THE SUNDAY BEE. PAGES. THE SUNDAY 33EB. COUNCH. BLUFFS SUNDAV MOIINLNO DKC.3. OFFICE , WO. 12 , PEARL STREET. DtllTCird by fanler In nnr pnrtof tlicclly nt tTTtnlr teute PIT wcok. II. W. TILTO.V , Manager. t , Xo. NiunrEDiion No. 33. MINOIt MKNTION. ' N. Y. PlunibinfiCo. ! Nc\v fall poods nl Uciti'r'i. Don't full to cnll nnd sec Joe's Hoys nt Publishers' Hook Sitlc. Miss Allcott's last yood hook is .Foe's Hovs , now stopping at Publishers' Hook .Snfe. Joe's Hoys arc a lively f 't of fellow. " . Call anil sec them at the Publishers' Hook Sale. Sale.WANir.u WANir.u A lir. t cliiM experienced shoe salesman. Addrc..s T. , Hii : ; ollleo Council BlulR A. L. Chajilin and Clara Uayor , both of Ncola , wurnycstonluy nnirnetl l > i Justleo Sclutiv at his olllee. Take ono of Joe's Hoys home with you. from the Publishers' Hook Sabfor company during the IOIIR evenings. Ho .sure ami senV. . W. Chupiiian's new itiitl olofianl line of piulurus before bn\ing your Christmas and wedding lire.-enta. One of the most handsome wall calt-n- unders for the coining now year is that presented with the compliment.- ! the Krcat Koek Island route. The Christmas market proved a finan cial suceess , dcspiti ) the fuel tliit : ilnifcli ; onliirliuiiiiii'iitH liavc been coiiiinj ; aloii rather thiekly for the past month or so. The Harmony Allf.siou soeial that waste to have taken phioo two weeks ago at Mrs. J. M. Palmers , was postponed until Tuesday evening tliis week. Every OIIB eorditilly inviled to tittend. For Christmas and wedding presents examine . W. ( yliipiiuin'a ; new line of easels , cabinet frames elegant imported witter colors , handsomely framed pas tels , etc. 105 and 107 Mniu street. Invitations are out for the wedding of Thomas AloCon ! to MKs Kniniii Kahle , eldest dausrhler of INlr. and Mrs. A. L. Ktihle. The happy event will occur Tuesday evenin < ; at the Planters hotel. The combination s ten in and hot air fur- naises .supplied to St. Paul's church tire completed and give evidence of boinjr amply siillicient to heat the edilioe. The lient is genial and pleasant and makes this church still more attractive. Odell IJros. & Co. put thu deeds on ree- ord yesterday in the transfer of the forly aero tract recently purchased by a syndi cate of Council Hind's anil Umaiiti gentle men from the Kansas City & St. Joe rail road company. S. ( r. Hrinlon has resigned his posilioii in the postolllce and 1) . 11. Woodman has severed his connection with Henry Ki e- man & Co. They now join in a new lirni to do a general merehandi-e business at Sil\er ( . ily. They arc young men of en terprise , ability and integrity , who will doubtless make a great Mtcccss of their new venture. A man named II. Stevens , who is wanted in Slienandoali , was arrested here yesterday and taken back there by Con- btstblo Swartof that place. It is claimed that Stevens had a great adver tising scheme which lie was to put tip in tlie po.slollice , and alter collecting some money on it disappeared. The Sheiiau- doah folks want to talk it over with him Mill further. In another column will be found a very interesting announcement made by Eisc- nan & Co. . in regard to the People's s re. The public is being ollered some r ! chances there and .so long us such . establishment is in the city , Council lilutls will not only hold its own liouie trade , but will continue to draw from the surrounding country. Head what is > aid of the People's store. It will pay you. Personal „ - - C. S. Clark is now putting his energies into the Pilot , of Ulair. Neb. , and is re ported as having become interested in church doing ? there. Notice. Jl'liat Fidelity Council. No. irG. Royal Arcanum , have leased Heno'.s hall , Nos. 32 and ilt Main street and Nos. : ! ; ; and 113 Pearl street , and all parties will hereafter be held at said hall. YV. A. ( ! IO.MWKI : ; , See. l.ct ConKtcrs The coa&ting season opens very un fortunately , more accidents having occurred already than during all of last Heason. This is frightening many from