind Oiled Clolhlui- mid Kelt lluoti , ( Ms. lltb
Agt. for Anhenser-Rnsh Drewtig ! Ass'n
Spftlnl rirnndv Kmiit.tlndnotjtr find ntltncfr.
fifORX , C IL'ER ,
Lager Deer Hrewers ,
l.'iJI North > . * ih Slret. < Jtn.liNeb. .
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
Omaha Coffee and Splco Mill ! ! .
TfAiOol"re < , * iplrf ! > . llnklne t'onditr , f In-rorlnv-fix-
tractl , LnundiY nine , Ink. Rlr. 1411 It ! llirncr
( ? troft , Oinnhi. N b.
Jloine CoiTenantl tJpieo Mills M'f'ir To.
Kntttf t\iin't ri < rnd Pplc * Orlntler * . llntmrKriureri
r ( llaklnn I'OTtacr , fUiorlng Kxirm < t , Illiilnc. htr
Tr nnor f ot onrl-R r i"tnBfi Home Uleud llodMcd
tltt. lint HonnriJ ft , Om-ih . .S b.
.loliu Eponetcr , Prop.
UtmifACturrr of Oaltnnlrrd Iron ml Conilrr. S5S
DoOze nnd 10 } nnd 1'Ji ' N , 101 li it. . Umnln , Neb.
JiVEMl'rXG .f ItOLTE ,
Unnufnctnrrm or
Ornamental ualvauizctl Cornices.
Dormer \Yludont , KlUfiK M tnlloSkjllslittc. 310 S.
ISis M. . Omaha.
C. Hpecht , Prop.
( 'alrnnl-eri Iron Cornier" , etc. Siicrfnlinprovrd Pat
ent MrlillrSkylliilit , M iindSlU H IVtli pt..llinnltii.
" "
Cnrpefs , Curtulns , Oil Cloths. Unirs.
l.lnolctiini , MnttlnKi , Kte IMl Doncl ttrotl.
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths.
Haltingi , Curiuln ( iced * . Klo. 1113 Knrn m Sltfet ,
Omaha , N l > .
Crockery and Notions.
Agent for tlmManufncturrrinnd Importers of
Crockery , ( Massware ,
I.nnipi , ( 'blumci. etc. Olfloo. 317 South 13th M.
Omahn. .Nnti.
Commission and Storage.
J ) . A. II Lit LEY ,
Commission and .lobbing : .
Bultcr , Kti' nnil 1'roJnce. ConslitnuiCDti ollrltcd.
" "fulQUnrters for Monowaie , nvrry Uoxin HUtl
( , r.i | < i > ItustntB. 1114 lloilKCttruut.Diunbu.
Coiiiinlsston Merchant s.
* iull > , rrodtireand rrnvUloin , Oiunlin , Neb ,
irn-T. i'frt > i'fEL L , "
Storage and Commi sion Merclitxnt.
Si"1' ' inlllfs lltittor. KffR" . Chcosa. Poullt j. nnuio ,
( l ) | prf. Kte . Kto. ll'J'-outh l4th Hrret
IffEDEMAX" < C CO , ,
Prodnee Commission Jlorelmil ; * ,
Ponllry , IJuttcr , Onmi\ nulls , etc. 2.t ) S. Kthil
Oiunh , Nrb ,
General Commission Merchants ,
And Jobbers of Foreign anil Dnmratlc Fruits. Torre-
condence bollclteil. "AHrolimtpo Hnd tinice.HON.
Thirteen ! ti St , ( ) mali.i , Neb. 'Irlniiliimo 775.
r. itocco c co. ,
mi orters nnd whnln lB ilc U'rj In
Italian Produce ,
'oifli'nnniTG ] llcuiul C.i1irunil.i Fruits Hnd Co > nmli
ilea Morclianti. 104H.14tli at. Onlr cluilt
trulthouic In Oinnlta.
Coal antf Lime.
/ ' . '
Dcnlcrs In
Hard and Soft Coil : ,
Oflicannd vurd , Hit ) and Nloliolap rli. , Ooahi , Neb.
UEO. r LAIMOII. rrei. ( ' . r. QOOIIMAN , V. Vrcii.
J A..Sf.MJLiil.ANU , yuc. nnrt Treat.
.Tolibers of Hard and Soft Coal.
> i''Soiltli ' Vlillteenth StiOPt , < ) mali , Neb.
vpA1co. . ,
Mannfiictiirors of Illiiiois White Lime.
And Slilpimrc of I'oul Hnd < Jokc. Cani nt , I'lartitr.
IJniu , Hulr , Mro llriik. Diuln. Til a and fewer I'ipe.
onuo , piiMton Ilotol. r.irnam M. , Umilm , NtL )
' ' "
r. P. FAY.C co. , ? ?
ManufiietnrltiK Confectioners ,
Joblit-itof Kiulututi Hniiriiruia. Ull J'jiuiiiu St.
Liv Stock Commission.
