THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , DECEMBER 2 , 1880. ACTIVITY IN WHEAT TRADES , Armour Delivers Out Largo Quantities in Chicago , Replacing at Dulutb , CORN ACTIVE AND VERY FIRM. l'ro\l lens Speculated In on it tjnic Scale nntl nt Higher Prlcpq-Crti- tic ( irnrrnlly Ijourr Ho I'rtuc.s Drop. oo pitonuci : M.VKKKT. CiiicAno , Dec. 1. iSpcclnl Telegram to lilt ; Dili ; . ] Aimour h inld to lia\o delivered out about 1,000,000 bushels oflieat tlih inoinlttK , pnltlni ? out tliu older r : el | > l < \\lilcli lie held. His conlldentinl imtn spent a week n little while ncoiU Dnltilh wlieio tlio packer Is nlicady cnnylng sovcrnl million bushels. Now It Is supposed that ( lie client dellxcicd out to-iliiy heielll be tcplnccil with Dnlitlh receipt * . Digger entrjlne ; clime' ' * nio paid In Dnluth than here , and Aimour Is piiltlnic Ids money wlicto It will f.irn tlio highest rate of Intcicsl. Wheat on the curb stalled at S'l'ifc for .May. Shoitly niter thn opening Armour began cliansin inei apical lot of , showing tlmtho nppiircnk throwing o\ei ofshrat by this big gest of all the can lei s w as only n innnctiv IT It \\ldiMioultnccatrylni ; chatgcs on 7oooooo bushels of tlio wheat nt Chicago and bushels of the wheat at Duluth anil Milwaukee. Aiuoinincni tsialn cnitler s.ijt that ho ptolMhly atciiigcs 1U uii- : rent on nil \nstntmmntol ptnppity. 'I'ho inalouty l wheat was dclKrrvd out this niuinluirto Pool , Micriimn & Co. . c.uilcts I't-.ini Is bullc\cd to ha\e sold wheat to-dnv sti'iidlly tnit < ipnilnIy. [ ; In a manner to most nITi'L'l prkes. 'J'lui niaiKet was stlong all da > . The opening was s'l'fc. and nt t > Tie thole was a halt and some [ limitation , 'lhe.ii it went on up to NJjjfc. 'I he lad that thn aniiMint of wheat on passage to tins I'niti'd Kingdom and the euntlnenl d encased ovui 1.000,000 bushels was part ol tin ; bull talk. New Voik bought wheat lalhei libuully. Coin , In the local siecnlntho ) iniu- Itcl. dlsiilajed fair acthllv und pro nounced Hi iiiness to-day. About the only reall.\ weak teatiueat iiicscnt Is the. poor de mand existing for low grade * ol cash , espe cially No. ! 1 coin. There appealed to bu plenty ol May piopcrty lot atWe. . and tlie denmnd was lurcely liom local shoits. . ( ones , McCoimluk i\r ( 'o being the hugest Individual bnvct . Theie was also a good of rcall/lng by weitcm parties who had ii small proht In their tiadcs.May opened at 4'Vfe , orasbailo liitnei than It closed yestci- iluy , and advanced tolithe , selling sparingly at that. Dining the last hour lite iiiatkctiu- acted tol'JXc , wheie it eloped at 1 o'clock , with .limitary ijiwted at ! > 7fc and Kebnuiy at iiS'nc , making an actual liniuuxti- mriit din ing the ii'KUlai .session ol > 4 ( " . .Ke in le.ullng tnturos. The New Voik niiiikct was sle.ulj for fiitmes , and .spot coin In I.Ueipool was lepoited linn with a good demand , The lerelpts at this point ate ex- peeled to show little Ineiunso dmlnc Hie nc.\t few day. O.its weio onlvinodeiatel ) active , and the lluctn.itlons In pi Ices weio within J4c limits. Tlio leellng was intluu Him in sjm- pathy with coin , May selling liom : > te at the. oiieiilnc iii | to ill ' 40 , and closing at yil.oat ( 1 o'clock. Piovlslons weio bliong today and sneeitlntlon was on n Imso scale. Dining the Ion ) ; Cession polk estahllshed an advance olOc , ribsiViiT'jc ' , and laid the same. The packers : n o no longer n unit on the selling lde and the mailed continues to be a glow- Ins "no. The receipts ot hops aie liberal , tint the packers aio taking caio of the tu- ii\als. I'lio packing season Is stalling out 0:1 : a healthier basis than usual. 2 : i'.0 p. in.'I lie bulls took ehnige ol the maiKets ( lining the shoit session , and wheat , coin and poik weie all liigliei. Wheat was stiongatid acti\e , advancing to M'fo ' for .Mav , closing at Me. Kiom New Voik nine MM ! loads weio repotted taken lor export. May coin sold up to 4l'4e ' and icslcd 'n- ' be low that liguii' . .Jannarj pork aduincud to'-i , where It closed. CHICAGO IjlVn STOCK. rniTAoo. Dec. J.-.Special [ IVlcgiatn ti the llii : : , ] CA ITI.I ; The icculiiU to-d.iy were libi'ial , and considering tlio iii.\lily | , wore excessive. Sales ol tidj tut sleets ami one or two < ! \tta lots wuic at tales but little lowcilillocoiiiiiiiiii to lair cattle weio dull , weak and averaged fully Hlc lower than on jestt'iday. Thcie wcic many thin and coar- < cattle which wcte cMii'tnely haul to sell at JlOCJIOe declliii ! fiom last week. One. drove o ] snpoiioi calllosold at SQ.25 , howovur , vvhicl MmVvs the dilleicncc In iinallly , as many veii heavy and fat cattle have sold this week a 5 > 4.'i'K < U.7.'i. The uroat bulk ol cattle sold to day at about § ! i.fiUjii.7. ( : > , and nianot thu cal- tlu buingsaeillici'd at about Si. " " > &ti.lJO ! could not bo leplaccd by feeders In the conntij. The inn tills week has consisted laigcly ot thin and hall hit cattle , which wvr held back In tlieconntiy paitly o\vlng \ to the late stuko nnd p.utly on account ol tlio westein cattle inns , but malnl > ov\lngtolow pilics. .Mail ) ot Iho culllo coming heio had batcly enough coin lo "winm them up , " and because coin is not voiy nlcntllnl and cuttle just now aie vijr low , faimcis and tcedeis seem to think limy canniit lot go ol tliclr cattlu too soon. Thu tesiilt has hccn a ot them and in- Iciioi stock , which has been enough to swamp the maikct lor inittty uood cattle. Thu pu'iont juices lor low giade natlve.s am about thu lowest ot thu veai bnl tai liters anil Iccdcis bcem to act as It limy had come to the "jumping oil pl.tLV , " and noun mom i-.v jK'i-tcd cattle lo lie \\oith nil ) thing. Among thi ) ollciiiigs wciu some UJi to UiOlh'JVs.ins w'hlch sold at ? , ' l.'X > . lloiiS-At Urn openlni ; or Uefoic the ic- colpts wciu fully known pilccs tilled at about Iho closing of > i".ioiila ) , but later when thu irpoitcamii In theio was a big inn on the Chicago. HmllnL'tdii \ ( jnlney , prices hiiddcnlv diopped a sluing fie , and from that on