Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1886, Image 1

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President Cleveland Transmits the Papers
On the Subject to Congress.
J lie Oflicml Corrcfipoiitlcnro Ilctvvocu
thr Honirtnryof Stftlc mill Hcpre-
BcntntlvcH of Urcnl Itrltivlu
( IIvon In Dctiiil.
Tin ; Cnnndlnn Hcl/urcs
WAani.sorov , Dee. y. Tlio following Is
Iho president's letter transmitting to con
gress the communication of the seoietary of
tlato and the correspondence tclatlng to the
lisheilcs :
TollioScnato and Hou c of ltcpic enla-
lives : I transmit herewith a letter from the
( secretary ol slate , whleh Is accompanied by
correspondence In relation to the lights ot
American fishermen In British North Amer
ican waters , and commend to jour favor
able consideration tlie suggestion that a com
mission be iintlioii/.ed by law to t-iko perpet
uating ptoofs of the los-cs sustained dm Ing
thupast jo.u by Auioiic.iu lUhermen owing
to their unfriendly and unwarranted treat
ment by the local anthoiltlcs of the maritime
tuov luces ot the Dominion of Canada. 1 nriv
have occasion hereattei to make further lec-
( iinniendatlon dining tlie present .session lor
Mich lemedlal legislation us may become
necessary for the piotection of the lights ot
our ellbeiis engaged In the open sea hsherles
In North Atlantic wateis.
UllUVP.K Cl.KVrt.ANI > .
Kxccutivo Mansion. Wasldngton , Dec. S.
6triii.iAiiv IIAI AUD'S i.r.iTr.iu
Sccrctaiy Bajaid , in his letter accom-
piuylng the correspondence relative to the
Hsherles in wateis adjacent to BiitlshNorth
America , says , icfeirlng to the tieaty ot
Washington , .lunefl. 1S54. and of the trcity
of .May 5 , IbTl : "It Is deeply to bo regretted
that tlio tlforts of this depirtmeut to arilve
atsuclt an agreement as would penult In-
htrucllons ot like tenor to be Issued bv the
governments of ( ireat Biltaln and the
United Stales to guide cltl/ of the
lospeetlvo nationalities In the unmolested
cxerelbe of thcii rights of lishlng in tliu
v\aters In < | iicstlon , and deiluing the Units
ol lawful action therein , have not as jet
reached a nnd satisfactory result. Al
though negotiations are now pending lor
consideration , which it is hoped may piove
the basis of a jUbt and peimanont settlement ,
jet , as suplcinentaiy to thu published liistorj
of tills long standing subject , as illiistiatlng
tlio obvious necessity in tno interest of amity
and good neighborhood , ot hav iim a clear
and well dellnecl understanding of the equal
rights of the two governments and tlieii re-
fipectlvo clti/ous , and It is considered exped
ient that congiess should have lull knowl
edge of the action of the executive in tlio
premises to assist them in thcii deliberations
upon tins Important subject , it would seem
liiopurthat steps In pcipctuam rel niemoilam
nlioiild be taken bj congress to allow proofs
to be made * and placed upon iceoid ot these
losses and liijinics to oui citizens , to pniinle
them to bo properly piesented to her maj
esty's government for settlement , and that
for this pniposo a commissioner should be
authoiUcd bj eougiess to take the necessary1
pioofsol the icspectivo claimants. "
niK'oNin .
The correspondence opens with a dispatch
of tlie date of March 19 , 18 , from Sir Lionel
S. backvllle-Wost , Biltish minlstoi , to Sec-
ictary Bajaid , transmitting a leanest of F.irl
Hoseborry to bo tntormed whatever Is the In
tention of tlio Unltul btates government to
give notice to the United Stales lislicrmen
that they aie now piccludcd irom lishlng In
Brltlbh North teriltorial waters , as
hei majesty's icovorninents arc now cousldHi-
Ing the expediency ol issuing a reclpiocal
notice with regard to Biitish fishermen in
American waters. To tlio communication
tMcietarv BAjardicplied , nnderdatuof Maich
VM , that the lishyry question is now under-
htoocl to rest on exMIng treaties , piecisely as
tliough noliblilng in ticks had been incor-
iHuatod In the treity ot Washington.
Under date of Washington , May 10 , 18SC ,
Secietary Bayard wioto a long lottci to MIn-
ibtcr West concerning tno seizure ot thu
American schooner Joseph Stoiey , and the
bChoonei David ,1. Adams. Alter pointing
iut tlio Illegality of the sutures the secretaij
BIIJB : " 'lliuetlect of this colonial legislation
mid executlvf ) Interpietation , If executed HC-
curd ug to thu letter , would be not only to
expand the restiictlons and i enunciations of
tlie treaty of 1818. whleh lelated solely to In-
shpri ! fishing within the three-mile limit , seas
as not to ulTect tlie dicp sea lislieiics , thu
light to vvlncii lemalned uiiQiiestioiicd and
nnlmji.iiicd foi thecniojmentot clti/ens ot
thu United btates , bill further to dimin
ish und piactically to disobej tno
PI h ilexes e\iie-sly | seemed to Anier-
lean Hilling vessels to visit those
Inshoiu waters for the objects of shelter ,
letmlrof damages , and puiclmso ot woods
and obtaining w iter. As llieie is no longer
any Inducement lei Amei can llsheiineii to
'div andeiiiu' hsh on thu interdicted coists
ol the Ciinidlan provinces , and as bitt is no
longer used 01 needed bv them iorthupinwcii-
tiou cf Inshoiu lishlnir In oidei to takulish In
iiihhora waleis to which the tieaij ot isib
iilone i elates. 1 ask jou to considei tliu le-
Kidts ot. excluding Ameilc'.in vessels , dulj
possessed ot penults from their own govern
ment to touch and Undo at Canadian pints.
as well as to engage In deep sea lulling , tiom
ox'inclsjng ircclv tliu HIIIIIH ciibtomiuy and
leasonablo tights nnd pilvlleges of tiaduln
the poits of tbu Biltish colonies ns uiu lieelv
iilKnvfd to British vessels in all partb ol the
United States.
On Maj 'M , ISbO , Sicrelary Bayard art-
diessoet a seciind letter to .Minister West ,
coiiccinlni ; the detention of tlm sclmuiiei
Adams. HiMcfc'is to Ihu unrostriined , ami
what appears to him unwaiianted , iiregular
and SCUM u action * of Canadian ofllci.ils to-
waul American vessels and their upp.ucnt
disposition to use tliu most extiemii nnd
tiutinicil leasons lot Intcrleiencu wltli vcs
hulMiot engagi'J In or intended for Inshoio
fishing on tlielrco ist , nnd ml ites ut considei-
nblo liinuth theeiieiiiiiHtiince > u > onni'i < tidwith
thusnl/uioof the Adams , lie concludes bv
niging the importance ot icstiletlng nil
anests ol Amciie.m lishing vesseiK for
hiipposidor alleged violations ol the con
vention of ISts , within the limitations and
conditions laid down hj the authorities ot
( iieat Britain in tsi , to wit ; That no vessel
bhall be belrc'd unless it is evident , andean
bu cleaih piovoil , Hint Ihu otlc'iiM ) of lisli-
Ine has been committed , und thu vessel Itself
captured within threu mile sol laud. The
U'ttei conclude * : ' ! will Hieiiufoie ask jou
topiociito sueli htops to bo taken as shall
HUM * Mich eiidei.slei be lei Ihu 1th put In
force under the authority other inajcstj's
goveiiiment. "
On Maj 'JJ Sivietiuy Biuird wioto to Min
ister Wc'stthat hotelegraphud I'hulps.uiging
the advantage ) and need of coining to MIIUU
Imiuedlatu nndiustandliig uxpresbtve of the
view. sol the two | > aitles to , and
that he hail askul that these seizures be sus *
lieneli'd without piojudiee to the legal lesiilt-e ,
jiendlni ; an iiutlioiltive tie.itment of tliu
niiln iiiestlon. | 'Ihu simple aeknowledg-
nienl ot the leeelpt of this eommuulcatlon.
and notice of its lefeieiuo to Hie minister of
foieUn altalis , was the onlj replj * nude to
this letter.
