Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1886, Page 7, Image 7
"f \ 1 TIlK OMAHA DAILY BEE : AYEDNTifeDAY , DECEMBER 8 , 1880. SPECIAL NOTICES Ajlvertlsomontfl under this hold , 10 cents pcf llmi tor tlio flr t insertion , 1 cents for cacli tub- toquf-nt Inrcrlion , and 11.50 a linp per month Ho arUcrl scmont tnkcn ( or lej than 1 con Is for tlio first In crtion. Seven words will bo counted to thn linoi they mu t run consoou- lively nnd m.itt 1)0 fiild In ndvunco. All ndvcr- tllcmcntg must tc li.indttl In bolero 2 o'clock p. in , iinduntlT no elrcinnMfineos will the ) betaken taken or discontinued by tolophono. I' Hmau r.rt fitiic In tliesu iolumn < i ml hiv- nrthonnswrr n clresud In earn nf Tnr. HF.S I wlltt ! tn o nek for ncheck tocnfiMolhem tOKCt I their letter" , as none IN III bo delivered except [ on nrosentntlon of check. All answers to Rd BTOH onionts should bo rnc'ojwl In nnrclODOS. i.n/VN nt 0 per cent , J. J. Ma- iiflm. 7yO kVooo tnlonn. Sums (601 anil upward * , ' 'Lowest rate" . llotnl , room I ) , llnrkcr block , i \ \ . cor IBth mill I'nrniiniBH fill I'l ItCi'M' Mom-y tol.un. t ( ncirory .V Hiidlrv , llooraa 1 and 3 , He-click ulocrf , ; KO 8. ICtli St. l > 1- MO.MCY to loan by tlin Hnmii Klro In.niranoc company on iiiilncumncred ronl estnto , for : onojuiroi longer. Olllco 15ir > UoitRhist st 33J " TONI5Y tolnnn , onMi on hnml , no delay. .1. 11 W nnd U. L. Squire , lilt r rniiin St. , I'ax- ton hotel building ii a MM ) LOAN Money Loans plncetl on 1m JL proved r al ustato In city or county for New IIiiKlnnil Lonli & Trust Co , by Donirlns ronnty litink.1 Cth nnd Chln.iHu < ts. 81.1 TONIY"T I L ( AX At ow rnto * , on ooii J.'L city propctty. ! Iiitchor& Co.l'J18 UoiiL'ina direct. f. ) . ' . MONKYtoloanon city nnd tnrm property , low rntc-a , Stcwurt Sc Co. , Hoom ; i , Iron Ml M ONBY TO LOAN-At roasonnbln rates , on furnlturo. flno wntchos and ether perioml nrniiorty. C.J. Cniwoll , loom 19 Iron Hunk intl/dliiy / , 12th nnd I'nriiiun , 6VJ M ONKY TO I.OAN O fIn ) \ la .V Co. HoiU Estate nud Lonu Agents IW. . rnrnnm fit. 5'J5 51 ONIJV TO I.AN ( On real estnto nnd oh l- tcls. B I. Thomas. t > W MONKY'tOI.OAN-lninmsof J2O J nnd upwards on Hrst class real oatnto bccnrily. 1'ottpr.v Cobli , IMI I'nrmun st. B97 M ONKY LOANr.DntO 1' . Heed & Co 'a. Loan onicg.oii furnlturo , pianos , k pcrnonpl property of nil lilndu , nnd all ether nr > V of Vrtluo , without rotnovnl. Ul'J 8 l.lth , . ? ' * > } U'r lUnchum's Commission store. All buel- 'iy 'rlclly conllilontlnl. CM M OXr.V If > oiihnroROod notc to soil , or wish to borrow on trnl eslnto or ehnttcH nt fair Inlnrest , call on J. H. I'arrotto , 10th ami ChlcilKO Bis- G9D. , ItWiO.OOO Tolonn on Omaha city property nt B P per cunt. 0. W. Day , ever lill J DoiiKln " " _ UQO 1T OANS LO.UIS Ixjnna. Itcnl estnto loans. Collntaial loans. Chattel loans. Longtime lonnn. Khort tlmoloHiis. Money always on hand o loan on nny art * proved security. Invostinontticcurltlci bought and sold. Omatia Financial exchange , 1CUJ I'ninnm Coibc-tt Mummer. C01 M LONHYtolonn by the undor-H nod , who hai tlin only pioporly or ; iuil/od lonn iiifcnoy ' In Umnhn IJIUMS of $10 to 11,000 mndn on fur niture , pinno * . orwms , horoi-s , wnfrons , mnchln- g . cry , Ao. , without removal. No dolnyn. All It luiHlnoBS Ftrlctly oonlMontlnl Lonns fo mndo I | I thnt nny pnrt cnn bo pnld nt any tlmo. cr-ch pay- 1 mont rodnclnn the cost pro rntn. Advnnce * mndoon fine wntchru nnd dlnninnda. Por5oiH I Bhonld cnrcfully connldnr who they are < lcnllnif with , ns innny now concorni are dully oomlnsr Into oxlotcnco. Should you need monor , cnll nnd BOO mo. VY. 11. Croft , lloorn t , Wllhncll Jlnllillnir , U.tli and Ilarncy. ( in'l ANTKITo tiny nn Interest In n smnll ro- tall tfiocoij * buslnesa. VUdioss A IW Ueo - 'fflco. A live nml ononrello business man , v till n capita ! of flO.000 , cnpnblo of hnndllni ; tlvo or ton tmlc"moii. to establish a branuh of our buttiioss In tills city. Our Roe < H me Moll niul favorably know nnd in Kunoinl n e. ProlltH lnr > to and no rKkof los by dotorl- oratii.ii. Address , 1 * . O Uox20tl , ClncJnnntl. O. 'IT'Oll SALKIliitcher shop , with tools nnd n\- L nnca ; K"oil louitlon : KO < X ! business. 0.1 * . Htm i H , Bontlicns1. cor. 2-th nnd Kuninin. Bfl'J J 0 * TTIOIt SAI.I1-A restnuiant dolnp peed busl- -L ni'-s ; the boutn full of rcKiilar boardois ; Mood renion for selllmr. IiKjulroUOl Dnutrlns Ht. , botwton 11 nnd Ji o'clock. bB7 8' Ti'OK SALK Lunch counter , chop house nnd i | -u oyster pnrlor dolntr ( food butlness. C. L * l Hnnchott , Ii24 ! UoiiRlas st. 8l'J-b * IJ'QK SALi ; A moat market in u Kood loc.i- J. tlon dolnj ; $1.000 biislnoss per month. In- nulro or aildrcbS loom 20 , Ouuihu Nat'l bank bid tjji : $3,000 WILL lll'Y one of the bOt ! btlllnrd halls In Dei Molnos , In. ; will Kunrnnton n iiuiii 5250 a month clrnr of oxiienees. Parties moan- \I\K \ Imslncsi addiofcs 0. U Lludor , Dos Molnos , low a. O-'S 10 _ _ _ - 7 > 0lt HALK Or irndo for morrhandl t > . < 140 . acre-it ot No 1 farm land near ( Irani ! C. .1 , Cnnnn 815 TTlOIt SALK or Undo on elt > propoity Stock JorHlioos.tiadocRtnblishod. . Address C. P. L. , box I CM , lIcatiRLNob. . Ml 8 Foil .SALK OH Itr.NT-Hotol. Owlnirto ad- vanolnii ycftts anil fnlllnir boalth 1 will oiler m ) hololpropoity for sale. For inonoy mnklnir tins h ono of the hot > stand * In No bras u a. j\ny Ashland \\lll uphold mo In this Inst Ktatomnut. I'tlns LtntirdllRur , proprietor of J'latto Vnloy | House. Adhlanil , Ncbr. 7il'J 13 HOUriKS LotH.rnrmi.Linnamoney loanetl. lloinh room X Darker blocU , hV. . cor. 15th niul ranuuinl.1. syl BUSINESS IIIIANOH-A pooil OCIltlon for orookery and iuron'R ] luuo etoru , Imiulro nt A DdrmiiD. no' S. ! str. . ' 1x3 F > K8AM5-Wi > ll cutnbllBtifd buMncss , In ono of tno host business points in noiihuost- orn Nnbriiika , sltuntod at lliokon How , ( 'UBtur Liiunty , Nob. ; Hock con'-lstlnv < > r dry goods. K , lioots nnd shoos ; will ihotr up Rood irconl of bn lilPss. It ( u ons for soiling will lie iVifhon by ndaro" 71 , Urulion How , ' : v < 'ii8lci county , NOD. 537 S K 8AL15 rirtt-olsm billiard room In > ; oed X' locailon.cnniHlnlim thrco billiard and tno pool iHtilfls ; t o joars' loiisu on room ; ovory- thlnvln IliHt-clnntK-ondlllon Kor pniticularn and ronioiH toi eelllngImiulrc at or nddros No. iUhbt. : 4bfl WAN'UD-l'AirrNKlt-Lndy or Krntlvmiun with small rapltal , to tiiKo halt Intorcbt In uitnbllshrd , purmunuiit , llrHt-class city bust- IIP.