joining in tlie sport , for which there are no many opportunities in this city. The tracks are particularly fast this season , the weather being ice-forming every night. There bus been much carelessness xhowii , also. Some of the travelers have had no headlights and no bells , thus giving no warning of their approach. Others have been guided by wholly unfitted by age , experience or strength for the place assigned them. These arc Ireijueut eau es for accidents. It is proposed to organize a coasting club here , to that what is now every body's business may become the business of certain ones. Some such organization is neecj.sary . , so that there may bo rules and regulations for each course , and fiomo ono responsible for seeing that them is some system and order. A fltartcr and a watchman is needed for each course , and these .should bo given bath pay and authority. Such an arrangement can only bo oll'ocled by forming an organization with proper olllcers and orders , Ity thus agreeing , a majority of the coj'.sturs ' can succeed in so regulating the sport as to prevent any further accidents or trouble. The call for u meeting for Bitch a purpose is now in order. of art in every package of ( ioi.D Mi : DAI COKFKE , Ask yon- grower about it. ( ironewcg & Schoentgen , wholesale agents. _ _ _ See that your books ani made bv Mooro- liouse & Co. , room 1 , Kveiett block. The Olit hiuly'a Whine. Editor of the llr.u : It is so .strange to m a that the Nonpareil can not say any thing regarding our new government building or even refrr to it but what it should cast some slur upon its construe lion or in some fiuumei' find fault with it The artielo in this morning's ' edition evidently dontly Is intended to convoy the idea that our building is unsafe ; that it lias been put up with glaring defects in fact , not put up us the Nonpareil would suggest W , E. Spier , not Splorti , the inspector o public buildings for the treasury depart ment , has been here , and after making a thorough examination of our building tells us that he has not inspected a public building unywheru upon his trip am ! found oven thing in as nice condition as in our building here , ami especially re garding the buttling. If the readers o the' Nonpareil will read the artielo ii ' Globe headed " ( lust night's Jovenuncnt Unilding" they will see who Mr. W , E Spier is , nu'd doubtless will give his opin ion of our elegant building a little nion weight than they would that of an oh granny. ONU Wuo KNOWS. C Me\I\ITQ \ nvn VIIYVFUQ oAlnlo Anil olmwtd , Che Sciyices Arranged by the Churcles To-Day , PLEA FOR THE SALVATION ARMY < Siiunrc SovcrclK" Wlint It Cost ? to Altncli Ailclaldc Jlt orc'H Cnr The Const- ItiR Auulilcnts. " 1 lie A rmy of flic Lord. " ' ' The Sr.lvatlon Army is fast jctling n mid on Council Blutl's , nnd its meetings ire attructiiiR much attention. Their ncilhods arc peculiar , and not such as ttrc 'iidorseil by all , nor arc they to the tatc of most ueople , but there Is a growing sentiment In favor of thu sincerity of the wrttcipaiils. Whatrvcr may be said of ho peculiarities of these icliyious unllin- siast" , Ihi're certainly seems no grounder or the theory that they arc insincere or lypoeritiual. Those who are most fu- uillar with the pcraonnl sa entices made , liseomforts endured , and work performed jy Lthesc Salvationists have most con- idi'tici' in their honesty of heart. There ran be no motive discernible for any dis- lonrsly. Conceding that they have much 'oolNlmcss of reasoning and action , it nust bo equally conceded that they arc as sincere as tlie average of those who ire zealous religious workers , and lOssiblv more. It is also becoming evident that they ire accomplidhitiHrood in tiiis place. They nightly hold nnd entertain a large lumber of those who otherwise would be spending their time and money in saloons > r in dives. Many are drawn thither by curiosity , and arc induced to go night ifter night by no higher motive. Tliey certainly hear no evil , and do no