On Muv 'JUSecretarj Bnyard wrototoMln-
Ibtei West Hut hu had just received an otll
rial Imprint ol a honsu oleomnions bill pcnd-
Inir in tlie Canadian paillament proposlnt ;
loroiblo se'iich and seUure of any American
vessel vvitliln auj harbor In C.inaeh , or hov-
ciing vvitliln Hireo maiiiiu miles ol anv ol the
rivers , bajs , cri'tiks ot haibois in Canada ,
w hero siiKti vessel has entei eel such waters
lor any purposunot permitted bj the law sot
nations , 01 by ticittv on'onve-ntlun orbj'.iny
law ofth I'lillol Kingdom or ot Canada
now in force1. Tlio seoictarj piotists tint
the proposition Is unwarranted ami con
cludes : " 1 have Instructed 1'lielps to uivu
government of ( ireat Ililtaln
v > ill beheld liable lei nil los'es and Injuries
to eiti/ens of the I'lilted States and thPlr
piopettj eiuscd by the unuuthorlzul und un
friendly action of the Canadian ollklals to
whlcli 1 have referred. "
On.Iiino ? ( lie .secretary prot sis to Min
ister Wa > t against tliu suUuiu nt St. Ali-
druwri , N. li. , of tliu Anniu M. Jordan , as thu
' vvllliliOldlna of legal commercial privileges
from an American vessel1 and not I lies Min
ister West thar ( real Britain will IKS held in-
tponslblo for the los-i und damage sustulued
bj thu owner.
On d\ily 10 the fiecrctarv writes to Minuter
West Jufonulng lilui Of the refusal ot tlie
Canadian authorities to allow American ves-
els to obtain Ice and to ship fish In bond to
thu United States at I'ictou , X. S. , and con-
rlmlcsas follows : "Against this treatment
1 must Instantly and formallj protest as an
unwarranted Interpretation and application
of HIP treaty bv ofhccrs of the Dominion ot
Canada and the province of Nova bcotla as
an Infraction of the laws of commercial and
maritime Intercourse existing between the
twoconntrles nnd as a violation of hospital-
Itj- , and for any loss or Injury resulting there-
Iroin thu government of her Biltish majesty
will be held responsible. "
Uutlei date of July "VT F.arl Hosebcrrv
writes to Minister west acknowledging the
receipt of a dispatch from the minister in
closing a copy of Hie note addressed to him
bv necrclarj'llavard lefurrlng to tlio semue
of the Joieph btorey and David J. Adams.
' 1 he earl encloses a copv of an tnipoitant re
port of the Canadian pi Ivy council justifying
the conisc of Can ula In the matter , and states
tiiat her majeslj s poveinment iMiihely POII *
cur I'm that passacnot the .report in which It
inobsptved "if the piovlslons of the con
vention of 1818 have txcoinu inconvenient to
either contiaetln part y , tlio utmost that good
will and lair dealing can suggest is that the
teims shall bo leeonsldered. ' ' The undersigned -
signed would express the houo that the dis
cussion w filch lias arisen on tills question
miy Ioid to renewed negotiations between
dieat Britain nnd the Culled btntcs , anil
may have the result of establishing extended
tiadc relations between the republic nnd
Canada and ot removing all source of Iriita-
tlon between the tvvo countries.
Inclosed In Karl Kei eberrj's communica
tion Is also an nbsttact irom a lettei from the
Maicmls of Landsdownu to Kail Uianvllle , in
whlcli he snjs : "Bajard's statement that the
Dominion government issce-klnir bv Its ac
tion In this mattei to 'invade and destioy the
commercial rights and privileges seemed to
cltl/ensof the United States under anil by
virtue of the tieaty stipulations with ( iieat
Britain , ' is not warranted bj the tacts of the
case. Xo attempt has been made either bj'
thu authorities Interested with the enfoice-
inent of tlio existing law or by tlie parlia
ment of Hie Dominion to Interfere with ves
sels engaged In bonatldocoinnicrcial transac
tions upon the coast ot the Dominion. "
Under dates of August 9 , 17 and 18 and
September It ) , Secietary Bijard complains of
a violation of the tieaty stipulations on the
part of tlio Canadian authorities towaulsthe
vessels Italtlei , ( ioldcn Hind , Shlloli , Jane
Kllen and Molliu Adams , declaring that such
violations wcro distinctly unfiicndiy and
contrary to the humanitarian laws of nations
and the usages of civ Hired nations , and in
tlie case ot the .lane Kllen and Shiloh he
asserts that the tiring of gnus
acioss their bows was a most unusual and
uncalled-for exhibition of hostility.
Undei date of October 18 , Secretary Bayard ,
attei detailing to Minister West the clicnni-
stances of the seizure ot the Kveiett Steele ,
says : "If , as I cannot permit myself to
believe , ( Ireat Biltnln should refuse to cltl-
/uns ot the United States the enjoyment of
the plainest and most undeniable lights , tlm
conseepienccs would bo so seilons that they
cannotobu contemplated bj this gov eminent
but with great concern. "
Under date of Xovcmbei 0 Secretary Baj-
aid advises Minibterl'helps of the bci/uro of
tliu Mailon ( irimos and thu enfoiced lower
ing ot the American Hag Captain Qulgloy ,
ot the Canadian cruiser Terroi. In com
menting upon this case , the secretary sajs :
"It seems hardly necessary to say that It is
not until alter the condemnation by a priro
court that the national H.IK of a vessel sei/ed
as a prl/o of vvai Is hauled down by her
ciptor. "
Under date of Juno 0 , Minister T'hclps ad-
diessed a communication to Earl Uosebenj
protesting in thu name of the United btatos
government about the seizures raadu by the
Canadians as wholly unwarranted by tlie
treaty of 1818 , requestine the release of the
vessels , and Infoinitng him that the United
States would hold horinajestj's government
responsible lor all losses sustained by Amer
ican clti/ens growing out of Hie sei/urcs.
Tlio correspondi'iieo closes with a letter
from Minister I'hclps to Karl lloseberrv in
which he combats the position taken by the
earl that her majesty's government cannot
take action in the matter of the sei/nres he-
cause the Canadian courts are considering
all the cases In dispute. I'hclps maintains
that thu United States must look to the home
government for rediessand satisfaction , and
foi such Instructions to the colonial authori
ties as will prevent future sel/uiea. He sug
gests as a means of preventing further col
lisions between American haheimc.ii and
Canadian ofllclals that an ad Interim con
struction of the terms of Hie existing treaty
bo reached by mutual consent , to be can led
out infoi many until a more permanent tin-
deistandliig Le ic.iched.
- . _ . . .
Tlio Trad * * * , Congress.
Cot L'vint's. O. , Dec. 8. At the second
duj's ' session of HieTiaeJes congress , Chair
man Gonipcrs , ot the legislative committee ,
recommended that the congiess resolve itbclf
into a committee of the whole and attend the
trades union couferencx' . There was tome
opposition to this iminnci ol foiinlng tlie
amalgamation of the two bodies but the sug
gestions were adopted and Hie congicbs took
a recess until noon.
When the congicss convened again It was
decided to enter the eoiitereucu ol trades
unions , about to De held , and adjourned to
meet at the call of tie ! president
At the eonfeiencooffho am ilgamated as
sociation Hie sceretaiy icad thu call betting
toi Hi llm action ot thu trades conieienco in
Fhiladelphla last May.
