Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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DrlKntd lijrnnler in nj pnitot the city At
I * inly crntl per w cek.
11. W. TIL-TON. Malinger.
TKtr.l'HO.NE3 :
BcusmOmc * , No. U
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
New fail Roods .it Ucitur's.
'I'lm ( Sooil Templars arc plannin ; : a
convotitiun licrn on tlm lOlli.
Freddie ( icrstuiiborK refuses to return
to Orimlin without n requisition.
Permit tovcil was ycstcrduj granted
to . ) . P. Peterson urn ! Miss A. K. Hanson ,
both of this city.
The prinlers arc making great proparu-
lions for llioir nnisqiicradu ClmMmiis
night. Tliero will ho a variety of cos-
tunics , and some very unique onus.
These who have claims against the
tty limit lilc their bills to-day in order
to have thuni con.sldcrnd al the regular
meeting of the city council on Monday
.SoniR of the siik-walka , especially the
stone onus , arc ley slippery. A little
sprinkling of ashes or sawdust will pre
vent accidents , and the marshal was yes
terday recommending their UMS to prou-
erty owners who had particularly dan
gerous walks.
.James Hlako and James Rutherford.
two young men who have boon peddling
cutlery at remarkably low prices , ha\e
been released from custody on the pay
ment of the necessary liei'nse , the ofticors
not being able to Hud nnj proof thai the
goods were crooked , or the men cither.
Captain Overtoil goes to Washington
next week , where ho has still a claim
pending against the government for a
Hteamboat lost in the service In 18150 , and
lor which $20,000 is asked. The claim
has Ibcen undergoing investigation for
years , and does not seem to he near the
end yet.
Several on Broadway yesterday showed
thai the feet ot the wicked do not always
stand in sSiiipcry places. There was no
doubt at all about their nol standing , and
the language used as they picked them-
bclvus up indicated that , if righteous.
they were tried beyond their powers of
yracc to endure.
The special ear in which Mfei Adelaide
Moore travels was ycstcrdr.y on the side
track by the Broadway depot , and was
visited bv many ladtes and gentlemen.
who found iniioh to admire. It is indeed
: i palace on wheels , and is as rich and
comfortable a home as a transitory one
could well be. Money and art innc.0 done
all possible to make the interior attractive -
ivo and convenient , and the enibollisli-
incntb aretelegant.
The young man Levy , taken in charge
by the otliccrs Thursday niglit , on sus
picion , was yesterday released , lie was
thought to have come wrongfully by a
gold watch which he was trying to trade
IS- lor an overcoat , but some of his Omaha
friends came over hero and vouched for
his being straight. He was put to the
annoyance of .spending several hours in
the city jail , but ho win learn probably to
avoid the appearance of evil in u city like
Council IJluflV , , where the ollieers are on
the alert.
Olllccr lieswick caused some commo
tion in the ranku of the salvation army ,
and innocently. The cily has for some
time had an electric light al the corner of
Dohany's old hall , where the Salvation
ists hold forth. There has also benn an
electric light put into the hall. In putting
in this last light the city light was cut
out. UCSWICK seeing that the city light
was not burning , concluded it was Hiis
duty to turn the switch and set it into a
blaze. He accordingly did .so , and as the
light did nol Hash up , lie turned it the
other way. Still no glimmer. Then lie
turned it the other way again. While ex
perimenting with it , und getting no sat
isfactory results , some of the army came
rushing out of the. hall and complained
to him thai someone was fooling with
the electric light , and wanting the mis
creant arrested. Tim ciowd in the hall
had been left in darkness two or three
times. Ho started oil' to hunt up the fol
low who hud been turning oft' the light ,
and the Salvationists had no further
Stoves ! Stoves ! Stoves ! Kor the next
thirty clays I will aoll heating stoves at
1 cost for cash only. P. C IiVui : , .
Five Hundred Overcoats for Itovs and
Children , from $1.50 up.
up.MKTOAM' line * .
Personal 1'iirnjrraplih.
C. .J. Colby , of Kansas City , is at the
Will I' . Sapp has returned from his
Chicago trip.
