Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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The Magnificent Congressional Library
Which Will Else Out of Present Ohaos.
'Ilic Capital tlioOrrntcsl ? talcli-Mnk
Ins City In tin ; Country Ore At
Activity In Ural Uitnte
WA IIINOTO.V , Dec. 4. | Cottespoiidcneo
of Iho Hut : . I Tlm silo of Uic contrrcsslonnl
library building looks llkn a section of
Charleston dtirinit llto recent eartliiimlc. ) ;
Two 8ittmrc tlicy sire located Immuillately
nst of tlierniiltol-of old bnllilliici , mostly
lirlek nnd from one to llvo stories In height ,
arc piutliilly turn down , and scoic of teams
iitid an nrmy ol men nio clearing away the
it Is u busy scene , and will contlt'Uc to for
yen is. Ilellc hunters are lingering nbout the
historical blillilltiKi , picking tin pieces of mn-
tetlal , fr.inmtmt-i of furniture , ntul tbu llttlo
tunket.s which fall by the way as the fltinc-
tnres nro lorn to lrntniiiits. ; ; It will be live
or six vi'nrt liuforu the Imlldini ; w 111 bo completed -
ploted , mid It will eost from five to eight
millions of dollars to do It. It
is to bo of m unite , nnd the handsomest
structure In America , with dawllng ui > -
pi ouches , pattoincd niter the Italian ren-
imlssaiiep which tins given Homo colebtlty
umon thii meliitetts nud orbits of the
Moanvvhllo the train load of books in the
old congressional library looms on the tlrst
Moor , mid In the western ccntrnl portion of
tho' , nic heaped up llko so many cords
of steve wood , fc'onfuslon abounds. It can
not be helped. When In the now quarters ,
amid tlio glatu nnd glitter , surrounded by
paintings , statuary , fountains and bustle ,
tliero will bo uriaiiKcmcnt and n complement
of clerks nnd guides for the public.
wAsinxiiTON's \tvniiiAOKAiti.n inconn. :
" \VashiiiEton Is Rolnt ; to bo chock lull of
inarrlaircable. Indies this winter , " said n
l > retty llttlo southern widow to your cones-
Iiomlent last evenlnt ; . "Do yon know , " she
continued , showinir n keen Interest In the
subject , "that this Is tlio crcattst match-
niakiiiK city In the unlvcrso'.1 No' . ' Well , It' .s
Ituo. More ladies como hero to et married
tlmn to Imlf n do/en other cities of the same
uopulatlon. It is beeausu of the pleasant so
ciety , the duality of. the suiioundlnc's , and
the K.illnntry of the eltv. All the ladles want
to llvo here , nnd 1 don't blnme them. 1 have
foeon coming here toi three vvlntun but not
for the pin pose 1 mention. "
"Do yon think It a desirable place to hunt
"I cannot sav so1 and n tilt of disappoint
ment gleamed In her bku'CU big blaelc eyes ,
nud the Hush monnteil her velvety cheeks.
"Hut It Is a eood plaee for men to s > eek vv Ives ,
I know you must have seen that much. The
Indies are handsome tin' ' Accomplished , as a
inle , and hundieds of tlicm have wealth nnd
tmclnl standing. As L said , they are smitten
w Hh tlio glare of tlio capital and ttio abandon
of the people. If theio Is anything ; a lady
like ; ) Ills ea p and elegance plenty ol tlnio
and an abundance ot taity. These , with n
Kullant and blight huso gentleman , inaKo
it so nice. I have attended receptions , din
ners ami all maiinei of entertainments social
In 1'ailHand London 1 was educated at the
camtal of Fiance , but thoio Is nothing so
lastingly pleasant ns j on have In Washing
ton. 'Ibink ol Americans , with all that Is de
sirable In Europe , rUlit at vottr fingers'
pndsl As a plaeo of lesidenee , I'.irls has ob-
Iltoiated its attnietlons , or bleated them , by
nationality. "
"Aro theie moro maulaces here than in
other clttcj , proportionate to the popula
" 1 cannot say that there are ; but you must
lemembor the matches made heio are cul
minated "IsuvvJmre. Tlm ladie.s come hero ,
incut it'slilents or vlsltou , court , nmUo en-
then co homo and tret mauled.
Ob. It's jolly , comtlng In AVnslilngton ; an
dlllcront from other places. Theie Is lomance
In everything. A woman that couldn't plot
an elopement heio , under the { 'littei ot the
L white house , the roar and bustle ot the cap-
Uol , and to the music of the dining mom and
will , Ism't vvortli havinij. I5ut , seriously. I
novur heard ot HO many laillca who
wanted to Kct married as are hero now.
i know them , and see them overv-
wheio I go widow * , orphans , dniiRhter ot
imiKiintes , .statesmen and potentates , if l
were a jouiifr man t'd bo a bigamist suro.
J.ots of men roinu hero to look , for wives ,
but there nio not ono ol them to to ten ladies
who nrc looking for husbands. The hotcK
aiistoeiatie boiudinu' bouses , the Hats , and
the pilvato lesidences me lull of them ;
scoies are In every sqnnru. Mj I 'Water ,
water , overvwlieie , anil none to dilnk ! ' And
the illHcoiiraninc leatnio is these ladies nro
becoming moio plentlliil every day. ( iieat
titmlllos of them conio in a bunch , put up at
Iho li hionahle place ? , or rent houses , and
tjtav tho1 MMbon out. An aeceptablo man
could many tin Ice a wook. From the Inllovv of
lanilllar laces It looks like the market would
bo better supplied this short seabon thnn
ever betoru. "
Many pt'oplo aio about golni ; wild here
ever tlio oi ! . ' money belnt ; made in conso-
iiience of thu extension of Massachusetts
uvunno and other leal estate deals. Tools of
every Imaginabledceciiptlon lor the invest
ment of it-ill estate uro belli ! , ' foniiLMl , uvon
tlm mosseiiKCrB In ono of tlm ilepnitments
manlpiilatlnt ; n deal of moan jiropoi lions.
These who boiiKhtthn itnal propert } In thu
noithwestern pait ot the elty which will bo
a Heeled by the avenue mtoiisioii have made
much money 11 they can sell at tliucununt
estlnmto ulncod upon their jmiperty.
Ttivro are two w thieo real estate twols
nmoni ; men on Capital hill who liau ; but
oullnary means which have been operated fur
mom than n > ear with reat succebs. The
mombuiMilpj are limited , usually to about
ono bundled. Kadi ono buys a book , nnd It
costs 10 oi S O n mouth. Olllceis am elected
liy the booklioldcrs at inwtlut's hold nn-
niially , nnd nnexeeutlvo eommitteo seleeted
which makes all the investiuouts. The
pool. as It Is known simply , bins and sells
u'fldfnces and vaeont lots. .Nono of the
high prlrod jiropoity Is touched.Vlicn \ any-
ththp Is bought it Is solU as soon ns a Kood
prolit can bo obtained. J lin IntcroitH on the
investmenls no farhavo notteil 1,1010 than 2i
nereent on an nvnraRo. vvhllo ono pool that
lias been In operation ubout bixleeu mouths
claims to havu nettid over : ! 0 iiorceut. Xonc
of the bonK-ovv noi.s want to sell out.
At no time have the leal estate olllcc.s been
ho ciovvdcd as now. 1'lve liundied jieojilo
nro inoreisloual real estate camblors. TUey
Imy luopurtyut option. For two per eentor
the Schedule ptlco llm option ot purchase
Can bo had lor Utteo.i days. .Many men
make thiuiNviuls ol dollaisajeai ulthonlj a
lew bund i t'd 5 of capital.