At the afternoon session of tlio trades
union congiess a laigo number ot letteis
weru ri'ttd bv tlio socrcitarie-s , thu lirst Irom
( 'resident Woihe , of the Amalgamated asso
ciation. Ho lo icttcd that ids organi/atlon
was not lopipsented , but said it the resolu
tions adopted WIMO not of a free tiade nature
llm Amalgamated association would partici
pate in tntino meetings. Numerous letteis
of icgii't , neaily all lining erf the
h.imo tenoi. becrotaiy MctJuire made a mo
tion that the piess be exclude-d from the M-S-
sloiib ol Hie conieronce. This point vvas ills-
cu sed the gi eater part of the aftei noon ,
being piesented In all Its vailous phases ,
and tin illy thu motion was agreed to by a
votoofis to 10. boino discussion was had
on the foi mation of a national tradu anil
I.iboi union , all the expiesslons being favor
able to any plan having that object in view.
Thu confeieneo adjouincd until to-moiiow
without having taken action regirdlnit He
1'owelerlj committee. ! which aimed In the
cllv on 1 uesda ) night.
Hrntnl Outrage ) In St. Lonln.
Sr. Loris. Dec. 8. Tliu most hotel ami
brutal outiago was committed In the city jes-
turday afternoon In broad dij light. Mrs.
Gulling was nlono In hei husband's house ou
1'ennsjlviinia avenue , when two men of elis-
loputableuppeiranco drove to the door anil
iibked tor ailinisilou , The lidy Hitspected
nothing and allowed them to enter , when
Hii'v ovotpowuied liei , thrcatoneer liei life ,
and can ted liei from tlio house , placed
her in a bujgj whlcli was slindlng ut the
cuib und elioui to a .secluded uluco In thu
Miuthern biibuitisof thu city mill repeatedly
otitiaged her. Nn othei particulars ot the
crimii are knov\n , except that two men vveie
arrested.Mi. . ( lulling ! > a eleik in Hie dis
til ctQouit. 'IhualTalr has eieated sieat ex-
eitemeiit , _
Thej Taokluil \\ionuMan. .
Lei Isvn.t.i : , Kj , Dee. S. 'Iho Courier-
Journal'a speciil viys : William I'liljipe'ii and
son Henry wuro.sliot and killed jesterday in
btewait county , Tennessee , by William
Coolej. Tno trouble giew out ot the arrest
of I'liippetij cliawa with cattle stealing.
I'liippen t-lopped Ccoley in Ihu public loid
and eliiiigod him with causing his orreM. anil
illicit him to light. His son appeared with a
gun and was about to shoot when Coolej
lued and killed both father and boil.
3lotn slitlrcs.
Missonu Cm , Mo , Dec s A shock of
( > arth < | iiatii was lelt hole at bVj ; last jil0'ht ,
A low tumbling .sound was hi it lu-anl and n
Jar followed which shcKiV buildings and
rattled winnow a. I'lio dniallon vvas about
three minute * .
Coi t MIIIA , S , C. , Div. H-Aiiotlun MioeK
ot e.utheuaku | w.i felt hero about this
niorning. It was verv pewptlblo. waking
up sonnu sleopeu. Tne ticuiora lasted ono
minute :
for \Vj ouvliii ;
, De-c. . Ttio- nomination of
Thomas Moonllirht. of 1 e.ivenvvorth , Kan. ,
to be governor ot Wjoiuini ; teuitoir , wai
beut to- the senate t-ilay ,
Predictions of n Terrible Gale Off the
English Coast Proves True ,
Itrpnrts Prom All O\or the United
Kingdom Tell Talcs of IJOSB or
Life ntul Destruction
A TcrrlMo Storm ,
S l'nttui !
1.0Movlec. ) 8. [ New Vork llorald Cable
Scclal | ) to tlm HKU. ] FHo dajs ago al !
the London and the leidlng news
papers printed the following neiald warn
ing , sent by cable fioin the Heiald weather
service at > ow York to London on Friday
last :
Xnw Yoitit , Dec. n , ls o.HeniiPtt , Lon
don A larsn antl-ejclone-b.iioinetilc maxi
mum CO JO Inches , now tnnvini ; fiom the lakes
toward Mova Scotia , will urotmblj cuiso
westerly irales south of the "Lane" lento for
west-bound Kuropenn stenhers. It Is pin-
ceded by a depression which niav < listnrb
weather on the west nnd notth liiltlsh coasts
botw ecu December 7 and 8.
( Signed. ) r
TUB ritKIHCTIOX VritlflKI ) .
Till * evening noirly n column appears In
each evening paper , giving the alarming de
tails of a violent storm thus foietold lei the
benellt of the maihie service , tleivy gales
have prevailed along the Cornish coast
during the past twelve hours , accompanied
by a barometric fall from 29.72 lo2b.COor over
ono Inch. 'Ibis momlng the wind shifted
westward from south southwest , with violent
lent hall squalls. The sea In the channel Is
very high.
Karly this morning the Westmoreland lake
district vvas visited by a rale of gieat
fnrj' , accompanied by storms of hall.
A teirlble southwesterly gale Is blowing at
the south end. Two baiges have been sunk.
Urcat damage has been done to nil small
otsn.VT nrsrr.t'CTiov.
The mouth ot the Thames Is full of wreck
age. A terrible gale was blowing troui the
southwest on'the cast coast this moining.
The Ave Maria , of Uoole , bound to Maid-
stone , fouled the north pier at Lovvcstoft and
sank. ThecapHin and the cievvworo hauled
with ropes on to the pier and received into
the sailors' home.
Great destination Is being done to house
property there. The gale has done damage lo
trees and shiubs at Bushy and JUchmond
pirks , nnd at Kow gaidcns. At 9 olclock a
terrific hail htoim passed over lilchinond and
Twickenham. The hall stones broke a num-
berof windows. The sheets and ccllais were
nisciiNO : TMi'ninu.rn svii.on * .
Vessels aio parting tiom their anchors In
all directions vvheio tlioj' hud run into the
loadstead for shelter. Kaily tills iiiorninc
the 1'ei zonco life boat -\vas launched In re
sponse to distress signals and icscucd the
crew ol the Alliance , which afterward diovo
asboroj The life boat proceeded to the Golden
den Light of I'eiuanco and rescued the ciow
of that vessel just before it drove nshoic.
A heavy anew storm , extending over the
four northein counties of Scotland , was ex-
pcilenccd ycsteulay. Four Inches of snow
fell and theie Is every probability of the
stouu Increasing In faoveiity. The roads , al
though heavy , were vvoikablo , but the malls
w ere being cairied on horscbiek instead of
by carts.
JJ.VMVOI : AT itniorrTox.
Brighton , London's Long liianch , Is again
a biillerer. Nothing substantial liav Ing been
done by the town council for the protection
of Its sea front since the gale of October ,
the sea again did large damage , and during
the morning tlio esplanade was lined with
people watching the effect of the waves. The
electile railway was submerged find a
large number of.sleepers canied away. Laigo
quantities ot loose earth which had been
thrown down vveie quickly washed awajas
also vveie protections to impiovemcntsat the
bottom ot the old btejne , the new niches
being again Hooded. In the tow n Itself the
gale has made sad havoc with the chlmnev
pots and tiles , while the tclegiaphle wlies
have been broken In several places.
Simultancouslj the pipers print American
cables comfoiting the English with extrava
gant details of snow storms all the way from
Canada to the flult of Mexico.
INTII. : VSJNG I * vior.EXCi : .
LATrii , 4 n. m. Al this hour the nhenom-
inal gale seems at Its highest , Kiom the
Cijutal palace to Ilfgligato it sweeps devas-
tatlngly ovei London , and grave ininois
conii ) fioin the coast wherever the wlies tire
not-down ,
. -v pssiM s wjircicri ) .
