HE OMAHA DAILY BEE SIXTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , FEIDAY MOBNlisG , DECEMBER 3. 188C , NUMBER' 1(58. ( IVITII SUSPICIOUS DNASI1IITY R'auhi'ncton Pa ) s tell Wh ) Olcvolancl Puicha cd "P "ttv Prospect , " THE INDIAN SUPPLY DEPOT. New York KnilrnTorhiK to Itotnln tt , WHli the ClmnccH in Kiitor of Omntia Coininlnsloimr Glo- vci1 to He Clevclnnil'fl Conirllmtloii. WAIIIINOTOK , Dec. 2. [ Special Telegram lo the BKI.J : With a unanimity that arouses suspicion of preparation at the white hoitsn nil of the local pipeis to-day publish very lengthy statements show ing Picsldcnt Cleve land's connection with the purchase of his country plnce. 'I he bent of It Is to show that he was not n pirty to cuchrclng the real estate agent out of his commissions nnd it is In the foim of an Interview , etc. , with Green , the recent owner of "Oak View. " It Is the lirst elaborate and authenticated defense of ( he president on this subject and shows that lhat olllcl.il Is aroused. The tenor of the articles and something of their uniform character can bo seen by the head lines of two of them Ono Is headed thus : "All About Oak View. Thu True Story of the Piesldent's Purchase. O. C. Green's State ment. A Sine and Legitimate Transaction From Beginning to Knd. " Thu other has these lines : "The Purchase of Oak Vlovv. A Plain Stralghlfoiward History of the Whole Trans action. Tlio President's Search For a Quiet , Klovated and Inexpensive Country Place , Oak View Meets the Hennlroments. , " As a thorough icfulatlon of the slander.s connect Ing the picsldunt aijil the District commis sioner with the syndicate Interest , a state ment was prepared In Newspaper How- showing tlio interest thu newspaper correspondents have in doillng with this subject , and giving the lie to thoasscitlon that they aio blackmails. It shows that up wards of twenty-live of the correspondcnls my taxes on real estate in the Distrlcl of Columbia , nearly all piylng over 8100 n year and several twice that amount ; that com bined they pay more taxes Into the District treasurv than the picstdcnt , District eommls- Hioner and policeolliecrs.someof tliem paying tw Ice as much as the president. NiW : VOIIIC S1IIII1KI ) fl' . New York Is becoming alarmed over the prospects of removing the depot of Indian mipplles fiom that city to Omaha or some other western point. A delegation from the New Yoik board of trade and transportalion has laid before Seciclaiy Lamar an elaboiate communication on the subject , showlnctho aitvmilages in ictalninji It whcio it now is. It is chimed that New York Is the heulquai- teis tor Indian supplies ; that most of them wro either manufuctured there or come theio befoiu they teach consumers , and tliat , llieie- loie , It Is the best maikct for the u'overn- meiit and one. . that must bu patronized in any event. The Omahi delegation , expected hero eaily next week , Is aiitlclpitcd with Rcniilnc interest at the Indian olliie. The Impression at the Interloi department seems lo bo that Omaha has a good chance ol being -ticcessfiil It the depot Is removed. m.ovnn ro ni.i.NVisiieiA'iin. : The sojiotary of iho Inlciior has addressed n communication of recommendation to thu commissioner of the geneial land olllco rec ommending an Investigation of the alleced ( ( induct of C. H. Glover , of Lorn ; Pine , Brown county , Nebraska , inaflixlng his sig nature and seal as United States commis sioner to timber culture atlidavits In which ulle ed enltles In iho Valentino district were made when tlie entrymen were not before him at the time of sucholliri.il atlcst.itlons , thu entry men being m Illinois. Theseeietaiy recommends that Iho dcpaitment ot justice sake action to investigate. vvvsniMiTov rt'i.i , OK SCANDAL. There has been enough scandal in Wash ington during thu lasl two or thrcu davs in -onnocllon with the ical estate deals and Pie police nn estimations to ( ill all the newspapeis in the country. A very large portion of this , rxeept being extremely interesting , Is unlit lor publication unlit because It Is so hlzhly FC'iisational as lo bu almost Improbable in linth. There Is but ono theme of conversa tion , among politicians , statesmen and resi dents here , and that Is this real esiato busi ness , Ihu police Investigation and the inteiest Iho pieshlenl Is now taking In It all. Al though tno statement made that Ihe president would institute a private Investigation on Ihe ease to ascertain lust wno was Inteiested | u these ical estate deals lias been denied here at Ihe white house , it Is true , neverthe less , that Mr. Cleveland Is looking Into the matter. The chaiges made that tholhieu rommlssloneis ot thcDistilcthavu an Inteiest In tlioieal estate speculation and that they have Inteiested an inlluentlal gentleman at Ihu white house In whom the piusldcnt takes ilie liveliest Interest , has been told to thu president by u board of gentlemen In iho plainest manner possible so that there could bo no mlsundi-istanding as lethe the condition of the nlTalis. It would bit Todltlng the piesldcnt with tlio most Intense Klupldltv losay lhat he was not looking Into tlio until ol there-polls. Wlutevei ol doubt Ihi-io may be have been a week ago ns to an Investigation of the police and teal estate matters , it liasentlrelydlsappi-iued , and there Is hut one point atprcscnl ; It is that congress will begin an Investigation , probably at both ends ol the capital hclorc thu holiday s. The removal ot Majoi Walker and Lieu tenant Arnold complicates this scandal and makes tlio comiiossloii.il Im estimation pos- i-ess many posslbllllles. Both of thesu men Me now anavi-d against the Distilct comiiiis- hioners , and both will bu prost'ciiling wit nesses , whereas on the iccent trial nelthei v implicated any official abovnthem. There , niuptcdlctlonstliit Major Walker will tiy mid show a dhict connection between the lommlssloiiers nnd the teal estate syndicate , and to show that ho did not oiiginato thu uuiTi.i'ntlon iimdeto A mold that congicssmon should bo spotted toi thu puipoao ot intlu- encing thrm in futinu legislation. A con gressional Investigation wlUnndoubledly In volve many Important facts which a pollen investigation and a common limit dial could not biluu out becanso the foimrr Is iieira- lively mini ) poleut than tholattei's dlie-et nuthorlly. H one is to jiuliro by what ho hcais from repii-si-ntatlvesand senators , there will boa Kramlillng In both ends of ( he c.ipltol next tvcek foi tint preredents o < ° introducing reso lutions creating luveMii-'atlon Into the police /mil / ie.il estate transactions In Iho District 'Ihe chief m.iglstiato is leported to h ive said t lo a nuiubt'i ot Ills cougtcsslnnal friends that hu hoped no Ltonu would be loll unturned for llm deen pioliliu'ot this ipie.stion ; that Im did I not deslii ) anv Miioku of a scandalous chaiac- ; terto bohoverlngabotit thu white house , the [ olllces of thu Dlstricl commissioners and I Hipeilnlcndent ot police , or any othet fed eral guaidlan , or i.MKiinsrTO POST MARTI us InU'siinnual ' lepoit