Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1886, Image 1
ILY * < IN * SIXTEENTH YEAH. OMAHA , TUESDAY , MORNING , DECEMBER 7. 18SG , NUMBER 172. CLEVELAND'S ' ANNUAL TLo Nation's Condition and Ksquiremcnts Tully Set Forth. HIS ARGUMENTON THE REVENUE Hcneons For Revision anil Reduction Lu cidly Placed Before Ocngrcss. HOSTILITY TO SILVER COINAGE. Oivil Service Reform Shown to Bo Still the Pot Policy. ELABORATE TALK ON PENSIONS. The President Dwells on Them Partly by > r Way of Self-Dofense. INDIAN QUESTION REVIEWED. Hnrhor DcfciiHUH Itccotmiiciulcil linnet IjCclHlnllon ltpiiilrcl | Mexi can lluclptocity Treaty anil Giittliij ; ' * Cnsc-Tlnj OIil- IICHC OulrnjcH Xho rislicry Qnculion. Thp WASIIINOTOV , December 0. Tlio complete lext of tlio president's message , < leli\ciil to lonyress to diy , is as lollows : To the Congress of the United Status In the discharge ut n constitutional duty and loi- iovvlnga well established precedent ln lnu oxccutlvo office , 1 hciewith transmit to con- Ktessat Its n assembling < cilain iiironnatlon concerning tlic state of tlio union , together with such reiommcndatloiis tor legislative consideration as appear necessaiy and ux- pidlcnl. orn roiti VIIONS. Qur government Ins consistently main tnlned Its relations of friendship towaul all otlici poweis , and of nclghhoily Interest to- \\iud ihosu whoso possessions aio contiguous to our nun. Few questions have arisen dur ing thu past year with other goveinments , ami none ol those aie bevond the reach ol settlement in iik'iidly counsel.Vo moas \ct without ptovlslon foi Ihu settlement ol claims ol citl/cns of tlio United btatesagainst Chill lei Injmics dining the Kite wir with JVm mid Bolivia. Tlio mixed coininlssions , organl/cd under claims conventions , con cluded In thu Chilian government with cui- taln states , ha\u dcvcloned an lunnunt ol friction whleh wo tmst can be avoided In the convention which our lepiu- sentatlveat bantiago Is authorized to iiego- tlalo. TUB CIIINKSI : ejrrsTiov The cruel treatment ot the Inolluiblvu Clil- nesehas I regret to say , been repeated in some ot the lar western states and terri tories , and acts of violence against those peo- p'e , bo\ond ihepovvi'i ol thu local constituted authorities to prevent and difficult to punish , are reported even In distant Alaska. iMueh ol this violence can bit ti.iccd to race preju dice and competition ot labor , which cannot , liowuvci , jttbtifv the oppiession of stuingois whoso salety Is guaianteed bv our treat ) with China equally with the most lav urea imtloiiH. In opening our vast donnln to these ele- inputs , the purpose ot oui law-givers was to invlto asslinllitlon , and not to provide an arena ot endless antagonisms , 'the para mount duty of maintaining public order and defending the interests ol our ownpeop'e ' mav require the adoption of resources of re- Btrfctlon. but they should not tolerate the op piissionof Indlvidualsot a special iace. 1 am not without assuianco that thu govcuv meiit of China , whoso trlendly disposition toward us 1 am happy to lecognl/ip 111 meet Uiihalf way in devising a eomprehenslblo ienu < d > by which an clU'ctivo limitation of Chinese subjects , wtio icmain In this conn- trmay be seemed. Legislation is needed to execute the prov Islons ot our Chinese con tcntion of l MJ touching the opiim tratlic. os iiir. isriiMUH. While the good will ot the Colombian gov eminent towml oui government Is manliest , the situation of Interests on the Isthmus ot Panama has at times excited con- ecru and Invited tilendly action looking to the peiloinmncH of the engagements of the two nations concerning the teiiltoty um- biaced In the Inter-oceanic tiansit. With the subsidence of the Istlimiati disturbances and the eitetlon of the Mate of I'.uum.i into u icdeial dlbliiet iindei thedliect govcinmcnt ol the constitutional adininistiatlon at Hogota , a now older of things has been Iti miguiated which , although asel expeiiinon- tal ami alfordlns scoi > ofoi .uhitraiv exercises ol powei by the delegates of the natlona ! aiithoiit ) , piomlses much Impiovemcnts. WIJII I I IIOI'I AN I'OW I ! ! P. The svmpathy between thu people of the United Stilus ami Fiance , bom during our colonial stimgln lei independence , and con tinuing to dn > , has niched a tiesh impulse In thosiucesstul eoiiipU tlon and dedication of the colons ilstatuo of "Ubeity F.nlighten- Ing the \VoiId" \ In New Yoik burbot , thegllt of Fii'iichmcn to Ameilcaiis. A convention between the United State' ' and oe'italn other powcis lei thn protection of suhmiuiiio cables vv is slgne'd at I'aitson .Maieh 14 , Ibbl , and has been did ) ratlliedand pioelalmed by this government. H > .usiccment between tliehlgh eontiactiug nu- lies this convention Is to eo Into cllcet thulht ot Jaiiuai ) next , but the leglslition icqulredfor Its execution In the United Mates has not jet been adapted 1 c.unestl } lecoinmeml Its en tctment. ; Cases have ( ontlnueii to occur In ( iprmanv , giving rlselomuch coiiesiiondcnce , In lela tion to the privilege of sojourn of oni natnr- allA'dcltl/ens ot ( iermiin oilgln levisituiL the laud ot thrli birth jet 1 am bapp > ti htato that our lehilloiis with ( hit umnliy hivolost none ol thelt ucciiatoniedeoidlallty. 'Iheclalnis tor Inteiest upon the amount ot tonnai.'t'dui's illegal ! ) ! exacted tiom ceitaln ( ieimiin steamship lines weio lavoiably le polled In both hoiiM.s of conmess at the I ist session , and I trust will reoeho tlnalu and la voiublo .utlon at an early day , 11 IK CANADIAN riSlll.ltlKS. The leciimiiiciidatloii contained In mv last iinniml ines ige in iclitluii to a mode ot set tlement of tlioilshi'iy ' lights In tlui waters 01 Ililtlshoith Amiirlca , so Ions a suoji'ct ot anxious dlllcii'iutt between the L'nUedbtates ' and ( ! reat llrltaln , was mot bv an advorio \otuolthosennteAptll li ! last , and theic njion niuotiatloiis vveie instituted to obtali nn agri'eniL'iil with liei Jlrit.inle iinie tj's governiiient foi the promulgation of fuel joint Intel pretntlon und delliiitlon ot thu in tick ) ot the I'iMnentloii of 1-lb to the teiilloilal wateis and Inshore of the ItiltUh provinces as hhouli thti C.inadlan lUhts from encioach iiu-iit by United States lisheimen. and , a the same time , Insuio thu elijin mont by thu latter of the privllego- , guaranteed to then b > biu'h ooint'ntloi ) . Tlioiuestliins | invohei .11 u of long bUndlng , of giavo coiibequeuce and I rom time to time , for ni'.uU threu 1111,11 ler ol acontury , buvo given IMI ) tot'.uni1' InteliiatloiinliiNeiusIonsnot iiiiaci'ompaiilei by in lalion. 'IVninonuj .iriaiuc'iuent b' 'leatles have M'rvtxl to alia ) friction , which nowever , has lowved as each treaty wa teimlnnted. 'iho last uiraiiKeiuent. unili the tiiMty ol 1S71 , WUH abioa'ated alter duo notice by the United Mates , Juno : .0 , l\sj but I wns enabled tooutaln lot out linlit'imei tor thu remainder of that AC.IMIII the I'tijoj meiit of thu pilvlleues uccoulod l > \ tlio leinnnatlni : treaty. The joint eommissloi by whom the lieat ) hid been involuted nlthough invi'-tcd with plenar ) i > o\\t'r t < make permanent r > cttluuuMit , wore conten willi trmporaiy arraiiciMiientd , uller the tiiinlnation ot which thoiiiuMIon wa iele ( .Mtnd lo the t > tIpuIatUms of thu treaty o 1Mas ( o thu llrbt uiticlu of whlcl no { niutnictlon satUtai ( ory lo boll lonntiiishas ever been agreed upon , The i\n \ > ; ; ic i of < fv HI Mllou and b'ioth ot popu In thu Jlrltish pro Uu s to wl irh tl u . hi < ii.c-.liou 4ie coiititiiMiis , and then on ot ooninieri'inl niUrcoiiuu bo hvinu Itumruid tht ) United Sialc . presm to-dtt ) u condition ot uifniis bcarcv1) reii t uble ul ( lie Untuol 1Mb. 3ow iVuU > > u > t inter e-sls have l > ccn brought Into existence. Modes of intercoms ! between the respective conn- tiles have been Invented and multiplied , the methods of conducting the tWierics have been wholly changed , and all this is necfs. sullventilled tocandld and caieful consld- eiatlon in the