to the clotu values nileil easlei , tinally t'loslnu' fit'ilOf ' lower than jpstcidav. A lew Jots of laney heavy soliieaily at i-l.lO .lfi. but at thu close such could have liccii bought at H.XfiM,10. ( ) The sioat bulk ot niKed and iKicKIni ; sorts sold aionnd about SH.Nlgt.'i.t'O ' ; best milking S.'t..rxn I.OD , with iiinuh andcom- iiinii at $ : : . * < UVf.75. ( ! ) Light soils sold at < i'\.W \ F1NANUIAU Now York. Dec. 1. MONKT On call actho at ftsjio pei cent , closing nt n per 'cent asked. I'liuiK .MRUCAMILI : TArKti < @ 5 per cent. . OTKiti.iNn KXCIIANOI : Dull and weak ; actual r.ites , t4.bO. lor sixty day bills ; Sl.M lor demand , ( JovKr.KMhNrs ( loveinment bonds weio dull but heavy. STOCKS Stoeks showed a mniked deeiease In business to-dn > . Thuinaikct was decidedly hlrong at the opening , thu general list shoe ing advances of H to } f pet cent , The openIng - Ing liBUics. lioweM'i , weio not maintained , All thu leadei.s weiu prominent In the down ward mmcmcut , but thu maiket rallied towntd Ihuend of thu hour. Karly losses , however , weru not imide tin until well into thoatternoon , thu maiket In ( he meantime basing been atlvely oulet. In thu last two hours , on an activn business , juices con tinued to advance under the leadership of Union 1'aellie , and thu COMI ! was stioiig at or about thu best prices icached. STOCKS ON W.U.I. , STIIKBT. cent botida. . . . 100t < f0. [ & N. W . . . 110' I ) , b. 4Vi's . 110i4' inefetred. . . Ul ' I'acihcO'sof ' 05.lSJ tUit [ > coii Trat ( , . . vntrul Paellic. . .VJf ) I'neilie Mall. . . . &V | U..VA . Hi il'.D.&K . J V uruienea. . . 100 1' . 1 > . 0 0. 11. A U . 1.17U ; Hock Island . . . l'J7 1) . J , . AV \ . 141 ? ; bt. L. AS. . K. . . . Si' ; 1) . All. U . ! MV iirefeneil. . . ft , i ; Krle. . . . ST't 0. , M. * St. I . , w prefeim ! . . 7n\4 jirefeircd . . . JIUJf Illinois renlral. jai'a St. I' . itO . 51'J 1..II. AcW . H ) pteferied. . . 114 Kansas A Texas. 37all'Te\.is ' ' . \ I'aclhe. . . 27Jtf I.akoKhoru till Union Pacltlo. . . f.7S' . U * N M \V. , St. I & P. . - Mich. Central. . . SW" jircfurrett. . Mo. I'aclfio Western Union. Northern 1'ac. , , O. . K. &N prcfcntd. . . Kx-Int. ClUcaun. Dec. l. l'Jour Fairly aetUe r.nd mm ; winter Hour , E4.uvg4.lo : houthern. S3. 0si ( < .t)0j ) Wisconsin. tS4.00 ( jt4.lOjMlchltranbortsprlni : wheat , S3.50Q 4.10 ; .Minnesota bakers. J3.50ftl.lO : patents , S1.BO iTJ .eo ; low LTade.s.8 1.75 ( .75 ; no ( lour , nuiei at S3.'Bii ( .50 In barrels , and S3XW 8.20 In sacks. Wheat Active and considerably btroiipci : opened 'iitl4c ( uboveyeaterUaj's eloke , aud c'oscd 1 „ 'l-ff hichcr than clo c ; eaib , 7 > * > 'i.c5 Jnnunry. ii\e ; February , 78' c ; May , Me. Corn Strone ; o | > encd teady at vcstcr- daj's < * lo p , and elo ed rnn iderablj hlcher ; cash , 'rt tc5 January , 8 c { l-'ebrutiy , 3f\c ; May , tvtc , Oats 1 1 Ishpr trading wilhniHrket lieav > ; fntmei were Mlglillv weakei , cash. 'J7c ; Jan- unrj.a7l e : May. ni\c. Hyc Stonily at 5 e. Uarlcv Quiet nt .V-c. Timothy seed I'rime , S1.74gl.75. ( l'laeed Olc. Wlitiky-Sl.lfr. 1'ork Active ; jnloo receded 'J'irtt.'Veearlv ' , cradunlly Improved .1V i } < c , and closed 10 ( $ IV higher ; en h , SlO.'d ; Jantmy , SlO.UJJi ; IVbttinry.Sll.WX ; Mny. Sll.iBV. Laid Moderatel > ncthe : 7H@lOc higher ; cash. SO.18) ) ; January , SCi.UK ; Febrnaiy , 50.25 : Match , SC.SO. Hulk Meats hhouldern. $ 4. WIJ ? 4.75 ; ltoit clear , S3.70fr.7J ( ; short ribs , 3 > .M for .Inntmry. Hutter Steady ; ci cautery , 24@20c ; dairy , I'iftWSc. Lheese Onlel nnd rather stonger1 full cream clicddiu * ia13' ' flats llliHc ' ; Americas , 13K < Kl' 'Xc : skims , H&c. - . Hides Heavy green salted , litllv eiiicd. s4e : light. S'i-uTlV : "Uii'Wc : bull hides. Cfe ! : drv salted , HQl'-'c ; dry flint. rit4c ( ; calf skins , JKitlO e ; deacons , f > 0o each. 'l'allowNo. . l country , 8 0 ; No , 2 , 'J'sc ' : cake , Vc. ItPcnlnt' ' . Shipment's. Flonr.bbM . U7.0J < i U.OOO Wheat bu . ] : ; booo 'N.OOO Coin , bu . VJ7.10J ll.COn ( ) ( ) nt .DU . lK5.0iX ) 2J.OOJ Uje. bu . " ,000 . Umlev.mi . 41,000 Now York , Pee. 1. Wheat Uerelpt ? , 12. IOJ ; cxpoits. S.XX ( ) ; ca h , u shade lower , 'losing ' Hteaily ; otionsopeneil | ) aHo'ii'hlilier ' , nter lost Imiuovement , snbsemicntlv ad- .anceil . K < JV J , closing llrni , wltn delivciles inusitally heavy ; ungiaded led , SlQWje ; So. i It H'd , Wic ; No. 1 led , 0o ; Xo. ! 3itd , 7e n ele\ntor , , ) atiuai > closing at&S\c. Corn Cash , Ug'fo ' lower ; otitlons r , closing lh in ; iccclpK ill.ora ; oxpoils , i5,0 ; tingiadeil , i.ViMTc ; No. iISa i ! : No. 2 , 7wl7Ve In elevator , -isi4e , afloat ; January losing at ( S'ic. ' Oats Slimlu slionger and active ; receipts , ,000 : exports , " 00 ; niKcd western , \hlto wcstein. IVXjNle. Potrolcnm Steady ; Unlto I closed at Kgcs Finn and lalily acllve ; wcstcin. T rrf-Jliife. Poik Firm and falily active ; family mess , < ! l'MXiM2.2T1 ) ( : , . haul lllulicr and active ; western steam , pot , tl-IOiO.Ci. ) ( Untter Firm ; westein , l'2@47c ; Klgln irenmcrj , OTc. Cheese Quiet but very linn ; western lint , M1.00 ( . Milwaukee. Dec. 1. AVIicat Sttong ; : ash , 7V'c , ; January , 7tVj : .Mav Me. Coin Active No. ' - ' , if7 < c. Oats-Stead ) ; No. ' . ' . 27e. KyoLower ; No. 1 , w. Harlpv Diooplng ; No. 2 , We. ProvisionsHigher. . Pork December , S10.50 ; January , SIO.OJJ . GiiicUinntl , Dec. 1. Wheat Quiet ; No. " Corn In lair demand ; No. 2 mixed' 37)4 ) ® Oals-QnIel ; No. 3 Ultxrd , S''c. ' ' Kvo Fiimi'r ; No. 2. .Vi\ ) Poik Sll.23C411.50. . . . . stumgat . . . . . . . . . . Laid Klimer at ? * . ill , . Whiskv Finn atSl.ta. Mliincaiinim. Dee. 1.--U'licat Strong mil active ; No. 1 haul , cash , 7-l14'c ; January , . " > ' 4c ; Jlay , M' c ; No. 1 northern , cash , IM'c ; Januai ) , 7tj4c : ; No. 2 noithctn , cash , 'He. Flout Finn ; intents S4.20S4.40 ; bakers , 53.25wwn. : llccolnls Wheat. 