Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertl'cmenta under thlg he l , 10 cents per
line lor tlic flr t Inw.rtion , 7 cent * for each gub-
< jun > t In'ort.'on. and $1.50 a line t < er month
No ftdvrrl'wtnent tnhon for Itfs thnn Sfi cents
fortlio Br Insertion. 6jvcn { words uill bo
rounten to tlio llnoi Uiey must run consocu-
tltely anil muH bo pr.ld In advance. All ndvcr-
tlicmcnte must l o handed In before 2 o'clo k
p. tn , sinrt under no circumstances will thojbo
taXcn ordl'oontlnueil l > y telephone.
I'urtliB Advert It Ing In thcu column * nn < 1hav.
Inptho nnswcr * addressed In euro of Tnr. HK
will plenfc afrk for a check toennblo them to rot
their letters , ns none will be delivered except
on presentation of chfck. All unsworn to ad *
vcrlisf-mcnti" fhonld bo enclosed InonveloncP.
Ot'IJll CIJ.NTMonny to loan.
Orrjirory A. llHdley.
Hooms ) nni .1 , llcdick block , KO S. Utb St.
' < ! > !
$2.VX.flto ) ( lonn on Inrin ? nnd Improved city
propnrtynt lowest latcs. Ilintalns In Itial
Kfitnto In Onmha nnd Council Illulfs. O loll llroj
ACo. , cor. 1'itli and IlnrnoysK 4d 3
MONJ'V to loan by thn Itnran Tire liunranco
company on nnincilinbcred rcnlc"tnte ! , for
one j ear 01 lotutr. Olllco 1115 lou > flaat si. 337
MONKV ( o lonn. cn b on nnnd , no delay. J.
\V nnd I ) . I. . Siinlie , till rnrnnm at. , I'nx-
ton hotel biHMIlKr. KM
_ _
rpu I < OAN Money Ixinns placed on 1m-
JL proved ronl oxtHto In city or county for
New Unitlnnil Loan ft Trust Co. , by lo Ins
County bnnk , ICth nnd Chionpo pts. BK )
St OJKTT > I.flAN At ow rnte * . on ifood
city property. Hnlchori Co. , 1210 Doui'lns
Direct. r/u.
MONHV tnlonnon clly nnd farm pioporty ,
low rates , Stownrt & . Co. , Itooin ; i , iron
lUnk Ml
_ _
O.N'RV TO LOAN-At reason blo inles , on
furniture. Ono wnlchoi nml olbnr personal
roerty. C. .1. Cniwoll , room 19 Iron Ilank
K , 12th And Karnnm. n'i.1
no , ( ) < ) ( ) to Umn. BiimK fAOO nnd upwards ,
Lowest rntus. Ilemls , 15th and Douxlai 8ts.
M 10 I.OAN-O. F. Dnvlfl A Co. Heal
slntcand Loan Agents 1505 i'aumni st ,
M < > Niv"ro LOAN-On teal estate mid chat
tels. D. I. 'I'lionum. 690
MONI5V 70 l.OA1niums of J2,0iu nnd
npvv arils on first class ronl estate security.
Pottei cV ( ebb , 1515 rarnam st. G'.l *
oIllcH , on furnlliire , plano ° , iujir-o.vni"UD
pornonal properly of all klndn. nnd all other n | .
t Ides of value , without removal. U19 S nth ,
overlllimham's Commission sloro. All busl-
iipsKStrJetly eonllctontlnl. 508
MONl'.V 1 r yon have good notes to Foil , or
wish to hoi row on real estnto or chattels
nt lair Intel est , lall on J. H. Pairotlo , 16th and
Cblengo Bio1 MM.
( tr.OO.dOfl To lonn on Omnlm city property nt C
P percent. 0. W. Day , over IHU Douglassl.
T 0ANS Loans Lonn * .
Hcnl cslntolonna.
Collntcial loans.
Chattel loans.
Longtime loans.
Short tlmolomia.
Money ulwayi on hand o loan on any ap
proved security.
InvrMinuilBcciirltloD Imught nnd sold.
Omnna llnnntlal exchange , 150J Farnnm
Corbutt MnnnRor. COI
Gl'HIl OiXT Money to onn. J. J. Mahoney ,
IWi rarnam. ! !
MONiVtoloan by the undoKilned , who hns
the only propoilv niRiuil/od loan n cnoy
InOmnbn Lonn ; ol JIO to tl.OOO made on fur
niture , nlnnns. orirnns horses , wnijonn , macliln-
ery , &o. , without removal. No delays. All
business Milctly confidential. Loans so made
tlmt any part can be paid nt any time , ench pay
ment reducing thn co t pro rtn. Advances
mndoon fine watches and diamonds. 1'ersoni
Miould cnrofully consider who ther nro dcnllmr
with , as many new concerns nro dally comlnj ?
Into OTlstenoo. Should you need monor , CUM
nnd sea me. W. n. Croft , Hoom 4 , Wlthticll
nnlldlm ; , llith nnd Harnoy. to' *
Ir ( ) ll SALU-Tho well known Union hotolln
1 Hnptirlor , hns n Rood pnylnjf exclusive
i ommerelnl trade ; heated by Mourn : ono block
1 rum II K. depot. Thioo moio U. It.'d to Come
Into town ( unmoor ii few months , hoio Is n ! ) !
Ijnrfciiln for the ii ht man Address to the
proprietor , C , Suhaor , Superior , Noli. B75 4
-A peed location for
Uciockory nni queen's wuio btore , imiiiiio at
A Dormnn. C07 3. 13th sir. { it > 2
POH SALE Well oatnbllstied business , in ono
of tlio bout business points in noithwosl-
cinNnbraRkn , sltuntod nt Ilrolicn How , CiiRtor
county. Nob. : stock consisting ofdryjfOoiN ,
olothmK , boots nnd shoes ; will ahow up peed
recoid of biialnes ? . lloiihoni for Hollliur will bo
rlveii by adaiesslm ? lock-box 74 , lirokun How ,
Custt r county , Nou. 587
Foil .S/vr.K-Oiu ) of the best retnll srocory
Htorns In Omaha , Invoice nUout f"OjU.
1 loom It , 1623 Ponging st. 507 il
FO ItHAkiTdiTTKADK-A stockof diy voodli
boota nnd hhona , etc. ; will Roll cheap or
trade for city propeity. H. W. Huntrec" . K108
Knrimmst , 731 il *
FOIl 9ALK Klro ! Rs billiard mom In iood
location , containing thrco bllllnrd and two
pool tables ; two years' lenso on room : ovoiy-
tiling In ( Irbt-clasM condition For paitlculnrs
ndreasons forscllInK1 , Inmilro nt oraddios No.
rM t-nuth 13th st , 4E6
rplli : ndvoilUor would Ilka to ngiochito him-
Jself with a pnrtnor of some means , ? 4OUO
to K > , OUO ; first class jobblntr unslnes $ , KOOI !
prollt , but leiiulros moio capital ; business not
represented in Omaha , An A1 opportunity to
nllvn , uctlvo man will. Kood iccord. Cin K'lvo
Jho best rofornnccs nnd shall ronnlro same.
Address T 47. llcoolliee. ! H4
KVCIIANTii : MvrcliunilKo for 1m-
proved farm and n lid land , O. J.
loom IH , Iron bank itll
wltli biu all eiipltaOo tnko half Intoroht In
oUnbllshert. pormanolit , first-class elty bml-
nefa.paynnrk'.OilO tofl XX ) yearly ; treed rea
sons tor solllntr ; Krnnd ctiunco for right party.
Address S 19 , Ileo olllre. GO 4
T/H > KSAlK .Onoor the best paylil ) ? holoU In
JL1 thin oily , mnkliiK money fat.t. Itest of
rciisoiiR forsollmif. & , &nQcnsli locjulrod loRi-t
It C. IX Leo , I2J7 rnrnnm ft. OUi
fTlOIt SALn-Hnidwaro Husines < tVo offer
X ourHhelf nnd hen\y bnrdwnre business for
me. tOKOthor with our loano and irootl will.
Traito JarifO" ! In the city and location the bent.
Itetlilntr from the bnslnois cmibo for Bolllngr
The Iluum Hmdwarti Co , , lO-'S O sti Lincoln ,
H OIISKS LotsFarmsiJinds money loaned ,
lieinls. 1Mb nnd Douglas stroots. 5'J4
TOST A cow , on Monday , Nov. S , I8 n ,
J brown , with nhlte line along her.back , with
n Ulnok faeo. Fludor will please return to : ith )
and Decatur His. anil I re oho lowitrd. Wm.
Hall. 712 3 *
TOST A hade lump botncon Omiihamid the
vitookymds. Kclurn to Ileo olllce and get
rowurd. "OJ-'I *
IOST In the | > ostothco , at K o'clock this morn-
I ing , a bunch of kni t. Tinder icturn to Ileo
o'llee ' and claim reward. - ' '
MADAM ALAHICA reveals pant prexent and
lutur < > , how many In family , age , mo , , bow
to hold alloclloiiH of bunbnnd or lover , hatu-
factionguniantcod , "Jounts and npwarda. 611
g. 161 hut OUT
JJKHMNAL ) Head ill n few spc elarimrt.'nlnE
for December puLliiice. . by .1 L. Hlto A Co
re H ! eetnto agents , 100111 A , over Commercial
Not. bank , 8 w. cor. tilth anil IKnmliis Mioots.
: : beautiful um'fc in tilsot , ' add , fJ.WUninl
t-iiundora' cticet lots f l.WO to 3.1,000 each.
127 feet fniiitlng on Micrman moiuioaiul
paved htreet ft.VM.
Lots on 20th el loot $ $ . ' 0 to JrOD ( each.
lUHinei > corner Houlli Utli street fl.KVJ
rMjLMJ , Itkhardi.V'lihlonV nUd , lota (500 each
Rlloiuoor 4 roomi- , good burn , veil und uUtoiu
on llamllion n. H , mile from I1 , o , f2UU.
! - ' foot on l'iurbt.GO fuiton lliiulott corner
If *
D2 choice Kilby I'lnco lota. WK 2 j'WO : south
IMli Btreet , roincr , WxlVj. $ " ,0-iO.
\ti \ feut iroiu on Hiindcre st , Dcnl'o'e ndd ,
21nll Iogeor27lh | nnd Durdcttobt ,
bulidlinrlots. * 1,500
41 tret on hutnam eticct ultua-stoiy brick
block , tW.Ml
Cnriioron llnwnrd und 17th Mtoet , $25,000
Itnsidcnce lot in IMildook 1'lace , f 2.WO.
rinu ixsldenco ( ut in Wtuhimjton i-Qitare ,
f i 'M.
4 or 5 choice lots in Hnnscom Vlnec , J 1 , * 0 to
. e.u' .
r.lcifiint coiner in Marth'sndJ , f.llon.
