THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY. HEOEMBEK 9 , ISSo. fMirt t\ftTAnn n Senntor Blair Argues In Favor of Giving V omcn the Franchise. BUT VERY FEW LADIES PRESENT * U'rks ' neoatiic Hip Honato llns lo " \Valt I-'or the Prcsulont's Many lUllo Cnllcil t' { > I ' 'or Action , fionaie. WAIIIXOTONDei % . KdmtnuU presented iv mrimirhit In favor of n con < tUuUoiinl aineiulment cnixn\cilns | congress to pW uniform laws on the subject of nmrrlngo nnd divorce. Ilefcrred to the judiciary conimittco. Also a nualust permitting aliens to pos se s largo tracts of lands. Same reference. Mr. Sawyer presented a ninnorlnl of the Jletliodlst church conference of Wisconsin forleulslMlon Inhchalf of ChlnrMj laborers ) , nnd for the rmssauo of the Chinese Indemnity bill. Same reference. llllhero Introduced and lefcrrcdns fol lows : HyMr. Manderson Authorizing the Cld- C.IKU , MllwaukcQ A St. Pnul railroad rom- piny to extend IU track across the Fort ilemto military reservation in Nebr.-xikn. Also to Increase the onicloncy of line odlcors of thenrmy. piovldfnf ; tor examinations , as ns In the cauo of ordnance and engineer olllcers. Mr. Imrallsollorcd a lesolullon calling on the sccictaiy of the tirasury for Infoimntlon ns to the number of mnmifncturttrs of and uholi'Milo nnd retnil dealers In tileomnrRnrluu v. ho lm\o paid special UXPH under the law of AtiKiwtS , ISbfl. Inhnt districts mich taxes \\ere pnldiinu how many iKiunds ot oloo- mnriinrlnii have been assessed , and In what dUtnctH It tins been made. Adopted. Tlio senate proceeded to the consideration of the bill reported by Mr. Itlulr from the se lect committee on woman's sul1raio (1'ebru- ( nry8,18 0 ) prono'lmr nil iimcndniciit to the constitution of the United Htalcs clvlnstho rlfiht of snirrniro lo women , nnd was ad dressed by Mr. Illalr In mmport of his bill. At the rlosr ; of hlH speech 3ir. Hlalr Knve no- tlet > thut ho would nt an eaily day ask notion on the bill. Th'-ie wcro not o\er a score of Indlc.s In the nailery dm Ing It.s delivery , although notice of U had been given jcstei- day. day.Mr. . Innall ? , haUncmudc a motion to ad join nIIH rc'iupsted by the proildlnc ; ofllcor to wlthdiaw It , ns an impnrlnnt nio. < saKO was exiicotnl from the president , lie compiled \vltli the sus-'gestidii , iimUli ? n remark , however - over , ns to the necessity of iepreseiit\tlve.s ; \ of tblity-elght .states having to wait the con venience of the president. Mr. Dolph ollored a resolution InstrnctliiR the select committee on Hsli and fisheries to iiuiulio nnd rnpoit as to tlio power of con- im'Bs to lenlslftto lor the protection of food llslics In the rivers nnd na\I , itile wntcrs of the United .States , nnd especially in ilveis that foim the boiimliirlos butxveen the states , nnd ns to the pioprlcty of such legislation. Adopted. Tlio message was received fiom the presl. dent , nnd the senate Immediately \\ent into executive session nnd soon afterwaid nd- jumued. House. WASHINGTON , Dec , 8. The speaker laid beloie the house a letter from the director of the mint , enclosing n dialt of the bill foi the hsuo of subsldary silver coin. Ucforrcd. Mr. liontollo of Mnbio asked for unaui- inous consent tp put upon Its pnsaiRo the jjill adndttliiK ireo of duty material to be used In rSl' ' the town of Uastpoit , Me. , which \vni destroyed by fire hist October. Mr. Orockonrldco ot Arkansas ! objected to the immediate consideration o the bill , expressing the opinion that the people of tlio country wnro In as much need ol icllct from taxation ns the people of E-.ustport. lie was Kind to find the gentleman from Maine con fessing tluit tlio tiuilT was tax , nnd lie would insist that the bill should take the regular couiso and be sent to the committee which had charge oC the sulijoct of luxation. Mr. iluutello Hnld ho was not surprised lhit the gentleman should take every occa sion to air hh views on the tariff. Mr. Hreckenrldne admitted he was always ready to stand here In defense o the rights of all people. Tlio bill was rcfeiicd to the committee on ways and means. la the inornlni ; hour Mr. Cutchcon ot Michigan , on behalf of thu committee en mil- itarv affairs , called up and the passed the bill iimcndlni : the net "for the muster nnd l iy of certain olllcers and enlisted men of volunteer forces , " so ns to piovldo that In nil cases ailsiuij under the same any person who was duly appointed and commissioned , whether his commission was actually le- cclred by him or not , should be consldeicd as commissioned to the grade therein named , the amount to date from tlio time which ho was to take rank under and by the terms of his said commission , and sliall bo entitled to pay ( inu emoluments iii If actually mustered at that data Mr. Dockcry of Missojiii , on belmlt of the cominitluo on postiJlllees and postmuds , called up the bill cMoudlng the fieo dfcllveiy Bystem to towns having 10,000 population nnd wheio tlie lovnnuo of the iiostotllte amounts to 810,000 u year. JSlr. Cannon of Illinois oflJired nn amend- went ojvtoudliiK the gyitum to towns having 10,000 population or 'heru the postal revenues - nuos amount to10ooo , In support ot his amendment hq Instanced towns In his dis trict wlu-ro the postal revenues nmountoii to $17,000. but where tlm population , nccoidhu ; to the last ceiiwis. did not mille reach 10,000. l/Dilcr / the committee bill lliesBtywusonld not obtain the bonelt | of ficodellvt-iy service. 