THE OMAHA DAILY BEti : THURSDAY. DEOE3IBEK 2 , 1880. THE DAILY BEE , COUNClfBLUFFS THURSDAY MORNING DKC. 3. OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEARL STKEET. Etllvfrttl \ > y enrrier In nnyjinrtof UioeHj-nt tn inly cents per week. iMV.Tii.iox , - Mannccr. TKI.r.PHONKS : UrMM-PsOrncr. No. 43. NIUIIT KtiiTou No. S3. M1NOH MKNTION. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Nr\v fall Roods nl UuiliT' * . WV. . Loointo hns had telephone No. 200 put in liis residence. Telephone Xo. J ( > : l ha1" " been put in Ilnrkncss Hroiliurs' store. Two Vflirniit4 { worn pivon tlio usual tMTinfcslon rcslunlny to inovo out of tlio city. 1'ortuit lo wed was yostonlaj' iilvon to Hctibcn HoAlo and Atinio .AIo-s , botli of Lovolnnd , In. J. ! ' . Cody has been K\vi \ > n the contract for buildniLr lliu now ie"idcuto for AIr . Slubbi. the contract price being | 'JUI)0. ) The sale of stamps licie dnnnjj Xovom- bor was over $ ! ) ,00 < ) , an incri'iuu of nearly a third over lliu corrui | > omliii month of lust year. Clergymen desiring linlf fare permits ovnr the Hook Island lio'ild file thoiiup - lications with A. 'I' . Khvoll , corner of Uroadway and IVarl street at oneo. Yesterday afternoon .lustino Seliurx pronounced tlio happy words which united Thomas St'mlou , of Woodward , la , and Ribs Nancy Marvel , of LuyVrt , Kas. , the ceremony taking place In the justiee'h olllcu. * At the dedication of the new Hillside Congregational chinch in Omaha Tues day evening , there wcro churches represented. Hov. ( J.V. . Crofts , A. li. Walker and 1)V. . Otis were the repre sentatives from this city .Mr. Crofts preached the sermon. Mrs. Murphy , who lives on lower Hroadwav has a doir. Mr. has a boy. Mrs Murphy's dog and Mr. Cal- Jiilrin'.s boy came together. 'J'ho dog had tlm better of the boy. The boy had thn worst of the dog , right in the broadest part of the pantaloons. The boy was really quite badly bitten , and complaint was liled in the superior court. The case was disposed of bv Mrs. Murphy promis ing to slaughter tlie dog at once. See thai your bookn are made by More- house & Co. , room 1 , Kvcrelt block M. F. Hohrcr has two dwellings to rent. Sec his special suK See West Point base healer. Latest improvements in heating stoves. W. A. WOOD. _ _ _ A Funny Free Show. Pi of. Ned Parker has commenced a Buries of musical anil free presentation entertainments at the vacant store , Nos. Ii ) : and U5 Main street , lately occupied by Groneweg &Shoeiitgen. llemmmon'-p , not only in ei/.o and weight , but in hii ubility and tact iu keeping a crowd as full of fun as he is himself. lie is a whole show of himself , and no admission buiiif ; charged there is no reason why he should not have a crowded house every ninht , If any one doulits but that ho can hold the crowd after they are once inside , slop in and .see. Prof. Nud Parker is a char acter , an old --olilior , lifer of company I ) , Kleventii Rhode Island intantry , unit drmu major anil principal musician of Third Khode Island heavy artillery. He is brim full of music and running over , and he makes music for the crowds. Everybody invited , except boys and ladies , and front seats are given those who enjoy it the most. E. Il.Shcafo & Co. , loan money on chattle security of every description ; of fice No. 000 Uroadway , upstairs. Ir Ilanchett.ollieoNo li Pearl streets Kcsidcncc 1'JO 1'onrth stieet. Telephone No. 10. Mrs. Dr. I ) . Triiesdell , a graduate of the Toronto , Canada , Therapeutics insti tute , is prepared lo treat all classes of diseases "and demonstrate the onralivo power of electricity" in accordance with a now and complete .system of KlecU'o- Therapeutics , Kleelro-MagnetiMii and Static Kleotricity. Female diseases a specialty. Located at No. ! ! 