II. U. Cltoyncy is reported as recover
ing slowly from Ids prolonged and dan
gerous illness ,
L. A. Weber has been appointed route
agent on the Won Liuerty & Council
lUullslino. vicoS. AV. Clark.
W Judge Henry Ford , of Logan , was in
HID city yesterday , and is thinking of re
moving to this city with his family.
Division Superintendent Campbell and
J. J. llarligan , assistant superintendent
of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. P.iul ,
arrived last eveninc.
W. E. Spier , ot Washington , one of the
inspectors of public buildings who has
ueen looking over the new government
building here , goes to Nebraska City this
morning. _
The cclnbraled Harp Stop "Hardimui"
rhinos and the Hoyal Whitney Organs at
ML 1:1 : I.KK Mi-sir Co. ,
10i : Main Street.
Wall paper , shades , paints , etc. ll. P
Nilcs , No. JOJ Hroadway.
Call for everything you need , bottom
prices , Everybody'a store , ( j''iJ Main.
Weather strips al Chapman's , 105Maiu ,
Dr. Hanchett.otlleoNoTj Pearl streets
Residence 120 1'ourth street. Telephone
No. 10.
I > y
About 11 o'elouk last nlKht n man
named Oloson , who lives onVas \ > hinjloii
between Sovcntli and Eighth streets , was
nssjiultud by two men who nttcmntcd to
rob him , but \voni triuliti'iu'tl uwny by
Ms rcsistunco and tirius for help , Dr
Lnruy wns suniinoupd lo uttoiui the nmii
who is very soyorely injnrud , His assailants -
ants escaped.
Mrs. Dr , D. Trucsdoll , n graduate of
the Toronto , Unnadn , Therannutici. insli-
into , Is prepared to treat all clashes of
diseases "and demonstrate the ciiratlro
power of electricity" in accordance with
u now ami complete Hysteui of Eh'otro-
Therapeutics , Electro-Magnetism and
Static Electricity. Female diseases a
apecialty. Located at No. 807 Broadway ,
second iloor , Ollico hours 0 a. in. to 0
p. m.
A Mule Gem
of art In uvory package of Uoi.ii Mr.iur ,
COFFKE. Ask your urocer abon 13it.
Uronowcc & Schocutgen , wholesale
Notice Operailoiuu barber shop , bath
rooms reopened.
Everybody's store , good place to buy
goods , No , 8'U Main btreet.
Heating stoves nt cost to close them
.1 out.V. . A. Wood , NO. 601 Main Street.
A Glimpse At the Docket Shows Many Un
happy Folks.
Tlie Details oT the NorllmoHtorn
Unlhvny Case nncl Major Amlcr-
fcou'M Jjrror Tlio Xew ( Jov-
crniiiriit Utillcling.
Preparing l-'or Court.
'I he .bar docket of the district court
winch opens hero next Tuesday Is just
completed. There arc 47-1 cases upon it ,
of which -120 are civil ca. es and llftyfour
criminal ones. Among the civil cases the
city has its duo share.tlicrc being nineteen
suits ngainsl the city. The number , of
mlslll couples .shows up rather discour
aging to the e contemplating matrimony ,
there being twenty-eight divorce suits to
bo considered.
The number of attorneys now on the
roll for this county is sixty-four.
The following are those on the juries
for the coining term :
rirriT jfiiv.
W. P. Wightman , ,1. H. Lewis M.
Flavin , Kane ; Hans Keimors. Minden ; J.
H. Hough , ilu/ol Dell ; James Loobey ,
Mintlcn ; Joseph McCoiil , Crescent ; John
Curry , Si' . , Norwalk ; John H. Cross ,
Pleasant ; John Dye , Macedonia ; U. W.
Holmes , L. Swarengen , Kane ; W. K.
Bradley , Silver Creek ; John limman , B.
T Conner , Kane.
UK A Nl > .It'IiY.
A. L. Brown , Win. Buckley , P. Foley ,
( iconic Graves , J. T. Ilct/cl , Robert
lluntmglon , Win. H , ICuhn , J. A. Mur
phy , Kobert Miller , 1) . K. Parker , A. B.
Perkins Samuel Price , ha Scolield ,
James Vosey , Peter Weisc.