7Mil front oa tiuundurdkt , neiullnmlltou ,
d lots in Haes' add , rWO each.
enxi ftift o o cor lutU and Dnvoupoit ( t , t > ,500
uith abousck.
Oirlot 14th and Chknt'o gt , with U nouses.
< iill tor toroil und in > ostlirato other bnrgang
en our Uooks. ItuspVctfulIy , J. i , . Itlco ar Oo.
1 > BHc' ' < lNAL- < lc Cnmpl's. School of Miulo
and Voice Culture , 121 N ICth st , r om H.
cm DCO& *
T3EIISONAI. Mr - Dr NannieV. . Werren
X clairvoyant. Medlenl nnd bnincsi Medium
Hoom No. 3 , 121 Norlh 16th st , Oraahn , Neb.
A widow ndy of S * wishes lo
J. correspond with omc middle-need pentlfi *
man of means : stock mnn preferred ; obje < t ,
iniitunl pleasure. Address Mrs Llihnn Kill-
more , city. 748 5 *
OKIISONAIi If nnv of my . tuilcnt § arc out of
1omplo ) men ) . call nt oucc : t hnvo positions
for bookkeepers nnd bill clerks ; ICISChicneo st.
J. II Smith. 7tO .V
Mrs I nn Meislr-born-Evnps ,
plcuso call nt 414.hoinh Mnth street from
noon to2 p. rn. 'Ihcrolsrery Impoitnnt newt
for ) oil. A. M C. 749 3
ATPENTlON Who wnnts to sell n ohoap lot
nnd take n mnro ndued nt JI.Vj ns part
pnyinont ? Heltar fc Cninpbcll , Hoom 1 lyn
rarnam ( t. t.M .
1YOt' \ hav en goo 1 mortgage or note to ills
oount "oo.Mcnd A.lainloson , UHSlCth H
' _ _ _ _ _ " _ '
ITEND'tho great "Hod" Letter Solo" of
Clothlnir. Oonts' rtlinUhlng' , Hats nnd
Cap > lor 16 days only nt the only Hnrgnln Store ,
r,10 N. IClh st , , bet. California and WcbMor
" " 'JJiL' '
SlliKTHA > ) - ten lessons. No sh irtlnsr.
no position , rapid as gpepch Send Rtioip
for trial losson. It. M. roinin , Detroit. Mich.
Tl * YOU have n good mortKAiro or note to ills-
JL count,319S 15th M
" hnvrin Rootl mortenpoor nolo to nls-
JL count sco Mend A Jumiuson , ilia H IDth'pt.
FOUUKNT OrgHiia , S3 per month , iloppo ,
1513 Douglan. TOO
Tl ISK.NT Pquaro 1'iano , fi montlilv. A
Hospe. ISlTDougH ( > 10
' Square I'lnno Jil uioiunly. A
IIo'po.l.MJ Uoimlas. Oil
IOH SALE-A jiony forc-ish , or will trndo
tor giocerlos , Apply at 1011 Nicholas bo-
tiroen Iflth nnd 17th. 715 3"
I710H SALE Horse , pony nnd wnuon on easy
Jterms or to bo used on nharei or trade for
eowc. or other propeity. Inquire lostnurnnt ,
lOlHrnrnam. 74r. 5 *
AI public aiictlotnOee. 15. horses
milch cows , hoii ° clinld lurnlturc , hot bed
sas mid farm lools , at ninth end of 18th st
H. W. Hail. 725-11 *
" 1T1OHSALK A lot of fresh milch cows al now
JL yards , ncnr l'uiay'8 Irirn , on Ciinilngs et.
Iinjulro nt > ard or ot E S. Joslcr , 950 Monlnna
st. 707 7
T7OU ! SALE-Chonp , pair of runners , with
Jt ! buggy bod. Smith , HOI Douglas si. C 0 iU _
FOH HALE riirnltnto nnrt lease of hotel.
Address Itjder housoHtroiii3burguNoh.
H < ) isK ; > < Uits rnrm jlnnds--inoney loaned.
_ HcmU 15th nnd Douglas Btrcets. 5''t
FOH SALE Fine road horse , with new buggy
nnd harness , cost $121 ; must bo sold nt
once , regardless of uduc. Inquire ut lllXi Doug
las si , 221
TT1OU 8AI.K rnrniturc nd lease ot six-room
JJ hoiiAO , tlmo on part. Cnll 13X ! North 27th
stioot , two blocks from Hcd Cnr line. 8U.1
.ijioil SAM2 Cnenp. iron columns nnd win-
JL ? tlow caps sultabls for front on brick build
ing. Forpnrtlcularsnpply at this ofllrc. Sl'l
WANTED A competent girl for general
housework nt tlilid eottago north of
Lcavcnworth , west side of Colnx et. )
V17AN 1'EDA girl lor general housework , nt
IMS Cass bt. 7if ) 3'
WANTED A tlrst-elass , good girl for general
bousouork : must iio neat and n good
cook : two In Iho Ittmiiy ; $1 per week. Inquire
ofC. fj. Erlcuson , 21. North 1Mb , Masonic blk.
7.13 4
rTANTED Dining room girl nt Emmet
> house. 727
W ANTED Olrl for general housework in
small family , 312 s. Iblb st. 704
"WANTED 2 t'irls to woilcln kitchen ; Doian )
> > honso , cor. 18th and Hownid. 0-5
WANTED 2 good knitters who IIIIB had ox-
peilcncoln knitting innchlno. No other
Hhoulil call. Call on .los. r. HII171K ) St Mary's
uo , Omaha National Knittingfactory. .
017 4 *
or gonornl bousowurk.hinull
tnmlly 1100 Fnrnnm st. _ OUD il
\\TANTED Ooodglil for general housework.
Apply n w. coi. 20th nnd I'umln st. Mrs.
Hill C40 3'
_ _ _
w ANTii > Voiing girl to do housework In a
small famll312U1 Howard st. fl7l 3
"V VTANTii-l : irst-cla s cutter for diesoinaU-
' ' lug can find work at 102 , corner 10th mid
Dodge hts. 030 30 *
> Immediately , n goon
Dr. Coffmnn's , head of St Mary's uvciiuo.
627 il
"IXTANTKO Stl ladles S ( rents to loirn tele-
Y > grnpby. Prospect good for position when
competcnl ; address W. J. D , Hoom 1 , Crounsu
blk , Omaha. 137
W ANTKD A pltino player. Imiulrd t U
Douglas. 717
I'ANTED Shoemaker. Address J. W , Till-
> bet , Syrncui-ci , Neb. C40 3
\\'ANTED A yonne man ns olork , ono who
sponkB both I'nullsh nnd Uoniiau andean
glvo rocommondatlons. No ot.icr nead answer.
Address llox 54 , Norlollc , Neb. C47 4
WANTICD Cook , one who iinditrstnnds both
meat nnd pastry , with or without nccoiul
( would profcr nmn and wife ) . Must ho temper-
nte nnd Rtendy. Address , stating \\nges , Grand
1'aclllc , ColumbiiB.Noh. 5'ia 3'
WANTED A } oung mini to learn tlio cloth-
Ing trmleono who speaks Sucilo nnd Kng.
Huh preferred. Heat jutoroucca luiiuirod , ( J17
N , 16th street. 711 7
WANTED Agents with good uppcarnneoi
> for n now article ; can innUo f. > to * S u
day. Cull nt U'lt S llth ot. 6.14 3'
\\rANTED- Ono trn\ cling Fnlosinan nnd ono
cltysnlomnn to take orders lor custom
shirts. Experienced Iwmls pioforrod. Address
T5I , Heoollice. 081 3
WANTED-3 good scinpois nt Shoely's pack
ing house ; good pay and steady work ,
rplIEHinkei'Llfo Association of St I'nul ,
1 Jllun , have Nebraska work lor. a few
good solicitors Hotorcnces necessary Ad-
drt-63 Wilco.v i. Steele , Stalu A unt , Llneoln ,
Neb. I'JIUieo 1 ! )
\\rANTED.-100 men for rnllroad work ; good
> > wages ; Htoady work nil winter , All.
bright' * Labor Agency , 1308 Fnriinin. 17-
\\TANTED A partner in a confectionary and
> ' popcorn inaiuitactory. Addrota lOlli Hnr-
ney at. Cb'j : i
W AN rnu First oHns solicitor to tnko turn"-
lly outers for giooorles. Must ho ac
quainted In the city. Llbeial InducemonU nnd
permanent employment. Addict , A 14 , lieu
ofllco. fitNl *
\\7ANTED-Malo or female knitters wheT
> T Inue had oiperionoo In knitting machinn.
No othoi bhould iMll on .los. r , HllI'098U
Murj's inc. , Omnbn National Knitting 1'acloiy ,
ACESTalnthoclty or country can mat > of. ' to
$10 n day selling our npoclaluoj. N W.
Novelty eomnany , 12J7 F.irilatu tt. 012
\\7 ANTKD A few intolllti'nt gbiitlomen , of
l tienteol uppcitrituco , Mho ait ) competvnt
to tranmct bueliifs with our merchants miu
others , mid whoi-an bring good releroiici-s , onn
bfCUriMiniplojuient hlcli will bo uxceedlnglr
iomuiiernti\u. Any profcislonal or buelneM ;
man , uneniplojod at piebout , will llnd it to his
lntw"it to call on ( Jeoige 1' , Wade , gcnoial
mnnairi'r , 1'aiton hotel , 742 C
\VANTT.D-FlliiHtlon by 2 girls lib dl-h nsh"
i < urs nnd ns dliilng loom t'lrl. 1011 Nlclio-
lag gt. 74 til *
\\\NTKD-8ilnutlon by H boy 15 yoiirg old to
i > woik for hU board. Address 1115 South
ICth st , Mrs N. Kuiet. 735 4
U 'ANTKD llv a Irrtxrlliig man , a situation
in Omaha that will keep him out doon
moFtnltho tliuo Host refuronco given as to
moral * , capacity and uArgo \ city auiiualntancu.
