: , - * tsr"av si THE OiMAHA DAILY BKE : MONDAY * DECEMBER 6 , 1RG. FINANUfAU New York. Dec. 4.-MoNKT On call nctlve l 3f t7 ir cent : Inst loan , 0 per r.cnt : clo til nt i pr cent aikcd. PIIIMK .MKKCAMII.E I'APEII < @ 5 t r cent. STKnl.i.vo ExciiANOK Qiitct nntl stcadv ; rntrs , S-.K ) ) , for bixty ilay bllfs ; for dcmnnd. RNMbxxs Government bomb were dull lint linn. Sror us The stock market , In comparison with tlionreecdiiiKdays of the \\vcK , was only modeiately ncti\f. The opening Mront ; nndnctlvr. while the wins ovn last f\eilnz rnnprd in tli ; KL-nernl list troin 'M" : V percent. Xcw LiiL'laiul showed n pain of Jf ) > pr cent. 'Iho mat kot In earlv dealings wai active but f vrrl li and iiiCKmar. The usual undertone of Micncth , howuxcr , soon liccftiifti noticeable , and noon prices were ccni-ralli'n fraction : ibo\n tlieupcnlnu IIKIIIC , i'lii-ic was some hesitation later , and the nmrkct ( | iileied down , icmalnlm ; barely llrm until tliu close , which \\RS generally steady. BTOORS 0 ! WAt.I , OTItRKT. ? > eent bonds. . . . 100 4 C. iVN. W 1COi U. U. " preferred. . . 14I } New < > . 12'J' ' ; N. Y. C 110'h- l'ncincsof'J > . 124 Oieeon Tran. . . . ? ' * ( .cnlialPucllic. . 40 : 1'ftcllic Mull ! & f i k A 14 * * 1' I ) I * I t T I' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' nruii'ftea' . . . . IfiO IP ! P.0..I 142.4 C. H. AO l.T. 'Hock ' Island 127 ] > . I , . AW 113 ? ? SI. L.rtS. F. . . . 31V J ) . A It. O M's i.reft-ncd. . . . 70J < Jirle S C. , .M. .VSt. 1' . . . II.VH preferred. . "Jfi pielerrcd. . . 120 Illinois Central. ISHU-St. - ( ' . Ac 0 5T I. , H. A-W liijf ! preferred. . . 114 ! , ' KftntaBA-Texas. H7-V ; Texas Pacific. . . 2ii > < Lake .Shore riot ) Union 1'acltic. . . Cl'jf ' IV N fW'OY. , at. L. As J'EtV Mich. Central. . . B7Jf ! prefcned.IOK Mo. Pacific UAVWrMrrn Union , T f fltirllii-rn 1'nc. . . ! flj < O. . 11. AN 10 < V < " I'UODUCK Glilcntro , Dec. 4. 1'loiir Slc.idy anit ced : winter Hour , 4.o.Xii4.10 ; onilf ern. JH.Wi'iM.OO ; Wisconsin. 4.JOCa.10 ( Michigan heft sprlnir wlu-at. S : ) . W.lti : Minni'&ota bakers. sn.jii4.iu ( ) ( : patents. 84.UU 4.00 ; low grades , ? l.T&dl'J.Ti'i ' ; ne Hour. ( inlet at Sn.'iV < ji.W : ) In battels , and sO.UOM V.'M In sacks. Wlii'iit I'nscttlrd ; opened weak } fc under \csterdayS closing und closed about tlipsimc us jcstcnlny ; cash. 78 fl-lfio ; , January. V.iXc ; Kcbiiiniy. bOi c ; lay , W.,4 . Coin l''airly ' active and easier , about Iff. loner than yesteidiij : eash , ! i7 IJHOc : .liuiti- nry , 38 7-lfio ; 1-Vbruaiy , SW'fcJ Jlay , ! HdC. O.xls Kitiu with slight linpruvcnienl for dofeied futuics : cash "fe ; January , 'J7l4 < r May , : ncc. Uye-Klnnat.MKc , itarlev Finn at ff\\c. \ Tnnottiy seed 1'rlmo. 81.77Cfl.71 > . Flavscod-tilfc. Winsuy ll.lb. rash , Si'JO ! ; January , ? n.2ii0.25 ( February , Sii.liudt'i.triiy ' ; Maiuli , iO.7J.jdii.40. ! ! ( IJiilk Mt-ats sliiinliluis. S4.70yt4.7.'i : vtunt i-h-ar , 5.bO ( < i.-.S.'i ; shoit libs 83.lW i@5.C5 for Jannarj1. Hutter Firm ; cienmury , 21@2ic ? ; tlniry , Olieesc Steailv ; full ciuam cbeddars , 12@ skims , .irtJ'l'-'c. ' Hittes llravy giron salted , lullv cured. K'/c ' : lljrlit , bJI'Jc : daiuairud. T' ' inrTJic : tnill liklos. 0 } < c : tlrv baltod. llfelUc ; diy Hint , l.itZHu ; calf skins , bftilO o ; duacons , We each. Tallow No. 1 country , 8J c ; No , S , "Kc : cake , B.'jr ' ; . Kccolnt * . Slnptui'iit1 * . Klonr.bWs ll.Oan Jl.iKX ) Wheat. l > n ri.OOO 21.000 Corn , mi 77,000 4.000 ! OMS.DU 70two c ooo ] { V < > , Illl 1,0-10 1.000 IJarlUY.Dll JIO.OOO ' 'IS.OOO St. LoulH , OOP. 4. Wlioat i\-cited and iin'giilar , closiiiK easy : No. 2 red , casli , S0 ( < g rO'tL-j.laiiii.iry ' , V 'ti.May ; , b'J.'s'c. ' Corn Kasy ; No. 2 mixed , cash , flO.Y ® KfiJi'c : January , nO'ifiMiW c ; May , 40jfe. Oats Steady ; niixc-d , c.isli7.jii'7 } ( o ; Alay , Ul'rfc. Kvc btronij at&Sj n. Whisky SI.lit. I'ork Stronc at 811.00. Lard-Finn at SO.O'KfiO.lU. KnnHOH City. lire. 4. Wheat Strollcer ; > fo. 2 K-d , cash , CO o bid : Januaiy , 07'ic ; bid ; May , 70'i'c bid. Corn ijtioncer : No. ' . ' , p.isli , ai.'ic bid ; Jantiary , Ji-Ku ; 'aj'i ' Ji'Jfi ! bid. Oats Nominal. Ijlvcrpnoi. Dec. . Wheat and corn liim and In K"od demand. New Orleans , Dec. 4. Corn Quiet find wt-nk ; No. 3 yellow , * 7i\ Oats Strong and higher at : :7Ji(23Si' : ( . I'nrk JllKhiir at S11.00i ( ll.'JO. l.ard-Kiim atSO.VJJ-j. Cornmeal Quiet nt S'J.OO. k , HDIC 1'ioducts Steady ; lair demand. Unlit Meats Shoulder * , Si.O.'Ji ; long clear and cluarilb.s , S' > .7. > . Now York , Dec. 4. Wheat Receipts , Jl.lKK ) ; exporK 1:17,000 : ; eaMi. r clilRhei ; options opened heavy , C"Ku lower , later ruled sttonecr ; advanced Ki.f4''i ( closlne un- hcttleil with reaction JiWKo : .sales.1i.87'2.000 bushels ; future , iMgtist over recorded In his tory of gialn triido ; 'JS'J.Otw ipot : nnsiaded H.rjiiVV ( ; No. 2 ted , Ni' SWc In eluvntor , Mi tuVOJie : t. o. I ) . No. 1 ietl , 04c ; extta red , tf-c ; .lannary eloslni : ntOO' c. Corn Spot , shade higher : oitions heavy ; ? 4C C\o lower : rec-olpts , 3i.hX ( ) ; oxpoits , iir > , OW ) ; ungraded , idsilUUc ; No.'J. in'jodti- llvered:47c lu I'levalor. No. 2 , 4H < MHi e In elevator ; lli | ) , ? ni\edelivered ; January clos- hiK nt-tO'cc. ' Uats Sliado bolter : rocclpts. .10.000 : ex- poila , r/j.OUO : mixed vit'stern , iio&X i : ; whlto western , JlT ( 42VJe. I'utroleum Firm ; Unlled closed at Sl''c. ( Kgcs Firmly held ; wcbtcrn. " ih' 'ioc. rmk-Oulrt. J.ard Trlllc hlslicr ; vicstern steam Fpot , so..v > o.r,7'i. ' linttor Mini tint < ] < i1et. " Firm and demand modeiate. Mllwnnkoe , Dee. ) . Wheat Stronsi cash , 7 ! : January , "f cMay : , WJ c. Corn Dull ; No. ' . ' , Sc. Oats Steady : No. : . ' , 20 ; c. Hyo Firm ; No. 1 , .V.c. Harlov--lligliir ; No. ' . ' , & % ' < . I'roxMnnslllulier. . I'ork Dectmbt-r , J10.77H' . ; rJ nuaiy , Oluclnnntl. Dee. 4. Wlieat Firm ; N'o. 8 , red , 7'Jc. ' 4'orn Kasler ; No. 2 mixed ; : n < 33Ec. O.its l-'lrmur ; No. 2 mixed , uuwysoc. Kvo-Firm ; No.'J. .V.i'c. ) I'oik-Flrm at Sll.OU. Laid 8tUr . WhNkv-Slia. MlnneaiioilH , Drc. 4. Wheat Irregular and Hi in ; NO. 1 liant. 