07 Broadway. second lloor. Olliee hours ! ) a. m to' 5 p. m. _ A Clumsy Ovoruoat Thiel' The colored man Stewart , who had the boldness lo snr-aU an overcoat Irom the city jail while the marshal and ollicers wore otil of the ollice for a moment , had n hearing before .liisliee Hcndrlcks yes- terdi'ji and was Ijoimd over to the grand jury in the sum of .f50 ( ) . which means that he will bo in jail until he can bo tried. He is wanted also iu Omalmon an over coat racket , and may be taken across there when Iowa irets through with him. The eoaN in both cases were recovered. ho that ho does not seem to ha\o piolitod greatly by his thievery. Five Hundred Overcoats for IJovs and Children , from f 1.50 up. Mr.rr.u.r HIIOS. A Main ( Join of art in every package of ( Joi.i > MII : AI. Corrm : . Ask your grocer about it. Uronowog ic * Sehocnlgeii , wholeaalu ngenls , Call for everything you need , bottom prices. , K\erybody's More , 8 :1 : Main , Weather strips at Chapman's , 10i Main. Inquiry was being made hero yester day tor Freddie ( iorstenborjr , but ho could not tonml. Ho has just been re leased from jail in Omaha , and is now charged with having stolen a watch and eomo money. He wus seen hero josler- day morning , and said he was going to Sioux Cilj , but took the Northwestern tram for some other point , probably , s > : ii- ing this to throw bis followers oil' liia track. Ho had some fellows with him who looked tough , and further news may bo expected from the gang , Wall paper , shades , paints , do. H P Kilt's , No. 10. It road way , ( lood overcoat fi.tO. pants $1 to tiUO , other goods in proportion. Every body's store , tix'J Alain. F.lectiio iloor bolls , burglar alarms and every form of domestic electrical appli ances at the New York Plumbing Co. An Ojiiuliii lioiijiimlii , ' Ollleer Leonard found a young man vying to sell a silver cup , and ran him in on suspicion , Ho gave his name as ( Jcoixo Corning , and said that ho had been working in tlio stable of the Wells , Fargo company at Omaha , Ho explained h\8 \ possession of the silver cup by saying that u had been given him by a woman named Jennie Hlaek , living on Mnth street , between Doilgo and Capitol avenue , in Omaha. J ho young man is being Investigated. Weather strips at Chapman's , 105 Main. Hard and soft coal , best quality , all ( i/.es. .Missouri and Iowa wood. C. 1) ) Fuel company , 539 Uroadway. Tele pliono 130. COUNTERFEIT BLUE LABELS , The Oigarmakers' Uuion Open Wor on Them. THE BUTTERINE BUSINESS. A Mnti With ft Mysterious Silver Cup ( Jerslrnborji In Trouble , A Fmmy .Man's Slunv- U\ufuont 'J li < ; Itiiurrlno Trade. "Talking about bnttorine , " remarked a dealer , "it's fpicor what notions and pro- indices people have. There's nothing more impure or unhealthy about butter- hie than anything else. You can't make it without havlmr it pnro. It wouldn't bo good for anything. Folks wouldn't , and couldn't eat it , if it was not pure. " "What's it made of anyway1 "It Is made of creamery butler and lard. You needn't turn up your nose at the idea of lard. You eat lard in a good many things thai nroMsrvcdatyoitr table , and you don't object to 11 , but when it comes to butter , you screw up your face us if you thought it wus awful to eat any lard , when in fact you cat more or less of it every day. It has lo be the unrest sort of lard to use In butlerino. It would spoil the whole sale of it , if it was anything but the pure-it and best. Of course there is good butterinc , and some that is not so irood , just as there is good and poor butter. You don't say that Duller is not lit to u o bceau o you find there is MUIIO Unit is not III to use. So with bullorinc. Yon get good butter- ine , and it is as good as jjooil butter , and you need not be afraid ot eating any poor bnllcrine , any mure than , > on could eat poor butter. Its taste and smell would put you on your guard , and yon couldn't ha deceived. Hut good but- teriue you cannot lull from good butter. I know you can't. " Isn't there soiuethinjr else put into bnttcrine besides creamery butter and pu.'e lardy'1 "They used to put in cotton scud oil , but that lime has gone past That oil was all right , for it is a vegetable