Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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WL-cat Higher on Cables and the Destruc
tion of 760,000 , Bushels at Duluth.
Corn Qtilct nml Only a Jlotlor.ilc
Dolnc HDR Prices Kully
ll/o / Higher Ociinrnl 51nr-
Cmr.voo. Nov. 23. [ Special Telegram to
Ilio Ur.i : , ] U'licat opened J < j@Vc higher
this morning on strong cables and ( ho do-
structlcu ot over 7W,00'J , bushels of wheat at
Dnlutli. The lone of the niatkct was buoy
ant and the crowd felt bullish. Many who
bait bought Friday and Saturday Ihougiil It
coed time lo take their profit. This
moved tobo wldcspiuid. Thine was avast
amount of i eall/.lng near tlie opening and the
niaikel > folded tothopicssine , receding u full
? 4e the llrst half hour. From 75 ? c Decani *
bor m ld down to 75 > { c , and May Irom 82J < c
to 8214'c. llwas a common rcpoit that two
or tlnce leading local operators weie tree
seller.sof .lanuaiy and May , pilnclpally of
.lunuary. However , New i'ork was a good
buyer , and advices from that point woio bull
ish. After the lifeline the market haidcncd
appreciably , December golnc to " ! > ifc , Janu
ary lo 7titic , and May to WYcThe report
gained wide cm reuey that the deliveries of
wheat on December contracts would be very
heavy , and the nuiim ot Armour was bandied
about as one of the carriers who would
Hlmrten his lines considerably. This
report could not bo verified , but It touiid
.plenty ot believers ami tlie story was
an Influential bear card. Values again soil-
cued and the maiket became placid to a
ccitnln extent , but the nndeitone was quite
btiong at times. Nevoithcless , the abolition
ot privilege tiadlng Is turning out to bu a
good thing. A great Incubus has been te-
imncd fioni tbo shoulders ul .specuhttlon , anil
Increased ! icc < tom ot action is giving a
greater Independence to opeiatlons. The
maiket Impioved In lone toward the close of
the session. The advtnicc in Mvt'ipool and a
\ery notable ami weleoine ineifuse in out
side speculative business proved mote than
enough lo counteiaet bearish influences.
Values advanced in the face of vigorous and
po\\ei fill local opposition , anil the close at 1
o'clock was within the smallest traction of
the bcstpilcesofthemoinlng. Thetone was
one of stubborn and nggrusshe sticngth.
Among the late Items of news ami uosslp
was the statement that sixty boatloads had
been taken In New Voile lor export. This
was one ot the prime elements of stiength at
the close. The expmls for last week came In
about 2,000,000 bashel.s In wheat and Hour
Corn N as quiet and steady , with only mod-
rrato business passing. J ho laige decrease
in the vMblo supply ( ended to put up prices ,
but , as the Indications point to increased
receipts In the near fiitme , the good news
about ollset the bad and lelt the maiket sta-
tlonaiy anil tlio crowd Indisposed to tiatle
Jaigely. Mav opened at 42 , ° < c , sold
oil to -I2j ( i4 .yse and advanced
to 42Kc , vvlicio It icsted at
1 o'clock. Dccembcivas tiuoted at "M' C at
the last. Oats weio unusually active but
! fluctuations weie slight. May closed the
* amo as Satuidiiy. Speculation Is gettliu :
into provisions at last , and with the advance
of20e In poik , 12 > < fc In libs , with a small Im
provement lu hud , trailing was on a laruer
scale than any day for many , many weeks ,
nnd ( he tone of the market was one of gieat
seeming buoyancy. The packets , however ,
weio libeial selleis on the advance.
On the afteinoon boird values for all
products weio higher. I'oik and wheat were
both unusually stiong. Wheat was stiougon
export business an > l coveting by shorts , and
provisions weio stiongon heavy buying by
boveral strong parties. Wheat was active ,
strong and higher ut 7Gc for November ,
7rt e for December , 77 ; ) e for January. Coin
was .strong antl lilghirati7Jc : } toiNovember ,
ri7ltfe lor December , 37J c for January , 42Jfc (
for May. Oats worn stronger at 27e lor De
cember , 27' c for January. I'oik was ex-
elletl. active and higher at S 10.25 tor .Novem
ber , 310.2.1) for December , 810.y : > for January ,
11.01 lor February , l.ard was stronc and
higher at 50.05 tor December , S0.12 for
January. Short ribs strong and hither at
January. $5.57i @ 5GO lor Feb-
i u ary.