'fifc ) : eash , Deeomber , 77eIaiinaiyWUc ; ; May We : No. 1 noithein , ras.li . , 74'nc ; January , T..c ; May , TSU'c ; No. S not them cash , Wlfr ; January , 7 : > e ; May , Kiye. Flour Patenti ; 54.SMJ5l.BO ; baVenS3.40 . . Itecelpts-Wluut , 110,000 bu. -Wheat , 74,000 , bu , ; flour , 24,000 IJV1I BTOOK. Dec. 4. Tuo Urovei'a Journal ports as follows : Cftttlt lleeelpts , 3,000 ; slow and steady : ilpiiliiK btfors , Sli.tiOcl. ; htockers nnd tenders. Sl.SOCt : ! . ' ; oous. bulls anil mixed , ll.4iktfJ.lB ; bulk , S.MlK < t2.SOj Texas cow ? , 'J ' ; steois , $ ; i.fOCa.iKi. : ! 8hf p Kecelpts , 8,001 ; Eteady ; natives , S'2..vxrf4.'iO ' ; common , S..10' : iWj Tcxans. 1101X .00 ; webtein , S2.DOQ3.SO ; lambs , 13.75 Hi. I.onl . Doe. 4. Cattle-Hccelpts. f0 ; khlninents , 70Q ; steady ; choice native steers , H.UKl.U : ; lair to good Blilpplnj ; stcnin , $ 'lMXf4.25 ! ; butchers' steers , fair to choice , * n.lKVi4.oo ; fet'deis , fair to good , S2&orrfJ.lo , stockeis , tairto uood , f t..Xi-J.7n. ) { Hoes Ki'relpts. 4,000 , ; glilpments , 800 ; ncus cleared eaily at strong 11311104 ; choice Iieavy nnd butchers' selections , $4.154.SO ; parlcluir , lr to fancy , Sl'.KV34iO ; VotU- ers , medium to choice. 5VJOi : ( lS > 5 ; plss > , coni' mon to food , S0 ! ( < < ) .75. Uiitter Steady ; creamery , SICi''Tc ; dairy. . Ciy | , Dec. 4. Cattle Receipts , 00 ; shlpmcnU , uonu ; cows blmdo lowr ; otbeis steady ; oomibon to choice , b3.iO : < 9 .50 ; ' tockcrs. Si.2XS3.75 ; feeding steers , ' . 12,000 ; sblproet.ts l.COOi and Co lower ' : comiuun to choice , S.70i ( { too. OMAHA 1,1 VIS STOCK. Saturday , Dec , 4. On tile. The cat tie market Is Mat anil there Is notli ln j doing. It would require \ery choice corn-fe < l cattle to brine 4c. Fair to coed 1 corn-ted Meeis would not bring n > cr S3.'XX ( ( ) ! 5.7. " > . Commission men generally ate advls- lnihlpjiers ; to keep their cattle at homo un less they are ullliiiL' to sell very low. As bad i ns the market Is It Is noorse than Chicago. and if anything it is belter , as no one could take cuttle from hero to Clucago and gel rid ot them nt the prices. HOUH. The receipts of hozs ncro very liberal for a Saturday's market. The opening WJH about Jiteady with vesterdav's prices , and the mar ket active. The maiket closed n little ncak , Hltccp. There wcic a few on the mailct ; but none sold. Hronils. | C.lttlc . 400 llojcs . 2.rxK ) Sheep. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 rrcv.illlng 1'rlccf. Showlnctlio provalllni ? prico3 paid for live stock on this market. Choice steers , l Mto 1500 Ibs . S4.00@4.20 Choice steers , 110U to 130) ) Ib ? . 8.50' < ! 3.K > < iood feeders , . iMf.'i. ! ( ( ( iood to chotca corn-fed cows . S.O'.iJ'J.J'S I'airto mei mm cr.isscowb . 2,00r < t'j.ur ' , Coed to diolco mills . l.ttVrtl.fiO Lichtand medium nogs . .7."iC 43.M ) ( iooil to cliolce heavy nogs . B.bOc.t'UK ' ) ( loot ! to choice mixed ho < { s . D.WiMl.V ) ( iood to clioico sheep . U.75f < W.M ! ) Falrlogood sheep . iJVii'J.'jO ttnprcsontnlivc Hales. IIOOS. No. Av. SliU. 1'r No. Av. Silk. 1'r. 74..2 ( > : i 120 SH.75 05 .20:1 : bO S'l.htl f.7..VG'J ! 160 'I7r. C8.'J.V ) 1(0 ( Sl.bl ) .VK4 ! 210 H.75 05. . 20100 : i.8. ' > : . .t..274joo a.7n tn..s.'C4 120 ri.v > . .25a to : t.bO 70. . a at 120 : i.b5 or. 257 Kfl n.M ) 01. . an to : i.b."j ( J7..270 1t'iO 3.SO ME'J } : ! 3.bS ICi. . ' . 120 3.bl ) . " > ! . . : ii.'itO 3.W 121K.250 200 3bO 01. . 225 1C.O .S5 ( -i .322 ice .NI KJ..SJJ 120 : : .fi5 K1.-J78 bO L'.bO M.i37 : 120 .Wi f)0.x)8 : ) 2wi si.'fl : . ' , . . ir.'o ino : { .b5 51. . 270 ICO S.M ) M..K40 1'il ) : ! .S.ri iw .2 ) H/O f.s.i'jjoo : : ; a.M r.-2bo ice : I.M ivi..arj : ' . .b5 ( W.uo : : i.bo no. . : i to : s.s5 C4..275 100 ! I.M ) C.O..S141 120 SK ! . ! ) fit 2-l ! bl ) ! 1.H ) 47..S144 40 U.K ! ) a7..ira : : .i-o .M..H45 : t.oo 2s.n2 ( so y.M ) 40. . : rat ice n. ( > o ( w. . 3211 120 Il.bO f)4.4t : ! : bl ) St.lK ) M..2W ) bo : i.w ) 48.ni : 120 n.-.H ) G-.21U 40 y.bo ryj.d : ! so : i.eo ori'rlcc i. Showlni : the highest and lowest prices paid for loads of hogs on this inaikct diiiint ; the past seven days and lor the sumo time lastye.tr : Nov. tssi. No A Jbhu. Suiulay 3.15 S13.59 3.50 ttn.VJ'i ' 3110 'l.7l ) Dec.18kO Uco. 31)0 ) ( tjl'l.TO 3.-.T. ( Tfl.W 3.70 (31.S'i ( 3.30 O5.8U J.75 4&3.UO ! l.25 W1.4S @l 65 3.75 ( uJ.'JJ I ,3.-'Q _ Shipments. Showing the number of c.irs of cattle , hogs nml .sheep shipped irom South Omaha duilug the day : rATTI.K. No. oars. Jtoulo. Destination , i N. W. Cliieago All sites ol stock in this market are made iHTcwt. live weight unless otherwise stated. Dead IWRI sell at He pur 11) . lor all weights. "Skins , " or hogs weighing less than lee His , no value. Pregnant sows mo docked 40 Ibs. and stays SO Ibs , by the public iuspecttfr. OMAHA WHOIjI3SA.I.iS aiARICETS , Gonural Produce. Satinday , Dec. 4. Tlicfolloii'lnfl price ? arc . /or round ! ot of produce , as sold on the inarltel to-thin. The limitation * on fruits rcprtsetit t/ic prices ui whlcli nutaliir orders arc filled. KfiOS 2oilC. IJuTrrn Choice dairy and country butter continues in good request nnd tlio market Is steady. Creamery , choice , ia27c ( ; fancy dairy , 20 ( < i ± . > c ; choice country , lbif20 ; lair to uood country , 15 ( ; 16 ; poor , JTao. ( Cnr.nsn Full cream eheddars , sinitle , 13c ; full cream Hats , twins , lite ; young Ainciican , 4.00 ; ( | iiall. per do82.00 ; snipe , wer dnSl.OOC41.25 ; ducks , mallard , per do/ S2.00 < rJ2..0 ; ducks , teal , per doS1.25ffil. . ) ; ducks , mixed , per do/ , S1.25(91.0 ( ; ueeso , per do3SJ.fiO ? 