adjustment of the terms and conditions of intercourse and commerce be tween Ihe t nlled .Stiles and their noUlihors aloiigafreiiiticr ot over ViCO miles. Ibis proplnquttv , ( oniniMiilty of language and oe- tiipillon and slinllaiity of political ami so- elal Institutions Indicate the piactleablllt ) and obvious wisdom ot malntilnlne mutu ally beneficial and friendly lelatlons. Whilst I um tinfelsncdly deslious tliat such icl itlons should exist between us and the In habitants of Canada , ) et the action of Iheli otllclals dm Ing lite past season tow aid oui lisheimen has been snob as to seilousl ) Uneaten theli contlninncc. Although dts- apuolnlcd In my efforts to se cure a salisfactoty settlement ot the lishery question , negotiations aio s.tlll . pending with reisonablo hope that befoio timeline of the piesent session of congress in advancement ma ) b < j made and an ac- eptable conclusion reached. At an c.ul ) la ) theie nn ) he1 laid beloie congress the 'onosponilcnco "I thedepartmentol state in elation to this important subject , so tint he history of the pist iishlntr season ma > bu ; ull ) disclosed und tlio action and theattl- ude ot Iho admlnlstiatloii full ) lOtiiPic- leniled. Moie extended lefe.encc Is not Iccmed necessaiv In tlilscommniite atlon , orn wi SIIISN summon" . The lecommenil.ilion submitted that piovl-don bo made foi a piellminary to- eoiinolssanco of the conventional buuitdarv Hue iM'tween Alaska and Ililtlsh Columbia is renew cd. 1 expicss my unhesitating conviction tliat the Intimacy of mil lelatlems with Hawaii should be emphasl/ed. As a icsult of the ru- clprocit ) tieaty ott > " > these Islands , on the highway ot oilctitat and Australian tialllc , aru vtiluall ) an outpost ol American com- mcicuandu hteiipiinr stone to thu glowing Iraduot the I'.icllie. The l'oliieslan island groups liive been so absorbed In othei anil moio powerful governments that the Ha wallan islans aie left almost alone in the en joment of tliolr autonomy , which It Is Impoitant lot us should be piescived. Out treaty Is now tcimlnable on one jear's no tice , but pioposltions lo ahioir.iti ) it would be , in ni ) judgment , most ill advised. T he p.u.i- mount inlliiencu we have theio ncquiicd , once lelinquislied , could only with dmieult ) be legaineil , unit a valuable coign of fet ourselves might ho convoited into u stioiiL'hold lei oni commeicial competl'ors , I firstly recommend that the existing lie.Uy stipulations bu extended fora luithei term of seven ) A iccentl ) signed troatv tothls end is now befoielhe senate , flic Iiupott- ancoof telcgtaphle communication between these islands and tiiu United Mates should not be overlooked. The question of a general tevislon of tlio treaties ol Japan is a.ilu under discussion at Toklo. As the Hist to open lel.itions w lib Jap in , thu United btates have lost no op- poilnnlty to testily theii eonsistunt tilend- ship by supportinir the just claims ot Japan autonomy ami independent o among nations. A Heat ) of uxtiaditlon between the United btates and Japan , the Hist concluded b ) that cmplic , has been lately pioclalmed. 1.1111:1:1 : v. The weakness of Liberia and thedilllciiUy of maintaining effective soveiciKiitv. over the ontljinic dlstilcts have exposed that icpubllc to encioichinent. It cannot bo foigotton that this distant commiinit ) is an ollslioot of our own sstetu , owing its origin to llio asso ciated benevolence ot American citl/ens , whoso praisewoithy etToits to cioale a nucleus of eiv libation in the Dark Continent have commandrd respect anil sytnpitby everywheie , cspechlly In this country. Although a protcelorate ovei Liberia is contraiy to our tiadltional pollu ) , the moral right and duly of the United Mates to assist In all proper ways In the maintenance ot Its Integrity Is obvious and has been con sistently announced during nearly hull a cciitiny. I recommend tliat In thoicnriMiii- /.Mon of our navy , a small vessel , no lonitei found ailequate to our needs be mesontcel to Mnutli. to beemploed by it in the protec tion of Its coastwise io\enues. MEXICO AND 11IK I'MII'.I ) STVT1. . The encouraging development ol beiielicial and intimate iclations between the United and Mexico , which has been so maiked within the past few ycats , Isat once the occa. sion ot congratulation and ot Irlendlv solid tilde. 1 niguntl ) iciiovv my lei met lepiesuii' tatlon ol the need ot speedy legislation by congress to cany into effect thn iccipiocitv commercial convention ol January 'M , Iv8-f. Our comuieielal treaty ol IS-'il with Mexico vvas terminated accenting to its iiiovisions in IbM , upon iiotiheatlon given by Mexico In piirsuincu of bei announccil polic ) of tcc.istlng all her commeicial tieaties. Mexico has since completed with sevcial for eign gov criiments new treaties of coiiimeice and navigation , dolinjng alien ilglitsol tiade , piopeity and lesielonce , tieatment of ship ping , consulai privikges and the like. ( Jut vet unexecuted reciprocity convention ol lbb.1 coveis none of thcsn points , the settle ment of which is so neecssiry to good lela- ttonship. 1 iiropoto to initiate with Mexico negotiation ? lorn new and cnlaigcd treat ) of coiumeice and navigation. Jn compliance with a resolution of the senate , i communicated to tint bodv on August" last , anil also to llio house ol repre sentatives , tliu cuncsponeluncu in ( lie case ol A , K. Cutting , an Aniuiicaii eltl/en then Impilsoncd In Mexico , chuigcd with the commission of a penal oifunso in Texas , of which a Mexican citizen thu object. After demand hail been mule lei hlsieleaso the chai go against him was amended so as to include a violation ot Mexican law within Mexican tuirltoir. Thislolntlerof alleged olTenses , one within and the other exterior to Mexico , Induced mo loonier a specld investigation of the case , pending which Mi. Cutting was lelcased , The Incident has , however , disclosed u claim ot jurisdiction bv Mexico novel in our Ins- tor ) , whereby any oilen e , committed nnj- whom by ft foreigner , penal in thu phce of Its commission , and of which a Moxlcan Is the object , mav , if tlio oll'indei be found In Mexico , bo theie tiled and punished In con- foimlty with Mexican laws. Jurisdiction was Rustilneil by the couits of Mexico In the Cutting c iso and appuned by thu executive bianehof that government upon the autlioi- II ) ol a Mexican statute 'Ihe apjiellatocouit , In lele.islng Mr. Cutting , eleel led that the abandonment ol the complaint by the Mexi can elti/eiis aggrieved by the alleged eilmo ( a IIUilous publication ) lemovcd the bisls of tuithei prosecution and also declared justlco to have been sitlsiicd by the enforcement ol a small partol tliu orlglml sentence , 'Iho admlsalun ot such a pretension would lie at tended with soiinns u > siilts Invasive ot thu jiiiisdlctlonof this government , and highly dangerous to our eitl/ons In lorelgn lands. Theiefoiu I have ) denied It and protested against its attempted exeiclse as un- wauanied by tliu principle ; , of law and Intel national iibiges. A so > eielgn lias jurisdiction of ollen-es which tike effect within his territoiy , allhoiuh coneorted 01 commenced outside of It , but the light IB de nied ativ InrelL'ii soveielirn to punish a eltl- /en ot the United Mates for an otloiiso con summated on oni soil In v lolallon of out law s , even though tlio olfonsu bo against a subject oreitl/en of such sovereign , Thn Mexican btatutu in question makes thn claim bio idly , ami thi ) prlnclulu , if conceded , would cri'alu iidual luspuiislbilU ) in the litl/en and lead toaconliibloninstructive ot tliat ret taint ) in thulivv which Is an essential ot liberty , When citizens of the United Mutes voluii- t.irll ) go Into a foreign round ) , the ) must abidnb ) the laws them In toice and will not he piotecled bv theii own gov eminent fiom the consequences of an otfunsu against these liws committed in such foreign count ) ) . Hut watchful caio and Intcicst ot this gov- eminent