7 THE OMAHA DAILY REE : TUESDAY DECEMBER. 7. 1880 , THE DAILY BE15. COUNCfiTBLUFFS TUKSDAT MORNING DEC. 7. OFFICE , WO. 12 , PEARL STBEET. Dtllmed l > y farrier In nnr part of the city t twenty tt uti per neck. II. W.TU.TON. - - Malinger. TKJKJ'HO.NK < 3 : BCMjcmOrrtrt : , Ko. 13. Nium KDITOII No. 23. Ml.NOlt SI i\TION. : N. Y. Plumbing Co. New fall goods at Uuilor's. ML A. Casper is nov\ Inking orders for holly wreaths for ChrNtnms decoration. C. W. D.-ilbcy lias rfioiganizud his bjind niul orcliuitra , and is prepared to furnish bcltur music than cur. A inun fell in : i fit in a prominent saloon jesterdav. nnd fora time it was Uiou hUliat the coroner would be needed , but ho revived. Lost on Main or I Vail street , bet wren Jlrondwa.y anil l'ir-i nveniiu , a white sank containing tlB.Ci. 1'liulur will be rewarded - warded on leaving it with 11. Hued , at American Impress ollicc. 'J he Unptisls urr to ha\u an entertain * inont Thursday night in their church. ] { efrc hnicnts will be served al (1 ( o'clock. mnlarioiis fancy articles will bo "old Theie will aKo be a pleasing prograninu' . 'J'he Harmony mission j-ocial that was ' pnstioiR'd | will'take place this evening at Mrs. Palmer's , Iltirniony street. The Indies c\pcrt a large attendance and will serve nice refreshments fiom 0 to 10 o'clock for ! . " > cents. Last evening a small ronipany of friends were happily entertained at the hou < e of 1'iof. ami Mrs. iJames Me- Nuugliton , and weie given a pleasing op portunity of meeting Mr. and Mr1- . Arm strong , of DesMoines , whoaiould friends of the family. A man claiming to 'iail fiom Omaha , a Ftranger in tin : city , was in the Crystal hall the other evening and left ? IOO for Mifo keeping. He wa < a little full at the time , and as lie hii : not .inc'ii ujiprarnd to claim the money it is tlionght lie niu t liavo forgotten wliero hu lett it. If he will call around to the place designated heill lind his money all right. A few days ago u man from Omaha was arrested here for trying to veil a sil ver cup. As lie claimed that he got it in Omaha , and ( here was no contradictory pi oof , lie was let go. It now appears that some one has taken a cup belonging to L. Harris , an elegant one fnt him a a present from. Jerusalem , and most highly pri/ed by nim. On di5co\oiAig the lo < \ of his clip lie proceeded to look up the -picious young man , having noticed the fact of his arrest in the Bi.i : , but it was too late. Tin * young man had gone , nnd lie is quid certain thai it was the ' missing cup winch the fellow watrjing to ell \\hen arrested. Council ISIitfls Council. The pity fathers met last night in regu lar monthly cession in the council cham ber. There were a largo number of oil- ii'ens present who weic interested in granting the Union 1'acitic the right of wajto come up ami establish a freight depot at Main street Tenth avenue , thinking that tiie matter would probably como before the council. The greater part ot the session vva * oc cupied b3" the city auditor reporting bills that had be"ii presented him , including the.salaiies of the city government em- ployes. The mayor suggested the police bo paid out of the pollen fund at their olil salaries , intead of general fund warrants. as at present , ns the police and marshal arc to a certain extent responsible i'or the increase of the police Innd in exact ing licenses , etc Alderman Shugart suggested they bo paid a proportion in cash and the balance in warrants , in order to allow cash to others. It was finally agreed to pay the city