Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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Advances Noted in Nearly Everything on
The Board ,
Gnttlf ! Values About the Kiiinc nn VCR-
tcrdnj An Increase in the Hen -
n ofllofts General MIH-
kct QnntAllon * ) .
CnicAno , Dec. 8. | Special Telegram to
Ilie HKK.I The markets opened with a rush
nn the board to-day unit ncnily everything
was higher. May wheat , wnlcli closed nt
HKc yesterdav , Jumped to 84 * < c , with trad
ing active and general. In corn the market
was strong. May options stalled In at
against the elose of yesterday of 45.4c
nnd Immediately advanced to 43J @
43 c. Ktiropean markets wcro stioiiRcron
grains nnd futnru deliveries or Amcilcan
wheat cre quoted higher. May pork
opened at SIM ; , against a close yesterday at
3S11.32 f/ , and buying was \oiy good. Receipts
for thoday wcio II cars of winter wheat ,
WO cars of spring wheat , 1'JT eas of corn and
103 cats of oats. Lester wns the heaviest
buyer of wheat , but the entire crowd wcro
bullish , All of the ordci.s which
came from the outside , and they
were numerous. were to buy.
May wheat continued 10 advance steadily
nnd by 10:30 : sold at b. > @ 85Vc. Jn corn and
provisions the heaviest individual buyer was
Mat Jones and values In both those com
modities also rapidly advanced. By 10'iO ;
Way coin was selling at WJi'c and May nork
atSll.CO. .January pork sold up to 811.20.
The features of the wheat market , icvlewed
as a whole , was the heavy bujlng of long
wheat during lliocntliofoienoon. pretty general -
oral rcull/.lng of piolita on ptovlous pur
chases piomlscuous covering by shorts hoic
nnd In the northwest and a perceptible
broadening ot outside .speculation. Them
VHIH a uood deal of mystifying Iradlnsc going
on early , but trade was so largo that the back
ing and lilline and feinting of the big local
operators excited only the momentary at
tention of the cioud. Lester and otliois
wore free huycis of wheat tor foreign ac
count. Calliornia advices were to the effect
that heavy salt's had been made in that
market during the past week , foreigners
being openly biivlug and bidding against
one onother. Advices from the northwest
TV ore received by several commission nouses
of the first standing , Indicating tlio possibil
ity of a change of trent on the part of the
leading millers of thaPseetion. Two or three
largo Hour manufacturers In Minneapolis are
reported to have bought in their share and
are now "standing pat" on their holding of
casli wheat. The local maiket gave bigns of
wearliiL-HS several times when the realizing
became exceptionally heavy , but no sooner
did St. I.ouls and other outside points stall
in to throw their wheat than fresh buying
outers to .stimulate speculation and rallies
Instead 01 breaks ( allowed , it was a bull
market in spite of the misgivings of con-
r.erv.itlve opeiators , who tliomtht theic was
two much steam on and that the "natural le-
nction" was overdue. May .sold on" irom
We to Hljtfc and scorned wavering at that
figure , but Milled ' .fe and shoitly beloie 12
n clock .shot up tobS'ic. with ttcmendous buy
ing on the advance. Commission merchants
rcpoitcd a largo amount ot outside business
nnd many orders from parties who had not
been hcaid tiom tor months. The maiket
was active nnd strong at an advance of Uic ,
nud the bulls wild with excitement and
joy. They imvo not enjoyed a season like it
for month' ! . Coin was bullish in sympathy
with wheat , and there was be.ivy coveting
by shorts on every little bulge nil day. 1'ro-
vlslons , lee , were on tlio rampage. The pit
was full of .buyers , and the market was
alternately linn anil buoyant , but never weaker
or ( lied. At noon a gain of UOc had been
established In poik , and 7 > i@lOe in lard and
ribs. On the afternoon board tlio markets
were weaker nil around. Wheat at 2 o'clock
was ' ( . ( JiLiC weaker than at the 1 o clock
close , and corn was © 0 lower. I'lovis
ions weic only slightly easier. 1'epoits of
thirty-six boat loads of wheat taken at Now
York tended to keep the market tiom
Closing prices : Wheat Weak ana lower
nt77 ; ( < i71fo tor December , 7SXf for .Ian-
nary , 'H'fic for February , SY. ' c lor May.
Corn Lower at Me for December , 3s3H'e tor
January , KSJfc lor February , iJV : < i > 4t : > fe for
for Febutary.
CitifAOO. DPP. 2. [ Special Telegram to
iho Ur.i : , ] CAITI.K The c.Utlo maiket has
been declining every day tins week and
prices wcro stationary to-day with a lalrly
ucttve movement. Tlie maiket was belter because -
cause It was no woisc. 1'ilccs , however ,
wcie not quotably diiTciont. Theio was a
jnoio settled feeling in trade and prices. The
sales included some choice Ifi-'H to 1073 lt > cat'
tie at 85.00 , with SI head ot 181 ! ) Ib steers at
15.35. Tlieeaily supply of cuttle was pretty
well cleaied , but cattle worn coming all day
and many come to late for the maiket. Shipping -
ping steeis. 13.V ) to IftOO Ibs , SJ.10S5.00 ; 1200
ot 13.VI Ibs , S3.bOGM.10 ; U5'J ' to 1200 Ibs , SJl.iffl ®
3.75. There WPIO a low Texas ami western
cattle on sale to-day and they sold at about
htriuly nrices as follows ; mlIontanas ,
I21tilbs , S'UIJ ' : nil Montana * , 1187 lb > , fc3.-)5 ) :
157 I'oxans , 10.10 Ibs , S3.80 ; W Texans , 110'J
lbs.S2.K > .
lions The increase in lecoipts as eom-
ji.ireil with the same time last week is about
Jl.OOO. T.lero were on sale to-day about
r.,000. : ! Trade was active and values SiyiOc
higher than yesteiday. A tew fancv heavy
sold as high as S4.HKvf4.20 , one lot at S4.221. . ? .
T.icklng suits bold \\lthin a range of S3.bO ( < i3
4.00hllo ronish and common sold around
Hboiit S'.70S3.75. ( Liglit sorts sold at S3. <
How Yorh. Dec. ! ! . M.ONKY On call
active atV B per cent , closing at 5 per
cent asked.
TiiiuK PAPIII 4@5 per
tent. KxciiANflK Dull nnd weak ;
Bctual intes , S4.bof ; lor sixty day bills ;
J4.MJfor demand.
UOVKRXMI.NTB Government bonds wcio
dull but heavy ,
.STOCKS The stock market to-day , while
Mill \cry active , Miowoa n small decrease In
the amount of business done , and while
Heading quieted down , speculation in Union
J'nelluiinadc tardier pipgress and St Paul 1
muldenly sprang into great activity. Tlie
opcnliiL' wasstiong , llrst prices bhowlngad-
vitnces of * T ' , < 2Jf V ° r cent , though Omnha was
up IV percent. Prices were weak in eaily
trading. Union Pat'llie being specially so.
J'ilces iltictuatcd within a narrow range and
noon hgtnt's generally showed some im
provement over those of the opening. The
market became mote quiet In the afternoon ,
and under realizing .sales prices slowly
yielded. There was a slight rally In the last
hour , but the market closed generally weak ,
close to tlio lowest of the day ,
cent bonds. . . . 100 % 0. AN.V
preteired , . .
New 4'i N.Y.O.
Pacific 6's of ' 05. 13 * ) Ori'con Tran. . , .
. entr l Pacific. . 1'acilic Mall
C.A A 142 P. D. & E
urinrrrea. . . .
