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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1886)
THE ( BEAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , NOVEMBER 30 , 1880 , SPECIAL NOTICES * - _ . . . . ' . . _ _ Advertisements tinder this boid , 10 cents per line for the first Intortion , 7 rents for each sub- rcqucnt In'ortlon , anfl $1.60 n line per month No advertisement taken for less than 23 cents for the first Jn-ortlon. Boron words will ba counted to the line ; they tntint run consecu tively nnd must bo paid in ndvancc. All adver tisements must bo linnJcxl In before 2 o'clock p , m. , und under no clrcum tnnccs will thcj be taken or discontinued by telephone. I'nrtles ndvcrtlMng In thoio tolumns rnJ hir Ingthonnsworsntldressod In core of Tur BKB flllrlcflo nsk for n ehootornnblo thorn togct their Itttcrs. ns none will be delivered except on rro'entntlon of check. All nnswcrs to nd * vertlfrmonts should bo cnolonnl In rnvelonos. $ fiOOiXto ) loan on farms nnd Improved city properly at lowest rate * . Bargains In Heal Mi Into In Omnhn und Counoll Bluffs. Oilell Bros A : Co. , cor. Itilh and Harnoy its. 400 3 MOMICY to loan by the Homo Klro Insnrnnoo company on unfnoumtiorod real estate , for ono > oar or longer. Olllco Douglnst gt. H87 TITONHY to loan , cash on nnud , no delay. J. " -L W. ami II L. Bmilru , 1413 rarnnm at , Paxton - ton hotel building. H2 _ n-n I/OAN Money Loam placed ou Im- X proved real oitiito In city or county for Now in : lnnd txim ft Trust Co. , by Douglas t'oiinty bank. 10th und Chicago fits. 813 Cl'KH cnNT money to oan ; onsy term * . W. M. H Arris , lloom 6,1'ronzer Hik. , opp. P. 0. 451 Deo. 8 , f"F you want money on any good security , JL such ni chattels , mortgages , tingotlnblo pa pers , or otherwise , call ut 1512 i'urni.m street , room 2. 153 ONr.YTOl.OAN At low rates , on good city property. Hatcher & Co. , 1210 Douirlas street. 422. MONI1Y to loan on city and farm property , low rates , Stewart & Co. , Boom it. Iron Bank. ' fAl MONF.Y TO IXJAN-At ronsonnblo rntos , on furniture , fine watches and nttior personal wroporty. C..1. rnswoll , room 19 Iron Bnnk bulldliig , 12th nnd Fnrnnm. a'4 ' $ IltO.ono to loan. Sums fWX ) and upwards , Lowest rates. Jlomls , ICtlwind Doughtysti. M ON I'.V TO LOAN-0. F. Davis & Co. Heal Estate nud Lonn Agents 1505 Fnrnnm st. MM' 290 M' ONKV ' TOT.OAN-Onronl ogtato amlohmt- tcls. n L. Thomns. 297 M'M7 fONKVTO I.OAN-In sums of ? 2 , < WI and I upwards on flrst'Clnss real estate security. I'ottrr& Cobb , IB1B 1'nrnnm st. K ) MO.NT.V IOANiu : tO. K. Heed .tCo's.Loaii onion , on furnlturp. pianos , horsos.wnKona , personal property of nil kinds , nnd nil other nr- tlclos of value , without removal. 313 8. 13th , over BltiKlinm's Commission store. All busi ness strictly confidential. DUO MONKY If j-oii have good notes to poll , or wish to bonow on real estate or HmttoH nt lair Interest , call on J. 11.1'airotte , 10th nnd Clilcauo sts * 000. $ MX,000 ) Tolonn on Onmliu oily property at 0 per cent G. W. lny , over lilla Uouplnsst. TTVOANS Loans Loans. Heal estate loans. Collnteinl IOIUIB. Chattel loans. Long time loans. BhOrt tlmo loans. Money alwny on hand o loan on any ap proved security. Investment securities bouRht and sold. Omaha Financial exchange , 15UJ Fanmiii. Corbett MitmiKcr. mi 6 I'EH CKNT Money to onn. J.J. Mahoni'y , 150-jrainnm. * J MONKYtn loan by the undersigned , who has the only properly orgnnl/od loan agency In Omaha. Loans ot $10 to $1,000 made on fur niture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons , machin ery , &o. , without removal. No delays. All business strictly ronildontlal. Loans so made that any part can bo paid nt any time , each pay ment reducing the cost pro rut ft. Advances made on tine watches nnd diamonds. Persons Bhonld carefully consider who thoTarodcallnir with , M many now concerns are dally coming Into existence. Should you need inoner , call nnd see me. W. R. Croft , Ileom i , Wltlincll nulldlne , 15th nnd Ilnrncy. 305 UUSIHESB CHAKCEB. FOlt SALK Amatucr photnginph outfit com plete. Cheap. Address 1117 raclllo St. 5U4 O ) ' 8ALU btoro and HtocKol goncrnl nu-r- chandli.0 In a town near Omaha , will tiika part imymont city real estate. Address A 3 , lleooilloo. 1H2 * FOR SALE Ono of the best letnll grocer stores In Omaha , invoice about fn.ouo Itoom 3 , Ifi-J Douglas st. r > 07 3 TT < Olt SALP. First-class billiard room In Rood -L location , containing thrco billiard and Uvo pool tables : two years' lease on rooms everything - thing In first-class condition. Kor particulars anp i oasons for selling , Inquire at or nddres No. G05Souihiithst. : 4M Foil SAT.K Drug Btoro andjlxtures , doing good biulnoss , satisfactory reasons given for belling. Apply toTfil , Ileoollico. 40'J ' 2 * rnilK advertiser would llkuto ns nelato him- JL Rolf wlthn paitnor of some imiiuifl , 1 , < X)0 to JJ/dW : first class Jobbing business , good protlt , but requires mtno capital ; busluee- ' not i ( -presented In Omaha. An A 1 oppoi tuiiliy to n llvn , actlvo man with good record. Can gl\o the best references nnd shall require same. Address T 47. HooolUco. 314 OH KX CHANG K-Mcrolmndlso for iiiT proved farm and \v lid land. C. J. Casswell , room IB , Irmi bank. ! B1 7 _ TITANTHD-l'AllTNEH-Lady or ucntlcman , TV with hinnll capital , to tuko half Interest In pstabllshed , permanent , Ihst-clnss city Lusl- iiois. paying J2/WO to $4,000 yearly ; good ica- hoiu for selling ; grand chance for right party. Address 8 49. Bee olllco. 