Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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Some of the Salaries Paid to Law ) era in the
Pan-Electric Oase ,
Xlio NocoMlly oflYenty IjCRlslntlnn lo
Bo Urged Upon Confess Tlio Ko-
port of dinners In Sciinto
Denied ,
I'nt I'tmlllorn Kor Attorneys.
WASHINGTON , Wcc. 1. ISprelal Tclosjrnm
tolhoIlr.K. ] A ; oou dcnl of lnn.nlry Ims
been Hindi ! nt the tloixirtincnt of justice since
the fiiltura of the telephone suits In Ohio ns
to the expense tlio government Is subjected
to In supporting the I'nn-Klcctrlc work. At
torney ( ( Inrlaml t.ild to-day that ho
liixd nothing to po with thu matter and Unit It
was solely In the lianiU of Solicitor General
Jcnkq. The records show , however , that on
February 13 Allen 0. Thurninn was ictalncd
tolinvoclinriroof the suits. Ho was to n >
colcvo a rctalnor of 81,000 and at the conclu
sion of the proceedings It was n ieed that ho
was to iccelvo "Such other compen
sation as may hereafter bo de
termined. " On February 1 ( Jnwonor
P. Lowcry , of New York , was retained. Ills
compensation is the same as that fixed for
Sir. Thiirinan. Thcro was thii same piovi-
hi on as to "such other compensation ns shall
bohcieafu-r determined. " Hunter & Chandler -
lor , of this city , arc to receive S5.00D for their
Bcrvlces , but It Is not stipulated as to the
IciiRtli of employment. The phraseology of
the contract Impresses one that they are lo
appear only In couit for the southern district
of Ohio , which has aheady denied jurisdic
tion. If the cause Is removed to another
couit , as It undoubtedly will be , this linn un
der the contract will bn entitled to another
fee. U. S. Wlillinan , patent attorney , Is em
ployee ! as expert at a compensation of SU.OOO
in full lor all hcrvlees that may bo requited
of him. John Cooilu , lecently rejected by
the scnato for the ofllco of solicitor ,
has permnnent employment In this case
under thu government BO long as his
ecu Iocs may bn iriinlred , and devotes
bis time for a salary of Sr > ,000 a year. Ac
cording to the opinion of ox-Senator McDon
ald , of Indiana , who Is thu leading attorney
on the other slue , Mr. ( Joodo will bo retained
for a loiiRor time by the government than ho
would have bccti had ho tcmalncd In the
office of tilt ) solicitor genmnl , as Mr. McDon
ald bollcvcs that thu case will not be termina
te ! I under tcvon ycats. In addition to these
fees the various counsels Imvo their "nuoes-
f-ary expenses" paid by the government. Tlio
controller of thoctiriTiiey construes this to
mean traveling expense- * , hotel bills , etc. ,
when away fioiu homo and actually engaged
on the case.
TIIKATY i.iomATio : * Nici.ssAr.v. : :
"Undoubtedly the subjects presented In
two or three pending tioatles will occupy a
good deal of the senate's time tills winter , "
bald a member of that body this moinlng.
"There Is a dumand , which must bo heeded ,
for something on the fisheries question , anil
Hinco the special senate coinmttteo went to
thcnoubln to Investigate tlio matter and take
n lot ot testimony theiu will be no excuse if
Homethlng is not done to guarantee Immunity
to our people who go lishing up north. Why ,
under the present condition of allalrs a man
Is liable to bo run In by the Canadian author
ities if ho gnea up there on water tor most
any purpose.
"Tliuro lias has been sufllciont opportunity
for tlio senators to matiiio some kind ofn
plan to remedy the likelihood ot trouble with
( ircat Britain , to tbat a tteaty ought not oc
cupy much time. Hut If anything comes up
affecting our lulatlons witli Mexico it will
raise a muss , for no matter how many assur
ances the Mexicans have made , a t'eellug ox-
tsts In congress that they are treacherous an it
that summary steps should bo taken. Thu
question of tieatine with Mexico upon any
Mibject always will ralno the question , to a
greater or less desrree , of annexation. Ills
notorious that certain status on the northern
boundary of Mexico want to come to us , and
If any radical measure Is proposed In the way
of a commercial or eMiadltion ticaty , or a
treaty touching riirhts oi eiti/.ens internation
ally , the tendency it will have to cicato a ills-
Aatlsfatlon In relation to annexation , or pro-
nioto It , must bo considered. Hut wo will
do nothing with annexation treaties , as the
administration is opposed to them. "
Kopubllcan .senatois .say thuro is nothing
in the report circulated homo tlmo ago ttiat
the bt'iuiio will bo rcorfanl/ed and some now
men Inducted Into the olllcesbufoio the end
of the approaching session. The dissatis
faction which existed for a while over some
committee positions and the distribution of
n ] M > rtlon of the ollici'S has about disappeared ,
o that , barring un forseen events , tlio oigan-
Izntion will remain as It is till at least the be
ginning ef the next session.
It is not customary to reorganize the senate
except when the political complexion of It
changes or tlieio are deaths or resignations.
Unless an extra session Is called the Fiftieth
congress will not organixo till It meets In
December of next year. The piesi'Ut olllcers
hcrvo til then.
Hegret is expressed even by sonin of the
most ardent taritV protectionists at the state
ment , which appeals to bi ! authentic , that Mr.
Morrison Intends to oppose the lunsagQ ot
Mr. Hewitt's bill Interpreting and simplify
ing existing taillf laws. Mr. Monboii
thinks that all legislation alTectiug tno tarifV
ought to bo lumped together and each bo
1'atod by tlio other. In other \\oids , ho wants
nothing done with tholailll' it Is not ro-
formcil and reduced.
i Some of the most nniont antMaillT reform
ers say the Hewitt bill , which is now a part
of the Morrison bill and on the house calen
dar , ought , to pass , as it would make the
operation of existing liuvs easier and
cheaper. Secielary Manning and the presi
dent dcslro Its passage ; but Mr. Morrison
doesn't seem to woik to please that end of
the lino.
.Senator Manderbon has removed fiom
Ids "rorllnnd" quaiters to UXi K t-trot-t ,
northwest , the reslenco ( | of Senator
Palmer , wliosn honso Senator Manderson has
taken for tlio winter. Mrs. Manderson is
now absent visitlnc frinnds In New York
and Philadelphia , but will letutn to the city
nbout the middle ot Dc'ci'inber , ami will ro-
cclvn on the Thursday alter her return. Sen
ator Mandorson , who Is also In New York ,
Is uxpccttxl back on Saturday of this week.
LAWI. Kit's I.lirKY MJMIIKi : .