Postmaster Coneial ' Vllas calls attention ton mallei which has caused u good deal ot eommuni ainonir con- uiessim-n , and which will nndnubti-dlv in- ic-lve lealsl.itlvo action very soon. It Is the matter of classilication of postollice-s and thu allowanicsnt thosuoi the third class. .Mr. Vilas thinks ilial the hVstem which has neeii In practice toi fomu time , b\ which thiid t lass postollli es ar giadi-it is v cry poonl \ o , 1 * . that thosu of this rank should u-celvu moio * tnanelal assistance at tliu hands of thu gov - ornmi'iit. HoiecommeiuUth.it olliceis of thi ) third class , getting 9".V a year or more , thnuld be given buildings 10 bo occupied toiely foi postolllco purposes , and that them ( should Im additional cleilc.il M-I vices. Hi ) it-commends that such ullii'is.should he leased bv thu government and given allowaucos toi fuel , light and eleiIcal loicu lo an amount not lu excess of box lent and commission. For several veaib congress has been prac ticing a kind ot by-play m bnilesepio In the mailer ot i rev Idmg buildings lor third class postollli-es. It has Iwcn making an nppropiiatlon tor the leasing of bmliliued for the e olllces , which has been equal to about 5 pel tent of the actual cost of buUillnch ica-ed. The object In providing that bullel. Inns tor tliinl class postothces fan bo leased and making iinappioprhitlon so Inadequate to the leqmred amount , has been and Is now for the purpose ot oncouraglnc rivalries. In the small cities between localities and busi nesses , that the cilUenu , for thu purpose ot securing a location of the ofllce , will con tribute an amount sufllclont lo pay the rent. 'Ihe operation of this despicable practice has been the leasing of hulldincs at nominal figures and leeching the citizens for the rent. rent.An An ofllcer at the postonVc departmentwho has much to do w Itn leasing postotllcn build ings , say s that the government docs not pvv more than K per ce-ntot the tent for build ings occupied by all postolliccs of any other than the first class , which are In the very largest cities. Tlio consequence Is that mciconary motives control the location of the ! poslolllcoi ot the second and third cl.is . whereas convenience to the patrons nnd fair business reasons generally should be the con trolling spirit. Knowing then as well as It does , It Is believed that congress will take the matter In hand and alfonl a remedy. iiCM-.nirT ov TIM ; UAOK A spliltud Investigation Is to bo made by tin * senate commlltee on printing Into the discharges made by Public Printer Benedict before action Is taken on that official's noinl- nitlon. 'Ibis work wilt be compli cated. H will lequira Inquiry as to motive tor removal in the ells- phcemcnt of overWJJ employes. Herctofoio the public printer has been in the habit of carrying from tlie second or third month Im mediately preceding the meeting of congress several humliedexlta printers to pay whom ho had no money. On sevcial occasions the printers have worked without any assurance of pay foi several weeks , but thov were of course confident thai congress would do fair by thc.ni and appropriate money to pay them. It Is tuio that tlio money act aside bj congress to liquidate tint expenses of Ihu government printing olllco wan so neatly expended that the public printer could not insiiio the wagcir of employes fiom the 1st of October to the end oi the year , but theio was all the woik which he could do , and which must be done , spiead out in the olllce , and the question arises now why did the government printer make this wholesale removal when work waste to bu done , in the face of the practice ot his predecessor , unless It was to get rid ot par tisan emulov cs , that partisans of another class might be employ cdV It looks as tliougb Mi. Benedict's nomination will not bo con tinued , as them Is a good deal of upathy on the subject. IOWA ASH NFIHtASKA 1'OSTAT. TIIANOr.s. To-day the postm istei general , on thu re quest of tlio postmaster at Des Molnes , la , , allowed thai olllco three additional lettet- carriers to commence December 13. Postmasters In Nebraska have been ap pointed to newly established olllces , as fol lows : Hobert P. McKnlght , itervvln , Ciisler county ; George Piters , Cairo , Hall county. Orders have been Issued affecting thu st.u mall service in Nebraska , as follows : Crciuh- ton to Yankion from December 0. omit Tal- bott and Sweden ; decreasing distance two miles Paddock to Atkinson fioniDecembcrG ; for the discontinuance ot Blackbird , decreas ing the illstancc three nnd a half miles ; Atkinson to Grand Hapids , pcimitrontractoi to perform side service between Bclknap and Cleveland , provided full service bv svvoin cairierln locked pouches bo lendeied and no complaint bu made ; Bioken Bow to Wester- vlllu ttom Deccmbei 13 , omit Bioken Bow , embrace and begin at Ansley decieasine dlst nice eight and a half miles ; Triumph to Broken Bow , modify older November 11 to lakoulfeclNoveiubei " 0 , In lien ol Novem ber 10. Tlio following postmastcis wcte commis sioned to-dav : Joshua M. Snyilut , Ycrdur- otlu ; Hobert S. Handei son , Whltliei ; Frank lin 1C. Hill , Willow SpiiiiL'S. The poslolllco at Mcnotc , lleuna Vista county , Iowa , was discontinued yesterday. Iowa postmasteis commissioned : Alex Chailes , at Cedai Hapidslco W. W. Smith , suspended ; James P. Caileton , Iowa Falls , vice J. B. Knapp , suspended ; Frank P. Motle , at Ode-boll , vice F. H. Bennett , sus pended ; G. C. Scrimgeon , at Hello Plaino , vice W. A. Hunter , resinned ; Joseph H. Jamco , : it Sac City , vice 11. 11. Limereaux , resigned. AUVIY OltDKI'.S. The orders of First Lieutenant Philip Powell , Ninth Cavalrv , to lejom Ills u-gl- ment , have been suspended until Febtu- arv 1. Assistant Surgeon I , . S. Tc-ssou has been giantcd lour months' leave. Assistant Suigeon Kobe-it It. Ball has been ordered to the Department of the Missouri. The leave of Suigeon D , ( ! . Caldwell has been extended twenty days. Major Alman T. Hockvvell , quartermastei , has been oidered to duty ns assistant to Ihu ehleE qu&itermaster ol the Dc-piitmeiit of Dakota. 