C.U..AO 137 Hock Islnntl. . . . .
JJ. J , . * W Hl SUL. .t S. F. . . .
1) . Alt. G preferred. . .
Hrie. . . . . . . 0.N. & St. P. . .
preferrm' , . preferred. . . 120 > 4'
Illinois Central. St. P. &O 6.1J ?
1. II. JkW preferred. . . 115
KDt itToxn . Texas 1'aclfio. . . 20 > <
Lake Shore Union Pacltic. . . COJf
W. , St. L. & P. .
MIfh. Central. . . V7' $ prefoned. .
Wo. Pacific 115 % Western Union , 7U'i
Northern Pac. . . &N 106
pieftreed. . . C6
Culon o. Dec. 2. Flour Moderately ae-
tlve and strong ; winter Hour , Jf4.05@4.10 ;
lonthein. 83. * < 24.00 ; Wjsconsln..54.00
CC4.10 ; Michigan sufUprlntr wheat , S3.rXKg4.10 ;
Minnesota bakers. $3.5t 4.lO : patents , 54.30
fiC4. l ; low grades.8 U5Q2.75 ; ry tlour.
nuiei at S3.25(33.W In bariels , and | 3.00 < sS
8.20 in '
\ \ heat Active ; opnnwl V < f ? , c above close
ycstord.iy , ( liictnntlne , makitiir a full rtdAanco
of ! J4'c. and clo cd easier ; ca li.7.i 11-lfic ; Janu
ary , Ts'ici ' Kebruarr , TO'to ' : M oy. bSVc.
Corn Active and stron ? ; opened Uc above
yesterday , nnd clo od about ' 40 above ; cash ,
: i8fj .laDtiary , 8S\ci February , S 'fc ; Ma- ,
43 7-lOc.
Oats Stronger , actl > e nml ' . ( (3-e ( hlchcr ;
cash , at'.c : Jnnnary , 27'4c ' ; May , 81 5-lCc.
Ityp Firm ntftlc.
Hurley Quiet nt.Vlp.
Timothy scpfl Prime. Sl.T4f31.75.
Kl.iv-sccd Olc.
Wltmy-SUH. . _ .
-Stronger . . . . . . . .
S0.17K : January , SfWy ; Febrnniv , . .
Hulk .Meats .Shoulders , S4.0.yrt'.75 ;
fihort clear , S3.bOii.5.8o ( ; short ribs , 35.00 for
Hutter Steady ; creamery , 10@23c ; dairy ,
_ . . . , full cream Cheddars 11\(3 (
12'j'c ' ; Hatu , : n fMi2c ; young Americas , lijf
@l2 fc ; skims , 7Sl e.
Eggs-Firm ut ll S23c.
Hides Heavy green salted , fully cured ,
8'jfc ' ; lleht. S iflOc : damaged , T'/tiiiJ c ; bull
hides. 0fc : dry salted , ll@12c ; dry flint ,
I'KfJHc ' ; calf skin * , SftslO'fe ' ; deacons , Wc )
' Tallow No. i country , 3''c ; No , 0 ,
2'c ; cake , Vc.
Kecolnt * . Shipment * .
Flonr.bWs 13,030 28.000
Wheat.bti 101,000 10.000
Corn. Oil 85,000 IIHI.OOO
Oat.bu ' 11,000 04,000
Hyc. tin 5,000
Usrler.tju 50.000 30,000
New York. Dec. 2. Wheat rtcrclpt * .
13iooo ! ; exports , 89,000 ; cash , l@l'e higher ;
options opened strong , advance1 ! kS3n'e ( , later
itiled weaker , closing lirin ; ungraded red ,
b2@s'jJc ; No. : t red. fa7'4'e ; No. 1 red , ! 2c ;
No. 2 ied , SS'/QMic In ele\ntor ; 8SiMt'i'c ( !
f. o. b ; .lantMiy closinc nt fa'JKc.
Corn - Spot c and options > a < 3'/i'e ' higher ,
closing with less strength ; receipts , fcO.OOO ;
cxnoits , 180,000 ; ungraded , 45ffM ( ! > Jjfe ; No.
3. 44 * < c delivered. 40Jfc In elevator ; No. 2 ,
H-JflaJS'/c ' In elevator , 4Sf ( < I4y8'c ' afloat ;
January closing at We.
Oats Fahly nclixo ; receipts , 37OtX ) ; ex-
pott ? , 2,000 ; mixed western , 3-K330u ; white
western , QlQWjc.
Petroleum Firm ; United closed at SOJ c.
Kggs Firm ; western , 2i' : ( fi2J } e.
Poik Finn and fairly nctUo ; two year
old , 810.7r.@ll.00 ; one year old , SH.50(3 ( > 11.75.
l.ard llfirhi'f ami lalrly active ; western
steam , & 0.50Q0.524.
J.'iitter Flint ; westetn , l'27c ' ; Elgin
eieamury , 2'.lc. '
Cheese Quiet but linn.
Milwaukee. Dec. 2. Wheat Weak ;
cash , 7'c ( { ; January , 77 ? < fcMay ; Sl.J.fc.
Coin Firm ; No. 2 , 'Me.
O.its-Ste.idy ; No. 2 , 27c ,
Hye Firmer ; \o. 1 , tyijtfc.
Uarlev Steadier ; No. 2 , 52Ve.
Provisions Higher.
Pork December , SlO.fiO.
Cinotnnatl , Dee. 2. Wheat Stionycr ;
No. 2 red , TUe.
Corn Firm ; No. 2 mixed , S'ic.
Oats Easy ; No. 2 mixed , 20c.
Kyo-Firm ; No. 2. 5i(25J' ! ( < ; c.
I'ork-Qulct at 811.50.
l.anl htionn at 50.15.
St. Ijonts , Dec. 2. Wheat Very strong
and higher ; No. 2 red. cash , 70s ; December ,
7'j'ic ' : January , 78 11-lUc ; May. 73fc. }
Corn Strong ; No. a mixed , cash ,
37'fc ; December , 30' ' c ; Januaiy ,
May , -I0 ; c.
Oats Finn : No. 2 mixed , cash , -80 ; De
cember , 273/c ; .May , 31'c.
Kve-Firm at r.2c.
Pork Stione und higher at 511.00
J.ard Stiong at 3i > .5\
Uutter CJtiit't and btcady ; cicameii1 , 24 ®
27c ; dairy , lOM'JSc.
Afternoon Bo.utl Wheat Weak and U@
Vc lower. Coin K. sy'scrf' c Jonor. Oats
A shade higher.
Tjivorpool , Dec. 2. Wheat Finn and
demand irowl ; holders oiler spnnnyly ; Cali
fornia No. 1 , 7s : idi7s ( 5d per cental.
Corn Finn anil demand lair ; new mixed
western , 4s 5J d pur cental.
Kantias City , Dec 2. Wheat Higher ;
No. 2 ied , cash , iW'ic bid ; Jantiaiy , Use bid ;
May , 70c.
Coin Steady ; N'o. 2 , cash , Ma asked : December -
comber , 31' jc ; Jnmmrv , ir''ic ' ; May , " " "
Oats Nominal.
New Orleans. Dec. 0. Corn Kasler ;
white , 47foHSo : mixed , 47e ; yellow , 4Sc.
Oats Firmer ; choice western , 'Me.
Cormncnl Quiet at S2.00.
Jlog Products Irregular.
Toik Stronennil higher at S10.75@ll.00.
Lard-Helined tieico , Sli.VJJj.