-H. payimr f.VWO to f 1,000 jonrly ; ( jood n-a- bens for felllnir ; Krand uimncu for rlflit p.uty. ITIOIts AI.U-Ouo of the ho-t paylns holols In - IIhU city.inftkiuK money liiht. tlcst of rc foim for erlllntr. J.ViOO cmli ie > iulrud to wet H. 0. 1U Lon , 1 J7 rarnnin it. CU5 IJ'OH &ALiTlndinuo : & - ( Ilnuinuji- oaur .L1 our elinlf nnd heavy hardware biiblnef i for > ale , tOKUthor wlili our lea o ami uood will , U'rndo ( mrnsl In the city nnd location llin licst. Itellrlnp-from the bnylnutn cain > e for soiling ; Ttitlluiitu Iluidif HIV Co , , 10"3 O St. . Lliuoln , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ > _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IVI'1 ' Clairvoyant. _ MADAM ALASKAClainTojunt and imlmlaT fir. Kantli lotti st. to ) BO\HU Ilr t cbi ; alio onolariro brdro'im , dnitablo for nui Kuntluuicii orirfillomuu ntid-ivlln. Idll DodKCKt tVt M N IFI'-At l&Jl .S. litll St.a red IIIIU nhlto UollOI. no\UOdn42l28 1,0.ST. OS'l' On 1'uinnni stnot , two pasto-bonnl 1 hfixcs. nnn nlillti nml IIIIOKIPOII , contnlnoil 7 , ladies brown tnit , ivro ladle * bate nnu iimll rtlclo . lleturn to W , I ) , Carter , room 3 mul ij , Iron UMik. t7H-h t'F Fn tbn rostotlico , nt ti o'c Injr , n bunch of loy . 1'inJt-r rt'tuuito llco olHlm louanl 1 > Kllb' NAL Mrs. Dr. Nnmne V.Vnrrou elnirvoj nt. Mi'dlcnl I'ndbiiilnrct Medium Kuoui Na. t ) , 121 NoitL lutb bt. , Uniaha , Neb. TuKSONAL-Mie. Una } lc lr-lK > rii-Kv n8 , plriu > ucull nt UI ixiuth Klutli ttreet from noon to 2 p in. There U \ cry lmH | > riaat news ur > oi' . A.M 7ii > ' ATTUNTlON Who wnnts to sell n chcnp lot mui tnko a iniiro vtiluo'.l at f 1M ) as ) > rt } > Hyini > ntT JtcUej- & Campbell , Itooio I IW.t i' rnnni tt. tt _ F * bil ItENT-TjiionrrUer. 1 * . O. box B25 , Oniahi. bb7 Vt A TTBNI ) the prfnt "Itpd Utter Pftlft" of Clothing. Gouts' rurnuhlnirs Hat nnd Cnps lor 15 dBj only nt the only llnrimlii Store , 010 N , IBth it. , bet. lifornia nndVotiitar _ _ _ 8IIOlflllAMl In ton lo 9on . No no | ) ltion , rnpld at dpf-och ? o > id < tinp for trial loi'on. 11. M 1'ernln , Detroit. Jlioh. , _ _ _ _ \orlmvonpood mortuRTdor tioTp to dls count see Mend iVJtimleioii.HH.S 15th st 671 r Tofniiu sTsooif "mortirHqo nr note to dis count see Mend i Jamlc-aon , aiS a ISth st. fi , I _ _ sT Orenns , S2 par raontn. ilo po , IBM Douulns. ( r Snunro I'mno , Ji monthly. A 151.1 Doiiu'l/is. / 610 _ . , I inno ! < moutlilv. A ' Ilo pe.l513 iJouuln. Oil 1' YOl * have n coo 1 morlpastc nr note to dis count seu Mend A. Jamie-son , alb S 16th et. 671 i or. BAX.I : macnr.i.AiiEO'Us. SALK-Alotof choice froah cows nnd irlntron.jitn In nt KstoibrooVs yurds , lOlh id Cnidtol n\o. S71 U SALl ! Tcim of hoiacB. llro.fflHS 10th Bt. 8iSJ6 1JIANO A right now I"inor < ! cl-.onp , nbont one-half cash. Address A 31 llm office. HU IS * I [ OHKALHhoip < A handsome. 1,000-imnnd 1 horse Very ucnllo , nnd < * nltablo for fam ily purposes , Inqulri ) of Colorado caltlo In- Hportor , U. S. ynids , South Uinnlm. Tflj J H lltiS ? Irfiis.l'arinH.LaiuK money lonnud llcmls , room H , Ilurkor bloc ! ; , B. W , cor. nnd rnrnani tls. Ml IliD ontlro coirfonts of rnnfoo- tlonery store , nn-j - N ICth t. , con lstlnif of Blork , conntr-rs , sliclviiifr , stoves , .stools , chnlrg , lampH , i-to bO.1 7 * rtALC-AtTiiibllo auction. Dee. I inllt'li cowi > , lionseliolil titrnlturo , hot bud fin h and fnrm tools , at noith end of IBlh st 11.V. . Hall. ' l ' 'li * . . SALR 1'iirnTturo'nntl loaao of hotel. Addios3ltyderhoii9oSlroni8bitlp , Neb c.Tl ; Tli > lt SAl.i-Knrmtnro : and lon o ol nit-room - hoiifo , tlmo on part. Cull IL'OJ North & 7tti street , tno blocks from Hod Car lino. bill 'pOK SALK Cno.ip. tron columns 'ind wln- JL. ' dowcapssultnblo for front on brick build- luff , l-'orpnrtlouliirnnpply nt Ibl olOro. 81) ) L'AA'TLDGood girl at 1117 > R3I 8 \\rAN'l'ni > ReniiMticss , coinpotc-iittoilo fnm- i' ily sewlntf Apply nt 2121 ftiirniritt be tween I'loaeutit and Valrvlow Mrects. tBO-7 WAN'TKD-Two ( rood knittorp , boyfl or . . . . . . HH ! ) hiuo limi uxprricnco In Limb or IlrniiMin Inlttln ? maclilno. No others should cull. .Io . r. IlllOmnhn KnlttinB : 1'nctorv. I70U 81. Mnry's Arcntio. 8,7-10 , * irANTIJO A irlrltoilo ( Jonoral hnnsowoiK ! npply I7.-'Ciib8St , 8108 * LiulloB to work for us nt their own bouios ; * 7 to 310 per wctkcnn bo ( iulotliiuiilu : no filioto p'llntlin ; ; no cnnv.i ° 9- intf. I'or full pni'tlciilart plonsc nddioxi , nt once , descent Ait Co. , It ) Central st , Boston , JIns * , box Gli'O. MM 23 * -I'lrstslrl. 10U Cnpltol iivo bbO 12 VrANTEIl Girl about 1R tea latwith hoiif-o- T work tn small family ; iC'l Bouth llith.801 7 * VV 'ANT1M ) Ulnlilif loom clilut llninicthouso. 611 AV /"ANTHD-A cook. Jlrs.VarronSwit7lor , 25ul SI. Mnry'savonuo. 82S 7 V\ ' ANTl',1) A plrl for irt-nonil houst-worK In ' family ot two Cull at foiilliHon corner Cntherliio at. nnd I'oppleton mo trom 1(1 ( n. m. to I p. m. K.-I ; H "VtrANTKn A irlrl fpr ( roneral liouso\vnrl : . at VT lOJ.'ldnhOHt. Mrs. lluruluini. IV 8 WANTIID-Oood nirl for general house work , UIJ ( Joorsin nvo. 7U8 " \SrANTKD-A comixitont frirl for pcnoral liouiowork lit third cottntjo nortli of LonvciiHortb , we-jtsido - of Colav st. 7IW 9 w ANTIin-fllrl for Konornl housework In Biimllfnmlly , : 2 s.inthn. 704 LTJ -First-class cutter for dnissinnk- lii cau llndwoiknt 102 , uoinor 10th nnd Io < 1 ire sts. 03 3'J ' * \\fANTK1) . * ! 0 ladles & ( fonts to lonrn tel < > T f urapby I'roupcc-t irooil tor position when competent ; iidJrc-ss . J. U. , Koom 1 , Crounso hlk.Omntm 11I7 KELP. T\7ANTKO I'lve good ftionir boys tp learn ' tbo oandy ttado. Stephens , VopR-olo it ninnlni : . hSH 7 * ANTKO-Tnilou , at J C. Vapor's. 875 9 * to Hnlsh. liuiulrc nt coiner of Hurt nnd Pleasant Pt. 1' J Crcedon. 87fi 8 * WANTISH Oillco boy. Address In own hand wrltlnir , stntlnR o.tporieuco nnd WIIK'CS wanted. Ab2 , Hooollice. F51. VVTANTBO One tlrst claps coat maker. None T Y but n good man noi-d apply. Stonily work nnd big pay. W. II. Gibson & Co. , 317 S. . St. 6ufl 11 V\7ANTI3D One mnndnlddlo nprel.ono boy to t Icnrn bookKccpliiK. Situation , J. It. rinilth , law Chicago st. Sir 8 * TirANTiU-aood ? : butcher. 121 N 12th strrot. VV MO-7 * WANTKD rirst-Clnss polishers and Btiirch- "r at once at once at I X L Steam Liiun dry , 171U Uumlnast. 818-7 VV ANTIJD Shlpplnscleik , by amnuufnctur. InprlioHBO. AildloM 1)0X24 , city. b4 ! 