Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1886, Image 1

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    jn > _ f y * * " * * * * * * yj
r H T A "W "W * w * v *
Lady Campbell's Maid Takes the Stand
Against Her Fprmer Mistress.
A Itlcld Crosft-Ijxntnlnntloti Causes
Jlcr to Contradict Herself Open-
Inif of n Dlsgnstlnc . " >
Trial nt
The Caniplclt ) Divorce Cnsc.
[ Cntnirlohl ItM > > V Jatnr * liunlitn llfMitll , ]
LONDON , Dec. 1. ( Now Yoik Ileiald
Civlilo-Speclal to thu Uit : : . ] l.ndy Colin
Campbell last evening had n bad onion. Slie
wa * thrown from her cab nenr ( Jeorgc l.cvvls'
oflloe ns she was nbout to consul her solicitor
Wns It ominous of to-dny's testimony ?
Uninjured she joined her family gionp this
morning , looking sad but self possessed. The
Duke of Marlborouch , for Ihu tlilul time n
correspondent In his histoiy the Lady Ayles-
ford cn e being Iho most prominent of the
llirco occnslons at a nhort distance
avvny from her. Ills sun-burned
face evinced recentsport on the moors. Ho
Bt'oined HioStrClmiles Coldslrenm Wnllack
used lo piny In "Used Up. " A wig would
much Improve his almost tonsuicd bend , His
thin nostrils , Ilko those of n thoioughbicd
fiorrio , aided his aristocratic look , which
seemed to mean , ns ho surveyed contempt
uously the key-hole witness , Itoso liner , In
the box , "Tliero nothing In It. "
To cut short n long nnd rather wearisome
dlicct examination of this witness , n ills-
charged maid , It may bu pntd that she told
hei stories trippingly nnd gave n rather
stereotyped confidential mnld'.H talc , imply
ing adultery , much like Iho narratives given
jcnrs aio In New York in the famous Hasock
vs Culling case. It was a tale of tlm
dally coiiespondcncn between Iho Duke of
Marlboiouzh nnd l.ndy Colin , of Idlers se-
crcily delivered , of milady's midnight piovvl-
In ITS near Marlboroiuh's house when in dls-
enlso , nnd of adulterous doings , ot which the
pillows , bed linen , and towels weio all silent
\ < / " witnessos.
"Methlnks the lady doth protest too
much , " seemed thu motto with several of the
Shu wns Iho same lerrlblo vvllness for Iho
side calling her which Lady Miles had been.
Shu was too glib , too confident. Ilur story
sucmdd to go lo pieces in many important
particulars , especially when Sir Charles Hus-
sell , for l.ndy Campbell , got at her in cross-
examination. Ho had been visibly Impatient
and eager for thu fray while thu witness wns
on the stand. Dliectly ho called for nny ot
hci written statements. Laid Colln's legal
luminaries smclled danger and fought bit
terly to have these , ns given his solicitors ,
declared privileged. The judge , however ,
said they must bo produced. Dovetailing
her testimony just given with Iheso state
ments , Sir Charles Kusscll certainly suc
ceeded In exposing manv inconsistencies and
contiadlctlons , besides diavvlng attention tenet
not n fuvv absurdities.
During the vvllness' evidence llieDnkoof
Matlboiougn kept glancing impintinbably
at tlio jmors , as much as to say : "Didn't I
lull you there was nothing in it ? "
Sir Charles Husscll was particular to hi ing
out the tact that the witness had told the
story to Lord Collu's lawyers before the time
nt which they openly stated on the first trial
I , for ciuelty that they had nothing against
' Lady Campbell's character.
The onslaught of Sir Charles' cioss-oxam-
Inatlon finally drove the witness Into a
fainting III , nnd many wonduicd whether It
wns to bo n repetition of the old dramatic
incident of Snpuhha. However , after
luncheon she was restored to equanimity.
Hut Sit Clmilcs Hnsscll continued pljlnghls
tculblo questions. Sometimes the judge in-
trrrtiptcd with seaichlng quciles of tlio
Next Atloiney Ccnuial Wessher , for the
Dnko of Mnlboiongh , cai.tlit up tlio threads
of Inconsistency. Fiom all these signs It be-
rnme evident that tlm cioss oxamlncrs were
laying the foundation for alibis ; nlso thai tlio
man O'Neal , just an ivcd fiom Jay Gould's
j achtsei vice , would to some extent coirob-
oratu the witness. It is said that lie will bo
called to-moirovv.
U really now looks ns if the trial , with the
rebuttals nnd sjieeches Hint nttiit follow ,
might inn Into thu Chiistmns season , that
season which II ruies as the occasion on which
to-day's witness swears that Lady Colin
Campbell anil the Duku of Mnilboioiigh met
intimately In Lady Miles' country hoibc.
Oponini ; of Her Trlnl I > 'or a Terillilo
irori/ifuM / tffeiyJamts fintil'tn Itenntlt 1
Uiii'ssin.y , Dec. 1. [ Now Yoik Herald
Cable Special to the Hii : : . ] To-day began
before thu assize couit hero Hiutiial of Mld-
vvlfu Kodelet and hei lovei. Masqncllcr , who
four months ago , as I cabled nt that time , cut
Into pieces the body of njonng woman by
the name of Kmmn Hcckninn , wljo died fiom
operations for nboitlon practiced upon her
by the afoiesnltl mldw Ife. A Urge ciowd had
Kathered before thu palaen of justice , but
It iccclved a general disappointment , as
the court tleclded to hold thu tilal with closed
doors , the details being too icmilslvu lor pub
licity. On tlm couit table thu legs and other
icmalnsof tlm cuipsu lie in blgjais omitting
nn obnoxious smell. The vv omnn llodelet is
forty-live , fair , plump and rather good look-
Ing. Mnsqucllcr , who wns n slmplu Instru
ment in lier bantN , Is well dicsbcd , but In-
Blgnllicant looking. Some gen d'arms sat
between them , It being feaiod thai
llodelet might assault Masquolicr on account
of the confession mndo by him dm Ing
the iniiiliy | , The leading of thn Indlctmenl
petting foi th the fads lusted nn hour. Din
ing tlm examination of Itodelct she asserted
that sliu and Masqucller assisted in thu cut-
ling up of thu body by a doctor whom she
declines to name , tint to this statement Mas-
qucller gives her the He , Nothing else of ini-
poitnmo transpired In to-day's healing. The
tilal is expected to last four dus. )
lie CdiisentH to Intnroedo For Mm Con-
tloinnoil Aniirotilbts.
I'Ains , Dec. 1. M. lioicct , secretary ol
Iho Paris niunlelpil council , has for wauled
to United States Minister MeLann thu peti
tion adopted by the council Nov umber 27 ask
ing f r his Intercession with tlio govcinor ot
Illinois on behalf of tlm condemned Chicago
nnaichlsts. McLnno has sent the following
icply : "As the pelltlon is destined for the
governor of Illinois aiul made with the object
of sparing human life , 1 will not refuse my
nsslstunea If jou pculst In demanding it.
Hut allow mo to Intonn you that in the pru4-
ftit casu It Is useless. You can , without ills-
t ; advantage nnd with ns much ulllcacy as I ,
addtess yourself direct fo the extcutlvoof
Illinois , who Hlcn-j has ( no power of granting
n pardon , Without raising nny objection to
trie accomplishment of - > our wishes
1 bog y0u will rest assured
Ural capital punishment in no btato
of the union of political offenses Is prescribed
for odious crimes ngnlnst the public , such as
murder and rape , committed under aggra-
tlnfrclrcumstnnccsnndprcmcdltntion. In
political mailers Ihcrc exists In the United
States modification which oven profound dis
agreements arc powerless to alter. In the
lisctisslon of gieat polllical and social prob
lems touching the vvelfato ot workers wo
piocccd with wide liberty In showing the
spirit of fraternity nnd tolcrnnce which ren
tiers xlolcnco Inexetio.iblo and nlvvnjs preju
dicial to its Author ! * . When a ninjoiity pio-
nounccs cvcryono submits. If this gieat nnd
salutary principle of civ Ing expression to tlio
will of the majoiltv which forms the basis of
American Institutions bu Ignored social or-
tier , founded on llbeity and fraternity , col-
lnp es and soclely falls once moru Into chaos.
