Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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Advcrt'lVrmontB , < lcr liU lic-.l. 10 cents per
line lor Iho first Insertion , .ccnt * for cnc1' "lb-
icquptit Insertion , nncl tl.M R i. opoMnontn
No advertisement taken for IC-M than * cent
for tlio DrM Insertion. Poreu words will be
counted to tlio lines they must run consocu-
lively nrul must lie paid in advance. All adver
tisements mu t bo handed In tioforo S o'clock
p.m..iind under no clrcumMnnees will thcj betaken
taken or discontinued by telephone.
I'fir tits mhcrtlMnz In these columns nnd hir
ing Iho fttiswrruuMroMcd In cnte of TIIR
Kill tilcaso fitk for n check loonnhlo thorn to pot
their letter ; , as none " 111 bf delivered except
on presentation of check. All answers to ad
vertisements should be enclosed In onvflono. ' .
OANB H/KO to $ .M.wn H | ocml rntnsf or few
1 days. Slowart St Co. , room 3 , Iron bank
$ lVOiXto ) loan on farms and Improved city
property nt lowest rate . llsrimlm In Heal
F.stnto 111 Omnlmiind Connell HlufTs. U.lrll llros
A Co. , cor. l.Mli nnd llnrnoy ns. 46B 3
M > IJY to lonn by tlio Homo I'lro Insurance
coinpimv mi unfncumtiored runlostnlo , for
onoyearorlnniftr. Olllco 1515 Doiiglnst nt. . ' 137
TVTONIIV to loan , cash on nnndt no delay. J.
\ i W and i : . I , . B < iiilie , 141IJ rurnam su , I'm-
ton hotel building. fc23
rpo LOAN Money I.oaiis plnced on Ijn-
proved renl oitnto In city or county for
now Knglnnd I.onn > t Trust Co. , by Uotm1 '
County bnnk. Kth nnd Chicago sis , 8ii :
Gl'HHCtlNT money to oixn ; onsy torms.V. .
M. lUrrle , HoomO , Tron/er Illk. , opp. I' . O.
451 Dee 2'
MONKYTO LOAN At low rates , on geiod
city piuicrly. | Haulier .V Co.,1210 Doimlita
street. ? 'JJ > _
MONKV to lonn on city nnd farm property ,
low rules , Slounrl & Co. , Itoom n. Iron
iJnnk. RBI
M ONBV TO 1.OAN-AI reasonable rates , on
furniture , line watehoi nnd other personal
property. r..I. C mvoll , room 1 ! ) Iron Hnnk
building 12lh - . VW
, andJKm-nam. _ | _
$ 3OOO ( ) to limn. Sums J500 nnd upwards ,
Lowest rate' . Hemls , 15th nnd Doticlni sis.
aM _ _ '
M ONKTO I.OAN-O. F. Davis i Co. Item ]
Estate and Loan Agents 1DO. " > Fnrtmm st ,
roNHV TO l.OAN-On real estate nnd out-
L tola. D. U Thomas. 600
MOSKV TO MAN-tnsums of * 2,0i ) ami
upwards on flrat-clam real ostiito security.
Potter * Cobli , 1615 Turiuim st. f > W
MONKV MIANKU nt C. K Kco.l . .t Co'S-IJoan
olllcfl , on furniture , plnnos , horncs-waeons ,
personal property of all kinds , nnd all other nr-
tlelpsof value , without removal. 319 8. l.'lth ,
ovrr HlnKhnm'8 Commission storo. All b
nessBtrlctly tonlldontlni. 59S
'IvroNHV If you bavoKood notes to sell , or
lil wish to hoi i ( iw on n-al ctnto < > r chattel1 ?
t fiilrlnti'i-ost , cull onJ. II. Parrotto , loth nnd
d'00,000 TolonnonOmntm city property ntd
* P percent. O. W. Day. ever 11112 Douprlnsgt.
TOANS l.o mis Loans.
Honl OP tat u loans.
Collateii nllonns.
Chnttcl loans.
IxiUKtlmo loans.
Klioit tl mo Ion no.
Jloncy nlwayu on hand o loan on nnr ap
proved security.
InvfStmrntsocurltlpBbought and fold.
Omntin Vlnanvlnl exchange , 150J rarnatn.
Corbett Mimatrer. C01
Ol'KK onXT Money to oan. J. J. Mahonny ,
150U runnun. 0 2
MONKV to loan by tlio undersigned , who has
the only properly oiKaul/od loan niconcy
InOmahn. I iaus of $10 to 11,000 tnndo on fur-
nlturi ) . pianos , organs , horees , wajrons , machin
ery , A'c. , without romofnl. No delays. All
buftlnoss Btrlntly contldontlal. Loans so made
that any part cnn bo paid at any time , each pay
ment reducing the copt pro ratn. Advances
made on flno watches nnd diamonds. Persons
nhould cnrofully consider who thcr nro doallnir
with , as mimy now coucerni are flnlly comlnit
Into oilstcnce. Should you need money , call
nnd neo me. W. R. Croft , HOOID 4 , Wlthncll
i : , IKth nnd Hnrnoy. Oo'l
FOU SAIn-Tlit > well known Union hotolln
Superior , tins n good paying exclusive
C'omuiorclal Irndu ; heiitud by Hteniii ; ono block
from It II. depot. Three more If. It.'x to como
Into town Insldo of n few montliN , huro Is n liltf
ImrKidn for the riKht man. Address to the
proprietor , C. Salmor , Superior , Nob. 075 4
nA need locution for
JJerocltory nnd queen's wuio store , Innulre nt
A Dormiin. CU7 S. 13th str. &S3
WANTKiT-Tnitiior for one of the best bak-
orloa In the 'ity ; references rofjulred.
Address A 8 , lice otllcc. IKfl 2 *
TT10II 8A1.K Ono of the best pnylnw lunch
L countorH and chop IIOUROS In the city , cheap
forvnsli If soldnt once. C. S. Jluucbott. i :
2IB 1
ITIOK SAM5 WiOl established business , In ono
JL1 of tno bolt biiBliiofs points in northwest
ern NnbriiBkn , situated nt Ilrokon How , Custor
county. Noli. ; stock consisting of dry goods ,
cleitlung , boon and shoo1 ; ; will show up good
record of Inislni1 ? . Reasons feucelling will bo
irivon by nddrosilng lock-box 71 , JlroKou How ,
UtiBtcr county , Net ) . KJ7
HAI/I2 Htoro and stock ot ccncril in or
chnmllse In n town near Omalm , will take ]
art pnyniont olty real estate' . Address A U ,
iooolliao. 1142 *
"ITIOK HAI.I Ono eif the be > st retail ( jrocory
-I. stores In Omaha , Inrolou about fr.OM.
Itoom a , lb ± 2 DoiiKlns nt. 6C7 : i
TTIOK SA fU I'Irst-ols BH billiard room In ifooel
i1 location , conialiiliitf thrco billiard and two
po < il tables ; two yours' le'abo on room ; eivery-
thine In llrst'Class condition Tor paitlculnifi
nnd reasons forselllni ! , Iiuiulro at or nddreR No.
i iiuii hi , 4sa
7 ? OH HALi-Init ) | store nnd ILvlurrs , dolu
I1 Roeiil biiilnnn , sntlsfnctory ronsoiiM t-'lven
Apply to T&l , lie > o Olllco. 4C'J ; !
rillli : ndvortlscr would Ilka lo associate him
J. he'lt with a partner of soiuo means , fl.iK )
to ! . " > , ,0 ; 11 ml olass jobbing nuslnoas , KooiL
piolll , but reiiulros moio cnpltul ; liuslnus * not
icprctontcd In Omnhn. An A 1 opportunity tea
a llvo , acllvo man with food locord. Can Klvo
thu host rufcrnnnps and Bliiill ro'iulio ' same
Aeldre < S4T47 , llooolllcc , nil
ITIOK KXCHANUK-Morchnndlso feir Im-
1- ' proved farm nnd \ \ lid land. U. J. CiiMwcll
loom 11) ) , Iron bank. IU1 7
A NTlTu-l 'AUTNKIt-Lndy or irentlcman
with bin nil ciipltal. to laKe linlr lntore t It
r&tnbllshed , purmanont , flrat class city l.ush
ni'ps.piiymir f2il < JO to Jl.OOi ) yonrly ; iroml ren
KOIIS tor BullliijiKrnud ; chiiniio for rlflit party
Address tits , live olllce. TO 4
OItSAIl-.Onoof tlio best paying hotels It
this city , nuiKltur money fust. llcst o
fl for selhuir. I - ' / > ' * ) cash i oqulrod to po
trt l'"rn"m Bt- 805
8AIi : IUidwnie llusiness- offer
our dliolf and hoitvy hnnlwnro business for
ulc , touother with our lease arm good will
'I'rnilo lareost'ln the city nnd location thu best
Itetlrlnjr from tlio business raiie for soiling
The Ilaum Hurdmire Co , , 10 8 O Bt. , Lincoln.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ COB
H Ielisr.S 1,015 , Kiiriim. I JinOs money loanr.i
Ilomts , Icith nnd IJoitKlns ( troots. 594
I (1ST A tlme-tiooli , on Mondiy , Novembe
JJ. bct 'i > on 8:1S : and 4-15 p. m , , on Soutl
l.lihsl.iln K'locory store mm boutli eif \\iii
KolbyVfouth Omaha mrat market or betireei
there nnd VlntonM. Tliollndorwill (10 ( sultahly
regarded for leiurnlna tlio eaiuiat Honll
Omulni must tnnrkvl , 6'j l >
( ) . In lhe > iiostolllct1 , nt il o'clock this morn.