10 * \ \ ANTii ; ) Onobtoiily , roliabto man to sell Roods In city , ati-ady employment. Call 421 B. 10th ft. B.W 8 * W ANTED A piano plnycr. liuiulrd 012 Douglas. 717 WANTUD A younc man to loirn the cloth- Intr trndeono who uponWs Swede nnd Knir- llsb prateruxl. liest references ro < iuirod , 017 N. ICth street. 71U 7 rplir. IHnkors'Llfo Associntion of St. 1'nul , JL Whin , hnve No'jruska work for. a low KOOdxnliclUird Itofercncds necessary Ad- drcsa Wlloox Jc fatoolo , Stalu Aironts. iJncolu , Nob. 191 deolO \\rANTHO.-100mon for railroad work ; ( jooil > i wnttiM ; btoady woik all winter. All- brlnhl'a Labor AKonoy , 130S rariiam. 17'J 'T'OKNTS In the olty or country oan inakol'i to Jri.(10 n day solllnir our potalties. N W , Novelty compnnr. 1-J7 l-'iirnam st. 11 : ) SITUATION WAUTED. 'V * flrDt rltlBl1 and oakobaker , can work on pniLconthyri. To take charira or oulryci Addiess , II. I'riin- iosi > , 1518illlams St. , City. t > 79-u * WANTHD Kmployinont of FoimTkiniFwith ( oiiio benne , wholesale inolorrod , am jrooil bookkcepur Good intuioiico trlvtfn. Ad. dre B L T Tbomvon , Houston Co. b9.i 10 * rpo the Indies of Ouiulm irlshlnK flist-cinss JL Uit-ssiiiaklni ; , Kiir.nuiti'eil cult lug nnd lit- tlmr ; bowlm ; ilonu In ( amlllo . Iiiuulre Mrn , U. J. Ainold , KOI Davenport. KiU 12 * \VANTKD-Sltuntloii I'f J'ouutf lady 19 ycnra of ago us ulerk In dry voods or nutlon Eloin ; U iinoxpurlcnued ; will work for less Apply nt 2.112 Cass st. Bf-3 7 * \ \ ; AN riU > Situation by VOUIIK man ami i > wife in mine tnmlh. both willing toiorK ; rorereneoshen. ( . Adtlrris U. liluzlor , city , \\rANTKI ) * n nttornoy harlnir had four > T yt-His pmctlco , ( Ifslresa posllloh wllli a roput.iblu law ttrm In t ho city under nny nr- iiiiiKeinont gntUtuctory , l. nkoaetonouriipiu-r llt'st of rcUrvnros ylveii. Addieti A M , Dee olllco. 6ft-b * \ \ 7A NT I nrnn'oTTt ' imTby cm i ipetent iTufv "H I e i i ofcTuphor ; rotoiciii-os. W A. 11 . box M7 , cltv ; cw iiiBOSi.rjvici.ons WAKTO. " \\rANTiID-CutUimt-is forJoUiiiton's Auto- tV niiitlo n.'liur Already oxu'iulvoly clr- cnlnied in itu ) city. Fi'lH roudlly ou its own meiiti. Labor savlnir nnd Ineipenslvo. Ti/it , Mrs. M. J. Curiikor , l 'l Ca b et. bll 13 * " \\7ANT1JD- Ono hundred woikuifinrn to lu ll xc t In lots at South Omaha , f.'J de-posit , balunco J5 idonthly. i\ory : $50 now imreted will ronll/a i 100 bofiiro next Mo/ Apply W 8. Heavi-y , 111 fcontli Ulhitrest. . b$9 6 \\rANTKD-Toront--On or before March 1 , n IT store or half more , on rnrnnra between 13IU and 1Mb , or Uth botwocn t-'nrnam end DodKo , tor a dtslrablo rctull builaosa. Address A,2 , care DeaoHlvo. 60716 * \\rANTED-ComfoilttblyturnUhcdroomwith drc , in vicinity \\boaton kt. . In return for family owlti { . AaJreti A 20 , live olRce. 1 ANTJU-Lady room mate atllOT Howard * a coed dellrcrr horse , > < lauit be clio p , alia poconJ banj siirlug wajonund btnuett , AdJrtsj ; A ttO llcooffli-e. . 6M 7 * \ \VANTRn liny , from 5 to 25 nerM nd- I * Jnimiifrthlii city nr South Om.Um. Qato City Konl llstato ( n. , 1J.M DnUKlna. 758 s , tnllors , proecrt nnd 1 1 other trade < tn n to know thnt it pays to ndvcrtl o In the Fouth Omahn Stockman. Twclvo liundrril workmijmcn nro Inrp * monthly conMimoM W S "onrey ( 111 Poutb 14th street , Is the- Omaha afff-nt for the Daily Htoeimnn. \\T'ANTKI-Stockof dry ( roods , clotlilnir nnd i ifnnto' furni'hlnrtnoods or boots nnd slmoj In I'vrhunfro for Omnhn tc-iil estate. Schc ! bifr- crllnn , ullH lulli i-t. stl jit _ WANTED A peed btilldltiKlot or hoil'o niul lot atn reasonable prlco. Aihlrc A3 ! I co ollicu. 720 7 _ \\'AS Tl'l to buy ono snuro o' flock In > Omahn bonr 1 ot tr.ido. A. A. SlomnnU12 rnrnnin at. _ _ fi7l _ _ U'ANTKH Wl men to cat buo'twlio.itc.iko ? nndmnpln syrup ovorv mornliK'nt Norrls' Itcstnurnnt , 15th "U. list. DmUo ft'i-l ' Doit'fks. Mrnlijht board per weon.SV.'j ; 21 meal ticuots , 618. rcm UEWT-Housua AUD ioin. "IjlOII KKNTTin oo now 1-roomcottnjro ? : low JL' tout Ouc 7-rooia hotiso ; ttoo > \ location , at Hcntlnif Atrrnoy , cor 15th nnd Capital a\o , L'xposlllon building. i)91 ) 8 * _ ir lVnNT-rinolnnton ) for Jobliln ? llrni , DoiiL-hs st near llth , iulilrc statins busi ness A 33 Dee onico. 8 : , 1J OIl HK.VT A burn for t of hot s" * . In.- ' qillro of M. 1' M.irlhi. sn "IfOK lIlINT-ltulldlim Rilltnblo for a drtlfr J store In the tlno t lonittun In the citv. Imiulro loom " 0 , Umahn National bank build- iinr. _ [ Bit FOIt ItlvNTCroom lioil'e , ( JJ n month ; nl < o 5-rouin cottniro j3 ! n timnth. CuiinliiKliatn A , Hiciniiiii , 1511 Douse st. SJl H HUT-7 loom hoiisc.nnd birn ; Innnlro i U inth St. HM _ _ 77 01t HUNT-llrlck store on N. 16th Rt Pour J1 now torcl DII 3 intli st , . nrnr Iln cnH'i hotel , f li 01 per month each. C K. Inyno , N. W. cor. llth and llnrnuy. 7.11 U IJ OIl HUNT Homo of 8 rooms , cor. 21st nnd ' Claik. Apply I ilcor cast. 8711 J * OUltilNT A belch store room , Iflth r. sultahlo for ware house , has ono frontline on Ilelt line ; oan Imvo niljoliilnpRtnrolfro - qlrcd. 0. H ilnyne , l.'ilii uiul Ilnrnoy. 7J1 i ) "tTOIt ifllN'l .VtiTcTr'S-room cottaifo. by S. T. " J rctetion , s. o. cor. loth ami DougUs. HUNT atoro'JH N. 15th it. on Hoc. 1st. cos a * _ FOIt HUNT Or leaw 2fl ncro Ktinlon with house niul Mnhlti Inside cily limits. Apply to II. Mol'nddon , Hldnov. Nob. , 801-JO' _ ltiNT-bood7tiible7l'J10 ; Webster. 051 7 * FOIt ItnXT fi-room cottnue. Locust St. , near Hhcrmnn nvo. , $2U per month. Thrco iinfurnltliod roomi in brick house on LnKo ncnr SOth St. , $ I- per month , Qieitnrf Ss Hndlcy. 7W. FOIt KiNT A Mist clnssrcstaumnt , nif | ulro _ of Lee , Nichol * _ Cj. ( _ 13' Foil HINT : Houso.n room. ' , flnrnoy struut and2lBt , fill ) per month , nho house noav St Mny's an , 0 rooms , t i per month S. A.SIo- man , 1513 rurnnin st. _ _ 117 I Ti OK KENT Six now brick utoroa with buso- 1 monts. corner Klovonth nnd Howard ; choice local Idii ; nil eomonioneos. Leavltl Huinham , Hoom 1 , 1'rolp.hton block. CJT FOIt HUNT Stores , tt ) idonni ! > , turiiHhod nnd iinfurnlshod rooms. I 'list clasi loca tions Ivo > ct HcntlnirAKcncy , Koum 7. South- enstcoinor 15th anil Douiflas. 281 d 2J F OKIIIN -AsWre nnd Imscmpnt on n Kood buslno 5 pt. Inqulro of Lee , Nichol & Co. , Itoom2 , ) . Wltlilicll blouk. _ III ! T7IOH HUNT 7-room oottnjo In Wnlnut Hill. J- Terms , Si ) per month. Apply to D.V. . Pave. 1424 riuunmSt. 