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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1886)
eft jjt tf--wW"W " "M'W ' 0 THE OMAHA BATLr BEE : TUESDAY NOVEMBER 30 , ISSb. THE BB.E. COUNCILBLUFFS TUESDAY MOKKING NOV. SO. OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEAKL STREET. Dollvmd I'jrniritr ' In mij-r > nrtof tliccitynt twciilj- cents per wttk. 11.V. . TII.TOX , ilnnnccr. TUMll'HONUS : TlCFiKrcsOirjci ! . No. 43. NIOIIT IIIITOII ; No. " 3. MINOIt M1JNTION. N. Y. Plumbing Co. New fall goods at Keitcr's. Cooi > cr & JIcJcc ( sell stoves. The I'nrtee Hros. have a benefit at the oprra hoitsu to-night. 1'nnols at.t-3.rjO per tlozcn at Schmidt's gallery , Muiii streut. For one wcok only the puhlishors' hook nlo will sell books at wholesale prices ; Ult Uroiidway. Hooks xvill ho FO ! < ! nt wliolcsaic prices nil this week at the publishers' hook sale , U47 Itrondwny. El'onnit to marry wns yn.stenlay given to Unfits Abbott and Lillie llildroth , both of this county. Tlio salvatloni'ts hold no nicotini ; last niglit , but ralliiMl around a well spread Mipper table at Henry l > oLong'a. Tlio piiblishnrs' book ale cll books at wholesale prices for 0110 wo-k only , com- incneiug ilonday evening ; U17 Jiruud- way. way.Tin Tin ; carnentors are nt work in police headiiuurlers making ready for tlio now police and lire alarm which will come in there. Klltt McConnull , daughter of T. M. Me- Connell , of Center township , fell while iila.ving about the yard ami now has a broken arm. On Uhursday evening tlio colored pcoplo will give a sociable at the A. Jl . E. church , the proceeds for tlio himctit of the. new elmreli. Everybody invited. Nedtl'arler , one of the heaviest weight ! ? , and liveliest advertising agents who travels , is to open in ( Jroncwcg & Slio- cmtgen's old building , Xos. : ti ) and : M Alain street , Wednesday , nnd will draw and keep a crowd. Ministers desiring half faro permits on thu Chic.igo & N'orlliwcstern and on the AVabash , will please make application to tlio union ticket agent , Mr. J. C. Mitch ell , No. 421 Broadway , Tlio applications hliould bu mads at once , in order to have the permits issued by tlio iifot of the now year. The merchants are beginning to dis play holiday goods , and certainly Coun cil Itlnll's seems to bo outdoing itself this season , 1ho , prices being vorv low , and the variety and novelty of the displays indicating that there is no need to n away from home to got selections which will prove satisfactory. The new wagon bridiro project is by no means dead , nor even sleeping. The pre F liminary work is goingqii asfast as could be expected , and duo patience should be Bhown by tlio public generally , although tlio great interest fult in tlio project makes it dillicult for many to wait the H necessary lime huforo operations begin in earnest and above board. Some one loft a horse and buggy stand ing near tlio dummy depot from 'J o'clock Sunday altcrnoou until after midnight , when tlio police took charge of tlio rig and placed it in a stable. There is some indignation expressed at any ono thus leaving a horse unattended for so long a time , and there are threats of prose cuting the owner when his name is learned. The Council Bluffs National bank folks nro furnishing their patrons a neat little blind-book , containing much valuable information , published in attractive form. Numerous tables are given , containing facts and figures of every day interest nnd importance. It is a very valuable little reference book concerning a variety of topics , and is certainly cheap enough" , they being given away. The outline of the now roof of the court house begins to appear , so that all can get a very j'ood idea now of how the building will look when completed , That it will bo ono of the most imposing look ing structures in the west is already I , evident , The building will bo all en closed very soon , although it is not piob.