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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ? TUESDAY , DECEMBER 7 , 1,880. Itcontalni for the Improvement of the scr Vlco shotiM iccolvn jour careful consldcra tton. The exhibit inndu of tlio condition n our Indlnn population nnil the progress ot tin * ork for their enllKhtetiment , notwithstand ing tlic many cmhntr.issmcntswhich hlndc thobettci administration of thislnipottan bnndiof the SPIV lee. Is n gratifying nnt hopeful our. The funds ipproprlatcd toi lln Indlnn service for tlio fiscal ycnr Just passed \vllhlhcnvnllahlclncomu from Iniltnn Inm nnd trust moneys , ninnuntlue In nil It S7HV,77i ) l'Jwerc ample for the service undo the conditions nnd restt lotions of lawsreg ulnllng their expenditure. There rcmntnut a balance on linnd 6n Juno ra , 1&6 , o SlHijO,0 ! . ; o , nf which 81rWi.yi nru pet maneiit tumls for tire fultlllmcnl { o tn ntlosnnd oilier like pin poses , nnd the re innlndcr , WJ,2.V .oy , Is subject to bocairlei to the "lupins fund as icquhcd bv liw. Tin estimates presented for niipioiilntlnn ) < i fni the cnsiilnir fiscal year amount to 5 ) , < ; OSH , ! ; . < V or Sll Vfl.-'O less these lalt before congress last vear Tlio present sjs loin of o IP nc Irs. While nb < olutelv nccessirv ntid well ndnptcd for tlio management of otii Indian airaltsand for the ends In view vvhoi II was nilopted , K In tlio picsciil staico of In dlnn innn.igumcnt , Inadequate , standing nlono foi thu accomplishment of an objec which has become pressing In Ha impoitance the1 more rapid transition fioiu tribal organ Iznllons to cltl/cnshlp of inch portions of the Indians as nio liicnimhlu of clvlli/ed lift' When the existing systuni was adopti'd the Indian race outside of tlio limits of or gaul/ed st.itesnnd tcirltorlos , and Iwyoml thu liuuiodlatu ipach nnd opui.ittou of rivlli 7atlon , nnd nil efforts WPIO inaiulv dlicctei to the iiialntonnnco of friendly relations am thu preservation of peacu nnd quiet on tlio frontier. All this Is now changed. Tlictol- no such thing ns tliu Indian frontier. Chili ration , with the busy hum of Industry nut thu Inlluence of Christianity , auiround- thcso people nt every point. None of th ( tribes lire outsldo of the bound" nf ou'nnhoi government anil society , except that thu tcr- tltotlal HV.stom hiia not been extended ovui that portion of tlio country known ns tlio In dlnn tcnltoiv. As n lace the Indians nrc m longer hostile , but may bo eonsidured n1 submissive to the control of the uovrrumunt ns n few of them onlj are troublesome , Kxcopt the fragments of sovernl band ! all aru now gnthctcd upon thu reservations It Is no limgei possible for them to subslsi by the chase nud the spontaneous pioduc lion of the enrlh. With nn nbundnnce ol bind , If furnished with thu means nnd Ini plemcntHfoi prolitable hushanilry , tbclrlifi of entlio dependence upon govcrninen ! latlons from iiav to day ir. no longer dcfen Hlblo. Their Inct nation , lout ; fosteicdbv i defective system ot control , ia to clins to tin Imblts and customs of their ancestors nut htiugglo with persistence ninlnst tlioclinngi of life which thcli allured chcuinstancus pies * upon them , lint b.irtnmm and civilitior ! cannot li\u togethoi. It Is lmiossillti ) ) th.vl I such Incongruous conditions should co exlsl on the unmusoll. They nro a poitlon of oin people , are under the authority of our gov eminent , and have a pecullarclnlm upon am nro entitled to , the loitering cue nnd piotec lion ol the nation. Tlio government cannel relieve Itself ot this responsibility until thej nin so fiii trained and civlli/cd nstobenbli wholly to manage nnd caie foi themsehes , The path In which tliej should walk must hi eleaily maiked out for them , nnd they musi l > o led 01 guided until they me familiar \vltli the way und competent to assume the dtitlui nnd responsibilities ot om citizenship. Pro Kiess In this gieat vvoik will continue only ni Iliu piesent slow pace nud at gieat ex pprise , unless the system nnd method ! ot management nio Improved to nieci the ciian coil conditions unit urgent domain ot thnsuivlce. Tliu ngcnts having genera ! chnigunnd supeivlsloii , In cases ol inon ) than 5,0X ( ) Indians scattered over large icstnvatlons , nnd burdened wltn the detail ; of accountability for lundsatid supplies , lnv < time to look after the industrial training ami Impiovcmunt nf a fnw Indians only. Then nre many neglected and lemaln Idle nnd de pendent , conditions not favorable for jno areas In eivill/atlou. The compensation ai lowed those ajentu nud Die conditions ot the service are not calculated to secure for tin workmen , who me lilted by ability and skll to piopcrly plan nnd Intelligently direct the methods best adapted to pioduco the mosl speedy lesultn nnd Doiinaueiit benefits Hence the necessity lot a supplement. ! ' nguncy or system , directed to the end of pro motlnic the and more rapid tiruisltioi ot tribes from hnhlts nnd customs ot bntbui ism to the ways of civlll/atlon. With an mix tons desire to devise some plan of operntior by which to seeuie tbo welfare of the Indian' ' to relieve the treasury so far ns possible fiou : the support of nn Idle nnd dependent popu Jntlon , I recommended In my previous mi- iiual message the passaso of A Jaw autlior- i/lng tlie npuointment of a commls slon ns nn Instiunientnllty nu\ili.irj to Oiofo nliendy established foi tlio care of the Indians. It wius < lrlgnil that this committee commlHslon should IK composed of Intelligent and capable per hens , three to be detailed from the army hav ing prnctUnl Ideas upon the subject or the treatment of Indians nnd Interested in tliuli wult.iru , and that It should bo a charge , undoi the direction of the secretary ot thn interior , vv Ith the management ot such matters ot details tails as cannot with the piesent oriranj/atlon bopioperly nnd succebslully conducted am ] whlcli present different phases , ns the in dlans themselves differ In tlich process , dlv positlon and capacity lor Improvement o : immediate self suppott. Uj the aid of sucl n commission much unwUe ami useless ox ] ) endlturo of money , waste of inaterlaN nnd uimvalllmr rlt'orts nilKht be iivoldcd , and it U hoped that tills < n bomu measure which tin wlidomof coiifrioss may bettei desire , tc Hupply the dolicleuey of the pieaont bystem , may lecolvo your consideration and llioap WioiirUte legislation be piovlded. The tlmi Is ripe for the vvoik ofsnch an aKOiicy. Theic Is le-s opiiosltion to thu edueiition and tialn- lug of tlio Indian jnuth as sliovvn by the Incioa ed nttemtance upon the schools , nnd thuie la n yluld Ing tondeney for the Indlvldiia Iioldiug of lauds. Dovdlopmentnndndvauce inent In these directions mo essential and hhouid have every curomaitomciit. J\B UK rlsincgeneiatlen nio Uiijhl the laumiaue ol elvlllzutlon and trained In the habits or In Ut'tiy , they should nsbumo the duties , prlvt leges ana responsibilities of citl/enshlp. Nc obstacles should hlndei tlio location and set tlemcnt of any Indian willing to take lane in fauvemlty. On the continiy , the Inelinn tlon to do so should bo stimulated at ull tune- Mhon proper and expedient. But them U IK authority of law for making allotment.