evil , ind some glean some good , and all got nero or loss reminders of what their luty is towards their fellows and them selves. Then there are some at least who are getting more good than this even. There ins not a few who aru being induced to ead better lives , to bo kinder in feeling , riier in doing , and cleaner in their liy- ng. Home huve become o dill'erent in their language and life as to attract tlie Utcutkm of even careless observers. If the Salvationists can make a good citi/.en out of a poor one , the work is certainly a. creditable one. They may reach classes which no other religions organization can roach , and doubtless do. Their noisy paiades and peculiar mnr- Icr of music is offensive to the table of nany , but even this can hardly he more o than many other forms of street ex- libitions. The city has allowed a loud- noutheil darkey to occupy Broadway mil shout himself hoarse trying losing. it has allowed tape-worm doctors to pick thu banjo in a. street concert to draw a crowd to look at his bottled specimens , ind buy hisstull' . It has allowed street uiradcs for the sake of drawing a crowd o a variety show , with its green room illed with giddy girls and green young tcllows. It liar allowed all sorts of street lemonstrations where the purpose did lot even pretend to be the bettering of mankind. Now that a handful of young women pyrade the streets with tambour- nes , and singing gospel hymns , there is a sudden howl raised to have them ar- osledand thrown in jail. It is late to jegin talking about disturbers of the iieacc. Such is the feeling of a largo number of citizens , and they express themselves as being in readiness to furnish money to secure the release of any of the army who are thus arrested for parading the streets , and to furuish means for defend ing them in court. The mayor has very sensibly noliticd the police force to allow iiicm to go along without molestation so long as they really do not create any dis- lurbance , or obstruct the walks , or frighten teams , etc. In other words to let them parade so Jong as they couline themselves to the rights usually allowed those who take this way of ad > erlismg a show of any kind. The Salvatiou Army would doubtless not object to being arrested , and in fact seem to court tlie notoriety und adver- tis-omcnt thus to bo gained , especially when there is evidently such a feeling in their favor. The other night it was generally under stood that there would bo tin arrest of the religions paraders. Learning this onu prominent citi/.en took thu leatl and marched ahead of them , prepared to promptly bail them out if arrested , and se.emingly anxious to have the authori ties make the attempt. .Some of the church folks have boon rather bitter about this form of religious excitement , but thov ' .re beginning to look at tlib mutter in a more .sensible light , and to icali/e that it is ono of those Mushes which arc not long lived or very dangerous. They are even counten ancing the attempt to arouse the com munity on religious matters , and some. of them arc to be seen at the meetings , and even taking part occasionally. I > IIY GOODS AM ) CLOSING SAhlj. At No. : t7 Droutiway , OppoMte I'co- lile'H .Store , CoinnioiioInK .Monday , December Otli. Come everybody and seeuro the bar gains as this is a good chance for yon to nuy winter goods for a little money. ThN stock of .f.' ) must be closed out this month. Rumember ( lie sale. Is'o , ill ? Broadway , OppoMto People's Store. 