Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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"Wheat Reports Trom Abroad of a Very Dis
couraging Character.
I'rovMons Moderately Actlrc AVIlh
Iioxvcr I'rlccs Salon ofCnttlc Slow
Very Iilttlc Doing In
CHICAGO , Dec. 7. ( Special Telegram to
tlto HuK.1 At 1 o'clock this nftcrnoon May
wheat was quoted nt W p , or IKc lower
than the highest price paid last Saturday.
The market opened rather easy at about jcs-
terilay'fl closing figures. Foielgn news was
of a discouraging tenor , and , although no net *
tial decline In prices was noted , the reports
from abroad were unanimous In the atato- buyers were showing tin absence
of Interest not at all agreeable to the feelings
of holders. Fltst trades wore on a basis of
Tsjfc for January and S > 'c for May. The
softness of cables Induced tree offerings and
after n inomentaiy show ol llnnnrss nnu
strength values eased off slightly , May diop-
pine back to SS'fc and January to 7S1 c , with
scalpers light on top. The market steadied
llself nnil when these Siiino scalpers slashed
In to buy back their wheat they ran tip
ngalnn n paucity of olfcrings. May ad
vanced steadily to 60Vc and Jiimmry to78jj
© 79e. About noon Tinii it StuulVer. acting
presumably for Cudahy , opened the bun ; ;
lioleand .seta stream of wheat llowlnir Into
tlicplt. Thu sympathy of scalpels was tin
nilstakably enlisted on the hear Aide of the
deal. Thuinaikot declined lc the last hour
of the regular session under continuous-and
heavy pt essurc , and the last trades weio at
the bottom. The stahrait bulls regard this
ns ono of tlin minor depressions that
mark the course of every great ndvanco
TvhIUi the scalpels , whose horUon Is usually
bounded by the edges of the wheat pet , me
slow to nsseveiatu that the maiket was
"propncd up to sell on. " The market to day
was narrow and the aggregate of trade was
considerably below the average of half a.
dci7on business days. Corn was less adtlvo
to-day and the business passlnp was almost
enllicly local. Not tor several days have
outside orders been so light. A tew local
hports were covering and that seemed to be
the extent ot the demand. Knmmer bought
In a considerable line through a broker
timatd the close and others followed suit.
Munay Nelson sold corn ua.slly , but appeared
nsa buyer later. Thu scalping ciowd all
F-eemed to want some one to break , yet the
Mipportxlven lo the uiatKet was of a hull-
heat ted soi tall the way tlnoiiL'h. It wns im
possible , with the feeling on wheat as weak
ns dish water , to expect coin to boom , espec
ially * us there was nothing In the wny ot out-
Bidn news to back it up. Cables noted
a further decline In spot proncity ot
' 4(1 , anil the Now York market only held Its
own.Yliile \ the receipts at this point were
1,1)00 ) cars , under estimates tonioi row's run
was liL'uieil at li'lO cars , which is pretty lib
eral for Tuesday. Sellers May opened
nt 4i'iM'c ! , or a shade easier , and alter
loiichliic 4"-14e improml slowly to 4ll : )
( { : % . Dili iiiL' tlio last Imlf hour
n leaotion to liiHldc Insures took place , nnd at
> 1 o'clock the market dosed at 43VHi : < e
hellers. Thu seller mouth tested at 37' ' c ,
January at : ; sc , nd February at S c.hoiiiK a
Kliiinkngc dining the icgtilar hu.s-ilon in
lending fiituies ot Vi.o'.ic. ' The demand lor
1 1 eu on bo.ii d was not vcrv geneial , as
It Is understood that thu cut tatt ) on east
bound giiiln has been obtained by two or
three shipping houses , nnd Ihoy weie doing
nearly all the buying. Oats weio a dtug in
the speculative market , and nricc : weakened
.Vii1 , January closing at6 , ' < c at 1 o'clock ,
nnd M ) nt HUjdWl-lfcC. Not more than : t
do/en trades were imulo all loienoon , and
the. innikct was without new features. I'lo-
\lsions were moderalely active nnd piices
tucragcd lower , though tlto inatkct exhibited
many slcns of positive strength during the
lust half of the long .session. During the
hist hour mid a half poik declined 20c and
i ibs lUc. At 1 o'clock ribs showed a - shrinkage
age of rJUQilfirnscumpaicd with yesteiday ,
and pork lOGjjia'jc. Packers were tieo
R-IIor.s of nil pioducls for long fuluies on the
hind spots.
2ao : p. m. Wheat continued on its down-
watd coutse during thu shoit session , selling
ut H4 c , the lowest point of the day , nnil
closing til 84J < ( VA 'ic , New Yoik leported
twelve nnd a halt boat loads taken lor ov-
r > oit , May coin sold down to tl e , closing
at KiVQWnc. January puik was r. . r' ' c
chfapei , and laid 5c lower.
( 'IIIPAOO. Dec. 7. [ Special Telegram to
the HniJ : CATTI.K Althouirh tlie iccclpts
to-day , especially of all oullnary stock , were
more than amiile , the supplies lor the two
days of the week show u decrease of 5,000
eompirctl with the corresponding time last
wei'hut the aum timo. The receipts lust
week weie very excessive and the leccipls
.this week are huge enough. Snlcs to day
weio made slowly and values were generally
a shade easier all mound. A lot of laucy
tlueo- ear-olds , averaging over a ton apiece ,
hold ut S5.33. The m' ) heavy cattlu that
weio iiotliuo wi'io slow of sale. Tlihly-nine
N'ohrasUas , averaging lOJt ) Ibs. , sold for
dieased beef at Si ! , ' . ' . " ! . .Shipping itcers , KW )
Ibs. . 5l.0.M.b5 ! ! ( . ; 1200 to 1U50 Ibs. , S3. 0' : :
ino toU200 ihs. , si.0Tt.70. : ; ( :
lions- The market was active but a shade
lower , especially on light and medium licht.
1'iimii and fancy heavy weie telling at 34.15
( jj 1,23j prime parking and shipping , SH.OOyd
4.10 ; louch ami common , S,75rti.S ? : ! ( : > . hiuht
soiisHoht within a ransuof $ H.78@4.05. At
thceloMi the gcncial market was about Oc
lower. Theio were about 00,000 on sale.
New Yorlc. Dec. 7. MoN'ET On call
ncllve ut fiMH ) pel cent , closing At 11(310 ( per
1'IIIUC MUKCA.NTIl.K 1'Al'KK 4g3 ( per
Sricr.i.iNn nxciiANftr. Unchanged ; SfsO.V
for sixty day ollls ; S4.K ) / ' tor tlcmand.
tJovERMMENrn Uu\eriiuicut bonds weie
dull but tlrm.
STDI UN The btofk market to-day showed
usual nctivlty , but the t > trong uudciloiie no-
tlci'd for a loni ; while gave place to decided
weakness. The decision of Judge Urusham
lind n decided etl'cct upon Wabash ecuiltich ,
and ihoiiu'l t-omu of thu bonds are higher ,
Mocks sullMini a male ) lal decline. The ou-
lug was decidedly wi'ak , hrat piices.showing
a decline ut ' to J < per cent fiom' last even-
Ing'ii tiual lieurcs , the only exceptions bolus
J.otilsvllln & Nashville und Western Union ,
widen weiunp J $ and ' ( , percent re. jiectlvely.
There wi > i fuithc ; declines in early dealliiL's ,
Canada Southern bolus conspicuous The
Bticiigth In some spi'clalllus , however , rallied
prlcoh when the market bccumo quiet. II
MKW yieldi'il , however , and In the afternoon
H decided became appautnt , accoui-
rnnled by Increased trading. Wnbash pie
lerit'd Is down ' > ' * > . ami common 3 % pei cunt.
pceul bonds. . . . 100 ; - - - - - - " - IWJlf
, ,
O.b.V * prefened
New 4'n. . . . . . . . N'.Y.C
J'aclflcO'hOf'W. Oil-eon Trail.
Central J'acilio. . Pacilic Mail . . .