HulK .Meats Shoulders , dull and droopln
at S4.0U ; long clear and clear libs , S5.75.
hlVB 8TOC1C. < *
ChlottKo , Dec. 2. The Drovci's Jourual
lenoits as lollows :
Cattle Hecclpt.s , 8,000 ; more active ; tlnec
cais of extia , fc5.i5 : ; .shipping btecrs , gi.30(2 : ( ]
5.00 ; btockeib antl ieetleift , ' 52.00iif3.ii5 ; cows
bulls mid mixed , 61.4003.10 ; Uulk. 2.oO@
2.00 ; Toxin cattle , 8'.2. j@i.59 ; wcslein lanj ;
Jloss Ht'c'uipts. 41,000 ; shorn : nnd 5f
higher ; rouiili and mixed , S3.00ftjl.05 ; pack-
lngatiiUhliplli | , Si..W.25 : ; light wek'htb
Slieop JSeceipts , 4,000 ; btriinc : natives
$2.25(1(4.00 ( ; western , W.r > 0if3.25 ; Texaiis
S2.00 ( < fi.00 ; ! ; lambs , J Siirus.
St. l/oiiln , Dec.2. Civttle ItoccipK 2,000
shipments , 5UO ; medium and cholcu grade1
Him : others neglected ; choice heavy native
steers , S4.X4.0 : ) ( ; ; lair to good bhippini ,
steer * , 8'.30&"C4.25 ; btitclieis' .Hteers , commoi
to choice , 82..KC'i4.X ) ' ( ) ; feeder.- , fair to good
g'.50ifl3.10 , btt ckeis , lair to good , S1.90C 2.70
lloils Ui'ceipts , U.OOO ; shipments , 1,000 ;
market ruled strong ; choice heavy and butch
ers' selections , SI.10CS4.30 ; packing , lair to
fancy , S3.'J ) ( < 4l.l5 ; votkers , medium to
choice. ' S3.706i3.yj ; pi s , common to goud ,
KaiiNiiH City , Doc. 2. Cattle Kecelpts ,
1,300 ; shipments , none ; steatlj ; common to
cliolce , S'UOC' 4.50 ; mockers. S2.25 ( < 5J.7. ' > ;
leedlng .steers , S1.W ) < 33.50 ; cows , * I.f > Ot < ( .2.75.
llogi HeeeiptH , 12,000 ; shipments , 1,000 ;
at'tivo and ! > ( < ! > \0s \ higher ; common to choice ,
S3.70 < { 1.05.
Thursday , Dec. 2.
The receipts of cattle continue llultt. The
market Avas lower again to-day. Theio was
very little done on tlio market aside Horn the
tlio sale ol a lew coin fed steels.
The hog market opened active nnd exclteii
on account of the light receipts. JJght hogs
were about 5o higher \7hlie heavy hogs were
active at nn advance of 10@l5c. The denuind
was goud nnd every thing was sold with the
exception of a few loads that came In late.
The mtiiket closed strong.
' Nothing doing In the market.
Cattle .VH )
110'S 3,100
Prevailing Prices.
Showing the prevailing prices paid for live
stock on this market.
Choice steers , 1350 to 1500 Ibs $4.00(31.20 (
Choice steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs 8.50 ( < 04.00
( ioodleoders , . . < ! .65iu3.00 }
( iood to choice corn-fed cows 2.wi.ou :
Fair to met turn grass cows 2.00 2.25
( iood to choice Dulls 1.25cl.GO ( (
1mlit and medium nogs s.7U@3.75
( iood to choice heavy nogs 3.70 ( 3. .
( iood to choice mixed noxs 3.70 3.80 >
( iood to choice sheep. , , . 2.75M3.U : )
Fatrtugood sheep 2.25@2.50
Itcpresentativo Sales.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
J . .Urn $2.00 1..10UU 52.00
1..1150 2.0J
No , Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
H > 5 . . .HUG S3.50 21..1151 53.70
No. Av. Silk. Pr No. Ar. Shk. Pr.
05..20U 160 J-3.70 OL.LVJ 40 83.77J.J
C7..2J 400 3.70 O4..2ae 120 3.SO
33..2CO 240 .1.75 60,316 120 3.60
57..355 120 3.75 C0..23G 40 8.60
64..33 J 100 3.75 04..241 ICO S.bO
65..371 3.75 116,300 200 3.80
57..2M ) 240 3.75 63..203 240 3.80
71..263 1(0 ( 3.75 00..264 120 : tN )
CS..250 120 3.75 73.29 200 3.60
70..2.18 120 8.75 57..293 200 8.M )
C6..251 240 3.75 70.2b3 ICO S.bO
W..2W 1W 3.77K 130..283 8.82H
.973 170 3.77i ; 01 .114 _ . _
y . .270 40 3.77 ll3.iS3 ! ;
fn fW 200 3.77k ftl . "VH I''O .
C9..279 40 A77Ji W..S41 3.Sj
tlniiKC ori'rlcei" .
Show hie tlio highest and lowest nrlco *
paid for loads of hogs on this market dtirlni ?
the past seven da ) s ami for the same time
lastyear !
Oct. IffrC NOV. 16 C. , .Nov. US. . .
3 5 3 no
i 3.50 I < M 3.17'i n.47'J
Sunday 3.15
| Dec 1CM DfC. 16S.T
3 fiO 1.70 25 3.M
3.70 Gl3.t ; < 3HO
AD sales of stock in tills market are made
pcrewt. live weight unless otherwise stated.
lead IIORS sell at J c per Ib. for all weights.
"Skins , " orogi \ \ welRhiiic less than 100 Ibs.
no value. Pregnant sows are docked 40 Ibs.
and sings So Ib ? , by the public inspector.
Hoc market aclho.
Callle dull and lower.
Hoes take a MK step up.
O. lltircessVeoplni \ : Water , was in to-day
Heavy hogs In better demand than light
W. T. llussel , Fullertoii , wus In with a
load of hogs.
Frank Sanders was \\ithaloadofhogs
from Elba , Neb.
J. K. Hunt , Papllllon , was hcie and mar
keted a load of hogs.
K. lj. Mnrtln , Fairmont , was In with four
InaiN of corn fed cattle. _ _
T. K. Piimihroy ] , Friend , was In and "mar
keted two lo.uls of hoes.
Lewis Akin. Clarimln , la. , was hero with a
load of mixed biltchcis' slock.
Scotl Harrclleame Inltli a load of entile
for J. C. Welch , Clatlndn. la.
S. It. lilaek , Kearney , a well known ship
per , was In with live loads of ho s.
ilndpo Novell , a piomtiicnt clti/cns of
Plattsmouth , was a visitor at the yards.
J. Schlllini ; , Avoca , la. , was looking over
Ihe market preparatory to shipping here.
.1. K. i.antjford was here and marketed
tineo loads of com led calllo Irom Tokiimah.
A. .1. Anderson , Caisoii , la. , was looking
over the yauls to-day. Ho will ship hero
Hobcrt Tompleton. a well known feeder ot
Tckamnh , was among the \lsilors at the
Samuel Story , Tekamah , was heie with
tineec.Ub of coin calllo which sold in Iho
Henry Lcmnicr. Humphiey , was on the
mai ket \ \ itli a load of sheep and four loads
Of 11023.
General 1'roctuco.
Thursday , lec. 3.
TlicfoUmclng prices arc jor rottmt lot of
produce , asfiildon the murhel to-dati. Tlie
qitotntlons oncults represent tnc prices at
tr/ifc/t / / mitslae orders arc tilled.