Krpresenuitlvo Frank 1-awler has reaclu'd
Washington , Ho Is onu ot a few of the noith-
\voaternconviesbmen who liavo come heio
ro-Inforcert by a delegation lopiesunting the
business of Chicago to indiicu the prc Iihtut
to Include In his message , to congress a bill
in favor ot thu llennepln canal scheme.
I.mvlcr telegraphed In advance to his hotel :
"I will bo with yon Monday night with my
sweet sixteen. " The hotel clerk wondered
who his aueot hKUt'ii could be. Ho knew
Frank was nmirlod and did not think ho
could have a daughter of that age. When
Lawlcr nn I ved last night he explained that
Hwrct slxtovn was thn majority by which ho
pulled tliiouuh his election ,
Since Jerry .Muiphy broke in tint blenching
in thu pull tor thu llenncpln ennui , Kr\nk ;
J.nwlur , of ( 'hU"io. ; who I'aniiibo near bulni :
dufiwted for i e-election.h.m prong to the front
und miys ho will druw thu nrojeet out of thu
nit. Jlo announces to-nUht tlmt ho will with
a connnlituo wnit upon the president tomorrow
row and urge him to recommend In his nics-
tMiKxtho pisisasco of tlio ilennepln raiuil bill ,
Jlu buliovea that If the president will endorse
the luojc'ct eongie .s will ilo thu nst.
Secietary l.unmr today sustained S411 of
the claim of John J. Fisher , of Thaver
founly. Nebraska , nniountlnu In all to < sT. > \
The tmlanco of the cliilni , t\itch | wus tor the
duiiifilatlonsof thcl'uuni'oliutlaiis In lt > 6 < i
\\-ii.s not presented within thu tlmo piescilbeu
by law ,
A spou.s uuMtiriiAT.
Jtepresentatlvu Kik'Uh , of Illinois , Is r.iblng
n nun pus at the po.stotilcu ilepartment bu-
i-niKo more of the republlc.ui poMtil clerks In
Ills district have not been removed to make
liliur.s for duinociiits. lie says tlmro are
twenty-seven postal clerks In the district ,
nnd that "elchteen of them nro rank repub
licans , eight aru demiH'nits , and one Is n
It j brlil or nuigu-tiiiip. " .Mr. Kig s tliluVs
that Shu ilemoonits dhould have u innjority of
tlm < e clerkbhlns to say the Iwibt ,
In respoiiAfl to n telegraphic refjnpst
from eltlKeus of Umaha Senator Vnn
\Vyck thia afternoon called at the
Interior department to sco If the final
d'sposltlon of the question of removing the
Indian supply depot from New York could
bo postponed till the end of next week. The
calculation had been made to dispose of the
subject this week , but at the earnest request
of tup senator It was postponed till Thursday
of next week. A delegation of Omalmfn Is
expected hero to present their nd vantages for
the location , Senator Van Wyck thinks Ids
people will make n favorable Impression , as
they lia\n every advantage in iiaturHl loca
tion and supply resources.
( iabrlcl I ) . Hiokawa Ims been appointed
postmaster at Manilla , a now olllce In Craw-
lord county. Iowa.
An order ha * been Issued affecting service
on the star mall route from LoMars to Kins
ley. la. , as follows : rermtt postmaster nt
tctmliml to oxchangn malls six additional
trips a week , provided that the mall bo
cat rled by sworn catrlcis in locked pouches
nnd without additional cost to the depart
ment , to take elT ct December 0 ,
Army furlmuhs authorized : Trumpeter
James 'lliurlHon.Troop KKlirhth cavalry , Kort
Clark , Texas , foul months ; Sergeant Xccklcl
Hvkcs , Troop H , Ninth cavalry. Kort Mil
Chusnc. Utan , six months ; I'rlvato J. U.
llced , Company n , Thirteenth Infantiy , Jfort
Wlngatc , Nexv Mexico , four months.
Itoprcsontntivo Fiederlck and F. T. Cowles ,
of Sioux City , aio at the Kobltt.
Thoiosignatlon of Kobort II. Iiamorcux ,
postmaster at Sioux City , la. , lias been re
ceived nt the postollico ucpartmcnt.
\V1iat Ho IIHH to Suy on Tnrifl' lie-
WASHINGTON , Dec. 1. In an interview
withal'oat reporter Colonel Moirlson , who
arrived In the city to-night , says : ' 'Thero Is
just the same necessity tor tariff legislation
now that thnro was In the first part of the
present congress. In fact , it is more mgent
ns wo approach the time when there will bo
no debt to which wo can apply the surplus
revenue. " In reply to a question as to the
chances for the passage of his laiilt
letorm bill , Mouison says ho had
no reason to believe the vlown
of the lioiisn have changed since they rcfn-ed
at the last session to consider thu bill. Ills
own Impression was that those who opposed
the bill at thu last session would continue
their opposition now In the hope at some
future time that they would get a revision
more satisfactory to thorn a levislon in
which , as.ln tlio last one , they would consent
to no reduction of taxation unless they
secured a reduction In lutcinal taxes. Tlio
piotectlonisU , he thought , would in time bo
compelled to put forward some such measure
In order to reduce the surplus.
Affairs In Alaska.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 1. The governor of
Alaska In his annual report to the scctetary
ot the Interior says : Notwithstanding the
order or request of the secretary of the navy
dated July 10 , 18s5 , the senior naval olllcor
has not aecoidcd to the civil govcimucnt the
aid and co-opeiatlon it had a right to expect.
In connection with the narration of the cap
ture of one American and thico British ves
sels while engaged In taking seals In inland
waters of Alaska , the governor 10-
marks : "Inasmuch as these -seizures have
probably raised an International question in
volving the rights of United States to juris
diction over the water of Uehring se.i north
of tlio Aleutian islands and east ot the one
hundred nnd ninety-third meridian , west
longitude , it may not bo unbecoming to sug
gest that unless said right is Insisted upon
and maintained , an Industry which
now vields a rate of Interest on
tlio the amount paid tor the whole of
Alaska will bo destroyed and the means of
livelihood taken away irom a largo number
of people whom thu government Is bound , by
every consideration of honor nnd public pol
icy to protect. " The mall facilities accoided
lo the teirltory nro rcpioseiited to be 'wholly
inadequate and the governor earnestly re
quests that the question of increase thereof
may have the consideration Its impoitauco
_ _
A Michigan Millioim'ru's ' AVI11.
DnntoiT , Dec. 1. The will of the late
Francis i'alms his colossal
, bequeathing es
tate , was tiled for probate t'ds ' afternoon.