-1 Inir , n liiincli of Keys. 1'indvr ruluiu to lire
ol'lco iitid claim roward. "yj
KOUM ) .
"IJWI'NO-lly 1'lillip llcrtzinnti , IMuketbook ,
. .1I'rldayDII llHioupou St. boi.l th nnd IVth ;
owiU'i4 I-HII liftvo tfumo by I'ulll.if HI lleo eiillot.
MB-1 *
Clairvoyant ,
\f IIS. It II. IIOOl'KII- l'yciieiiictrlJlcl lrvoy.
IU ant , trance and hnulliiir m diuui , lias returned -
turned and Is now rvudy lor bu > > Ine s at
Norlhuest cor , "Olh uud Cain t . Also publlo
teeanccs 'I'liursday uud Suu < 2ny ovenlnt : ' .
AI.APICA rovonli past .
JIL luture , how many In family , nto , ot : , , how
to hold iitieuionjof husbsnd urlorei' . butla-
fKftiuu gukianlcod. U uenti Mid upitarttj. 613
. . . . . . - . .
( .QJ
_ K doCnripl'8 School of Muslo
and Voice Cultuio.lil 1 N , l lh St. . room 0.
eOl Deeifi'
lIIPONAI1'ntnllles ! ore
i country butter for lliwlr own UMirauinuke
nirnnguiiionn to have Brtifle-dollv.'rcii In Omaha
or Council llliiflT * Hi le < tUsn store prlco by
raimifon ornJdre lngnut later than U'liurs-
elar , " ' > > ) Country U nih.ut , Cctivin uoltl ,
v her * ticlplcs Ciil bo fcftcu. OH 1
PE SONAI/-lr Mr. O'NIel. who called at
O I'onnhoo .Vherfy's Ian week , will call
ngnln.ho will hoar of Eomctldntf to Interest fum.
C4i a
I ) lniSOS"AI/-Mrs. Tip. Nnnnts V.Vnrren
clairvoyant. MHIcnl nnd buclness Mrdlum
Itoom No. 3,121 North ICth it , Omiihit , Neb.
i.v" Vfho wants lo cell n cheap lot
ATrrvTl n n. " . " valued at $ I.VI ns part
( * * * * TA
| | | ) 1 1'ftn
pnymont ? llcltcr & tn-uj' 'l'i ' o < > " > ' <
'nriinm st.
IF YOP hnvo n peed morlirniio nr note lo ai "
count see Mend & Jnmloson , 818 S ISth st.
& 71
A1TKNI ) the prcat "Hod Letter Salo" of
Clot lilii ? . Oe-nts' FitrnlMilniM , Huts nnd
'nps tor Pi dnj s only nt the only ( lanoiln Store ,
10 N , inth st , , bot. California nnd Wonner
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
aiimVrilAM-ln ton lo. oni. No iiadlnp.
J no | H ) ltion , rnpld ni speech Send
or trial lesson. II , M I'oniln , Detroit. Mich.
IF YOU Imwi n good tnortitnze or nntn to dis
count see Mead&.lnmloson , 819S 15th st.
| 671
_ _ _ _
11rYor nnvn n ( rood niort nio or note lo dis
count see Mend & Jnmlcson , 818 S 15th st.
_ _ _
ITIOUItUNT Organs , 13 per month , rieippo ,
OJ 3513 KouclfU. C09
Tnoit'ltUNT Hquaro Piano , ! ! niorith Ir A
JL1 Hospo , 151H I > ouirli : < < . U10
"I7IOK HUNT square 1'lnno * monttily.
-L1 Hospo. 1513 Doilidns. fill
T7IOU HAM : Furnlluro and leii o of hotel ,
-L' Address llyder lioiisc.Stromsburg , Neb ,
074 B *
rpOH SAM : A Gom-sollor ! cheap. Address
1 ? A 10 , Iloo olllce. C.8 ! i *
IPoh 8AM : Fiirnlliiro , c rpct . stoves , &c. ,
" of a sit roomed cottage , for Rnlo with prl II-
i-go of rent , Apply nt I6l8 Calllornia Si.C3J
C3J 2
FOH SAM ? Vounir family horse nnd phno-
lonicho.ip1 Address A ID , lleo olflco , fl."J 3 *
1011 .SAM--A ! pool table , IS balls. Iiuiulro
j-'tOI OliniltlKRJj. HiTi J
HOIIbll' * t.oti.rannst.ancls money loaned.
Hem Is lotli nnd DoitKlas streets , r > 9l
"iriOH HAI.U-FIno rend horse , with new
-L nnd harness , cost fli" > : must ho sold at
once , reKiirdlcfS of value. Iiuiulro ut 1405 Doug
las bt , SS4
stn Furiilitiro and leai > o ol fit-room
house , time on part. Call 1SOJ North -7th
ft reel , two blocks from lied Car line. fc'J-1
Foit SAIK Cnoap. iron columns ind win
dow caps suitable for front on brick build *
Ing. Forparlleiilarsnpply at thtiolllce. 811
WANTKD-2 good Itililters who bus hnd e-.v-
perlcnco In kuittltik' mnchlnii. No other
should cull. Tall ou.lot. F. Illl170'JSl ' Mnry's
ave , Omalm National Knitting Factory.
017 4 *
WAINTKI ) First class COOK nnd sosonil gin
nt 11211'lerco. I'rofor Americans
oi : 1 *
WANTHD A competent eirvnnt nblo to
cook , with roferunces. Apply li-l ! St.
Mnry'a nvo. 076 1 *
\17ANTlTn Olrl for Rcnernl housuw.irk.small
family 1906 Farnnm st. CM 3
WANTKU Ooexljrlrl for Koncrnl housowork.
V > Apply n w. cor. 20tU and Cuinlug st. Mrs.
Hill. 0108 *
V\rANTKI > Young girl to do housework In n
> Biuiill family , 1201 Hownrd si. B71 8-
- . ono who cnn wait
WANTED-Cliniiibermnld. ; 710 SoutliIltli _
WANT15D-A ( teed Klrl for ecnornl house-
woik. Apply S. C. cor. 23d mid Hartley.
G43 *
WAN'J'ii : A irooil Klrl for ganornl house
work in n Inmlly eif thioc ; Uormiuipro.
forrod. Iiuiulro utUKl Dodpo st. Ott
T\TANU'iu : Flrst-clnss cutter for elrmsmnk *
' Intf can llud worlc ut IIW , cornur 10th nnd
Dodjro bts. CM 30 *
"IVANTUD AnorranelKlrl. liniuiro Mrs. A.
WrlHhtUuHhaiinn block. KJ3
A ( flrl forKcnoral housownrk , apply -
ply nl uoitliwest cor. 18th nnd I.eixvon-
worth aid. r * ' 1 *
" \1TA > TKI > Kitchen ffhl , flormnu preferred ,
> > Kxcclslor heinse , 807 N. 16th sf CM 3 *
V\7"ANTEn-Olrl for jfcnoral hou owork
> > small family. 1'JOfi rnrniim. BKI-l
" \ATANTr.D-2 girls , I for dlnlnfir room and 1
V lorlnundry nnddlshwnslilnif.fciindlniivloii
piofuried. Atlnnllo hotel , S. lUth st. i&57 1 *
V17ANTK A peed fflrl for houscwoilt Mrs.
V > Vf. VV.IIInKhniu , 8ia S. Kith St. JI7 1 *
Immudlatclv. n uoon cook , nt
lr Cotfmau's , head of SU Mary's avenue.
\\rANTKI ) yt ) Indies * gents to loirn tele-
> 1 Brnphy Prospect wed for position when
competent ; uddrcss W. J. D. , Uoom I , Crounao
blk. Omnhn.
WANTED A stonoffnipheT nnd typo-writer.
Must furnish own maehliie. Address , liy
lutlor , stating salary oxjiected , David llrndloy
Jc Co. , Council Illuirs. 41 : :
IX'ANTKI ) SlioenmBcr. Address J.V. . Till-
' ' bet , Syraouso , Net ) , C4il a *
A younR man ns clerk , ono wlio
ipcuks both Knfillsh nnd ( lerinnn and can
plvo recommfMidations. No otjer nead answer.
Address iiox 04 , Norfolk , Neb. C47 4
WANTUll Ono oncrBOtio rellabla man to
Eull goods ; steady pusltloa. Call -1-1 S.
10th st. fi 'l a *
IX'ANTKDSteady vounif man lei do cnoro
> > for day board. 1512 Davenport ht. O.TJ 1 *
V\7ASTKI > A wood rook , man proierred ,
V > ifood WHKi-9 and ste > ndy oiiiplo > ment nt
I'apllllon house , rapllllon , Noli 513 1
WANTICD Cook , onn who undiTStands both
nu'.it nnd pastry , with or without second
( would prefer mnn and wlfo ) . Must bo lompur-
nio nnd steady. Address , btntlntr WUKUH , ( iiniid
I'ncllle , Columbus , Neb. KW : !