overltsiltuens aio not relinquished because thuy hav u gone ahi oad ; and i t'chai 1:1 d with crime committed In thu foreign land , n fair and open trial , conducted with decent ie- gard foi justice and humanity , will bo de manded feu them. With less than that this government will not bo content when thu life or Hbert ) of itscltl7ens Is at stake- Whatever the deirren to which extra let- i iturlil criminal Jin Ibdletlon may have been funnely ! allowed by consent -and leeiproeil agreement among entaln of Iho Luropean states , no sueh diK'trlno or practice was ever known to the laws of this country or of that \vliiihourinstitutioiisliavoinaliil ) been eleiiveil. In the c.isu of Mexico theio ure reasons especiallystioujr forpeilect haiiiiony in the mutual excrclso ot juiUdlctlon , Natuie has m&do us irrevocably nekhbois , and wisdom and feclllig should maltu 1 . The ovurilow of capital and en- Jiom Uiu United btates is a potent Jactor In A TstlM thedevelopmept of th lesou ra rt Me\ico and 1n bulldlug up Ui l'iosKrily | of both counluw. To assUt thl good work till gtouuds of apprcLcuslon o the security of person and property be removed , and I trust that In the inteiests of rood neighborhood the statute refcried to will be so modified as to eliminate the picsent possibilities of danger to the peace of the two eouutiles. OTiinn i xn . The government of the Netherhnds Ins exhibited concern In relation toceitaln feat- uics of our tirilf laws which ate supposed by them to be aimed at a class of tobicco pro- Iticeel In thu Indies. Comment would > eem unnecessary upon the unwisdom of c islation appearing lo hive a special latlonal illscrlmlnatlon Tor It , object , which , although unintentional , ma ) give lisa .o injurious relations. The establishment. less than four > ears ago. of u legation ut Teheran Is beailng fruit n the Interest exhibited bv the shah's gov ernment In the actlvltv of the United Stales ami the opportunities of IH.MI- ' Intel changes. blablu crov eminent is now happily lostored in Teru by the election ol n constitutional president , and a pe ilod of ichabllitaUon is entered upon , but iceoH'iy I' necessarily slow from the exhaustion caused by the late win and civil disturb inees. A convention to adjust b ) aibltiation claims of our eiti/ens h.ibbeen promised and is mulct consldci.i tlon. tlon.llio naval ollicei who boieto Siberia thu testimonials bestowed b ) emigre-is In lucog- nitlon ol thu aid given to Hit1 .le.umetto sur- vlvois has accomplishes ! his mission Ills liiteiestliig leport will he submitted. U Is pleasant to know thai this m.irk ot nppiecla- tlon has been welcomed b ) the Itussinii gov- eminent and people as befits the ti.i- illtionil friendship oi tliu two countiies. Civil peituiballonsln tlie Simoait Isles has , dining the past few , been a souiee ot considerable ; embarrassment to thn three governments ( Jermany , dreat Dritaln unit the Untteil btutus whose lelatlons andcxtia teriitoiial rights In that Important uioup mo giiiiianteeil ti ) lieatles. 'Ihe weakness of the native adminlstiatlon , and the conflict ot opposing Inteiests in the Islands , have led King Malleloa to seek alliance oi piotection in some one quartet , leg.udless ol the dis tinct engagements wheieby no ono of the ) poweis may acquire any pna- mount oi exclusive , inteiest. In May last Malloloa offeied to place b.imiuundci tlio pioteetion of Iho United States , and the late eonsn ] , without iiulhoiit ) , assumed to giant it. The ptoceullng was piomiitlv disavowed and the over /e.ilous official leealled , bpccial agents ot thu three governments havu been deputed to examine thu situation In thu Is- luiuK \ \ Hli a change in theieprusentationof all tlnce powers , and a haiinuntous uiidet- standing between them , the peacepiOspciity , aulonlmous adiulnlstiiition and ncntialit ) of Uamoa can h nelly fall to bu seemed. It appealing that the gin-eminent of bpiiu did not extend to the Hag of the United Mates in the Antilles the whole ineasuio of recljnocity u'ljuisito iindei our statute lor the continuance ot the suspension ot discrimina tions against thn spinlsh ftag in oni ports , I waseonstialned , in Octobei last , to lesciuil m ) piedccesafli's pioclainalion ol Fubiuary U , Ibb4 , pel milting such suspension. An ar- langemont was , howuvei , speedily leached , and upon notification liom the government ot Spain tint all dilleientlal tieatment ol our vessels ami then caucus , fiom tlio United States in liom anv loielsrn coiinM v , had been completely and absolutely lelliiqulshed , I availed mj sell ol' the iliseietion uonfeircd by law , and Issued , on tlic' 7lh clav of Octobei , my proclamation declaringii'eiprocal suspen sion in the I tilted States. It Is most gtatiiv- ina to be ir testimony to the earnest spint In which thu gov eminent ol Ihu queen regent mot our itlotts to aveit the initiation ot commcteial dlscilmliiiilions , which aio everdlsasttotis to thu nmteiml inteiests and the political good will ol the couiitiies the ) ellcct. The piohtabln development of the laico commeicial exchuigos between the United Mates and the bp.intsh Antille , is naturally an object of solicitude. Lvlnp close at oui doois , anil finding here theli main maikcts ol supply and demand , iho wellaro ot Cuba and I'orto Uiro and theii pioduutlon and tiade are scarcelj less im port int to us than to bp.iin. Then eommei- cial and moves aie so naturally a p.ut of oui sstem that no obstacle to fullei , ireui inteicoutso should bupcimittcd to exist. The standing instiiictions ot out represen tatives at Madrid and Havana have iorveats been to leave no elfoit unessaveel to luithei tlieso ends , and at no timu has the equal good elesiio of Spain been more liopetullv mani fested than now. Tliegovuriimentotbpain.ln thus leiuoving the coustilai tonnairu fees on canoes shipped to thu Antilles , and by ledttc- Ing passpoit fees , has shown Its iccojnltion ol Ihu needs ot less liammeled Inteicoiiise. An effort has been made dining tliu past ) eai to temovu the hlndiances totho piocla- mition ol the ttcaty of natuiall7ation with the sublime portc , siened in 1S74 , which has lemained inopeiativc owing to adisigiee- ment ot interpretation of the clauses relative to thu ellccts ot the icttiin to and bojoinii ot a naturali/ed cltl/en in the land of origin. Itiustsoon to bo able to announce .1 favorable settlement ol the dllfeienco as to tliu Interpretation. It has been highly satisfatioiy to note thctimpioved treatment of Ameiican misalonaiics in Tur keyMs has been attested bv their ackttow ledg- inents to out late mlnlstet to that'covcin - nient of hissuceessltil e-xeitlons in theii be- hilt. hilt.Tlio Tlio exchange of latllicalion of the conven tion of Dccembei 5 , iss'jnii Venezuela lor the leopunliu of the awards ot the Caracas commission , uiulei the claims coniicntlon of INjii , IMS not jet been elfected owing to the delay ol tlio executive ol thfit republic in rntitvlii. : thu mea-uie. 1 trust tint this post ponement will bo hrieif ; hut should it miieli longei continue , the dela ) m iv well be re garded as a resisilon of the eomp ict and a liiiluie on the part of Vene/uel.i to compMu an aii.ingemuiittso peislstcntly sought b ) her dm Ing many ) ears , and assented to bv this government In asplilt of falinoss , although to the dctiimont of hold ers of bona lido uvvauls ol the uiipun'iied commission - mission , CIll/.rNSIIlI' AMN.VTLIt VU/ATIOV. I icuew thu lecommeiidation ot nn last annual message1 , tint existing legislation eonccriiliig eiti/cnship and naturalisation bo icvlsed Wo have ttc.iUes with in my states providing lei renunciation ot citl/enslnj ) by naluiallzcd aliens , but no Htatute was louiid to g\\a \ elfect to such en gagements , not any which provides a needed cenlial bineaii foi the registration of natui- .ill/i'd citl/ens. Kxpeilence suggests that our statutes ululating extradition may bo amended by u provision for ihu ttansltacioss oui territoiy , now a convenient thoroiight.iio of tumble liom one loielgn country lu an other , ol fugitive , Mirreiuleied byafoielgn govurnmciit to a thlid state. Such piovls- loiinaiounusinl in the legislation or other countries , and tend to prevent the mlseiiiry- iugot jiisthe. It Is also desirable , In outer to present uncertainties , that authority should bu conferred on thu secretiuy ol statu to Issiiu a ceitllic.ito In ease of an arrest foi the putposu of extra' dltlon to the olllcei before whom the pro ceedliu's Is pending show Ing that a requisi tion lor thu surtendei foi the pciisonchaiged has bc-en duly m ule. Such a roqulied to bu iccelvcd before the wKoiiet'.s nxamination , would prevent a long and ex- nensUo jiullcl il Inqulr ) Into a ch.ugo whlcii lliu foreign government might not desire to press. 