M. llVltKJS .0 AYhV.S ,
Jiivo Stock Coiiiiiiisslon.
Hno lliiike , H&unccr
_ Dulon SloeV Yardi-.H Umnlia. 'l'cl rilionn tS ? .
Live Stock Commission Merchant8 ,
fiblpmcDti of nny and all kind * of Slock noliclted.
I'nlou Stock Vaide , Umaba , .Nfb.
Cigars and Tobacco.
' '
MAX MEYER , ( 'CO. ,
.lolilier.s of Cipars , TobHcco ,
Uuu aud Ainmniiltlon , 115 luWJ H. IHli it. , 10X1 to
injl Kurnamul . Omaba.Nnb.
Mannlacturera of yinc Citrar.i ,
And Wlioleialu Drnlcri In Leaf Toburroi , ! . < . ID6
iinrtllUN. Utb Mri'i'l , Oniulia.
Whnlosalii linler > In
, Tobacco- : , Pipes and Saiokurs'
4t ntf for I ) , torf k Co. , Klne-ru I nnd Smok-
leg Tabaccon , Mllwitukao , Wltconiln. Na,3U
NortbtiKteenth Slr at , Omahn , Neb ,
Dry Goods.
M. E. NMITir.V CO , ,
Dry Goods , FurniHlmiif Roods & Notlona
UK and 1IW Douvlii.cor. 1Mb Bt .Omnhn.Neb.
Distiller t.
lletlllcr f l.lqunii.Alcnhnland fflrlli. ImpurterB
und JuHifr of Wlucund l.lquon.
CO. nnil IL11R f ; CO. ,
Imrorlcii mul Jotherxif Hue TTIni-i nod I.hnun.
bulc luuntiliotuiiTb n ( Keiiu dr' Kill India lliV-
Hr nU Oomci'lo l lijuiirs. HIV llarnrj n ,
Druijs , Paints , Etc ,
/ / . T. CLARKE ItRCG CO. ,
Laro ( ; t Urnur , Paint , Oil & ( ? la s House
W ttof Clilracn , Complrtr I.lnu of llru l | p SUB-
dni'f. lilt Ilarnfjr . , Oniaha ,
drain Tile , Etc.
A.K.BAIK' } ' , ri J.W.HEIiriPIII.Sei..n''C l
U. J. CAItCOK. \ * l'lf . MPdf'Jpt
Till- : I/.V/OJV UYiniAL'LW
DltAlX'nLH CO. ,
OlUra 213 ri. luh ft. Oiuaba , Neb. lUcrilnrrr aod
fupplltt for tlanulaoiurlDtf Cemici Uniin 'i'fle ,
JJEWEY f : fi
Wholcanlo DcalciH in > iirnUuro ,
} drnarn it. , Oiimlia , Neb.
C'UA RL ES till I r.EH 1C If ,
Fnruitnre , Heddlhe , Upholstery ,
JJlrror * , tc. U .iau3aad ! 2IO Farnaui H. Omtfca.
Groceries ,
Wholesale Groceries and rrorisioni ,
No . JW.TCT , : W n < KU 9 10th M , Om h . N b
Plh and l.FtT nirortli Fti.Omi * .
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Sprluti , \ \ pen Mnrk. llird rarf l.uinbtr , lo. 1JW
and 1111 llarury Bt. Oranli * ,
< v a i it no y ,
. Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
TVuron and C rrla Wood Stork , tlrarr Ilanlw rr
Hie. UlTandHiv l.oatntworia tQBi ba , x i > .
Stove ? . UHIIRCFiirnaces ! , THcs ,
Wantlct , Bratu , lltatidondi. li'l and l
Lumber ,
LOVIS n R A nronn ,
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doori.Kte. Tnrd , Corner ; th and DoniUai Corii
111 and Doudti.
Wholesale Lumber ,
814 S. UlhMreet. Omaha , Neb. r t'olp'tur. Sl na * r.
. , „ . 7 \
E ? > I1OLM ,0
Wholcsulu Jowolci'H RiirtMiiste. Dealers.
lo lnr In Hllrnrwaro. nianiondp trh > , Clorki ,
JeHdl r'tT < iol > and Mnlarlal * . , c. niland [ IOJ IHb
it. , cor. lXMl c , tlniaba , .Nab ,
f. Ar.
_ 15th Mnl Cullforrln Slicrti , Onitha , Mk.
FRED W. Gil A f ,
Lumber , Lime , Onient , Kte. , Etc.
Cur. Cth unit Douulii iti. . OIIII'K N * > .
To Dealers Only.
Omo , 140.1 KHrnntu iltcct.Onilifi.
cnAfTjtrf E E , "
Jlavdwoud LuiubcV ,
WoodCmt'Ctiami rainuct Flooilng. 'jlhnuil '
'holesitlo Lumber , Etc.
IwpnrtcMl * D(1 AmprlCHii I'ottlaml Omdht. Mutt
rorllllwniilcro llTtlmullr ( VnlcnlnniS Bcil
Live Stock.