employes half in cash and half in oily wan ants. A resolution wa = passed authorising the employment of additional counsel to assist the city attorney in the injunction suits against the city jut started. Adjournment vvns then taken until next Monday. Millincrv ( Jooilsat cost for next 30 days , Mrs.V. . , ) Scoles , No. 2W , Uroail- way. _ _ _ _ _ _ Weatherstrips at Chapman'- .Main. An ele'gant line of short wraps , new- markets , etc. , uheap , to close thorn out. JOHN Uixo : & Co. Dr. Ilanchett.ollleeNo 1'i Pearl street. lli'siileiicu I''O I'ourth street. Telephone No. 10. USD Jicttcr Oil. C. tJ. lllanchard , the deputy oil inspector specter , has been having his eye on the oil used in the street car lamps , and claims to have notified the. company that the oil was not up 4o standard , but no at tention being paid to the notices sent by him , lie has tiled complaint agninsl the ; company. He has : > lso discovered that Home of ilio lineknien am using in their lamps an inferior quality of oil , and ho is threatening to commence action- , against them. ' 1 ho osiMi against the street car com pany is to conusnn before Jiiatico Frainey ne.xt Thuistluy. To reduce our stock wo have marked nil our Retail goods down to Wholesale prices , and can therefore sell goods cheaper than ant' house in this city. Mnu.i : : AU'sio Co , 103 Main St. A Iillllo Gem of arl , in every package of ( Joi.n MHDAL CUFKKK. Ask yon" grocer about it. ( ironowcg ite Hi.'liountyen , wholesale agents. A Novel Soulnlilo. The Hroadway Methodist church people ple uro preparing for a novel entertain * incut to be given on the 10th. It is to ; consist of a gouts' social , The gentle men , instead of the ladies , are to form thu committed of reception , and the re- ( iishinunts will be cooked and served by masculine hands. The waiters , the cooks , the entertainers throughout will bo gentlemen. The new departure will bo novel at least. Jvovv goods and Christmas Novelties at Kirkland's , jeweler , No. UWHroadway. A line , large line of ttie most elegant watches , chains , .silver and plated ware , decorated China and glassware , suitable for holiday and vmldintr presents , at 0 , I ) . .Jacqucmin in Co.'s , No. 27 Main etreiit. Substantial abstracts of titles and real estatu loans , JV. . & K , L. Squire. No , 101 Pearl btrcot , Council Mill's. Don't buy your now suit or overcoal until you look at those at Mctculf Bros' , I'vcrjbody's store , pooU place to buj goods. No , 8 3.Ma.in street , Notice Opnra house barber shop , ball rooms re-opened. m Hard and soft coal , best quality , nl B'I/CS , Missouri nnd Iowa wood , ( J. it Fu l company , 5iW Uroadway. Tele phone 180. _ Coed overcoats f3.50 , pants ? 1 to f3.50 other goods in proportion. Everybody' ion ; , tftt Main , PROTESTS AGAINST TAXES , A Handful of Injunctions Served By Dissat isfied Citizens , A SWITCHMAN'S SUDDEN CALL. Trouble Cnimci ! by .Slinking Dice Tor Clenrs-Thc Men to Cook ti Clntroli Supper Other Jlijiponltius. Agnliiftt The threatened injunctions again * the city to restrain the collection of certain special improvement assessments were served ycstetuny. The tax sale began yesterday morning at 10 o'clock , and be fore thai hour arrived theio injunctions were served. The following is the list of tho-e who thus seek to resist the payment of the assessments made against their property for grading , sewering and pav ing , the amount of their taxes being also Given : J. Dickey . 3 1 5 A. U. Wiilki-i . asi or , M. It. Swun . -WT 00 K.S. Platiiei . 