609 _ TTIOKS AM : One of the host paying hotels In J-1 this oily , making money tast. llcst of icasnns for selling. t-a J cash lonulrod to get It. C. i : . Leo , 12U7 rui nam Bt. 476 _ Ii OK HALK-llnidwnro BusinessWiTbller our shelf and heavy hardware business for mile , together with our lease nnd good will , Trmio largest In the city and location the best lletirliig from tliu business causa for selling Too Baum Hardware Co. , 10-3 O St. , Lincoln. _ I _ 787 H OUHIS l.ots.rarms.ljuidi money loaned , Bomls. 15th and Douglas streets. 235 V ! IjOST. IO.ST I giny pony inure and I old IIIOUHO- * colored horfo. Liberal reward by return * Ing to 18th and Fierce. Dr. F. Docrwald. SCO ] ' OsT In thn jiostolllot * , at o'clock this morn- -i Ing , n Ininuli of keys. Finder letuut to Bco olllco und claim reward. sin T7IOUND By Philip Hcrtzmnn , Pookotbook , -L' 1'rlitny , on Davenport Ht. bet. Utlt nnd ll'tli ' ; owner can liavu same by cnllluir at Bee oince. f.7iM Clairvoyant. US. 11 H. HOOPiH--l'nyoiiemotrIst , cUlrvoy- ant , trance and hunllng medium , lias ru. turned und Is now romly for bui-lnoss at Norlhwoit cor. 20th und Cans sts. Also publlu fcvoaucos Thursday uud Sunday uvunlngs. itfi7 1 * MADAM ALASKA reveals past present and future , how many In family , ago , oto. , how 10 hold utfectloni of husband or lovor. Bails * faction guaranteed , 25 cents ami upwards. 612 B.IBth Bt 871 1 > rHSiNAI < K deCnmpl's Hcliool of > lulo and VolooCultute , 121 N , 16th ft. , room 0. COI Dfc.5 * > r.HSONAL Mlw A. I.lliifnernu , profoselonu nurse with good rocommonilatlons , 007 routhl.'ith street , 'M lloor , room Mo. 5 , over Domimi'B dry goods blurt * . ASj-nT ) I > EHSONAL-Mrs. Dr. Nannie V. W nrrcn cldinoinnt , Medical nnd builneii Medluu lloom Na 3,121 North 10th ( t. , Omaha , Neb. 397 MIBCliIAHEOUS. YOU bavo a goo.l mortgage or notu to dls IK count sco Mead & JnmlObun , J1S S l&lh st. 671 the great "Bed Letter Bale" o ATTKND . Cents' rtirnlslilnps , Hots and Caps tor 15 days only ut the only Bargain store 010 N. 10th et. , bet. California aud Wotiater , llOKTHASli In ten lotions. No cbadlng no position , rapid as speech. Send stamp fur taal lokaon. li. M , Poriila , Detiolt. Mich. HiiJlO _ ' YOU have acand mortt'aceor note to dti count eco Jlcucl A : Jumie60u,31SS ISlh ft. 671 count see ilccd A : Jouilcson , UI8 U 1Mb it. 6,1 TnOHHKNT-Orgnns. fa per moottt. A' , ua Pougiai. _ nell IJ * > iT Square rmuo.Ct no&tblv. ! Hoipt , MS Douglai. 8M T\nnsSMAKINa-Mlss Itmtell.of B12 S. 17th \J St. , U prepared to no fashionable dress making at reasonable rates. Perfect lit guar anteed WXKM * i Giioil HUNT y < jiinre I'lnno" $3 InontnlrlA JL1 1 Hospe.lSn Douglas. 393 FOB BALE-MISCEILAEXOUB. : OH PALI : OH THAHI : TWO horses , about tOOllu , torono her o , nbottt 1SW. Burns Bros. , butchers , 1021 Howard st , WSJ 29 * J71011 SALI5-A pool table , 15 balls. Inquire .1 ? 2101 Ctnnlngs si. CC5 V FOit SAI.l' The Invoice of the onlv first-class hotel Innboomlnir town , cheap , will < ix- rhango for stocM. Audrcss J. Krcbock , Blue Springs , Neb , 64030 * HO1ISK9 LotsrarmsLanrts moncy loaned. Hemly IBth nnd Dotiglai streets. SV'i "IjlOH 8ALR Kino road horse , with new buggy JU nnd harness , cost ( I2A | must bo sold nt once , rognrdlcps of value. Inquire at 1405 Doug las St , S24 Foil HAI.F I'urnituro and lca e ol su-ronm house , tlmo on part. Call 1203 North 27th street , two blocks from Boil Car line. KM T710B 8ALH Phaeton buggyono top buggy JL1 cheap , A. Hospo , KSlnM Foil HAIiK Cnonp , iron columns nnd win dow caps suitable for front on brlok build * Ing. Forpartloillnrsnpply nt thin office. SI3 VVANTKn A flrf > l-c1n s head laundrcis , nlso T ? n chnnibcrmnld. Apply nt tuo Correns. W ANTHD Qlrl for pcnoral homework small family. 1TOO Fnriuim. CS3-1 -lVANTlI : ) aIrl forlioueoworU.BW N. Idth St. VV BM5 V\7ANTin : ( lood cook , fomalo. liKjuIro 813 T > NoithlCthst. CR1 1 7ANTKI Rlrln. 1 for nlnlnK room nnd 1 T ' lor laundry nnddl prcfencd. Atlantic hotel , S. 10th Btir > 57 1 \\rANTED-A good girl for housework Mrs. W. W.ttlngham , ma s. icth st. BIT 1 * WANTKI ) House gill for second work ; only one competent to do family sewing ly. Apply to I Inward and JJith , between and rnlrvlowsts. 54429 WANTKU A dining room girl , nt Occidental Hotel. 5- ! > . W ) Immedlntelv. n noon cook , nt Dr Coiriimn's , head of Bt. Mary's avenue. 527 3 WANTIJH A Rlrl .for general housework. Apply nt 312 S IStll St. 4U529 WANTii ; ) A woman , cor. 10th nnd Leaven- worth , thruo times it week to clean up store. 612 20 * WANTKD A girl lor general housework nt 1317 Ca S SU 480 WANTIID A good woman cook at 1721 Cum- Ing St. , wages $ 1 p or week. 470 'J'J * WANTii : fiood girl forifcnoral housework Mis C i : . Htrr.ttoii , cor I'opnlolon nnd Vlrelnlnnvenuos , or call at olllco of Wilson * Stratlon , cor tilth and I'lirnnni. 3J3 2 T\TANTlfl ) 'M Indies .V gents to loirn tele- T < prnphy 1'ro'pi-et jrood for position when competent ; address W , J. U. , Itoom 1 , Cro 111130 blk , Omaha. 137 WANTKICompetent middle aired woman totukocaroof baby. Apply ut 4111 Con vent st. 851 HELP. 11 ANTED Boy to iiinko hlmsolr uspful in otllco and do collecting. Consolidated Tank Line Co. 05'J SO * W ANTKU A ( rood cook , man preferred , good wages mid steady employment nl Paplllion house , 1'apllllon , Nob. 0551 WANTKIl Cook , ono who undHrstnnds both meat and pastry , with or without second ( ivoilld prefer man and wife ) . Must bo ttiinpor- nto and stcndv. Address , stating wages , Grand I'acillc , Columbus , Neb. KJSII * ITANTKD Boy. nt once , between 11 nnd la V years. 