\ \ * ANTED A hey to take chiirKo of n horse
t > nnd to mnko lilnisulf Konuinlly npotiil
about houfe. Apply to Dr. Joucs. 1411 1Fur -
_ _ _ _ _
\\7ANTKD Ai 'e'iit5 with K od appearances
for n now ntttclo ; can niaUoJ. ' ! to $8 u
day , Call ut 14.14 S Uth St. 5'M U *
" \ \X/"ANTKD- / travollnir gHlosmim and ono
> > city salesman to take ordurs for custom
Rhirts. Istporleneed bands pruforrod Addroes
T51 , lleo Olllco. _ CCIJ1
\\rANTBI- a Rood Bornpnrs atShecly's pack-
i i Ins lioubo : Kood pay und at cudorU. .
rpllK llinkor * ' Mfo Asioointlon of 3t. Paul ,
A Minn , bnro Ne'irnskii ' work for. n few
peed solicitors , Jeforcnco ( necessary Ad
dress \Yilcox iVStoe.-Iu , Hutu Agouti ltncoln
Neb. 191 dcuia '
_ _ _ "
\VANTi5D.-100 mm for railroad wo"rk ; Kood
wniros ; stoudy work nil wlntar. All-
briglifa Iiiibor Aucncy , 130a Furnam , 172
AnnNTSInthoelty or country can ini\ne(5 to
$10 n dny sclUiu our Rpoclaltiei. N.V. .
Novelty compiinv , l' " Farnain f > t. CIJ
\\7ANTKI ) Pvn trnvcllnir man , a situation
' < In Dmubn that will Kurp liliu out doors
uiostoftho time Iloit mfeniat'o idvun us te
moral ! ! , capacity nnd a lurgo city uc iminiiinco.
Address A .9 , lice oltlce ) . liia a *
W.\NTiu ; Fur a boy 10 yours old , * plaoo
In nnrnu rollablo niHliioasliouso to ( earn
the business ; bcjt referrncuj Kivcn.nood ivlu.
cntlon ; ' .thok'salo preferred. Addrej T W ) . Jleo
otticu. ao
\ A ' K - o Itlou s ot noirtaiiber by
IT > ounluely. Address T07 , Uou oQle-t > .
WAN'i'lJD Situation Indrue stern by com
it pctont tiliuimnuiit , Omuhii preferred
EppnLa h'nullsa mid the < Braiullniiviau IBIH-U
HKt3. AddreitS Fgeilio , Ilu.\ej ! , titorjr Co. . la.
" \\T ANTKD I'osltlon ns tnlcsmall In dry uoodi
il Imiulru Mct'uo'b reslaurant
South 10th st , US A
" \\'ANTED Hliuallon In bonrdhiir bouse or
i I hotel M dining room clri or kltchin work.
Inquire 710 South lull t. CIO 1 *
" \\TANTKH Situation as tuHinHtr or hostler
il hnro had lonfuxpiirlouco , Addrnss A 6
llvoolllce. 67'J *
"IV'ANTKIJ Compolent dru 'irlst epeaktiiR
* i inlUh : , FrcncU and Gernmn , wlihus eitu
ntlon In wholesale- retail drufBtoro. Addii > s
. \l _ , lleooinco. 6582 *
Y\TANTKD I'ositioii by comiu'teiilliidy'Slt'n.
it ocrnpb r ; ruf rrucoa. > V. A. U. , box 6S7 ,
city , 33 i
\\7AN'l'll-l orl ioiitliimun c .u ttnd drslr
IT uble board , alto roomi , HI HIT Lhlcairo u
"ITTANTKI ) A peed second-hand plnno In
IT otchniiBO for day board , profcrrC' ' . Ad-
elrcsfc A 4 , Iloo nlllco. 673 1
\ \ * < V > TJII to buy ono snuro o' toeic In
Omnhabonrdof trade. 8. A. Slomnn.1312
in l. fi" !
\\rANTED-A yomiK Kcntloman desires B
i ' wnrm room nnd wood nonrd In n plensnnt
family , whore ho will lie well taken cnro of for
the winter. Address A 7 , Ucoolllco. 638 2 *
\\TANTKD for n hltthly respectable young
> > Indy. hoard nnd room In n nlco family ,
convenient to tlio street cnr& Address All ,
lleeolllcc. H45 1
Horses to bonrd for the wlutflr ,
nt Omnlin Fair Grounds ; Inrcobox Flails ,
' * * AThomson. . & ' . < *
torfxjjo ; cm:1 - _ _
\-\rANTKD-CO men to cftt biiokwnoBt cakes
' and tnnplo yrup every mornlni i > orrw
tcetniirnnt , lOtli St. bet. Dodgro nnd DollVln
'triilglit board per WCOK , f3/'jj 21 meal tickets ,
M M. C13.
Tpoil HiST : t-room bouse on Ptroot e-nr line !
' rent JI2 per month. Stockdnlo & Mitchell ,
510 DodRQ et ! 1
I7rOK ifKNT Kuril Ished room * ultTibl6 ror
iwogentteincn. Inquire 111) ) N , 14 lit Pt.
C032 *
l stable ; lUO ! Webster. 6313'
1Vllt , ItnNT-Houso In OlBo's" ae1il.$10 ' per
J month. In'ittlrc ' No. 4 ciiKlno house. K 4
FOH UKNT A nlee 5-room cottnio , by S. T.
1'cturson , 8. o. cor , l&th nnd Douglas-
171OK itKVT A llrsr elasfrc'tnurant , nuiulro
Jof _ Loo. Nlclipl & Co. _ 1 * _
TT1OII I5KNT Houie. fl rooms Hnriioy street
JL1 imd2et ! , f 3J per montli , nlfto house nciir Bt
Mnrj'gnvo , Grooms , $23 per month S. A. Slo-
nan , 1513 l-nrimin st. 117
1r0lt * HRNT-Storobulldinir on Lenvcnworth
1 nnd illth HI. , sultiiblu for any biisluos :
would prefer grocery or butcher uliop : has 3
rooniH in rear : will rent for $15 pur month. Ap-
> ly to Chits..Icmiiti eifrrlngo ahop , ICth anil
Jhlcniro sts. fi77 1 *
UKNT Slv now brick stores with t > a o-
ments. corn or r.lovonth nnd lloiriml ; cholco
ocnllon ; all convonionces. I.ouvltt Durnham ,
Itoom 1 , Cruluhton block. < U7
Foil HUNT HU'smit 10 room residence on
Pnrnntn si , nil modern Improvomenls. fur-
nlturo mid carpel for snlo ! nil now ; nm com
pelled to iflvo up on nccount ot Illness. Ad-
lrcs < sHI5 , llooonirc. rd2
ITIOIt ItliST Storcs , lesldonres , tuTnUhod
JJ itnil unrurnlshi'd rooma. 1'lrst clus" " loca
tions. Ivpjp * Ifnntlnir Aircitcy , Itooin 7 , South-
onit corner 15th nnd OoURlaK. 28' d 2J *
" T OK Ki.N : r A RtTiTo and tmgomcnt on n peed
1 liuMtiriq st. liKiuiro of I.ou , Nlchul A Co. ,
llooniU.1 , U'lttincllJilocJ _ _ _ Olj _
ljH ( KHNT-Storo 311 N. 15th st. on Dec. 1st ?
-T 50.2 .
TTUMt HKN'"l sTore 20x40 , " with rourrooiiib ( ?
J hind ; J2.ii month. 27 \ > C iimitix'JJ'i
FUK ICCVT T room oottavo In Wnlnut HIM.
Tornm , * :0 per mouth Apply to 1) ) . W. Pivxo ,
H'4 rurimin St. 20rt.
UK NT 80 acres adjoining city north-
-L west , suitable lor dairy or market gnrdon.
Apply to Theo. Williams , Bee Olllco , IIU Far-
num. Mil
| jV > ll UliN 1 Sloro 22x0 ( ! ( lilt ! Jacksou st.
AJ 7B3
"i 7 A NTI2H Noilly furnished room and board
i by gontloman. Location centrnl. A 13
Dee Olllco. CG'J 2 *
FOK KIINT Furnished room , ? 9 per month ,
017 N. 17th St. 88T 3 *
FOK UKNT An oinoo centrally located ,
Inrge , eommodlous , well lighted , warm nml
cheap. Apply to W. & Scnvcy , 111 South llth
street. 070 2
1/1011 UKNT 3 well furnished rooms ; only
JL1 ttioso thnt wnnt coed rooms need apply.
130J FHrnnm St. , third floor , room "i. OJ5 2 *
flOK HUNT Furnished room. Inquire Mrs.
1 A. Wright , llusliman blk. (8U ( SO
FOK UIJNT-3-room Iioii6o,1317 Chlcnifo ft.
t l a *
FOIt ICKNT 3 rooms In Rood location. 2 eo-
t-irnblc for dentist Olllco , Inquhu nt A. Dor-
iniin , U07 Eolith HUM Btr. 5S3
T710K IlKN r-Nlcoiy furnlshful , well hentcd
JJ room In priviitu house ; board If doslrod
foronoortwo ; ton minutes walk to 1'ostollleo ;
nil modern con vuulencos ; 5"fl I'loasunt St. , S.
of 24tU. 676-1"
ltiNT Furnished room , with bonrd , nt
131i Iod u St. MS 1
POH HUNT J'urnUuod room , 1U15 Farnnm
! )75 )
F I OH "HIlsT Funilslicd rooms for Kontloiiion
only.20r > Fn-nam , B4
FOH HBNT Nicply furnished rooms , with
bonrd. IGI8 Deidgo st. 2732 * '
IT OK HUNT Furnishud rooms , 805 S 17th st.
ij ra a
_ _
"niOH HUNT Newly furnl lied fronrFoornTeir
J. Kbiitleinon. Modern convenleincos. ICil N.
17th Bt. 40-.VJ *
Kr.NT-Furnlshed room , 401 N. IMhst.
I7 OK UINT Nlce-ly furnlslicd rooms , ulso
' 10 duj Hoarders wanted nt 2011 Hurt Ft.
POll KENT Deilrtitilo newly fiirnlshod rooms
for KOntlumon15 Dodge et. 47U 6 *
TTliiit ISivr iioRnhtTy"furnlstiud front par-
JL ? lor , suitable for two Kcntlomon , all modern
com tnlcncos , private bouse , 1015 Capitol avo.
