Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1886, Image 1

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All tic Ministers Hand In Their Resigna
tions to President Grevy ,
Incitement Over tlie Denouement nnd
tlio I'robnldc KcMilt Discussed
Speeches on tlie Gorman
Army Inorcnfic I'orclcn.
KITH ph 'Ministers
PAIIIS , Dec. .1. In the chamber of depu
ties today .Sirrie.ii : , minister of the Interior ,
pj > oaklng In opposition to the motion tor the
total abolition of the olllccs of sub-prefects ,
promised ho would introduce a bill ptovld-
Ing fora partial abolition of the olllces. Do
Kreyclnol supported Sarrlcn and reproached
the opposition lor soli-lug evciy chance of-
feied lo overthrow the uoveinmcnt. The
chamber , however , adopted the motion for
total abolition by a majority of thliteen votes ,
tliusdofeatlnu'thegovernmeut. Hlsicportcd
that DeKievclnct , Sarrlcn and Oocblet , mln-
Istci of public Instruction , will resign. Thcio
was Intense excitement In the lobbies of the
chambers after the vote was announced. Thu
Mtllncof the chamber was suspended at the
Instance of Del'reyclnet In order that the
cabinet might consider Its position. The
ministers weie , at ft : TO , holding a meeting.
LAI IH : After tliu cabinet meeting the
mlnlsteis went to Elysee palace and tend-
ned their leslgnatlons to President Giovy.
The cabinet will meet to-morrow. 'H is be
lieved that President < ! revy Is averse to dis
solving the ministry and will ask M. Do
Kroyclnet to refonn the cabinet. Sarrlen ,
Duvillu and ( Sublet will probably Insist on re
tiring. Tlio budget committee to day , by a
votoof liter ! > , adopted ii. Dalian's pioposal
todevoti ! iir > ,000,000 fumes Incieaslng the
navy in 18H7. leaving llbcity of action fortho
future , instead of Minister Anbe's proposi
tion to appropilate 'JOO.OOO.OOO for a period of
several yeais. _
llouBsln llio Kesiciuitlon.
tCiijij/ifoW IMlhuJumrs ( SoiiloH llcnnctt , ' ]
PA ni , ( via Jlavie ) Dec. : t. FXew York
Herald Cable-Special to the Iii.j ! : : The
gieatcst excitement prevailed In the lobbies
of thu chamber of deputies as soon as It was
known tnalMm. Dol'ruycinut and UoulaiiRer
and the entile cabinet hiul placed their resig
nations In the hands of PiesldentOrovy. and
little gioups ol deputleswero scattered about
wildly gesticulating and smoking Innumera
ble clgaiettes. and evciybody was giving ad
vice. Thu triends of tlie cabinet said that
DuKieycinet liad chosen a distrain battle
ground on which to fall. "He is beaten for
defending the organisation and inteicsts
of thu republic , and ho bad promised re
forms In the pcisonncl ol the sub-prelect
foi in advance ot anything attempted by Ids
predecessors. " The i adlcals crow dcd mound
Clcmenccaii , who veiy yellow and caieworn ,
and suffering fiom his liver complaint vvai
holding an animated discussion with Joseph
Hclnach , a staunch lupubllcan and director
of tlie Kcpublhjiie Kiancalsc.
"Well , " said Ucinach , "now 1 suppose you
are satisfied ? "
Clcnicnceau said : "No ; It would have been
better not to have upset tlio cabinet ; but as
you see , DoKroycinet plays such last and
loose saines. One day he manu'iivies about
and gets us to vote against tlio opportunists :
next day ho coquets with YOU against the
radicals. He is too tricky and adroit.
Ah , well , so much the woise
for him. If ho falls between two stools I
will be a good lesson for the next ministry. .
Ah. " continued Clomonccaii , " ! ! DoFreycinc
had meicly asked delay , and promised lo
suppress a certain number of the sub-prefects
I for one would not have voted against him ,
JJut the country won't stand prefects
much longer. I have seen them myself Ir
1/avendeo and other departments of
wust wheio thcio Is plenty ot work for then
to do. Hut they do simply nothing but linn
and shoot all winter and sit about all sum
mer sucking Iced American dunk ;
through stiaws. Hut , sifter all , Del-'reycinet'
icslgnation is not llnal. Ho Is as ndiolt as s
fox and will find a way of getting out of hi
" . "
pu"-ent entanglement.
Hero Iteinach , who is a gieat friend of D <
J'reyclnet , said : "And you have the sam
halt. "
"Pardon , " replied Clemenceau , " 1 say
nothing against Delreycinet. i udmliciilm.
I admlru his souplcssu. "
J'onr ol' Them oit'lrlulin the Courts
nt Iterlln.
[ rap\n1uM \ ISSSliji Janus Goit/ori IlenntU. ' ]
HKIII.IN , ( via Ilavie. ) Dec. H , | Nuw
York Herald Cable Special to the BKI : . !
The gic.d SchuiKOiccht hall was eiowded In
every coiner to-day by cuiious llcilincrs
whun three stiong minded Indies and a scam-
btiess , suspected ol socialistic tondeiieles.
weie brought Into court to be accused. I'r.iu
Doctor Holf maun , I'r.iti Pauline Stasemanii ,
J'rau Apotliokor llulr , and Johnaiia Jaeit
Hplnslcr , weio chanrcd with liavlni ; infringed
certain clauses ol the law icgaiding asso
ciations by dabbling In politics nt the
meetings of tvvo societies for the pro
tection of work women , and for on-
deavoilug to lead oilier societies astray.
Twenty-live pollco agents had been
called to irlvo evidence for the piosrcutlon.
On the other hand ovei foi ty witnesses , in-
eluding Minister Von Putlkiunmur , Deputies
AVindliorst and Itlekert , and Pastor Stocker's
wife weio on thu list of witnesses for the de
fense. Tlm accused did not deny their con-
neetloii with the societies , hut pleaded that
their object was purely pliilaiitlnophlu They
protested they had no Idea that Heir Singer
and other gentjemen who attended their
meetings were social demoeiats. Thu hear
ing of the case lasted suvcial hours and will
bu continued to-moirovv , When a verdict Is
I expected ,
A Criiiiiniil Cinipto Smitonucd ,
[ Pupi/i iulit IMI Ini JaiuM ( itinltin llennrtl. }
llni's > .ii ; s , Dec. ! ! . | Nuw York lleiald
Cable Special to the liK.l ! : The Itodelet-
Miibiiuulier case ended to-night. After thu ex
amination of witnesses the proceedings were.
made public , and a largo concourse of people ,
Including many iinbliisbine ladles , weie
picsciit , to-day the alleged Inteifciuncc of
u doctor was disproved. Tliu cotinscl foi the
defense of thu midwife , Kodclet , however'
maintains It and pleads extenuating clicuui-
t stances. The only cilme being nboitlon
practiciu. The consul for the defense of
Jlasqueller says the latter was Inesjionslhlo
' nnd a Slav u to thu intlucncu of his mistie.- ? ,
Jtodelet. After a Miort delibui-atlnn the jury
returned a verdict of guilty. The woman
Koilclet wiih sentenced to lifteen years penal
Miivlliuleaml Masijuellei to one yeaia Im-
i\i > iioment in llio ltelchsta Over
llio Iiuirunso Hill.
llr.Ki.i.v , Dec , : t. 'the ilebato in the ri ich-
fctiif to- < lay on the lirst leadliiffof tliu military
bill were of an unusually exciting ejiaractcr.