2 , ' . i4Til J. P. linnldcn . " ,1 ! > 2 ftt A. M.Wilson . to 17 Cliarles H.iii hli . "Mb 17 A. Culver. . . . . . 1CW . ) . W. Damon . -Ml 77 A.C. L-uson . 21000 Ira Plainer . M W K. L. Helllngur . ' - ' 0 A. W.W . Ifi SK ) M. H. Swan . ' _ J5 Total . "loilCBW The grounds alleged for the i suingof tlic injunctions restruining the collection of those asscssmerts , arc several. It is claimed that the cityluis. . no riglit to issue the bonds as. . it had already exceeded ijs limitation under the state law. It is also claimed that there was not legal no tice given of the asicismrnts. Also that the pronorty of the petitioner has not been beneliltcd by sewering , grading and paving. The petitioners li'ivo re- luinril Stone & Sims as their attorneys. Some , in fact most of the temporary injunctions in these cases , are issued by .Judge Loofburow , a few being issi.cd by Judge Ajlcawortli. The improvements objected to arc tho- made on Broadway and Main streets. The news of this action spread quickly yesterday , and caused no little amount of indignant talk among those desirous of seeing the city move along. If some of those who thus seek to Keep from pay ing for tlic-e improvements could , huve heard the opinions expressed by otheis they certainly would not have felt highly complimented. Theio will bo steps taken at once to defend the interests of the city. Just what move will be made is not fully de cided upon , but the city attorney ib tak ing the matter in hand and a lively time i- , looked for before the final result is reached. The assurance is given that tiie improvements of the city will not be stopped by this handful of taxpayers , but may bo some changes made in the man ner of securing them in the future and paying for them. The city will hardly leel like lending its credit to : tc- connnoihito property owners , and issu ing its bonds o that private parties can liuvo a series of years in which to pay for Mich improvements , especially if this policy is to bo pursued by the property owners. Under the state laws these im provements can bo ordered , can be made , ami the property owners can be made to pay for them cash down , instead of being allowed time. If this arrangement for time is not appreciated then the city can provide to suit those who thus object to pnjing for improvements. It is a matter of congratulation that there are so few who thus stop into court to light improvements. Tiie list embraces not many influential nanic , and the amount involved is not large when taken in Us total. Heating stovci at cost to close them out. W. A. Wood , No. 501 Main street. Electric door bells , burglar alarms and every form of domestic electrical appli ances at the New York Plumbing Co. * CUUKhlA CKUSJ1KI > . .James Colbiirn Killed in the Union 1'aciflc Ynrda. Yesterday afternoon a terrible accident occui red in the Union Pacific yardy , by which .lames Colbiirn , one of the switch men lost his life. He was ubout to pull a pin , uncoupling two box cars , and the train was slowly backing up. In pulling the pin his boot cot caught between the guard rail and the rail proper , Us boot being thus held as if in a vise. With a cry of , "Oh , my God ! " lie fell length wise of the rail and three wheels passed over him. George Gnnn and Ed Archer were the nearest ones to to him as the ac cident occurred , anil Archer signalled the engineer , who stopped the train quickly , there haviuir passed over the form of the prostrate man the wheels of one truck , while the first wheel of the second truck was still upon