1717 St. Mary's uvo. 617-3S * \\7ANT13D A boy to take charge of nhorso Vi and to make himself generally useful about houso. Apply to Dr. Jones. 11111-2 Kur- imm St. 3-l "V17ANTR1) A partner in popcorn mnnufnc- T > tory. Adili-oss 10111 Hnrncy Bt. Ki8 2v * \\7ANTED Agents with good npponrances T > for n new article ; can make (5 to ( S a day. Call nt 1434 S 13th St. Et 3 * \\7ANTKO A reliable man and wife. The IT woman to do general housework and the mnn to sleep In the house nnd milk ono cow. Apply utoneo to H. J. Windsor , 2210 Howard Bt. , near 22nd st. 010 2D * WANTKIl Agents Hov. Sam Jones' now book , "Quit Your Meanness. " Cranston A Stowe , publishers. O'Neill & Co , , western ngonts Hiibfccnptlon books , 10U9 Fnrnam St. , Omaha , Neb. KID SB WANTKD A wide nwako salesman to wait on ouMomera In the store. None need apply but quick , active man who can do two days' work In ono day. Good waices to thn rlirlit man ; n steady situation to a hustler. Nebraska State 1'uinlturo Co. 488 2 WANTKD AifPiits Ilov. hnm Jones' now book , "Quit Your Meanness. " Cranston & Btowe , Publishers. O'Neill it Co. , Western Agents Subscription Books , IbO ] Furnam St. , Omaha , Neb. rpHK Bankers' l.lfn Association of Bt. Paul , J. Minn , have Nebraska work for a few good solicitors. Itoforonoes necessary. Ad- ilress WllcoxJcStoolo , Btalo Agents. Lincoln , Nob. _ _ _ _ _ _ Jl94jJool9 W"ANTKI > . 100 men for railroad work ; good wages ; steady work all winter. All- brlght's Labor Agency , 130S Farnnm , 172 A GRNTS In the city or country can mnKo$5tn XiflO n day selling our specialties. N. W. Novellycomtmnv.1207 1'nrnnm st. 577 SITUATION WAKTED. W"ANTill ) For B boy HI years old , ix place In sonin reliable house to Icnrn the bUBinnss ; best loforoncos given , good edu cation ; wholesale piofoiTOd. AddiossTM , Bee olllco. 370 211 \X7ANTKD Situation by n llrnt-clnss baKer nnd trimmer , Wiito to Johnltegnor.Yoik Nob. 481 IlO WANTKD Competent druggist speaking ItaRllsh. Fionch and German , wishes situ ation In wholesale or retail drug btore. Address A 1 , Boo olllco. 650 \\TANTr.D-A situation as an apprentice In a n drug store ; speaks English untl ( lorman , AddressTM , lleuollloo , 4'H)29 ) | YAANI'KD-PosItlon us stonoirrapher by a young lady. AddrebsTS7 , Boo olllco. ANTKD Position iii copyist or book keeper , by young lndy,17Hl Cass st. ! W7 ; * WANTKD Position by competent lady Sten- ogrnpher ; rofoietices , W. A , B. , box 557 , city. U2B WAMTft. _ \\7ANTKI ) Droasmnklng in prlvato fnmlllus V > by an experienced dressmukur , reasonable - able terms. Address T , U > , Boo otllco. VM SO * WANTKD-2 furnished rooms and Doiird , central location. Address A S , live olllce , 680 a ) WANTII ; A good Hocond-hnnil plauo In oxchniiKe for day board , prof rru > 1 , Ad- dresi A 4 i ll a onico. _ H ! WANTKiT Ir lfiuitlclQff , ln' firTfat family , by ths oay. Inquire u n cor. Ktt. HUI : Cuss , room 4. upmlr * . tzn 30 * WAXTKD-YO "luy. " uno * or 5ii rd tv in l , with ubout ( t.OOO tf t',500. B. A. L > on.lunUta..S b. J7 ? J3 _ _ " \\7A NT Rl5"- kuy onn in f * of TFooiniT Om l.ll ba ld ! U 4 8. V SlonltU.tAi : . AirANTKIi M .ii in IT nudmaplt lyrup v ry mnroluir l , Iflth at \ > t , Diitg * snd Hot ; VOB HKNT. A ul Cott L3 blOCK tOUtO I 1 C , P , , tiot | , M p fnonlh. A l-rooio houit , llu p r moolh. Vl 4 t Junli.ou. 318 S. IBlh fct. _ _ amT ' < ' " T 'tTlVffK'KT-HjMm In IJU.'a ui , IIS , | iet .1 ; P teriiD , t , r.Df , IH * al l ) : ( i. [ 4ir _ _ 1 'K KlSNr A arc. itiitc < ' 'itlMt , injalro 1 i nvkou e < at IV. p r montX. Iitiiia/ ! * ) , moduro ( icpror in < t = 'j , Ij. Sum- hain , llooui l.Cr l hto r.aioek. _ _ Ma 'i FOlT'BlfiVfTVO torv Trlijlk. Siit : lmg 'lei tor ( e r r sihci : ; ct r'-.s. ' . * * ! rji-r1. * . , _ J7 < Oi : Jll'.K V Mo'Itt. 4 icom , H rr. 'I'- ' ; ' : . 1 u ,2Jjt. ff ) per o houto riar 61 MRTT'I ntruuint , | S. , MJ uonih. . A SI' . luan , 151 ! Karuaio > t. ' _ _ 117 . | 7t6u llK.\T Btoimit U room rcadioco or. i JFtratia * u all taoJurn Improfeoionti , fur- " nlturaand carptt for sale ; all now ; am compelled - pellod to viva up on account ol Illaeu. Ad- 413 FOB Iir.NT Ftores , tt > lilenri < < , lurnt hod nnd unfurnished room . First class loca tions. Ko < llentlng Agency. Boom 7 , South east corner 15th and Douglas. 2ST > d ? J * HUNT A store nnd basement on B good 1Ton . H 111 Ire ot Leo , Nlohol * Co. , Itoom 2.1 , Wlthncll block. 11KNT Store 811 N. 15th et. on Dec. 1st. 50J2 * OIltlKNT Htoroajxto , with four room"i b7 hlnfl$23n ! month. CTliCnmlng. C03 Ipoit IIKNT 7-rooin cottniro In Walnut Hill. ' Terms * M per month. Apply to D.V. . Snxo , 1434 Farnam St. too. TTlOlt ISllNr o acre * ndjommff cltjr north- J- west , suitable for ilalrr or mnrkot irnrdon. Apply to Thoo. Williams , HOP UMlce , 914 Far- nmii. 8M EiVUiiiNT StoreSxoo , llio jnotcsonet. 783 FOB XEHX-BOOHtB. ti.NT Nlceir furnlshnd , well hontoil room In pnvnto IIOUBO ! board if dcslroa for ono or two ; ton inlnuUx wnlk to I'ojtalllco ; nil modern conveniences ; r > 20 Plane tint St , H. of 24111. 675-1- _ TTlYfU UHNT-All Olllco. Apply Itoom . 1109 JJFnrimm. r > 6 ! ) SO * _ TT > OIt lliNT Furnished room , with boardTnt U ISlSDOdBOgt. 