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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1886)
SIXTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MORNING , DECEMBER 8. 1880 , NUMBER \ I 'JNiON ' The Opposeis of Irish Homo Rule Gather For Consultation. NO LINE OF ACTION LAID DOWN. ilohn Hrlnlit's I'll In Cu I I'pl'tlo nnd llnrtiiiKtun's Attack on ( > Rtonc and Jll Allies Oilier Ncvvs. PoiIlaltlo. . Losnov , Dec. 7. At the liberal union con ference to-day , Maiqtils Hartlnglon , chair man , among the distinguished persons pres ent wi-ie llarls DeibynndNorthbiook , Baron KotliBchlld , ( icorge J. ( ios"hen , ex-Altorncy ( icncral James and numerous noblemen. Letters of regtet weieiead from Loid J'ennj- son , tbo Dnko of Arcyle and John Blight. John Blight said : "I do not attend because 1 might say something wlilch would glvo pain. 1 fear to speak , 01 even wille lespcctlng ( Hailstone's course which astonishes and gically pains me , c pi'dall } his speech to the Irish deputation which lately called upon him. It seems ( iladstono hasgonoso tat in ills w long course there is no liopo of bis 10- turn. I dcploio and condemn Hitch action , and If present , might say something which would widen tliu bicacli. ( iladslonc's lilsh allies ate ililing mattcis to extiennty and jet no word comes ftomPainelloi ( Sladstone to lestraln them. " Chamberlain vviote : "There Is no hope of leiinitlng tiio libeial party unless dlad- stono's scbemoof li ish government is aban doned. " Lord Hartlngton , In his address to the con vention , fald the policy wlilch Gladstone advocated was directly opnoscd to the opin ions of the entlte liberal patty , and even all tlm principals under him. Tlio liberal union ists were as line exponents of llbetal princi ples as were tlio majority who tollowed Gladstone , and in maintaining the suprem acy of the imperial parliament the better icpreseutatlvo ot thostt principles. Their association vvas formed , ' Loid lliutlngton continued , to pteservo the elntacter ot its members as unionist libciaK and by orginl/illon they achieved success which would have been Impracticable otherwise and had only been achieved altei organi7a- tlon by tlio tot tuition of an alliance with Iho consenatives. blcges would be laid lo Glad- ston's position which had not been taken bv Htorm , and tlio liberal unionists would have to vvoik until they wo-ro dele tted or obtUned a moio decisive victoij. ' 1 lie time had not set ariivod when a line of action in pitii.imont ( ould he laid down. 'Iho liberal unionist' ) must depend foi llieii line of patliamentary policy upon tlio action ol tlio government. Ghdstouo , ftii William Vcmon Haicourt and John Mm Icy based tlieii Bpceches upon granllng Irelanilexecntlvo govi'riiment , but Ignored all the arguments ot the llbcial union ists against such a jiolley. ( iladstone assumed that the goveniineiit was rompetlnc with liiiu In his sohenio ioi Ireland , but tlio gov ernment was opposed to iinj tiling ol tlio kind. 'Iho temoval of the present govern ment would icsiill In the election of Glad stone , who would settle tbo lush question in bis own way. We must nlwavs ii'inombei this when questions arise which might result In displacing tlio government , 'liio liberal unionists are Inteiested In sustaining the government. Questions hid arisen which weio conservative of tlio common iuteiest and would foieo them to adopt some reform necessary to maintain tlio union between the government and unionists. Kcfcirlni : to tlio situation In Ireland , Lord Hartington said the piesent tale agitation was not spontaneous. It had been created Joi a political purpose. 11 speeches like John Dilliou's weio not checked , the result must bo the subveislon of every principle ot liberty in Ireland. "Wo are told , ' said the speakei , "that the P.nglislidemocicy will not stand these evictions , but I think llio Kng- lish demociacv will ask who is icsponsible for them. " "Gladstone. " added Loid llart- Inuton , "may not bo able to control John Dillon , but Gladstone can speak ono word which will difisolvo llio alliance between the agitatoisof John Dillon's class and the lib- finl pnly. 'Iho English people are awaiting that vvonl , which , if delajed , will sotlously endanger tlie good name of llio llbcial paitv. ( Great checrlnuj. Karl belborno moved thai the confeieuce aftlrm Its dt tjimlii itlon to make every elloit lo npholil tlm union. 'Iliu tesolutlon was ndojited b > acclaniatlon. lioo liiunltri'iiiloK Into Culjn. [ fopiiuMsv / / ; by Jnits ( tuition IlemirU.1 M\i > nn > , Dec. " . [ Now Votk Heiald Ca ble .Special lo the llri . | 'Iho bpiuish piess tire mtich satisfied w Itli Iho nresidential mes- bugoand Its allusions to Sjnin mid llio pros pect ot a tieaK , and a decieo of the minister lor tlio colonies In tlm Gvctto today icgu- latesamldel i mines tbo assistance the gov- ( riiiiient will gho to societies which promote - mete free Imml iatlon into Cubi. The gov ernment will pij tlio whole cost of tianspoit lei Spinlsh Iminlgianls ami thcli families fiom Spain and the ailj.ic.Mit Isles to Cuba , ami It will pay llio cost of ptssago ot only lien toiolgn Immigrants fiom ICuropo nmlAliIci to Cuba , and will giant 5 = 10 lo eaeli fiee Immigrant fiom Asia and Oceanlei. Special favor will bo shown by the mithoilties In Cuba to whlto Inimlgiants and Spanish bom imiiiiifiants tioni .Spam or Hlspnnn-AincrUan countiles. Aftot ono vuar'.s residence whlto immigrants wlllnjoy the same pilvlhgesas "time expired soldiers" hettllng In Cuba. The above assistance will not exceed the sums allotted in the budiret lot encoui..KlHE Immigration , K I'rlnc-o [ f ojij/ifuJit ; iv ; l\i \ Jama Oardaii lUnndl ' [ Bi.itt INla ( Havio ) , Dee. 7. [ New York Heiald Cable Special to llio Bi.i. . ] Pilnco Itcgent Lultpold arrived here a few minutes after 10 o'clock to day by special train , Dcsplto the wild , wet weathei ( ho kaiser and kionprliiJT , and savcial other princes ot tbo Impeiinl family weie til tbo Anlmult station vvithn biilllant suite lo rucelvo him. The modlng of tlie kalsei and his guest was moio than coidlal. After the iibtttl embraces Ihu k.ilsor , who , Ilko the prlnco le eiit , was In full uniform , stepped Into the lirat ol the ni\or seven black and purple closed court c.mlaget In waiting. 'Ihen Piinco Lultpold look n seat on his light hand. Two footmen , with cocked bats and whlto feathers , jumped up onto the footboaul , and Iho wholeeottego diovo avvav at a biUk dot thumgh tlm 1'ots- damei platz lo the palace , amid Iho loud chccibcf ihu crowd , Coining Ooo in Storm , [ CvpvitaMxi I'll ' Jiiin i lltmljn II nm'l ' ] LOMION , Dec. 7 , [ Now York Herald I'.iblo .Special lo Iho Bii'.J : The London metero- logical olllcoiepoitb tndlcito that a dcpiea- slon now exists on tlio Atlantic to the west- vard \ of liekiml and Is appioaddng the U lilted Kingdom. Thootlicohis to-day It-aiied an order to boUt the "south cono" tim storm signal for stioug south to west winds-on the io.isN of P.nglaml noitbwest and sontbwost , and on the coasts of Ireland noith and south , 'Iho Herald wealhei bcrvlci ) at New \otk bent Iho follow lug cablegram to London on I'ridav last : Nr.vv-YoniJ , Dec. 3 , ISiO.