Llojds' icports , which arc veiy incom
plete , to this hour gives twentj'-tvvo vessels
and twociowsas having been lost. Ono
eiow that of a rroucli briu-antlno were en-
tlrolj drowned oil Djm church , In Dover
stialts , tlio men reliislng to use Brocket ap-
] itrains when It was ( Ired aboaul their Miip.
A schooner , with all hands lias gone
down at Mllford haven , oil II j the. A
lugger , belonging to Hastings , 1ms been
wrecked and six ot the ciow drowned.
'Iho ship C. II , Maishall , fiom London for
New Yoik , loit both anchor and elialn In tlio
Downs and struck on the sands at Kamsgate ,
but aftcrvvaids got cleai and was towed Into
the Thames by the Challenger tug.
msi\issAr A BTAXUSTIIJ. .
In Llmeiltk the stteetn tire almost Impissa-
bin and business lias come to a standstill , A
poitIon of tlio tower of the UcdempUonist
chinch thete has been blown down.
At Lundoy Island , outside Hiibtol , at 0 p.
in. , a huirleanu was blowing from thu west
with a teiritlc hea , thlik weithei und the
buromcter low and still falling ,
'Iho land lines used by the pool cables were
in such a disordeied condition last evening
that mess-ages veu totallj stopped , and the
Commercial Cable company was compelled to
decline n large number of outside messages
In outer lo accommodate Us usual cu tomeis.
Itsshort land line to il liilstol Miur ot the
cable In alw.ijs woiking.
HAI.V or i in ; STONM.
Tlio meteorolofrlcal ollico gives tlio follow
ing data In connection with tlio stoiin ; 'Iho
birometrle leadings In London weie : 11 p.m.
Tuesday , SVX ) ; 1 a in. Wednesday , ii'J.10 ;
1 a. m. ; Oa. m , 2 > .CO ; 9 a. m. Ss.tXJ ; 12
m. 2s.5T ; 4 p. m , 2S.40 ; b. j ) . m. 2 .3' . The
llnal reading w as tluia the lowest evei ie-
corded In London.
Tnufolloivlngd.iti were aUo toported at
Liverpool : 27.M5 at ( i p. m , at ItamfojMo
of Man , S7.4rinta.0p. : in. and at JUradfotd ,
2T.-1V ; , at b:40 : p. in , on Wednesdav.
M\VRI * II IK co ul T.
The Moining 1'ost , In its account of the
Etonn , edltojla'lj ' sajc : "It Is not Impossible
that Iho large , disturbance lefeircd to in tlio
last .New Yoik Herald warning ib the one
which has only just reached us In n more
eneigetle form than It existed on tlie western
bldo of the ocean. It is not time jet to hear
fully from the French or Norwegian coasts ,
w hero the gale also rages.
roUH MOUK M fill & I 0 T.
A latent cablegram announces that at
Elslnoroouressol3 li a strutkonlbo break
water and off the fortress of Kronbcrg. Only
part of their crews have been saved ,
Onlo OT ( QuccnstnvMi.
l'oj ( > l/i It/lit IttG huJamti ( firnluii KdtiidM
Qi KKNsTOw.v , Dee. 8. [ New York Her
ald Cable Special to the Uun.l The gale
predicted by the New Yotk Herald to strike
the British coasts between December. 7 and S
broke with tcirlllcforco over llm South Irish
coast last night trom the west and continued
with unabated violence. Nothing to equal
Its furj has been experienced horn lor thirty
veftrs. Shipping on the fore shoto
had to cck slielter up the rlv er. Ves els In
the harbor broke their cables others dtcw
theli anchors , and at much risk to their tugs
weio saved from destruction. Tlio damage
to house property Is considerable. 'Hie
Tiansatlantle liners the City of Berlin and
the Catalonia , bound for Xevv Yoik and
Boston icspccttvely , and due this moining
fiom Liverpool , have not jet airlved. TJio
incoming steamers repoit terrific vvheather
at sea last night. Disastci to shipping is
apprehended. _
Itusslnn I'rulsc Per tJ .
LCi | > i"'u' ' ' < t ' ' ' I'UJnmrx ( fuidmi licuiicll. ]
Sr. I'liKitsm'im , Dec. b. iXew York
Heiald Cable-Special to the lUK.J-Tliu
NovooVremja finds that only Tianec nnd
tlie I'nlteil States can bn lelied on lor Hu -
sla's future political combinations , and sajs :
"It is often said that no nil I mice can be niado
with a icpublic because diplomatic sccietsnic
Impossible in a republic- , but diplomatic
scciels me laughed at now as
merely childly bugaboos and IMnce
Bismarck Is the thst to laugh
at tlioin. The icpubllcs of Itome , Venice and
Holland brilliantly proved theli diplomatic ;
capacities , and the United States cannot now
complain of their diplomacy. For a bundled
j cars they hav o pursued ono and the same
Una of pollcj1 , and this republic , which keeps
up no navy and nn army of only about two
dlvlsloim , onjojs the fullest security , and no
one dares to attack her 01 to touch American
citizens vvlioaio engaged in business in every
part of tlio world. "
Tlio Colin Campbell Case.
LO.MION , Dec. 8. The tiial of the Camp
bell divoicc case was icsnmed to Uny. Loid
Colin Campbell was again called to the wit
ness stand ami testified thnt Lady Colin ad
mitted in July , lib.1 ; , while III , that she re
ceived two or thieo letteis each day fiom the
Duke of Mailborough. She refused to show
the letters to him. On being pressed by the
judge he said ho was sine ho asked hei 1C she
took anybody homo with hoi from a ccttaln
bill. Lady Colin denied that anj ono was
with her. 1 1 cue the blood lathei of. the plain-
till rose In court and. shaking his list at Lord
Colin , said ; "You aic making infamous
cliaiges against your wife ; it is not the lirst
time jou have lied regarding hei. " 11 was
undue that he continually made ov primes to
his wife , but ho did refuse to bind himself
etein.illv against cohabitation. Thcjndgu
lieiosaid : "If Lady Colin is Innoconf , her
husband's questions are most Insulting. "
Attci the marriage was consummated Lady
Colin never said bliu had sullered from
something she vvas unable to undeist.tnd.
AV hen piflsted he. admitted having said , pre
vious to the trial , that lie told his wife to tike
precaution to prevent having children , This
admission ciused a Sensation in the court
loom. Lord Cejin further said that his
means were Hmlud. Witness admitted that
ho twice had an Infectious disease , tlio hrst
time In 18iU Adjourned.
Orangemen Provoke n Hlor.
Duni.ix , Dec. 8. The Catholics of Luigan ,
County of Armagh , foi mod a procession last
night and man lied through the sticcts to
show their jov at the acquittal ot some of
theli nuinbci who had been tried on the
charge of rioting. Tlie orangemeu of the
town resented tlio demonstration and at
tacked the paraders. A herco ilot ensued ,
and sticks , stones and revolvers were used.
'i ho lighting lasted soveial hours and was
finally quelled In the early morning bj a
tioopot dragoons. A score of persons weio
wounded and several houses paiily wrecked.
Forming a New Ministry.
PAIUS , Dec. 8. President Oroj' . on the adv -
v ice of Floquet. president of the chamber of
deputies , who jesterday undeitook to form a
minlsts } but without success , summoned M.
( loblct to day to term one. Goblet declined.
1'iesidcnt Cirevy ngiln summoned Floquut.
bubsequcntly , undei prcssme. ( ioblet con
sented to undei take tiiu lei mation ot a cab
inet. '
Dentil ol' Consul H super.
