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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1886)
c THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 8. 1880. THE DAILY BEE. COUNClT7 BLUFFS "WEDNESDAY MOKNINO DKC.8. OFTICE , .NO , 12 , PEARL STREET. Ctllrcrcd t jrnnltr In nnrrftrtof the city t twinty ctnte per wtok. H. W. TILTON , . Manager. TKI.EFHONESl BcpiRrfsOrrice , No. i3 , Nlunt KUITOII No. 20. M1NOU MKNT1ON. 3J. Y. I'JmnbinffCo. next Tuesday. New fall goods at Uuitur's. ( Jet your seals for Dtirunnk. A child of Mr. Theodore liuclmian is quite ill. The city council meets next Monday niclit. The Harmony ini fiion folks hclil a so- ciiil last evening. "Pat's Panorama" given by Hurbanl : next Tuenlay in .Masonic tuniplo. Htirbank's imnorsonnlions aru lino. The Hantists have prepared n pleasing public entertainment ami 'supper to take place at the church to-morrow cvcnlnc. The tax kickers are growing jos , jn number and less in inllupiiee .yearly. I'his is an ciicouriiglng sign for Council Tlio luncral of the unfortunate James Colburn will take place tins afternoon at 2 o'clock at the family ru.vduncc , No. lolO Tenth avenue. Charles Cook has a sprained anl.le as the result of the traveler Alligator run ning into Hie curbstone. The Alligator ought to be called a curbstone broker. The dealh of Mrs. Paulina Humes , mother of Major 11. C. Uarncs , was not unexpected 1 uneral .services were held yesterday afternoon , and the remains taken to St Joseph , Mich. , for burial. If some of those who are afraid that Council Hlufl's has by its council made tome technical mistake in special assess ments , were as eager to have the law carried out to Hie letter in other respects , it would be well. Jt is said that thn Union Pacific has made arrangements ( o gel along without Tenth .slreul avenue so far as getting dirt for its bridgejapproaees is conocrned.aml that it will gut the dirt by means of the Northwestern track. The council has at last got so far as to ngrce to pay the policemen half in ca h and half in city warrants. The police gctMimll pay at the best , considering the nature of their dmies. It seems that they filioiihl get all cash as fast as they earn it. Frank Kanplylio acted .so strangely ns to arouse the suspicion that he was either permanently drunk or temporarily insane , was yesterday taken in charge ot bp Omaha friends and takrn across the rinor for can. and treatment. A drunken fellow with a violin was run into the city cooler. He insisted tint ho was the only and original Arkansas raveler , and was registered as Mich , but yesterday he concluded Ins name was simply John Peel , and lie was onlya plain drunk. There were some .smart young fellows who tried to have a monkey show of their own in the back seats of the Salvation Army halt during prayers. One of them got ted out by two of his sisters , and was taken in c'largo ' by the police , but the case was dropped at the reque&l of those in charge of the meeting. The fame of the "district school" en tertainment given here latelv has heun extending far and near. There have been numerous inquiries tor details by church committees desiring to got up a similar entertainment. The ladies of Scotia , Neb. , have decided to give one at an early date. K. CJ. Coin's home was suddenly sad dened yesterday by the death of the little la ) bo , which has been such a joy anil comfort for the two months past. The little one hail a severe cold , but was not deemed dangerously ill , and the coining of death was a shoc-lc indeed , which calls forth the svmpathv of many friends. The funeral will bo held at the family residence Thursday afternoon at'J o'clock. Th council