14U P. D. if E 33
tnuienea. . . 100 P. P. 0
C. H.A ( J . . . . KKiM'Hock Island. . ,
II. 1 , . ct W , . . . 141'4.St. L , &S , K. . .
I ) . A K U 34 preferred. .
Kile \C.M. . &SI.P. .
preferred. . ineferred. 119
Illinois Central. 183 St. P. AO tt (
) . , . & preferred , . .
Kansas. . Bu iTcxab Pacllio. . .
Lake Short ) , , liS ? , ' Union Pucllic. . .
KAN K < , W.St. UA P. .
lllch. Central OAI' | preforifld. . .
Mo. Pacific 114 | ' Wei.tern Union ,
,1'ao. , . . " ' " K. JeN
* Kx-Ulv.
Cliloauo. Jcc , 7. Flour Steady ana
uucliinucd : winter ilour , S4.UX3-i.lO ; south
\ ern , iJ.WX4.oo : ; Wisconsin. i84.00v < t4.lO
JJIchlgau feoft sprint ; wheat , $3SOfC4.lO ( :
Winncbota bskera. > : patente. 4.30
(4 .CO ; low grades , 8 1.7X75 ; ry Hour ,
quiui at $ S.'iV b.WJ in barrels , nud JS.OOji
8.10 In earks.
Wheat-Unsettled ; uiatKet olter early ad-
vfince clo cd wonk t VtaT/e lower ; cash ,
ir > ; * cJnmiftry : , M\C ; KcLnmry , T'-nc ; Mny ,
k4 151 fc.
Corn ( Julcl ; demand light ; closed V < 3
\c under ycstcrdny : c h , 37'ic ' ; Jnnunry ,
J7kr ; Krhntary , i c : May , 43 5-likr.
tAt9 ) ijulet iinddiilr closlncaboiit tcady
cash , ai cj.lanunrytKc ) ; May , 31'4c.
Hye Firm nt.Vic.
llarley Sloady at Me.
Timothy seed Prime , Sl.iSSI.Kl
Pork Demand active ; opened nt yesterday's
cloe. nnd after lluctuattiii : closed easy ; cash ,
Slo.S.lamiary ) ; , ill.03 ; February , Sll.KX ;
.May , SI1.42W.
J.ard Kalr trade reported with decline of
iXSihc : cash , 5 = 0.15 ; January , 50.17K5 Feb
ruary. $ < W5 ; .March , 5C.B2.
Bulk Meats-shoulder ? . S4.7.V < Z4.N ) : fhort
clear , 9.VJO&VJ5 ; short ribs , 53.Jw > j for Jan-
Mutter Firm ; creamery , 2PX3-7' c ; dairy ,
Cheese Finn ; full cicara Cheddars. 120
IS.Vc ; young America1' , l2Jf@iJ : ; skim ? ,
Hides lleavv croon salted , fully cured ,
S' ' e : llcht. S i'iOe ; daiuai- " ! ! . "Wt27J < c : mill
hides. OKc ; dry salted. "llf31ic ; ; dry Mint ,
IWHc ; calf sllus : , lOKu ; ileacous , We
Tallow No. 1 country , 8 c ( No , 2 ,
UKc ! cake. SJtc.
Flonr.bWs . 11.000 14.000
Wheat. On . litf.OOO M.OOO
Corn. DII . 125,003 SS.OOO
Oats.bu 125,000 M > , ooo
Rye. bu 2,000 2,000
llarier.tiu M.OOO 21,000
New Yorlc. Dec. 7. Wheat Receipts ,
122,000 ; exportsf.5,000 ; cash , generally aetUc ;
heavy ; ungraded red , b3@53c ; No' ° ! l'icl ( , tbo" ;
No.l icd , W't'c ' ; extta red. UlKc ; No. 2 red ,
DSUcin ele\ator : January closlnc at bO.Vc.
Corn C.iih. quiet ; eeneially steady ; op
tions opened heavy ana 1 ( ® c lower ; re-
eoipts , 2S.OOO ; oxpoits , 17.0JX ) ; ungraded. 4fi'f '
( i4sHe ; No. 2. 4bo In elevator. 4'J'ic ' iilloat ;
January closlnc at 4bie. .
Oats Spot without change of Importance ;
receipts , 20,000 : exports , f/ > : mixed west-
cm , : ; : ! ® 37c ; while western. 37i4"c. (
Petroleum Quiet ; United. We.
Kgus .Strongei ; western , vsi'iifliMJ c.
Polk-Steady and more active ; me s was
Hiioted at S10.7r/rtll.CiO tor two-year-old ; SU.'jO
( (11.75 ( lor nne-y < nr-old.
I.aid Lower ; western steam spot , SO..V > .
IJutter Unchanged ; westein , 10 ( < i27c ;
cii'ameiy Site.
Cheese-Fhnier with moderate inquiry.
Milwaukee. Dec. 7 , Wheat Weaker ;
cash , 7fic : January , Wc : May , MgC.
Corn Dull : Xn. 2 , : M * < C.
OatsKusy ; Nn. 2 , 2i > " 4'c.
Rye Steady ; No. 1 , WVc ,
Itarlev Finn : No. 2 , MJ c.
Piovislous Wpak.
Pork December , SIO.-O ; January , Sll.OO.
Cincinnati , Dec. 7. Wheat Firm : No.
2. red , SOe.
Corn Active ; No. 2 mixed , © SS' e.
Oats Stiougcr ; No. 2 mixed , SOe.
Rye-Firm ; No. 2. COc.
Pork-Firmer at 811.73
Laid Dull .
Whlskv Active and lirm at $1.18.
Minneapolis , Dec.Wheat Quiet and
weak ; No. 1 hard , csyii , Me ; January ,
74'jc ; Mav Sl e ; No. 2 noithem , cash and
January , 7in : ; .May , TO'ie.
Flour Firm ; patents ; S4."jJtl.)0 ; bakers ,
Receipts Wheat. ICO.OtiO Iin. *
Shipments Wheat , .M,000 , bu. ; flour , I'.OOO
Kt. lioul , Doc. 7. Wheat Unsettled
ml weak ; No. 2 red , cash , bUJ.jc ; January ,
Com Stonily ; Vo. 2 mixed , cash , SCV
QiJliJjc ; Junuary , li'i'-Je : May , -I0fc. }
Oats Stcadj ; So. 2 mixed , cash. 28)40 ) ;
May , l\c ,
Hve Strong at W'aC.
Pork Sleaily at ? ll.OO.
Jaid Firm at SO.05uJfi.lO.
Hutlcr Quiet and ca-iy ; cicamcry , 2J@27c ;
lalry , IGio/J.'ic.
Attcinooii Uoaid Wheat weak at H.GJ'i'c '
ewer ; com , easy atj } ( ' - u lower ; oats ,
nominally easier.
KniiHUH Oily , Dec. 7. Wheat Weaker ;
No. 2 icd. cash. Otic lld ) , 07c asked ; January ,
Me bid , f > Vsu asked ; May , 7Cc.
Corn-Steady ; No.2 , cash. lYc ; bid ,
We asked ; January , ! 3'-'ic ' ; May , 37c.
Oats Nominal.
Ijlvorpool. Dec. 7. Wheat quiet ; de-
uaud lallen off nud holders olfer modeiaiely.
Coin Dull and low ; new mixed westcm ,
4s Cd per cental.
New Orleans , Doc. 7. Corn-Dull and
lower ; white , -li47c ( ! ( ; mixed , 47c ; yellow ,
( ) : its Easier : choice western ! ! ic.
I'oik-lIlKher at Sll.OOCeCllA'3.
I.aulFinn at50.12J ( | .
tJoiumcal Quiet but lim.
Ilo4 I'loducts Stcady but film.
MulK Meats Shouldel-s , St.O.'j , ' ; lout'
clear ami cleai ilhs , S."i.75.
DO'1. ' 7.Tho Drover's Journal
follows :
Catilo-Hcceipls. 0,000 ; about steady and
weak ; Christmas beevei , Sl.U'ig.'j.iJ , " ) ; slilpd -
steers. Hl.30J43.Wi ! ( stoekt-rs and fee d-
, SJiOOC < ti..Vi : ; rows , bulls ami mixed , 51. 45
ftjt.lObulk.S'liHXl1'J.a.5j : ; ' lliiongli Texas cattle
. ' . .