-.blo that the blalo root \\ill bo put on before spring. In tlio police court ycsterdav there wore six drunks and two vagrants dis posed of by the usual methods. Not a lanrp array for Monday morning. There- is now no attempt being made to close the saloons on Sunday , tlio only strict re quirement being that these places shall bo quiet and orderly , that tlio curtains Khali be down , the from doors closed and no loafers allowed to hang around. If tlio saloons do not thus comply readily and willingly , so that they do not annoy the public , thnn tins order for a tight will follow without warning and without any exceptions. Mr. Dolmny has tendered the opera house this uvuning to Parteo Bros , for a benelit. Tlio.y will 'je assisted by a num ber of other good actors and specialists , and a pleasing entertainment is prom ised , The programme is a varied ono. and that it will bu a good one is assured by tliu reputation which these jrcntlomon liavo already won in thu city. They liava been at tlio Broadway Ihnator , and , ns that plai'o has been rather unfortunately closed , tlieso gentlemen are to repair tlioir fallen fortunes hero by a bcnufit , the failure ) of tlio other enterprise being not due to their failure lo amiiso those who came , but from other causes boyonil their control. _ See that your books are made by Morc- lion&o & Co. , room I , Kvtirutt block. Christmas Market at Masonic Temple , Deo. 1. . ' , ! . Sen West Point base healer , latest improvements in boating stoves. W.A. Wooi > . _ Christmas Market. E , ll.Shoafo it Co , , loan money on chaltlo security of nvory description ; of- HcoNo , 300 Droadway , upstairs. Christmas Market. Dr. Hanchott.ouleoNo 1'J IVarl streets Heblduncu ISO l-ourth street. Telephone No. 10 , Mrs. Dr. 1) . Tnu-sdidl , 'a graduate of the Toronto , Canada , Thuraiinutics insti tute , is prepared lo treat all classes of diseases "and demonstrate the curative power of electricity1' in accordance with 11 new and i-ompletn system of Electro- Therapeutics , Eh-ctro-MagtiDtisin and Statio Klei'lrloity. ' I'omalu diseases a bpecialty. Located at No U07 Broadway , second lloor. Ollico hours 0 u , in , to 5 p. ui. ChrMnuis Market. Stamping and full variety of embroidery materials. Mrs. 11,1' . Nilcs , 403 B'uway. Anything you want in Housekeeper's Hardware and Tinware at Cooper & McGcuV. _ l-'ivo Hundred Overcoats for Boys and Children , fiom $1.00 up. up.MKTCAI.F HHOS. Try ( iarlaud Cook Steve for soft coal. Cooper & Mece ! have them , POOH It 1'ay To buy cheap jewelry any ulaco when von can go direct to liurliorivs old estab lished jewelry itore unit purcha o first- uJassgoods at away down prices ! fllEV COULDN'T ' MAKE A BREAK Jafc Blowers Get Tairly at Work , But Got Frightened Away , ANOTHER JIM CUMMINGS LETTER The Superior Court Htlll Sitting The Clirlstlnn VOIIIIB Men To- Nl lu The DniiiKH of tlio Altlcrmcii Liast Nljlit. Krlutitcticil Snfo mower's. The number of burglaries in this oily cccntly have been very few , notwith standing the .statement of the Council UulV correspondent of the llcgister , who claimed this to be a "paradise for thieves Hid thugs , " but no such thing as safe lowers liavo come to light for a long while until yesterday morning , when it was discovered that an attack had been mule upon the safe of K. L. Lumlsbcrg , a grocer at No. llM Broadway. On awakening Mr. Landsbcrg , who re sides in the rooms above his store , was mystified at being unable to get out of his iimrtmonts , and after being confined in us rooms for an hour or so family forced his door open enough to discover that Ids door was tied on the outside , and procuring a knife ho iroeeedt'd to cut the itring which re- eased him , and ou troing down-stairs discovered that burglars had been at work on his safe. Investigation .showed that tltc thieves had forced the latch from oil' the win- low , which is some , eight feet above tlio ground in the rear of the store , and with a ehi'-cl had raised the window , which lave them immediate ! entrance , and with .he sale , which was MacNcal ite ( Jrban's make , only &ix feet away and no Unlit in : lic store , they began operations. They bored with a quarter-inch drill , and only succeeded in drilling about an inch , when tor some reason best known to them selves , quit without further damage. It is thought that they were professionals in their line and were aware of tlio habits of the pro prietor. The string with which tlioy taslcned the door was secured in the store and after inserting a screw hook in tlio door casing they wrapped the string , which bv , about lifty strands had been formed into a rope ; around thu screw liook and door knot ) . They also broke oil' the alarm cash-drawer which was found within two feet of the front entrance lint did not take .something less than a dollar in change nor a tW9 dollar bill which was in a tin box in the drawer. In fact , Mr. Landsbcrg can find nothing missing and concludes ho was very tortunato as several hundred dollars was in the safe. The only explanation that can bo of fered as to the reason that they did not succeed in "blowing" the. safe is , that about 3-5 : ! o'clock Air. Landsbcrg got up and built a tire in his rooms and the uoisu might have frightened the thieves. Yesterday tlie Rrocer gave the merch ants police a job and hereafter his place will be under their protection. A Tjittlo Gem of art in every package of GOLD MnuAi- CoiTin : , Ask your croccr about it. ( ironeweg \ : Scliocntgcn , wholesale agents. _ _ Everybody's store , good place to buj- goods , No. 823 Main street. " Christmas Market. CALICO , OXK CKXT A Y'AKD. Tlio Orcatcst Tumble of Dry Goods. Cloililn anil Carpets , AVIilcli Ever Occurred Ic Tills City. Fifteen hundred yards of the best calico at 1 cent a yard , to-morrow , Wed nesday , December 1 , at the Bankrupt store , between tee hours of 3 and 4 in the atternoon. Wo have marked down all our goods to rock bottom prices , so that no oilier merchant can compete with us. We hero take the lead in Dry Goods , and expect to keep right along. It is nothing more than our low prices of tlio epods that brings our daily crowd of customers. Our store is loaded with foods Irom ono end to another. Two lloors packed lull of bargains. Wo would like to dispose of all our woolen goods before January 1 Now is your time to invest. For il. 00 you will get just $3.00 worth of { roods , from to-day on until Jan uary 1. If you buy a shirt at the small sale of r 0 cents , we will give yon a line gent's scarf along free of charge. W9rth fiO cents to $ 1.00. Seeing is believing. Come to our store , and we will show you the scarfs we give away. ! j7.00 blankets for $1 75. ? r > .00 blankets for f'i.75. Sa.OO blankets for $1.5' ) , U..M blankets for § 1.25. ifii.oo comforts for . * ? ! 50. ! ? J 00 comforts for $1. CO. f 1.00 comforts for .50. i.5cont llannul for II ! cents. 1U cent llannel for it emits. 50 cent llannul for ! M cunts. Silk handkerchiefs- , ! J7 , ! Wir , 0,1 , to 71 cents. Milliters , 21 , 210 ! ) to C5 cents. 100 do/en line embroidered handker chiefs at It cents. A bargain at 10 cents. Ladies' 20 cent hose for 10 cents ; ! ! 0 cent hose for 15 cents ; -10 cent hose for 20 cents. 100 do/.cn children's woolen hose at o cents a pair. Woolen undershirts , 115 , 10 , 55 , 05 , 75 to 1)5 ) cents. Gouts' woolen half hose , 10 , IS , 15 , 20 to 25 cents. 