1'oiHllnu nrtlnn , the moitiliiK hour luvlni ; t-Nplrcd , tlie bill \\entovui us unilnidhed busl- The hoiiBO then resumed consideration nf the electoral count hill. After n brief dcbnlo the mibjtct wont over fni tlio day , Caldwell filvjnz uotU'n thut he would call tlio preluin qtipstlon on thu iijll to-iiimiow. Capital \o\vn. WA6iiiN roN , lee.a ) Tlioseeietnryoftlio trciiRiiry to-day tiniismlttco to the bouso n communication from the director of the mint pointing out thp need ot new legislation in the matter of the statutory limit of Biibsldlaiy slhercoln outstanding | n circulation. To ftnstnin the department in Its ( licory and action In this miittm , the dluvtor aubmltti ilrufts of a joint resolution piovlding that so much nt the net ot ihTO n * limits to &Mwoocx ( ) itio amount of aiibiidlury slher vein out- hUiiKlIng bo repealed Tlio house coiiuulttoo on agrliniltnro mot to day , nnd adopted iit.ioliiUaiiK of foiidoleiico forthe dtcith ot Itupre-cnlii t o 1'rlcelio ivnu a member pf tliucummlttue , The u-so. Jutloiisvlll bo ungroisal and sent to thq fiimlly of ( lie derc.tsr t runiosuntutivu Delerfnto Toolo , ol Moiilnnu , npneared bpfpie tliu liouso TOiiimittea on Jerrltoribs to-duy , mid mmlo an aiguiiinnt fn fitvor of mliiiistlun to the union of thuttunltoiy ns u stiilo. The rniiimnnlcntlim from ( Joncrul Dnano , chief of engltivuiH , tnuiiinltted to the housu lonlny by the swjemry oj wni. vhoHmt tno It.ilmu'es unhand Nuvembei 1 lust of the aii- iaoiriKtpii8 | | for rims ami harbors \veiu : In tlio tu'ftsury , eiM'W.UW ; in thu hands of nt- in traiisll , Sl.lWMl" ; total eio , lk > . ; . Mr * Cluvclani ] returned to Washington this morning liiuu Kuw Vork. Tito urealUtnit bus amiptixl n section of foity mlli'5 of Ilio ( UbiMdn biuiirti ot thu Noilliern Paullloiallioid In Wasliinuton tm- lilmy tiom tliu 125th to Ihu 105th mllu west tiom thu Columbia riu'i , Tliu connnlHiiuuci general of Hie land ofUco ) ia recommi'iidfd that I'loeeoaincs be eom- iiiem-eil to compul the rumoval ul lencesnn- liuvlully iiiflu .ing public laud In C'ollax county , A'en Mexico , aiiHiuntlnp to about 100,000 acru.s. Tliu commiiolouor also rccom- that fences enclosing about nciealn the nubile Itiulsliiiixiiitlitd , Baldto lia\olt.Yii built by tlioVoatcrn Cuttle , twiemovtul by the mUittny. c , Dec. a C..M. Foitt-r & Co. ' , of upholstery jjood ? . * atd to be th'o house In that line in the city , .an- tuitinccd their failure yextordny , Tlio tiuu jrtadf.ugenei l a38l < nuiwnt for the beiietlt of vrcdltvra tu 1'r.iulc 1' , JJuiusI tint filed In HroolJyn , preferences given amountIng - Ing to 551Ki,000. The ilrm dha largo busi ness , buying principally In Europe , and had n branch house In Pntls , but In trmle circles they were not regarded as pushing enough to keep up w Ith the more active nnd j oiinscr houses. About four je.irs ago they lost about STO.OOO by tlio Inlliiro of Alon o 1'ollett. n noted broker , who sold the film's paKr | with out returning the proceeds. At that time they had out about S 500,000 ot paper through JKollett. nil of Nhlcti Foster sald had boon paid off. although they might hare evaded pavmonthail they benu so Inclined. Chatlos B. Kostor , Junior partner , said yes. tcrony the RB ots of the firm would amount to about SSCO.OOJ , with llnbllllits near tbat amount. < } t r.iir.r , Qimbcc. Dec. 8. 1) . and . ) . Mn- 11 tie , extensive ship OYLIICI.S of this city , nro In financial diHicitlty. Liabilities estimated nt 8V , ooo. ST. Loot * , Dec. H. A deed of nsslznment for the bcnellt of creditors has bqn hied by the 11 < I'feiiulnser Ilosleiy company. The'a niseis nmouiit to about 32.5,000 ; liabilities unknown. The OH 1'iuilc. PnTMifiio. Dec. 8. Thoioa3 nnolhcr pruiicon Iheoll e.xctmngo this moinlng , the maikct opening nt T. ! nnd fell olt toGu - A .slight reaction Uien followed and at noon G'.i wns bid. Xo one seems to bo able togl\o a satisfactory rxplaiintloa of tlio breaks nml there Is fear of still further decline. C. S. l nllo had from 1KOO to , ( KX ) barrels sold under the uilu to meet Ids conlrncts. It Is estimated that his loss amounts to six cents per bairol. The secretary of the exrlmngo says the loss ou oil up to List night Klnco .Satiiiday will ng- grognto g3,000,000. TJiuro wns ! failure Tor about $ XX ) . Nr.w VOIIK , Dec. 8 , At noon to-day the oil mniUet hid dropped 0 cents from the oiienlni ! liL'iiro , and there wcie liberal lots of oil sold under the nile on ncconnt of brokers being nimble tn deposit margins. The suspension of Stephen Lane and F. F. Klllson , both mendiors of tlio Consolidated Mining and Petroleum exchange , was offi cially announced to-day. A Doubtful Deal. ATLANTA , On. , Dec , 8. A special dispatch from Fort Worth , Tex. , lo the southern In- dustilal journal , Dixie , says one ot the larg est and moat Important transactions ever re corded Is now on foot. It Is nothing less than a trade between , I ny Gould and Presi dent Garrctt , of the Haltlmoro & Ohio , whereby the entire Baltimore A ; Ohio Tele- grnph sjstein is lo bo trnnsferied to Uoiild , who now practically owns the Western Union. In rot tun for thu snmo Carroll is tn receive tlio Wabash system , thus nivliig the Daltlmoic & Ohio n line fnun St. Louis , Kan sas City nnd Omaha to liMthimre. NKW Vomt. Dec. a lioth .lay Gould , nt the Western Union , and Hates , of the Balti more ifeOldo , were scon in icgarci to the At lanta dispatch Btatlmr that negotiations wcro on foot to consolidate the two companies , mid denied ovuiy statement made in the dis patch. Rnlo ofa Hnilrond. Nisw Yonic , Dec. 8. The sale of the Chicago cage & St. Louis railroad , running bctnctm Chicago nnd Peoila , 1ms been practically agreed upon. The road was bought by n syn dicate represented by- Frank C. llolllns , of Wall street. It is generally known ns the Ulnckloy road nnd Is capitalized at 5fJ,000XW. ! ( It is generally believed the purchase wns made in the Interest ot the Atcliison , Topokn & Santa Fc , but it cannot bo ascertained whether this company or n prlv.ito svndlc.ito Intends to opciate it. Frank C. llolllns wns In Chicago ten day.s niro on this business nnd negotiations for its sale were carried on with E. T. Ilinckloy , of Chicago. The Mining Stock Panic. SAN FJIANCISCO , Dec. 8. Stocks opened weak on the "morning session and prices , with the exception of the Gould & Curry , were all lower than the closing quotations injt night , Consolidated Virginia , the leadIng - Ing stock , oprneil ntS , " loss of 87 , nivl un der n Hale of : 600 siiSri * vent to S14. ft ie- covered on the close ti ) ? U50. Best nnd Belcher lost Sl.OO , closf..1 ? l S'Jt.fiO nnd others proportionately lower. Gould ife Curry was the exception , opening W ) cents stronger than last nlglit , closing nt 511 , an advance of SI. Still Unsettled. CHICAGO , Dec. 8. At to-day's session of the Northwestern Pas = ongor association the St , Paul road positively declined to eltlicr put Into tlin pool or icport Its local business be tween Milwaukee and St. Paul to the com mission. The other toads Insisted that tlio St. Paul's eastern thiough business Is di verted from Chicago , ovet the Delioit , Giaud Haven it Milwaukee , and that tolea\othis loopliolo open would bo to defeat the pm- poscs of the pool. The question Imd not been settled when the meotinc adjourned until to-moicow. i\cc ] > tions to Orovct's Views. CITV OF MKXICO , Dec. 8. It Is generally believed hero that diplomatic questions of grave importance will soon arise between the United States and Mexico glowing out of the position taken by President Cleveland against the ilcht of Mexico to tiy Americans conimHtingoft'ciieesngalnstMojdcoJruvwlillo on American soil. Newapupurs of all shades of opinion stand by the gou'inment In tills matter on tie | mound that the principle- n Koumlone nnd appioied bv some of the most highly civlll/.ed niitions of the world. A Sliort ICx-Trensurcr. iNoiANAi'OMS , Dec. B'-The Journal's ' Delphi , Ind. , special repmts tlut Samuel N. llelland , ex-tiensurer of Cauoll county , Is 3UOOp , short in his accounts. Against this tboroare offsets which will reduce tlio sum to 810,000. llelland says he Is unable to nc- ponnt for the shortage , ns ho has no\ordrawn buvond his salary. Aittcount ot the funds has been orduied and Is now In progress. Helland'H ' bondsmen ore good anil the county will lese nothing. An Important Connection , UuFFAi.0 , Dec. & The Baltimore & Ohio Tclegruph comimny to day completed Its con nection with the Canadian Pacific lalhvny lines. This connection establishes com munication between the li.iltlmoro & Ohio svs t 'in m the United States and thd Canadian Pacific Bjhtnm finm Qiuibento DiitlHh C'oliim- bla on the Pnclflc eo.ibl. Itb expected Hint tlm line trom Vancouver to Sun Fiancltco will Ixi completed within thirty d > g. Dnalriiutlvo Fire- Uuri'Ai.o , Uoc. B. At W thifi moining Iho candy liictoiyofKlbley & llolmwootl waa l tiilly burned nnd the "adjoining buildings , iniiung tbem n cliutclinnd hotel , wcro dam aged somewhat. Loss of Slbloy & Holm- \MIOI | ostlmutt'd at SVO.OOO ; Insurance , SbQ.OOO. Tlio uthcr Jostes a ga'gwt.o $3J,0XJ. ! AII AiIVAiino in Nails. CIYUX.VAIJ , Dec , . 8. The Wfistein Anil association , at Its leguhir monthly uinetlng toHiay , iinanlniously udojiled thu following : KosoUed , That In view ol tlio continued mUanco In pig iron nml steel supplies , the eanl pilcu ut nails no advanced tu 3',40 ' , nlth the usual turns. ISoycotllnjr Oleoiiiiiruariin : | CJIIOAOO , Doc. S. The later Ocean's Cedar Unplds , la. , sjiecUlsayi ; At to day's session of thu dalrj men's convention a resolution uns adopUul binding the members toieliiso todo business wlthUoalejs who liaiullo any kind ot imitation butler. A Voluntary ItuUc , PiiT > ntno , Dec. 8. Kinplojos In the fielcht ilcpaitiueiit of thu Panhandle K.UI- roiul ooinpunv have Iwnn iiofitied that litre- attei thov will receive extra pay lei nil etlia woilf , This Incliulws fivUiit conductor , eiifini'or > , bi.iUciuen niul y aid men. Afatc a Halso. UXIONIOWN , Prt. , Dec. 8. A special says Iho engineers on the entlro s > stem of the Italthuorutv : Ohio railroad Have nnide n de mand tor pay for ou'i time. A toiilereuce \ \ probibly \ \ bolield Fnday and satlsfacloiy conclusions bo reached. Oltvorlut ( ) Kespltocl. KiciiMoxi ) , Vu.i Doo. U ( joyernor this cyenlu icspHcd Cluyprlus , ( ho wu- ilciulcd murderer ot L'aniila Ma4boo , uutll the Uth of Jauumy next , A MASTERLY DISCOURSE , Rev. Dowling's ' Lecture On "Social In equalities" At Boyd'a ' Last Night. HANLEY MAY MEET DEMPSEY. The Mg Hlcjcle Uaec Tlie Imuor Cnso A Ocrninn Girl's Sntl History Judge llnwcft' I5emar1i Other Uicnl. Social Inciiin1ltlc | < i. Last evening the culcrt.ilnuieut for the benefit of the orphans ot the city undur the auspices of Leo Hrmich , 293 , C. K. of A. , unq ( ; ! VOH In Ihu opera house , a largo nuillcncc being in nttcnilnnco , The fol lowing musical programme was ten dered ; Overturn , "Sunrise , " R. Schllppprell , Hofl'imui'a orchestra ; quartette , "Oil , the Sad Moment of Parting , " Costa , Missci Arnold niul Johnston and Jlosars. Doyle nnd MeUrcnry son r , "Tho Violet , " lMo/.nrt. Miss 1-nnn.v Arnold ; "Song Without Words , " C. Latottr , solo for cor net , Air. U. Lamb : chorus , "Gloria from Imperial Mass , " Haydn , St. I'hilomena choir ; march , " I'lio Jolly Coppersmith , " C. Peter , I loll ni nil's orchestra. Miss Clara Koeder autcd as accompan ist. ist.Uov. Uov. M. I1. UowlltrS. ) { J.of Crcightou eollugo , delivured his Icuturu , "Social Inequalities , and Uiuir Uomudics. " It was tlui first cUbrt of the trcntloman cm the platform in this city and iUurvedasa very happy introduction , because it brought to the attention of the pcoplo a man who inny bo esteemed as an orator possibly without a peer , and certainly without a superior in this city , lie spoke in Mibstanco aa follows : "At a time like the present , when social di&eontout is deep-seated , wide spread and ominous ; when many are disj contented with thuir lot and when the principle of einiallty lias run its ground On the trite , but self-contradictory maxim that one man is as good as another and 'n great deal better,1 it is worth while to consider what society has done , or what it has failed to do to elevate and ennoble the laboring man. The very atmosphere is thick with wild and visioiiary .schemes for elevating the working classes and every saloon is a rostrum for theories , vain and deccitlul , sot forth by men who have not mustered their first principles. Kvery now. political agitation is leavened with hypocritical professions of logard for the toiler ; uvory ambitions sychopant hones to ride to preferment over tno workingman. and every politi cian is making capital out of the tiillbr- dices which have ufi&en between