him when the stop was made. He was of course lifeless when taken from beneath the car. It is not often that u man falls thus lengthwi o of a rail , and the result of the crushing and cutting was therefore worse than usual. Coroner Fnnl was notified. The family reside at No. 1510 Tenth avcnvo , ami consibU of the wife olid seven children Mr. Colbiirn has been employed in the yards in Omaha , but about thrco months ago was trans ferred to this side of the river. Ho was aged about forty , of excellent habits , genial towards all his associates and faithful to his employers. The Midden death is indeed u heavy blow to his loved ones. The coroner's jury consisted of II. W Tilton , R. Morgan , and N. O'lJnon. The chief apparent cause for the accident was the absence of any blocking between the guard rail and the rail proper. The jury returned simply u vcullct narrating the tact of the death resulting in this way. The mangled remains were taken to the undertaking rooms of R. Morgan , and there arranged in as suitable condi tion as possible before being taken to the homo. The time of the funeral will be announced hereafter. Weatherstrips at Chapman's lOjMain. Stamping and full variety of embroidery materials. Mrs. H. P Nilos,402 , BMway Five hundred overcoats for boys and children , from f LOO up. up.MKTCAU Uitos. No Dice SbttkliiK For Clears. "No , young man , no more shaking dice for the cigars here. " The remark came with such a tone of "this means business , " that after the young man hail gone out the BIK : man asked the pro pnetor o ! the cigar store why he had made this now rule , "The fact is I've hud all the dice shaking that 1 want , II don't pay. I've had the whole countci h lined with a crowd of fellows who would staiut there by the hour and shako dice for the cigars. That makes business ' . Not much. The fact is they keep or shaking , and some times they get up U forty or fifty cigars , in their mind but beep shakinc until they quii ubout even , and nt the wind-up perliap : 1 sr 11 them two cigars. The wrangle am nil the other un pleasant features of dic < shaking arc annoying and I get nothing out of it. No , It don't pay to liavo dice- shaking in the place. It's a good deal ot bother and no profit. See that your books are made by Moore- house A : Co , room 1 , Everett block. Mr . lr D. Truesdoll , a graduate of the Toronto , Canada , Therapeutics insti tute. is prepared to treat all clashes of diseases "and demonstrate the curative power of electricity" in accordance with a new nnd complete system of Electro- Therapeutics , Electro-Magnetism and Static Electricity. Female diseases a specially. Located at No. 007 Broad way , second floor. Oflico hours ! ) a. m. to 0 p. m , We have a line large line of Christum * novelties that , we are selling cheaper than ever was known , also mulllcrs. silk handkerchiefs , ladies' and gents' glove" , clothing , line sealskin caps , etc. JuiiN Bhj o & Co. The Mueller Below is n li t of twenty presents which will be distributed on January 1 , 1887 , among tlioc > who hold tickets. Every oO cent purchase entitles you to one ticket. We self all goods the lowest of any house in the city. FntiT Piti/.i : One large Music Box , $15.00. Sicoxi : Pii/n : One line Lady Doll , four feet high , S'M.OO. ' Tn i no Piii/.r. One Musical Cigar Holder , $15.00. Fotwin Pm/K One Musical Cigar Holder , $12.50. FIFIII Piii/.n One line dressed Doll , Boy , s .OO. SIXTH PIJI/.I : Ono line dressed Doll , $7.00. Snv r.XTii Pitizn Ono line Doll , * 0.00. Eiuuiii Pui/.i : Olio Toilet Sot. flOO. NINIH Piti/.i-one : Fancy \ \ ork Basket , $5.00. TKSI it Puix.i : One I anoy Work Basket , $5.00. EUVI.NTH : : Piti/.K One Odor Case 12.7.5. T\vii.nu : PKI/.I : Ono Odor Case sf2.no. Timiir.xiit : : PIIITX One Toilet Case I'ltizi : One Bisiquo Fig- urc-f2.25. FiFTuuvni Piti/i--0nc Uisimic figure $1.75. SIXTEUXTH PitiJCK One Cup and Saucer -$1,75. SIVIMT.IXIH : : PKIX.E Ono Cup and Saucer $1.00. Ejiiini.Mii : : PIMZI : One Pair Vuses $1.50. NiNKTCExni PISI/.I : Ono Statuary $1.50. TwKXTinm Piti/.n One Swiss House $1.00. We sell our goods lower than any other house in the citv and invite un inspection of goods and prices. Mrir.i.ii : : < Mr io COMPANV. No. 103 Main Street , Council Blull's. Call for everything you need , bottom prices , Everybody's store , 823 Main. Wall paper , shades , paints , etc. H. P. Nilcs , No. 402 Broadway. Stoves ! Stoves ! StovosI For the next thirty days I will sell heating stoves at cost for cash only. P. C. Dr. VOL. Wo will give $ lJO ! worth of presents " away January 1 , 1837. Every 50 cent purchase will get you a ticket. Pri/.cs will be exhibited in our show windows. MUKU.EU Music1 Co. , 1UO Main bt. This will be the vcek for bai gains , Our entire line of shawls at 2j per ct. discount. Cloaks , Cloaks Way down to close out. They must be sold. We distance competition in quill- it of goods and low prices , is the verdict of any customer. CARPET i'lnu price * Then never wits so low , and < ' < tn- nui tun-cumin. Our .s/oi7 / in law ami pttttrrna cltulre * Pi'lren will lie irltli tin for ten LADIES' UNDERWE At a Bargain. Stock large , and'we are bound to sell it out. Call and see our goods before purchasing elsewhere. HARKNESS BROS. , 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs Buy COAL Of G , MAYNE , At iith st ami llth uvo. , ana M. lialla- Klior's store , Lower liroaihvny. JOHN V. STONE. JACOI1 SlMg. STONE & SIMS , ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW , Practice in the Stntc and Federal conrti Rooms 7 ttnd 8 SluiKiirt-liuno Ulo .lf. OOTJISTCIL BIj-CTiniPS Horses and Mules For all purposes , bought and cold , at retail and in lotg. Large quantities to ( elect from. Several pairs of fine driver ! ) , tin gle or double. * ' MASON WISE. Council DJufls. TWENTY CR'AND FREE GIFTS To Bo Given Awiy By Hcnrj Eitenjan & Oo.'s People's Store. TO THE LUCKY TICKET-HOLDERS On Innunry l. tti , 1HH7 , ConslstliiK or I'urnitnrc , Clllnnxvarc , Clotlilns , ninnkcts , Table I/ltien , Notions , Sloncy , SHU DrogH 1'nt- tern * , lite. , I'.tc. Tor every two dollar's worth of purchased , you will receive a coupon ticket , good for one clianeo in the follow ing Grand Pi events to be given away by us on Januarj nth , 13S7 : I-'IHST PItl/.K-One suite of Parlor rurniturc , consisting of sofa , tclc-a tele and four grand easy chairs all uphol stered In assorted shades ol elegant silk plushes , worlh fl'Jo. SliCOXi ) PIMXK-Ono Mahogony lk-d Hooni Suite , consisting of Uedstcad , Dresser and Wash Stand of elegant finish with bexcled glasq , worth $100. Till HI ) PUIXK-Ono of the very best six-drawer Nickel Phited Domestic Sew ing Machine1 ? . The very best machine in the United States , uorth ' { Co.UO. KOUHT1I PH1X.K - Twenty yar.N ( lUlnctt best gros grain Black Silk , coU n,00 per yard , worth FIFTH PHlZK-Ouc elegant Seal Plush London Dyed Cloak , to bo made to order to lit the lucky ticket holder , worth $ (50.00. ( SIXTH PHlZK-One pair of the finest White Blankets made by the I'ionccr Woolen mill , of California , worth . * 