Senend Uronsiut Vou St'helJliidoill , 1'ius-
filun minister of war , created n sensation by
homo remarkublo uttemuces in the advocacy
of thojiassace of the 1)111. ) This was attcr
tlio government refused consent tea icduc-
lion of the period of service from three
years lo two , the condition demanded by the
ptofircsslsts in return for their support. In
the course of ids speech ( Jcncral Sclicllln-
doiff said : "Despite her pacific policy , Onr-
many may within measurable time bo in
volved in a war. Vor the moment such a
danger does not threaten , but the present
epoch Is most dllllctilt. It Is most natural
that wo should compaio 111 strength with
that oi I'rtuice. "With inhabitants than
Ck-rininy , Trance ha a higher peace effective
force. Shall \vo allow ourselves to be out
stripped by a neighboring * tate in which wo
cannot perceive that degree of friendliness
tlmt would avei t war. The bill Is of a most
nrgcnl character. The relchstag must pass
this measure beloro Christmas II the purpose
ot the government Is to be at
tained. [ SensHtlon.J Let any who
legards the additional burdens upon
the people as unbearable , acquaint him
self vvilli the state ot affairs on ttie other side
of the N osgcs. The uovcrnnieiitlsin earnest.
U does not for more than H Intends to
accept , "
Ilerr Itlehtersald ho could not admit that
the situation was so critical. 'Ihe policy of
Prince liisniaick , thn iilllnnen with Austria ,
"emalncd a fact. The question before them
.VIM . not the acute danger ot win. but addl-
ions to the burden of the people. He pro-
ested against the plan of making the peace
'llectlvo lorce equal to 1 per cent of the
Coneral Von .Schellondorff , In the course
> f his reply , stated that the government had
illy decided u few days buloio the summon-
ngof the lelchstag to IK April as the date
' 01 the military bill to come into toicc. Heir
Saldern spoke In favor ot the bill and lecom
neniled that It be adopted without amend-
Tlio Colin Campbell Divorce.
LONDON' , Dec. 3. In the Campbell dlvoico
aso to day , Amy Wright , hospital muse , tes-
llled thai shu was In iiltendancu upon l.ord
Colin at the time of h's ' marriage. She ae-
omiianlcd him and Lady Colin to Scotland.
. ' "rum what she saw , witness believed Lady
Campbell , at the tlmu ot her maiilase , and
or some time before It , was suffering fiom an
nfecllous disease , most lofithsouic of Its class
.sensation ] , and that she did not wain Loid
Uolin against the piobable icsulls of the con
summation ot marriage with women In her
diseased condition. Witness was not Lord
Cohn's medical advisor. She bad fourteen
ycais' experience in the hospital. Tvvo
years ago she made a statement to Solicitor
lltiinplnies .similar to tlio one she just made
conccinlng the plaintiff. The case id this
point was adjourned.
Tlif ICnglNIi In IrHuiid.
Dee. It. A cabinet council was
it-Id lo-day lo discuss the advisability of
f ui thcr prosecution in Ireland like the one
instituted at Dublin against John Dillon.
The question of continuing government as-
istance in tlio work ot eviction was also
consideicd. All ministers wore piesent.
Duni.iNDec. . ! ) . The corporation to-day
adopted it-solutions dciioiincliiir thu conduct
of tlie government in prohibiting the N'a-
llonal league nicotines at bllgo and else
where. Lord layer Sullivan and Sexton
lellvered addressss. Xone of the conseiva-
live members weie picsciit. .
Coercion For Ireland.
LOXDON , Dee. U. It Is believed that the
goveimnent lias decided to suppress intimid
ating meetings In Ireland and lo enforce the
lights ot landloids.
King Milan Snubs Ittilgnrin.
Itr.i.niiAiir , Dec. ! J. King Milan , of Scr-
via , has announced thai he will not receive
thu liulguiian delegation.
The Milwaukee Itlotors.
MII.WAL uni : , Dec y. The main point In
thu trial of Uioltkan and Moossenger , al
leged rioters , to-day , was an endeavor by
the defense to provo that the latter was at
Uayvlew at the time Deputy . shoiifl Sell wind
claimed be saw him try to break : in tlie gates
of the .Milwaukee garden. Ono wilness tes
tified that hu would not believe the deputy
shurlff undei oath. The other evidence was
mainly In icbuttal ol the testimony for the
prosecution In legaul to ( iiottkan's utter
ances. The tilal will not be tinished for sev
etal days.
Sale ot" Mevlc.iii Land.
ST. Louis , Dec. 3. There was consum
mated to-day at the Planter's house a sale of
atiact of land In Mexico , 100 miles long and
six miles wide , John D. Miles , of Lawienco ,
Kan. , was the pmchaser for a syndicate , the
composition of which hu would not divulge.
The tract extends fiom a point si.\ty miles
fiom PJSO del Noite , ou the Muxlcan side ot
the Itlo ( iiaiulo. and extending down the
ilvcr paiallcl with the com so foi ICO miles.
The sum paid was something over SMJO.OJO.
It is expected to establish a monster cattle
lanch on the tiaet.
ST. JOHXS , N. U. , Dec. 3. The schooner J.
W. Dean , coal laden , from Jogglns to St.
John , Is icported to have fouudetedollQmico
with all hands.
Pouil.AXD , Md. , Dec. 3 A sloop , sup
posed to be the Supeilor , ol this poit , sank
in Milk Island passage to-day , and thu crow
of tvvo men weio drowned.
HAI.IKAX , ? s. 8. , Dec. ! ) . Tlm bark Mary
Agnes , tiom Hoston tor Little ( Jlace Hav , Is
ashoio near Little lilac-o Bay. The cruw has
been nimble to land owing 10 a heavy sea.
Tlie vessul-ashoio at Little ( ilacu bay pioves
to bu unKuglisli built boat , niimo unknown.
Slio Is In a bad position , and her spars anil
boats are gone. Kour men weieeen aboanl
of her , and if the sea abates an elloit to ics-
cuu them will be made In tliu moining.
Unknown Driu Ashore.
CIIATIIAJI , Mass. , Dee , S , An unknown
biig went ashoio nt Haiidknrchlut this
morning , and with a t'.ilo blowing , was
diagted down tovvaul llio east. Boats liom
thu town and from thu Monomoy lite station
woin unable to reach her. They will make
another uttempl to-moirow II the gale moder
Hulinont-r Afchore.
ViM-.VAW ) HAVKX , Mass. , Dec. 0. An
unknown thiec-masted schooner , which Is
thought to lie the William T , Donnelly , fiom
Daltlmoie to Boston , and which has been
ashoio near Vineyard Sound since yester
day. Is Hying signals for assistance. Owing
to ihu noithwcst galu niuvailiiii : , no assls-
l.inco can reach her. Thn sea is bieaking
over her and she Is covered with ice.
The Story HUH No Foundation.
Xi.vv YOIIK , Dec. a , Thu Mall and Kx
press says In icgard to the cable dUpatcl
trom Iteilln , Indicating that the Standau
Oil company was negotiating for tlio pui
eliasool thu Caspian oil lieliU by Joining a
lurKU sum of money to tlio X.inth :
company ( Nobel liios. ) whose business is U
bo tiansleiuil to thu hands ot the Amerlcni
putiolemii pioduceis that Iheie is not the
sliilite ; = t foundation for thostoiy ,
A Canadian I'aulllo SKtiiinor.