should brace up and decide fairly and .squarely what they want to do about the Tenth 'avenue project. The needed information has liuon thrown on the iiic.stion ) , all sides have had a full hearing , and now the council should de cide either to pass Hie ordinance or Kill it. Jf killed tin * public want to know just who is responsible for the death , and if passed who take the responsi bility. One of the handsomest of the holiday reason's greet ! nirs is that sent forth by the Mueller Music company , of this city. Jt is an ivory panel , gilt edged , and the cen tral iiicturo is that of a little child look- intr wonderiiiiib into the mouth of a huge bell , which is ovidentl.v ringing out the. old and ringing in thn now. It is a beautiful souumir , and is an cAiwllent reminder of the character of tins well- known establishment. One folloiv who was arrested for being dead drunk and laying on the gutter on lower Main street , had the cheek to plead not guilty when brought into court yes- torduy. Hu claimed that he had just laid down on the sidewalk to suvn a hotel bill , and fell asleep and tumbled oil' into the gutter and the police picked him up and thought he was drunk. He was lined , and given the advice to go into the news paper business where ho could have more scope for Ins 1'ucly imngi nation to have ph y. Jt is amusing to hear a man howl about taxes , ami at the same time own and be allowed to maintain a lot of dirty hovels , rented to persons of disreputable reputa tion , and thus bo allowed to go on until the very name of the street becomes a Etench in the nostrils of decent people. Then when the city wants to have any substantial improvements the howl fs raised , It law must bo enforced to the letter , then the sooner an attempt is ma-le to clean out this class of disreputable houses the butter. A young man named John Kirk started out yesterday morning with the expressed determination to have a tooth pulled , it having kept him awake for two night * . lu ! thought to gut courage by taking a strong drink of whisicy , and followed it up by another. Uuforo he got to thu don- tlbt's oltleu ho was in charge of a police man who | Hit him to bok on the tloor of the city jail to thuro sleep oil' the eilects of his drink , The poor mother of thu lad hearing of it eamu to Ins rescue , and pleaded to liuyti him let out , but he couldn't got out , oven if the doors had been opened , and thu tooth and tlu > dun tibt had to wait until afternoon. William ilelleris was yesterday tried on the charge of assaulting \ \ illiam Dolining. JuH'uris and others wuru baking dice in liolining's saloon , when a dispute siroso , and IJohning ordered Jefl'urls out. Not moving as quickly as ho might , liolming grabbed him by thu shoulders ami helped him out. As a suc cessful uxit was being made Jcllcris turned suddenly and hit liolming , knock ing him down , and inflicting a bloody wound on his face. Jcilcrib was let oil with a. line of | 5 and costs. Jcflorls' father than threatened to make it lively for JJohning for belling to minors. Helming - ing agreed to pay thu costs of the assault case , if Jell ens would keep his boy out of his . placo. _ _ Stampmgnnd full variety of embroidery materials. Mrs. 1 } . P. Nilcs , 403 U'dway. Vivo hundred overcoats for b'bys aud children , from $1.50 up. up.METCM.F JJ os , WANTED , FOUND WEIGHING , How the Oily Has Lost Money on Its Official tk.iles. V/EDDING AT THE PLANTER'S. Sneak Tliloico Open n Saloon A Jlnppy Find of .Money Personal mid the Ijoual News 'lolled Down. The OltyVble1ilnc. . The bu iness naturally belonging to the odlco of the city weighmastcr and super intendent of markets has been so divided up among