oil , the same as other oils which are used for the table ; but Ihe reason that was dropped was not because it was bad , but because il was lee expensive and didn't pay louse. I tell joii butternut can be used light along , and > on not only can not toll it trom butter , nut it is just as healthy. There were a large number of grocers in the city who were scllimr hut- lerino to their customers before the new law went into oll'ect. Iu October an Omaha man came over here and sold them a large amount of what he called eieamery butter , for twenty cents a pound. They thought it was won derfully cheap , and the butter was ex cellent. Their customers bought it icadily , ate it with relish and cried for more. I told them thai il was no more nor less than the same quality of bntterino which they had been handling right along , and which cost them fj cents a pound less , but lliey laughed at the idea. They know this Was creamery butler , and not butterine. W hen the lirsl of the month came , and the law went into ellect Iho same man eame around lo sec the dealers. They were anxious lo order more of the creamery butter , but he said thai lie could not furnish it to them , on account of some difficulties which had arisen , unless they took oul butterine licenses. Ho ' till insisted Hint it was creamery butter , but he could not explain why it was necessary lo sell it under the new law as butterine It was evident to my ndndi and to others , that it was really butterine , and not creamery at all. Thls-diowod that dealers themselves could be deceived , and that their customers could also. The fact i they could not tell thedillereiice. " "Is it true thai farmers buy up bill- tonne and then sell it lo their retail cus tomers in town as country butter1 "They have done that somewhat in the east , bill I do nol think they have been doing it around hero. They do some times work lard into the butter , though ; that is certain. I tell you there is n good deal of foolish prejudice in regard to but terine. Hut few dealers have taken out permits lo handle it , jiisl on account of llie prejudice of the people. If folks would try good butteniic they would be convinced that what I say is so. They would eat il with us much iclish as if it waslhe\eri best kind of they did nol know . { .ho . dill'erence , and 1 cannot- sec wh , > there should be such a cry raised auamst it. The same folks who cry 'lard' so much eat a poorer quality o'f lard in other lood every daj , ami do' not object in the least. " Slanipiugand full variety of embroidery materials. Mrs. 11. P. Niles , IOJ HViwuy. To reduce our stock we have this day marked all our retail irooiN down to wholesale prices , and can , therefore , seli goods cheaper than any other house in lhi city. : Mrsic COMI-ANV , No. tOlt Main streel. P. C. DcVol si TT.Stowart , Climax- , ' Acorn and Westminster hard coal niirn- ors. Charter Oak and Acorn cook stoves and ranges. Kconomy steam ami warm air furnaces , No. 501 Broadway. A Counterfeit Imbel , Some of tlio union cigarmakcrs are greatly exercised because ( hero are being used some counterfeit "bine labels" which me liable to mislead the public , and do damage to the union goods. Some ot countetfclt labels have been found here , and some in Omaha , and the union hero is determined to stop the further issue or use ot them If they can not induce the ollemling parlies to stop ns by warning them of the consequences , they piopobo commencing suits , The union is very eonlident that the courts will support its genuine blue label , as de cisions in cases tried in the east have been thus far in favor of the union. .Judge Phelps , of the United States court , al llaltimoro. has just decided such a case Ho holds that the cigariuaKcrs , al. though they wcro not an incorporated body , and as suoh had no legal existence , had all the rights of u corporate body , Their blue label was a .species of prop erty , incorporeal , and RS sueh was fully protected by the courts