Clothlidc Palms and Michael O'Brien are
made trustees without bond. One-half the
not income of tlio estate is given to his son ,
Francis F. , duilng his life , and the other half
to his daughter , Clothilde. On the death of
cither half of the principal Is to bo divided
in equal proportions between his or her chil
dren. Upon the death of either without issim
the entiio net Income , Is to bo paid to the sur-
vlvliiL' child during his or her life. A num
ber of other relatives are remembered with
legacies. The execntois are ompowi-ied to
maiiaiiu the estate the same as the testator
while living.
The Cold Northwest.
ST. PAUL. Dec. L Last evening at 5no :
orders to raise the cold wave signal were re
ceived here. This morning a genuine Mani
toba wave came over Minnesota , and at 0
o'clock the temperature was 10 degiocs
below. This morning at St. Vinc'ent It was
ii'J degrees below , nt Moorhead 18 degrees
b.ilow , and at ( Jarry and Bismarck 17 degrees
below. Al Bralneid last nUlit it was do-
gtces below , freu/ing over swamps and pro
ducing an exodus of lumboimon for tlio
woods. Slanal Service Observer Chonuy , of
Minneapolis , says the month of November in
the northwest was the coldest November
binco IBbU. _ .
The IjoulHinim OuthnvH.
Niw : Onr.BAXs , Dec. 1. A dispatch from
Lake Providence to the i'lcay 11110 t-ays : The
excitement over outlawry in West Carroll
parish W. J. Kllbarn ,
assessor and Justice ot the peace in this Fifth
ward , arilved hero this morning. Ho icports
that ho was compelled to abandon his busi
ness In consequence of threats made by per
sons connected with the .McKay nndvll - atl'alr. This evening Judge K. J ,
Dol.oiig , or Kast Carroll , issued a circular
giving notlco of Sl.OOi ) reward oll'eiod by
Governor McKnory , with an additional thou
sand olToied by wllkowski , who Is still hero.
Tlicoiloro Thojnns' Order.
ST. I..OUB , Doc. 1. Theodore Thomas
stalled for Now Yoik this morning. Before
his departmo ho stated that Furoch-Madl'a
suspension should extend over ono week ,
and that if the board of directors did not sus
tain bis action no would leslgn the presi
dency of the company , Thomas ordered the
susiicnsion of the diva owlni : to her refusal
losing unh'ss the stage fuinltnro was ar
ranged to suit her.
Declined the Proposition.
CIIIOAOO , Dec. 1. The Dally News' Spring-
field. III. , special says : Olllcials of thu Ohio
& Mississippi rallioad appeared bcfoie the
lallroad nnd warchoiisu commission to-day
and olleicd to make an agreement to put thu ,
Spnnglinld division in good condition , pro-
vlded the commlsslont'r.i will withdraw tliolr
suit in court lo compel the toad to make the
improvement. The commisdloneis declined
to coiibidei1 the piopodliion.
J'lxport Assoc-latloii.
CiiiOAiio , Dee , 1. Tlio executive commit-
ten of tin ) Wustcrn ICxpoi t association began
their meeting lieie to-day. Tlio report shows
tlio pool had caiiM'd 11.700 gallons ot Hcciimu-
l.itod to bo distributed ana at thn
pit-sent time there was no liquor on hand-
An as c.-ijiuent of li cents 11 gallon was or ,
den-d ,
Dan's Sou
Poun.ANi > , Oio. . Dec , 1. Olllclal u'turns
fiom two disputed counties In Washington
territory have been received and these make
Icglslatmu republican on joint ballot by
two majority. Thootlicial veto on delegate
bhovvs Charles S. Yoortifcs , democrat , to bo
Clovolancl Confined to Illy Room.
WA-sniNOTON , Dec , 1. The president has
been con lined to Ids room for two or three
days by a slight but annoying attack of
rheumatism , and ho has been obliged to deny
himself to all callers except cabinet olliccrd.
Ho Is feeling somewhat butter to-day.
PIIOVIDENCE , It. 1. , Dec. 1. Ueorg * C.
Elliot i Sons , carriage dealers of this city ,
to-day made an assignment to Francis Col-
well. Their Recounts are not inada up jet
but it is said that from -876,000 to 8100,000 lu
paper arc out. The principal creditors uro
carriage dealers.
Tbo Oommittce Meet and do Some Prelim
inary "Work.
A Gns Kxplnslon MM. Cleveland's
Cousin liiillillng Notes Tlio
Tolloo Detail Other
the Ohnrtcr.
Last evening the committee appointed
to form a now cnarter for the city of
Omaha mot and hold it's first mooting.
There were present Max Meyer , 0. S.
Chase , .Tamos A. Crelghton , Guy Barton ,
W. F. Becliel , John Kv.tus , Frank Mur-
jihy and G. K. Bailov. City Attorney
Cornell and City Engineer Hosowater ,
though not members of the committee ,
were present by invitation.
(5uy Barton was- made permanent
chairman and John Kvans secretary-
The body then wont into a committee o.
the whole and took up ( ho old cliarterf
section by section. Mr. Croichton siig ,
gcsted , incidentally , that in his' opinion
the charter ought to be so olmnced as to
confotm to the metropolitan standard
generally adopted by cities of 00,000 and
Section 0 was chnnccd to read that
after every national and state census the
council is empowered to extend tlio city
limits if in such period the increase in
population has been 'JO.OOO.
Section 10 of the chntlor xrns made to
read that the polls shall bo open at 8
o'clock In the morning and close at U in
tile evening. Other chaiigos were sujr-
gcsted but not adopted. The committee
adjourned to meet at 'J o'clock to-morrow
The county commissioners wore busied
yesterday in auditing bills.
Tlio bid of Brennan & Wlnilcn for
building an addition to the engine room
for $1,500 was laid over unlil
Tlio ollicial bonds were received and
approved of E. W. Simeral , county at
torney ; A. C. Ulitof , assessor for tlio
Third ward ; 1) . 11. Redmond , assessor
for Saratoga precinct ; , ! . Donnelly , sr. ,
assessor for Second ward ; O. J. Hyan ,
assessor for AVcst Omaha ; 11. II. Barnes ,
justice of the nuaeo for Valley precinct ,
and T. J. liiekey , supervisor for Chicago
The application of II. Goodiiard to soil
liquor in Chicago precinct was laid over
for two weeks.
A number of bids for furnishing Hour
for the poor farm and for tlio needy poor
wore laid over until Saturday.
The cost to the county for charity coal
for the month of November was ? 250.