the em ployer and employed , and which have so Ircquontly resulted in riot ? which liuvo ended in the lamentable destruction of property. I'rom every side the wage- worker is pushing the attack. From every point of view he is computing how labor may bo protected fiqm being crushed by the pitiless power of mono poly. Certainly , lio\yoyjr , the toiler will not bot.tor his conditiuii by giving him self over to the. leadership of commun ists and socialists , who f > how him only the humiliating and degrading side of his fate ; who put into his hand the sword and dynapiito with the hope that , \yhou disorder hab made pillage possible , he will reap the reward , i'hcy diu not benefit your follqw-meu yesterday , and they will not benefit you in tlic future ; they will make them pay tiio inevitable penalty of such aii unholy leadership. The speaker then paid a uril- liunt tribute to the church , which bo landed as the church of the poor , and illiterate whom it had never rejected , and plcaso l' ° ( li which would never bo rejected by them. Ho iJjPu quoted from a letter of Bishop Potter'ln reply iC OPP Mmt gen tleman had received , which mdiiceu n graphic description of the poor and lowly in the tenement districts of Now York , lie stood there , he said , between the cap italists and monopolists on one side try ing to crush out tlio life of their victims ; aii'l , on tliu other , the laborer , seeking vainly under self-appointed socialistic nnd communistic leaders , to grasp his rights from those wiio denied them to him. The leotuicr then made reference to the condition of labor ut the dawn of Christianity , and how , under the bcnoli- cnnt inlluonco exerted by the power which had overthrown paganism , the dignity of labor had been ollecteil , Tins was followed by contrasting the condition of labor at the present time , and incidentally referring to the achievements of science which he claimed could make a false eye , Insert a false tympanum which almost equaled that of nature , grafted flesh which adhprcd to the body , and trans fused blood which poured through the voinfi , oven going so far , ho fcareU , as to create a false heart , And yet , all these discoveries had been imulo by labor and toil. Christianity raised man higher than ho had been in pngnn times. Ho did not enter into the question whether it was for man to begrasmng after wealth , but ho took it as a fact Unit tliu command of Ciod wan verified that a man must earn his bread by the sweat of his brow. Is it surprising therefore that without ( Jed the laborer whould be asking himself why should lie be tolling while others are en joying the fruits of hie ) toil ? Why should 4lie many bo made use of for the advan tage of the fmvv Why is it that all can not bo upon a perfect equality ? The workimrmim asked that ques tion when ho suw men idle through no fault of their own , but through the reckless speculation of others. Ho asked that question of the father with 1)0 ) cents a day on which ho has supported himself and family. Ho asked it us ho saw the poor people hud dled together in kennels , buffering In poverty and lifted up to dciislon like sDoils upon a bloody spear. It was a fact that there WIIH a gulf between wealth and Dovurty nnd that that gulf WIIH continu ally widening , The poor were getting poorer and the rich getting richer. Ami yet , that \ \ as imttho necessary or result of the evil accumulation of wealth. It WUH owing to the fact that unjust means were mndo use of In acquiring wealth and that iini'uir nnd unjust use vvus mudo ot wealth when it was ac quired , It was easy to lay bare the wound that lay on the social body but it was jiot so easy to give the romcdy. Henry George , nnd others who stand on the.'plat- form with him , thinks that wholcQtroublo conies from the private owner ship of land , and that , oncu that evil is removed , nil will go wnll. Tim speaker then suininnri/eil George's alleged philosopy that them can bo no such tiling as piopcrty in hind , undUmt there Is no power on pal th that can elvo a valid and legitimate title to ownership in land. Man possesses man : ho belonges to himself , and has a right to the use of lu.s faculties and what his faculties pro duce. It thlb wcro true , as man cannot innle or pioilticc land , ho cannot , thero- foio acqimo title to land , and if ho does acquire it , ho robs others. Tlie dilHciilty with George's theory is that it is un just , not permanent , umUf ho goes thus far , it was noeoosury for him to go still fai HUT , It is not true thut man belongs to man. Ho belongs to God , Ids creator. Hut , even if he did Belong to hiinxelf , he would be compelled to lay aside all claim to personal property ns well as rpal estate , because the substance of pet'boiuil property comes from the earth and is not nmlo by man , , The spanker then referred to the fallacy of the equality of'ovury indi vidual , and the impossibility of equal distiibution of the laud , exemplifying the propositipu by several forcible Hlus- ( jauuiia , Ho Hum /spoL'e / about the iiliw of repression ascnuuciatvil by the capital ist , and hold that whUo the principle necessitated and employed force through out the world , that WRS hot ! remedy for the inequalities mentioned. Repression failing , education vfnt suggested , but education of the kind sitggcstcd , was not what would nmlillornto the con dition of the musses , Incidentally , the speaker mudo * n masterly reference to the doctrines Inculcated by Inncrsoll , his stvlo , his lack of logic , his Hllbcrnllsiu. nnd the failure of his preach ing to satisfy the poorer classes , who wcro unable to enjoy the religion of good- living. plenty and comfort FO landed by the in ( idol. Ho closed with the statement that Christianity oflerort the required so lution. It taught justice that God sent some into the world who , by patience , might win their way to heaven , and oth ers who , because of the high position clven them , might succor the poor Poverty had not been made to serve as a background for wealth , nnd God Al mighty had given a claim upon the rich , After looking over the whole field , the speaker saw no hope iu society , in either repression , or educa tion without religion. Ho saw no hope in lectures on socialism or communism. Ho saw no hope in those means suggested in the president's message , arbitration , legislation and co-oporation. lie saw no hope in the general diffusion of the prin ciple of equality. Ho saw It only in Christianity and in the principles It lays down. It was Christianity which was to ri'dncm society as it did l',800 , years ago. Christianity was to remove the modern paganism which was infesting the world- Christianity that taught chanty to all. To gain all these things they needed more of tno gospel of Christ and less of Henry George. JY MAYJUKKT IIUM.PSUY. Tito llurko-Donipsoy Combination to Appear in Omalin. A match is iu prospect between Jack Hanley and Jack Dempscy. P. J. Fill- Ion , who is Irate because he did not get his "bit" out of the HanleyNorton match , has worked himself in as manager of an exhibition that will be given by the Hurko-Dompsoy combination iu this city on December 20. Mr. Kallou has boon authorized to oiler 500 to any man who will stand before either Uurko or IJomp- sey for five rounds and has made it known that it is especially desired to hoar from Mr. Hanloy Hanley wasaeen yesterday and declared his willingness loniect Denipsey but snidlio would not do ilOfor $50 , but would meet him for five or any number ot rounds for the gate re ceipts or tor $500 a side. Ed Kothery will back Hanley for $500 against any middle weight pugilist in America is anxious to have Mr. Dempsey accept llaulo.v's challenge to that eftect. TUB THIIID DAY'S WOKK. The IHonmrkablo Itcconl or the Ii- cyclists at the Imposition. The bicycle race at the exposition building furnished some magnificent ex hibitions of good riding yesterday. All the men were in goo'd shape and rode without any breaking down. Dlngloy , who on the day before threatened to col lapse , pulled himself together and did some magnificent work. Bullock also held out well , and Is doing remarkably considering the experience and training lie jias had. Prince , as usual , cut out the pace , with Schock pushing him harden on ids spurts of speed , The attendance last night was not nearly what it should have been. There ought to be 3,000 people in the building every jlay. ft is a pity that Omaha people ple don't Uuow a good thing when they have it. At 10:30 : last night the score stood : Prince , IJflO miles , 3 laps ; Dlngloy ! ! 88 miles , 5 laps ; Schock. 8SO miles , 5 laps ; Uardwickc , D71 miles , 1 lap ; Bullock , iMfi milcn , 2 IHPS. The score iu detail was as follows : 276 .101) 8T Or.0 . 675 Hardwlck. . . . 17:33 : 10:11 : 20 : M 22:23 : ! : oT Dinjjlt-y . 10-M : 18:2.'t : 'JO ; (7 ( aiKO : 2'XI ! : ( Schock . 12.-5T lKo : : 20.-U 2t-u : 2iio : 1'rlnce . 1(1:42 ( : 18:18 : l :58 : 21:31 : ii'JtOJ lUillock . 10:31 : 20:13 : 21:45 : 2.1:27 : . Some world-beating work lias been done at this tournament. Last night it was announced that Piincc had covered the fust ! ! 7."i milca in 24 hours. The world's record for this distance was made by Morgan in Minneapolis a few weeks ago , this being 37C miles in twenty- four hours. As Prince in that lime covered 8)0 ! ) miles , ho has beaten all pre vious records by 10 miles. Another remarkable thing about this race is that it is the lirst 0110 on record in which all the contestants have stuck to tno'r ' wheels the third day , barring accid ents. _ THK IjAUBK OA8B. General Oowiii Tclln What the Prose cution Will Do. "Tho fact that the case of John Lauer will not come up until the next term of court will giyc mo an opportunity to make an investigation about the under ground work that ia going on,1' said Gen eral Cowm to a reporter , who had ap- proaclied film on the subject. "I mean with reference to our witnesses. There is no question but that they are being tampered with. That woman , Mrs , Bel ) , would never have made the alllduvit that she did had not improper influences been brought to bear on her. " "Do you think she was bribed to make thftailldavitshodidv" "Some crooked work has boon donp to compel her to take this step , and i pro- DOie to find out just what it is. Hut oven suppose tiiat she does tell the truth m this allldavit , her story about Latior'.s throwing the cranberry sauce m his wito's faeo Is corroborated by the state ment of Sallie Laucr herself made to Dr. Cofl'mun , I tell 3011 wo don't proposu to gnaro any one in thin trial. \\o'll sliow how our witnesses have bean tampered with and who has done it. We'll ' show how Lauprte servant girl was approached by a certain lady the morn ing after the shooting and so effectually shut up thut wo hayo liovcr been ublo to get anything out of her since. That same lady succeeded In getting Ijold of and destroying some letters written by one lady to another , which told of the horrible treatment of Sal lie Lauer by her husband after their reconciliation , " A OH It MAN DAMBI'U ; . Slio TollH of llnrsli.'roatment . ' He- uolvoa In Qiiialiu. Advices were recelyoJ. in this city yes terday that a young , w , ° Inan now in Chicago , In the hands of tliu police , com plains of hard troatine'nt received in Omaha. Her name is Bessie Meyer , and nt the DCS I'hunes street station she told her story as follows Shu was eighteen years of ago , and was born m Hamburg , Germany. .She came to this country in May , 1S80 , and went ( o Jiyo wjth hpr aunt , Anna Mohr , in Lplioy , Kan , Mrs. Mohr died about eight months tificr her arrival. In January , 18SO , she went to Kansas City , where she was employed as p domestic by a Mm. Johnson on Inde pendence avoniio. I'romthut city she went to Omahit. When she arrived at the depot a well dressed , line appearing lady cumo to her and induced her to take a ride with htr , The pair were then rap idly driven to 1007 Capital nvcmio , a house of ill'fnmo kept by May Shepherd. Here , thu girl oliiuna , she wus compelled to stay against tier will , until site con tracted diseato , when she vyas turur/U looso. She then appealed lo the police for assistance nnd was given a ticket for Chicago. She is being cared for by the nulhoiitios of that city. A reporter for the HLI : called at 1007 Cap ital avenue yesterday morning , but found that May Shepherd no longer lived there. A strange woman had taken possession of the house and slie professed to know nothing of Bessie Meyer or her story , A Few AVonls From 1 * . O. llmvei. Lomsmi.c , Ky. , Doc. 0. To the Hdllor of the BEK : I hayc just read your paper of the Slid inst. In it I read that a jackass by the name of Lceso has broken loose from his groom in Lincoln , nnd has been braying around Omalin about : t draft 1 hold payable to the order of James W. Dawcfl , governor , for $18,031.23. I reported to the governor when 1 received this draft , have talked to him ami the attorney general several times about this matter. 