603 1 _ Foil IIRXT Two very do'lrHblo fttrnlihoj room * , nrraiiROtt for two or morn fronllo' men , Kl ht mlnntps wnlk from postolllco , ono block from Hod Car lino. Apply at doutticnst corner Chicago and " 01 li gg. | 5M20 * FOU Itr.NT 1'urnWied room , 1015 Fatiiam JITS F IOH HUNT rnrnl'hod rooms only. SQjsrrtriium , 54iT FOB 1IRNT Nlcoly furnished rootn . with board. 161 ! ) Dodgu st. 2732 * FOlt JtlSNT Ground floor of now hoimo , (10 per month , for B persons. B35 9. M Btroot. fil5 ! W * Foil UKNT-Nlccly furnished roomsBIOS. 18th st. CIO : w Tj > OiririNTVFuuilshod rooms , 805 S 17th stT I71OU HUNT Newly furnlnhod front room for J-1 pcnllumcn. Modern conveniences , : C ! N. 17th SU 40J.'J * _ Foil ttKNT Very desirable rooms. 18ll Cnpltolnvonuo. 5181)0 ) Foil UI5NT. Nicely furnlahod rooms , only f 10 each. First door north St. Mary's ixvo. , 500 South Ibtn Btroot. ia.1-ga * _ POIl ltlNT Furnlsbcd room , $3 per month. OJ7 N. 17th Bt. 2b7-10 ! > _ OU Hr.NT-Furnlshed room , 401 N. ir.thBt. KJ no * OK KKNT A nicely furnished room , 1415 Howard st. 499 8 _ F Olt ItllN'T Nk-cly furnished rooms , nlso 10 day boarders wanton ut 2011 Hurt Rt. 403 3 * _ FOH HUNT Doslrnblo newly furnished rooms for KOlitloinon , 2JJ5 Dodge Bt. 47U fl F Oil "HIJNT I'm tiisliod iilcovo room. Apply nt Mil Cossst. 41G ai * _ FOH HUNT " furnished rooinB , 181S Fnrnnm. 471) ) 29 * _ FOlt ISIIWT Kleitnutly furnished front par- lor , Biiltablo tor two Kcntlemon. all modern convunlencos , private house , 1015 Capitol ave , 5ul 2 * _ TT1OU UHNT Four nlco furnlshod bod-rooms , JL ? well heated , with or without board. 412 North Hth. 511 2 * FOH HKXT Sutto ot olognnt furnished rooms suitable for gcntlomou or ladles , at 1613 Webster St. . $20 per month. 476 at ) * " 17011 HUNT Furnished rooms with board , -T Also ono suite suitable for tour , nil ) N. 10th Bt. 474 1 * Foil HUNT Very desirable rooms , furnl- turo now. 1313 N. 17th st. 381) ) 1 FOR KKNT SrooniR , suitable for boarding house , near tlio depot. Emiulio of M. K. Jlaitln.SlBS. Ifithst. 375 "ClOlt IllINr Nicely furnished room , six mln- -C ! titos wnlk from I'D. Address T. 52 Boo of- flco. 3J.29 l' Nicely furnished rooms , 232 Dodge St. Gas , bath and furnuco heat. 3S3 8 Poll ltiNT Largo pleasant room. Inquire nt 50(1 ( S litth St. IMS Foil HUNT Newly furnished rooms on street car line. 11)10 ) Webster gt. 33J 30' TpOK KKNT Doslrnblo rooms , nicely 1512fur JP nlshod and board for 2 gentlemen. 1512 5th Bt , 330 29 * ITUm HUNT South room furnished , n. o. cor L1 gist and Davenport. 312 Foil HKNT 8 nicely furnlshod roomB reason able , finest location In the city. 2020 St. Mary's avo. C48-1 F 10R HKNT Nicely furnished room , boated. 410 U. 14th St. 651-.10 * FOH HKNT Pleasant furnlflhoil rooms suita ble for two gentlemen. 1012 N. 10th st. 500 29 * FOlt HKNT. First-da"1 ! rooms furnlshod and unfurnished. 2I2J Fnrnam St. , with board. OUll OK HENT Furnished or unfurnished JL' rooms , with or without board. Inquire 210 N. Mih St. 473 2J * ItKNT Two nicely furnished rooms , suitable for 2 or 3 gentlemen ; lovely loca. tlon with every modern improvement. 1415 Jones st. 208 HUNT Hooma moderate price , lovely X1 view , vor/ cozy nnd warm , at northeast corner of Tarnaui nnd 20th 1'J4. uol irTOHUCNT-FurnTshcd room. . 0103 N 17bt. F OH HUN 1' Nicely furnlshod room for two gentleman ; modern conveniences. 010 N. 17th Bt. 110 TjlOll HKNT Furnished room for ono or two .1 ? gentlemen ; furniture now , pleasant loca tion { Howard St. , bet , 8lh and 9th. ; south side. Fi 1OU HUNT Furnished rooms for light house keeping : , Beemois block , cor 8th& Howard. 315 GUmilKNT-Furntsbed room , 1BI6 Dodge. 253 TT10H ItnNT-Siilto of newly furnished rooms JL1 In now house ; modern conveniences ; to gentlemen. IttJl Dodme st. 280 TT1O11 UKtfT-JI rooms , unfurnished , In my -I ? new Hat s w cor. 7th and Pacific st. 3 room house 1019 Nicholas st. Apply to M , F. Martin 310 s. 15th. 2.VJ Ui.NT ; A large , ologar.tly furntshod room , for two gentlemen. 1U19 Dodire " st , 522 AMES URAL RSTATB AGEXOY-Call your attention to lllllsdulo lots selling at S150 to f'MO ouch 10 per cent cash , balance fS per month , The Norttawo tcrn Ilallroiul rorapiiny are now setting Grade stakes through this local ity and a lot now telling nt JIM will bring double this whoa within 2 or U blocks from the mil road station. Illllsilnln has a location and bf autv curpnMliiff any property sold at these prices and easy termn. When you want to see llllUdlle n convuyance will bo ready , AM US HOT Fnrnam. 674-1 JF. HAMMOND-ltoul estate , 117 South loth . t. 614 _ TjTA'iciiiit : : * co. ; . .LL Heal lijtntu and Loan Brokers , Mlllard Hotel Diode , Offer the following bargains : "Otbst. , Ncur Charles ; east front , now house , on Cnlilr Line . f',000 , ICOxICO , Thliproperty IS cheap , and ICth Et. li only In tno market for ll/iOO. Nlobolo * it Ti ck property . 14,000. VktrlcUsnd. 3 ion facing- south , o&cb , ; < mi-ttoit . 11,330. llurilotto \ . , . S&.ioiW * . A corner , , . f3,000. I'irtl'Urr. Ou * nor . 