3I1KS ADHI.AIDi ; MOOniS. An Attempt Miidn to Belzt ; Her Car on ! i Claim AtfnlTiHt Her Kx-MnnaKcr. Ml s Adolaidc Moore appeared again yesterday afternoon in the opera house a lialatca. The audience was not large , and the opera hou-o wa so cold that there could bo little comfort or enthusi asm. Despite the unfavorable circum stances the charming young actress cap tivated tlie audience. Shu is even wore. pleaMiig in this than in the Lady of Ly ons. There is little opportunity for criti cism , and the showing of grace and ar tistic skill was far beyond what was to bo expected from any save Mary Anderson. Last evening as Juliet she appeared again , thus funiMiing Council Blutl's a third real treat. In this role she had more opportunity of showing her real ability. There ' was some little annoyance caused the company hero on account of a contract made by a former proprietor of the company , and manager , Mr. Sar gent , Ho contracted with the proprietor of the Crcstou opera hon o for Miss Moore to appear there. , but the contract was ignored by the present management , and the claim was made that the con tract was not in any sense binding upon Miss Moore or her present manager , The Creston parties claimed diilercntly. and sent word hero to Imve the special car levied upon by virtue of a writ of at tachment to secure their claim of 1100 damages on account of the failure to appear there on the date > .ct. SherilV Reel i lirst essayed the task of attaching the car , but h learned that its value was $52,000 , , and that bonds in double this sum wore necessary to bo given by the Creston parties. This amount of bonds with a probability of clear proof being made "ImtQthuro was no just cause for thus 1 Inching it , made the prospects rather aloomy lor those seeking to enforce the .Sargent routruct. The matter was al lowed to drop , as the undertaking was a little too heavy , when it cuuie to furnish ing $100,000 bonds fora not very good claim of $100. Lost there might be further .innoyaiioo caused bj attaching the wardrobe of Miss Moore , probably the richest Mid most elegant of any lady on the Ameri can stage , the greater part of it was not here. here.Miss Miss Moore next appears at Leaven- worth , on Monday night. liiutornlnc SorcMilRii , HALT. OK L. A. , No. M03 , ) MiM-oi'iti VALI.KT , Doc. 1 , 1680. f Whereas , Humors have been widely circulated and published in the Ninth congressional district of Iowa , charging directly that some person belonging to the assembly of the Knights of Labor had offered to procure the vote of one of the as cmblies in said district to Colonel Kcatley for congress for a consideration , but said charge was not specific us to who made said ofler , but as said charge was made In such a manner as to leave a strong impression that Mr. James Sove reign , editor of Atlantic , was the guilty party. Now. the objects of the Knights of La bor are that the laborer Is worthy of his hire , and that man shall gain his bread by tlie sweat of his brorr , and that they in all matters peck only justice nnd fair compensation for labor ; that the laborer shall bo socially and domestically re garded far above the. aristocratic idler be he a monarch or millionaire , and that integrity , sobriety and industry arc the guiding stars of the order- that treachery , bargain and sale in all political matters are wholly ignored- that no man can have the confidence of the order , who betrays the order in honor anil integrity , ami the political intrigue , bargain and sale as heretofore practiced by tlie old parties are wholly ignored , and that after a lull and thorough and fair investigation by authorized agents of this assembly of Missouri Valley , the following resolutions were unanimously passed : L That .lames Sovereign was entirely innocent of the above charge set forth in the preamble ; that he knew nothing of the oiler or request until after put in cir culation. 'J. That we consider him worthy of the cnnlidcKco of the brotherhood in all re lations he sustains in the order. a. That we consider the necessity and honor of the order a sullicient guarantee of final success. I. That a copy of the preamble and resolution * bo forwarded to Mr. Sovereign eign , also to the Omaha Br.K , for publica tion and a copy kept on lile in this as sembly. L. A. ftliOS. Missouri Valley , la. Sloven ! Stoves ! Stoves ! For tlie next 30 days I will sell heating - ing stoves t cost for cash only. P. C. Do Vol. To-Iluy'H Kcliu'OUN Services. The following notices of church Cer vices to be held