Elcctiic door bells , burglar alarm * and
e.vory form of domestic electrical appli
ances at the Now Yoik Plumbing Co.
Weather strips at Chapman's , 103 Alain.
Hard and soft coal , best quality , all
sixes. Missouri and Iowa wood. C IJ ,
Fuel company , Go'J Uroadway.Q Tele
phone 190.
Ailnlnldo Moore.
Amusement circles hero were on the
tip-toe of expectation to see and hear
Miss Adelaide Moore , the charming
young English actress. Her praises have
been sounded far and near , and it was
no easy task to meet the high expecta
tions of the audience which gathered in
Dohany's opera house last evening. That
the expectations wore more than real
ized was c\idcnced by the appreciative
applause and enthusiastic u raise given
by a Council Bin Us audience , which has
the reputation , and justly , of being cold
and timid in expressing its admiration of
artistic merit.
"Lady of Lyons , " with such a charm
ing actress as Miss Adelaide Moore , is
indeed a treat for any audience. She
captivated all by her beauty of face and
form , her grace of movement but beauty
was adorned evidently by those intellec
tual graces which make really the artist.
Her career has been brilliant , for in a
brief time she has made for herself a
name and a fame far in advance of mosl
who have toiled for weary years. Unlike
some who have suddenly gained favor ,
she is not a nieio imitator of wonderful
cleverness in portraying a conception
formed Dy some more thoughtful artist.
Shu so thoroughly puts her&clf into the
character as grasped in its completeness
by her own intellectual effort , that Miss
Moore is wholly lost in "The Lady of
Lyons.1 ,
'Miss Adelaide Moore is therefore won
derfully gifted. A richer endowment of
personal beauty , of physical grace , is
seldom seen , but she is not a mere beauty.
She is an intellectual wonder as wcil ,
and her mental strength , without which
there can be no true acting , coupled with
her charming ways , accounts somewhat
for the rapid strides made in her profes
sion , by. which she has been already con
ceded a' place with those whose names
are not to bo forgotten.
The company supporting her is excel
lent , and while she is the crowning at-
Iracliou , there is bv no means any de
traction from the enjoyment of the even-
incr bv an infeiiority in the support.
To-night "Homeo anil Juliet" will be
given. This alternoon "Pygmalion and
lialatea. " Thus the people of Council
Bluffs and vicinity are given a most ex
cellent oppoi Utility of seeing this charm
ing aotruss in dilHtrcnt roles.
Stamping and full variety of embroidery
materials. Mrs. II. P. Kites , 102 U'uway
Substantial aostraets of titles and rea
estate loans. J. W. A K. L. Squire. Z < o.
ltd Pe.irl street. Council Blnlls.
Don't buy your new suil or overcoat
until you look at those at Mctc.ilf Bros.
Mn.for Anderson Declared In Error.
During the recent congressional cam
paign , and in fact ever since Major An
ders on dropped out of the board of rail
way commissioners , he and his friends
have made great capital about his record
as a commissioner. One of the cases
na > that of the state VH the Chicago &
Northwestern railroad company. It is
an important case , as it involves critical
questions Jt has at last been decided
by the supreme court , the opinion being
given by Justice Heed of this city. The
summary of the case and opinion is as
follows :
This is the famous case of HIP railroad
commissioners , involving the question of
the right of the commission to regulate
inter-Pluto commerce. In February , 1881 ,
one Barber delivered to the Northwest-
nrn railroad at Morrison , 111. , jv buggy ,
for shipment lo ( Hidden , la , which was
none , and complaint was made to tlm
railroad commission about the chaigcs of
the company. The commission investi
gated the facts and found that the rate
per mile charged for this shipment was
greater than the company's local freight
rates in either Iowa or Illinois , which
they held to bo unjust. The principal
question for the commission to decidu
was Its right to control or regulate inter
state commerce , of which this was a fair
sample. It will bo remembered that this
was ucar the close of Major Andei son's
term us commissioner , and he wrote
out the opinion of tlio commission.