Superintendent Wiiitlock did not issue
a building permit yesterday , anil thinks
his season's work in this line has boon
completed. Since ho took charge of his
otlieu in Juno permits have been issued
for the construction of about seven hun
dred buildings , ranging in cost from
-JI.OUO to $100,000. The most of these
have been completed or are well under
way. Mr. Whitloek estimates that there
were about live hundred buildings com
pleted in the city before June 1 , when ho
took charge of his otlieu , then < rh he has
no reliable means of ascertaining the
amount of work done before ho was given
ollicial supervision of the city's building
boom. It is a part of the building in-
fij > ector's duty to examine inlo the condi
tion of the .school buildings , warehouses
and oilier buildings in tlio city , to see
that they are kept in a sate condition and
not overloaded. This work will bo coin-
menced at once and will keep the inspector
specter busy all winter.
December Stars.
The following is the police detail for
tlio present month :
Day Force H. P. Uazc , Tentli from Ilar-
ney to depot : PntilcK Hinchov , Farnam from
Twelfth , to Fltleeuth ; Jan Kennedy , Thir
teenth stieet ( .south of bridge ) ; .lames
O'Hoyle , Douglas street ; Arthur Pulaski ,
Sixteenth from .Dodge to Nicholas ; Andrew
Kahey , Thirteenth trom liarney to bridge ;
Charles JJloom , Ninth , Tenth and Eleventh
( north of Douglas ) ; .Michael Dempsuy , Kar-
naui and Hainoy from Ninth toTwcllth :
William White , Cumin ; : stteet ; Thomas
Pieronet , Twelfth fiom Douglas to Capitol
avenue. Ueoree Trimble , patrol driver ;
Mlko Whalcn , couit ollicer ; Pat Mobtyn ,
Night Force Edward Carroll , Capitol ave
nue Irom Ninth to Twelfth ; Dan Mclirldc. ,
Poppleton aveiiuo and Pieice street ; Thomas
Ormsl > y. Ninth and Tenth ( north of Doug
las ) ; Alike Hlloy , Saunders hticet ; Patrick
Cuslclc , Cimilng street ; J. J. Donivan , St.
Mary's avenue ; Prtrick Horriiran , Tenth
from.loues to depot ; Richard linrdih , lower
Farnam and Hartley ; James Uradv , Twelfth
from Douglas to Capitol avenue ; Thomas .1.
Casey. Chicago street ; Isolds fiodolu , Tenth
Irom Hartley to Jones : Alike .MeCauy , Far
nam liom Klghteentli to Twuaty-i'l lilh :
John Kobblns , Farnam from Twelfth to
Fitteenth ; Pat CIlllKan , Thlitccnth from
Harney to bridge ; Lawrence Jaspcmnn ,
Sixteenth from Cass to Nicholas ; John
Hrady , Thirteenth ( south of bridge ) ; Jerry
O'Ciady , Sixteenth from Dortgo to Cass ;
John Norman , Sixth and .Seventh ( south of
tracks ) : . \ndrovv Crawford , Douglas street ;
Joseph Howies , patrol wagon guardian ; I'eter
Mat/a , hnrgeant ; Al. T. SIgwait , jailor ; Peter
Turkclson , patrol driver.
The I'roinomulo Concert.
The second promenade concert will bo
given at tlio exposition building to-night
under tlio direction of Mr. NahanFranko.
Tlio best musical talent in Omaha will be
heard in tno concert and in addition ,
Miss Marion Lowell , the gifted elocution
ist , will appear for thn lirst time before an
Omaha audience in .some of her best se
lections , The programme is as follows :
Quartette (1 major No. 1U . Haydn
n. Allegro b , Monnetto.
Mo/ait Q uar unto Club.
Ilccltnl , "The Trial of Queen Katherino"
. Shakespeare
Henry VII , Act 11. Sc. 4
Mai Ion Lowell.
Aria , fiom Don CarleN O Don fatae.Vetdl !
Mrs. Maitln Calm.
Violin Solo , "Jlnsslaii Airs" . Wienlawfckl
Mr. Naban Frauko.
llunUmi'iis' Chorus from Dcr KrcKcliut/
. \Vcber
Council HluirsCh-o Club.
Duett , "I Waited tor the Lord" .
. , . Mendelssohn
Mrs. Calm and Mrs. Kranko.
Quaitutto A Major , Op 18 , No. S..Ueellioven
Andante ( Jjiitabile and Variations.
Moiail Quartette Club.
Kecltal . . . , . , , . , . , . Selected
Marion Lowell.
Knscmbln for Soprano , Violin , Or/ran /
and Piano . , . , . lioiinou
Mis. Pranko , Messrs. Pranko. Calm and
Quartette , "Soionade" . Moszkowski
Mozart Quartette Club.
Cuuscil by a ThoiiKlitlces Hey ,
A little girl named Cocliran , a pupil at
tlio Ptioilio Bcliool , was severely lujuroil
yesterday uocm at the close of tlio bcliool
session. The children were hurrying
down thn stairs , when a boy ran heavily
against tlip Cocliran girl , pushing her
over a low balustrade to the lloor beo.v ! ,
a distance of about twelve feet. The
little girl was nicked up in an unconscious
condition , arm it was at first thought thai
u leg and arm w'ero fractured , but upon
examination py a physician 14 was found
U t uo bones were broken , the only T in
being severe bruises. The little
ono was removed to the homo of her
sister , Mrs. Will Spaulding , and will
probably bo able to return to school in
a few davs.
Coiirt Notei.
In the county court yesterday Kllen A.
Lnngdon commenced action to secure
possession of a lot in Thornburg place
thai Is boine wrongfully hold in the pos
session of Frederick Helke.
The case of Coliips vs. the Omaha Belt
Railway company was given to the jury
in Judge Wakeley'fe court yesterday after
noon , Tlio folldwing eases will be called
before Judge Wakelev to-day ,
Gillette ot til vs. Gattt et al.
McWltorter ct al vs. Cooper.
Murphy vs. MeVov.
Dollr.ntoc vs. Crallo.
Nebraska & Iowa Insurance company
vs. Hoist.
Molquist vs. lUlny.
Birmingimm vs. Stone.
Smiley vs. Omaha Belt Railway com
Flannagan vs. Omaha Belt Hallway
company. _
Methodist llovlvnl.
Hev. House , pastor of the First M. K ,
church , on Davenport street , Is holding
a series of revival meetings , which are in.
tended as n continuation of the Sam Jones
meetings. Already considerable interest
is being manifested , and it is probable
that much iiooil work will be ac
complished. Last night Mr. House
preached a strong sermon , urging the
members of the congregation to interest
themselves in church work and make
outside work a secondary consideration.
He addressed himself especially , on this
particular , to tlio Y. M C. A. workers ,
members of the Ladies' Aid societies , etc.
St. lYmlrow'a Urothcrhooil.
Tuesday evening the initial election of
SI. Andrew's brotherhood took place in the
basement of Trinity Cathedral. It was
attended by nearly all the members of
the association and resulted in tlio elec
tion ot the following : Henry It. Gould ,
vice-president ; E. J Shakeshaft , secre
tary nnd George Orr , treasurer. Dcnn
Gardner , of tlio cathedral , is , cx-olllcio ,
president. An excellent oyster supper
was spread and Dean Gardner presided.