OiiicAoo , Nov. 20. ( Special Telegram to
tbo Uin. : | OA.TTM : . Buyers wanted only
] ) ictty good to choice fat cattle , and the sup
ply consisted very Inrojoly of Inferior to lair
stock. The maiket In a geueial way was
dull and weak. It opened very slowly and
bccmcd to get worse rather than better. Tbeto
was a very excessive supply of thin and half
lal rattle , busltle ? a gieat many falily fat but
% cry louyb steers. I'tlces were 10i20c ( lower
than on batuulay , and theie weie numerous
dro\esoflnt'eilor to lair cattle , which could
1101 ha\e been elc.iied at a greater icductlon.
Thin wubtoui c.ittlc were quite plentiful , and
\\hiloa veiy lew tidy fat e.ittlu of nice quality
hold nt only e.isy lates , the general tiado was
\ery unsatlsl.ictoiy. bhlpplng teer > , line to
irooihs , & : < Tri.oo ; uooto iW : ) ibsfi.'oa- ! : ( ) . ) ;
JOejio 1,200 ibs , si.XKS : ! . 'JO. Haugo cattle oiler-
lugs wciu talily larje , HID demand weak and
the matket iiulto dull. 1'ilces were about ISe
fewer , and in homo cases Rieatcr ledtic-
lions had to be made In older to ellect sales.
Tr.uling was \ery blow. Itenie.seut.ttlvo
sales oi TIIMIS cattle : 2UCOWC , 778 Ibs , S'J.-IO ;
111 bulls. l.Oinihs , Sl.fiO ; 114 cows. 7W Ibs ,
Pi ; 100 cows. 70 ! ! Ibs , 52.15 ; IS steers ,
Nis Ibs , S'.bO. Noithorn langeis : lua mixed ,
WO Ibs , bt.2.-itlcows : ; : , IHJSIbs , S2.7 , " . .
HOOK was actlvo and pilces
fully lOc higher on ( lacking and shipping
boils. Light and common underwent but
little change. Fancy lots ot light may have
Hold licit ) and thtito a bluido stiongcr , but
there was no shipping demand ami no outers
lor Yorker * . 1'aeklng sorts sold largely be
tween 8 l.M ) and SU.lX ) , and choice heavy at
$ : : ii : > ( it-ilO ; light bold within 11 uinge ot
York. Nov. ail. MOVEY On call
active utYork. cent , closing at IXS * per
MincA.NTitK I'APBK 4@3
KKCIIANOK Steady ; actual
rates , S4.wyj tor blxty day bills ; Sl.bllor
UovEHNsihNTS tiovi-rnment bonds weio
dull STOCKS The oicnlng | was very active but
at Iriegular ehangns irom Satuulay's linal
prices , the diiterenco ninging fiom } 4 tier
cent below to ; 1 per cent above , while \Veit \
I'olut Wiis.up 1JJ per cent. 1'rlces were de
cidedly weak In eaily trailing , Heading and
\ 1'olnt being the pilnciiul hiilliir
AVestcrn Union ami .Jersey Central , how
ever , weio remarkably btioug , and the re
mainder of the market imlckly loouvercd Us
losses , nmnyotUer blocks Inter showing do-
cldcdbiiength. The market closed very ac-
the and strong close to the bebt prices
reached ,
rent bonds. . . . 100 0. AN.V
0. H. 4 } < 's nrefeucd. . .
Now 4's N.Y. 0 114 j
racilloO'sof'05 , Orccou Tian. . . . 8W ( !
Central racillo. . I'acllic MnU 55n
I'.l ) . & K : n
IfX ) 1M . 0 142'j
C. H. A U 137 Kock iRland
1) . L. JtV
D.&U. U 84V iireferred. .