4.00 ; tleer , satld les , per Ib. ll@12c ; dew , carcasses , per Ib , S@Uc ; elk saddles , per Ib , Do ; elk , carcasses , per Ib , f @Go ; antelope , saddles , perlb. HtHl'Jc ; antelope , carcasses per Ib , 7&8o ; Jack rabbits , per doz , St.50 : ; Binall rafiblt.s , per do/ . $1.00@1.25. Livr. Pour.Tiiv Tlieiu Is a very limited maiket lor live poultry of any kind. Unr.siED Pori/ntv The maiket Is over stocked ; chickens me selling at lt ( oc und turkiiys .ri@7o. Poi'ATOKH The cold weather has cut elf oil the fresh supply and dealers are depend ing upon tlio stocks already on hand to sup ply the trade. Clioico stock , per hit. , fiUc , Inncy stock , per bu. , r > ' ! e ; fair to good iTiSIic ) ( ! ; cholco stock , small lots , trom .stoie , & > c ; Salt l.aKc , choice. SOc. IlKANS Interior stock , 7ru-1.00 ; good clean countrv. Sl.OOC'U.25 ; medium , hand picked , Sl.aOtfl.40j ( hand picked , navy , S1.-10 ( al.no. 1'itovisioxs Ham , llj-fc ; break fast bacon , lOc : clear sldo bacon , b' < , e ; dry fcalt bides , Schouldei.s : ( , 7c ; dried beef , reytilar , lie : dried beef , ham piece.He ; laid , .10 llj cans , O i ; : lard , : iO Ib cans. Kulrbanks , < ! fe'e ; lard , 10 Ib cans , Faiiliatikb , 7c ; laid , n Ib cans , Fiiliuauks , 7.V laid , : i Ib cans , Fairbanks , Ai'i'i.ns The maiket remains about steady and fairly active t'oi llilshcason ol Iho sear. Clioico Missouri stock. SJ.i'Kji'.SO ; Mk-lilgan stock , S'i&O ; fancy Michigan. j i.00j ; laucy Michigan , 10 to25 bbl Jots. V2.75. The market isjabout bare of Home grown stock , which is nnotctt at 51.25. Theio atoa texvSpanish onions inhich aic tell ing at 2.00 per bush crate. UKI.HUY The market Is steady. Choice stock : per do4Uc : oxtia larce , per do , ,45r : . Clvsi'KHi Medium" , 2.V : standards , 2t-c : selects , oO ; extra selects , 85f N. V. counts , Mess-Ilia , per box S0. . ' 0. OKA.NOKS .inmaicii , i > er Ubl , blO.OO ; Flor ida pi > i box , S5.ru. < ! iiANjiiiimis : : CajioCod , fancy , per bhl , SS.ODQUOO ; bell and imsle. iier bbl. 87.50 ; bell anil cherry , nor bbl , S7.00. BANANAS Tlieio Is no clmngo in the market. Itananas , yellow , per bunch , . " > 2.o < H. < i > J/ii : bananas , yellow , largo , per bunch , fe'J.iu 1'i.ouu AND MILLSFUFFS Winter wheat flour , best iinalitv. patent , 82.75 ; second qual ity , S2.40 ; best riuality spring \ > heat flour , patent , 52.GObranf : > OcpeTCwtchopped ; fcfcd , 70o per cwt ; whlto corn meal , l)0c ; yellow corn meal , soc per cwt ; screening , OOo percwt ; hominy , S2.&H per cwt ; shorts , per cwt ; uralmm , 91.00 ; hay , lu bale * , C.00 er ton. Orooerv' I'ICKI.KSMedium. . In bbls , O.M ; do , In half bbls , : i.7Q ; small. In bbls , $7.50 ; do , in half bbls. S 1.25 ; gherkins , in bbls , 58.50 ; do , In half bbl . S4.75. Hvuui' N.o. 70. 4-gallon kegs , J1.20 ; New Orleans , per gallon 3HQiOc : maple ; uyriip. half bbla , "old time. " per gallon , 72c 1 cl- lon cam , nur nut , S10.00 ; half gallon cans , per dot. $5.00 ; quart cans , S : > .OD. STAHCH Mirror glass , i | b , 5 fc : mirror Slo s , 3 Ib , r > Kc : mirror gloss , Olb , 0 > < e ; raves' corn , 1 Jb , 6c ; Klngsford's corn , 1 Ib , 7o ; Kinirsford's gloss , 1 Ib. 7c ; Kincstorrl's cios , 0 Ib , 7K'c. Kiugsfoid's pure , 3 Ib , 7J4'c ; Klugsfonls bulk , 4u. TOIIACCO Plug , climax , 43o ; horseshoe , ! i7o ; star. S9c ; spearhead , S'Jc : plporheldsick , OOc : gold shield , 3ic ; tnerry war , 2Jc ; J. T. J , , : Uts. \cco-Smoklnir , Durham , Is , 51c ; K % 5lc ; KS. & 7o : , ' .s , coo : mccrsolium , aoc : old style , lJc ; V. N. O , , 15c ; spirit curea , 4c. SI ATCIIES Per caddie , 2Sc ; bquaro cases , SI. 70 ; mule square. 81.20. < UNDV Mixed. tiailHo ; sticlr. SVfQO c. CiiACiiii8 : ( iiirnuau's soda , butter nnd picnic , M c ; creams , B c ) glugerauaps.b c ; city soda , 7l iSuArs Kirk's savon Imperial , $2.70 ; Kirk's satinet. 53.00 ; Kirk's standard , S3.05 ; Kirk's while Uusslan. SI. 00 ; KirK's vrhito- cap. i'0.'X ) ; dome , S-"J.S5 ; washboaid , 93.10 ; White cloud. 53.75. ROPE J inch. 0 > ic 0VllnchcKl ; ; : nch , DRIED Fnuir No. 1 quarter apples , 3KQ 4o ; In evaporated twxes , Ulji3 ? c ; black- Lwrtit'6. boxes. 9j @ ' > lIlfc ; pouches , .Salt hake , IbbO , bO 'jo ; j'eaches , evaporated , 17c : rnspberriK now , 00S2tc ( ; current ? , OKdOJfc ; prunes , new 4X 4Se. , . broAiis 1'owdcrcn. 7s ( ; ' < e ; cut loaf , fi' > . ( B7c ! Kranulated , 0' < e ; confectioners' A fi'trrtOc : standard extr.i Ct 58k'ii"4c ; cxtar C. 5J4fM ej medium yellow , 4j < ( < t5c. CAXSFU ( ioons-Oysler * . standard , per case. 53.25 ; strawberries , 2 Ib. per case. 3-J.OO ; raspberries. 2 Ib , pet case , S2.oo ; California pcar , i > cr case , S4.50 ; apricot' , per casj ; S4.ro ; iieaclics , per case , S3.25 ; white clier- lies , per case , SO.UO ; pining per e.nc , S3.Ci5 , blueberries percale. Sl.W ; tve plums. 2 Ib pur ease. S2.WV. pineapples , 2 Ib , per case 5f : .20 < 35.75 : 1 in nih.'keiel. per doSl. . " > 0 : 1 losalmon. perdo/ , si..ViA1.00 ( ; 2 Ib goose , t > errle , percale. St. 75 ; 2 Ibstrlnit beans , per ca e , SI. 70 ; 2 Ib lima beans , per ca e. Sl.fiOj 2lb marrowfat peas , per case , SJ.40 ; 2 Ib early . I line peas , per case , $2.75 ; : Ib toma toes. Si.lO ( 4i.25:2 : UJ.COMI S2.10ijt2.20. COKKKKS Ordinary grades , Wtglii 4'c fair , e ; choleel4'4C'J15)ac ) ; fancy Kieen and iellow. U > @ 10c ; old eov- ernment Java , axg20c ; Interior .lava , If 'CiS 2tv ; Mocha. 32n(24c : Arhuckle's roasted 17 < 4c ; Mcl.aughlln's XX.XX roasted , 173'c ; Dilwoilh's , l7Kc ; Bed Ciosg , 17'fc GencrM Wnor. Meiliinn iy20c per Ib ; fine heavy , Halite ; light , id lyc ; coarse , HCtflOc ; burry wool , 2W"ic otf. IIIIIKS ( Srecn butchers , fAj'c ; gecen cured , BJitfSKc : dry Hint , llilic ( : : ; dry salt , UtiitOc ; crecn calf skins , Ua9jfc ( ; damaged hides , two-lhltds price. Tiillow : ! c. ( Sreasc I'rimo whlto , fa : yellow , Oc ; brown , I/ .Sheen 1'clts. 2.a7.'x ( : . LiA'iinii-l'rlmu : : slaughter solo leather , 32c ; prlmooak pole leather , iUVS.Iisc. Upper leather per foot , 20t25c ? ; hem , klp , MQfSVj ; oak kin. 85 ' . " 5o ; French kip , 51.00 1.20 ; iem , calf , Sl.OOitfUO : oak call , S1.00C il.23 ; reiicti call , SI.2o@l.bU ; Monaco , boot leg , iOf < tWc : : Morocco ml pebble. 