6UI s *
FOH UKNT Four nice furnished bed-rooms ,
well heated , with or without lionrd. 412
North Mill. 511 2 >
FOH UKNT Furnished rooms with bonrd.
Also one suite suitable for tour. 01U N.
lUth fct. 4741 *
F OH HUNT Very desirable rooms , furni
ture ) now. 13UI N. 17th st , U8J 1
T710K HKNT-Hooms with board , 1023 jCapltal.
FOK HUNT I.nrBO furnished front room. In-
(1uiie ( 2012 Hnrney. B50 3 *
1J10U IlKNT I.nro , nicely furnished rooms ,
-I ? with heat and bulb , * 15,112 , $7uach ; IH10
Webster 8t. llj'j 8
T7IOII HF.NT-Nlcely fuinlsliod room for two
JL' guntlomcii ; eviTythiiig now , ilio nnd baih.
1611 Howard. CUI 2 *
F OH HUNT Two well furnished rooms , onu
lui no , ono small. 1818 Fnrnnm st. tu 3 *
IJIouuiiNT Qroouia , suilable for boardlni ;
. hou o , near the depot , inquire of M. F.
Mnrtln.3108.115th st. 879
UNI' Nicely furnished rooms , - " -
Dodgutit. OIIB , bath and tilrnacf heat ,
388 2
I71OK UIINT r < nrpo pleasant room. Imiuiro
L1 iit.W , B lltll : ( t. 845
TOOK HUNT--South room furnished , u. o. cor
JJ ' . ' 1st nnd Davenport. 'HJ
FOIt MUST 3 nlcoly furnUhud rooms roasrin-
nblei , llneat locatlun In the elty , 2020 St.
Mnry'b nvo. 518-1
Foil UKNT. First-elms rooms furnished and
unturulelied. 2I2J Fariium St. , with board.
5)11 ) 1 *
| 7Ull ICKNT Turn nicely lurnlsliod rooms ,
.13 hiiltablo forlior.'l Kontleinen ; lovely locn.
lion with evury mojorn improvement. 1113
Jones at. L"J
"IllOH IlKN r Nicely f urtiUhed room for 1 or3
a. ' ( rcntlemen : modern conveniences. Old N.
17th at. liu
KENT Furnishud rotiuis for lljht ho use
keeping ; , lluouiors llock , cor Sth.V : Howard.
I' Furnished room , iBltl Dodge.
TT\OH \ HKKT-Sultoof uowly furnished rooms
-I- In new house ; modern cunvonloncesi to
Kentlorcun. Uij | Uodirest. un
17IUK IlllNT-l rooms , unfurnished , in my
-L1 new Hat B w cor. 7th and 1'nclllo ft.
3 room liouse I'JIS Nicholas bt. Apply to M.
1' . Martlnnil s. 1Mb , 2.W
1 [ > OH A l.irue. ole ni.tlr fiirnMio.1
' room , for two uoatlcmon , l'JI9 Doduo t.
Sl'KCi.M. IIAUUAINS Illoek IS Credit Foil ,
clcr addition , cuutaliig 8 lol , trftckaae ' u
both BldoH of bu.iK. If taken al once.I2J.UOO ,
etowart t Co. , Kuoin 8 , Iron bunk. 655
FOK .SALK-i21otr44il82 f o"et , trontlng nortU
on llrUtnl street , hiilf wny between Saun-
detsnndSinte , nour street cars , city water In
Iront , IS0.1 eafh.l-l nun. balance In l,2 ndS
year . _ Addre S 3 14 , lloa otllco. 253
MlTiTl'.Vlll ? Thl9 addition ooiisiVu "orsTi"
leeu lots , and l tlio line property formerly
ownivl by tleoiKeSmltli , thu county eurveyor ,
ituatedoii the \test tldoof ICthst , , south of the
Hon. A J I'opploton'g handioiuu rojldoneo.
It Is generally coneoadod to bo as tine real-
dvnce property as there U In the city. Wu hare
a tew choice lots , TOxllO.ln this addition , which
rorge'tfgS'oS'iiigg"-A- ' ?
K iWlffA1111 - ner *
JU Heal F.'tnto and 1/jBnHrokPM ,
Frener block Opp 1'ostomco.
Wo nro Iho authorised naents for the rnetl-
calolotn In South Oninhiij which are npnm on
tbo market ; nlpo hat o a larpo Hal of other prop
erty there. For bnrKn'i" ' l'nll nnd see us
ItiOxTW ft co-ith and oact front on 20th t * *
within half mile ot iiiiiinn < w renter ot the city ,
a Hood business corner fob $4,501 ! ca h JI.MJ ,
nnd balance 1. C , 8 nnd 4 ycnrs. This Is Ilia best
bargain In the market.
A oa foot lot faoinjr wcM ein Snundors stand
running throuRh to Kid st Hi h V. Smith s ndd
for Jj.ouOj cash jl.tWO nnd b.ilftnco 1,2 nnd 3
' CArsplondlJ lot In Hun'eom I'lnoo for II.SM.
TITO lots In South OmnliA , wltnln two blocks
ofthodepot , for ? 700 each , on veryta y tcrnm.
"corner lots within onn and two blocxs of
T.nko st. nnd cnr line for H,1V ) , * I,20J , H.-i-fl nnd
flrTOO. on very ea y term . Those nro the only
barjrnlnnlcftln North Onlnlin.
A south nnd cast front corner lot In Phimi n
AnM with three nonces on It. lonllrur for fin
per : month , i r * 3W' onlv ' Cll9tl rc'I lroel
' , . . , ,
, , ,
A new cast front fi-rrtot. : < ttnjo ( nnd f i II lot
on Saunders st. for $2,800 , t o 00 uftflh " J balance
monthlv payments. , . .
Half of lot 8. blooUST.I , with cottnue , for tlm.
How l i this lor a barirntn ?
Corner loth and Dmenport M , with 2 housoa ,
for f r./iOO , I1.WJ cash and balance JSOObcmi-
annunlly. , , ,
Wo bavoftnr fiot the best bargains In ro l-
elcnco propeity on 1'nric nronuc , Hcor la nvo-
niio and Ilarney st. that thnt there nro In the
cltj' .
A splendid bargain , corner lu Lowe's add for
'A south front lot on Charles st. for f 1,000.
Thlt Ii a benuty.
5 lots on l.nko Bt nl H.fiTO lo ! , < K)0. )
f > 7 fool ensl front on Sherinnn nve. for JI.BOOj
ndlnoont property M scllliuf for Sltfl per feiot.
ThoKreaU'st linriniln In Omnhn ts lxl3J teiet ,
n corner on Farnnm St. , for $1,000.
An oa t-front 8-room residence on Park avo. ,
lotCO.\l48 , forffl.TOO. .
Ail 0'isi front 7-room house on Vlrtrlnlanvo. .
Just north of U-iivenworth st. for f TMU , lot
' '
A po'iith fronton Hnrney St. , now hoiuo thnt
coM ? 3,000 , nnd 00 foot lot for $7.WO. f'.OOO
A Vroom houo on Ocoruln nvo. , with nil
inodeni Imnrovomcnt * . carriage house , \o. ,
for t7.rtiO. Improvements con f'l.OOl.
A wheiln block , olfrht full lots nix IX ! , within fl
lilocksottho Union I'ncino depot , with boll ) II.
AM. and U. ] ' . II. H. tracks im sln& It. The
llnost pleoe-of wiirohiitlso nud hiMncsi prop.
erty In the market In the city , for $ i.MKj ) terms
easy This will pay n pro und rent of 12 per
cent on nhovotirlee.
A fplcn.lld rosidoiteo In llaneotn I'lnce , east
front , lurgo lot , EOtlti : ' , with good barn , for
t4.50U. 0-18.
A attention to Hlllfdiilolots sellliifr nt f 150 to
S'JiM each 1(1 ( per cent cnsh , halntico fo per
month. Thy Northxvestern Itnllrond coinpiinr
nro now setting Grade "takes thronifh thlsieical-
Ity nnd a lot now gellluif nl $150 will brlnir
( loublothls when within -or8 blocks from the
milrondstutlon. Illll'idnlo has n locution and
benutv urpa sitiir any iiropurty sold nt thi'ho
prleesnnd onsy torui" . Wlion you wnnl to wo
HIIIsdiiloncoii\oyniic ( ) will bo ready.
AMKS 1507 Fnrnain. R74-I
D II5XTEH L. THOMAS lias livid oiitnn addition
tothocityof Omnhn named Mascotto , and
wo notlco Unit the Ktroots are properly named
llocco , roron/.o , Ilottln.i. 1'lppo nnd Kiodorleik ,
nud oelnar lluit tlio same Is on the Halt Hull-
wnyiuidntn point where the Omnhn Northern
U. It. promises tnlrly to raiiko n junction with
tlio Holt I.Ino , and lots iinly JIOJ to SJOO , wo
think the locatioif well mimed , and that the pur-
dinners will Inivou .Mnscottu , ns the Indlciitloiis
polnttholols to bo worth Irom } . ' > ) J to fsui )
soon. These lots arc to bo sold on contract , 2) )
percent cash nnd balance $ " > per month. Apply
to Demerit. Tliomus , Hoom 8 Oroighton blk
4HHdoc 3
In Vnu llcurcu place. SSIO ; tMO
cnsh , bal. In I , 2 nid ] ; l years. Hollar &
Campbell , Itoom 1,1W ) Knriuim Bt. ail
1T1OU SAI.r.-WlxMOT foot,1 cast front , 17th st
JO ncnrCnstellnr , $1,100 , cheap.