11M.OOO bit. { shipments - Wheat47,000 bu. ; llonr , 2J.100 bblb. bblb.St. St. tioitiw , Due. 1. Wheat Stronger and ligliei ; No. a icd. cash. 77J1i ? ( 78u ; Deccm ) ti ! , 7v : .lann.iry , 7i ! > , c ; .May , bi5 fc. Corn Stead ) ; No. 3 mixed , cash , " "i0 > jc ; Dcccmbui , StiJ'b'c ; Januaiy , iiOi4'c ; May , o"ats Stcadv : No. 2 mixed , easii , 2 ) cci'mbci , Si'Vc. live Finn at t > lc. Whiskv-St.lil. Poik stiong nt Sio71.iito.50. : ; ( ; Lard -Stead v at Sii.OO. Hiillcr Fnltly active nnd steady ; cieamciy , Alternoon JJoaid Wheat Finn and Vc hlghei Coin-.ste.uly'soc'-ic-highoi. ' Oats I'.ts ) and 'i.GS'i'c ' Jovvei. Ijlvorpnul , Dec. 1. Wheat Finn and Icmaiid irood ; holdeis oiler sjiailn ly. Coin Finn and demand uood. Kansan Oily , Dec. 1. Wheat Firmei : No. 2 icd , cash , 01'4c ' bid ; January , on' c bid ; .May , 7l'sc. Coin Steadv ; No. 2 , cash , : ! PjC bid.Jan- ; uarv , iV-'nCuid ' ; ilay , oO c. Oats Nominal. Now Orlciins , Dec. 1. Coin Dull am' lower ; white , I7i4sc ( : inlcdlic ; yellow. 4X t-lic. ! Oats Kasler ; choice wostcin , 'B'ic. Coinmcal ( Jttlct at ? 'J.oo. HOK Pioducts liie-jular. Potk Laid Kutmed , ticicc , Sfi.OO. Hnlic .Meats Shouldcis , dull anddioopint at ; ? < 00 ; long clear and cleat libsr > . liIVK STOCK. Olilonto. Dei' . 1. Tlio Diovci's Jonrna lenoilH as follows : Cattle Uecolpts , r..OOO ; good and linn fancy , S5'i" > < ' "i O ; sliitiplug Meets 10i lower at Sii.'iCiM HO ; stocKeis and fcedeis "iOOWMO ; cows , bulls ami mixed , Si.i" ' { : i.OJ ; bulk , ! f J..HiiS.V ) < ; Tnxai cattle 2.2 @ 15J ; wcstein iniuois , Sit.OOdt4.05. Hogs-ltcculpls. 51,000about ; steady ; iimu'l and mixcil. i ! .iV'"Jl.uO ; packing and shln- nlng , Sj.'i.soffli.i.'i ; li lit wclchts , a.40Mr.00 skips. S'J.OO.a-r ( : ! , . Shcop lleceiiits 0,000 ; slow but "steady natives , SVJ.X' ' < : ; lambs , S'JO ( I.75. St. 1/ouiH , Dec. 1 Cattle Kocoints , ' , ' .000 slilpmunls00 ; good , him ; common , slow choicu nalivo steers SI.KOcg-t.M ) ; lull to gooi shipping Meets , SWOMiai ; butelieiV sleeis tali tu'cholco. M.UOOtJ.00 ; fcedcts , tali li good , Sl.lK ) , ' . ' .7.r ) . lloirs Iti'cclpts , 10.000 ; shlmients ) , ' . ' ,000 market active at nnchangi'd figures : cholci heavy ami butchers' selections , 5-1.01 ® 1.20 packing , W.lHKrji.lO ; Voikcrs , S'J. < < XS3.fc5. KaiiHiiH City , Di'c. 1. Cntlio Itucelpts 2,000 ; shipments 1,200 : steady and him common to eholce , S.I. lOyM.JXi ; MocKms and tccdeis , S'i Wlifa.LO ; steels , g'.fcOia,50 ( [ ; cows , " ilogs ifi-celpts , 15,000 ; . * ! ilmietits | , . ' .00 ; weak and 5j lowei , common to choice , it,70 : OaiAHA lAVll STOCK. Wcdnci-day , Dec. 1. Cuttle. The iccelpts weio not finite ns heavy as jesterday. Thu maiket was lOfo/jSo lower than ycstciday. llntcheis' stock ibeiy slow sale and theiu is moie coming In than thete Is a demand tot. Mhomaikit was acti\oat the decline and a good many cattle changed hands. _ Hugs. Tin * iccelptfi weio liberal. The maiket opened about steady , \eiyslow nnd diig- : ging. The bulk ol the lions were Iclt nuill late In the nltctnoon , A few loads weiu llOllt.OM'l. _ Sliccp. ThiMe was a small mu'ch ' in the nmikel to day , but none sold. Itccelpm , Cattle . 500 I'rcvnillni ; I'rlcoj. Showlne thu provallliiK prices paid for ll\e htocU on this market. Clioloo steers , 1SV ) to 1.100 Ibs . S .00@4,20 Choice steers , 1 100 to 1U3J Jbs . 3.M1&I.OO ( Joodleedors . i.6.x ! > < 3.oo ( iood to choicj corn-lea cows . 2.WM1.00 Itangocowu. . . . 2.25 i.60 Fair to medium grass cows. . . . . . . . S.OOCu-2.25 ( iooil to choice tmlls . . . . l.25 tl.GO Lii'ltt anil medium nogs . u.GO$3.70 ( Coml to choice licavy nogs . S.GOuC-i.70 ( ! oed to cliolco mixed no s . . . . . 3.MV13.C5 Coed to ciioice sheep. , , . , , , . , . . . . . 2,75 ' ) .iJO Fair to good sheep . , . 2.25 ( 2.0 Iteprcbentativo Hnlcs. cows. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1..11W ) S2.00 a..lH ! ? S2.7S 0. . lOOS 2.C5 2..KW5 U.23 STAGS , No. AV. Pr. llbOO 53.00 1IUI.1.S. No. Av , Pr. * Ha , Av. Pr. 1,1SOO J'J.W 1..1CW V2.75 i ) IHTI n i. us * TII t. < o. Ai. I'r. i.0 1010 S12. . Phowlne the hlch'Mt and lowest paid foi loads ot ho s on lids nuik''t ' during the past seven davs and foi the samu time : Oct. 1885 | Nov. t33. ' Nov. Sliltiiiu'nt . Kho\\lni \ ; tlio number of P.IH of entile , lion nndMici'p shipped ftom South Omahn ilnrui ! ? the ilny : No. cats. IJouli' . Destlnntlon. r , N. AV ridiMKo 4 .Mil. , Chicago iioas I N. W Chicago Alls-ilcs of stock in tills mukctarc made pei cwt. live weight unless othcivvlse stated. Dead hogs cll at } & put Ib. lot all weights. no value. Pregnant sows aio docked 10 Ibs. and stags 80 Iba , by thu public Inspcctot. Notes , Hogs about steady. JJnlcheis' slulllovv. . Cattle take a long step dow nwnrd. Maiket inclined to bu slow on hogs. A. II. Lincoln , Pierce , was heic with a ear of sheep. W. M. Sandcison , Colon , was In with a load ot hogs. I. Uovvcrs was In and sold n load of cattle fiom Illanclmid. K. H. Hyan , Hcebytow n. la. , was Mi and sold a load ol hogs. Adam 'Jialuim , Spilnglield , Neb. , was hcio ind sold a load of hogs. K. S. Hnrns , Lime Sin Imrs , In. , was look ing over the cattlemaikul. . Joseph A. Heed. Hlatichaid. was in with a load ol coin Icd cattlu and sold. II. Hauls , Wlsner , wasal the yaids with n loid of cattlu and a load of hogs. ,1. , S. Smock , Hcciiier , Neb. , was hcio with a load ol catllu and a load ol hogs. It. It. Ciammel , Herman , was hcie with a arof hogs and two eats of cattle. 0. C. I/alrd. Sciibner , was in and topped [ lie iiuiKetilli a load of coin fed catllu. P. JIcMuilen , Lyons Neb. , was In with a liiad ot coin led cattlu which Iiu sold on tin ; maiket , A. J.-Maish , Crclghton , was in with two loads ol hogs. He has maikctuit ten loads icic dining tliu past two weeks. A. IT. Wvman and J. J. Hrnvvn , of the Omaha National bank , was lieie to-day look ing up n location lei a new bank. OMAHA AVIlOIjUSAljE ; JIAKICI3TS. General Produce. Wednesday , Doc. 1. Tlicfollotvlnr/ / j / ate jor round lots of produce , as sohl on the market lo-da\i. \ Ttie on frtilti represent tncilcc3 ) nl wlilch outside order * me tilled. hinulecase lols aio selling at [ Me. but the maikct is nut lh in at that pi Ice. The icceijilsot stilctly liesh eairs me not heavy but theic aie jilunty ol cold .sturaic on the niaiKct. Hutter Choice dairy and country butter continues in KOOI ! rditiest ami the maikct is steady. Cii'amcry , choice , isj ( ; eieamci > , tancv , : ! 