Mt Niru. Dec. 7. .losepii W. llaipei ,
Uniti'dStates consul licre , died at the consul
ate to-daj .
tlio .
IP\N v , Dec. b. Count Kalnoky received
the Bulg.11 Ian deputation.
In Fa\or of a Now Ti Inl.
0 IICAOO , Dee. 8 , At the meeting of the
Auioia tiun-vcioln hold with closed doors tonight -
night tlio question of cndoislng tlm lesolu
tlon authoil/iug the Chicago district commit
tee of tuincrb to protest In the namooltho
or Mnl/atlon against the expcutlon ot the
condemned anaichlbts v as bva vote ot 123
to li , The icsolntlon demands a new
trial foi the anarchists. The
Ainoa turn-veiein is a branch of.
thcsocietj of turners to which August Spies
belonged. Fifteen of the seventeen societies
forming the Chlcigoturn-vereln district have
now voted on thu resolution cilling fora
new ti Ml. Ol these eight have voted lei and
seven against it. The two which have not
voted aiecoiibideicddoubtlul.
Iho McQiiiUio ilitry Secured.
Xr.wOIIK , Dee 8. 'J'he work of reining
a jury to try ex-Alderman McCJuadu was con-
eluded this afternoon and the jiuy vvas sworn
in at2:10. : Three hundred and ninctj-two
talesmen have been examined and the woik
lasted neailv eight dajs.
In the McQuadu mil to-day , after tlm
opening statement on bulialt ot the state ,
Aldeiinan Kullgiall vvas put on the stiiid
and lelattd thu btorj of the combination to
pass tint Broadwav rallioid franchise ovei
tlio mayoi's veto. It dllleied In no essential
imiliculnra from that told bv him at the lirst
trial , 'i ho couit adlouined till to-mouow ,
with Fnllgrair still on the stand undei
cross examination.
Now Ctiief.
WASMISOIOV , Dee , 8. The district com
missioners to-day appointdd Colonel William
T , Mooiu tq be major and chiet of police In
place of Major Walker , resigned. Colonel
Mooie is tlio commanding otlicci of tlie
Washington Light Infantry eoips , and at
present holds a rnomlnent position In thu
National Metropolitan Bunk ol Washington.
Ho was private secjetaiy to u.vl'iesldent
Johnson ,
Ci ii.i.A \ , O. , Dee , 8. Delegates icpre-
fcentlng eleven niliifs In ( lie Mahonlng val-
lej tret at Youngstown to day and decided
that unless tin advaneo of 10 tents pei ton Is
conceded on or befoio Frldav ne\t all mincis
sliall cease work. .Should this strike be-in-
uuguiated 11,000 men would bo called out. In tlio .Vorlhucst.
OTTAWA , Ont , Dec. b. A beam of anthra
cite coal been feet sl\ inches In diameter has
been struck at Banff , . W. T. IhUscam Is
ono of slIn that localitj * . the smallest being
tin no feel in thickness , The bK f eanis con
tain coal enouch to supply the entire Xonli-
west territory for the net litty jeais.
. *
Tlio Macllspn Hank.
W vsiiiN&Tox' , Dee. fc. The comptroller of
currency to-day authorized the Madison
National bank of Madison. Dakota , to begin
a eip'tal of SJO.OW.
Lcander Shellenbergar Doomed to Die Tor
the Murder of His Ohild.
Suntlilng Ucvicvv of tlic Crime niul
tliu Prisoner Uy .Tuiltjc I'ountl
ol * Venue Per
tlio Woman.
Slipllcnbcrjipr Soiitciiocil o Death.
NmiMsK v Cnv , Neb. , Dec. 8. [ Special
Telegram In Iho Biul : Leandcr Shollcnbei-
gcr vvas brought Into court this morning nt
hnlf pnst b o'clock and , on motion of District
Attoincy Stioile , sentence was pronounced.
Tncro woio but few present and tlio pilsoner
underwent tbu tciilblo otdeal with seem
ing linllflcrcncc. After a motion tor
n iicv. had been entertained anil denli d.
tlio couit instructed tlio urlsonci to stand up.
"Have you anj thing to say \\liy tlio sen
tence nl the couit should not ho pionounccd
against vou. " With n In in voice the prls-
onui replied : " 1 am not gulltj. " Judge
round then proceeded to pis * sentence. In
the following woids :
" .Yon lm\e been found guilty
of one of this greatest cilines In the. whole
catalogue of cilme. the minder of jour own
child. H shocks human natine to ba\u to
bcliev e that so fiendish a spirit as you showed
In that tnnllilo tiagcdy should take
possession ot the humun soul. I'lio untimely
laUIne off ot any being tor any cause
ID calculated at all times In aiousn our emo
tions and stir our sympithics , but \vhetiii
tnther. out of the deep depravity of his heart ,
repaidlessallko of the ties of nature and the
obligations of law , inhumanly and
baibaiiously olajs his own child , no
aio heartbroken and stand at tbu
Iminc.isuiablct wickedness. The father who
would do a deed like this is no longoi .1 man ,
he is a nionstei at whoso sight innorenco
shudders , and from \vhoso side all
men stand away a3 Iroin a beast
of prny. You am a standing menace
to society while jon Iho. It jou can destioy
your own childien. whose child , \\hosollte ,
is safe ? lint join wickedness and depravity
will boon culminate In your own destination ,
Vou ha\o foifoitPd j-oiit-.right to live and the
doom that awaits the murderer soon will
be visited on you. FCH the young and Inno
cent life yon de-stiojed tno law now eleminds
youis. 1 am pcisuaded that jour haul and
cruel heart cannot be touched by
any vvoids of mine , and 1 leave
you to contemplate thu ruin and
misery and desolation vou have wrought
and to prepaio toi that unseen world into
which jou will noon be hurled. Xothlncr
now loniains formobut to pronounce upon
you the sentence ot the law , which sentence
Is that jon bo taken hente to the
j.ill of Otoo county , vviience vou
came , and thcio ho kept in close
confinement until tlio 'Joth da } of March ,
liss.7 , and that on said daj jou betaken
thence to the place lor join execution , to bo
prepared as provided by law , and
that between tlio hours of
10 o'clock in the forenoon and
4 o'clock on the afternoon ot thu s-ild
dav , yon be hanged by thu neck until doiid ,
and may Hod have meicy on join soul. "
Thcpilsonerwas at once talcen to his cell ,
lie has gieat hopes that the supreme conit
w. ill glvo him a now trkil.
Thomas 1) . Stevenson , attorney for 3Trs ,
Miranda Shollenbeigei , was successful this
atternoon In his motion fet a chance ot
venue for his client , llei trial will untloiibi-
cdlv take place in Lincoln at the uo\t term
of the district court , and undoubtedly she
vvilltocelve the same verdict as hci husband.
Sonic Statements Denied.
lloi.imrr.i : , Neb. , Dec. 8. To the Editor
oftheBEK : Some daj sago an articlu ap
peared in joui p.ipci in ii'ferenco to a me
which occuicd heic on Xovcnibo. 17 , In
which a b.uu was biiinul up belonging to
Mr. Silas Latta. The article rcfericd to des
ignated Mi. Latla ns a miser and stated
he chucked his hlicd men into his bain lolt ,
etc. Now'while wcaic certain that jou aio
not peisonr.lly the loundui of the article , we
icalUe It does this gentleman a
deal of injustice , and at tlio same time tlio
oiiRinatoi ot thu article has imposed upon
j'ou and your readers. The tacts aic the b irn
waba neat , well built livery and feed b.nn
and had an ollico attached , in which his liheit
man 01 hostlci had a bed and kept his tiunk
and wearing apparel as a matter of choice.
At noon , while Mi. Liltaand his lured man
were eating dinner , the birn took lire , sup
posed to bu frc'in thu ollico bto\o ,
and befoio it dibcovcicd was
too tar gone to bo extinguished.
