THE OMAHA DAILY -BEE : FHIDAY , DEOEMBEll 8 , 1880 ; THU COIiI ) AVAVK. I'rlcltl Wcnthor I'rovnlllnc Over tlio lOntlro Country. WASIIINOTON , Dec. 2. H Is learned at the signal otllco that the cold wa\o which Is now pnsslnsoier the country extends Irom the upper lakes to tlio Eidf , and from the Kocky Mountains to tlio Atlantic. Its point of ori- Kin In the United States was In the northwest - west , and It lins inAlntfdncd n sonthcsstprly course. The cold wai c signals ot the weather bureau are displaced throughout the Atlan tic , middle nnd gulf states. At 7 a. in. to-day the thermometer In Washington Indicated 17 degrees , and It has varied llttlo since that time. In Northern Minnesota ItwnsSO do- grecs below 7010 , and further north there was allltlo lowet range , The tcinpcrnttue Inill- rales no change In the weather , and the olllcers of the service are of the opinion tnat the present eontlltloii of things will be main- tnlncd for nl least two < lnys. Wonllier. , Dec , D. Weather clear , tcinpcratiiio ns rcjmtted nt fl o'clock this morning by the Signal Service bureau nt Si" below ? cro. At Diibmiiie , Iowa , the tein- pcrntur ? was 10 ° below 7eio. The fmlior Pnrty. PiTTWitinn , Dec. 2. A circular hns just bi-en Issued by the national cominltteo of united labor organization , containing a declaration of tlio principles and objects of the industrial movement , to form a national union labor pnrty at the convention to beheld held nt Cincinnati February ! , 18 7. Repre sentatives Imvc been appointed totci > resent Hie dllTrront organizations. The cltcnlnr sets forth that representatives renntmoo sill other political pattlc.1 to the end that legitimate labor may bo emanc.iimted nnd the government restoicd to the poouio. The ulan of orenm/.atlon contemplates the appoint- inoiit of an organ ior each state and torrilory. the state organbcr to appoint n district oriiiuii/.ur for ench conurDtslonal district In hU state , and the district organ- ! xcrs to appoint local oit'anl/eis. The bntils of rupre'-entallon gives each congressional district ono representative Cor each ol the following ordcis or ournui/atinns In Mich diftricts : Knlgli of Labor , tiaiU-o Hi'loiiH. nfonbaek-labor party , Farmers' idH- mire , ( iningers and Prttions of Husbandry , autl < niounioly | IcagUGMi people's party , Farm1 m * and Laliori'rs1 Ub-operatlvo union , agri cultural miclotlvs , Roldiors' organizations , and all other or anlzntloUH which ciuloifu nnd'flulHcrlho ' to the ne\y dclai.illoii ( ; of In- clcucndenco. COIIIOH to Tlino. ST. Loui , Due. 2. H tiansplres that the icccnt trouble in thn Ainuikan Opera com- jinny grew out of an Infraction ot tliouilca on thu purl of .Mmo. Kiirsch-Madl , in having fi personal agent with the company. During u the madaino'H agent appeared on thn stripe , and when he was requested to withdraw the madunm btust Into toais and loft the theater. The matter lias boon Htmlghtenect up by Fursch-Mad ! agiceingtu Mmr at any limn without conditions. Henry Vorlc. the nmdamo's linsbaiiil. will arrive from Now York tomorrow , and It is fuitlier imdci stood that ho will hereafter travel with his wife , and thus mini ; themselves in iiaimony with the rules of the national opnra company In regard to slnyois employing special The ( Jn c JLltliutoii Reopened. ( JiucAQO , Dec. 2. The A. S. Gage litiga tion was rcoponod In the circuit court to-day by A number of creditors , who nskcd for the appolntTitunt of a receiver , that the assign ment ot the firm lie hot aside , and that an In junction be grantud to restrain the uettlo inenl now In progress. This sottlemcnt Is a plan by which iho Inrgo creditors pell or assign their cJnim to D. K. Tciincy for 45 cents on tlio dollar , and when the niaiorlty of thccrflditoisfco assigned or sold , the as- hlgnment to be set 'o ldu under the insolvent Inw and the nartnership aascta turned over toTcnnpy. The creditors wlio appealed In court to-day are among these whom tills plan would freeze out. It Is said Tennry hatf already fiectircd JlOO.OOOout of a total million dollars' cluiuis. The Stnndhrrl' Oil's fjatcsf Move. UKiir.i.x , Dec. U. According to the St. Pe tersburg liortten-Zuitiuig. and to tlto petro- liiuui rowirt ' tliu Stumlaid ( ) il company , of Amorlc'n , is negotiating with the Russian Naptha company with a view to consolidat ing the two Interests. The best information to bo had on the subject points to the trans- ler of the entire Russian buslne * " ? ( Nobel ifioa , ) to the hands ot American pctrolmnn producers. Thu magnitude of the business laads to the supposition that If t tie transfer isioullyniailc It will buto the Standard Oil company. Celebrate. Dec U. The delecatcs scnfoy thu states and tmrltorles todovUo plans for an appropriate celebration of the centennial anniversary ot tbe promulgation ot the federal constitution which will occur In September next , met hero today. John A. Kiisson , of Iowa , was chosen chairman. It ia understood that the president has rcfcneU to thu matter In hln annual message to con- cress. Among thofcatmesof the piogramme will bo n military display In which all branches of the Unltcd'fetates ' .service will be icpre.suntcd. Mexican ODlcorH Ari-cstcU. ( lAnvESTox , Dec. 2. Oreat excitement was created In Now Laredo , Mexico , to-night overthe aircst and imprisonment of Pedro Mendes , chief of police ; the president of the municipal court and Chief Alcalde ot the town , under orders from the City of Mexico , whither the prl > onor.saiodlioct d to befor- \Varcted. The fit omuls for these , arrests grew out of the capture nnd delivery tn the Texas nnUioiltlus sev < sral weeks ago of .liian Cor. cnargpd with the murder of Bhcrlfl' Kldur , of. Ivarnea county. Tox. Couldn't Stand Prohibition. CIIIPAOO , Dec. 2. The Dally News Krce- veil ( III. ) spcplM says ; U was decided last night by President Vlncr and others having the matter lu charge to hold the fwngerfest of tlio Northwestern Srongtnbund In Frceport instead of atDabtique , la. , the place originally - ally selected. A singular reason Is given lor the change , namely , that It was madu on Hccnunt nf the strict eutoiecmont ot tho. lawa prohltiltlun statute. The Pool Kntllleil. CHICAGO , Dea a The members of the Iowa , Minnesota ana Dakota freight asHocla- tlou met to-dny and ratlUcd tha agreement forming their pee ) . This will put rates tq all Interior competitive point ) In the atatos ii.imcd equally as hl h In piopoitlon , as tliinuglt rates to Council Ulufl's anil St. P.uil. NorttiwestPi-n Freight : Pool , CiiicAdo , Div. 2 , The managers of the noilhwcstern llnc.s , members of the north- wostnrn freight pool , met to-day bnd made mi unsuccessful attempt to ngreu upon a division ot business. Uiulur thu contract tiu ) commissioner will now IHJ called to aitiU trato puntuitiuus , and hevu ah < o liistructml tiioiiunll/outcs so that all ro.ul Intcicbtcd woujd bopluccd upon an emial footing. Contest , Dec. ' . ' . A Miecliil to tlio Dally IS'iws front ( Siilt'sbnrj ; , III , , says : CoiiBivbu- \VorthiiiRtoii has served notice tliat ho will contest ( loner.d FoM'd ipcont election lo lu ronsiess. The iirinolpal clwrs i > - that " , i millibar of innmdltii'd | non-oiis , " iiiolmmy iiu'miliur rollpeti tumlentfl , wein nl- ] o\M'it to vote and that they east their ballots lor Test Iliiiitoil HID \Vliole li'itiiiily , CIMOAOO. Dt'a S , it Is now st.itud tlut the defalcations nt TlieodoteS. All/e , casldar for the inllllonaini coal nierrlniiit , Ami's , amount to Sir..OOO. Devuloinuouts reteal that the jnlly U iinuiHl by the it-cUlctuness of lie has tiroiiKUt ills f.ttlier fiom : e to iio > eity , Tim litjlk of ttio jiroiieity of iie.illy all of Mizo's ni'ar relatiM'S will ho satriliccd tofa e liliu from thu peu- Itt'iitiary. Arcrct of u I'rwtal T/iU-T. DITISOIT , Dec. U. The Journal's Gratid It.iulds si-eclal saya : A. II. Klnood , tnall nsinit on the Uranil JUpIdi & Indiana road bnUvupii hciaanii Ciudnnatl , was urrosted t'ds luttrnlujc at the rHutolllce , clmrired with -JjiUjinttically robblM let- ters , ftsventy-flve matkctl bills were- found In his'possession. ' . . He , acknowledged Ids simulations nmntint to 82,000. J'.luood \\lio is a > etcrnn ( tolfllpr In poor health , lias a wife and thrco children at his home at Silver Creek , Indiana. He T\OS led to steal by fear of lcaIng his family unproi IdcJ for. ' 1 he examination will be had to-day. nitlgnrl.Vi ICnipty Tln-ono. SoriA , Dec. 2. The deputation of llnlga- rlan notables Instructed by the government to visit the different powers and personally place before them the facts' of the Bulgarian situation , has Matted on IU tour. It Is re ported the deputation lias been Instructed to demand that tlio powers si in 11 cither consent to have I'rluo Waldcmar of Denmark elected to the ISnlgarlan throne or else permit the re turn uf Alexander. Storms on the Lnkc. DKTIIOIT , Dec. 2. The Journal's Jlanistco ( Mich. ) special says the schooner Simpson Is anchored near the Old Free Soil botueen hero and Ludlngton. the owners fearing slia might inn ashore Induced C.iptaln I'luoli , of the ManlMco station , attcr ho had discharged the crow for the season , to get them together and wntch for the Sunpsou , They remained on the beach i\ll night to be able to render as sistance If nccdsarv. The wind Is still blow- Itig a hurricane and the tlien are cndtitlug tcrilblc hardship. * An Annrohlat on Trial. Mii.wAtiKin ; , Dec. 3. ! in the trial of ( Irott- kan , iho anarchist , the defendant was to-day placed on the stand , Hu donleil the stitc- meats made conccciilng ills ppceches during the riots last May and gave a review of his own ntturancetand actions ut the lime. The trial Is still In progress. Intcr-Ktnto Commerce Conference. WAHIIIXOTO.V , Dec 2. The conference committee on tlio inter-state commerce bill hold a long session and discussed the points of dllTeicnco belween the two houses. Nothing was asn-ed upon. The members of thn committee , howo\cr < hope to reach un agreement In a few dtus. Opium Sol/jure. Dec. 2. Customs ollicors to-day seized 520,000 worth of opium on the Strainer Hlo Janeiro locnntly arrived from China. Tliu drug iva > 9 found In the coal bittiUcrs. _ Nabrnsk.1 nntl lown Wcntbcr. Pot Nebraska aud Iowa : Llcht snow fol lowed by fair weather ; neatly stationary Icmpciatuie. _ _ JACOB. WUlUUNSOMj a DEATH. His Career n u Sohllor Duty Ills First Impulse Always. COUNCIL Hi.UFra , Dec. 2. To the Ed itor of tlio BUG : In your issue of this tnorninp : I gcu a short notice of the dcatli of Jacob WuiiloiiBoll , of your city , at Los Angeles , on tlio 20th inst. I see , too , that all Munition of his having been a soldier iu the late civil war is omitted. Permit mo to state a few facts iu regard to the career of ono of the most honorable and deserving citi/ens Omaha ever had. Mr. Weidcnsoll was a native of lllair county , Pa. , and there I became personally ac- qiuuntcu witli him , in his early manhood , and m my own , and before thn war. In the early fall of 1801 , ( joueralJamison re ceived authority from the war department to recruit four now regiments , to rendez vous at lluntingtou , Pa. , and to be com manded by him , and known as the "Mountain Hrigade. " Enlistments went on slowly , and in February , ISO1) , only two the Pennsylvania regiments , Eighty-fourth sylvania nnd tlio Hundred and Tenth Pennsylvania , wore completed. "Stone wall" Jackson was in full possession then of the Shcnandoidi valley , and Shields , through General N. P. Hanks , was di rected to clear the valley from Winches ter up of the enemy. Colouol William G. Murray , tlio last democratic postmas ter of Hollidaysburg , Pa. , was the col onel of the Eighty-fourth Pennsyl vania , nnd had served crallantly under General Scott , in Mexico. Jacob Woiilcnsoll , a yotmff man net quite twenty-one , had enlisted m the Eighty- fourth Pennsylvania. These two rogi- munU were ordered , at oncu from Hunt- iugtou to Winchester , -whore under Shields , on the 2td : of March , 1603 , "Stonewall" Jackson was defeated , for Iho lirst and only time. Mr. Weidensoll served with his regiment everyday , from that until the close of the war. Ilis regi ment aud tlio One hundred and tenth Pennsylvania were twins in the servico. and inseparable , forming as line and valiant' : ) , body of men ns the old Third corps , under General Daniel E. Sickles ever had. The gallant Colonel Murray was shot dead in the linal charge at Win chester , on the 23d of-Alarch. No man in the Army of the Potomac had a finer record for fidelity to duly than Mr. Wcidonsoll. Wlum his three years we're expired : he reinstated as a veteran , and served until the last armed enemy submitted. Ho came to Omaha iri 1800 , tlio Onion Pacific was then building : , and as a mechanic Ilo ob tained employment in the wood shops of the company. Ilo rose steadily in re sponsibility and trusts , nntil lie wa.s nt the iicad ot one of the tdiups , a position lie was compelled to relinquish about thrco years ago on account of ill-health. About ten years airo he was eleulud a republican representative in the legisla ture of Nebraska from Douglass county , nnd served ono session witli great credit to himself. Shortly after ward , ho married a Mits Potton , of this city , whom ho leaves as a widow , witli two intflrestiup children to mourn his deatli. Mr. Woidon&oll , in every duly that fell to his lot , was a high-minded , honorable , trustful eltixon , tender of con science und sparing and exact in word and promises. As a .surviving soldier of the Liyhty-fourth Pennsylvania , ho al ways retained the esteem and confidence of thu officers and men who wuro spared with him , after the nioro than forty des- penile baltlas in which they and he par ticipated. JNO. II. KUATLUY. lire v Iri n . ( David Honnison. of Kcnnisoti liros. , is In Chicago on business this week. A gold watch and iv diamond ring were stolen on Wednesday night from Miss Hill al the corner of JUuventh aud How ard streets. Frank Taylor , the light lingered gen tleman 'Who has been kept in luil for a numuor of months to keep him out ot raischinf , was yosturday sent lo his borne at Dunlap , la. General Hatch , commander of tlio Ninth cavalry , with headquarters ) at Fort MuKiiinoy , la expected to arrive iu the oily within a < lay or two , to confer with General Crook. V.K. Tucker , late ono of the most en tertaining and competent Pullman con ductors arnvlpg in Omaha , has gone to aut as bookkeeper for thq obuc uiilld , nt the place of that name in Maine. The infant daughter of Mr. M. Wein berger , on Farnam and Twonty-lifth streets , died suddenly yesterday The child will bo buried to-day at 1 o'oloolt by the Hebrew congregation of this oity. Dark Streets. Owing to a break in a water main on Eleventh struct the water supply wan out OH" from the gas works. On tlil account the. gas com pauy was compullud to cut on" Iho supply from the Htrect lunijp. ? iu order to supply the gas needed for pri vate consumption , t'pzzom. No name is better und more pleasantly nhd widely known than that of Mr. J A. Poziom. For Ycurs lie has mudo himself - self famous by thu $ legtuit perfumes nud complexion powder tlut bears hU nnmu thu lattcrhrwlng found Us way to Ui bulled of Paris Germany uud London Everybody admire beauly in laduxa Nothing will do more to produce or eu hunoo n than to use Mr. Pojuonife ura parationv. HE WANTS HIS MOBY BACK A Suit Against the Wetcein Horse and Oat- tla Insnranae Company. AMENDING THE CITY CHARTER Tlie 1'n.xtnn Ittilldlnc An Attempted ntti-glary 'Kdncntlonnl ' Mnttcrs Veteran OcHI Follows Court Notes Other Local. A Sensational Suit. The Western Hoi so and Cattle Insur ances company wivs made the dofemlnut in .1 sensational .suit Illcd by Cliris Until- man , through his attorney , General Cowln , in the district court yesterday , The plaintiff assorts Hint the company was organized in 1830 , wltii ft capital stock of $100,000 , one half of which \vns claimed to bo paid up. The plalntill' pur chased 100 shares of the stock hi 18S ! ) , paying therefor ? ! ) ,000. ilo makes sweep ing charges njrnmst the managenuint of the company , whiolt was in the hands of Rudolph Dornn , to whom ho refers ns an "accomplished swindler , " .and " 0111- ployod by mason of liisuoiisuinmnlo-nbil- it V in pyrfeetiiiffswindles mid frauds. " Tliu pulitionor assorts that'tiio company is now closing up its business mid ho nsKs for judgment in tlio sum of $8,000 , the amount paid by him for his sto > : k. I'ltKSIDKNT ri'JJDT SI'HAKS. Mr. Ilenry Ihuidt , tlio provident of the company , was seen by u HIE : rupirscnta- live last night and tu > ked for a statement of the company's side of the case. Ho replied that Kathrnnii'fl allegations ron- ecrninjr the niaiiigemi ! nt of the com pany's allalrs tuid Us lin.iiicjal condition were entirely false. The trouble arose over Kalhman's purchase of .stock from Dorn , who had swindled him ns well us tliu company. It was one of tint provis ions of the company's incorporation that no nietnbor could dispose of any Btoi'k without ( ho consent of all of the fetook- holdora. Tlio stile to Rruliinau had been an illegal onq , for which Dorn , who has left thu oount'ry , was responsible. "The company is now closing upiits business , " said Mr. L'undt , "ami 17111 pay all its claims , dollar tor dollar. " A.MKNmNQ rritK OHAUTKK. The Committee iMeotnml Kocununoiul Further