1' ' . Hco Cilice. ca H *
\rANTI5D-An attorney having- bad four
IT yeais praotleo , dnlro a po.slttoh with a
roputublo law ilrin in the city under any ur-
mnKi'incnt antliiHctory. Is kUo netenograpnor
llest of rcieronccs given Address A M. Dee
oil ) re. CS4-8 *
In dry fooJs ptor by
experienced clerk. Addresj A 1& . Ileo
offloo , CSQ-3'
" \\rANTHD-Potltlon as talesman In dry ( roods
i * or clothing. Imiulio McCuo' rvblHnrnnt ,
gouiblOlbeu ii 6
\\TANTPD Pltunt'on In drug store by com-
VT pctont ph rm elst Omnhn prcforrod ,
Speaks kn llsn nnd the Roondlnnrmn latigti *
ngoi. Addrou Kgcmo , Utility , Story Co. . la ,
( V > 9 3 *
WAM l > i'osit.on by com pet cut I ad r ten-
or pli6riefcren'-c' ; ' . W , A. U. , box " 7.
city 28
" \\7A.XTED Patty to occupy houto in Orcon >
> ' wood ndd during the winter to take
ehnrgooflt for the rent. Address A I'l ' lloo
ofllce 737 4 *
\\7ANTED-A good building lot 01 hou o mid
> T lot nt ii reasonable price , AdiUossA"l <
Ileo oflicc. 720 7
Vl'ANTED Tlireo rooms In-R-'iod locality for
T ) tnbloImnrdcrs Prefer furnished. State
terms. Addicss , A 17 , Ileo office ( W-41
l V7ANTKD or 5 gnntlomon onn find tleslr-
T able board , also rooms , nt HI7 l hlcatro St.
1.57 il-
" \\ANTK to buy onn stiiro o' flock In
' Omnbn board of lindo , S. A. dlomnn.1512
1'arimmsl. 571
\\'ANTKl > 60 men to cat buckwhont cn'ioi '
' nntlmnple syrup every inornliunt Norrls'
IlcAlnurnnt , lath flt. liot. Dodge and Doitglig.
Straight bonrJ per WCOK$3.25 ; 21 meal tickets ,
tJ6n. Cl .
FOR ItHN'T-iVrooin cottn o. f.ocusl st , ncir
Sherman nvu , ja ) per month ,
Three unlnrnHhcd rooms In brick houio on
l.nko ncnr 'JOtti st , $12 per month. Gregory &
Ilndtpy. 7M
FOIl HIiXT Nino-room bon o. modern ron-
vcmcncGM owner and wlledcslro to bonul
wllb tonanl ; refcroneeti exclmtiKoJ. Italluti
1510 Dotnrl w at. 74 it 5
6TuiKNTIlrhk : store on N. l th St. Kour
nowMoro onS 13th t. . near HascaU'9
hotel , $110 1 per month onch. 0 15. Mnjno , N.
> \ . cor. inth and Harncy. 7JI U
Oil HUNT A brick stole room , llith ft .
anltahlo lor warn bou o , ban ono fronta o
nn Holt line ; can have luljolnlmr sloiolfie-
H I rod. C K. Mayno. lAth and Hainoy , 7.11 U
FOH HKNT-Stnro building on licavcnwoith
and nith 8t. Apply to Olias. Xli'tnanii car-
i Intro shop , 10th ana Chicago st. 724-4 *
FOH Itr.NT 0 roomed cottage. Iiuiuiro I2M
North 17th si. 70S 3 *
Foil HI2NT-A 10 loom house on 20th u near
Dodge Inijulro at a. u , cor. Podjinmul
ffltlu 701-5 *
FOR IIIJ.VT l-room house on ti out oar line :
ion ! tl per month. ti > ckdalo\VMIIcbull ,
lr0 ! UodKO j.t. GRI 3
jlOll ltiXT-Good : stable : U10 Webster. J4l *
T/OH KKNT-Houso In Gilo's"add. . . flO per
J month. IniulroNo. 4 eiiRlno liouso. 5.V ! I
bit IUNT : A nlco 5-roonrcottn cly a 'l\
1'ctvncn , 8. o. cor. IStli nnd Douglas
FK HUNT A first clnsarusitnurmit , inqiilro
_ of I/ce , N IrhoKIc Co. _ U
HiNT : IIoiiso.rt rooms , llnrnoy street
X' nml Slut , foO per month , also lioiiaanoar St
M no'a live , fi rooms , 21 per mouth y. A.SIo-
mmi , 1512 Fnriinm st. 117
J7 < OH HKNT Six new brick Mores with base-
' immtw , corner Eleventh and Hovuiid ; choice
location ; all conveniences. Loavltt Hiirnham ,
Hoom 1 , Crclgbton block. C.I7
FOIIIII3NT lllcgnnt 10 room residenoo on
Fnrnnm st , nil modern improvements , fur
niture nml carpet for sale ; nil now ; am com
pelled to glvo up on account of Illness. Ad
dress H 15 , Hoe olllre. 512
TH1OH HENT Stores , icsldeneos , tmnlshod
J-1 and uiifnriiished rooms. First class loca
tions. Koyos Hontlng Agency , Hoom 7 , South
east corner loth nnd Douglas. 28S d 82
FOIlUUIs'T A store mid basement on n good
buslnessst. Iminlro of Lee , Nlchol & Co. ,
110QII123.Ylllincll block. _ 4'1 _
Foil UKNT 7-ronm cottage In Walnut Hill.
Terms , 830 per month. Apply to D. W. Pave ,
14J4 rnrnnm St. 2flii.
" 171OH KKNT 80 acres adjoining city north-
J- west , suitable for dairy or market garden.
Apply to Thoo. Williams , Hoe Onicct , 014 Fm--
M' store 22.100 , mo jneitsou st.
TTOlt HENT Niooly luriilshed looms , cheap ,
- Tjit 607' ' i N. 17lh 81 7168 *
TTIOH HUNT 2 elegant famished rooms , on
JL1 B'llte. ' for 2 or 4 gentlemen ; only those that
want good rooms need upply. 1M.I i'arnani st. ,
Dd lloor , Hoom 23. 7153
Eon KENT Furmshod room , $3 per montn ,
017 N. 17th St. K87 3'
TT OH HENT Furnished toom. Inquire Mro.
JJ _ _ A. Wright , Hiishman blk. b2. 30
T71OH HEXT rurnlshoJ loom , 1915 I'nrnnm
- 375
T71OU HENT rurnishod looms for goiulornon
JL ? only.20i" > Fnrnnm , 54P5
Olf TtENT-Fiu slied iooms , S > 05 S 171 h st.
525 J
Tf OU HENT FTiruTshoil room , 401 N l5tTiTt7
IJ OIt KIINT-Nicely furnished rooms , alto
1 lOduyoonrJcis wiintea nt 2011 Hurt i-t.
EOHHENT Doslruliln newly furnished rooms
forgeiitlcinen , 22i'i Dodge Bt. 47Ufl"
FOR HENT 2 nicely furnished moms ; nnp-
per If wuiitod ; occasion , lo speak 1 reiich
and Uormtin ; 714 N.19tb Et. fi7U & *
FOIl HKNT Furnished mid unfnrntsncd
rooms , 1811 Webster st , OS2 4 *
FOH HUNT Nicely furnished parlor room
ultli flist class board. 1811 Doilyo at. 7147
FOH HENT Three rooms for small family.
2J22 Hamilton gt. , $7 per month. 721C *
Ir'OH ' HENT- Newly fuinlshcd pleasant room ,
. low ifiital. Enquire nl 1'M'J rainam st.
T71OII HENT 3 unfurnlRhed rooms for light
JL ? housekeeping nt 1709 Hurt st. 7U ! 4 *
T Oll HENT A ulooly lutnlshcd mom , 1718
JJ Dodgo. 731
rnvvo gonllomcn can hnvo board and teem for
X S-'O month each uith HBO of jiarlor and
piano , toother bonrdeis kept. 7325 *
OH HUNT With board ft fuinUhod room ,
1715Caf el. 7178 *
I71OH IIRNT Ono comfortBhly furnished
V room , $12 per month ; 2407 llnrnoy et 7UO 4 *
IjlOH HENT llooms with boaid623 Capital.
IJ 058 7'
Ef OH IlKNT Largo furnlehod Iront room. In-
1 nuiro2U12 Hnrncy. 50 3 *
TJIOH HEST Lnrc , niceli' lurnlMiod rooniK ,
JC with heat and bath , 515 , $12 , > 7 each ; 1U10
Wubgtor fit. t5'l
FOH HF.N'T To well fnrnlghcil rooms7o"no
large , ono sinull. 1S18 Farnam et. ocr : ) *
"tjioit KiTN r Largo ploasanl room. Tn'iTiTio'
Jj at 500 8 13th gt. ills
_ _
TfTIOlt JIKNT South room furuUhod , n. n. cor
-L' 21st uuil Davenport , 312
Foil IlKNT TITO nicely furnished rooms ,
sultnblo for 2 or it gentlemen ; lovely loca.
tlon with ovpry inodorn Iniprovoment. 1413
J ones st. S93
TnOlFTlEN I' NIcelvTnrnHliwI room far l or2
-L ? gentlumon : modern oonvonlonccs. 010 N.
IlKNT I'urnlshiid rooms for light hoiiso"
keeping , lioumurs klovk , cor Sth& Howard.
_ _ _ _ _ _
Foil HHST-Suito of newly f urnlshotl rooms
in new hoiiso ; modern conveniences : to
Kcntlomoii , 1U1 UoJirett. 20U
TTUMl HUNT -3 rooms , iinrurnlshod , In my
4J now Hut a w cor. 7th an-1 Pnulllc st.
U room house 1U19 > icholae st. Apply to M.
1' . Martin ! 1I6 s. 15th. 258
\ . in ; ; lots In
llllls'Iale ' ,
Newport (
llrlgnton ( acrcr ) .
llaiitcom i'aik Add , ,
Hollokarove ,
Door I'nrk ,
Lyiiian I'liiee ,
) felro u HIIL
turn In all parts of town nt the muni low pricns
und easy terms , l peolol attention U directed
to HilUaalo that scllgou 10 nor tent ouch pay
incut , balance fipor mo. Ames plaoo too ft an
ceitwlally tine locution , being tbo best for the
money on the Holt Line , whose depot Is but 400
feet from Amos 1'lnce. If > ou want to get the
north of jour money come and BCD what you
can buy. Ames , 1607 St. 700 4
FOH SALE-50 lotg in An nddltlon that U sell.
luff very' rapidly and whore lots are bringIng -
Ing 1 400 eaeti , and will soil for 000 in the
Fining The to lots will be sold for f-WJ caoli in
a bunch on very reasonable terms. Don't let
Ihle slip ( f you want a ehanco to mUKo $ ir , ft > )
lusldu of t ) month * . CE. Myuv , IStn ana II nr-
Members Omnha Heal Kstnto Exchange.
Hooms 1 and 3 Iliillck's Illocki 16th et.
Corner l.l3xlS2 , N. 16th.t .Itnprorod , t5'.ot fl.
Corner 132x112 Harneyst..Improved , WO.'NQ.
loriierWx3i. ) ! California st , f8M ) .