against counter- teitiiiir and infringement. The issue was made that the cigarmalc- ors had no property rights , but Judge Phelps1 decision shows that they have , and defines what they are Imitation of an individual's signature , foigcry. did not enter into the case at all. It was supposed that President Htrasser's handwriting - writing , or a fan simile of it , would con stitute the main dependence of the cigar- makers , but Jiuluo Phelps decides the label itself Is entitled to as much protec tion as the property of any individual. U he decision is a novel one , and that portion of It which contains the essence of the whole , will be readable among attorneys , as well as by those who are Interested iu labor questions. Judge Phelps says : Tlio bill cliUias thai the object ami effect of this Inbel as used by the plaintiffs and their associates is to Ineiease the table of thrlr labor by Increasing the demand for it , us members ot the union , That Is th substance of what they claim , and at this stage of the ca , e must be taken as Itue. It will not bo denied that every frce- irnin has a pioperty rleht In his own labor , whether present or prospective. Kroin this broad Koneral principle It Is easy to develop the particular proposition tlmt an association of men , \\iio combine tor the purpose of Inrreasini ; by locltiinnlc nifan , the . demand for tlicirtinntuon libor. Imxe a puberty right in wlmuner lawful inMiiimciitnlit } thev etn succeed In creating ami controlling fir tlmt put pose. To npply the tet already mentioned , If such aninstniiiici.taim Imsadlstiittfiiisluible existence. If It has nn a-tunl Mduo to those claiming to bo Its o'Mior * , il Is propeilv. Tl'cfncl that the label In this ca o Is val uable to the plalntllls and their associates is admitted by the delimiter. The defendant has nought to nppioprlntn It , ami bv that act Ims dcmoiistintuil that the label Is at nil events \\oith stcaliiiir. Il Is tine that It I" not tangible pioncily , like an ox- , but incor- poical piopertj , like" liadeniaiK or a uood will , and as irndily dlstliiguishabl" . JJrown Tiade .Mark's , see. Ml , etc. It Is not the corpoiate property of a cor poration , but the common piopcity of a \ol- imtniy a nciaton ! , \\lilrliulllUnirinlicis lm\o a common Interest. A voluntaiy a o- elation can o n piopeily In a ceitnlnen e just as well as a pnitneishlp. Metuss Moul- ton. liO.Md. , m Notwithstanding no piocedoiit mav be found nmoiiL' the lepmlrd ca es Iu the liltli- est cmnts of Knglatid ortlilscoutilt } , It seems stiniclrntly clear upon nilnclple that the de vice of the label \\hlcli Iho union Ims orlisl- lulled as Its liistiumtOitalltv lor the purpose indicated , and \\ldch Ihe dcmiuier admits has clfeutu.dly ucfomtillsliud its object , Iu liicieasIHK the demand for the l.iboi ot the membcis and thcieby cmhiaclm ; the value ol their Inbor , is a piopeity ilahl to the union , In \\liloliillils ; membcis have a common Inti'ie-st. It the combination for tlmt purpose be legitimate , ami the label Itself as U'ed bo a law ltd liistiiimciitabtv.and contain no tiaml- tilcnt mlsicpicciilatlon , the label N enllllcd to the iccognltion of a eoiut ol eipdty as a piopt'itv ilcht , and any liaiulnlcnt Imitation ol it will be A i.ocvi. WVHVIMI. In view of the discovery of the use of counterfeit labels in IhK oily and across the river , the following notice is given ; As picsideiit of No. 177elgarmakers' union , ol Council Hluu's I warn all par ties in this city , as well as iu Oiniihn , to refrain from issuing or u < iug any coun terfeit bine labels , and all such parlies will be prosecuted if they continue thus to do. PIIIUP Lonn 1:1 : , . Wo shall give $1.10 worth of presents away .January 1st , 18S7. livery 50 cent purchase will get you a ticket. Pn/.es will be exhibited in our show windows. Mrr.i.iiu : Mt-sii Co. , No. It ! ) Main Street. A few spats left lor the concert to-nighl at the Christmas Market. W. ! ' . Speir , IJew York , inspector