Of Omaha.
MrultOil. John P. Bojd , S'lporintocdent ,
Millinery and Notions.
Importer * and Jobbers of
Millinery and Notions ,
r.'llnnil I'-'l.MlnrnOT St. out Omalia , Neb.
C. S. GOODRICH 4(5 ( CO. ,
Aic tliconlj IHtcit Importers of
German fc French Toys & Fancy Goods
lu XubniRliu. Oilmen prices ilitnllcated without uilil-
Ihli frelitlil. 1415 1'iiriium Mrrot.Omilm.
,7. T. A CO. ,
Wliolrsxle In
No ! ions and FimiiHliing Goods ,
4H1 nnd 405 S. Tenth St , Om n ,
Jobhrn In
Xotions , Hosiery nnd GbutV rurnishinjf
( ioorts.
untl IOOS FarnKtr. * t OiitAhn4b
Paper Boxes
, / . L. W ILK IK ,
Manufacturer of Paper Boxes ,
10' S Illn St. , Ouinh.i , N < Urankn. OnlHro lj ) mnliu. |
llcl.cj iirul niil roi4-lM ) prompt uttontlnn.
MAXir. . .
Jlaiinfaetiirers of Overalls.
Jcant ranU , SblrtB , Ktr. IKUnnd 1104 Poiiglm Street ,
OinnU.t , Nub.
lob Printers , lilank liook UaUera ,
And 'louk llliulfii > . Kki nml K Hnulh Kourtcciith
II vol. Uniilu , Ncli.
Auxilinry J'lihlishors.
InTjtm. l'r < M fa nnil I'rhitcri'Suppllun. UH
HiiuthT > M'ltlliMr et.
Pickles , Vinegar , Etc.
llunufnctnroiB , I'nckcrs unit Jjcaler * In
Pickles Ai Strictly Puro'Apple VI
JtHklni ! IViiTrtrr. I'luvnrlnu Hitrnon. Tallin Snuc * ,
triMirli Mnitii" ' Wuili Illnliiii , ( Inn 013' hif.tll'-'i | ! !
Pol * KBi'iilt tnr Verb hliili * Sunn llulllifil Apple C'U
drr. eiivrnnuith it. . Oiimlia.
Safes , Etc.
" * " '
j : noYEit , f co. ,
Afjonls for Hull's Sale & Lock ( W
Flr ami It iru ar Prouf Pnf'ji. Tlma I ocki. Vault !
ndJMIVort IOJ ) 1-nninrn tree Oumh , N li ,
Omaha S : > .fo Worki.
Mnnuficturf rinf Kinnml llurulul Proof Sufei , VnnU
Uuuri.Jull Wi < rkr < liiilicra unU Wire Wnrk. Cur.
lltliKijOJaibKHiMi. omthi. Ndl ) ,
Sash , Doors , Etc.
M. A. nrsiiiioir.p co. ,
Wliolrtulo Unnufrtclnroi'of
Sash , DoorH , WiinlH and iJou
Iliunch oBlcc.Ulh arid \itrt \ il > . . Oniah > S'uU ,
G. LYMAX ' ,
Sash , Door , Blinds , JToiiUlliiffH ,
ItulMlnir Pupvr.'cir. 1UII Snutli Tlurti > nth Street
OoiAha , Nyb. > rompU'le fctucli o ( liulldcm'
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Aaulri'niii.MatrWirki.nrl ! Interior llanl Wend rinlil
Juil oueucU. M. E. cur. till and l.oavnunoitll Bt > .
Oroahn , Neb ,
"CHURCHILL ri'Mi * co , ,
Vholesnli PiiinpH , I'ipe , Kif liners ,
Clcnmand Water Suii > llt < i IIe 'l'iunrl r , fur Matt
I'O ntl'ii'l lluu-U 1111 1 11 run ui , t. . IIIMI ) | > . S'ifli
A. L. liTRAG CO. ,
PiirnptI'ipOH and Hi
Steam. Wnlrr. Hallway anl Hilling S-IH > ! : KIC
VM. 'JlUna m larntiu t . Unialiu Ni-tj.
I' , s , 'WIND EXGi.\K < tn < i j'j
natlndar Wlrd Millrlfam and WMgr fliippIK
I'llimbinf ( loaii llelllui : . HIUP i'lil tim : 'JJI I i-
uurn t. , 4iiiHti * H. K. Keltrift , AlKiiiigtir.
'JV.ri'liiiiic Nil J10.
" ' " '
"j'i. "II.'HIA
Wholesale Truukrt ,
.Mll'jnl ' llctol llliick , ilumlii
Wagons and Carriages
A. , / , HIM
The LeudinsrOarriaijo
1IW and Ilil | ) t.Jji ( meet , HUM !
Building Material.
l ) Hoiln/ll Kludiot
iT llitteriHl at tVli
li.iid lliilcn I'nrlflo Tra >