2'JJ. _ _ "ITIOU I'.KNr 8(1 ( aoio < adjoining city nortli- JL ! west , sti liable lor diiry or mnrkot irardon. Apply to Thoo. Williams , Boo Onioo , OU far- num. _ 60S _ nVMt JtUM Stoio 22-00 , 1110 Jncuson Bt. _ * - 783 run T71OH HKNT Newly furnished , healed front JU room aiiltnblu tor two yciitlL-mun , "Jll Pt. Mary s nvo. 8GO POll HBNT Front parlor fnriiMiod , suitiiblo for two guiitlcmuu liKnilrolDOS CUBS HI. _ i _ 818 7 * T750H lir.Nr Lawo front room , bar.lconl tiro. JL' suitable for two , JiJ.OO ANo ono small . month IBia rurnam. ' , ' " loom fS.Ol ) per , 7'J 7" TJlOll KENT ruinisUciI roomBIOS. IBth. J ? eos 10 * tnoit KENT Largo loom , with closet. South J1 Iront Suitable for 4 gontloniou If do- Hired. 111C Chicago sticot , 810 FOH URXT 2 houses In Walnut Hill. $10.00 per month each. J. F. IlammonU , 117 S. llith st 772 " | J1Olt IlKN'f 5 room house In Marion 1'lncc , J$18 ! per month. J. F. Hammond , 117 S. [ 8th St. _ 772 POH KENT Furnished room , third lloor , S W. cor. 13th an-t Hownrd. 770 10 KENT rnrnlslii'il room for ono or two -I ? gentlemen , SOT South 2Jd , between Fiirnum nnd Ponging. 7Bt 10 * _ IfiOli HUNT Very doslrablo room sultnbUi X ? for two , In now house with every modern coiiTonltfnCC. 11U9 Dodse. 703 FOIt HKNl' Nicely luinlslicd loom1 * . cheapT ntWJN. 17thst. 7108 * POK KENT Unfurnished room. Inquire Mrs. A. WriKbt , llushmnn lillt. r.jj FOK H15NT 2 nicely furnished rooms : sup- pur If wanted ; occasion to epoak Trench nnd Herman ; 7U N. 10th at 07U B FOR HUNT Nicely furnished parlor room n Ith first class board , 1814 Dodge st 714 7 FOR KENTNouly furnished pleasant room low rental. Encnairo at 1JOJ Farnnm st. 72S-S TJ'OK ItE.NT-A nicely furnlsbcd room , 1718 I.1 Dodpo. 731 _ _ IJIOH HENT With bonitl a furnished room JL1 K UKJaSBU. 747 8 * _ Oil RUNT Itoonis with board , 10.M Capital. CSa 7 * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TjUfit JtnNrSouth room furnlshod , n. n cor JL 21st und Davenport. 1112 POU UKNT Two nlcoly fiirnlshod rooms , suitable for2or3 KOiitlemon ; lovnly loen. tlon with every modern improvement. 1415 Jones st 2'Jd RIOKHHNl' Nicely furnished loom for tor3 J. Rcntlomuniuudoru ; conveniences. CIO N. 17th 3t U3 _ IIENT rurnlsliixl rooms for Ilk'lit hou iJ becpint' , lloomors Uock , cor oth c Howard. FOHUI5NT rurnlshod room , 1810 Dodso. fiS4-il -"O T710II HP.KT Suite of nnvrlv furnished rooms JL' in now hoiiRo ; moilura convunlunccH : to Kontloman. If"-'I DodKe t 2GO FOIt HEN ' Lnoro Itirnishod front room ; i-nll nf tor C. Imiuli o IG07 Darcnnoi t. bO 110 * TJlOlt KUNT-rurnlshcd room , 1007 8 , llth. 8 FOK KENT Ono nowlv furnished tronl room on rniiiml floor. 421 N. litust. 859-'J FOK KKNT A slnslo lady cnn rent two fur- nlsliod rooms on 20th Bt. , nearht. Miuy'a n\e. ; all kitchen fiirnl-lilnirs ; n pi > r month. Call butwt-un 3 nnd 4 o'clock at 2'iJ St. Mary's ave 8il T 1711)11 Kl'.NT NlciUy furnished parlor wTtli JLA iMrird f or Syrcnlluniun or man and wife , f J5 per month oauIi.bO. S. luth , cor. bt. .Mary's. IT'OK KENT Kurr.lstimi room * nnd nlo ono 1 unit furnMiud for ll lUUousoLcojnir. | | fll'J -Nortli 1'Jtb st. 7770' 171OKKIJNT KurnlshPd bed room and ulttliiir J- room , with board , in pdvatu family , 5 inln. nips' wulit of j.ostollico ; raforoucei required. W Sjt.poEtottico. tL'O 8 > OK ItENT IJnfurnlsnol tounia ; Innuiro drug store , 015 3 Ulh at. a "TUMI KKNT In private family , nicely fur. JnUhi'd loom , laijro euouyU for OKOiHlu- - U'thst. ' 7 1I _ UNT U room , unfurnished , ln Iny now Hut a w cor. 7th an 1 racitto st , 3 loom house 1UI9 A'ieholas st. Apply to M. V , Martin 'dH B. 15th , 258 rou HAUK18& HAHUIS.'KO.S ISth t-Two lots In Ix > wB'iadd. , lor tliU week , fl)50 ) ouch. Do not let tUI elip jour liatid If i ou wuut a bur- Tmoit SALK-iSlots m32foet.lrontlnt' north JL1 ou llrittol street , hair war bctweoa Suun. dot g and State , nour street oar * . City water In front , (400 each , 1-1 cash , balance la 1,2 nnd 3 years. Address ali.llae odlca. :53 Sl'KCIAL barrttn In Inilde residence lots aru now oHerod within HU ft of parnamat. , which hag KUB , water , nnd car track now laid you lota at I1.COO to f 1.850 for } { cash. Tliwo Ion arn ponltlroly the nouioctortiio loonoT that you can Hud. Como and lavetti- irate thU statement , it iu y pay you 10 do o ; Atuei , lW7r rn met. XXIs BKAt'TIU'L HOMK3 1 i.Jtory 7-room hou'O fniintrCnlduoll it ,2 blocks woo ot 6aundcr4i oily wntnr thronithoiit hiiiisn , nntor clo'et up stairs , Jewernxo nnd modern Impiove- mont , porch whole width ofnonl , pintxsnnt room wltn lar o closets , lots WcH ! price $ t,5 < W , f503 cash , baL to suit. Also 0 t story fi-room lie os.fnomc south on Indiana t.Sblook * north of CiimlnK ! city water and modt-rn Itn- proyomonts , poroh und pleasnnl room , prlco sr.d3 , , Oal to suit. J , V. Hammond , 1173.16th at. TT10K SALE-lIy SchloMugnr IJms . JU fil4 South loin stroot. 1P1 feel on 25th st near I'lirnifiA , will sell all or part , , , , v 5 acre lots In Vnrunm pirk"tl"i per ero. Hnsy torras. Tills Is > cry deslrnblo tor fjardcn- I MIT MITPOneros. . Improved , near city,11 house , btirn , cillis , otn. Cheap an 1 on oiay terms. Iot . In Scnloslnifer'a addition { 250 to f.110on cusy terms. a. " > 3 J n HAlllllS Sc ( IAKK1S , 3.0 S. 16th ( St. Homo and lot In Iliinaaoiii 1'firk , J5.VX ) ; n Inirpnln. SSJ ' Kit .V OO. , HAH'II . Lstato nti'l ' Lonn llrokors , .Mlllnrd Hotel Illock , OHer the followiiijr bargains : 18th st IMvlM I'lnniprorod ; two ratios fiompostolllco 31,600 Do < lie bt noiir 1.1th st. Splendid busl- iio proiioity 13,305 COtli st entile road. Improved property ; ono inllo from postolllco . 2,700 Klrkwood nddlllon. Chouolota ft > 0 Traokaso. ( MxlJJ Nlcholtti st 4,200 \\'lml nr rinco Now 8-rooni house and lot , iWxltO . . . . B.COO Hamilton st. Now 8-ioom home ; I 1-1 miles tiom postolllco 4,000 Cuinlnir st. ! ; Ni : ] " , with now store Inillti- Ini ? ; o\crytliliu now and In llrst-clnss oixlor ; street paved , wntor , tras , t > to iMujrlas st noiii Oth.fixU ! - ; Unit class business lot , 7,003 8th st near I'opploton flno residence. OOxlW. with two honso < ! easy tuims . . 7,001 I'arlt I'laco. Oim tlno arro . . . . . . 3,000 Hplondld baruiiln In a hotel In a irowinir lown rail road to nn , Will exchange for oilier pro perly. A Inrtrn nnmbor of busittes" and rtslilonco lots in South Omiiliu. 