1 have also reported it in your panor. When Mr. Lrcso hits himself In terviewed the m > < t time he should not by any inuondo relleet upon me , for I will not .submit to it. 1 am hero In Kentucky trying to sell my property so that lean co home and pay my honest debts , and 1 can assure you I do not relish such an noyance Yours stlflly , P.VTIllCit O'lJANXOX IlAWCS. CHANGING TJIB CIMUTIill. Tlie TAX Question Demands the At tention of the Committee. The committee on the proposed amend ments to the city charter continued their work yesterday afternoon continuing the discussion of section 70 , providing for the levying of the various city taxes. The city treasurer's statement was presented , showing the assessed valuation of prop erty in the city for the year 1880 to bo $12,000,000 , wlnlo its real value was in excess ot $100,000,000 , and that the total indebtedness of the city on December 1 , 1830 , was about $1,000,000. , , Councilman Lee proposed to confer the power on the city to loy.y a tax for gone-rat purposes of twenty mills on the dollar , which is eight mills in excess of the maximum per cent , which may bo levied under the present chatter. Mr. Crcigliton thought this would bo an exorbitant levy and declared himself as strongly opposed to it. lie said the conferring of a power to levy such a tax \yould defeat the very object for which itrus intended , namely , the growth and improvement of the city. City Attorney Council stated ( hutwhile , the pioposed raise of the rate ot taxation for general purposes , from twelve mills on the dollar to twenty , might bo exces siveyet the fact was that the picscnt rate was entirely inadequate To supply the fund and the city council , in older < o entry on the improvements which had been made during the past year , auil which were only a small porportion of what the pcoplo had asked for , had been oblidgeit to contract indebtedness sev eral thousand dollars in excess of the amount furnished by the twelve mill levy , A lengthy discussion followed be tween Mr. Poppleton and the city attor ney on the right of the city to contract debt inc.xcess of funds on nand. It was finally decided upon a perceiitngo of levee for the general fund was fixed at fourteen mill , and for the maintenance of sewers at one-half mill , while the rate of tuMition for maintaining curbs , gtt- ) teis and pavements was reduced from four to three mills. The levy for main taining the policy department was raised fropi one and one-halt to five mills , and that for keeping Up the fire department from tineo and one-half to four and one- half niill.1. The exception in the proviso to this section which" prohibits the issuing of warrants or orders to an amount ex ceeding ninety per cent of the amount of taxes levied Unit year , ai.d the amount actually received trom other sources was made to include curbing and guttering The committee will meet again at 2.SO o'clock this afternoon. The Y. M. C. A. Meetings. The mooting- ) under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. , now in progress in their temporary quarters , corner Thirteenth and Douglas streets , have boon attended by a largo and Interested crowd of young men so far tin * week. Quito a munbor have come forward and expressed a de sire to quit their smfulness. Among sev eral heretofore very worldly youths u bar-tender declared his intention of lieer- after leading a Christian lite. To all young men the association extend * a hearty invitation to attend thuir meet ings. Tlic Hospital PlaiiH. . The county commissioners have erased the names from the plans of tliu various architects for the proposed county hos pital and will start out with them to-day in a search for expert opinion. They will go lirot to Chicago , where the plans will bo presented to physicians who have had great experience in hospital work , and are considered competent to decide upon the iclative merits of the several mans. They may also visit other cities before tliiir return. Lluenaed to Weil. .Jmlze MeCullncli Issued marriage licenses yesterday to the lollop inj , ' parties : Name. lioniilence. App. ; ( Fiank A. Anderson Oinnlm. ' , ' . ' > I Aniiia Dora , . .Uuinlm. 21 I Ilunimn > 'cwlimi3 Omaha. 27 i C'molluo Anderson , Qiualiu. 20 i Frank I * . Coer , . . , , Onulm. : ; o 1 LiUa Koblnsnii. . . , Qiimhp. W j Julia lou/nii ! , Omaha. 'M 1 Clam Caution Onmlm. ' . ' 2 DrovltlKH. The riivonuo collections yesterday amounted to $18,930.07 , The Union Pacific ovcilund train last evening was thirty minutes late in leav ing for the west. A ear load of granite to bo used in thu construction of tliu couit House lopb was loceiyed by Contractor JSrcumm yustur- day. day.Arthur Arthur IHukcloy , n well-known con- iluctor , is enjoying a short vacation and stii ; toil yesterday lor an e.