' 1 hero weio tin horses in the bomlioiitho
llm wab discencied , .mil they vveie all sived.
The lest of the propeity in the barn ,
about all destroved making a loss ot about
SbOO to Mi. l.alta. AH to the hired men
sleeping in the lott in the luij it Is wholly
false- . They slept In thu ollico in a better bed ,
no doubt , than tlio m.ui wlio g.uo jou the
item can afloid. As to boliu a miser , Mi.
Litta iHonoof out bestcltl/ens and Is noted
tor his libeialitj , but like the most of good
men ho has some enemies ol a % eiy low and
malicious disposition who takn piule In
slandering and abusing him to tlio did-list ; ot
decent clti/ens.
To HIP above statements the following citi-
/onsot llohlrcgo liavu afllxed their names :
.1 A. llubjG. . 13. Hjmen , A. A. Dunbtry ,
11. 11. Case , .lames Clatter. II. M. King ,
Ilarij iStein , W. M. Overpeclc. tlevngo.u -
xvick , K. W. llo htaiV. . S. Fleming , D. P. .
Nish , , LF Biiekstraml , W , I' . Hall , It T.
McCliowV. . II. 1'iatt , A. A. bhoncberger.
Celc'hiatint : IIor First Train ,
I'Miirn. ! . ! ) , Neb. , Dee. 8. [ Special to the
IEIJ ! : The lirst train on tlio Kansas City tc
Onialm rallioad left Falrlleld at 7 o'clock last
evening , loided w lib about two bundled of
Faiillold's uestcitl/ons , on their way to Clay
Centei to help the people of that hitherto so-
cliKled burg celebiate the niiivalof tlie lirst
train , Claj Centei was reacheil about 8
o'clock , and the excursionists weio met
on tint pialrle by the county olllelals and
othei distinguished cilUuns und escorted to
thu court house , w hero a grand .supper had
been pienaied , Tlio evening was happily
spent in feats of g.istionoiny nn.l Ilights of
oratory , 'the excursionists lotnrned about
midnight , foellng that they had had a lojall )
good time. Tlio road will bo completed to
button bj December . ' 5.
A Lincoln Druu Store lll.i/c.
I.l.scoi.v. Neb. , Di-'e. b. ( Speelal Tiilo rnm
to tlie Iii.J ) A15 o'clock to nl'ht an alarm
of hie was turned In nnd the le puiiso of the
liromcn brought them to tlio urng s oru of 1 , .
Wichtendahl , at 110South Tenth i.tieet. 'llns
stnru Issltiriteil in thu verj heait of the Inisi-
neasput of the cltj and it cieated a good
deal ot excitemi nt , thu liombiiatlblo nature of
the place making c.irly and vigorous woik
the only ell ectlvo nietns of suing an oxten-
slvobla/e , Tlio llamod wcro conimed to thy
building in wlueh thev originated and that
was saved , although damaged somewhat and
the block gieatlj dannged bj watei. The
loss WHb estimated at il.bOJ , Hilly couirod by
insurance In the following companies : Lon
don Assuianeuassociation , .Vorth American
of rinladelphh , l' < ! iui > il\.tiili hu < . J'liu-nix
of H.iitfoiil anil thu I'.tna. Thu lire origi
nated in the buik room of the building , from
pome caiiae nndeteimined ,
Otpn'ri .Inil Clcurc-tl.
Nhiiu\bhA CnXcb , , D'JC. b , iSpecial
Telegram to tlio Itn : j \ \ IIIis liiown ,
charged with assault with attempt to kill one
Martin Glass , was up foi trial this aftuinooii.
The jury , aftei being out about tinea min
utes , returned : i verdict of guilty , when his
honor , Judge Hnyward , sentenced him over
the road to the pen tor throe jotrs. ThU
about cleaiiH out tlm county jail w Ith the ex
ception uf Mrb. Shellwibergvr , and it is limit
Hl.cIytliattUosherrU'win take J.Cr to Lin-
coin for keeping pnmllnc her trhl. Otoo
county can well affonl to glvo her to halt-
caster county In exchange for Uoh.vnuon.
ttcduccil Knvo Per IMiiCAtor .
l.iscot v , Neb , loc. s. [ pecbl Telegram
to the Ur.K , ] Tlio state superintendent to-day
mailed circulars containing the i eduction In
tales given b.v thorallrovds in tlio st-ito for
the convention of county superlntondents
and prominent educAtois , which convention
meets In this city , commencing the 'JHt . The
dUToiefU toiiis make the w\\\\ \ \ \ ono and ono-
thlrd fan ! foi tlio round tilp nnd Superin
tendent Jones oxpeds that thu convention
will bo one of the most Important g tthi-rlngs
ot edncatoM and school olllelals cvei held In
the slate. .
HPHTJnrooni Corn I'rodiii'lton.
All viviioi : , Neb. , December -iSpeelal
to the UKIYesteiday ] ,11m Cooper , n far
mer living west of heic about six miles ,
battled Into tu\Mi foitv tons of broom corn ,
and added to vvlial vvas alieady here , some
\ < Xi tons were in town to dij. H took thirty-
thiee teams to haul Cooper's corn Into town.
Shipments of bioom corn fioni here have
been the he-vv le < t of anj town in tlie llenub-
liean vallej. : ind still some will siv notulng
can bo raised in woMoin Ncbiaska.
Two Tallin OH at MuCnolc.
MrCoou. , N'eb. , Dec. P. Ibpeclal Tolo-
Kinin to the ltii. : | This city is somewhat
stiired up by having two falluies In one day.
John H. Collins , u-bulldcr and contractor ,
failed this morning , and at noon 1) . ICendill ,
bikerjelgais and confectlonaij' , failed.
Kendall imuto a , bill ot sale to a in MI named
Davis , formcilv of Sew aid county , who has
possession. It looks as though thociedltois
weio lelf , _
Criminals \Vulioo. .
WAIIOO , Neb , Deb. 8. [ aoeeial to tlio
Hnn. ] In the district couit ycsterdaj .lolin
Schnmeii , the fiend who so inlinmanlv as
saulted and lavished Mrs. Munsel , near North
IJend , vvas found guilty nnd w 111 be sentenced
toino Utno this week. Wlllhun Long und
John Ilutehlns ulead guilty to the charge ot
laiceny and wcro sentenced to Iliirty dajs
in jalland ono j' In the pcnltentiaiy re
spectively. _
A llorso Thief's Work.
Ilntnov , Xeb. , Dec. 8. [ Special to the
HIK. ] Daniel Dey , of Chester , had a valua
ble horse stolen tiom Ills stable last Similar
night bv an unknown party. Ho has ottered
a ipward of S'jO tor the ictuin of theinare
nnd conviction of the thief , to which Shorttf
( ! reeu of tills countj' . has added an addl-
tlonil S10.
_ _ _ _ _ _
A Sail Krunois-co Strike.
JS.VN llV CISCo , Dec. H. Two bundled
and fifteen men on thesticot railway Hues
struck to daj , on account of the of tlie
cnmiMii } to i also wages fioin"j to S2..W
pet twv and decicasn the houifi fioin thirteen
to twelve. -t
la. , Dec. 8. [ Special Tcle-
triam to the Ilnr..l Sherlir McDonald has
been busy to daj executing oideis of abate
ment against saloons and buildings in which
the. fiaum.uc located. Much excitement was
occasioned thci ebj * . About tw eutj'-hv e places
were closed up and the buildings sealed for
ono yeai. Many had been Inclined to believe
that the English Kitchen would not bo closed ,
as a lestuurant Is run In connection with tho.
saloon , but all the liquor louiullp. the estab
lishment was conftscAuii ruiS-doors locked
nini"tlle lnco eirectnally closed up. The
sherillvns scon byyoui coiiospondont to-day
KTid sajs ho proposes curymu out the oidcrs
ot the court to tlie lullest e.\tent. Hut little
licpioi was found anjwheio In the rounds
to dav. 1'npcrs arc now being piopared em
powering the shorill to proceed aeiilnst all
jilaces where abatement outers have not jet
been Issued.