Two lots IJO.iUO eiieli , corner , east front , ivUU
S room house , $2,100 , STUO cnsh , balance ] f 10 per
month ; choiip.
Three ea t front lots , lilock 8 Kilby pineo , $0.,0
each , t-J.VI 0-isb : vorychenp
TwolotsonWobstorst.cdr 31st. $1,500 each.
? .riOd cnsh and easy terms ; 50x150 feet each and
urn ImrKUlns.
To buy , soil or trade property , see II. W.
Huntrers , l.W rarnain st , CO" 3 *
CAlMTAUSTS-Iiead the follnwlim' . 44vlC ! ,
i-outli Inmt lot on Hiirney St. , covered by
n 4-story building : , buvlner blEh basement , rents
for 51,001 per your. 1'rlcoi fW.OW ) . J. V , limn-
mend , 117 S. lOtli st. 77
BAHOAIN 134 percent Income , pnitly Im-
pi'nvod property on DouKlasBt , , near 11th ;
Boutb front : rents for f2,7H ( ) per year. 1'rlco ,
JM.OUO. .1. Hninmoml , 117 S. IBthfit 077
.Cl'I'l-'IAr' , IIAUC1A1N Improved property on
J rarniun St. , noiirinilit south front ; rents
$4,800 per your. Price , ? 30OJO. J. P. Ilnni-
mend , 1178. lUtli St. 077
GILT 11)OI3 ! enriicron Howard St. .
pnitlj improved : tents for J'l.flW ) per year.
3'rleu , $10,000. .1 F. Hammond , 117 a. 10th ft.
( )77
TfjlAUNAM between 11th nnd 12ih , n-
L1 nricK witli lilrh basement,41x132 , fully oc
cupied tlm year round. 1'rlco , $ l0,000. ! J. V.
Hammond , 117 3. 16th St , 077
BUSINESS lot containing 8,118 snuaro feet
u ] feet I routiner lUth St. , and 4t loet froni-
\I\K \ \ Hod o Trice , flH.OOJ , J. F. Hammond , 117
S. Ifilh. U77
B HSINiS3 : lot cor. Hnrney nml 1'Jtli , 4U'4\1.7. '
teot , SIG.'XK ' ) . J. II. Hammond , 077
BUSINESS lot cor. Farnnm nnd tub St. , 4lv
ij : . 1'rlco , $ . ' 5,000. J. F. Hammond. 117 S ,
16th st. 77
BUSINESS properrarnain ! et. , near court
house , corner , ! < H13J , partly Improved ,
$ tiOOJ. J. F. Hammond. 117 S. lOlh St. 677
BUSINKSS property , Farnain st , nearly op
posite court house ! partly improved ; 18,000.
J. F. Hammond , 117 S. lUth St. 077
BITSINKSs property on 18th near llnrnov.oast
Iront , 44zllii , alley alousbouth Bldo , 1'rie'o
ffl.OOO. 072 1
FOH SALK A 4-room house witn lot , front-
inpon twoBtrooH , $1,5' ' ) ) .
17-room house , 1 : l room IIOIHO with lots
frontingonlwostroots , both ( i,3V ) .
1 4-rooin house nnd hair lot , f l.U > ) ; 10 per cent
cnsn , bnlnnco monthly pnymnnts , nil the above
within tliroo-iiunrtorrt of n mile ot poitollleo
Cor. lot , Uth nnd I'nclllo , Otlxla. . with three
elotfiint cottaifos , would rent for 575 per
monthfor n few days nt $ S,0 , .
Farm loans at lowest rnto of Interest.
Flr't-clas ) roKl otnto innrtvairot , or com-
jneirclal p'ipor , iliscountod. Mead \ Jainloson ,
ai8S. ISthat. < il
H IOUSiS Lots , Farms.I.nnds money loaned
llotnls , l.r > th nnd Doug-las streets. Ml
H IOUSKS LotsKariusLaiinsnionoyionnoii. .
Ilemls , 15th nnd Dou.la1) street 5. Ml
GENUINE HAKOAINB-Two corner loH in
llurdetle court , only 4 blocks from Hnun-
elor's btroolcars. W , M lluslimun. Itoom 10 ,
Uiishman Ulock.N Lcor 18th and Douid/u.
BO\VMN4I OHKEV-Oiir now addition Is
west \Vnlnut Hill , on Hamilton street.
Ily solectlntf lots nt $ IVJ for Inside mid f75 ! for
oorncrB , you will make n good Investment.
Terms 10 per cent cisli : mid f5 monthly. No
churg-o forshnwlntf the luu. Mnrahull > V Lo-
book.lSO'JFariinm CID
WIarouutliorl7i'd to Invest f-'O.O/W in Im.
proved Insldo property. What hnvojoii
toofTor'o ii.euii builno.-ia , Mead X Jamlobon.
318S. 15th st. & 72
Fem.SAi.i-M ; it rrontmir on Dodge st.
bloe'ks east of the poshilllco. A _ L ' "
818..VK ) ; $10,000 cash. MaWJialKt Lobcck , . . ,
Farnain. niu
HANSCOM 1'AKIC Isafoisilltv wellktiown to
all nnd Hnnscom 1'ark addition Is thu only
property near the iiark tluil you cnn uuy for
Ji'Uto fiiW , othoi-lots lirliiKln - four nnd llvo
times these prlc-u4 Vent oan como nnd M-O
Hnn > com'ark ! addition any time nnd BI-O your-
Eelf uniu It H and how it U-Hurroundcd. Dnn't
bei talked out of It. but buei Huii eom I'ark nd-
dltlou before jou buy , Ames , ISO * FnniHiu at.
674 1
Special Ordinance So. 877 ,
AN Ordlnnncei levlnjf n apK-lnl tax nn I
nient on certain lots and ronl ostalo In the
city of Omnhu , to eeivur thu onu-hnlf cost of
irrndlutr Uuinlntr btieet liom 2itli uvonuo to
middle ot the block between Ulot and 'd-'ud
It ImvliiK be-pii , nnd bolnir hereby
adjudged , dtlc'nnlncd nnd iistnblUiie.-d that thu
bovennl loin und pleceis of flml Ost'lto heioinuflcr
lefetrod to havei each iK-e'li spwiully bonelltod
tolho full nmount lu-rehr levied and assesse
aealiu-t oucli of tuld lot * nnd pieces of icnl es
tate , respecti\cly , by rcinon of tlio Knulln. of
that part of I ! u in Instruct Irom 2.1th avonuii le
middle ) of Iho block hct t > eu 'l\H \ and It'ml
btroe-t. done under contract with Stuht A ;
Therofoie , forthe purpose of paying the one-
hulfcost of such irriulliijr.
lloltOrditluixlbythu city council of the city of
Section 1. That the ono-hulf cost of Krudlntr
tlmt part of CumliiKetroot , in thot Ity of Oinuhu ,
froni2.tli nvoiiuu to middle of block between
aist uiuCt'nd 6treots. ! nld ono half of ald c-oot
bidny the sum of ; , b75.iii , .aid t'rudlntf liulntr
ddiiu under contract with Stuht llamel , bo
and the tumo is hereby levle.1 and as&ut id , uo-
conliiiir to fepoclal bvnetiu by reason of suld
prudlnif , ujion the following lots and rual estate ) .
as slum u by the treuerully rccoKiiUod map ol
the clly of Omaha , l&SO , lltbOKraphed nud pul > -
Ihhodbr C , II .Mnyne ; ald eo t belnB so levied
on Biild lots ane ! real estate , respectively , as fol-
Iowa , to-wit ;
0 0 Klletraard A K H Sheeloy , It 4 blk 5.