of public buildings , is here examining Pnch' Sam's new house. F.lmer Shugart 1 at homo fora u < s ( from studies at Hollevuo college. ( J. C. Wise , who travels for Messrs. Haymond Camnbell , has jiisl returned from an e.xtcudetf we tern trip. See the Palace Car and Onakee Court ship at the Christmas -Market to-niyht. Substantial abstr.iels o f titles and rea estate loans , J. W. * E. L. .Siimre. No. 101 Pearl stieet , Council HlulVs. Don't buy your new suit or overcoat until ion look at those at Metealf llros. Secure seals early tor the concert to night at the Christmas Market. Notice Opera House barber sliop.batli rooms reopened. Everybody's store , good place to buy good's , No. 823 Main street. Little old folks' concert to-night at the Christmas Market. Heating stoves at cost to close , them out. W. A. Wood , No. oOl Main Street. The reserved seats for the little folks' entertainment at Temple hall to-night are only 10 cents. Those having 'Jo-cent tickets em have money refunded by call ing at C. M. Hiislmell'- , . A CRAFTY WOMAN. Ono of the Greatest Confluence Op- cratorM of Hci-Tlinc. A Philadelphia dispatch of November 20 to the New York ' 1 imes says : Charles Dayton Talmage brought his romantic and peculiar connection with the notori ous adventuress , Mr.s.Annic 'VValiiiiglord. io a most dramatic climax this afternoon when ho appeared as a witness in a suit nlli-eline his interests which vas on trial before Judge Fell. He tcstilicd to the fraudulent and crafty methods by which this subtle adventuress got him in her toils and secured from him an assignment of all he owned on earth. The old man's frame shook with excitement and his voice trembled with emotion as he de clared "it was a fraud and a cheat. I never owed heraccnl ol tho' li UCO said to have been the consideration for the assignment. She has robbed mo of . ! 0- , 000. She has seventeen dillerent hus bands and twenty different names. " Mr. I'nlnnige said he Knew whereof lie spoke , and his Knowledge was acfjuiicd by long and bitter experience. The public has had only scraps ami inklings of this most remark able chapter in the life ot the woman wnois easily entitled to the dis- t'-uction of biiing one of the geatest con fidence opciator& ol her time. She met Charles I ) , 'j almage in Paris in 187tf , ami their relations soon became quite inti mate. In less than a year there was a quarrel , an exchange of rings ami gems. A lawyer put things in shape and the two actors in thq drama.separated. Six years elapsed beloro they came together again. The meeting was in a boarding house in New York , where both were livintc. Airs. Wallitujford had concealed the ravages 9 ! with cosmetics and a tawny wig , and for nearly a week she passed betore Air Talmage's inattentive eyes unrecogni/ed and unknown Mean while she had taken the measure of her tender victim and formed plans which coiuemplateU nothing less than than the trotting possession ot his entire fortune. When the time was ripe she revealed her self , brought up pleasant memories of the past , ami nn-vailed upon the old man to go mid live with her in a Hat on Sixth avenue , near Twenty-eighth street. Then she commenced to carry out her well- planned schemes. She knew that at an earlier penod of his life Air. Talmazo's ' mind had been unsettled , and that ho was constantly in more or less dread of a recurrence of Ins mental malady vvhieii might land him in a mad house. This was the string on which she played. She discovered that Counselors lieorge W. Arumlol and K. O. Aloon , of this city , had in their possession about ? 