Mi-Lane , at llonget's request , consenlotl to
transmit Iho council's petition to Governor
Cholera In BIIIMIUS Ayrcn.
HuiiNos Avni.s ( vlaOalvestoni , Nov. J.
In the lunatic nsyluin hem the cholera
cases nverage ton dally , while among the In
habitants of llio city Ihu victims have nol ex
ceeded oli-lit onv day. In the city of Coidova
theccntet of communication between Buenos
Ayres and the upper provinces , n ntocosslon
ot 15,000 pei sons passed thiougli the strecls
yesteiday can y ing images of samtsand pray
ing for a decline of the epidemic. There
were twelve new eases anil live deaths in the
c tv jesleidny , nnd the population Is gicatlv
The Gnrtiian , Dec. 1. The rclchstiv ? has con
cluded thu discussion of the budget. It do-
elded to refer certain sections to the budget
committee nnd deal with the remainder at Hie
plcnnry silting of Ihchousu. In thu eouiso
of the debate Hcrr Jacoby , seeiotnij ol state
forUiolmpeilallieasury , denied Hint the es
tablishment of a tobacco monopoly formula
part of thu pro 'lamlllo ol thu goveinmont.
Duhlln'n Olllclnls.
Dt'iiuN , Dec. 1. Timothy D. Sullivan
has been-ro-cleclnd lord mayor of Dublin :
O'ICeefe , solicitor , has been elected loid
inavor of Limerick. JJoth Sullivan and
O'Kcefu pledge tliemsolves to letusc any
honois which maybe ollcred by tlio queen
during jnbileu year. John Dillon lioatls the
list ol candidates for the ollico ot high shcillf
of Dublin.
Condemned to
Dec. 1. Tlneo of the Marseilles
municipal olllccrs who havu been on trial at
the AIx assUes on chnrgcs of corruption have
been condemned lo civic du.'rndallon nnd lo
nay a nnd of 1300 fiancs each. The olheis
have been acquitted.
Turkey's Military Movements.
CoN&TANTiNot'i. ] ! , Dec. 1. An Irado has
been Issued ordeilng the foima'.lon of Inrgo
military depots In diireient parts of the cm-
plio for Hie sloiago of mnleiial nnd ns-
centers for the nssembllngof leserve troops.
Ccnci.ll Yon ( Jolt/ has completed mobiliza
tion plnns , based upon the German system ,
Girls Attack Ofllcers.
LONDON , Dec. l. Twohnndredglils to-day
attacked and pelted with mud a bailiff and
assistants -who were serving writs of eject
ment upon tenants on Lord Dillon's cstales
In Hallyhaiinls. Thu men beal a hasty ru-
trcat , leaving a horse car and papeis.
The Cznr's Latest Move.
LONDON , Dee. a It Is stnted that the czar
) s about to send Prince Nicholas of MIngielln
to Iho RUllan lo obtain his consent to llio
nomination of Iho prince ns governor of
lloumclin , willi the object of eventually com
pelling Unlgarla to accept him as her ruler.
Green Glass Blowers' Controversy.
Piiii.ADiii.i'iiiA , Dec. 1. An important
featuio has entered Into Iho conlrovcisy be
tween the green glass manufacturers and
blowers over the abolition of the npprentlce
system. Monday night meetings of local
nsscmblles xvere held In Clnylon , Mlllvilie ,
Salem , Woodbury , AVlllInmslown nnd Glass-
bore , vv hen U wns decided Hint they would
not shiko ns ordered by the executive boaid
of Distiict Assembly No. 1-19 , Knights ot
Lnbor , but would suriender their chnilers.
The respeclivo climtersof six assemblies were
sent to general headqnarteis In this city
yesterday and It is staled that these assem
blies propose forming an association and in
tlio fnturu they say they will not allow nny-
ono lo work In a New Jcisuy fncloiy lie
has violated trie agreement made at the com-
piomlso settlement last month with t tie em
ploy ern. On the other hand the olllcois of
district assembly 140 declaio these blovvcis ,
nnmbeilng between Iivu and sl\ hundred ,
will be ostracised nnd blacklisted by nil mem
bers ol thu league In good stnndlng and will
not be nllowed lo work outside the limits ol
their towns.
A Julian Iiullqtcd.
SIIKI.DON , In. , Dec. 1. [ Special Telesinm
to the Uiu.l : The chief topic of Inteiest heio
Is tlio action of the grand jury , which hns
just found Indictments against the present
circuit judge , D. 1) . McCallum , nnd several
demociatic editors , all chaigcd with forgery
and cilmlnnl libel upon Major 11. ] > .
Hallcy , of this place. Thu tionble grows out
of a campaign Il ; lit , Major Hailoy wns the
membci of the republican Mate com
mittee from this district and McCallnm was
the ninsvv innp candidate fet distiict judge.
Hailoy chnrges that forscd nnd slnndeious
nrtlcles vvero clicnlnletl against him by
McCalliim and Hie demoeintie editors nnd ho
bioiiijht suit , and the uumi jury has Indicted
thum. This Is thought to bo tlio Ihst Inslaneo
In the state vviicio a judge on the bench was
Indicted by a gland jury Jor n cilmlnnl
'ilio Storm In Miuliljjnn.
liutoir. : Dec. I. ThoKvenlng .fournnl's
Manlstco. Mich. , special says : Dining a
li.'avv gnlo and blinding snow storm at Hiieo
this moinlng , thu steam batgu Maggie Mar
shall and consort Aiundel went ashore thico
miles south of Mantsteo harbor. Thuciens
iiiu i-ale and thu vessels will weather the gale
without haun. Captain Anker , of the Arnn-
del , says ho novel o.xpeilenccd such a gale ns
that last night. The Marshall was manned
w Ith tout teen men nnd thoAriindel with six- .
Tliotug Wilglit , bolonglni ; to Louis Sands
who nlso owns thu Aiundel and Marshall , Is
a total wreck. Loss S'1,000. ' A special liom
Slieboygan , Mich. , says a gcnnlno winter
bll//aid nnd noithvveat gale Is prevailing nnd
the air Is full ot snow. .Several vessels will
lay up to day ,
Injured In 11 Collision.
GI.V.NDO.V , Minn. , Dec. 1. Theio was n
collision this morning at b o'clock on thu
Nouhem Pacllie between mall Iraln No. 1
and c.istbound pnssongor No. flonn curve
two miles west of Muskado. Hoth locomo
tives vvcio smashed and the mail car of No. 1
wns burned. Conductor Kldrod and the en
gineer und fireman of No. 0 vveia all slightly
biulsed about thu head. Mall Agent Llnnen
wns simllaHly Inn I , besides u dislocation ol
the shoulder. All weio surgically treated
hcio , niul hnvii gone to tlm hospltnl at Hialn-
ord. Pail of Hie mall was destroyed. Thu
mall tiain was tivo loins latu nnd the two
tiains had coulllctiiij , ' ciders
Llftoiibo For I'ool
Si. l ot'is , Dec. 1. An ordinnnco Impos-
Inja license of SJ.OOO per annum on book
makers and pool sellers wns recommended
to the municipal house of delegates for pis-
saito last evening by Iho wnys and means
committee. Thcro was somu discussion as to
the good the bill would do , ono delegate
being of thu'oplnlon that a hhh license on
book-makers would not coiritpt either the
morals of the j onng 01 old men. Heforu any
action was taken on the matter thu house
adjoin ned ,
A I'ostmaAtor ,
WAsiiixr.roN , Dec. 1. Thu reslgnnllon of
Hobt. H. LnmarutiH as postmaster at Sac
City , la. , has been received at thu postotlae
dcpaiimeut ,
Ex-Secretnry Chandler Reviews Incidents of
the Oarficlcl-Arthnr Administration !