Armstrong's. Ut add . . . { 33 IS
Andon l > apu ny& Joseph Kavan , It 6 blk
6 , Arnution.'a UL _ dj . , , , , . . 3 ID
0 (1 ( blk 5ArmstroiiR' 1st nd C8 10
" lt4Mkfl , - 2010
DanHh f < onn A H. AM'n , w23U5blk8 ,
Armftrotiflr'slst ndd . 1305
l.oron l.ntin , c 2J It 6 blk 0 , Armstrong's
l l add . n ( tt
U J Meyero. It 0 blh 0 , ArnHtrone's 1st add R'J ' 16
llnchol M Nickel and helrj. It 1 , Isaac's Rd 3S 3J
" " R 17 It 2 , " 320
J n nnd Loulsn Hndncld , It 1 , Isaac *
Orlllln'nehl . . . . . 38 M
Jack Morrison , oH It 2 , IMMO& Orinin's
add . H Jfl
S Williams , w Ji Its , Isaac A. anilln' add 18 2 < J
llnrclay White , lldn , It il. " SUM
. ' ' . . , ' , | oft tn
3 S Collins nnd heirs 0 H Colllnc. oSfl s IM
It 27 , Nelson's add . . 1512
Cntliormo W Smith , s U n 42 n 100 It 27 ,
Nelson's ndd . 3 57
llonardltnnck , n IN s 12.1 n 107 It 27 , Nel
son's mid . 910
O M Hitchcock. sin n 10 Jit 27 , Nelson's nd 51 17
J S Collins nnd heirs U H Collins , s IK It
28 , Nclsem's add . . . 73211
Anna M Hublmrd ( Adtn. ) A 49 ! ( n K2 ! { It
IPI. Nclou' iuld . 877
Oco W Irfirelmly , 8 B."i It lOI.Nclson's ndd .11 ! I7
Christian Nel on. s lit ; It 102 , " ! > 15
Mnry iirt't. : llUH lai , " IO 1 *
Meivcn 11 Hathaway , s lift It 101 , " i 15
MnrtlnTlbko , s wiIt \ ; in : , , " ; r.i 15
" s IIM : it I0i ) . " : M U
navMlli1ririnnnBluitiOT. aj is
Mnrthn : M r hlAul. ! 8138 ItioS , " JW } S
JaiiHisMoMlolincl,8lKiMt ! > . " ' f J
" " ! W
BlMltlKJ , JJ
ilMmT : ( Hover. siu : It 111 , " ' J *
Ceilllns .Ionian , n 1.TIt 112. " M3 16
Charles .lohtiMin , n lK ; w 60 It 1IH , " IB [ }
OluJeilinson , nlUoGOwl201tll ; , " a.if'8
ole oioMin , n 132 o I : > K it 11:1 : , " n in
Illtw7iltlll ! : , " 4,1 23
rrnnelsF. llnlloy , n KU o 124 It 114. " 7 41
Frnnk II llnlleij , s 2 u 132 w 7fi'f ' It. 115 , " 0 28
rrnnol' F. llnlloy , ti 1 U w 7615 It 115 , " 'M 29
Ficderiek Uioxt1 ! , n 1W ! oU ) It 115 , " Kt M
MnttlnTlbko , n l- It MR , " 40 18
KdnardCrnnnull , ii lUlt 117 , " 40 IS
HoinNewmnn.ii li2wWlt ! 118 , " 1770
W (1 Moeitohead , n lit ! o lll'i w 04U It 118 ,
Nelson's add . EO fit
O H llowmnn , n IK u ; i U HH.Nclsun's udd I 78
" n UK well' ' , It I III , " B8 48
llerthn Kline , n Iil2 oil It 111) ) , " 170
n liJw6l : { It 120 , " its 40
A II Gladstone , nl.t ! : iu I2 , " 173
n IB : wiuy it 121 , " ya 40
Ho n Nowmnn , n llcioJUt 121. " 178
II 1IS2 w Mil It 122 , " 18 ill
Adolph llrown , n lH ! oi ; . It 122 , " 21 87
Tied MntiH. . . n licit 12:1 : , " 4018
KtiiriMinO'Nulll , nl.Ult . I blk 1 , 0'Null'a.aub IU H8
\Viii H Illllslzor , Iilli2lt2blk 1 , " ' "J (15 (
.1 K rUitne-rs Jr , n l. It 3 bill I , " 23 e"i
KO'Neilll.ll 13211 Iblk2 , 2875
Henry llk-ek.n HUUSblkS. " 2S 75
Ily S nud Addle F Khoiids , Trustees , n 123
It II blk 2 , O'Neill's sub . S8 75
K O'Nulll. n lit ! It 4 blk 2 , O'Nell'ssUb 28 7li
Aiiirimt l'lovo , n IE : ! It r. blk 2 , " 2S 75
I ! O'Neill , n 1'B It fl blk 2 , " 2S 75
" n it2 : It 7 blk 2 , " 2875
" 11 111 ! It 8 blk 2 , " 2875
" n 132 It t blk II , 28 75
" II 1U ! It 2 blk II , " 2875
" II 132 It II blk I ) , " 28 75
" II lit ! It 4 blk II , ' 28 75
Michael Sullivan , u 111 ; tav It 11 , in-.r-13 ] 58 71
Martin Tlbkc , n HBtax It 12 , BO 10
Win II IjntiiM. n Iffi tux It IB , " 201 10
Shim IvChrutlmison.slICJtavl ! 14 , " 44 III
John A'i slK lav It o2 , " 'lfll 47
" s lit ! tax It if I , " Hi I 09
Secllon2. That tlio special tnxos nnd a'se' -
inonlilovlcel nnd n ewse > d iw alorosald , shall bo
duo Immediately upon the passage nnd approval
eil'thin ordinance , nndshnll bccoiiiodellniiientlf |
not paid within Illly days thereafter ; nud there
upon n penalty of ten pur cunt , hhnll bo added ,
tUKOtlicr with hit ciest nt the rat oof ono per cent ,
n month , payable In advnnco Irom tlio tlnio .Miild
tn\es become so diilliKiuent.
Section a. Thntthls ordlnnnco shall tjiko cITcct
nml bo In Inrcofrom and nttnr Us imssiijro.
I'assed Noronihc-r Illth , I8SO.
WM. F. llECHEi , , 1'resldpnt City Council.
J. II , SOUTH A I > , City Clerk.
Approved November 18th , IBM.
WM. F. UKCIIEL , Actliiff Major.
These taxes me now duo und piiviihloto the
city treasiuer. nud will lu-eoino ilcflniiuont nu
.Innunry 7th , 1SS7. nfter whfcl , dnto n penalty
nnd Interest will bo ndde-d ns shown In Section 2.
dldfjt TIUJ.MAN lluejK. CltyTioasurrr.
Special Ordinance No. 87b.
AN Ordinance levying n special tax nud as
sessment on curtain lots and ronl astute In
the city of Omnhn to cover the oiio-lialf cost
of gindlng llnrnoy street from the west line
of 20th street to the west llneof McCormlck's
Whereas , It having boon nnd being hereby ad
judged , determined mm estibllslieiV that the
several lots nnd pieces of real estate hereinafter
referred lo , hnvo encn boon aiicelnlly bonollttod
to the full amount herein lovlml nnd assessed
ngnlnst each of said lots nnd pieces of real
onnto , rcspoctlve-ly. by reason of the grading
of tlmt part of Hnrney street troin the west line
of 20th Btieol to the west line of McCormlck's
addition done under contract with Jnincs Fov.
Therefore , for the purpose of paying tun ono-
bnlt cost of such grading :
Ho It ordained by the city council of the city of
Omaha :
Section 1. Thnt the ono-halfcost of grading
that part of Hnrnov street. In Iho city e > t Oinalia ,
Irom the west line of 20th street lo tlio west line
of McCeirmlck'H iiddltlon. Raid ono-liall of said
cost being the gum of TIIflJI.4l , pnld grad
ing being dnnu under contract with James
Fox , bo and the muno U hereby levied and
assessed , according to t-poclal liunollU by reason
of smld grading , upon the following lotsund real
oslntu us shown by the generally rocognUoil
mm ) of the city ofOmiilni , ISM , llthosiaphod
and published by C. E. Mnyno , mild cost being
MI levied on said lots nnd renl estnto , respective
ly , n ? follows , to-wit :
Jorob A Ilondrlv.s 132 sub it Oof ItO ,
Capitoliuld. $8030
Mary I. Hiirkc , s 132 w 00 sub lot 7 of It fl ,
Capitol ndd 2580
Gee M Nattlngor , S 182 e 40 w UO sub 7 It 0 ,
Cnpltol udd 2023
Fred Metz , B 132 w 50 o 100 sub 7 It fl , Capitol
tel add 2330
Johmithnn A Thompson , B 18o 50 sub 7
It I ) . Cnpltol udd 2580
Sarah fit-on , s 182 sub 811 U , Capitol add , St 41
Hell D Hull , fl 13. ! 8Ub ' .I It ( I , " US HJ
Pnrollna M Street , n 132 sub 11 Itfl , " 25 80
Art emus M Clarke , n 133 Hub 12 it 11 , " ! 60
HellO Ilallnl32HUb MltII , " 8r > 41
Anna W Thompson , n 132 Hub 14 It 0 , " 81 ! I7
Abblo B Hilling * , n 132 sub 15 ltd , " 25 80
Mary i : Kollogir , n 132 euhllilt 0 , " 4'J 07
" a iu : sub IT It o , " 4148
Guy Cn.irtonBl82sub18UO. " 7134
Miuy E Kellogg , n lit ! sub 10 It , " 71 81
" IK iMmib 2iito ) "
n s , jio 38
Wm Wnllnco , s i : n 264 su b 2J110 , " 87 U4
Congregation of Israel , s w70silbl
It 7 , Capllol add 8341
Hiram It Kennedy , ti 132 o GJ.nub 1 1(7 ,
Cnpllol ndd BO 30
Max Mojor , S If ! ! fub 3 It 7 , Capllol ndd 27 07
Fnmiiel lii'ielienborg.B It2null ! 4 It 7 , " 27 U7
Will linn Wnrel , n lit ! Mill OUT , ' " 27 07
John K Wubslur. n IK sub (5 ( It 7 , " 7 (17 (
H .V O MoCallroy , n 132 aub7 It „ " 55 3
Win G Chambersa 183 sub : : It H. " 41 48
II A ; 0 MeCiilfrey , n 132 Mil ) 8 It S , " NI47
IIurnmiiMulcliieii , 8IM sub 4 It 8. " 101 : !
" sl32Hilb51tH , " 10 12
Alexander Fmlayson , H 132 sub 5 It 8 , " 20 21
Emily. ) llriggs , h I.Umib I It 9 nnd thnt
( w 521 part of 20th bt , next adjoining ,
Cupltoludd 1017. :
James Neville , n'13 ! fill ) 2 It 0 , nml thnt w
ri of 2Jth 8t next adjoining , Cnpllol add 101 73
Cathe'rlne. ' Nash , o 132 bUli71tV. " 2024
OirnnMcl.'illliuy , sit2 ; suliB ItE " U2 91
] ) T.Mount ti J II Urlllill.BlSiisubOltO ,
Capitol add 30 1
DTMount&J Hfirlllln.b 13 : sub 10 ItO.