400 jerseys , ranging in prices from 3fi , 45 , a"i to UO cunts. For the same goods you pay just double the price. Thi'Mj are only a lew of the cheap articles wo mention , You will find thu jrooiis in every department ju&t as low. Follow the crowds to tlio BANKitiir ; STOIH : , 18 Main Street , J. ( iOM > HillG. Wo also have the largest aud lincst stock of toys in the ciiy , and lowest prices. Ton tli Avcnuo. Last niglit a mooting of the olty council was had , at which the ordinance granting the Union I'acllio the right of way up Tenth tivonuo , was considered. The ordi nance was amended so as to giyo the right of way up the alloy to Twelfth street , and thcnco alonu Tenth avenue , provided that the Union I'aeilio pay all damages before thu track is laid , George F. Wright represented the Union Pacific company as not under standing when the matter was tirst brought up that it would have to pay damages. The company claimed that the citizens1 committee had airrecd to give the company thu right of way so ns to got the desired depot at Main street. Tlie company had not moved in the matter , but it was the outgrowth of the complaint made by tlio citizens before the Iowa railway commis sioners. Now the question ot damages was brought up. The company was not willing to pay damages before it acquired any rights , With such an ordinance tlio property owners could stand In the way and block the whole matter unless they got just what they asked , Colonel Sapp , N1' . Uodgo and W , A. Mynster discussed the details , A num ber of property owners repented their protests uguinst the Union I'acitio having the right of way unless they received just damages. The city attorney expressed the opinion that it was useless to attempt to pass an ordinance which would interfere with the statutory provisions for fixing damJiges. The law provided how damages could bo secured. If the Union Pacific and the others interested wanted to cuter into a contract concerning these damages they could do o. Mr. Wright said that the council could not pass an ordinance which would pre vent law suits , if people wanted to sue. Alderman Shugart , who did the most of the talking on the part of the council , seemed anxious to m.tkc an ordinance protecting tins property owners and avoiding forcing them into law suits. Tlio city attorney said that the council could not make a contract between these parties in the form of an ordinance , Mr. Wright atrrccd , on behalf of the Union Pacific , that the company would not use the avenue west of Twelfth treet for a year at least , but it would like to have tiie ordinance provide the company could have that part of the avenue , if it paid damages , The mayor said the Union Pacific said t did not want to come tin the avenue , and lie did not see why the council shall throw out any more bait o tempt tlio company. The present ordinance to his mind was very liberal. The council discussed the matlor fur- liter , but reached no definite conclusion , Aldermen Keller , Danforth and Ham mer expressed themselves as opposed to the passage of thu ordinance unless all damages were lir t Hied. Adjournment was then taken until next Monday even ing. _ _ _ P. C. DeVol sells Stewart , Climax , Acorn and Westminster hard coal burn ers. Charter Oak and Acorn cook stoves and ranges. Economy steam and warm air furnaces , No. 501 Broadway. Call for everything you need , bottom prices' , Everybody's store , 803 Main. Weather strips at Chapman's , 105 Main. The Holibcr Still W A short time ago the Headlight , of Mo- berly , Mo. , claimed to receive a letter from Jim Ci'mmlngs , the reputed express robber , and that it bore the postmark of Council Blufl's. A search was made in this city for traces of the fellow's where aboitts , but little could be learned. The sensation caused by tlio letter and its contents has just died away , when yes terday there appeared in this postollico another letter , bearing indications of being from the same Jim Cummings. Jt was mailed at Logan yestoulay , and came in hero yesterday morning. It was directed to "W. J. Davis , Moberly , Mo. , Mobcrly Headlight. " The writing