13,500 Aouilai it. buin6 ! pcojierty , part ot o TafualU Vet . . . . . . . $7,000 ili'.a1. ' . ppuitte podoftlc * , Doilyo it , , but. H J rep r y . , . J80.000 f uiitK OinnhA Urge lid ot choice bualucea rn ) r ( l < 1 novlog. | Lou In Druitn's Park , Husn & Selby , nnd : U r . Llit yaur property irlth Hatcher & Co. , nnd ' our * p 3y * nl fv. Waaj /"tonNKKIOt m V n lleuren plitco. | S50 : 1300 -V onh , bill , lu I , 2 and a yourJ. Helter it i.ampbeli. llocia 1 , 1609 Fariinm it. BU3 ItetJ EntuteanJ f.oan Broken , f renier block Opp Postoflice. T > TO east front 4-room eottnires uiia block off a undiriit.rotlCOuaoi ! , IIOJ donn and (25 p r month. Wcibtv p : sdK\ bargains In Houth Omaha rropvrty. Mori * money nai beun innJa In f-ouih Divilir. ro : git u la the IMI < li mqiitU thaa anyiruureeli * . luOxMOfi toutk and ait fronl on COta it. , llhlii b lt mlle of biifluesi tenter of the lty afoert builn i eorcer for H.VX ) ; easfc pHKAPIoi ou BUM bi , near llronn. f l. \J Oraham.Crelghton Block. _ Wb- PADDOCK PLACF. corner lot 1 , blk' ' . ' * ; MUlJi Best bargain on ton beat itrect of ttie aorth tide. J.60Q Gregory At Hadloy. _ EOO. OO lot on 18th it. , Kirkwood. aercat tar- gala. Orabau , CralcUcoa block.Hi Hi SI fl. , Ilan pom Plnco for t J,1TS , If olJnt onto , it purchn er desire - sire * ino ft front wo got lot IB for 2,1JO. Terms easy. Gregory .VJIndloy. 30 8HOO.M IKH'SK on icorgia nvo. , nrar Wool- worth. Complete In nil respects andonti fine lot , nor'M ) , only ? 4,7W. Terms oisy. Grfgory&Hndloy. ! _ A full lot on Davenport near 1POHSALU 1 12th st , for n few day * only. fflOUO. north f I2.0on , very oniy terms. Marshall & LODOCK , 1699 Fnrnnm St. 4S > gfl _ . llAjTMONU-Hcnl estate , 117 South 10th . st. r > M Foil o.Vl.K-M ft frphtmg on led o t. 2 blocks oaM of the po trtfllco. A bargain at 18W& ! $10,000 cash. Mnrshiill& Lobock , 15 W Farnam. _ , i _ ! 129 lUlANT lot on ( lenrgla nvo. . F-.Oo ) Graham , Crolglilun block. ! TO gi _ COHNluTinTowo's Aild , sontn and east front , $ iK)0. ) Ornlmni.CrolBliton Iliocn. _ _ aiO-gj LOTl,2nndn , .A. lloddlok's add. , n.lfeot. on LoHVonwotth ( the coming street of Southwestern Ontalin ) by 127 on ; iid : fit. A fltio business corner nnd nil tor J5.VJO. Tormi eusy. Gregory & Hndloy. ! WO > ; , ots , rnnns.l.anus money leaned H IlcmU , Inth nnd joujli\s gtrools. 235 H LottM'arms , Linusmoney loaned. Beml i. IBth nnd liomtlaq itrrota. yj : > B AIlOAlN-Oood lot , Kirkwood Add.onlSth St$700. Graham , Crolahtim Block. Lot and lullf on VlrRinln avo. , oist SNAP , north of Woolworlli , "fixIM , only S 1,700. I.o'ft thnn H cash 1C sold this "rook. rotary & Ilaclloy ! MO iriAiriOr Hent , Hit now home * located mi Klntr nonr Lake nt , , ono blook from streetcar. Patrick Bros. , Itoom " Arlington bloelc. rr. HAMMOND Heal estate , 117 South IGth . St , Kil GKNU1NK HAHtlAlNS-Two corner loti in Btirdottoconn , only 4 blocks from Snun- dor's street care.v. . M. llttslimnn , Itoom 10 , llUBhinan Block , N n cor IGth and Douglas. TWO Rood lots , west Cumliitf , J151 oneh. Oraluun , Crelshton Block. .T)5-o ) 15AL KSTATB AND LOAN8-11. It. Ball & l Co. 115 S. Utti st D70 HANPCOM t'LACn-Lot ! M , biot-K 1 . only J1,7W , J70U onsh. Gregory Hndloy. aoo _ TjlOll SAL1J A 4-room house Wltn lot , trout- ln r on two streets , M.WO. 17-room house , 1 it-room homo with lots fronting nil two streets , both Sfi.UW. 14-room house and half lot , ll.ijJ : 10 per cent cnsli , balance monthly imyimmtH , nil the above within thruo-iuartora or n mlle of po tolloo. ! Cor. lot , Hth nnd 1'ixclllo , OrtrlSJ. with three clo nnt cottuifo' , would rent for 575 per monthfont few days at $3,09) . 1'arm loans nt lowest rate of Inlorost. FIr.U-claM ronl oqtato nidrtirairos , or com mercial paper , discounted. Mead S ; Jatnloson , 318 S. 15th it. ( Ml FLKC1 ANT l t on Hurt St , 14 block from street car nnd pnvlnir , ? 1MH , 'j casli , Griiham , Crolxhton Block , _ 315-iB ! BOWLINll UHKKS-Our now addition Is west of Walnut HIM , on Hamilton Btroot. By solecthiK lots nt ftu'J for Inside nnd fl 5 for corners , you will make a Bond Investment. TermslOpor cent cash nnd $5 monthly. No charge f or showing the lots. Marshall A Lo- bock , 150 Fnrnam 010 Wll nro luithorl/od to Invest KO.OOO in Im proved hiRldo property. What havojou to oiler Wo moan buslno a , Mead vt Jntnlnion. 318 S. 15th st. rJ nnd lialnncu 1. S , 'J and 4 years , This Is the best bargain In the market. A 00 foot lotfrtclnp west on Saunders st and running through to-JRt ! In IV. . Smiths adil for $5luOj cash $1,000 imd bulanco 1 , " and 3 yoars. i > 44 ft adjoining nbovo jflth Btoro room and cottairo on It game price and terms. Now l-room ooltatre. eolliir , 100-barrel clstorn , lot > by 150 loot , for $ I.IJO : : cash $150 , nnd bnl- nneo S15 per month. This Is within n mlle of the postoillco , nnd very cheap. A splendid lot In Han com 1'laoo for (1,250. Two lots In South Omaha , witnln two blocks of the depot , for f"0i ) each , on very easy terms. 7 corner Jotl w * > bin onn nnd two tilooKs of Lake st. nnd ca line for $1,150 , f I , 'JOO. $ l'jfl nnd 51,300 , on very on y terms. These are the only North Oimihn. 215 E1C.HT lots , Kilby I'lncp , $ , ' , ,100 for nil ; cheap. Gialmm , Creljrhton blooK. * 895 2 > AHGAlN Corner , cast front , 11)0x150 ) , Goor- > Kia avc. Graham , CrelKtoti block.U5 U5 29 FOlt SAtK 121ots 44x1,52foot , fronting north on Bristol street , half way between Sunn- dors nnd State , nonr street cars. City watorln Iront.fSOO each , M cash , tmlimco In l"mid.l yeaia. Aililn a 814.Boo olllco. 2'i3 & , Mumbors Omaha Heal K-ttnto nxchanoro , Itooms 1 nnd : t llcdlck blk , 310 3 15th St. Call on us for bargains. Wo can otleryou business blocks on 1'arnnm , Tlarney. DoiiRlas , Doilgo , Cumliif , Sanndors nnd Bth to 10th strocts. Houses nnd lots In dilToront parts of the city nr fromgl.MX ) to $15,000. Vacant lots In any and all additions , 1'artios havinir pioperty for sale nrn respect fully requested to call , as our fncllltios for miiUliiK < iulck sales tire now unsnriinSKCd , Telephone 854. Gregory & llndloy 303 "HIINKlot , south front , ono olpek from _ street oar , on Franklin , $1,903. Graham. Crelifh- ton block. 