0u ; lancy danjr. 2"c ; choice conntiv. 2)2J ( ; lair to good conntiy , ISfeiiO ; poor , IHgU. : Knllcieam cheddars , sinsic , 13c ; lull cieam Hats , twins , 13c ; jonng Ameiican , 13"c ; fancy Swiss WWlfijwiss ; , impoited , Joe ; LlmlMiiKcr , l Ke : bilcUWMie. \ \ . LIVI : 1'ot I.IKV I'heio is a vcr > limited maikct for li\u ponltiy ol any kind. Ini > sKi ) I'OL' ' , The maikct is very qnict. Dieiscd chickens sold as low as Oe to daj lor choice stock and tnrkoat7c. . I'OIATOIS : The cold we.tthcr has ent oil otf the fn-sli supply and dealcisnte depend ing upon the1 stocks alrcad } on hand to sun- ply the tiade. ( .tioico slock , per bit. , fiOe , tancy stock , per Int. , .V.'c ; lair to good 3l@lric ; cliolce stock , small lots , liom stoie , ftje ; Salt L.ike , choice. SOc. lin.VNs Inleiiot stock. 75c@1.00 ; teed ; clean countiv. S1.00l.t"i ! ; medium , hand picked , Sl.U ) ( i 1.40 ; hand picked , na\y , Sl.-lO ( ifl.oO. l'iiovisio\s-llam , nKcbipakfast ; bacon. lOe : clear side bacon , h jc ; dry salt bides , S > : slioiildcis , 7c ; diicd beef , icunlnr , lie : di led beef , ham pieces , He ; laid , 50 Ib cins , ( ! % < : ; lard , "JO Ib cans. Kaiibatiks , OJ-c ; laid , 10 II ) cans , KiiibanKs , To ; laid , 5 II ) cans , 7'nc ' ; laid , 31b cans , Faiib.uiks , Ari'i.i : * The maiket icmalns about "teady and fall Iv acti\e lot this season ot Iho > oat. Choice .Missouri stock. SWC'Michigan ' ! : stock , ? 'J.)0 ) ; lancy Michlciin. S.i.OO ; l.incy Michigan , 10 to'Jo bbl lots. S2.75. UNIONM 'I'hi ! maiket lemalns about steady nt loimei nnotations , Common stock pur mi * in bulk , 7" > c ; lali tofjood per bu. . liom stme , tKcw ) l.lK ) : choice yellow , OOefrf-l.OO. Cii.inv The maiket Is Meadj. Choice stock per do4 < te : e\tia laige , PCI do50c. . Osi i. its Mail onlers have heen vt'iy heavy , and the bulk ol ojstors snipped to thu outside tinde has been unusually lartrr. Mediums ' - ! " > ( > ; standards , 'ib ; t-elecls , .M ) ; c\tta selccth , ! Bc ; N. Y , counts , 3sc , ( lAMi : Thcic has been a llbcial supply of game on the maikct and thn demand has been Rood. l'i , ill io chicken , per do$3.UO ( < ( ! 3.0 ; entail , JUT do/ . Sl.'JoO'-.OO ; biiipc , DCI do/ , e-l.iWCa'l.-'i ' ; duck's , mallnid , pel do/ , W.iHXji'.r.O ; ducks , leal , per do/ , Sl.-JVitl.Qi ) ; ducks , niKed , pci doz , § 1 yxdH.ra ; scese , per do/ , S3.00gi.r)0 ( : ; deer , saildle.s , DIM Ib. llQfKc ; dpcr , carcasses , peril ) , ; oik saddles , pei Ib , l'c ' ; elk , caicasscs , per Ib , .XgOc ; anlelone , saddles , pei Ib , H5ii'Je ) ; antelope , Ciicassi ! < , per Ib , 7i ( < t > c ; . lack i.ibblts. per do53,5'J Binall rabbits , per do51 0051. ' . LKMONS .Messina , per box SB.nogLOO ; .MalaKa.S5.BO. OitAXor.s Jamalcas , per box. S" . 0 : ,1am nica , per bbl , Slo.K ( ) ; Klorida per bos , $ r > .M. CitAMti.iuiius ( 'aioCod ) , lancv , per bbl , $7.7f , ( > .00 ; bell and bii''lo , per bbl , S7.60 ; bell nnd chetiv. net bbl , 37.00. HANANAS llit'io In no clianijo in the maikot. llananas , vellow , pot bunch , S'i.oo ® J i'j ; banana ? , yellow , Jaige , per bunch , V. . & ( a.\.U \ ) . ('r.s Malaga , resular bbl , S7.50 Malaga , ' \tia i ) bbl , Sb.fiO. AND MiM.sii'FFh U inter wheat flour , best quallt ) patent , W.75 ; second qual- ' - . $2.40 ; best ipiahty sorim ; wheat Hour , patent. S'J.OObianrjOopuro ; > vt ; chopped fewl , 70c per o\vt : white , corn meal , OOj ; jcllowcorn meal , NC pei cwt ; Hcieonlni ; , OOo porcwt ; hominy , 83.00 per cwt ; shorts , r " > o per cwt ; irraliam , Sl.OO : hay , in bales , 55.WJJ 0.00 ner ton. Gi-ooors' itlat. ricKi.KS-Medlum. In bbls , SO.f.0 : do , Ii half lbls ) , S3.75 ; small. In Dbis. S7.50 ; do , It bait bbl8.SI.riV Kherklr.s , In bbls , S8.50 ; do In half bbls , S4.75. tivni'i' No , 70. 4-gallon kegs , S1.20 ; Xn Orleans , per ; nation siv4iis ! ( : manic ; sj run half bbls , "old lime , " pur gallon , 7'Jo 1 gal Ion cans , par doSJO.OO ; halt gallon cans jierdo/ ! " > .00 ; qiiait cans , SU.Ou. SrAiicii Mltror glass. 1 Ib , f. fe ; mlrro 'loiiArro Plug , climax , 4-is ; horseshoe , 37c ; star. : ; ! K ; spearhead , o c ; plperheidsick OOc : old bldeld , Sic ; merry war , 2Jc : J. T , J J'C t * ' * . 1 > I w | UU 0 < | iiai U. 0 icvX/i CAXDVMixed , OC < $ ll < ao , Mick. B1 CnACUi'.its Ciarncan's soda , butter picnic : , BJijB ; creisb'c ; ginger snaps , CH J tKlil | I 71 * boAi'a Kirk s savon Imperial , S3.70 K ' satinet. SAOO Kfrk'.s rjc's ; btaudard. sa.a > Kirk's \\hito Uusbian , fei. 00 ; Kirk's whitecap cap , Sd.nO : dome , t3.S5 ; washboatd , * 3. white cloud , S3. 75. KOPK ' , Ine'i. ' Olsv. " * , Inch , lOo , , Inch , P'.e. . . . , i Dliirn Fiitrr-No. l < iuatter apples 3vrf ( 4c ; in evaporated box ? * , 0 fafjl4c ( ; blackberries - berries boxes V { & > c , venrlics Silt Lake. 1SS5 , srfsi4c ; pinches evaporated. 1.Vfi * ) | 17o ; raspberries iiqvy , 2CXlci cnncnts ( CSQ$6\c ; prunes "tW 4J/it4'jC. ( j sro.vns Fowderefl. 7f < { il4e ! cut leif , fittlgTc ; granulated , OSfe ; confectioners' A ' 'k ( < tCc : < tiiulatd exti.i C , "iV'fy'i'V ' ; cxtar ( . . r > * iJ"'Itt ( ! ! medium vellow , 4'r@c. C.VN.NTD ( loot ) * Oysters standard , per case. ? : i.2lstiawbci-ihw,2 : Ibjjicr ca e , SJ.OO ; pears vcr'c.ise , s4.50 ; nprlcoK per ca SIC.V ! ( lionpllfxj. lliT1 CflSfl. S.Vii ! Wllltn rll caU'S1.70 ; 2 Hi lima beans per ca < e , Sl. < > 0 ; 2lb nmrtowfat peas per ease. Si40 ; alb o.iily June peas per case , * 2.7. > ; n ib toma toes , S2.10t < ? 