HK'I > oo TO Tiir
'L'lio lov. Alyion U , Iteod , who made such
: uemai liable iaen tor eonurcss In Colorado
on llm democratic ticket , tells a tilcml hem
tlut thuoters In the opposite partv scorn to
ImuM'omo to thu samu eoneliiblon nbout
fccniiina ; him to the national capital that the
uncouth V.OIIIIK man did In lofuiouco to hoai-
ins a uiral prwchet ; and Uo jnocceJs to tell
a stoiy In Illustration.
Years ago , in tlio primitive days of schoolhouses -
houses and countiy churches , a backwoods
minister expounded the gospel in a iinal
lirte'rict ' , vvhcio school vv as tniulit on week
il.ijs , It wns .Sunday momlnc. In
tint nudluncu vvas a tail , lank
jouiiU man , Ignoinnt , scijdi' as.1. VM.
couth , nurjnsf llm nivas-uing the lellow went
out of and ! ; , 10 Iho odliico with acareli'ss-
IU'FS which plalnlj said lie didn't enio. fin tlm
mlnl > teroi 11115 body eNe. I'lnally tliiniian's
sietioiu bivaniH nnnojinj : , and wlien he wna
about leaviur tlm mom on ono ol his walks
the meaehei hallul him. " 1011111 ? man , "
j-nli he , "i on iinnnv me. This tiling ot your
inditreroncu to tlm gospel Ins ie-olviM itself
into this bimtilo piopositlon : Would vou
rotlicrslt natleiitlv-nnd hoar mo throimh. oi
p Io the dev II ? " The Br.vyk diinv lilin eir up
io his six foot thwu , Mri-lclicd UU arms nnd
U'jilli'il uaidonleally : "I'pon ' tlio whole , 1
think 1 would ratlicr uo { o the devil. "
A. Now Opera House for
imcAoo , Dec. 4 , About twenty-live lead-
lut ; citizens of Chicago , Maivhall i'luhl IHO-
b'idlnjr , met in an attonioj'd ollleo this afternoon -
noon and subscribed t'iOilXW ) to build an
oix'ia Iiuuso. ( treat ( y o\eodlnu' the nsuai
l o. 1 ho Idea is to provide an auditorium
more suitable lor iifUionr.l KaiheiiUKa than
{ ho ofn > M used "X'-ositlon bulldlnv.
/V / dliBUlCAtiVtt. .
Ulfllciilt j lii t'lf ' town IHocc-ne Hctucoti
lilsliort nnd I'rlrst.
DAvrvroiiT , In. , Dec. I 'Special ' Tele-
pram to the UI.K.I An open letter to ItUlit
lev. ! William Stevens I'eny , bishop of lown ,
/iom Itov. Chailcs H. Kellozp , Is exciting
much eommcnt throughout the state , ana tlio
history of the controversy which called It
forth Is not without carnal interest. Thpro
Is no doubt about the genuineness of the
open Ictler4 ns the author hns been called
upon for numerous copies of It fiom various
frourecs. Jtev. Mr. Kcllogg was eight > cars a
professoi In Orisvvold college , tlie leading In.
stltiition of the Episcopal church in Iowa.
The thtirch pcoplo of the state , pnrtlctilatlv
those of Davenport , have had a warm regard
for the Institution and Mr. KelloRg's position
Is that the bishop ot the diocese has never
manifested any Interest , to say nothing o (
real , in behalf ot the Institution , and that
the endowments of the college have been tip-
tilled to a certain extent to Kern-
per Hall , the boys' school or
prppaialory department. On Mny 2o
last , Itlshojt 1'etry , OK-olllcIti president of the
board , read a teport to the tiuMces which
favored the closing of tliu college. Tlio io-
poit reflected somewhat on the ! acuity , nnd
live dayM later I'rof , Kellogg , who Is regauled
as one of the ablest of the Iowa eleigv , pub
lished a two column letter In the Sunday
Democrat which was bitter toward tlio
bishop. Much feeling resulted , and on Juno
10 the chair Prof. Kclloug held was
abolished b } the board ol trustees , n resolu
tion liulng adopted , however , tectot-
ting that such action was necessary.
1'ollowing this action theie were some
anonymous commiinlcntlons published In the
papers which kept tlio matter before tlio pub
lic. Another bone of contention between
the bishop and Mr. Kellogg , who had been up
to Kcbruaiy Inst , canon In the bishop's cathe
dral , was the Introduction by the bishop o
the high church notion of candle burning.
This tm < congregation did not endorse and
Canon Kellogg withdrew. It Is thought by
those competent to judge that both parties
Have allowed their prejudice to get the better
ol their judgment.
Klcinlor l''lro Near Fremont.
Fnr.Moxr , Neb. , Dec. 4. fSpochil Telo-
pram to the llr.n ] This morning about fi
o'clock the elevator nt the lauch of the Stand-
aid Cuttle company , se\en miles west of Fre
mont , uas dlfcovcicd to bo on tiro. The
pumps and lire apparatus of the company
weio biought Into icqulsitlou to subdue It ,
but the elicits failed. The pumps were Kept
running until the building was thoroughly
ntlrc , when the slack coal bin caughtaiulan
explosion occurred , driving the engineer and
men at the pumps from their posts. The lire
spieau rapidly and had Its own way. In two
or tllieo hoius the elevator was all consumed
and three cars ol feed standing on the track.
After the building was consumed Iho pump
was stalled and the water turned on the
burning gtain contents of the elevator. At 1
o'clock n poitlon of Hie Fremont fire depart
ment went up In response to a telegram.
Theie was crest dfftlciilt } In saving the large
barn adjoining , containing. VIM ) head of cat
tle. The loss on building and contents Is
S-'U.OOO : Insured In the Umli-iw liters , of Xow
York , tor 810,000 and for ? 5,000 In another
Snrjiy County's Contest.
TA PILLION , Neb. , Dcr. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to the tii.J ! This is the third day ot
the election contest between MeKcniu and
Suell lor the ofllcc of reiiresentatiM- . The
olliclalcaii\assga\e McKenna , democrat , a
majority of twehe. Snell , the republican
contestant , claims that a large number of
railroad men liotu Maunders county \\eio
biought o\er to Sarpy mm voted for Me-
Kennn , ntul the contest is based solely on
this chaige. Snell is a strong Van \Vyck \
man , ami made the canvas on that issue. If
the lawyers pmstuMhe present dilatory work
the evidence w 111 not be ready to present to
tlio legislating bdoio the last clajs of the
I'orcory nt ICcai-noy.
KCAIIMEY , Nob. , Doc.l. . f Special Telegram -
gram to the JJKE. ] A clover toigciy was per.
petratcd heio yesterday. About 1 o'clock p.
in. a man piesenlcd a eheck at the Keainoy
Xatioaal bank lei 310U diawn by John
Woods , of the Stmtor k Wood Uattlo com
pany. The check was paid by the cashier ,
who discovered shortly afterward that tlio
blguntiircwns forced. Detectives ate after
the foiuur , but ho Ib still nt 1 true.
Kllloil by IlnrilVorl. . .
rKNDKit , > 'cb. , Dee. ) . [ Special to the
Uric. ] The 15-year-old son of John A. Itobb ,
living about four miles northwest of town ,
went into the liouso last evening foi a ham
mer. and , without nny nppaiout cause , loll
dead. The doctor founa that bo had broken
: i blood VG3M > 1. Ho had been pitclilng hay all
da > Is , thought , o\ei excited liimtelf.
The Sliallcnberic r Trial.
KnmiASKA. CIIY , Neb. , Dee. ! . ( Special
Telegiam to the JJiE-Tlie : ] pioaectitlou
closed theh evldi'iico In the Shullenbergoi
aso this noon. Tlio defense will probably
get all their evidence in bv Monday noon.
Tlio Interest in the case lemaius unabated.
tliu couit liouso boliig jiaekeil lull all dai.
Sioux City's Sunilny SImvinjf.