- homo of tlio reservations , and on othris the allotments provided foi aio 10 small that tin Indians , though iciuly and desliouh to settU down , mo not vulllnn ; to iicctpt suehNmal ! meal when theli rcsesvations contain am pic Junils to afford thorn hniutolcads of faulllclein hlzu to meet tln'li | iiesent and future needs. Theao Inequalities of exlstlnu i , | > eelal IHVVS unit tieatlea hhould bt uurcctod and.somi general legislation on the subject should bi iirovlded , so that the more o mom [ icisof the dllfcient trlbe.s uriy tin bellied upon liome.ste.uli < and bv their example teacli otheis to follow , lueakin ; nvvny tromtribil eu tomii nnd substituting the love ot home the Interebt of the fiimll.v and the inloof tin Btnto. Thu Indian ih.iraeterisMichtliatthev. uru not easily led while brooding over iimul jitelrdviang8. . * riiN hesptclally so recnrd ingtheli lunds. Mutlois urlsinx fiotn the cnnAtructlng and OJXM alien of iailr ( > , id < nerosa borne of the uvuivatlons and clalmi or title and light of oeiup.tnoy M't up to \vhito iK-rsons to bonie ol HID bu > .t land withli uthei tt t'\jtions , leouhe legislation for thai Until adjustment , The settlement of thesi matters will lumovu many emtiauashmont ! topi\uie.s3lu thu work of leading tlio In dlans to ( ho uduitUm | of our Institutions am liiinglngthem under the operation , the in iliu'um nnd thu pi OUT t ion lit thu unlverbA laws of our eoitntry. 'llio UHommendiitloiij of thy .Kftiislaiy of ttio interior ami tint ( xim inlsloiierof thttgeneial land olllee lookhu tn the botu > i pioteetton of public lands and o the public surve > , ( lie ) ire erv.itlon o national loicstn , thu adjudication of urnntj to btati-s and iiiriiovullons uud of prlvnt < liinil eliilins. and the lucreasul ellieleney o the public land serviic , am comiuemlvd t ( the ntU'titlon of consres.s. To wvuro tin v\ldol dUirlbution ot publie lands nmom. t4.'U'ei.nt ' lestdeneu and cultivation , : uu thus m.iki ) the gmiti t memboi ot Individ licint'3 was tl'o ' pitiiary obloci ot thu public land legislation In 'tin early daj s of the republic. This s > btem was s bimplonnt ) . ibis began with an mtmlrabh K'hemeot public mirvos by which the runu blest i ill/on could itientity tlio track upoi \vhleh hti wUhfil to > li. li bU Imiiif. Tin liricu of lumlsiii pl.wd \ \ iltilii tlm roach ui nil tlio ontorprUlnj ; . Indiutiious and honcsl ploii ereliu.'Mis of the cimntry. It was soon Iiowi'vcr , found Hint tlUiobjivt of tlio lavvi \vas peivei ted umlci thu svAtom of ca > a di tnbutiiin ot land auiun the pcuph to an accumulation of land ouiilt.U In wealthy and Hpn'tiliitlrc jiejsons. To eliwt thutemleni-j u pieUin > ieonubt | of \vi > 'iven to sittleis mi the land , a plat vlurn riiliuuinti'il In thn xoueral pnHmiptioi m-tof lb-11. 'riiufouudationotlhi . < irottni wa : nrt.uil itMdoncu and culthatioti. T\\ciilj ty j eare later the huntc.sti.Md laws , devised tc morn surely pluco actual homes in thu pos c . ! onof actual culthaturs of the soil , the Jand was tfheii Without prictlio " Suiu con tt U'jns Iwliitf resldviuv , li-iprovemo t am culllvalinn Other Invvs have followed , each designed to encoumze the requirement and use ot land In limited Individual quantities. Hut In later years thee laws , through visclous ad ministrative methods nnd tinder dimmed conditions of administration and transporta tion , linvc been so evaded nnd violated that their beneficlent purpose Is threatened with entire defeat. The methods of such evasion nro set forth In detail In the icports of the secielnry ot the Interior and commissioner of the general land ollice. The rapid apptoprin- tlon ot our public lands without boun lido settlements or cultivation , and nolonly with out Intention of residence , but fur the pur pose ot their .iL' rcL-atloii in large holdlncs , In many casts In thuliiiiutsof foielgners , In vites the serious nnd Immediate attention of congress. The energies ot the land department hive been devoted duiiiu the pic unt ndmlulstr.i- tlon to remedy detects nnd cortcct nhuscs In the public land service. The results ot these elTorts nrc so Iniuely In the nature of reforms In the process and methods of our land sjs- tern as to pievciit ndequnte estimates , but It appears by n compilation from the repoits of the commissioner of the general land olllce that the Immediate effect In lending casca whlchlmvccomolo n final tctmliintlon has been the restoration to the mass nl public lands of 3.70J.OOO neios , nnd that lro,000 ! : ! ncies are embinced In the Investigations now pending bcfoie the dopnrlmcnt or tlio courts nnd the action of congieis hns boon nskcd t > > elfect the restoration of 2.71K- ) OUOncres additional , besides which -I.OOU.OOO ncreshnvc been withhold ftom reservation nnd thu lights of cutrj thcieon maintained. I recommend the repeat ot the pie-emntlon nnd timber culttnc nets , nud that the homestead - stead law s be so amended ns to better secure compliance with , and cultivation for thu peilod ot live vears fiom dito ot entry with out commutation or provision lui bpeculn- tivu loliiiqulahment" . 1 also rceommeiid the repeal of the desert land laws unless It shall be the pleasure ot congress to so amend these laws ns to render Ihcm less liable to abuse. As the ehiet mo tive for thu evasion of the Invvs nnd the prin ciple cause of their lesult in land accumula tion Instead ot land dlstilbtition Is the facil ity with which trnnsfeis nre made ol the light Intended to be secured to sottleis , it nny bo deemed advisable to provide by legis lation some gunids nnd checks upon Iho nllenntlon of vested i iglits nnd land coveted thcieby until patents me issued. Last year nn executive pioclnmatlon vvns Issued directing the removal of tcnces which Inclosed the public domain. Many of these have been removed in obediencu to Mich 10- der. but much of the nubile land still remains within the lines of these unlawful fences. Thu ingenious methods resorted to in order to continue these tiespasse ? , nnd the hardi hood of the pictenses by which , In seine cases , nucli Inclosnres nro justllied , aio fully detailed In the repoit of thosecietaiy ol the interior. The lemovnl ol the leuccs still re maining which inclose public lauilc will be enlorccd with nil the authority ntid moans with which the executive brunch ol the gov- einmeiit is 01 shall be invested by the con- giess Cur that pmpose. ITASION VIATIPl'S 'Ihe icportot thocommlssloiioi of pensions contains n detailed and most satisfaetoi y ex hibit of the oppiathms of thu pension bureau. During the Inst hcal } ear the amount ot woik ( lone vvns the largest in nny jeai since the onianUatlon of the bureau nnd has been ilonunt less co t In eveiy division. On tlio SU.hdayol June , 18bO , theio were ; io.7S.J pensions on the lolls of the bureau , tiinco IbOl thcru havu been l.Ol TSfl npiillentlons for pensions Hied , of which 7nb.M wcio baseil upon seivlco In the war of W12. Theio weie 0 1,754 ot these applications allowed , Itielud- Inc 00,178 to the soldiers of IblU. nnd their widows. Thu total nmouut paid tor pen sions Hlncc It-Gt is Sb0.s.iJ4.811.fn. ( The num ber of new pensions aio\vedduilng ! thu year ended Juno ISO , Iby ) , Is-tO.KiJ' . n lni er num- bei than has been nllovved in nny > eir save one since ISM. The namei of ; 3,2i9 pensioners which had previously dropped Iroin the lolls were restored during the joii andatter deducting those diopped within the same time lor various causes n net In- cieafio lemnins tor the year of 20,0 % names. Fiom .Innuary 1 , IbSl , to December 1 , Ibh. , 1,007 private pension acts had been passed. binco the last mentioned date , and dm Inc the last session of congress 001 such acts had be came laws. It seems to me that no one can examine our pension establishment and its opeintlons without being convinced that through Its In strumentality justice can be very nearly denote to all who nro entitled under the present Invvs to the pension bounty of the government. But It is undeniable that cases exist well en titled to relief , In which the pension burciu is powerless to icliove. 