'Iho leaves of Lieutenant John J. Shiivv. Sixth Infantiy. and First Lieutenant John H. Philbreck , Eleventh Infantiy , have been extended two mouths. Commissary Seitreants George P. Arling ton and H. H. James have been retired , iniirr rAi-ir.VL M ws. A deleratlon of Boston. Now York air ! Chicago business men are urging the presi dent to recommend In his message to con gress the passage of a bankiupl bill. Some agitation in political circles vvaJ caused this evening bj the announcement that General Ben JiuUer had been retained by Iheobo in hiseontestol SpeakerCaillsle o election 16 thn Fittleth congress. H is said that Butler will work with somupeison.il feeling In the case , lie lemembers with a degiceot vividness the treatment ho lecelved by Kentucky democrats in his ic-cent presi dential canvass. The secietary ot war has granted a request it-eontly undo by General Ha/en to allow Lieutenant A. W. Gieeley to lemaln on duty In the signal SGI vice as assistant to thu chief signal otllecr. Geneial Ha/en's health Is not good at piesent and ho dcslied to be iclicved of some of Ihe duties of his position. Members of congicss are airiviiu by oveiy train and most of them will bu here by Mon day next al Iho opening of thu session. i in : NKvn TI 01:01 : omr M , HI m le F. (5ie.it ( Importance is attached by the local iiuvvspipms this morning In announc ing that Lieutenant James S. Powell , ot the signal olllce , has been detailed to pie ceed to Omaha to organl/e thu meteorological servlceof thu Union Pacllic lallioid , which Is toco oper.ito vvltli the ITnltod States signal service buieaii. It Is believed thai Ibis Is lo lie the inauguration ot a valuable epoch In meteorological utilitv. General Miles' Itotront. "Vr.w YOIIK , Dec. 2. [ Special I'elesiam to the Bii : : J Thu Heiald's Washingtonsjieel.il sajs : Theio Is considerable gossip about the war depirtmcnt concerning the sudden re- tuin ot General Miles to the west on Monday lasl When thegeneral came lo Washing ton a week ago It was his Intention to remiin four months. Ills learned tliat the distinguished army ofllcer on dutv heiu jul- valelv Intoimed Miles that It would hi ) well Im him to Icavo for the west atonce. Upon making fuither Inquliy Miles was told thai ills enemies at thu ilepaitment.who weio jeal ous ol | he fame he had w tested from General Crook , would nulco tioublu for him U hu lemaliie-d Tlio President' * Mt-NSn/ / ; * * , WASiu.NinoN. Dec. 2 , The cabinet meet- Im : to day was of shorl dilution. I ho juesl- dent's me-ssage - was the only subject cmislil * eicd , although theio was nn Informal discus- hlon as th thu probable coui.sc ol eongiess at HID coming session. The message is jiractl- callv completed , mill thu clerical tonu at Hie white house Is now engaged pii-parlng copies toi thu houses of congress. Hlir Con I Hnilh , OITVVV A , Out. , Dec.'J , .V iiiembci of the geoloa'leal survey stall who Is engaged In in vestigating the coil deposits in thu Saskatch- uinvions : states that Die coal Mipplv In i the noithwi-st is ubsolntel ) Inexhaustible. 'Iho.vholo dUtrlct lying bi-twcpii the Itoekv .Mountain IIOUSH and lott Hill Is ono vast srrluot coal bed8 , both haul and soft , ot the best quality , The C.i i oil n o Dispute. .MAUIIIO.Dee.Spaln.altoralongdilllcult dlionntlc | ] conlruveis ) . protracteil largely through Iho hostile MinU ot the lieininn mill tarv authorltlcs.iluall ) succeeded In inducing BiMiiack toabindon his proposal to establish u naval station at thu Caiollne Islrimls. l.ieiilenant Oroc'lj'H Position , WAsuiNmo.v , Dec. 2. The secretary of war approved the request made by the chief signal ofliccer that Lieutenant Gieeloy ho ic- Mined on duly in the signal ullli-o as assist ant to Uenei.il H.izen , who Is In ill health , Ciuni.i S.TON , Dec 2 , There were slight shocks of uiithquako at Sunimervlllo last night and this morning. There was a severe shako at Columbia ut elyht this uiorumg. Frightful Experience of a Passenger Steam ship On the Atlantic , STRUCK BY A MIGHTY WAVE llic Deck Crushed In nnil Many of the Cro'nnil I'oinpiiitcrH Killed nnil 1 n.l n roil Hi ) vv It A rntcful Voyntjc. .H-nsr.Y Cm , Dee , 2. A frightful disas ter involving the ( loath of six men and the In- Illctlon of crlous Injuries to thirteen others , was reported this afternoon , nj > on the arrival of the steamship Western Lind. On Satur day afternoon , November 27 , a hugu cross sea was suddenly encountered nnd It fell with terrific force upon the forward deck of tlio steamship. Ihe Western Land was then seven dajs out fiom Antwcip. The deck was crushed In and burled the unfortunate passengers beneath a mass of wood nnd Iron debris. The next Instant the water swept along < the gangways of the main deck , carry ing ] several persons with It. Ihu crasli was tcrrltic i , butbcforo the appilllm : natuio of tlie accident was realized by the. passengers , the ollicers ot the snip had all Iho men available engaged in the work of rescue. The injured were carried to the Intermediate cabin , which was transformed into n hosplttn. Fem sea men weio found to have been killed out right. They were : ItAsvir.ns SoxiiAonv , aged fifty-seven , of Antwerp ; his skull was crushed to a jelly. GUSTAV Di'DAin. aced iottv-tlircc , of Antvveip , crushed to death beneath a heavy iron beam ; leaves a wlfo nnd three chlldicn , KVIII.K Dr. COCK , twenty-six-years old , of Antwerj ) , unmanled ; he was round pinned to the main deck bv the jagged end of an Iron stanchion , which had pleiced his abdo men , HTNIIV JAinir.s , aged twenty-seven , nn- mauled ; legs broken , and bis tluoat xvas cut. cut.The The two others killed wcio steoiage pas- seinrers , M vFIIAMJR , seventeen years old , of Germany. GAIIIIII t , LtVADKini : , aced seventeen , of Constantinople. Flanks' abdomen was cut open and his Mutll Iracluied , He died at 1:30 : o'clock Sunday morning. Llvaderio sustained In ternal Injuries which caused ills death live hours after Franks expired. The Injuied seamen aie : Second Boatswain Neil Hanson , lelt leg and arm broken. Nils Olson , both logs biokon. Javlnnns Du Jough , leg bioken and nip tured. Henrv Vcrstracton , both legs broken and chest binised , Fiancis Frank , Charles Bcdo and Feidl- nand Hcitman escaped with slight biuises. The passengers in lured were as follows : Joseph Llvadeiie , both aims bioken. Ho Is a brother of the young passenget who died liom his injuries. Max Kagle , leg broken. .M't.tiTS Wti.r , , soveiu contusions on back and abdomen. Fn VNCIS LASSAM , tlueo ribs bioken and lungs puncluicd. WH.I.IAM ilAiicoMii. of New York , leg broken and aim dislocated. LUOUNK SoiiMint , severe scalp wounds. ( SiisiAVK Bimrss , seveio eontusious on back and thighs and Tace badlv cut. JOSEPH CnmsiMAN , arm broken. MAIITI : < NII > MI , nnklo sprained and back biulscd. The de.id were buried at sea. Many affectIng - Ing scenes weie witnessed at the improvised hospital when the pasbcngcis inquired -about , theii injuied Iricuds. Kveiything possible was done for the relief ot the injured. Tne cabin passengers showed their sympathy with tlie unforlunates by many kind acts , nnd raised a purse ot 2,000 fiancs to bo dis tributed among the families of the dead and Injured. When the Wi-sletn Land reached port the tnjuicd passuncers weio transluiied to hospitals. An Inspection of the vessel affoided some Idea of the terrible blow'slio bad iccoived. 'Ihe crushed deck was known as the loiw.ird whalebick. It was constructed ol tour-inch Pine planks , resting upon massive lion beams. Tiicse , in turn , weie upheld by tliice-iuch lion rod stanchions. The vast vol ume ol watei stiuck the whaloback about ilfteen fept fiom the slorn and ciuslicd in a section twenty-nine leet In length and ex tending the lull width ot the steamship. Second Ollicer niioll made the following statement : 'U'o left Antweip on Salurd.vv , November 20 , with slxlv-nlnocibin and 571 sieeiaee- passengers and a fill lea mo. At JbO : o'clock Saturday atlurnoon , November U7 , wo were In latitude 47 degress , 51 minutes , longi tude--I ! ) decrees , lit ) minutes. 