- Bennett , Lon don A larjp atiti-ejelono-barouHitile nuixi- mumUHOinchei , no\\ moving from the lakes towaul Nova tu-olia , will niobably c.uiau westerly cales south of the "Lane" louto for \\ubt-boiiiul European steami.i.s. It is pre- icdcd by a dc'pi < ! mn which may dUturb weather on the we t and noith British eoa\ts b-'twcen December T and N iSlgntd. ) BENSITT. The Pieiich Ministry. PAKIS , Dec. 7. Kloquet has been cntr iitcd witn the formation of a cabinet , und U now engaged in the tusk. of Hie IJopnrttncnt of Jus tice DurltiK thp Yonr. WARIIIXOTOV , Dec. 7. The annual tcporl of Attorney General Garland contains a de tailed statement of thobnslness of thcdepait- meiit of Justice during the last fiscal year , to gether w lib statistics of crlmo against tbo United States. During the vear Ol suits , aggiegallng in amount SV > 00.000 , have been brought undei the ordinary jurisdiction of the court of claims The total number of such cases pending Is GUI , Involving Sr.OOO.OfX ) . Under Hie Itowman act 1,2 IS eases have been transmitted to the court by commission of congress. These Involve large amounts , Thcro are now pending 1,141) cases the amounts Involved being SSO.'XW.OOO fnder the same act 23 claims to the amount ol S4,0 0,000 have been transmitted by heads ol clepaUmenls. Of the e , U cac - < , Involv ing fcVjOO.UOO. are still pending. In addition to the above fieio has been tiled undei the "Flench spoliation act , " 2,1V ) cases , amount * ing to ? 1J,000,000. It is thou.'ht WJO moro cases will be nleil and that amount inciea ed to about S 15,003KX ( ) . Dining tlio jeai' , 'l- " > suits , claimim ; 517.IOO us , were bionght to tilal. In : iw suits , claiming Sll U'.tfUMj , juilirmcnt was lor the claimants lot iHi > 7fiVi. Dining the veal 17 ! civil stilt , to which the United States was a party , vvciu terminated in Iliu cltciilt nnd district courts ot Iho fulled States. The acgiegate amount of judgments mulcted In favoi of tlie I nited .States in elv II suits wasSrSn.m . The attomey-geneial biielly iirues Iho Im poitanceof lu 'islation of the following mat- teis. llio neccsslly foi winch w is pointed out In bis last annual report : Fees for marshals In leiutoiies , piy lot deputy imiHlmls ; ic- vision of Ihc feu hill , substitution ot the fiscal for the calendar vcai ; chief supervlsoiH of elcdions ; piolediou of civil otllcers and witnesses ; fees of witnesses and jtirois in leiritories , and the icoi anivation ol the juiy svstem In the Disttiet of Columbia. Ho tlevoles achaptei to the subject of United States prisoners nml the geneial iiuestlon of convict labor , and advocites the building of a government penitentiary and lefotnmtory at an eaily day. The numbci of United States piisoncisincustodv .luno,0 , , f > , \ > yj. It is Impossible , the sajs to oveiestimato tlio necessity that exists for n change In the judicial svstem to meet , the constantly Incieasing business ot the countrj. and ho mges that something bo done toiemedythe evils complained ot on all sides. National Capital UASIIIXOION , Dec. 7. The president will liansmit lo eongiess to-monow a report fiom tlic secretary ot st.ito in legard to lisheilos in waters adjacent to British North America , and copies ot Ihocotiespoudcnco which bis taken place during the pieseut on that subject. Tbo tic.iMiry dcpiitincnt has decided tint Canadian postal cards Impoi ted into Hie United .Slates me dutiable at the i.ite of 25 pei cent advalorem as printed matter not specially piovlded lot. The bond of promotion of the constitutional celebration in ISA' ) , tne woild'b expoiltion In honor ot llio font bundicdtb iinnlveisitj of thediscoveiy of America In is'.u , and the nornmuent oxuosition of tlio tlnee Aineiieas an outgrowth of tlie world's exposition , ] ) io- posed to bo held in the city ol Washington , met In convention in this citj to-day. Dele gates weie preient liom most of tlielaiio cities of the conntiy. Tlie west was well rep resented. Leltoiscommcndatorj of tlio Din- poses ot the bond were read front the inlnls- teis of Salvador , Chill , Guatemala , Spain. Haytl and Bolivia. The convention adopted resolutions providing lor the appointment ot a committee of fifteen membeis to prepaioa suitable memorial setting toi llio objects ot the convention which Is lo ho presented to congiess vvitb a view to seeming its endorse ment and appiopriations necessary to carry the program mo lor the piopoac-d celebration into ellect. A lire was discovered about 10 o'clock this muttiiii ; In the toldinc room of the govern ment punting olllco and caused tor a time great excitement among the empioves in lliat room , who aie mostlv ladies. The hie was piomptlv extinguished beloio it bail done much damage , but the alarm eauio neai ic- huHlugin a disastrous piuic. C.i DI tire of the Mcxio.m S > v mdlor. Niw Yoi'ii. Dec. 7. The enieiphing per- fou who o'd5.0UGO worth ol miaulhoti/ed tcketsfoi ( lie Patli conceits in the City ot Mexico , Ii 3 lieen etptuted , it Is believed , by a Moslem dctedivc. I'MIII disp.t-Iies ic- celvednt llemv L. Alitcs solhe-e in this city , jesteiday , it Is belloved the swlndlei his been found witliln thnlv miles ot the Citj of Moxieo. The man Is supposed to be one ( harks Uonrton , an alleged Paris.m lour- nalist , who lived at K ) Clinton place , this city , lor a few weeks last tail Inioinmtion contained in the dispatches was meagieand it wn.s not known jn itlvelv by Abbev's leptc- si'iitativi1 In this dtv.jostcrdav , lliat Bout ton , 01 whoe\ei he is , has actually been am sled. It was known tea eertaiptj , liowevcr , tint tlio man was undei police smvc'llmiico and would not bo nllo'ved to loivu tlioeotintiy It was thought tliero was a veiy good chance ot tecoverlui the money. ( Jovsi VNIINOPM : , Dec 7. 