1 also lecommend that oxpressprnvlblon bo nnde foi tbu immedlaio dibchainro fiom cus tody of persons lominlttcd lot extiadltlon wheio thu president Isot the opinion thut the biiirunder should not bo made , IVTI r.x'Aiio.vAi coi'i niniiT. Ihcditft of sentiment Ln civilueil lomiiiu- niliea toward lull leeogiiltion of the lights of piopeit ) In the creations of the human In- telled Ins biou'ht abunt thu adoption by man ) Important nations of an intciiiational copilL'ht convention , which was signed at IJernuon thalbthof bepiembei , IW * . Inas- iiiueli as tlieconsiltutlon gives to congress thupowei toMomotothopro.'ressot .sclenco and uselul am h ) securing for limited tlnius toautlioibandinventois the exclusive light to their lespectlvo wiitlngs and discoveiies , thHgovemmeiit did not leel vvairanted In beaming nsl0'iiator ) pending tliu action ot eongu'ss upon measures of Internationa com right now beloio it , but the rleht of ail hesjon to the lieino convention beieafterhas been reserved. I tiust the subject will re- eelve at yoni haniU the attention it deserves , and that the just claims of authois , eo uigently pr&ssecf , wlllliodulv lieeelwi. Iteprosentatioiis continuu to be made to me of thu Injurious elfcet upon American artists studing abroad , and bavins tree access to tiu ! tut collections of foreign countries , ot inaliitaluJnea discriminating duty against tlio intioditctlon of the wojkd of their brother artists ej ( other countries ; and I um Induced to ic-peat my recoiuuicndaUou for the abolition of that tax. THK CONSUL ill SFrtVK T. l ursuant to a protblou of the diplomatic < and consular appropriation act. approved Itilj 1 , l ti , thecstmate.s ) submitted by the secretary of atato for the maintenance of ho consular service have been iccast on Iho MSS | of silailesfor'all officers to whom such illuvvnncu Is deemed ndvlsable , advantage ias been l-ikcu of this to redisli Unite the salaries of the ofllcers now nppioprlaled for. 11 ncooidanco with the vvoik performed Iho Importance of the representative duties of the Incumbent and the cost of living at each post. The la t c onsldcratlon has been too often lost sight oil In the allowances heie * toforo made. The compensation which may Milllce for the decent maintenance of a worthy and capable officer In a position of oneioiis and rcim'sentatlve trust , at a post readll ) accessible nnd vv hem the necessaries ot life arc abundant and cheap , ma ) prove an Inadequate pittance in distant lands where the bettei pirt of a ) ear's p y Is consumed in reaching the post of duty and vvheio the comforts ot oulinarv clvillml existence ein oui ) be obtained with dllllctilty at exorbitant cost. 1 trust that in cousldi'iIiiB thu submit ted seheduleH no mistaken theor ) ot ecou- iimv will perpctmlu a sj stem which , In the past , hasvirtmll ) closed lo dcseivlng talent man ) olllees where capacity and attainments ol u high order are Indispensable , and In not a lew eases has Drought discredit on oui na tional chai.icler and entailed cmbairasbiiient and even siilterlng on those deputed to up hold oui dUnlty and Interests tibmad. In eonneetioii with this subject 1 earnestly iciteiato thopraetieal nccesslt ) of suppllng some mode qf tuistwotthy Inspection and leport of the manner In which the consulates are conducted. In the absence of such rellatile Information , elllcloii ) can scaiccly bo rewauied 01 Its opposite cot reeled. Incicastnzcomnctltlonliitiaduhasdlrccted attention to the value of the consular leiiorts minted b ) the depaitment of state , and thu etlorts ol Hi" government to extend the piactlcat uselnlness of these reports hive eicated a wi.ler demand for them at home and a splilt of emulation abio.ul , constltiitliu a record of the cluigcs occurring In trade and of the pionessof the arts and Invention in foteign countries. They are sought for by all iiiteicstcd In the subjects whleh they ciu- biace. run FIVANCFS. Tliorenoit ol thosecietaiv of the treasury exhibits in detail the condition ot the ( public finances and ot the seveial branches of the government lelated to Ills department. 1 especially diiect the attention of thu congress to thu iccomnicndation contained in this and Iho last ptcceding report ot the eciet.iiy touching the sltnplllication and amendment of the laws iclatlng totho collection of our revenues , and in the Inteiest of economy and justice to the government , I hone they may be adopted by apmupriate legislation. 'Ihe oidlnai ) icceiptb of the government for the liscal ) eai ended .1 line 'M , ISsfl. were Sr-l : ! ! , . 7i7.0i. . Of tins amount SUrJ.UOS.OiJ. II was iccelved ttom customs and S110bOTlW..lS luvenue. 'Iho total leceipt. " , as uciu slated , weiu Sl .T-lU.MO.US gteater than for [ the previous ) ear , but the Incteise liom customs vvas Sll-UIOs.f.lO and liom internal rovenuoSlJOT/JlO..M , unk ing a rf.Un in these Items tor tlib last joai of Sr > , MlJ'i'i 01 , a lalllng olT in othei icsouices leducing the total Increase to the smallei amount mentioned. The expense at the dif- leient custom houses of collecting this in- cieased customs luvonue was less than the expense attending the collection ol sueh revenue foi the piecedlng veai by Sl'tO.COs1 , and the Iticieased iccelpts of internal revenue wcro collected at a cost to the inlet nal rev eniio buiean ot Sir , -1,041. ' * ' ) loss than tlio expense ol such collection for the prov tons ) ear. The total oulinary expenses of the govern ment foi the hscal ) eai ended June 30 , Ifcsfi. weio&ttf-,4sm.r ! ! > 0 , being loss by SlT7bb7.ii7 , than such expenditures for the year preced ing , and leaving a'smplus In thu trcasmy at the close of the last liscal yearof S'JJ/ljO.ISji .ir , , as against Sfi 5.403. 771'JT at tlio close of the pluvious v ear , nialtlnc an Increase in such surplus 01 § ' ) , t'li.aU'.S' ' ) . Tno expendituie'.Aio compared w llh these ot the pluvious lucal je r. and clnssllied as follows : 18SO. IbSj. Tor civil espenscs. Sai,9"COI.01 SS .bil.ytS.U 1'or foreign inter- couise . iiu.EW.ov.oo rn.o'ni.oo Tor Indians . GO I.OirolT.OO r.Vi'M'l.JOi.OO ' J'or pensions . W.IOl.&OLOl Oi5JO.'J07.4S Tor the military , including river and harboi im provements and aisunals . 34/12 1,152.7-J 4ifi70'i7S.ll , ' > Koi the navv. in- eluding vessels. machinciy and 1m prov cm on ts o na\yaldb. . 13,907Sb7.74 1GOJ1,071.0'J i'ot inteiest on public debt . 50'iSOU'i ' ! > r 51,0 0,2:0.17 : For the Uisttict of Columbia . . . 2t92aJl.b'J : j,4 ! ' . ) , 1 JO.iC > Miscellaneous ex- pendlttucs , In- ( hiding public buildings , light houses , collect- ingtheievenuu. 47,0'sOC'5 ' ) 01 B4. ; > , OVJ'U For thociiitent ) eaitoend Juno : iO , 1SS7 , the ascci tallied receipts up to October 1 , IbSii , with such leceipfo estimated lor thu lemuin- derot the ) ear , amniint to)0OOO.niK ! ) . The expenditures ascoi tallied and estimited for the same period are WiO.OOO.COl , Indlciting an antleimted suiplus ut ttiu close ot the ) o.u of yjD.OoO.OOO. Tin ) tot d value of the exports from the United States to foiclzn countiies during the liscal ) ear Is stated and ( ompircd with the preceding ) e-ar as follows : toi the ) car ending JuneiiO.lssi. JuiicHO.iPNj. Domestlomdso. Si-r-.1 ! ! ' , ' ) ! 