1 was on the main bridge when 1 noticed an enormous wave on the staibo.aid lee. The next in- slant anothei toweling wave joined It fiom Iho jieut side. They seemed to leap Into thu ail as they minded. They must have been neaily lorty feet high , as 1 saw their united mass above tlio lower vaul of the torcumst. Then came a etash ot water upon tlio deck. It sounded louder than ado/en cannons hied at oncu. 'Iho water swept Iroui one end to the other ol the main deck and carried everything bctoio it. " Tlio disaster was not met with In astoun. Merely a good strong biee7o was blowing fiom thu southwest , with a chopping sea. Thu vessel was speeding at sixteen knots an hour. The day w as clear. Most ol the cabin p.issengcis wuru be-low. A gioup of salient , wcio on the -.par deck under what Is tech nically known as thc"turtlu back. " Moving aioiind among them wern seveial steerage- passongera who weie idly watching the hallois vve-avlng 'Sennet , " a material lor matting used tor sails. The hrst ollictrs was below. It was thn staiboaid watch and thu captain and second olllcei were on tlie deck , thelattei bein. ; on thu bridge. A Kolioonorjjost. W \ i r.m ow x , N. Y. , Dec. 2. An unknown hchnonci wcntashoro at 1:30 tills morning otl Stony cieck , about tlneu and a half miles from Woodville. Shu lays on the locks with wavus bieaklng ovei he-i and Is lajildly going to pieces. Three men and one woman are on board , 'Jlielife saving cicw at Big bandy station nas gone to attempt n lescue. Osvvnno , N , Y. , Dec. ' { . Word lias been re ceived hem tliat an unknown .schooner , thought to bo the Ariadne , has go no ashore In Mexico bay , about t\\enty-live miles utist ot heie , and that her eiew are In thu rigging. The vesKolrepoited ashoie In Mexico bay proves to bo thn Ariadne , Captain Mi-Kay , w ith a crew of live men , bound fiom Toronto to this port with a careo of Iniloy , When oil this harbor last night she lost her main mis t anil drifted down thu lake till 4 a m. to-day , when blui went nslioie. Thu captain was soon washed inviboml and drowned and during thu day two of the crew were Ho/en to death. Thn remaining three took to iho rlgglnir and were nenily perished vvlinn taken on. ' 1 heir recovery Is considcicd doubtluj , DonliliICallronil Calnslroilie. | SIIEV VMiovu , Pa. , .Ice. ! ! . Thomas Heildj , aged sixty-live , was Instantly killed and 1 Hugh McGlnnls , aged twenty-thiec , fatallv 1n tnjuicd at a late liom last evening on the Ashland branch ot the Lehlgli Vallev rail- load. Iteddywaa walking nlong the track and attempted to cro s a short bridge ahead ot an approaching train. When thcenglnecr saw Hciiilj ho sign died dow n brakes sharply and McGliincss' . who was a passenger , ujipro- bonding n collision , leaped troin thn tialn and j urn peel head foremost into a plln ot stones. The entlne struck Iteddy and threw him n distance of toity teet. Hu was liteless whin picked up. Fatality of a I'm lor Match. PnTfiWKO , Pa. , Dee. i. . The Commeiclal- Gazetto's Bollalro (0. ( ) special says : There was a terrible explosion of powder in the stoie of Kobert Hall , six miles west of here , this afternoon , fatally Injuring three and seriously bruising r 1 burning llvo others. The explosion was caused by some one step- plug ou a parlor watch that was lying on the fluor , when the spirk Icntted the powdnr in n keg and blow the whole end out of the store. Five men and two boys who were in the store were prostrated. Those fatally hurt were Hobcrl Hall , Jacob Weiss and George Williams. Tlio Klre Keconl. A\r.tt , Mass. , Dec. 2. A lar c two-story brick building and contents owned by Dacder & Co. , glue manufacturers , burned this mm nlng. The lire ) Is supposed to be of incendiary origin , because nt threats made aKalnst the company. Loss , 5110,000. Lovnojf , Dee. 2. Thlrtv men were In stantly killed by an explosion In thcLcmoic eollleiy In Duiliam to-day. 'Ihu anclcnl church of St. Mary Macda- lenn 1 In Kntitlitrlilcr street vvas partially burned ' to-day. ' 1 he same tire completely rte- stniyed lour wuchouw ! In the samestu-el. T.ital loss amounts to 100.0)0. ) HAS i SAiii.N'AW , Mich. , Dec. 0. Tlie house of Jesse btoi'ktord , in Taj mouth township. was binned last night. One child perished In the flames , and another was binned so bully that death ensuijd this morning. Slockford and his wlfo weio nlso badly burned. BnorKtov , Mass. , Deo. 2. About 10 o'clock to-night n tire was discovered in tlio shoo store ofO S. Sweel/er. in theoixra house block , nnd U spread rapidly. The tlio departments Iroin Stoughton. I' 1st Sloucrhton and Boston weio summoned Ihe bulldln ? Isot brick , about lOOxM ) feet and four htories In height. 'Ihe loss on building and contents is cli mated at S1G,000. AGAINhC TinTcO lSUSSlON. A Colclirntr-tl Hnllronil Cane Decltlrtl by IOVVII'H Suprciiic Court. DnsMutMis , la. , Dee , 1. [ Special Tele- Biam to the BKI.J The supiemo court Hind to day an opinion In thu celebrated Gtlddcn buggy case , which lias been pending tor some three years. Tliocat-o Is the one In which Major Anderson , now congies'snian- elect from the Klghth district , then railtoad commissioner , held that the Iowa commission could regulate freight charges between n point lu lllinis and a point In Iowa. A man In Gllddcn , la. , shipped a buggy by the Northwestern rallioid from Mouison , HI. Ho complained of the tariff as gieatei than the law allowed the load to chat go In Iowa. Anderson held that the commissioner had power over the matter nnd could u-giilatu the elnrgo belw ecu the Ivvo places , tiionch in different states. Commissioner Collln agieed with him and the two , a majority of the board , oidered Iho load lo reduce ils cluitics. It refused , and suit was brought In the lowei court , and a final decision has just been reached by the supreme court. It de cides azalnst the commissioners nnd holds that they have no power or contiol over the case cited which belongs to inter-state com- niotce and is subject only to congressional rugulition. The decision is legarded as very Impoit.uit , as it was In this pirtictil.ii ea e that Anderson t-ndeavoitd to makn political capital as an anti-monopolist , and his ad vocacy of this iheory was one of the means ho took to win the granger vote in his can didacy for congiess. The Trlnl or filiollonbcrccr. NI.HHASK v Ctrv , Neb. , Dee. 2. ( Special Telegiam to the Unr. ] After two days and a halt a jury was to-day noon obtained to try Leo Shellcnbeiirei , charged with Ihe min der ot his little girl Maggie. The following are the gentlemen selc-ctcd , all belnc far mers , except A. H. Hill , who Is In the giain business at Palmyra , Neb : H T. McJ'hei- sonT. B. Williams , A. P. Hartman , John Lonam , F. S. Mabel , B. F. Morgan. Charles ltoy.il. C. C. Muety , A. H. Hill , W. C. F.iles , Adolphus Smilh and Fied Hapn. Sovcial paitlcs , at piesent unknown , got out u liauil bill last night , and liad it distributed tlnoiighout the citv , i on which was piinted "Look out tel J. C. and F. T ; imiku short work ot them' By order of the committee. " As llm above are the initials ot Mr. Watson and Hansom lespectlvoly , who aiebliellenbcigei's l.iwyi-rs. Ills presumed that it was Intended to intimidate them foi m-iklngtheli cltorts In their client's behalf too sliong. 