SIOLX Cnv , la. , Dee. I. [ Special Tole-
gr.un to the Ui n.JSecoud only in interest
to the closing ot the saloons Is the pioseeti-
tion In progtcss against openins ; the baibcr
shops on Sunday. A. S. Dennis , proprletoi
ot tlio Hntel ( iarrctson shop , was arrested
last Sunday under the city oidliiance. nnd
also since under the state statutes. A heiir-
Ingot tliocnso was had to-day and the jus-
tk has the matter under adviiomeiit.
Flro in A\ooi. ;
A\OCA , la. , Dee.I. . [ bpeclal 'JVlegram to
the UEC.J The railway hottjl nnd depot
burned at ( I o'clock this evening. The hie
caught In the chimney ot the ticket oflicc.
The tiuililinp was consumed In nil hour.
Loss on hotel building , . j5,00i ) ; on fmultitro ,
about s2,500. _
A Sooloty I-'oriiicii to Coutiternct tlio
liillnnnvo oPSoclaUsin ,
Cjnr-Afio. Dec. 4. At n meeting held in
this city this nfti'inoon to bet on footnmo\o-
ment to counteiact the inlluencu of socialists
andtheli teachines , the numo " 1'atrlotb1
r.eaqurj" was adopted. OciieraJ John L.
Thompioii wns elected piesldcnt ; Colonel II.
W. Jackbon , treasurer , and Thomas M .
Nlchol , secietaiy. An exccutlvo eommitteo
and a roiiunUtei ) on publication were np-
polntid , and the following iilatform nnd
decimation o ( piInciplea and junposcb were
adopted' Any por&ou may become a nicmbei
of Ihib leagui ! by signing the platfoi insetting
foith Its principles ami purpose * . Any per-
hon contributliig muney tu tills league will bo
entitled to m'eho its publications to the lull
amount of moue > contribute I. Tlio primaly
objects ot this league shall be :
l. To biippurt nnd defend the govcinmont ,
constitution , laws and Institutions of the
L'nltod htates , national , stuto nnd municipal ,
nb ndmiulstereit tliroiuli three neeebsaiy
aim well dciluad departments legislative ,
' * MSvj ! ! ! Run iiidlciul-aml to luiuibli a
cluuiuol throuuh whkh the oiilei-lo\ing
and law-liunoiimr bontlment of tlio conn-
jry can at all times expicas it belt
and iiuilco its ( onvictiutit > ami htiensth
JaioxMiTo optiosoanarchy. soclilliu ) , com
munism , mormoiilnin ami ( IrspolUin of all
kinds and All kindred social nnd political
horeblea that tend to destroy the peace ol
society , the nnthoilty of the gomnment ,
hnnctlnn of Inw , rights of pioperty , llbeity of
eitl/en and the sacredness of famllv , and to
son u < luo notice on niarchMs , Hoclallsts nnd
nil hlmllar "IsU" and llism , " that human
liberty , us irpicsonted ami protected by
Aineilcan fieo lustltutloiib , has cost too much
and is too valuable nnd too t-ucied to allow Ute
to bo overthrown , undermined , endangered
or ilesecrnted by foielsn agitators and lovo-
lutlonlbts. or dfiuogogucs of niiy creed ,
breed or desctlptlon , 3. Todls.semtnntobome
views and practical and ncourato Information
on political , social nnd economic Mibject ? .
by menna of carefully piepart'd Iwoks and
PPtnp'iIels ' , to published and sold nt the
biuoeobt of production mul dlbtrloutUiii , ana
tiius i > lar i the means of political education
wlthU Iho icach of all , and in general to
t > rotnote nnd encourage the Pluity and
rational dlscu slon ot social , political anil
economic questions by the whole body of
American cltlrons.
Property to Ho Equally Divided
licfwcen Sou nnd Daughter.
Ni.w YOKU , Dec. 4. The will of , the late
px-l'ievident ( . 'healer A. Arthur was offered
for probate to-day in the court of common
t-lcas. It Is a model for brevity and .sim
plicity , Alter directing the executors to pay
all just debts and funeral expenses iho v * ill
bequeaths to Ids fnithful and devoted servant ,
Urldgct Smith , the sum ot ? 500. The entire
estate , real and personal , Is bequeathed to
the executors who nre intrusted to divide the
same Into two equal shares aud collect the
Income of such sharer. , and ntter the payment
of all legal and necessary expenses , to apply
the income of onii of such shares to tlio use
ol his yon , Chester Alan Arthur , until he
shall attain the ago ol thlity jeai- > , and when
he snail attain such age , to assign said shnio
to his son. 11 m v son dlo before attaining
the ago of thirty jears , then said share Is be
queathed ti ( Ids Issue , living at Ids death , and
In default nf said Issun to my daughter , hllon
llcrndon Arthur. The oihei share Is be
queathed to the daughter , subject to thn
corresponding conditions. Tlm estate Is
estimated to bo worth about SlfiO.OJO , and the
greater poitlon Is thought to bu In stocks ,
bonds and other peisotial nropeilv. The son ,
Chester Alan Arthur , has attnlnod Ids ma
jority , but tlio daughter , Nelllu llerndon
Arthur , Is not yet liflcen > ears old.
A Dcsporatc Sorap ,
1'irr.snt no , Dee.1. . A desperate ptl/o
fight between Thomas Gillcsplo aud David
Jefliics , heavy weight lion vvorkcis , took
place In the icat of Liggetts mill , Allegheny
City , this aftcinoon. Klght loiinds weto
fought , with the advantage In favor of
Jcll'tles , when Ids opponent dealt him two
powerful blows In tno face , knocking 1dm
senseless. The light was then given to ( .111-
lesple. '
Tlic Milwaukee Itlot Cases.
Mu.wAUKr.i : , Dec. 4. Captain Black ,
counsel for Paul Groltkan , on trial foi ilot-
Ing at Milwaukee ( .iaidon last May , occupied
two hours of the court's time lids morning
In an argument for Ids client. 1'rovlous to
Ulaclc't , aigument , A. C. Hie/co argued in de
fense of Albert Aloesungcr , Uroltkan's co-
Anotlier San rrnnclsco Fnllitro.
SAN FitASCisro , Dec. 4. Tlio announce
ment wns imvile to-day of the fnlluro of
Kenney & Dver , stockbrokers. Liabilities
? 400,000. Kcnney , the senior partner , Is nt
present In Europe. Many of the firm's
eicdltors are women of icspcctiiblo class.
A. Colliery Caic-ln.
WirKn < 3iiAinn : , Doc. 4. A cave-In took
place nt the Knit mount colliery at Cork Lane
near rittston , to-day , which caused great exl
cltemeiit. Tlnee dwellinghouses wontdown
with acrashniuteiucampletuly demolished ,
the tnm.itos baioly escaping with their lives.
The Crciv Snvcct.\x , X. S. , Dec. 4. The vessel
wicckcd at hlttlo Olaco bay was the barken-
tlno Kacer , owned In St John's , IS. r. , bound
from ISnuil to St Johns. The ciew was
lauded sately.
Tlio Fire I.ccord.
Pirrsnunc , Dec. 1. A Cue on the west side
to-night totally de.strojed the spring nnd axle
department of Sinner , Mlelc > fc Co.'a o.xten-
SUe steel woiks. Loss $ yjOUO , which is fully
coveiod by Insiuance.
Tlio Sl.x Days' Contest Open to the
To-ill 01 low afternoon the great six day
bicycle race lor the forty-eight hour cham
pionship o America , will commence in the
exposition building. The entries so far nre
nine in number , ns follows : John S. I'rlncc ,
champion of thcwoild ; Fred Shaw , cham
pion of Iho west ; Tom Ilardurik , chain
plon of Kansas ; Frank Dingloy , cham
pion of Minneapolis ; Edward I3ullock , of
Omaha ; George Kogors , ot Council lilutfs ,
and Charles Totnson , of Cleveland , besides
"l'rlnce'8 Unknown. " who , It Is said , will bo
u foimidnblo competitor for first lionois.