2dji'J2c ( ; toppings tfd lining , ooiWOc. HIAVV : llAiiowAiiK Iron , rate ? 2.S0 ! ; ilow steel special cast , 4c ; crucible steel , Oc ; . ast tools , do. 12iaic ; wagon spokes , per set , il.75Wit.oo ; hubs , per set , al.25 ; lelloes , sawed dry , -51..W ; tongues , each , 75o ; n\els ach. 75o : snuaro niiti. per Ib. K < 771c ; coil lialn , per Ib. OQ12c ; malleable. Xts-c ; iron edccs , Oc ; crowbars , Oe ; h.urow teeth , 4c ; pring stt-el , 7&Sc ( ; Huiiten's horseshoes. 4.40 ; Iliiuloti s mult ) shoes , JVIO. Barbed i\lre , In car lot ? , S4.UO pur 100 Ibs. Nails , rates , 10 to &o , S2.M ; steel nails , S2.B. ( Shot , Sl.a ; hnekshot , S1.85 ; oriental powtler. kegs , S2.50 ; do. half kegs , { 52.00 ; do. quarter kegs , 31. : > 0 : blasting kegs , S2. : ; fuse , per 10 feet.fiSc Lead bar , S tt > . VAIISISIIKS Bands , per gallon : I'urnl- .ure. extra , S1.10 ; furniture , No. 1. Sl.OO ; coAch extra , SI. 10 ; coach , No. 1 , S1.20 : Da- uar , extra , $1.75 ; Japan , 70c ; UHnhallnm , \tra 85c ; shellac , S3.50 ; hard oil linlsh , bt't HITS Colocnc spirits , 1S9 proof , St. 17 ; ilo 101 pioof , SI. 18 ; spirits , second quality , 101 prool , S1.17 : do l&S pioof. 81.10. Alcohol. IbS iirool , 82.18 per wlno gallon. Kedlstllled wlilskips , 81. 0 ( l.r,0. ( iln , blended , Sl.wxa 2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , S2.00 ( < if.K ( ) ; Ken tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 32.00S fl. 50 ; Golden Sheaf boutbon and rvo whiskies , S1.50a.00. ( : ; Brandies , Imported , 5S.ooaa.fiO ; ilomestle , Sl.OQ3.oo. ; ; dins , imported , S4.50 ; r..oi ) ; domestic , S1.25t3.00. ( ChampaKiics. Iniportcd. per ca ni. S'iS.OOQSil.OO ; American , per case. S10.MHfiir. ( ! . ( i. I'AiNT' . IN Oil. White lead. Omalia.P. P. , 7J < c ; whitolcad , St. Louis , pme , 87.75 ; Mar- heilles green. 1 to 5 Ib cans , 2o ; Krcnciime , creen seal , 12c : Kienchinc. . red seal , lie : French /inc. In varnMi asst. 'Mc ) ; Frimch /inc. 75c ; vermllllon , Kiigllsh , In oil , 75c ; ochre , luench , * { cochii' \ , American , lVc ; Winter's mineral. 2. < { o ; I.ehigh biown , 2. ' < c ; Spanish biown , 2Jc } ; I'rlnco's iuiiier.il , So. So.Dnv PAINTS Wlilto lead , Sc ; Picnch sine , 12c : Paris whltlnir. 2'je ; whiting , gilders , > fc ; whiting , com'i , lye ; lampblack , Ger- anstown. I2e ; lampblack , oidlnary , Sc ; J'mssian bluo,55ciiltramarine ; , iSc-.vandyk- brown , be ; umber , burnt. 4c ; umber , law , 40 sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c ; Pane ; rcun , Kcnuine. ' 25c. I'aris green , com- .iion , 22c ; chromo green , N. V. . 20u ; vcrmlllion American. ISc ; Jnuwu raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans , I2c ; raw and burnt sienna , 12c : Vandyke bi own , ' c : ro- linetl lampblack I2ccoacli black and Ivory black. Hxj ; drop black. IGc ; Prussian blue , 40c : nltramailno black. 18c ; chromo green , I * , M. &D. , Ifie ; blind and shutter grewi. L..M. * I ) . , ICc ; Paris green , ISo ; Indian icd , 15c ; Venetian red , 'Jc ; Tuscan. 22c ; American vermlllion , L. A D. , 20c ; yellow ochre , 2e ; I , . M. 4 O. I ) . , ISc ; good ochre , ir.c . ; paten dryer. Sc ; graining color. light oak , daik oak , \\alnut. chestnut and ash. 12c. Dnuos AND jiiK.\itOAiH. Acid , caibollc , ! 2c ; acia , tartaric , 2c ; balsam copaiba , per fl > , 4c ! ! : bark sassafras , per Ib , lOc ; calomel , per tt > , 78c , chinclionidla , ncr o40c ; chloro form , per tl > , Mo ; Dover's powders , per t ) > , 81.25 ; epsom . salts , per ] Ib , 3c ; glycoilno , pure , per Ib'ic ' ; lead , , neotato. per 11. , ale ; oil , castor , No. 1 , per gal. , Sl.t > 0c ; oil castor , No. 2 , per „ . . 51.40 oil olive , per gal. , S1.40 ; oil orlrannnm , SOc ; onliim. $3.20 ; quinine , P. & W. and it. & S , , per oz , 70c ; potassium iodide , per Ib , S2.85 ; salicin , pero40c ; siil- nliato morphine , per oSrt.a'i ; biilphur , per B. , 4c ; .strjchmne , pei oz. S1.2.J. DryI1OAHDS. I1OAHDS. No.l Com. $ . 1. s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft S17.50 No. 3 " ' 12 , 14 and W ft 14.7S No.3 " " li ! , Hand 16 ft 13.50 No.4 " " " 12. 14 ajid 18ft. _ _ „ _ . . , . _ 12.00 DIMr.NHIONti AM ) ' lisii n n ia rt iu.no ni.60 1(1/50 ( / 17.UO is.oo 2i.tw'si.oa ' KlO . 10.M1D.50 KI.Wi7.0 : : ) IB. * ) sj.oosti.ta 18. . ' ,0 16.BO 17.00 i 1I1.W ) in n1. 18.50 i7.wi 18.00 M.IIU. . 10.5 I ii..r ( , ni.no i7.coiis.oo ; .oo L- ' . 10. M Ifi.W ) lfi.5i.l7.00lH.OOlL | | M ooj-'o.oa FENCING. No. 1 , 4 i B Inch , 12 and 14 ft. , rough. . .517.05 Xo. a , 4 AC Oincli , 12 and 14 ft. , rough. . . 14.00 r-KtLixo AND PAiurrioy. 1st com. , ? f lu White 1'ino Partition..S"AOO Stl " ' ' . / . 27.r.o 2d Com. ? b' in. Norway Pine Ceillne. . . . 14.00 BTOOK I10AUD.S , A 12 Inch. S.IB. 4(1 ( C 800 H12incli " "H'JD i..W : ! No. 1 , com. 12 In. , s. 1 8. . 10. 18.5 20 ft. . . 21.00 No.2 , " " " ' . . . mrx ) No. ' . ' , " ' " 12ifcl4ft 17.00 " Ifift lO.Ofl No. 1. plaln.Sand 10 inch. . ' ! 817.50 No. 2 , plain.S and 10 inch l&.M ) S1II.VOI.KS , J.ATIl. XX clear. S2.HO : A btaudard , 52.M ; No. 1 , Sl.uL.itli. : ; : sa.a.'i. POSTS White Cedar , 0 In. , KS , I2e ; 8 in. KS , 1st and 2d. clear , I/ Inch , s. 3s . S50.00 Hd , clear , 1 inch , s.2 s . 45.00 So , clear , ! > / . Ik. 2 in . 47.50 a select , 1 inch , s. 2 s . 