asserting that the commission had juris'
diction in tlm case. Thn opinion closed
with the pere.mptor.y order to the North
western road to rearrance their
tariff rates to correspond with the Iowa
rates. The minority of the commission
filed a dissenting opinion , taking the
ground that they had not this right. The
.Northwestern road refused to comply
with the order of the commission and
this suit was commenced to compel obn-
diunco. Before the trial was aeachcd.
however , the change in the make-up of
the commission converted the minority
into the majority and vice versa , and the
personal views of the commission then
would have been for the dismissal of the
suit. But the order had gone out
on the official word of the commis
sion and they prosecuted the suit. They
were beaten in the circuit court uud ap
pealed to the supreme court. The lower
court is sustained , ami the action of the
commission in Issuing the order against
the Northwestern rend instructing it to
charge the tariff on Intcr-statc commerce
Is decided null. The limits of power in
the commission arc discussed , and it is
shown that such assumed power would be
in violation of the coiiMitntlou of the
United States. The decision is al o based
upon a recent iwco taken to the * United
States supreme court where this question
was decided. Judge Beck writes a sup
plemental opinion , in which ho concurs
with the majority of the supreme court ,
but deplores the fact that this is made
necessary by the ruling of the federal
supreme court.
lia Taken V\t \ Uev. Dr. McCronrj's
Sermon on Card ( tamlillng nncl
Dwells on It.
The following we liiul in the Blair ,
Neb. . Pilot , which is from the pen of the
well-known and genial Clark , ( ho of
'KvalcV Rustler ) who is now doing la
good work on the Pilot. Coming from
the "original Kralc , " the stand ho takes
in defense of progressive cuchro and
kindred games will bo appreciated by
those of his numerous friends who know ,
as a matter of fact , that Clark
does not know how to play
a single game of cards , and
scarcely knows the neo when he sees it ,
and never played a game ot profes
sional euchre in his life. In his article he
says :
We Iliul the following rcfeicnce ton ser
mon , pleached In Council H lull 3 hist Sun
day , In the Uinalni lir.K :
Last evt'iilnu' lev. ! Dr. MeCieary , pastor o
the -M. 1C. diuieli. adilicssud a huue audience
on "Dancing and Caul I'luylmr. ' lie de
voted Illilo thnu to card playlm ; , having
haudlcil this topic iUite | tliuiuiulily about a
year ago , lie icltur.ited what lie had said
before concerning that amusement , and de
claring that pioKrosivo eur.luo was ( ruiiib-
linir. It mattered nufwlicther folks played
loriroid or silver , us at the hire table , or
whether they played for position , lor such
pilzcs as a lutle blown JUB or a leather
medal. It was gambling , no matter what It
was called or wnuio It wasplnvcd. Cauls
were used in nil the dens , and It was ically
the devllS name , and cluistlans had no busi
ness tooling with anything belonglm : to Hie
devil. m
In thusrevlving the fanatical and fossilized
Ideas ot the ancient past , the leveicncd gen
tleman should have Included tlie icgdlar
chuicli 1'alr games , snub as tallllng , the grab-
bag , Miting articles to popular personages ,
etc. , which are In voguu more or less in
eveiy city , town or hamlet all of which are
g.imulliig I' much as prugtusslve cnehie
Mil possibly bo. To piove that Kev , Dr.
MeCicary is too strict In his Ideas wo
have merely to point to the fact
that procicssivc endue is an inno
cent game indulged in bv the every
best people to buloiind In any town 01 city.
It Is asoiuceoF amusement , entertainment
and instruction , and ott-tlmcs draws young
men into hospitable homes and Into iclincd
and deniable company who otherwise mlsiit
dritt lo the saloon card table it the I'elincd
game was thrown liom eveiy household. The
luvcrend Kenileiuan certainly goes lee tar
when lie makes such declarations , and is
utit echoing the too strict oitliodox
Ideas ot the dead ] > a then t ministers
with such illogical logic , as a rule ,
raised the worst bovswe ever had the mis-
lot tune to become Intimate with. As the
higher class ot relined dramas of. the day ,
when placed upon the stase , teach many
valued lessons In life , the same as nicottcn
taught irum the pulpit , piogrossive cuchie
and kindred home games are not cnly inno
cent in elfect but Just what are needed in
every happy home something to entertain
the young men and keep them at home , sur
rounded by the intliieiico ot a noble
mother's lo\e and the gentle and win
ning affection ot a loving sis tor. Such
homes aie those where sons are generally
found , Instead ol in Hie haunts ot vice or
gilded palaces of sin , seeking amusement
simply because the sti let and dis
cipline of home has shut oil the innocent
games and enjoyments of the family heaith-
btone. Such doutiine as the kind repotted In
the linn is not the Kind the reiined aiul
chrl.iitan people ot to-day ask lor or expect
to icceive. _
Good overcoat Si..riO , pants $1 to ? a.30 ,
other goods in proportion. Everybody'a
store , 82 ; ) Alain.