89 > 29 Jr. IIAaiMOXIl Itoal cstato,117 South 10th . st. 554 RXTBItL. THOMAS lias laid outnn addition to the city of Omaha named Mtiscotto , and wo notice tnat the streets nro properly named Itocco , Loron/o , Bettlna. Plppo and Kiodcrlok , und seeing that the BUIIIO is on the iUlt Hall way and nt a point where the Omaha Northern H. It. ] > romisojlatrlyio make a Junction with the Holt Line , nnd lots only $100 to $ JOO , wo think the location well named , nnd that tlio pur- chBsors'will liavo n Maseotto , as the Indications point the lots to bo worth from $5J3 to $300 loon. These lots nro to bo sold on contract , 29 percent cash nnd bulanoo fi per month. Apply toDo.xtorL. Thomas , Itoom U CrolKhton blk. 4 3doc 3 H IANRCOM PAHK is n locality wellknown to all nnd Hanscom Park addition Is the only property near the park that you ci n Buy for f550 to fl50 ! , other lots tiringing four nnd five times these prices. You can come nnd see IlaiiRcoml'mk additionally time and see yourself - self wnat It Is nnd how it Is surrounded , Don't bo talked out of It , but see Hanscom Park ad dition before you buy. Amos , 1507 Farnnm t > t. 674 1 $2M 00 Five beautiful South Omaha lots nt fciSOoach. Too cheap but niift be sold In lO days. liiiilro ( ] of H. II. St. John , Boom 11 Crolghton Blook. 510 29 Bids For Flour. SF.AI/T.n ProjiosaU will bo received until 2 o'clock Dee , 1st , 1880 , for the furnishing of ono oar load of Hour. The right to reject any until bids Is horobv reserved. By order of the Hoard. C. P. NKI'.IHIAM , County Clerk. Omnhn , Neb. , Nov. 27th , IBS ) . ii29i2t Proposals for District Paving Bond . Cur TitBAMUiiui'H OrriCK , l OMAHA , NKB. , Nov. 2llrd , isso. f QCALIID Proposals will bo roeeUcd ut this ( J ollleo until Dnccmbor4th , ISSO , at 12 noon. for the purolm oof filKXof ( District Paving Bonds of thoclty of Onialm. Bald bonds nro dated December - comber 1st , 1KSA , and will be duo in < > notwothreo , lour , ttve , six , ( .ovon , eight and nlno years tram tholnlato ; arolusuiiiH of the hundroddollaia ouch , and hour Interest Horn their date at the rate of nix per centum per annum , payable an nually. The principal and Internet nro both nil ) alilo ut tlio olllco of 3 IC uiit7o Bros , in Now York. Bald bonds are issued ( under the charter powerof hald city , und will bo dellvoicd tojiur- chasers , on nayinont therefor at tlio City Treas ury lu Omaha , on Deci'inbor bth , IKWI. Bids will be addressed Hnlie iiiileri ( > lgned nnd marked "Proposals for lllstilct Pining Bonds , " and must statn the full uniiut and nddresd ot the bidder , und thu piluu prnuobod Ui bo paid. ' 1 ho right Is resoi veil to reject any nnd nil bids , n23d t TnukiAK UUCK , City Treasurer Proposals for Cnrbing- and Outtirlny Bonds. ClTVTlimdUMEIl'SOKI'ICI ! , J OMAHA , NKU , , Nov. ftlnl , IbBd. f OF.ALKD Proposals wll | be received at thli kJ ollico until DefoinbePhh , 18b8 , nt 12 noon , lor the purchase ot WW. of nurblng and gut tering bondsof thoclty of Omaha. Said bonds will bo dated December 1st ; lb0 , niul will to dun in one , two , four , sir , eovon , mil nine years Irom ItiHr date , IMI o > | U l amount Becoming duo each year ; are in sums of ono bundrod dollurd each , aud boar Interest from their Oalo nt the into of sit per centum per annum , payable mutually. The principal and Interest arn both pttyablu HI tliu oQIce of Koiinl/q Ilroj. In Now York. Said bond * in e issued umlnr the chili tcr power of said ctly , and will be delivered to purchasers , on payment th r ror at the city troiiury iu Oatnhn.oii Peramber Bin , IBtk ) . Bldii will b * addressed to the unfloroluncd mid marked "Proposals for Curbing and Guttering Bonds , " and rauit lint * the full name and ad- dr of tht bidder , uud the price proposed to bt paid. Tee right li r i rrc < d to reject any and nil bids. r.23dflt Tmiiun BUCK , City Treasurer. I . * . Ill N. 10th IU , who will * ettl Hll ao- OOUBU. B. M. HOHNBIty , CHA8.F. ItOHDA. E. P U-jltftAhTV. , J. U BLACK DIRECTORY " PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORNEYS. S & cuuucmi.r , , N-W. Cor , ISth and Douglas Sts. 813 S. Hth Street. OK01U5E . nUAXE. ATTonsur At luw. Falconer * * Block. 15th and Dou/flas. / ( sr.oiuu : s. SMITH IKtiFarnam Street. i , . u. IIOI/MIS : , Attorney at Zaw , IloomB Frcnrcr BlockOpposite PostolUco. G. A. RUTIIKKFOUD , Attorney At Law , S. I ! . Cor. Douglas nnil Iftth ols. mom 4. Umnhn. Special nttviitlun to Trial Cases , V Collections. PHYSICIANS. CUAJtLKS ItOSlSU'ATlllt , M. 1) . , Physician & Surgeon , SMS. 12th St..cor. Fnrnnm. Iron Bank Building. omcoliours.S to4 mid7 toll p.m. 10 to Won Himdny. Himdny.o. o. s. norr ivM. . . , Physician and Surgeon , OFFICE , N.W. Cor. 14th and Douglas. Oflleo Telephone 4ft5. Bcsldonco Tclophono 43. \ \ . J. Surgeon and Physician OFFICE. N.W. CoHth and Douglas St. Onion Telephone 4KS. ttcsldenco Tolouhono5fla JAMKS 11. l'KAUOUVM. D. , Physician and Burgeon. , Wo. 1407 Jones Street Office , Wlthncll Ulock , Telephone , residence , No. 125. olllco , 01- DR. JA& "BECKETT PHYSICIAN AND BmtnEON , Omco and nosldonco. 