on the envelope was compared with that of the letter received before , and which has been sent over tlio country in lithograph fac'similc. There were many points of similarity , and the postollico dorks ex amined it letter by letter with great care. The similarity was very markedaiid , those who made a critical examination of the ad dress were certain that it was wiitten by the same person who wrote the other sensational letter. The envelope beiti' ' sealed their curiosity could not be well satisfied , and the letter was sent on its way. It seems that it is highly probable that some sensational loving fellow has written tlicse letters for the special pur pose of creating a stir , and it is equally improbable that Jim Cumminus , if ho has as he says in the letter got away with this big amount of money , would jeep ardise his safety by writing letters and openly mailing them. Hard and soft coal , best quality , all sixes. Missouri and Iowa wood. "C. B Fuel company , 530 Broadway. Tele phone I'M. _ Elccttic door bells , burglar alarm ; and every form of domestic electrical appli ances at the New York Plumbing Co. AVcleomcil Home. The Tribune , of North Platte , gives the following welcome to the young couple who were married here a few days ago : M.vuimi : > At the residence of tlio bride , in Council Blull's , on Thursday. Mr. Fraud Shcpard , of North Platte , and Miss Ilattic Gardiner. Mr , Shepard has been a resident of the city for something over a year , being formerly in the employ of Mr. Foley , and now with the Palace , lie is a jonn'g man of sterling integrity , line social qualities , and during his residence in the city has acquired great popularity with our people. The bride has long been a resident of Council I ( lull's and acquaint ances speak of her in highly compli mentary terms asposscssinirall the noble qualities of a refined lady. The couple arrived in tlio city yesterday morning , being grcoten at the depot by a delega tion of ladies and gentlemen , who warmly welcomed their arrival and be stowed warm congratulations and best wishes. Mr. nnif Mrs. Shepard will shortly take up tlioir residence in the house nearly opposite Charles McDon ald's home. In this the most important stop in life , the Tribune wishes Mr , Shop- am and his pleasant lady a long , .success ful and happy life , and that they , as be- cometli good Shupnrds , will bo blessed with a bountiful Jloek. Substantial aostracts of titles and rca estate loans. J. W. & K. L. Squire. No , 101 Pearl street. Coimcil BlulVs. Don't buy your now suit or overcoat until you look at those at Metealf Bros. Still Sit'tiiiK Dirl. The seduction case from Walnut occu pied thu attention of tlie superior court yesterday and was not completed. Tlio young man , McFaddon , wiio is the de fendant in the case , docs not deny that ho was unduly intimate with the girl , but claims that .she was not of chaste character before ho was guilty of his con duct towards her. Ho produced wit nesses to testify to unchaste conduct on her part previous to that time , and tlio state in turn produced witnesses to show that she had previous to the time of her fall a good reputation for virtue , and that her conduct was modest and womanly. There was quite a wordy contest over the introduction of this class of evidence in rebuttal , Uut thu court finally admitted it on tlio theory that it had a tendency to show that the specific acts of Icwdnoss charged against her were not probable in view of her conduct and reputation , A decision on thu case will probably bo reached to-day. Buy your books this wcok at publishers book sale. 317 Broadway , Cocke & Morgan's old stand. Weather strips at Chapman's , 105 Main. Mtcrnry and Soolnl. All , both ladies and gentlemen , are in vited fo attend the free literary and social at the Y. M. C. A. this evening at 7:30 : o'clock. The program will bo as fol lows : 1. Calling to Order , etc. JJ , Short Talk About Litorarics. 