1 ho porto has advised tlio Unlgailin regon > to accept Prince Nicholas ot Mengiilla as the successor to Prince Alexander. Tlio icason given Is that his elect Ion Is llio "onlj me ins to pu'itj Bnlgarii. " The porto admits Unit the ie- iieuey must maintain oidoi , 'but , " it adds , "so long as an opposlngelomentoxW- ro.'ards thocountrv's Inleiests tioni a dllfer- ent point of v low tlm dooi Is eoiislantly open to eventualities. " limned to Dc'.itli , tK , Dee. 7. A tno occinred early this morning In two buildings on I'ntwa street , near I'rcston , which weio de- stioyed with all the tnrnltme. The police tcsciicd tliliteen peisona tioin tlm buildings , but could not niul Mis. Ann Peck , a ed ninety. Hot body vvas binned to a cri-p It was attorvvaid found In the thlid btoi } 100111. D.iniago bj the llto Is small. Piinca Alexander arrived in London jcs- letitay and lecelved an ovation. Knljinan A ; Co. , su"iendcil | lock biokers of . % Fianclbco , liavo lesiiiiieil biiaines . The Piench eh imber ot de-putles yesterday voted to dispose ot the crown diamonds. Tlio b ink ol Gold Hill. Nov. , has suspended until an examination ot Its allaiis can lie made. Mcllugh , edllot of Iho Sllt'o Champion , has been seru'd with a summons lei Incitin , ' Irish disorder. The .St. Louis X Tene Haute rallroid com- raiiy has leased the St. Lonia bonlheni lines for nlnel-nlno j ears. Minln. slocks Kiuldenly recoveted from their great depicsstoii on the slock exchange In ban 1'iancisu ) > esterda > . The dllllcultieb between t'ie opcratois and mlneis of Illinois , P mi > ) Ivaiiia and Ohio wist < atisfactoril > aibitiatudat IudianaiolU vesteuliij. Manj now cases of cholera are repotted In Buenos Ares. ) llio Chilian mlnistci has IsMii'd a decieo tlediilng iiuartntino against vessels sailing liom all puitsof thoArgeiitluo Hepubllc , Tiio Bell telephone case has been dlbinNsed liom tlio I nitid .stales circuit court at Col umbus , ( ) . , without prejudice and without iccord is far as lib btalns in the Ohio distilct b coiicrriud , Dewltt binlth , president of the National Cattle Gtoweis' association , Is in Washing ton to sccme Uio passage of a bill by con- gruss to pidveui the spread of plciiro-pneu- monla and conlaglons dUoasea nnion cattle. iteuben Hill and his three. EOIIS were In- stantlj killed vesterday at Mill Crcttk , lud. , onthoGiand I'nmk load by beim : struck by a loioiuolho while crossing the track in a wauon. A little girl In the wagon escaped wltti onlj a broken K' , ' . The IVnian biolheiboo.1 has issued an adt ( Iross dcvlai ng Dial O'Douovan liossa has been rcsiiohs blu for all the misfortune that has befallen the biotherhood of late vears , -.Did also intimates that ho has misappropri ated the' sLirmi Jtliijj lundi. " COMMENTS ON THE MESSAGE , Opinion of the New York Press on Oleve- Ir.ntVa Second Production. VERY FAVORABLY RECEIVED. Krpott Considered n Coin pfchcnslxc nml Sound Document Uy Doniocrnts Other Ciltlclsnit. New Vork I'l-css Coininenta. Ni.w YOIIK , Dec. " . ( Special Telegram to the Hi. t.j At the cm ) of n lone review of the president's meisaKo the Times says : "On tlie whole the menace U one tolilcb baldly an exception can fnhly bo taken , beliiK unpretentious patiioilc , stinltrhtfot- ward and business like.1' The Woild sajsi "Sound as most of the president's smjpestlons are , it Is to bo n > - 1'rettcd that his making ot them is likely to lm\e so little ctlecl upon coiigte s. When hpealsci Carlisle can sa > that he was not con sulted In lewid to tlio ntes aRO and knew notblnifUiateer In adxanco conccinins its recommendations and similar Ignorance was felt by othet democratic le.uleia in consicss , the B.une unfoitunato state of alfalts that picxented action at tlie last session Is seen to bo still extant. It is unfortunate that President Clo\ eland has not scon lit to pl&co hlm&clf In confidential and mutually hclptul telatlons with the leaders ol his patty In con- ii ess 01 with other oMioncnts ot democratic sentiment. It is only by the actho co operation of Its leider that pirty Kovctnmont can be made successful. And when the ptosldcnt docs not seek , but rather repels , such co-opoiatlon , there is llttlo hope of harmonious action bv the two do ptttmontbot tbegoxcinmcnt. To drop pei- fnnctorily peisoual messaRcs on the desks of members , ns nowspapois mlirlit lie laid there , is not tlio manner In which early piesidents letosruised the leadership ot tlio party ana their responsibility foi tlie piomotion ot its piinciples. " The Tribune si } s. "in tiutliltis not prc- tNely a great mess ige , nor does it shed much llpht on o\ents. lint , in the main , It lairly sets foi th tlm opinions and illiibtiates tliu iu dilicitions of the paityvliicb felected ill. Clex eland fet president. " It Is dlnienlt to say what the Sun thinks of the mc sasv , as the follow lug is the neatest nppioich to an opinion cxpioised : "In method anil spli It , and especlallvin its caie- fill study ot depittment repoits.'on which it Is laigefy bused. Mi. Clceland's bi'cond gon- etal mesbase lesembles the one scut to eon- mess aear ago. " 'Iho Herald s > ajs : "It Is a good message ; eleai , plain , not too long , and the fauts It sets forth .110 biieh as may make e\en Amerleiu itibtly proud of hibcountrj and happy that lie belongs to it. If the gentlemen in con- Kiess wjll agieo toietliei to citiy out Clo\e- landS H'cimimomlations and sucticestlons they will do theniselxcseiedit and will stand bettei with their constituents and thocoun- tt v than many ot them do now. " In ieiard to the repot t of Secretary Man- nliiK the Times siysVofciitlmt : \ ilan- nlug ib thiowini ; peatls befoio b\\ino. There Is nothing in the conduct of the present ma- jorltv in congtess to justify the opinion that one nail ol tliem will o\er read his elaborate and \ery able teport , most ot which is of the touudebt. oi that one-halt ol thosewhotead would uudcisiand it , 01 one-halt of those \\lio undei stood would appnno it. We cannot too much admlio tlio 7eal and courage w Itli whicli the bccretaiy takes up ii aln , alter u jcar ot gteat phjslcal siiHcring. n mm and even lotvid ad- \ocaej ot the principles that liave attracted no snppoit and Hardly attention Irom his paity in coimress. Mannlni ; Ka gttted poli tician. As wo icad the ompbatic and otteu brilliant statement of Ideas , as Impoi taut as any bccietary since Mi. Chase has liad to mesente cinnot lielp wandering \\nat would ha\o been thocllcttit Mr. Cleveland had held adilletent vtowof thotiboof pition- a o and it tlmote for the stisiien'-ion of slhet coinage , pa\ment ol leial tomleisnnd I ice wool hiid btcu imulo a. condition piece- dent to the dibtilbutlon of olllces in each concessional dlbtilct. It is better as It Is , but the sim-jestUm tlnows stiong light on the capicitx ol thedemociatlc m.ijotlty to accept \\lsoa < [ \ lcoitnuiit being biibeif to do so. The bolduat nml wisest tiling In Manniim's topoit is tlie recommend ition to Ube tlic 8i e- plns to pay legal tenders. " A Washington special lo the Woild savs : "Mi. Manning's piojiositinu for leUtlng gteenbacksiindbiipnljing their place with slhet and gold ceriittcatea is not populai and will not uoappuned. I hue talked with a number of congressmen upon the subject of : xatjingshadis ot bellet. mid they aio all ae.iinst It. Hlaiul ol Missouti , wlio tepre- fcentH thoe\ttemo wing ot siher men , will ojiioso the lulling of gtcenbacks. bcott ol Ihie , wlio Isr.t the liead ol n class of liuan- ciil men tlie e\act opposite ot Uland , b.dd that lie was opnosul to Man ning's pioposition. Ho thought that the most danguious step taken by congiess toi sometime wastlionulhorl/atlon last jeai ol the issuing of hiher certificates in their plate , 'lliib would Simply hasten our get ting onto a sIlNcrbislsand the elimination ot L'old as a standaid fiom the countrj. Man- ning'b