572ii. ' 2 , . ) lii rotelgn mdse . it.Mxi01 : ! jr.r 0dsoy , dole ! . 42..l'i. , iai : i,477S'tt Silver. . . . . so/iii/Jiu M.'i.vt.n.u The value of some of out leading expoi Is dur ing the last liscal veil , us compared with the value of thu same for the ) car [ iiimediat"ly preceding , Is hero given and fuinlshes1 In formation both Intcicstlngaiid sugcestlve : ] 'orthuearcnd- ' Cotton and e't- ton maiuil'c- tuiies . S21i,045 ( , W-.OO Tobacco iv Us miis . . . . : ; o,42ico ! > .o ( ) 2ir 7 , " . < nee Hreadstuirs . 1 ' . ' - . , 10 , V > bU ) 1WJ7IW1.00 ! ( rrnvhlons . , IHj.fUV-Ui.OO 107.1.,4V.00 : ! , ! Our Imnoits during the last fiscal ) ear , as c ompaicd with the piovioiw weru as toi lows : 1P80. lb 5. .Nrorehandlso {,4' S"i7i.Wjo-i5.R ) Cold . . . . 2l'i4il'.I.OO ! ' mi.h'Jl.liOfi.00 Slhei . . . . 17V < 0 , I'.tO 10,5WiJT.OO ( lAltlH' JH.VIBIOX. Ill my last annual messaso to eongress at tention was directed to thu fact that the ruv- enites of thu government exceed i Its iictuil needs , and It was suggested that Icglslatlvo action should be taken to re lieve thu people from thu uniiecessai ) burden ol taxation thus madu appaient. In viuw of the ptessing Imimrtanco of the subject 1 deem It my duty to azaln nrgu Its consideia- tion , Tlio Income of thu government , with InciciM'.d thorough economies In its collec tion , is now inoio than ever In excess of pub lic necessities. Thn application ot the sin- plus to thu piineiit ot Mich poition of the nubile debt as IB now at our option , suhjeit to uxtliigulHhment If continued at ttio r.itu which has lately prevailed , would retire Ihat class of. Indebtedness within less II. an onu ) c.u Iroin that date. Thus a continuation ut our present revenue would soon ie.nll In the ) iccclpt of an animal Income much gre'atcr than neccasir ) to meet gov ernment expenses with no indebtedness upon which it could bo applied. We Miould then bo confident with a vast qu.uilit ) of money , the circulating medium ot the coun try , hoarded In ( ho treasury when It should beln their hands , or wo should bo drawn Into wasteful public uxtiavaganu ) with all the corrupting national demurall/atlon which follows in its train. Hut H Is not the simple exlstemoof this surplus and its tlmntcncd attendant evils which furnish thu strongest argument against our piesc-nt b&ile ol fed- eial taxation , Jts woistphiso Is theuvaetton of 6iic.h a bin plus tliroiiKii .1 perversion of the relations between thu people and their gov ernment , a dangerous dcpailuiu from the rules which limit the right ot federal taxa tion. ( Jood government , of which every American cltl/en boasS , has for its objects the protection of every peieon within Its bordcH , with the greatest Hbeit ) consistent with the good of his country and his perfect security In thn enjoyment of his cainlnfs , with the least pn lblq diminution for public needs. When morn ot the people's sustenance ) Is exacted tin ougli tlio form of taxation than U necessary to meet the just obligations of thn government and the ex- ! > en e ot Kb economical administration , buch action betoiues itithluos uxtoitlon and u violation lation of thu fundamental principles of a freto KOVCI nnnut. Tbt indirect manuer in w bibb the = c exactions are made has n tendency to conccil their true character arid their extent. Hut wo hav o arrlvexl at a stage of < mi > cilliunis revenue which has aroused the people to a realization of the fact that the amount t.\lscd \ , | ) rofes cdly for the suppoit of the govern ment. Is paid by them as absolutely. If added to the price ot the things which upply their dally Avanls , as if it w as paid at fixed periods Into the Innds of the tax gatheior. The o who toll for dally vvascs are bok'innlng to nndeistaiid that eapltil , though sometimes vaunting Us Impoit.incc and clamoring for Iho prolectlon and favor of the government , is dull and sluggish till , touched by thu magi cal hand of labor , U springs Into activity , furnishing nn occasion tor fedetal taxation and galnliigtho value which enables lltobear its bindcn , and the labortne man Is thought- full ) Inquiring whether , In these clicinu- stances , and consldeiIng the tribute he con stantly ms into the public tieisuarv as ho supplies his dally wants , he tccclves his fair sh ue of advantages. Theio Is also a suspicion abrmd that thn surplus of emrinclines. Imllcito abnoimal and exceotlonal business moiits , which , un der the s.vstcnn which piodnces riucli surplus , Incieasu vvdhout coiicspondlng nenelit to the leople at large. T he vast accumulations of a few among our clll/ens wlio o foitunes , liv.illng the wealth ot the most favoied In anti-democratic nations , aio not the natmal growth of a stead ) , plain and Industrious re public. Our laimers , too , and those engaged dlicctly and Indirectly in stipplng ! the ptoducts ot agtlcultuie , sec that da ) by day , and as otten as the dully winU of the house holds recur , they aio loiced to pi ) exccssho and needless taxation , whllo theh puiducts sliiiL'gle in foielun m.nUcts vvHh tlio compe- titloii of nations , which , bv allow ins a freer exclnnco of productions thin wei permit , enable their people to fell for piices which distress the Ameilcan farmer. As every patriotic farmer lejolces In Ihe constantly In- eteasing pride of our people in American clti/ensitlp , and in thugloiy of our national achievements and progress , a sentiment pre vails that the leading stiings , useful to a nation in Its Infancv , may well , to a great extent , bo dlscauled III the present stace of American Ingenuity , courage and fearless self-rcllan"e. And for thu privilege ) of In dulging this sentiment with tine Amuilcan enthusiasm , our cltlens are quite willlnc to foiego an idle surplus in the public tieasury , nnd all the people Know that thn averacn late of federal taxation upoi , impoits today , In time of peace , Is but Ilttlo less , while upon some articles ot necessaiy consumption , ills actually moie than was imposed by the urlovlous burden wllllngl ) borne at a time when the government needed millions to maintain by war the safety and integiltv of the United States. It Ins been thu policy of the government to collect thu ptliiclpil pirt of Its lovcuues by a tax upon Impoits , and no change in tills policy is desliable. Hut the presuiitcomlltlon of ailaiis eonstiains our people to deiinnd thai b ) a tcvlbion ot oui tevcnuo laws the 10- ceits ] of the goveinmcsit shall bo reduced to the necessaiy expense ot Us economic il ad- mlnlsliatlon , and this demand should bu rec- o/iu/cd iind obejed by the people's icpie- Hontativesin the Icgtalative branch of the gov ernment. In luadjusting tlio questions of federal tax ation , a sound public policy requires tliat such olourcitUensas have built no largo and 1m- poitant industries under present conditions , should not be suddenly , and to their injur ) , deprived of advantiges to which they have adapted Ihclrbuslnebs : but II thu public good rcqulieslt , they should bo content with such consldeiatlou as shall deal laiily and cau tiously with theh interests , while the just de mand of the people for relict fiom need less taxation Is honestly anwcred. A reasonable and timely submission to such a demand should certainly be possible without disastrous shock to any inteiest , and a cheeiful conccssslon sometimes averts abiuptnnd heedless action , often the out- giowth of iiiipitlcnco and delayed justlco. Due reeard should be also accoidccl in any proposed readjustment to the Inteiest of Ameilcan labor so fat as they are Involved. We congratulate ourselves that there isamong UN no laboring class fixed within unviclding bounds and doomed under alt conditions to the ine.xoi.iblo lateotihily toll. Woiecosni/o in lubor a chief lactoi in thu wealth of thu lonublic and we treat those who have it in theh keening as cili/cns entitled to the mostcaieliil legauland thoughtful attention. This lugaid and attention should be awaided them , not only because Iiibor is the capital of our woiklngmen , justly entitled to its shaeo of troveinmcnt lavoi , but foi the further and not less Impottaiil leason that tlio laboring man , biiiioiinded by his family In his humble home , as a consumer Is vitally inteiested in all that cheapens the cost of living and en ables him to biinir within his domestic ciiclo additional eomtoits and advantages. This lelatlon ol the worklngman to thuieveiiuu laws ot the counti ) and the inannci in which It palpably lnllueii"cs the question of wages , should not bo forgotten in thu justifiable piomincncu given to the ptopet maintenance of the supplv and protection of well paid labor. And these eonsideiations suggest such an ai- latigement of government levenues as sliall reduce the expense ol living , whiln it does not cmtrtil the opportunit ) foi work norre- iluco the compensation toi Ameiican labor and injuriously affect its condition and thu dignified place It holds in tlio estimation of our people. Jim our faimets and agriculturists , the c who fiom the soil produce tilings consumed by all , ate put haps moie dlieclly and plainly ( onceined any othei of out dtl/ens in a lust and caictul system of federal taxation. These actually engaged in and mine re- motel v connected with tais kind of labor nuiiibei nculy one-lull of out population. \oiielaborhaulot 01 moro continuously than the ) . Xo enactments limit theli hours ol toil , and no Interposition of the government enhances to anv meat extent the value of their products , and ) et foi manv ot the nec essaries and comfotts of life , which the most sciiipulous economy enables them to biinir Into their homes , and for theli implements' ot husbandry , they aie obliged to piy a pttco lamely increased by an un . .ittiral profit which , by the action ol Iho government , Is given to the moie favoied imiiiifacluiur. 1 lecommend that , Keeping in viinv all these considerations , the Incieaslng and nn- necessaiy hutiliis | of national income an nualiy accumulallng bo lolcascd to the pco- plu ban amendment to out iinenno laws which shall cheapen the pi Ice of the ncccK- sailes of life and give freei enhance to such iinjiorted materials ash ) Amurlein labor may be manufactured into inaiketablu commodi ties. Xotliing i an be accomplished , | iow- iner , in the dliectlon of tills much needed iu- ) orm unless thu subject Is appioarhcd In a pitrlotic spirit of devotion to thu interests of the entire country and w lib a willingness to ) Icld something for thu imblie good. Jin : I'i'ni ic in nr. The sum paid upon the public debt dining the fiscal ) i'.u ended June : ' 0 , IN ? ) ) , Wlls 54 . Vil.OlS' ! During Um twelve months ended October ! ! ! , ISsi , three pet eent bonds were called for icdemption amounting to SUT.-ls.- ! 100. ol which tjSO.iiiV-OJ was so called to answet thu lejouireinnnts ot the Jaw relating to thu smiting fund and SK > , t < . " 'uoD lor thu purpOtO ol i educing the public debt by appli cation ot a pirt ol thubinplus In the tie.isiii ) to that eibjcct. Ot the bonds thus called § 10.- ad'J,4VJ bc'camo subject under Mich c ill to re demption pilot * to November 1 , IbsO. 'Iho remuinder amounting to fcr.ou,0' > 0 niatured under Ihu calls attei that elato. In addition to the amount subject to payment and cancellation puur to November t , them weioalso paid bofote that day ecttain ot these bonds with the Inteiest thereon amounting to i-'i.ur..iiV ) , which weio anticipated as to maturity , ol which fc'J.OO- ) : t. ' > 0 had not been called , thus fclOr , ill.SW had been aetually applied pi lei to the 1st of November , IWJ , to the extinguishment of oui ooiided and interest-Lie irlng debt , leav ing on that da ) .still outstanding the sum of 51,110,44ill' ' . 01 this amount , 1 ,700 were still leprcsented byiipei cent bonds. 'I ho ) , however , Jiave been blnru November 14 , 01 will at once be finther reduced by i'H.- ( , Oiir/J belnz bond ; ) which hav H bcencilled , as before stated , but not redeemed and can celled b el ore the latter date. BII.VBUCOJSAOK. During Iho liscal > tar ended Juno . " 0 , lbs. % tlieio wcro coined under tlio rompulsory Mlvi-r eoinago act eif IMS. 'jy.bau.srj sllvei dollats , and the eost of thobilver used in such coinage vvas i Ui"1 , O'lO.Ol. Theru tiad bcc-n coined up to tli ulosoof llo previous liscil ) eai. utulei ihu provUlons ofthe Ja v , iXiJ.b's..S" ) ! silver dollars lars , and on thei first elay of December. IK.ST , tlio total amount of such coinage was17 , - lol.M'J. 'llm diactor of the mint tuporU that at ihu time of the passage of thn law of Is7 , diluting this-olnairoHie Intilnsiealuo of the dollais thus colnwl wa fi4 | tents each , and that on the ulstday ot July , 1 0 , the price of illyer reached lie ( lowest sugo ever known so that the Intrinsic or tiuilioti nice of our slntulnnl silver elollar at that lalo was le s than W cents. 'Ihe price of silver on theWttiof November lait was such ns to makn the dollars Intrlnsleall ) vvoith 7s cents oath , 'these dliHuences in vamo ot thf coins ropte ent tlio ttucUfa- Ions In the nileu of lhei , And hey certainly do not Indicate that compiil- sorv colnago by the government unhaneod the price of that commodity or iccnies uni formity In Its value1. I'veiv lalt and le'gat jlfort has been m.nlo b ) the tre.iiiny di'part- meiit to tliitiilmtn this ciirrcnev among Iho people * . Tho.withdrawal ot United States lieasury notes ol small denominations ami Iho Issuing ot small sllvei ccitlllcates have jccn resorted lo In the endeavor to accom plish this lesult In obedience to thu will and sentiments of the representatives of Iho people ple In the countess. On the urth da ) of No vember , tsso , ihu people held of the u coins or eeilllicates repieentlng Ihe nomln il sum jlWV-7 ( , OU , and wo stln have S7i ,4iNm : In thu tieasuiv , iisagiilnst about SH.b'MOY\ ! In thu hands of the people aud frJNk > , : ito u1 nainniit In Iho lieamiiyono jou ago. Thedliector ofthe mlntmralii urges the necesslt.v foi moie vault mom for the purpose of stoilng these sllvet dollars , which are not needed for circulation by Ihu people' . 1 hxve seen no leison to change the views expressed In in ) last annual niess e on the subject ot this compulsory coinage , and I rgaln urge ils suspension on all thu giomuls contained In ni ) foimei reeotiiiuendalionss rolnfoued by thu signiiicant Imrcnsoof our old cxportiitlons duilng the last veir. as appears by the compiiatlvo statemenl heie- vvlth pri\sented aud lor the luithei reasons that the niuio this cuiieiiey Is dlstilbutcel among the people , the ure.iler becomes our duly to protect It liom dlsastei ! thai wn now lavoabundancu foi all our needs , and that theio spcms but little propilety In building vaults to store such eiiiiency when the out v pieteiibo for Its coinage is the necessity ef ) Its use by the people as a circulating medium. ni'VKM'i : r.mnAiioN. 