2. i * , ; 2 Ib.col n y'l.lOA WO. Orilln.iry grade.s liJc'Tl.Vfc fair , l i lte ; ptlnii'.l 'itl'-je ' ; choiceijfdjlfi'ie ! ; lancy green and vollovv. IXi U'o ; old BOV- ernnient Java , S0j ite ; interior .lava , H' . OJ 2 ( > c ; Moclia , siwJle : Atlmcklo's lonsteil 17\c ; MeLamtlilln's XXXN. rovsied , 17'4e ' ; Dilworth's , 17ic } , 1'ed Cioss , 17'jC. Gcnrrnl Jlnrkoti. \Voot. Medium IS'rtMcpcrlb ; linn heavy , Hqht , 10@lKc ; coatso , l-lSH5e ( ; btttry . . IttiiKS ( Ircen butcheis O'jc ; gcecn cured , 8h ( < * SHedry ; Hint. UMIw ; diy salt. . crecn calf skins. MO'aO ! damnicil hides o-thltds jnlcc. lallow tP-fe. ( Please I'rnno white , He ; yellow , 2c ; brown , l"f Mieet ) I'elts T7V. ii 1'iltno slaughter sole leather , Of'KMc : Moioccooll pebble. 'JSgiKc ; toppings and linings ta-Wte. IIIAVY JIAUDWitr.iron , rain 2.iO : ; jilow str el special cast , Ic ; ciuclblo steel , c ; cast tools do. 12jlc ; wau'on stiokes per set , 81.75(11:500 ( : ; hubs , PIT sut , J)1.'J. ) " > ; tellocs sawed ihy , Sl.r > 0 ; tongues , eacli , 75c : axels eaoh. 7ftc : siiiiaio tints uur Ib. lM7le ; cell clialn , per Ib. OdSt'-'c ; malleable. OgSc ; iron wedges , Ocerowliais ; fiej haiiow1 teeth , 4e ; spiing steel , 70 c ; Htudun's horse Miocs , 5r4.40 ; nuidcn's nitdo shoes $ J.IO. llaibtnl wire , in car lots , 54.00 per 100 Ibs Nails , latcs 10 to CO , S..ftO ; steel nails $2.05. Shot , Sl.iTi ; buckshot , Sl.SS ; oilcntnl jiowder , kegs , S'J.50 ; do. liaif kegs < ! iO ( ) ; do. iniarter kegs , 81.50 : blnstlng kegs , 52.S5S ; Inse , per 10 feet.Olc , Lead bar , 510. \ AiiNisitns liarrpls , per gallon : I'urni- tine , oxtia , 81.10 ; fuinitniiNo. . 1. Sl.H ( ) ; coach extra , S1.40 ; co.ich , No. l , 81.20 ; Da- mar , uxlra , 31.75 : Japan , 70c ; asiihaltnin , exlra _ Kic ; shellac , S .GO ; haul oil linlsh , briuns Cologne spirits 183 proof , St.17 ; do 101 ] > toof , > ; spirits second iUiilily | , 101 proof , S1.17 : do Ibb piooi. 551.10. Alcohol , li > S ptoof , S2.1S per wine gallon. lledisUlled whiskies Sl.OO l.SO. ( iin , blonded. Si.6064 2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , 82.00(30.00 ( : Ken tucky and Pennsylvania i.ves S'-.00r ( ( i.W ; Cioldcn Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , 51.rx3.00. ) Hiandle.s imiioited , domestic , $1.30(33.00. ( ( iins iinpoileu , S4.W 010.00 ; domestic , St.2TxiL3.flu Champacnes. imporled. per ease , Siit-.oocijSJ.OO ; Amcilcan , per case. Sl0.noiJlo.ii TAIXTS iv On. White lead. Omalia , ! ' . P. , 7Kc ; wiuto lead , St. Louis , pmc. 87.75 ; Mar seilles green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 2c ; l''iencnme , creen seal , 1'Jc ; Kiench 7inc. icit teal , He ; KiunchIne. . in varnish asst. 20e : t'rench zinc. 75iermilllon. ; . Kniclish , in oil , 75c ; red , lOc. rose plnK. I4c ; \ cnetlan ted , CooK- son's , 'JJjc ; Venetian led. American , lUc ; led lead , 7Kc ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome jeflow , 1C , l c ; oclno , rochelle , Jic ; oclne , Ktcneh , 24c ; ochic , American , e ; Winter's minei-al. 2' < c ; Lcliigh blown , ijc ; Spanish brown , 2Kc ; t'rinco' nineral , * IK\ I'AIVTIVhlto \ lead , Se ; I'rcnch sine , l'-V ; Pnris whitine , 2ke ; whiting , uildets " > frwhlllinr. \ . com' ! , I'ic ; lamjibiack , Oei- manstown. 12e ; lampblack , ordinary , sc ; blticrucultramaiinc ; , ihcaiidyK ; - \crmllliou Aiueiican. Jbc ; Hunan law nnd binnt umber. 1 Ib cans , I2c ; law and burnt sienna , 12c ; Vrtiidjko brown , ic : ! : relined - lined lampblack I2o % coach black and ivory black. ICc ; drop black. lOc ; Prussian bine , -lOc : iiltiamniine black. 18c ; cluoino Kiecn.L. , M. * I ) . , lic ( ; blind and hhnUergiecu , L..JI. * 1) . , lOc ; Pans u'reen , ISc ; Ir.ilmn led , 15c ; Venetian icil , Oi * ; Tuscan , 2Je ; Ameiican o niHion , L. it U. , 20c ; > llow ochie , 2c ; L. M. & O. 1) . , 1V- ; good oclne , Ific ; paten divei.Sc ; cialningcoloi. light oak , dailroak , walnut , cliestniiland ash. 1-c. DurnsAXt ) ' iinvif AI.S. Acid , caibollc , ! i2c ; aciil , tartarle , f > 2c ; balsam copaiba , pet U > , 4"c ; lnrk sassalias. jicr lh , lOe ; calomel , per Ib , 7bc , cliinclionidia , pei o40c ; chloio- lonn , per Ib , 60c : Uovei a powders pel Ib , S1.2repsom ; salts , per Ib , 3'ic ; gljceiine , pure , pei Ib , 2'ie ; lead , acetate , per tb , 21c ; oil , castor , No. 1. pei gal. , Sl.fiOc ; oil castor , Xo. 2 , | ici gal. , Si. 10 ; oil olive , per gal. , 51.40 ; oil oili'umiimi. .lOc ; opium , S0 ! ; ( | tiininc , P. it W. and K. it S , , jier o70c ; potassium Iodide , per n , S2.b > ; salicin , nor o/ , ( ) < ; snl- nhato inornhlnc , per o/ . S'-:5. : ; sulphur , per n > , Ic ; strychnine , pci o ? , Sl.ii ) . Dry ljumtior. ItOAllI)1 ? . No.l Com. s. 1. s. 12 , Hand 10 ft 517.50 No.'J " ' 12 , llandlOlt 14.75 No.3 " " 12,14 audio it 13.50 No.J " . " _ 12.11 and 10Jt. . _ . . . 12.00 DIMI-NMOSS nMifms. 112 nju ftiu | ft is it\s \ * it iTi ic.Mrn5o'in.w ) | ! ' n.ooiis.oo i.oo i.uj . . ' . > - _ ' . j\n iiirioiiowj.ifliVJ . iT.ou isoo-.oo c\s IKI.IXI inr'j ' lo/iii I7.uoi8ixi.w | ) ; ; ( 2x10 JUGO'lurin ' 10.6all7.t ( > lIhOflB.UO ! ± ! liO xi2 . . .in. iin..viin.roI7.ooiiu.noa..o'iL' ' < xi8 _ tUiii , it ) \ ; 17.00 IB.O AI oo 20ou _ No. 1 , inch , lUaiul 14 ft. , tough..517.01 No. 2 , 4 & 0lnch , 12 and 11 It. , loimh. . . ll.OJ rini\n : I'Aitinio.v. 1st coiji. , J inVhjto Pine PaiHlion.S3T.OO 2d Com. : | B In. Norway PI no Ceiling. . . ' lY.OO R10CK HOAIIOS. A 12 Inch. 40 C SUOO K 12 Inch " " 4 D 1I.-W No. 1 , com. 12 In. , s. 1 s. . 10 , ib.v.W It. . . 'il.OJ No. a. " " " " ' . . . IsM ) No.2 , " ' " 12,114 ft 17.IX ) " " " " 10 tt IO.DO No. 1. plaln.Snnd 10 inch. . ' ! S17..V ) No. J , pl.iint > and 10 inch IS. " * . . SIIINQI.KS , I.AT II , X.X clear. S2.K ( ) : A standaul , SV'O ; No. 1 , Sl.i'i : ; Lath. ? 2.2 : , . Poais Whltu Cedar. 0 In. , J s , 1'Ju ; S in. rjrs. , Uv'c ri.x'isiiixo. 