11 Is needless to say tliat WaNon and Hansom aie not made ot such stufl that would make them foi sake a client just be cause ot an excited public opinion which is adverse to their li list They intend toeil - ousij guard theli client as far as the law per mits ; and their profession goes , nnd If they should boallcctedin any way by the circula tion ot this dodgei } t would bu to nuku them woik hauler lei him. Pine Stoclc H .Msov CITV , la. , Dec. ' ' . JSpepial Tele gram to the Br.i : j The state association of fine stock bleeders , in session heio to-day , ailopted very strong resolutions on Ihe sub ject of wiping out cattle dlscises. ' 1 hey rail upon the national government to condemn and slaughter all cattle in the United Stales Infected with the toot and mouth disease 01 pleuio-pneuiuonia and pay lor the same out of the public trcisury. They also demand that the eongiesslonil delegation tiy to pie- vent the importation Horn any countiy to ( ids of animals so Infected , and they urge thu gov ei noi and state vctetlnaiian ot Iowa toexciciKo unusual vigilance to piovent the iiittoilHclion ot tlie contagion to Iowa ratlin liom the Infected niaikets , especially Chicago. icriju-stlng that no cattle c.us bo allowed to eoiiio Into the stito troin Chicago until thoi- oughly disinfected. Fills evening Ihe clll- /onsof .Mason City tcndcied the association n banquet , at which covers woie laid lot oOO people. Toasts were responded to by lead ing stock breeders of the stale , Including rnlted States Marshal Campbell. Judge Nourso of Des Molnes , Hallroad Commls- Hlonei Collln , Hon. J. B. Gilmicll , Hcmy Wallace , editor of the Homestead , and otheis , Thn Santa TC'H Movement. Foui MAIIISON , la. , Dei2. . | Special Tel- eiam totho BKI.I Oneof the attorneysot tno Alchlson , Topeka v Santa Fo lallvvay was bete to-day and pel tecteU airangements with the local company holding the chattel forabiidgo across the Mississippi to tiausfer Ilie same to the Santa Fe , woik to commence within slxtv days lor the oonstinotion of n lallvvay and wairou bildguacioss tlio river at this point. It is gencially thoiuht heio Dial the Santa I"e people am anangliiKto build an ah line lo Chicago liom Kansas Cltv by way ot Foil Madison and Ihe cltl/cns ate veiy jubilant. Xalu-nskn City Witti-ruorkn. NKIIKASKA Cm , Nep. , Dec. 2 [ Special Telegiam to the HKK.-'K. } A. Hudigei ar- lived in tuu city this morning from Chicago , and work on the waterworks will bo com menced to mnriow. Three eai loads oi plpo aie expected to arrive this evening. A Oonlliienlinl Thief. Cine AGO , Dec. 2. The Inter-Ocean , In a late edition , says that Allner T. Ames , the millionaire coal merchant , is the victim of Thcodoio S , Mi/o , Ills conhdentlal book- keepei nnd cashier and becretaiy oi the Chicago cage and Mlnonk Coal iCoku company , who perpetrated a lobbeiy that Is estimated at jjIOO.oooaiidniavoxcepdih.it. Ml/e , who is pne of the best known men In local business circles , nml u member of the Union Yeleran club [ -.ml Apollo club , has been In the employ of Ami's slnco IbTJ. Within a couple ot yeais fiom thu ilmu ho enteii-d Ames' em ploy , bo began iisy.stoniatleeourseof robbery , covering up his dishonesty by false entries and by other schemes. At lust Ids stealings weio comparatively small"but of Into years it is rumored his speculations frequently reaeliedl,000in n filn lo month. About a vvi'ek ago Ames discovered something wiong with iho money accounts and It is. Mid he taxed Ml/o with dlBlioiie-.lv Mi/o confessed his euilUmlaid ha had been lobbing his employci foi yeais. Ho Invced lot nieicy and piomist-d restitution so faras It lay within bis nowci. Slnrethcn all his propeity which could bo found , including a line house , has been tinned over to Ames. Ml/e could not bo found last night , but is be Heveeltobobtopplng with his fuihei. Ho sides the extiavaLvnt munnci in wldih 1m and bib wlfo lived , it isnsseited that Ml/oat various times supported thiee othei women on whom he lavished money. Thu lather and mother of Mio admitted tlie tiuth f some ol the chaises , but said the amount taken had b ° eu gieatiy exaggeiatpd. They said hi ) had overdrawn his account and when Ames tuturneU inmi Kuroin' , he con fessed aim turueu over his re-sldcnco to ( its OUR TREATY WITH JAPAN The President Proclaims the Document to the People at Large. WHAT ITS PROVISIONS ARE of Olwci Tor Which tlin Hotly of the OITciulcr O.in Be Dc- innmlt-il liy the Hluti Con tracting Pat-tics. lap nuil Yankee KxtrMilltlon. WASHINGTON , Dee. 1. The following is the proclamation of the president promnlcat- inc the cxtiadltlon tieaty with Japan , which was ratified altei being amended by the sen- atolasl June : A PnoriAMATiov Whereas. A Iteatv be tween the United btates of America and Iho emperor of Japan for tlie extradition of cilmlimls was concluded and signed at the city of 1'oklo on the 2Uth day of Api II , lb * , liich tieaty was umended by the senate ot ic United States , and being In thu hncltsh angu.ace. Is vvonl foi word ns follows : and Whuieas , By the tetms of said treaty , it ne- omes opctatlve sixty dajs altei exchange of atitlcatlons tlieioof : ami Whereas , Thn icspcctlve latltlcatlous ot lie same wcio exchanged in the city of I'okloon tlio 27th day ot September , IS G. Now , therefore , be It known tliat 1 , Gtovei 'luveland , president of tlio United States ot \merlca , have caused the said treaty to be nade public to the cud tliat the same and very article and clatisu thereof as amended nay be obscived and tulllllcd with good talth > y the United State-sand thn citl/ens theieof. n witness whercol 1 have hcicunto set my hand and caused the seal ol the United States to bo ultlxcd. Done at the City ot Washington , ISRAI , ] this third itay of November , in the yearof our Loidonu thousauil eight hundred and eighty-six , and or the liulepcndenreof tlie United States the one hundred and eleventh , Jy the ' resident : Gnovrn CI.KVLI.AND. T. F. BAYAHD , heciut.ary of State , sv SOP-IS or am : im\ri. The following is n synojisis ot the tieaty : I he high contracting parties enuage to do- Iver nji to each other , under the circum stances and conditions of Iho present tieaty ill persons who , being accused or convicted ot ono of the following crimes 01 offenses committed w Ithln the jui Isdlctlon of the one party , shall bo found within the jurisdiction of the other : 1. Minder and assault with In cut to commit tnuidci. 2. Counterfeiting-01 titeiing monej , oi titleilng or brincing into -Irculatlon counterfeit 01 altered money ; countPifnitinir cei tiricates or coupons of pub ic indebtedness , bank note's , or other Instiu- .uents of public eredll of cillici ot the par ties and tlio iitleianco oi circulation of the same. U. Foigeiy 01 altei lug and utlcriiig what Is forged 01 altered. 