prlnehnl snggesllons , howoxer , le- latmg to tnrin tediiction lit in vei\ well wltli tlio Ili-nltt administration bill. Manning'h piopoiition to take tlio land oil ol law ma tetlals ami to lu\o tree wool would suit llewlttety well. 1'ho latter uellcxcs In lieo xvool , altliongh that is not In the bill. In the main .Manning's Miggeation conceining the tarilf will meet with the approval ot the ma- jorltv In the house It IsconsUlcied bttango that the president did not himself take amore moro pronounced bland upon the btibjecl , mid go bejond mere formal phrase. " Coinincnt nt the Capital. \N A iiiNiTo.Dec 7 , Ihpeclal Telc/ram to the JJcr.j Vety little luiito\ement | is ob- seivablo today In the matioi ot comment on the ptcsldcnt's message. Attei the lapse ot eighteen hours the stme impiesslons are heard as wcro given list evening that Iho document lias not boon hiitllciently dl- goMed to admit of a fait oi Intelligent jiuls- men ! . His pi lin. however , that Iho iavoi- able oi tintavorablii opinion ot the niealdunt hltheito jtossiissedbj members and senators , has mobtto do now In making utteiaiiccs ni ou the messaze , Thut is to say the o w ho endotselho proiidcnt Imd much in lib mes- page to praise , while these who v\ero opposed to the ptesident beloro Its laMimcu have only \\oids of con- demmition. Theto are two great hides to the message ; ono forthei ast andono foi thowijst. Tie ) east is batislied on the lecommondatlon olleetlug finances mid con demn tboso upon the tarllT. vvhllo In the v\est U Is tlioie\eraoof Iho oidei. It Is btranco but line that siarcclv aiiemocrat oi republi can can bo tonnd but w ho will point out some berloiib objection in the mea-age. Tliis , is e.\- n a nedbthoilemoctats vvbosaj theto U a dhbion in the paitj on tlio two issues , tarilf and linance > , whllo there are othet obstinate loutontlonsin the patt } overchil borvlco 10- toi m , foielgn relations , etc. Ilepiesentatlvo ilnUon , of Indiana , who U chairman of the coiiMJiltteo on invalid persons , has asfbtiisbed people > ny ; bv announcing in an Interview piibliblied } n4liis moinlug t , 1'oat. that in tbo ji0'ht of the pu'shlcnfs me&sago i.uiit teform ! b muclt moio urgent than pcjibiun lerUla- tiou. HoioN , Dec. 7-Yolnoy 1C. Chamborlaln , ono of llio largnat pork ptckcrs In the east , was nrraltftied In tlio Cambridge snpeilor court joaterday afternoon charged with con- ceiling tlie funds or the Insolvent linn of Lincoln , Chamberlain & Co. . pork packers. ofwhleh ho was a partner , and -Kith the crime of liav inn' sworn falsely la certain pur chases of BOA eminent bonds. The couinlaln- ants nie John r.Sanlro & Co. , vvitb whom thotlcfcndant'd Him has done- business to the extent ot nearly gl.000,000 and whoattachca the eettitcs and busline of defendant homo jearago. . when tbo Indebtedness of the lat ter aggregated 5VW.OOO. A full hearing or the perjury case vv as be uu Ibis THU INDIAN SUl't'tiY DIU'OT. St. Joseph Entois the Conlcsl to Secure i\a I/ocntton. A\'A ! itivoTov , Dec. 7. [ Special Telegram to the UKF. ] St. Joseph , Mo. , lias entotcd the contest with Omaha , St. Louis , Chicago and Kansas City for the location of the In dian supply depot. Representative lUirnes , of Missouri , called at the Indian olllco to-day ami secured a postponement of tbo decision on this question till the St. Joseph delega tion can be heard. So tlierolll bo a delay of some dajs vet. The Nebraska delegation ulll present their claims of Omaha tomorrow row , however , and feel confident that It the depot Is removed from New York tliev stand quite as good a clnncc of securing Has anj other point. Indian Commissioner Atkins begins to tealo ! that ho Is inviting qulto a rush and n competition not conducive to good feelings or good resultsbv finlliei delaj In levelling n decision , and It is likely that It will be made this week. mu.s iVTimtircnn Ssuator Allison Inttoduccd a bill today authorizing the Omaha A Council lllulls lallwaj to construct a bridge over tlio Mis- sour ! river , between Omaha and Council H Inn's \ \ Ithiu a tlilid ot n mile of the Union Pacliiclnldge. William L. Scott ot ' , 1'cnnsjlvanla , to-day Introduced a bill In the liouso gtantlnp tight ol way to the rromont. Klkhorn A Mlssoutl Valley railway across tlio Tort Mcado mili tary rebervatlon upon n line to bo approved by tbo secielary ot war. Mi. Henderson , of lown. Inttoduccd a bill repealing section 010 of the icvlsed stitutes of the United States , leqnlrlng the jttdai's of tlie United States supreme court to attend at lea t ono session of the United btates circuit court annually. Alsoa bill planting u pension to Clementine Hartluger. Mr. I Am , ui , of Iowa , Inttoduced n bill an- tlioiizlng the Omaha and Council lilulfs Hallway and Bridge company to construct a bride across the Missouri river between Omalii and Council liiulFs. Mr. Klleiier , of Indiana , Introduced a bill for the constitution of a Drldgo across , the Mlsbomi rhoi at or near I'leire , Dakby tlio Duluth , I'lctio it lilack Hills lailway company. A bill was introduced by Delegate Gilford , of Dakota , antliori/ing tlie Ynnkton & Mis souri Valley rallioad to contiuct a bridge across the Mibsouri Ulver within live miles ol Yankton. nti'novivo i im TOUTS. liepicbentatlvo Dorsoy called up ami bad pished In the honso this at tot noon the bill appropriating SITS.tOJ foi tlio im- piovcment ot Forts liohliison and Husscll. bcnatoi Van Wjek will look aftet the meas- me In the other end of the capitoi , ana it vv ill likelv be passed by that body. THh IMIl VN St'I'l'l Y III. POT. A meeting will lie hold by the Nebiaska deleLMtlon this evening lor the put POM ? of agieeing upon a clan of nrocedure In the Indian mtpplv depot quostlon. The delegation will accompany the Omaha men to tlie commissioner of Indian affairs to morrow attciuoon , vvhen Omaha's advan tages will bo presented , Kcpicsantatlvo- elcct Mcbhano will be present to nUlit. i in : D UJOTA r.oviiiivoitsnit' . M. 11. Day , of Dakota , who is ic- Raided as Hie leading candidate lor gov ernor ot Dakota , was seen hy jour eor- lespoudent this afternoon. lie said : "I know nothing of the situation. Ihavotilcd iioapnlieation and have undo no personal appeal foi the place , and 1 don't propose to do so. My ftieuds bavo urged the picsident to appoint mo , and I believe I have the besl endorsement on file lot the place. " oi-KviNo im : sioirx IU.MUVATIOX. . ) . C. MeManpina and Mayor McClure , of Pierre , Dak. , who spent the gteater p-xit of last o son ! advocating the passige of the Sioux ; reservation bill , aio mraln on hand. They asscitthat the chances ot the bill nto % ery good. "Tne special order still holds good. " said Mr. McClure , to-day , 'and we expect to pass the bill as soon ns It can bo reached. First in order is the Daw os Indian seveialty bill. That will not take loin : to dispose of. Of course tills is a short bossion , and oveiyt'iinjt will bo crowded to the ftont. " Chairman Wellborn of the In dian committee , Slid to day : "Wo pioposc to bend all ourenctiiles to tlie passige of tlio Siouvre etvation bill and will push that It we do nothing else. " Till : ClT.riN" I.Al'.OB COMSIITTKn. Tlio Cnttln labor committed , which never made a leport because of the Im possibility to complete the investigation toi vvintol the testimony of the late II. M. llo\le. will nnke Its final rcpoit this vseek. Xow that lloxiolsdeidthcio is nothing lett tor the committee ! to do other than make this repoit. 