The men will appear on the track nt 2SO :
( nery atteiuoon and contluuo running until
I0"i0 : , thus lacing eight hours each dav. The
Musical Union 01 chestra will finnlsli music
to enliven the occasion. Altogether the event
will bo an luteiestlng ono and ought to
and doubtedless will attiactlnigo crowds.
To-moiiow , being the opening day will bo
csjieclatly but upait lor tliu ladles and child
ren. All ladles with gentlemen escorts or
ladles with tickets which can bo procmed
free of charge will be admitted without codt.
School niiungcments will also piobably bo
nmdo to admit all hchnol children o\er the.
ago ot twohu jeaus. This will give the nftait
n boom , and contribute largely to a good at-
teudaiicc dining the rest ot tno week.
, Minn. , Dee. 3. 1830. To
the Editor of the Uin : : Theie has been a amount of talkthipugh tliodiiretent bi-
cyelo papers In ie aid to short distance races
that aio to take place in Omaha and other
cities this wlntei , anil several have httdclnlm
to the clmnpiotihliin of America nnd tlio
worhi. Now 1 think the best way to settle
nil this Is for sonio of the fast men to comu
together , nnd In order to give everybody a
I'lninco who claim to be speedy on the indoor
tiaek , I am willing to compete In n scries ot
three races , say tw only , ton nud fifty miles ,
each raen to bo lor tU ? or S100 a side , and to
bo open to all. Or , I inn willing to moot Mr.
JohnS. Prince , of jour city , in tlio three
abo\e-nuued ; mces for $100 each race , said
races to uitlier take place in Minneapolis 01
Oinalii , irlvo or take expenses , ami J would
name December 2S , December 30 and Janii-
aiy 1 , 01 January 1 , 4 and S. Klther will suit
me ; ami 1 would also name the IIK ! : as
stakeholder should thai. ice take placa In
Omaha , nnd It Mlnne\i ; \ > ells Is named the
Tillnmc of this city to bo stakeholder. 1 now
hold nil the woild'.s record up to twenty
mlles m.ido on an Indoor tract ? , and 1 nm
wllllni ; that In ease nelthei Mr. I'jlnceormj-
self ) ) ieak- this luconl that the gate receipts
go tosomoehiiiltablo institution. Youis
llv , T. W KCK ,
Champion Trleycllbt of America.
Two Cases Against I'ollcoiuoii Other
Court fioteh.
Two damage suits weio commenceil In the
couitsjeaterda > ajjalnst momboMof the po
llen torce. lu the county court Amo-i J. Van
Alj.stjn commenced stilt ngnlnst Officer
Mat a and lilfl boiuUmcn , Kit Mnurer an-I
William KIIIL. , nsklnudamaL'Qs In Iho sum of
Jl.OOfl by reason of bib ha\ lug been , as h al
leges In bib petition , wiongftilly unil milaw-
fully arrested nud beaten by the ollicei , on
thu nl ht of the tiiu in the Marker black. Ho
was arrested at that time charged with ob-
.btiuetlug the sticet during the lire.
In the distiict court Fred Itiillaul com-
meiici'dasultngalnst OlMccr Dan MeHrido
mid hi ; bandsmen , James Stupheuson ami
iinestigiued b > the council nt Unlhud's la-
01HKII .NOrE .
Uicckenriilsu it llreckcinldgo coinmaiicod
nu notion In the county court yiMoiday to
secure n claim ot S'-iOO against Soren Johnson
lor piolesj-lonal services.
The jury In the ra o of McAVhorter .V
Itolllns vs Cooper returned \ordlct tor the
plalntltls yesterday In the sum of SMIM.
Jiulgo'al \ \ > eloy will hold comt in Sarpv
county this week. The following eases will
bo milled bcfoiH Judge Xo\ille on Monday :
Melbult v Hlley ,
liirmiuslinms.Stnne. .
Smiley vs Omaha licit niilway comiiauy ,
Flanacan vs Omnlm llelt railway company ,
Lobech et nl vs Volgeh ot al ,
Urminlng it Co.t * , iiolst.
Finn vs Manning.
Nebraska anil Iowa In&uiauce company vs
nolt > t.
Nebraska and Iowa Insurance company vs
Hoist et ul.
Uavlb vsPngoet al.
The meeting this evening nt
ham hall , on Twelfth btroct. wll | lie con-
iluptod by Mr. Lfcorgo JopUn. Kvcryono
A tmyiunn's Opinion or ( ho
lst' Work.
To thcKditur of tlio Ur.n : The public nrc
till agitating the revival nnd asking my per
sonal \ lews , especially on dancing , card play
Ing , etc.
In the main , Sair ) Jones Is right , nnd Ids
ardent and earnest labors In Omaha nre sure
to result in n great rimoutu of good to om
city nnd stale. He is a wonderful man ami
to me the wonder ( If the world. I have nevei
known or heatd ofa' ' so outspoken ns he ,
against sin , since Clnlst's own utterances.
Snm Jones hns known sin In Its deep and
damnlne results , ami I do not wonder at hta
denouncing dauclrig and card tilwyliu and
tlieatci.'golug ns evils ; as they were , undoubt
edly , each stepping stones downward to him.
as they are to a majority ot people. I detest
tlio low d trice , which so many emtairo In , as
the lewd , the vile , the unprincipled , nro
nlwnys there , nnd many decent poor people
nio there poisoned tor life ami etctnity. I
detest cards , for the \eiy reason thnt they
nro u < oil most In e\cry ptnco of 111 repute ,
and I wish chilstlan people nud
ol good mornls , would do away
with that kind of amusement nltogethei.
1 hate n second-rate or low thcattlcal play
and do wish that sonio way for amusing the
poor could bo rreated to take the plnco of In
terior theatricals. 1 love only n pure thent-
ilcal play , tine to that which Is good , or full
of Innocent fun and nmuscmont ; but the ail-
mission to such plnjs Is usually beyond the
reach of many poor people.
The danger In Christians and people of
good morals dancing nnd playing cards nud
going to the ttioateiis Iho almost certainty of
coming In contact with ouo or moro disrep
utable man , who not only ficuiicnt the
lower places where daiiclnc. card playing
and theaters exist , Imt what Is worse , gam-
bUng hells and dancing receptions given at
houses ot prostitution. Such rnscals should
bo i us poet whatever In decent
society. No person can build up a good char
acter unless tnev first "quit their meanness"
In every sense , both to themselves and others.
Nopeisoii can live a pure and lighteoiis life
without living tliu tea commandments.
This , every one can do ; nnd If they have a
positive will to do tight , there Is a way nnd
Hint is ( Sod's way , by Iceepinir nnd doing His
commandments. Uo must repent of sin nnd
bn born ot the Spirit to dlbCern spiritual
things , and not until then Is It possible foi us
to bo conseeniled and Chrlst-llko In our
dally life. iteliiied pcoplo of high
social and moral standing enjoy
themselves playing cards In their homes or
nt select gathuiincs. or by attending a high-
toned thentilcal ami enjoy It slmplv ns Inno
cent amusement , but wo must lememboi that
the masses cannot understand that If It Is
ovll for themselves , why Is it not evil nlso'for
roliued people as well , and so It would ho
onlv for the ( inference In siuioundlm : Intlu-
oncos. Thuovll Isceitalnly not in tlm sim
ple act of ( lanclnir or pla\ing cards , but In
allowing ourselves to Indulge In oilier things
that nre actually Hlntiil. "Kvil communica
tions coirupt good manners , " nnd bad asso
ciations , except to act ns nn evangelist In get
ting them to luform , will surely degrade In
stead of elevate us. Tlio low stnndnid of
piety in Omaha churches I think is laigely
duo to Christian men nnd women neglecting
clubtlan duties for worldly plcabtiics , nnd
no rlirlstlim can by eueh neglect either
Ciow In grace or win souls to Christ.