private parlies thai the income of the ollice has been reduced to a nom- mil amount. The present incumbent , W. S. Amy , has been trying to got the council to take some action , but in vain , nnd lie has now prepared the tallowing report to tno city council , which is self- explanatory : To the Honorable Mayor ami City Council of the City of Council Blufis > entlemcu : 1 herewith .submit to j'our lonorablc body the following report and statement concerning my ollice. Since my election to the ollieo of superintend ent of markets my receipts from last March until date are about $150 , ot which thn cily would bo entitled lo about $30 , which would bo 'JO per eent. This is all the city can claim from this source for about live years past , whereas previous lo that limo Hie city received from three to four hundred dollars a year , which would make in six years from $1,800 , to $ ' . ' ,400 that this city might hayu received liad it properly protected its olliccrs. Since I have been in ollice 1 have tried my best to induce the council to lake such action as would protect me so thai .1)0 ) ollieo would be of some benelit to me ind a source of revenue to the city , but Lo no avail. They have given me no show whatever , and they have so acted as to deprive the city of the revenue. Yours rcMtectlully. W. S. AMI- . Millncrv ! Goods at cost for next 30 " days , Airs. W. J. Scolcs , No. 230 , Broad- "l"rci cli Cook" Direct I'roni J'nrl" . Weatherstrips at rhnpman's 105Main. Piurbank , the gieat humorist , will bo at Masonic temple Tuesday next. Captured l > y Cupid. M'CAltL-KAllI.i : . La > t evening at 8 o'clock , in the parlor of the Planters1 hotel on Tenth avenue , Mr. Thomas McCarl and Miss Emma B. Ivahlo were joined in marriage uy the Rev. IJ. . Mnckey , rector of St. Paul's Episco- > al church , in the prcMinco of a large mimbcrof friends. The hotel parlor was tastefully deco rated with cut llowors , etc. , and as the llavarian band rendered "Midsummer Eight's Dream" wedding march , by Mendlcssholm , the bridal party descended Erom the second story and took up their positions beneath a handsome large horse shoe of cut lloners. The paity consisted of the bride's parents , Mr. nnd Mrs. A. L. Kalilo , the ijrido and groom , Miss J'mnia Kapnes , Mid George L. Knhlc. The ceremony was with a ring , and the bride's father gave her away. Mrs. Kuhlc was attired in black silk. The bride wore a handsome dress of tan surah silk en train with ornaments of while roses , and carried a large bouquet in her hand. The costume of Miss Kappc" , the brides maid , was of cream satin draped with lace. lace.After After thu ceremony some time wa spent in congratulating the newly wed ded couple , ami inspecting the numer ous prounU which -.vero displayed in the private parlor of Mr. and Airs. Kahle , Lhcv being in charge of Miss Gussie Linkey , who acted as hostess. She was allircd in : i costume of blue silk and had a large bouquol of natural llowcrs. A line collation was spread in the largo dining room of the hotel , Ihc room aud lablo being handsomely decorated , and after supper was served the dining room wa < 5 cleared for dancing , which was in- dill-red in to the strains of mu ic from the Bavarian band. Mr. McCail is a gentleman well known in this city , and was formerly for a num ber of years employed as evprcss messen ger on the Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific road , and for the past three years has occupied a similar position on the Chicago cage , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway. MKs Kmnia Kalilo is the eldest daughter ol Mr. aud Mrs. A. L. Kahle , who are old anil well known residents of this city , haying resided hero lor the past twenty years. Mr. and Mrs. McCnrl will leave tills evening o er the Milwaukee for a visit ot a week or ten days in Chicago , when they will return and reside hero at the Planters' hotel with their parents. An elegant line of short wraps , new- markets , etc. , cheap , to close them out. JOHN lli.xo iV Co. Dr. Hunchett , ollice No. 12 Pearl street RcMduncu 120 Fourth street. L'ulephonu No. 10. A MHIo Rent of art in every package of GOLD MIDAI. : CorKKK , Ask VOIP- grocer about it , Groneweg & bchoentgen , wholesale agents. _ "FrenchCook" Direct From Pnrin. Helping the Needy. Last evening's mall contained an an onymous letter to the HUB , and while lilllu attention is paid to such communi cations generally , this onu was of such a peculiar and practical nature that it is worthy of special attention. The letter contained clippings from yesterday morning's lir.'i : , one being an article in regard to a very destitute family in Omaha , thirteen children and three adults being crowded into one room , with no fire or food. The other article was thu announcement of the proposed coming of 1'atii to Omaha , and thu subscription paper being started to guarantee hnr $0- , 000 in order to sectiru ono concert. There also dropped out of the letter a live dollar bill , With these explanatory remarks the letter will bu appreciated : CoiNm. Ui.UFFfa , Dec. 7. To the Editor ofthuliKF. : 1 luivu at dilfercnt times felt highly grutllk'il at your efforts tliroicti your paper to ameliorate the condition of thu poor and distressed , He.vdlm ; the ! ! IK Uds morn- iiiK 1 Kluncod Rt two items In closu prox imity , but distant as the > olcs In sentiment. A poor anil almost uttcily destitutu family , \\hoi-ould be made to rejoice by means of a few paltry dolhus , and also the lieaits of thoiulio contributed made glad and thu happy tears ullstenlni. In their 6)64. It Is really Kood to do good , not for the praise of men , but unto Cod , the bioad nnd loving All Father of Immunity , Dour UIK. : don't you think tlicio aru a good many noblu women and men in Omaha who will bu willing to iimko an acceptable oiferlnn to Cod by doing something lur ( iod'n poor children without their names being heralded to the world. 1'ray to Cod. lilvoto Cod In secret and he who seeth Iu secret will award you openly. Inasmuch as ye have done It unto tliu least of onu of these my brethren , yo liavo tlono it unto me. 1 feel that the wants ot this family immud In tliu clinplut * should uiollincd. l > ut 1 feel uaUslied that the Kood eople of Omalm will tespoud to my appeal. peH ad 1 theiurans 1ould scatter blankets , tioots.plioes , provisions and clothuig till there WU.H not a hungry .or naked soul in Cod's beautiful world. Cosmopolitan Subscription List A , AS. . , Sl.OO ; I. M. S. , Sl.OO : P , S. II. , Sl.OO ; A. A. a. . S1.CO ; U. A. M. , 50 cents ; C. A. H. , 50 cents. The celebrated Harp flops "Il.irdmnn" Pianos , and the Royal Whitney Organs at : Mueller Music Co. 103 Main sired. Burbruik , the dramatist , at Masonic temple. New goods and Christmas Novelties at Klrkland's , jeweler , No. 33)Broadway. ) He Kountl Ills Money. II. Rood , who is with the American ex press company , on Monday night lost on Pearl street a whllu cotton sark containing about nineteen dollars. lie hastened to advcrti c his loss in the BIB : , and yester day morning , bright nnd early , ho was given the proof of the bcnelil of adver tising , for he found the bag lying on Pearl street , just where he had dropped it , the wagon wheels having crushed it Into the snow. It had laid there all night , within a few feet of scores of passers-by , and escaped notice. A line , large line of the most elegant watches , dnutirff silver and plated ware , decorated China and glassware , suitable for holiday and weddintr presents , at C. B. Jacqucmin & Co.'s , No. 127 Alain street. Substantial abstracts of titles and real estate loans. J. W. iV : E. L. Squire. No. 101 Pearl street , Council Blull's. "French Cook" Direct J-'rom Parts. Tlio District Court. The district court opened yesterday. As usual on the opening day there as little of general public Interest. The jury was cmpannclled and set at work , there being a large number of criminal cases to bu examined into. Three divorce eases wcro heard. To-day the trial of criminal cases Is c.\i > eclcd to begin , as there is an un usually heavy criminal docket. If there is any timcaftcrdi&posingof the criminal business , there will bo some civil ca cs tricdj bul it i.s not thought that much of the civil business will be disposed of this term. Don't buy your now suit or overcoat until you look at those at Mclcalf Bros' . Everybody's store , good place to buy goods. No. 823 Main street. Notice. Opera house barber shop , bath rooms re-opened. Hard and sofl coal , best quality , al sixes. Missouri and Iowa wood. U. H Fuel company , 5'JO Broadway. Tele phone 150. ! Good overcoats $2.00 , pantsj ? 1 lo fft.50 , other goods in proportion. Everybody's store , 823 Main. _ Healing stoves atcosl to close them out. W. A. Wood , No. 504 Main street. Electric door bells , burglar alarms and every form of domestic eleetiical appli ances at the New York Plumbing Co. Weather strips at Chapman's 105Main. Go PCO Burbank and have a good laugh Tuesday nijrht. See that j'onr books are made bv Moore- house & Co. , loom 1 , Everett block. Mrs. Dr. D. Truesdell , a graduate of the Toronto , Canada , Therapeutics institute - tute , is prepared to treat all uhv-ses of diseases "and demonstrate the curative power of electricity" in accordance with a new and complete system of Electro- Therapeutics , Electro-Magnetism and Static Electricity. Female diseases a specialty. Located at No. 807 Broad way , second lloor. Ollieo hours 9 a. m. to G p. m. We have a line largo line of Christmas novelties that we are selling cheaper than ever was known , also milliters , silk handkerchiefs ladies' and ' , gents' gloves , clothing , line sealskin caps , etc. JOHN BINO : & Co. Call for everything you need , bottom prices , Everybody's atore , 823 Main. Second of the scries of Royal Arcanum parties will be held this evening at Bono's hall. Wall paper , shades , paints , etc. II. P. Nilcs , No. 402Broadway. . Stoves ! Stoves ! Stoves ! For the next thirty days I will sell heating stoves at cost lor cash only. J' . C. DiiVor , . Wo will give ? 130 worth of presents away January 1 , 1887. Every "CO cent purchase will get you a ticket. Pme.s will be exhibited in our show windows , Music Co , , 180 Main bt. This will be Hie v cck for bargains. Our entire line of shawls at 85 per ct. discount. , Way down to close out. They must be sold. We distance competition in qual ity of goods and low prices , is the verdict of any customer. CARPETS are ai1raitcin/ti'lecn never wan so low , ami ntti- not sorciiutln , Oni < t > tud : Is larya and patterns choice , 1'i'icen will bo untitanyfrt mltlt n # for ten LADIES' UNDERWEAR At a Bargain. Stock largeand'we are bound , to sell it out. Call and see our goods before purchasing elsewhere. HARKNESS BROS , , 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs N. SCHURZ , Justice of the Peace Office over American Expieu. TWENTY GRAND FREE GIFTS To Be Given Away By Henry Eiserann k Co , 's People's ' Store. TO THE LUCKY TICKET-HOLDERS On January IGtli , 1887 , CoiiRlMlnc of