Rons Skgilc :
lli'Ti KU Choice dairy and country bultcr
continue' * in Rood request and the
market is steady. Cienmery , choice ,
2 ( ' > ( < i327c ; fancy dairy. 20v > 2'Je ; choice rountry ,
lbif20 ; l.iir to Kood counliy , 15S1C ( ; poor ,
Fullcicam chcddars , slnclc , l5c ! ;
full eieam Hats , twins. i : > e ; jounp Ameiican ,
liij e ; fancy SwI" , 14(315 ( ; Swiss , imported ,
Me ; hlmburucr , 12 0 : brick , 13 ( f14e.
Jjivn Poi'i/ntv I'hero Is a very limited
innikct for live poultiy of nny kind.
linshin : Poft.Titv The maiket is over-
stoekcd ; chickens sire selling at yS5c and
turkeys r > (37c. ( !
PorATor.s The cold weather has cut off
elf the tii'Sh supply and dealers aio depend
ing upon the stocks alicndy on hand to sup
ply the trade. Choice stork , pur bit. , 50c ,
fancy stock , per Ini. , 52c ; fair lo good IBfj Sc ;
choice stock , small lots , Irom .sloie , 5 > c ; Salt
Lake , choice. bOc.
UlJA.NS Inferior stock. 75c@l,00 ; good
clean countrv. Sl.OOL25 ; niedfum , hand
nicked , Sl.iOol. : ( 10 ; hand picked , navy , S1.40
@i.r > o.
Pitovisioxs Ham , ll'tfc'.birakfast baeon ,
10e : clear side bacon , b'ic ; dry salt hidps ,
8c : sliouidcrs , 7c ; dried beef , regular , lie :
diicdbeef , ham pieces , He ; lard , 50 Ib cans ,
( > % < > . ; lard , 20 It ) cans. J'aiibanks , tiVc ; lard ,
10 Ib cans , KnlibanKs , 7c ; lard , 5 Ib cans ,
Fairbanks , 7'ic ; laid , : ! Ib cans , Fairbanks ,
Ai'rr.ES The. mmkct icmains about slrndy
and fairly active lor this season ot the year.
Choice Missouii stock. 5i23 ( < W.50 ; Michigan
stock. 83.SO ; fancy MIcJilcan. S ,00 ; lancy
Michigan , 10 to 25 bbl lots. S2.75.
ONIONS The maiket remains about steady
at tormer ( piotiitlons. Common stock per
mi : in bulk. 75c ; lair to good per bu. . from
store , ' .Kc@S 1.00 ; choice yellow , ' .Wc@51.00.
CKI.KIIY The market is steady. Choice
stock per do40c : extra largo , per do6c. ( ) .
OVSTKHS Mall eiders have been very
heavy , and the bulk ot oystei.s shipped to the
outsl'de tiade has been usually
Medium" , 25e ; standards , 23 : eelccts ,
exlia selcfls , Hoc : N. Y. counts , Ssc.
UAMI : Theit'lias been allbeial supply of
game on the nuuket and the demand has
been good. Pruhio chicken , per doS3.00@
U.OO ; quail , per doS1.25a2.00 ( ; snipe , per
doS1.OOW1.25 : ; ducks , inalluid , per doz ,
_ _ . , _ . JUT ID. 11 „
deer , catoasscs , per Hi , S@'Jc ; cllc saddles , per
Ib , Ho ; elk , carcasses , pur Ib , 0@Cc ; autclonc ,
saddles , iicr II ) , ll12e ; antelope , cnu > as cs ,
per ll > , 7@i > c : Jack iiibblt'i , per doz , S3.50 ;
small labblK per doSI OOcrfl.'ij.
LEMON ? Messina , per box SG.rjOdiT.OO ;
.M laKa.S5.rx ) .
ORANOKS Jamaica1 * , ) ) or box , S'i.M : , ) am-
alca , per bbl , SKi.Oil ; Klorlda per bov , S..50.
CitAMtiniRins ( 'aio ) Cod , lancv , per bbl ,
S7.7r.tES. 00 ; boll anil bugle , per bbl , ST.50 ;
boll and eliony , net bbl , 37.0U.
IJASANAS There U no cliiin n In Ilic
matket. Haiianas , jellow , per biiiicb , S'-.OU ®
2.25 : Ijaiuinaf , yellow , large , pur bunch , S'3.G
(23.50. (
fiiiArns Malaga , regular bbl , 57.SO ;
> talaga , extia lunjo bbl. ! jb.'jO.
Ki.oiui ANP Miu.sruri's Winter wheat
flour , best fjuallU patent , S2.75 : second ounl-
ity. 82.10 ; upst quality surliiK wheat
flour , patent. S2.fiObran,50opercwtcliopped ; ;
feed , 70c per cwt ; white corn meal , OOc ;
jcllowcorn inralUt ( ! per cwt ; scicenliij ; , OOc
per cwt ; hoininy , I'J.Oii per ewt ; shorts , .Vxs
percwt ; crahain , $1.00 ; hay. I" bales , 95.00 ®
C.OOuer ton.
GrocorV Jjlst.
PICKM > Mwllum. In bbls , SC.50 : do , In
hall bbls , 3.70 ; Miiall , In bbls. S7.50 ; do , In
hall bbls. S4.'i-j ; ( 'herkins , in bbls. 8B.50 ; do ,
In half bills , 5J.75.
S\nni No. -l-Kallpn krcs , S1.20 ; Now
Orleans , per gallon 3tj40c ( : manic ; syrup.
halt bbls , "old time. " per gallon , 72o 1 gal
lon cans , tier doz , 510,00 ; lmi gallon cans ,
nor do . $5,00 ; quart cant ) , S" . u ,
STA non Mirror glass 1 Ib , 5c ; mirror
gloss , 3 Ib , .M < c ; minor gloss , tllb , O o ;
fiiaves' corn , 1 Iu , Go ; Kingsford's eorn , 1 Ib ,
7c ; Klimstord's gloss , 1 ib. 7c ; Klncsford's
moss , fill ) . 7Ke. Klngstoid's jntre , 31b ,
Klngslords bulk , 4c.
TOIIACCO Plug , nllmax , 42e ! horseshoe ,
B7c ; star. 3o ! ) ; spearhead , 3Jc : pfperheldRlck ,
COc ; gold shield. Sic ; merry war , 23u : J. T.
J. . 3Jc.
ToiiAcro Sinoklnp , Durham. Is , Me ; 3 s.
54c ; Xs. 'i7e ; VS. co ° ! mccrseliiini , 30c ; old
btyleJ2c ; V. N. O. . l.rjc ; spirit curenlie. .
MATOIIKS Per caddie. 23 ; bouara cases ,
SI. 70 : mule Miuaie , S 1.20.
OASDY Mixed. UC ll5 'o ; stick. 8 } g9ic }
CitACKKits ( iaineitn's soda , butter an
picnic , 5fc ; creams , b,1 Jo ; ginger snaps , 8c
city soda , 7 } <
SOAPS Kuks savon imperial , S2.70
Kirk's satinet. S3.00 ; Kirk's btandard , S3.0 > ,
Kirk's white Kussian. SI.OO ; Kirk's white-
cup , ; dome , i3,85 ; wabhboaid , $3.10
white cloud. 53.75
itoi-K Jf Inch. J > Hc olluchcJil ( , ; ; : nch
" ' '
lniKi ) ) FnuiT Xo. 1 quarter apples ,
4o ; in evapoiatcil boxes , O'sO' ' c ; black'
berries , boxes. il @t , ljc ; peaches , Salt
IbbO , ttgi'fc ; puachas , uvuporated ,
17c : raspberries , now , 20@lc ! ; currents ,
prunes , new.