S\s TiiAXcisco , Dec. ! . The Canndlai
I'acilie Navigation company has contracts
with the Cnlon lion works of thUclty for
the construction of a steel setow steamer o
l.OOo tons to cost 300.000. The ve c ! wil
Im used us a feeder to the Canadian
lallioad on Pugct Sound.
A Denial Fiom l.amonl.
WASIIIXH ION , Dec. a. In iclerciice to the
Washington special published In .Vtvv York
lids attcrnoon , to the effect that Prcsldcn
Clovuland was confined to his bud with rheu
niatlsin and tlmt Ids conditions were sue I
Unit Ids triends vvoro becoming cjiicc-rncd ,
Colonel J.iimunt siys It Is not true.
Drifted to Sen.
liOCKi-oiiT , Jlass. , Dec. , 3. Tim fishing
schooner Nellie Florence , this port , anchorei
In the bay yesteulay , being unable to react
poit on account of thu wind. She xvas scei
to drag or part her cable and .drift to sea In
the afternoon ami ha : not since been seen.
The Secretary's ' Interesting Annual Eeport
Given to the Pnblic.
Disappointment * nnd Pnllttrcs lie *
counted and Kcncwod IjlTnrtH I'oi'
Sticccfis- Homo .Mndo Armor
Uricd Itecomiuciidatlons.
Whltnc } fn Koport.
Dec. U. Tlm report of Sec-
tetary of the Xavy Whitney , given out to
night , opens with a renewal of his former
lecommendallon of n consolidation of bureaus
so ns to InMiie icsponsihlllty in the purchase
and care ot supplies , ami so far as his power
extended , he bad consolidated in one bureau
the geneial purchases of tlje dopaitmont , the
caie and custody ot stores , and deallnga
system of bookkeeping , by which the icspon-
slbility for the catu and disposition can be
had. Tlio icpoit says : "There Is at picsent
no real responsibility for the caio and dis
position of pronei ty. n pre-p-
erty account Is kept and In otheis none.
Piopeity lost , misused , or stolen , cannot bo
raced or accounted tor , and no person can
ie held lespoiisiblc. The font Hi auditor. In
its report just Hsucd. calls attention to this
emaikable circumstance , which was also re-
fetied to in tuj last annual icport. An In-
entoiy shows aery largo and unnecessary
iccumulatlon of stoics and supplies
by the different bureaus , aggie-
gating over twenty millions of dollars
n appraised value. The board reports bc-
vvpcn tlnce an < i four millions In value to bo
obsolete and useless at the piesent time ,
inly entailing an expense for keepers and
constant care to preset vo them In condition.
Amons these accumulations some veiy
ibsurd lacts appear. At eighty navyy.nds
there have accumulated altogether ot augcis
and bits 10,510 , of which 'J5'J74 have been
ying for % \eral years at closed yards wheie
no work has been or Is likely to bo done. "
licgaidlnc the new ciulscrs the icpoit
says : "The experience of the derailment in
ts first attempt at the creation of modern
vessels of war has been such as to exclto the
greatest concern and disappointment. Tlio
examination of the facts with lefeienco to
: hem , demonstrated that an entirely new dc-
paitme was necessary In undertaking futtber
similar construction. One chaiactcilstlc
which an iinaimoiedcinlser .must possess Is
speed. This Is determined by thu function
which she is expected to pei form in modem
wartaio. bho is a 'commeice destioyei. '
She must bu able to escape trom iiouclads
and out i mi , so as to ovei haul , mctehantiiicn.
It slower than nonclads she crtuld not keep
the sea , and it slower thin meichantmun .she
might as well stay in port. This division of
ships by the I unctions which they are ex
pected to pei form is onu of the things w hlch
has come about of recent years. When It
became impossible to conee.nti.ito in onu ship
both the gteatcst speed , the stioniest
armament and highest defensive
power , without reaching a trinagc
of displacement wholly out of the question ,
A division into classes , aecotding to Ihe
duties which they were expected to pertoiiu ,
c.unu about. Un.umoied ei niseis have be
come a distinct class , and a chaiacterlstlc
absolutely indispensiblo to this class is very
gicat speed. When the Dolphin , Hoston" .
Atlanta and Chicago wote projected , and
contracts for their construction cnteicd into ,
it was well known what speed ought to be
attained and what weight and char
acter of machinery per ton ot displacement
was necessary to obtain it. Commeicial -
scls bad at that time attained speeds ranging
between sixteen and nineteen knots , and
cruisers weio built in other countries attain
ing the same speed. " The secretary com
pares the trial trips of the Dolphin and At
lanta with those of English and Kicnch
boats only recently completed to the disad
vantage of the former. Thu Dolphin was
designed for 'JiOO , : Indicated horse power and
developed leas than a.HOO , while the Alacrity
and Surprise , Knirlisli boats of 8.000 , devel
oped 3H3 and : ! ,07icspectlvely. ! . The At
lanta was designed to attain : ! , .riKi ( hoiso
power , but her engines developed less than
that. Tlio icport says : "These facts are
stated without Intention of locating thu
icsponslbllitv 01 blame upon any person.
It Is impossible to ascertain where
it should bi > placed. I ) lit they indicate tin ,
simple abandonment on the part of the- de
partment of any attempt to leach the condi
tions which should have been attained , and a
failure on the pail ot the contractor to read
the limited lesults oxpecled by the dyuait-
ment. In considering ihu n-atterof construct
ing the additonal vessels aiithoii/.ed bv con-
irress in Maich , ISM. it was decided by the
dopaitmeiit to e\hausteverv otlort and aval"
lt elf of the most advanced thought aiu
knowledge attained by our own and othei
counti ics on the subject. " Tint lepoit says
thu department has accumulated a largi
amount of information which will be utill/cr
in the constiuctlon ot vessels in the liituie ,
The report gives a icsume of thu blus am !