Chtuifjoa. Thu joint committee of the council , board of trade and citizens appointed to consider amendments to the city charter , continued their work at the board oi trade rooms yesterday afternoon. Section 10 , relative to tiio keeping of the polls on election day was amended to road ' 'and they shall bo koptopou during Etich hours us shall be Used by state law for .itato and county elections.1' The forty-live paragraphs under the head of "Powers of the Council" were changed to sections and amended as fol lows : "Employment niul Insurance agonoiof , brokers , commission dealers aud such other kinds of employments or agencies as may be necessary for the public good" are added to the list of businesses that may be licensed. On the subject of police it was declared lobe thu sense of thu committee that a board of police commissioners should bo established. An amendment was made giving the council power to locate and place all ti'legraph , electric light and telephone poles and regulate the placing of wires thereon. The power is also recommended to pro hibit or regulate the herding of domastio animals us well as to prohibit their run ning at large. Under the head ot narrowing and changing streets the following clause is added : ' ' .No street now in existence shall bo natrowod cxoopl on a petition of two- thirds of the abutting property owners , aud in no case shall any street be nar rowed to a width less than si xtj'-.Vix feet. " In relation to fire limits un amend ment is offered authorizing the council to tax property for the expense of removing buildings from it that are not in accord ance with the requirements of the oidiu- ancc. It H also recommended that the coun cil no authorized to create n 'board of pork commissioners and define their duties. Thu right of ouiinunt domain is ex tended to include thu appropriation of private property for use of a , market house. "Steam , cable or other railways , " will be added to the clause regulating the operation - oration and right of way of street cars , and the council shall also have power to cause the construction Of viaducts where- over they are necessary lortho protection of the public. ' Thn committee will meet ngaili this afternoon to continue their work. I'AXTOX'8 1'ir/E. It tVill Cost $ i(00,000 nnil Be n Mar vel nl' Remit } ' . 1'eaterday Architect Mendelssohn showed a liUE reporter a photograph of thu de-sign of thu Paxlon building ; , now in course of crontion on the corner : of Sixteenth and Farnam streets : Ifsltows a si.v&torv structure which towers a great height above the Merchants , It will have the appearance , on Faruam strcctuf two diritincl btrncturi'.s , thu break ; in thu fa cade being about thirty 'foot , in which hut the one story will be constructed. This will enable light , to pone- tratu to till part ? of the structure from thruo sides. Thu oluvator will bo the most ornatu in the we-it , the shafts uf the Jirst story being of roll polished gran- ito. The stories will bo separated with lines of terra cotta worked | nlo Indian details , and presenting a rich aud har monious appearance. Kvury particle of .supporting wood in the building will bo coated with terra eotta , no us to make it safe against lire. The cost of the struct ure will not bo less than $300,000 , and will be finished as noon as po iblc , Dur ing winter men will bu engaged upon the work according as the weather per mits , Thuru is now about twenty than. Hand dollars' worth of granitu oithu irround , and it will be put Im mediately. Hope to IMrtQh Them Thin Time. Kaily in thu fall Clias. Madison , a Cer- man , was hold up ncnr the Southern hotel on Ninth street nnd robbed by throe men , John Kelley , Mike Downey and Mike Fit/gorald were arrested and charged with the crime , At Iho pres ent totm of court Fitzgerald was found guilty aud sent to thu punileiitiary for a year ami u half. The other two wyro dismissed on account of Madison's Jail- are to apptmr against them , They rn- filled to leave tlio city and wuro both arrested and sent to the county jail for sonio petty otluiiDG. In the meantime Deputy Sherln' Lu ( Ircbo located Madi son in Kansas and hns secured his at tendance to tostlfy against the men , who wll { bu arraigned on thu charge on Mon day. _ Tito 1'j'omenailo Concert. The audjfiH'i ) at the exposition build ing last night was somewhat limited ns to numbers , but U wag & notably Hue audience , composed of people who attended - tended purely for the enjoyment tiiat might be extracted from it as a musical treM. iloal ot the soloists liavo been board so ofteir that nuiution i almost superfluous. Mrs. Franko and Mrs. Martin - tin Unhn divided the honors'fairly. Mr. J'ranko's exquisite violin playing was the principal feature of the programme and probably the one that gave most pleasure. The Mo/.art club string quartette pave some delight ful music. The Council UUifls Ulee club failed to make their appearance but they sent an excellent substitution in a male double- quartette , whose voices hurmon- i/.cd most melodiously ami won a de served oneoro. Council HI tiffs can turn out some voice * Jl nothing else. Miss Lowell did not disappoint nor audience and proved herself an elocutionist of no mean power. She has an unusual voice , full and rich , andwonderfully under con trol. trol.The The next attraction at thn exposition building will bo Hive-King , December 111. COIjMSoiATK UOINGS. Monthly Exhibition nnd Howards of CrelKiitdit'fi Cherubs. The regular monthly exhibition was held hi the college hall Wednesday after noon , when the following programme was rendered ; 1'IlOQIIAMMRi Soiur Select Choir Heading " .New England Weather" . . . i 11. U'ycotr Dcclnmatlon "N oboily 's Ohlld" Nat Field Declamation "My Familiar1' . . . I , . Uouklln ItentlltiK "I'ltx. James nnd Roderick Ulu ? ' . . . . . 