HOHItecuipto ; ; , 60,000 ; slow nnd fie
lower ; i ouch audmi\od , S" . ' > ' > tO\.Q ] \ ! > ; packIng -
Ing and shipplnir , si. : > v >
3'J.V skips , Si l ( ( ! { a.50.
Sheep Receipts , 0,000 ; steady ; natives ,
-"X < ( 'l.'i ; wCMtein. & - f tK ! . . 0 ; Texaiis ,
32.0i'ijJU ' ( ; ' : ; lambs , i'J.DUOAS.Ji'J.
St. iniiiis , Dec. " . Cattle Receipts,2,000 ;
shipments 1,000 ; smooth handy calllu sold
icadllyat linn prlucs : coaibe mid common
grades dull ; choice native sleets , Sl.0i4.0 : ; ( ;
lair to good shipping steers , S'j.iKKiHliO ;
biitche.iti' steers and medium to choice , Si.W : (
01,00 ; feeders , fair to good. t".50' ' < ftU ( > ,
.sfocker' , lair to good , SLUOi.t2.70.
Hoes Recelpm , 10,000 ; shipments COO ;
sales made at decline of . "o on heavy auu 10u
on ll.'ht and closed linn ; choice heavy and
butchers' selections S1.10@4.W ! ; packing ,
fair to fancy. Sl.&ViH.10 ! ; Vorkcri , medium
to prime. SS.'JOSS.lH ' ) ; pigs , common to
cooil , S'-&OQ'.J.GO.
Kunsns City , Dec. 7 , Cattle flecelpts ,
3,100 ; shipmeiit' ' ? . 200 ; slow and we.ik ; com
mon tocholcc. y.GOSUO ! ( : stockers. S2,2.'j@ '
a.7' > ; fecdlBB steeis , 82.VO@3.ii ( ; cows ,
ilogi Receipts , 1.1,400 ; shipment' , SOO ;
weak nnd .IQlOo lower ; common to choice ,
3OOJCV.K)0. ) _
Tuesday , Dec. 7.
The fresh receipts were not very heavy ,
The market was about steady with yesterday ,
und was morn nctlvo than It has been lor
home time. Theio were between four and
livi ) hundred bead of cattle sold , includlnc
beviiral cars of range steers. The majority
of thu catilu sold were corn Jed stcc-s. Them
weio a ftnv loads of butcheis' .stuff in , but thu
muikvt was dull and slow ,
The receipts of hogs were liberal. The
mni kft opened about steady at the closing
prices of the day before. The market was
fairly active , and there was a steady sticam
of hts ) running over the scales the KI eater
part ot the dav. Later In the day the market
weakened and hogs hold about r > c lower. The
maikut cloM'U weak , but theie weie none held
over of any account.
Them were several cats of sheep In , but Hit )
mailct-l was dull and innrtlvo.
Cattle . 500
Showlncthoprovalllusinleei paid for live
Mock on this maiket.
Choice steers. HIM to 1500 Ibs . S4.00@l.20
Choice steers , 110U to 133J Ibf . 8.fiOjr3.t-5
ttoodleeders , . 2.0. ' 'J.7.T
Coed to choice corn-fed cotvd . . . . 2.t3X'i-5 ' !
1'airto ' HUM mm grass co ws. . . . . . . . ' . ' .oorii''j
I J oed to choice mills . 1.25@1.50
LiL'litaiul medium no s . U.70@3bU
( iood to cuolco Heavy P.JKS . . . . S.bO
( iood to choice mixed 1101:3 : . b.70 3. 0
( iooil tornoicuBlieep. . 2.75Ml.iO : :
Fait tocood sheup . 2.2. U.rX )
Hcprcseiuativo Hales.
con.N Kin : SIKEJIS.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
&J..10M5 5S.150 U7..12-.M SitH )
17. .UX)1 ) 3.00 D0..12M 1.10
No. Av. Pr.
2. . .ICoO S'.OO
No , Av. Pr.
O..U40 SS.CS
n &Tirn : ? .
Vo. Av. Pr.
No. Av. Slik , Prn ° fNo. Av. Shk. Pr.
fS1..2ia VO S370 CO . ' . " .S S-r.4
43. 2-Vi 1 ) 3.70 6I..1M 40 a.i7 > ,
40. .030 440 3,0 M .1S5 * - " > * i
N ) 2.iO COO 3.10 ! 4) .R 3.H )
W5 n4i ( 3.70 ( f ! .Ml 100T.SI
M. : y 4:0 8.TS ri. . : 2 120 fi.'m
128 .P,07 COO 3.7' . ' ,2. . iS 120 n.H >
K0..2T1 ICO 3.76 107. . 33J ISO H.80
C7..312 210 3.75 OS..21fi 120 R.bO
f.7..Vlt 120 8."i fZ..330 fcO 3.W
W..16T. 100 2.16 IM5..S05 240 S.bO
CO. . 242 IfXI 3.75 01. . ! W4 ICO H.SO
CH..WO 40 G.7ri M..WI bO , 'l.SO
70. .310 240 3.75 09. .310 ! 1.N1
121. . 291 K20 .T. 73 TO. . Ml SO U O
Wi..2ft-i 200 3.75 M..3.VJ tO .S )
117..UT 400 3.75 W..Ctl3 210 H.M )
01 .295 IfiO 3.75 05. .2 % 240 3.N )
125..2'.r7 2bO 8.73 1 HI. .257 2SO 3 > 0
IA..201 2CO 3.75 53. . n 2bO 3.BO
C8 .245 ISO 3,75 TO. . 237 40 n.N )
61. . 20 KX ) 3.75 78. . 215 Iffl H.N )
M.Bfl : M ) 3.75 69. .304 SO . )
T3..2.'iO 5(0 ( 3.75 62. . 332 200 n.K )
f . .2fl ICO 'i.75 W..341 200 3bO
61. . 251 2KI 3.75 M. .293 120 3.85
71. 2.V3 200 3.75 60. . 310 IfX ) Il.W
ffl..2UI 120 3,75 SV.351 40 3.S5
KJ..298 100 3.75 fX,005 ) 120 3.S5
Tlnnuo ofl'rlccH.
Showinc the hlchcst and lowest prices
paid for loads of hess on this market during
tlio past seven days and for the same time
lastyear :
Nov. I Dec. mi )
lot HO" " ) ( cl.1.70 3.HO O.UO aza
2nd n.TO l.8i a.n.M : \
M 'J 75 flfll.ltt 11.3 4W.I5
( tli ru : , ai 63 J.7S 441..U , I..M u.i. a : ,
Dili : i.57' < a 1.115 Suiulay 0.20 C't3.47' {
nth i 3.40 461.70 a.TB O I.B5 Htindiir
.Hi ! 1.70 8J1.P5
Showing the number of cnrs of cattle , boss
and sheep shipped from South Omaha during
"ho day :
. .
Xo. can. lloutc. Destination.
a . It. 1 . Chicago
All sales of stoclt in this market are made
icrcwl. live weight unless otherwise stated.
Dead IIOKS sell atc per Ib. for all weight * .
'Sldns"orhoss wcl hinc less than 100 Ibs.
no value. I'ioiiant sows am docked 40 Iby.
nnd stuns SO Ibs , by the public inspector.
Iloisall ; sold.
Cattle market active.
Heavy receipts of. hops. * '
Hogs close weak and , " > clo cr.
Ovct four bundled cattle sold.
A Kood many sheep In but none sold.
C. Kemsky , Cozard , Neb. , was In with n
car of sheep.
T. ,1. Calico , I'ouca , was In with a load of
butcher : ) ' stock.
K. W. IJIaek , I'l-ittsmouth , was In and
nun Icctcd a car of liois.
.1. W. I Thl , StrnmsmiTK , a frequent shipper
! o the yards , \vas in to-day.
1'elcr Kilkenny , .Missouri Valley , was hd'e
mil mailetcd two cars of hogs.
ih. Houston , of Ainswoith , Neb. , was inv
vith \ a double deck car ot sheep.