demands for tliu now ciulsors and says ie
g.uding Cruiser N'o. 2 , lei which no bid'
weie received within the limit fixed by eon
grcss : "Orduis have been Klven to reduce
hoi'hl/e lor the purpose ot cartylng out tin
intention ot congress , If possible , ot
the ) ol tier construction within the
limit , & 1IW.OO ( < ) . Jt lemilres the' icadjnst
inent ot all weights , and In fact tlm design
Ing ol a new \essel , which necessailly wil
takiiFome moiilhs. Meanwhile It is nopet
the limit fixed by congress may boicmovci
so as to render available the present plans
which liavo been the result ol many months
of caieful labor on thu pail ot the otllcers : o
tliodopailincnt. "
The report treats ot Armor and guns lor
inonitoi.s and armor cl.uls at gtcalleugtl
and denierates this country should be
content tn bo dependent upon manutiictur
eisol any oilier nation fortho fabrication o
armor and hlirh powcicd guns. Tlieiepoi
says : "Jt has boon the policy of congress t <
reiiulie Iioin tliu dupaitmcnt spcciiic dati
coveilm : the chiuacterlstc.s ! of ships lor tlm
coiistinction ot which authority In askei
Irom congress , nnd n youIs not to long foi
tills work. It will bu a great benefit at the
piesent time It the appointment ot a com
mission will boanthon/ed to lay before the
nn\t congress n comprehensive hdicmo o :
cuiistuictlon , Biich commission to b * com
posed of both civilian ami naval experts li
to deal with the subject. If coniausn should
at Its next session , maku jirovlsion tor tin
manufacture In this country of armoi and ol
high novvcicd guns , and should take steps foi
seem Ing the broader and mom Intellk-en
coiiHliieiation and treatment of the uenera
subject ot construction proper to bo under
taken , no tlmu In thu unit will be lost am
mistakes will bo avoided. Meanwhile it la
my duty to call attention to the urgent ne
ccsblty tor Immediate action. Tliu repoit 01
the chief of construction ot the navy sets
forth the present condition of vessels now ir
commission and their probable duiatlon , I
his estimate Is eouect , in six ycnrs the
country will be possessed of but three ser
v Iccable ci ulsing ships of thnsu upon the list
and unless a new navy shall bu created , then
will be none In existence alter that lapse o
time. The small amount of modern armor
which has been ured by the department o :
lalo years has been puichascd abioad a pol
Icy certainly not in keonlnu'wlth proper die
nity nnd pride , nor at all lonslsluit witl
wisdom , At the present time , and lor many
years to come , in the uvent of a conflict witl
cither a first 01 second class naval power , ii
would bu quite Impossible for thoUnitei
blnles , as at present situated , to produce
within its territory either the armor requliei
for armored ships or the guns necessaiy for
their armament , Nor would It be possible
tor thu navy ol thu United States to protect
sueli articles In transit across the ocean ,
even if it were possible to obtain them else-
wheio in time of war. As at picsent situ
atcd the country would be entirely defense
less In the absence ot any ability to procure
armor or larger high powered guns , "
Concerning expendltuies the report says :
"Jn the adjustment of accounts fortho tisca
year ending Juno ) , ib * . alter paying al
liabilities for tlio year. It is believed them
will bo an unexpended balance ( if fiom
5000,000 to 50.10,000 , about one-half of vvhicl
Is i-ay of the nayy and of the marine corps
honing an expenditure of about S13.COO,000 ,
) r upwards of § oW,000 , less than the appro-
irlatlonsi. Thcso amounU do not Include
expenditures for the teel cruisers and the
completion of the doublo-turrctott monitors. "
It Is cited tlut this is the first time In many
vears that the expenditures have been kept
within the appropriation.
The secretary recommends that the naval
academic course bo shortened to four years
as recommended by the commandant of the
academy , lie also uiges that apprentices bo
admitted to the acatiemy and says : "It Is
the desire of the department that the naval
service should not bo open to any chaico ot
excluslvcncss , as the sole exception to
this sound and wholesome piluolple of
our national policy. To. this end It would
recommend that mpasures bt ) tikeu by which ,
inder safeguards , admission to tlio naval
academy mliht be given tea limited number
of apprentices , who should then be subjected
to the same course of training and examina
tion tit other cadfls , and v\lio , under the ap-
idlcatlon of a unltorm test , should stand or
lull solely according to the stiength or weak
ness of their merits. Undei such restrictions
it Is believed that the opening of the quaitcr-
duck toappientlces will not only atford addi
tional stimulus to effort , but , by streiiL'then-
ing the bond between the ollleer and enll ted
man , will icact favorably upon both blanches
ot our naval personnel. "
The remainder of the report Is devoted to
detailed icports from the heads ot various
A New > a 'y Order.
WAsmxoroN , Dee , H. The secretary of
the navy to-day Issued an older directing
that on January 1 all stotes records and
propel ty at thu navyy.uds and stations be
longing to the navy dupartment , except .such
\esscls ami supplies coining under cognl/-
ance ot thu bureau of medicine and surgery
and the inailno corps bo hansferted to the
bureau of provisions and Clothing. The older
also coveis the tiansfer of olllcers , employes
nnd laborers , and designates the duties of
tliu formui older intended , to carry out Secre
tary Whitney's Idea concerning the concen
tration In one buieaii of tlio responsibility
lor stoics and supplies , as far as possible
under the existing oidcr.
An African It nice Meets a Foe inn n
\\ortliy nf Ills Steel.
WASIII.VOTO.V. Dec. H.-i-fSpecial Telegram
to the Br.E.l Tlm department of state has
iccclvcil a dispatch Iioin'the United States
consul at Gore Dakra , In Senegal Africa , an
nouneinc the death In battle of Kingbama
Lomncfil. of Cavar. The consul says the
king appealed at Sivcinahe , in Cayar , with
a number ot his followers under arms and
mounted attendants for tliu puiposo of col
lecting a tilbuto to which ho believed him
self entitled by ticaty. His demand for tiib-
utu was met with refusal 1'ioiu thu inhaui
tautsofthu place , wheioupon some of li !
followeis began to pillauo the town. The
merchants and traders telegraphed for aid to
thc'overnmcntor | St. Louis , a town under
Vrench protection , and In the meantime
made propositions to defend their property.
The goveinment promptly sent ; v captain of
thu army and twenty-five soldiers
to the scene of tiouble. witl
distinctions to remedy mattcis
Anivingat Tivmane the hoops found the
merchants and ttadera beleajured. A wordy
altercation tollovved between the ttoops and
t ! > u king's tollovveis , which was ended bv thu
litter , who tired several shots , killing a sol
dier. A charge was oidered , andaftera brief
but fierce engagement the natives fled , leav
ing twenty ol their number dead on tlio lield.
They soon reformed , liowever , and made
another stand under the .leadership of their
king , but the latter , atrcr a sword combat
with sv French lieutenant lasting twelve min
utes , was run tliiougli the body anu killed ,
whereupon his followers gave up the battle
and escaped Into the Interior. TlioatTairis
dcploted by the Kicnchauthorities , who fore
see as a result the necessity of makinir rad
ical aliangcs In their tieaties with the native
tribes in Atrica.
Xho Condition of Hartley Ciimphull
Niw Youic , Dec. 3. ( Special Tclcgiam to
the IJIK.J Daitlcy Campbell was removci
Irom liloomiiigdale asylum to the asylum al
Middletovvn , X. Y. , on Tuesday. The trans
fer was made at the Instance of the Actors'
Fund and with the sanction of Mis. Camp
bell and John Quintan , who have charge of
the play-right's poison and estate. Anange-
meiits vvero made with olllcers of that insti
tution by which the patient will leceive as
good care and attention there at SS a week a
he has hitherto received at Jiloomingdalo lor
Si5. At the ferry onu of Campbell's young
sons met him. "Don't you know me.father , "
asked thu little fellow , when lie had been
lilted into tlm c.urlagc. Campbell bad set
tied back into bis seat and glared straight
ahead , without even turning to sue who liad
addiessed him. "I'lease look at me , father , '
pleaded the boy , with tears streaming dovvr.
Ills lace. Campbell turned slowly , bent his
bead and Id.ssed the youngster , his lacoall
the lime as immovable as a maible statue.
AVhon tlio train started bo became so violent
as to frighten the ladles In the conch , nnd the
conductor 01 deted His removal to the smolc-
ingear. lleie ho continued h's ' ravings
until thu train leached Mlddlefovvn , at fl : 0
p. m. , uxcent forshott intcivals when he be
came exhausted.
The Speeches of Kcnton.