11. Town The medals : excellence wore won by the following ; duo. H. Furay , Jos. McCarthy , Sam Grace , Clarence Fumy. Frank hovott , W. Wtuldell , M. J. Hyan , L. Bedford , T. liurko 5(2 ( , J. Drown 111 , J. 1 * . Monahan Sl ) , TJ. Conklin 01 , Kus Cooper W , Clarence Fumy HO , 13. Kovctt 1W , , J. Loahoy ! )3 ) , Con Murphv 03V. . llecd Oi , J Morgan 00,11. I'erklns ! )0. ) Those who attained 80 voles or over wore : Josnph McCarthy 100 , John 11. Furay US , Sam Grace ! > ! ) , George Mercer 111 , P' . Durk OH , J. H. O'Neill 07 , E. Noon , J. U'Ddou 1)0 ) , Joseph Smith 117 , H. Sowaru III , K. Cavanaugh 114 , J. Uarrott li ) ( , M. llinolior 04 , II. Leary Hi , Frank Lovett Dr. . . D. Willing UJ , I ) . Wycou'03 , W. Waddcll 00 , L. Ucilfoul 83 , M. J. Kyan 88 , n. Ilinchey 80 , C. Scliut 85 , C. Murray 82 , C. lciton ! : 83 , J. Ford 83 , M. McGovcrn 85 , T. Houfck 85 , P. Dolan 80 , 1) . David 81. P. McMahon 80. W. Moimghan 87. I ) . Mahler 85 , 10. Furst 85 , 1' . Furay 88 , 11 Gallagher 80 , M. Mo "VVeiuec 89 , E. Smith 8' ' ) , M. Qutnluu 81 , Charum Funiy 83 , 15. Hello 82V. . Dorstn 81 , I' . McGovcrn 83V. , \ . Clark81 , T.Swift 82 , H. Wtilsh 81 , S. Howes 84 , N. Field 83 , J. Gleason 82 , L. Srlitibcl 80 , L. Hopkins 8-1 , B. Lynan 83. J. Nook 83 , 0. Banks 81 , Thomus Murphy 81 , L. 1'roulx 80. Army Orders. A general court marlial is appoinlcd to incotat Fort Niobrara , Nob. , at 10 o'clock a. m. , to-day , or as soon thereafter ns practicable , for the trial of such persons as may be properly brought before it. DBIlAlIi FOIl TUB COU11T : 1. Captain Chailea Porter. Eighth inluiitrv. 2. Captain Daniel T.Vells , Eighth In fantry. : i. Captain Kgbort C. Savage , Eighth in fantry , 4. Captain Cyrus A. Earnest , Eighth in- fantrv. 5. First Lieutenant 1' . Henry Kay , Eighth Inlantry. ( I First Lieutenant Edward Lynch , Eighth Infantry. 7. First Lieutenant ilathias W. Day , Ninth cavalry. 8. Fir&l Lloutcnant James A. Ittttton , KiKlillt Infantry. . f- 9. First Lieutenant Kolicft F. Ames , Eighth Infantry. 10. Second Lieutenant Wilds 1 * . Itichard- son , Eighth Infantry. 11. Second Lieutenant- Samuel K. Smiley , Eighth Infantry. li ! . Second Lieutenant Colvllle 31. rettit , Eighth Infantry. la. Second Lieutenant Edward N. Jones , jr. , Etu'htli infantry. FiraUjleutoiiant IlofoeitT. Emmot , Xinth cavalry , judge advocate. Should any of the ouicers named in the detail bo prevented from attending at the time and place -specified , the court will , nevertheless , proceed to and continue the business before it provided the num ber of members present bo not loss tliiiu the minimum prescribed by law. Lincoln nt Lincoln , Among the prisoners taken to the penitentiary on Wednesday by Jailer Joe Miller was Ohas. Lincoln , the humorist , who stole Mrs. Ik-ehtePs horse from Fort Omaha and jumped from the train while being brought from Chicago by Deputy Sheriff Grebe. When convicted Lincoln made a plea for a light sentence , claiming this was his lirst offonsu. He wns let oil' with eighteen months. When Wnrtlcn Nobcs , of the state penitentiary , saw Lincoln lie rccognizdd him : is a liorscthief who served a term at.lolict u few years .ago when Mr. Nobus was warden nt that popular resort. Golden Grain. The now elevator of the Union Klovjt- tor company , on the railroad on Thir teenth Htreot , is now completed and has a capacity of 757,000 bushelq. It cost ? ,000. The proprietors , Himnhaugh & Merriam , have nbnnt completed tlioir novvollico on the corner of Thirteenth and LeavcMiworlh streets , tit. a cost of $ -1,000. When this is occupied the old one will be abandoned to make room for the enlargement of the Union Pacific yards. _ Notice. JVItiny subscriptions made to the Y. M. U. A. building fund last Sabbath evening - ing at the exposition building did not up- pcnr in the printed lists. Several names called wuro not hoard by the seciotary. I also fail to litid the street and number in the directory of many of the aubscrib- ore , and therefore ask ior all thus alluded to send a postal card stnting'nanut , street , oto. J. h , KNSIUN , Financial Secretary V. M. C. A. HOOIIIH. Tlio Ivy Leaf. The Ivy Leaf , jinmortali/cd by ils peculiar traits and DloKotis' fnmoiis verses , has been Jiewly given prominence - once ns the title of j the latent nnd onu of thn prettiest of Irish plays. Jt will bo produced In this ciuV on tlio evenings of niiYlThur/iilay. / Friday and Saturday.niid thu usual miitinOq. The ugimt , M , J. Murphy , la now hero making ftrrunge- me ills ior theoyej ) An Attnmptoil Iliti-glary , Au uUompl u' s made nbont 1 o'clock this nioniintr to bur lari/e the grocery store of C. u , Moore & Co. , in the Ai lington block on J WRO street , Two men were nt work tryrig to pry open the door of the building wlitin the clnss broio and oreated a noise tlfot attractott thu atten tion of fsx-PoIicemrin Uurrlc , upon whoso appuurango the would bo burglars tied. .liiHtico norka'aVort. . Justice Berka last ovoninK married Puter Efl'orodt aud Mrs. Wilhelm Gumupska. The mule replevin suit of Peter John son vd. Mrs , Harrolt and JMward Barrett was called yeaterday afternoon at 3 o'clock , and occupied thu court' * atten tion until adjournment. Didn't Know U Was Loaded. GeorKQ Brown , licau waiter at the .Now York chop house , on Douglas street , met with n painful accident la t evening. Ho piokud nji tin "unloaded"1 revolver to re move it from a table m his room , when the weapon was duciiaraod. teariflK ( he liUlo tlnuur of Ills left hand ueurly oil' , Dr. Bridges attended uitu. N 1'S , Misi Adelaide Mooro's Poetic Idcall 7.itU > n of Gntaton. There is u rare mixing of the Colassieal and the common place in Gilbctt's com cdy of "Pygmalion nnd Galatea. " Atone ono moment the auditor is transported by