Several toasts were proposed and re
sponded to by liovs. Puterson , Doherty
and Williams. The brotherhood has a
membership of twenty jounir men and is
in a highly nourishing condition.
GorstcnberK's Gall.
Fred Geratenbcrg , the crook who was
acquitted in the district court a few Jays
ago on the charge of having stolen a
watch from one Klmball , at Paul's park
last .summer , lias made another exhibi
tion of his gull. Ho mot Kimball , the
man whom ho robbed , and ollered to re
cover the watch for $5. He secured the
money and disappeared. He stopped ul
Lemberfr's hotel and asked to bo shel
tered until dark.'aS he was afraid ho
would be picked up by the police ns a
suspicions character. He was enter
tained , and on leaving yesterday morn-
Ins , carried oil'a gold watch belonging
to Mr. Lcmberg.
TheIiaillcs' Musical Society.
The forty-second inusieulo of Hie Ladies'
Musical society was held at Meyers' Music
liall yesterday afternoon. The following
programme was successfully carried out :
1'ltOOU.V.MMi : .
"Forest Minis" . llriggs
Misses Tohtovin and Palmer.
Impromptu . Sfhubci t
Mrs. F. Hill.
a. Thou ait my All . Th.
b. Last Night . Ilalldan ICieruIf
5lrs. V. E. Woodbrldgc.
Gland Variation . Her/
Edward llvorak.
Devotion . Schumann
Miss ( ieorgla lionlter.
Licensed to Wed.
Judge McCiilloch issued marriage
licenses yesterday to the following
parties :
Name. Itosidencc. Age.
j ( icorgo H. Lewis . Omaha ! i2
I Florence liutlcr . Omaha IS
j 11. C. Sautter . Omaha 21
I L'iuni Schamol . Omalia in
J Peter EfferoiK . Omaha I10
" | \Vilhcminu ( iaumpska. . Omaha Ui
j James Jackson . Omaha 'M
I MaiyShreloy . Omaha 20
( AntoinoSanser . Council Bluffs 2 ! >
1 Autonina JJe . 10
Ofllcer KOWIOH Ilc.signs ,
Al Hie police roll call last night Oflicnr
Joe Howies tendered his resignation as a
member of the force and laid aside star
No. 10 that ho has worn for the past two
years. Tlio boys on tlio force contem
plate going into mourning , as the bright
life of "the linest" has gone out with
genial Joe , Hie happiest copper of them
till. Howies has been onu of the most
capable olllecrs on the force and lias a
clean record. He has a neat fortune in
an addition lo the city , and is in a posi
tion to enjoy life witliont work. That lie
may bo successful is the wish of all.
itoooplion to Dcnn Gardiner.
An invitation 1ms been extended to the
congregation , and friends of Trinity
Cathedral to attend a reception to IJean
Gardner at the home of Judge nnd Mrs.
Wakoloy. on the northeast corner oi
California and Nineteenth streets , on
Thursday evening , from 8 to 11 o'clock.
The reception will bo in the nature of a
general introduction of the new pastor of
Trinity to the people of Omalia , and
especially to the congregation of the
church over which ho ministers , A largo
number of Emscopalianti will doubtless
avail themselves ot the opportunity.
of Mute- .
A mooting of the deaf mutes of this city
was held in tiio parlors of the St. Mary's
avo. Congregational church , Tuesday
night , and a society organi/cd
by tlio electloi ) of the fol
lowing ollieors : , .President , Ittissull
Smith ) vico-prosidoiit , Elmer E. Smith ;
secretary , George h. Fisher ; treasurer ,
Miss Victoria Allen ; directors. O. Han
son. linssell Smith , Elmer E. Smith and
G. E. Fischer. It > si i thu intention of the
society to hold regular religious services
on Monday , and .Jiterury meetings will
bo held Tuesday avonings ,
Thn DisirnlHO Didn't Go ,
J , W. Allen , a well-known sneak thtef
and all around crook , has been making
his headquarters 1 ' Council Blullti and
making nightly v'l H ? to Omaha on pro
fessional business. ] , lie lias had bis cyo-
hrow.s bhavoii and , wears n false beard.
HIH disgmso was Discovered by Ofllcor
Ilorrigan , whoarrpst d him as n vagrant.
He was given forty-live days in tlio county
jail by Judge Stenborg yesterday.
Gas Meter
About o'clock yesterday afternoon
the lira department was culled out on
South Tenth fetrcut to suppress u bluxe in
the t > : iloon of Walter Drnndoit ; . The lire ,
however , was entirely extinguished be
fore thu department arrived. It was
causek by the ovploaion of u gas meter ,
which for a few moments caused conster
nation to reign in the building. The
cause of the explosion is not known. The
meter was found to be about half full of
M. Strasi.berger.of the Nebraska Cloth
ing .company , who has been in Now
York for thif past ton days on business
for thu linn , returned to-day.
Miss Adelaide Moore nt the ISo.vd Last
"The Lady of Lyons , " whicii yet re
tains the wonderful fascination which
characterized it In its earlier representa
tions hero , last night entertained an ex
cellent audience nt the Boyd. A second
attraction was the appearance in thu title
role of Miss Adelaide Moore. Than this
young lady , few actors whoso presence
upon the stnge has boon of such recent
date are bolter known. This is due to a
variety of circumstances , tlio more uola-
ble of which are womanly grace , energy ,
beauty and genius. Genius , without
beauty , Ims often triumphed over other
dillleuities ; butwltli a combination of two
of. the greater desiderata of a suc
cessful candidate for histrionic hon
ors , such as Miss Moore possesses ,
there is a most promising future to be
expected for this yoiinc lady.
Miss Moore's nctlniils of the reserved
order. It is inspired by an intuitive per
ception and appreciation of the most sub
tle emotions , in the representation of
which site strives after no unnatural
cllect , and makes use of none but natu
ral methods to attain her ends. In tiiis
she is au exception to many of her elder
sisters upon thu stage , whoso greatest
recommendation is that they have long
basked in tlio sunshine of popularity
gained when the acliug known to the
stage of to-day may well be
doubted to have been appreci
ated. Site seems never lo forget
the Identification with the character
which she assumes , ami throughout , her
acting is entirely consistent with a clear
cut , intelligent and artistic conception.