Nr.W YOIIK , Dec. ! ! . [ Special Telegram
to the Uri : . ] The Times' Washington
special says : The piesldent had not heaul
until this afternoon ( Thursday ) of the letter
of W. .1. Sullivan , ot Missouri , tocx-Distilct
Attoinoy Stone , containing report
of the speeeh made by District At
torney Honton , ot Mlssoml , In which
llenlon held up the piesidcnt "as a
humbugging civil horvico retormer , an
Ignoramus and a willing tool ol the money
sharks and vampires of Wall struct , who aio
siaklng the blood of the honest ycomaniy
of the west. " Jt should surinisu no ono to
learn that the knowledge that such a speech
should liave stiuck the piesldent untiivor-
bly. lie had acted upon Colonel Bcnton's
letter of explanation and had reinstated him
with tlio impreaiion that ho bad been n
friendly supporter of thu admlnlsti.ition. It
IH piolmble tlieio will bo an attempt made to
llnd out whether his spwwhes weio generally
or cum frequently stuffed wltn such sting
ing ridicule and abuse.
Her Son Wed ,
I'n.NAM , Conn. , Dec. 3 , The \VINon- \
Moen nllair caused gieat excitement hcio
and in Mirrouiullng towns , whoio Wilson
lormcily lived. This afternoon n ropuitei
went to iast : Thompson'and pad an inter
view with Mis. Lyiiuin J'orter , Wilson's
mother , She said the iccord of Wilson's
birth at Oxford was coircct She thinks that
Wilson Is not in his right mind , Wilson is a
pcrlect picture of her in the face , especially
the nose , iorehead and > oxpiession nf the
oye.s. She said shu never * taw or Iieaid of
Moen till of lalo yeais , Jlcr husband Is a
shoemaker , and is supported mostly by Wil
son.Mr , 1'oilersayslijswilo.tverstliat Wil
son is her legitimate son.
WllsonV Bister Dcnerln Him ,
Woitf isi'jii : , Mass. , Dec. a. Mrs. Ocorgo
L. Hlce , of Uxbrhlge , eldest daughter of
Jonas Wilson , and sister of l.uvl Wilson ,
made a statement at the Ciazetto olllco to-day ,
which contradicts thu story of Wilson that bo
is a BOH of I'hilllp K. Moen. She thought
I.evi must bo out of big uiiml.
Tlio Adams' l-Upres * Jloblicr.
ST. l.oi'is , Dec. 8. The ( Jlobo Democrat
says this morning that It received a letter
from Jim Cunimlngs , tliu Adams express
lubber , which stated hu Is tiled of being
chased around thu country by detectives and
promises to icturn $2\OOD of the sum stolen
if. they will let him gu ID peace.
Verdict Against Oencral JJulIur.
Uosio.v. Dee. y. In tlm cuso ot the Xa-
tlonal Soldiers' home against Oeneral JJutler.
the jury to-day found a vcidtot for 10,537
a iimbt liutli'r.
No Agreement Yet Reached By tba Senate
Discordant Democratic Miiulo ICreps
tlio President rrom Summering
At the Soldiers' Home An
town Congressman's Hick.
I n ter-Stnto Commerce Conference.
WA inyfirox , Dec. : i. [ Special Telcciam
to llio UKK.I The senate and hou o commit
tees who me chaiKcd with the duty ol biIng-
Ing llio two branches of confess togethci on
the Inter-state commerce bill , have thus far
tailed to icach any compiomlse , and each
branch seems disposed to hold out for Its
own paitlcular views. Congic smati Crisp ,
if ( U'orqin. who is one of the members of the
louse committee , said , u-feirlng to the mat
ter : "You see , the hoii'-o has passed the
icagan Intel-state commerce bill and the
ienate has passed Mi. Cullom's bill , dealing
w lib the same subject. They both aim al the
same object pieventlon of that practice
which has pievailcd among latlioad corn-
panics of disci Iminatlnc against ceitaln
classes of people and ehaming more lei
short distance than for long distance. Both
bills aim at having these grievances i ediessed
by thu United States courts , tlicchlet points
ol dlllercneo being that Mr. Cullom's
bill piovides for the appointment of an inter
state commerce commissiontluough whom
appeals to the courts must be made , while
Mr. Reagan's bill gives the icmedy to
thu people without any sort ol dependence
upon any commission. The two bills aie
now in hands ot conleiees , and Ills Impossi
ble to say what conclusion will ultimately be
reached. One thing is sine tlieio is a se-
lions deled in both bills. Neither ol them
provides for anv check upon the operations
of thu Grand Trunk lallvvav company of
Canada when they inn Iheli
through freight acioss our Iron-
tier into Chicago and over the United
States. Wo cannot iiiteilmu with
anything they may do on the other side
ot the Canadian bolder , hut assoon as theli
cais outer upon Ameileaii teultoiv we have
a riclit to see Iliu tialllc of foreign coipoia-
tion upon our own soil will not have advan
tages that ate denied to our lallroads. This
point must be coveied and the deficiency In
each ol these bills must be icmcdied.
Scnatoi Harris , a memorroi tl.e same com
mittee is coulident ot an ultimate ngiec-
ci.r.vr.i AXD'S MIXM riVLXi.s .
President Cleveland Is oxtiomuly sensitive
to newspaper ciitlcism so tar as iciatos to his
private atlairs , and his closest ft lends say he
Is very much annoyed by the attempt being
made to mix him up wltn the alleged real
estate ling Intel ested in tlio extension ot
Massachusetts avenue. Up to tlio timu ol
Cleveland's elecllon to the pieslduncy , it was
customary for tlie chief magistrate to occupy
what Is known as the "President's Collate
atthoSoldieis' Home , just outside the cltv
limits. A nvajority ot tlio inmates ol "the
home aie said to bo democrats , and in antici
pation ol having a democratic president
within their inclosure , a bi.iss band was
organized consisting ot about twenty pieces.
Tlio old veterans practiced In strict lor
several weeks and finally gave a ser6s ! ot open
air concerts on the veianda attached to tliu
presidential cottage , which were highly ai-
piecialed by the visitors to the home , even if
the music was not rendered with the skill
and harmony of the Marino band. Sonic
persons are civil enough to say that the presi'
dent did not icltsh the idea ot the veteran
band play in ? under his window moining
and evening , and thciufore concluded not to
occupy the cottage at the homo. Whatevci
ma ; have been his icosons for not following
the example of Ids piodecossois in this pai-
ticular , I am unable to stale , but the tact re
mains that he spent the trieater part ot his
hist summer in Washington at tlio executive
mansion. He finally concluded to Invest in
District ical estate , which resulted In his
pmchasing a beautitiil site on the Heights ot
( Jeorgctovvn , ormoie piopeily spunking , on
the TInnallytown road , about one mile and t
half noith of ( jcoigetown. Thu agent in
charge ot the property was a ictired aimy of
ficer , who Is not popular In the aimv or
among civilians , because of his personal oc-
centiiclties. Tlio friends of tlie piesldent
who weie authorised to act tor him In ne
collating the sale and transfer ot tlm prop
erty , were Informed as lo the character ol
the ruined army real estate btoker , and to
avoid any dilllcully with him , opened nego
tiatlons dlllercntly vvilh Ihe owner ot tin
property. Thu latter olleied tlio objection
able bioker § 100 as a commission , not lor any
wivices thru he had lendcicd in bilnglni.
about llio sale , but as an evidence of fall
play. The bioker had speculated wildly
upon the glory and frouadveiUsing he wouU
receive iiom a csUto tiaiis.ielion witl
tliopiesidenl , mid thuieloio i of used the le <
ottered film. To day be hi ought suit agalns
thu foimer owner ol "Oak View" to ic
echo a commission which hu claims
to bo due him Irom the sale of this propeity
to the president. Jt is said that the dls.ip
pointed leal eslale bioker ami ictiied in my
ollicei aie principally icsponsiblc foi the ex
trava ant stories now in circulation , SI > UIIL | ; |
to place the president In an avvkwaid posi
lion as a patllclpant In a teal eslatn ring.