Tour words , each beginning with the letter
"I , " name foiu giant evils to muicomu In
order to icdeetn the world to Uodi / : In
temperance. Ignorance , Idleness nud lull-
delity. Like tlio thumb on my baud icacli-
ing to each of my four lingers , o will noth
ing but righteousness teach tlieso tour evils
tocontiol or subdue them. Oil , that God's
pcoplo would be moic careful to say "No" to
cu-ryUiing that detracts from clutstlanlty.
1' . C. Hi.MiiiAUUi.
UK mi ) Ul' THE DOGTOlt.
An AllcKCtl Stoollinnu From Idaho
Turns n Nont Conliilonco Trick.
Confidence games , especially on the check
lackct , In which unsophisticated suckers
10111 the rural distilcts nre deprived of theii
ui lus cash , are oC stioh common occurrence
that mention of them is Koneially placed in
the chestnut column , nnd people wondei why
it is that this class of people continue to bite
after so much publicity has been given to the
manner in which the confidence sharks get
in their work. When a man of the woild , a
professional man , supposed to be posted , Is
made the victim of the chestnutty bogus
check conliuciicn game , it furnishes an c.x-
eubo foi thoslioitcomiiigs ot the commonci
sort. Such a case was made public yester
day , thu paiticulars ot which nio In
this wise : Dr. J.V. . Ksslngs , n well-to-do
physician of Detroit , was returning a
few days ago from n western trip , accom
panied by a fiieiid , J. G. Benjamin , ol Pout-
water , Mich , On the incoming Union Pa-
citic tiain thelormed tliu acquaintance of a
man of modest muln who jravo his nnmo ns
Al'jeit ' A. Madcr , and itipresuiitud himself as
a stockman located at Wood liivcr , Idaho.
His stories of iho wild west inteicbted the
doctor and his friend , who soon giew coml-
dential with him. All woio going to Chicago ,
but the stockmni ) had to stop in Omaha n day
on business , and as his companions of the
triu had never visited the city they were
easily induced to stop.over for a day or two.
The party loglsteied at the Mlllard , and in-
dnlL-ed in riotous li\in. . A day 01 so ago
Mndci's money gave out , but ho was equal
to the emnrcency. lie drew n cheek on the
Omaha National bmk for S103.75
nnd the doctor obligingly cabbed It for
him. lie also boirowcd 50 liom
Mr. Benjamin nnd got another check foi ilO
cashed at Toft's saloon on Douglas stiect.
Friday night ho wns missed by his lileuds , as
wns also a beavur overcoat , which was the
propel ty ol Dr. Esslngs. In taking his departure -
parturo Mador also foigot to settle his board
bill at the Millaid , nnd tlio hotel Is in tlio list
of momners. Dr. Ksslngs icported his cao
to the polleo mithoritius justordnv , and steps
were at oneu taken to apprehend Mailer , lie
was located nt the Lelami house , in Chicago ,
and n telu tam sent to the unthoiitlus oixler-
iuj ;
An lOH'ort to Ho Mndo to Souurc Its
Ijocntlou Here.
On next Friday evening an Important
meeting of .Methodists Is to bo held In this
eltj tn discuss the matter of securing the lo
cation of the nuw Mtithodl-t university in
Omaha. This is fo bu a large Institution and
the Methodists of this elty and vicinity tccl
that Omaha ought to bo the chosen spot.
Tlio question v.ill IK ) decided nt n meeting
of four bishops and delegates fiom tht > tlneo
XcbiMknconicicncift , in Lincoln , Dccom-
bor 15.
Omaha Is not the only candidate for the
location of the Institution. VoiK , which til-
icady has ono sm ill college , wants the new
iiiiUerilty badly. Shu pioposes to olfei a
blteot UOacies tor tlm Institution , brides
? r,0,000ln cash. Lincoln olfors Jiltv ucies of
land nnd 1 100,0 Ji ) as a oish bonus. It rumulns
tubobeeii whcthei Opialiacan oileiaiaiseou
either ot tliusu bids. > ,
"Theru Is no good iea on why Omnha
should not soeiiru fids unltr lly , " bald u
prominent Methodist , ln bpeuklug of the mat
ter yesterdav. "As Jim met n. noils of the
Htate and thotuntiai pinnt lu the meat \\est ,
nobettet sitoeoutdbii falloilitd. ; The imea-
t ion Is will our people nialio the niloit and
display tlmMhuialltytlfat Voik and Llnculn
ait1 e.\hiblllns' . ' "
This wcnk meeting will bo held In the T.
M. C. A. hall northea.5jj coiner of ritteentn
und Dodge btrcets crery evening commenc
ing at 7 : ! W o'clock.Tliese meetings will baler
lor men only and UiJ hoped thatthoiowillbo
a iaigo attendance. 3ev ! , W. J. Harsha will
make a short talk to mmg men at the ono on
3londuy night. TlKjuiders ) ( ! of thu other
meetingb will bo i\nii6nueed \ later ,
Gospel meeting at tlm Y. M. C. A. this af
ternoon at 4 o'clocK. everybody is Invited.
After iho Jones meetings lut tlioio bo Mich a
rally thnt the hull will bu completely tilled ,
biipoilntendent Whttlock Issued
permits yisterday ns lollows :
Kennard I'aiutnudOU Co. , two storv
brick block , 'M , etU and Uiy noith
SUteenth . S .OJ3
IVter I ) , ilattson , fiamo Ice hou u ,
Wdllams nud Second street . l 000
I ) . SV , Shull , tramo bam , 1'opplutuii
ana Twi'ntj tilth avenue . COO
Three pcrmitsaggregatlntr . Sl'.UK ' )
Kvciy airniiKement has l > cen made foi thu
glove contust that will take place at the im
position Annex to-morrow evoniiig Uoth
men nru In evccllent tilm nud proinlbc an cjc-
collent eutertalument.
Adelaide Moore Discussed Totally Lacking
in Maguotism.
Aliuce Coming The lry Iienf A
Week of Ijiuuia Abbott
Oporn ,
Poor int.ilu.ilod Adelaide Moore has
attained notoiioty if not fame. Slio lias
boon us tlioroiiKlily" discussed as any
actress that hsw boon scon hero , and In
most instances thu cilticistns passed on
her liuvo boon harshly condemnatory
To a great extent slio deserves the wet Ml
that hat boon said of her , still she is not
entirely destitute-nfabilily. At llrst she
impresses ono as a protcutlous fraud and
hopeless inanity , but closer nnalyzation
roycals the fact tlmlnlthoiigli lacking the
divlno spark by which rrrenlimss is at
laincd , slio is hi least an actress of average
ago ability. I'robably she Is very little
worse than Margaret Mather , Imt while
Mather is endowed with a lloshly boanty
that serves her in lieu of genius , and a
certain lurid , passionatuncss that acl
like niagnetfsm on a large majority of
people , Adulnitlc Moore fa as totally
laeking in magnetism ni a ulam. Thfa
is especially ] > iilpablo in her love scenoH.
which can host be iloscrihod by the word
sloppy. She is allllcted with a defeetivo
voice which entirely loin her strongest
lii $ iii < ; es of their force. U'lthuut this last
drawback , she would bo a competent
actress in less amltitlous roles. Her
Galatea was a very fair representation ,
and in the "Happy Pair" shu was good ,
all hough it was a lirst presentation and
she had only twenty four hours of study
on the part. Miss Moore is accompanied
by her brother , a guilesless blue-nyed
Lnglishman. She Is the < laughler of an
Episcopal clergyman in London , who is
much opposed to his daughter's foolish
jnfaluation. In conversation she
is prepo sessing , but her excita
ble , onlluisiahiic temperament , is
so evident that the ob orvor is lillcd
with pity that nature should have created
nii'iital faculties so unbalanced.