Her method savors of thn best schools
her art , and her emulation that of exem
plars , whom it would not bo a reflection
to imagine that the lady had seen lit to
study. Thus qualified mentally and by
attainmentH , Miss Moore's natural charms
leave little to bo desired. She is to-day al
most matchless in beauty of face and
form , and her movements are made with
consummate grace and ease. Her ward
robe is in richness among tlio finest in the
profchsiou. Even the slight dlllieulty
under which the lady labors in tlio tem
porary harshness of curtain of Her tones
detracts but little from her work , thus
enabling a performance of exceeding
interest and satisfaction. Such was the
lady who last niaht essayed tlio role of
"Ladv of Lyons. " Her acting of JJul-
wer's masterpiece was wilful , sweet , ten
der , forcible , pathetic , powerful and
grand , and made an impression which
shall not soon bo forgotten. The
"Claude" of Mr. Charles Jennett was
vile. The gentleman lias mistaken ins
calling , and lie should show some intelli
gence by giving up the stage. Tlio other
members of the company were excellent.
To-night , "Pygmalion and Galatea , "
followed by the cominedialta , "Happy
Pair. " In both of these Miss Moore will
appear. It will be one of Mi s Moore's
liuest performances , and will merit a
large attendance.
He Did Not Appear.
Yesterday morning Messrs. Experience
Eslabrook , James McA'cy , John E. Ed
wards aiid'Jacob Klein , who are charged
witli renting houses on Capitol avenucjto
prostitutes , appeared before Judge Sten-
berg for trial. The complaining" witness ,
Charles Niebuhr , was not on hand ,
though the judge bud distinctly told him
to be present at 10 o'clock. At 11 o'clock
he had failed to show up and tins defend
ants were released. If Mr. Niebuhr cares
to prosecute those men he will have to
lite new complaints.
A Change of Prisons.
United States District Attorney Lam-
bertson yesterday .received abettor from
Attorney General Garland , in which that
ollicial directs that all prisoners hereaf
ter convicted in the district of Nebraska
shall bo sent to the prison at Sioux Falls ,
Dak. Heretofore they have been sent to
the house of correction in Detroit. The
Michigan authorities are objecting I o this
now. bowever , and hereafter the Nc-
braslca prisoners will be sent to the Da-
kola prison.
A. l'Y > lsoni in Trouble.
J. B. Folsom , of Tekamah , Neb. , a
young man who enjoys the distinction of
being a cousin of President Cleveland's
wife , was arrested by Ollicer Peironet
yesterday evening and slated as a sus
picions character. He was caught while
"working" an intoxicated traveling man ,
W. 11. Uealle , who was also arrested.
ISniikH tin
The State bank , of Gibbon commenced
miit in the district court yesterday against
the First National bans of Omaha for
Judgment and damages in the sum of
? ( > , r > 00 for the alleged wrongful detention
of a number of promisso ry notes tnat
are the property of tlio petitioner.
Hahbl HOMHOU'S Lecture.
To-morrow ( Friday ) evening Dr. Ben-
HOII will deliver his second lecture on tlio
nones of "The Prominent Hebrews of
History. " The subject will bo on
"Moses Ben Amram. " Divine .services at
tlie synagogue commence at 7 o'clock.
AVill Vrol ! illy Die.
The unknown man who had his skull
fractured , near the river Tuesday , still
lies in a comatose condition at St. Jo
seph's hospital. There is not a mark on
him to show where was H.ruek , but the
physicians in attendance have but little
iiopes of his recovery.
T'oiinialn Attached.
I ) . J. Sulden filed an attachment yes
terday against J. G. Fountain , husband
of Mrs. L. Fountain , for ? : ) f)5 ! ) , but the
writ was returned , ns no property could
bo found.
ItrcvitfcH ,
The bank clearances yesterday were
The revenue collections yesterday
amounted to $12,007 ttd.
Loavoof absence for thirty days has
been granted to Second Lieutenant Hcnrn
of the Twonty.lirat infantry , to take elleel
December 15th ,
Sheriff Coburn wont to Lincoln yester
day with a number of nrisonors who have
been sentenced to servo terms in the
state penitentiary.
The Adelaide Moore company will
present n double bill to-night at Boyd'fl
of "A Pair" and "
coiiMsling Happy "Pyg
malion and Galatea. ' '
Yesterday's cold weather succeeded in
delaying trains Mightly , nearly ail in
coming and outgoing trains buinji from
ton to lifty minuted lute.
V. E. Tuoker , Into ono of the most en
tertaining and competent Pullman con
ductors arriving in Omaha , has gone to
act as bookkeeper for the Suboc mills , at
the place of that nume in Maine.
Co , G of ( ho Eighth infantry arrived in
Omaha from thu south at half past live
yestornay morning and left on tlio over
land train for the wast. This completes
the removal of tlio Eighth infantry to
this department.
The instruments for thu now signal
.service of the Union Pacific have been
ordered and will bo hero shortly. They
will cost altogether $ 3,000. Mr. Powell ,
the man who is to lake charge of the ser
vice will arrive in Omaha within the next
The following Is the weather forecast
for the week ending Wednesday , De
cember 8 ; A general storm period , with
heavy precipitation nnd Hoods in sec
tions ; continuous storms of snow or rain ,
according to latitude ; cold , ti sharp term
probable , very cold in the iwthwst ,
Mr. E. Itosowalor leaves this morning
for New York to be absent about three
weeks. ,
Mr. Seine * , ouo of the conductors of
the Chicago , Burlington & Quinoy rail
road , has been spending a few days in
the city.
Dr. LclscnrliiR , the city physician , who
has been quite ill for thn past week , is
recovering and will be able to resume his
practice in n few days.
George W , Post , ox-colloctorof internal
revenue , and his fatlior-ln-law , Dr. Me-
Donouglioy , of York , were in tlio city
yesterday en route east on a business and
pleasure trip.
Uabbt Benson returned last night from
Nebraska City , where lie lectured to a
largo audlcnco at the Cumberland Pres
byterian church , and also organized a
Sabbath school ;
Among the Nebraskans in the city yes
terday were the following ;
At theCanfleld-A. V. Bass , Randolph ;
J. S. Smock , Bumontj K. Fritter , Oak
At tiio Co7.7.ens Fred B. Smith , Ne
braska City ; A. W.WikofT. Osceola ; J. W.
Wehr , Wilbur , F. W. Wilson , Kearney ;
Ed Guudeiliugor , Nebraska City.
At the Windsor A. Buigslrom , Gold-
cnbergj A Dotimcs , Broken Bow : J. W.
Sto'jver. Chirks ; J. T. Mulliii , Grand
Island ; T. E. Webb , Callaway ; C. Land-
borg , Elkhorn.