Corner COxl.2. near U.I1. Hvdopot and llth St. ,
viaduct rents fso per mo13.50 > 1.
fiOx27 ! Sititnder * st. nent Cumin ? . Innro lioti'o
ctiinplelo , lent $50 , tl.0'0
I'lno 8 room house , ( iwirrln ( ire , , near Woolworth -
worth st. on easy terms , 54,700
Oood lot , 60x140 , fleorftii nve , , north of
Loav enworth , easy terms , Chp p
Splendid cast front , 'p\150 in Hnnscom
rinoo , .
Hnslness blocks nnd Irts.Mo property of every
description , improved ot xlnlmproven. Houses
and lots muMneant loUilii nil nOdlllons. Call
nnd get a ns'oC n fowofitho baigalns.
We hnre n large list ot South Omnhn prop
erty and H tinct of If noio4onooilnty roa-1 , I I-J
miles trom Stock VnnU. chenp forjOitttyd
What II winter Is cnmliu. We will eon hnvo
plenty of cheap coM. Now tstho tlmo to Invest.
Gregory & llndloy.
TJ10H BAI.K-A lmrBln. Povon lots on 01 Kt
JL' ft between Le.ivcnworthand .InnKfon. If
fold at once can bo bought for X' > PIT cent less
than nctunlvnluo. U. K. Mnyne , N. W.eor titli
nn 1 llnrnoy. 730 7
G UOVHlfs7 EVENS , 2I9 < ! . 15ti ! st. Hnnmltis
in all parls of Uio city. 721 5
PO1I SALK ISIots 44xlTfeot. ! fronting north
on Hrislol street , half way between faun-
dotsnndStnte , noirstreeteirs. City wntorln
front. J < JJ oich , M cash , hilmico In l,2nnai
jnnrs. Address H.Hoo o.llco. - ' ' *
BUSINESS ptopoity on l th ncirlnrnovon ! t
front , 44rl 15 , nllcy nlomr south sldo , 1'rlco
$0,000. J. P. Hniiiliiond , 117 S. inihst
ANISriHLD-lA beautifully situnted on the
north side of Unncrofl .st lour blocks east
of 10th si. Homos mv nil about mid bcv end Oils
eholco addition , nnd lots ICRS declrnnlc , nml
uepii'iitod only by thoctieet are valued at fiom
fl.UOO to 1,5(10 ( Tbcsn lots lire offered nl prices
rnnsnng from SUM to fit1. On n ensh pnymont
ot from f5) ) to $100. bnlatiCo 510 per month. J.
1" Hammond , 117JlCtlist. 7M 3
AUlfAI N' Tronorty routing for f 138.00 per
month tor BHIO at 17.W. Jj.fiOO ensh.
Six of the Lest lots In Orchard Hill cheap
nnd on easy ton us. Now Is the best tlmo to
( lood Ilnrjraln. Full lot on 10th St. , 2 blocks
south ot viaduct. Cheap.
Shormnn nvo. lots on pavement onlv .
Ho-t modorate-pileod propoitj In the cit } ' ,
Chnlcolots in Ihw suburb aldltlnnof Carthage
only two.
Hamilton st , lot , wmtli front nnd on grade ,
fl.VK ) 'Ihis is very cheap Invesllgnte.
I'loasodtou In and look nt our lists. Wo have
property In nhnost every nddltlon. StocKdale
i Mitchell , 15P1 Dodge st. 741
S"I1TII I'AHK TMsriulilltioii consists of six
teen lot * , and Is the line property formerly
ovvnod by ( Jeoigo Smith , the county Btirvovor ,
nltuated on the wc t side of I'ith st , smith ol the
lion , A J Popploton'A hmiilsoiiio lesidoneo.
It Is generally concecded to bo ns tlno real-
dencopro)0ity ) iiu there Is In the ellv. Wo hnvo
n few choice lots , roxlir.liiihls addition , which
wo ran sell for S-.VX ) A H. Comstock. room
111 , Crelghlon Illock. 6.JI.
Co. 115 S. 15lh 81 BIS
DEXTKHL. THOMAS has ! nld oulan nddltlon
to the city of Om.ihii named Mivszotto , nnd
vronotlro tlmt the Mrools are properly nnmed
Itowo , Lorenzo , llottina. 1'lppo nml 1 ted crick ,
and soelna : tlmt the sumo Is on the Hall Hall
way and ntn point where the Omnhn Northern
H. It ptomi 04 tnlrly to innko a junction wllh
the Holt Line , mid lots only flO ) to'UO , v o
think Iho location well nvnod , and that the pur-
clmsers will hnvo n Mnsootto , as the Indications
pointthnlotH to bo woith trom $5X ) to tiOJ
soon. These lots are to ho sold on contract , EJ
percent cash and bnlanon $5 per month. Apply
to Dojuor L. Thomas , Hoom 8 Crelghton blk
In Vnn IJoiiron place , 5 W ; $ TV )
Voash , bil. in 1 , 8 nnd ; > years. Holier .fc
Campbell. UDOIII 1 , 1603 Farnain at. Kil
FOK SAI.n-tOxlO1) feet , e'tt fiont , 17th st
nonrCnptellar , $1,100 , cbeap.
Two lots 50x15 Oonch. corner , cast front , with
5 loom house , J 2,100 , S7UU cash , fin per
month ; chenp.
Tin co oust front lots , block SKilby place , $010
each , ? -fiO ! cnsli : vorycboup.
Two lots on Wnbslorst. cor 31st , $1,500 each.
5500 ca < ih and easy terms ; 50M50 feet each nnd
urn barRatns. J
To buy , sell or trade "property , see H V.
Huntress , 1BOS Fai mim at. C07 3 *
' "
"I/KM iXCIlTNT'n-8"overal ! choice tarnis In
JL. Hand county , Daitota to trade for stocks ot
moichmidlo. L. 1' . Hammond A : Hro. room il ,
1522 Douglas st. fi&l-B *
GHOvnii srnviiNS , sis s. IMU st , oirora
the following ttpeeinl bargains :
rJaundors St.r i feel , running back to ami
fnclng on 23d , $ " ) ,000.
Sherman avo. , 127 ft front on paved street ,
nt n bargain. Ask for price.
Foster's add. , south front , high nnd sightly
lot near Sanndois gt..KM ) .
Ohio short , nice bulldlnsr lot , 1,100.
Conicr2Btu and Woolwoith St. , worth $ J,2i)0 ) ,
only 5150.
Virginia nvo lot , $1,000.
nicjrnnt corner , llowniilst. lots forS2,000.
Lenvunwoitliet. , : < ' ) ft and house , Jl,703.
llartfiiina in all parts of the city.
If you want your property sold send It to mo
and It " 111 receive prompt attention. Urovor
Stevens. 719 5
"T710II BALK A l-room honsoriin lot , front-
.13 ing on two htroots , tlr > TO.
17-roTim house , 1 II room hoiisa with lots
fronting on t wo streets , both t.-'x ) .
14-room honso nnd half lot , $1.23) : 10 per cant
cnsn hnlanco monthly paymentH , all the nbovo
within threo-qunrtors of n mile of poslnfllco.
Cor. lot , llth mid 1'nclHc , flilxl3J. with throw
elegant cottages , would rent for 175 pur
monlh.for a few dnya nt $ sodi ) .
Farm loans at lowest rate of Inlorost.
First-class roul ofltnto mortgnirei , or com-
morclnlpaper , disoounted , Mend i. Jnmloson ,
31S S. irith et. BG4
HOUSES Lots , rnrnm , Lands money lonnad
llomls , ITitli nnd Douglag streets. Mi
HOUSES LotHl''nrmsIanas money loaned.
Hcuils , 15th and Douglas streets. 6 4
GENUINE HAHOAINS-Two corner lots in
Hnrdottocourt , only 4 hloolH fiom Saun-
der'at-treotoars. W. M Hoom 10 ,
Uiishmnn Ulock , N Koor ICth and Pouglns.
BOWIiIXO r.ltiUV-Our : now nddltlon is
west of Walnut HIM , on Ilmnllton stioot.
lly selecting lota nt 5I5U for in3l lu mid * 175 for
corners , you will make n good Investment.
Terms 10 par cent ensh nnd * 5 monthly. No
clmrgu for showing- the lots. Muialmll , t [ , o-
heok , I50U Farnam flt'J
ft HOVHll STEVBN8 , 218S. 15th St. Rnrgnlns
V.I In nil parts of the city. ( Jood propmty
wanted , 7i.5 !
CAl'ITALlSTS-Itena the following.ll.132 ,
( until front lot on Harney st. , covered by
n 4-story building , hnvinir high basement , rents
foi-MWporvear. ( ) 1'rlca , JW.OOO. J. ft Hammond
mend , 117 S. lath St. C77
BAIltiAIN 13'4 porcenl Inoomo , partly im-
pvnvcil property on Douglas at , , nour llth ;
iitli frunt : rcnu for fJ,700 per jear I'rloo ,
J , Hammond , 117 S. lUth fat 077
S pr.CIAL IIAHOAlN-lmprovoil property on
rarnnniEt. , neurlilth ; eonth front : rents
for f 1,8(10 , ( per year. Price' , JoO.OOO. Jr. iluin
monil , 117 S. IBthst. ( .77
GILT EIXiE enrnoron Howard st , MxJ3 , ' ,
paitlj improved : rontx for $ I'HW per year.
1'ilco , $19,000. J K. llamnumd , 117 H. 10th sU
fjlAIINAM between fltli nnd 12th , .1 story
.U orics w th high basement , 44xl'r ' . fully ro-
eupied the join round , ,1'ilce , $ iX,000 ) , .1. J' .
Hammond , 117 ti ICth .St. r 77
TMJSINKSS lot contalnln-r 8.118 gciuaro feet
-L > CO leet fronting 121 li Bt , mid 41 feet fronting -
ing Dodyo Price , $18,00 , ) , J. r. Hammond , 117
H , inih , u77
> USINKSSot | cor. HaVney and 10thIB'.x '
> leet , f 18,000. J. H. Hammond. 077
BUSINESS lot eor. Partinm nnd flth t ,4lt
135. nice , f23UJO. J. I1. Hammond. 1171) ) .
Itlthst. ' U77
Bl'SlNESS propcrti. I'urnam Mneai court
honso. coiner , lOvIS. . paitlj Imiirdved ,
113,00' . .1. F. Hommond. 1178 , iBth Hi. B77
BL'tilNlVS jiropcity , ftiVnum gt .iicnily op.
poslto court hoiifo : Vii > tly impro\ed : it-ouo.
J. K. Hammond , 117 H. ltliSt. ( ) H77
FOIl HALE-66.xl3i iQel on B lath dt. near
ilat.eall'6 hotel. Hns unull house , fronts 2
RtroctH , $4,000 1 his is a bargain. C. E. Mavne ,
15th nud llarnoy. 7307
nAltlllBftUAHKIH,3308. 15th st. Wo have >
bar/alns In the dost pmt ot the city for
homes , business and In vest inents ,
Wo b&vo iJU ohoicolotg In Hunecom place , In
blocks I. 2.6 , ( I , 7,8 , U , 10,18 and I'-l. Now is Ibo
tlmo to sectiro those lots Wu aUo ha > o 3 homes
and lots In Hanscom place that nro baignins.