4. Lmnczrlement 01 eilmlnal nialvcisnlion of public funds committed within the jurisdiction ot either mrty by public olhceis or depositoilos. 5. Itobbery. 0. Bnrgkuy. 7. Act of cnteiing or of breaking nnd entoting an olllce of tlie government 01 the public authoiitics 01 of- ices of banks , trust companies , insurance or other companies with the Intent 10 commit n felony tlieie-in. K Perjury or subornation ol iicrrtiy. ! ' . H.ipe. 10. Arson. 11. Piracv ) y the law of nations. 1'i. .Murder , assault with intent to kill , and manslaiightei on Ihu lieh seas on boaiu ship bearing the flag of the demandinc country. 13 Malicious de- stitiction 01 attempt to destroy railvv ay trains , vessels , biidges , dwellincs , public cdlhces and other buildings , when the act injuies 'luman life. II any person demanded bo held for irlal n the country ot which the demand Is made , .1 shall be optional with the laller to grant the extradition or to proceed with the trial , provided that unless the trial be lei i-iimes for -which tlio fmrlttvo is demanded , Iho de-lav shall notpiwvcnt ultlmatu extradition. If it be made to appear that extradition is sought with a view totiialoi piiiilshineiu foi political olfenso , the suiiendei snail not take ! ) lace , noi shall anv poison sunendeicd be 'tied ' or punlshrd for a political oltense com- milled pilot to his extradition , or lor any offense otliei than that In respect of which the extradition Is granted. Neither ot the contracting parties shall bn bound to deliver up Its own citi/cns or subjects iindci the stip ulations of this convention , bill Ihey shall iiave power to dellvci them if deemed piopci. WITH OHDKltS. I'rciiililc 'llirentcncil on Eastern Heads Over Now Hulc" . Nt w YOIIK , Do2. . [ hpc'cial Telegiam to the BIL. : | Thu employes of the Philadel phia .t He.iding and Ji-isov Ceniral , with the dilli-rent divisions of the system , are in- e.xeitcdovei ciicul.ar notices , which liavo been sent to them individually. Theic is widespread dissatisfaction among thu men in consequence , as the notices aio regaidcd as arbltiaiy and eipricssive. 'Iho clrculais st.it that all quarterly passes are to bete tinned nt once , as none ol them are itood alter November. ; * ) , JbsG ; bC'cond , that no em- ploje will be allowed to ildo fiee after No veinbei M ; thud , thai no employe will hereaftei be allowed to .live at a distance fiom his place of woik except by cpcelal pei- mlssion Horn thu hcid ol his department or the division supeilntundent ; fourth , when such special peimisslon Is given , a special rate season ticket , coveilngthnncces- s.uy dally travel of each emplovc , may be ob- lalncd iindet the tegular ones issue I by the geiieial passenger and ticket agent ; tilth , the special late will bo one-halt thai of tegular tea'-on tickets , good only b'tween plares of residence nuil vvoik ; sixth , in case an em ploy o leaves his place ot woik , his ticket must bo routined to the olllcti and will bo le- deuiued. The older nnpllus to i-vc-iy nnn In the employ ot tlio ro ids In the system , in cluding cleiks , englneeis , conductois , trainmen - men and all kinds ol mcchanlch , even to la borers. Tliu oidersaiu considered a great iiaidshlpbv the men , nnny of whom are poorly paid and llvo In subuilnn villages along the roads. They cannot utlord tony \ ientsin cities. Those whoobtalu special latcs havi-aboul JrlO lo felft per month added to theli expenses. U Is claimed tlie orders are unusual and thnt no otliei i ail road In Ihu country enfoiccs himllariulcs. ' 1 liolndlgn i- tlon among the men Is very htrongand tiou- bio Is teaied. The englneeis , It is feared , have deleniiineil to call ujxin their orde-r ot loco motives engineers to uld them. The othei employes of the roads aii ) Knights of Labor anil aie said to have called meetings ot their local assemblies in Jursuy Cllv u > ditciiss Iho situation. The leqiiheimmtiorall emplovi-B to ilvo near their woik Isdeemed an invasion ot theli rights and arbitrary and unjust. Thu omjiloyes iicneinlly lefused to talk about the eiiciilius with outsiduis. They discussed the mattir among themselves and have agieed to abide by Ihuactlon ot their oig.mi/atlons. Another llnlliutul lu Omulm. IMH\NAI-OI is , Dee 2. ( Special I'elegram to the UKI : J Airangements havobeon made this week lor the speedy ic-Ieaso ot the In dianapolis , Ueoatur & Spiinglleld lailioad liom the hands of the iccelver through foio- closuio sale , As soon as Tiusteo Ashurst diaws up a di'ciee It will bo approved by the com land thedato of sale lixud. AVhen the load is again jdaeed in the hands of Its owneislt will soon become a link in an Im- iioiUnt line liom Indianapolis to Omaha , prellmin.uy airangements for which imi neatly completed. Tno lli.o as proposed will bonboutas follows ; From Indianapolis to Di'C.itm , 1W nillus ; Dfcatur lo O.ulncv. 151 miles ; ( Jiilncy to Trenton , l l miles ; Uren- ton to Maryvlllo , by the \ \ abash , to bo built and connuct with thu Wabaih liom tit. Louis to Omaha , twenty-six mileMaiyvillo ; by thn W.ibash to Oninlm , l-M miles : total 5.0 miles. The otiincy , Missouri t Pacillo division fiom oitincv to 'Ficnton , lately released by the Wab lib , has been purchased bv the Indian apolis , Decatm A , Sjirlngtleld lor fcS.oeXi.OW , hall e > f which has been paid. Mi-Sbis. Ham- inond Cravvfoul say twenty-six miles of rovt to bo built will bo comjileted piobably by the time the Indtanajiolls , Decatnr M bprint'lleld is.released fiom litigation. Tlio Vatican'a Knvoy. Itoiir , Dec. a. MonslfiiiotStranleio 1ms been appointed special envoy of the Vatican in London , IS IT Doc Wilson's Giont Hovclntlon Kc- llevcil to Ho Untrue. I'uovinrvcfJJ. L , Deo. 0. "Doc" Levl Wilson \ was seen at the ofllcoof his coun el thlsmoinlng. t Ho appealed pale and hag gard tI , Wilson said his alleged mother lived In I Kast I'hompson.Conn. , and his two sisters In I Birmingham and Ansonla. Wilson stated that the story as published Is tine , ami lhat Moon's statement Is fiil o in nearly every particular. "Mocn , " Wilson said , "knows that 1 am his son. He is an admitted per jurer. " 'llnxihlrs and alt the evidence col lectcd to dav contradict the sensational storv tcleginphed from Providence last night that "Doc" Wilson Is a son ot Philip L. Mocn. Wilson , by his own stilcmcntand that of his lilomK cannot be moio than thirty-one oi thlitv-two yeam old. Moon was lirst in.it rlcd in 184is foity > cars ngo , and h s mat wife died before Wilson wasbotn. jhosu dates alone coiittadlct the stoiv. I rlcinls and lifelong trsli'.unts \\orcester say the story Is Impossllde. Miss Simpson , an need nuisp , who had known Moen slnco his twentv-tlr t > ear. and his lirit wife slneo her twelfth jeai , and liad mused both ot Moen s wives , contradicted the story as Impossible. George S. Hohbs. ot Mrlde , at one time counsel for Lev I Wilson , asked tonlirlitvlmt dependence- could be placed on vMlsons stoiy conceinlngthe letters and papers In his safe. He sild : "I emphatically deny the vholo tldnp. Fiom beginning to end It is also and on a pai w Itii other palpable lies old bv Lev I WlNon. Thn only documents have liad nt now hold with his name upon .lem consist of deeas of propoity and In vhlch transactions 1 acted as attor- icy. Wilson is an Imeteia'e llm. " * lobbs hciouavothealleged secret ol \\ll8iiii s .iicccssful . blackmailing scheme. Nothing hat Moon had said or done of a criminal na- nrowasknown to Wilson. 