At the Metropolll.iu W. II. Hyde , Gor
don ; F. II. Baden. Wayne ; A. B. Ball ,
John Dovonny , John Gilligan.Tccumsoh ;
E. S. Johnson , A. MeKinnoy , Lincoln.
At tiio Paxton Adam Hogg , Grand
Island ; Chas West , Lincoln ; John Peters ,
Albion ; P. E. Hall. Fremont ; F. M. Wai-
colt and wife , Weeping Water ; J. C.
Morrisoy and W.r. . Eaton. Plaltsmouth ;
Thos Lee. Verdon ; II. S. Manville , Bur
nett ; E. T. Johnson and A , S. Cropsoy ,
At the Merchants 11. A. Tomplolou ,
Tekamah ; E. Het/.el , YorkJ. ; F. Perkins ,
Weeping Water ; A. V. Saunders , Beat
rice ; F. F. MeGuirc , Blair ; Dan W.
Cannon , Elkhorn ; N. W. hourey , Lin
At the Millard J. C. Post. Elwood ; H.
A , Stanwood , Fremont : C. C. MeNish ,
Wi.sner ; W.M.Nesblt , Tekamah. S. U.
Anderson , Beatrice ; A. 11. Schaefer , Ord ,
A. Nance. O'cc-ola , H. H. Oliver Hast
ings ; F. E. Carpenter , Syracuse : Patrick
Egau , Lincoln.
At tlio Arcade Gee E. Atwater , To-
kaiimh : Alfred lla/lctt , David Freeman ,
E , F. Davis and G. E. Emory , Hcatrico ;
L. H Wilcox , Fremont ; II. W. McClure ,
O'Neill ; U. E. French , Kearney ; J. N.
Harris , Hastings ; J. F. Meyers , Pcndar ;
M.C. Jay , Dakota City.
Cost of the Ijaiier Case.
If delays are not dangerous they are at
least expensive. The coituly commis
sioners yesterday made an estimate of tlio
expense incurred by the preparations
for tlio rehearing of the Lauer case. Two
hundred jurymen and over lifty witnesses
10r the state were summoned and l.opl
for three days at a cost to the county of
about two thousand dollars.
Every ( lay adds to the great amount of
evidence as to the curative powers of
Hood's Sarsaparilla. Letters arc contin
ually being received from all sections of
the country lolling of benefits derived
from his great medicine. It isuiicqnalcd
for general debility , and as a blood puri
fier , expelling every traceof scrofula or
other impurity. Now is the time to take
it. Prepared by C. I. Hood & ( 'o. , Low
ell , Mass. Sold b3f all druggists.
A South Carolina Lynchinc.
On VUI.KMTOJT , S. C , , Dec. 1. Ca ar Hob-
iiison , colored , who assaulted Miss Liz/.ie
liowlc with criminal intent In a nuhllc mad
Monday moming , was lyncued at KJoience
last night.
Pour Nrurocn Jjy
Dr.KAi.r , , Tex. , Dec. 1. Four negroes wore
lynched In this county on Monday night for
tlio mmdorol a farmer named ( Icorge Tuafo.
Tim minder occurred In the Indian 'IVnitorv.
The nupioes weio taken by loice from the
Texas oflleers.
OpticimiH Kail.
ST. Louis , Dec. 1. At a late hour this
afternoon several attachment suits were Hied
against the lirm of William flcriiMcln &
David Pi I nee , opticians. The amount aggre
gates S-UCi.000. No statement ol the linn's
condition can be obtained.
Thrcn Boys Drowned.
KOCIIRSTEH , K. Y. , Dec. 1. Last night
tliR'e boys , two sons of John Lee , acoil Hvo
and six years , and a son of Jiobcrt Piilver ,
need MX years , were drowned at Joy , a vil
lage in Wayne county.
Tsclrnskn nnd Iowa U'onther.
For Nebraska and Iowa : Fair wcathei ,
stationary temperature.
Tile Smallest Paper in the World.
Pall Mull Gazette : If a prize were of
fered for the smallest paper in the world
the latest addition to the Parisian press
would fatand a good chance. It is called
Lo Qunrtler Latin mid it * superficial area
is less than a leaf of the Pall Mall Ga
zette. This insignificant paper , taking
for its title the name of the great literary
and uriatic quarter of Paris , announces
its collubcralcurH ns "all the students. "
Though small , it is excessively bright and
full of tliii genuine esprit of the qunrticr.
Its strong feat uro is motn. Each mot
is signed bytlieniitlior.and preceded with
a little pictorial canard. There are also
echoes from Ihn Itoub-Mielie ( Boulevard
St. Michael ) , sketches of types of the dis
trict , and letters addressed to the proles-
sors. The editor has already got into
trouble with his stall' . The collabortours
protect againsthaving their contributions
compressed into .so little Hpucu , or , what
is worse , crushed out altogether. They
threaten to start opposition , but the con
ciliatory editor announces fortnightly
supplements of forty pages made up of
overflow mailer. The Qiiarttor Latin
sells at onu FOU , for It employs the old
nomenclature tor the enrront'y. '
o hs
g CD g 3 M
- - $ >
trj J-H
c ? W
is but n moment if rlicnnmtismor nettral >
cia strikes the heart. These diseases nro
the most painful ami thu most'dancorons
of any to which liuimin kintt is lltililo , S
They lly from ono part lo another with
out a moment's warning , nmt liniments
and other applications nro in themselves
dangerous because they nro linblo to
drive the disease to some vital organ anil
cause instant death , lilicuiniitisni and
ncm-elgia nro diseases of the blood , and
can only bo reached by 11 rnmedy which
will drive from the blood the dangoions
acids. Such a remedy is Athlophoros. It
has boon thoroughly tested anil is a safe ,
sure euro.
Ocorgo Schneider employed nt tlicsnsh
factory of Hnttlir Bros. Manufacturing
Co. , Musontlnn , "Iowa , says : "About u
year ago 1113- wife was allleted with botli
rhctimntism and ntmralgia. She had used
numerous remedies with no apparent re
lief. Having lonrncd of some of tlio
cures cllected by Athlonlionn I botmht
some for her. 1 think It was four or Hvo
bottles she iif-ed , since which time she
has been entirely well of both rheuma
tism and mntralgia. As she was u very
great sufi'erur I cntislder Athlophoros a
very uflleient remedy In curing such a
caso. "
W. C. IMcClnln , clerk for Smith A Bono-
sleel , Druggists , Atlantic , Iowa , says : "I
have tried ovurvthing 1 know of for my
rheumatism , but nothing did mo any
good until 1 used Athlophoros. Itvan i'n
luly , 1831. 1 was oonhiied to the Itonso
for over u month , and was obliged to use
crutches. 1 suffered with this rheuma
tism for about a year. Finally I decided
lo give Athlophoros a trial , thinking It.
would bo no bettor than the medicines I
had used. 1 felt a ciiango after I had
tised a bottle. 1 continued using it. and
have not had any rheumatism since.1'
Kvory dnifrgint should keep Athlopho
ros and Athlophoros I'ills , but wlioro
they cannot bo bought of the drUggist
the Athlophoros Co. , ISM Wall St. , Now
York , will send cither , carriage paid , on
receipt of reutilur price , which is $1 per
bottle for Athlophoros and OOc for the
Tor llvor nml klilncy dlso'isi-s. dypiiciistn , In-
' ucr\ous-leliil . -
tH , \ ( .
ot WDinnii , constIpnllou , lioailncliu , Impilio ,
lilooil , etc . Attiloplioroo 1'llls iiui iinoamillrtl.