29.00 B select , ! ' , 1 .2111. . . JM.OO A Illcli Illinois Woman. Chicago Mull : Kvcont that Criesus in the Olilllian ilouna wo road about , Mrs , Meredith , of ( JnniuriilgoC.ty , is the oattlo iiiieen of the world. Slio is now in this city nml I lifted inylmt to hnr \o5turday. Mrs , M. is the widow of ( iunorul Morctjitli. Uunonil Meredith , wliun ho was ulivo , was of the jloueer ) line o\ttlt : ! breeders in this country. Ilo bcciuuo rich as the crr/.o : for lii li- uricoil , imported snorthorns grew , until in Hut 'COs and the early ' 70s ho was worth probably $500.000. Ho liatl the Airdrios. and paid out * 10,000 as readily for a bull that happoncti to bo after his own heart nb moroconsnrvativoiuon paid out money for Kooil luiuls with houses on tiiuni , 15u't tlio jjoncral wont broke when the cra/.o subsided. His son failed after him , but the widow , witli all nor style nml jjracu , Inul a liettor head for business than uithcr the husband or son. Shu took the herds that were loft ami munagetl thuiu , ami where both men hail failed , bho sue cccded. General Morcdlth used to own $10,000 bulls ami ran to f > ,000 calves. His hand some. willow has got ever Hint fell ' . The general was quixotic from the standpoint of cattle men. The widow is practical. Tim modern idea in cattle raising is to raise a lion ! and to breed it up until 11 has certain distinctive characteristics ol line beef , forins > tanoo , or of line rich milk. or of great beauty. MM. Meredith would be happy if slio could sell twenty calves a jcar for $250 a pieco. Tlio general was. never satislied unless ho could have a sale once in two years , and could gel ffi.OOOorllO.OOOfor his cows and buns Cattle men now ara gratilicd if they can take their customers out Into their tlelds and ohow them a herd of cattle each one of which is so much alike every other one that there is no distinguishing them This is the latter-day theory ; the general'a ' was thcold-fusliipnud. Men anil women are getting rich rioiv breeding line nni mala. All the old cattle lords who heli the general's views went broke in > 875. WAS SHE SHOT FOR A SPY 1 The Mysterious Murtler of n Beautiful Young Lady , A Snpposctl Hospital Nur o 1/lfclrBH in the Itooin With a Horrible Womul In Herllrcnst , When Sherman iilaying hlilo and seek with the army of ( ! eiieral Joe.lolin - ston , on the way from Chattanooga , : t noman of ravishing licntity made her ap pearance in Atlanta. Where she catno Irom no one knew , of her people -ho never spoke ; but it was surmised by by some of the ladies who liatl gotten near her that hhu bore some secret sorrow row , purlmps the sncrillou of a loved one on tlio bloody Holds of Virginia , says the Atlanta Constitution. D.iy by ilay train loads of wounded confederates reached Atlanta from tlio front. The ladies of the city engaged m hospital work with aeal worthy the sisters nml wives of brave mon. Xualous as all were in this work Miss Kmma , which was the only mime by which Mio was generally known , bccamn noted be cause of her endurance and fidelity. As she would puss from ward to ward the dying men would turn ther eyes .smilingly toward her. She was , indeed , the angel of the hospital. Notwithstanding all thi , the eye of suspicion fell upon her. Was bhc a spy V The question would have been laughed nt by mot people , ami 5-et there wore those who detected in her manner something - thing they did not like. Hut this sus picion was hushed by Hie uniformly phil anthropic woru in which Miss Kmma Mas engaged. At la.st .Sherman's lines vero drawn around the city , and the tuople began to experience all the hor- ors of a Mcge. The iek and the dying vere multiplied , and the efforts of nnble vomen to relieve them became ox- lansted. Miss Kmma "row pnle with jsceshive work. Rest sue dec-lined to take while : i wound was to be bandaged or a dying man longed for kind words. Thu sound of revelry is often heard amid tlio din of battle. Even when the people were driven , into their bomb-proofs they sang and tlaneod. for they recognized the philosophy of driving grief away by i > lcnsiiro. Balls , somewhat impromptu , I is true , wore given and the ladies ooked more charming in tliuir coufeder- lie toilets than they eould looked in silks. .The officers were * nlways the bcauof such occasions , for beauty is attracted by lruvory. To these g.illierings Miss Km ma never went but there camp a time when she was pressed to go. The colonel nel of a gallant infantry regiment had invited her to a bomb-proof ball. Miss [ Minna wa- , urged to go , as a relief from the pressing hospital work which was blowly killing her. Shunt last consented : uul was soon in the whirl of many dancers. The kind lady with whom Miss Kmma lodged did not awaku until the aim was : in hour high no.xt day. She had not lioard Miss Emma enter , but no dream pf harm entered her mind. She determ ined not to disturb the poor lady , but let her sleep on , for did not her faithfu service entitle her to re t ? There were excited crowds upon the streets. Orderlies on horseback dashed to and fro. The roar of Sherman's artil lery was becoming more and more terri- tic. There was something in the air which announced that a crisis was immi nent. But still the lady slept ! The hour was growing late , and the excite ment of the neople outside wasincrcsing. A knock at Miss Emma's door brought in ) answer. Wlmn the door was burst open a singular sight was presented. Reclining upon tlio sofa Miss Emma laid , ns if in peaceful sleep. She was dressed in white , with a yellow * bolt around her waist ami a blue cape thrown carelessly across her shoulder , Upon the linger of one Irind was an elegant diamond ring. The other arm snowy in its whiteness , was thrown above her head. Shu pre'-onted a beautiful picture. She dill not move upon the entrance of her friend. To the touch she was cold. If she breathed at all it was to quietly that death rould not still it more. The cape was lifted , when a horrible wound in tlie breast was disclosed. It appeared as if a whole load of bird shot had becu lodged in her bosom. Poor Kmma was dead murdered ! B by whom ? The window overlooking the garden was raised. The footprints of several men were visible , ami the box upon which they stood , in order to reach the window , was still in place. It was" evi dent that after the poor girl had met her death her body was quietly carried back , pr.s ed through tlio window and tint re mains arranged upon the sofa with an eve to every detail which might have tiilcct. Not tin article of jewelry was missing. Everything was in place. Hut Sherman's men were entering the city. Tlio confederates were retreating. Confusion reigned supreme. In