AVben the piusident came to Wiisiiingtoi
lie was advised toslcei clear of ceilain per
sons , who were supposed lo be on the. aler
lo Improve their own fortunes at the expense
of Influential olllcials. One ol his most Inti
mate filends rcmaikcd to yom coiie.spouden
iceently that hu leliained fiom making hasty
changes in thedlstiict olliecs because ho du-
slicd to It-el the public pulse and select the
most available and eligible men to assist him
in i mining tliu local government. If one-halt
ot the statements on this subject seen in
pilnt aie tine , ho has been untoitiinato in
choosing his local trtends and advisers , for
Instead of avoiding the real estate ting , ho
has" fallen Into the middle of one ol
the larnust leal estate pools ever organl/.ed
In this citv. Such lanuiiage , coming tiom n
gentleman whoso filcndly lelations with thu
in evident cannot bu luiostloned. Indicates
that the latter may icgict tlmlhels the mvner
of "Oak View. "
The very men who uiged the piesldent to
miilio the pmchase. Immediately bought up
all the hind adjoining "Oak view''beloie
the ovvneiB weio sivvaio that they were to
have thu picsidunt of llio United States as
their nelghboi. Such piocceding.s .savoi ol
sharp practicu If nothing worse , and tholi
desire to glow wealthy at thu u\p isoot ) the
president oL'ood name , must weaken his eon-
iidenco In them , No ii-asonnble person will
for n minute imagine tliu president was
cojrni/.inl of all that was L'oinir on in llio
ical estate maikct when ho decided to in
vest In Distiict piopetty , yet bin political
enemies aru haul at woik cndeavoilng to
cie.itL thu imptcsslon that hu was fully in-
ton ned on the subject and expects to piultt
by UiOHiicccss of the ical estate ilng ,
When nil tliu facts become known It will
piobahly bo shown that thu present scandal
was biought about thiom'h thu combined
efforts ot a class of men anxious lo become
wealthy at any cost , and another class who
aio equally anxious to smirch thu character
ol the mesentiulministi.itloii tiom a ii.uiunal
as well as a local standpoint.
ON ' 10 W A SHIM ! I ON.
A loiter was received to-day Irom Dakota
stating that another delegation ol prominent
democrats and republicans will bo hcio
shortly toienow thu stiuirglu foi the division
ol thii'tcintoiy. It will bu headed liy ( Jovci-
noi-elect Mellutte , Senators elect Moody and
Kdgeiton and other statoolhceis-elect. They
will concentrate their cllorts on tlio passage
ot thu Hill bill , which divides thu tumtoiy on
an cast and west line running ne.n Mllbank ,
Abetdeen , etc. Quito u number ot democrats ,
it is generally believed enough to sccuio the
passano ot the mcasuio in the house , Iiavu
declaied In favor of it. II it can icach con
sideration. It would ( , ' " thiouijli the Rciiato
with a whirl. It provides tor a teneiul vote
of the territory on the subject , and does not
contemplate a participation In the next pit-si-
dentlal election by thu voters of Dakota ,
ad jiost.ll changes
toxuiiv.ssMAx : FitiiiinicK : : ( jt KAI-S .
Some agitation wan created hum this
inornnic by the statemenl ot an Iowa
dcmociat that HepresentatlvB Vrcdoilulc
bad written a letter to the president exeoii-
atjng hl'ii for tlie appointment of ( ieorgu
Paul to bo postmaster at Iowa City , and do.
elating that ho il'rederick ) would withdraw
his sunpoit from the administration ami re
SRII | his stnt In IhD luwse. It l < ascertained
that the J.UIfer slatement Is untrue. It Is
true.however , that Kiedersck \erymuch
dl.'Citsted nt the tieatment Im has iccelvcd In
this appointment , and tlut I.o Imsconxeved
his displeasure to the postmaster general and
thu piesldent ,
A DKMAl. VOH URVr.ltMi MII.V. * . ,
A ildlculous stoiy was telegraphed trom
here on Wednesday to the effect that ( ; eneial
Nelson A. Miles hud gone humedly away to
icMime command of thu Dopaitmcnt of
Arl/onn , having been waned by some stipe-
iloi ottlecr , ptvsuninbly either tlio lieutenant
gcneial or the adj ilant of the nrm\ ,
tlmt It would be to Ills dls ulvantage to remain
Iieie. It was al o statetl that he had Intended
to take n and romaln duilna the win
ter. The facts me that ( .lonetal Miles Is hereon
on a month's lene nnd will not return to
his command until the end of that time , lie
expects soon to RO to Hoston to attend to
some pilvato business. A Kical many toollsfi
statcmonis iu < published atuml Miles now-.i-
days. Their gcncrnl purpoit Is that he
lias a iti eat ninny enemies at the wardepatt-
uent and elsnwhoio who me liylng to Injure
ilm. The ( mill Is that Miles iseiy well
; i ruled and sulfeis no In justice at the. hands
of hlssupeiloroillceis. There Is soiupcnti-
Dslty to sco what the president nnd sevictntt *
\varwillsay idiom the Apm-he busltuM.
iccause there Is still doubt us to what oueht
.o be dune with the Apache pilsoners , who
in i ) now liic.ucci.ited In rinildn and who aie
' .inliic treated as oilmlnnK ( icneial Miles
las maintained tjnt they suriemlered Jiueoij-
.lltlonallv and they htunbeen 'nt to Moiida
jii ) that'theory , but It Is still n iiucsllon
wllefei they did not eome In us
iirlsomns ol war and with the ex
udation It not the understanding
that thui would bo allowed to ll\e with their
families under leslratnt , lint not In solitary
onllnenienl , ns they me living. Tlu Indiniui
indouiitedly desqivo the severest puiiM/- /
.iiont , but U they meie led to Miuender by
an implied promCg tli.U tbov should ho 10-
gaidrd as prfsoneis of wai the honor ot the
government will requiie that thov shall not
b < rilieel ! on a pai with condemned eilmlnals ,
they now are at Koit Mai ! < m.
rosr.M. en VMIKS.
The piesldent has appointed the fol
lowing Iowa poMmastets : Alex Ch.tle } ,
Cedar itapids , vice Win. W. S.mltb ,
suspended ; .lames p. Carlcton , How a
Kails , vice Tims , It. Knapp. suspmuled ;
Kiank P. Motie , Odebolt , vicel-\ . Heiuiett ,
suspended ; ( let ) . C. Scrimgeon , belle .Plain ,
vice W. A. Hunter , icslgned ; .las. llc.lames ,
Sae City , vice K. A. l.amoieant , icsliriied.
.1. JI. Kepler has boon designated acting
postmastei at Andeison , la.
A pustofllro has been established at Dickens
ons , Clay county , la. , mid Henry Urovvncll
appointed postmaster.
Kmeiy I , . Heason has been commissioned
loslmasler at 1'oiest Home , la. , and Alfied
: . Smith sit Atbui Mill la.