Hit Ilctlronicni C'aitsctl Itj No Per-
sonnlor I'olltlcnl DlfTorcnccs With
llio I'roHHIcnt Jinny Pornicr
Stntcincnls Donlcil.
lltninc ntnl Arttitir.
HosToV , Dec. 1. ( Special Telegram to the
Ur.K.I The Ileiald piinLs the tollovving let
ter Irom ox-Sccretaiy Chandler , concerning
the iclatlons which existed between the late
I'msldent Aitliur nnd Ulalne , while Hlalno
remained In Aitliur's eablnut , and subsc-
iiucnily :
To the 1'dltor of the Heiald : The readiness
with whlcli thu Ilcinld has withdrawn an
erroneous charuu coinciding niscll In its
aillcloof Nov. IS headed. "Aithui asPicsl-
dent , " n rev lew of the political histoiy of thu
( Inrticld Aithui ndmlnistiatlon , encourages
mo to wiito toconect n few oilier statements
Hicicln which I know to bo unfounded.
There nro many moru which I nm sine nio
untrue , but of whlcli 1 have not personal
knowledL'U. Thu charge is madu thai Mr.
( Jcorgo Hllss 'Melded to temptation" be
cause , it Is said , " .Mr. Ullss agreed
to arbitration with the Salisbury ,
who were filends of lllalnc. " Asseillons
that Colonel Hllss was evei talso to any cnuso
In which bo was employed as counsel cannot
possibly bo justified. Iloagiced tobcarbitra-
tor ol the stai louto cases against tlio Sails-
burjs solely because of Inck of evidence to
waiiant cilmlnnl ptoceedlngs. lie world ,
moreover , have been perfectly willing to
prosecute any of the "friends ot Hlalno" who
wens guilty. Theasscitlon Is maduat lonctli
and In various lorms that "IJIaine determined
to icmaln at the bead of the statu department
or to bo turned out. " "Tho secietary of state
supposed Hint ho had succeeded , and thai
Arthur would not date disturb him. ' ' "Tho
immediate quarrel with the piesidont , which
led to his quitting llio cabinet , aioso Irom a
bicach of good faith regaidincr distinctions
given to Mr. Ticscott. " "Soon after Mr.
lllaino vvasfoiccd to icsign on account of a
dlllcicncc of opinion between himself and
tlio president in his South American policy. "
"Kiom thattlmu on Dlalnu and his family
vve > o slraiiECis nt the while house. " "This
enmity was intensified by tlio result of Ihu
last presidential election , and Aithui and his
filends vvcio nccused covcitly of nssisling.
by their indltreiencu nt least , llio tiiumnh ot
Piesident Cleveland" . This Is nearly all a
tissue of falsehoods. The resignations ol
lite membcis of tlio ( inrliuld cabinet weio
all placed In Piesident Arthur's hands Imme
diately after he took the oath of ollice before
the chlel jusllce , on llio ' 2d day of Seiitem-
ber , IbSl , in thu vice president's room , while
Piesident Oaihcld's remains weio lying In
tim rotunda ot thu capltol. Tlio uiusldcnt
asked Iho several gentlemen to remain in
ollico nntil tliero could bo a fuller conference.
Next day the funeral piocesslon stalled tor
Ohio , but President Arthur remained behind.
JJeloro leaving Washington Ulalne nsKed thu
iresident at what date lie would probably
bo released Irom the slate depart munt , and thu
latter icpllcd that ho desired Mi. Ulaino to
remain until thu York town celcbiatlon ol
October 10 should bo over , and the euteitaln-
mcnt of Hie French and Cerman vitllois
should bu completed. DIaino. of couise ,
consented to Iho picsident's wishes. After
Hie foreign visitors had departed , which was
about tlm middle of November , Hlainu still
lemaincd to assist in the i > repaiation of so
much of Iho president's message ns related lo
foreign nftniis. Soon nftei congiess con
vened , during December , and on llio day on
whlcli Kiclinghtij sen had slcnihed Hint ho
dcsiicd to commence his olllcinl duties , lilalno
left Hie department.
During nil this puilnd I saw Mr. lil.iine
frequenlly , and ho conversed with mo liocly.
Ho man lie.stcd to mo no dcsitn
whatever to remain in President
Aitliur's cabinet , lie signified no such
wish to the ] iresideiH. lie considered a
cliangu natural nnd inevitable. Tlio presi
dent , Inrthcrmoic , urged him lo accept the
appointment of mlnlstci lo Kngland , which
Mr. lllaino declined with ( banks , ami they
parted In a friendly spirit. 1
Mr. lilalnc said lo mo that ho did not lecl
able to keep up such an establishment In
London ns lie would desire to maintain , lie
wrote n note to the piesident in connection
with his declination ot the mission whlcli
may perhaps bo toiind among 1'iesidunl
Arlhur's pnpeis , 01 Mr. lilainu may havu a
The dilToienees touching some fratiues of
Iho Soulh American policy happened aflci
.Mr. lilalnulelt thu cabinet , the pilncipal one ,
of a personal chaiactei , being between Fio-
linghnys'en and Itlalnc. Even this , 1 think ,
never amounted to a totnl suspension ot indi
vidual relations. Ulnlne had given a public
icccption at his house to thu new
secretaiy , but nfter a time hospitali
ties censed , though 1 think mutual calls
by card were never abandonde. Uetwccn
the president and Ulalne personal relations
and exchange of hospitalities weio kept tip
oven when dlflcrenccs on the South A men
can policy vveru at tlio highest point. ISIalne
dined at tlie while house and Iho piesident
dined al lilainc's. I am quite smu that Mr.
and Mrs. lilainu vveio Invited to the white
honso two or three tliiicsduiing the winter of
18St and that the president dined nt Ulaino's
as late as .March , IbSl , within three months
of the national convention.
Dining the canvass for the nomination In
the Mining and summer ol ISM mnnv .shaip
savings vvcro In cliculallon.and thcpi'csident
was much distuibcd at limes at reports of
some of thorn and lilaino may have also been
hritatcd , but their personal iclatlons were
never terminated. As Into ns hist spring ,
when lilnlno finished his 'Twenty Yeais of
Congress,1' lie sent the two volumes to
Arthur with n kind Inscilptlon , and they
vv 010 accepted by a friendly note. Alter Ihu
presidential election the chahmnn of tlio
national committee was indiscreet enough ,
In n published Intcivluvv , to impute to
President Aitlnir and the members of the
cabinet n want of fidelity and /eal In llio can
vass. This chnigo was uascless und was so
declared bj mo at the time In a letter to thu
Now Yoilc Tilbnne , All possible and np-
pioprlntunsslstnnco wns tendered. It could
not have been expected thai we should supci-
ccdo the chulimaii 01 do his work , although
It would have been better If somcono ban
donu so. Hlainu has nivcr Indorsed the
chairman s aspersion , to mv knowledge. In
Until , them la much less bltteiness , eeitalnly
much less pcisonal dlscouitt'sy , prevailing
among public men who nio livals than our
piolllic and teckless newspuneis wiileis
would have their icadeis believe. Kveiy.
thing which docs happen Is magnified or dis
The Herald of Saturday last states thatl
did not speak to Ptcsiduut Hajes on the Jato
funeral occasion. This Is untrue. I greeted
hlmiesnectlully. The icfusal of Ulaino to
accent Senator Kdmunds' hand is to boio-
gietled. Ulalno's assigned leason was that
two da ) s beloio there had been made public
a letter written by ndnmnds in the spring ol
ISsriwhleh Imu'Mclicd Illalnu's personal in
tegrity. lllaino had a rluht to diavv this in
ference from ' the letter , but consider
ing the simoundings he should have
reciprocated IMmumls' salutation. He acted ,
however , tiom sudden linpnl-o , and theieby
widened the breach which , Ilko Hint with
( oniclini , ' . ousht never lo have existed.