1st and 2d. clear , 1 ' 4' inch , s. 3 s S5'\00 ' d , clear , I inch , s.y s W.ou 'M. cleat , IK. 1'4 ' , 2 n 47 , . ' > 0 15 select , 1 inch , s. 2 s ' ' ) ,00 1J select , 1'4 ' , u j , s li " .oo rattt'N Clollics , London World : ' Fifty-livo curious dresses KO with her , not counting ordi nary costumes , and'thero stro two pairs of beautiful bhocs for eaoh , I ncvor found this prciiinllon tiiknn in any otner professional'yardrobij ' with whieli 1 Imvo niadi ) : iciuuntuice. | : licln < r an avowed coinpanlolillf purfcetlonin shoes , 1 applaud it to the tvno. Suppose- seine ucenlunt to the i-orre'ut shoo , and ono not in perfect accord must hn put on instead ! Ono of the most bi'Mitifnl of the dresses is the cardinal red satin brocade , made by TeliN ; it IH qrubroldarcil with sold from thu shoulders rijiht down to the feet , and the drapery is formed of qimnity ot net all worked Vittli llowurn and gold trn osqncii. Anotner dress is of cieam and red rajo with Ifrr u moss-roseflwhich ; ire woven into Hit satin in pompadour f.ishion , the sides bolng ornumontud with branches of various colored roses. Then thcro is a toa-irreen dress trimmed with Valenciennes IncOjhnviniono hijjh bodieo und ono low ono. a rich blank satin o\vn \ upon the train of which are great silver llowors , also has two bodices. Ono skirt is pink , draped with lullo embroiderud with roul Kemsuml real genisaro worked also into the gold ami fcilvcr. embroidery on the train ; with tills is worn a red vel vet bodieo mudo in a very oiigt- mil bt. > le , imitating the maiunau du cour , j'iieio uro four white satin dresses , two being perleetly biuiplo , till covered with point d'Angloturrc lace ; the others are Tory rich. On ono the whnlu ft out is covered with gorgeous embroidery repru- bcnting a river with swans upon it , und llo > Ycrs blooming in its waters. The train of this dress is most elaborate ) , divided into squares , in each of which risen j-i plecu of iuuo surrounding u llo\ver. Otto of the drc ses made Mndntno , Hodrigiics is of llclit yellow satin , co\- crcd entirely with laeo nnd uuld em broidery. bhe has some wonderful opera cloaks which I will speak of another time. I do not feel stiflleiently courageous to be gin describing her street and visiting toilets. I dare not ay how many are , but they occupy two rooms when hanging , and travel in twenty six trunks. A Hunter's StrniiKC Tnick. Sonoma ( t'al.l Democrat : A gentleman residing near Iho Nairn and bononw county lines , and whoso mime wo with hold by rcmtesl , tells the following story of a remarkable shot : lie was out in the mountains in quest of the festive bnek Monday and had experienced poor luck until about noon , when ho spied a tall , tleer raising his proud liuttil over n rock pile at a distance of about two hundred yards from him The branches of a" young ; mndrona tree formed n natural bron/e-red and green frame above thcnnmialM head. He hesitated for .some lime in doubt of chanc ing n shot at that distanee. Iho position of thn target being so nufiuurablc. lie. de cided to risk it , however , und bla/ed away. When the little wreath of stnoKo had cleared away ho found tlnil ( lie proudly crested head had disappeared , lit- made Ins w'ay as rapidly as possible to the spot and found Ins game awaiting him. After performing the. eiislotnaiy surgical operation upon the deer's throat wild his hunting knife , he commenced to look for the death-wound. What ap peared to be a bullet hole was found In the centre of the deer's forehead. In passing his hand carelessly ever the wound he deteeted a rough , sliurp pro tubcr.nnci ! . Thinking it was a piceo of the shaltcic.d frontal bone he tried to withdraw it. Ho wis unable to move it at the lirst attempt , and commenced tug ging in eainest. Ho finally succeeded , but , to his surprise , it was not a piece of skull. It was a splinter of madrona wood , four inches in length by an Inch ami a half or qiun tcr of an inch thick , gradually narrowing to a point at one I'ttil. Upon a careful examination ho found that Ids htillut had not touched the animal , but had struck one of tlio limbs of llic madrona tree about six inches above Ills head , chopping out the splinter that had killed the deer. The splinter withdrawn from the animal's skull > v as lilted to thu limb above , and the result proved beyond u doubt that the doer was Killed by the spli iter ot wood , A KIcli Alan's Trial * . Washington Correspondence of the Cleveland LeaderAir. . Corcoran gives a great deal to private charily , and , like all rich men , he receives bushels of applica tions for money which ho cannot grant. Ho has n printed form of icplv which states that ho is unable to meet all thesis demands , and that his agent is directed not to present them to hint. Some of the letters ho receives are curious ones. Ono woman wrote not long ago that although her husband was worth fQO.Ono , she wanted to bu independent of him , and wanted Corcoran to send her enough money so .she could live on the interest. Another lady wanted 'JO.OOO ' to be used in Kuropean travel. Another wanted a pink silk dress for a ball , and another wanted a barrel of salt pork. Klonrand provisions are otten asked for , and appli cations for money come from all parts of the country. A great many of the'o appeals come f i oni people Corcoran has no\cr known and never heard of , and though a num ber ol them arc undoubtedly Irom people in need , man. > aie from nil venturers and the majority undeserving. The publica tion ol this ai tide will doubtless bring moro letters to JSIr Corcoran , as docs every letter published concerning his wealth. The article in the Pi ess concern ing rich men and charitable men point out to adventurers all over the country where these men live , and the notes printed not long ago about President Cleveland charity tilled the white house letters with begging applications for months. The rich men of congiess arc overrun with beggars , who apply to them both by mail and in person , and there seems to bo a population of thousands of beggars in the United Stales who do nothing but watch the newspapers and write letters to the rieh men noticed in them. A Dn/i'ci / Sense anil Dot niton. Albany Journal : John Templeton is a blacksmith who owns a line .specimen of the Knglish muslin" . Last week Air. Templeton was working at his forge , putting u new