10W \ AXI ) NniUtVSICA PATENTS. Patents were Issued for Xebraskans and low aiib to dayas follows : Culvert Thomas , Lincoln , Xeb. , i.xllway switch stand and Mvitch connection ; Low Is , DCS Molnes , la. , window shuttci ; Kllisha U. Dur- fee , Lincoln , .Neb , rail bcraper and snow plow ; William M. L'vnns and J. (5. Contact , Osk.iloo a. la. , luhrlcatoi ; John II. ( iissey Diilmnuo , la , bcatrnstcncrWllllam ; K Could , Dos Moines , la. , i. ill way rail joint : Julius Hosii , Donlson , la. , animal releasing device ; ( ieorgo A Smith and .1. ( J. \ an Noiman , Maislialltown , la. , stock eat ; Iteeso L. Wlt- tington , liedlord , la. , lonce. Kiank LumkiKiller was to-diy appointed postmaster at Moscow , Muscatino county , Ioalco Chas. A.elslir , removed. The postolhco at I'laltio Hill. Doono count > , Iowa , wast illacantluuod to-day. The President Improving1. WASIIINOTOV , Dec. 7. The picsident is somewhat linpiovcd In health today , and was able to preside at ( lie tegular cabinet meeting. imoici ; TUB ai.uiitirr. The .Mrssaee , Consreas nml Grchliain KiMicl Stocks Way Io\\n. Nrw YOIIK , Doe. 7. [ Special Telegram to the P.m. . | The stock matkct was baldly so bnojant to day ns it had been for bevoral da > s pievious. The pie.siilenl's mossagr , the meeting of congress and the fear of tight money were all dlsturblni ! factotn. At Uio upemng of the Mock exchange money ruled at r/7 iei cent and theio was a notnblo dib- posltion to unload long sloeks. Coal blocks were notably weak , Liekawanna selling downl'j pur cent. Notwithstanding M > IUQ vetj stiong bull till ; by S. V. White , giancers v\ercall lowei , and tlio sentiment in regard to thla.class of stocks senmed to get moro bearish as prices declined. New York Ar New KnglatKl diopped 1 jicr cent.Va \ - bish btoko ll { per cent on the announce ment of Judge ( iicsham'ti decision that the bondholders on ( ho lines east of the MIs = ds- blnpl river were entitled to a beparato ro- colver. Dining the closing hours the whole maiket broke bully. Tight money anil jndgo ( lieslmm's ( Incision in the Wabash case made the feeling very bearish , Money ranged at 7Q9 per cent Now llncland. VanderblltR , gr.ingi-rs and coalots broke 1@J'J per cent. Western Union was v\cak and the market closed easy at a traction ubovo llio lowest point of tlio day. Tbo total sales woio about 050,000 shares. , . ' AVrenUcd A cssclw , S vi.r M , Masis. , Dec. " . An unknown tliice- masted Bchoonc ) is tepoited .sunk tlnce miles east of Lowell'a Inland with her masts staml- Inc three lect oni of the water. Thcto are no tidings of tliQ clew. Ahiinutv PAIIK , N J. . Dee. -Tlio two- masted schooner John T. Lou ? , of New York , came ashoio at 4 o'clock this morning , neatly opposite the life saving station between bca- brivhtand the lilchUndsof Navesink. When the crew of the lltuiivlucbtatloii boarded the vessel they only found a dog. It is supposed the crow were swept ovuiboatd in tlioheavy sea. 'the bchooner will piobably pro\o a total loss. An.ANno Cur , N. J. , Dec. 7. An un known schooner is uslioio on the beach hete. The sea Is very heivy and all attempts lo rc-icuo tlm ( ion of Hiove ef , who am in the ? , thus far has been unsuccessful. .Scalded to Di-alli. Bosrov , Dec. 7. An intoxicated man named Ilurr Woods , , who had wandered into thobalt\\orlvsofiIalU'r'Heik & Co , Alle gheny CItv , tbU morning , fcll'into n vat of boiling salt water and was scalded so badly that deatli u onlv n ( ] iwslon ( of a feu' hourd. When li vvasjt llc < U out tbo Jltsh from Jilb body In C'lTi ? ! i i vni nft M in A tm T\T SIIELLENBERGLR IS GUILTY. The Jury Koturn a Verdict of Murder in the First Degreo. MOTION MADE FOR A NEW TRIAL. iro\errti1eil the Dentil Sonlcncn AVH1 lie 1'rononceil To tiny Story of tlio Crime ntu ! llio History of the Trlnl. A < lmt Vonllct. Cu-v. Neb. , Dec.7 [ Special Telegram to the DKK. ] The seven da > s' trial of I AM Shellenbcrger was ended to daj in Iho district court , by the jury reluming a veidletof tnmdei In the lust degree. The arguments In his bebilt by lion. John C. Watson and Prank T. Kinsom occupied all jcstctda > and weto eloquent , gund and lojicil , showing that the ) weio true and determined In maklnir overv ellott lor their client. Dlsttlct At- lotnej Strode spoke this morning for tlnoo Hours. His speech was tlie besl legal effot tot bis life , and he is received maiiv coiigtatula- Ions. The case was given to the jury at noon , and after being out three hours , an agreement was leached and tlio vcidlctwas returned to the com t. When the juiy entered - tered the court room a deep slleuco of ex pectation pervaded all , although It was gener al conceded tint no other vetdlctbut guilty would bo returned. When tlio fatal words were pronounced a mm mm of approval ran through the court room. Sliellcnberecr re ceived the \oidlct without flinching in tlio least and bhowcd no ontwatd trace of vv hat his feelings might be. His countenance tc- malned stolid throughout the piocecdlntrs and he seemed us Indifferent to his falo as If his llfo was not at slake. 'I he utlorncjs for the defense at oneo filed a motion lor a new tilal , which will be beird by the court to mot row morning. In case the motion is overruled the judge will then Im mediately sentence tlio condemned man to 1m iniiged. Among those assembled In tlio court room the verdict was received with manifest np- pioval and wlien the news had spread about the city tliero was a eeneral expicsblou of opinion that It was just and itzht. 1IIK CItlME. The crlmo for which Leo bliellenbcrirer has been convicted was most heinous , being ono of tbo foulest ever committed in this state. Mazglo Shelleubeigcr , the victim , was the oloven-j cat-old diughter of tlie murderer. The scene of the crime vv as at Sliellenbercers farm , about sl\ miles from Nebr.i'ln City. The lamily consisted ol Shellenbeiger , his wlfo and two childien , Jon and Maggie. 