Algo lots in Totter & Cobb's addition to Houth
Omaha. Lot * in Ailliiidon , Iltxiford plaro ,
Armetrong , Orchard lull , Lowes ndd , Improve
ment Abso. ndd , nnd every part ot the city. Call
on in and we will be glad to show you Iho
property. 723 4
WE are authorized to Invest 120.000 in lin-
proved Inside property. W hut tmvojou
taoUor Wo n.cunbusiness , itead i. Jamleson.
818 B. 15tUBt. 672
ClOHSALK-ca . froiumir Oil Dodge St. 3
-omj > C 8eaitof the pottotllce. A bargain at
$18,600 ; J10.0CO cash. JUrgballi Lobeck , 15 !
i'arnam. UU
Real Estate Co.
1320 Douglas ,
Ifoutri < rmf Lot * for Sulo In all
I'HI'lH Of tillCljy. / .
Rents Collect . Taxes I'nltl , Titles
llcrcrenco.s ConmuM'cial National Hunk
To "U'hom It Mnjr Concern :
\YIIEUHA9 , on tlio 3nl tiny ot I'cbrnarj , ISM ,
Win ron II lYnnklln nnil .lohiintm .1.
Vrnnklln , hurtmtid mid wife , executed nnd do-
llveied ( into Chnrlo.s an belt iiioitnliiwiirittnty
deed to the following discilbod property :
The south-west quarter of the south-wost
nunrter of faction lonrteciiM41 loss twclvo and
nftv-slx onehumlredthg 12 60 lOOi ncios on Iho
north biclool Mitlil quarter , also , the noitu-unst
Hiiarter of the north-enst uuarter of section
twenty two(2M ( nnil the north west quarter of
the north-west quarter of section t cnt > -
tlivco CM. ittl In township pcvotiteon
( ; . range twoho (12) ( ) ; iiHo. nil thnl pinter
or panel of Imul commencing at the south-
en1- ! coiner of section fiffcn (151 ( , town
ship syvotrcon (17' ( ' , range t el veil. ) , mid thonoo
running north twelve and tvvenl-sx | ono linn-
tltodths tj.120 U'Oi ' chnlim. thoncotoutliwestcrly
lit nn nng'o l MOJ degrees , twi-ntj three unit
sixty DUO hiindiodth * (21 ( tW-IWD chains to the
soutri-wo < t comer of the north rnst qiinticrof
t he dontli-onst quartern ! snM section fifteen til ) ,
thoneo east t nnty tat ) tlialns t < i plneo ol begin-
n nc. cont.iinliur. twelve uiiil lifts six onohuii-
ilri'ilths neroj ( U 50-IOD , containing In all ono
hundrol iiml twenty il2il > aures.
f.ild deed being inmlL' ntul dellvoied to scoitro
the pavmont of the cum of $49 Ut ) then iluo and
prtiililo to tlu < sild CorluMt nml , whoiens , on
the -.tub tiny of Snptninhoi , 18t ( , there vuis still
duo tlio sum of f IVUM ; thn wild Wnrien II.
I'rnnldlu mid .lohnnnil. I'mnMm illil execute
mid deliver to 8'ild Corliott n note for Hint
mmiunt , dun October l t , Iss.i. . nnd , "hpu > ni ! , II
WHS mutually nirrood that said rtocd lit ri'toloro
duwi ibod ghoul I toiimliins collateral security
for said note ntul , whereas , the sild note wns
sold unit transferred br siild ( orbott to S. It
Johnson before mntuilly frti 11 vnlnnhlii con-
hldeiaiion ntul , whorons , the said nolo Is nou
passed duu mid payable nnd there ? llll lomalns
now duo mi A ltd noii ) the sum of fr > 0 < 0\v tli
Intorrit toirethor wllli JI500 attorno.v'rt IL-OS
Mint fifteen porci'iitof tlioainountdnongllnulil-
atcJ ihimiiuos nnil cr.sts.
Sow , thei-elori1,1 , H.(1. llnrli'inlc , nttomfx for
thoiiforesnlitS. It. .loliiKon , will , lit my otncc ,
HOI'm until si root , on thc'tlulny of Drcotnber ,
1830 , nt ten o'clock n. in. sell to the liUliuM blii-
dor tnrcu'li tlio promise ) * huriMnfora inontlouud
mill ilo-cpibuil , II. O. IllIIIAN ) ! 1C ,
Attorney for S It , Johnson.
Oiniiha , N'ob. , Doc. ilrtl , I' a I. d > d It
Qrntle Orcllimnce No. 57.
AX Ordinance oMHlilithlnir the frnulo of
" * tb ftii'ot fi-oin llownrd street to Fatniini
Mi ect , In thn eity of Omnlm.
Ilo It oulalncil bj the city council of thn city of
Oinntm :
pi-ctlou 1 , The frrmlo of SSIh street frotn
Ilonnrd struct to riun.iin ? tixot , In tliuullj uf
Oitinh'i , 1-4 hereby e t'ibllshrd nt the lollowlnur
olevatloni. tlio irntilo bolnir iiniform BtralKht
lines liotuccn the IKMIUS biiocill-xl.
Ulnviitlon Klovntlon
ol ll.cuib. of W.cnib.
North ptuli of Howardst . . HIS ISXB
South curb of Hnrnoy t IBI r. 1SI a
North curb nl llnrneyst. 111.3
boiithomb of rniimnixl . . 178.5 ITiB
Section 2. ThU or.limmec shull tnlto olloct
nnil belli force from mid nttorits pnssufft' .
I'ussoil Novoinlicrldth , 1RSC.
WM. r. Itfcnr.i , , 1'iustdiiiitCltyCouncil.
J. 11. SoirriiAui ) , City Cloi U.
Appiovcd Novuniboi1Mb , 1P0.
W.M. K. IlKUiiu , , AotlHB'M < ior.
Spocln.1 Ordluanco No. 877.
AN Oidlininco Itnlni ; 11 ticclnl | li\\ and US P-I -
niont on certain lots mid ronl ostuto In the
clly of Omtih.i , to cover the one-half cot of
irrndlntr CumliiR street from "jth nvunuo to
middle ol the block between olbt nnd ; nd
Htievts. : It lm\ Ins boon , nnd bolnff hereby
ndjud ed , dctormlned and establlsood that tbn
sorciiil tot mid piocu ol tonl oitntobeieinnfter
roforroil to hnvo onch bucn spceuilly bonulllod
tolljo full mnonnt beicln levied and nssossud
lunji-lcach of h.ild lots and pieces of leal o&-
tiito , iespeuti\ol > .by rcn on ot the rndln of
that part of Onmlnc street from 2Mb nveiiuo to
middle ol the block between Dipt and ! 'nd
sticut. done under contract with Stuht &
'J'horoforo , fortho purpose of paying the one-
hall cost ol Hiiuli sradlns.
Uu It Ordained by the oil } council of the city of
Section 1. That the one-half eo = t of jrrndltifi :
I hat part of CumlnR- eot , In the city of t ) innliu ,
IroinU'itb ii\unuo to midillo of block between
lilst mid 'Und ftiocti , "iild one-halt of tuld cost
boliik' the hum of ) , snld gradlni : bclnpr
Uono under conttnct with Stulit & Hamcl , be
mid Iho fiiino 1 hereby levied and ueot ed , nc-
cording to Hpeclnl bencllta by reason of anid
y Hiding' , upon the follow InirlotH mid real estate.
as shown by the trenoinlly iceo nl/eil mapoC
the city of Oinnlm. 1SW , lithographed acd pub-
ll-liod by U. n Jlayno ; paid cost bolnir so levied
on Mild lots mid H'.il estate , respectively , 113 fol
lows , to-wlt :
CO r.llOBnaid * 1C II Phoeley , It 4 blk 0 ,
Arinsltoiift's l t add . . . $3 ! ) 15
Andou I'upoaiiy Jc.loscpli KIIMIII , It 5 bll ;
r > , Avmstionir's lnt add . " ( J 10
n Ariiistioiiy.ltt ) blkri\iinstionjr's Ifclnd "it 10
" lllblkfl , " so 10
Danish f.oan & H. Ass'n , w ' . ' 2 It 5 blk 0 ,
Armstrong's Itt ndd . 13 0" >
Lot-on Lnis-n , a' i It5 blk ( I , Aimslrong's
1st add . . . . . lil OS
H.I Moyors.ltfl blltO. AimMroiiR'MUt ndd 8 IS
Kiioho ) M NRkol and heirs. It 1 , Isnau's ad US : U
" " HlTlf. , " : iiO
J 11 and LouUa Hadlleld , It I , Isaac &
Grlflm'8 add . 30 5'J
.lack Morrison , c ' 4 It 2 , UaacA : Grlllln's
ndd . 18 Ed
R \VilllnniB , w U It 2 , Uaac \ flrlllln'rf udd 18 " 6
lIuichiyWlilte.Giln , Itil , " Mia
it 4 ! " ao s-j
J 8 Collins and heirs U 11 Collins , o20s 13 J
It 7 , Nelson's add . 35 12
Catherine W Pnilth , g (1 ( n 43 n 100 It 27 ,
Nelson's mid . 8 D7
Houmd lUnck , n itt a 1UU n 107 It M7 , Nel
son's ndd . . 1)10 )
n M Hitchcock , siU n ill1) ) It ' ; : , Kulsou'a nd fll 17
J S Collins nnd heirs 11 Collins , H 132 It
2S , NelMiu's add , . . . 7 ? ' > ! l
Anna M Huhlmul ( Adm. ) R 4'.HS n a"J U
101 , Nolson'hiulU . 8
OooV Loveladj , s tU' ' , , It lOI.Xolfron'B add ,10 7
Ohrlstlan Nelson , B l.T ! It Il f " : > 0 15
Mnry i : Dn-sl , s tai It 111. " : KI 15
Sto\cn II Ilnthawar.B lit. It 101 , '
MnrllnTlbuo , H iwvi : It ion , i " : ' . ' ) 15
s iaJ' it in , " : i-i ir ,
Dnvlil It lion-man , R 1JJ It 107 , " : ) ' ! 15
Miirtliu M iHh lAdm. ) a laa ItW \ , " IPi 15
James Mo Mloliiiel , s VK U luo , ' lit ) r.l
" sia ltllO , " IN I /
Kllsha T r.lovor , s i : It III. , " 111)15
Colllni Jordan , s IS. It 112. " ! W 15
Ch rie .lohn-oti.nlftJwWlt ) 11.1 , " ! M
Olo.Iohneon , n tiUom w I20U IH , " U.'i M
Ole Oloion , 11 IU2 o lii i It 1IJ , " I ) III
n U.Mr 7.1 It 111 , " 4'IWI
rrnnelsinirtlltiy , n KBn UVi It 111. " 741
nnnk | { Ilallor , : iilw7. ) : ' > 'iItllG , " " -5
Kiitiii-N I' Ilallei , n 10(1 ( w 7.1'It ' 11 % , " " > 21
Krtidi-flulc DioM'l , n rUoijOltlirj , " KM
MilltinTlbko , nl.3lt ! ll , " 40 1H
IMniiidCiminell , n I'JS It 117 , " 40 ID
Ito'-a Nuuinan , n 1.12 wliO It 118 , " 17 7U
WC i'ft < iHi w l i it 118 ,
J.Yloii' * udd . Wni )
1) U liowiiinn , n Uo : i It llB.NcHon's Hdd I 7H
' uiuwnt : < iitiiii , " us IH
Uertlia Kllno.n I.e. oa It III ) , " 1 70
" niarjwcii , it 11:0 : , " ; ; H 40
A H Gladstone , n IK nlill J l , " I 7H
I r wll4 4lt 121 , " S40
Ho'il Nowmilli , n KBuillt 121 , " 1 78
Adolph Hrowii , n 13. eiW , It 12- . ' , " 21 87
ri < HlMmi < .ii liNltlSl , " 10 IH
Eugene O'Neill , n lif.'ll 1 lillcl. O'XcH'4 Bllb ! H 08
Win HHiilsI/or. nlKIt2blk ! I , " ia n
J K Kuinois jr. n I.B It il blk 1 , " 2U ( i.