Hoey's latest extravagance , "Keep It
Dark , " drew largo houses to the opera
house I'ridiiy and Saturday. The mati
nee was unusually well attended and
despite its nonsense the piece was do-
clniod awfully funny.
Hicks & Sawyer's niMistroU have en
tertained lame audinnces at the People's
thcatic duriug the week.
Mile , Almee.
On Monday evening the inimitable
Aimee will bo the attraction at Lloyd's
opera house. She appears in the spark
ling comedy. "MamVolIo. " Mile.
Aimco has rapidly become one of the
best comediennes in this country. It
was no easy matter for her , at her ago ,
to suddenly turn her back upon the
French language and upon opera bouflo ,
and place her.selt in the load of English-
speaking sonbrcllcs. Uut Aimcc has ac
complished it without ditliculty , and the
position she now rightfully holds has
been gracefully yielded without a singln
objection. From the crown of her head
to the lee of her dainty slipper , Aimec h
an artist , and therefore her success i < ?
not at allsiirpri-jiiig.
"Tho7vy' . "
That charming Iiish drama , "Tho fvy
Leal , " will bo the attraction at Itoyd's
opera house the last three nights of this
week , with si matinee on Saturday. It is
written in the talented author's happiest
vein , and is full of interesting and thrill
ing Mliititions. There is a daring leap
from an ivy-clad tower by moonlight , an
execution interrupted just at the last
moment , an infant is carried oh" by a real
live ca le , and finally rescued by the hero
at the imminent peril of his life.
The Emma Abbott Grand Hoglab ]
Opera Company.
Emma Abbott , the famous prima donna ,
will appear at Uoyd's opct-a for live
nights and ono matinee , commencing
Monday , Dec. 13 , and that her appearance
will bo a most welcome one may bo taken
as a foregone conclusion. 1'ow American
artists have done more to cultivate a taste
for English opera among tno American
pcoplo than Kmma Abbott , who , though
not always having u company strictly
composed of Americans , yet has never
swerved from her original idea of pro-
entingthe most popular operas of the
greatest composers in English had at
popular prices. To plca ° o the public has
been her aim , and through excellent man
agement and an infinite tnnd of resources
she has overcome prejudices and jealous
ies by presenting all her operas in a
thoroughly acceptable manner , with true
artistes and fine ensemble. That the
Heiison of opera will bo no loss enjoyable
than former representations by the
Emma Abbott company is vouched for
by thcio.Ncollent list of artists supporting
the prima donna and in the series of in
teresting operas announced to be given.
Among the leading artistn are Emma
Abbott , Nina Uertina , Eloise Mortimer ,
Marie Hindlo , sopranos ; LU/.iu Annan-
dale , Ueitha Frioke , contraltos ; Senor
Michclcna. Agoslmo MontegriH'o , Robert
IScaumont , tenors ; William Plnutto ,
Itobort Maurcl , baritones ; William
ifrodorick , 1'iank Delano , bassos ; Walter
Allen , bulib-baritono and comedian. The
chorus and orchestra are unusually largo
and strong. The operas to ho given'are-
( Monday evening ) Doni/.etti's world-
famous opera , Lucrctia llorgia , which
contains moro beautiful gems and grand
arias than any other ot this great com
poser's works Martha , liohumian Girl.
Faust , Tiovatoro , Mikado , and Carnival
of Venice.
Since the Abbott company last ap
peared in Umuhu it has increased its
tirtUts and enlarged il.s ensemble , and it
is by far the best lli.glisb opera company
The haiid'-omp Spaninh tenor , Signor -
nor Michclciin , sings now in English and
creates greater fmorn with the ludhs
than over Unpaid or Hrigadi did in their
daysot conrinust. Mr. Uroderiok , the
handsome Insso , who appealed hero in
oratorio , will sing at every performance
and appear in his bust rolus. Mr. 1'in-
otto , tliu great American baritone , is still
with the company and lias a splendid
chance to fallow Ins powers and his vor a-
titity as an actor and ginger.
Thocnliro company is prepared to give
grand performances , and wo liuvo no
doubt but that the season will be an enjoyable -
joyablo and rcmnneiativo ono for all
parties who patronise it We eeo no rea
son why Omaha should not support tint
Abbott opera company one week as well
as Kan as Uily , bt Paul and Minneapo
Sharp and frosty Is the air , nnd the
meioury drops rapidly , while the average
citizen says : "I'll go over to 1000 I'arnam
and let the American clothiers sell mo an
overcoat. The best values I over saw in
overcoats and suits. My friends have
purchased of U 0. Jones & Co. I saw
one of their ? 1. overcoats the other day
thnt I would consider good value at § 25.
My partner is a close buyer , 1 con tell
you , and he says such prises as those of
L O. Jones' & Co , on metis' ' and boysl
clothing , were never known before in
Omaha. " " saved is
"Money money earn
ed , " If you would "live lonjr. and pros
per , " trade with
180 ! ) FurunmSt. , U100.
Iiiccuscil toVcl. .
Judge McCulloch Issued mairlnge licenses
yissterdayto the following ] iaitles :
Name. Kesiilence. Ago.
( CliaiincovO. HowatiLOmnlm
1 Alice U.ltustln . Omnlm
( W. F. A. Bauer . Omnha
) Annie Meyoi . Omnha
I J. Anderson . Omaha
1 Annie U. 1'etcisdii Oinalm
I Kmll Thompson . Omaha
j 1'olm Strom . Omnha " 4
I Xeils .N'lclsnn . Oindin JO
t Josephene Nielsen _ Omaha jr. .
Hank Cl
The bank cleaianecs torthcpasl week weio
as follows :
Monday . S ( in.STl.Os.
Tuesday . 7M.7.-.y.7H
\Ved nesday . S Hi.JKKi.tfl
Thuisday . W.OIl.SH
Friday . 7ifl'l.SU :
Satuulay . b9nr , r..oo
't'ol , il
Per cent ot increase 10.1.
Wclilon nlln
' 1 he lemains nf .Jacob Woidensall will
arrive here on Monday from California.
The funcial will take place at 1 ! o'clock
Hint nftei noon from the Kount/c Luth-
eian chinch.
Killed Hutli HI *
John Darker , llvinc In west Omahn , met
with a damaging accident jesterdav altei-
noon. lie wns engaged In grading on Twen-
t > -fifth nnd CumiiiL' stieets when the bank
caved ii ) upon hlui , Killing both of hlshoises
instantly. _
The rcvL'iuin collections ynstord.iv
amounted to $ ' , , 117-02.
The c.a o of Crop ey vs. Gage countv
occupied the attention of Jud e Dundy
in the Uiwtcd States court yesterday.
Services are resumed to-night nt tlio Fhst
Congregational chinch , Cnpltol avenue and
KiKlitcenth street , hiibjoct : "Certain Chief
Wants in Omalui.Commeicial , Social and Uo-
Tlm attorneys , of this district will meet at
the lourt liouso at lj/0 o'clock no.xt Balm day
foi Iho tiansActlon ot Impoitint tiusinrsu.
Membeis elect of the legislatuiearcMequested
to attend thu meetim ; ,
The county commissioners yesterday
approved the bond of JV. . 'Moore as
assessor of the Klkhorn precmot and or-
dei cd a car load of Hour for the poor
farm from Dolln & Sehor-i , payinjj $ ' . ' ! ! l )
per hundred weight.
The suit brought by McWhortor , t Rollins
commission mcichnnts. ugalnstG. M. Cooper
to iceover 3 00 lor a loss on u hale of wheat
on the Chh-aco Imaiit of tiade , was decided
in.luiL" ) Wakcly'n i < omt yebteidaj In I'uvoi
of the iihilntlll'.i. This is an Important de
cision , as It decides that tiiuiMtctlons on the
boanl nt trade , thromrh commission mei-
clKintj , nro legal ana binding. This Is the
hrst time thu question has been declddd in
this state. The decision , it biought bo Com
thesupiemi ! fomt , will In all piobabillty bo
nllUmed b ) that body.