to-day have been haudtul in for the information of the public ; . The Roy. J. Fisk will occupy the pulpit 'or the HOT. A. Brown , pastor of the A. M. E. church on Williams street to-day at 70 : p. in. , ah the said pastor is sick at No. 127 Vine street. I'JUST CO.MIRUGATIONAr. . Services in the Congregational church to-day as usual. Preaching by tlie pastor. Morning subject. "Glory 'to Coined1 Evening , "Is It Well With Thee ? " You are cordially invited. FUIST jJAi'nsr rnntrii. Preaching by the pastor in the Baptist church at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. in. Sub ject foi morning , "The Saints in Heaven. " Scats free. HAICMONV MISSION. The union services at Harmony mission will be conducted by Uov. T. J. Mackay , rector of St. Paul's church , to-day at' : i o'clock. Sabbath school at 4 o'clock. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. Topic , "Christian Joy. " hT. 1'Al'L'S Clll'ltCH. Holy communion and sermon 11 a. m. Sunday school It ! o'clock. Evening ser vice 7fi : ( ) o'clock. The rector will preach morning and evening. We carry the largest and best stock of musical Instruments , music boxes , musi cal novelties , toys and fancy goods in the city. Mruu.KK Mrsic Co. 103 Main street. Paul Is Coroner. The contest started long ago in regard to the office of .coroner was yesterday settled. Conueii on the start laid some claim .to the office on the ground that he held over , as his elected successor , Dr. Bellinger , had not qualified in due time. Council , however , soon relinquished his claims to the oflice. as indicated by his turning over his books and papers. Dr. Bellinger claimed that the county board granted him an extension of time in which to ( iimlifv , but the cou. < ty board elected Mr. 1-aul. Bellinger took the matter into court , and yesterday Judge Conner decided It in favor ol Faul , who has been serving as coroner since elected by tlio board to fill the vacancy. Stamping and full variety of embroidery materials. Mrs. 11. P. A'il'cs10 B'dway. Tlie County \Vlns. Some time ago a bov named Blakc lcy , while prisoner in the county jail , got.his arm caught in the bars as the jnil cylin der was being revolved , the boy being quite badly injured. The family brought suit against thu oily. Yesterday the case came np before Jud e Conner , who was here holding a special session in cham bers. The county filed a demurrer to the petition of the plaintilV , setting forth the general claim that the county was not liable. This demurrer was mihtalncd , and the plamtitl given time to amend his peti tion. The case is deemed virtually set tled , however , by the decision of the court. _ Wall papnr , shades , paints , etc H. P. Niles , No. 10'J Broadway. Fire at Avoun , Last evening the railway eating house nt Avoca , containing nine rooms , and the depot and telegraph office were totally destroyed by lire , which caught from a defective flue in the telegraph ollleo. The eating honso was run by Mr. Hockhoid , who owned a part of the furniture , the railroad company owning the building , which was valued at from 1 ,500 to ? ! ) ,000. Mr. Hockhoid had f 1,000 insurance on his furniture. Mrs. Dr. 1) . Truosdell , a graduate of the Toronto , Canada , Therapeutics institute - tute , is prepared to treat all ela-sos of diseases "and demonstrate the curative power of electricity" in accordance with a new and complete system of Klnctro- Therupcuties , Electro-Magnetism and Static Electricity. Female diseases a spccittlty. Located at No. 807 Broad way , second lloor. Oflice hours 0 a. m. to 5 ] ) m. _ Heating stoves at cost to close them out W. A Wood , No. MM Main street , David \ \ riglit , a colored citizen of Co lumbia City , l-'Jti. , is ( lie father of tvrontv- live children , most of whom are living. His present wife is worthy of her third hiiebiiiid , for the has borne twenty-seven children , of whom nineteen live. A negro well digger in Leesburg , ( in. , was alarmed at tnc disappearance dt his crowbar which ho was