See that your books are made by More-
house i\j Co. , room 1 , Kyerett block.
Hill Xye Politely Declines the Job of
KiiiK or liulgiirli.
Bill Nye has furnished the Now York
World the following copy of a cable
despatch just forwarded to the allied
powers of Europe :
SUITIIV : : KumnssT , IIr ox , AVis. ,
Nov. 25. To the Allied Powers , care
Lord Salisbury.
IIINTIEMKK : Your favor of recent date
regarding my acceptance of the Bulgarian
throne , which is now vacant and for rent ,
in which note you tender me the use of
said throne for one year , with the privi
lege of three , is at lund. You also state
that the allied powers are nol favorable
to Prince Nicholas and that yon would
all prefer a dark horse. Looking over
the entire list of obscure men , it would
seem that you have been unable to ti.v
upon a man who has made a better show
ing in this line than 1 have.
While I thank you for this kind oiler of
a throne that has , as yon state , be.cii
newly refitted and refurnished through
out , 1 must decline for reasons which 1
will try to give in my own rough , un
polished way.
Jn the lirst place I read in the dis
patches to-day that Knssiii is mobili/.ing
her troops , and J do not want anvthing
lo do with a country that will treat its
soldiers in thai way. Troops have cer
tain rights : is well as those who have
sought the pleasanlcr walks of peace.
This is not all. J do not narc to enter
into a & ( | iiabblo in which I am not inter
ested. Neither do 1 care lo go to .Bul
garia in tlm capacity of a'carpet-bag
monarch from the ten-cent counter ,
wearing a boiler-iron overcoat by day
ami a stab-proof corset at night , I have
always been in favoi of Bulgaria's selec
tion of a monarch viva voce or vex pop-
nil , whichever you Ihlnk would look best
in print.
1 hate to sea a monarch in hot water all
the time ami threatening to abdicate.
Supposing ho docs abdicate , what good
will that do , when he leaves a widow
with nothing but a second-hand throne
and a crown two si/.es too small for his
successor ? J have always said , and I
still say , that nothing can be more piti
ful than the sight of a lovely queen
whoso husband , in a wild fron/v of re
morse , has abdicated himself. Nothing ,
1 repeat , can be sadder than this picture
of a deserted quean , lefl high and dry ,
without meaiiH , forced at last to go to the
pawnbroker. * with a little plated , llutcd
crown with rabbit-skin ear tabs on it !
We am prone to believe that a mon
arch has nothing to do but issue a ukase
or mandamus ami that tie will then have
all the funds ho wants ; but such Is nol
the case. Lots of our most successful
moiiarchs are liable to be overtaken any
year by a Jong , cold winter , ami found as
late as Christmas reigning in their sum
mer sceptres.
1 am inclined also to hesitate about
accepting the Bulgarian throne for an
other reason J do not earn to bo deposed
when I want to bo doing something else.
1 have had my deposition taken suvcral
times and it did not look like mo either
Ijthink that yon moiiarchs ought to
land by each other more. If you would
or ui a society of free and indnpcmlent
monarch ) ; thcro in Europe , where you
ure so plenty , yon could have a good
time and every little while you could
raisn your salaries if you worked it right.