Furniture , Clilnnxvnrc , Clothing , Blankets , Tutilc Linen , Notions : , Mono } ' , Silk Dress Pat tern * , itc. , Etc. For ovcry two dollars worth of goods purchased , you will receive a coupon ticket , good for one chance in the follow ing Grand 1'icscnts to be given away by us on January loth , 18S7 : riHST J'KIZE-One suite of Parlor rurniturc , consisting of sofa , tcto-a-toto and lour grand easy chairs , all uphol stered iu assorted shades of elegant silk plushes , worth $155. SKCON1J PKlZE-One Mahogony J5cd Itooiu Suite , consisting of Ucdstcad , Dresser and Wash Stand of elegant linlsh with beveled glass , \\orth $100. THIRD PKIZE-Ouo of thu very best six-drawer Nickel Plated Domestic Sew ing Machines. Tlio very best machine in the United States , worth $05.00. FOURTH PRIZE Twenty yards Guinett best gros grain Black Silk , cost ifU.OO per yard , worth f 00.00. I'lFTIl PRIZE-Onc elegant SoalPlush London Dyed Cloak , to be. made to order to lit the lucky ticket holder , worth iCO.OO. SIXTH PRIZE-Ono pair of the finest White lilankcts made by the iMoncer Woolen mill , of California , worth $10.00. SEVENTH PRIZE-Onc Beautifully Decorated Dinner and Tea Set , consist ing of ono hundred and forty- pieces , worth $5'\00. - > EIGHTH PRIZE An Elegant Seal Skin Mulf , "Worth $00.00. . ; W jA NINTH PR1ZE--A very fine Paisley Shawl , worth $03.00. TENTH PRIZE-Ono Angora Beaver Shawl * , worth $30.00. r- ELEVENTH PRIZE-Ono Gentleman's Suit of Clothing , made of Imported Worsted , guaranteed a line fit for the winner , worth ? : t5.00. . . . . TU'ELFTII ' PR1ZE-A Gontlcman's Fur leaver Ovcreoat , worth $30.00. THIRTEENTH riUUE One Boy's Overcoat , for a boy between the apes of 3 aud 1C years , to be chosen by the lucky parly holding the ticket. Worth $15.00. FOURTEENTH PRIZE-Ono Boy's Suit , for a boy between the ages of o and 10 years , to bo selected by the winner. Worth $ 15.00. FI1TEEXT1I PRIZE-One Elegant In fant's Cloak , wortli $10.00. SIXTEENTH PRIZE-One Elegant Brass Parlor Table , worth $10.00. SEVENTEENTH PRIZE-One piece of 00 yards "i'ruit of the Loom" muslin , worth $4.00. EIGHTEENTH PRIZE - One half do/.en of the very best Celebrated "Gold" white shirts ; of which we are the exclu sive agents , worth $0.00. N1NTEENTH PRIZE-Ono Fine Silk Mnlller , worth . 5.00. TWENTIETH PRIZE -One Linen Table Sot , consisting of Table Cloth anil n ] ) o/en Napkins worlh $10.00. TWENTY-FIRST PRIZE - A Cash Present of a Twenty Dollar Gold Piece. Total value of presents , $800. With every f3 purchase yon receive a ticket , also a tieict for every additional $2 you make. Hold your tickets until January IStli , 1897 , when the fortunate numbers will bo announced and invited to call and receive - ceivo their presents. HEMEMHEK. , You have to pay nothing extra for your purchases. Wo guarantee to sell you goods cheaper t'lian any other house in the wt-fcl , and best stock to select from , .MAIL ORDERS. All orders by mail will receive prompt attention , and' 'tickets for the free gift distribution' ' will be forwarded aud enclosed with your purchases , the same as if you wcro present iu person. These distributions will bo made v > ith every fairness , and , > ou may depend on it that the lucky numbers only will receive heir presents. No tickets will bo issued to the em ployes of our house. Customers only will receive the bone- tits. Call and see the abovn mentioned pres ents now on exhibition in our mammoth store and convince yourself. Hcspcctfully , HKNIII EKEMAN fiCo.t People' * Store. , Nos. 314 , ' 810 , U19 and 320 Broadway , Council Bluffs. - ' " , TAKE NOTICE ! You have but a few days' grace in which to purchase Carpets , Curtains , Rugs , Window Shades , Etc , , .A.T The UNHEARD-OF PRICES Which we are now making. Remember that we are shortly to make a change in the firm , and wish to close out our present stock before doing so. Council Bluffs Carpet Co. , . Ho. 405 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Vlen's furnisher , 506 Broadway , Council Bluffs. li&adipg Sbylos and Irnporhatiapo Qopstopbly ° P | H 14OO Farnam Street , Omnhn , Neb. Farming Land.1 , in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , anil ranging from $5.00 to $ 10.00 per acre. School mid state lands in Minnesota on 80 years' tnnu 5 jiur cent interest. Land Unycrs fare free. Information , otc. , given by No. 65. > Broadway , Council Blutls , Towa , agent for Fruidnksun & Co. , Chicago. I Will Pay the ISKgliest Prioe in Cash FOR ALL KINDS OF xo. cos corxrss. tnlNty AVhoIcsalc and vctuii. Fiunilics supplied with ten mid twenty pound pack . ages. J , Y , FULLER , 39 Pearl st , , Council Bluffs J" ? FIRE IHSURSNCE n lhe ( , following Companies i , German American , of Hew York fhcenlx , * of Hart fold , Hartford , * of Hartforcl. Callfornlan , of San Francisco , Scottish Union A National , ff Ealnbury , Union , of San Francltco. State , * of Dee Molnei , Wllllarnsbury C/ly / , * of Brooklyn. These marktd with a * Insure also against lots ty Wind Storms , Cyclones and Tornadoes ron SALR iv COUMIL * lll.urib AM ) OMAHA , ON'CY LOAXKD ON noon rnv M AND FARM I'HOPKKTV AT 1.OWI..S1' RAIT.S. * . * * * , * ; * li- * * SPECIAL NOTICES. Hpcclnl nilrcrtUcincnts , such ; [ .oft , To mil To Loan , For Bale , To Rout , ttnntH , lloniillnir , etc. , will bolnfortod In this column at the low raloofTCNCr.N'l'Sl'KH MNH fonlionrft Infer- Jim end Five Cents 1'urUnof or i > nchsubEeiucnl | Intuition. I.CIITO ftdverllcoincnts iM our olllen No. 1I'cul ttioct , near Uromlnari CotinL-H WANTS. ( Tit PAliK Or Hi'iH Ptoio two elorics , lot 5illl5 , ttuMos , uto. , on finlM'S in center of hufclnubu portion ol linn- ck , In. Address William 11. Duller , Ncoln , In. F OIl HKNT A now two story frame hnuo containing 0 i-minifi , lutll mid cellur uiulrr rnllru hout-e , on N. IX coiner ANPNUO F nml Little CurtU fitrcct. Only 7 hlocks from Ho- huny'b opunt hou = o. Call on 31. 1' , Itoliror , itt rttt > lnm street , A COIIBWD of HVO 01 six rooms. loeiiled convvnlont to IniFinrfls : Ninall family , no children. Addrce * "Criipy , " lice ollice. U'AXI ii : ) lld > . to triiu tups by ll.o thou- fliuul. Apply nl Bee nllic'u , WA.NTKD-A toy with pony to carry llco route. _ F oil SAhK-IJKl pupcrii for tale Ht tlio Hoe nlOco. WASTK1I I'artlPB Intending lo lo married aru w nut Oil lo call lit thu I'ryor'i Uco job oltice to eclfct tliolr ueddlni ; carde. FOUND A hunch of Luye. Owner can have tyappiJiif to llceotticc. FOl'.ND A Check on Omiihii Imnk , Ouncr can hmoeamo by iiiplltif | to lltu ollliu , Council liluHti. R. RICE , M , D , , Or other Tumorb rcmiucd without , Ut ) knfq ) OI urBWn4r0f | iio&d. Orer thirty yea . . J'turlBt. . Council Uluffi OFFICER , & PTTSEY , COUNCIL BLUM'S , IA. rib I Fliril ISo Of MAYNE , At lltli Kt. ami Llth five. , and M. Galla gher's store , Low or Hro.ulway. " " "THEATRICAL. WIGS , BEARDS , Grease Paints T.TC. 'J'ho rini-tt Im J \ 1'uiKd ' J HIU ot ( lOIllH Wt'fet Of Clilcotre. Mrs , C. L. G-illette's Human Hair Emporium , Ho. 209 Main Street , Council Bluffs , lown. Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards , BROADWAY , rOl'NHI , HU'FFS ' , Oppotllb Uiimuix 2 " Horses and niuh'S k pt constnullr " liiinil , for Kiilo .it retail or in cur loudb Odors piomptly filled 1)V contract on bhorl notice Slock sold on commission. Smrri.n & HOI.ISI , J'ropriotois Tolohonu | No. 114 ronncrly of Kell Halo Stablus , corner lit. ave and 4th btriiut. _ FINE - FRENCH - MILLINERY , 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha. NEW IMPOHTED STYLES OX > KN. Lvclies btyint ; a ? 