usint. ' in the bottom tom of the well. Investigation showed that a thin crust of stone 'was between him and a pool of cold water twenty feet in diameter. Three members of a charivari party in Two Uivers , Wis. , were lined f 12. TWENTY GRAND FREE GIFTS To Be Given AwAy Bj Henry Eiseraan k , Co. ' People's Store. TO THE LUCKY TICKET-HOLDERS On January faili , 1HH7 , Consiatlnc of Furniture , . qiilnmvnre , Clotlilnci IllnnkctR , Tnbln MUCH , Notions , * Money'silk ' Dt-cM Pat terns , Ktc. , Etc. For every two ilollnr's worth of goods purchased , you will receive a coupon ticket , good for one chance in the follow ing Grand Picscnts to be given away by us on January loth , 1SS7 : l-'IHST PlMHK-Ono Fiiitc of Parlor Furniture , consisting of sofa , tcte-a-tcte and lour grand easy chairs , nil uphol stered In assorted shades of elegant silk plushes , worth | 13."i. ' SKCOND PIMZK-Ono Maliogony Ucd Room Suite , consisting of Hedstead , Dresser and Wash Stand of elegant lintsh with beveled glass. THIRD 1'UlXK-Oue of the very best six-drawer Nickel Plated Domestic Sow ing Machines. Tlie very best machine In the United Static , worth ? G5.00. FOURTH PRIZE Twenty yards ( tiilnclt best grus grain Black Silk , cost 5:1,00 : per yard , worth .fCO.OO. FIFTH PUlZK-One elegant Seal Plush London Dyed Cloak , to bo. made to order to lit the lucky ticket holder , worth $00.00. SIXTH PHlZE-One pair of the finest White Blankets made by the Pioneer Woolen mill , of California , worth $40.00. SEVENTH I'RIXE-One - Beautifully Decorated Dinner and Tea Set , consist ing of ono hundred and forty pieces , worth $53.00. EIC.HTH PRIZE An Elegant Seal Skin Muir , Avorth $30.00. f NINTH PRIZE A very line Paisley Shawl , worth $05.00. TENTH PKlZE-Oni' Angora Beaver Shawl , worth $30.00. ELEVENTH PlUXE-Ono CJeutleman's ' Suit of Clothing , made of Imported Worsted , guaranteed a fine fit for the winner , worth fJto.OO. TWELFTH PRIZE A Gentleman's Fur Beaver Overcoat , worth $30.00. THIRTEENTH PR IRE - One Boy's Overcoat , for a boy between the ages of a and 1 ( ! years , to be chosen by the lucky party holding the ticket. Worth $15.00. FOURTEENTH PRIZE Ono Boy's Suit , for a boy between the ages of ! ! and 10 years , to be selected by the winner. Worth $15.00. FIFTEENTH PRIZE-One Elegant In fant's Cloak , worth $10.00. SIXTEENTH PRIZE-One Elegant Brass Parlor Table , wortli $10.00. SEVENTEENTH PRIZE-One piece ol TiO yards "I1 mil of the Loom'1 muslin , worth $1.00. EIGHTEENTH PRIZE - One half dozen of tliovery Celebrated "Gold1' white shirts , of which wo are the exclusive - . sive agents , worth $0.00. N1NTEENTH PKlZE-One Fine Silk Mnlller , worth fi.OO. TWENTIETH PRIZE-One Linen Table Sot , consisting of Table Cloth ami a DocuNapkins worth ? 10.0 < ) . TUENTT-KJRST PRIZE - A Ca-h Present of a Twenly Dollar Gold Piece. Total value of presents , $800. Witli every $3 purchase you receive a ticket , also a tlcKol for every additional $2 purchase you make. Hold your tickets until .January 15th , 1887 , when the fortunate numbers will bo announced and invited to call and re ceive their presents. PJC.MEMUER. Yon have to pay nothing extra for j'onr purchases , We guarantee to sell you ( roods uhcaper than any other house in the'west , and best stock to select from. WAIL ORDERS. All orders by mail will receive prompt attention , and' ' 'tickets ' for the free gift distribution ) will be forwarded and enclosed nvjth your purchases , the same us If yon Were present in person. These distributions will be made with every fairness , and you may depend on it that the lucky numbers only will receive heir presents. No tickets will be issued to the em ployes of our house. Customers only will receive the bene fits. fits.Call Call and see the above mentioned pres ents now on inhibition in our mammoth store and convince yourself. Respectfully , Hiixuy KISEMAN & Co. , ' People's Store , Nos. 314 , 31C , U18 and 320 Broadway , Council Blntls. TAKE NOTICE ! You have but a few days' grace in which , to purchase