'llio icnlly worthy eases of this class nre such ns only lack by mlstortunu thn kind or quantity of proof which the law and ipgul.itlons of the bureau lequlre , or which , though their merit Is np- parent , Tor some othei reason cannot be justly dealt with through law. These conditions fully lustily application to con- UTCSS and special enattmenu' . Hut n lepoit to tliecongicss torn special pension act to ovenulo the careful determination of the pension bureau ot the merits or to secure Invornblu action when It could nnt be expected under thu most liberal execution of the general laws , it luusjfcbu admitted , opens the door to nn allovvatfco of questionable claims nnd presents to the legislative nnd executive brnnchesol the le lslat lire , applica tions conceded not within the laws nnd plainly devoid ol meiit , but sosurioundcd by sentiment and patriotic feeling that they nio hard to resist. I suppose It will not DO denied that many clnlms for pension nro made without merit , and that many have been allowed noon fraudulent rppiosentatlons. This has been declared from the pension bureau , not only In tliii ) , tint In pilor administrations. The use fulness and the justice of any system for the distribution of pensions depend upon the equality and uniformity ot its operation. It will bo seen from the report ot the commis sioner that there nro novvpildby the govern ment mi dllferent rates of pensions. Kstlmatcs from thu hcitlufoimatlon he can obtain aru that 'J.CKXiol those who havu served In tlio army : iul navy of tlio United Statesare now supported in whole or In part from pub lic funds 01 by ortwnlzed chaiulas , Inclusive nf those In the soldiers' home undm thu direc tion nnd contiol of the government. Only 1:1 : percent of thene are pensioners , while of thu entlie number ot men fuinlshed foi the late vvat something Ilkot20 pei cent , including their widow s ami i datives , hnvu been or are now In the iccolptot pensions- . The Ameri can people , with apatilotlonnd ginteful ie- gnid for our o.x-soidleis , too broad and too sacred to tin monopoll/ed by any special ml- vocates , nro not only willing , but anxious that equal and oxiiet justice should bo done to nil claimants for pensions. In their sight thu triundless and destitute soldier , de pendant on public charity , If otherwise en titled , has pioclsel ) the name right to shaio In the piovUlon made foi UHMO who foiuht their eountij's battle tvs thoau bolter ublu , tlnough friends and tiitlunnee , to push their claims. Every pension that ia granted under ourpiecunt plan upon nny otliei ground * tlip.n actual heivlcu Injuiy or disease iueiiued In such seivlco , and every Instincu of thu man ) In which pensions nre Inciorir > ed on other ground * than the morlts of the claim , work an injustice to the brave and crippled , but pool and friendless soldier , who la uu- tuely neglected , or who must bo content with thoHiuatleit sum ullowod nuclei thu general laws. Theioaiu far too many nolu'ht > orliood < * In which are louiulglailngca-sosof Inequality ot treatment In thu matter ol pensions , and they aio latuoly dim to n yielding in ttie pen. hlnn 10 Impoituiilty on the pait of tliiisu other than thu pensioner , who uioes- pcciill > intiiosU'd , or iliuy nrlso from Mi'clal acts passed tor the benellt of Indt- v ( duals. Tlw men who ( might side by side should stand shlo by side when they -.rticl > > pate In n urnteful nation's lemeinunince. livery con liluiatlon of Inlinossand justice to our ovMihllcrh and the prediction of the IxitilutUMiistincti of our eltueus irom per- vetstun nnd violence point to the adoption of a pension oj stum broad nnd romiiieheustve enoiuh to cover every contingency , nnd which shall make unnecessary an obieetlon. nblu volume ot sptvhil legislation. AH long as wo ndhcro to tneiiincipU | < of granting pen- aloiii lorseivleo and disability us thb u-suit of the soulco , thu allouaiMi ) of pensions should bo HMrletod to cases piescnting fc.ituies. r.verj patriotic heait res-wiuls to A tender run ! dciition ; tor tho-ewho , having M-rved their eounlrj' long and well , nro ru- dm-od to destitution nnd dependence , not as nn incident ot their service , but witli ml- vaiirliijTiigoor thimvh Rleknessor mi > fir- tune Wo nro tempted by the contemphtlou of stu'h u condition to supply lellef. Divid ing to no nno In the de > lie to In- diilgu this reeling of consideration f cannot rid myself of the fonv lotion that If these ex- soldiers are to ta u-lievrd they nnd their cause am entitled to thu bx-neht of nn enant- iiipiit , under vvhieh their allot may be claimed ns a thru , nnd that such ielel | jliouid be cRintifl niuU-r the sanction of law , not In evasion of It ; nor should such \\orthy on- ii cts of care , nll iualiy entitled , be remitted to lliouat'ii\l | \ 0nratlou | ! of siiipatliy or thu tender meiricH ot hoeUI and political iiiflu enco with ihelr unjust discrlmiiiatioiis. The disolurgcd soldiers and sallow of the countiy aiu our fcllovt1 vltUens nud Interested withu * In the p.wlne and faithful ox-ccullon of wholesome law. 'I hey cannot bo sevciod from their duty ot citizenship by artful np peals to their spirit of brotherhood born o ! roinmon peril nnd sulterlng , nor will they exact as a lest of devotion to their welfare n willingness to ncclcct public duty In then behnlt. rtir TATKXT orrtcr. . On llio 1th of Match , l < * & \ the current busl ness of the patent olllce was on nn avcrngc live and n half months behind. At the close of the last liscal j ear such current work w ns but three months in nrieois , and it Isnsserleil and believed that In the next few months the delay In obtaining nnd examination of nn ap plication torn patent will bo but nominal , the number ot applications fur patents din ing < ho la t fiscal yenr. Including reissues. designs , trademarks and labels equals 40.G73 , which Is considerably In excess of tlio num ber iccclved during the preceding j ear. The icccipUuf thu patt nt office during the ycai aggiegale S1,2X,1C7 ) bO. enabling thu onico ta turn into the tieasury. over nnd above nil ex- pcndltuto' , nbout SIO.1,701.73. The ntimbci ot patents granted during the last fiscal year. Including reissues , trade-mniKs , destens nnd labels , was S5.Glfn number also quite largely In excess of that of nny piccedingear. . Thu report of the commissioner shows the olllce to bo In n prosperous condition nud con- stintly Increasing In Its business. Js'o In- crpasu of loice Is asked for. The amount estimated for the year cndlni ; June 30 , 1SS7 , vvns Sb.Vt.W50. The amount estimated for the fiscal ycoi cndmf.JtineHO , isis , | S 877S.770. iNuiniTKUxntiS OK Tin : I'Ant'tc IIOADS. The secietary of the Interior suirgests n change In the plan for the piv inent nf the In debtedness of the 1'nclrtc subsidized loads to the government. Ilia suggestion has the unanimous endorsement of the poisons selected by the government to act ns dhcctois of theto roads nnd protect the Interests of the United States In the board ot diiection. In considering the plan pioposcd , the sole Hint- tcr.s which should bo taken Into nccount , in my opinion , nre the situation of the govern ment ns n credlloi nnd the smest , vay tc Bccuio the payment ot thopiluclpal nnd In- of Its debt. INTKll-STATK COVIVIKIiCi ; . uyn recent doplslon of the Hupiomo court ot thu United States , It has been adjudged that the laws ot the ststea me Inoperative to legulate rates ot trnnsportntlon upon mil- ioids If such regulation Interferes with thn into of cnirlnge irom one state into another. This Important Held of contiol and regula tion Imv Ing been thus loft enthely unoccu pied , the expediency ol fedeial notion upon the subject N woith > of consideration , TIIK I.AlliMt QlKailUK , The iclntion ol labor to capital , and of la- boiing men to their cmplojcs , are ot the ut most concern to every patriotic citi/cu. When these are. stialned nnd distorted , nn- iustiliablo claims me ni > l to bo insisted upou by both inteiests , anil in the