'Ilie woman , however , wasShellen- berger's second wife and stepmother to the children , and her trcitment ot them , espe cially the liltlo girl , was geueiallj icportcd lo bo most abusive. The father seemed to ofierno objection to Ins wife's tieatment of tbo children , and home was made such u boll for the little ones that sov eral times tliev lelt and sought shelter at the neighbors' . " Ono day. accoidlmrto the evidence utven at fie trial bj the little gill's brothei , Joe , Maggie was ordered by Mis. bhellenbeiger lo SiCinb the cellat stairs. At tlio time tiio father claimed to bo at a neiehboi's , and reluming homo stalled to entet the cellar. As ho stopped on the stalls , howevei. ho boint a strange noise and called for n , light. "When bis wile biought It be discovoicd Maggie lying on the lloor with foni horrible gashes In liet throat and rt butcher knlfo Ijlng by her side. All the indicitions wete tint she Imd been caught fiom behind and the twiblo deed accomplished before the little ono was nvvaro of danger , bhcllcnbeiger said that Maggie was btill living when ho found her , and ho carried her up stairs and sent word to the neighbors. Tito suspicion at once pre vailed that Majglo hid been murdered by her inliumiu pitonls and the coroner was immediately notified , and Mi.andMis. Shcilcnbergor weto placed nndei atiest. Both claimed that Maggie had become despondent pendent and committed suicide , but this was proved entirely untenable bv tbo ciiciim- btances surrounding the killing. Aftci llio vcidlct ot the coronei's jutlind - ing Mi. and Mr. bhollenbeigci guilty of the inutdei. excitement tnionghout tlio county ran hUii , and in older lo pievcnt a eued lyncliini ; the bheiilt Imd tint piisoneis lemovcdtotho iieniteutiary at Lincoln lot safe kecniuc. Hero tlicj lomulned until last June , w lien they weio biou htbick to Nebraska braska City and have icnunncd In jail up to the present time. College Students Ai rested. Bru.nvur , N'cb. , Dec. 7 [ Special to the Hi E ] The college kids , a do/en of the big bojfe and gills , \\oin sleigh tiding last night. They diovo In front ot the residence of Mis. McCartney , aim , llio old lady claims , used instilling laugmge lo hot. I' . Shi.g.ut and A Orlswold weie hiought beloro tiqiiho Liugliein toda > . Di. U. W. lliuslm , piesi- dc'iit ol tlie college appealed foi the bov" , and Imd theii trial postponed until 10 o'clock n. m. , Siturday. The bojs ehaiged with dis turbing the peace weio both colie o students. A. Sli > Mer Ijrtwjer Sin.vm , Neb. , Dec. 7. [ Spechl Telegtim to Iho DI.I : . I In the illsttlct court hoio jos- teiday a sbjBtci lawjei named William C. Heilley , wlillo in the Dial ol a case , insulted a wJtnc'bS named Chatles Talbot , lei wlilch Judge llamer simply icmlnianded Ilclllny. tpon ) court taking a iccossTalbot gave Nell- Icy a much desoned thrashing , which Is highly commended tj all cltbeiib , as Itcllloy hthe most otlenslvc shjbter In the slate. A Itrokon Jjlinl ) . XinivfeKA : Cur , Nob. , Dec. 7. [ Special Telegiam to t'lolieo. ' ) John l\on | , nephew of lion. John C. Watbon , hiokohls leg this morning wlilleeomingoiit ol tliecoiut house. Ii. Wat on was at once called and set the liactmed limb. A Siiloido Ai.iiK , la. , Occ. 7. [ fcpjiccial 'lelegiam lethe the Urn.j A man who gavn bis nnmo as Chili lea Hrntou , aged twenty-eight jcurs stopped over Monda ) nlglit , N'ov ember 'JO , at tbo Ilaxtoi house In this city Nest day lie took boaid and lodging at Coons' restamant , where he remained until Sunday moinlng , vvhen bofshot himself with a largo revolver. Ho nred tlneo shots , the thltd taking ellcct In the right breibt and sldo. Ho linrerod In sullen silence , idling nothing of his hlbtorj , until Q o'clock , when death put an end lo his bodily buffeting * . Ho was of lUht com plexion , about H feet 0 Inches hluh , study boa id and moustache. Ho said Ids father lives about six miles out of alley Palis , Kan. The authoiltles ba\o telegraphed to that address with no answer as jet. Mi. Coons sa > s bo saw the joung man vvhllo Ml- tlngby thobtovo tcai several leaves from his memorandum book with williuon them and , vvitb a lot of Icttci * , consign them to the lire. Sotarasknown ho leaves nothing bj vvlilcb lie can bo identllled , Another Conl J''lnd in Io\vn. i s MoiNl.s , la. , Dec. 7. [ apodal Tele- giam to tlio UIK : J Heaver towiibhlp , ( Jnth- rm county , Is having n coal boom. A rich find , sK and one-half nilks noithwest of here , is lepoited by Messrs Mulls and Tem ple. 'Jhese gentlemen aio now pushlm : the vvoik aiidislnklngarilmlt 5feet. ! . In diill- ing down they sti tick his Imbes of coal ut u depth of 100 leet. I'ndcrljing this I * a .sul phur htrata oC one-halt inch , then a thin lav ei of coal upon anothci shallow sulphui drift , and underl > lug all N found a si\ toot two inch vein of good bjtmninoub coal , A New Italliond for .Sioux City. Sioi'v Cm , la , Dec. 7. ibpeclal Tele gram to the Hiih.l The faouCi ! > it North western railroad company was organised Jieru to-day , the Incornor.itors being Hon. J. K. ( iraveb ot Dnbumi.- . , and Jolln Pierce , T , D. Hedges , T. P. Uera , John Hoinlck , Craig L. Wright , F , 0. Hill , 1. K. Jioogc , 1 * , T. Kvans II. A. Jamil. It Is the Intention of the company to build a slandaul gauge road from hero to Klngslcy and Stoitu Lake to Luvcrne , in liumboldt countvwhero a con nection will be mule with llio Koek Island s.vstem. This road is expected lo open up a imoeountn , and by giving Sioux City a eon- necllonritb the Itock l hud plnco It fai In advance of any position of advantage In rail- wax facilities she has evet luul or contem plated. The Incorpoiators mn all men of laigo capital. c\peieuco ! and foieslgbt , and Hie building of this new road will be one nf the suiesl indications foi a big boom In 1 ST , A Ucorlxor Appointed. DES MOIVKS , la. , Dec T. ( Special Tele- pram to the Hnn.j 1'opeis were hied In tbo United Slates clrcull court todav nsklng for ami granting a leeelver foi the Iowa Central tatlroad. Tlireo epnrato bills aio Illed , 10- lallnc sovtrallj to the nitln Hue , covering the entlio mllc.igo ol tlie toad , with all Its apnolntnieuts. Tbeprtltloiict Is the Ceutial Trust eoiupinv of Now Yoik , holding hist mmtiriBu tiondsof tl-n road lo the amount of ? 't.000t01 and the suit Is biought foi default ofpavment of inteicbt aiuonutlug to fully 5.V..OOO. Jtul u Love , of tbo fulled Slates dlstilct court , appointed as teiclvor Mr. P. . L Dudlv. tbepiesent general nmnairer of the road.He bis given bonds in the sum of Sf > 0lK and lakeu charge ol the piopeitv as iccehei. loun Dnlrj tnon In Ci DAII Uvrin'i , la. , Doc. 7. ISpeeialTelc- giam to the Dill1 1 Wellet's hall vvasetowded this afternoon with prominent dairymen of this state and Wisconsin on the opening of tbo tentlt annual convention of the Iowa Bullet and Cheese association. The annual repoits vveto lead. A mong tlio subjects to bo considered by the convention aio "Itallioad Discriminations" and the "Dait.v men's Duties In Kclalton lo the Olcomargatino Law. " In connection w Illi the convention thcro Is n largo and etoditablo show of cieamery supplies , dairy apparalus , dairy products , etc. ( ! . C. Tnppcr , Osape , lead a impel on olcomaigoriuo. To night Mav or Katon deliveied an uddiess of welcome , and 11. M. Latllci , bectetary of the association , icsponded. No Ijot Up to fie Mnilo. Sioux CITY , la. , Dec. 