Krie "L" C , , M. it St. I' . .
L Kriepreform ! , . i > referred. .
* Illinois Central. , St. I' . V:0 K3J !
J.,11. &W preferred , . 115
Kansas & , Texas. { Texas 1'acltio. .
LakoSlioroi. . . . . .i Union 1'iiclllo. . . 2 > 4
1&N ftlK W.St. U& 1' . .
Mich. Central. . . OTJf prefeirftd. . . 37 4
Wo.l'aclllo lie f-Western : Union. 7 ;
Northern I'ac. . . 20i4 0. . K. JcN 100 1
picferred. . . Cli }
Gliloauo , Nov. 2'J. Flour Steady nnt
\inelmngt\l ; winter tlour , g4.05@4.10
touthern. 83.00 4.00 ; WUconsln. S4.0 >
U ; Michigan bofuprlnit wheat , S3.50@4.10
jdlonesota bakei-s. S3.50ut4.10 < : lutents. 84.a :
6i4.00 ; low grades. * 1.75@2,75 ; ije flour
guiet at 3.25(33.50 ( In lurrels , nud $3,00 $
8.20 in sacks.
Wheat Opened falrlv active ; closlue
Ij tS'Jc above Saturday's closing ; cuslu7CXe
January. 77 J c ; May , oSJic.
Corn Quiet and btpady ; 2 ' @ > c above faot
lirdny ; cash , . .7 > fc ; January , 87 ; < c ; May ,
O-its Quiet ; sliado better than Saturday :
cash. STc : January , 2ie , ; May , 31c.
iJarley Bc. !
Timothy seed Prime , S1.75.
Whisky 51.19.
I'oik Opened aclivo and Irregular and ,
jirlcca cnnsldersbly hlnlicr at close : eaMi ,
S10.2 > ; .lantmry , SlO.Oi ; Febiuary , S11.0.V
l.artl Finn and higher ; moderately well
Mipported ; cash. 50.03 ; January , gG.12.J-i ;
February. SA.22&
Hulk Meals Short ribs. S. " > .57 } : for Janu
ary , shouldeis , SI.7.V < n.OO ; shoit clear , $ > . ( > . ' >
llutter Steady ; creamery , 21@irc ; dairy ,
ir/ii 'iJc.
Chcesr ! Slcadv and firm ; full cream died-
dnrs and Hats , 12 ( < U2'fc ; juung Anirileas ,
ISJ QWcs klins , 7'Z'c. ( !
Hides Heavy given sailed , fully cured ,
S'.fc ' : lleht , bj/i'lt'c ' ; damaged , 7'.fC'7Xe : bull
hides. 0)ie ) : tlrv sailed , ll@12c ; 'tlry Hint ,
1(14- ! ! ( ( ; i-nlf skins , bc flO } e ; dcaions , 50c
Tallow No. l couniiy , 3j c ; No , 2 ,'e : cake , $ ' { < : .
Kecelnts. Shipinenls.
Flnur.bbls 17.0JI ) 11.000
Wheat , bu ' .K5tKW t'.ooo '
Corn , on toi.toj S'
Oatf .bu ioocon : )
Hyc. bu 2,000 l.OiiO
Uarley.ou W.OOO t = i "AOOO
St. Iionls , N'ov. 2'J. ' Wheat Strong and
hiuhcr : No. 2 ted , cash , 77c ; December ,
77.VclnniiaryN : ) ; MaysX'lc. ( :
Corn Stiont , " , > o. 2 mixed , C.VMI , .ii'/c ;
December , aVfe ; .January , KO ciWyc : May ,
b.its-FIrm : No. 2 mixed , en n , 2BK < 2'- !
December , 3f"e " ; Muy , :
Kve Kftsv at 01rfe.
Pork-Strom : at so.l'JH
l.artl Steattv at SV.K ) f.
Unttt'i Dull nnd steady.