1 lobbs was led o believe that Wilson chimed to have seen loen's son In the commission of a flagrant llense , the details ot which cannot bo pub- Ished. Hut the son , when he learned of Wilson's assertion , had dun I ad that bo was .tulltv , and Moen'n own declaration , made mder oath , would indicate that he Had as- lertalned that Wilson had lied. , , , , . , , UOBTOV , Dec. 2. Commissioner Hallett , of he United St itcs court , has infused to Issue warrant against Philip Mocn for pcijury n complaint of Lev I Wilson. WoncT.sTKit , Mass , Dec. 2. The records .1 the laws of Oxfoid , Mass. , show that Li-yl iVIlson was born there on December 1 , lev en months after Mrs. Moen died. JONES ON Wtmt tlie Clinlnnaii of the National Committee Has to Say PmsniMMi , PH. . Dec. 2. In his letter to .he Uoston lleiald fpilntod lu jestcidav'b Bi.KJ ex-Secretary Chandloi Bald : "After ho presidential election the chaliman of he national committee was Indis reel enough. In n published Interview , to mputo to President Arthur and the mombeis t his cabinet a want of fidelity and /eal in he canvass. This chaico was baseless , and was so declared by mo at the lime. All pos- le and appropriate assistance was ren- Jeicd. It could not have beenexpectcdth.it kvo should biipeicedo the chairman or do Ills tvork , although it would have been better If some one had done so. " A icpoitcr of the illsburg Commerclal-Oa etle called upon U , F. Jones , ciialrmau ot the natioh.il commit- ee , and asUed him what ho had to say in re- , ily to this paragraph. Jones said : "llm statements made by mo In the Interview which Chandlet reterred to 1 thenconsld cted necessary and piopcr lo njake , and now. as then , know them to bo Uuo. Tno purport of the o statements was that If Arthur and the members ot his cabinet , with a few exceptions , had beun as loyal to lilalnc , as Hl.ilne would have been to Aitliur had the lattet been nominated , litaino would have been president , So tar as Chandlers jefcreiico to me , peisonally , is concei ned. 1 do not feel called upon to de fend myself. L have no Hsto for , nor do [ see anv present occasion lor. a discunsion as to political methods with ono whoso plans and pioposals during Hie brief intercourse I had with him in the camp ilgn of Ibisl weio not such as to commend liiiu to those having the success ot the lepublican pirty at he.ut. Ills criticisms at that time ol the men then most prominent In the inity do not stem to me quite consistent with his present expies- sionsot regie ! in ic-gaid to the bid feeling between public men , 1 would not like lo leel called upon to make public the ( acts upon which my opinion of Chandler is based. " Union J'acillc hobby Nrw YOIIK , Dec. 2 ( Special Telegram to the UKE.J Tlie Woild's Washington spccla" sajs : Tlio Union P.icilic railroad lobby ! ' confident this jeai that it will be able to cairy its funding bill throusli congiess. If will enlarge upon the influence ot the Intci lor deputment , which has already been secured cured In luvoi of this inoasute. The lobb > has tried to get lavoiablo action In the presi dent's message , but have thus far failed Secretailes Maiinini ; and Whitney aio op posed to the letiinding scheme. His no probable that anything will hi- said about i in the messateTheio Is no probabllitv o the funding bill beini. pissed tills wintci. is.pringei and tlolman will lilllDiistoi da > in and day out latlicr than have this mcv.suro toicoil tlnougli without discussion , and any tliliiL' like lair discussion will cortalnly Ml it. Handall Is also opposed to the mcasuic. Siminl Service a \Vv5in\n \ io.Dec. . 2. OcneialV. . ! ! Ha/en , chief signal olllcer , has submitted lo ihosecrctaiv of vvai , with a lequesl forap prov.il and lecommendation , a hill prov Itllnt. for the reoigani/ation of the signal service and Its incorporation as a tegular Inn can o the war depaitmont , having charge of weathei predlclions , tuiny j.l.riialliiiK and 'iiiilntt-nancu , and the icpalr of army tele- grapli lines. The bill piovlde-i tnat the bu- 10.111 shall consist ot one cliiet signal ofllcer , with the lank of hi igadlei geneial , and men enlisted lot 1'oui ji'.us and classlliedas Iwen- ty-livohrst class hcrgeants , at fel.iiOO ; lifty scroiid class Bcigcants , at SUOO : lifly-livc third class servants , at P1.3JO : thlrtv cor porals , al Sl.'JOO : 1W privates , attl,100 , and liO pilvates , at IOUU. Jntornal Itcvcnuo WASIIINOIOV. Dec. JJ. The total lecolpts from Internal icvenno during thu lir t font months of the present lisca ! jear weroS-h- , SI.OoO , an increase ot $1,1 ( ,000 ab eompaied with the iccelpts dining tliu corresponding period last je-ir. There was n decrease ot $2,711.000 In the collections from fcphlts , an Incie.iseof S.XW.OOO from tobacco , an Increase ot ? b75OUOfiom fcimcnted wines , nnd an In crease ot P77.COJ on miscellaneous items. Commlhslonei Miller said yesteidav that the lecclpts for the niesent hscal joar will be about 51,000,000 [ n excess ot HIM lecelpts for last jeai , notwithstanding the lai/o di > - cicaso shown lor collection ! ) In the Hist ( juaiter , _ A ralhnr'H Horrible PiiH.\i > iirnu : , Doc. 2. Alice Hughes , aged twelve and one-half years , livliu in Franklin township , ( iloustei , N , J. , became the mother on Monday of a iumalo Infant weighing eight pounds , the father ol which Is the u'irl's own father , IJenrv Hughes , a laboring man. Investigation reveals the fact that the father had committed the same crime upon in older daughter three jeam ago. lioth children are still living. .No action bab been taken bv the antlioriliesi Tluce oldet d.uighleis of Hughes' were compelled Illicit or fein } ears ago to leave home on account ol impioppi conduct on the putt ot then patent. _ The l ass iiK < T root. CiiirAoe > , Dee. 2. Uepresentalhes of tlio lines fro-n Chicago to Hie northwest met line to-day to be In the work ot forming a pis- sengerpool on competitive business. Ad journment Man taken until tomoiiovv. Theie being thieo new lines to St. Paul , con- hideiablodembtMXlfitsasto wlitther thu niaii- asers ; will be able to conclliaU ! all interests fcuiticlenlly to set tlio uoul in w < ui-jiiB' order , A CRASH IN MINING SHARES San Francisco's Big Day in Spacttlation Knocked in tlio Ilcntl , LARGE FORTUNES SWEPT AWAY After Dlnnotcr Cnst n Gloom Oxer HillKnnt Prospects to He- nllzo liniiicuBO PiolltB A Sudden Collapse1. Pine Street Pnriilyrpcl. SAN FttAv cis < ; o. Dec. 