controversy which insults the woUaro of nil nnd the pios- peilty of the country me jeopaidized. Any lutorvontiou of tlie geneiM Rovomment within the limits of its constitutional nutlioi- Ity to nvcit such n condition should tie will ingly nccoided. In n special message tr.ins- mittud to thocongre > s nt its last session , 1 suggested the cnlnrgemcnt ot our picsent laboi biiteau nnd milling to its piesont func tions the power of arbitration in pases wheie dilleiuiict's uilsii between employes and em- ployeid. When these dilference's reach such u stage as to result in tlio intumiptlon of commerro between the states , the application ol tills lemedy by the geneinl government inlglitbuiognideil asejitiiuly within its con stitutional powers , nnd I think wo mluht reasonably hope that such nibitiation. If carefully selected nnd It enitled to the confidence ot the parties to be effected , would bo voluntnillv called to the settlement of thocontioversy , ol less extent and not neuess.ullv within the domain oE federal rogulation. I am of the opinion that this suggestion Is vvoithy the nttcntlun of thu COULTCSS. Hut after nil has been done by the passage ot laws , either tcdciul or stale , to relievea situation full ot solicitude , much moio rimming to bo accomplished by the icln- statement nnd cultivation of a true Amciican sentiment , which rccojjniyes ttioequnlltvoC American cltl/onship. This , In the light of our traditions and In loyalty to the spliitol oui institutions , would teach that a heaity co-operatlou on the part ol all interests is the surest path to national greatness , and the happiness of all our people , that capital should , in recognition ol the brotheihood ot our citizenship and in n spirit of American faiiness , generously nccoul to labor Its just compensation and consideration , nnd that contented labor Is capital's best protection and faithful ally. It would teach , too , that the diverse situations of our people nro in separable from our civilization , that every clti/cu should in tils s hcro be a contributor to the geueial good , that capital does not necessaiily tend to the oppression of labor , and tint violent disturbances nnd dlsordeis alienate fiom the piomoters true American sjiupathy and kindly feelings. T OF Aoninn/rt HE. The depaitmentof nerlcultiuu , icmcsent- Inc the oldest and largest of national Indus tries , Is subserving well the purposes ot its orgunt/atlon. Hy the Introduction of now subjects ot farming enterprise , and by openIng - Ing now soui cos of agiieullural wealth nnd the dissemination of early Information con cerning production and prices , it hns con tributed largely to the countrv'.s prosperity. Through this agency , advanced thought and investicntion touching the sunjects It has In chaige , should , among other things , bo prac tically applied to the homo production nt n low cost of articles ollcred which are now Im ported from abroad. Such an Innovation will necessarily , ol course , in the beglunlnir be within the domain of intelligent experi ments , and the subject In every stage should iccelvo all possible encouragement from the government. The Interests of millions un- aged In agriculture nro involved in the Im provement of the results of their labor , and a 7eilotts regard for their vvelfniu should boa willing tribute for those whoso pro ductive returns are n main source of our progress and | > ovvor. The existence of plPiiro-pneuiuonl.i hns led toburdensomu anil , in some cases , disastious elfects In nn Impoitaut branch of industry , andaflectsthn quantity and quality of our food suoplv. This Is : v matter ot such luiDort- nnce and ol such far lenchlng consequences that I hope It will engaun the serious atten tion ot the congress to the end that such a remedy may be applied ns the limits ot n con stitutional delegation of power to the general government will permit. 1 commend to the consideration of the congress the report of the commissioner nnd his suggestions con- ceinlng the interest intiustod to his tnro. TIIK civn , bintvirK. The continued operation of the law relating to our civil service has added to the most convincing proofs of Its necessity and useful ness. It Un Inct worthy of note that every public olllcer vv ho has n just Idea of his duty to the people testlllus to the value of this re form. Its staunchest fiiends are found among these who understood It best , and Its warmest supporters are those who are restrained nnd protected by Its reqiiitements. The meaning of such lestr.iint and protection Is not appicclated bv those who want places muter the government icgnrd- less of merit and ellieleney , nor by those vvno Insist that the selection lor such places should rest upon a proper credential show Ing nctiv o partisan work. They mean to public ollicers the only opportunity afforded them to at tend to public business , and they mean to the good people of thu country thu better pci- lorimmeijof the work of their uov eminent. It is exceedingly stinutro that the scope ami nalino of this rvfoim are so little understood nnd that so many things , not included with in Us plan , nio called by Its name. When civil service yields moro fully to examina tion the ystem will have large additions to the number ot its friends. Our civil service lofonn may bu Imueifwt In some of Its de tails ; it may bo misunderstood and opposed ; It may not nlwuy.s be faithfully applied ; its designs may sometimes mlswiny through mistake , or will ial ! of Intent ; It ma > some times tjcmblo under the assaults ot its enemy , or languish under the misguided /.eal ot ImpiiiPtlcablo fiiends. Jiul should thu pcopluofthls couutn ever submit to the binlbhment of Its underlying principle fiom the operation of their government , they will abandon the surest guar.inteo of the safety nnd success of Aiuencnn institutions , i invoke tor this rcfoim the cheerful nnd uitirudglii { support of thocoiigioss. 1 renew my lecom- Diundatlou made last year that the commls- Monur * bo mndu equal to other otllces ot thu government having like dutlef and lesponsl- blllllennd I hopu that such reasonable an- iiropilatlons may bu made as wit ] enable them to increase the usefulness of the cause tney Imveclmiguof. riEEhllMAN 8AVIVOS A Tlll'ST CO. I dnsiru to pall tbo attention ot thu congress ton plain duty which thu government owes to Iliodoposllori in the I'locdman bavlngn & Trust company , This company was chartered by the conpiass for the lienetit of the most illiterate and humblu of our peoplu and with tha Intention of encoura luir In them in dustry and thrift.Most ot its branches weru presided over by otllcers holding Jhe com missions and clothed In thu unlfoim of tlie. United States. These mid other clrcutn- stauisestOAsOnably , 1 tlilbk , levd ! these clmple peojilii to supple that the Invitation to de- poait their hard earnwl savings in this insti tution iiDi'llejun undertaking on the part of their Rovernmcnl tint their money should bo satcly kept for them. When this company failed It wns liable In the sum of SiPjy,025.22 to 01,111 depositor ? . Dividends amounting In the hcgtegato to 0- percent have been declared , and the sum called for and paid of sncll dlv Idends FCCIUS to be S1,04S,1SI.T.J , Thin nnn , ileducled from the entire amount of deposits , lc.iv cs S1-.U- 714.GO ftlll unpaid. I'nst exporlenco has shown that quite a Inrt'o fml of this sum will not bo called for. There nro assets stilt on hand amounting to tile estimated sum ot 3 in. 000. [ think the remaining r 3 par cent of such of these deposit1 * as have claimants should be paid by the'government ' upon principals of equity nful f.ilrnrss. 