40.00. SlvVCNTH PHIZK-Ono Beautifully Decorated Dinner and Tea Set , consist ing of one hundred and forty piece' ' , worth $50.00. KIUIITII PHI'/K An Klogant Seal Skin Muir , wortli ifitO-OO. NINTH PHIXH--A very line Paisley Shawl , wortli ifGS.OO. TENTH 1'KlZE-One Angora Beaver Shawl , worth $ ; JO.OO. ELEVENTH PRI/E-Onc Gentleman's Suit of Clothing , made of Imported Worsted , guaranteed a line fit for the winner , worth ? "o.OO. TWELFTH PKIZE-A Gentleman's Fur Beaver Overcoat , worth sf-DO.OO. THIRTEENTH PR1KE One Boy's Overcoat , for a boy between the ages of 3 and 10 years , to be chosen by the lucky party holding UIG ticket. Wortli $15.00. FOURTEKNTII PlHZE-Ono ' - Hoy's Suit , for a boy between the ages of ! ! and 10 years , to be selected by the winner. Worth .i-15.00. F1FTEEXTH PHI/CE-One r.lpgant In- fant's Cloak , wortli $10.00. SIXTEENTH PRIZE -One Elegant Brass P.xrlor Table , wortli ? 10.00. SEVENTEENTH PRIXE-One piece ol BO yards "I'ruit of the Loom" muslin , wortli $1.00. EIGHTEENTH PRIZE - One half do/.cn of thoverv best Celebrated "Gold" white shirts , of which we arc the exclu sive agents , worth fO.OO. NJNTEENTH PRIZE-One Fine Silk Mulller , wortli f5.CO. TWFA'TIETII PRIZE-One Linen Table Set , consisting of TuDIo Cloth and a Do/.cn Napkins worth -f 10.00. TWENTY-FIRST PRIZE - A Present of a Twenty Dollar Gold Piece. Total value of presents , $800. With every -f 2 purchase yon receive a ticket , also a ticicot for every additional $2 purchase j'ou make. Hold your tickets until January ir.th , 1887 , when the fortunate numbers will be announced and invited to call and re ceive their presents. REMEMBER. You have to pay nothing extra for your purchases. We guarantee to sell you goods cheaper than any other house in the west , and best stock to select fiom. MAIL ORDERS. All orders by mail will receive prompt attention , and > tickets for the free gift distribution will be forwarded and enclosed with your purchases , the same as if yon were present in person. TIiesQ distributions will be made with every fairness , and you maj * depend on it that the lucky numbers only will receive heir presentj. No tickets will bo issued to the em ployes of our houso. Customers only will receive the bene fits. fits.Call Call and see the above mentioned pi ev ents now on exhibition in our ninmmoth btoro and convince yourself. Respectfully , JlC.NKV J'.ISEMAN & CO. , People's Store , Nos. 314 , 310 , 818 and 9-JO Broadway , Council TAKE NOTICE ! You have but a few clays' grace in which to purchase Carpets , Curtains , Rugs , Window Shades , Etc , , The UNHEARD-OF PRICES Which we are now. making. Remember that we are shortly to make a change in the firm , and wish to close out our -present stock before doing so. Council Bluffs Carpet Co. , No. 405 Broadway , Council Bluffs. s furnisher , 506 Broadway , ( SGimcil Bluffs. licadipg Styles and ImpopboLiops Qopstopbly op Hand. 14O6 Farnam Street. Omahn.Neb. Farming hands in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas and ranging from $5.00 to 110.00 per acre. School and state lands in Minnesota on 30 years' lime 5 per cent interest , hand Hnyers fare free. Information , rtc. , jriviMi bv . . . ' ' ' F. 3P. Xj-A.'U'ST 'CJ No. o..j " Broadway , Council Mlull's , Iowa , agent for Fividrikson - & Co. , Chicago. I Will Pay tiie Highest Price in Cash roil ALL KINDS OK SiCOEMW F TOR MO STOVES , XO. OS IKltOAIHVAY , Wholesale nml retail. Families sui i > licil Avitli ton and twenty pound . iiffi" ) J , Y. FULLER , 39 Pearl st , , Council