Carpets , Curtains , Rugs , Window Shades , Etc , , .A.T The UNHEARD-OF PRICES Which we are now making. Remember that we are shortly to make a change in the firm , and wish to close out our -present stock before doing so. Council Bluffs Carpet Co. , No * 4O5 Broadway , Council Bluffs. i. * WILLIAMS , 506 Broadway , ( Council Bluffs. ! RII lieadipg Styles and Irpporbabiops opstantly op { Han 14O6 Farnam Street , Omnhn.Neb. BUTTERINE BUTTERINE , Wholesale and retail. Families supplied with ten and Iwcnly pound pack . ages. J , Y , FULLER , 39 Pearl st , , Council Bluffs This will be llie week for bargains. Our entiic line of shawls at 85 per ct , discount. Way down to close out. They must be sold. We distance competition in qual ity of goods and low prices , is tlie veidict of any customer. CARPETS 3Innufncttn'ci's arc Then never waft .so Jon ; nnd cnn- not so remain , Onr stock Is larye < in < l ixitli'i'iis tIioiceVices will lie with itxfortsn LADIES' UNDERWEAR At a Bargain. Stock largeand'we are bound to sell it out. Call and see our goods before purchasing elsewhere. HAROESS BROS , 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs SPECIAL NOTICES. Kperlnl advertisements , such fin Lost , round loJ.oHn , For Sale , To llcntnnt ; , Honrdlntr , etc. , will beliiFertort In thin column i < t the loir nttoori'KN CENTS 1'KH LINE fonhe flrtt Inaer- Ion nnd I7lro Cents I'or Una for each 6Ubs inient insertion , Lcuve nilverllscmcntB nt our nllk'fl No. 12 Tun ! tlioc-t , near IlrriMlvrnr , Council llluffn. WANTS. "I71OH HUNT The one blory frame bufclnoKS .1 ? liullilinir with 4-room ilwuUIni ; nltitclinient formerly occupied by Jl , I1. Nlles , nnd known us No. 110 .SmithMill n ttieet. .M > j > ly toM. f. Itohre r. _ HKNT A now two itorr Irnmo hoiieo FUII 0 inomp , hull und collar under nut Ire houeo , on N. K. corner A onuo ! ' nnd Little Curtis street. Only 7 blocks from Do- hany'sopem house. . Cnll on M , 1' , Jlohrcr , at 02 Mam Btroet , ( un-tttilrt ) . A cottiiKu of Urn or felx looms , WANTKD located convenient to tnHineis ; sinull family , no children , Aildreus "CiUpy , " Hie otlicc. _ ANTKD-A mitn to drlvo tvuin for ibo winter. I ) . .1 , Smith , Kiirdtier und fruit r o wor , South 1'lrst street. _ ANTKD" A boy with pony to curry Hee _ route. _ OU SALE Old papers for ealo nt the li e olBco. ANTEU-l'ftrtlrs intending to bo married kro wanted to call lit the 1'ryor's Dee job office to eok'Ct their wedding came. [ /Oil BAhE At u barguln , forty acres of land -I on North side , jieur transfer A valuable frontage , Mel Yin smith & Co.W Main ut. * FOUND A bunch of keys. Onner cun have by applying to Jlee olllce. _ TTIOrND A Check on Oiniihn bunk. Owner 4c n hnro eumo bjupjjljiiijr to ilce oltice , Council lllutfe. _ B. RICE , M. D. , / > _ - _ Or other Tumori rouiiivrd nlthoul „ „ „ If UHt ers tbo knlfo ordrawinK of blood. Oror thirty jrenrs practical experience. Ho. II I'earlBt. , Council lllutfl. Hr CoBiulUtion rree. BOOK BINDING I , - Ifen . .ToiirnaN , Cunuly ami ICaiiK Work nl' Alt tiiiuli a Spec ialty Prompt Attention to Mail Orders MOREHODSE & CO. Room 1 Kvcrot Block , Council Hinds , Standard Papers Used. All styles of bind ing in Muga/.iues aud BLANK BOOKS. . C. n. Xulionnl Bicik , .M. K. Smith .V Co. , Citizens' JlHiiV. De ere , WolU * Co. , > li'st National IlnnV , c. II. Insurance Co , Officer &l > uaeyllunker . .C.13 Savlnas Uunk. FINE - FRENCH - MILLINERY , 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha , NEW IMPORTED STYLES OPEN. Latli es buying n $5 hat or bonnet , one far will be paid ; ? io , lound irip. THE HEATOH FUEL CO Will snpp'y you with a cleaner and better quality of Titan any one jn tbc city. A trial will con vince yon. No 028 Broadway. Telephone 110. JO1IX V. S'l'ONB. JACOII SUIS. STONE & SIMS , ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW , Practice In thu Slate nnd Federal courti Kooms 7 and 8 Slingiirt-ncno Ulonk. mePHONE 100 , FIRE IHSURHHCE -r ? \t\ \ \ \\\Q \ \ \ following Compantej. ' Hitman