EO'Nolll.n ISJil IblkS , " 2 75
Henry Itleek. n I'K It 2 blkH. " 28 75
lly S mid Aildlti I1 Hhoads , Trilsteo' , n T21 !
It II bll , 2 , I/Nell's sub . , 2875
E O'.Nolll , II I'Ci II 4 blk 2 , iVNuil'hfcUb 28 75
August ( InveF , n 132II fiblk2 , " 2S 75
E O'Neill , n liB It II blk 2 , " 2S 75
" 'iiliBIKbllcS , " 2 < t75
n 1 . ' UK blk 2 , " 2175
n IU It I blk , 2h 75
' nlHltllilk. ! ! ! , " 2875
" nin-Jliiibika , " as 75
" M I'LJII bU.f , " 2H7-1
Michnel 8ull\iiu. | il I.I ! lux It II , 10-15-15 5S 71
Martin Tlbke , n l.lMn.It 18 , " N ) 10
Win H llnint. , n i : tax It IH. " 2'Jl ' 10
Phlm ICiJIir'illNiiron.HlilJtax ' U II , " 44 Ul
John ACrol none uiilWlim2 ! , " 381 47
u U2 tax it ; n , " iiu fi )
Section" . Tlir.t thospculnl tiuos Bud asso-n-
nieiits lo\led mid afsOibOdnsafoiet-aid , blnill bo ,
dim immediately upon thn pi9-ano ; mid Hppioriil
ofthUordlminco , niidBhnll bnconiudcllniiuuntif
not puld lhln | till ) duya lliKiealloi ; and thereupon -
upon a iiunulty ol ten pur tent , i-hall bo added ,
toKOtliorHllhlntfiest Httboratool ono percent ,
u month , | iAujhi ! In ndvancu from the time Bind
taxes become MI ileiimiueiit.
hcctlonll. Tbnt thlsordlnancu shall mUi effect
and bo In fori-ufiom and nftor its paesaae ,
1'nssed Nmomber Ibtli , Ift l.
Vtu. r , lite ur.i. , 1'icsldonl City Council
J. n. KoUTiiAttli , City Clurk.
AppJOedNoember Itth.lSSil.
\\u 1' . llKfiiKi.Actlnf ! Mayor.
These taxes me now duo mid pat able to thu
city treasurer , nml will bccomo dollminont on
Junuiiry 71 h , lt7 , after which < late a penalty
mid Intcirsl ulllbuiuldntl a9t > hewn In gettloni.
aid5t Tfti'JUN IIUCK , City TifSburcr ,
. Jt. 0 , P. , London ,
Qrttcr l m > ocinIUii2401 ( ! | St. t rf' ATB.
llourtJW WloiiT tu3 Iluun-Vaia ,1 A l 7 | > iu
Spoclnl Ordtnunce Ho. O7t > .
AN Ordmnncp l > rj Inir o gp ? lal tax nnrt as
sessment on eortnln lots nnd real o tnto In
the cut of Omnbn to cover the one half cost
of mating Hixrnoy direct fiom Iho west Imo
of20thsreot ( to tbo wist HneotMtCoimlcK s
Whereas , It bavin ? been and belnir hereby n 1-
Judged , dolcimlnod aim estiiblishod Hint the
orornl k > t.s and plcc < ' or real estate herolnafler
rcfcrro I to. have ene.i been RPcclnllr banelllte I
to the full amount I er-in levied nnd nsfcfiod
Knbi < t e.ieh of said loU nnd pleoon of real
cjtnto , re peotlvely by teasnn of tbo grnllng
ofthnlpnrt of Hmne.v flreet Irom thn west line
of SUlh tieel to the wiisi Him of MeCormlck'n
addition done uiuler eonlrai-t wlth.tnmeg To\ .
Tiierefore , fortlmpnrposoof paying the one-
half cost of nich pindlng :
He II ordilnod bi the city council of the city of
( kniiim :
Seetlon 1 , Thit the one-lmlf cost of grading
tlmtpnit ofHninostreetIn the ultvot OniHlin ,
from thowc < t line of 20th street to the outline
ol MeCounfck's addition , * atd ono-halfof 6'ild
cost being the sum of I.l.n.'l 41 , said guid
ing being done tinder contract with .lames
Fox , bo and thf same U herein- levied nnd
Bs es < cd , ncconllnv to special bi'iiclll * by icnsoti
of snld grading , titon | the following lots and real
palate KB shown by tlio genornlly rocoKnlrod
IIIHII of the city ofOiimtin , IR i , llthoginphod
nnd pnblUhed by C. E Mnynn , snld cojt being
co lot led on snld lotfl and real estate , retpoctlt ely -
ly , ns follows , to-wlt.
Jocob A Ilondrh.s lit ! sub U not HO ,
Oiplloladd . . JJ-O.-M
Mnry L Hnike. s I'U w 5'i ' ub lot 7 ol It 0 ,
'Capitol ndd f 25 iW
aeo.MNnltlnger.s . 1J2 e 40 w 00 sub7 It B ,
Cnpltol ndd 20 2.1
Fred MetH 1.12 w 5 c IOO Mill 7 U 0 , Capitol
tel ndd .250)
Johnathan A Thompson , it 1JJ o60 nub 7
It , Unpllol ndd 25 SO
Sarah ( lln oil. litj sub Sit 0. Cnpltol ndd , iU H
Hell 1)11 ill , slT ! sub | i It il , " nSHI II ! nub 11 It 0 , " 25 i l
Artenills M Clarke , n It ! nub 12 It II , ' ' TO Ml
Hell D Hall , n 1IIJ sub I.I It ( I , " a't 41
Anna W Thompson , n I'U sub 11116 , " ill il7
Abbio S Hilling' , n ( U sub IA ltd , " So 'M
Marj K Kellogg , n I.B cub hi It G. " 4'i ' U7
" sI.S28Ubl71tn , " 41 4S
Ou > ClHrton.RllKMiblslt n. " 71 111
Mnry li Kellogg , u UK sub 10 It n. 71 31
" nl B slM Hilli 20 ltd , " no IW
Win Wnllnce , s TWiiiSl 8iib2HlO , " i)7 ) HI
Uongiegallon of Israel , H 1.U w 70 sub 1
It 7. Capitol ml 1 M 41
Hiram It Kennedy , s liU c 83 gnb 1 117 ,
Capitol ndd . O ) 3i1
Max Me\ers , It ! sub il It 7 , Capitol ndd 270 *
famnel llelchenbeig.S HUenli 4 117 , " 27 07
Wllllnm Wind , u liPJ "lib5 It 7 , " 27 07
John 11 Wnlnler. n tl SUI > n It 7. " S7 07
II & O MoCntlley. u 132 nb7 It 7 , " M M
Wm ( i Chnmbe , s t.U sub J It l < , " 41 4S
II \ OMet'nlliey.n rUouliP II S , " Hi 47
llermmiMnlch'.en ' , * iWsub4lt : tt. " 1012
" 4132 nub 5 It .s , " it ) 12
Alexander I'mln. * son , s IllJ sub 6 It P , " 20 21
Emily.1 llilgge.kl.OMib I It 9 and Hint
( w 521 pint of 20th M.IICXt adjnlilivr ! ,
Cnii'tolndd ' . . . . 101 7J
Jamo3 Neville , n 1.1J sub 2 It , nnd that w
5-'ol 2-'thstne\t ' iiiljoliilng , Cnpllol ndd 104 7t
Catherine Nash , H IK Kiil > 7 III" " . " 20 21
OvvenMcCnirrej.sliUsubaitn. " (1291 (
DT Mount * .1 H OiininRl3JsubOltn ,
Cnpltol add . ! W Si ?
D T.Mount & .1 Hdrimn.s I.U nublQItV.
Capitol add IiO ill
r.innle M Slolnan.snh 11 It 0 , Cnpllol ndd 1 ! > Ml
Knruh.l Hro n onsubl21t II , " 1 itJ
r.mmii L Vnn Elton , sub lil It , " 111 it2
Hiuloio Prank , n 12 o lil sub 14 It t ) , " 2 7
" n I.U . ' sub II It < , " HI Oil
11.10 112 , " 74 i7 !