'Ihn creat numberol suits now pending In the United Stntes eomt lor the ) southein ells- liict of New Yoik , growing out of thu col lection ot the customs revenue at Ihe port of New \ ork , and the number of such suits that are almost dally Instituted , aie certainly worthy eit the atlunllon of the eongress. These h'gal eontioversles , based upon con- lllellng views by Impoileis and the collector as to the tntcrpielation ol our present com plex and indefinite i incline laws , might bo largely obviated by an amendment ot those laws. Hut pending finch amendment , the present condition ol this initiation should bo relieved. There me now pending about twentv-hvo bundled ot the e suits Menu than eleven hundred h iv u beini commenced within the pist eighteen months , and many of Umothcis have been at issue tor moie than twentv-live ) eais. These del.iS subject Ihe gou'inmi'iit to loss of evidence1 , and pi event the pieparation necessary to unjust and lictltious claims , while eonstantlv iiccruini : Inleicsl ttireitcns to doublu tlio demands involved. In Iho pie'sent condition of the dockets of llio couits , well lllli'd with pilvato suits , and of the forcu allowed the ellstilct attorney , no gieatet th in is necessa ry lot Iheoulliiaiy and eiirient business of bis olllcu , these luvunuo litigations cannot be cotisldcted. In delimit ot thu adoption by thu congress of a plan foi the getieial reor- gunkition of the tedeial courts , as heie- toloin tecoiiimcndcil , 1 utiiu thu ] iioprlct ) ot passing u law permitting thu appointment ot an additional fedoial judce in the dlslilct whoie these government suits have accumu lated , so that bv continued sessions ofthe couits ilnvoted to the tilal of tlie-so eiscs may they bo delei mined. Itlsentliel ) plain that a gieat sa\ lug to the government would bo ac complished bv such a remedy , and tlio suit- ois who have honest claims would not be de nied justice tlnoiigh del ly. am : WAII DLPAUIMI NT. The leport of thu sectetaiy of war gives a detailed account of the admtnlstiatlon of his dopaitment and contains sundty recommen dations for the Improvement of the servlcu which I fully approve. The at my consisted , at thedateofthe last consolidated ieturnol ' . ' ,103 olllccrs and -4,5HO enlisted men. The expen ses ot thu department for the last liscal juar were Stt.O'iO.OiH'.Js , including SH,2 J4l : > ' . .4't ' for public works and ilvei and haiboi impm\e- iiients. I especiallv diurt the attention of congtess to tliu in ommendation that olllcers bo lequlicd to submit to an examination as a prellmlnat ) to their promotion. I see ) no ob ject liVn but iii.ui ) advantages In adopting this leatuie , which hasopeiated so benuiiclall ) In our navy dcpaitmcnt us well as In somu blanches ol thuaimy. The subject of i east defenses and foillllca- tlons has been fully and caieliillv treited by the boird on toitllicatlons , whose tenort was submitted at the last session of congiess ; but no construction weuk of the kind iccom- incnded by the beam kas been posslblo dur- tiig llie1 hibt year iiom tho.laclv of appiopiia- tiinib foi such pin poses. The defenseless condition of our i-e icoasl and lake frontier is pel fectly p ilp.ible. 1 he examimtliins made must coin inco us all that ceil un ol out elf les named in tliu icpnit ol tlio bond should bu lot tilted , and that vvoik on the most impotl- nnt ol tliese loitlfications should be com menced at once. The work has been thoi- oughlv consldeied and laid out , Ihu secro- lai ) of wat repoits , but all U delavcd In de fault ol congtusslonil action. 'Ihu absolutu ) iccessltl judged bv all stui'laidsol piudenco and forusighi , ol our prepaiatlon lot an ellect- iial teslstancu iiL'alnst the atmoied ships and steel guns of modem i onstrui tion whleh may threaten the cities on our coasts , Is M > appai ent that I hope effective steps will bo taken in that direction Immediate ! ) . Thc valuable and sug e'stlvo tieitment of this question b ) the sCL-ietaiy of wai is uaiuestly com mended to Ihu consideration of thu cougiess. In September and Uctoboi last thohoslllu Apaches who , iindei the leadeis'dp ' ol ( leron- Imo , had foi eighteen months been on the wai path , and dining time had com mitted many mindeis and been the eaitsu ol constant let tots to the seltleis ot Atl/ona. hiiiieiielered to deneral .Mile > , the ) milltiiiy coiumiindei who siueeedeil deneialCiook in the mana einent and direction of tlielr pur- Milt. Under thu terms of theli sin lender , as then ri'poiu d , and In view ol theiiiieleihtand- tug wliich this murderous bavago seemed to 'iiteitaln ot the assui- atue > given them , it was consldeied best to I'tipilnon them in mich mannei as to ptexont tlieu everengaglni ; In such out- lages lualn , insiead ol Hying them lot miii- elci. Foil 1'lckons having been selei ted as a site place ol coiiliiiement , all the adult mules wetu bent thlthei , and will becloud ) guarded as piisoneis In Iho meantime tlio iciiduo of Iho band , who , tliumcli still remaining upon theieseivatlon , wcio icganledas unsalo and suspected ot fiiiiilshlng aid to thosu on tlio war path , had been luinoml Ut Foil Mailon , 1'lie women and laigei chlldten ol Iho bos- tiles weio also taken there , and aiiangemetiN have lieen made lor putting Ihu chlldicii ol inopei ago in Indian hchools , nn .NVVV The repoit ol the sccretaiy of the navy contiltib a ditadid tepoit ol tlio condition of his depiltinent , with Mich a statement of the action needed to Impiovo Iho b.imo as should challenge ) thoeainest attention ol 1011- gicss. 'Iho jitcsent nav ) of thu United bt ites , aside liom the Hlnps In ouiseofcon- rttiuction , consisti of1 First , fourteen single-- liirteted monltois , none ot ulikli aio In commission - mission , not at tlio present llmo servlcenblu. Thu b.itlilies o | tlieso ships are obsolete , and the ) tin only bo lelndupon as auxiliary ships In u uboi delenso , and then allei Mtcli an expemlitutu upon them as might not be deemed jiistiiiablu hecond , Ine ( oiirth ratei vessels of small tonuai.1) ) , oni ) one of uli'ch ' was designed as a wai veM'l , and all ol which .no auxiliary mctel ) 'Ilnrd , twentt- binen cruiblnghhlpj , thieeof tvliieh uiobuilt ot lion , of small tunnagi' , and tuentj-loui of we > od Of tlieso wouduii vi ssuls ills eiti mated by the navy that oni ) Unco will bo fcervue.iblo benul a piriod of six .vears , at which time it miy tie said tliat of the picscnt naval loico noth- iii2 worthy the name will ninain , All HID vessels hetetotoit ) nutlioiUi-il , ire iindei contiuct or in rouisu of eoiintiuction oxtepttho armored shins , thu totiicd'i and < 1 > namito ( joits. and one i mUer. As tolho | last of the e , Iho bids were In excess ol thu limit fixed by congress. 'Ihe pioduction in the United States of armoi and gun btcel Is a question whlih It bcems nece s > iiy to settle atan e-.uly il iv , if tliu aunoied wni vessels aio to bu coiupleted with thosM m.duials ot homo man ntiictuie. 'I His Ins been thn nub- ii el of Invi tlgitlon by two boards and b ) two snec'ial loniniiltcm , of eon- gie&i > within the la-t time ve-iii . 'I ho icport t ol thr gun touu lr > bond in I-s-l , ot the bond on loctui' iiuuis made in Januai ) lunt , and the repot t ) the M iwt enuijiiittec'-v of tl , ( two hoiri's miir | at tint lii-t seloii pf mil gfess , havoe niirel ) txiii"rteil tno nb ect u farasvielimlnar ) in11 Uuitiun Is uiuuu'ii , and In their leromw iiJatlwi * llif ) - M uu- fctuutla ! ! ) tigiccd. in div uveui 1'iat ' the pre ent Invilntlon of tli < ulevuIntent | forbids Id furnish such of thN mateilal as Is now tuithorlrcd shall fall to Indues eloiuo tle man- nfactuiers to nndortako the hrgo cxixsndl- luies required to prepaie for Ibis new manu facture , and no othei slops aio taken bj con gress at Its comliiF session , the secretary cflnteiilphtes with dl < saili ctlon the necessity ot obtaining * abroad the atmoi and the gnu steel leiMne auHioil/ed ships. It would seem dcsliablp , that the wants of the aim ) and the navy In this resaul should bo reasonably met and Hut-hy uniting the contracts , such Inducement might he otlerod us would lesult In ecurlnir the tfomiHticatlon of thcso Im portant InteipM * . 