'Ihu ic- port ot the commission idoh to be laid be tore congress will civ o moro satlslactoij details on this subject. HISTIItrT OK COI I'VIIIIA. The control ot the government of the DIs- tilct of Columbia having been placed In the hands of purely executive otllccis , while the congress still retains all legislative authority pertaining to Its uovointient , It becomes my duty to make known the most pleasing needs of the district and recommend their consideration. The laws of the district np- iicnrtoboln nn uncertain condition , and their codificationor revision , Is much needed , Dining the la t year one ot the bridges lead ing ftom the Distiict to the state of Viiglnln became uniitforusc , nnd travel upon It wns forbidden. Tills leads mo to sug gest Mint tlie Improvement of nil the midges crossing the Potomac and Its branches from the city of Wash ington Is worthy the attention oi congress. The commissioners of the District reuiescnt that the laws regulating the sale ot liquor and giantlng licenses theicfor should bu nl once nmended , nnd that legislation Is needed to consolidate , define and enlarge the scope nnd powers of charitable and penal Institu tions within the Distiict. I suggest that the commissioners be clothed with the power to make , within fixed limitations , police icgula- tlons , I believe this power , grunted nnd carefully cnarded , would tend to subserve the good order ot the muulclp.illtv. it si'oms that trouble still exists growing out of the occupation of the streets nnd avenues by certain rnllionis having thcli termini In the city. It is vciy impoitant that such laws should bo enacted upon this subject as will secuie to the rnll- loads all the facilities the } requite for the transaction of their business , nnd at the same time piotcct citi/ciis from Injury to their persious or piopeity The commission er. : ngaln complain that the accommodations ntlorded them lot the necessary olllces for dlstilet business nnd the safe keeping of val uable books and papers , are cntiicly Inetll- tlent. I lecommcnd that Ibis condition of nltnirs bo remedied by the congress , anil that suitable quarters be furnished tor the needs of the District government i : * CONCLUSION' . In conclusion , 1 earnestly invoke such vv Iso action on the part of the people's lecls- latots as will Ritbscrvo the public good and tlemontitialu dining the icmalning days ot con cress , as at pieseut oiganbed , Its ability and Inclination to so nicc't thu people's needs that it shall bopiatelullv remembcied by an expectant constituency. ( Signed ) Cr.ovr.u Cr.cvrr.AXD. Waohiugton , Dec. C , IbiC. IJAMt OljKAlUXGS. Detailed Statement of the Business ol" the Country. Bosro.v , Dec. 0. [ SpecialTelagraiu to the ISM. . ] The follow ins table , compiled ttom special dispatches to the 1'ost trom tlio.juana- gcrsof Iholcndlngclo.irimr housesof the Uni ted Mutes , gives the KIOSS exchanges nt each point lei the week ending Dcccmbei 4,1SSO , In comparison with the corresponding period Denouncing the Itnllioiul Pool. Cmr-Aoo , Dec. 0. The Chicago live stock exchange to-day endorsed the resolution ndopted at the recent cattle growers' conven tion , whicli aio In elfect that the notion of tlie pool loads In advancing rates on cattle nnd dressed beef is In direct opposition to the interests ol' nil cattle irroweis. farmers anil feeders of the west , nnd should not bo en dured ; asking tlio ioids to icconsldei the matter , Othoi Ilvo stock exchnnircs join In the protest , nnd request legislators and mem- beis of ( ongicssto ndvotu suitable legisla tion to abate the oppression , Jones Will Not Cin to WaNhlngton. Dirrr.oiT , Dec 0. [ Special Tclogram to the Hni : . ] Senator Jones , ot I'lorlda , told tlio clciliof the Knssell house , where hu Is stop ping , thai lie did not mean to go to Washing ton. llesa > s lie will stay In Detroit lei good , and has engaged Ins rooms tor auothei peilod. No one knows the PJIUSO of this de- termination. The change In the nllairs of Miss I'alms , to whom. It Is said , ho Isdovotcd , and which makes her mlsticss of seveial nillllony may have Influenced his decision , The BhellonlJoruer Case. MKIIUASKA CITV , Xeb. , Dec. 0. ( Special Tclegiamto thu Itii : : . ] Much to the smprlsu of all , pnitlculnily to the piosecutlon , thu dotcuso In thohhellonbeigor case teidod on the opening of court this 11101 lung , nud after instructions had IR-CII read , T. B. Stevenson opened tlio nigmuent foi the prosecution nnd iiindon very nblu one. . .Mr. I1' . T. Itinsom , opens this afternoon for the detenso. Thu toiut loom is crowded. A Miser's Wealth. UOSTO.V , Dec. 6. Harvard college gets neaily 5500,000 by the djjath on Sntutdny of 1 ! . I'rlcu Creenle.if , nn eccentric miser of this city , who lived almost a century , \ \ lib huii- drcils of thousands o' dollars behind the walls ot the hate Duposltcompany , hu denied himself Hourly all the privileges nnd most of tlm nocossauos of lite. | lu had a ijieat dealro to bo immoitalUed by Iliiryard. Another Charlie Nft , Pn. , Dec. 0 , Willie Ainold , a lad of twelve jcars , disappoaied fiom nls homo In this city last Wednesday morning , since whit h time no traces of him h uu been found. 1'ho lost boy Is'a' ' ' son of William A , Ainold. luputul to IM the richest man In thu city. Detectives have won al work on the case , but as jet no duo has been obtained. The I'orto Consents. CON ST v.NTi.voi-i.E , Dec. C The porto has Is sued n circular to the powers to the effect that the sultan assents to the candidacy of Prince Nichola * , of MIngrclla. for the Bulgarian throne , ami invites thopovvers to ro-ojH'rato lor the spcudy settlement of the liulgarinn quc-ition , _ Attorney Hionu'ri Kucocsaor. WASIUNQIO.V , Dec. f > . The nresldent ap pointed ( U-orL'o A. Allen United States at- toinoy for the western illstrltt of Poimsyl- vanla , vieo William A. Stone , suspended lor olleiiblvu jiaitU.inshlp. "he president sluned Allen'b commission batuid.iy even ing. _ Vessel WrccUeil. Sr. Jonxb , N. 1' . , Dec , C. The steamer Edith , from St. Pierre , for Longlald , was lost .Sunday on ateef near Mlqnelon Islnnd. AU tha crew , nuinDeilug thirteen , perished. Tbo vcfts i was loaded -with provisions for the western supply ot Mlijaelou. Democrats Generally Very Much Dissatis fied With the Docnmant. A NORTHEnN PACIFIC MOVE. It Completes n Ilrflnch Kond nml Itc- tnliiH ijaml Wfili-li Hhonlil Havu Ilcon Korfelteil Our legisla tors All In Washington. Dlrsntlsdcd Dcmocvnts. WA IIINOTOX , Dec. 0. [ Special Telegram to the Ur.i : . ] President Cleveland finds few endorsers ot his mossaco among democrats in congress. Almost without exception the } ciltlclfelt and In uncomplimentary terms , too. Western membcis like his views on the tariff , but condemn those on civil service ru- foitn. They aie nlso displeased with Ills ret- cnco to silver nnd the whole report ot Sec retary Manning , .Eastern democrats express - press npprovnl ol his opinion on silver nnd flnnticogcneinlly , but do not like his tnrllT recommendations. Altogether the document Is unsatisfactory to the democrats , while ic- publlcins pronounce It vague nnd n straddle on matters out of which political questions can nilse. Senator Voorhecs say.s tliat if the parly went before the people on that platform nt tlio next presidential convention It could not carry n single state , nnd if con- mess should cany out the picsldent's tecom- mcndattons the result would bo the sntnc , UXUAltSnt ) I.AM ) nAHNT.I ) . Thnracllic rnllroad committee nnd the o mcmbciH vvhn last session so blttcily opposed the Noilhcrn Pacific lalhoul have just had the fnct Hashed up before them that the en tire work has been foi untight. Knily last yearn bill was introduced In the senate to forfeit lands extending along a seventy-five mile branch of the road which was uncom pleted. Accotdlng to neremuent it was to have been finished several years ago , and the senate took this as good ground for foi- feltiuc. Tlie bill was finally passed atlci con- sldeinblc warm debale. It was then sent to the house nnd referred to the committee on Pacific rnilroadsi. That oody icpoi ted n sub stitute bill , movidltii ; for tliu forfoltuio ol nil lauds from Hlsmaick west to 1'ujjet Sound. A ilia n lengthy discussion It was pa ° sod by n small rhajoiity. In this shape It went back to llio senate , and that body icfusrd to pass It. Aconfeience committee vvns then appointed nnd niter numerous nicotines could not ngiee , nnd so postponed theli vvoik until this session. All thu while , much to Ihu amusement of ovmjbody , thenttornuy fortho load wns dolni : nothing , nnd every ouo thought lie had civ on up the fiu'ht as n bad job. Hut dm In ; the recess the branch load was completed nnd the attorney hns spimig n decision ot thosupiemo com t tin the mem bers of the house , to the clleet Hint noinil- ioad lauds cm IIP loifeited nftcr It has been completed , nnd that the Inpso of time be tween the completion and the introduction ot the forfeiting bill is consldeied n wnlvcof all liirhls. The Xoithem Paelhc men nro jubilant nud the opposing membeis ot llio house nre very much cicstf.illcn. This monopoly seems to have won. NIIIIA : KV'S I.KOISI.AIOKS ov HAKn. Moth ol Mebiaskii's sunntois nnd nlltluco of her lopiesentntlvcs weiu Picscnt when congress convened to-day. They vv era Inn cheerful mood nnd cntctod tha nlTrny with a will nnd determination to do the best pos sible. They do not anticipate much legis lation local to Xelnaska owing to theshoit- ness of the session , but all that can be done will receive theli attention. Thuio was noth ing of Intel cst in llio opening ot the confess. It was stupid in fact. Members stood mound lor some time bclore they wcio called to order and explained to their triciids theli defeat oi iavo thnnks foi cotiginlulnlious over success. In the senate theSvlsltation of death upon ex-President Aithur and Senator Pike was called to mind by heavy drapery around the tailings of the galleiies. It is conceded that no vvoik ot consequunce will be done before the first of the year. Nebiaskans in congiess oxpiessed the opinion to-day that the coiifcieos on the Inter-state commeice bill will ugieo upon n mcasuio which will bo passed nt this session. If it Is found that state courts can have juiKdletlon in .suits against inter-stato roads they will bo given it , otlicr- wise the federal couits aluno will have jiuis- dlctlon. rivir < cnnvin : "mroitM. : " Despite President Cleveland's platitudes on thu question ol civil service lotorin In his nipssase to congress , live chiefs of divisions were removed at the pension depirtmcnt lo- day lo give plnco to dcmocialb fiesh fiom campaigns. Other removals aio pioml.sed , nlthniuMi there me but two of tluec chiefs 10- inniulng in thu bureau. It is lilnck's Inten tion to remove every vestige of republican ism , anil merit and wai iccords will stand lor nothing. It is pointed out as .1 line cx- nmplu ot the slnceilty ot the administration's assumed position on civil seivleo reform , that while the president Is rending a lecture to congress nud the country in snppoit of it , his commisslonci of pensions is removing old and clllcleiit clerks for no other reasoiio than that they aio republicans. I'UOIIIIIITION IN IOWA. This morning's Post in iinnouiipliis . .leriy Miupliy nn a democratic antl-pio- lilbitlon candidate for goveinor ot Iowa nnd alone Intel view with this statesman of tlio operation of the tcmpeiancn laws In Ills state. He dilates at some length upon tliu numbers of ding shops In tlieabsencoot gro shops theie , nnd Inqulies why a diii shop would not smell as sweet bv the othei name , nud says : "That the people In Iowa dilnk tooxtiemes and that the prohibition laws does not make sobrletv but demoiali/ed men , draws fiom them a false declaration tor thu pm pose of obtaining drink. " At the conclu sion of thu Interview nnd upon its own au- thoilty. the Post adds that Mr. Murphy does not talk fiom thcstnndpolnt of the tippler ; that tor thoi ears hu lias been n voluntary teetotalei.nnd thatdiiiklngdd ! ; ! not suit him. There will be more news in this lo the people ple ot lovviv than the statement which fol low , to the effect that Jeiry means to fight for the uuvcinoialdp on the Issuu ot personal llhcity. II11O fl.AII.Vt. INlT-n-STATi : COVrviKIlfK. Thu conteiciieu on thu pait of the senate and house on the Inter-state cam- ineice bill have agreed upon nil impoitant points except couit juihdlctlon , and havu ndjourncd to Wednesday moiiilng An ex amination ol Ihu existing laws Is being mode for the purjiosti of uscertainine whether suiti ngaliiht liitur-stntu ioids can bu broil ; ht In state courts. If they can | K > . then the state courts will be given juilsdlcllon ; it not , the ledci.d com ts will try eases aiislng under the law. i UK DAKOTA novr.nvoiisiiii1. .las. 11. Hill , president ot thu Mani toba , airlvcd In this city last night nnd pioposcs to have a word to say iclattve to the appointment ot the appointment of goveinor of Dakota. Mr.IHII favors .Mr. D.i > , and will push his claims be fore Ihu ptPsldeut this afternoon , 'I'll" fact that llll ! contributed & -JOO.OOO to the Cleve land campaign liind may have good olTect upon Day's chances. iNiKitMAi. iivi.Nfr. ! : : AiTUoi-mAnox. Secretary Mnniilng recommends coujtress to make upproprlntlons as follows ; Koi e.x- pcnso of collecting Internal levcuuu In Iowa , > ecoml dlstilet. Sl.MlOs tlihd , Sl.'iOO ; fointh , S ooo. Tor .Nebraska ho lecominciid-i 5 ? 10.000. fAI'ITU VOII-s. John A. Mebl.aun and C. 11. Doncy. of Omaha , me in thoelty. 11 Ii. Devvey , of Pierce l.aife , was today admitted to piattltp bofoie thu mtciioi de parlment. To-day the secretary of tlicinlniioi allow ed a claim amounting to 310 in fnvorot J. W. , 'owell , ol Lincoln county , Dakota , on uccountof Sioux Indinn dcpiedations. rosTAi. niANiirs. The following lovvn iMislnmstcrs were np ) > ointcd to-da > : L. O. I-illliiL'o. ! hacey , Wabasha county , vice J. W. McKinley - ley , reslened , A. C. MtCilew , , Keokuic county , vice W. b. Miller , resigned KtilK Ward \Vtis to-day uppolnteil poMtnus- ternt Lav in la , Holt county , vice. I. S lirlflln , ruslgned , Ttie jiotolhc4ts at C.ilhoun , Apia- iKKisu ( ounty , and Dcerlni'Yiinif \ baijo county , low A , were discontinued. Know In tlin Hiintli. AVii.Mixarox , NT O. , Dec. ( -The heaviest snow btoi in over experienced n prevAillrig , Uoads aic Thn storm , combined with slctt , has done Immense damage to forest and shade trees. J'iCiuto5i > . Yo. , UPC , C. Almost con tinuous snow , lull and ruin Blnco batvrday moTUlng haVe made the piesont dorm one ot tbu lieavltwt oxpeiieiiftal for yeaia. AI > - pearancej nro tuvcrablu JOT several Inches maru ot snow , StOUX C11V 8AI.OOX9. ThcShcrltTls Glvpn Jloro txpllclt In- strnuitonn Ity thaCoitrt. StoiCnv , la. , Dec. SpeeialTelc ( tram to tlio UI.K.I SherllT McDonald some time ngo asked from the court more specllie Instntctlons with reference to the nbntpmont orders placed In his hands foi execution. In complying with the orders ho only went so far us to satisfy himself that no liquors wore stored. The now orders of the court nitlhor- lo the sheriff to sei/o nml deslioy nil Intoxi cating llquois on the promises nnd remove nnd soil all fixtures , otc. , nnd nil movable propel ty n rd in carrying on the unlawful business ot selling or keeping for sale Intoxicating liquors In nbout the piemlsc ? This is fuither cnlaiced to Include tdl lix- lures nnd fiirnltute used only In pirl for cairylug on thn business nnd pait for some other business , such ns n restaurant , I'uithor more the sheiilT Is to sccuiely clo o tla picmlses for onexcir , whether Intoxicating liquors are found upon said mcmises oi not unless sooiiei icleascd by glvlnit bond ns bj Invv provided. The shcillt will nl once IH'O rood to entry out these ordeis fully ns e\ plained above. A Kcotcnk l.ln/o , Ki.oui K , In. , Dec. 0. ISpeclU'lologiau to the HIIJ : : The noith half ol the thiec stoiy brick -building occupied bj Irvvln Phillips ft Co , , wholesale dry goods , cnipets etc. , Inn nod at 10 o'clock last night. The cause of the llio Is tinknow n , but Is supposed to bo spontaneous combustion. There was no Hie In the building voMenliv. Tlie lessen on thebuildinc Is 510,00.1 to 1-J.OrO ; lusui mice , S ooj.piip | , ) SM on the stock cannot bo pstimitedoxncllv. but Is probably 51W.OOO to SWooo. ) insuicd for M-S.ixw , with sn.OOOon the fixtures. The south half of the building did not bum. fllnny Vnlnnblo llorpns Hurtled. \\Alioo , Neb. , Dec. -.Special [ to the KMAt : ] tliu i.illioad camp , n mile and a hall wcstol Ihls place , 1) . U'Coniioll's bain burned down last night nt about 7 o'clock. It contained twenty-one horses nnd mules , and nllbut thito weio bullied to death hess , S'r.oo. ! A few nights n go Wlfon * Piitchnrd's li.irn. In Klk precinct in this county , was do- stioypdbv liic , together with twentv-elght horses. O'Connell and Wilson , v : Prltcluird me contractors on the H. k M , lallruad. A Ilrnkrnmn IJOMCS Ills Hand. Sioux On v , la. , Dec. 0. ( Special Telegram - gram to the lKi.l ( Uoss P. Hnnis , a Sioux City it DCS Aloiiics brakeman , was so un- foitunaloas to get his hand between the bumpers this moiiiluir , nnd ns a losnll had to have bis hand nmiuitnted. Mi. ilanls is well known In the i.iilwny elides of this Motion , h.iv ing been nt ouu time n postal iiuonl on tlm Uook Island rend between Dnveniloit nnd Council IJlulfs. Bees llm-noit. IMH iT.MU'.scr , la. , Dec. 0 [ Special Telegram lo the Ur.r.J The lesideiico of Mr , Downing , near tills place , binned this morn- hipr Thiitv swanns of bees were burned in the callai. Loss 5-OOJ ; Insuicd foi t-1,000. , ' Sioux City Snlooim Oponlnc- SIOLX CITY , fa. , Dec. 0. ( Special Tele gram to the Ui.c.l New saloons nro opening almost daily , much lo the disappolii Uncut of the mnjoilty ot tlio citUcns. Orion's well known Hank Exchange is again lunnlng , with John Wcb'uOi ns pronilotoi. , anil Iowa Wo.ithpr. ForXebia'-ka and lovvn : Fair ; stationary tcmpcratuie. TI UKOUS < > L ' THE Ij.YKKS. Tlie I nst of tlm Gruln Kloct Gandhi in n Htoi-ni. TiETiioir , Dec. 0. I'oi the past week the last grain fleet ol the season 1ms been pushing its way towards IlufTalo. Chicago wns loft In fail weather , but on Wednesday a cold snnp of almost unequalled severity attacked them nnd the fleet was compelled slowly to Jeol its way nlong , nothing being visible , every wave which broke over Ihe deck ticc/dug up the rigging nnd deluging tlie snlloiB with spi-.iv , which Immediately free upon them. AH through the sUn in thcgnncs of men had to bo koplat work on ninny of the boils ehop- Ingthe IcoolT the deck' ) and throwing II ovei- boardns fnst as It loiiued. H look ncnily three days to leaeh Manllovvoe , that lime usually being sulllclont to loirli Kuir.ilo. Ilirlj yesterday moining they reached Lake St. Clalr to find It impassablo. The ferrv boats Kx'cclslor , Ariel nud Portumi weieteut to their assistance. Up In the hike thu Kx- celslor found the luc John Kvven and her tow , tlio Mioliiuan and Nicholson , fast in die ice and released them It took the Ice crushers nil day to get the grain licet down to Detioit. At li o'clock tills mom- Ing the vessels lelt thu vaiiniis docks nud moved down the ihcr togothervvlth tlueu lorry boats ahead , ready to crush nnv heavy lee butwcon the Unrbor nnd bar point. 'I ho vnlnn of vessels nnd car goes is estimated nt 81,000,003. KIiBt Mate Dunn ( it IhoTioga , speaking of tlio storm , HIVS : "Tne stoint stiuek us off Milwaukee Wednesday. Wo had llio Juvvctt in tow , she havint. Io t hoi i udder. Talk about snow -It wns the woi st I ovei s iw , nnd I've sailed across Lnko three win- ti'is. Wo.had to inn uudei iheek much of the time , for It wns lmpo slbo | to sou nnv- thlnguliend. Kveij sea dashed up over the deck and fio/o the snow solid ns fast us il lull. In Ihe face of that the man on watch had to hcnvothe lead legulnily , nnd with tlm sprny Hying ovei him you can Inngine tlie work was. The welu'lit ( if tlio leo on the decks begin to tell early In the sloim and vvu had to keep a gang at woi k all through the stoim bienkinirihe Ice into plece < and tluow- Ing It overboard. Outside door * exposed to the wealhei vvein fro/en solid nnd wo had to break through paitltlons to get from my loom to the watchman's and uhoolman'B looms. The fleet pic-Cd Amhrislburt ; In Fnl'ot ) thlsuvenlng. COURT SI NSATro.V. Dr.unailc Hcono nt llio Trial of Ihu MilVViltlUCH ItlOtOIB. Mn.wUKIR : , Deo. 0. There was n sensa- tlonal scene In Juilci : Hloin's rouit this evening at the clew of the trial of Paul f Irott- kan and Alhoit&Iuu.sslugcr , vvboivro ( hargcd with IncUingtliolnboi liotRat the Milwaukee garden last May Theontliu d.iy had been consumed in argument , Judge Sloan had con cluded Ihe delivery of hia charge , the jmy weio just filing out , nnd thu crowd that had jammed Ihecouit room was an the point ot departure , when their exit attested by n Lipping to older by thu deputy shcnlfM. Klnuiishlngncopy of Gi < > ttlwin's pni > er , the Aibditcr Xuitung , Ul-.trltt Attomcy Williams ndvanerd lo the jmlgcV deslr , and In n loud voice said : "Your honor , 1 do-slio to .all voui nttcnllon to u uruss scuidal and a vlllalnom hbi'l and contempt In connec tion with Dili case , " nnd hu point-oil to several mail , oil iitlclos In the pjper , Ouo was u poem taking Judzn Myaii lor a topic , ami containing tne most --irriluus [ almsc of him. The pru- articles > vtn ) of a similar tenor , and donuiinccd the jmj as bought up and the witnesses lor thu si itu us puijurers. The aition of tlio dutiltt attoinoy en nted a great sensation. ( iiottKan tinned pah < ami hunicUly bdiuht his liv. jor. Judge .Slu in sa.d hohadhiMid ot flic publications and also thai the witness lor the state had been creally infimid ili-d. lie declared that n thorough investl.'atlon would lux made , nud apjiointud Mon l.ij it& thu day on whlih ( iiottkan would IJP civen an opportunity to explain. U UU. hour to night tlm jurj Is bt.ll u'Jt , vv ith little prospfitof an ngit'cmont , A M roi.Iccd Soliouiirr. Puixt i'lKAsx r , N. J. , Dec. a-'lliu tlnoi1masted K < hooucr v < hli It oi.iio.islinroyes- terdij atw ve Towii end iniot bo.tlded to day bi the lit * -avinjr C.PVV and I6und to liiivosctlU-d. bnu la Hie Lnnly bliepard , of , Conn. NovcstiKoof the ciew could be fo-ind. It Ibsnpjiosud tint thu ves sel stilling n I'M ! ; d urine Hie ale of S.ilunl ly night nnd was atr.iiiiUniojl , tliu crew taiun' to the boat. They Imvu tNthci b n bloivi out to sea or have perished Piiil/Ain.M'iiU , Dc. 0.