steel in the pick. The new steel was slightly burned in the hunting , and , and , instead ot welding , Hew in half n do/.on pieces , Ono piece struck the blacksmith jtisl above tlio right eye with such force as to fasten ilsdf in lirmly The blacksmith staggcied and fell back ward How long no was unconscious , he does not know , but when ho revived the dog Iny almost in the middle ol the shop crying almost like a human being , nnd rubbing his jaws in the dust ol the lloor The piece of steel that had struck Air. Tomploton lay a short distance train the dog The faithful brnlo had .sei/ed the hot steel with his teeth and dr.iw n it from tlio frontal bone of Mr Templi'lon'slnail ' The dog's month was lonna to be badly burned. mm > JOBBERS' DKTGRY Artists' Material , A. irosi'E , , i. , Ai'liats' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1M3 Doiielm ( Agricultural Implements. CllUliCllILL I'AKKElt , W ImliBdlo UuiliT In Afifrlcultnral Jinplenienis , ttnil ltut'glen , Jourii htio t , bclwt'en Vtli mill lUlll.OiniihH l ll. li 'jflSfVALr CO. , Agricultural Iniplcinctit- " , W'iiKcin , ( 'arrlaL'cs , Iliikvlu' , 1C If. , Wbolcralo , Omnha. \Vhole uloloalrr ) In Agrit'iiliurul Iinplctiients , IViicons un < l liugclei , Wl..llUl" ) MIK | ' . ( IT , Jucei el Butter anil Eggs. McKUAXE , 5 SC HuyerHof Uutteriinil K Kerrlseriitor nnd 1'arklnB llouic , lltli nnd I.e&ren worlliHt.U V. R. K.Ti i.kiaialitt Builders' Hardware and Scales , rP TA Biiildcrs'Hiird\vnrft&ScaIo Jtcpati'Shop ilccbaulcs'Tooll anil llurTuln hiaUi , KOJ Doilflu * l. , . , Omalia , .S'eli. LEK , EJtlEI ) id CO. , Jobbers of Harihvaru and Nails , Tinware , Sheet Iron. Ktc. Ai.i'nU for How bcalci , and Mliml r < iwtorl , , , Omaha .Sub JlECTO/l < WUAIELKIY CO. , AVliolesalo Hardware. W'oMcrn n cuti for Jt-Tenon Slrel Nnll , Auilln I'undirdi , l-alrbanki htandird h al > Curubr lOlb. andllarnrf Omilin. Iron 1'AXTOX f I'lKK Iron Works , Wroutlil anil rait Iron Bullillmr Work , Iron Main llallluB , llcuuj * und l.liJen , ht m r.Dytne * . I.ran Work , ( itncral KminUrr , Unclilnu and Hluckimllb WorK. ( Jfflro and W urki , U , 1 * . Ity.anO I1tb meet. Butchers' Tools. " " " "LOUIfi JIELLEJf , liutchcrs' 'J'ooU and Suppling 5nui i-u Cutlogi of all klnd > ulnajilQ Hock. 1315 Joueaitioab.a , Wm JOBBERS1 niRECTORY Beets and Shots , JlnnufncKiterKinrt > lcti1ecicrf ] ! In Hoots mid Shoes , omplf If lock tit ( ! oml nlway. on . < * ' H lth M Om hn .NtbA _ _ T Aiittln. Agtni. ir , r. jionsH p co. .lobbcr ? of JJoots nml Shoos. lilt r rn ni tt , Donhi. Nrb. Mruutntlotj , Summer dire I. lloitpn. / . T. IjIXnSKV , CO. Wholcsnlc Kttblier Itootn nnd nubllcr atutOileilClotlilns nnd felt lluotv SIWS llth PU Beer , Apt. for Anhcuscr-ltitsh Hmvlnsr Ass' SptfUl tlnnd . Knntt.RndirF Gerund Krlnnccr. UPPV Urowerg , Nurtli l lh PttPd , OniKlin , Neb. Coffee , Spices , tc. Oiniilia ColTco ami Snlro Mill" . , Colft e , Splco" . Iliillnc t'owilcr , HnTorlncttr- tracts , l.iunuiT Illua. Ink. itp. : till IGllnrncj Mi IT I Oninlm , .Neb Home Colloonntl Spice Mills MTjr Co. OnlTponoi U'r i > ncl t-pl.inrlnilrrii. Viinnrniturrr * nl llnkliikI'nwder. . H ntlim r < trnrt . lllitl i Kto. 'Irrima cn * ot inir I r , nik iuf lloiiieUlcm ) Itui-UJ OnlTtP. liUU llonuril n. . omnliH. M-II. Cornice. John Kpeiictcr , 1'roii. Mnnnrncturor of CnKnnlrril Iron nml Cornice. KllOliiiiJ IM.N.IOIUM . ( ) mlh , .Ntb. JiCJKMI'fXG .0 JtOLTK , M.oiufnctnrcr ! " ot Ornamental ( iitlvntilzutl Coruico ? , Dornitr Wiuilonr. l'lnnlF.Mrtnlikllihiile. ! . 310 S. \ llM. \ . , OninliR. C. Specltt , Prop. ( lolTniilcil Iron Ccirnlcr , rlc. Siu'it nlmrtotod 1'itt- cnl Mdiillr ' l.yllulil. fH Hint Ml ) I'-'lh M .Oiiiiihn. Carpets. OMAHA C All PET CO. , Jobbers of Ctu'peK Curtains , Oil Cloths , Hues , l.lnolcumo , .MHttlnm , Etc. 1511 Do lie'as ' nlrrcl. S. A. Wholcsitlo Curppls , Oil Cloths , Mittliici , Curlulr. ( JomlKla. . 1123 r.-muin blrert , OraRlin , > cu. Crockery and Notions. ir. L. if'iiffjrj\ \ AscntrortlieMnniifncttircrmiiJ Imrortcmor Crockery , ( Sla awnve , Lnmpi , Cblnuif ) ! , etc. Offlrc , HIT South 13th L Uiiialm , Nob. Commission and Storage. " J > . A. IIVIiLKY , ronnuissioii ntul .lobbing. Untlpr. rKiimi'l 1'roducc. ( 'untlk'niuciilB solirllrd. Uenilqiiirtrn for Utnnennii * . Ilcrry llnzrH mid Urapo lliikulf. HH lloil i''ln'ct , ( PKYCKIS Cotniiiisbion V'rnlH , 1'iorturn nnA I'roTlsloi.t , Oninlni N'eh. Storage nntl Commission Merchant. bpocliiltiei lluilcr. Kfg , I'lionti' . Poultry. I.IIDJO. ( ) > -lcrB lUc.Ktc 112sautii Htbnluol Produoo Connnission "Icrehunts , routtrj , Unttvr. ( iinno , rrulti , etc. ZW ti. luhat Ouiuliu , N WKEKS H5 General Cojnmission llcrehiints , Anil Jobber * ori'orpltin nml Domcmle Krulti. rorre- 9 ] > ondcnce pnllrltttl. WHrolioiisonnil c > nic , 1IUN. Tlilricuitli M , omaliii , > eli TDluplionc 775. fruits. J' . ItOCCO , t ) CO , , mr'iftcrH ii nil wliolc iil ( iP-ilorj In Italian i'rodnee. ireUn , n.jnipstlcaiiil ClIlfurnlK Fruits tml Comm Ion Merchants. 1048.14th si. Onlj exclualr * ( rult home In Omnlm. Coal antLime. . / ' . jUILKSTOXIi ( CO. , Dealers In Hard and Soft Coal , Offlci- and yard , H til mill Nicholas Kla. , Ounlui , Neb. luiil'lclrphoni' , Ul" . I. i- . \iiAdir. . i'rr . C. I-.rioonHAN , V. I'rci. J. A. hu VULHIMXn , boc. und Tre . OMAJIA COAL , COKE M CO Ml' ANT , Jobb-rsof Jlanl and Soft Coal. aWs-CHtli Thirteenth Mrei-t , Omulm , Nob. Mannfucliiroi'fl of Illinois White Lime. And MilppiTH of ' ' " "I n l Oiiki1 , romcMit , 1'lunter Umc , llulr. 1 Ire Ilrlrlc , l > Mln. TUB HIM ! .i-wpr I'ipii nniec. I'utoii Jlott'l. rannim rt. , Omihu .Sib TolcphiniH Ml. _ Confectionery. J'I' . FA Y ,0 CO. , Con feet ionern , JabbiiHuf J inUu..Nut iiiid Clj'niS. l.'ll 1 urniim bl. Ouiiilm. Live Stock Commission. M. Itl'JtKE < ( ' SO\S , Live Stock Coininission. Gun , llii'kiMmaiipr. . Union' tuck Vunlf.rl ( inmli . ' 1 clepliono 6S2. fiA VAC E ,0 GHEEX , Live Slock C'oinniissioii Jlerchante , ll of liny unit nil klmlu of Mock I nlon tf > < k \ ni < 1) ) , Dmiiliii , .Si b Cigars anil Tobacco. MAXMEVEK .0 CO , , .lobbi-rs of Cifirars , Tobacco , lllins > n < t Aniinunltlon , SIS l"2i'l S IIUi n. . 