Bluffs FIRE INSURANCE \ [ \ \\\Q \ \ \ following Companies- Oilman Amt'lcan , of Nttu Yorh Phcrnlx , " of Hailfoid. Hartford , * of Hartfoid. Caltfornlan , of San Francisco , Scottish Union & National , vfCdlntiuiy Union , of San Francisco , State , * of DCS Moines niltiamiliurg Ciy , * of Hioohlijn. fete marked with a * Insure alia ayalnst loss by Wind Storm } , Cyclones and Toinatives. ron SAI.Z IN ± Ill.l rrS AMI CIMfllA. ONEY LONKD ON ooon cnv AVI ) FAHM I'KOI'I RTV AT I.OWr.ST RAIKS. * + * * * * ' 'l'4. * SPECIAL NOTIOES. mlVfrllhuiiKMitH , t-iifli fin Lost , Fo itiri , Tor Si\U . To ItcntSnnt , Hoitnlln ! , " , etc i will boliiEorlod In thlt. column t tlio low intootTEN CUNTS I'KK LINE foi thoHret insor- Ion nnil KivoL'cuie I'or I.lnu for o chnubticU ) | < nn Interllou. I.tiivo ncUeillsewi'iils i\t our olnoii No. 1U IViil stifLt , nc.ir llromliv.iy , C'ountil WANTS. rpOK SAI.U-Or lli'iit Floin building , tt I' ttro slniius. lot " .riluri , htnlilcu , v" ' " "n , lornlsub in contur of tiiihlnutK portion ot Han cock , U. Addnus Wllllain H flutlw , .Nooln. In. TClOlt HUNT A now t\to utoijr finmo hout-o J ? ' coiiliiinlnif t ) loiimH , Imll mid oclliir under < ntlro hoitsi ) , on N. ' corner Avenue 1'and I.ittlo t'urtlfl Mrcet. Only 7 liloctos liom Do hnny'8opera liousn Cull on M. 1llohrci , ul rOM Vain street , ( tip-sliilrs ) . VyANTii-A : ) I'Ollniro ot ttro or fix roomi. Ini-Rlocl convdiiloiil to bnslni'ps ; small family , no children. Addrrst "C'rihpy , " lli'o ' ollicc. ollicc.WAN'IKD A mini to Uiivo I HI in for the winter. I ) . .1. Smllli , giudntr mid Iruit owui , South 1'lrst ANTIIIA boy irllli jiony to cuiry Iliu route , _ oTTsAI.K Old impois for ( fulo at tiie lite olBcu. "WANTKlJ-I'arlli'Bliitcndliiir to lie m rrleit > > am wanted to call nt thu Tool's lieu Jot ) office to select their cildlnir CBrda. Olt BAM : At n ai-KHln , fotlj ncres ol land JL1 on Nurtb sldo , ncur tiantfur A viiluablo fronlngu. Mclvin Hiultli Ac Co i'C ! MHIII si. "Ij OL'XI ) A linncli of keys. Owner can ha\o .1 ? by upplylnjr to lice ollice. TjlOI'ND A Chuck on Omatm ImnU. Owner JD can Uuvu sumo by itm > bl K to Hit oltltf , Couneil IJIulfa. FINE - FRENCH - MILLINERY , 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha , NEW IMPORTED STYLES OPEN. Ltdies b u > Ing a $5 hat OT bonnet , one far Le paid , ? io , icvind li'ip. MELYIN SMITH & CO , MI ; ( L-SOHS 10 McMAHON & CO , Abst-acts of Title , Lean and Real Es- tata Broker' ' , No 235 Main St. rrfiti- c itti-itrtict booh * In Iliirt ti.t tlic "i\ri'M \ < ilutn / < / / ubf-trttcti * anil reiwlfullu so licit Hit' jMiti'omtf/i'of all ///o.sr r.s/r- / litij correct Hl > ti'icts of t life to lauds anil lots in 1'otlnwnttiiinle cvitnlt/ . mm SMITH & co , , NO , 238 MAIN Si\ , COUNCIL BLUFFS. N. SCHUBZ , Justice of the Peace Oftice ovci American Evprcts. " THEATRiCAtr WIGS , BEARDS , Grease Paints , * , 1 ma' rjncpt iin l J.iuo of N VVuct ol Mrs. C. L. Crillette's Human Hair Emporium , No , 209 Mum Street , Council Muffs , /OH a. Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards. . IMOAWVAY , COt'NUJL HMU'I'.S , Uiiinui ) EM enc r c = i llo cs nnd iniik-h ki'jit con t.intlv on liniitl , for biilc at K-taii or in rar loads. Oilers prompth filled I v contract on hhort noliro Stuck mild on conimibaion. SUM ii it it Hul \ . \ , 1'rojnietois. Tuloplinnu No 114 Kornu-rly < > l Kc.ilc \ \ stable , corner lRtv _ : o nnd Uh strci-t ( R. BICE , M. D. , rnnrano Ol littler I'lllllOrt I C'lllO * Cj WlttlOUt Cancers ( | , u Rnifi > ordruwii > jxi ; ( li'ood ( imr thnty jcuih prMCtH'oUrcciiuaiv. No. II I'turJi1 ! . CtunnllJluUa. oii lue. THE BEATON FUEL CO' Will nipp'y you v\ith a cleaner and better quality of COAL Than anv one in the city. A tii.il will con * vincc jou. No 02S Hroadvvay. Telephone 110. WHOLESALE AND JOBBING COUNCIL BLUFFS. rt. m * ] UKKKK , Wni.hS & CO. , Wholciilo ' Agricultural Implements , Bu loj , v Cm Hares , Kto , His. Council HlnT ( . loirn. KKYSTONK'AIANUKAt'T'L'HtNo" ' COT MHiiiitiiutiirursnr utnl Uonlcis In Hand and Power Corn Sheilas , And HKCMOinl linn of tlf t cln < s Mjcrlcilltllir , ! hnpleinents NOF. HOIilJtl , IfAl nnrt IW * ? oulh Main Slreol , Council HitilM , town , ID UUADI.KY & CO. , Mnnur'iinnl.lohlioM nt Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Boggles , Carrlaireo. and nil klniU of K rm Maehlncrf. I1W to Ills South Main Street , Council Illuffr , Iowa. fMH/'K/.S. / COUNCIL HMJFl'S CAKPKT CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Y/indow / Shades Oil Cloths , Curlnln Klxtiiron , Upholmorr Goo Htc. No. 105 llroMliTBy Couni-H Uluffs , Inna. CIO A IIS , 7H.lt'tO ) , iil\ : I'KHK(3OV ( & MODUK , Wlioli-snlo .lolilitfrs In lh Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes Koe. SSMaln nnd 27 rota I 3U. Council llluffa , lonn. COJMf/.SSfO.V. STOH.\Ji ( : Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants. JV-M mnl M 1'onl St. , luuncll Illlltre. 11AHLK , HAAS & CO. . Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , e' Htinili U < K. itc. Nc. U Mnlu St , nml Ko. 21 1'onrl St. , Connoil IIIutTs. utnrx. O. W. UU'r'L'.S , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty Ucia-ial Comml'Plon. N'o. ! > U Ui ttihy , ( 'OIIIH'll ItlllfTl. \VIHT As Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery , -AND COMMISSION , NOH. Irt 1111,1 18 I'unil St. Council lllulTH. JMKJVCSS. wrc. UKCKMAN , STIIO1IHKI1N & CO. , Jlniiii'm'tumsoC and Whnlosalu toHlur ) la Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. Ko tea Mnlu Bt. . Counell I1I IT , loira. HATH , CAl'8. ETC. METCALF JiKOTIIliUS , Jobbers la Hats , Gaps and Glims. No ? . n and 314 nronilwAy. Council Bluffi. HEAVY KKKhlNE & FlvLT , Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , Ami Woods-lock , Council ItlulTs , IOITB. COUNCIL HLUl'VS OIL CO. , Wlmlcsulo loilirj ! ) In Illuminating & Lubricilloj Oils ETC. , H3TO. F.Tlicoiliiic , Aircnt , fulinuil HlciTs. A. OVKIITON & CO . Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling , 4 > EHrlil/o ( ! / Mnli'iiiil . > iiouliilll DWliiIoiiiln ) [ , uw turulnl ) Kinds , lllllco No IJj Ma.n . St. , Council llllltTA. luirn. H'lXES JOHN LINDKK , VV lioll'nlllu Imported and Domestic Wines & Llquara Aireut for St. Ootthairt'a llnrb lllitori. No. U MnlnSt. Council lllnlTs. Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , JNfctM .Wiln St. . r.iuiicC L. K115.SCI1T & CO. Wholesale Liquor Dealers , No. 41fl llroftdvrity , Council ISIuir-t CRESTON HOUSE The only hotel in Council HI iftt , having re And all mnJcni iinprovcinenli.f J10 , 'J17 and 'Jl'J ' Main st. f MAX MOHN , 1'top. Reduction in Prices , IN China , Glassware , Bf AtW.S Iloinur & < Vs. No M .M.ii Council Bin lit , BOOK BINDNG , t , < onnlj mid vJ ICiinUVorKor.VII iully Prompt Attention to Mail Orders IOREHOUSE & GO. Knout 1 Kvci'et liloek , t'onncll Slanduid I'.ijn ra I'nwl All hljlc * of b nil. Ing in .Miijiu/iiH's and / BLANK BOOKS. Hiriitr.NrKs : : ( . . II. .National llu.ik , M , K. Bimtli A Co. , CillMiu * Uuuk. IlenifVolU \ It Co. , < fcirn Nklioiial DuiiU. Q. II. Insilnii ) ( k > . , zi Hank.