1IIK POST VI sritMCK. The affairs of the postal et\lco shovr marked and giatlf ) Ing Impiovomeiit ilurltiK the past yeai. A paitlcular account of Iti ti.insacllons and condition Is given In the repoit of the postmaster geiiuial which will belaid before jou. The ivducllon of thu late of letter postaze In iss. ; , lendeilng tlio poslal lovenues Inadeiiuate to sustain thu u\ > pendltuios , ami business elepiessiou conlilb- uilliir , lesulted In an excess of cost ten the H IMI ) e u ended June no. isss , cP eight ami one thlid iinllloiis of doll irs. An ulilitlonnl check upon lee-elpts. b.v donbllnic themi < asuio ofweluht In lilting se > aled eotiespoiidencei and diminishing one hall the charge foi nowspaptrs eanlage , was Imposed b ) legls- Htlon , which took ellecl with HID tieilniilng of the ) past hseiil > ear. whllu llio constant demand of oui tci'doilM develop ment and growing popul.itiiin , for the ex tension and ineieaso ot mill facilities and nnchlnery , neicssitatesastoad ) annual ad vance In outlay , and the e.uefiil estlmitu ol neaieai nironpon the rates ot nxpeiidi- tuio then existing contemplated the un avoidable augmentation of the deficiency In the last ll cal jearby ncaily two million of elollaiH. The anticipated revenue fortlmlan ) ear failed of teali7iitlon b ) about SiM.OOO , but repel measuies ol economy Invo so satis- iictoilly limited thn giowlh of uxpendltuie , that the total detlcliMic ) , in fael , tell below that ot lbv ! , and at this time thu Ineieaso of revenue Is In gaining ratio ovei the Ineieaso ot cost , demonstrating the suillclency of the pieseiit rates of postage ultlnntuly to sustain that seivice. This Is the moio pleas- Imr because our people enioy now both eheapoi postage , piopoitlonatcl ) toells- tance" , and a vaster and more costly seivlco than mi ) otliei on thn globe. Itetreiichmcnt has been etlecte'd In the co t ot supplies , somu expenditures unwarianted by law have ceased , and thn outlas foi mail can lago have been subjected to beiielicial scrutiny. Attlm eloso of tlio list liscal ) ear the expense of transportations on star routes stood at an an nual rate of cost less by over S" WOiM ) , than at the close of the provlousjeai , and steamboat and mail messenxci .set vice at lie illy SL'OO- 000 less. The service has been , in the mean time , cnlaigcd and extended b ) the eslabllsh- nient ol new olllees , I nc i case ) ol routes of car- liuge. expansion ol eiuilei delivoiy conven iences , and additions to the lailwav mail faciltles , in accoidaiieo with the uiowing exigencies ol the countiy and the long es tablished policy ot the government. The poslmiistoi guneiiil calls attention to the existing law foi compeiisitlng lailioaels , and thu opinion th it a method may bo elevlsed which will ptove moio just to caniuis and beiielicial to the uoveinment , and thu biibject appears woilh ) ol join eaily coiisldet allot ) . The diireiences vihich aioee dining the veir with cerlaiiiot thebtcimshl ] ) companies havei terminated by thu acqulesicnces ot all ' i the poilc ) of Iliugoveiiiuient appiovod by thu coneress in the postal appuiprli i at Its last session ; and tlio depaitment now onjo)3 the utmost seivlio ulfuicd by all vessels which sail liom oui polls olthui upon ocean--a sei- vlco gene-rail ) adequate to tlio needs of our Intenoiiise 1'etitions have , however , been piesenteel to the ilop.iitmunt b ) niinieioiiH merchants and iiianuiacluieis foi the estab lishment of a illicit set vice to the Argentine liepublle , ami lei semi-monthly dispatches to thn empire of liia/ll , and the object Is commended to ) our consideration. It is an obvious duty to provide the means of pontal communication which out ( ommcieo 10- quires. and with piudeiit fOiccast ot insult , thu wise extension of it may lead to stimulat ing inteieoiirse and bieome the hublngerot a piolitablu tialllc which will open new ave nues lei the disposition ol the products of out industiy. 'Ihe ilictnustaiiic's ot ( ho countiies at thu far south of oui continent ; are such as to invite oui entcipiise and alleiul the piomiseol riiillicientadvaiiiacesto justify un uniisiul elloit to hi ing about the closer le- latlons wliich gieatei lieudomot communica tion would establish. 1 Hti gest that , as dis- tlnguisheel fiom a giant or subsid ) lei tlio meie benefit ot am line 01 trade or travel , whitover outlay ma ) bu lequiicd to secure ) additional postal seivicu necesKiry and iiropui , Mini not othei wise attain iblo , should bo reg.uded as within thu limit ul legitimate compensation lei such set vice. The extension of tlio liee dellverv seivleo as suggested b ) the poslmastei , has heieloloio iccelved my sanction , and mav soon hoainccd iinon. 'Iho leiquest lei an ap- puirl ] ) itlon siitllclunt to enable the client ) Inspectoi ot louith-elissolliccs has my np piohatlon , I tendeied ni ) appioval ot the iccommeiidation ol the postmastet genetal that another assistant bu provided lei the postofllce depailmeut , one ! I Invlto join at tention to the othei iccommuiidatlons. In his report. in I'vni vtrNror M sucr. The ( onduct ol the dujurtmeiit ot jnstlcn foi the last IKcal ) ' ' .u is fully detailed in in the leporl ot the attoiney geneial , and 1 invdu the eanie.Hl attention ol the congiess to tliOb.imu and dun consideration of the leeoiiimenda- tions therein contained , la thu lepeut wub- mltted b ) this olllcei to the last session of HID eongu'ss , hchtioiu'ly leeommended the eieu- tion ot a penitential ) tin Ihe coimdcment ot pilsoncrs ciinvlctid and sentenced In the United Mutes couits , and lie icneats thu iceoiiimciiil.itlon In his icpott lor the last ) CMI. 'J'his Is a mattei of veiy giuat impoitaneo and hhoiild at omo nce-ivo coiigii'sulonal aillon. I'nlleel ' Slates pill-oners aio now conhned In more thin thirty dillerent Male pilsons and iienitentiailcj situated in eneiy pait of Iho countiv. The ) aio subjected to near ! ) as man ) dUfcicut moden ot tteatmunt and discipline1 , and me far lee much removed liom the control and regula tion ot the goM'inment. ho t.u us Ihoy arej entitled to hiimaiiu treatment and oppoi- tunit ) tot Improvi'tiient and tuloimatlon , the ) gov eminent Is lesponslble to thum and society tnat thusu thingu uiu ioithcomlng. lint this duty can M.IICC ! ) ho dlsciiaigeil without mote absolute ) eonnol and dlbcretlon thin Is possible nndin tliu nre-ent SJMCIII. Man ) of inn good ilti/ens have Inteiesteii thi'iiiHclves with the most lostiltH on tlio question of piibon icloiiii. ' 1 ho geneial government should bo 14 a situation , hlnco tneio must bu United States | uiHOiiern , to luinish liiipottint aid In tliib movement linil should be ablu to Illustrate iua > bo prnetii illy donu In thu dliectlon ot this 10- form to piesenian ox.imphi in tlio tu.itiiient and iinpioveme.ntsot the | iil oneiM woithy ol imitation With iirUons iindei Ils own eoutroi the cove'riiment ' could deal with the somewhat vexed question of convict laboi , KO turns its convicts weio eoneetnid , mvoidmg ton plan of its own adoption ami with dim icjMidsto the lights and intuicsis of our labtitin eiti/uiis , liibteul ot sometimes aid ing In the opeiailm of a system whiih causes among them Iintatiou and dlsi ontent. Upon eonsldti ition of till' ) subjeit it iiiiu'ht ho thought w Ihe tu erect moiet than one ol tlieso Institutions , located In biieh plait's as would bist subsetvo the pin- poses ot iiiiiveiiieniu and eionomy In tians- JMUlatlon. The eoiisiilciiiOlei co-it ol main- laining tliusuconvlils , usal piuii'tit in stutu Institutions , \vouldbusavedbv \ tliu adoiitlon ot the plan pioposed , and h ) emploing them In thu minulaetiiiu of such ai tides as weio needid lor use by the govcinment , ( ; illu : i Iiu < ! pceunlaiv beneiit would be In partial Him n tor our millij 1 ii.'ain tir u u iliaii.-o in the ledcral jiidieial swtum to meet thu of llio peoiilu ami obvlato lint dd.ii.s iiueei.&arll ) attending the piiscjit eon- illtton eif all.ins In our com is. All am agu ed that something .liould bu done , and much f.ivoi isclioun Ii ) these well able to ud- viku to the plan suggested by llio at toi my geneial at ihu List session of ihu loii-ucs * and riHoniinendeil in in ) last annul ! 1111 s- si e. ' 1 hu rccumiiicmtiitiim la hniu inn\uil ( , toother with auothei made at thu s. ID t me * tutu bill ) ; a < h.mst In the man nr of c JUiiM'iii.ilitiiid'btrii t at toi ne ) sand mm ' als , and tliulutlei tubjei tli comiliHiided tu thu ron ieni lot UN uitloli in Hie intorc-t of ei > uomv to thu ttukoniiiienl and huiiiiui ) , fii'iu-'s and u ti'u to oui peoule , T-ll JM ( llliiU M'TAUTMl 1 L llu iej./it uf tuiit-p ul irv ut tiiu uit ' 3 ir I fi < em , i jt iiiitrtl | n no "ituiiuii i'I t1 ei w , ol tlw.iit . o'tbrihi' ' ( i 0' ' i < i'dla | rlure eoui''tU J wiih'ii depaifitr jti and tuu f lions at lictcaii'iiuAiiloniblcli