Amtrlcan , of Htui I'o'A anli , * of Hartford. Hartford , * of Hartford. California * , of San Francltco , Scottish Union A National , o Union , of San Francltco. ttat . of Dtt Helnii. Wllllaiaitury C/fy / , marliitl wilk a " Insure also against loss by Wind Stormt , Cycltnei and lornadoti rnit BAI.X in COUNCIL . HlltH AMI OMAHA. ONIJY LOANED ON r.oon ciry M AND KAK.M PKOPHRTV A'l LoWChT UAIKS. * * * * * * * * * * * * OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS COUNCIL IJLCJF1-S , IA , WHOLESALE AND JOBBING COUNCIL BLUFFS. DEERE. WELLS & CO. , Wholesale Agricultural Implements , Cnrrlnires , . He. Council muffs , loir * . KEYSTONE MANUFACTl'RING CC > 7 Mmiufnctiirersof ( mil Ounlorn In Hand and Power Corn Shatters , And nRC'iiotnl line of Urn ol M iiprioiiltuul Implements. No . 1BOI , l l. IHtt nuil 1S07 . < outli M ln Slrett , _ * Council HiilT , , lowii. _ " IAMI ) HRAULKV , V C ( > 7 ilnmlf'n nuil.lotihort of Agricultural Implements , Wagons , C rrl ei . nurt nil Xlnd of F rm Mnehlnprr. 1100 to Hit South Main Htrtet , Counoll niuffn , Ion * . COUNCIL Bl.UFFS CARPET CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades Oil Ctotlm , Oiirtnln Flxturei , Ut1nil | tt > rr tlo Etc. Not ( OS Uroxdwijr Commit Illuffi , ln ra. ClOAllS , lOUAKl'O. K'lV. PKKKHOY & MOORE , WliolcMla .toblMir * In th Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes Nos. ISMsIn uU7 l' rl SU. Council Uluff * . low * . COMMISSION , SNYlKlF& LHAMAN , frnit and Produce Commission Merchants. No 14I'onrl St. , Council DKl'tlUISTg , HARLE , HAAS ftcoT , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , rnrelst ' Silmlrlrj. Kto. No , 22 Mnln St. , and No. Sl' iarlSl , , roum-ll Khiiri. nit ; rs. O. W. Ut'TTS , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty General Comml § ion. No. it ! Dr rvdw y , Council W1RT DUQUhTTE , Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery , - A Nil- COMMISSION , No > . ir.iimt 18 1'cikil St. , Coimoll IIAnXKSH. ETC. BECKMAN , bTROHBEHN & CO. , llaiiii'aotiireis of snrt Whultnatu Do ilun In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. Ko Mnln 31. . Commit Uluifi , low * . u A 7-N , ( M/v . Brr. _ _ _ METCALF BROTHER . Jobbers In Hats , Caps and Gloves. Nos. . ' 112 nuil H4I Hioaihvay. Council IHtllTd. IlKAVY KEEL1NE * FELT. WhnlcsMu Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , . \VooilHoek , Cuunoll lltutTi ) , I own. orns. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , WliolcdHlo le lur § In Illuminatiug & Lubricating Oil ; G E3TO. , KTO. F.Thoodorp , A ont , Cuunoll llluTj. ! TOWA. KTC. A. OVERTON fi CO. , Hard Wood , Sonthera Lumber , Piling , And Dridif" Maturlul Snnclaltl 8Wholoialn Lum ber ol all Kindt. Ollloo No. 1 % ) M la St. , Council HIiillB. low * . n'lXKS AND JjlQUOItl. JOHN LINDElt , Wholosnln Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors for St. ( lOttlianl's llnrli Illtteid. No-U MrtlnHt. Couurll Illuilt. SCHNEIDER & BECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , t , . 1'i.imrll Hints. L. KIRSCHT & CO. , Wholesale Liquor Dealers. No. 116 IJroudwny , rouncll CBESTON HOUSE The only hotel in Council Hlufl'b having re Esoa/pe And all mo 'crn improvcinenti. 21/5 / , ' , ' 17 and tll ! ! Main et. MAX MOIIN , Prop. Reduction in Prices , JN China Glassware Etc. , , . , AtV.S Ilomnr * Co's , No. aa.Malii bt Council Ulufls. MELVIN SMITH & CO. , srr i i > uns in McMAHON & CO , ibst acts of Title , Lean and Real Hs- tat ) Broker No. 236 Main St. llnvlitfi ] > nrtitiiisril f"HU < > s < rrlhi- blf nhnlfdct lnHil > H In thin enmity , " l.'noiun its ( tut "MvMnlinn Abtru < : l JSoul ; * , " ii'f < irr now in'ejHtrrtl lit fur- nlxh nlisti'nct anil ri'Hnri't * fully m > - llclt tint iHiti'nniiiet > f nil thom" iii'slr- ina correct itli h'itiin of title tit Inniln anil loin in I'nttdnmltHinlc connti/ . SMITH 6 CO , HO. 236 Win ST. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. Buy COAL Of G. MAYNE , At nth Bt ami IItli iivo.i and M. Giilla- 'ri Hi ore , Lower Kroiulwuy.