3. SongwUobert Hunter. 4. Heafling-L. W. Fleming , fi , Essay Fred Foxley. Intermission , 0. "Somo Historical Observations" W. A. Gall' . 7. Heading O. Christensen. 8 , A Five Minutes Talk J. M. Haiti- day , . Reading Chas Allen , 10. Preparation for a Convercational Club. Don't forget that this is HOOK WEEK At the Publisher's book sale. Cocke & Morgan's UI.D STAND , No. 317 Uro d- way. 1'nrtco lJro9. ' llcticllt. t _ SDIIIC of thee who have boon on the boards at the Hroadway theatre are de cidedly hoi , because of the financial man agement or mi mnnagmcnt of that place. They claim that they have not received any salaries , 'and ' that many other bills have been allowed logo unpaid , although the receipts of the house were sutllcicnt to enable an honorable liquidation. They claim that they have been wrongfully treated , and arc naturally on the war path , To-iiiglil ( ho Partce Brothers , who have been very prominent there , ami who are very clever artists , arc to have a benefit nt thu opera house , nnd their friends will not only generously respond , but will doubtles" receive a full return by the enjoyment of the entertainment. Don't forget that is book week at pubis - is hers book sale. Cocko & Morgan's old stand. Personal I'ar. II. A. Holies , of Minneapolis , was in. the city yesterday. Henry Atkins returned yesterday from lied Oak , where ho spent Sunday with well , somebody. J. J. Vandcrvccr left yesterday for North Platte on business connected with his house , Van Br unt , Thompson & Co It Will Pny You If you will inspect Hurliorn's jewelry , watches , etc. , before purchasing , as thu stock is being sold very cheap. Wall paper , shades , paints , etc. ll. P. Nilcs , No. IOJ Hroadway. Good overcoat $2. < JO , pants $1 to if-D.oO , other goods in proportion. Everybody's store , 823 Main. The best stove I ever had , is the verdict of thousands who liavo used the Kad'ant ' Homo base burner. Cooper & McGcc , agents. _ _ C. L. Whitney , tlie lecturer and deputy of _ the National Grange , who recently de livered so able an address here , has been making a very successful tour through Nebraska. Ho is expected to arrive here to-day and will speak in Silver City Thursday , and Woodbine on Friday. He will then proceed further cast , timf from there into Minnesota. Ho has been hav ing largo audiences , and has been doing some very successful work for the order in which he is so actively interested. This will be the vcek for bargains. Our entire line of shawls at 25 per ct. discount. Way down to close out. They must be sold. We distance competition in qual ity of goods and low prices , is the verdict of any customer. IHtttiiifHctiirci's arc tulvancliy pi'ices m'rcf iviin Koloic , and cnn- Onr stock is hi rye antJ patterns choice. Price. * will l > c itnclHtnycd lultli LADIES' UNDERWEAR At a Bargain. Stock largeandwe are bound to sell it out. Call and see onr goods before purchasing elsewhere. HARNESS BROS , 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs JOHN V. STONE. JACOII hl.Mg. STONE & SIMS , ATTORNEYS T-UW , Fraction In the State and Federal courts Kooins 7 and B Slui < ; avt-Iuno ! LSlonk. R. L. WILLIAMS 18 N. Main st , Council Uluto , la. , and 20 ! ) S. lOtb st , room 10 , Omaha , Neb. MBiiufiictuior'B.gcntfortlm CALIGRAPH TYPEWRITER and SUPPLIES Tents , Awnings , Roofing , Slate , Mantels Plate and Window Glass , Show Cases , Elevators , ( hand andaulic , etc. l \ tfhG \ , following Companies : German American , of New York Phanix , * vf Hart/ord. Hartford , * of Hartford. Callforn'an , of San Francltco , Scottlth Union A National , efCdlnt/ury. Union , of San Frandico. Stall. ' of On Molnet. Wllllaniibury Cltf , ' of Brooklyn. Thoie marked with a * Iniute also against Ion by Wlnit Stormt , Cyclones ana