Now you pull and haul each other nil
the time and koo yourselves in hot water
day and uight. That's no way for a dyn
asty any more than any one elso. It im
pairs your usefulness and tills our telegraphic -
graphic columns full of names that wo
cannot pronounce. Every little'while we
have to pay the operator jit this mid of
tbe cable $10 for wilting in a rapid , Hewing -
ing band that "meuubile \ linesia will
continue lo disregard the acts ot the so-
Why should a great country like Russia
go about trying to make trouble to a low-
priced Sobranjo * I think tlmt a closer
alliance of crowned heads , whoso inter
ests arc identical , would relieve the mo
notony of many it long , tedious reign. If
1 were to accept the throne of Bulgaria ,
which is not llkoly , so long as my good
right arm can jerk a llucnt cross-cut saw
in the English tongue , 1 would form a
syndicate of monarch ? , with grips , pass
words , explanations and signals ; every
sceptre would have a contralto whistle in
the bull end which could be used as a
sign of dlslrc s , while the other end
could have a cork in It , and then steering
a tottering dynasty down through the
dim vista of crumbling centuries would
not bo PO irksome as it now Is.
As il is now , three or four allied powers
ask a man to leave his business and squat
cold , hard throne for a mere pittance ,
and then just as he begins to let his
whiskers grow and learns to dodge a big
porcelain bomb those same allied powers
jump on top of him all spraddled out and
ask him for his deposition. That is no
way to treat an amateur monarch who
is trying to do right.
You can see that unless you .stand by
each other the thrones If Kuropo will
soon be empty and every | 2 a dav hotel
in America will have an heir apparently
to the throne for a head-water , with a
coronet put on his clothes with a rubber
stamp and a loaded sceptre up his
If you want to rear your children to
love and respect the monarchy indu try
you must afford them bolter protection.
1 say this as a man who may not live to
bq over one hundred years of ago , and
with my feel lluis settling into the boggy
shores of limn , let mo beg of you ,
moiiarchs and inonarclies&c , lo
make your calling an hon
orable one. Teach your chil
dren and Iheir children lo respect the
uusiness by which their parents earned
their bread. Show them that Itis honor
able to empire a country if they do it
right. Tcacli them that .to do nghl is
better than lo fraudulently turn a jack
from the bottom of the pack. Teach
them thai it is better to bo a popular
straight ont-and-oul paitisan king who is
sincere about it than to be a mugwump
monarch who dares not leave his throne
night or day for fear that somebodv will
pul a number of bombs under it or ciiti-
else him in the papers.
1 would like to empire. Bulgaria this
winter lirst rate if I could get bacif in
time to remove the counterpane from my
asparagus bed , bill it would hardly pay
me to do so. If Nicholas will do it , anil
do il at living rates , I would tell him to
go ahead.
If you furnish reigning tools and palace
ho ought to do it at ? 1.200 a year , or sa3 *
$1,000 and lind himself. Yours sincerely.
I.noo-Collccl. HIM , NVE.
This will be the week for bargains. Our
entire line of wla\\lsat | 2j per ct. discount.
Way down to close out. They must be
sold. We distance competition in qual
ity of goods and low prices , is the
verdict of any customer. (55 ( 53
Manufacturers arc atlvaiiclnnprices
Thctj tict-cr was .so Ion' , and can
not so remain. Our stock is large
and patterns choice. Prices will be
unchanijcd with nsfortcmlays.
At a Bargain.
Stock large , and/we are
bound to sell it out.
Call and see our goods
before purchasing
elsewhere. -
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs
Al th at. tunl lllli avo. , ami 31. Galla-
glicr'H store , Lo\vov \ Broadway.
lr | lhe , follo ng Companies'
German American , of NIUI for It
Phtenlr. * of Hartford ,
Hartford , * of1 Hartford.
Callfornlan''of ' San Francltco ,
Scottish Union < t National , of fuinburg.
Union , of San Franclico.
State.'of Des Molim.
Wllllamirjurg Cy / , of Brooklyn.
Thoit martini with a * Iniurt alto against lost fey
Wind Storms , Cyclones ana Jornadott
tabliihtd l i
You have biit a few days' grace in which to
Carpets , Curtains , Rugs ,
Window Shades , Etc. ,
Which we are now making. Remember that
we are shortly to make a change in the firm ,
and wish to close out our present stock before
doing so.