810-7 lil-.CIOIlY & IIAlUiKY. Members Omahn lloul Kstatci I'Tchanco. HootnH 1 and 3 Ucdtck'R lllook , 5A ) S Mill st. Corner insvlli , N. ICthst , lmpiovud , Corner 1'Kvl B ! Harncy st. , Improved , Coiner81\U. , Cullfornlii st , $8,510. , CciinorC5vlitnciir ! U. I1. Ky ilopot and llth St. , viaduct , icnt * ? SO nor mo , S.s.IW-1. COitU7HaiinUor-i < ) t. near Cuinlnp , laigo liouso complete , tent 350 , J7.0DO Kino fci-room house , ( lcorN ave , , near Wool- wouh sU. on cusy terms , f l.TW ( lood tot , rOvllO , Cifoiufin avo. , noith of Lonu'invorth , nasv terms. fho ip. Splendid Irout , Tf-xir/j in Iliinscom 1'laco Call for terms , $1,7(10. ( HiiRlnc-'t bloous and Inshln property of e cry do ilptloti. Improved or unltiipiouid. Houtu and loti and vat-ant lots In all additions . Cal and ? oi a list of a few of the bat tiiliip. Wolnivou laijrn IHt ot Soiitli Omaha prop erty and a tract of 14 ivioao'i county road , I 1-3 mile ? from Stock Yiuds. Cheap forJOilnys Wtiat It wlntor Is comlnir. Wo will soon have plenty of Uioup , Now is the tlmo to invest 7ul 9ALK Lot with llvo-room liouso , on FOit nvo. . chcap-J-.SM. f 1,1)00 ) tasli , balniH'o on easy terms. C. W. Mount Heal Us- tate and Imestmnnt Co. t-0'1. - FOIt SAI.n-A liarKnln. Povon lots on 31st between Loiivonworthnnd .Inrkson. If cold at once can bo bonirlit for - ' < per cent logs than actual valuo. C. K. Mayno , N , \ \ . cor 15th and Hartley. ' 7JJ 7 Houses Lots 1'nrmsLands mono v loaned. Ilemis , room : ) , HarKor blocK , S. W. cor IBthjinilJI'ariiaiiijU.s. M4 T foil SALH l 7-room house , 1 ll-rooin house _ with lota fronting on I wo streets , both TWoom house nml half lotl53.10 per cent cnsii. balaneo monthly paymnnts , alt the above within three quarters of n mile of postolheo. Cor lot , llth and PiiclHc , HilxH ? . with three eloirnnt cntt-iios , would rent for 575 per monthfor a few days at $3,00) ) PHrin loans at lowest ruto ot Interest. First-class ronl estate mortirairo ? , or com mercial p-ipor , < ll3countol. Mead & Jamlnson , ait a.J th8t " _ bU'l FAL"ISTATJ- : A.KOAIX cimico bnsinoss lot , near cor. Powarl St. , f rontlnir on Faun- dors st. nnd paved sc. ; cheap for cash. J. L. Itico Sc Co. , ever Commercial bank. 775 WK 1IAVK constant inquiry for till kinds of bu'lnoss and rosldonon praporty. It yon have any property for sale list tiiimo with us. Sclilosiiisor Ilros .OH S lOlh st. Foi JO HAU111S & HAllltlS , 3.W H. IMh AVe hnvo tuo lots in llnusuom's , foi three dii.vd only. I'rlco $ a,7UO , : cnsli , $1,700. t > bJ 8 FOll SALK AIot6iYl4onSt. ( ) Mnry's nvo pnvod , Sownr , water nnd BUS connections inndowltli lot. now sldowulk. SO.GOO , f-.Wl ( cash , bal toault. Thli price will hold peed for nlewdnys. C. W. MountaHoal l > tuto and In vestment Co. 87- . aa ) south i.thst.-wo H hax e ionic choice loto nt a bnrKiiIn In almost every nddition to the city ; now is the tlmo to buy lots In South Oiiiiiliu If you wnnt to mnko Huio lin citmcnta nnd quick snips. _ 8R ! EXTHAOItniNAUY 11A1K1AIN' Lnrffo , 11 room house , on Hamilton St. , noni 27th ; closets throiiuhout lionsq , bath room , ntor olosot , hot and cold city wntor ; InrRO barn , well built and In best repair , bold' . 7 horses , 11 vehi cles , und hay loft ; nHo enclosed harness loom nnd platform on nlloy : corner lot. 4'ixlS7i ! ; price J7/XX ) . J ! > ' . Hammond , 117 S. Ifith it. HA HO A IN House of 0 looms on SPECIAL Sttb St. south ot Loavonwortn ; front nnd side poich , nuineiouselosotH.pnntry. collar , In sldo cellar wny , lli'i obi. clktoin with pump , barn nnd watfon house for ono horse nnn two wn - ons ; lot aixlK J. F. Hammond , 117 S. 16th Bt. - 4-story brick with hlKh bHBomcnt , olovntor , .Vc. Iot 44xii3 : , Ilnrnoy st. bet. lllh nnd K'th , south front. tSO.'JUU. ' J. F. Hammond , 117 8. Ifitli st. BEAUTIFCL HOJir.S-3 2-Btofy 7-room houses faclnp Cnldwoll St.,2 blocks wept of Snundors ; cltywutor throughout house , water closet upstairssoweiOKO and modern improve * nionts , poroh whole width of from , pleasant rooms with lareo closnU , lotsHOvHO. pi Ice $ : ir > 00. $ " > iil ) cash , bal. to suit. Also H 2-ntory 0-room IIOUHOS , IncliiK south on Indiana St. , " bioukH north of Cuminir : city water and nioilcrn Im- pihvumonts , porch nnd pleasant rooms ; price j-.S'K ' ) , $ 'WU cusli , bal. to suit. J. F. Hnmmoud , 117S. IBthjst. T7ilNKl.OTon ; th Pt. Just north of St. Mary's JL1 nve. , 01x124 , n.VJO , S1.003 cash , balance to suit. J. 1' . Hammond , 117 H. 10th nt. HANPCOM I'LAOlI-Twn elegant lots , 63\1H ) , for fl.70U ! ; ono-tmlf cash , J. F , Hammond , 117 South Kith st. np\\0 choice lots corner 21th nnd HounrdBts. ; -L one H corner ; tOROthor they nrotilxUD ; prlco J 1,0JO ; two-thlids cnsli. J. F. liaminond , 117 bouth ICtli st. OOUTH DMAIIA-B beautiful lots lnlln ley Trrrnco ovorlooklni ; the stockyards , f2r > 0 to (32.S , h cash , 1ml. 1,2 nnd 3 joars. J , i\ Hammond mend , 117 S. IGthst. FINIS liouso , wltli U Inrso rooniH , e-lty wntor , 100-barrol cistern , hou o hcutpd by fuinncc , larce bnrn.wull built , oor. Chnrleannd 2t'th ' ftrf. ; will sell house , barn nud lmproomentH , w Itb 80 xlit'i foot lot , for f H.ritti , f J.OOO cash , batanco to bull , or lOT foot front by 131 dcopfnr flfX)3 ) , 1-3 canhlmlnmoto suit , or the whole , IBOxlM , for flO.000t3dOOcnshlmlniit-o 1,2 nnd3 years J , 1' . Hammond , 117 B. lOlh st. _ bfl4 W 0. SlUUVKU-SpooIul Corner , C0xl28'5.2Jth anil I'atnclt ave $2,000 , OJxl20 U. front , Mumdurs bt. near I'airlck a\o 3,000 Full lot ou C ats nonr 28th i.i . . . IJW Corner on .Mierinnii n\o , neurClnik Bt . . . 3,000 rulllot in ICIrkwnod . , . , . . . , , , , ' 00 flUxllOlt. lot.N.SOlhBt ' 1,050 eiiU'T'-ifl ' lot.Ptilnn'slst add , i 1,7&0 I'lno corner on Hurt ami 2 < tli el' ) , f 1,000 cashbill. l,3,4andr ! ( yoiira t . . . . 4,000 Corner , IBtb nnd Leiivonworth , . . . . 8,0110 Good B. fiont lotIlodford iilarc- . . . ; " > lxl2S ft.,2 < ! th st. neaiSt. Mary'buxc . . 4,0fm Bpautiful lot on ViiKinlu nvo . 1.8.V ) ( .KILO ft. on 22a tit. just n. tit. Murv'H no fi.7l I fiOxl'd It. S. front , Howard near 22d. . . . 4'M Corner , n ii : , B. lath U. . . } . , . . . : iHH 1'ulllot on Hnmllton noarlllst . . . . . lrAK ) lniiioicd | I'ronorty.- u ! i room cottniro. } l lot on Cnss near 28tb ; ii-ntfltoi } | 5 . . . \ 1'JIO G'AlW ft. , : i room cottao on Calltornl i Bt. Tunas to suit. . . . . ' . . 2fXW Full lot , I'- front , cottaye I rooins , 2'Jth nearrnrnam . " 2..WO ii lot mid LOtuiiro , 1'arkcr's mill. , near C'nrllno . . . . . . . . 1,500 2 full lots and 7-room house , on Ore-bird Hill . . . . . 2,90) rnlllot.i : . front , nleo notv cottntro , N. 2clh s . . . . . 2,500 Lot and now 8-room house , just n. linn- Fiorul'ark . . . . 1,3 < JO I'ull lot mid Vioom cottaso , on Luke near 2Utli . . . 