Dead Drunk.
Di s MOINKS , la , Dec. b , [ bjwclal Tele-
giam to the I5ee. | An Ida Giovo special
sajs that T. Tullei vvas found dead In bed
this morning by his companion , II. 11.
Sebisthin. Thu two men drove fioin Ilol-
stein last night , and I'"ullci dianktoo much
and was dead diunk when nut to lied. The
deceased was a hoisu tiader , and leaves a
wife at Sloan.
A Farmer Suiuiil r *
Osr j.oi.v , la. , Dc-c. 8 [ Speelnl Tehviam
to the UBH. ] M. 1' . Shciovv , a well known
and icsected ] ) humor living font miles south
west ot tills city , committed suicide tills
morning by hanging.
Hhtdleberfjer nil HIM
Nr.w YoitK , Dec. b. [ Spechl Telegram to
the Jinn , I The U'orld's \\rashingtonsieclal |
hays : Senator Iliddlebergei. ot Vliglnlii ,
hid u lively alteicallon witli Sciguant-it-
Arms Canadaj- tlio senate. I ) tlie senator
c.urlfti out Ills ho will ollei a losolu-
tion in open senate calling for an investiga
tion ot Canad n upon ehaiges ot conduct im-
becomlnga senate olllelal anil gontlenmn.
Senatoi Ifiddlebeigct is so ineunsed and uut-
raired against him that he vows ho will vote
to dispossess him from Ills olflcu aftei the
1th of next March , It the senate does not
reprimand 01 punish him. As the boiiiitu
will baa tie aftei that date , standing SSic-
Diibllcans tons democials , Kiildleber cr will
have it iibsolutelj Inhis powei by votliiL' with
the democrats to oust Uanaday and to
secure 1C ho pleases , a ic-oigiini/ntlon
ot the senate and its committees. Itlddh'bei-
gei's t lire it posslhllitlesol power
lie may have when the change of a single
vote will decide anv partis in proposition or
nioject which in ly eomo up. Kunaloi Itldillo-
bcu'er eliurges that C mad ly Is sullty ol de-
ceiition and lalsehood in thu appointment of
u Yhglnla boj to one ol the pigcbhlps in the
Rheumatic "Nominal IOIIH.
' \V\hiiiMirov \ , Dec. 8 I'lesldcut Cleve
land biiffunul eonsUlcrable jhenmiitic pain to
day , nnd spent thu most ol the time in n re
cumbent position Ilu denied himself to all
callers except a Icwsonatois who dosned to
BOO him on important business ,
The piesidont to d.ij sent to the semto the
following nominations : Aithur.l. ' ,
of 1'eiiiixjlviinla , tobu munihei ot the Utjji
rominibsioii : Naval t'oiistrnttoi Theo-
doio D. Uilson , to bo chlel of the
Imtean of Loustiiietlou and repiir. nnd chidf
eoiihtnutoi In thu department ol tlio navy ,
with lelatlvu tank ot coniiuodoie ; I'uj 1)1-
i ettoi. ) anies Fulton to be thief of tlie buiean
ol piovlslons and clothing and paymaster
geneial In the di partment of tlie nav v , with
tolativu lank of i-Dinmodoii' ; I'.iymahler Itu-
tns I'arks to he | ia ) ( lin'tir ( ) , 1'axmatitei
James Tolf if * to b > < pay inspedoi . Assistant
I'aymasler .lolin f'onvlne to bu li.ut as
sistant paj master.
Killed in u Collision.
Ci i.vnn , Dee. S A wild loeoiuotivo
on the llnllalo , Now York A rhll.ieclphi v
lallioad , while lunnln. hlt > nidcs an bom ,
collided witii a pis'nngci ti iln tills morning.
'j'hoinas Mack and Mclvilltt Dmoe , en lnei i
and linimin iesi < e ( llnllj ( if the wild louiimi-
tlw. stuck to tlieii posts 'I ) ic limner
killed ouiiiifht and the Mtti r so badly Injuiud
that he died to night.
DIsjiHterH lo \ OMhClH.
Ni.w Yoiih , Dec. S The btu.iniei Knicker
becker , ol the Crumwull line , which piles be
tween this cit ) and Xevv Orleans , arrived at
on ear ) } hour tills inoinltu and icportcd the
lo 80l her lirst olllcerand tuui of hei LIUW ,
who were dronnul Tiuihdaj niorninvvlule
living to lend. ; ant to the nchouner Mary I ) .
Ci. liner , ot I'hiladdiihla , vvhith had hci
rnddtl disabled.
'I III ) Kaililllll Sl.ltllC.
\V\SiiNfiiov | , Die -hiuiilt naiit < jt n-
t-ral Shfililiiu to ruy Issuid a ni > uc Hint thu
sociitj of the ( iiiuj of the < . .uln , inni \\i\\ \ \
hold its ei htcnith aim tal u"iniun n > t ti
city of Washington 11 au 1 U , onttu >
occasion the rtatuo In loeiitor ) ot its
lamented eonnade , ( .encrul .Ian t i A ( , \
llelct , vrtll be
The Nebraska Senator After a Washington
Qni Monopoly ,
Senator ICcltminils I'rcitnrlttR to IMish
. llli PoMnl Tclcurnpli mil Talk
About the Now CrnldCtS
National Capital Now * . ,
_ _ _ _ _ t
VnnV.vok Alter
WASIII.NOION , Dec , 8. fBpeclal Teli'Rrnm
to thoBr.t : . ! Senator Vun Wyck began his
work In the Interest of the people hero to-
dnv nnd In opposition to local monopolies by
Intiodiielng n resolution In the senate as to
the expediency of requlrlint the Georcetow U
cascotnpiuy , doing business In the District ,
to lurnlsli gas at SI per 1,000 cubic feel , anil It
found impracticable , of nscortalnlna
whether thuio mo not otheis who will furnish
it nt that price It alToidcd an opportunity.
Theto arc n number of corporations hero
that have procured rights of way nnd nro
charging exorbitant prices nnd Keeping com
petition out by prou'titluir what would bo
ilvals from procuring a fool hold In the I
slmpu of rights of way. These ro the In- |
stltutlotiB which have talsod thociy against
Senator Van Wjck's reelection , and are
In Ing to show that ho is au uncertain repub
lican. Thu fact Hint two thirds of the offi
cers and cmplojcs of tlicso corporatlons.nid
democmts shows plalnlj to the people hole
their animus to Ncniaska's senior senator.
Thu citi/uns are almost without exception
Senator Van Wjck's endoisors In all that ho
does , and they are republicans and democrats
POSTAL TI i.iniiArir. :
A gentleman who has tecently talked lo
Senator Kdinunds about postal telegraph
mivs that that stuneh advocate of govern
ment contiol of a RJ btein o ( telcgiaph lines
Intends to begin at the opening of congress
nuxtjc.u a sjbtematlc move for the passage
of Ids bill on the subject , which will un
doubtedly be successful. Since the Introduce
tion of Ills lull In tlm senate , tnreo or four
jears niro , Senator Kdiniindg has iinulo ex
tensive reseaielies as to thu possibility of n
pen eminent telegraph sjstcm and thu justlco
to tlio people such ; i pioposltlon alfords. The
most toimidablo aignmunt that has bean pre
sented against his bill is that the government
lias no business 01 right with t > nch matters ;
that a citering to tlio public of this character
belongs sololv to private corporations , boil-
aloi Ldmunifs will piosunt an array of Bins-
tiatlons drawn from other countries and
arguments upon existing facia , in these
lines In tlio United Slates , which will com
pletely annihilate opposition. The impres
sion ntevails that n postal telegiaph bill con
templating either the pmchaso 01 the con-
sti uction of u complete system of lines , w 111
lo pissed during thu Hist four months of the
'next bi-sslon ofconciess.