Cnpltol add 30 3(1 (
Fannlu M Sloninn,6Uh , 11 It II , Capllol udd 111 bo
Sarah J lirowiiMin.Mili 13 It W , " 1U 33
Kiiiinn li Van Ivttoii. Mil ) 18 It U , " IU : t !
l ndoieFrniiknl2ol21iilbl4ltll. " 278
" 11182 wCI ! sub It II J , " IB O )
} \ 132 sub 15 ItO , " 7437
Jl Scheming , s 182 It 3 blk I , Cnpltol Hill 33 ; rt
HiWlt4blkl : , " 8383
Hrnry W Ynlu , sl8Jlt7blk2 , " 20 4U
ivwrett : tlllx , slSJltHlilkS. - " ill 8'.i
Anim HHoodHl3JltOblk2. " id .7.1
Jlnrv W Stephens , lt2 : It 10 blk 2 , " ill 80
Jaceib K He'idrlx , s Mlt 11 blk 2 , " lil fl
JH2Ulk2 , " 4831
James 1 blk3 , " 4d 04
It 2 blk 3 , " 187'J
" II 13-i It 4 blk 3 , " 88 3'l
V G Iantry , n 182 Itfl blk 8 , " 83 8J
ii it.'no blk 8 , . " : iii : :
JHShaw.VJI'Uld.nlii-Jll.Tblk.l , " 2'J 40
lleo W Field , It 1 blk 4 , ' " 4 75
Dyer I 2 liim , " 2001
Helen OCoggcshall , It K , Ivc-yes' dlv In It' ' ) ,
Cnpllol add 23 83
llva > v ItoBlo Gladhtono , It U , Kuyosi' dlv In
It ti. Cnpltol a Id t 2330
Kvn.v ltu-,10 Gladstone , w 45 It to , Koycs'
dlv In It Si , Capitol add . . . . rt 2277
Orvill I'Chubli , e)6 It 10 , ICtye."dlv In It'J ,
Cnpltol add i 253
Orvlllol'l'hiibb , w 83 It 11 , K/ijea'dlv iti
It li.O.iiiltoladd 12 05
Murthu Si iHh , o 25 It II , Kcj es'dlv in U
I ) , Capitol aJd 12 Gj
Miiillui .M Ish , oSi It 1KeycH , ' dlv In l\V \ ,
Cnpllol mid 25 SO
Anna M Dm null , II 13 , Kcji' * ' div In ItO ,
Capitol udd 2J 30
John J .Miiulli-r. It 14 , Koyen'-dlv lull9 ,
Cnpilolndd 2J 30
Mary IMoidim.n 107 H 15 , Kelts' dlv In It
tt , Capllol ii'lel i'2 42
JniiiOB Nuvillo , s 23 n 182 It 15 , Keym' dlv
InltS , Uapliol ndd S bT
Augii tuH w t'larke.n 1B2 It 14 , Keycs' div
III It 0. Cnpltol add 23 SO
AuirusliiH W Clarke. ' , n 13211 17 , Ki-yui' dlv
In II " .Capitol add 23 S3
Jamea Neville , n IK It 14 , Koyes1 dlv In It
UCapitol udd "S3)
Jack MoiiUon , n 132 U 10 , Koycii' dtv In It
U.Capllolddd 2530
Meyer Helnuun. u 132 It 30 , Kejoi' dlv in
Ul ) , Cai.ltnladd 2S 30
Jloyerllellniun. n 132 U 21 , Keijcs' div In
UO. Capitol odd 25SO
iJirsUnholm , ItU blk 7 , McCormlck's i.dd IO 3'J '
Henry W VntcB , It 4 blk 7 , " l W
FH D vb , ltd blk , " in IU
"W37'ilt'7blUF. ' 181)7
Est. J McCormlck , oi'bH It H blk 8 , 14 42
it u blk 8 , " : a 83
Juniej Jolinton.UiUbUti , " Ul U
F H Davis , a If ! u 2814 of old -Stu live , n of
Ilaineynt. McCormlck'a add > . . . . 1443
HUOalL'i. * 1XJ w 61H of old 2bth live ,
nest uofllarutiy , McCorintck'i add , . . . , Z5 0 *
Mcrormlok , n ISS of olJCCIh nvo ,
next of Harnoy st , MeCormlck's ndd. . 40 4S
Wmll Mulcahcy , n Hit Sblkli , ' 1003
John Heyneikl" . s < It t > blk 9 , " 2,1 37
Kst , John MeCormlckItnblk ! > , " .11 IM
It 7 1HK 9 , " If ! 3-1
Poxlerlj Thomas , IIS blk 9 , " 8I.T. )
Mlniollnsiuu onlt 7blklO , " Sift )
Bit. John McCormlcK , H 8 blk 10 , ' itl ; w
It 9 blk 10 , 8.189
" It 10 blk 10 , " S3 ! I9
" It II blk 10 , " ItllM
Km Ily TI Whlllock. It 12 blk Id , : ci IW
Milan 1) Lindsay , n 182 It 1 blk 11 , " 'U ls >
" n HBItSMkll , " mnn
J Ii Kennedy , nlSlo 41 It it blk ti , " as 2rt
J T Comstock , n HB w 22 It U blk II , " 11 13
n IIB It 4 blk 11. " ICIIW
KM. J McOormlck , n 1.12 It r , blk II , m in
" nlMltnblkll , " 21 50
" nil ! It 1 blk 12 , " ; ; i )
" n 13J It 2 blk 12 , " itl IW
Jero'li A Mnalian , n 10. It 8 blk 12 , " ; IN
n 132 It 4 lilk 12 , " itl 311
Mary SandberR , n imt It 1 blk I'l. " SJ M
A lleiplmul , s U'l n 12,1'j 11 1 blk 13 , "'i ' nl2U ! 1 blklll , " 12,1
Mary Saudbow , w 82' ' i It 2 blk IS. " 2.1 RS
A llotrlund , H 4lH n im 1(2 ( blk 13 , " 0 28
W 8 < > ott , s 8i , n IK ! It 2 blk III , " I 2.1
Kit. .1 McCoi nilok , o 28H II 13J It 8 , blk 13 ,
McOorinlck's ndd . . 1143
15 < t. JMcConnlek , w ! t7H n 1S2 It 4. blk
13. McCormleUN ndd . 18 OJ
KM. J McCormlok , n 182 U A blk 13 , McCor-
mlck'fi add . 3.139
riofNllsson , n 13i It 1 blk H , McCormlck's
mid . , . 21 50
lilor Nll.isoii.ii 132 It 2 Ink 14 , McCormlck'g
ndd .
8etclon2. ! Thai thexneclnltaxeis nnd ns < esi-
inputs Iflvtol and iH eased 113 nfor < naid , chnll bo
eluo Immoltately i < l'on Iho pawn-to nud np-
ureivnl of thi.i ordinance ) , nml llnll become do-
llnqtirnt If not paid within fifty ilnya tnciuartor
nnd iheruiipnnn ponaltveif ton percent shnll bo
nddod.totretlior with Internet at the ) ratoofeino
pur cent a month , payable In ndvnnco from the
IImo aldla\i's become PII dolluiiuonl ,
Srotlonll Tlmt this ordinance slmll tnko efTcct
nnd bo In foroo from nnd nftor Its pnsate. .
TasteJ No umber K.tli . , IS1' ! * .
WM. F. llr-OHKi. , I'rcsldont City Council.
J. II. PoilTiiAUP.CIty Clerk.
Apjirovcd Noxombcr ISth.lSSfl.
\ \ M. F. HKCIIRU ActliiR : Mayor.
Thn o lure's nro now duo nnd paynbln to the
olty treasurer , nnd will become dcllniiuent on
January 7th , 1887 , after which date n penalty
and interest will be added in hliu\\u In Section 2.
n30d5t TitUMAS HUCK. City Tieasurer.
Wu'A.l'AXTox , I'res. II .WILLIAMS , Vlcc-Vrps
Union TrustCo
215 S. 13th St. , Omnlm , Neb.
School , County and Municipal Bonds
IlotiT. TJ. OAUMrrifi , F. n. JOHNSON ,
Sccretnry. Trans uror.
S. R. l'Tonn , A. fl. MrOAMPDHTilj
Memborealve ) ton Cot- Mcmlior Now Urlaani Onl-
Inn KX'KP A St. I.cmlj ton Kxclmniio nnd Uhloa-
McrclinntJ Kxchaiigo. go Heard of Trade.
And Stocks ,
For Future Delivery
AVlll bo Rcutly for Uiisiuuss About No-
vcinlicr 7 < li.
u. s. DEposrrouY.
Omaha , Nebraska.
Cftpital $500,000
Surplus 100,000
Herman Itountze , Prcsliloat.
John A. Creighton , Vice L'roaidont
F. U. Davis , Oaalilec.
Vf. H-'ilcequIer , A
O. P. jDAVIS & CO.
Nebraska Land Agency
General dealers in renl estate and ical es
tate mortgages , 1605 lrarnatn St. , Oma
M. It. JtlSUEX ,
Genl. Insurance Agent ,
ilcrchnnt'K Natlonnl Ibinn Iluildlnp. Cor. Fur-
jiam and 13th hts. , room 1 up-stalia.
Telephone No. U73 Oniiiliu , Nebraska.
Phoenix. London , KiiRlnnd f5, :
Firemon'B , Nownrk , N. J 1,5.IBVI..15
Glen's Falls , Clou's Fulls.N. Y l,4 i,28j.C8 :
( Jirard , 1'hiladolphlu Pa l &I J'l.Tl
Wcstchoslcr , New York , N. Y ll4V : < aS.Sl
John H uncoe-lr llutual Llfu .Il < ton,2 751,710,87
Z > . H. C. P. , London , Eng- . )
OKFicr.-lPtflDortKc : I ltr.H-2101 Bt. Marr'tf. .
lluiirs111 to 11tu5\7 Iu6 HOIITH 'Ja.iii.,1 iiti)7 ; pin
Teluplion c | Teloiibaiiu-4S5.