3,100 Hou o , 10 rooms , full lot , Georgia n\o. near I'optiloton ave . . . 6,010 Full lot Bnd-J cot tUKt-8 , N. 20tnB. of Clark 6,000 Dullness property In nil part * of tbn city AUo n largo number of Bouth Omaha lots at special bareuiiu.V , a. HHitlVKU , opp. P.O. ri'U 7 FnilDMtK-W n. froutm ? on Oodjro st. 2 blockieast of the im > tolllue. A bargain nt SIS.WO ; $10,000 canb. Marshall & Lobeck , 1&U9 Kurnain. Ultl OOIWKUlotlnVanlluiiron place , ftlWl $300 ca h , bnl. In 1. 2 and 8 years. Hcltor it C mpbell , Hoom 1 , VM Farnaiu t- 823 GENUINU ItAftGAIKS-Two corner lots in IHirdetto court , only 1 blocks from Snun- liar's btroot cars. W. M. MualinMn. Itootq 10 , Uuiboiati Uloek-N Uoor WtU aaJ UautrlM. 017 MOTTKIl URAL RSTVTE AQRNOV , JL 211 S. nth M. , Offer n few Special ll.\r.nln 7 10t < - In I'oMor' * add. Il OO to $2VX > etch. Lots in and 17 , block S , Kountro's Ith add. Call nt oillc-o for price * . llarcaln a lots on baumlorj st In rinlnrioir , $1,100 to 1 , 0) ) . Lots n , 10 nnd 1" , IMrenporfi subJivlslun , flAWcnoh. Ka v terms. KiilIlotlnK. V Snitlh's add. , CfiiUO , f3,103j f lix i-nn. ( lood lot on S-iundori st , tl,70J Onn of the host lots m Siinnysldo. Jl.r.W. full lot In I'ntrlck's add. Just oil tfnumlors t , tl.7oa A ImrKiiln. 3 Ut Iii Hcsonolr mid , J1.0"l cacli. lle t lot on Hamilton st , Sl.WJ. Full lot In HnwtboniL' , * I30. Don't lot this clmurOfOip , One-sixth i-njh. Lot In t'laromlon , f l.iWt f 191 on Mi. 2 of the Ue = t lot * In Hin ino , JS'iO onoh. Lot ft , Iloo3o I'lnce , on I'nrko nv. C ill nt omco for prlo ft. Corner lot In Marah't add , f 1,100. TheMottci liuul Ilstnto Agency , 211 S. 1Mh BOWLlNtl KKlN-our ! now addition H west of Walnut Hill , on Hamilton itroot. liy sclodilnir lots nt $153 for imido nnd $175 for cprncr- . you will m.xko ntntA \ luvoitmont. ToimslOpor cent c.iMi and # 1 monthly. No phnrtro for showln ? the lots Marshall * Lo- bcckI53T Firnaiil 019 " KAlfliTATH AND LOAX8-U. \ > .115 S IBth st _ _ _ "filOU SA'LlT-hft lotTln an iddliion iliiit i olT J. : Inir very mpldly and whom loin nro brlmr- ofiuh , and will sell for fiiO. . ) mthu sprlnif 'IlioMlotfl will lie nojd fur f.Jl ! caoh In a bunch onory rctisonnbla term . Don't lot till * fdlplf you wniit n ohntico to mnho CIS.ojJ In ldo of 8 months. C. n. Mityno , I5tli nnd liur- npy. _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ 7.107 _ IMHSALK-ftflvUI2 foot nn S 13th gt. near 1 Iliwiiirs liolol. Ha < small liouso , IrontsU slrocts , $1,000. 'Ihls Isa b-trsnbi. C.llMnino , 15111 and Ilnrnoy. 73-17 - H Oil's MS Lot .l'nrm > .lnnds mnnoy lonnod , ItpuiK , room ! ) , llnrkur bloik , : ? . W. cor. Ifilh _ nnd Pm mini sts. ftt \\rTTnr6 iuifhorl7.tid tTinrosr < : .lflW in lin > if pio\ oil Innldo propoity Whnt linvo > otl to oiler Vfa ti.enn luuineaj , Mead -.lauiie-on. 3188. 15th at. 672 JJiOlt SAII1 Tno i-\nt front lots In Kostor'8 adilltlon , corner , f , VI for both ; cheap. l.ils , corni-r , tn I-ngtoi-'i nddJ..200 House nnd full lot In Wnlnut Hill , fl.OUO ; ? 700 caih , bnl f 10 PIT month. Thrco lota In Kllhy IMiuw , J8.10 uach. 1 hnvo a build , HK iinci lot worth jf3 , W nud n stock ol tnlllliiery , notion * . oto.lmoices fLOo-J. Will trade tno wbolo for peed larin property. To buy. pell or trade call on H. W. Hulitioss , lilOS street , 830-0 * Special Ordinance ITo. OBO. AN Ordimincc lovj mr n special tax nnd n = o < is- mont iipoui-oitaln lols.partHoClotsaiulical i-btatuln thocit ) ot Omnlui , for the uonstutc- tlon of ado\\alKs. ! \ Wiir.unxH , the owiirripspootlvply , of Iho loK pints of lots niul loal ostnle heiolnnfli-r ili'Bfi ilieil , Imvo failed lo construct eldmvnlKs \rltlilii tbo tlmo allow od ordlmuico , after duo mid proper notleo - < o to do , nnd i Wm.itKAs , siieb aiilowulks hnvo bcon duly con st rut-tod by the eontiai-lor to w horn wns aiMii-d- cd thocontrnct for coiibtructlntr and repulilnir vidotviilks , nnd WHI'UEV , the hevprnl lots , pnrta of loto-ind ronl o tnto have each be-on spec-hilly bonolltod to the full amount of the spoi-ial tux. nml aoss - inont boroln levied , bv reason ot such impiovo- mont op7Ki ! > lto Iho hniuo , respectively : TltKHKKitK , tor the purpns-o ot covering and imj liijr the cost of such Improvement. lie It ordained by tlio eltj council of the city of Omaha : Section 1. That the sprornl sum set opposlto tlio lots , pints ot lotsandical ostatobcic-lnaltei descrlboil. bo nml tliu same aio hc-teby lesnect lively levied and assessed upon each of - < nld lots , partrtOl lots and loal ostatu , as folio un , to-wit : , T J Tackle , It 3 blk 4. Itowcry Hill mid. $13 40 ' ' " tO 77 TCI'ollo. n * ll4bllt4. HMuAilllir , R'ilt4 hllc4 , " 6065 Hello 11 Kstollo , It2blk7 , " < 0 2 11 Jotter. It ! l blk 7 , " 4171 CJ1 1 blk 8. " 2.126 W a 2 blk 8 , " 2J 4 " Itil blk 8 , " 20 48 Pnt E O'Brli'n. It S bite 8 , " 411 71 H L Packard , It li blk H , " 44 95 H II MoMahon.w 137 blk 9. " 151 5'l ' burah J Iln-call , n IJio 1IU blk 9. " 42 78 UAiiilMiion.fl otUlt I , blk S , ICount7o's 4th Hilpplcmontary . 1021 A ICoiinU'j.nH It 1 blk s.lCounUo'p Ith sup H 61 Jlniln Hoffcrn , It 2 blk b , " I'l 23 3 blk S , " 18 CD J Met or. It t blk 8 , " 1H ( fl 15 O'Neill. It 5 blk H. " 3D OU I' .1 Itinrv all. It U blk R , " 18 ft ) KO'Noilllt7blk8 , " Ih 00 bms. a 8 o AKount/ 18 blk 8 , " M in O Trumbull , o ' ,4 Itl blk 18.SH ItogcM1 nd : K Ki City ot Omnhn , s 41 n Wit 1 blk 14 , " 1271 A C Davenport , h G'J It I blk 14 , " 20 4(1 ( Scction2. Thnt tlio soec-lal taxes ami assess ments levied nnd assessed nsnloicsnld shall be duo linini-dlatoly upon tbo passage nnd approval of thlgordimmco.imdslinll bocomodoliniiiientif not paid within titty days theicnttor : mui thrio- vpon , a penalty ol ton per cent shall bo iiddi-d , lordlier with Interest ntthorutoof ono Dor cent n month , payable In advance Irom the time eald nxos becoiuo o dollniiiient. ! jcclloii : > , 'I hat ihh oulinaiieoslnill take elfcct nnd bo In loico trom nno after Its pnssaue. 1'asied No > ember TOth , 18.SII. W.M. K. lii ! : ni'i. . 1'iosldont City Council J. 11 , SOUTH \nt ) . City rioik. Approved December 1st , IbMX JAIIE I : . 1101 D. Thope taxes are now due and payable to tbo city tienMiior. nnd ulll become delinquent on January 20th , 1RW7 , nttor which tlato u penalty and Intcie t will bo added as shown In Sec tion 2. THUJJAN lltiGK , City Treasurer. 'PT3OYEB & CO. DEALERS Itf , , and Jail Work. 1020 I'unaatu Street , O\iaha. Neb. Time OMAHA. The following is the tlmo of arrival nnd de parture of trains by Central Stnndurd Timw nt the local depots , 'lining of the C. . 