8,000 which they had recovered in a suit in which the acted as 'J'almago's counsel. To get this money was her first object , Will all the inllnenco she had over her deli-led victim this seemed an easy task , She told him that Messrs. Arumlol and. Aloon wore his enemies , and would confine him in an insane asy lum if he came to Philadelphia. She as sured him Unit his relatives and friends had already instituted proceedings to have him declared a lunatic. She lured men to truck him on the streets of New York , and then pointed them out to him ss detectives sent over to entrap him and get him back to Philadelphia. Uy these means she persuaded him that ho could safely come to this city. The question arose how ho was to get tlio money from Air , Arnmlol. To this she proposed an easy answer. There was nothing to pre vent her comlnii to Philadelphia , there fore give her a judgment note and let her collect it from the attorneys. Talmago still hesitated , so he was taken to a law yer's ollico and browbeaten into acquics- cenco. Past experience had taught the ad venturess caution , and she. fortified her position until it seemed impregnable. Not satisfied with gelling Tafimigo's signature to a judgment note for 8,400 , siir nKo ma < li'him sign an nflidiuitstnt * ing tlmt tin-bul nipnt was for borrowed money and tn.u tie had no defence to il of any kind of sort. Feai fill that this might nol bind his real estate "ho took in addition an nc i iimcnt of all his proper ty. HeMdes all this she got him to write her a letter , dated in I TH , admitting that he owed her money. To civo this paper the proper appearance of nco she ex plained that she could dip it in tea and carry it in her pocket for a while. Those papers she brought on to Philadelphia and spread upfrtl"the records of the com mon picas com I No. ! J. No Philadelphia , lawyer would aMtsl in the conspiracy , so that she was obliged to act as her own at torney until sliE brought a lawyer over fiom New York with her. She issued an attachment against Mr. Arundcl , and ex- peeled Ihat she would gel the money immediately - mediately Mr Arundcl surprised her by making a most vigorous and porsi-t- out defence. Without having any pre cedent for his former client , held on lethe the money in spite of the orders and mo tests of Iho latter , and was fulK sustained by the court. Mrs. Wulllngford made repeated eflbrts to force him to give the money up , but was always balked. Ft nnlly she got disgusted and kicked Tal mage oul of Ihe Imt. This was jusl whal Mr Arundcl had predicted to the court that she would do tus soon n ° . she found her-elf unable lo get lliu money. Mr Talmngo then came on to Philadelphia , and Mr. Arundel explained lo him the frue condition of all'airs. Ho was duly gralelul and beeanm as bitter against the woman as he had formerly been strong in hi * , pasoion for her. He retained Messrs. Arundcl and Moon to assist him in get ting the court to open the judgment en tered on Iho sKtOO note. Depositions were taken , in which he do < crlbed how it had been extorted from him , and de clared that he owed the woman nothing. The court promptly granted his applica tion ami opened the .judgment. Mrs. Walliuirford , however , has not yet uiveii up the contest. Although she has no judgment , she has the note , the alii- davit and the lea-stained letter , upon which she intends to ask a jury to give her a verdict. Her ollbrts are al present directed to securing a lawyer who will consent to represent her. For Cntiglts , Asthma ami Disorders , u o 's ISrunrhlitl This will be the v cck for bargains. Our entire line ol shawls at 2j per ct. discount. Way down to'close out. They must be sold. We distaiicccompctition in ( jual- itv of goods and low pi ices , is the \erdictofanycti5tomcr. - JlttnnfiiclHi'i'i'ii iilfaiifiii/l { 'ift'f > They iii-rei' uxts no lun > , n < l ani- nol tforemnin. Our stuck fs Itiri/t ; and jKilfcrnn rlioicc. J'riccit mill be it'ltli its for ten Ii ABIES' UNDERWEAR At a Bargain. Stock largeand'we are bound to sell it out. Call and see our goods before piircliasing elsewhere. BARENESS BROS , , 40 ! Broadway , Council Bluffs Horses and Mules For all purposes , bought and fold , nt retail and in lots , Largu quantities to bclect from. Several pahs of fine drivers , sin gle or double. MASOH WISE , Council 111 nils. N. SCHURZ , Justice of the Peace