IIQAUS Powdcreu , 7jfr' ( e ; cut loaf
.ift'c ; granulated , OJe ; confectioners' A
; < Ce ; standard extra C. S S-We ; ena
C. 5 > i ( J5j4'c ; medium yellow , 4K@'C.
OANNKD ( ioons Oysters , standard , per
case. 83.25 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 82.00 ;
raspberries. 2 Ib , per case , 62.00 ; Calilornla
pear : ) , per case , 84.0 ; apricots , per casa ;
S4.GO ; peaches , per case , 55.2J ; ; white cher
ries , per case , 50,00 ; plums , per case , $3.03 ,
blueberries ixsr case , S1.B5 ; ege plums , 2 Ib
per case , $2.60 : pineapples , 2 Ib , per case
3.20@5.75 ; 1 Ib nm'kerfll. per doz , 81.30 ;
1 Ib salmon , per doz , Sl.fW31.60 ; 2 Ib goose ,
berries , per case , 81.75 ; 2 Ib atrintc beans , jier
case , SI.70 ; 2 | b lima beans , per case , Sl.fX ) ;
2 Ib marrowfat peas , per case , 82.40 ; 2lb
earlyJunepeas , percase , S2.75 ; 3 ib toma
toes , S2.ioa.iv.2 ib.eorn
CorrEKS-Ordinary grades , i3@ljc fair ,
> tnrkct . <
\\'oor. Medium iSQWepcrlb ! line lieavy ,
Heht. IC l o ; coarse , 14QlCo ! burry
iiinES Orcon butcher * , Oj'c ; gcocn cured ,
8'i't''Kc ' ' ; dry flint. HWlSc1 ; dry salt , PfftlOc ;
creen calf skins , WfcD'sc ' ; damaged hides ,
two-thirds price. 'Inllow a c. Grease
Prune white , 3c ; yellow , 2o ; brown , 1V
Shceo Pelts , S.vaT.Sc.
ijBATHKK Prime slftURhtrr sole leather ,
32c ; prime oak sole leather , itOyZSsc. Upper
leather per foot , 20 'iV ? ' , hem. kip. 25f ( < s5c ;
oak kip. 8.V305C5 Trench kip , ft.OOJil.20 ;
hem , calf. : oak calf. Sl.CKMl.M ;
Frencn calf , SI.2-X$1.SO : Morocco , boot Irp.
80VtWc ( ! : Morocco oil pebble,28'jjttc : ; toppings
and llnlncs , rx > < 2' 0c
nr.AW IlAiinwArtE-lroii , rate -
pach.75c : ioiiaiuiiut * , Der Ib. lw71c ; cell
chain , per lb.GCfIl'Jc ; malleable. Cotbc ; iron
wedces , Oc : crowbars , 0hanow ; tt'ctli , 4c ;
pprlne Rtool , 7r e ; Burden' * horse shoes ,
iMOrHurden's mule ? hoci , $ j.40. Ilarbed
wire , In cur lots. ,54.00 per 100 In * .
Nails , rates , 10 to ro. S3..V ) ; steel nails S2.C5.
Shot , Sl.iBj bucksbot , Sl.M : oriental powder ,
kees , S3.50 ; do. half kcps ViOO : do. quarter
kc s , 81.50 : blastliiR UCBS , S'2.33 ; fuse , per 10
feet , We , Lead bar. S10.
VAUMSIIKS Harrels , IH.Tgallon : minil-
ture , extra , 81.10 ; furniture , No. 1. SI.OO ;
coach estr.1 , 51.40 ; coach , N'o. 1,31.20 : Da-
mar , extia , 81.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphalltim ,
extra Me : shellac , 33.f > 0 ; hard oil llnlsh ,
SI 60
bVmiTS Cologne spirit * . 1SS proof , Sl.l" ;
do J01 proof. S1.1S ; spirits , f-roond quality ,
101 proof , S1.17 : do 16S proof. S1.1C. Alcohol
tncky and 1'ennsylvanla ryes , 82.OOtfto.fjO ;
Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies ,
Sl.fiO.a3.oo. Urandles , Imported , S5.00V3 .oO :
domestic , S1.30yt3.00. Glus , importea , J4..riO
OiO.OO ; domestic , S1.2. ' < a3.00. Chiimpnciics.
Impoi ted. per case , SiS.OOisXl.OO ; American ,
per case. StO.OOX 10.i)0 )
TAINTS IN-OIL White lend. OmaliaP. P. ,
7f } ; while lead , St. Louis , pure , 87.76 ; Mar
seilles green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , -o ; Kronen zinc ,
creen seal , 12c ; French zinc , rod seal , lie ;
French 7inc , in varnMi asst. 20c ; Krench
chrome yellow , K. 1-c ; ochre , rochelle. 3c ;
ochre , 1'ieneh , 2Jfc ; ochre , American ,
lf/c ! ; Winter's mineral. 2c ; Lehlgh blown ,
2 > < C5 Spanish brown , 2Kc ; i'rlnce's lulncinl ,
Sc.Dnv PAINTS White lead , 8c : French sine ,
12e : Paris whiting , 2' < e ; whiting , ittldurM ,
-Ke ; whiting , com'l , I'ic ; lamjiblack , Her-
manstown , I2c ; lampblack , ordinary. 8c ;
Prussian blue,55cnltrnmarlne ; , I8c ; vnndyk-
brown , fee ; umbci. burnt. 4c ; umber , raw , 4e
sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c ; I'anc
green , eeniiino , 25c , 1'aris green , com
mon , 22o ; chrome green , N. \ ' . , 20c ;
vermllhon Aiiiencan , 18c : Jiutiaii
raw and burnt umber , 1 ib cans , 12e ; raw nnd
burnt sienna , 12e : vandvke brown , i3c ; re-
lincd lampblack I2c- coach black and Ivory
black , lOe ; diop bmclc. ICe ; Prussian blue ,
40o : nltiamarlne black. ISc ; chrome green,1 . ,
M. & D. , lOc ; blind and shutter gieen. L. . M.
it D. , 15c ; Paris green , 18o ; Indian led , 15c ;
Venetian ied , ' . 'o ' ; Tuscan , 22o ; American
\ermilliGii. L. * D. , 20c ; yellow ochie , 2c ; L.
M. & O. D. , INj ; good oelne. Ifie ; pntcn
diyer , 8c ; graining color , light oak , daik oak ,
walnut , chestnut nnd nsh. V.'c.
Uiti'ns ANII ijitKMiCAi.M. Acid , carbolic ,
32c ; ncid , tnrtailc , fi2c ; balsam cgpalba , per
n > , 43e : bark sassafras , per Ib , lOc ; calomel ,
per Ib , 7Sc , ehlnclioiiidla. per oz , 40c ; chloro
form , per II ) , 50c ; Dover s powders , per Ib.
81.25 ; cpsom ' 'alts , per Ib , 3.4'c } ; glyeeiine ,
pure , per Ib , 2)o ; lead , acetate , peril ) , 21c ;
oil , castor , No. 1 , per gnt. , 81.50c ; oil castor.