H.V. . King , of lloon , Nob. , was heie and
sold two cars of his own feuding.
K. K. ( .illicit , Alnsworth. was in with six
cars ot cattle and two loads ot hojis.
A. A. I.eachy , banker and attorney of Vail ,
la. , was a visitor at the yards to-day.
Mr. H tick Icy , of Buckley & Hess , Stioms-
ut : , as liere and sold two cars ol ho s.
1) , F. Knsleliart , HKings , Xeb. , was here
and sold three c.irs of cattle of his o\\n fecd-
Uuclianan , of Jit. Pleasant , la. , a
icavy .sheep feeder , was heie looking over tliu
j ards.
Mr. Weir , of the Noilh Amcriciii Cattle
company ol Neligh. washeio with two cars
of hog.s.
-Mr. Ueehe , of Weeks to Hcebp , O'Ncil , was
icro w illi a load ot hogs and a load of butcli-
eis1 stock.
Union Pacific lias detailed another
switch engine to thoyauls to liundlu the in-
cioasingbusines- .
W. 11. Uradrick. who has been with Paxton
A ( iallaghcr for the past two years , has ac
cepted the position of clerk of the Stock
Yards company.
A meeting of the commission men , and thu
interested Dailies , was held this utteruoon.
and ( Jeo. Itiuke and John Hovd wei elected
as delegates to represent the Omaha live slock
interests at the National Cattle Cirowcis'con
vention. The convention meets at St. Louis
next Saturday moinlng.
General Produce.
Tuesday , Dec. 7.
* re jarrouiullot * af
proilM-e , as sold on the market to-iluii. 'flie
quotations tin fruit1 ? represent tnc prices
which nutslac orders urc tlllctl.
Eoos The maiuetis steady afSlc , with
an occasional alu ot extra bright stock at25e.
Urrni : : The receipts are heavy and the
market is weaker. Cicameiy , clio ce , aif < 4'27c ;
fancy dairy , IX'tSOc ; choicecotintiy , iur "
1'uir to coed couutiy4@lG ; poor , UdflO.
Cnncsi : Full cream eheddais , hlnulc , l"c ;
lull cieam Hats , twins. 13c ; young American ,
Wj'c ; laney Swiss H ( ir > ; Swiss , impoited ,
2.V ; Limhurger , UJ e : brick , l'JC'Cl4c. ! ! '
LIVK Pori/inv There is a very limited
market for live poultry of any kind.
l > ii.inu : POUI.TIIY The maiket continues
veiy quiet , and the demand Is light eyen foi
choice block. An occasional sale of tuikcjs
ismailo at Sc , ami ol chicken at C ( 7e lor the
best , but they sell very slowly.
(5AMP ( I'jairlo chicken , per doz. S : . .7) ) @
4.00 ; ( | iiail. per do82.00 : snipe , uer
do/ , Si.XMl.ducks ( ) ; , mallard , per doz
SAiOGf2.r ( > u ; dueks , leal , per do-/ "
lb , 'A1 ; elk , cau'astes , ] > cr lb , SQHc ; antelope ,
saddles peril ) , llMr-'e ; antelope , caicasse.s
per lb , 7 < Ubc : Jack rabbits , per doz , 5U.50 ;
binall rabbits , per doSl.OOgl.'M. .
POTATOKS Them mo no potatoes coming
into the market and Dm trade Is limited to
the sale ot small lots tioiu the stoic at C0c55u ( |
per bus.
Ai'ri.r.s The market Is firm ; cliolc * .
Missouri stock Is quoted at S3.GO , and Michi
gan at $2 75.
ONION'S The maiket Is'about barn of IIOIIIL
grown block , which is quoted at Sl.2 > . There
aroaiowSpanish onions in , which arc sellIng -
Ing at S2.0U per bush crate.
Biuxs Inlciior stock. 75.1.00 ; good
clean countrv. Sl.ooral.'jj ; medium , hand
picked , Sl.Wtil.4i ! ! > ; hand picked , navy ,
I'liovisioxs-llam , lUij'cbreakfast ; bacon ,
lOo : clear side bacon , HJ.JC ; dry salt sides ,
tx ) : shoulders , 7c ; dried beef , iccnlnr , lie :
diled bcel , ham pieces , I4c ; lard , 50 lb cans ,
fiHc ; laid , 20 lb cans. Fairbanks , Oj < e ; lard ,
10 II ) cans , Falihanks , 7c ; laid , 5 lb cans ,
Fail banks , 7jBc ; lard , illb cans , Faiibanks ,
'CKI.KIIV The market Is steady. Choice
btoclc per doz. , 40c : extra latge , per do/-inc.
Ovs'iiiHS Mediums , U5c ; standards , 2Scj
Bclcctb , 30 ; extra selects , ! 55u ; N. Y. counts ,
Messina , per box S'VM ' ) .
OUANOKS .lamaica , per bbl , 810.00 ; Flor
Ida per box , $5.60.
< JiiANinnniES : Cape Cod , faucv , per hbl
SS.O.iii9.oO ( ; bull aud bugle , per bbl , 87,50 ;
bell and cherry , uer bbl , 87.00.
UASANAB fliero is no change in tlio
maiket. liananiis , yellow , pui bunch , S'J.OOJ
2.2.V. bananas , yellow , large , per bunch , S'i.&t
yi.ouri AND Miu.STUFrs Winter wheat
flour , best qiiHlit ) patent , S2.75 ; second nual
ity. * 2,40 ; best quality spring whea
flour , patent. 53.00bran ; , 50o percwtjchopped
fe ( i , 70o per cwt : whlto corn meal , wi\ \
yellow corn meal , hoc per cwt ; soroeuing , fioc
per cwt ; liouiiuy , 52.0u per cwt ; shorts , .Via
per cwt ; crahaui , 51.CO ; hay , in bales , S5.)0t5
0.00 uer ton.
Orocort' litfit ,
riciii.KSMedium , In bbls , SC.r.O ; do , In
half bl > l # , : i.75 ; small , In bbls , S7.50 ; do , in
half bbls. 84.25 ; Kherkins , In bbls. 3B.50 ; do ,
In half bbls , SJ.75.
Svnui1 No. 70.4-gallon kngs. .aO ; Now
Orleans , per eallon 3s ( f40c ; maple ; syrup ,
halt bbls , "old time. " per gallon , 7'Jc 1 gal
lon cans , uer Uoz , f 10.00 ; half gallon cans ,
per doz. 5.00 ; quart cans , S3. < X > ,
i-Mliror glass 1 lb. 54'c ; mirror
gloss , a lb , 5'fo : minor Klc > * s , Gib ,
( Jraves' corn , 1 ft ) , Oc ; Kingstoid'H corn , 1 lb
7c ; Klnchfoiil's ' Kloss , 1 lb. 7c ; Klntfsford1
closs , Olb , 7Jfc. KinesforiS's pure , 31b ,
KliiRsfordsbulk , 4c.
jtylf. Me : V. N. O. . ISc ; spirit cnrcd , 4'x ; .
tKS-l'crcaildk' , as ' { square cases ,
SI.70 : mule Siuare. ( S1. ' U
CANDY Mlxeil.lWtSc ; stick , R'.aO'tfc.
I'HVfKrns liarni'su's soda , butter and
ilcnlc , fi'jc ; creams , ! * : fc ; Blugcrsnaj > s , s
Ity soda , 7' <
SoAfs Kirk s javon Imporlal , SiTO ;
Kirk's satinet. 5 = 1.00 Kirk's standard , S3.0 > ;
tlrk's white Hn < lan , 54.00 ; KirK's white-
ap. Sfi.f)0 ; dome , tH-Vj ; w&shboaul , S : > .10 ;
vhlte cloud. S.T.75 ,
Korc } ( Inch. I'Jic ' O j.llnch ; c.'fl nch ,
' FnriT Xo. 1 quarter nnplc ? . 3' ®
c ; In evaporated boxes , It'.QU ' , - ; black-
: standard extra u , o tM-Vl"e ; extar
/.VittffiXe : medium yellow , 4J 3' > e.