chaste allusions to an almost sublime idea , poetically realized in -incarnation of n senseless block of marble : nnd , nt the next , is impelled to laughter by a wit nkin to that directed in these latter days against the mothcr-ln-law It may bo said , however , that it was not the intent of the author to cater to the ttislo of the o who appreciate such wit ; yet the fact is uucontrovertablo that it is precisely such wit which occasions the laughter with which tlio piece is received. The re quirements , therefore , of thu actress who a sumos the female title role , besides these of classic grace and boauly , arc aesthetic taste , extreme artle.ssness and versatility capnblo of nscondiiig and de scending the emotional scale with both case and rapidity , ftliss Moore's Invest ment of the enaractcr was the in- gonousness of a newly created adult , mentally grasping the straugo Ideas suggested , with the earnestness yet play ful simplicity of a child. HOT Unconven tional yet Innocent love of her sculptor creator , fervid though it was , revealed a Itcart tilled with gratitude rather than intensity of passion. In the lc cheer ful scenes hnr contrition was pathetic , ami one could readily foul that it was a conventional cruelty to consign so lair and perfect a being to Uio rigidity of marble. As a whole Miss Moore s rendi tion of tlio character was successful , greatly beyond the warmest anticipa tion. tion.The comedietta , "The Happy Pair , " though produced for the lirst time by Miss Moore and Mr Dennett , was very entertainingly plaved and warmly ap plauded by the audience. Miss Moore appears to-night in Council Dlull'ij , whcro she is deservedly assured n friendly welcome. uiir : : IT HAIIK. This piuco appears at thu Hoyd to-night and to-morrow afternoon aud evening. ( , ) f it an eastern exchange sajs : "We are not to expect much of a ijlot in a musical comedy , for the music is apt to be irrevclant or tacked on arbitrarily whore it will do most { rood. "Koop , It Dark , " while of the conventional pat tern , is ahead of many plays of its chin.- , in point of surprises and funny possibili ties ; and these were madu the most of l y Air. Dryant. who is nborn comedian , and who has ollicient comedy suppoit fiom Messrs. Soabrook , Devins and the others , while equally effective co-operation , in a lyric way , was given by Miss Li//.iu Richmond mend , whoso selections wore of u popu lar character , and showed a , cultivated method. " STOCK"vAlTnS TALK. A Stockman's Death Tlio New Bank Other Notes. The thing which is needed at the stock yards mords more than anything else is n public telephone station. There arc a great number of business mon a' , the yards who cannot afford a telephone of their own and there arc also dozens of visitors at the yards who have more or less use for n telephone. All these pee ] plo are forced to .sponge on those who have telephones , and the man who has an instrument m Ills ollico is to be pitied , for there is hardly , a moment all the day long when there is not some can-I-uso- your-hollo-maclune-a-miiiutc-man howl ing at 1C at the top of his voice. UCA.TII OK ASTOCKMAN. . Reno & Slorrs , of Oakdale , Nob. , was one of the bust known firms m the Male dealing in live slock and grain. Mr. Storrs canio in with a tram of block about two weeks ago and , after selling it on the market here , left for his old homo in Pennsylvania. A letter was received at tlio yards yesterday from his former part ner , O. F. licno , giving the pnrtioulard of his death. He had only been nt home two days wnon he started to cross the river with some mail and fell from the boat ana was drowned iu sight of homo. Ho was a young man of sterling qualities and very popular among the bu&incMS mon with whom lie came in contact. The business will be continued by C. F. Ho no. NEW COMMISSION' FIKMS arc coming hero almost every d.iy and where they are all to bo accommodated with ofllce room is bottoming a serioiih question. The slock yards'company will undoubt edly bo forced to build an addition to the exchange building. I'NION STOCK YARDS HANK. The oHlco furniture has been completed and the bank is now in good running order. Since the opening ot the bank two new names have bcon.ii < lded to the num ber of directors , and the full board IB as follows : H. 1C. . Paxton Davis Robert North 1'Iatte , They are covering all the fuaturos of the banking business , and in addition to that are making a specialty of receiving small deposits from the laboring men , on which they allow interest. November Wrnihcr. Tlio following is the meteorological summary for the month of November , furnished by Signal Ollicer Pollnk : Mean barometer , . ' (0.053 ( ; highest barometer. WI.-105 , date 20 ; lowest barometer , 10.419 , date 22 ; monthly range of barometer , 10.7(5 ( ; muan temperature , SH.O ; highest temperature , 73.1 , date lowest ; [ temper- atuio , 51.1 , date 25 ; monthly rangu of tem perature , 51.0 ; greatest daily range of temperature , ! 30,4 , date 22 ; least dally range of temperature , ! > .0 , dale 15 ; mean dally range of temperature , , SIBAN TKMrBItATirilK TOIt THIS MONTH Iff VII. IN. Yll. IN. Yll. l.\ . 1H71 0.7 l&TT 80.0 IBM ! . . . ! MI.8 18W iiO.l 1878 1884 ' . .3 ISTil S.ii 187K 4l.llSS5 ( : : . ! issi ' "ii.'lsrtg i sr ! ! ' . ! ' . ' . ! ! ' ' - Lb7l. ( . 1SSJ atUlWW. . . . . . - Mean dally dew point , UU.Oj mean daily relative humidity , 07.4i prevailing diroo- tirm of wind , (7 ( a. m. , ! ) and 11 p. in. ) N. \V.- total movement of wind , 8'J.IO miles ; highest velocity of of wind , direction nnd date , ilT.N.W. , 17. total piepipitatlon. 1.5-t inuhud ; number of days on whiuh .01 inch or more of precipitation full , 7. TOTAt < I'llKCIl-nATlOV ( IN INCURS ANP roil ' ' 'His MONTH iv VJt 1N.I VII. IN. VII. IN , ' ' ' " " " ' l rji' . . ob7'lb7b" ! ' , "t'-ltllbiH' ' . ! , . O. i 1573 . . . 