the general oral stampede which followed lesser sen sations were forgotten. When at last the. smoke of battle h id cleared away and people returned to rebuild their fortunes , the tale of the murdered woman wits recalled , and three theories were maintained. One was that during the ball a shrapnel .shell hail penetrated tlio retreat , and , exploit ing , killed Miss Emma. The second was that on hi r way homo slid had been mur dered by her escort. The third was that she was a federal spy ; that die was ta\ctl with her identity , and that she had all along been furnishing .Sherman with im portant information. Knrangeil by her treachery , tlio men scntnnced her to death and executed the sentence. Her body was then hurriedly returned to tlio room from which she had emerged the evening before joyous and beautiful. Hut it was too late to investigate. After awhile the whole matter was forgotten , and even now her grave in Oakland is unknown. SAW IT lfTA DREAM. He CQ very of stolen Money Under Peculiar ClroiiiiiKtances. Philadelphia Litter in Now York Times : About thrcu weeks ago $3,807 , tliu savings of a , life-time , was stolen Irom Charles Caughlln , of No. 1240 North Twenty-sixth street , Mr. Cnughlin , who is ever seventy years old , and his wife. wife's brother , who h also very old , and a lured man , are the/ / only occupants of house. Mr , Caugbjin kept the money , if 11)7 ) of which was in gold and the rest ui greenbacks , in a largo nockotbook , which was concealed in an old chest , and both his wife and himself insist that no one about the house or neighborhood knew of its being there , llio agoil _ couple did not for a moment entertain n suspicion of any one who belongs about the house , nor of any of their neighbors or rela tives. The wife of Edward Caiigh- Iln , n son of the scptageuarian , who lives on Lnnoy street , immediately back of his father's residence , rushed into the old homestead yesterday and informed her mother-in-law that slio had a dream the night before , in which &ho saw the missing money concealed in the hay-loft. Old Mrs. Caughlin ridiculed the idea that a dream could furnish a clue to the stolen wealth , but her daughter-in-law at once proceeded to the loft , and soon returned with | 3,009 of tht ) money lied up in a handkerchief. The gold and -f 1,100 of the greenbacks and two gold rings , with the pooketbooK , are still missing. Mrs. Caughlin. sr. , reports that the money , wrapped in a handkerchief , was found behind one of the rafters in the hay-loft. She subsequently made n more thorough fcearch , but recovered uo more of the money , and Mr. ' Caughlin has ghen up nil hope . of ever seeing the $1,207 , which , n llh the rings and pockctbook , the thief [ forgot to place in the hankerchlcf. It was reported that a fortune teller had di rected Mr. Cnughlin to where the recov orcd money was found , but there is no truth in that version. He vi'itcd n fortune - tune teller , but all she told him was that the stolen moiicv was in the block in which ho lived. This he ditl not breathe , even to his wife , anil had nothiup to do with the r - n ery of the WiOO. ( The old gentleman docs nol even now suspect any particular pcr-on of commuting the robbery and has no theory as to how it was perpetrated. "I keut the mouey in the house , as 1 expected to use it s-oon1 ho said to-day to n reporter , "nnd If everybody was as houe > t as they should boitvionldbc lust us s-afo hero as in a bank. It would not have been any safer in some banks than it was in the chest. " A child wa recently born at the. Emer gency Hospital , Now York City , without n mouth. The physicians made an in cision , cutting through the llesh and a tough membrane which connected the upper anil lower jaws. Plugs of pressed cotton were then put between the jaw bones to prevent them from uniting in healing. The appearance of thr mouth is now quite natural. There will bo but little lip , and the mouth when closed will look like a Iieavy scar. It is thought that the palate and tongue will dexelop and bo nearly normal by the time the child is full grown , nml an efl'ort will bo made to turn the lloh.-o that the lips will appear red. THB CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF rim Chicap.MtaiikGe&SlPaulB'j . ' THE BEST ROUTE lion OMAHA inJ COOHCIL BLOfH tt E.A.I3T. TWO TRAINS TU1IA' HBTWEEH OMAHA COUNCIL UIATFS Chicago , AND . Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , ( Jcilar Jlapids , Clinton , Dubiiqtic , Davenport , look Island.Frceport , Roekford , Elgin , Madison , Janesville , Heloit , Winona , La Crosse , Ami all other raportnnt noinli Ksst , Northeast nil BoulUonst. For through tlrkcti cnll on tlio Tiok t Avon nt 1401 Knrniun nlrot't ( la 1'axlon Hotel ) , or a Union V clHo Depot. I'ullmnn Hoeners and the flnest Dlnlnn Cnrs Jr. the rrorld nre run on the main lines of the OIIICAOO , MILWAUKEE 1 ST. | 'AII ; , RAILWAY- , nud every attention It pnld to pntseuicoia by oourtenni employci of the company. 11. MILLED , Uontrnl Manngar. J. F. Tuciccit , AssifiUnt Oonoral Manager. A. V. H. C'Am'a.NTKii , General Pasieocor and Ticket Agent. UEO. E. BEArroiiT ) , Asslstnnt General Panoa- per nml Ticket Agent J. T. OiinK , General Superintendent. RAtLWAY- Council Bluffs And Chicago. Tlis only rend to Hike for Des Molnes , Afar- iliRlltown.rodnr HnpldF , Clinton , Dixie. Chlca- RO.MIIwnnkee nnd all points c&nt. To tiia people ple of Nonrnskn , Colorado , Wyoming , ( Jtoh , Idiiho.Nevfxla , OroKon , WiishlriKlrtn nnd Cnll- forula , It offers HUiieilor advantages not poial- Mo by ny other line. Among n few of the numerous points of 111- perlortty enjoyed hy the patrons of thin road between Omnhn nnd Chicago , Hr It ! two tntlH * n tiny of DAY COACHES which are the flnt-et tnnt hnmnn art and Inconultr rim ro tr. In PAIjACU BI.lCni'INQ I'AHS , 'A-hioli Hre model * of comfort unit elegance lt I'AUIOHDItA\V- INO KOOM CARS , uiiiurpnsfefibv Riir , niul 11(1 widely celolirntoil PALATIAL OlNINO CAItS , "icMUal