CAXSKD ( loons Oysters standard , per
ca e , sa.25 ; sti aw berries u lb , per case , S'J.00 ;
raspberries.'lb , per case , S2.UO ; California
> eare , per ca e , S4.M ; apricots , per casj ;
S4.CO ; peaches per esse , J.Y2 , > ; whlto cher
ries , pel case , 80.00 ; plums per case , Sn.ns ,
illiiilifiFv-lma * -\n * > iirtCH C 1 V * . * ii.t M til tt ItlB O IK
Gnticrnt Mnrketr
Woor. Medium lHfiJ20c per Ib ; line licavy ,
Hwlilc ; Unlit , 10@lSc ; conrso , Hlfic } burrj
wool , 'JCrfjc olf.
Jtii r..s ( ? rccu butchers , O'jfc ' ; ccccn curort ,
iWSKc ; dry Illtit , lldilito ; dry salt. 0 ilOcj
Krccn calf sldiis , JHjl'.iJfc ; diiumi cd liltlcs ,
two-thirds price. Tallow UJ o. ( Jrcasc
Prime whllo , : ? c : yellow , 2c ; brown , i/
Sheer * Pelts a'75c. ,
K I'rituw slnitrthtpr sole loatlier ,
lioni , calf , Sl.OOftl.lO : o.ik calf. 51.00rl.-5 ( { ! ;
French calf , Sl.'JJ ® ! H ) ; .Morocco , boot icp ,
30i < ( o2c : jSornccooll iicbblo.'JS' i''cjloiipinBS
aiidlinlncRiW'a.Kc. ' ( )
linxw HAHHWAUK iron , ratn S2.iO : ;
plow ( .ti-ul spcnliil cast , -lc ; crucible steel , Oc ;
chain , per lb. ( raise ; malleable , G ( $ Sc ; iron
wedges , fie ; crowbars , 00 : harrow teeth , 4c ;
spring "tecl , 7a ( c ; Ituideii's hoi&e shoes.
84.40 ; Buulen's mule bhoes , y > AO. Harhcd
wlie , In car lots , Sl.OO per 100 Ibs
Nails , rates , 10 to M ) , S2.M ; steel nails S2.CJ.
Shot , * > ; huoksliot , SI.S5 ; oriental powder ,
kegs S'2.50 ; do. half Itcgn , M.OO : do. quaitor
ke s , Sl.,0 : blastluc kegs , 52.85 ; fuse , per 10
feet , Me. Lead bar , SID.
\AHSISIIIH : Uanels , per gallon : furni
ture , extra , Sl.10 ; liirulture. No. 1 , Sl.OO ;
coach extra , 81.10 ; coach , No. 1,51.20 : Da-
mar , extra , SI.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asiihaltiim ,
extra Me ; shellac , SU.60 ; hard oil liiiish ,
S1 * JO
bi'iitirs Colocno spirits , 1SS proof , SI.17 ;
do 101 proof , 81.Vs ; spirits second quality ,
101 proof , $1.17 : do ISs pioot , 551.10. Alcohol ,
Its prool , S'US ) ier wine gallon. Redistilled
whiskies , Sl.00tgl.50. ( ! ln , blended , fcJ.fiu ©
2.00 ; Kentnckv bourlous ) , S2.00r > .00 ; Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 32.00CaO..W ;
( ioldcii Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies ,
Sl.50itt3.OG. ' Hraudies imported , 55.OOjJ8.riO :
doines'tic , Sl.iOtg3.00. : Cins imuorted , S4.50
( 0.00 ; domestic , Sl.2Tirnn.oo. Champagnes ,
imported , per case , S-S.OOQSl.OO ; American ,
pur case. 510.00u3in.tin.
1'AiXTsi.v On , While leadOma1mP. . P. ,
7Uc ; white lead , St. Louis , puie , S7.75 ; Mar-
hclllctj gfceu. 1 tofi lb cans , 'Jo ; b'luncn zinc ,
irreen seal , 12e ; French zinc , red seal , lie ;
French -/inc. in vainlsh asst.'Oc : trench
zinc. 7 , c ; vermilliou , Knullsh , in oil , 7.C :
red. lor : ro-n pliiK. 14ccuetlan ; red , Cook-
KIII'S 2l4"c ; A'enetlan red. AinoilcAii , I'ie ;
led lead 7kTc chrome ' 'Oc
, ; yellow , genuine , ;
chrome yellow , K , We ; ochre , rochclle , sic ;
ochre , Hrench , 2c ; ; ochie , American ,
1' c ; Winter's ; Lehlgh blown ,
. ' < c ; Sjianisli brown , 2Hc ; Prince's Kineral ,
buy PAIXTS White lead , Sc ; French sine ,
12e : Paris whitlutr. aj c ; whuinfr , gilders
2J e ; whiting , coin'l , 1'ic ' ; lampblack , Uer-
maustown. r.'c ; lampblack , ordinary , 8c ;
Prussian bluectiltramarlne ; , I8cvandyk- ;
brown , Bo ; umber , burnt. 4c ; timber , row , 4o
sienna , burnt , 4c : sienna , raw , 4c ; Pane
green , ceiiidne. 23c Paris green , com-
moil , 2Uc ; chrome green , N. Y. , 20c ;
vermillion Aiiicncaii. ifcc : inniau
raw and ltirnt ) umber , 1 fti cans , liic ; raw and
biiintsienna , 1'Jc : Vandyke blown , ISc : re-
liued lampblack l2c- coach black and ivory
black , liic ; drop black. ICe ; Prussian blue.
lOc : ultramarine black. 18c ; chrome irreenL. ,
M. it I ) . , Itie ; blind and shutter green , L. . M.
A D. , lOo ; Paris green , ISc ; Indian red , 15c ;
Venetian led , fte ; Tuscan. Kc ; Amcilcan
vermillion. L. & D. , 20c ; yellow ocliie , 2c ; L.
M. & O. D. , ISc ; good ochre , ICe ; paten
dryer , 8c ; sralniug color , light oak , dark oak ,
walnut , chcbtiiut and sh. TJc.
DuL'osAN'i > MIBMICAI.W. Aciil , carbolic ,
S2c ; acid , tartaric , 62e ; balsam copaiba , per
B > , 4"c ; baik sassafras , per lb , lOc ; calomel ,
per It , 78c , ohlnehonidia. per olOc ; chloro
form , per Jb , .Wo ; Dovei's powdcis , per ll < ,
51.25 ; epsotu salts , per lb , al c ; glycerine ,
pure , per lb , 2'jc ; lead , acetate , per tl > , 21c ;
oil , castor , No. 1. per gal. , S1.50c ; oil castor ,
No. ' . ' , per gal. , Sl-40 ; oil olive , per gal. , SI.10 ;
oil orlL'aiinuui. Me ; opium , S .20 ; qulnliii' ,
P. < fc W. and It. AS , , per o,0c ; potassium
Iodide , per lr > , Hi.iK ; sallcln. Per o'lOc ; bid-
phati ! morphine , per oz. S2.j."i ; sulphur , per
Ib.-Jc ; .strychnine , peroz. 51.25.
Dry Jjumoor.
No.l Cora. $ . 1. s. 12 , 14 and 1C ft S17.50
No. a " " 12 , 14 and 10 ft 14.75
No. 3 " " 12,14 and 10 U 13.50
Nq4 j' J ! 12.14 and 10 U 12.00
l1. ft II ftIO | ft' '
'lfi.w'iToO ' ' " | 8.00 iToo2I.OO |
lH.fOiaW10.5iJlT.OU , 18.00 . ' -MIO.S..OO .
2.\8 1II.M 10 ftJ 10.50 17.00 18.0(1 ( 81.IWM1.0I )
ZilO 1R6U IBS' ) 10.30 I7.CIO 18.00Kl ( X 00
2112 'lO.C. ' ' lo.M ifl.ra n.oo IP.flO .00 S-.OO
.x 1-8.X8 110.50 I0.5010.80 | 17.00 18.00 M 00120.00
No.l , 4 it fi Inch , 12 and 11 ft. , rough , i. 817.0 J
No. 2 , 4 & Cinch , 12 and 14 ft. , rouuh. . . 14.00
rWM.YO AND I'AIiril'lO.V.