\\hllo our erent republican leaders nuaiiel
thepaity suffers , and by reason of such dif
ferences loses a piobidcntial election. It Is
tor the Inteiest ot tlm countiy ( hat such
piiiely personal controveisies should not
itilso or contlnuu between piomlnent lendcis
ot either paily. it U to bo regretted that
Riich vviiteis as the one vvhoaolettei to the
Herald 1 am coiiHldciInjr , and llio Herald
( self , should endeavor to widen Instead ot
healing such quaiiels.
K , CiiAiiicn. .
A Pr , Dec. 1. Justus Klotproi'icssht / :
candidate foi the lelchstag in the J'irot olec-
toial dUtnct of Uerlln , is conducting a vigor
ous campaUn. Addiessing mcetlnss vvhcr-
t\cr the social demociatic element Is prpml-
nent , his sitceches nro received with enthu
siasm. Eugene Itelchter , Schonck Von
blautrenbetg nud Albeit Kiacier aio giving
hi.m active support. Thesospenkcisannouute
that the progressist will vote agalost pro-
jonuiup the otei tiou of the tintl-sociallst
U.ililuiul'H I'nrmcrs' Union.
OAKI.KVD , Neb. ) Deo. J. ( Special to the
UIK. : ] The Fanners' union have lalscd Hie required -
quired capltaIS10,000ttccordlug to thet bl-law s
to commence business with. Tlicyhavecnllcd
nmccHiiKof the stockholders forSnturdny ,
when they will determine , whcthei they will
buy lots and erect nn clevnlor or putchn'ie ot
one of Hiopiescnl llrms. Many farmers nre
holding their train until the union Is pre
pared fobuv' . The farmers are \cry much
elated over their success so far. Tliero Is but
onu American fnimerin theunlon , and Ithas
been Hu own In their teeth mnnj times that
theunlon would not succeed , on account of thu
green Swedes , but they are not sogieen now.
The Swedish pcoplo hcio nio Independent
enough to nsscrtand < { cmand their lights ,
anil befoie many months the 1'armers'unlon
will be a common thine over the entire state.
It appears that competition Is coinciding the
giain films do not want and will not allow If
thov can prevent It. Wo havu one oluvator
standing Idle , owned by the craln combina
tion , nnd that cost them neatlv $4,000. This
protective move by the fnimcis , no doubt ,
will be a giand thing foi Oikland , and It is
getting lobe the popular belief among busi
ness men here. _
The Sliellcnberjjei1 Trial.
NnmtvsK.v CITNeb. . , Dec. 1. [ Special
Telegiam tolhu HKI : . 1 The second day In
the Shcllenbeigcr ttlai has passed nnd as yel
n jury has not been secured. Over 200 men
have been before thu couit nnd i ejected as
incompetent juroi son account of having nn
opinion nsicgnrds the guilt of Hie prisoner.
It Is thought now that n jmy will bu secured
by to-nionovv noon , Thu court room iluilne
the entile day picscntcd an nnlmatod scene ,
being ctowdcd to its full capacity. What the
sherlll will do with all the vvould-bo specta
tors when the lury has been svvoin Is a ques
tion Hint Is soiely vexing him. The prisoner
though the object ot cveiy oyu In the court
mom. keeps his composure , nnd to the Iir. ) :
man ho lias said that hu is Innocent ol Ihu
ciimc of which lie is charged.
ClinilcH Hunt Wanted.
DAVti.Nfor.r , Neb. , Dec. 1. To Cn.vutr.s
liujji : Ion arc wanted at home by wife
and chlldien who nro ncnrlyvorilcd to death
by jour long nbsencu and hearing nothing
from you. Should nny one see this notlco
\vlio \ knows of his wheicnboiils they will eon-
fern fnvoi by show Inc it to him or infoim-
ing tlio editor ol llio Telegraph , Daven-
poit , Neb. Ho is a man of medium heleht ,
spate build , blue cjes , long sandy moustache ,
.side whiskers somewhat gray when giown
out , and a man ol rather pleasant addics.s.
Exchanges will please copy.
A Coal Flnil liiOroo County.
SviiAcusr , NOD. , Dec. 1. A few days ago
Mr. John McHailand , who lives about two
miles southwest of this plnce , while boring a
well , sti nek coal at a doplh ol seventy feet.
'VA hen lie was down nbout sixty fcethestiuck
slate lock. Alter going through ten leel oL
this slnto lin lonnd the. drill to be working in
coal. Ho drilled nbout lour feet nnd then
used n sand pump , which bioiight up quite n
quantity of coal , which wns taken to the
house and binned to n poifectlv white usii ,
leaving no slate. Tlio vein is thought to bo
lour feet thick. _ _
The Plttlo Boy Hold for Murder.
"Wii 111:11 : , Neb. , Dec. 1. The coioner's jmy
in the case of ti.c dead boy Jlmnilo Magor ,
letui ned a vcullct last uiglit , finding that ho
came to his death Irom n gun shot wound
Irom a gun in tlic hands of Mlko Kittle , a lad
tweh e years old , and Hi'at It was maliciously
done , and that his biolhbr Jlmmla Fitlle , len
veai sold , was acccssoryi A great many be
lieve Hiattlic shootlnBvVas ncciUcntnl.
IJIC Honl 10s tmq Trniisnotlnii.
Siot x CITV , la. , Dec. 1. [ Special Tele-
ginin to the UIE. : | Oncof thclargcslieal
eslalo liansacllons recorded in this city for
alone time vvasconsummatedlo-day.wlieicby
Weaie & AlliBon sell to John Pierce and
other capitalists a section of land just north
of tlio waterworks reservoir for 5100,000.
This sale is of public interest fni moio than
its pioporlions. as Iho expressed pnipoie ot
tlic pnrclmsci s in buying ills to subdivide It
and lay it off into lots , which will bo put on
Iho maikrl ne\t season. In connection \\ltu
this scheme a cable cai linn Is to bo Imiitfiom
the depot to the cxlremu north side of Iho
puichnse , n distance of two and a half
miles. _
lown Stock Breeders.
MA sox CITY , In , , Dec. 1. [ Special Tele
gram to the I5ii : . ] Thonnnnl convention ol
the Improved Stock Breeders' association of
Iowa opened here this moinlng with a largo
attendance , nnder Hie presidency of James
Wilson. Oovei nor Larraboo was to have do-
Iivered nn address this aftoinonn , bill was
nnablo to be piesent Papers were lead by a
numbei of piomlnent stock breeders fniil
great interest is being taken in Hie pi ocoed-
ings. _
Drurgir. la. . Dec. 1. fSwcial Tele
gram to Iho UKI : . | Ed. Wall , living on the
Jnekcon county line. Insane bccaiisu his
biothci Is accused of stealing hoi-es , was
hound and biought hcio at 3 o'clock this
There are no tnlns hem to day from the
Iowa and Dakota and Iowa and Minnesota
divisions of tliu Chicago , Milwaukee & bt
lowft Train
Cr.DAH UAPIDS la. , Dec. 1. | Special Tele
gram to the Uii.J : The lown branch of the Tinln tllspatchcis elected K. W.