1 lll.'l riirnnmpt , Oraali i.Nnb WEST cO JJnnufncturoi's of Fine Citjitrs , And \MiolicHlu Deulcn In lo f Tobuicni , Nun ICi unilllUX. Ulli ulrt-H. O.nwhu. JIOUSKIl , ( ' i W'liulojalo Drulcri In tf , 'I'obaccos , I'ljius tuitl S Af.enllfor 1) . I , ciders lorT , V Uo , nni > Cat nml Smell InirTnbnccns , Mlln-iukeo , Wliconiln. Vo.JU North fcUteentUHtroet , Om ihn , Neb. Dry Goods. M. E. SMITJr ,0 CO , , Dry OooilH , Funiisliiiifrioods ( < t Notions HWnnrt ll ( > 4 Dcniulac , tor. llth St , Omuliu , .Set. . Distillers. DlUlikrs or I.lqunrii , Alrnhol nnil Hplrlu Importer ) nit Jubbrrsor VIureaDU l.lquorB. WILLOW HritlXGHDIKTILLE'1' CO. ami JLEIt li CO. , Impnrlem and Jobbers or Fine Wlnn nnd I.lquorg. bolu in iuirnciurni'of Kcuneitr'n ran India Mil. tcr unil Doraritlcl Iquori. 1112 llarno ; M. Drugs , Paints , Etc. J1. T. CLA11KE JUIUC CO. , Lar < jo t Dniir , Pnint.OIl li iilnw House \TetlofCblcnKn ( nmptftu .f.lno of Drugtflitk Hun- drli-B. 1111 lUniry nl , Oiu > hu , Drain Tile , Etc. ' -n 1.\ > rnnr > .bc < .Vr' ' it II. J.C IIFON. V.l'ren. unUhupt. TJJ E 17X10 A" / / YJHtA ULIC DltAlX TILE CO. , Office IIS f llth rt. Omahn. Neb Mnrhlnprrnnil huppllrt for Muuiifactujini ! Cciuciu lirMn ' 1 ilu. Furniture , DEII'EY Wholesale Dealers t , Oruarju.Nrb. r E KICK , Furniture , Ueddinsr , nnholbtcry , Mlrrori , l ( . 120030a } nuU 1210 Kcrntmn , * * Orocentf , 7MATO.V , GALKAGlirii P CO. , Wltolpsnlo Grocrripa nml rrovi"loii3 , N t i-TtWsn.iilP ( 10Jh. tOmMm.tb McCO II h.lii iTAD JrC CO * AVItolcsnlo Grocor.x , Itlh ftnrt t fUTfnwo' III t , Omahn. Hardware. Hpavy llnrthvavi1 , Iron niul Hircl. . \Vnson ' lorV. ttnnlitnrp t.timbci oc 1TOJ HM.I mi lurm T ft jiiiiuhi Iron nml Sl W f < inBnt > O rtl toWoint SlwK , llovy lloMwnr iflc. HI ? niul lii'J lr ronrrorlli n. , Diimlin , Mcb. ' . Sto\p < i , J'tiriiacps Tlio ? . Mnntlp , ur lci , ItinMnooclr 1331 unit Knrnna. MtPJt. Lumber. Donlor in Lttmlipr. Imtli , Ijiitie , Rnsli , lioon , Hlc. Ynnl.r < imfr7lli nml DuttElMI Conici t'th ' Antl Dou Ni CHICAGO LUM11EK CO. , Wholesale 6IIP 14lhi > trrplOniHtinVeb I . , MHn rr , Jewelry , ' VllolcsilloloA oler uinlMitsle Dpuicra. li"pr | < In Mlrpronrp , ll niniili ( < , Wntclio' , I'lofko , Jcuok'l a Tinil * anJ MntrrlnN , no. 101 niul 101 litU rt , c , C. X. J1TKTZ , irtli niuK'illfornln Sliocl , Om lm. Neb. rjnn ; r. a HA r , Jjumbpr , Limp , ConiPiit , Ke. ( . Etc. Cor.Ctli nml ii iiilii : < > ! ' , Oiui'in Nu > . Lumber. a1 , ir. jiARrEYLustiimt co. , To Dealers Only. onicc , K0.1 Karnnin ttrpM.Omiiha. CHAS. Jt. LKK , Jiu rdwood LumbcV , Wood Cnri'CU mid 1'iirqupt rloorlng. 9tli and Deuglw Oiiuhn X A . WA KJ1MJKLD , AVholesalo Lumber , Ktc. l anil Anicricnn 1'oithnrt ( Vmcnt PtnU Agcul rorMllr.iukpn liTfliHtilli C uiuntimi ] Beit ( Julncj Whltel.ln-e. Life Stock. STOCK YAJIDS co. , Of Omnha. I.lmllort. John F. Lord , Superintendent , Millinery and Notions. J. IinpoKuri and JobborH of Millinery nml Notions , ll. > tiJ ! I''ljllirnny Sl.flCI. Oinfilin , No Notions. c. s. Go"6f > jucir t co. , Aie the only Direct Importer * of German & French Toys & Fancy Goods In Neb-ilka. riiliHE" prices ilniilli'Jtcrt nltlmut ( irtJ- 1J ! , In0 freight 1(15 I'nrii.iin strort , Onmhu. J. T. JRiTTNSOX " .VOVTOlV CO. , \Vliolc . * lo Hpnli'rn la Notions and Ftirni'iliinir Goods , 40-1 mill < Qj B. Te rilli fl , Oinnha. Jobbers In Notions , Hosiery nnd Gents' Furnishing ( ioods. lOftlnnd 10)3 ) Firnain ot Omahn. Noh , Paper Boxes Jlintiirneturcr of Paper Ho.xci , I'P UthSl .Omiln. Nelira kn. Orders hy mall to- Ikiicil.inil will rocclvu prompt uttentlon. Overalls. " MANlTFAVTUlt CO Ml * AS Y , Manufacturer1 * of OvernlN , Jcrn I'iints , bblrtu , FIc llr | : Mini 1101 Dnnt'lii" Street , Omiihii. Nob. Printing. 'jtErfs 'riiLKTIXG' ' ( 'OMPA1TY .lob Priiilors , Itlunk Book Milkers. And Hock lllmlorB. JIH ami 1IH South fuurlucnth mctt Omuhii , Null. TltX'Ji'MU'tirA 1 > EH ( TXlOfi Auxiliary Publishers. ami rrlntr-rn i-uppllo . IM Ninth Tnrlfih sueot. fickles , Vinegar , Etc. y rojtnifi.c co. , Munufutturerc , 1'aiUeri and licilcis In IMdclri * & Strictly I'uro Apple UnlillK l'n dcr , Khivnrlnu Kxtiartn , T.ibloIVUIP , l'rrn < h llinlii" ! v\n > h Illulni ; ( Irocpm yi"ei-i | ! ! Fol iiLPnti , lor \ orL htntoMnul llnaucd Apple Ci der. 110(11 ( iMiYcnwortli t Oiu iht Safes , Etc. s for Hall's Sale k Lock Co.s' Firu nml llnrtt'ir I'roof Safin , Tlmo 1/icliH , Vitnlt * nnd Jail Work Wl ) 1-iirN.iia uticet Onulin , fJsb. Omaha Safe Work . W nnfiicliirT ( .f Firn nnd Ilamlai VrnufP&l't , Vnult luor , \ViirkMii'tiriK mid \Slri ) \ > nrli. Cor. UlliuiiilJ.ttksoil ht Omrlia , Nob. Sash , Doors , Etc. M. A. nisiutoir < v co. , \Vliolcralo SlsnnfiiPtiirern of . SuHli , DOOTK , Jilinils anil Mouldings , ll-ancli uOlLeI2lh nnd Ij.nnl Mn .Oiiiabn.Nob , a. j'i , Sush , Dt/or , ] ) liiilH ( , Uulldliiie I'api'r , utp. net Foiilli Tlirr ! ! nth Hired , lnalu ) , .Stb , A iniiiph'to Hock at llulUk-n' llnrdrrnip. CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mould'nuu.StulrWnrknnil ' Inlrrlor Hard Wood Klnleh opened. H. i : cor 8th end I. * i u Pumps , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Steam ami Water hupplloi llendqutntcr * f r ll it J'oj tl'x > liotxli. ) A.L. 7srjiA AY ; fo , PtimpH , i'iptis and Kntriiu's , Stettm , Wutu , llalUar and Mllllni ; hii | > i > llag. Klc , Ml , yan , < t VH I rniiiii nt Oinalni. Neb. Tf.'fi , U 'I XI ) KXC. fif Kami J' UMlm UOMJ'AXY. Hnlladar Wind tlllli : r-lram und Wi > ter Hiipnllet. i'JtimLlnH ( ioodn , lltltln . lime i'18 and WJ i r- niiui tt. , ( Juiiibu H K hullnn , UunuKir , 'Jeli'phnnoNo , tW , Trunks , n , f. MA Wholesale TrunkH , Mlllnrd Hotel IllorV , Oraulli Wagons and Carnages. Tito LeadIiifUurriaa ( Factory , < rsTAju mini JD.VJ ) HWund 1411 Uodte Hreet , Oanlia. Building Material. OMAJIA LUMHKIt CO , , Healer In AIIKIndtof liuililiiK , ' Materiitl at Wliolcsal IStli Street lind trnlnn I'acino Trm k , Dmuli