of which cannot be found elsewhere. At Connell niutTe thetrnlnoof - tlio Union I'flcl- fle HT. eonnect In Union Depot Hilh t o e of the Ohlcwro & Kortlivreslnrn Hy. In ChlcHRO the trains of tills line iniiko close tonntctlon with those of nit eastern Minor. ForUntroU , Calnuibui , Indlnnnpoll ? , Clncln- nntl. Nitwit Fulls , nuffnlo , I'ltMiurp. Toronto , Montrt-Hl. Iloston , Now Vorlc , PliilHrtolphlH , Ilnl- DI-O , AVnsiilngton and ull rolnts In tha eait , ask the tloltot nzont for tlcVct * i In the If you wlali tbu Imn .tocninmndatlonB. All ticket Aventfi cell tickets rln this Una. M HfOlUTT , r . P. Wlf.PON. Uuncrnl Mnnawr , Opnl. Pnss'r Afrcnt ( itill.VtktcinArt ( Cilj I'lisa Ast. Oinuhii , Xob- OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY Artists' Material. A. jrosi'E , , TR. , ArtiatH' Materials , I'iunos ami Orpnns , 1513 Doiiiilm Struct , Omaha. Agricultural Implements. CHURCH ILL 1'ARKER , Wbulcialo Dealer lu Agricultural Implements , Wajjoug , Carriacct and llncplos. Jonrs blroet , biticcun Sth and 1MbOmaha , Ntb. as METCAU ? CO. , Agricultural InipIcnioiitH , Wagoni.rarrlnirei , llucclei , Klc , , WliolenaU , Omnha , J'A RLTy , OR TZynORFiC MAR TIN Wholcinlellealnraln ' Agricultural Implements , IVagontand nueglcs.Jl.ttll.VO ; and'JUT , Jonet it Butter and Eggs. McSHAXE a > fiCHROEDER , Buyers of Butter nud Egps. Refrigerator and Packlne llouin , lth ami heaven- worlli St. , i ; I' . It. II , 'I tack , Uiimlia , Builders' Hardware and Scales. JIIMEBAUUJr & TAYLOR , Buildera'Jlardware&Scale Repair Shop Uoclianlce'Touluand nuffalo Scal i. 1106 Uouglji itM . Omatia , Neb. LEE , FRIED C CO. , .lobbcrs of Hardware and Nniis , Tiuwaru , bheet Iron. Klc. Aiteiiti for JInwe hculei and Mlainr 1'oHdcrCo.OmahaNiib , RECTORS } l'JLHELMYCO. , Wholesale Hardware. W itern s tnli for Jetrarion Fletl Nalli. Autlln 1'OKilfrCo. lrli nk Mnnilnra hralct. Curuur 101U andllarncy. umaba. Iron Works. 1'AXTON C VIKRLIKU Iron Works , Wrouclit and Ceil Iron Bulldlcn Work. Iron Ftaln IlallTni ; , ilfuiutf and ( ilideri , Steam Enrlru-t. Hr r Wor , < ! t.ncr l ITounJrj , iljchltu and Illattirallli Worl. Oni < unlWurki.U. I' . llj.nnOlith tn t. Butchers' Tools. LOUIti HELLER , Butchers' Tools and lauiaie Culogt of all klodi nlwariln HOC * . 12U { HUH * JOBBERS'DIRECTORY , Beats and Shoes. tIAX-1) S Kit'Jib Manufartrmi ntd Whokui * nc ! er In Hoots mid Shoos , CoruplMi ; Mock of HnM-ft < Jo wH alKaji on liMirt HP S Ulli Fl Ora hn , NUi. A. T. Aunin , AiK-nl. ir. r. MOUSE tc co , .lobbors of Hoots anil Shoes. 411 I'arnamH .Omatin.Nrh. Mannfiutoi * . Mrrft , llnMon. ' _ _ / . T. iJxi > $ KY o co. Wholesale Rubber Hoots nml Slides. Ruuller andOIcd ! doming mid Pell lloolt , A ) . ' 8 lUh Af > t. for Auhdispr-llush Hrewinp ; Ass'n Special ttrnndt. mud. Ituilwpltrr and Krlanri-r. NTOIITT ? tLER , Lager lppr ? Brewers , IMt North IMh Mrret , Omaha. , Ntl > . Coffee , Spices , Etc. 'CO. , Omnlia Coffee nml Splco Mills. Twt.Ooffoe * , Fplrcn. Unking Ponder , MnrorlnrBK- ItRCti , I.iunJtT UliiK , Ii-li. Uli * . UK 1C IlnrnrT ftrrti , Oni h , N h. ATKsTctTLK n MILES , Homo I'nflco nnd Sjiiro Mills M'f'ir Co. ruirpelKmitemiinil SplcciOrlnilnn. M iinr iiiiifii rl lUklnv t'imder. MtvutliiK Kitrnrtr , lllulni ; . Kir. Trrono r o < i ( our 1-n imrkimr Home lllfnd lloxlei ] OoTre. IHV Howard M , ( > nnh , Nh. . Cornice. K < t < v L K cc > K yiciT lohn Kpciieter , Prop. Mamifitcturrr of ( .nUanlicd Iron and rornlf * . 973 Doiltomid 103 and IPS X , IQIIi II. . Omaha. Neb. RCEMVISG c > ROLTE , Manufacturer * of Ornnincntiil ( talvanlzpit Cornices. Dormer \Vlcdoni , Final * . llrliillrMollFht.clc. 10 S. l.'t'i M. , Oiimba , E WORKS' ( ' . Sppcht , Prop. nalvnnlrnl Iron Tornlcd" , etc. Ri'eu' ' * Improved Pat- ITU Mctallu Skylight. .W mill Ml ) S. 19th M .nmiilia , Carpets. OMtIIA Jobber * of Puvtuiiis , Oil ClotliH , Linoleum * , Million , Etc. Ull Doui'at tlrcft. TTJf. ORCJIAR'lT Wholesale Carpets , > Oil Cloths , Haltlnr * . Curtuln Cmd * . Flo. 1U5 Vainatu Street , Omaha. Nfb. Crockery and Notions. W. L. WRltUlT , Agcntfor the ilnnufni Hirer * and Importers of Crockery , Glassware , I.nmpi , Oihmicjt , rtr. Offlrc , 317 Soutb IJth ti. Oiuithn. Neb. Commission and Storage. " " D , A .nun LEY , Commission : uul .lobbiiify. nutter , Kcitaand Piodncc. C'nnilitnmcoiB nollrlted. vailqnirlrr * for Miinon ri > , ISeny lloiri ud tirnpu llnphcif. nil Doilf ctlrocl , Oni lin. ti it n os ; , ConnniHsion Jlercliants. Frnltf , 1'rortiicn anil I'mrl * Ion * . Onihlm. Nrb. Storajjo anil Commission Mercliiint. iicilnltli'i Itutter. ECR" . Clipeiu. Poultry. Cinuo , < > j ter , Ktc. , Ltc Ili'-oulli lull WlEDEMAS' P CO. , Proilupo Commission Mprclinnl ? , * I'ouHrj , Mutter , ( liiinv , I'Milts , etc. ttO S. lltb It tJnmbn , Neb , WEEKS < < 5 oiuniis ion Merchants , And Jobber * of Foreign and Domestic Krnltn. < 'orra- bpondeneo Hnllctted. WitrebouKM nnd ofTlcv. HUN. 'rhlrteentb M. , Ornnhn , Nnh. lol plion 7'i > . Fruits. J' . JIOCCO C CO. , raportcri und wholesale dealers In Italian Produce , roreltn.HomCftloand CallfornU rniltt and Commli. ilea Btorcbanti. IDIR.lUhst. Only ciclUilve fruit houie In Omiiba. Ccal antf Lime. Dealers In Hard and Soft Coal , Office and yald , inih and Nlcbolnn ! . , Omchu , Neb. UKO. h.l.MiM.il. I'rei. 0. P.QOCIIIUAN. V.fttl. J. A. Ht's'DEiii.ANn , b r. and Trrai. OMAHA COAL , COKE COMPANY , robbers of Hard and Soft Coal. 209 South Thirteenth Ftreet , Oinnha , Nob. j. , T. jonxsoy < r co. , Mannfiit'tnrors of Illinois White Limp , And Milpptr of t'nnl IMK ! Cukp , Cement. 1-luf-ter , JJnip , llnlr , Uro IlrcrU. Dr.iln , Tile mil s > rr I'fl-e. ( iniciPailon lintel. Knnmm rt. , Omurm , Nxb , Tpl < > nhuni)8ll. Confectionery. /-V J' . FAY'tC CO. , Mnniifncturhiff Coufoctloiiero , Jolibtrt of rmllP.Nulf nd Clcum. 