Titus. Marsh all I own , president : C. II. King ,
DCS Molnes. vice pioshlont : M. A. Hnkor ,
Keoknk , secietarv. nnd W. K Doxan. Cedar
Itnphls ; Krank Hoilon , DCS Moines ; J. A.
Hauett , Hello Plnlnc , executive committee.
Tlio Coltl In Iowa.
13iTiiM\mov. In. , Dec. 1. Tlio mild
weather of jesterday took a sudden change
nt midnight , glowing cold i.ipldly till this
moinliiL' , when the tlicrmo meter mat ked 5
degrees bolovv , The ilvor Is closed , which is
eaillei than for several years. Thowenthcr
to-tiny is clenr but cold. Thu thcimometcr nt
noon was 10 degiceS above.
A Fireman Killed.
Cr.DAii IlAi-iDP , la. . Drc , 1 fSpcclnl
Telegiam to the UIF. : l-r-JIoger KHoy , n lire-
man on the Hmllnuton , Cedar Uapids .t
Northern , wns inn over by his engine ncni
SpliltLnkn while trying to eseipo fiom n
collision with a snow plovv and was Instantly
Twelve I > pRro < 'H nelovv.
Sioux Cn , la. , Dee , J. [ Special Telegiam
to the Ur.K. ) Sioux. ( Jty | is experiencing
some verv cold weather nt present for the
season of the j ear. TliBjinerenry cot down
to about It ! deL'iecs bejdwyero this morning
nnd has scatccly bccnjalXMu yero all day ,
Tim JMIsslbBlppi Clo Qil nt
DAVKXI-OIIT , la , \ee. ) 1. [ Special Tulu- to the Hi'.i-4Tho : ] Mississippi river
closed lei navigation attliis jmlnt to-day , the
raillest date with t > vo exceptions wlihln
thirty-five years. The sticam Is fro/.en clear
acioss excej ) ! n nauovv channel on the south
.side oft ho i
Firn at Iiidcpeniloiicc ,
CBIIAU HAi'ins , la. , Dec. 1. [ Special
Telegram to the HIKKlefleld's : ] lumber
yard burned partly nt Independencu at 0
o'clock this morning I oss , SlO.CO'J. Two
Uutllngton , Cedar Kaplds > t Noithcin box
carsvveiu tunned.
Tlio VVorkH Itiirncd.
OrrujiwA , Ja. , Dee. 1. [ Sjwclal Telegrnm
totli6 UIE. ! Longfoid's tllovvoiks binned
last night , Loss about 52,500 ; Insurance
§ 2'X)0. )
A Kinull Fire.
KEOKUK , la , Dec. l. [ Sneclai Telegram
to HwiUFr.j Tbuftamo dweUIng of 11 , H.
Herman , owner , and M. .J. linker , occupant ,
wns paiuEilly binned. Insured fur 81,000.
The Great Secret of Wilson's ' Suit is nt Last
I'ntnlly I'rltlc aiul Position Cause tlio
JJIch Parent tu Discard lllrt
First-Horn to Illilr IJnrly
Wilson llovpnls Ills Secret.
PnovtiiKM i : , II. . 1.1 Dee. 1. ( Special
Telcciam to the Hir..l : At last Hie gtoat
WINon-Moon scctct Isold , nttor the expendl-
tuicot hundiedsof Hiou nndsof and
untold misery and much litigation. All sorts
of stmlcs liavo been told and theoiicsml-
vanci'd , and nil have been to tlio etfect Hint
\ \ llson Mas \lll.iln oC tlm deep ° st tl.\o , and
that Phillip Moon vvnsn prosecuted old gen-
Human , who , In keep u sccict which would
ln\olvo him In public disgrace , Imd given
Wilson unwinds nl ? : iOO,000 to hold his peace.
When the fuels of the case me i end here
with , it will be tendily soon that Wilson , as
ho has hcon Known to tlio public , has boon
uioiu sinned against than sinning ; that
Instead ot being theblackmallei and misei-
nhlo vviefch that ho has been made tu
appear , no Is no moie nor less
than 111 locllimnto on of .Mi. Phillip Moon ,
tlm Worcestei nillllonniru. "Doe" Wilson
was seen this moiniugand ho talked lioely
icgaidlng his noublos. and thun to the sur-
piiso ot those who were piesent , ho ejacu
lated :
" .My Oed , I'm thed of this. 1 am tired of
being pointed nt as a blackmailer and thief.
I ha\o kept ihls matter between Mocn and
mjselt seciet foi seventeen ye.irs , but It has
got to come out and for the liist time In my
life I now ro.veal It. 1 am Phillip Moen's
son , ho is my lather , althonch that is no
credit to me. I am not pioud of it by any
me.ins. llcie. I will show jou Icttois which
I have in my possession , which 1 ha\e no\er
lead In or out of couit. Homll What does
that say in tltc hnndwilting and signed by
Phillip MoenV It reads ' .My dear son. ' and
Is nddiessed to mo by mv lather , Phillip
Morn. The man whom I always supposed
was my fatlier , .Jonas Wilson , drove a stairo
line between Dniiielsonvilleand Wlllimantlo ,
Conn. Ho died in the year IbTO. Justine-
vlons to his death ho experienced religion ,
and as he had a desire to iello\e his mind
and die with a cleai conscience , ho called mete
to tlio side oi his death-bud and inndn thu
womb-rliil levelntion befoie mysoll and my
supposed mother that 1 was not his son hut
thu MHI of Phillip Moon. 1 was about seven
teen ycais ol ago , and after my fatlici was
bulled 1 soiuht out Phillip .Moon , mv own
father , and acquainted him with the ( nets.
Ho acknowledged that It was tine , and
begged of mo to Keep it a secret between ns
on account of his marrinco with his step
daughter , named Maria. Tins 1 promised to
dou but in older to keep other parties quiet , 1
was obliged to Keep paying them laigo
nmonnts. Thu moiu 1 paid them , the moio 1
had to. "
As near as can bo ascertained by Inquiring
it appear ; that alter Mo < ; n mairied his lirst
wlte a child was bom about MX months nltei-
wnids. This child is the present "Doe" Wil
son , or lightly .Moen. Moon's wife was
taken to tlio Wilson's , who kept a sort of
Iving-in hosnltal tot women In a delicate con
dition , and the infant was kept by the Wil
son's and bought up as their son , until tlm
time of the death ned confession , when it
was revealed that Wilson was not Wilson
nt all , but icnlly .Moen. Moon's wife died
and the secret'was known onlv to the foster
parents of young Wilson. Wilson , In his
iccent suit airaliist Moon , expected that it
would result in his favor without lecourse to
the divulging ol tlio secret. Ho icckoned
without his host , however , but
lid Is determined to lollow Ills
father to the bitter end. It will eitliei
devolve upon Moen to pay the Wilsons foi
their silence or to mak a. snttsfnctoiy settle
ment to his son. The Widow ot Jonas Wil
son , wlio had the hiinging un of Wilson ,
and , as preairanped , was to bring him up in
ignoiance , when appealed toby Wilson to
come forward when necessary and testify in
his beiialt relative to vvliat she , -with him. had
for so many j ears kept in secret , begged of
him not todo it , and in tlio fren/.y ot her
grief nt the bare possibility of the sectet being
divulged became insane , and In thai pitiable
rendition at piesentis lesidingnlThompson ,
Conn. , vvneie , In her mad lavings , she Is
ceaselessly mutteiing imprecations upon the
Into that made her a living lie.
Will Moen disown the son begotten in his
vouth , now Hint ho Is a weak old man who ,
for the sake of family pride and position , lias
lor all these veais heen tiyins to covci up the
avidei'co ot his eaily indiscretion by putting
Ills infant son away liom him to glow up in
poveityand without Knowledge as to his
IdcntitjV What will the world sav of sucli
inhuman conducti * When once the gicat
milionaho Moen was convinced that his son.
by confession ol his foster lather , knew of
his pateinity , lie was willing to make any
s.icnliee , how ever great , to purchase silence.