Taberuttclo First Coiigivg-allon ehureli ,
Capitol avenue bi'twnun Seventeenth and
Ki htcoiilli streets. Serviced at 100 : ! ! : i
in. and 7:10 : p. m. Services led and
preachiu'r , iiiornin < r nud pvcninc , by the
jiiibtor , lU'V. A. F. Slinrrill MnrnliiKi
"Hearing and Domjj" nvoning , "Cor-
tain Chief Wants in Omaha , Commercial ,
Social and .Moral. " .Nibtiath school at
noon. Meetings during the weel. All
arc welcome to every survicc.
Tlio ( luitei- Onus : .
Lovuox , Dec. 4 , In tlm Cnmphell it > voice
eate to-day several witne bes torthedufeiisu
were examined , which icsulted In notlilni :
now being developed. The healng wastlicn
adjoin lied , SlaHHiionl.
XKV , ' VOIIK , Dec. ) The weekly bank
iit shows the ic eivi ) decreased
S-J,70.iKK ) . Thi ) banks now huld S0lioooj , In
uxcess ol legal rurjulronuiiil' ' ) .
A filtt fillCloiolaml. .
il i > iE , Dec. 1 King Jlumbeit sent to 1'ii'v
idi-nt I'lovolnnd a. copy of Iho .edition ol
Damn rei' < Mitl > pilnted lei Yiclo'f.iuinunue-l ' ,
1320 STOEET. isao
eveloped notography
Ever ) detail of Saro-iy' nu ina ( eirii \ > y hlo favorite
"W" . W.
Right } cnr * experience in lliu New York ( ja'.lerv.
who wish clupllcalcit from Mr. Katon'b 50,000 negatives can li t e the r or-
dew Promptly filled. AK a special holiday inducement we will give on
net photo v. i'h ' each dozen. 1'rpmplnoi and Uood Work , 0m inut'o.
Advorttet-montfl umlrrthls hojd. 10 cents per
line lor the first Insertion , " crnU for eneh Sub
sequent tnfcrtlon , nnd f 1.50 - \ line per month
No ndrcrtlfcinont tnkon for lcs thnn SS cent *
for the first Intrrtion. Seven -words will bo
counted to tlio linct ( hey miiot run confetti-
tlroly anil must bo pnld In AdvniioOi All ndvor-
tlicnicnti must l > o Imndcil In before 3 o'doik
ti.m..ami tinder no plrciini'tnnees will thoj betoken
token or ilkrontlmitd bj-telpplirmo.
1'nllift Advertising In tlipiuioliunn nnd liiv-
ItiFthemiiwprinOu'reMfd ' In cnro ot Tin linn
ulllplonfo nsK ft * n chock toonnWctli m topet
their letter' . M none will bo dpllrered cxcopl
on presentation of elicck. All nngwfn to nit-
veHl cmMits ( > ho U l > o enclosed In rnvnWe * .
If'MO.lOOTO LOAN nt C per com. J. .1 Mn
I' lunioy , I toil I'limam 'PJ
| t > 3 .ono to Innn. Sums fSOO nnd upwards ,
T > Lowest rnlpH. llomls room ! ) , llHrkpr block ,
8. W. cor Kitli mul rntiminsn ti'M _ _
/ T' CK.NTMonny to lonn"
" ' ( Iiepiry A llmllnv ,
Itooms t anil 3 , llrdick ulock , & 0 S. ISth St
M ( KY to Iwui lij Iho Homo I'lro liHiirnncu
cnmimnr on unlnauinliored reel i-htiitu , for
< lno > i > iirorlntncr. Olflpo inir. Doimliot t. nil
MO.VI5V to lonu , onsli on niiuil , no ilolav. ,1 ,
\v nnil i ; . I , . Huulro , 1113 I'm mini at. , P v >
Inn hotel building , Kit
rl'O LOAN Mutiny I.onus placed on 1m-
1 tirovcil lenl oMiitit In rltv or oouiitj- for
Nun KtiKlnuil l.onu A ' 1'rust Co , bj DniiRliH
( mint ) lunik , ICth mill t'hli'uno BS. SID
M' N-.At ow mtr . on iroo.1 .
elty property. llnlclict-A. Cu.l.'IO Doiii'las
MiNiv : tn loon on rlty nnd fnrm properly ,
Ion rnlus , SloM'nrt & Co. , Itoom | i , Iron
llniilc 51i |
furnltilro. line iTntrliiM uml olhpr pumonil
i iiropoi-ty. ; C..1. Uawoll , room 111 Iron llnnk
, K'llinnd Kiirnnui. _
M OM\ : o I.OANO"K.T'iiTis A Co. "oal
Htttnlcuml Loan Agents UiO.'i rnrnnm si.
T\I ONIY ; : TO IOA > un mal i-atnto mni ah t-
-L'l tch. D UTbnmns. BIH
MONnv'/ ( ) I.D.VN in sums of f2,0ixi mul
upwards on tlrfit elnss renl estate sccurllr.
I'ottorA rolilt.Jfilfi rnrnnmst. 697
LOANflintC ' Hpoii A"'o'CLoiiii
MOMIV 1' . ( . (
onica.on rurnlture. ( iliinos , hoMnB.VTiigons ,
pttNinnl property of nil kliula , mill nit other nr
tlili'sof vnluo , without rouioviil. 319 8. nth ,
OM r IlhiKlmiu'd PoinmUslon Htoro. All bust
UPSSPtrletly ronndontlnl. 5rs
MONTY If you luivoRooil notes to soil , or
wish tn borrow on i enl e ( ' \lo or elnitlols
nt fnlr Intorust , cnll on J. 11.1'iurotto , 10th nnd
f0,00n Tolnnn onOiiiuliu citj pronoilyntS
percent. 0. W. Duy. over 1 112 Dou
TjOAIfS Loutia f.otiui
Itcnl cMnloloruH.
Collntpml louua.
Ulmltol tonne.
l.oiiKtlmo lonnn.
Klioit IhnolouiiH.
Money always on o lonn on oar ap
proved it-curlty.
Inveatmuntsocurltlcs bought nnd lol.l. .
Omnlm I'lnmiclal pxchutiffo , 1GOJ I'niniun
_ t'oibptt .Mumicoi. _ milo
MONi : to lonn by Ilia iimninu > nril , wlio iTnj
the only pioporlv oiRiinl/oil loin nitoney
In Omnlm J/onii" or J10 to $1OW mndc on fur-
nlturo. pln oi. oiitnn" , horses , wnirim * , innchln-
ery , &o. without removal. No rtolnyn. All
tmslnnsfl clrlollr ponfliluntlal l.onns no mnito
thnt nny imrt cnn bo pnld nt nny thno , e-xch pny-
mont loiluclnR ilio coat pro rntn. Advnncm
nindoon fine wntchcs imil dintnnniH. 1'prroin
Mionld cnrcfully consldor irho thor nio ilcnllnir
with , na ninny now cniieernR nrc rtnlly comlns
Into oxNtnicp. Should you nrprt monnr , cull
and PPO nio. W. n Crnft , Itoom I , WIlhnMI
nulUltnir , inth nnd rinrncy. nn' '
"Ii ? O1I \fj-Or ; trinlo for iniM-ohnnilNci. no
-i 1 IUTOR ol No I limn Imitl near ( Itnnil
Islnml. C. . ) . Cnuiin fj , ' ,
FOII SALK 01 Undo on ell ) pioport ) Stoilc
orshop' . trndn o tnljllshpl. ( AttdiossT Mi. ,
ImvJIW , , Huntrico , Noli. Wit 8
TTi oit SA i.iouuivF : nm.i. ( h\iinrtn iTd"
vanclniryeniEi mm ffllilntrli-'altli I will oTi ( > r
nn hot el propci ( j forsnlo. I or niom < j iiiuklog'
: hi9 ti oiKi or HIP \ > ot elands In N'obrnsMi Atiy
cln/pii of Aghliiinl will upliolil inn lu HIM Inst
Ptntcmont. I'linn Iilnimlllffcr , piopiietnr of
: 'Jiuto Vullpv Mouse. Abhliuul , Ncur. Tfi'J li !