.111 Si'lumiiiK , s liii It : i hlkl , Cnpllol Illll ill : n
VliKlt4 blkl , " iMin
Iloiny W Vntes , I.U It 7 blk2 , " 2910
Evoiotllillls ( , 8 lil ! IIB blk a. " 3.1
Anna E Itcod , s 1.1 ! H ! ' blk 2. " ! H .7)
Mnrv W Stephens , ! ! 112It 10blk S , " ill 39
Jacob II Hondrlx , 8 fi-Mt 11 blk 2 , " 111 4 I
" It IS blk'.1 , " 4B 31
James Hllojrt , It 1 blk 3 , " 4(1 ( 01
It 2 blk il. " 1071
" n UK It 4 blk H , " id IP )
V ( I Unity , n iu : it 5 blk : t , " : u : n
n I IS It C blk il , " 3.1 if )
J H Shaw IJJ'J It 7 lilk .1 , " yi 40
( loo\V 1 blk 4 , " 40 75
Dyer I ClaiKU2b11c4 , " 2001
Helen CCo/geshnll , It * , Kcyes' dlvln It 0 ,
Cnpllol add 2533
Evn \ Hoslo ( iladstone , It U , Koj es' dlv in
lltl. Cnpllol n Id 25 30
Kvn i Hoslo Clndsioiiu , w 45 It 10 , Kcyes'
dlv in It P. Capitol add 2277
On ill I1 Chubb , o 5 It 10 , Koyos1 illv in It 0 ,
Caiillol ndd 253
OrvillePChnlib , w 25 It 11 , Keycs' dlv In
It , Capitol ndd 12 C5
Martha M Ish , o 23 It 11 , Keyus'dlv In H
II , Capitol ndd . . 12 Co
Mnrtha M Ish , o25 It 12 , Kcycs1 dlv in lilt ,
Cipltol ndd 25 iX >
AniliiM Dunmll , It U , Koyos * dlV ill HO ,
Capitol add 21 30
John J Mueller. It 11 , Kojes' dlv In It D ,
Capitol nil.1 . 2530
Mary E.Ioniann 107 It 15 , ICoye ' dlv 111 It
0 , Capitol add 2242
Jamon No\lllo , s 25 n 1W ! It 15 , Koyos'dlv
In HU , Capitol add 267
Augustus W Clai ki > . n liM It w , Keyca * div
In It 9 , Capitol add . . . . 25 30
Augustus W Clnike , u 132 It 17 , Koyos' div
in It ! > , Cnpltol ndd " 25 SO
Jnmes Neville , n 13J It 18 , Koyos' dlv In It
, Capitol add 25 3J
Jack Morrison , n 132 It IP , Keycs' dlv in It
9 , Cnpltol , ldd 2530
Mcjer llohmmi , n U2 ! It 30Keyod' dlv in
It ( I , Capitol ndd . . . . . . 2" > 30
Motorlliillnmn. n lit.1 II 21 , Koyos' dlv in
It . Capital ndd 2530
LmsLlnholm , Itil blk 7 , McCoimlck'a add 3.1 il'l '
Henry AV Yntes , It 4 blk 7 , " 21 50
FH Davis. lt blk 8 , " K3U )
w 7Mlt7lIk-8. ) " 1897
Est. J McCormlok , o SH4 It 8 lilk 8 , " 14 IJ
' It ti lilk H , " it ) 3'J
Jnmes Johnpon.H 10 blKh , " 333' !
I'll Davis , s ii2u28'i : ' of old 23th nvo. not
Harney si , McCoiinlck's add 1442
HE < ittcsg ( IJ2 vr 5H > of old Mill nvo.
nOAt n of llnrnoy , McCormiclf'H ndd . SO CO
Chns SleCormiok , u 132 of oldi lh nvo ,
next ft of llmnoy Ht , Mef ormlck 9 ndd 40 < S
Wm II Mulcahey , n " . It 5 blk 9 , " 10 02
.lohn Heynolds. s Vt It 5 blk I ) . " 23 ! 17
Est.JohnMcCoimlckltOblk ! ) , " id 39
" u 7 bik 9 , " : ci iri
DoxterLThomns.ltSblkll. " if I ! 1J
Mime ItasmusMdi , It 7blhlU , " 2100
Est. John McCoimlck , It8 blklO , " id 39
" It 9 blk 10 , " id i)1) ) )
" it 10 blk 10 , " : ni'i :
" It 11 blk 10 , ' id 'W
Emily la blk 10 , " 'El : , ' )
Milmi D Linds.iy , 11 I'U 11 1 blk II , " XI : u
n lit ! It U blk 11 , " tflfl1 *
JL Kennedy , n 1.T2O 41 II ilblkll , " 2220
JTComstock , n 132 W21.1 Itil blk 11 , " n 13
11132114 blk 11. " Ulirt
Est. .1 MoConiiiclc , 11 132 It 5 blk 11 , " in 3T
" n UU ltd blkl I , " 21 m
" niiuit ibikia. " ; a
" 13-'It 2 blk 12 "
1) ) - , il339
.Icrc'h A Llnahmi , n liU It 3 blk 12 , " ; t ! ii'J
" li I3J It 4 blk 12 , " iKJii'l
MaiySmidbeig , n Wilt 1 blk li ) , " 25 8rt
A HoKlnnil , s 41" , n 12IM It 1 bile 13 , " 0 28
W Scott. 88' ' , n 1K It I lilk 13 , " 1 2,1 ,
Maty Sandburg , W821S It 2 blk 1,1. " 21 88
A lloglund.H ll'.i n l..l'i H2 lilk 13 , " 0 28
W 8eoit , H 8' ' , n III ! It 2 blk 13. " 123
E t. ,1 McCoimlck , o 28t ( n 13i 11 3 , blk 13 ,
McCoimleU'H add . 14 42
l > t .1 McCormh'k , w : r7'/j ' n I'U It 4. bbc
13MoCoiuilck'rftuliI . . . . 18 97
Est. J McCormlck , n 132 It 5 blk 1.1 , McCor-
miek'H add 33 , ! ' )
Elof Nllsson , a 132 It 1 blk It , Mi Cormick'fl
add . 21 60
Elof NllobOti.n 132112 bik 14 , McCoimIck'8
ndd . . . . *
Sqctlon2. Thin tbo snneinl taxes nnd HEJOSS-
montslovlednnil iiHschtud as nfoiesaid , Fhall bo
duo Immollalely iipon I ho passuuu nnd up-
moviilot this ordlnnnco , nml nluill boconio du-
llmiiient II not paid within lilt ) ilujfi Ilioioaflor
nnil thenmponu poiialtj often pei'eent hhnll bo
milled , together with interest at the into of ono
percent n month , p.ljnbloln advance fiom the
timoHild taxes boconio t-n doliii'iuciit '
HM'tlonil That thU ordinanceftliall tnko offuct
and bo In force fiom mid after Kb passage.
I'uasod Novemboi Iblh , IKW ,
WMF , llr.Oiihii. President City Council.
J. II. Sot'niAiii ' ) , City Clork.
Approved November Htli , IPPO.
\\M. F , Iti.cin.L , Aotlng Major.
Tlie otnxes nro now due ami paynblo to the
city tieusuier , and Mill bct'omo ilcliiKiucnt on
.Inminiy 7th , 18S7 , nftrr whleh ditto n penally
and inlorcit will be added us bhon n In HotMlon 2 ,
Tawu.s llueic Clly Tieiismer.
Notice to Property Owners ,
SECTION Pi , Chaptnr 45 , Omnlm Clly Laws.
Itfclnill be unlawful for any occupant ol
any lot 01 lots ur the owneis of any lot or lots
In thu elty to Hiitfitr snow , ke < ii mud to noan-
imilatoon thu sidewalk ( ontlgnonx thereto or
to rcmiilii thureon , but tiicli bldnwulk thill : bo
iliuicd wllhin one hour alter thn uunkiitiiiiiof
any stoi in or fall of snow , nnloi-e such Hoi m or
lull of siioiv Mmll tnko placB In Iho night time ,
in whlrh im-o the sldovrnlk t > l > n'l bo ( leaned by
! iii.m the following tin ) . In the Inii-iiiom portion
tion of thn i lly muh enow , ioo 01 mud hhnll Iiu
icmovtd Into the tinvolid pinlKin ol tliotticot
mid NO spread around us not to intoil'iro with
pnblio tluvol anil no portion thereof shall bo
allowed to romiiin within eUht feetof Iho side-
wnlk , An- person who nlmll fnilor rcluceto
comply with thu nbovu piovislons blmll bo
droinod guilty of a iiilrfdoiiioaiioi , and on con
viction thereof shnll ho Until In n biun not in-
cirdlng tminty ( I'M ilollais If nny vldOMiilklu
limit ol an } vne int lot in promivji bo nut
cleaned ns tibovo dlrccied. Ihoslieel coinmls.
aioiiuirlirn dlroett'U 60 loilo by tbo mayor or
lonncll ( .ball clear such sidenullt and report the
oxpon'o thereof to the city council , and Iho
council rluill thoreiipon levy a t-pccinl lux on
inch vacant lot or prem.Roa snllklonl to pity
the axpunie of clonrmtr biich sMowullc , mid
t-bii I cuuso nueU tax lo bo colluded iiu no.ub HI
muy bo & > > U provldnd In suctions fuurlecn til )
and lltteon (15) ( ) of this ordlmim e
J'ubll lii3d for Kenoriil lutuimatlnn by eider of
the City Council.
Council.J. H. SOUl'HAUD , Cil } Clou
! CATAIIHII , Tt ( jrr tCfinin
KriutdrUaiifltlttiuir. l-'leOI3inpl <
NO pu\K * uail l K > lc lor I unit la iliui ; > .
L. II. 1U ( > ltA ! 1. CO. , Kail Ujuij.lo
Tlmo Table
Th following Isthp tlmo of nrriTAl nntiln-
pnrlurnof trains by Central Standard Tlmo nt
thy local donots. Trains of the C. St. I1. M. *
O. nnd the M ( ourl I'nelllo nrrlro nnd deporl
from their depot , corner of 14th and Webilor
Ktreot < ; trntiM on thn II. * M C. 11. &Q. and K ,
C.M. J. A C. l . from 4bn II. H M. depot All
others from the Hnlon 1'aclflo depot.
Ilrldco trains will lenvo i' I1 , depot at flW :
I57n : 8iWVIIIOl ! : : > l 11:10 a. in , 111 .OJ 8:0(1 : (
7:20 I.0-1I4CO : 6OJ-0:3J : : - 0:107:006il5 : -
10:00-11:10 : p in.
Lento Tinnster for Onrxhn at 7i12 IWil. % PSS :
9:41 : Hllli J7 11:47 : a.m. : 1. . 17 Sil.I 3:37 : .1:81 :
4:375.50 : 0'13-7'lfl 7'4J-SM : 10:47 : lll'iJp in.
Arrtvnl nml depinturn of trains from the
Transfer Depot nt Council lllutl.i :
HOCK ISLAND * rtctrio.
117:15 \ . M. l > P:1t : A. M.
AVH5A. H. II 5:35 P. M.
A 6:40 : f. M. 117W : P. M.
AP:15A : , M. I A : tlA. W.
A * :40 : - u. I A7W : i1. M.
A 0.r : . M , I A 9:15 : i. K.
AOKr. : v. | A 7:00 : p. M.
riiKuno , uiuTAUKrK ft ST. rAttu
A 0:15 : * . v. I A 9:15 : A. u
A 6:40 : 1' . M. I A 7.001' . M.
KANSAS CITr , ST. JOE ft COtt.NCIt. tll.UrM.
A 10:00 : A.M. I D K'V > A.M.