771 N. Iflth St. l"itn Doilzo St. , 1st ilonr w.nt of P. O. Take ole ntor to rooms 12-13 third lloor. Telephone No S3. Kesidoncofi23N. SHhstroot. Telephone No.33 I'.M. ClIADWICK , Pliyslolan anil Surgeon , Telephone 589. Offlcoan S. Hth at K. W. CONNELL , M. D. , Homocopathlst , . S13 S. 14th St. Telephone.1) ? ! . DR , J. W. DYSART , and Office , Croiuiso Uloek , Room 5. IGth anil Capitol Avenue , Oiunhn , Nebraska , Rcaltlcncc 2010 AVdwter st. INSURANCE. A' n. ITATCHER , General Agent Provident Savings LU ) AssmaQi } ) Go of New York. Mlllaid Hotel Itlook , Omaha. Tun Ftrlctly "Natural I'r'inliim I'Inn " Actua average yearly co t during 183J , 1811 and 1835 , nt ago o7 , for 10UOO , was f78.BO. FINE JOB PRINTING. KKKS I KI\T1MK 0. , Printers , Book Binders And Blank book Manufacturers. Nos. 100 and 108S.l4th street , Omnha.Nob. J.F. Falrllo , Super intendent Illndery. Telephone No. 25.J. HARNESS. J. F. SEG-ER Maniitncturor and dealer In harness , saddles , whips , horse clothing , etc. All grades of harnnsft always kept on hand or made to order. Hepalrlng n specialty. 110 N. lAtli Sir bet. Dodge and Capital Ave. AUCTIONEER. A.f. . COWAN" & CO. Auction and Commission Consignments solicited ; furniture boughtnnl cold. Hnloi of llvo stock and household furni ture nt prlviito reslJoTHioi Is a specialty with us. ItemombcrthojijHco , West i Fiitsobor's blook NI4thst. No 110. STOVhS and TINWARE. GJSO.J.AJIM1JUUST , Stoves , Tinware , Cutlery , BU. AlioTIn Roofing , Qutterlngr.Spoutlng , aul General JobTiunlnir. The best of work andrea Boniblouluirges. Milk cans ami other tlnwaro n stock. 22UJ CumlnK St. Omaha , Nob. Oontists , & KEIM , Dentists , 1,114 Farnam Stroa BRANCH MARKET. 19 la < jitiittft ; STICIIT. ; ; Keep ou band u full supply of MEATS , FISH , POULTRY , &c Givotlinm n tilnl , Kcmembor the place , © lBCtJ.twri3.TC3- FIRSTNATIONALBANI U.S. DErOSITORY. Omaha , Nobrasltn , Capital . $600,000 Surplus . 100,000 Herman Kounlzo , President John A. Crelghton , Vioo Prealdoat . n. Meequler. WM-A.PAXTOX , Pres. Ij.B.WnxiAU3 , Vlee-Prei Union TrustCo 215 S. 13th St. , Omaha , Nob. LOANS MADE ON HEAL ESTATE. School , County and Municipal Bonds Negotiated. HOBT. U ( UHUCH8 , V. C. JOII.VSO.T , _ Scurrtury , _ Treasurer. DR. MATTICE , Ii. B. 0. P. , Iiondon , fog. ) nrrici-lfOlDodspJ I Ilrs-JiW Bl. H.ry't Are. Ilouri-lUlo 18tfa54t la | Ilouri-O .m.t 4ut 7 urn TnlphOi8- 1 3' l i > U nil5 , Jt , _ _ " j > Cot-1 Member KpV"6fl nnVV { > t' ton Rt'ne A St. iKjnH I ton nrehnruo nn < t C1UC - Mfrctnnn KiolnnRO. I go llo rd of rrmtc. S. S. FLOYD & CO imORRRS IN n ir a. . . . And Stocks , For Future Delivery Will lie llQiuly for Hitsliioss About Uo- vciulior 7tn , lOOniitl 111 SOUTH tilth ST. OFl'lCE AND HliSIIUiNCB- Itoom 17 , Arlluftton lllocli , (1st ( Building \Vcst of I1. O. ) Tolejihonc No , OFFICF noons- H to U , nnd 11:30 : to 1 ! a. m. a to4 , nnd"to 8 i > . m , Suudaye , 13 to 1 p. m. FRANK D. HERD , Carpenter and Builder , FINE CABINET WOK1C A SPECIALTY. Telephone COO. U01) Noutli Slxlcculli Street. AND A BHESTER , , Agent , 1318 Dodge Street. pedal Attention Given to Warming and Yentilatin of Building , Public and Pivate The IIHSS AIll WAHMBlt hns no rqual on the mnikot for power In healing-mid BCONOMV IN ITJKIi , hard or Bolt coat. Wo carry nfull line of Kuitmces mid Moating Btovus. Hot Air ItOKlsters and Vontllators. Would bo pleased to liuvo thosu In want of < uioli oods to call and oxamlnothcm. 'Tin work of nil kinds , rrollnu and Ritttorlti ) ? cstlniatos Riven , and nil work guaranteed. Coruspomlcuco ollclted. THE BANK OF COMMERCE J,110 Xortli Ittth Street , Paid in Capital , . . . - $100,000 GKO. K. nAHKr.H , President. HOBT. L. GAKLICHS , Vlco-Prcsidont.- V. U JOHNSONCashier. DIItECTURS : S.tMURLlt. JOHNSON , OKO. E. BAIIREII , HoiiT. L. GAUI.ICIIS , W.M. SEIVUIIS F. B. JOIIVSON. A general banking business transacted. Interest allowed on tlmo donosltK. OMAHA SAVINGS BAHK CoitNERl3tli A oDouar.A.3 Capital Stock . $1CO,000 Liability of Stockholders . 300,000 The only regular savings bank In the state. Five per cent Interest paid on deposits. LOANS MADE ON REAL ESTATE. nrrccRst GuyC. Barton , President ; J. .T. Brown , Vice President ; L. M. Bennett , Managing Di rector : John li. Wilbur Cashier. M. It. JiTSDEN , Genl Insurance Agent , Merchant's National BaiiK Building. Cor. Tar- nam and lllth sts. , room 1 up-ntalis. Tolcphono No. 375 Omaha , Nebraska. RKI'ltCSENT : Phoonlv. London , England f5,7Z'l7l.n Firemen's , Newark. N. J 1,5S4,8M.B ! Glen's Falls , Glen'sFalls/N. / Y l,4'l > ; l.OH Glranl , Philadelphia Pa ljaajrao.n Wcstohestor , Ni.wYork.N. Y l.m.WUM John H uncoelr Mutual Lite Jloston,2 751.710.8T Railway Time Table OMAHA. The following Is thu tlmo of arrival and do- parturoof trains bv Central Standard Tlmo at the local donots. Trains of tlio C. . Bt. P. M. & O. and the MlHBouri Pnoillc nrrivu and depart from their depot , corner of Hth and Webster streets : trains ou the B. & M. , C. B. &Q. nnd K. C. , KU J. & C. B. from the II. ft M. depot , all others from the Union Pnoiflo depot. BllIDQi : T1IAINS Bridge trmtm will leave rr. l > . depot ntflari B7i5 : : 6UO ! 8:50 : 1110:00 : 11:10 : n. m , : 111:00 : 2:00 : 2:20 : 'COO-IHiOO 6:00-5:30 : : -010-7:00-S ; ! 15- 10:00 : 11 : 10 p. m. Leave Transfer for Oimihaat 7:12-118:15-9:25 : : tt:42 : Htn:37 : 11:47 n. in. : 1:37 a:13-2il7-a:3T : ! : 1:37 : 5:50-0:42 : : 7:10 : 7:42-8:50-10:47 : : : 11 : V.'p. in. CONNKCTING LINES. Arrival and departure nf trains from the Transfer Depot nt Council Bluffs : UlfAIIT. AHHtYE. CIIICAOO , HOCK 18bAKIk VAClllO. U7:15A..M. : J I ) 0:15 : A. M. AOI5A. : W. llfi:25l : > . M. Afi:4Ur. : u. I 117:00 : 1' . 