5 hat or bonnet , ofiv fal will be paid , ? io , lound I rip. THE BEATON FUEL CO Will supp'yyou with a cleaner nnd licttci' quality of COAL Than any one in the city. A tiial will con * vince jou. No G28 Broadway. Telephone 110. WHOLESALE /UHT / JOBBING ' COUNCIL BLUFFS. AGKld-Ml'nAI. IMl'IMiKXTS" ' DEERE , WELLS & co. , Wholesale Agricultural Implements , Boggles , Cntrlnccs , ito : , Htu. Council IllufU , low * . KEYSTONir Si ANL't' A.TtmiNT ( ca .MninifuctiirorRor niul Dunlorn In Hand and Power Corn Shelters , Anil RKunoitil line of first ohm nvrluultnrnl Itnploiimtitv No. . 1801,150-1 , 1.YK niul i.W . < onHi Main Street , Council H1uir . lonn. DAVID IUIADLKV * CU , MnnilT'i ? an I .lobliors of Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies , Oirilfcgi'p , nntl nil Klcit of I'Ann Mnchlti'jrT. 1100 to 1118 South Mnln Street , Council Illuffg , lown. COUNCIL m.Ul-TS CARPET CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades Oil Clotlis , Ciirtnln Futures , tlpliolstory Goo Ktc. No. 40o Uron < l < T7 Council Uluffy , lonn. CMAIiS , TOJMCfO , KTC. PERE(5OV ( & MOORE , J Whok'snlo Jobbers Iu the j t Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipe ? "JiT NOB. ISMaln anJ 27 1'oarl Sts. Couucil " w-i * lown. SNYDER & LEAMAN , Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants. 22M nml u'B I'ciil St. , ( omicil I 11ARLE , HAAS i i CIO. . Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , DrurirlMB1 BimilrloB. lite. No. K toln St. , nuj No. 11'oarl Si. , C'ouni'll llluir . oTwriTuTTs ] Wholesale California Fralts a Specially Qciieinl Cmniiil Ion. N'n. 51 ! liiamlwnr , Cduncii niurrd W1RT DUit'l-J-ric ] V/liolcsnlt / Fruits , Confectionery , COMMISSION , NOH. Irtnnil 18 Pcnil ft. , Coundl lllu s. HAltSBSS , KTC. 15ECKMAN , STROHBE11N & CO. , JIjtnn'nplurciHof and Wliolcjnlo Duntonta Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No M5 Main St. Coiincll niuffj , lown. HATH , CAl'S. KTC. METCALF BKOTHKllS. Jobbers la Hats , Caps and , Gloves. ill'J Bin ) 311 UroaiUny , rouncll llliiffj. HEAVY KKKLINU & FILT : , Iron , Steel , Kails , Heavy Hardware , .Ami Wood SlotX ; , Council IHulTs , Iowa. OILS. COUNCIL ULUFFS OIL CO , Wliolcsiilo Donkra in Illuminatiug & Lubricatlaj Oils Gasillu E3TC. , HJTO. f-.Theodore , AKCIII , ( Jouiii-'il Illinrs. town. rn.ixa A OVKHTON As CO. , f Hard Wood , Soutten Lumber , Piling , 4nd llrldKO Miilfilnl SiwIiillli'iJ.WIiolosillu Luiu- borol all ICInilt ) . Ullico Xo. l.K ) Mulu dt. , Council llliurs. Jowiv. JOHN LlNDLlt , Imported and Domestic \Vin83 \ & Liquors .Audit lor SI. Cottli&nl'H II''rh ' Hlltoia. No.U Muinat. Council l SCIINKIDHU te 1JKCK , Foreign and Domestic Y/lnes / and Liquors , S't. . Cuuiitd Itlu/s. L. K I USC I IT & CO. , Wholesale Liquor Dealers , No. 418 llrotUwny , Council Hill If H. CRESTON HOUSE The only hotel in Council Itlult'i , l And nil inn 'cm improvements. 215 , 817 and 21 ! ) Main st , MAN MO1IN , Prop , Reduction in Prices , China , Glassware , Etc. , AtW.S llomur * C'u's. No SU.Miv.n hi Council lilnll.s , BOOK BIDING LrdKiTM , .IiHirnaU , < 'oiinfy n l janU WorU of All iiliuln tiMpt'C- lally Prompt Attention to Mall Orders MOREHOUSE & GO. Room 1 Kvurot Hlock , Council Ulnlls ' .Stundard I'api'rs Used , All stjlcs of buid- ins i M.t a/'incs and BLANK BOOKS. HKl'KltUNC f.3. ( . II. Nation * ! Jiuak , M h. Hcnith i Co. , Cill/ont * ilnuk , IJciKWvlli > V Co. , "lint Nalioiml Hunk. t , II. liimrunto Co. , 0)L'itri.l'uf-UiuikoriC.U ) EJAViUfi lluuk.