1st com. , Jf in White Pine Partition. ,
yd i . . i
2d Com. ? s in. Norway Pine Ceiling' !
A 12 Inch. s. Is. 4D 0 S .OO
IMS inch " " 4 D 2.J.50
No. 1 , com. 12 In. , a. 1 S. . 10 , 18 A 20 It. . . 21.00
No. 2. " . . . 16.r,0
No. 2 , " " " 12.feHft 17.IX )
" " " " IB ft 10.00
No. 1. plaln.Sand 10 inch. . . S17.50
No. 2 , plaiu.8 and 10 inch 15.50
snixoi.r.s , LATH.
XX clear. Sa..K ) ; A slandaid , S2.W ; > { o. 1 ,
81.5jLath : ! , 8'2.25.
Posrs White Cedar. 0 In. , KS , l'2c ; 8 In.
' "
qrs. ,
1st and 2 < t , clear , ij inch , s. a s 550.00
Sd , clear , 1 inch. s. a s 45.00
! Vl , clear , 1V , , 1 , . 21 ill 47.fiO
1J select , l inch , s. a- , , K'.oo '
H select , lj4' , Us , a in. so.09
Kiliicntloinl | MuttcrH.
The oxeeutivo coinmitleo of tlio Doug
las County Tcachiirs' association wil
meet tit .Superintenoont lirunor's ollicoon
Saturday to arraiiiio for the no\t meeting
of the nssouintion wlnoh will bo hold
come time in January.
Snncriutcndont limner will attend i
meeting of county supcrintendL-nts to ho
hold nt tlio ollicu of the stttto suporinton-
dunt of public instruction in Lincoln 01 :
December ! M ,
An excellent propranmio hns been ar
ranged for the meeting ot the Douglas
County Teaohers1 HoadiiiR circle to beheld
held in this city on December 16.
The North Nebraska Touchers' nsocu !
tion will be hold nt Norfolk December
28 20 und ao.
Bnperlntundcnt Bruucr reports that h
has had seven teachers resign since the
be < rliiniii , of the fall term , four on ac
count of sickness , two by change of re si
donee and one by a mati'omouiul event.
Uncle Jolin'u Tiintlile.
Monday morning nt an early hoin
Uncle John Stanton , long known ns ono
of the characters of this nttv who savor o
idiosyncrasy and antiquity , fell on the
sidewalk on Twelfth between Fsirnam
nnd Douglas streets , nnd was severe ! }
injured , lie was taken into the saloon o
hbbcn & Kinc , where , ho TV.IS placed in
lie wlno room r.nd covered with clothes.
) r. llebcrt , county physician , wns sent
or , nnd angqcslcd Hint no betaken to the
> oor lion o. but when the bujrpy came for
inn the old man refused tobe moved , bo-
nnsoU would result in a great deal of
lain. As n conseiincnce , at last accounts
R < wns in n miserable condition , nnd his
ricnds thought thnt the old man would
inrdly survive the mislutp.
A Timely \VnrnliiK <
George Huso , a Ritsaian , wasnrraipncd
n police court yesterday morning for dis-
nrblng tlio pence. Ho explained ho
vasa guest utthu City hotel , taking np
" \lonpay night , he lind heard men in his
oom. He had learned a good deal nbout
) ninltn , nnd ttt once concluded thnltho in
rudars wore hurglnr = i. He called atonit
or help , but the olliccr that came could
hid no one in his room , nnd arrested nnd
ockcd up llcss on n charge of disturbing
liu pence. Hereafter citizens who wnko
ip nnd lind thieves in their houses should
ircscrvo n strict .silence nnd allow the in-
rndcrs to do hnrglu nninolcsted. This
vonld seem to the safest thing to do ,
inless a man wnuts lo run the risk of
andmg in jail.
l Gonnnn nnd Oertrudc Dorsey
vcie married ilondny by Judge Heneke.
The Indies of the Fir- Christian church
vill prtMiuro fur the public un elegant
linner , Dec. U , ut the imposition Annex.
' ! n to see them if yon are hungry.
OF run-
ChicajroAND Milwaukee ,
St. 1'aul , Minncapolls , Cedar Rapidg ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport ,
[ lock Islnnd.Frcenort , Rockford ,
Kin , Madison , Janes villo ,
lleloit , AVlnona , La Orosae ,
And oil other important point * East , Nortbenil
und Southeast.
For through tiolioli call on ths Tlclsnt Aston
nt HOI Kanmm fticct ( In 1'aztoa UotoD.or a
Union Pclnc Depot.
I'ullmnn Mlecnorii nnd the flnoat Dining- Car
In the irorld are run on the m&ln lines of tlis
ind erorr attention U pnld to pnsienisei-s br
oourt < < ons employes or tha minpnny.
K. MII.I.KH , Uoneral MnnHgur.
J. F. TUCKKII , Assistant ( loncral M n R r.
A. V , H. CAHI > INTUII ; , General Pastonitor ind
Ticket Affent.
Gco. K. HuAtroun , Assistant Qenoral
per nnd Tlokot Aitent
J. T. CIAIIK. General Superintendent.
Council Bluffs
And Chicago.
Tnt only rend to tRVe for DCS Mnlnfis , Mar-
Mmlltown , Coilur HnplilB. Clinton , Dixie. Chlcn-
if o. Milwaukee and nil points en it. To in * people
ple of Nebraska , Colniado , Wyoming , ( Jtnh ,
Idaho , Novmla , Oiciron , Wiidilnprlon nnd C ll-
fornln , K offers superior advantages not poisl-
ble by any other line.
Among a few nf the numerous points of tu-
periorlty nnjoyed by the patron * oj this road
between Omulmund Ohlonpo. me Its twutrniBS
Rilayof DAY COACHES which arethoflnrat
flint human nrt nnil iiiKOiiully rnu create. Its
PAIiACK Bl.r.RI'IKQ OAKS , rfhleli lire moilols
of eomfort nnd oloffiinco Its 1'AHLOH DltAW-
1NO KOOM CAIlfi , unsuinn.'iaodbv nny , mid ila
widely oolPlirntcd 1'AI.ATIAL UlNINf ) CAHB ,
\hn nmial of which cnnnot he found elieirlicrc.
At Counoll Illnirs tlio triilnsof ( ha Union 1'act-
fie Rr. connect In 1'nion nnpot with thoce of
thfl Cliiraffo k Nnrthwrgtorn Ity. In Chicago
thn trains of this line inakn cloao connection
with thosopf nil enitorn Mm" .
ForDrtiolt , Colunibiin , IndliniRpolIs. Clnaln
natl. Nlnvnr * Ki lln. IliifTMlo , 1'lllsbui . Tcironto ,
Montronl , liobton , Nn\f York , I'lilliidolplilH , tlul-
tliuore , Wi\shli non nnd nil rolnls In the can ,
ft lc tlio tlo'uot Hacnt for tlckntn vln the
" . "
If yon wish thn lio't Bocoriimodation * . All
tlckot iiynnlsfcll tleketi Tin this llnu.
Liuncial Mnunror , flonl. I'lia r Apent
chlc"B0' |
\V > I. HAHfOCK , ' 1I-I ( . H. not.LKS ,
Ouill. Wtbleni Atrl Cllyl'Hgg Act ,
Uiiiaha , N'eli.
Artists' Material.
Artisls' Jlntprinls , I'iunos nnd Organs ,
1M1 Doiixlas Street , Oroahft.
Agricultural Implements ,
WliolofulB Dealer In
Agricultural Implements , Wnjyons ,
nd' IliiKtrl" * . June * rtrnel , ti'tncon Utli
nnil H'lh.OiiiMhn ' , N b ,
Afrricnltnrnl ImiilpniPiits ,
, lite. , Wliolceale , ( ) mnh .
\YliolcsuU > leoliT In
Agricnliui'iil Iiiiihunoiits | ,
kVaconiund llueult'3. lOl.iai.'JOO uilW)7 ) , Jouss it
Butter and Eggs.
A NE ,15 fiCHlibEDEit ,
IJnycrs of Butter it ml Epps.