1)8:551- ) : . I A&J5r. it.
\\A1I\MI , ST LOt'lS * rAUirta
A S v. M. I A 0:30 : r. M.
stoux ctrv . t'Aotria
A 7:05 : A. < 4. I A 9:3 : A.M.
A : i5r. M. I AS'Wl'.M.
Depart , _ .VKSl'WAHD. _ ArriT _ _ _
jk. vi. r. M. UNION 1'AOIFIU. p. u.
i6':55a : Denver Hxpross . . MSJ'ii
. . .liocal ItxprtiM
8:16a : Mall nnd Express.
fl:25 : .Night Express . U:40n :
"Depart SlU'THWAIIlf'Arrive. '
A.M. P. M. M1SS01IHI I'ACiriO. A. v. u.
. .Day ISxptoss
.Night UiprcM . .
1C. C. . 81' . .1 * 0. II.
:10b : ] . Via riattsmoiitb i
n.tli _ ( " . .Lincoln Express H:50 :
Dupmt , NOKTHWAIID. Arrive.
* CST. . I1. , M. A O. I . i. j r. n7
.Sioux Cily Hxprcss 5i45a
' Aeconnnod'nlO:30a | : |
Airlvo. _
"ST. H. .V Q. * I A. M. I K M.
Via IMiittsmonth I ta ) | 7:18 :
" *
wlllleavott. ] . dopol , O.nah . i. nt IW:47'H : :
1M5 : ! ! 10:00 : a. in. ; 2:00 : 3:05 : t.O" > 5:25-H0 : ; > )
ii. m.
rneino Express , S.M p. m ; Denver K-T. , 10:55 :
n. m ; LocM Ex.,5 05 p. m.
Lonvo stock ynrks foi Omnhn at 117:05 : IHilO
: JO-U55 a. m. ; 2:3J-il:3.--s:33-aUl-l : : : : :2. : ' .
Cbiontro lixpioss le. S. 0.5:07 : ; Locnl Et. , lo.
S. O. 10:51 a. in.
NOT1J A , trains dully ; 11 , dally oxcopl Sun
day ; C. dally except S.iturd.iy : D daily except
Ol-ainnncc No. 133O.
AN Oiil ntneo declailng1 the necessity of ap
propriating coitnlii prlvnto propeity mid
Inndh tor tlio use ol the city of Omulm , tor
the pnrpoaii ol oMendlng" Ciilifoiiiin street
from the cast line ol'Hnnn\Kldo nddltlon to the
wostlinoof - ' nddlllon and -
Swoo-'s pi-ovldlng
lor the appointment of Ihreo dlsliUeicatod
fico ho'.deiMol ' ( .nldeltyio nssess ihodunumos
to the cmnuro , rospactlfnly , of the properly
taken by such nppropilnllon.
Ilo It 01 dalneJ by the city council of the city of
Section L Tlmt It is nccc saty , mid it Is hero-
by declared necussary , to nppiopilnlc ceitnln
private property and land tor tbo use of the
city ol Omaha for the pmposu of extending
Culltornltibtrcot liom the eiint line ol Snnny-
Bldo addition to the est line of Swrozy's addi
tion , said piopeitv mid land nocos nrv lor snob
purpose being Altnatcd In Bald elty ofOmnho ,
nnd dcccilbod an follows , to-wlt : The poulh < l
foot oftheiioilh UU loot of tax lots 22 nnd 24 ,
soellon 15.
Section 2 Thnl ( bo mnjor , with the npprovnl
ofthn cltv cimncll , nppolnt tlueo dlslmereat-
edfieo-holdeisof the city of Omnliii , to nsjos.1
the dmmiges to the ownois , lonpectlvcly , of
snld propeity mid lands taiton bj snoh iippio-
Seetlon 3. Tlmt this ordlnnnco tnko olfcct
nnd bo In force fiom and after Its passage.
Passed November IClh , IHFli.
WM. F. HCUIIRI. , I'resldont Cltj Council.
J. TI. SOUTH tun , City Clerk
Approved November Kith , ISSO.
WM.r. UuuiikL , Acting Mayor.
Ordinance ITo. 1221.
AN Ordlnnnco dei-lili Ing tlin nucogltj * ot ( * P-
proprintlng coitaln prl\ato property und
lunds tor the u o ol tlio oil j ol Omaha , for the
pllipoao of uldcnlng " 71 h avenue from the
north line of Drake's mldltlon lo thn north
line of Sneo/y's Addition , mid providing
for the appointment ol three disinterested
fico-holdeia ol f-ald city , lo iiiisoin thn dam
ages to the owner.- * , respectively , of Iho prop
eity laknn by Mich appropriation
He II ordained by Iho city council ol' the city of
Omnha :
Km t Ion 1. That it Is necessary , nnd Ills here
by deohired'nei'O-Siuy , lo approprlato certain
pilvato property mid laud for tbousoof thooltjr
ot'Omnhatortho piupo oof wiUonlntr27tbuvo-
nuo trom tbo north line of Drake's addition to
the north line of Sttuivy'H addition , saldprop-
orly and land nuc-ossury for Hiich purpose bolnjr
( illumed In said cltv of Omaha , and described
as follow * * , to-wlt : The easl 20 foot or tax lota 2J
nod 24section 10.
Section " . Thai thoimnorwith ihonppioval
of the city eoniuil , nnpoint tlneo dHlntoriihtod
Ireo-holderAOl Iho city ol assoHS the
damages to the oxvners , legprctixoly , of mild
prop ity nnd lands tnken by Kiicb nppioprlntloii.
Section il. this ordinance take clfoct
nnd bo In foroo fiom and alter Itu pasbage.
Passed November llith , 181.
WM. I' . Hmici. , I'ri'nlilent City Council.
J. II. Potmriiti , Clly Clork.
Applo\cd November 18tli , 1880.
W > i. F. liKCiii.i , , Act Ing Mayor.
Ordinance Ko. 02 ,
AN Ordinaneo declaring the necessity of
changing Ibo grade of ( ilh btieet Horn
raeillo strcit lo I'oppleton nvonuit nnd of
I'ieteo Mreel fiom till slioLt to 'th street ,
anil appointing thico illKlntoioMted appi nlsem
to as-i'Bi and dctoimlno Ihu ilaiiiayo.H lo
proiieity owners , which limy bo cause' ! by
BiK'li ehiiniro ol gindo , and ordering the city
engineer to innko a piolllu bliovvlnu such
Ho It ordained by Ihu City Councilor the City
of Omaha :
fiootion 1. Thai It Is. proper ami necessary ,
and It in heioby dnolaieil piojier und IK cubxary
to ehnngo thn giado nfAlli utieel fiom I'arltlo
stieet to I'ojipktoli avonno , and Plorco ulioot.
Irom Gth to , lh streets , H > that buld olnva-
tiotiK III bii ns Inllowp , the giado bntvveun tint
polntselteil being unlloriiistialffht linen :
Ur.idooi Sixth tticul
Elevation EUivnllnn
or W.ciiili. ofEcuib ,
Roillll tillbof INielllosl 70'5 71.0
Noith eurb ol 1'lon.o tl . . 75 S 71.0
Honlli oiilbol 1'lcico Ft 70.11 755
Not th curb o ( I'nppldton me ,
tormerb Division tl 7.n 87.0
til'I'.dOOl I'lL'K
SOCtion2. ( i htltILt
Elevation Elevation
ol N.einb. ol rl.eiiib ,
Eat < einb of lilhst 75,0 75.5
West onrb 01 llth bt . . . 71.5 70.0
East cm hot 71 Ii bt . feO.U H..O
Bi'Ctlon il. That the clly engineer bo , and
heiehy 14 , Instiiicled to njiike n protllo allowing
ftiich prjMijud | elianuool grndu.
Section I. Tlmt tlm innyitr with the approval
ol tlm oily council appoint thico dHliileidHnil
iipniiiiKKi' ' * to apiiial" ! ! , II HUSS mid delurmlini
tliiidniiiage to itinpuil ) OWIIITK wliluh may bo
oaii'-i'd by H icii ehaniro o | grndo , tiiKIng Into
i-oiiHldrnition In makiinr noli : appialEfinunt ,
thu bum tits , It any , to FU.II prupurty , b > uaton
ol Hitch chaiigo of grade ,
ftnctlon fi , Thnl IhU otdlnnnco take olloct
nnd IHI in foroo Irom nnd nfler Itap'iSMigo.
I'liNt-cd November Ibtb , IKW.
\\'M. K. llH'iii.i. , I'lii ldcnt City Council ,
, i. It. HiiiniMiiii , Cllj Cloik.
Apptorod November 1Mb , 1K6C ,
U'il. I' , lit oiu.r. , Acting Mayor.
Orflluanco Ho1222 ,
AN Orilliiinieo ( remlng Sewer UlMrilsNos.4fl
and 41. in the cit > of Oinnlia and or.loiliig
thoionhliiictlon ol Hovvori , In mini illMiluts.
He it ordained by tin- Lit ) Cunmilol thotity
ol Oiiinhu :
Hoi tlon 1 Hi wer DUtidaNos 40andlliuo
hi ieh ) eieuled In tin uuy ot Oninlin ,
Socilon 2 DiEiriet No 10 tball coin-
prlKO the nllnj lielwecn IUh nml jnth ittiunts
mid Mihuhu lreel und I Bin nU , nnd In-
il.ido . ' U liul' > block " < .
lots 'to ' bho. 1" 1 i.ioltl tu
n i nn hiilvo Oi.ialui Ifnllding nnd Muving As -
elation addition , in ; I lolsl : lo 5J incluiiivu , lloi-
bnch a Iri iiddliion.
Hod Ion .1 hoivcr Dl.stiie.1 N'o II bliall ( inn-
prlfolbe nlle ) between I HI li and lUth Urotdsiinl
KiuliuliitHiU Clmilos Ktirol , and mtliidu lot -
UiUlniliiklkii , bhiLli IH2' ' | . Clly , und loth 1 to 1.2
Inclusive , bUiek I und lotu I to Hi Ir.clusUu ,
block 2 , In iioi liauh'rt Knd addition
boelloii 4 'I lie boiird ot jilil ill ) "Oiks M
bi'Kdiyditu u il to laXo thn noiuximry stotis i < i
OIIUBU ihe bOiiMiuuliun ol tenors In laid ill.i-
81 ellnn ft T.ils onllimnco shall | nke u.Tm t
und Ixi m fiucu f l oni mill alter lUpa bUVi ) .
iMfMd N'nvuiiiboi lull. IBtiO. .
WM. K. 11 urn I'rtsidont City tXiuuiU ) ;
J , II SofTilAlili , lily ( lurk.
Appro' id November 1Mb , > t0.
\Vu r. ULCIIU. , ActiDf > luor. )