7. [ Special Tele gram to tbo UKI : . ! A prominent member of the Law and Older league , speaking to-day of the opening ol tbo siloons again In Sioux City , confesses tliat it was very nnfoi lunate for that orcaiil/atlon. but that tlio piosecn- tlon would bo eairicd on with greitei vlgoi than ever. Matters prnnilsn to bo liveh In Januarj , when the dlsti let contt meets a aln , and another light will bo made. A 1 UJOU CONVENTION , A n mini Meeting oT Fodorutod Unions nt ColtunUim. Coi.ruiuTs. Dec. 7. Tlie federation of or- ganii'cd trades and Irtbor unions of tlie United States and Canada opened Us annual tics ion to diy at noon. Tlio nieettni : was to have been held in bt. Louis , but changed to this city , owing to thecouvention of national ttades unions , whicli coin cncb hero to-moi- low. lliero me a largo nnmbct of delegates coming , and here , It Is expected , they will lei m a union. Graf ton Peatco , representa tive of the state tiades asscmbljt doliveied an add ie s of welcome , cougtatulaling the federation on the stunt it had taken not to mix labor with politics. Harmony In trades unions became discord in apolitical platfouu. Ho conUustod tbq spectacle of Henry Oeotge and Powderly as political candidates to ie present woiking men , ono .1 fieoti.ulei and tlio other n protectionist , Picsident Com pel , tupi > liiur , loviowed tlio jast ) work ol trades unions , tcndinir to en liuhteniiiciit to all and beliiKConsei vatots ol peace. As 01- gani/ations they wcto against Hot , tumult KII d iinaichy , and society In all its heirlnjjs Is satowilh trades unions. They looked to. and cultivated uspii It ol Independence and manhood and right to lice spctch , llbcitv and the iichts ot propei ty. 'I hey bail manj dlssontions dining the year , but these would be touched upon in the report of the leaisla- ttvo committee. Kefmlng to the nationnl convention which meets to nioirow , they should , ho siid , so conduct legislation ns to meet with tlio convention's apnrohation and unkoall u fedeiatlnn. Anadjomnmeut was then taken to .Jo' clock. At the attemoon session of tl.o fedciation ol ouanl/c'd ttades it was decided lo hold ex ecutive sessions , nml all not olllciallj con nected with tlio botli weio leiinested to wltli- diawhilo tlie action of tlio legislative com mittee was submitted to tlm congiess foi its appioval 01 dlsippioval. Tlio ekclioii of piesidlngolliceis icsulted as follows : J. W. .Smith , ot National Tailois' union , pieaident ; J. LViight. \ . of International 'lj pogiaphi- eal union , vice piesideut ; J. h. Kirchner , of Intel n ilional Cigannakein' union , su-ietatj ; II. M. Kmcilcli , ol liitein.itional I'uinltino Makets , assistant suetotaiv ; W L Tomson , ol Chicago Trades and Lahoi asscmblj. doot- keeiei ) ; 1 1' . 1'llegci , ( 'oluinbns , messi ngei. > lessis. liompi l , Tomson , Mlllei , I'liieth h , Kdmtstoii and Knctiuc'i liom tlio legislative conimitlco Hiibmltted a lengthy iepoit of which tne tol- lowitig l-t iiuhtib'n ' nice : Tlioeommitlce was happj to icport a latge me.isiuo ol snciess toadied bj Hie eight- * hour movement inan.Miiat d at tholabtion- giess of the ledeiation , and the Impetus Klven the laboi minement. Wlillo the elghl- iiom svstein Ins been adopted iuh.olaigo Industrie' ! , tint woiking horns ot ovei two hundred thousand l.ilinicis bad been icdiicod fiom twelv lo nlm a .d e glit horns. A myia ceneial obicivancd oi llio litst Monday In Scitembr ( as labor's holiday was sug gested so that it may become as national as Independence day. 'llio evasion ot the Chinesu Immigra tion laws Huirgesled the woithlossiioss of laws when not culorccd bj olllcets in Bjmpnthy with them , AnapniMl toouL'icts wasiecommeuded. In spelling ol Pinlter- ton's police , tlio coii'iiiilleo called attention lo the bill Intiodncid In congiess piohlbillng corporations 1 1 0111 omplo > ing as eoiislabulai v , men liom states In which they did not ic-bide. 'llicj weio ehaiacteil/ed us aimed boilitsot merconailes seeking to intimidate men asking lor tbeli lights. fndci tbo head ot "tho tedeiaUon and tha Knights , stiikcs and politleil action , " the commJtUo says : Tlie < | iiestlon ol htiikos is perhaps , In the preseht movement ol l.iboroig.tiil/.atloiiH , ono that H lecelving the largest shnrool the w orkingiiien's attention , not w lioilj , w o must conl < ss , iruided hy that liitullljence which wutlilnk the subject desei vcs. Wo do not , as a federation , eras Indiv uluals , vv Ish to ! K < nndoistood to bo advocates - ol stiikcs ; on tbo ( ontiarv , It is known that the best icgnlated Hades unions li.uo the least strikes. \ et , wiiilo wo denloio tliln meas-iiio of wurf.uo in the laboi movement , w cannot and will not join the general line and eij lor their condemna tion. Mi ikcb aie h id , no doubt , but on ! ) aio thej so when the } uioladurc- note h id vvlion Ihej aio successful Tlieicfdie , look now , when tostrikoand when not to strike aie questions ot Hie hihi"-t ( Impoi lance ; iiKo how aiostiikcs tq bo conducted , Wo bolhuo w hun a Millie IM Iho people most interested should be consulted and bavo tlio deciding voice , ThocommltKo icgaidod with pleasino the recent political action of the 01- ganUcd woikmeji of the coiintij , h > which they hrd delermtneii Hi il thuv intend to dcmonsiiato Until political power. It is KC- ommended th it organised laboiH jieiMst In theli tecent cirorts until they adnovo the i \ - ercibti ol political lights and poweihich is just. ( iompors moved that tlie legislative com- niittco meet with thc < ommiltcool the tiades union eontt rein e to agieo upon a plan foi the earning out of an um.iLamaiion ot all tlm tiades unions 'Ihislnoii lit on coliildeiablo dlsciisslun in vvhidi tliu Knights of Laboi was dl-cussed , as an OIK inUatlon ainl it vvas linallj decided that tliu Knighis of Labor had notliliiL' to do with it. Thu motion for tlio appointment ol a cmmuitiiom adopted and the todt latlon adjumnul lo 'J a. m. to-iuonou 'Iho lolluvving was received lo nl0'ht : Pun AIM i I'liiA , | ) ( c. 7 P. J. Mcuiie ( ! , Sccietat > Ti.iiltb I nion Contuicnco-l have s ( Icctcd & colmnilteo ot live , consisting ot Brothers Hov\e , ll.kll .Mcl' > , ( iiulii'iou and Lant , todiscu s past grlev nicehclwtcn the tradi h unluii- , and Iho Knights oi L nun and pave Uiu vta > for th" avoidan'O dl 1 < i , iher ones. KtiiUrnall ) ) ourK , T. V. Powpi.iti > SOLON HUMPHREYS SCORED , Judge Qroslmm Administers a Scathing Rebuke buko to the Bobbing Receiver. A DECISION FOR BONDHOLDERS. Vnrlntin ililox Ini ; Transact IDIIR oj Could , Dillon nntl MopkliiH Ih-onj'lit to IjlulU til tlio Wnlinriti Mutter. The AVahiish Hooch orshlp. CutCMio , Dec. 7. ( Special Telogtam to the P.i.ul Jndgo Grejbam lo-diy ga\o Id3 decision In tlio famous Walnstt iccelvershlp case , and adminlsteied a teulble seourglURto Jay Gould , Solon Uumphtejs , Vice Presi dent Hopkins , Sldne > Dillon and Kusscll Sage. 