lotnaitties . P7CTHT17 rt"R " SALE IN COUNCIL rvtt./Ali tO. | fA-J 2. murr * ANI > OMAHA , ON'EY LOANED ON GOOD CITY M AND FARM I'ROI'FIITV AT RATES. * * * * * * * * * TAKE NO Yon have but a few days' grace in wliioli to purchase Window Shades , Etc. , .A.T rca Which we are now making. Remember that we are shortly to make a change in the firm , and wish to close out our present stock before doing so. Council Bluffs Carpet Co. , No. 4:05 Broadway , Council ! o.B. * WILLIAMS , * s furnisher , 506 Broadway , ( Council Bluffs. Lcadlpg 'Sbijlos and Impopbafciops S ° Pstaptly op ( l 14OO Farnam Street. Omnhn.Neb. 26 Pearl Street. I Will Pay th. © Highest Price in FOR ALL KINDS OK NO. O9 BIKOAS > IVAY , COBJXCBE. We offer the fluent brands of Jfer- metlcalltj Sealed Jnijtnrtnl and Ctiti- ornla Frultn , etc. , in filnmt furs at exit than cost , in order to clew out thesame , simony Hicin are J'nielic. * , Cherries , Vreen Gayrn , Apricots , Asparagus , etc. , etc. . Also tlie best brands of canned Jlollcd OjaTonyue , etc. . at less than coat. Choicest Tmnorled Tnscon OH re Oil , quart bottles , fHlc , rcynrhir price $ l./i.fS. Jtemeinber Unit the above floods arc of the very best brands and arc offered below their cost and must be disposed of at once. J. W. KLEEB , STAPLE & FiCY GROCERIES , jvo. , 'i-ia j WE G1VK AWAY A. mm mm \V1T11 \ KVKIir TJIHHI5 CANS OL' CamMi's Ming Powder. are Oil IVmtinjrs in ( Jilt Frames , 2U.\'J4. Wo also keep a line line of Fancy and Staple Groceries , All Orders to Telephone No. 20 , will bo Promptly Killed. J. W. KLEEB , jvo. xtr OFFICER & PUSEY , COUNCIL BLIWS , IA , EstnlJllstird 18J7 R. BICE , M. 33. , ° l' otborTilinoM ruwovci ] AltllOUt nu unlfo orUruwlnsror blood. Over lliirly years iimctirul experience. No. 11 J'emlBt. . Council llluffs. IVConaullutlon fioo , SPECIAL NOTICES. Hpcclnl advertisements , eucli m Lost , Found ToJ-oun.For 8nlo , To Jlc-nt , Vinnts , Honrdlrur , etc. , will bolnscrto-l In this column at the lour rutuorTE.V OUSTS I'KH UNK forthoflw Inscr- iooutid FUo Cents I'orUnu for each subsurjntnt Ineiutlon , I.oavo advertisements nt our oIIlco No. 12 1'cal bticrt , near Uioadwur , Council UluUs. WANTS. WAM'KI > A cottujfo ol llro or six rooms , loc.itud convenient to ImMness ; Hmill family , no children. Address "Crispy , " lito olHco , \\7'ANTii : > -A man to drive IUHIII for I bo i V winter. I ) . J. Smith , gurduer mid fruit grower , South First street. ) -A boy vrltU pony to carry Uoe route. SALB-Old papers for mlo nt tbo Doe FUIi oUico. WANTED r rlN'8liiludliu , ' to bo married are- wanted to cell ut tbo Pryor't { let job Olce to eleet tbelr weddliijf uarUt. HUE - FRENCH MILLINERY , 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha , NEW IMPORTED STYLES OPEN. Ladies buying a 5s or bonnet , onu fax : will be paid ; fro , lound hip. IELVINfcl fcl < TI. OUS 10 W1AHON & GO , Atet acts of Title , Lean and Es- tat ) Broker' , No. 236 Main St. purrlinied tltc "most relia ble abstract btioks in this connti/ , " ftiiotiin as tltc "McMahon Abstrae.l Jiotilm , ' ' ivearetiow prrnarfdlufiir- niilt abstracts and reni / so licit tltc jiatronai/eof alt tltose tlcslr- inu correct abstracts of title to la nils and lots in J'utlaivatt < tntit ; count if. SMITH S CO , NO , 236 MAIN ST. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , Star Sale Stables and Mule M , JJHOADWAY , COUNCIL HUJFFS , Opposite Dummy Ucpot , c/a . Horses anlTmiilos knpt constantly nn linml , for sUe : tit retail or in car lands. Otlero promptly filled by contract on short notice. .Stouk told on commission. ! & HOI.KV , I'ropriotors. Telephone No. 1M Formerly of Keil Halo Stables , corner 1st. uvo and 1th htrcct , Horses and Mules For all purposes , bought and cold , at retail and in lots. Large quantities to select fiom. Several pairb of fine drivers , tin gle or ilo'ible , MASON WISE , Couneil