Wilson , so called , has not a look , a leseiu-
hlanco or an attiibuto to tlio Wilsons. They
vvcro com so nnd vnlgai people , as the vvoild
goes , but he is the pletuiu ol * a .Moen. has the
laniil.v lesemblancc and has ( lie wiltten ac
knowledgment liom 1'hlllp Mocn thai he Is
his "dear son. "
MOIJ.N nr.vir.s Tin : STOIIV.
Woitfisun : , Mass. , Dee. 1. The an-
nouneement tiom Piovldeneo this mcnlnir
that "Doe" Wilson had lilted Hie veil tiom
the ticat Mocn mvstery caused a tionmndoiis
sensation. The bulletin boards wcie sin-
lonnded far Into the night by crowds The
mlllionalie maniifactuicr was at a piayer
meeting when the announcement i cached
this citv nnd the icportcis gathcicd at the
donrof Union chinch to waylay him wlicn
ho ramo foith. When asked about the state
ment made by Wilson to day that he was his
lather. Mi. Moen said ; "It hallo ; a down-
light lie. Just see howdespeiato Urn man Is ,
getting up such a stnij us that. " Moon de
clined to statu anything lurtlici.
Not Anarchist Syniputlii/.erH ,
Ciiir.UiO , Di'p 1. Meetings woio held to
night by the leading turn-\eielns > of the city
to take action upon the clicul u Ooin the ex
ecutive board ot the Chicago tuin distiict to
evciy tiiin-veicin In this distiict asking
them to hasten the adoption of a losolutlon
declaiing tlio veidlct in the anaichlst case
an unjust one , and demanding a new trhil
for the condemned men. At the meeting ol
the South Sldo society the resolution and
action of the dlstilet boaid was \ciy freely
discussed. The unanimous verdict was that
the nnmchlsts vvcio In tlio hands of the law
and thai any outside dictation , suggestions
01 inloifoiencft would bo wholly Inexcusable.
The distilet boaid was vehemently de
nounced and resolutions passed calling n
general nuetlng for the junposo of ousting
Hie membcis tiom ofllce , A similar feeling
wnsiieaily as st'oiigly expiessed by other
tiini-raeln societies ,
Goiiernl Htmnrd'H I'latnt.
SAN 1'm.Nrisco , Dec. 1. Major ( lencinl
O. U. Havvaulcommanding the depiitment
of the Paclhe , in Ills annual report to tlio ad
jutant geneial lor thu Infoimatlon of the
lieutenant guneial comnmndlng , complains
that thu means ol defense against a possible
Invasion ot the J'acillccuist nio Inadequate ,
and UbUb lot u better equipment of tlio poits ,
Cholera in Cook County.
CIUCAOO , Dee. 1. The Dally NovvsPeiu ,
Iud. , special gays : The loss by hog cholera
In this rounly has i cached S25000and the
disease is still picvnllinir. Two thousand
dead heirs were brouehl Into this city to the
grease ieliners .vrsteiday and today as me-
suit of the epidemic.
A'erdict Against llio U. P.
SAIYI LAKK.Vtah , Decl. 'Iho jury ren
dered a veidlpt In thu third district court heru
today of f 20,000In favorn ( W. C. Heddcn ,
against tlm Lnlou 1'acllic railway company
on account of injuries sustained uy Jtudden
% \hilo at vvurk in thecompauj's coal uiiiie lu
Mny , 16S3.
StntUtlui I'lirttlqlicd Uy
Com mission or .loll union.
WASIII.SOTOK , Deo. 1. The annual report
of ( icneral .lo eph K. Johnston , commissioner
of rallioads has been tiled with the secretary
of the Interior , nnd was made public to-ilny.
Ot the Union Tactile lallv ! ay company the
commissioner sajs that , on his annual tour
ot inspection , ho "found thu track , brld e ,
culverts , woikshops , roundhouses , stations
etc. , of the company In excellent condition ,
the tlos well leveled and rails istooli ) aicu-
lately and ttimly laid , coiistitutlnt ; tills as a
llrsi-class load anil piovlng Its elllclenej. "
The Ilnnneial btato Is xnmmarli'cd as fol
lows : Total debt , StV.i. V-W ; ealtnl \ slock ,
< ( , Sr , t ) ; total stock and debt , S'JXi.KOT , ; ! ;
total a tcts , s.5)l4V-'Oli ' ) : suiulus , ? : Uu' ) > rIT7.
Amonu thu Hems ot assets is one of
? Jl.fi04,141 , as claimed by the compiny , re-
pahl to the United btatcs ' 1 he commissioner
sajs tlmt thueoits | of tlio tiennry dupait-
ment show M'ttknl ' accounts and money paid
into tlio tse.TUiry June SO , ISM'- ,
ngcuvntniK S'.V.OT-J , H-f , 01 < MWK7 ) , less
than the amount claimed b.v thu compnnv ,
' 1 ha credits of the company aio Increased ,
howevei , bj necuiuulale < t inteicston sinking
fund investnients ? 4is'fto. Total ciedits
JiinuiM , l rt. S''l.iaj.UH. 1'ho net OHinlngs
ot these atixlllai.v lines tai ( Ho jeai ended
Decembei it. lSs" > , amounted to 5fl.0i'U. ! ; ( . '
Theannual Inteicst on tlio bonds was s'J.UJI-
110. On two mads dividends amounting to
SM.IOJ were paid on stock , all ot which , how
ever , was owned by the Union I'aclllc Kail-
way company , making u for thu > ear of
Sj-V'Ti.llO. oraduticit liom the business ot the
jeaiol S1'J S,01S.
The secretary of the Interior , In giving out
this lepoit to ( fay , made the following com
ment conccinlng thu delicti indicated above.
Jt is claimed by .Mr. Adams president of the
company , that tills dullclt Is apparent only ,
repiesenting not thu money paid out , but
book accounts of interest which has accrued
on securities largelv held by the Union
Pacific company Itsell. 11 Is tnrther claimed
tlmt duiliigtbe vcai tlm nuxlllaiy lines as a
whole , not only paid tlieli own -operating
expenses and SliXXK : ( ( ) In addition theicto ,
but also contributed to tlio main or leased
lines of the Union Pacllio some S..OJUOO
worth of tiallie which otherwise It would not
have leceived.
OftheCenlial Pacific rallroid compuny
the report ot Commissioner Johnston Sajs
tliat Its pioperty was also found to be in ex
cellent condition. The various lines of the
company havu been oneratcd since Apill 1 ,
188. } , by the Southein 1'aclltc company of
Kentucky , undei the tci ins of a lease dated
Kebiuary 17 , tbs'i. The gtoss earnings ot the
Paelliesjstem toi tlm jear ended June HO ,
lhM5 , compaied with those of the preceding
jcnr , show a dccieasu ot S44U , ' . > ti < .i , jot llio net
eainlngs increased i--lliO.Sl ! ; , 01 Hl.S pel cent.
This luciease was caused by n vei v gieat lu-
ductlon In operating expenses. The linan-
cinl condition ot the load June . " 0 , Ibbn , Is
Miinmariml as follows : Total debt ,
8l' . , H\5S ! ; capital stock , S.V.'J75f.lO ) ;
total stock and debt , Slsi , l,0158 ; total as
sets , $ lb7,4' > ,5,17S ; surplus , SO.OOll.HO ;
Of the fc'loux City * Pacilic lailioad com
pany , thoiepoltsajs Hint its gross eninings
\veroSr \ > 07 ! ! ! : operating expenses and taxes ,
SJ27b0 ; siiiplus , SU7-U50. The liabilities ol
the. road me : Total stock and
debt , 87.147,811 ; assets , SV1V.1 < f > :
delicit , S1.4U4jW ( > . The tinaneial condition ot
tlic Cential biancli ol the Union Pacilic.