11. CHICtnO i NORTIIWEBTKnM. A 0:15 : A.M. I A UI5 : A.M. A U:40r u. I A 7:00 : f. M. CHICAOO , DUIU.IN01ON k QUINOV. AOillS * . M. I A :15A. : M. A Gri : r. u. | A 7:00 : r. u. CHICAGO , MIMTAUKKK k BT. TAUI. A9:15A. : M. I A 9:1.1 : A. H A 6:10 : r. M. J A 7:00 : P.M. KAN8AH C1TV , ST. JOE & COtl.NCIf. W.UFT8. A 10:00 : A , u. I DO : ! A. M. Cb(5i : > . u. I A 6:35 : r. u. VTAIUSII , ST , r.oiiis fc A S I'.M. I A3JJn u. BIOUX CITV It IMCiriC. A7:05A-M. I A9:35A.M. : A 0:25 : 1 * . U. I AB > .V ) | > . H. STOCK YAJIDTHAIN8 will leave U. P. depot , Omitliu. at 111to-7n- : : 1ISM-1UW : ; u. m. ; l'X-UKl5-1:0j-SribJQ ( ) : : ; ( p. m. Piiulflo Kxprris. 8:20 : p. tn ; Denver l'-x. , 10M a. m. ; l cal p. m. I.cara3took yarks for Omuhu at 117:05 : BS10 ; -.1:30-11:35 : a. m > ; S:39-Jas-i:3j-Ct)5-B8 : : : : j p. m. Chicago Krpreis le. B. O.S:07 : ; Local IJi. , lo. B. 0. 10:61 : a.m. _ NOTU A , trains dally ; II , dally except Bun- dny ; C , dally except Saturday : D , daily except Monday. Nebraska National Bank OMAHA , NK1HIASKA. Pnidup Capital $800,000 Surplus. 30,00f II.V. . Yato * , President. A. K. Totti'.nlin. vMro PnslAoni. \V. H S. HiiRliej , Cashier. Dtntrroiist W. V. Morse , John S. Collins , II. W. rates , I/'TrfRt1ootL A. K. Toiunlln. ' BANKING OFFICE : THE IRON BANK , Cor I'Jth and I'urnnm Sis A General Itanklni ; liusnu-ss Transacted. N. W. HARRIS & Co. S , CHICAGO. ( ) f Counties , Cities anil other * of high grade bought nnd sold. Kinttrn otnca W Devonshire st , Boston. Correspond- nco solicited. DREXEI & MAUL. Successors to Jno. G. Jacobs , AM > Attlm otilatniul llOVFnrimtnst. Order * by tolcgrnpb so.Ioilod and promptly t- tcmloil to , Tulophono No. U25. TUB CHICAGO SHORT \M \ - OF TUB CblGagpiMilvaiikee&St Paul Iff THE BEST B.OUTE } m MM v\i \ CODNCIL BLBrTS it E-A.ST. TWO TRAINS DAII.7 BRTWHHN OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS Chicago , AND Milwankee , St. Paul , jnmieiiitolis , L'otlur Rupltls , Clinton , Ilubuque , Davenport , Hock lalantl.Frouport , Rockford , Elgin , Madison , JunosTillo , lioloit , Wiiiona , La Crosse , And all other Important polnti Kaet , Northeast mill Qoutlioast. For through tickets cull ou tlio Tlokot Agen at 1401 Knrnum Mruat ( In 1' Alton Hotel ) , or Union Fkclllo Depot. Pullman Sloaoors nnd the fln st Dlnlnir Cart in th world are run ou the mala linen of the CHICAGO , Mu.wAUKMR & BT. PAUL HAIMTAT , nnd erory attention Is paid to patsongors by courtoonsemploymor the company. U. Mn.i.Kit , General MniiiiKnr. J. y. TUCKBII. AsslBtant General M n r r. A. V. H. CAui'ii.NTKii , Qoneral Pasitnfferand GEO. B. Hk-ATrnnn , Aitlstant General I > MS O- B r Riid Ttokot Attent j. T. CbAiiu , General Superintendent. P , BOYEB & CO. DKALK1W IN , . and Jail Work. 1020 Farnum Struct. Qamlm. Nob. ESTERN RAILWAY. Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago. Th only road tn take for Dei Molnos , Mar- lmlltown , ( ndar Hanlds , Clinton , Dixie , Chica go , Milwaukee nnd nil points cast. To th poo- jilo of Nebraska , Colorado. Wyoming , Utah , Idaho , Novnrtd , Oregon , Wanhlnglon nnd Cali fornia , Itoffrrssupoiior advantaros not potsl- blo by any other line. Among n few of the numerous points of in- Ctrlorltr enjoyed by the patrons of this road otwcen Omaha nnd CliloMgo , nra its twatralBi adayof DAY COACIIKH which are tlio finest that human art and Ingenuity can create. Hi PALACR BLEEPING CAHR , which nro models of comfort nud olcganoo , Its I' A Hi/Ill DltAW- ING KOOM CAKH , unsurpRtsnd bv any , and Itl widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING CAH8 , thennnal of which cannot ha found oliewhero. At Counoll Bluffs thn tralnsof the Union Paol- flo By. connect In Union Dnpot with thoM of the Chicago ft Northwestern Ity. In Chicago thn trains of this line make close connection with those of all eastern Hue * . For Detroit , Columbus , InilUnapolIc , Cincin nati , Niagara Kails. Buffalo , I'ltlnburg. Toronto , MontroM , Boston , Now York , I'hllndelphln , Ilal- tlmor * . Washington nnd ill rolifin In tli enit , ask the ticket ngont for tlitketit via the "NOHTHWUSTKHN. " If yon wish the bo t cocmnmoilatlon * . AH ttekot agents fell tickets via till * linn , T ; niUTT. 13. P. WILSON. cncral Manager , Oonl. Piiss'r Agent' ABCOCK Red Star Line Carrying thn Bols-lum Iloynl nnil United Blatoi l.Eullliu u\ery hiuunliiy Between Antwerp ) & New York TO THE RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOL LAND AND FRANCE. ' FALL AND WINTKH. Baton from 100 to 8" . Excursion trip front $110 to fUV , Booond Cabin , outward , t4S ; prepaid , ti'i ; uxouralon. t'JO. Htonrnye ptusar * at low ratat , Polar Wrltrht U boua , Uenera Agents , U Broadway , Now York. Henry 1'undt , 12IB Farnam St. ; Paulson t Co. 1428 Farimm Ht i D. O I'limunm. 1321 l''ui'D.\m at RAILWAY Only Line Uunnlng I'lUIlI BliCLlNINU CIIAIlt OAIty , tiolMuon Oiiitiltd , Lincoln , KtinsitH City nnd fit , 3 TRAINS DAILY 3 OMAHA&LINOOLN Passenger Trains will arrlvn at and Icuvo from the (0,3t. ( P. , M , & O. ) dupol , 15th uml Webitur etrocts , Direct connection m do In Union Depot , Kau San City , lor all points tfouth and West ; In I'nlon Depot , Bt. Louis , for ull points Uaat a l South , PULLMAN DUI'PBT SLIPPING CAUSonall night t rat iu. For tickets , ( leaping cnr berths and other lu- formation , call on tl'-kut H' < oilt 10. , St. P. , M. O. It. B. ) depot , I5tu uud Wubster strucle. or V. B. MoniiKt , T. F. Oooiu R v , Ticket Agent , Travutlng I'ass. Agent , I5j f.irnaui blrfui.Omulitt. W. H NKXVMAH , H ( iTow.ssrNn. tJuitl 'IrutlluMun'icr. Can PumA.a'.cktt AtlU