Hlull's. N. SCHURZ , Justice of the Peace Office over Ajnencan Kxpreu , Fur a buyer to go where the largest jind GrentcU Varieties are kept in nny one line. Againt If seller has EsrKRiHNCKn AtcoMMODAiioNS fuithful anil tittsty help- the c \\lio buy will be a | > iecab1y served , and if seller gijcs FLI.I , weights anil incns- ttrcs , you have three excellent reasons for patronizing such a firm , Fuel consumers ought thrrciore to bny of HEATON FUEL Co. , N'o. (128 ( Ilro.idwny , Council Binds. Telephone 3 10. WHOLESALE AND JOBBING ESOTJSES O.F COUNCIL BLUFFS. AC tUCt I'Tri . .tt.W'MLAVVs' / . " DKKHK , WKLLS & CO \Vlioles.ila Agricultural Implements , Bugles , rnrrlRirr * , Kto , Ho. Council IIIulTsi , I own. KKYSTOXH MAXUFAUTIWINH L'67 MnmifncltirprKor nml Dcntcrn In Hand aud Power Com Shell TS , Anil fiKenonil line nf HrM ul 3 . . Nog. MiOl , ISO1) ) , 1KB mid 1.1)7 ) ftintlt Miiln Street , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Council Iliiurs lonn. i > AVii > HUADLKV it ii > Mnnilf'iRnn I Jubtinrn of agricultural Implements , Wagons , Bngglos , \ Cun-lftsr * . nmi nil kin U of Kann MmMilncrr. 1100 to Hid SoutU Main Streut , Council HliiJi , to / < \ . C.tlll'KT.4. COUNCIL IJI.UFFS cAiu'KT cu , Carpets , Curtains , Window Siiadas OilclothsCurtnln rixttirox , UpholMnrr flee Htc. Na 405 tlroiulH-ny Council llluffs , CIGAR * ' , 1UII.ICCO , KTC. I'KKKOOY & MOOIIK , Wliolesnlo Jobbers In tlio t Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes A NOB. SSMidn and 27 I'omlSts. Council lonn. COMMISSION. SNYD1JH fc LKAMAN , Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants. No. ID'o.-ul St. , Comic-It ' I1A1ILK , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , Ws' Puiidrlrs , Tie. No. 22 Mnln St , ind No. i'l 1'onrl St. , Council Itlutrs. ; ni'ITS. O.V. \ . JJUTTS , Wholesale California Friiits a Spscialty Ocnural Comml fon. ! Nn. 5l llieadwny , Council Itlnlf.-i. W1KT Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery , -AND- COMMISSION , NOB. lOnnil 18 I'c.iil St. . Council lllniri < . HICCKMAN , STKOHHUUN & CO. , Maiin'Acturoisot Kiitl Wlioli)4.tlu Doalord la Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. KJ Jlaln St. . Counull Ilium , Iturn. TJ , KTC. METCALF UUOTlIlillS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloias. NOK. 312 and 311 nronilwny. Council niulTi. J/B.IIV KKKLINH & ri-ir : , \ \ hole iilo Iron , Steel , Hails , Heavy Hardwara , .And Wood Slo.'k , Council IllntTs , Iowa. UliA COUNCIL HLUFFS OIL CO. , Wliolcsnlo DfMlPrs in Illuminating & Lubricity Oil ; Giwllu EJTO. , ETO. H.TIieodoro , AtfC'iit , Council llliurs. lowrn. iw. A. OVKRTON A : CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling , * nd llrlilfc-o Mnlcrlid SjiocIiilll < MWlio1c4iiIn Uim- KliuH. Ollico No. 1JO Malii Council Kliiirti. Jutviv. A.\U JOHN LINDKK. XVIiolos'ilo Imported and Domestic YJlnai & Liquors for St. ( iotlliarrt'H Hcrli Illttcu. No. U MnliiHi. Council llliiils. SCHNKIUKlt & 1J1CCK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , XoCUOMudiSt. . Ca-MBll ll'.nji. L. KIKSCHT & ( ( ) . , Wholesale Llqtnr Dealers. No. 410 Jlroiul\rny. C'diinrll Illuir CBESTOH HOUSE The only hotel in Council lilull's liavin re Escsipe And nil tno'cin ' iinrovuinuntb. ] 815 , ill and'.MO Main bt. MAX MOHN , I'rop. BOOK BIDING it , .loiirtiiiH , 4'oiiuly and Blniili "iVoi'UolAII " lifiuUa.Snuv- lally Prompt Attention lo Mail Orders IOREHOUSE & GO. Hoom 1 Kvcret Ulock , Comu-ll Hlnns , Standard Papers Used. All styles of bin I inf ( in Magazine ? and BLANK BOOKS , KKI-'KI'.UNCIW : U. II. NntlotiRl Ila.-ik , I. i : . Bmltb , < c Co. , Clll/ons1 llnnlt. Derrc' , Wells \ Co , Urti Natlonul Il.uik , ( ! . I ) . Insurance Co. , OUlrbri. i'uauyllttukri , ait Suvinm llunU. Reduction in Prices , IN China Glassware Etc , , , , At W. S. Homer \ ( Vs. N'o. 23 Main ! CotlQCl ] Jfhlll'3 ,