IlcfrlKeriitnr nnd 1'nrklni Homo , Utli and
worth St. , II' / , rt. II. 'Jiutl.
Builders' Hardware and Scales ,
Met'liauUo'Tuolannil IlurTnlo Scalci. UOj Douclai u ,
. . . Omaha , Neb.
LEri , FH1ED c - CO. ,
Johhcrs of Hardware mid Nails ,
Tmnare , Sheet Iron , Ktc. AKOIII > for IFowe Bcolti ,
and Jilliml runderl . . Oisnlia.NiU.
Wholesale Hardware.
Wettern "scnli for JerT r > on Kleel Nnllt. Antln
1'owdcrLu , l-ulrlmnki t-untUrd hralui Curnyr
10th andllarner , umaba.
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
Wrouehl and Toil Iron JIulMIni : Work , Iron Slalrp
llallluu , lleann nnd ( ilriWrn.hitam tuirluci. llr-i ,
Work , likneral foundry , Wncblnu and lll f > ml lib
omc-ennJ\Vorkl , U. 1' . Itr.and | 7h | ttiecl.
Butchers' Tools ,
Butchers' Tools and .SupiilicH ,
94D c Caking * of all klodi alwiijila ( lock. 1215
JOBCIH , om bi.
Soots and Shoes.
lUnuficttimiand ffboltifde Dealer * In
Hoots And Simps ,
Comt > l t * Moc * of Ilnbtitr Ooort * alwayt on hnnd
H 8. 13th . ( . , Onmhn , Neb. A. T. Auitln , /
ir. r. MOUSE P co.
Toblicrs of llnotg nnd Sliop ? .
411 r tn < m t , . ) ra li .Nfh. Mnniifnctoit , tiunruot
/ . T. LixDsnr , n co.
llnbbcp HooN nnd Slides.
Rubllcr and Oiled Clothluf nna ( cliuootr.l C-'S. lltti
Agl. for Anlicnscr-Hnsli Urcwlnp Ass'u
l llr nd . rmitl.liudw lt rmid Krl ntcr.
I.npcr Uccr Itrewcrs *
i.3l North 1Mb firrtt. Omntia , Neb.
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
Omnlia Coll'eo nud Spire 31111s.
! ,0offop , ? pl < ' ' . HnVliiR l'owd r. Kb i
tl cll , 1.sundry Illim. Ink , Kir. till 1611
Homo Coin-onnd Slcn | ) Mills M'f'ff ' Co.
CiiTcoR ( < mlprianil SpU'O llrlnilcru , Mnnnf ( tiir > > r >
ntllnklni ; I'urder , I liTorlnx KstrncM. Illulnt. Kir.
Trjono rnti of onrl'tt pnrkf tf llomoUlond luuv < l
CVilTeu. 1 ( ) UotHtJ H .Omihii , Mb.
Cornice ,
John Epenctor , Prop.
Uanuficlurrr of Onlvnnlipct Iron anil Cornlrs. 923
nd 10,1 nnd llli N , lOlli ft. , lranti ) , Nct > .
t' HOLTE ,
Mnniifacturtri of
* * ' 0rnaiiicntnl ( Jalvnnlzed Corn iocs.
Dormer WlDdowt , .M lnllcfrkyllitilclc. ! J10S.
I''lti m. , Umaha.
C. Siiccltt , 1'fop.
( lalranlcnl Iron Cornices , etc. Bwt | > lrnproT H t'at
. 'M nmlHl ) .s.lilli hi , Oinlh .
.tobberr of
Carjiots. Ciirntn ( , Oil .Clotli ? .
Linoleums , MnttliiRiKte. 1M1 Donciai ulri-tt.
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloth ? ,
.tflttlnis , CuriHla Oood > , Kto. 1123 Fnrnam
Oroal'a , Neb ,
Crockery and Notions.
W. L. WHHllIT ,
xnnfRCturcrinnd Importern of
Crockery , ( Jlassvrare ,
Lnmpi , riilntneyr , etc. omrr , 817 South ] 3th et.
Oinuhn , Null.
Commission and Storage. .
. _ „ .
j/t-/fXi/r ,
Couunissloii and .lobbhiR1.
nutter , reel-lid rroduco. CiiiinKnmuniii tollcilcd ,
lli'mlqimrterd fur hl'inewnici , llcrrj llorcs ami
( iniio | llatkiMS. 1111 Doilit tiPt > lOmnbii ,
Commission ircvchanls.
VrullK , I'rortiifp "ml I'rovUlotn , Oiinlm. Neb.
n' . jrtn > u ELL.
Storage and Commission Merchant.
iwInltlM nulto" . ERK . Clicpin. Poultry , Cniiie ,
OJMPM , Ktc. , Kti' llSf-diiili 14th Mri-Pt
W1ED EMA X < xTcOn
Produce Commission 3FcrcImnti ,
Poultry , lliittcr , Unnin , Knill , etc. r.0 a. lllUnt
Onmhn. Nrb ,
General Coininission Merchants ,
Ami Jobhers of rorclgn imrt Domr tloFrnllii. Corrc-
ponrtoiicp mllcitnl. Warrliuute mill onlc , 11UN.
TtilrtcHrtlh M , OmHlm , Neb. 'I clcplxinu 77.r * .
I' . 110CCO CO. ,
miiortcrf find vrhota'Ule donlors In
Ilnlian I'rotltioe ,
K lvn.Domcsllcantt C.illrornlA Vruil ? an < 1 C inirali.
Blan llcrcbantg. lOlS.Utlitt. Oily excluilre
fiultbouie lu OmMis.
Coal antf Lime.
J' .
Dealer * In
Hard nnd Foft Coal ,
O.llcc sard.Ktli ntitl Nlcltoliti ( In. , Orrcha , Xeb.
OHO. r.i.MiAiiii. 1TP9. tK. . nounuAN , V. I'rcr.
, i. A HU.VDUnr.AXD , SOP. und Treat ,
Jobbers of Hard nnd Soft foal.
SMHouth Thirteenth Street , Omnlin , Neb.
Xrannfiicturerf ? of Illinois White Limp.
And Shipper * of Conl anil Ook < . Omi'iit , Planter ,
JJmp , llilr. rira llrkk , Dniln. Tile nml Si-wcr i ipu.
onii-u , I'.iAton Hotel. K num el. , Omilin , S'i'b.
TcleimiinoHI. _
" > . r. if AY A < 'o. ,
MannfiU'tnriiipConfectioiiPrs : ,
Jolibcru of riullf.Nuts ntitl nuie. 1211 Turnum St.
Live Stock Commission.
M. JtirjtlfE | ) fSONtf ,
Live Stock Coiniuis.sloii.
C.eo. Illirif , Mannsct
Union Block Vurd > , S.dinnhn , Telcplioiio fS2 ,
Live Stock Comnilssion
Btilpmenli ot unr nod nil klnriii of Slock nolleltcil.
Union tocK Yur.lB.Oumbn . .
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Ci ai'H , Tobucco ,
Guns mid .Ammunition , 2ID to 2H K. lltli M. , 11OT to
1031 runmm t.OniriliNNel > ,
llnnufarturci'H of Fim1 CijriU'H ,
And \Yliolcrnln ni-Mi > ri In l.rar Tob.irroi , Nut. 108
un < j 110 N. lltl ) Uteri , O .laliu.
V.'LdlDislo Denier ) In
Cigars , Tobaccos , Pipes and Suokcrs'
Aconlifor D.tflMarnlorf A Un. , rino-Rntand Nioulc-
loiTol ) cco , > lll > aiit ) a , Wlicooiln. No.JU
North blxteontn "tract , Oniili i , NOD.
Dry Goods ,
M. K. SMITH , B CO , ,
Dry flooda , Fiirnlsliliijf fi otlH & Notions
1102nnil 11UI Iuinili ) , rir,11lhM.iiinlm.Neb. ( )
Dl > tlilvri < ir I.iniinri , Alcnholnml Spiilu. liuportfrt
lid Jobberiol Wlnt'itiid l.ltjuori ,
CO. nml JLEIt < ! < ' < > . ,
Import * yrrt Jobbvrior rina Wlur > nnd I.lqnnrs.
boloinniiur otuier iir KeniiBd'H hail India nil-
tors nd Douiri'lol lijuoti. ilU lUrnerM.