0.19 Ih7'.l 4.M 1V 0.711 1574 1,0'illvSO . . . .O.TOISsii 1.51 Ib75 O.WlS l l.CU 1W1 . . . i . . ! M Number of clear dny * . , 11 ; number of fair dayb , 12 ; number ol cloudy da\j , 7j dntc , of Killing fiosb , 0 , 7 , 12 , 1U , ' . ' 0 , 21 , Old-Time Odd On Wednesday a cabinet group of the three remaining charter members of Allomnunen ledge No. 8,1. O. O. P. , was placed in the hall of the order. The mem- berb are Henry Grebe , JoUu T , Paulseu ami Q William Doll. The Allcinaunon lodge was the first formed in Omaha. It was organized in March , 1801 , with live charter members , the thrco named Jibove and Jacob Schneider , now dead , and Henry Uruuncr , who bt siueo wjthil.ruwji from the ordur. At that time Uero wore out four 1. O. O. F , lodges lathe territory of Nebraska. Tlifc o member Uarc BBBU their lodge grow until it has a member ship of over a hundred and has been the parent ot a number of German lodge. throughout the state , lu Nebraska to day there ll-J lodges of the order with a membership ol over live thousand Mr Grebe was di-tnet deputy grand master of Ids otdor when the district extender from the 1'latte liver north to the Hritisl possessions and west to ho Kocky mount ains. lc < * olutloii < > . At the mooting of thu Motho di t mln istcr of this city .November SO. the fol lowing resolutions of condolence were passed : Where.i ? , It has pleased our Heavenly Knth cr to summon to tlio better lioinn the fiolo\et child , O.irollno Lnuhc , of our Inothor urn , slslui , Mr. and Mrs. 1U. . Hilton ; therefore resolved , 1. U'e bow In Iiutnblo submission to thai Inscrutlblo Will whos-c ways aio past llmllng oat. 'A Wosliicoielysyinpathl/ewltlioiirbrothci nnd sister in their cruat MIUCIW and way the Dlesicd Sn\ lour to mippoi t and comfort tlicin 3. 'rhntacopv of HIL" < O iC5olutions bo .sont to Hiotlicr Hilton , and that they bo fur nished for publlcntiuii 111 tliu Northwestern Christian Ad > ociitu and In ourcltv papers , J'.C. Ci.KNPl.x.NiMi , Secretary. lot'M > An Omaha check for $10 , which owner can seouro by implying tc UIK : olllce , Council Hlull'a. Court. A jury was yestordjxy morning empan elled iu the ease of Glllctt ot nl vs Gant ct nl. The jury iu the case of John S. Collins vs the ut'lt. Line company disagreed mid were di olwrgod. Jtultiu Nuvmo has gone to Washington county. 4thick Taylor will bo tried before Judge Neville to-day u the charge of shooting nt Ollloor Haze with iutont to kill. ThoL'tiKuof MoWhortor A : Holllns vs. Connor , a suit to collect fonniiisainn for a grain deal , was argued before Judge \ \ nkoley yesterday. Personal Tl.omtis MoDonald and William Hob- iuson have gone on a visit to Scotland. Mrs. lj. O. Dormati , of ( Jlevoland , O. , is visiting her niece , Mrs. J. H. Daniels. Judge Mcrulloch and wife have ro- turuod from their vibit with friends at ( Jhariton , la. Mjss Marion Lowell , tlio gifted elocu tionist who made suuli a hit at the expo sition building last night , contemplates locating in Omaha. Thomas J. Kussell , one of the teachers in Creighlon college , hns resigned his po- fciliotx and gone to'St. houis , whore ho as sumes charge of one of the clawes. in St. Louis university. I ) . W. Losey , of the linn of Underwood & Losey , 170 Knht Madison street , Chicago cage , publfrhuKs of liio National Bank Note Kuporlor , is in the city on Ids an nual round , looking after tlio interest of hisHrm. At the Caufiold Will Hrookman , Kon- tanellu ; A. K. Marsh , Suttoii ; L. Kuegger , Lyons ; 0. I ) . Aekermau , Stanton. At the Cox/ens : G us Stales , Lincoln ; C' . C. Peterson. Stra'ton ; J. C. Uobbins and wife , Shclton ; , F. H. ( i rant , A. U. I'aokur , Ilastimrs ; J. F. Nylandor , North Platte. At thu Windsor J. S. ( Joshorn , Lin coln ; J. W. .runnings , Plattsmoulh C. H. Pritchott , Wahoo ; A. S Hiokcrslou , Him ? Springs ; L. U. L'illcy , Auburn. XiiUAbKANS ! IN Till : CITY Among the Nubrahkans in the city yes terday were thi ) following : At the Paxton -If. D. Ilogabou and wito , \ \ nlioo ; H S. Schwind , K. T , War ren , -Nebraska City ; H. 15. Harrington , Beatrice ; H , II. Dorsey , Wahoo- Ale Hcntloy , Red ( "loud ; 1 . C. Wobslor , Hastings ; Ktl Ulowett , Kremont ; D.nid IJcan , Asihland ; S. JNl. Nevins , Koarnev. At thu Merchants C. Emurv , L. t' Gillette , Beatrice ; J. M. Mycr , Fremont ; A. 1C. Day and wife , J. W. Wright , Lin coln ; * . L Bluinor , Kllia. At the Millard U . A. HnSso , V.'oep- ing Water , Guorgo M. Drown and wile , Fremont ; E. S. Poole , St. P.-iui ; Lester Ellis , North Platte ; M. W. Stone , W. 11. Dickinson , Walioo. J. A. Bowullo , Hubron ! R. E. French , At the Metropolitan II. O. Brown , Fairmont ; . ! . Murdoch , Walioo ; F. Wafer- house and wife , Sclmyler ; F. A. Schacller , liloomington. Omaha C. IS. . C. All Cliautaurmans are invited to attend tiiu noxt. meeting of tlio Omaha circle , which will bo held thifl Friday evening at the residence ot Mrs. A. Alice , 2ai-l St. Mary's avenue. Members arc requested to bo prcicnt. Attention fionnof .St. George. You arc hereby notified that the instal lation of ollicors will take placp on Wed nesday. December 8. instead ot Saturday , December 1. By order of T. ( J. Clili , W. P. K. of L , . Itiill. The first annual ball of Unity Assembly 15.141. K. of L. , will bn given in thu now Masonic hall on Wednesday evening , De cember 10 , Ed Ilaya was arrested last night on sus picion or having .stolon an overcoat and a bidlof ololhc.s from an employe at Ho- laun'.s barn. Ollirter Crawford has been assigned to duty on the patrol wiigon , vice ( ) flicor Kowles , resigned Prof , Glias , Ludivlg Von Soeger priiri > iOror Mudlclnn at I til Moral llnlrenlly : Knl lit of the lloyul Auitrlnii Order nf the Inm Cjowiij