Juno 1)0. ) IbMi , is given as follows : Total
stock and debt , S0.7KJ.101 : total assets S4-
781 , 53 ; delielt , Sl , : i7O.I. : ! The commissioner
savs : The sinking lunds ot the
Union and Cential Pacific companies June
! ! 0. 18SO , hold by the tieasiner of the United
States nndui net ot Mav7 , 1S78 , amounted to
g,05S,7n ) , the Union Pacltie having to Its
ciedlt SG,4Hnt ) : , and Central Pacific SH.'ii1.- )
801. The total amount of interest paid by
the United States on account of subsidy
bonds up to June SO , IbbO , was S10S51.5'.i' ! ) , an
c.xcess ovei tlio sums duo tlio loads of
S40,104.2'J1 . Of the Northern 1'aellio railroad
company thu commisslonei says that mileage
Juno 30 last was i-.bOl ; that ol seventy-livo
miles nniinished On tlio Cascade di
vision , probably only liyo miles
will be left at the end ol the jcni.
The lolling stock Ihiouglioul is ol excellent
quality and the piopetty Is in good condition.
Neat lybO per cent ot the tinek is lild with
steel jails \\eicliinir lilty-six pounds per
yaid. The trade nnd buildings are kept in
good condition. The lollow Ing snows
the linanclal condition of the Xoith-
crn Pacilic lallroad compaio Juno
: ; o , Ibsfi : Total debt , SSJ:5MUi : ! : ; caidlal
stock. Sb7OV > , : HO ; tot < l slock anil debt , S16H-
HsVJSJ : total assets , Slt'j.5l-b , : M ; suiilns ,
S JO 5 , 1.7.1. The eaininirs of the load for the
jcai ended June : o , ISM ; , wem fll.7oW7 : ; ;
expenses , 50l.V,2r . ! : net eainlngs , Sr > ,57- ) , % : ! ,
an incieasu of 5V 5,414 , or 10.01 pei cent , ovei
astje.n. _
Unilroad I'ool Av\nrtH.
CiuoAoo , Dec. 1. [ Special Telefiam to
the JJr.r. . I The geneial maimseis ol the
v\cstein trallie association tailed to agtcn
upon the pcirmitnicc lei Omaha , Council
HlnlTs and Paiillllon loc.iljxiol , anil thur.ingo
c.ittlo pool At this time tne new nssocu-
lion comes loiwaid , ami Commisslonei
Fallhorn has had arguments and statistics of
\ailousioadsunder advisement ever since.
Yesteiday he submitted his awnid lo the va-
lions manaseis ot the roads. Thopeicent-
nge for the loads in Omaha , Council lilulls
and Papilllon local pool are as follows :
J toads. Old per cent. 'evv pel cent.
SI. Paul . ! ! ) ' < . ii4 ; }
Xorthwestcrn . 1HH . , . I ! " , ,
Itock Maud . iti'.j ' . "i
Wnhash . . .IS . v\yt \
As will 1m SLOII the Wnbishls the only
road whose neiccntago has nuen cut down
and there is cveiy ptospcct that tlm company
will nppoal liom tlmcominisslonerH decision.
The avvniil for the loads in the ninge cattle
pools is as follows :
I toads. Pei cent.
Duiliiigton . ' . ' 5
ht. Paul . ( M
\oi t h w eslei n . "O
Itock Island . t . o
Wabash . I )
These peicentages cannot well ho com-
paicd with tlioso foimcilv in elleet , astlie
new pool Is differently nrganl/ud and eoveis
diireient tcirltoiy. It is ouilu likely dial an tiom this avvaid will also be madu
Hiiiinhii : Down fjniul
CiiifAt.o , Dee. 1. ( Special Telegiam to
the ] Jir.J : United Hlates Maihhal Uier-
bower , ol Omaha , aulved In the cltv last
Sunday In scotch ol Dr. William W. balis-
bmy , vvlio is wanted in N'ebiaslt.i foi complicit -
plicit > In the alleged sehemn to defiaudtlm
government , A w.inanl was svvoin out bo-
lore Commissioner llovno and tinned over
to Maishal Maish lei seivlce , K ilisbury was
not located until yesteiday , when ho was
found liy Deputy Maishal lioiciinid at the
Hush Meillcal college , vvheiu liu was attend
ing a special course ol Inclines. Ho was ar-
H-stcd and taKen beloio the commissioner.
where ho waived esamlnation and expressed
himselt ready to go w illi Marshal liieibower
nt once. Jt was too latu to obtain an outer
from the couit for his tianslci to the
Omalia distiict , and ho was icnmndcd
to tlio custody of Maishal .Marsli ,
until to-day , when ho c.xpects to givn bonds
in $1.000 lor his Intnio appeatance. It ho Is
nnablo to do this lie will be taken to Omaha
and placed In jiil to nvvalt hi * tilal , The
cliarco against Di. Sallslmiv is conspltacy
wilhChailesIt. Clnvotnnd \ . \ , . U'hltmoru
to dcfiaud tlio United States out of public
lands under llio tlmbei cnlturo act 'I ho
Irand consisted ot an aflidavlt said to have
been prcpucd b > Sallsbuo and foivvnidcd to
Long Pine , Neb. , wheio ( Jlovei. who Is
Unlieii States commishionci , ceitiiied to Its
genuineness Di. Salisbury took his finest
coolly and said he thought ho would ue nble
to piov u his Innoccnio.
Tlio Wc-otorn I'ahKonuor I'ool.
CiiirAf.o , Die. 1. Thu mmiibeia of the
western passenger pool wcieln session to day
for thnpuipobo of uccoiiiplibhlng n icorgan-
l/ation , but they inn up against a new
obstacle. The Wnbash ngiecd to adopt the
samojierlods as other roads lor ascertaining
buslneai upon which to avvaid peiccntages ,
but insisted upon belli' ' allow eil to make thu
s.imo rates per mile between SI. I.onis and
Kansas City as the Chlcigo roads between
Chicago nnd < uiincil lilulls All ot thu
othc.i lines vveiu a unit a.-ulnst thu propcsi-
tlon , and no being possible , tlm
nuestlpn was lefcircd to Manageis Potter ,
Cluppell , Newman and Talniage , ( hey to
reach a uompKunlso if possllilt * . 1'hu mtct
Ing adjourned , mbject lo thu call of the
Comraissionor of AgricuHuro Oolmftn Sub
mils Ills Annual Report ,
The CnmUtiotiH AVhlch Slnko This
"The Itest I'ed Nation on tlio
Ololio" Very Senslhlo
Set Kortlt.
ConnnUsloiioiColumn's lloport.
W.VSIII\ < V , Dee. 1. Xoriimn J. Col-
man , commUslouci ot agriculture , to-day
submitted his .second annual icport to the
Ptcsident. He duscilbes In general terms
the progress made In ngrleultuicduilna re
cent jcars and tlio condlllon.s which con-
tiibute tomakn this "the best fed nation on
tlm globe. " Ho sets lotth nt length Ilia bene
fits derived and to bo expected Horn agricul
tural cxpcilmcnts. Tlio stations nnd col
leges ot the several stales ate constantly
meed to enlniged experiments , and often
find themselves stilklng "new leads" whlcli
Hit1 } cannot follow , nil forvvanlof means.