Council Bluffs Carpet Co. ,
No. 4LO5 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
* ED.B. * WILLIAMS , *
jfVlen's furnisher ,
506 Broadwau , ( Leuacil Bluffs.
llcadipg Sbylo * and IrppofboLiops Qonsboptly op
14O6 Fnrnnm Streol , Omaha , Nab.
26 Pearl Street.
Farming Lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Kan a * . and ranging from ? , ; 00 to
$10.00 jor ) acre. School anil fttatc lands in Minnesota on 3D years' time 0 per
cent interest. Land Buyers fare free. Information , ettriven bv
No. 555 Hroaihvay , Council IJIulls , Iowa , agent for Froldriksoii V Co. , C'lieago. '
I Will Pay tlie Highest Price in Casb.
Star Sale Stables and Mule ards ,
Opposite UiiniMiy Depot.
Horses and mules kept constantly on
hand , for sale at retail or in car loads.
Oilers promptly iilled by contract , on
short notice. Stock sold on commission.
SiiLUTint A : lour ) ; , Proprietors.
Telephone No. 114
Formerly of Kcil Sale Stables , corner
1st. are and 4th fctrcet.
Paints ,
The Finest I in.
j' ) > orlcd Mne of
Hoods \Vibt ) of
Mrs. C. Ii. Gillette's
Human Hair Emporium ,
No. 209 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Ppeclal BclvurtUoinenta , FUfh us [ , est , Found
To Loan , For Sale , To Hont , VNnnts , lloarrtlnif ,
elo. , will bulnbortoil In this column at the low
rateorTKNCKNTai'KH MNE furihoflrM Inser-
Ion and KlvoContil'orlJnoforuAch subbiiijuont
Ineurtlou. I.uiivo adverllbouiunta nt our ollioii
No. 1' , ' rout street , near UioAitwny , Council
FOH KENT The one Btory frumo iJ
Inillilln with 4TOOIH UwrellltiK Ht I no Inn on t
formerly ncuupl < l l > y II. 1 * . NllcH , nnd known as
No. 110 South -Multi iti-pct. Apply to M. I.
FOIl HKNT A new two story frame houeo
contuliilnsr 8 moms , hull nnd collar nnilcr
rntlre lioubo , on N , K. corner Avonuu 1 * nnd
l.ittlo Curtis ktrt'ct. Only T litorka from Do-
liany'fl opera houso. Cull on M , ! ' . Itohrer , ut
10J Mnin street , ( up-stalrai ,
ANTI2O A collage of Hvo or six rooms ,
located convenient to bueinuss ; suiuli
family , no children. AOdrcad "Crispy , " Uce
o 111 co.
ANTKU A mtm to drliu team for the
winter. I ) . J. Smith , gardncr anil fruit
rowur , South First atroct. _
ANTKD-A boy wllh pony to carry lieu
8ALK-Old papur for salu at the Ueu
ITHllt .
ANTBU 1'artlra loteuillntr to be married
tru antH | to cull ut the Prror'i llto Job
office to tclect their witddlng cards.
Horses and Mules
For all purposes , bought and sold , at retail
and in lots , Large quantities to select
fiom Several pair * of fine drivers , fcin
glc or double.
Council Bluffs.
Justice of the Peace
Odice over American L\pie s ,
Abstacts of Title , Lean and R al Es-
tatt Brokerj , No. 238 Main St.
purchased the " / . < / relia
ble abstract lxtol > n In tliia county , "
lnon > n as the "McMalion Abstract
lloolcs , " me are now preiiarcd to fur
nish abstracts and - / so
licit thv an those detir-
tiif/ correct abstracts of title lo lands
and lots in 1'oltamatlaniie count/ ! ,
MEll SMITH & CO , ,
Practice In the Sluto and Federal coiirtf
Hooras 7 and 8 Shu 'H'l ' Ituno lilonk
COTJDSrciZj B3L , LJin B'S
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha.
Ladles buying a $5 hat or bonnet , one fare
will \M \ paid' , $10 , lound trip.