Keep a full line of all kinds of fresh , Ball
and E'nokcd meats. Also full , poultry !
saitsrgc and choice lard ,
I-I2J ! Sniuielers Street.
Carpenter and Builder ,
Telephone GOO.
200 South .Sixteenth .Street.
ClilionoynuianilaBil nnd ftnro tulan to prevmit. no
tninm. e > Mcr promptly atluiiilcUto , I.uavu orJer
t XIMWJ Kiirmm treat ,
Only I.luo Itunnlng VM'J' HKlM.ININU CH/MH
t'Allf. bin u ecu
Oiiidlid , Linioln , JCnti'-iti' City anil
{ it , Louis.
I'assengcr Trains will airlvii lit nnl Rave :
from the ' , Hi. I' , , M i O. ) dop'ir ' , Ifih And
Wubiter etieou ,
Direct coiinocllon inudn in Union Doped , Kan
SUB City , for all points .South and \Vea , In
Union Dejiot , HI. I.onlJ , for nd points l/.ist unl
riJU.MAN IIUn'BTil.Er.T'lNO CAHSannl
night tniliiB.
Vortlckotl , Maipln ? car bor'.hi tin. ! utliur In
formation , * ll on tlekel lu-cnt ,0. , St , r , , M.
O. K. It. ) depot , I5tn and U'ulitlei-streets , or
F. K. MOORKS , T. K. noomuut ,
Ticket Travollntr I'tt * . Ayent.
IbXi fiiriuin Mroei , Oiimttu.
W. H. NKWMAM , H O.T < iwM rsii > .
Goul.Ti-rt.'lki MunVr ( Uul , 1'a.jiil'lfkel Act *
t > l. I.ollll.
. j .
, Cor , 13th nnd
8I3S.mii SlrooU
GKOUtiK \ \ \ 1)0 ) AHK.
TMooner's ttlock , l&lh and DoiutU * .
IfiOOFarnom Street.
Attorney at Law ,
Itoom S Fronzer Hloek.OppojIlorostoIEco.
Attorney At Law ,
S. n. Cor. Douglas nnd 1Mb. ns. , room 4 , Omaha.
Special intention to Trial Cases & Collections.
Pliysician & Surgeon ,
2 HP. ICth St.rnr. Pnrrmm. Iron llnnk
Onieoliour-t , - to 4 nnd 7 to U p. ill. 10 to 12 on
Simdiiy. Toluphono 504 , _ _ _
Physician and Surgeon ,
OFFICE , V.W. Cor. Hth and Douglas.
Onico ToU'uliinio - \ Hc lilencol'ulcphoiiP43.
W. J. 4iAIltilAlTII ,
Surgeon and Physician
OFFICE , N.W. CoI4lli and Douglas St.
Olllro Telephone 105. lleuldeMCO TuluulionoSM
1'hyslclnn nnd Surgeon.
Hejldence , No. U07 Jones Street Offloa *
Wltlinell Illoek , Telephone , resldunco. No. 13S.
olllwi , filU
Onioe Rnd Residence. 751 N. 10th St.
VAX ' il. ! > . ,
lit ! nofliro ' 't. . l t dunr wn-rt of 1' . O. Tixko ole
ntor to rooms 13-13 third Hour. Telephones No
IteBlilJiioo.fiaN. 20th street. Telephone No. 33
rbyslclnn nnd Surgeon ,
Telephone 689. Omco3l3 3. Nth It
lloinocopntlitst ,
Omco , 3138. Hth st Teloi > hono5J5.
Oilicc , Croiinso Block , Uonin 5.16th and
Cap'tul ' Avenue , Oiuiihti , Nebraska.
liL'siiloncel'OlO Wobstcr st.
_ _ _
N. It. IlATOUElt ,
General A oat
PiOYWent SaYlags Liti nss'drau5i Co
of Now York.
Mlllnrd Ho ol Hlook , Omaha.
The Btrlotlv "NiiluiMl Pr"mliim I'lan. " Aetna
aveia oyearly cost duiinrr 1S3) ) , 1931 and 15J5 ,
nt ago > .7. for tlO.OOO , was I78.S.I.
ItKCS < > . ,
Printers , Book Binders
And Blank book Manufacturers. Nos. 108 and
1088.14th Btroet. Omnlm , Nob. .I.F. Fnlrl.'o , Super
intendent Ulndory. Talopheino Nu. 2.VJ.
Mnniitiicturor nnd dealer In
harness , puddles , whlpn , horse
e'lot'iinir. tc. All KfUelem of
nlwnyfl Uojd on hand
or made to order. Itopalrlntf
n Kpoflnlty 11 N. Ifith 3
but , Uod o and Capital Avu.
_ _
Auction and Commission
Cotitil nmeit8 ! willcitod ; furniture bouirhtanl
pold. Snloi of live Mock and boiiHOhold furul-
uiro ntprlvalo lesldenoos H a spoclitlly with tii.
lUiiniiiubortlii ) pdico , Wont & Frltsuhur'ri bloolc
N Hthst. No 110 _
( iJCO.J. AU.M1MU8T ,
Stoves , Tinware , Cutlery ,
Bto. Also Tin Roonnir , ( luttr rlnSpoittln ? , an !
General JobTiimlnir , The bout of work nnd rat
BoniiblouuarKOJ. Milk CHIIS nnd other tlatrara
n stock. 220J Cumin ? St. Oiimhn , Nob.
& KKtM ,
Dentists ,
1DH Farnnrn Htrao
U. S. Marsliall's Silc.
JNlho Circuit Court eir the United Slittos , for
the DMi-ictnf NoliruPlm ,
Teiollu , Hoseu 4 ; Co. vs. l.ovl Oo.v.
I'uldienotice Is huit'liy KIVOII ( lint In punu-
nnco nml by vlrlun of tin unlor tit t&lo , In'ho
nbova calico , lm rintr dilo : tlio " "I'd 'tuy eif K p-
temlier. IHH > , I , KlllH I , . Iliuibowur , Unltexl
butm Maialial lor Mild ilislrlit , will , oittliu 4th
day of DciunitciIfR't ' , at H.o liourof ten o'clock
Inthe loicnoon of said diiy , itt Ilio nortliiloor
of the IT. H ( knut Ho iHn inn ) I'osiolllcu build.
IntIn Ibu ollyot Ijinnhii. Main and dlalnctof
Nebi Afliii , > ull nt aiirtliin I ho ledlnu Inirduxorluoel
tuopuiiy , to-ult : The * I'lirjt half ( l i ) of tliu
foiithwcKt < | iiarlor ( S\V i iiml llrj wu t lialf
( WlfHif tluiMiutlmaat iUiirii | > r ( , S11K ( ! of kee-tlon
foiiitcon illi. towni-lilp leu il Miorthot nuiffi )
hlx ( ti ) , " < 'St In Iliiniilion ciniiiy ( , NobniBku.
AUothe iinrllmcal qiini-tur < HWt , ) < if Bcistlon
Ihlrty-f'.x ( M , | II IIH'P ) | ' flux mi ( II ) , ii'irlh of
mn > rii nlclii. | H ) wuht in Hiinilltun county , No.
buiKkii. I.L'vlfd uimii und tukti by vlrtuu of
unordei of ull/u'iiimint. /
lil.LIH I. . IMKItnOWKK.
U.S. Mnrxlml Olslrlct of Nuijraska ,
H UMcnon , AMKH it irii.iv. :
Attorney/ - I'lulntiir. nl-IO-17-Sidl
Fravo' > il > for Curbing KUtt
, I
Oil All \ . Nun. , Nov. S-lnl , 1386 , f
SKAI.HI ) I'l-jpoa-ilH will bu rei-olvo.1 ut li
ollk-ei ii'iill ( ) ( ! "uinlir t'.li , lb. 0. nt I" noon ,
for ttiu p'.ltcliiisn of Jii-'l of iMrl/liiK | and HUL-
I en i IK IjuinUof ihoulty nf Oiiiiilm.aid Ijiiii'H
will liuilsn d 03 > : oiubur lt , IH.v } , unit will to duo
in oiin , tivo , four. < < lf , sovrii , nnJ n'.no
yuiira lioni ihcir ibuo , AH oiiinl | Kiiiount
lucomln ; ; dtifi i-ni'li ) < < < tr ; uro In um ( oCono
'lundicd tlnlliir * rurli , and l.cir lntcio t
freim Ibxlrelulei nl thu nH of lv iior ionium
per niiai'Mi , pnynblu iinnuiill ) . 'Ilio prlneilpnl
nnd futurist mo hnlh puyablu at Ilio oMluu of
[ Count re ilr'is In .Vow VoiU.
. ' 'aid lu'm.U ii'd nod iindnr Ihcohartorpejwcr
o..H.Hlt ) < Jy ! , tin 1 .rill boilullvfru-l to piirohnteril ,
em iuiyuiDiil Itn'rulor ut 1,111 oily tre-n4ury la
Onshi ) : , < m l ownUi'r Mil , I1UJ ,
III'U * v.i : Im ivJdriHHt- ; ! t'io ' underlined and
ninrkt < d"l'ropninlifor C'tirhluif und Outteirlntf
lloinU , " nnd iinut eutu Ilio full nmo nnd ft4-
rlroji of the blddar , uud tUo price piupoiMjJ tel
" l ic < rvf-d tnr'jjeictnny mid nil bid * .
TIIUUAI. liuci ; , Uly i'roHiurvr.