Tor sixteen yo irs. IliojImvo stendlly
In furor , nml with sales constantly Inc
Imvolioroiiiu Ihn mo t popular corset through
out tlui United hlntcn.
Tlio H. ( ami It II RnuloN iiroimulo In SHOUT
MK.nll'M AND i\TIIA : I.ONd W MhT , allllulllc for
nil Henri's. The (1 ( quality , iiuiiln ol' ICiiKllnli
OutII , Is wnrrnutt'il lo wear twice us long-us
ordinary oo rtets
iHt mvanls from all tlio'WorM'fl pront
Tlio lu l mumd rec'ulxoil Is for I'lliST
ILX or MKIIIT , irom tlio Into Imposition
! ml < ! nt Now Oi loans.
While PIXHOB ol' piitPtils bnvo bei'ii found
worthless , tlio principles of tlio ( llovc-l'ittlnir
luxvo proved InvAlmililo.
Koliillors arc nuthorlml to rnfunil money , if ,
on oxiuimmtlon. tliosn CoisclK ilo not iirovo us
rupromoiilcil I'OH ' SAMJ UVKKYWllllUK.
OATAUMlt'i ' : I'llKK ON Al'l'UrATION.
Electric Appliances are tent on 30 Oayi' ' Trial ,
-TTTHO are tiflurlnn from NBUTOUI DKIIUTT ,
\y I < ° VITALITY , L. CK or NEIHK roiicn * nu
VIUOB , WA TINU WFIKNCJSH. luiil nil thouc illseue *
of a I'kEscxUL. NiTUiin reiulliu * ( ruin A units ami
OTIIEH CAUBICS. Hnunlr relief enl couiikto | itwto
The cranJcat discovery of tlioWlnetirntli Century
ticnUatonooforlllustratcJTumpblettrue. .AiMruii
Mm sunVrlnr * from f * *
tf cnli ! * > , ctc.ruf tilling from In *
tllrrrot loii" , tire1 * or overwork ,
Itv Kallims .V plar'il In Ilie linnflt
ol llwlrfimn. ay llf.lcl * wltk
_ . . | iifuinHlloiior lu > iriHltmrii | ,
MARSIOH RtMtOt CO. ID Park Place , New York.
Mention Omnlm lino.
onuses , anil a now ami
P&FHESS. siiucu.-Hlnl . UlJItlliilyiiiir own
" * * homo Dy onu i who WIIB doiif twenty Hiflif
yoius. Troutod by mo1. ! of the noli-il npoolul
IstH ulthoiit hunullt : curril liitnnnlf In lluoo
inontlis , anil nineo Iliun Iiiiiulriols of otlinrH.
I'ull iinrtluuliirri hunt on nppl ij.ition. T. H.
1'AUi : , No , \VodtilhtSt. : . , Now Vork City.
A Book tli t prfrr f thfr
lliouU liUtx ) IP hit on'n luimU
nnd Ti'M l.lrini If M Itli ttiu uluiott
cure. lllvt nil the rniploina
nnd trrrlbln ft iili or lUttiat *
ililoto hurljrlo und It"-
* * ' " % ' "
---I ' ami IIioi1 of F m. ( lrV' ! iTr'ri"aiirV )
Him n ' ' ' < ' ' > iii c inliinnt LuDdou IHM lorj
For Ilrulni. Iliojiy , WniVne > . Ixnt VlUlltr , ytd. Went
U'l. 1'rrn IhiiKHllatlnn. rrulnVA
l.i : AtliNOl. 17-1 1'ullon Ht , . New Vurk.
Tlin OrlKiiml uriil Only ( jciiiiluc.
Kite ftailctvft ; ! IUIUM * lunneor , furbt luiluilbni ,
Jillif.ui blo lu LAOIEB. AnL juur llrvrelil < "
> fclfKr.Irr" * EiigU li' ' i4 < l Uk * u h r.rr ftrkm'l ;
< .l ni.kiw | UB rur articular , in Mttr r rrlurii mulU
< 'lillbf I'hrmliul I'u. .
nnmi. " glf'M-,1 ] , , . . . | uurcl'lilUdiul > a.
W ! * l bi DruvKUU rrrriwhrrr. Ak fvr * 't lihliti *
" I-1. K.rll'n * ' I'cuuiruful I'lll. . T kf . ' .uaMk
Unit Irnm tro pl < c > ruiiet Icithiir ha i > . u ll , or
iijlUli.i'jurltli . l t. htlltiH.E3a A Ml ) IIASV
Chllilivu run not nuke ouch A r ckut Mllh llivm tte crutch
li.cj vrl < u.Iluur | vrlt rcjp ti t .lir ; .l I/I mall | K t
I U lluntj. II.U , I.file,1 nJ Uu ; > ' , , ! Jli tt' il
Vnuil : . ' | | ID : uiilUren'i | l n
Haywarcl Bros. , 1(01 ( Ka .rJ ti , , Omaha , Nub.
Uiifiiifnc * : CumuierrlU NktlapAl BnkOiuttliM.
iudu tlAiliy
Jllonic' . iMfi-tru.Jliic-ilU-Ilill.
51 riiAB.cumtjIneu , UuarAiiltcdlhv
' onlcno In IJio worlJ Kunerullnf
wltcuntllillou Kltttrto A' A/rf/urifo
, - ' -'currrnl , fciicnlillc. 1'urttrtnl , lJuiuble ,
ron.f rl W n < l I llcctlre. AvuM Ira ml I.
Omrliilliilrur l. K < ,
n IKtMiiij > fcrnanii hlet
_ AI.KII Ki.i.onuu HI/- : * fou jJihEAHt's.
I bArer p4 > "ltlrftr mrdrvr lb kbOT * dlMa o ; ti IU oi
thuuuiiilt ft c ol tkt vwrit klnl > ml rl luur i icillif
liftfb * ncurtl lndU. o trnnrliinrfAlllU lUAfllcAcf
tU.t I will KiniTWU HOTTI.K1 Hir.K. l IIII. r > Uk .VA1. ! Olttu.