Changes hav e been made in the tituo sched
ule ( it the star mail lonte fioin Algona to
Seneca as follows : l.v.ivu AlgonuTiiesdayf ,
Tlmisdays and Saturd.xj.s at U u. m. ; miivo
at Seneca b > 0 p.m. I.pave Seneca Mondays' ,
Wednesday and l-'ildujs at Ssi. m.airivuat :
Algona by ft p. m.
leiro ! ) = eiitatlve Holmes , ot Iowa , aiilved
hero lo-rmy and called at the Hin : biiicau.
lie Is recelv Ing heaily cont'iatnlations upon
his magnificent and successful campaign ,
and sajs be heais manv tegrets expiesscd
ovei the deleat of Keprcscntative llepbnin ,
who is ono ol the stiongest iupnt > llcins : in
the house , and one of tliu most effective
members of the Iowa delegation ,
Spcakei Cailisle's health Is jioor.
A nuiuboi ol members of congress who
bring tlieii families to Washlnglop toi the
long session will bo alone this winter.
Tlieie aie still live general bills on the
house calendar.
The appioptiatlons committee Is convinced
that Ihe npprupilation bills will be smaller
than last year.
* v MSMV NEW * .
Sergeant Thomas Dalv , Uompiny F , Kif-
tconth Intaiitiy , \irl I Hufoul , Dakota , ha
been granted three months furlough.
Major ALni'in ' K. Uockwell. assistant quar
termaster , has been assigned to duty as
assistant to Lieutenant Colonel Mooic , chief
quartermaster of the Derailment ol Dakota ,
at St. Paul.
The Stock Pa ilio In Savi Prnncisco
SAN FitAxr isfDcc. ) ; i. Those wholiopei
that the morning would provo brighter thai
last nif ht's close weie disappointed. Fiou
an eatly hour the approaches to thu two ev
chanees weiu crammed with .111 excited ciowi
pager to leant the news ot the flint call
and which to them would bring either happi
ess or dlsmav. They had not Ion ; to wait
for the San I'lanelsco boird met piomptlvat
l'0 ' : : and a lew minutes latei the Consol !
ilaled Vitginia rang out at ? IO , ijuiekh foi
lowed by a diopto S.'JU. Hest and JJelehcr ,
which closed at S'il. opened tins moinlnzat
fc-M and In a few minutes wenttnSiO. The
bcais nio making a savage onslaught on these
tvvo stocks. It seems to lie the opinion
of the stieet that the hulls are tor
slrong and that the beai > will go dovvr
In dl'sistei. Mlddlu stocks show an impiove
nicilt , the beais devoting less attention to
them. Savase , which closed at 'JIG. ' 75 Insl
night , ojiened at ? > lil and furflier Immovetl
to 317. Chollat gained 7.r.c , going to fO.fti ) am
Potosi jnmjiod liom six. and sevcn-eU-liths d
nine , and tnen to ten and Rcven-cluhths ,
Ojihlr was the only stock which sliowed 1111
provement , opening nt Wj.W with a
liiillior jump a lew moments later to SJO.riO ,
Over Si.000.000 have been vvithdiawn lion
the city savings banks during tlio hist ten
da.vs , every cent ol which has gone lulr
stocks. This shows that the laboring classc1
are taking a hand in thu deal.
The Sun I'Yuncisco ' \
SAX KiiAsrisco , Dec.The : ) tailuies o
ItobeitK. Monovv , a prominent eapltiillst
John Mackcn/lc , stock bioker , and ICullmai
.t Co. , bioHcis , weio announced to-day
Monovv. who lor many yean has been a
niomincnt li''ine in this city , lias been sell
lilt : "culls" on slock. The boom In pi Ice' '
entailed a lessen him of a im.iilcr ol a mil
lion dollats. lie claims to bo v\ell vvoith i
million over liabilities. Mackcium'.s
.110 Siooooa ; ICiillman & Co. s-iy f
They expect to reopen In a luw days.
'a "Kino Italian Ilr.nd. "
CJIK-ACO , Dec. ! ! . ( Special Tolejriam t (
the Bi'K.i .Moining papers pi hit an Inlci-
vlcvvwilh , i piomlneiit railroad official. wh <
states his belief that S. H. II , Claik wil
make sigood many change ? In thu MIssoiir
Pacific , llesiys : ' 'It has silieady been In
timated that'I' . L. Klmlmll , present tiallii
manager ot the Fnlon Pacific and othe
ollieials of the samu ioid. ; who were witl
Clark in Omaha , will pack Ihelr hapgago ani
take ini their aboiln in SI , Louis as employe
ot tlio Mlssnuii P.iellic. Whethei W. II
Novvman , Mlssouii I'.Kinc ti attic manager
will have togivu his place toKimlnll anil bu
pionioted , or wliether ) Klmh.ill will be given
a higher position Is of course a mattei 01
conjecluie. "
Tlio I''irci I
lr ntm i1 , Dec. U. 'l Im Detroit Pipe Foun
dry company's vvoiks weie buinud tn the
ground this morning together with thou
sands of ilollaM * worth ol machinery mid
patteins. l/oss estimated nt fclOO.OOi ; insm-
ancu f' O.OWJ. Oim bundled anil tifty limn
aio thrown out of emplo > nient , 'J'bo vvoiks
br , J'vtu Dec : t Tlio Dispatch's St.
Cloud ( Minn. ) special ms Ainold'sfliuulng
mill waswieekc'l ' and bin ned by an explosion
last nl'hl. ! lioss SWi.OJO ; insiuaiieo , ? fX,0 ) < J < ) ,
liitricio.v , Mass , , Dec. ' ) . The total loss bv
the Uie hcio last night Is estlm ded at i'i,0 ; K ) ,
Pifisiiuso , J'a. , Jrc. ) : > The Amalga
mated association of Iron and Slcel Woikeis
will not Im repros"iite4l at thu convention ot
national and International ti.nle * unions ,
which will bo held at C"umhus ! , O. , next
week. Leading Knmhls dl Lulmr consldei
t'tit ' fact as a point in tluili lavi.r , as tbe > h.ivu
generally been \ery suspicions 01 thu nbjuits
of tlm convention. It was also rmnoiul to-
( lay that thu Hinthcrhoml of J.oriitiintivu Kn-
( 'ineerb hud taken tlm sumo position us the
Amalgamated association.
Si. f.oi'is , Dec , . The amount ot bill in
the case of thu Adams oxpiocs iiiessenirei
rolieinghnm | | , was lived at S O.uow In tlm
e ! Imlnal com t to-day. The me8 cncr ( e-mld
not furnish the amount and was iuiiian < Jvi (
to j.dl ,
Evidence Submitted by the Prosecution In
the Bhollonbcrgcr Trial.
Two town Crooks Stirrpiidrr Their
Tools anil Itctli-o Itfpitnan'H Com
mitment nt Sioux Oily
The Shrllrnlipi'Kr'i' Trinl.
CITY , Neb. . Dec. Jt. ! S ) > ecla
to the Htr. : ] This Is tlio fourth
day of the Shellenbpitjer ttlnl , nnd yet the
prosecution , up to to day noon , have only ex
amined six of their twenlj'lour witnesses ,
while thrt defense will ha\e ns nlany , If not
mom The testimony inttmlnccd by the
piosecutlou shows that soma lime In Juno
Insl , at the icquest and Instance of the ills-
tilct ntlorncy , the body of Macyio Shellen-
beiger was disinterred and hioughl to Coroner
ner lliown's otllce , where tlueo physicians ,
Drs. Wliitten , t'ampbell and lleishey. had
ieen summoned and another evnmtuatlon ot thu body. Thu esnmliiatlon took place
in the dead of the nluht , and , as thn HKI :
nan underslands II , was made and at use
less expense , to contiadlct anv testimony
ihat Dis. I.arsh and Watson , who had ex
amined the body the same day or
lay after the homicide , and also to
move that aftei due cMunlnation no violence
mil been made on her body tlut would show
that attempted inpe had been committed ,
The pioscciitlon , by Mi. Mike Honor and J.