No. 2 , per gal. , S1.40 ; oil olive , per gal. , S1.40 ;
oil oriirannuin. 50c ; opium , $3.20 ; quinine ,
1' . & W. and H. AS , , per or. 70c ; potassium
iodide , per Ib , Sofa's ; salicin. Per oz , 40c ; sul-
Dhatu morphine , per oz. S2.3. ' . ; sulphur , per
it. , 4c ; btiyclinlnc , per oz , Si.25.
Dry LiuraDor.
. j. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12,14 and 16 ft Sl".50
So.2 " 12,14andlOft 14.75
s'o.3 " " 12,14andl6ft 13.50
12.14 and 16 ft 12.00
' 1211 art1 'tuft ' in rt 20 rts | a 24 ft
x4. in.50 I7.0U IB.0021.0021.00
1B.501650 io.r.uii7.ou 18.00 22.00 22.00
1x8 . 1 IB 60 16.51)1 ) 7.0018.0021.0021.00
. , , . . . . . lh.OO'2S.K,22.CO '
iiiu IfioOlOM ) iu.ou.i7.00 ( ) , .
1x12 . | l .r.l 10.80 10.501 . . 18.00 22.110 22.00
i-8xB . llt&olC.50 | 1(1.60 ( ! 17.0011
No. 1 , 4 its G Inch , 12 nnd It ft. rough. . . 517.04
No. 2 , 4 & Cinch , 12 nnd 14 ft. , lotmh. . . 14.0U
rKiMxn Axn I'Aitniioy.
st com. , "fin White Pine PaitItion..S" l.OO
\l " . . 27.50
MCoin.Yin. . Norway Pine Celling. . . . 14.00
A 12 inch. a. Is. 40 C 9"V < .
U12inch " " 42D ttl.50
Nf > . l , com. 12 in. , s. 1 s. . 10. is&20 It. . . 21.00
No. 2. ' . : . 1B.-0
\Jo.2 , " " " 12 * 14 ft 17.00
' " " 1011 , 10.0(1 (
No. 1. plaln.Saiid 10 incl . S17.50
No. 2 , phun.8 and 10 Inch . 15.60
sinxoi.r.i , T.Arn ,
XX clear , ? 2.UO : A standard , Si.W ; No. 1 ,
81.nLath. : ; 52.ffi5.
Posr White Cedar , 0 In. , 3 s , l c ; S in.
qrs. , liJ-Jc.
. .
1st and 2d. clear , L > 4 inch , s. 2 s . S500 <
lid , clear , 1 Inch , s.2 s . 45.00
% i clear , 1& 1'fe ' , U in . 4T.50
U seftct , 1 inch , s. 'J s . 20.00
U select. lU , I1 * , a I" . so
lupture Cured.
lly tlio HnorllUor ti-entiiiont by Prof. CooV
without tiny opcnitlon ilolcntion Irom litbor ,
Dr. Sncilllijr'n niL-tlitnl or cnrliiK" nipturo ( sen
iloisoil by tlio Icnillii pliVNk-htiiR of Kiiiisus
inidl ick'iefijiccitiliy tfi niiv plif-lclnn or lunik
In Kuiporm , KiinsiiHiiiulfd8 ! ; ol tustimonlnlb
CHII be eeuti at olllco.
mil and ujcitmliu ) In c of
Prof. N. D. COOK ,
Oinalia , Xoli.
Office 1514 Douglas Street , Up-stairs.
Successors to Jno , G. .Incobs ,
AM >
At the oldstnmt 1407 Fttrnain st. Orders
by telegraph so.icitod and promptly at
tended to. Telephone NTo. 225.
iiir >
Keep on liund n full supply of
Glvcthcin n tihtl. ItiMiieuibcr Iho place ,
Carpenter aM Builder ,
Tcloiihone 000.
i20 South Sixteenth .Street.
Dealers In general nn-
tuiul history nud IIHJ.
seum supplies. Aulll-
clul eyeD , Krusstj. etc ,
t'uttoin work of nil
kinds will receh u
prompt intention.
1UU Capita ! Ave.
Its cauice , ttnd H new und
fcULvtsetulLl'ltUKtyour own
homo by one who was di at twenty elflu
ycari. Trfatwl by most of ilic noted bpec-liil
l tu without bciitllt ; cured Ijnntelf In three
immtlie , and 6lneo tbeu hundreds of otln-i-s.
Full partlculurs tent on itppltcatioo. T. H.
I'AUE , No. UV * t JUt St. , Kt'w Yojli City.
Fine , Heavy and Medium
Hard Weming Suits , ? 5 , fC ami $8 ;
worth double the money.
Good Business Suits ,
$0 , & 10 , $12 to $13.50 ; worth one-
third more.
Fine Dress Suits ,
For $15 , $1G , 117.50 to $19.
AIiUKHT Stilts S20 , 521.50 , $25 , to
W8. Fonni'i- price , WO , $ .15 to H5.
nion. yontlisatid children , $ 2 , f3 , $ i ,
IS , II ! , f7. * H , f'J ' , 111) ) , * 12 , | 20 , $25 ,
nnd till ) .
11,50f2.50 , ? 3 , $5 ; worth double the
$10.5U , 117.50 , $20 , to $21. , WO , 135 ,
$10 , HZ , and $50.
The best Umlcnvotiv , White and Col
ored Shirts at great reduction.
Our Hats , of latest styles , from 50 to $1
less limn usual price.
Our Eiifflisli made Shoes of the host
grade at low jirieus.
California and Oregon City Clothing
Flannels , ItlanketH. Ducking and
Buck Gloves.
This is the largest and best assorted
stock ever brought to this state.
The Mammoth Clothier
1001 Farnam St. , Cor. 10th.
Notice of Publication ,
Nottcr Is hereby Klvcn tlmt books for
6iilPilitlon | to tliocupltiil t-tock of thvLtilcncu ,
OinnliH .V Southsrstvrn Ilnilrouil Company ,
will lie opotitj in the city ol ( liniilui. < in Decum-
bcrith , IfctU. 1'llAHI.r.S K. rAltltlS ,
.lAL'OIl W. IKirOCK ,
W.M. . ) . linOATC'H ,
. . ' .
Tuciaot r.iuiuND M. iiAUTi.irrr.
CHAS , R , LLE ,
SW , Corner 9tli and Douglas S
'I'ltoi'iiinTou or
Philadelphia Market
Cor. Saundera and Clarke Streets.
Kfops finlyllt-oi rln 3 icmts. Jiuhlllson'yi-tcor
nnd licllcrs. Von can Hint tliero nil kinds of
I'oullry , Ciiiini ; , 1'jslt iuulSau"iiiro. . Just its cheap
us an v packinir luium In the city.
COlt. SAi ; > 'IKHS A NO CLAItKi : STS.
All kinds of ueilillng plnnts for snln.
GiiiiIIOUS : K > oSTATI : ST
3biocl B North of I , . U. Williams' teslilcnce.
Artists' Material.
A. iiosrE7ir
Artists' Materials , 1'iunos and
I5U Douflut Mreel , Omcba.
Agricultural Implements.
" CltUJtcfllL L PA RKER ,
\Vholciale Dealer In
Affricnlturnl Iniplcincnts , Wagons ,
Carrlntes and llugRloa. Jonci ptruet , betncen Bib
i lid 10lhOinnba , Neb.
Agricultural Implements ,
Waconi.CarrlaKea , nurplci , Ulf. , Wholesale , Omaha ,
Wholoalo Icnlcr In
ARTlctilturnl ( mplementa ,
Wacom and Bugilci. 1MI , 1C3 , yOi and W , Jonn it
Butter and Eggs.
flayers of Unttor and Eggs.