\tendril Ulp in the east. Judge Hteuborg disposed of a lol of tin- iinpOiiU'UBe. | : ) ) < of drunks mid Auspicious characters in policy court yesterday morning. Thp county commissioners liuvo awarded lo thu contract for iuuiisljiug weather ( Strips fyr the court house tq 0. P. Straight. The case of C W. Finn ys J. P Man ning , a suit for damages for alleged fulro impiisoinnent , is on tilal before Jmjgo Neville In the dUtuct court. A small lire occurred in : v colored lioiitu of prostitution on Ninth and Dodge streets early jestcrday nioinlug , Tlie blaze was soon c.xlinguulied by the fire department The paily who carried oft" a lady's while silk handkerchief tlio other night will please iuturn the sumo to the corner of Tvvontyriifih and Hamilton streets , and no questions will be asked. The jury in the case of Mdnuistn Itilcy , ufter haying been oul tliiity-six hours , roporUul to Judge Neville ycttm- day afternoon that they \\tra unable to agree upon a verdict und were dis charged , Miss Anna M. Saundcrs. grand chief tcmplur of NoUr.tikii , will organize n Good TemnliiM lodge ut tlio rcsidunco of D. W. Parfco , 2023 .St. Mary's avenue , on Thursday evening. Doe , 0. Member * of Lifeboat lodge and frjcnds of the order arc corililtlly ii.vitcd to uUtiul. ANOTIIKU MOUN1XG P1UI5. Mrs. lllllok'i Foiir-Story Hi-lok Untlly Tire broke out In the large four-story biick building owned by Mrs. Illllcckc , situated on Thirteenth street between Dodge and Capitol n\cnuu , about 0'30 o'clock this morning. One side of the lower part of the building was occupied by S. Sloman , dealer In leather and shoo findings. The other side was occupied by the caml.y manufac tory of Weeks & Milhird. The lire was n dllllctilt one to fight , and at the hour of going to press (4 ( o'clock ) It had not yet been extinguished. The loss could not bo ascertained , but will bo consider able. I'crmmnl Paragraphs. Mrs. L. M. Jacobs and son have gone to Pasadena , Cal. , to spend I ho winter. Miss Ella and Susie Cook have re turned from Kansas City , whore they hiivu been spending the lust two weeks visiting relatives. Isaac Hodgson , sonlor member of HIP firm of Hodgson & Son , architects , ar rived in the city yesterday mo'rnlnjr from the "Minneapolis ollico. lie is Combining business with pleasure , and is the guest of Ills son , l : iao Hodgson , jr. John liooth , lor several years back one of the most faithful and competent clerks In thu freight depaitment ot the It. A : M. roiul , has resigned his position and au- copied an oiler from tlio management of the Farmers' and Merchants' bunk of Hed Cloud , in this state , which ho leaves to-day to aasumo. Charged AVIth K. G. Furst , who keeps a book store at 4Q1 South Thirteenth street , caused the arrest last night of u young man named E. C. Probst on tliu charge of embezzle ment. Probst has been in 1'ursl's em ploy and has failed , as Furst assorts , lo turn in something over 520 of his em ployer's money which he had collected Hani Kstato Trnnsrors. The following transfers were filed December 7 : A S illliis ( nndlfe to Win K lr ! ft lots lls-'JU-iU , In Olaik plnre , w d-S'J'JUd CHMajno and wife to Win KCIatlr. thu iiiullv l-U ot llu.'O acres in 5-l5-lH. d-tao- 000. 000.CIS Mayno nndife to .lolm 11 Dumnnt , undiv 1-0 ol 1VA20 acies in as-n-13 , w d-510- 1500. 1500.W W II ( "omstock anil wife to Alary ITIdball , lot 15. lilk f > . PiHlilnolf pitu-e , w d 82000. Lihbio Nye to Kli/abeth A Ihnunlcc , lot 10 , blk 1. llnuthmnomld , q e-81. Ferdinand ICocli \\iloloAtigust Weiss et at lot 17 , Kingston , w d-Siruu. U.iltlms Jcttor anilvlfo toJni'ob Ixeuilisct nl. lots , blU 1 , Jultui'd ' add S Uuiahn , w il SiKO. , letter and wifu loJncoh Kcndis nnd \ > iie. lot Tblk lJettei's , uilil tu S ( Jiiuilin , \ \ d-Stno. John .1 ilalioncy to James 0 Smiley etal , pait of lot I , blk bO , S Oiimha , w d S1UUO. Cbilsloiher ) C Cniy and wife to Klvtln M Paik ot nl , w 2i ( t lot : ) , bllt 71v dWOO. . John S Kmu' to K A Uhiino , lot 12 , hlk7. L'ai K-ei 's aild , w cl-SOOOO. U It Wood anilito to Alvoln .Snuiiders , n f.'J . ft lot 1 , blk 'Jt. and o 1-3 lot 0 , blk UW , q c $1 * Henry Ithodos to W P Chambers and wife , lots- : ; ) . linn oak , wd-2ocu. Oeo W Ami's and \vlfe 10 T j ; Howe , lots , blk 2 , llniisconi place , w b SI. tioo W Ames and wile to liaiiiev I Inches , lot 18 , bILT. llaiuscom placo. w d § 103. John 11 llulboit nnd wife to John L Me- Cafrue. h int Iu blk A , Keseivoii aild , w d s-joa. ; S.nnl H Llvermntro nnd wife to The Omaha Ueal Kstute and Tiust Co , lot IV , blk 2lllmo- , baimh'h add , w d-S'-ou. TlieWestcin Loan nnd Tiusl Co to Tie | Omnlm Hcid Cslnte and Trust Co , hits 14-16- 10 , blk 7 , Patrick's 2d add , w d SbOOO. J5 0 ( ijpiin to Tlic Omaha lical Estate and Tiust Co. lots 1-2-3- 1-5-0-7-8 , blk 7 , Kllby place , w d 85100. Dennis 11 Antlrewu to Alva J Orovci , lot 43. Clark jilace , w d 72Ti. Kleliard Hin hain und wife et nl to Alya J ( irn\ci , lot 47 of Ciailc nlacc , w d 725. Adolph Uladstnne to Smnl N ( Justine , 12T > i by ISO ft s oC blk C , Sldiin's ndj , w d-8l. SamlN ( iiiRtlno and wile lo ' "innoes 13 While et'nl , the n I'JT1ft ' ot the \vja'of blk C.HlilnnN.iW ( , wil-Sl'J.OSl. ' . The Omaha ami I'lorencG J ud and Tiust ColoKdwfn 11 Walker , lots l-2-7-M5 ! , nucl ) ) ait ot 1 , nlk .ij , Florence , q c ? 1. The Onmlm Land and Tiust Co to Kdwin 11 Walker , tlio undiv % of lot'J , blk 7. and part lot 10 , blk 95. and all lot 12 , blk 'M , KIoi- en co , q c SI. KIlaM P.imo niul liiiolmnil to WmLKast- man , lot ) , blk 1C , Lnuu's 1st udtlv d SCuO , W AJjlilbbon and wife to Ll7/lo Will- lams. wK lot \ , and s ! ot ej < lot I , blk 7 , In Cote 111 minute , w ! ( ! eo W I'nrUer to Chas A Lconlo , lot 53 , Hurr Oak , w d1050. . John A Milroy to Wm K O'ShaiiKlmessy , Iot4 , bile II , Lowe's 1st nild , w d-S50. David K Arclit'i nnd wife to Win I ) All- bik'ht ot nl. Jot 12 , blk ' . ' , Abor place , q c31. . Win O Alibi iKbt and wife to Joseph II bcrt. lot is. blk ( J , Aibor iilaco , w d 8IWO. Alice O'Donaboo ami hnsb-uid et ill to Jaini's S Gibson , lot | J5 , blk 0 , JCilby place , w Alice O'Donahoe et al to Clnlstlan Jlait- jnan. lotiil , blkfi , Kllby place , wit pW5. D T. ( illiiiun and vvf to 1) L Thomas , part of & 4 of lot b , blk a , Aiwstroiig'ii add , vv d $ 1 Sid ) , _ A Hunl Crowd to Cnpturu. Lorisvii.M : , Dei' . 