Ollice o\cr > American Exprefs , FIRE INSURANCE \ rlhe \ , follov/ing Companies. German American , of Ntiu York Phfrnlx , * of Hartford. Hartford. * of Hartford , Callforntan , of San Franclico. Scottish Union A. National , of Calnaurg. Union , of San Francisco. State , * of DCS Mo/net. Wllllamtturg City , ' cf Brooklyn. Thou marked with a Intun alto against lots 6y Wind Storms. Cyclones and Tornadon FOR EALZ IN COU.Stlt. AND OMAHA. ONEY LOANED ON coon CITY M ANt ) FARM PROPERTY AT LOWEST KArCb. * TH A YJ T * * Ik T"V T " T f TAKE NOTICE ! You have but a few days' grace in wliicli to purchase Uj ARWLr\Uj | Window Shades , Etc. , Which we are now making. Remember that we are shortly to make a change in the firm , and wish to close out our -present stock before doing so. Council Bluffs Carpet Co. , No. 405 Broadway , Council Bhifics. ,5 r en's furnisher , 506 Broadway , Council Bluffs. llsadlpt ] Styles and 1rnpofkabops ! f3 ° P3tapbly op { -"land. S" 14O6 Farnnm Street , Oninha , Nob. Pearl Street. Sal I'.irminnc ] . : miU in iowu , Minnesota , Kansas , iind ranging from $ .100 lo $10.00 per acre. School ami state hinds in Minnesota on 80 years' tnuu 0 per cent interest. Land Huyers lure Iroe. Information , etc , ; ri\oii hv . . j.i. , No. 'iM Uroadwav. Coum-il Hlnli' < , Fowa. ngonl for Frfiilnkscn > V ; Co. . (3'iU ' ago HRS. C. L GILLETTE , jzyu'C-tu HAIR GOODS. I Will Pay the Highest Price in Cash FOR ALL KINDS OF JOHN V. STONK. J.UOII SIMS STONE & SIMS , 5 J'ractii'L- the Slate un < l Federal couits itoonis 7 Hiul 8 Sliiiwut lieiio IJlo'ik. COTJISTCILi BT-j R. L. WILLIAMS 18 N. Main st , Council niuffla. . , and 209 S. inth st , room 10 , Omaha , Neb. Miuiuruituioi'B Apentfortlui CALIGRAPH TYPE WRITER and SUPPLIES Tents , Awnings , Roofing , Slate , Mantels I'late and Window Glass , Show Cases , Eloators , ( hand andaulic , etc , FINE - FRENCH - MILLIHERY , 1514 Douglas St. , Onialm , NEW IMPORTED STYLES OPEN. Ladies buying n $5 hat or bonncl , one fare te paid ; ? io , lound Irip , SPEOIALNOTIOES. _ 3STOTZCB. Epcolnl mlvrrtUoinontg , eucli m I.nRt , Found lol.oiui , For Snlo , To Hunt , \\iuits , llannlliiir , t'tc , will bolnsurtat ! la tlily loluiun nt llio loir rntoofTK.VCKNTS Plllt LINK rorilioflrtt Inaor- Inniiiid FlMtC'cntgl'crl.lnurorfacheubbUiiuont Intfilioii. I.euvo iiJverllsomi'iits nt nnr ollico No. U 1'i'ttl bliect , nuai1 Dioailway , Council lllulTs. WANTS. TTIOIt HI'.NT 'I bo" one 6lor } Inuno liiKinCsii -L1 liuilillnir with < TIXHII dwi'lliiifr itttncliineni formciljocfiiplod liy II. I' . Niles. mid Ktiuwn 119 No. UU South ilulu bticc't Ajiily | to .S | Y Holirer. FOH HKNTT now l o sloiy irnino houee uontitlnliil looiiif , hull anil cellar iniUrr onliru house , on N. U i-uiner A\unue l-'nnil Little Ouftls btrcc-t. Only 7 blocks from Do- huiiy't , optra huueu. Cull on SI. 1' . Jtolirur , ut Ite iluin street , ( WANTUD A cotlu o of llro or &lx rooms , loi'iitoil convenient to btieinchs ; mniill family , no children. Address "CrUpy , " lite otliic. V\MNTlTTI-A" to diTvo"tcitin for \ \ \ V wlntt-r. I ) . .1. Smith , guiducr nnU Irult grower , tiouth I'lrst btrcct. WANTii-A : boy with jwny to carry Je ) route. FUIi BALK Olil papers tot sulu t the lleo olficv. "lA/ANTKJJ r rtl - inlendinc to l > o iii rrlnl > V nru wiinltd to cull ut Iho 1'rj or1 * III job olllfe to etlcct their \vcdillinf curds. MELYIH SMITH & CO McMAHOH & GO , filstiacts ) of Title , Loan and Real Es tate Broken , No. 236 Main St. l t/ir"inot relia ble ub truel liofikn In ////s eonuli/ , " known nn tfie "JlcMulinn Abtlrne.t llookn , " ire ai-e notir jn-t-iinivil to fur- iiili tibittnmtH tintl i'e.iii-rt/'iilli/ < > - llctl the iHiti'otutyeof all little aenii Inn correct filntnirt * of title to lanils and loin In I'ottaivattitinic count// / , mm mm & co , , HO. 236 MAIN SI1. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. Stai Sale Stables and Mule Yards , IJROADU'AY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. Oppubltu Duinni ) Uoput , BCO CO ilor. c3 anil mules k | ) t oonsiantly on luinil , for .salo at retail or in car lomls. Odors promptly lillotl hy contruct on shurt notice .Stock sold on ooniinission. Snu'innfe Uoi.i.'i , 1'iopriulurb Telnpliono No 111 Formerly of K il Kale .Stsihlefc , corner Ut. ave ami UU IL. RIGJS , M. D. . Oi otbri Tumors itiiuiiixl witliout te kiufuordruirlnvof blood. Otor thirty VLMK prrtctipalripfrience. No II renrl&t , ' frou. OFFICER & PUSEY , COUNCIL l'a , JA , Kitnbliibed 1U7 THE HEATON FUEL CO - Will suppy x on AS ith n ' .leaner atui better lity of Than .1113 otic iu the city. A will com \incc jou. No ( US Hroid\\.iy. Telephone HO , WHOLESALE AND JOBBING COUNCIL BLUFFS. ' * AGlill n,1flU I. ntl't.HMKM" ! . " ' DJIRIC : : , WKLLS & co , WliolcMlo Agricultural Implements , Busies , Cnnlnecs , rte .Uu. ronndl nluir * . Iowa. KKYSTONH MANUl'ACTUUlNCi CO ? Mntiiifiii'tiniMsol Kuil Donlpiftln Hand and Power Com Shelters , Anil iiKonutnl Him ol llrM cln s ntrrli'iiltuinl . Nos. IfiOl , 1 'M. 150.1 niul IMJ ? oiilh Mnln Stroit , _ _ _ Coiuit'll UiUlT < , limn. DAN II ) UUADM'.Y .t CO. , Mnnur'M nn 1 Jobbpi nt Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Bnggios , , ; . n" Kl"1' < of K nn Mnohlnorr. 1100 to 1113 Soutli Jlnln Street , Counoll llltiirt ( ' . I Itl'K I'- * . COUNCIL HI.UKFS CAUIMJT CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades Oil Clotlip , Ciirlnin riiluroi , ITpho iorr Clou Kto. Na 405 llromlwny Counoll llluffs , i-n , KIT. TKUKC.OV & M0015K , Wholesale .lobbois In Iho Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes - Nos. CSMatn ana t7 ! 1'oail Pis. Council lliu ( I a. lorrn. COMMISSION. SNYOKU" & U-fAMTN ; WIlolCRIllo Frnit and Produce Commission Morcliants. Ko J4Tu il St. Counoll III 1IAULK , HAAS A ; CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , 1 Stimuli' * , lllc. No. 2i Mnln St , anil No. 211'oail SI. , CouiH'll Illuirs. i anr * . O. W. IJUTTS , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty General Commission. Nn "ill Ir ) iub\aj' , ( 'ounull Illiirri U'lUT vV DLKJl'I'.rrK , Wliolcsile Fruits , Confectionery , AND- COMMISSION , NOD. 10ami IB I'unil St. , ConniMI llluffs HAItXUSS. K'JC. 15KCICMAN , STHOIliJKIliV A ; CO. , Jliinu'ni'Hitois of and \Vliolyilo : Doulunln Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. Ka K. ) Miiln Pt. . Counuil llluIN , lonriu HATH , r.-l/W , ETC. MKTCALF JJllO'l'lIKIlS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and -Gloves. No . : 2 anil 311 Hioailwiiv. Council KA rr KKHUXK & VKL'l\ \ Iron , Steel , Hails , Heavy Hardwire , And Wooil Slock , Coiinull llhiir , lown. COUNCIL HLUFI'S OIL CO. . Wliolofiilo DvHliTi In Illuminating & Lubrlcatl 01U Gasollu E3TO. , EJTO. F.'I licodore , Atrunl , Connuil Illnira , Inivn. i'ii.t\a urc. A. OVKItro.N Ar CO. Hard Y/ood / , Southern Lumbar , Piling Anil DridRO Mnli'il.ll S | > < > rlaltlr > 4\Vlu > 10Milo bur or nil Klmls. Dillt < No. I.W Jluln tiu. Council Illilllij. Jotriu US AMI LIQVUtlS. JOHN LIN'DIIK , Imported and Domestic Wines a Liquors foi SI. ( iiilllitlio d Ilorli Illltcid. Main M. Council lllulM SCIINKIDKR > V HK ( K , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , ffutfio MatnSt. , Cuuncil ll'.ujj. L. K1H.SCIIT iCO , Wholesale Liquor Dealers No. 114 Hiou'lwio ' , COIIIK II OREBTON HOUSE The only hotel in Council Dlull'b having And all ino'crn ' iinprovcinentb. 15 , U17 and S1U Main st. MA.MOI1K , f'roj ) . .lotii'iialii , iOiinly ami Itiilili WorUol'AII Itillds n SjK'1- ially Prompt Allenfion to Mail Orders MOREHOUSE & CO. lioom 1 ICvcrcl lilocl. , Council Binds ' Slamlard Puprra U vA All lyli" > of li ii.l ing in Mu u ines anil BLAETK BOOKS. niniii.N'c : : : r-j C. I ) . National Ilu.ik , il. It. Bir- . . J-.Co . Clll/unV Iliinlf. J > e 'ic. " , rr , \V. Mri.tNnlloinU Hunk. e. II lllHli . ft JIIicci A. I'ubtty.llunkurd.UiJXVMill , uT U T . 1 OllO Reduction imt . . KJ. county ) ' )0 i h 1 11 { I llJlllltt , nii ' the funded Ats lk.ncr& . Council