'i [ Special Tele gram to tliu HKK. ] Tlio excitement which irovalled today In mining slmies lias not > eon oanalled since 1S7A Old stock specif atoiswho thought tlio glory of the golden state had ilcp.uicit with tlio new constitution > raccd up and looked on with amarcmont at lie ctowds that besieged Hie brokers' olllces. J'lio fact that Consolidated \ Irglnla hid reached ncailv to scorned only to whet tliclr appetite to get more and inoro Tlio prtulont ones told them the tldo was about to tiun. They only laughed In tholi faces ami said : "No ; It's Rood lor a hnndird. ' ' When the mm nine uoird opuncd Ophlrwas senttoIilK , the highest price reached slnco the blgblerra Nev.ula deal , when It sold for an even 100. Gould it Curiy , not to be out done , went to it : f , and then Consolidated Virginia , which closed last night at 4f" , opened nt fti At this moment m cry thing [ loomed. Portnncscio to bo hud for the asking of thoin. The session , however , had hardly closed when thu news arrived troin Virginia that the Frankels had gone no for a million. Tills was a staggerer nmj n,0 , wcaj | ouoswont oir. Hardly had they reroveicd fiom the blow when thounnonncement was made that 11. 0. Hooker , oneot the staunches ! bioUcnt of Pine street , mid son-in-law of ex-Senator Stewart , of Nevada , had pulled down his blinds with liabilities running up In the hundreds of thousands. Had this latter announcement been quickly fol lowed by another of an equally giavc character , the result would have been n irciieial M.unpede all along tnc line , bringing iiiln to man y. Fortunately none took pl.ico and those who were play Ing for tlioir all were given a minutes' breathing time betoro the worst overtook them. Owing to these failures , the San Fiauclsco boaul lusolvednot to hold any session at 11 : : iO , but to have the next ono at 'J p. in. Tills was to allow biokers to omhanl their books and give them a chance to sco .vheio they stood. When the second session opened , Consolidated Virginia dropped to42. riho news was quickly communicated to the street , and for n second time during the day : x sei ious panic seemed Imminent. The agony was rendered still moie acute when tuu announcement went forth that Gtccne- Irunn A. Straus-j had suspended for nearly n million , They were correspondents ofi Frankel , of Viiginla , wlioso lalluru had been announced In the iiioining.Vhen , on tenet ot all this , It was publidy stated that two othei niomlucnt speculators K. F. Morrow. and Main ice Schmidt had eono under , It was geneially belle\ed that the beginning of. the end liad come , and things weio by no means Imptovcd when it was teamed that Coiibolidatcd Virginia , after lallj Ing u point , had closed at10 , the lowest toiii-lied during ; the day. The statements that Morrow anil Schmidt aio embarrassed are positively denied , and as far as can bo learned the liabilities of each have been piomptly met , rirst C.-iuco ofllic I'.inlc. AriitoiM.Nev , Dee. 2. L. B. Fiankcl & Co. , the oldest mining stock him in this state , failed this moining. Liabilities , SU50- 000. The cicdltors include many ol the most prominent shaioholdcrs In the Comstock mine , 'llm following are the heaviest losers : S. L. Jones , Mipciintendcnt of Clown l'omt& Belchi-i , S-01,000 ; Cenei.il Keating , supcrin- tendent of .Savage t Halo and Noicros < ? mines. MO.OOO ; K. 1) ) . Bovlo of Alia mine. t'-JO.OOU. The list includes a number oleiksol mines and a number ot Indies. L. 11. Fi.uikcl , tliCM'jiior paitnci , tetlicd lioni business sev ei.d yoaisogo. Jlu Isiopoiled to bo a niilllon.ilie , .ind as ho still holds an in terest In the nun llm cieilitors hope to ic- cover a poition of Iheh los-es. ' 1 lin thrco youncct biothors. noti\o members , lied eaily tills moaning. They aie said to hi > o secured a large loituno by ictilningcvoiy tent de posited with them since the rise In mining shaies bccan. Theli business wasenoimoiH , tlio receipts being about ? COOJO a day. ( Jie.it excitement prevail" over llm suspension and It the tlnce mcmbi'is of the linn had not getaway away unpleasant consequences might have lesulted. _ _ _ The Bookkeeper Gave II Awny. Ni.vv Yoiih , Doc. 2. Judge Donahue , oC the supicmo couit , granted attachments against the property of Anton Hives of M ) Llspenaid sheet , who was ancstcd last night on the complaint of his loimcr book keeper. milord Kemp. Kemp chaiges that Hives ordeicd him , as bnokkecpci , to change the account ol thu business hoa $ to show assets to tlio amount ot S' ' 00,000. when In reality lhe | i- was enl ) SS.OOO worth. ICemp alleges that this was done with Intent to obtain S.Wi ooo Insui.inco bj fccttins the place on the. Kemp v\as to iecel\o SJI.OJO foi the jnb , anil he cUlms that the Insurance nil- justei was | ) ald S-,009to ) gi\o a favoinblo It'JIOlt. ] ; inlarriHHiii ; < MitH. liic inioMra , Dec. 3. Thu riimoi of tlio f.iiluieot Cirdo/o A : Co , ictall diygooils meichaiitrt. was in chrnUtlon last nlglil. Iii- vestig.itlon pio\cs that II , I' . LJOIIH. Junior member of the Hi in , Is in .Now Vork neiro- tUitinu lor n r < 0-pcr tent i ompiomlso with thn ( icdilors. Xoileedot assignment has he on tiled here , and Cirdo/a si\.s none will be , 'ihu assets aic SW.OOO ; liabilities % ( J3,030. Hpnin anil Culm. [ Cdj/i ] talit JW , luiJmiifK aoiiinn Henntlt.1 i MADIIID , Die. 2. [ New York lleiald Cable .Special to the liu1. ] In ii'plj to several senators the mlnlstet of thu colonies announced that 1m would soon ask the queen recent to sign a decree legul.itlng and eneoiirat'lng fieo Immlgiatlon to the West Indies. He also would carefully examine the petition lioni the I'hUippIno Isl.iniU asking foi mc.ismes to chock the Chlncsa Immlgiatlon to .Manila , but the gONeinment must treat with luudenceso dellc.ito an In tel national question , The mlnlstfi dedared no could not lecluto the Impoit duties Sp.ilu Inllltts on her own West Indian gnc.irs , bpcauso tlie tieasuiy could not afford to lese the lovunno ot b.000,000 pis.itas , noi rould tlio blithely neglect the Interests ol thoponln- sulai suuai growers. Ihu u.il lemcdy for Cuba would bo found In the Improved trade by the tiealj whlth the government hojicd to make soon with America , Ooi inn n ) 'N .Sm/il / Do IIIOIIR tuition. Iti ni is.JJcc. " . The T.irjbl.ist states that the proposed ( it limn naval dumonstiutlonat : Xtn/ibti li.i- , the assent of Knglaiid. Tluoo L'linbotts.ind the Iroiulail liism.urk will par- ticipatii. ' 1 ho suit in ol /.in/ili. ir will bo waincd that the ( Itiiioiibtiaiiun pioccdes ae- tivo ieprls.il- hu cunlinuus lib antl-t'i- ( ! man ' 1 IMS SHiciiio I'cll 'I' Hi cjiAiii.ii , Die. 2Tint now plot form * V nla ed IK' jo Novciuhei " ' > b > Hnsslan nil iiL'ii" * from llulg.iiia , hoided b > X.inkoll , , iud having lei its uvovud object Ihu ovvi- thidvv ol the Jiuluanan reginey and thu fomenting ot , i luvoliition , hiii pioved aboi- tlvo. llii > biaicfusud to Jiirnbh any money foi thu purpose. in rj'iiiiutn | , Die. ' , ' . Advices from Hanoi , the v\ \ iapit.il oi ioiiqiiln , bt.ito that pirates nt ll.tnUI iiioxvicied tv\u luUviirtters and \i sordid s , \