Hence the general Interest In the bill now
beloro congiess "for the establishment of
ngilcultuial expetlmentnl stations In connec
tion with nii colleges" nnd the pre
valent opinion of Its Importance and desire
for Ha eaily enactment. Xo measure , hu
snys , Is now pending or pioposcd , of
greater Import or beating a brighter
piomlseof deep-seated and lasting benefits
to the agricultural luletests of the United
Status in all their branches . In communtlng
upon the work of the buieaii of animal In-
dtistiy , liodcscrlbcstho.siueadof plouro pneu
monia , nnd. says : Kvoiy effort possible under
oxisllng lawn has hern mudo to locate the dis
eased animals and isolate all that havu been
exposed. It would have been most tortunato
If every animal exnoscd to the di sense and
liable to con 1 1 not It could havu been' sum
marily slaughtered and the contagion thus
cindlcatcd. With a disease of Hits charac
ter at Chicago It has been tiuly. said that the
cattle Industry ol lids country has reached a
rilsls The 10 can bo no doubt that It will bo
soon and widely disseminated unless prompt
and effectual action can bo Instituted for Its
succdy suppiesslon. liven now It 1miy hruo
been scatteied to some extent In tlio west ,
and the Invcstigallon ol nu\t.vcni will prob
ably bilng olljer outbreaks to light. The
mattei is a most Important one. ovei.shadovv-
Inir In nigcncy all otheis altertlng our agrl-
eultural population and ot vital inteiest also
to every consume ! ol beef , ol milk , of butter
and of encase. To pi event the spiead of this
scourge , whlcli has alieadv gieatly affectca
oiirtorciini and Intei-stato commerce , ad
ditional legislation by congiess is now es
sential , Much valuable woik has already i
been done In Mai viand and thuilangur of thu
dissemination of thu contagion tiom that I
stale hits been gieatly lessened. No work I
has been donu in Hie state of Now York be
cause it w au evident that the appioprlatlon
was not snir ! > lent to srcuio any lavoiablo re
sults theie on account of llio Infection. The |
disease also exists in Now Jcisuy ,
Pennsyl\anla nnd Yiiglnln , but thu
state authorities have not jot accepted
the itilcs and i emulations of the department
in co-opeiatlon. I gieatly icgtcl the neces
sity ot announcing the existence of this dan
gerous disease ovoi .such a wide men , but the
serious results to bo apprehended from It
mnku 11 Impcinlive that tlm tiuth should bo
known , in ordui that such legislative action
may bo taken us Is indicated by the emer
gency. Upon forestry ho says tliero Is prac
tically no icproduction attempted or foiest
plantinir donu worth mentioning In compari
son with Hie cnoi mous consumption. "As
the lirslstep of rcfoim , " he Miys , "undoubt
ed ! \ thu land policy ot thu United Stales in
limocred legions icqiiiics a change
accoidlng to the conditions of these
localities. Ueshles tlio good example
whlcli thu govcinment may set in
taking heeler care of Its own timber lands it
might appropriately extend Its operations by
planting on n laigu scale In bodies of several
contiguous sections in treeless states and tcrrl-
toiies of the west. The mlllliuy leservatlons
in tlicso states , owned by the general govern
ment , would lorm a most de i ruble held of
operation. Only bv such extensive planting
can a desiialilc modification ol thu uxtremes
ol climate on the weslein plains Ins expected , "
The commissioner calls attention to tlio need
ol a liind to be used In sending .specialists to
loicign counties In tcsponso lo Invitations to
lake pai t in M'leiitllic Investigations of all
sorts , lie. thinks icports madu fiom A stand
point of thu needs ot this country , instead of
l loin a foiclgn view , would bo veiy valuable.
Public Held StnlcmoMf.
WASHINGTON , Nov. JIO. The debt state
ment Issued lo-day shows that the decrease
or the public debt dining the month of No
vember amounted to S > , L'OV-ilC 57. Total
cash In the tieasmy. S4i : | ) , ( i,7IO.f.1J. nillovv-
ing is a iccapitnlailon : Interesibcaiing debt ,
pilncipal und interest , SI,14lV-2,40l ! ; debt on ' 5I
wliicli Interest has ceased since inaliiilty. ;
pilnclpnl and Interest , S ! , . " 07SW ( : debt
ing no Inteiest. S'D,7.ri7/ii. ) ! ; total debl prin
cipal , 51,70 i,7 ! , 'J70 ; Inlcicst. i > li,7ll.f > : i7 : to
tal. Sl,7l5.r.07bOS ; ncl cash in trensuri' ,
SloKilOVi ( ; casli in tieasui v available for re
duction of debl , 8,071 , t > vt.
A Now Mot < ! iirol ( Kiuiil Sorvluo.
) VAsiiiSUO > , Dec. 1 , Lieutenant Joseph
Powell , of the signal sei vice , has been de
tailed to piocLCd to Omaha to oiganlzo a mo- sci vice ol thu Union Pacilic
lailioad , which Is coi potato with tlm United
Slates signal seivlcu bin can , About thlily
stations will be established along thu line of
the lailioad. It Is stated the N'oithuiii Paclliu
and Canada I'acific lallroad companies con
templated Ihu establishment of meteoiolo ieal
stations , and the signal service bureau will
nl < l the pioject to the extent of Usability , as
tlm sui vices mo expected to matei hilly iisslst
the buicinln weather piognostlcallons. With
Hic'o aids It Is belloved a cold wave or any
ether dieaded change ol lempcratnio can bo
I c.ii 111) I laced in ilsr.istwaid course.
Thesccielaiy of Interloi has dliccled that
Flank A. Itldvvell , of Mitchell , Dak. , and
Ceoigo W. Venniim , of Jamestown , Dak. , bn
no longer recognised nsattoineys 01 ugenlH
beloio tlm inteiirn depnitmcnt , 01 any buieaii
or olhce connected tliciewilli.
Tliroo Drunken Itlen Killed ,
WiMsi.sii.utiiK , Pn. , Dee. 1. Tlneu Jinn-
gailuns , John Cobbaluck , John Warnci and
Andiew Knsko , vvlio vveie lying in u tliunken
sleep iijion thu I nick of tlm Dehiwaic , l/.iek-
awanna \Veslern ralltond near I'iltsbuig
this ovenlng , went strnclc by a pas.sungcr
tinln and instantly killed , 'llieli bodUswiTO
friglitlnlly mangled , poitloiiHof theli limbs
being scatteied ovct thu tinck lei some
TlioVontlicr. .
CiiKAfio , Dec. 1. Thumeicury heio tills
morning dropped to eight degrees aliovomo
making a fall of seventeen degicciln tlio
space of fem hoins. Kvei > Indication Is for
a tall below /em to-night. Tint wave extends
In Ine.idlh fiom l.OJO to ! / , ( ) . ' ) mllcK. and Intll-
catlons are llmt It will sweeii down Ihu Mis-
slEsiiipi v.illcv JIH far as ( ) h ! < > , and then dl-
tuvvniil the east.
Hail way
ST. Lei is , Dee. 1. Tlioht. Louis , Jersey-
villo iX-Sptinglleld lallio'id , oxtciidlng fiom
Halt's 111. , lo I.Ui , on I'm Mississippi ilvei ,
and llmnce lo Ciaflon , hns b cn seemed by u
bjnilicatu of hi. Louis capitalists , wliowlll
opeiato the in. id indepeiidenlty heii'ailer
under the narnuot the hi. Louis A Ccntinl
Illinois lallroad.
'I ho Indian Supply W.iroliotiHn.
WASIIINION ( , Dec. 1. Commissioner At-
klns , ot lliu Indian olllre , has received from
rciuescntatlvu business men of Now Yoik
city a written aignmcnt In faun ( it n'l. lining
tliitgovfinmi'iit liidhin supply \\aulioilbd \ In
that city.
The po-toflUe depnitment has Inloiiiiation
thai Thomas Wilson , lu 'iitlj npjiolntcU pav
master at Calto , HI. , is dead.