'I'lio niattci came up beloie the comt on an application bj certain of the Wabash bondholders foi lonunnl , MI lar Ibis district is concerned , of tbepie-ent lecelveisand Iho appointment ot new and honest ones. In piefaclng his decision lemovlng Solon ilumplnc } ? and Ids coadJustei , Judge Gresham said that It bad been tmulo plain Unit Solon llumphiejs. liusscll Sage , Jay Gould and Sidney Dillon weie the solo owners of the stock of tbo Ellsworth coal mines , and that It Imd also been made plain that Humphreys , as reeelvei , bad bought vast quantities ol coal lor him * self , as the Kllswoith coal company p.ijlng more than the maikct price. But tlio judge also said that It was also plain llial Hninphrojs as receive ! ol tbo Wabasb , had madoaicbato In llio Height charges to himself as the Kllsworlh Coal company to tbo amount of ncatlj SW.OOO. It had also been made plain that all the thicks of the Wabash rnllund led lo all Iho olher coal mines except Receiver Iluiuplnev's. The lUlswoilh trade bad been taken up. Gresham gave a length opinion , reviewing Iho whole ease fiom tlio , tlmo Iho rccclvcis woto appointed in ibSlo ) date , togcthei w 1th the lease by the Wabash company to the bt. Louis it Iron Mountain company. Tlio com t also lov lowed ( bo ellort ? ot the putchaslng committee to recognl/o tbo i ompauv ami place It on u nuw basis , and In dicated that the said committee hail signally failed In all Us cndeavois , Thcro vvas no piobabllily of Us evoi succeeding in putting thucoipoiallon on a surer foundation. Tho" pioccdure nmlei which m elves were ap pointed was seveicly erltici/cd. Their ap- iiolntment was orginall ! > made hyihoUnllcrt Slates eomtal St. Louis on the application ol the company Itself. Anolhci scathing feature of the anlmadveision bv the comt was ceitam ordeis which the purchasing commit tee bad obtained liom the comt in St. Louis aulhoii/inir Iho recclveis lo tf-o the net tain- ings of th line to paj the coupons of such bonds , the holdcisot which assented to the plan puisued bv tlie committee wlillo the coupons ol the other bonds weie Iguoicd ami lett unpaid. 'I he com t said that , the ordir aveilcd to , taken , \iih & 1,00(1,000 ( of the float ing indebtedness of the Wabash company ! Imd been held as a menace over the hcauu or * the non asbcntjng bondholders as n tncasuiq ol coeiclon bv Iho membets ot thopuicliaslnKji committee. Tlm jiuleo did not belluvo that I the couitat St Louis supposed toi a moment- that llio oidei given would bo used as ItlmoT' been , otherwise it would have novel been gianted. 'Ihn oidei lefencd to was made Soptembci , lv l. Judge Giosham decided tliatlmuadimlsdldlou ( or tlio tcason thai ? tlio bulk ot Uio ptopuity coveted bv the mort- gigc In question was eiilolh In lids district , and that a prooci showing hail been made ori the morlgigo lot which the foieclosmo luul' been asked. Ho held that thoj should bb- foieelosed and the pic-tout rcceiveisieuiovcd. Leave was theieloie given lo the moitgnirn bondholdeis ol 1S07 and IS'.O lo hie a bit in the United Slates uUtilet court at field asking lei aieeeivoi lei iheii piouortyc It was held that the application lot the ap pointment of n teceivet foi the Chicago division ol tlio system could bo hied hero ami' would be onteitained. They weie , It was held , entitled to sudi a icielver , and thcic case , fiom tiio showing made , was good. The judge also unnmei.ited many other dial honest practices of dould , lltimnliiejs , Hns- . soil Sago and Dillon , instancing , among otheis , how they had undcisold Wabasl pipers , 'the jud e also showed that not only as an olllcet , but even alter his appointment ; asieeeivei , llnmphiovs liad Msteimttlcally plunddcd thlt bondlmldeis to fill llio pockets ol himself and Ids c o adjustcis. ' A Tumble In ] VlinltiK Stork. Svv FiiANfisro. Dee. 7. All lavorllo stocks took n fcaiful down waul this moining Consolidated Vir ginia , which sold .v-steiday at 8 < T > , ojicned Ibis moiningatli.jO , and quickly attei- vvtinl tell to SIC. Opiiit followed suit. Sales on this slock weio made veslciday at S10J but it opened lo-dav at Si'i , elosiiij' at S'JT.'J' ' ) , Best and lidclici opened at { i'l , a loss of 81. and williont ati > attemit al lecoveiv closed on fiist boaid .ilS10. > . Sav.igo did nd bellei It oicned at 1S , a loss of S1/ , and dually closed at Sr..7"i. The bleak lit blcnn Nevadi was not so bad , belna Htiongly held al tri : > D' ' ) , dosing at SH.-j ; ( iould iCiur > i-old at 61 ISO jester- d ty but opened this innmlng atf SI ! , dosing at fci 'llm brcdk ! lias ciealed wide spicul consternation. Tlm only assumption is that holders havlnij couallcd all Iho shoils aie now letting Ilia stock go. 11 this should piovoeonect he further declines may be expected. No I itics nto teportcd this 'Homing. DotH l roni Diilinqiie. i , , Li. , Dec. 7 , ISpecI.ilTdogiam to the Hr.r.l Mayor dlab eelelmited bis sll vci wediling this iiiomini' , miss being Bald al St. Mail's church , A tccoptlon occiincd to-nijhl. ; It li.insiilres that Theirsa Deckel , whoso bodv was found In a cistern in Mosalem township Satuid iv h id wiitten on the bnclc ot hei IOVCI'H ] ) hoton'i.iph ; " 1 tllo lovmc JOIl. " Pom Indh'tmoiits In the Unlled .Stale ? com I igatnst H. A. I ) ibbige , the hinkoi who lied fiom Diiiiiiiui ) in lo.t with Si,00 : , ( ) and Is now In Now Voik , weio dismissed. In- dlclmenls In tlic stale court aio still pending , Seven Hiiildin H liiirneii , Dl s MOIM s , Li , , Dee. -.Spe-'lil [ Telo giam to the Bi i..J boven business build ings , a bank , pilntinolllco , geneiul itoio , druir stoie. luriiltnio liouso , etc. , In the low 11 of Maxwell , .Stoiy coiinlj limned i.nly jes- teidaj moinlng. Lou SliO.OUO ; InsniuncQ unkno\vn. A lirnlcomnn Killed. Ci n\u llAi'tDs la. . Dee. 7. [ Sp clal Tclo giam to the BKI . ) Ilcniy Kitmaii , u brnku- man on Iho NotIhwintern , twentllnoo vcars old and single , fell fiom a freight train last nigh ! , mai Mount Vemon , und wa killed. His homo is at ( linton. A I'aiiit In Oil o , Dee. 7 A sudden nnd heavy dedino in oil today c iii-oil a panic nt tbo Kxchango ami the dumping ot a laixoIotoC c'-rtlllc ties on the nuiiket. The Hut sale vvas made at hOc , whinshoitl ; ) boloio noon It fell toTl'c. ' 1 lie dccJIuo was checked and at 1 o'doik rallied to "nt\c. Only ono falluro ocdiuid heie , that of J. M. Haves , ono of the IiMilliu biol.eis , who is unable to meet lib ) CHditOlS , _ .Mori Uon DcnioK. Jc-c. 7 , llepresontallvq todii ) said , in leftrenco to the no\\siaR | | > i htntement that his filcuds desired to makit him clerk of tlm next house , that tlm statement did not olijiiluUe with him , nov was it calculated b > IHN 'I lie CIIHO of < IK ! iivioso , \ ,1 , , Dix1. -Govornoi Lee has dicidul not lo .niirfetowitii llio judgment in the i a-B 1 1 ( lu ei iu > , eltlinj bv coiumulallori < ri r i"ii I o ( Xi ition will lake l'i' i ) nil" in ipjil i < i in inr n u iii T' ' ' , whkh 'vjii bbeo.i Idert-d by the i u'jr.