RcfrlMrntor and racking Ilcuiu , llth end I.ecyen-
worth St. , ( I P. R. II. Irack.lliuaba.
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
Hnililers'IlardwnreAtScalo Repair Shop
McchtnU'8'Tcolnnft RtifTalo Rralei. Ute IJouglii it. ,
jy Uiuaha , Keb.
LEtf , FRIED & CO. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tinware , Sheet Iron , Ktc. Aicnu for Howe bcalti ,
_ and Miami 1'owdcrl o..Omaha , > b.
Wcitfrn niitntt for JetTertnn Ftfcl Nall * . Anitln
J'ondtrCu. lalrbaniii l-tandard t-ralea. Corcur
lOtb aud Harrier , omaba. _
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
Wroucht unil Tntt Iron Bulldlcs Work. Iron Ftalri.
lUllliitf , llfonn intlcilrOert.Mfum Kiiflnn. Hr i
Wurk..i'iiral Fuundrj , UrtLilne and lllurknaitU
\Vcil. Ufflickiiil WorkiU , 1 * . Kr.andlHbtlrert.
Butchers' Tools.
" " "
I'utchcrB' 'J'ools and .Supiilles ,
Jau BU Calico at all llndi uln j lo ( lock , llli
Jor tllOmnba.
Soots and Shoes.
V nufict < ir ri cJ VTholmU l > taleri ID
Boots ninl Shoes ,
Ccrnplft * ttpfk tit Itubttr ( loodt nlwujt onhknd
OT 8.1.1 > h H. , Um \tb.A.T. . A lln. Aft at.
ir. r. MOUSE .P co.
.Toblicrs of Moots nml Shoes.
1411 l'irn iu it , Otutti * . Nch. Mnnufuclorj , Summer
urerl , llootun ,
AVholpsulo Uubbor Uootn and Slides.
Rubller tndOiledClollilnu muirclt Uooti , J3. Kill
Apt. for Anhcttser-llush Urcwlnp Ass'n
Special Hraniln. FiuilHndweli r und Krlnnerr.
Iiapcr Hccr Hrowcrs ,
1M1 North Illb Ptffct ,
Coffee , Spices. Etc.
co. .
Ornnha CofTco nntl Spice Mills.
T > , OoTrciFplre ( . HnVlnit Powdrr. FhrorlBiK
tt cti , l.iuiidrr Him. Ink. Kir. lilt 1C liurncr
Street , Om h , N b ,
Homo Coffee nutl Spire Mills M'f'e Co.
ConrenoMlciitnd Fplcc Hrlndcri , t nar ctut r
( linking 1'owdfr. Vltrurlni Kilrnctn , Itlulnc. Kir.
Trr ne cm * ot uur l-n r ckn f Home Ulcud Kuucted
Oofrrr. lini > llownrd it. , oraih * . N h.
Tolm Eponctcr , Prop.
lOnnfxrlurcr nf O l ( inlffil Iron unit Pornlr * . MS
o and IOJ end lei N , IQtli it.
MuntifnctutcrK ot
Orniunoutal Ualvnuizcil Cornices ,
Dormer \Vlndon , Vlnal.Mcl licSlijllslittc. J108.
Itll ! . . Uni h .
C. Specht , I'l-op.
nn Cnrnlcm. etc. Riwrt'i Improved rat-
and 610 $ Uth > i..iniHlia. )
Jobberi of
Cnrpcts , Curtains Oil Clotlis , Ttuirs ,
l.lnoleiimi. HUttlnp. Etc. lill Dotij'a ' itfret.
"Whplesnlo Curpots , Oil Cloths ,
> t ttlrif. , Cuiuln Uoodn. Kto. 1(13 F.roaai Mrcel ,
Crockery and Notions.
" '
ir. L. 'wit JGJIT ,
Ageut for the U nufacturcr nnd Importer * of
Crockery , Olasswaro ,
Jjimpi , Clilmnoyj , rtr. OITti * . 317 South 131U eL
Onmbt , Ni > ti.
Commission and Storage.
Commission nnd .lobbing.
Bnttfr , Rcgannd Produce. ConalKt menu aollrltf-d.
Uemlquartera for Btuueiraip , llcrrjr loxi < it auu
( Ji.-ipw Bnrkctn. 1111 IMilfCalioet. Omaha.
Commission Merchants.
TrulU , Produrr nnd Prorlilos.B. . Oinnlia. Vfb.
Sloraijo and Commission Merchant.
bt'crlultlm Ilntttr. EBU" . Clicete. Poultry , ( iuuio ,
( ) j stern , Ktc. , ElillJsoutli UtU Mraat.
Prodnro Commission Mrrcliants ,
roultrj , nutter , Gunio , rrnlli. etc. 220 B. HtUit ,
Oinnhu , t\eb.
General Commission Merchants ,
And Jobbers of Korelsn nnd DorueMlc Fmlti. Torre-
ponrtcnce pnliclted. Vi'nroritnife nnd fifllre.110 N.
TlilitceiilhBl. , Uninli.1 , Neb. lolppliunu n."i.
Diporterc nnd wholtisnto dealers In
Italian Produce ,
ror ln.noincftlcand Cnllfornla Frulti i\nd Comrali.
lion Uerchanti. lOtP.nttost. Only exclu lv
f rnlt bout * Iu Om ba.
Coal ancf Lime.
Dcalcn In
Hard and Soft Coal ,
Offlcoanrt junl.lflU and Nicholas ill. , Omaha , Nub.
OKO.J i.viiAUii. rroj. C. r. QoonuA.v , V. Prei.
,1. A. HD.VDE1II..AND , Hoc. and Trf i.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
3 Plinth 7hlflo nlh Strett. Omaha , Ken.
: co. ,
MannfuctiirorH of Illinois White Limp.
And Slilppcrn of foal Rnd Coke , Cemniit , I'lanter ,
Um < > , Hnlr. Klro llrloU , Ilr.Hn. Tile unit fi-wcrl'lpe
nfllro. I'aiton Hotel. jV rnura nt. , Omilin , .Nrb.
r , r. FAY & co. ,
ManiilactnriiigCoiifcctionprs ,
Jo I ) t ere of HuntNutk and ( ° l an. 12111'urnJin SU
Lift Stock Commission.
M. BURKE ,0 fiONS ,
Live Stock Conimission.
f ! o. lliuk-c. MnnnRfr.
Dnlon Slock Vardt.ti. llmnlia. 'lelephono 08J.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Shipment * of nnr and all kind * of Stock tollolted.
lIplOD Ptock Vardi. Omaha. Neb.
Cigars and Tobacco.
" "
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
Ouna Kud Auimunltlon , 21S lorn S. Illb at. , 1KO to
lU.'l rarnaiott. , Omaha.N b.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigar * ,
And WbolebAle Deali-r" In Leaf Tobarrg * , Noi.IOS
npiJllUN. I4lh Urtct , Oniuha.
WlioIeKalu Dealer * In
Cigars , Tobaccos , 1'iiics and Smokers'
Aceiituror I ) . l.eilcr ! tort to Co. , Fine-Cut and Sruok-
lot Tobacco. , MllwaukouVlAConiln. . No. JU
North SlztaeatU Htr * t , Omaha , Neb.
Dry Goods.
M. E. SMITH < C CO , ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions
1102 and 1104 Douulat , for , llth fit. , OmahaNeb.