7OK HAM ! A Indies' anil KOIUM' oj'tor nnd
luiiphiooin , A liti hlcopliur loom iiltnehod.
ndolnlii'MHsouii | ( Tnclllc depot 1WJ ' ,
Wolislor 755. ' , *
CO.iTo ; P. iMIi ht. . OTelinttffo cro-
' oi'ilcsloi cash mul trl\ollii'lruuetuiiif > rH the
voithol tlinii moni'y ovt-i } tlino , bill r
HOINKS rjOMrnrmiIinnsmonnj mniiocl.
llcmls room j. lltirKi'r bloc'K , h U.eoi.
3th nnd rnrminsti. Bill
I > UsNissTrirvvrn-A : jrooil oration lor
Upiockerj' nnd ipieon's \\uio stoic , Iniiiiltc t
A Dormnii. Ml" S. inthBlr. IifU
FOIt HAIilJ Well c-slnbllBiicd biisliicss , In oim
III tllO bolt llllHlnCSSIKlllltS 111 llOllllWUSI-
orn > pbraskn , sltuntod at Itrokon lloxr , t'lisine '
'unity. ' Nub. , sto'k conslstlnir nf clij K' ' " > d-i ,
lol limp , lioots nnd shoi's ; will ahow nji no < i
penrd of buclni- . HpnsniH for Falling will Ini
BUon liy Hilarii = HliirlooU box i , llroKon llo\i ,
iictir uoiinly. Noli. W
[ 71OK SAliK KiMt-elUHi lillllmd 1 00111 In < JHIH |
-L locution , conininlnir tin en bininid mul t o
mol lAtilcs : tno years' ) PHSO on room ; ovnrr.
liiiijr In Hrst-UnsH condition I'nr imitlciilnrH
nnd iPHSom foi bDlllii ; , hupilru nt nr nddreH No.
; 0'i south lath st. t" > ;
Xill I ! nihortlacr minlil llko to nesoolalo him
self wltlin pniincr of HOIIID IIIPIUIS , ftftu
O J'l.'W ' ) ; 111 'it Llilfl JDMllllV DllHlllPhH , ROOll
nollt , but iL'iilrpM | nuiri ) I'liplinl ; bmiinus * * net
< iiosontPil | lu Omnlm. An A J oinxiilnnliy to
rx llvo.iictlvo nmn with ( 'ood rpfincl. t'nii KVI ! >
lie bust ri't\n \ neo-i ami ehnll roiiulro hump
AddnssT < 7. [ Ipoodk-o. Ill )
'i7 f7ii irn-
tuovcd fm in and wild Inud. J Cnsswoll ,
onm I' ' ' , Iron bank ' 111 7
\\7 ANTIlD-l'A HTN IuPEiMly oi ' KoiuTimiiu
with hinal ! fitplial , to tnlin hiilf Intcroht In
r > ' -tilhllnlici ] , ptirinunniit , lirbt-olasx city Uni
n < 3 pnjniir t.ouo to J ,0w ( jtrvrly ; need UMI-
ons lor polling ; ( 'rnnJ ctiunuu foi rlclit paitv ,
Address S4'J , Hue ollleo. Giil
Onoor lliu tit'sl ruyliiK liolnl in
A. ' thii < ! jty , iiiiiKinmontiy List. luist < > f
cft'ims lor M llinx JV * ) eitrt'i io < | Ulred to irel
t C i : . 1" > )7 ) riirnnm it , Uf
| OJ ( c'Al/ft-Hni'lHuro ' ' HiiKiiii > a < t W'o ollur
V oiiffhrlf nnd lipnvy hnrdwiur biihtupasor
nil' , fojfolhpr with our lon o un > l ifiioilvlll. .
imiol.irKu't In tlio city mid locution tl > r h < it.
lotrrlntr from tliq Imclncs innso lor Mi'lli
Tlio Iliiiiiu Hnnlvriiro Co , lU''t ) O Bt , l.liuolu
" " "
_ _
1'ioni JO 10 " 0 per ei nt on lliodn.liir
J liy not Imyloi , ' t-'ioi oi lu" pioduii' ' , eln , nt
stuttsA ; t'o'H , 11(1 ( S IMliRt. Wl 6
f OsT 7'nr lilifli. Itoiiirn to HU7 N' . "illli nnd
l J BU ga.uf > ioHma. 7 t r ,
TO- On Thurfidiiy tnonliitf , a iineLfthook
J conliilnmir J"D. A rfwiiid will bu ulvnn if
O'lnr will rotiirn | ol"3 ! ! llm jey 6t 7' > l Ti
I OSTIn th rouolllcu , nl'io'clouk Iliisinoni *
I ! m : . liuiu-li or kiiya. Tinder in inn to HOD
i"it-'i' imil eliUin rnwunl "fJ
_ _ _
MADAM ALAMCA rovonN iia , t punut ait I
li.iiun , liovr ninny In f niilly , awe , nti < , , Imw
u lioKI airsitiuiiHr.r hoshitul orioyur. hiiii *
MI I Ion wunr.iiiUud ' . ' 3 cutit3 uiu np ur laU \
- VI , 'Jc a 1 Ill-IB Ulr Wll" C\H'L | ID
| iurrlinsi > hollfl.iydOils ( , iirini'iiti ) , < l < , I'l.
I. II ( uiihi li.iliiiiri.-lsi , i or liilh nnil lli'Hiu 1
ilrei t , luia H VI'IV lilllittln'u bt'ii < k ul Inihi-x
oil' I m It- , iliir-iiiK fan " , ulut-lv Uoom h Mi i a.
Aliktli liu U H'llliiu til pnti-s KUir/iiilO"l io i.n
IIIloutHi ( ( Ulllitt IIIHlKl > | l ) tdllHIlllllnil 111 IllU
il\ 'Iliirf Ir. u y | > iiiil l up ] oilnnliv in ml
in e proM ins for j our Iriiuuls ul . ' , ' , pi i nut
i m Hum ill mis plum Inlhuclijlnuti HK-IO
or. Ii4li mill ll' > iruii | tt. " . fi
] > iil : ONAI Vim nro nipi'pnll * i ; , , iwj to
c'li 11 mul riHinlno o > r.m i and KOI in IMS ,
-lour X to . ju . - I'jihnl. , 'I'linnii ll'b. MI ,
1)r.K.UNAI ) , MUe Crani > t < 'ii , ricnUlj li in
1 Itiilfiilo , N V , wldliio iiiihlUln nit IHI..1HI
A Dili , ut 'An I Iluil tin i't Nt.-tr ik'sU'iii > or
iiiiiuplnvnlaiiiMiifnoliliry loopliiuj Cv
) ( ' Mrn Or rinmiio V. VNnrrtn
l-linrMOHiit , Midtnil Nnil liiiKliiitoH Miilnnu
llouni So. d , 1 1 : 'i < illi t , Uiuuh-t , Neb.Wi
j ) ( < ) NAIA Miilutv UiO.v or J > > vii-hi so
mini of nieiiiik : flock iiuin ] infuir < il ; ohli i ,
itiuturtl j\ililro s Mid. J.l.lnin I III
iiioi u , city. 118V
I ) . | ( ( ) , - iniv ul my HtinU'iiU lire ( int < {
1 iiiiiplo ) nii-rjU. tiill ul oniic ; I liuvo po ltioni
or buokktrperh uii'l mil ( .lerks ; JblJ Cluciiuo
I. II. SinltU. 7tlj