Drugs , Paints , Etc.
t'oM Dniff , rnlnl.Oll & Olnss HOHHO
Weitof Chicago. ( nronlfte I.lnti of Druiriltli Sun-
dilci. IHI lUrnejr it .Oiuibit ,
Drain Tile , Etc.
A.ll.H''i : rn-i J.W.Hiiironi
II. J. CA tiEfi * . V.l'rci. and Kui > i.
Office JI3 H Hlh it , OmahH. Neb. Muchlnerr end
HupplUjffcr Utuufaetuilni : L'tiufnt Dram Till1.
Wholesale Dmli'TS in Furniture.
Konioto H. , OLiahn , Neb.
Furniture , Heddinsr , Upholstery ,
Ulrr r , ctc. \J308i.i.d l KIO Fsrnato
Groceries , ' I
Groccrlog niitl Provision ! ,
W.7I7 ( , tO ami til B , 10th H , Oroalin. Ntb.
.AVholcsalo Qrocovs ,
l th nml l. arenwnrtli t . , Oruih.i.
Hardware ,
W. r.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
con Mor % , lUrJwurft Lumber , ftc. 1909
mul 1)11 turner t. , OniKlm.
.P OJ1WOX. I *
Wltolcsnlo Iron and Steel , vJ
Wacon and Ortlaeo Wood Slock , tlrnrr IlardwatrX
Utc. 1711 tiul 1719 l.Mionnurth ltOra\lm ! , Neb.
Slovof , KanpeH , Fnrnncps , Tiles ,
Mantlet , ( iratti , llran ( ioodi. IXII an * 1,23 rarnam
Dealer in Linnbor , Lath , Llint1 , .Snsli ,
Doort , Ktr. Tardt-CornerTth and Iluuitlaii Cornft
Hh and Dni
Yholosalo Lumber ,
III S.KthitrrelOmaha , Nib. r.Colpetirr , ttanaitr.
Wholesale .lowolera andMuntc Dealers ,
Dealer * In Slltpriraro , Dlatnondp. Watchr * . Clock * ,
Jtneler'i'J'onloKiid Mat rl li , > o. 1UI nml 1U ( 15tU
rt. , cur. Uuilue , llnialm , Nab ,
C. N. THET7. ,
1.1th and California Flirels , Omaha. Npt > .
IfRKD II' . GltAY ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Ktc. , Etc.
Cur.flh nnd Duuitlai iti. , Oiuatm , Nc5.
T. ir. JlAUrEYLUMltKR CO. ,
To Dealers Onlj' .
OITiee , 1(03 ( Fnrnam itrcrtOmaha ,
C1TAS. It. LEE ,
Jlardwood Lumber ,
VTood CnirWB and I'lirqupt Fluorine. 9tli n
JOHX A. W. i KEFJ EL I ) ,
" \Vholfsale Immber , Etc.
Impnrlril nnil Amprlran Portland Oini-nl. Flnt
Annul rorllllnnnkpn llTdrntill , ' 1'puitiil mid llcrl
( J\HIKj WlilltiUuii ! .
Live Stock.
Of Omnlia.
Limited. Jnlm r. rtojd. S'lpcrlnlcrdent.
Millinery and Notions.
Importer * anil Joliliorn at
Millinery and Notions ,
1513nml lil.MIirnOT Ft.cot , Omnhn. Neb.
c. s. Goonnrcn o co. ,
Aiothconlr Direct Importer ! of
German & French Toys & Fancy Goods
InKolirnrkn. riilcacn prlrpsdunllciited without nilrt- r
Int ! nclpht. id. , rnrnuni Siroet.Oniuliii.
vSio 'NOTION co. ,
Wliolcpnlo ne.ili-rs In
Notions and Fnriiishini ? Goods ,
< aiumUr ( , H. Tenth HI. , Oraahn.
TTNYAIil ) .0 NCIINElltEJe ,
Jobbers In
Notions , Hosiery and Gents' Furnishing
IfltXinnd 1 Ftrimm Bt. , Omaha. JToh.
Paper Sores
, T. L. W1LKIE ,
n'r of Paper Jo\e ? ,
.llthSt .liniili.iNiihriiikii. ) Order * by mall ro-
llcllrdiuid ill rouulve prompt nllemion.
Mannfaetiircrfl of Overalls ,
Jcar I'Miitt , . tilrl * . Ktc. llfrjiind 1101 tlouglai. Ptreel ,
Omilia , N'ub.
.lob Printors. Illank Hook Jfitknra ,
And Uook Ulndcis. Kkl nnil 1M PinitU rouilvcntli
tieet. Oiualu , Nrb.
ESTEItNNEn'NrA I' Eli ( f
Auxiliary Pnbliahers.
Dealers In TypB , l'rfi > nml I'rlnter ' .Supplies. MO
houtliTir pflh | Miur-t.
Pickles , Vinegar , Etc.
co ,
llnniifacttirer : , Pnckoriand lienlcrn In
Pickles & Strictly Pure Apple Vinegar
llsklnz 1'nmlor , riarorltijt Kitnel" , Tnhlo Sanco ,
frencli Musin" ' Vo ll 111111111 : , ( ImcPts' fc | ' T.iri ! ! ! ;
Folu nifents for Vork Sltiti Stind Itt'tinud
dcr , 14IA1 1 eaTenwurlli et. , Oni tbn.
5(1 ffS , Etc.
/ . liOYEJt , u'cdr
Acents for Hall's Sitfo & Lock Co.s'
Tlra nnd Hilru'nr ' Proof Sifos , Tim * l.orkf , Vaultl
andJftil Work. Mill ruriiNni ilrnet Oiuulm , N l ,
Omaha .Safe Works.
Uaiiurncturpmof Kiroand nor laiProorBarVanll
ioor , J U Wiirk.Miutier nnd Win- Work , Cur.
Illbandjackiiin flu . omtbt , Nab ,
Sasli , Doors , Etc ,
M. A. DIfin now .0 co , ,
Wtioleialo Mnniifaoiuron of
Sash , ] ) ooi's , Hlinds nnd Moulding
llronch oBlco.nili nnil Ijnrcl nl . , Oinilm.SYI > .
< V , J'L ' M
Sash , Door , JUlnds ,
Uulldlnir 1'irer , etc. 1001 Routh Thliteunlli Street ,
Onmlm , Nul ) . A complolo tiuckof ilullilcia'
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Dlinils ,
Mould'Jiiis.Ftalr ' Work and Interior II.tnl Wood Flnleb
Juil otientu. t > , t i'or 8ih and LcaTcii
Uiuxtaa , Neli ,
Pumps ,
crrrJiciriLn V ( JO , ,
" \VholeHalo \ Pnmiis , Pipe , Fittin H ,
enmnnil Water Sutipliei llcail'iuailfre fur Melt
I'D ) > tl.'o' tluo'l . 11111 rri m BllOiiiiihuKrb ,
PmnpH , J'lpes nnd Engines ,
Etesra , Wnlcr , llalltvuj i.iid Milling tiui | ; > lle . Kto ,
VJfl , VT4nr. < l ! l J.arn tui 61 . ( ininh.i , Neb.
llnllndair Wind tlillf , rtcnm ami Wi.lcr Pupiillei
1'liunlilr.i lo' ! ! lie.Hi.t1. Jlijjn. VIB mul iuu fur-
i , ui it. , Omuli.i. hHK. I'ull'iii , MauuiiT.
Wholesale Trunks ,
Millard Kotul Illoek. Ooiabi.
\Vngans \ anJ Carriages ,
' '
/riii.irrsoN ,
The Leading Uarriauo Factory ,
Hid I
Hfn and HI ! Dodra iiltcei. Omaha ,
Puilt/iig Material ,
Pi-uinr in All Ki a < of
Jliiildinir Material at Wholesale.
lolti JU.cclnn'l Union I'm-illc 'I'm'k , Uiuuha ,