It is said to bu becrutarj Whllnej's design
lo have the woik upon the now cruisers suf
ficiently advanced \vhou congress meets a
joar hence , to make such a showing of thci
aichitccturc of the ships and their cost and
the further needs of the navy i > 3 to secure a
ptopornppiopilation to put the goveinment
navy yards , in condition to begin the con
struction or another naval fleet. This con
templates eight or ten jear 'work , and the
outlay of anyvvheio hour thirty to forty
million dollars. rl lubuildlng ! of tlm ships
no\v about to bo begun Is retarded us nn
exppriment for tlio purpose .of asceitiiinhiB
jiibt what IH need. It Is also for the purpose
of L'iving Ameilcan shipbuilders an oppor
tunity to wo what thej can do and to develop
domestic materials. *
The beginning of naval leconstruction , the
lostoiatton and onlaigcmcut of gov en union t
navy vuids , and development of private Bhlp
j'.uds and domestic materials , will of course
iignroproinincutlv in tliu ciuipalgn of 18Hf.
Therclore the call lei an appiopriation to
begin this work will elicit a great deal of
political debate , and will , if In. fact It comes
up next winter , be the opening gun of the
nextcimpilgn , and may have as mucn to do
with developing the picsldcnllal candldato
as anything else- .
iiKiMii'sr.N i VTIVI : HAVNI : IAI.KH.
Uopiesent.Ulvo Tom Bavnc , ol i'lttsburir ,
who is Blalnu'h nglit hanil man in Pennsyl
vania , and who had chaiguot certain Impor
tant matteis tor the I'lumed Knight at
Chicago in IbSl. bald to-day tint I'lesldent ;
Cleveland Is losltu' Ills uopulaiity with the
people and will probably not secuio n ru-
nominatlon. As a lepublican hu sii.s ho
would rather see Cleveland than Hill get tlio
nomination. As foi the lepublican nomina
tion he thinlcs no soi toi opposition can pre
vent 111.ilno getting it If lie deslies. Colonel
Bayno s.ivs heiloes not think theio will bo
any legislation buyonel the passage of appro
priation bills this .session , lie thinks tarllt
legislation , whntcvei theio Is ol it , will oo
enacted by the Fittietli congress. Hu says It
will piobahlv consist ot repealing the tax on
domestic tobacco and the duty on
This would lednco the revenue ol the gov
ernment about § 7s,000ooo.
It Is quite possibleihal tlio Indian wnici
house will remain In Sow York. This has
been the lesnlt ol Hie contest whleh Is pend
ing between renn'Be > ntative of dlllerent
westein cities. Thu two senators and their
rcpiiM'iilatlves called at tlio olllce of the
cniumisslonei ot Indian alfaiis and pro-
sonU d the advantages ot Omaha a ? a plaro
for the Indian wnichousi' . Kacli of the
delegation m ido a shoit statement.
After the Inteiviow Son.itor Van Wjelc
told a Iti i cm respondent that ho beliuvecl
tlipi'oinmlssionei of Indian allalis icallzcil
Hint lie was beeoming constantly moio em-
b.massed on iiceoiiutot tliu coiniiotltlon anil I
wished that it was ended ; Hint the delay In
oidei Hut the delegation liom .St. .Joseph ,
Mo , might bo heaiel had not been well 10-
relveel by the icnrcsenlativi'S ol llm other ;
wostPin cities-anel that it was1 possible that
Inlluemo would buliionght to be.u to ictiUli
the warelioiiie in New Yoik.
OldliaiiPoScigeant Michael Mcl'abe , U. 3.
A. , has be en assigned to the station nt Foit
blpvoiis. Oic'gon ,
First Lieutenant John MeUiulin. Twentj- .
flflh inlantij , has lieimcirdcicd to Fottblseo-
ton , Dakota , tiom ht I'aui.
Aimy fniloiiglis ; 1'ilvatu Frank Seliaec ,
Troop D , 'I hint cav.ihv , Foil tall ) , Indian
'Ii'rrlioii. M\ months to en abroad ; F.inler
Nell Me ( ' .inn. Troop 1C , Klglilh cavoliy ,
Fcut Claiket Tc'xns , loin months , baddlei
Cliilstian , Troop M , Klglith eavaliy.
Foil Blown , Ic-xas , tour months from May ,
IKsT ; I'jiunn Ad un Smitli , Coinpiny K ,
' 1 enlli inliiiitiv , Foil Ljon , Co'orado ' , font
iniinllis from Dee embi'i 1(1 ( 1'rlvato Jolin W.
Maidehlv , Coiupaiij K , l'ouil ( > eiilli Infantry ,
Vancouver Bair.iclo , Washington Turiltoiy ,
ono month ; 1'rlvato William Kobe-son. C'oiu-
PUIV A , 'i vvoiitj-tlltli Infantry. Foil Meade ,
Dakota , ono month
Ainu Leaves ( li.intcdLieutenant Col
onel Cli.ules L Coinptciii , Filth civ ally , Foit
Kilev , Kain-a" , twentj elajn ; Captain Kuiir
dolnh Norwood , Siciiid cavalry. Foit Coucr
el'A lone , Idaho , emu month , ( 'apt tin Wil
liam hlaiiton , .Sixth ravahj. Foil Bayarcl ,
Mimic sut i , two month. ; Captilii Geoigel ) .
Wallace , be venth cnvall.v , Koil Bllloid , D.IT
kota , ono month , with peimissieiii lo apply
lor oiiet month i'xtcii lon : Fust Lieutenant
Lovl Buinett , .Seventh inl.uiln. Foil W.isha-
kle1 , VVjomln , two monllid and ono
month extension ; Lieutenant Xdah II ,
letmpkiiib. Foil Meueli1 , Dakota , one monlli
lion , December r ; LUiuloniuil Wllllnm M.
Wilght , Iwentj-litth Infaiilts , Foil Umalia.
cine month from December Fi , L'eiiU'nant '
Ldwarel Llojd , Filtcenth Inl.intrv Foit Kan-
elall , Dakota , emu month uxteiiMfm , L iMiten-
ant L.ivvienecJ He-ar i , Tvvtntj-liiM Inlan-
tij , i'eiit elu Cheoiie , I'tah , one ) moiitli from
Due-inLei 11 ,
IMl n si v n , rci.viMi i c i nn is.
' 11 u coiileit'ch on thu pait of the honSA
and ai'Mitu bii inter ktatit comnieicc )
bills had iiiidtl et meutiii tuda > ( but/
falh d to re u h u conclusion. Thei Ciie | H 111
whittu-i taei-iurU ( ( can li.ivft juilsjirtlon of
cases against inter state ; c.iirpoiution ,1s jet
undccidud. Seiiatoi Alli.son gvusltasliia
opinion tlml the , caiiii'it ni ) Ui the ( en tltn
In.11 1- . it ' 1 . Kll" , tli , t thU le 1 till cT't'rtS ;
< Ui I v j'.i i id tieliol e.iscsaif intr eider
tl > ' > \t I tun"ol tlie I'lu'iM tules.
I i ' of Hu ka iuibilisti ouv livv in-
\ < t i ui' I' hu u i > ni wit'i ' ' t d ' ! ' i
B i ) i M t s Hi i i i , \vt t j'f ' < * U V
. ' - 'ie s nevt i aube trifd.