-The cre.vv of the schoonur Kmlljr bhepard. which w s vvtt'ckrd off Point Pleasant , V. J. , weio picked , tip by a passiut steamer and brought hcru. THE SHORT SESSION OPENS , A Largis Audience Qrcots the Reassembling of Congress. THE SENATE BEGINS DUSINESS. Ijlvcly Scones In flic House nml Con- Rrnttilntlonsntu ) Condolences Kv- c linn KO l Severn I lloprcscrt- tut Urn Hvvoin In. Krnntc. U'Asnivmov , Dec. 0. The gutlciles of the soiinto chamber were. In < plto of tlio In- elemenev of the wexther , tilled wltli spocti- tors , when at noon the second session of the Kortj-nlnth pongress was opened , In his praje-r Chaplain liev , ) . ( ! . Duller feellnglj alluded to tliemournlngihaperlcs with which the chamber was hum ; , In mi'in- 01 y of the late Sonvtor 1'lke , of Xovv llampshlio. Piesldlug Oillcci Slu'imaii laid bolero the senate sev- cinl nnnunl toports ol heads ol deimlmonls , which were ordeied printpd , Itesoiutlons \veiendoptedllxlngtho dallj bom ( d meet ing nt noon , tntoimllig the housu that tlm senate wns icadj to piocced to business and tor tlio appointment of n committee to wall upon llio Piesideut for like imipose. Kd mundsntid Saulsbiir ) weie appointed Mich committee. Tlu > ctedentinls of Sen.itoi Williams of rnllfoinin , were ptosimted nnd the oath of oillco ndmlnlsteied to him. bills weie Intioduccd and lefericd , aiming them Ihu follow lug : Hj Allison I'onuthori/o tlm construction ol n bildge ncross the Missouri rlvei. l ? > i\ntts : Tnnutlioi 1/0 the constiucllon oi n bildge neioss the Kast river. New York A lecf-swiis then tnken for ten minutes , rho recess wns extended to 'J o'clock , at which hour Senator Kdmuuds repoited tlint the Joint committee of the t\vo houses had walled on the pieshlcnt , nud that llio presi dent had asked thu committee to cungiatu- late the senate nnd house on their safe 10- tuin to the capltol and tosav that ha would communicate with them In wilting. 11111110 di.itelj thcicup.m the message vvns leccived nud its lending Degun. Wlicn the bouatu icas-jemblcd Mr. Ill.ilr an- noumed the death oi his late lolleague , Mr. I'ike , nnd moved , as n innik nf lespcct to Ids moiuorj , that thu.seiintendiuurn. 'I he motion wasngieed to , nnd lliebcnnte at UioO p. m. niljomncd. Tlio WASHI.NOIOV , Dec. 0. I'or an houi bofou- noon in-day the Hoot of thu house piesunteu nn enlivening nppearance. ( iroups ol mcm- beis ctovvdcd the cloak moms nnd blockaded the Isles , chatting , laUEhlng , exelulngliif ; congratulations on suceos.s In the leeuut elections , oi condolence Upon detent. Tlio victors twitted tlio vanquished , nnd the van quished joklncly Commiserated with the victors upon their tniluio lo tluow oil the burdens of public life Citl/ons ol Washington , uudeleiicd bj unpiopltiotc * went her , crowded thegallei- les nnd looked down with Interest nml nmusement on the scenes beiiiK enacted be low. 'I he executive nnd diplomatic galleries were , however , conspicuously empty. Tlm desks of the various members weie ndorued with lloinldeslcns , tiKise presented to liar- mei , of reimsjlvanhi , nnd Wilson , of West Viiginla , being very elaborate. The spenk- oi's desk was liamlsoiiielv ndoined. While congralulntlons abounded , Mr. t'ir- llslu was busy slinking hands with political friends nnd foes who scorned to vlo with paeh othei In rxprosslng the heartiest good w 111 nnd coed wlslies. At juo ciselj lit o'clock Speikcr Cailisle rapned the lious.0 to older nml the chaplain delivered pi.ivei , In which ho lecllngly leteiied to the deaths of Kcpiespntatives Itoach and Ainol , nnd invoked Divine supervision over thu pro ceediiiRS ot congicss. The cleik then pro ceeded to call the toll , when " 11 moiuucis losponded to their names. On motion ol Air. Moirison , of Illinois , a icsoliitionv.ib \ adopted dlieetiiig the clerk lo Infoim the ficnnlo that thu house was icndj to proceed to business. On motion of Mi. , of To\ns , .1 ip-johitlou vvns ndojilcd foi tlio appointment ol n comliillleii of Ihue membeis to join aslinilai ciimmllteu np- pointed by the scuaie lo vv.iit ujiun the pieshlcnt nnd inlotm him Dint congiess vvns iend > to iLcehe nny eiimmunic.illoii he mluhl dosiio lo make.lessis ] \ Iteiiicnn , Hrctkemidie ( ICy. ) and Itced vvcic appointed ns such committee. Jill , lluvvitl ot Now Voik , i Islmr lo a ques tion ol pilvllego , S. h. COK should busvvoin In nsn member of the house to fill the vncancv eaiiicd by the icslgualhui of < Iosupli l'iilil/ei. llo slated nt the sumo time that the found ccrtiiicato of COX'H cleeilou had been icteived. No obiection vvns miide to Cox's qiinlitviug nnd ids peisomtl popu- lailtv was m.iulfustcd bv n lound of applause which giccted his le-entry Into legislative HIP. Ilemy W. liusk , of Missouri , nml llcmy liacon , of Now Vork , nl-o uppe.ued nt tlio bin of Ihe house and qualified , filling vacan- nea OLC.isioupd bv the deaths ol William II Cole nnd Lewis Itcich. At 1'J 10 n-ppss lei llilitv nilliiiles i.iKon ; ullorhicli I m tlioi leces1) ) was taken until vt o'clock. Upon leasscmbllngof the house llio com mlttcu appointed to wait upon the picsldeiil innounced It had perloimed Us dut > nml hat thu iircsldcut would cuuimuulcale in witting forthwitli. The picsldcnl's aniimd ucssaio vva then piescntcd to the house und mmediately read bj thccleik. * Capltiil 'VIlHcolliiiiy. \\'Asni\irov , Dec. < l. \ \ hen Mi. Cox , ni Vow Yolk , took the oath of oillco today hit ouiid himself in llipembanasslng position ol laving toocciito n seat on thu outoi tow MIOII thu lupublicin Hide. Hut fiom this em- larriissmenthn was lulleved by the eoiirtosy if llcprc&piiiAtlvo J. D. Hajtrs , of Texas , vho , upon liolnir Introduced to Cox1 , con gratulated him , his patty and couiili > upon ilsieturn to legislative labms. Sajein then , n n spirit of courtesy , teudmo I his seat lo L'ox This seat Is n piomlncnt one on tl'O lemocifillcsldc and was occupied by Coy luring Hcveial contiessu4 , Cox , oath to dislodge HujerH , w.H llnallv 0 accept the courtesy , and taking fiom his > ; ciirf a pearl pin of the iloiU'n of a star and lescent , piosonlod it to Supers as a memonlo il thuoeoaslon. The supreme court to-day rendered a deci sion In the Important extradition caf-e of the Jnilcil hiatus ii'jiliiht William Kaitscher. lainchei vvnb olllcei ol an Amoik.ui vessel whowasextiaditod fiom Cicat llrltiiln to iiMvver foi the murder of nM'.iman , nml who wasallervvaid bum/ht lo u foi a dlireientolfcnsc , vi/ . cruel anduniumd pun- shineiit of the nf.iiic seaman whom ho was chaiged with mmderliiir. The else lirini-H up an Impoitant tiiicstlon vvhldi lopg icon thu subject of diplomatic mgutlntlon iclvveen the uovcinments ol tlio Unltul States .mil ( iient llilt.dll , and vvhlth never jofmo his been hmtlly settled , viwhothcr , ninloi Hi extiaditlnn tieatyln foitu liulvvcen Ihu two coiuitrioa , u person extiadlfed foi oui ) ( .Ifonm ran bu tiled for another. The co.ills held , In tlm opinion liy Jnstlw Milo.i [ , tliat HID IKMKOII vvh'i ' been broiuht within the imhdlitloii of tlu > < oiiitsby vlituo of pirnwdings under an e\ti.i < | llliu Irenij , cm oulv bo trlc-d for one ol the olfi-mi" . de cilbud In the trc-it > , and fin thu otlcnso with which bins i halted in llio pioe < odiut ; lei hi * iixtiadit ( in , unlfi-h ic.istiuahfe llmu nud otiiiiiiliinil } hroii ctvon him ntt'T ' its lolO'iso or trial under Mich i'laign ' tiiu- urn to the cnunlry tiom vvho > o asiliim ho nut In-ill fiiieililv taken muUii thisu pio- " ding's. Chit I ,1 nil KM Wailu d'K ' uiitf from the opinion ot tbo rouit.mi tl.egioiind ilut 10 dues not und In the ticity miitiiliii ; vvhit'h folbidH the tllid of j pit Jlicr foi : in o on ; o othfi than tlut fdl.vine i ! > o was u ti.ulitcd. Tlie treasinv depailment to-day ac" ptod in nllor to ooiiijronii- | ) what i , UIIOMII a > llio [ . ( -.lei iiniliu v.iliiatliiii ta-io. John T. hco- ' ( i. a hi'nvy sto < k bioker uud capltnlKt of . .lut-a o. HV'Oiitly imjiuilul n nuiiilier nt Vid- uablu piintln.'ti tiom I'.iil , , vvhiih vveiu fc'i/cd ' bi ciislom olin irIIM.IIISU of nil al- or-ed altumiit l'i uvold llio Icical dutin.s. Two tuolcuH were usi-d , una for the ujiislgnpu iiiil thodtherlui tincustom lionso. Thuvaluu if tint piinlln sacoindiimto thu fnimer , w.u 8l'-OJ ( , and flcciiiiling lo l'io ' latdu * 7 KiU. JJj the toniisof the couiprnmlso | . tvr will ; > < iv diuluh and Uiits amounting to about s I1' ' ' o .tad a penallj of S\XiU ( , ' T.inniu-y Jturncd. Dov-iit , N , II. , Dec. 0. .1. I ; , llcr orn , t 1 in'- * tannery at .South J-er'.vlcK , "Mo , tM'riud ' tills iiiiirniii' . Loss ( -itimatcd from to