8. A Courlci-Journni special buys : Jiliurllf Hojd nnd posin at tempted to anest AVilllam and John Nor- ilson In J.yiniH county , Kontiick ) , lot n breach of tlio pence. The Jlon Isons Its were tlii'iiiKelvrs In thohoiiMj and tldityethooitllind oxclnuiifed. KlioillT lioyd ( inally killed \ftt- Hum Murilson und John < scaprd. None of tlie olilreiri vcio liijiucd , thoiiKh then cUnh- Int' Mas ilUdleil , \\Viitlicr Kor TsVbrnska und Io\vi : ! F.ilr wt and .stationary temiu'nitnio , How He AVaH Uroii(4lil ( Up. "Well , what are yon brought upon ? " asked the justice as a bicar-nycd tramp stopped up to thu bar. ' 'Judge , I WJIH brought up on tie | bottle tle , " was the quick response. The justice ( tycd him sternly a moment , and then "Ten days for dninl < enncsi and $5 for contempt of com * ' HEAUTLEST ORUELTV It U to delude the poor siifTcrcr into the be lief tlint come worthless liniment uill cuic V. I ihciitnatiMii and nciiinlf , ' ! ! . Honcfity Is tlic best policy in the manufacture ot proprieta ry articles in in all other mailer * , ami the fact Ihnt the inoptietoifi of Anlhlophoros have never claimed for It even nil its mer it Mould warrant has not a little to do uith Its uondcifill popitlarily , nnd the tlinusniids of grateful testimonials received by them show that Ihclr policy h.n been \ \ ise as Bellas tight. 1'vpcriencc has amply demonstrated that that mere outward applications nrcoith - less. The dUe.-ue has Its scat in Ihc hlood , and any icmci'y lo he successful must deal Vith the obstuicthc acid \\lilch poisons and Itiilatnci it Alhlophorot nelson the hlood , nui cleA nnd joints directly. It takes the poison oul of the blood and carries it out of thd sMcm ; it imigornlcs the action of the muscles and limbers the KlllVncss oi the joints , It reaches the User nnd kidneys ing them from irril.ititm substances , and if followed up after the rheumatic conditions cease , H will rcsloic these oigans to rcgulriiity nnd health , Dr. W. D. Hrvant , Cninsvlllc , Mo. snys : " I bought a bottle of Atlitophoros lot a Intly. She had not taken all the bottle before hhe \ns ho fai icstored , as to resume her hou.e- ItoU' duties She had been contind ( o her bed for three \\ceks , unable to tuin liciself. The disease \\as intlamniatoiy rheutnatism , Shu liai. not hud n recurrence of itsince. . Athlophoros is i.ll that is claimed for it. " E Mooie , Stahl , Mo , says- Four bottles of Athlophoros euicd mu of Uhciuiiatisin two ears nco , and I hav e not fell a pain or nchc since. " Kvery ( IrupKHt should ki-op Athlopho ros unit JVtlilophornf Pills , but w liuro tlmy oaiinol bo hoiiKht of tlio ilniirjrlsl tha Athlophoros Co. , 112 Wall St. Now Vork , will solid olthur ( unrrlnfu luild ) on roei'lpt of rcjjulnr nili-o , whioli is ifl 00 iiur bottle for Athlophoros und 60c for 1'llls. Tor Ihor iitnl kliino ) ilHuiifff.distitMialn.ln. illKOStlon , Vfiikli ( . ! > t , IH'i\oiH ilulilllly , ill i'iisim of women , iniisllp.itlon , llcmliu-lio , linpiiro blond , \o. AlliloiihoroH fills nru inioiiunlcd , U AKE STBLB , rorsUloon jroiin , tliuylmvu Btoiidilj In favor , anil vltli miles oonsliintly Inoruiieiiio- liaioboeoiiio tlio most popular corset tlnouirli. OUt tllU UllllOtlHlutlVl. The K , 0 una U II urailoH niotnmluln SHOUT Menu > i AM ) IXniA IiONfJ \\\I T , siilluliloor nil flBUics. 'I'lio 0 nuullty , mmlo l iTiiKlisti t/oiitil.Is uniiuntud to wonr twjco HS lonir us onlliiiiiyconiets lllsliost ntiarile fiom till tlio World1 * jjioul I'lili . Tin ) lutt mo'iul ' loei-Juid Is lor I'IIUT DIC.IIUI ; OF tlmii' , lioni Iliu l.ito Imposition liolil at NowOiluuiiB. Wlillo scoios of patents Imvo btvn round worthies * , the principle * ot tlio ( lluxv-rittliiji liau provi'il lnalualilo. . Hotiillora nro nulborl/nl to rofiinil monoy. if. on CMiiiimiitloii , tln'Ho Coisnls ilo not IIIDVC us ropicsonloil 1'OH SAI.K UV'liHVWHIIHK. CATALORUP FIlKi : ON APPLICATION. THOMSON , LANGDON & . CO. . New York. raonrairo fBEF.ORE-AND-AFTER Electric Appliances ro tent on 30 Dayt1 Irlil , TQ MEN ONLY , YDUHQ OR OLD , -rS7"no arn bUdirljiK from NunrotJB DBDIIIIT , > V Ijnit VITALITT , I.AC or NEKVr FORCI u VlQOB , WASTIkl ] WKAKNL 9C3. bnilull llinHe dlfi H ( of a 1'rataNAt. KATUUB rf ulun from Aut' us nd OTIIRU ( HusKfl Kiuuily relief iind conifluto iretu ration of H i.TnVi < ionoinlMAHiioonfliJAU Ni D Tliu ( rrandevt illv-overy of thu Nlnctoi nth u < nttir } Bond at once ( urjnu lniUwir niihIetfro | . AUilri > VfiLTAlO BELV CO. . MAnCKAU , MICH. " - " - j'y' * * ' " rin < TT"n"i J runi.roiijblmxl. UuiruUfxltb ? puly ono In tuo worm p i " " . . _ _ scontlnumii Eltctrlotf J. . . _ s -OcMrrwr. . haleniiniI'niwrul , liuuklo , Comfurtnble and FIJViUvu. A fold IraqJu. Orirft.ODd cuii it. Sinil mm * ' Al. 0 EI.KOf IMCI IlKJ.TA FOR I fl * . HGRttE. iMVfNKR. 191 W UA8H AV . . ASTHMAfiUBI S J CEnr/IAN ASTHMA CURE .jifttnntl7 relloviti thn mnft vlnloiit iitlaflr , andfi .n urotunmrortalilo flivu Ml IfAlllXU fur I1U.R HI I.I Slloln tu < 3 br InluUtlfin llnoctlim In Ini-1 mwjiity , draotiiii.t.rliilii.ftiuli [ tunilttjuil SrH.iull In oil cura)4nraia ) A xlnelj Ini.l LII . i J vimi)3 ) PrlioCiki ami } ! , Ifll , i roi llr. K.M' tp . . ctothKft i wrrd vJ4l. . ul NI..U1 * . Il ll dlrll.pM.l'y | U < J till MAT JMAIISTOJV 'I'llliATJUKN'l' . tjoull B Ml fr r. HI Oulil l tjea * ! by 1/111.01 * _ _ _ C'f Hi nida wllli ruTorTiiuTloii ut raliw ( u nil men , MA STQNJiEMiPYCO l9H4rKI'lacc , MutitiOiiOnmha Don. THAW at * 1 ted I not ft tn.l IHnllllcil for wit ' f KJ. . ' BEST TQN1C ! VVASTIM1 UlSEAbCS anil Ctf.EHAL DCUIHir. PERFECTS DQl ! ! TIOH Illl rCDH I , UAI I IMI fur | tr a > ' Illrf SUluli-ll IjUJI' < , l I , I MI , I. < ' .My uituiiun HK rulud K VJUi hi' lui , M. II VUjxkr > li ) V.i l lu lnug/ltl.iil 'Jrmtuii Mllli fai kdt < r l thin ; luip liutl J .1114 | f < 4i > iu > ei iji/ij > ur vrliUit li i'if I'lui'.i.t , tnl i. .j n i ItWASE C ? ! i.tT4ICH3 ( 7'1 > ' " 'J > haiilr i i l' " " " ' " " " n : i' ' = i : cf S.tU. ( F ' Ar m i ' ' * > 016.818 sU 320 Ke ( . , I' lidflrjUa. F.i. ( jooii muij Urutr < . ' . ' onj. "WANTED ! Ladiow to Work for Ua nt Xhelr Own Homes , $7 to W r Week Can Be Quietly Mide Ju [ iliolo no canruiii j' , t'vt/uli Hlr r < olid , Uaa ut uot . CIKiCBNT AI1T-CU. . ul M. U iU.u , Matt ,4J i