Dlit'lHtra of r.lnuort. Alrohol nnd Fplrlti. Importer
and Jobheraof WlnrnanU Llquora ,
CO. uud ILER CCO. . ,
Importer ! and Jobber * nf Klne Wine * nnd MTiior * .
bole tcanufnotuiariKif KrnnrdT'a Kail India lilt-
ten and Dolorttlo I lijuoii. 1IU llirnsjr ht.
Drugs , Paints , Etc.
Large t Drug , Paint , Oil & Glass House
VTtttof Chlcaio. Comnlclo I.lnu of Drugirliti Bun-
drif-i. 1111 llarner tt.Omaha ,
Drain Tile , Etc.
A. It.BAi'iti.PrPi. J.W nirirntni.8ec.iTre i
11. J. CAItSOK , V.l'ffi. and Hupt.
Office 21) f. lull it. Oranlm , Neb. Mtcblnrry ted
Buppll for JjlaDHttoiurlm ; Ci-ment Drain Tlly.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture.
r'jfnimH. , Oniaba , Nib ,
Furniture , JJotldinf , ' , Upliolstery ,
Ulrrcri , etc. l C.12 < J6aml 1710 Farnara ! . , Onihtoa.
Groceries ,
Wholrsulo Groceries and I'rovi lens ,
Nf ? Ou,7tff.70a ndilS IQIIi < t , Onuhn. N b.
co. ,
AYliolcsnlo Grocers ,
l.'lti nJ 1 ntfnwortli l . , On fc4.
Hardware ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron ninl
Bprlntt , TV ton Stork , llardw tf l..iinl > rr , r.e
undlJIl lUmry t oniilii-
r , r G in nox
AVliolesalo Iron and Steel ,
YV ecnond t" rrl n Wood Stock , HCUTT lUnlwur
BIP. UIT nd I3I l.fBTcnworlhil , m > hi > , .Neb.
ON lU r/illi ! > < t > . - . .
Stoves , Kniiaros , li'iirnncr * , Tiles ,
W ntlci , ( ii t t , Ilixilioodi. IX't a KW Vainj
lienler in l.uinlior. 1/nth , Mine , Sash ,
Doori.Ktc. Tnrdi-0nrn < > rih nd Uoucliil Cotnlt
Vth aad T > miiInt.
Wholesale Lumber ,
8IIP.lUhptrcclOm IiiiN' b. H
Wholcsalo .loMolers niiflllttsle. Dealers.
D ) fl In SIUerHnro. DI nioniH , W tche . Clnoki ,
JunalvrtToultknd Mkl rl > l . nc. lul ttul IOJ Ittlt
t. , cor. l > odir , Oni ti , Noli.
Lnmlicr. nd rullfnnilii Sttren , Omnht , Net ) .
IVtED ' A 1'
It' , tilt ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Ktc.
Cor.Cth nnil Douglai lit. , Oniiht.Nc > .
To Dealers Only.
Offlct , 110.1 F innm itrfftOm b .
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Cvri'Cti ' and I'araiifl riootlnj. 9tb
AVholfsalo Lumber , Etc.
Imported nd A ncrlr n rorllun4 Omrnt. CliiK
" gent lorllllnnilicf Ilrdriullc Cement nod licit
fjulno.r WhiteI.tmn.
Lire Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited. John F. nojJ , Buperlntendaat ,
Millinery and Notions.
Iniporltn and .lobbun nf
Millinery and Notions ,
l13Biid K'li llnrney pt.ect , Omaha , Xf b.
c. s. Goojyrticir tfco. . ,
Ale tlicnnlr Dlrod Imporn-riof
German iV , French Toys A Kancy Gondg
Iu Ncbrnfkn. Chlc.'ie" prices ilupllcnted tvlllmiit utlil.
hiKfrclElit. KI5 Kaiiiuui. lr < ! clUmnlx.
Wholfsilo Dt'nltfrn In
Notions nnd Fiiruisliiiiff GoodH ,
JOH nnd Wi 8. 'IViitti St , Oinnhn.
Jobbers In
Notions , Hosiery and Gents' Furnishing
Ilty.anilKXXl F.irnnm it. , Omiihi. Keb.
Paper Boxes
, T. L. irfLKJE ,
Jlannfactiirpr of Pujipr Uoxcs ,
l05S.HthSt.m.iha ) kii. Orclurn l > v mnll so
licited Mini will totelvo prompt attention *
jrannfacttirersi of Overalls ,
JOBIII I'fliili. , hhirts , Kir. Ilffiiiiul Hot I OUEI Street ,
( jujaliH , Ncli.
Printers , I'luuk Hook
And Hook lllndrra. IM nnil 1X ( South Kuurtuonth
Auxiliary I'lilillflliprp.
Dealer * InTjne. Prp < > ii ami I'rliiUTk' Suppllos. SO )
South Tnrirtb Slrt'et.
Pickles , Vinegar , Etc.
d , I'ailirrn und Heal CM In
ikSlriclly I'uro Apple Vim-gas
Biklne I'nwdpr. Klnvorlnu Ililrntta. Tulilo Snutr.
trench Munliml With llH.lnn. < ; nnrrH' i > s liJf ! ! |
hola i.B''i'lH ' lor Voik i-lnlu SHIM ) ItuUned Ajjplo Ci.
tivrnwmtu ttt. . Oiniihn.
Safes , Etc.
j ; liovEit .r co. ,
Agents for linll'H Safe & l-otik Co.s'
Fire nnd llure r Proof HiIVii , 'I'lmo l/ickn , Vault *
nndJnll Wiirk. 10'JI Kurinin ulieet Oumlm , Neb.
Omaha Safe Works.
Unnufiirltircriiof flround IIurulur ProofKnfat , Vnull
Uoor , J ll WorkMiutii'in nnilVlrt * Work. Cor.
JltliHiHl.luckKMi SU. , ( Jinthn , > uh ,
Sash , Doors , Etc.
M. CO. ,
Sash , DoorH , Hliiuls and 31onlding < ( ,
Ili ucliofficontli mid Jjurdct" . , Oiualm.Neb ,
G. J'LI" MAN ,
Snsli , Door , Blinds , MonldlngR ,
liulldlnv I'iper. etc. 10)1 South Tlilitcnnlh Slr rt ,
Oojuha , JXeb. A coniiilcto utoCU of HulIJcu'
llunlnaio ,
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinift ,
JleuldinKH.Malr Work and Interior Ilanl Wood Flnlib
Juttopvucd. n. U for. Hill and LcavenwoilUBla.
Oiuuba , Nf-b ,
Pumps ,
AVliolftKitlc Puiiips , Pipe , FiI tint's ,
Steam niltWntir Supplies Ituailqilarleri l _ r Mu t
J'urunn ) n. , Omalix , Neb.
Pumps , Pipes and Knpint'H ,
Btcam. Water , Hollwar Bnd Mlllliitf hupiihei. Kto.
VX. VrtaudWihurnmn at. , Oinaba , Neb.
rialladar Wind Mlllai rloam and WMor "iinplloa ,
1'luuiblnKUnodt , HoltlnK. lime. 1MR ami 'rxj far.
nttui t.Ooiahn. H K. hcltnn , Macimur ,
Jflriihiuiu Nn 210.
TV units.
Wholefiiiln Trunks ,
ililliiril Hotel lllock.Qiuaba.
Wagons and Carriages.
A. j. 'SIMPSON ,
The Leading Oarriajjo Factorj ,
HW * u < l I'll ' Doilfo btroel , OuKiba.
Building Material.
" " ' ' '
Dralrrln All Klmliof
Duililintr Materinl nt Wliolosale.
1 Union 1'aeinc Track , Uuiilia.
t 1