. .Manes , county judge , showed that slnco
ho prellmlnaiy examination ol the Sliellun-
beiters they had heatd Mis , Hhellenbergor ,
while In the county Jallof this county , ask
icr husbtnd to make her lice by slatlng.whal
it ) liad tolit her that ho had cut her Mangle's
tlnoat and had done It "d well. " The
couit house was eiowded to-day and standing
oem was held al a piemlum ,
Sent lo I lie
Drill 01 K , la. , Deo. 3. ( Special Tele-
giam to the Jlru.J For over two weeks Kd-
waid Wall , of Jackson township , has been a
fit subject for the Insane asylum. Ills first
ciay spell was btouglit about by the aricst
of his biother tor stealing hoises. This
blooded upon him and his mind became
shattered , lie was accustomed to wander
about at night with a lantern , lamp or torch ,
supposing hlmsell a detective on watch for
breaKpis of the law. The dismissal of the
charge against his biothei tlid not change i iF
the insanity , but simply ehanircd the loim of
It. and of late he has been very violent upon
lellirlous subjects and has compelled eon-
slant earo. Night lieloio last he. was so vie
lent that It was w ith dlllicnltv Unit Ills watch-
el s could manaue him They succeeded ,
however , until yesteiday moining , when
they stinted with him to tins eitv. On tlio
wav in hu became so violent that ho had to
bo bound hand and loot and also had to ho
tied to Ihe bottom ot the wa on. Ho was
taken he fora the Insane commissioners ,
wheie hu was adjudged insane , and will bo
taken to Independence lor confinement until
he lias iccovered.
Wood's Crooked Work.
SIOL.X Cirv , IB. , Dec. I ! . ( Special Telo-
piam to the Bii.J : : The llrennan commit
ment case Is Mill unsettled. L-istulght Judso
J.omls issued an order stay Ing the proceed
ings for an immeiliiUo.inipilsoninent , placed
Hicnnan under S'iOO bonds and ordered a re-
bearing to-moiiow moi nine. A vigorous
light is being made to have tlio Imprisonment
sentence entnely suspended , and there Is
much to Indicate success in this direction.
AflldavltH have been uioduced to thoi effect D. W. Wood had enteied into stipula
tions with Coimuny & liieuiuin that if they
would agiee tea peimanent injunction they
could continue their biisipess until a certain
fiitinedale without belli' siihect | or liable
for contempt. Ihe consldei.ition being that
they pay xi Id Wood > 100 , and lei this Cor-
menyiV , Diennan hold Wood's leceipt. They
Initlier allege that W oed icccived oihcrsums
ot money and made other .stipulations.
-sj Kctirc Krnm HIISIIIDHS.
Drnrcjtn , Ja. , Dee. . " . [ .Special Telegram
to the Hii.J : : Sullivan nnd U'yman , chaigcd
with tobbinj ; thu .Miniiear-olis poslofllce.weio
bioiiKhtup heio lortiial in the United States
comt and weie acquitted on evidence show-
In that they weio In the Minnesota punltcn-
tmiy vvlien thu loblu'ry was committed. On
the charge ot coiispiiing ( o lob the Cedar
liaiiids postofilce they weie also acqulllud for
lack of idenco to substantiate it. Tlio men
aie now at Iaiure. Sullivan says he has quit
belii2 a crook and altm the tiial tinned over
till' bui lnrs tools lounil In his possession to
tlie olliceihof coinl. The men saythoyln-
ti'nd to live honest lives heieatter. The
owneisfiljiol the tools was jocosely divided
among Inu otllceisltya Kami1 of seven up.
hnlllvan aeKiiovvIodgc-d to having boon a
Imiular lei twonlv veais mil ( pills It npvv for
good , lie has seivcd altoiit nine ve.iis In the
pi'iillentlaiy for his vaiious misd'cmuanois.
The Stiiily ol' Nature.
Pi nr. N'eb. , Dec. : ! . | Special to the Unn.J
1'iofessor II. L. Cianl , ol the Xebiasksi
5 ; tu to Noimal school , duliveied a lecture , nn-
( lui the auspices of tliu Science Society , on
"Xatuial , Science In Public Schools. " Ho
made such an catnest plea lei the study of
inittiiu ami things. Instead ot a slavish study
of iPxI-booKs , that one is apt tn sav , "Mako
mo a child again , " II we hud any assmaiico
that his ideas would bu piacticcd ,
Hi ni.ixinoN' . la. , Dec. : > . ( Kpeeial Tele
gram to the Hu : . ] I'lol. Foster , the mcieio-
loirlst , still insists that his piedictlons icgard-
lug a great snow pcilod from to-morrow
( Salinday ) . until the Iblh , will bu verified.
Blockades , aiconling to Ins piedietlons , will
occur in llio west bv Sunday and In thu east
by Wednesday.
llnko Simpson's .
VriuiASKA Cnv , Neb. , Dee. ! l. fSpeclal
Telegiam to the Urr.Jipcrl : M. M. White ,
who Is cxaiiiliiing llio ( oiinty hooks , un-
emlhed anothei d laleatlon ol Mi , Simpson's
to ihu amount of S'J.oot , and Ir Is now esti
mated that llio peculations of the late county
ticasiiicr , Duke Simpson , will be over
The Deed Delivered ,
Kr.oM K. la. , Dee. . ( Special Telegiam
to tlm ISnu.J To-day .Master In Chancery
homos ilcliveied a deed lo a committee of
bondholder of the Mlssonil , loua 'it
Nehiaslca lailwav the mnclmscis ul llio mas-
tern sal Augiixl 1' ' . Ihe committee there
upon deliveiut tlm deed to tint K'cokuk > v >
Western i.illway comj > aiiy , who look formal
Uclotihcil on .
Sioi x Cnv , In. , Deo. u. Ihpcclal Tele-
giam to tlm llri..J To-day John King was
released f i om jail on $ r,0i bond" . King lias
benn eonliii'd ' lor seveial months , havlnir
been aursted for complicity In tlm Jladdnck
ca-e , and the coiispiiacy to "do up" Wood
and U ulker.
(7 < iicral
i'lAi.VMinv , Nub. . Dec. ! ! , [ .Special to thn
JJri : , ] < ieneial ' 1'bayei addiessed a full
house at this jilaco uiion thu objects and In-
iluenee of the ( i. A. K . iving also some per-
honsil lemlliisfencps of ( ieneiul ( Jlo
vUlled Hut pnMio schools yesterday and went
to Cicighion bv the evening ti.dn , where bo
spuko last even Ing.
1'iurlnl : IJciui Injured ,
J.ixf 01.x'eb , Dec.Mi. ! ) . 1'atrlck K an
met witli n eoveiu accident this utteinoon by
tailing ; Ihioiuh an open trap In l-'awcli's
book stole. He badly cut about thu
head , but Ir > wounds , thou li facvcie , uru not
ul > i Im u > u to i ADM ) lutilier apprehension ,