ICntulit Curauviiidur of tha Koviil MunUh ( Irdorof IsJtji'Iln ; Knliihtot Ilia Ita/1 t'futjlun Or- dnrorttiullulKielAiCharAller of the , of Jlonor.oto. , oto . ijrii "J.lillllcl COM COUA lilSEt' TONIO ihauia not ba cnn/otin < tcd xlth tlmtionle of tnishj rtire all * . It K In tinxmiaof the worrtu lutont ruuiedr , I am tbor- ouuhly iTOtjviusiint with Ita moilo nf prui > < * riitlon and know It lo be not otilr n Icultlmiitn pliurutar-i.iitjral pioOui't , but HlAoniirlnf i > f tun hlffli ( oiutncndutloui It hH ri'l'Ulvfd lu till pat U of tliB nurld , It font ilm emcnio of Ilcff , lluid.OtilnliX' Iron ami Ciilliar. ! . wlilrli Aioillmolved inpuriiicoiinlnuBpaiileU luiiicrUI inTaliiHliatb [ all who are Hun llonn , Nnrrous , Il/t- peptic. Illlliini , Miilarioii ur iirtlilcil nltli < : al kit- imr . HerHaJesty's Faorltlo CosraeticGlycefina 11 > ed by II r llnynl Illwhnuaitlio J'ruiwsa i nitlhii nobility Tor ll > Hkln. Cuiui > loluii. Krup- llniii I'liiipiilnii , Uiiuyhnoii.tlO ) . Or ilriUEl li. I.IKIIlii CD'S lli-nulno hymn ofCarniunll.i , 11 cuaiuntvcd ii.llie beat Sumaiiarillalntliu ra rkal. Nebraska National Bank OMAHA , N Pnld up Capital , . $280,000 Burplub . . . 80,000 H W. Vatps , Piusidunl A. K. Toulln. . \'l > 'n 1'i'csidcnt. W. II S lliiKhcs , Ouslder. pinrcrroits : W. V Morse , Jolin S. Collln ? , U. W. Vatos , Lowii S. lloud. A K. Tou/iulin. BANKING OFFICE : THE IRON It A NIC , Cor 12lh and Farnam His A Gtitcral Hauklntc Hiuinojb Trntisuctcii. & Co. JtA A7f I KH , ( JJIICA (1 0. Of OoitntluD , r'ltiea Bnd oilier * of lilirhfrrAitotiouditftniltiol'l Kiutrrn He * .t , . lioitcn. X acvnv DRUGSTORE : - TAKE1 IT FAITH" . , AND COUGHS & COWS SalS > BY , A Fort LADIES , MISSCS AND CHILDRCN. Our iiroductloitn jiro tuc jPcrfccfion of Hlioc-iualtlng. In them Every Objection to rody-mado lioci li removed. The success at once attained by our goodi v/herever Introduced because they areplove.fittlne , In ityle nnJ fmlah , of the Finest materials and workmanship , and moderate In pllce. The horrors ofureaklnc-ln ore avoided : they are comfortable from the very fu t. MaJo In all sizes , widths and ahnpes. Lwk cn&'lts/jr Kane ami AJJr tit / " j. & T. NS3W 0 For Sale by Jluywtml Hros. , ti071Iow ; t rd Srtcot , Oinnlia. _ _ _ . _ iff B % \TheQl tnj euro 1 h nui iue n iiT rrlr ] tn nvp them Tor & ttmoaaitlh nlii\vothpinrpturn acaln. I niflnn arAJIcal cum I huts mule llio dliriio of H1H. Itril.KI'.ST or TALLtNO KIUKNF.SH n.llft IOHK . lvt rr nt mrrsmtd ; taoui * Ilio wont OHH , U c ao olhert hnvo f U0a ! no reuoa for nut bowrcceUlnRartirv ct < n latouc'-fnr ' a trotttpo nml > rie Bottle of my Infjtllbte r tni.ily. Ol Rxpresaand Toct OtticB. 11 rn.nron nuthlliKfrT A trial. unU I wlUrtirf ) TKU i.lJic.i Dr. 11 < l. HOOT. lliromlSt. ho > Voik F lfLY OIL CAN , "ho mo t pmolleul. Inrjre Bltcd Oil Can In tliu tuarkut hiun3 uro llllcdillroctlirttiopurui | wilhoul lininccun. No tlrliilnKolloii | Floor or 'liiblo. No ruucot to Ifuk und waste contpnts < irfuii i- oxMI'lom ClononTfrfvrtlf | nlr tlatit. TVti I.raUnrNoi : np- niiitloil Ah olul ily tuttt , Uou't lie IIumbtitiKtrt lll. uorlhlciui Itnltiuloni. Buy tbe "Uuciil Klioiiali. " Mntl'f MiUF'fi , CO. , -LW * Warren , Ohio. Sold tiy rir t-L'lii Ilvulum Kverywhero. aii ! > HV JOUIIKUN. At Wholesale by MiConii MIMIIV& ; Co. , lii rroitiVVn.iiii.jir , ) FTI.W ifi JluoM. , Council Dluifs , GERMAN ASTHMA CUrte ImtintlyrnlloTM thn matt tlolunt attack , indi inunvi rnratorttble filmp NO mITIMl lar RI ; . I l.i < .llciiiKUMHlliTnb | < lttlaii. ltiaelkmfilm.1 mMi t < " . dirrot snil rertnlu. and * cum It the I rcjiill In all eurAliln ravn. A slnsla trill con. vltlcra Ilie moiit ikrptical. PriceS / * . nrt 41 00 of niir ruKijut. or b j m ll , [ 1'ron , tut I ftAtnp l > r. M.MOIIlKI'MA.NN.l'l. . ; ! 21,029,880 Tanslll's ' Punch Cigars wore lpiin | < lilBrli > etUo jw. t two yearn , vrltliunt n druiu- rnrrfnnurtimtilojr. No other linneo In tlix vrorlcl cnn truth- fullymaknaujb n ulimrlntr. Dim uuotit ( denlxr ouly ) wan tea lu a icli tun u. J SOLO BY UADINQ DRUGGISTS. n.W.TXNSILL&CO..G5 Stale St.Chicarjo. WEAK , NERVOUS PEOPLE And otberv ufTejInar nrrroni ilehllltjr tiausttit of yountf or old 'ly 4ui-rt hjr tlr * . -Vf&tXfS * JU .n ll HrlU IkoUMniU In evtirr tfJS-Rtat In Ui Unlun liavo Irfili curcu KlrtlrlrlWrfply InrUnll/foil l' lent UnJ relit III * r V\hi 1 iLUMlr CHA wnar iania bblt Kluctrl * S u peN url 4frftf MHUmIO' ' > U Avoid wortMri Iln & 'ttions and boipj * companUi CUotrlo Tru t i Nr Mflwra. TOO purMln'BO. fl nrt l ni.forr"nltlh' ' " ' I'll. W. J. HOBHI. IWVWing. IB ) V/\IIA / H AV. . pnrr rnttl -l | i . , Trl l ptcttii Ur. uut > | f tM .1 irtO. , . . . IJl . .k7 ! > ' htr lCli RR TORBO , ATirtimnt r. > " "ulul . .j.lni : rinnattllii IHX-iV , lr ou" i.Kxll . , liA lliBtlWln Tnln cvflry kntiwii mlT. lift * illvnvi-rtiil u lnitjv , whit hh wllj ) : nil hliifollutriiulTrnini. ) . Mi BON. 1'ott l alit. l1 t Tul k Ullf UOIUi CA'I'Altllll. ThoUn-aUjcmmu 111 Itdnc-Uy lm\4i ; tUu ( tiro. 1 reebaiiiito | | Lirl.iiii und tKiik tvr 4 ctnti III Ktutup ; , li | | . a IJuiuiitun , Cunn , Only l.'itv Ilunniiiii IW.U Illil'MNlNO UIAJK f.Ylltf. liutuuuu Oinitliii , Lini-itln , KtttMt * City < nnl tit , Lou It- , 3 TRAINS DAILY 3 OMABA&LINCOLN Trtiius will rurlvo nt mid ! i.ii\n . from Ibw ( C , Sr , I'M ' & U. ) depot , 15th ami Wtlislur Urc-olb , Direct coiint-L-tlon made Inlliilon Dnpul , Kun sag City , foi id I jioiiils boutli iin < l WCKI , In , 'nlon ' IH'j'Oi , Ht Luiilb , lui ull | oiutfi li.ut mil Eoulh. l'UU.MAN JIL I l'BT I.Kii'JNO : LAItS on al UUlll ( IU4UK. For UcUuls , bltonnr ; cm lifilliB iiiul otlmi i.- ruimalliui.chll on tl iknt iiyont ( < ' . , bt ! , Jl O U. ) { ) Uo ] ) t , IJtn iuiJ Wuljbtur l reels , ot K K MOOMBS , T > flo J' W H. NfiWUAX , JJ. . TruUlo Mim'l'iOuul. . A { t , St.