8U l > . M. & O. and tlio .Missouri 1'acltlu arrlvo nnd dopnrt from their depot , corner of llth und Wobsler streets : train * on the 11. A.M. . C.I. . &Q. nnd 1C. C. . St. .T. * C. IJ. from the IJ. & H. depot , nil others from the Union Incinc depot. nitinmTKAINS - : Hrldpo tnunH will lenvo U. I' , depot nt fl : ! > 5- B7:3.V-8lKI-HGO-ItlOOi : : : ! ) 11:10 : n. m. : 111 :00 : 2:1)0 : ) i:20 : 3 ; ( -H :00 : 6:00-5:30-0:10-7:00-6:15- : : : : 10 00 11:10 : p. m. IxinveTinnsicr for Omnhn nt 7:13 113:15 : P:25 -0:4.-mil'J7 : ! : 11:170. m. : lcl7-2l3--17-3:37- : : ! : 4:37-6:50-fl:4.-7.10-7:4J-8:50-10:17-ll.12p.m. : : : : : : : Depart. .VESTWAIID. AITIVB A. M. r. M. UNION PACIFIC. > .H. l--i. 6:20n : I'-iclnoIIxpreM. . . . 7:50a : .Donvor Kxpross 6:0ua : . . . Local KrpresJ UOJa 11. ff M. m NKn. S.-IOii Mall and Kxpress HSiu Njirlit _ IJTp'roa , . IQMOa jPimif7" boi'-niwAim. * A. if. p. M. IMIBBOmU I'ACIKIO. 1' . U. ll:10a : . . I . . Day Rrpross . . . . 910bi. ; . .Nluht Kipioss . . 8:00 : a IK. a , BT. J a c. u. llilOa , l10b' ) ; ' Via I'lultriinniitti , . . .I 0:10 : | . .Lincoln i\pniss : Depart , _ NOHTHWAIIU. _ An lie. " " " ' . M , I' . M."pC\7fT. I'/Mr& ( ) . I 8loa ; . .blouxClty Kxprea * I . . . 6tSo ; fiitluOakland Acoomiiind'p IOMa' ; ! ' . . . . . , lit. _ _ . . . _ KASTWAltl " " ) . Alllvo. " _ A. u. I r. M. I C. . 11. 5"y. I A. M. 11' . M. ; 20 | fliOOl V : IMiUlaniouth. . I li8U ; | 7:10 : STOCK YAIIO TltAJNS wlllleuvoU. p. depot , Omaha , at H < 1:40 : 73'i ; H8tt-10:00 : ! : . m. ; ! J:00-a:05- : : :05-5i.i-8iOO : : 'I'tiL'ino T.xprrs' , BJO p , in ; Dcnvnr Kx. , 10:55 : n. m. ; Loc&l Kv.r > 0. > p. in. Lcavn 6tocc yarKo forOimihn at I7:0ri : IHilO BBO : H,15 : ii. in ; aiO-a:3.5-4a5-BOj-It8'i : ; : : : : 'ciiiojyo 1'vprcti le. 2. 0.5:07 : ; Local I' S. 0.10:51 : a.m. CONNLCTINCi LINES. Arrivnl and duparturo of trains from the Transfer Oopot nt Council llluGj : DEI'AHT , AnntVK. CHICAGO , HOCK ISLAM ! ) k I'ACirlC. n 7:111 : A. M. ; nor : , A. L At ) : IS A.M. I 11H : 2.1 p. u. AOitJi * . M. I 7Wi' : . M. omctco k HonTiivrrsTinH. A S:1.1 A.M. I A :15A. : it. A 6:40 : f u. I A 7:03 I' . Ji. CIIIOAOO , nrnuNQiON * QUIHCV. A8:35A. : JJ. I A 0:15 : A. U. A 6:35 : P. Jt. | A 7:10 P.M. CMIC4OO , UIMTll/'KCB 1 BT. PAUU A 9:15 : i. H. | A 0:15 : A. u A 6:10 : H. a. I A 7:00 p , U. KANSAS cirr , at. JOE it council , iiLurrs. A 10:00 : A. u. | 1)C : : A. u. ( J .i5j > . u. I A5:3il-.M- : WAIIASII , ft , LOUIS k FACiriC. A21U. . | A3 ; ) P. U. BIOUI CITV t luoino. A7Cf : A.M. I A 0:36 : A.M. AS:22l : > . U. I Ab'Wp u. A , trains dally ; II , daily except Sun day ; 0 , daily except Saturday : U daily except Hondny. rncc vniai j u MEKVITA * * * * ' j rnrr I nlAI < rrau DctUltr.l > iu- I IlklU I Ilinhl ur/ Uu i , Lut M M. tl l pxlUl Ui UU. A. O. OtlV CO. , Kt. Irt WutlVri" * Uf.r OOtJNOIL BLUFFS ADDITIONAL LOOAL The UlR Pour. Tito lo\x \ now jtitlgos f the district coiirt.imili'r tltc now Inw , 'J'ulRoi U.nson , Loodionrow , Thornoll tiiul Doemcr , will enter mien their ilutlci tlio first Wodiuis- day In JnniKxry , Thcro arc three of the judges in tliu city , anil Jiulgo Dvomcr is oxpuotcd to arrive within a few dt3'3 ; , and Ihon they will holtl n consnltatlon , nnd try to iirraiipjo the coming work. There arc nlno counliuainthUdlstrlct , and each judge Is cxpoctcd to hold ono term of uottit in each county , which will niako fonr terms of court fet each county each year , and nlno term1' of court for each Jnd/re / each year. Umlor the old arrange- ini'in the work has accumulated , ami now all the courts nro far behind. It is ex pected that under llio now nrrnng'cmciilt tlio four judges will bo able in the cottrsii of a year to oatch upith the btisiucs . The judges will ni rue M to : i schudulo a soon as they can got together. Tlio ItltlttlliiK AHSoulntlnn. The dlicctors of tlio Council Hlulft Ihiltilitig nml Loan a ocMtUiou met in regular session , W. W. Donrbonrn pro * plditiB. If the prospontv of an Institu tion is shown by the amount of business it does this association is certainly in a flourishing condition and the bourn 1ms strtiek hoi' . Siv applications were received - coived last nljjlil of from s'ii)0 ) lo § 1IM)0 ) , nnioiiiititif ; to f 0,500 , anil loans closed tip uiul approved nmountiiur to $ ! ] ,70f ) in amounts raiifiMK from fl'OO to $1,000. Money invested in this institution k safe , and our business men ami cillsious gener ally should glvo it more attention. IVrsotuiI H.T. \ . Xotinpr , ot Sioux City , was in tlio cilyyestoriluy. A J. Hurl , of DosMoines is here Creel ing his oltl fi lends again. Monlnguu Yatca and fumlly , tourists from London , wore at the Ocuou yester day.Mr. Mr. Hoclicr , the cigar manufacturer , has returned from a linppy visit to "Fuderlaml. " Mrs , C. F. Seheflolo started .yesterday ou a trip eastward , intending to visit St. Louis und Pittsburg. J. AV. Hawk , ox-eity marshal of Ida It rove , has decided to'tukc uji his purinu- nout resiilcnco in this citv. E. J. Trobrldge , of Ir.vln , was in the city yesterday , en route homo from Ne braska , where ho lias property interest . Mrs. T. A. Clavk anil daughter ar rived homo from the west yestorday. Mr. T. A. Clark , \ylio is locating engineer for the Union Pacific , also returned , for a brief \ isit. to his home. John M. Pool , representing an eastern hurrtwuro house , has been In the pity on n , brief business and social visit. Ho is u brother-in-law of J. M. Lane , the agent of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul. \V. C. Morgan , a wealthy real estate dealer of Council 111 nil's , la , , was in the city yestmlay. He was very muoh taken with I lie evidences of rapid growth in Choycnne and is inclined to believe the town will have a big boom next season. [ Choycnno Sun. Saloon Snnnks. The saloon on Uroadway , near Eighth street , kept by Fatly Nelson , was broken into Monday night , and a quantity of cigars and liquors taken. IL is thought that a. clue has been gained which will lead to the speedy arrest of the thieves. Four ca&es against saloons at Walnut have bcon tried at Hancock , two before a jury , ami two before a justice , and m eaclicasothcfaaloonscamo forth triumph ant. ant.In In the case of Mi'Fadden , charged with seduction of a girl at Walnut , a molion wu-j made yesterday to have the pro- limiimry examination opened long enough to got in some