B. RICE , m. D.t
v Or otlibrYuniort finovisl i
, ho klllfo Or.0rnwlnjr of lilood
( Ivor Italy yoau I'ruclU'alciiJiTiBnto ' ,
No. II I'eurlrit. . Cuunc > l UliiC ,
(3r l'ouiutuUun | Ire * .
Will upp'on with a cleaner and better
tuulitv of
Than any one in the city. A trial will con
vince you.
No G2S Bronduay. Telephone 110
M f.
UKK11K , WKU.S \ CO. ,
Agricultural Implements , Builds ,
, Kto , Kto Otmncil x Ion * .
MnmifiU'tnrorRof mid Denims In
Hand and Power Corn Slielhrs ,
And i\K < ' etnMlnn of Hrst olnss H > ! rKMiUwnl
No ? . 1,101 , 15JI , IMS mid 15) ? ? outU Miiln Street ,
_ _ Council ItiUITs low * .
Munnf'r * nn I .lotilmvt ot
Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies ,
" 110.1. find nil Moth of K rm Mnohlnnrr.
1100 to 1UO South Mrtln Street , Council UluSi ,
CV1 Itl'K I
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shadss
Oil Cloths , Curlnln I'lituros. UnlioNinrr Goo
Etc. No. tOS llroAiltray Council muffs ,
cit.M/N , ran A ceo. Kir.
WholcMlo .lohlieis in the-
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco A Pipes -
NOB. SSUIn und U7 I'onrl Su. Council lllutli , f'
\Viiolr nlc >
Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants.
_ No 141'cnrl St. . Council 'HuDTa.
nil I G f.s'7V.
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
Drug-minis' Siniilrltm. I.'lc. No. i"J Mnln St , anil
No. 211'cnil St. , Coiim-ll Ulnira.
0. \ \ ' . BUTTS ,
Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty
General C'umnil ° i > lon. No. 5U Ilrendwny ,
Council HlnlTi.
wiuT * nrtjri'-i'n' ,
Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery ,
\M )
KOH. liMin.l is 1'iiiilU. . . Oouin II lllulU.
llmin'neturen of and Whnlovilu Duiiloriiii
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
.Vo &i3 Mnln St. . Council * llliiTi , limn.
/J.I7V. CMKTC. .
Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves.
N'o .Ji2 mill nil Droidwuv , Coun-'ll ttlu'Is.
KKlCUNi ; & KKLT ,
Iron , Stool , Kails , Heavy Hardware ,
.Ami Wood SlocV , Council IHutK Iowa.
\VliulrMilo Dcalurs In
Illuminating * Lubricating01U Gi
S.TIieodurutAK < 'iit , Council Hluirn. Iowa ,
Hard Wood , Southern Lumber ,
And llrlilre .Mulct lil ; Snpclnltl'Vliolonnlo l < uiu-
bur of nil ICIndd. Olliro No. I'M Mulu St. ,
Council HlulfH. Jo wo.
if IN Eli . -t/W / ) Itl
Imported and Domestic Wlnas A Liquors
/t't'iit ' for SI. ( iotlliairt'it llur ) > Illitcra , No. 1) )
MiilnSt. Council Illnild.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
Main st. .
Wholesale Liquar Dealers.
Ho. 41R llnmtfTiiy , Council IIIUIN
The only hotel ; n Coui.cil 111. ill's having
And all ino'cin improvements.
J1S , 'J17 and .M9 Mali , st.
MAX MOIIN , I'rop.
Ki .BininialK , < 'otinly aiul
Itanli U'oi'UofAII liinds u'iH | : - .
Prompt Attention to Mail Orders
Hnurn 1 Kvnrel Jilnck , C'cjuiifil HlulU
Standurd PIIJUMM Uaud Al. hl lca of tjnid
lug .11 Mii H/iia'a und
I , ' . II. Nntionnl llu ili , M. K. Umllb i. Co
C'lli/.cni' llnnU , Doom. WclU \ ( Ni. ,
Vlitt Xallonul Hunk , C. | | . Inaurnnue Cu ,
U/li / Br.k I'luox.Huukors.O. U titirinm llunn.
Reduction in Prices ,
China , Glassware Etc.
, ,
At V. S. Homer & Co „ , . No. 'J Main At
Co u upi I