1211 I nrnuin St. Life Stock Commission. M. IH'RKK < Livn Stock Connnisslon. Ceo. Iluike , tlanocer DidonSlncV YanlirJ. Omnlia. Tcltphonu Jfl. N A TAG IS tC Live Stock Commission MnrclmntB , Bhlpmc'nlf of miy and nil lilnrtr of Mock tolloltod , Ualon Block Vardr , Omulia , Neb. Cigars and Tobacco. MAX MEYER cfl CO. , Jobbers of Ciffar. " , Tobacco , QUIII and Ammunition , Jll lo' l 8. lllb it. , 1070 to 10. ' I rainnm at. . Omaha , Neb , WEST P Maniifactiirprs of Fine And Wholi'falc Dealrn In Leaf Toburioi , Noa. 106 audllQN. Mill treel , ( ( raulju IIOUNKH .15 Wliolopnl' ) Dealer' In Clpara , Tobaccos , l'ipe.s and .Smokers' Artii'lns. Ascntrfor I ) . I.eMertdorf i C , Kino-Cat and Huiot- lciT b ceo , MllnauXceYlicnD < ln. No.JU .North Ml Jloealh Mlrerl , Omaha , .Veil , Dry Goods. M. E. SMITH .0 CO , , Dry OoodH , Furnishing Good ? ) & Notions 11W and 1104 Uonulaa , cur. llth fit , Oniaha.Neb. Distillers. . . . . - > - - - - - * * til MqiintrAlcohol and Kpltlti. luiportcri and Jollirr < of Wlneiand J.iquori. WJLLO irsi'inxoN JWSTILLE'Y CO. and ILElt , { 5 CO. , Itnporlcn and JoliViemuf Fine Wlrin and l.lqnnri. boleinaruractureit of Krnurdr'ii FtitlndU nil- tir and Douieallc I Iquori. Ml llnlru-r M. Drug * , Paints , Etc. jr. T. CLARKE rutua co. , Largoit Di'iiR' , Paint , Oil & Ohisn House WtitofCblcnio. Cnmidclo I.lnfl o ( llruBtH fam. tiriet 1111 llarney t.Oui l-a , Drain Tile , Etc. A. H.HAI IK ivo. J.W.Uinronn.f'tc.iT"e n. j. CAIISOI ; . v.rre * . nnrt btci. THE v yit ) y ir YD u < \ UL tc JtRAJy TTLE CO. , OBco JH p. 14lh at , Oinalin. Nvb. Macblrrrj and for UJBufuciiirlnk' fruicoi lr < lu 'I lie. furniture. ItEWEY ( C Wholesale Drak'ia Ju Furniture. r'urnam it. , Oirahi , Neb. CHARLES tiJIIf'EItlCJC , Furniture , Iloddinp , Upholstery , Ulrrcrietc. IZOt.iaw aud 1710 r ro m H. , Oiuuba. ! OMAN4JOBBERSDIREOTORY Groceries , IM.VTO.V , GslLnAGIIKK , f m , 1 Wholesale Grocer IPS nuil Provisions , . N b. Wholesale id l.fKTenworlli t . , Oin h t. Hardwnrf. H' . J. ItltOATCll , Heavy Hnrthviire , Iron nml Stool , Pprlngt , Waton Meif , IUrdn r l.tmibrr , rlf. IJW nil Ull llitiiFjr nl. . t < m.ili < . AVImlcsnlo Iron ami Sleol , , Mu. Ull TH ! 121V l.rivrnnurtli M.Oiimt > ! \ , Melt. Stoves , Rnnpos , Kiirnaco.i , Tile ? . W nllf , tiiitc . llinn need > . l.3 ( andI,5W K in Mtrct. Lumber. LOl'Iti nitADT Denier in Familier. La Hi , Mine , Snsli , Doom , Ktc. Ynrdi-Turner 7th iml loiitlnj | Corner l-llinnil CHICAGO hlTMItJtlt CO. , Wholesale Lunibur. ill S. Kill Mrocl.Onmtn , Neb. t .Ootpottcr , M r/is r. Jewelry. p atidMtisic Dealers , ruler * In SlltprnntK. Dlnmomli , Witrlieo , Dock Jent-lcrtTiidlMinil MntorlsK cic. Ill mul 10,1 Iblh I. , CUT. OlMltfP , UlUHllH , V. V. JLHETZ , Luinlior. nnil Cnllfoinln MrrrU , flnutia , Neli. FliKl ) If. Glitl } ' , Lumber , Limp , Ccmont , Ktc. , Etc. Cor.rih nntl nouRlm Hi. , Omaha. NO. JWAGLAXD , Lumber. T. 7 > ' . JtAttrEritUMHER CO. , ToDonlersthily. OSlf c , H03 Himmm nlrprt.Oiuxhn. TUFAS' if. LEE , .Hardwood Lumber , Wood ( Mrr t mill I'muiict Kloorhnt. Olhauil Doufloj Omnlia. JO UN A. WA K EEIEL / > , Wholesale Lumber , Ktc. Iwpnrtrd nml Amcrliim I'orlluinl Conirnl. Slolo Aaenl lor Milwaukee llrdrmillo Cement nd Hot ( julncjr WhllPl.lroo. Lire Stock. 10\'STOCK YAKDS CO. , Of Omaha. . John r. lloyd , S'jp rlntor.d8ot. Millinery and Notions. i. Importers unit Jobber * of Millinery and Notions , 1513 nnd 1215 ll.irnny Kl.eol , Onulia , N > b. Motions. Are Ilicnnly Direct Impmti'imif iiermnn & French Toys & Fancy Gomls In Nobrnnltn. Chicago prices ilutillmtqr ! without ndil- IHK IrelKht. HIS I'ftriKim r < liii < l , ( > iiinliii. jtiJt7\Ny jfo'i'ioy"co. . , \Vliolep".le Dealrrs In Notions nml Fnrnisliitifr Hoods , . 4(11 ( mid 4IIJ R.TiMitli St.Omihn. YJXY ARDlKs MCtfS'ElUiSlt , Jobbers In Notions , Hosiery ami CiLMits' FurnisliiiiR- ( ioodH. rnrnnin st. Otmtha. M b , Paper Boxes , / . L. U'fLKJE , ivnr of J'njii'v 1 Of. S.lltti SL.dm ihn. Nulinlskn. Onlers lir mnll ro lulled iinil will roui-lro prompt uttcntluu. Overalls. COMI'AXY , Mantifaeturprs of Overalls , Jeans l'anfi-lilrt ! . Kir. MfTCund 1IUI DoiicUt Street , Oimitia , Nelf. Printing. Job Printers , Ulnnk Hook .1 And Hoot llliiileiK. Ilk ; nnd 1IK Knutli 1'ouitci ; JiSTKIty yKlf'fll'AI'EIl Auxiliary VitlilislieiN. Ip lcr lnTypu. I'ri-itas nnd 1'rlnliTi' Supl'llon , hmilh Twelfth ' "ticiet. Pickles , Vinegar , Etc. { C ( > . , MnnutHCtuiL'ii , I'urkutsniid licaleri In Pickles & h'trk'tly Pure Apple V ' I'nnilrr. rinvnrlnit Uilnn-n.JJ'iililo Kaui-o , i' . ' MnitH" ! WHBI , niulPB. tliocer1 S'i'fs'slMrs fnmlnr ink HutoMinit ItofliiPd Apple 01- ( ai-r. HO > I onvpuw.ntli n. , Ouiali i. Safes , Etc. " " " ' " / . ItOYEIl , V < 'O. . Agents lor Hall's Safe A- Look Co.s' rite and Utim'ar ' Proof Sif" , Tlma Lxckn , Vault ! and Jail Work , JIM ) hunuiia nlreut Ouulu , Neb , C. Onmlia .Safe Works. y tiif cliirer cif Fire and Hart In r Pnmf Safei , Vnull Diinr. ' . Jnll Wnrl. Mn-.tli'i" and \Virrt Wi.rk , Cor. lllh anU Jai ktfin Ms. , umi.bn. Njb , Sash , Doors , Etc. M. A.Drsititow < o co. , Whclemlu Mnnurnciurer of Bush , Door.s , HlindH und .MoiildiiiR-i1 , Ilivnch omco.Ktli and I/nrd tin. , Ouiiliu.Neb. 41. I' ' . l7YMA\ , , Uoor , Itliiiils , SI „ . . , Bulldlny I'M'Or. etr. 1UJI Houtb Thlitoenlii Mro t/ Oir.au , h'ub. A co'ilulu | .IDC. ut Jluildrn' llnnlwuie. Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Uoulu | .Stall W ( irk mul IntFrtir Kuril Wood I'lnlib Jutt upenrd , N. E ror.EllimiilI.cite Dnubj , Nch. Pumps. j'fy co7 " \Vholcsalc \ Pitnips , Pipe , Fitting , Ctoiuand Watrr Huppllvn. llradqiuileri f < T Mnrl 1 o ntl.'o'ii ( Juu'li. lll | I'jriiini ] m Oniiln. Xcb. ' ' ' At'i7. HTitAya co' , 1'iiiupH , Plpo.s und I'liffino ? , tltl'OViter , Itnllirnr lin'l Mlllll.K 8uiillf | ( , KtO , nt. ' 1 st. , lluiuht , s i > . 4'OMI'AXY. Wind Milli. r.c m § nd W ler Pupi.Mf ns ( J < ir"i llolllhK. Iliuu. 014 uud 1C ) ror- uiii. , OicnliM. B K I'Dllon , ilxnuuur. 'Jultfphiinu Nu. 10. 'trunks. Wholesale Trunks , HdUrd Uotul lilock.Onintii. Wagons nnd Carriages. Tlie Lnailing'ilaiTlugo Factory , 110 } M.d 1111 Dndcottreet. Omittis. Building Material , I/falerui Alt IdniUof Material at .li tr < cl tnd Union t'actllo 'l'rk Oiimha.