moro evidence in support of tlio girl's ' good character pre vious to her rum. The demand for choice candies and fruits is increasing in Council 151un"s , and the public booms to appreciate enter prises in this line as well as in others. Proof of this fact is apimrcnt to anyotio who steps into Joe Palmer's , 13 Main street. Ho has a wonderfully choice as sortment of confectioneries , and ho puts them up in Kticli tempting boxes that oven ono's girl cannot but bp pleased. The variety of toothsome delights is a feast for the eyes , and tlio mo t fussy palate can find hero something to tioklo it. AVorhlH of Good , Probablyno other woman in tlio World receives so many "loiters of thanks" as LydiaE. Pinkham , of Lynn , Mass. , Mis. jj : of Enliold , N. II. , sayv "I will simply say thatyour Vegetable Compound is all you recommend it to bo. Jt Itus done me WorMnof Good. " Another lady writes from Ottawa as folio ws : "I have just to-day bought the bcvc-uth bottle of your 'Vegetable Compound have used two boxes of Pills and several packages of your Sanative Wash , anil thliiK it Imt right to toll you how much good derived from your medicines. They urc ti rct/itlttr God-kcniL All the pains and aches have almost dip.ippca/red , my stomach is much stronger too and 1 feel myself improved every way. " MELYIN SMITH SOCCiS5OHSlO : McMAHON & CO , Abst ads o [ Title , Lan : and Real Es- tat ) Broken , Ho , 238 Kain St. jmrchnitcil the " rella- - lilo ( tbt-trnct bonliH itt Ililx county , " known n tlin "MaMnltnii jitixtnict Jtookn , " wetircnow jnvixtiviHofiir- iilvh ubatrticlH and vesitci'lfullii so licit tltc iHMroiHtfjpof nil tlioxn < lesl ) < - IttU correct ttlmtt'HcIs ofltllu to Ittiula and lots In J'ottitWHttaiiile county. MELVIN SMITH & CO , , HO , 236 MAIli ST , , COUHCIL BLUM'S ' , JOHN V. BTGHEC. JACOM STONE & SIMS , aTfPffftl BJIT'W ' B ft ? 9J &TT9SllilYduMF ; - LAW , I'ractico in the Slate and ledfral conrti Koonts 7 nud S ShuRarl lijuo JJlo ik. Horses and Mules For all purposes , bought and sold , at retail and in lots , Large quantities ! to select fiom Several pairs of tine drivers , bin gle or double , M ASOH WISE , Couucil Ululli. > sVf\qney \ 1 iuil i buy lot tie linirliy coitlfy thnto uporvlso tlin Hrinnpi-nieiita for nil tlin Mcuthh nnd ouartur- lyliawliijrt ) ( of Tlio IxiuNlaua blnto Lottery < oimumy , niul In n-tsou miin.tKo nnd control the lrawliustliom- < , nnd thai Iho same nro oiiiiiliiutod with honotly , fall lie's iinil In wooil faith tounul all pintles , and \to nulhorUo thn fompnny to ll e thH i-ortlllrntn with fnclin - llortnf < ) urfiinntiirc3nttnctu > dln Its nitvortho- mcnts. " rOMMISuIOXEK3. Wo the underpinned llntilK nnd Hnnkoifl will nay nil I'll/px Or.ixrn In The Ixmtalana Stnto Lotteries \vhlclimuy bo pto rntoil at our conn- toi-3. J. II. 1'rnslilcal Loul'ilaim National llaulc. .I.W. KtljIJRIJTH , rrOblJont State National Hank. A. IU lil ) WIN , I'lcoldont Now Orleans NMlonnl Hank. § JNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION. U OVKit HAI.ITA MILLION OisTiilnUTBn LODlSim STATSTOTTERY COMPAHY , Incorporated In 1883 for2.\ years liy the loU laturo tor Educational and Charitable purposes with n capital of f 1,000,000 to which n rotcrva fund of orcr $ .V > 0UOO has slnco boon nddod. Jlynnovorwholmlnirpojiulurvoto ltd franohltt wns made n pai t ot t lie in c'tcnt State Constitution ndoutcdUoceinuor'Jil A. D. 187U. ItSKrnndHlnKlo nunitior ilrnwlnss will Ink place monthly. It I10 er soalca or postponos. iKiok nttho lollowlntr distribution ! 199th Grand Monthly AMI TUP. [ jifijoiiai f1 , ! mm wm In the Academy of Jluslc , New Orleans. Tuesday , Due. H , litM. Under the peisonixl aupcrvihon anil manage ment of ( ! n.v. G. T. | ! I.VIUIOAHD : : , ol hott- islnna , and CSr.K. JUDXL A. EAIU.Y , ot Vlt- EUlil'CAPITAL PRIZE SIDO.OOO- Notice. Tickets nro 310 only , Halves , S3 Fifths S2. Tenths Sl LJ.STOKl'lIl ES ESiiMooo. . . . . $ inooa9 1OHANI1 1'III/UOP , , . 51,000 ICiiiAM ) 1'111/uor LM.I'HV ) . , 2i,003 ) : iAii < iBl'iti7pqor Iti.OiW , . 20,000 4 LAiKjr.i'ni/.EBor fi.noo. . 20,000 201'itr/i : erne lioo. ( 20,000 , no " r/w. . 2.1.000 HH " 30OiW 200 200. 40,030 100 . looa " ro. 60,000 ArntOMMATIONPIUCE.H. lOOAppiori tionprirosol'S.'OO . . fiO,00) ) 1X ( ) " " . . . 10,000 IOC " " . . 7 00 2 79 PrI/ri nmountinfrto . K83/iOO Application for rntos to Hubs should bo made only to the oDlco or the company In Now Or IcnnB. For further Information wrlto cleailv , iflvliiir f nil nddress. 1'OSTAL NOTK.S Expro .Mono ? Orders , or Now Yoik Kvrlmnirn in ordinary lot- l-r , currency br ozpnxis nt our gxpcnsa a4 OrLA.iAnrnrN , \VnsUlnlon : , O. C. Wako P. O. Money Orders parnblo ana addron tiBletorod letters to NBWOKLJJANS NATIONAL HANK , NovrOrloant ui DRS.S.&D.DAYIESON . . . , us vruiiT. : Ofllie Missouii Slate M-seittn of Aiinlo- my ( St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospital London , Gicscn , Germany and New Yoik. Having devoted their atten tion SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF I DISEASES. More especially those nribiiif ; from impru dence , invite all HO suffering to concbpond \vitliont delay. Diseases of infection and contagion ctucd bsfoly and sptcdilj without detention fiotn butincss , nndillioul Ilie ubc of danj-ciniib dnifjs. I'.ilicnls uhoso cases have been neglected , hndly treated or pronounced incurable , should not fail tn write us concerning their bimptoms. All letters receive immediate atlenlinn , Z2T JUST PUBLISHED . 1 And will be mailed KREK to any nddrc'i on receipt of one ! i cent ttainji , "I'rjclieal Obsfrvations on Kt-i vous Debility and I'liy- fiiral ICxhanstion , " lo uliich is added ail "Rtsay on Marriage- important chap ters on nibKAbKh or i in ; UKPKODUCIIVK oitrAKS ; , the whole loiniin a valuablu med ical treatise which should be read by nil young men. Address IHSC5. H. A I > . AV5S.S : < > % Its I.iuvi-en ) SI. , Xliciiver , C'ol. CHICHESTEn'S ' ENGLISH. " Til d Orlirlnnl uiul Only ( Jcniilnr- . 8 r , Dl 1w ji HrlULW Ktwutttt wurtlilt ft IrulttltcB , . lo4lK U t ° LAPICO. A.I. it ir llrucelit lur 'CUIfUr tvr rni.iUliu i d ltt U9 ottfr or nuM le fktttui lo u , IT [ .A tlcultf , t.i ttlltr If rtluru tuulU l < AMIi PAPf n , hlehf.ttr ' , . ( C . . SSI K II J 1. 1 11 H.jiiuro , I'iilludu. , rn. Bold by llrurzl , ! * 6 * vrytvlliri1. Ilk foi * l Jtlrlifr * 1 WEAK , KERVOU3 PEOPLE J8ir nrp."tfjo oufnd ln' < * 8. " i > tiniffu * p.uitM.I. UR. H J. llCRBl. IUVItITCJ. 131 WAEAIil | W. . (