Aftoinnon Hoard Wheat Very strong
nnd JfC'Me hliiher. Coi n Strong nnd WC' ' * ? '
higher. Oats K1 hlfiher ,
KiuiHitq City. Xov.2' ' . Wheat Strnncor ;
No. 2 ml , c.ish , iXJc bid ; December , ( He ; May ,
72Vc bid.
Coin .Slimmer ; No. 2 , cash , 31c bid ; De-
comber. niJeVlHJfc.
Oats Nonnnal.
NcwUrtcuiiH , Noy. iO. Corn Easier at
10(3. ( We.
Oats .Steady at "dc.
Cornmcal ( jnlet and ste.tdy at S2.05.
lloir 1'ioducts Dull and tlio
I'oik-Firm , S10.2.-10.TK. : !
I/ud-Kelined , tleree , SO.OO.
HulK .Meats Shoulders lower at S-4.
rolcdo , Nov. 20. Wheat Weak nnd
lower ; cash , 70J e bid.
Corn Dull.
Oats Dull ; cash , SSc.
I < lvcrpool , Now 20. Wheat Finn.
Corn Steady.
New york. Nov. 20. Wheat Ilceclpts
215,000 ; cxiHiits , ill.OOO ; spot , Jj@lcandon-
tlons ( al'i'c hisher , elobiiiK' htiong ; nil
> , H.icniioai ; i > o. - , MIUJIIUU in uiuvaun ,
; (3lt ( > Vc nlluat ; Dcccmti'rclo > .limit47'4'c. : '
, us-sliadu stronger ; iccclpts , M.OOO : u.\-
port ts , 100 ; mixed e tein , y35e : ; ; white
westein , : „ . .
1'etroleum Closed at 77T < c.
Kgus Firm ; western , ! iV
I'oik Firm , butiiuiet.
hard Higher ; vvcbtein sleaui , spot. SO.RO ®
' '
'ilut'ter QuIet ; westein , I'iQ'Jre ; Hlgln
creamery , 2'.ic. m ; western flat , llM2'4'c. ( '
Mllwaiilcoo. Nov. 29.--Wheat .iuoyant ;
cash and December , 75 , ' c.
Corn No. 2 , 37lfc.
Oats-No. 2 , 'Jfi c.
liyeNo. . 1 , sr.Mi' . .
HurleyNo. . 2 , 5'JK'1- '
Pork December , tD..K ) .
Cincinnati. Nov. 2'J. Wheat No. 2 icd ,
77rt" ( ' < ; e.
Corn No. 2 mlNcd , G7ItL7Kc. (
Oats No. 2 mixed , 2'.ie.
Kyo-No. D , 5'.M.
I'oik Now , Slt.00@ll.23.
Wlilskv S1.13.
Allnncnpnlln , Nov. 2l. ! Wlicat Htiong ;
haul , le hluher ; No. 1 haul , < 'a h anil
December , 7y : c ; January , 74jfc : No. 1 north
ern , cash nml December , 7Ie ; No. 2 north
ern , cash and December , G9e.
Flour-l'.ttents , 54.2JSI.10 ; bakers , S3.25@
S'UO. '
Receipts AVht-at , " ' . 1,000 bn.
bhiimicuts Whcul , ife,000 bu. ; Hour , 20,000
In Stoic-Wheat. 5,600,022 bu. ; St. I'aul ,
410,000 bu.
Clilunco , N'ov. 20. The Drovci's Journal
icnoitsas follows :
Cattle Ueceipta. 10,000 ; weak and
lower ; bhlupinc hteers. Si5.00 ; ! : ( ) ; stocKeis
and feeders. S2.10 : i.4r. ; rows , bulls and
mixed , Sl.riOffii.20 : ; bulk. 5iO'Ji < J2.4 j ; through
To va ? cattle , co\\b , SS.OU . ' . ' .CO ; steers , S3.00
. .
Hess Receipts , 40,000 ; stronir and 10e
hlKherioich ; and mlxotl , SU.UiiQi.O.'i ; paek-
ln and bhl.ilnu' | . , § U.UO1.10 ; lisht , § 3.25
@ ! .UO ; hklps. 32.20 :1.25. :
Sheep KecelptR , 5,000 ; steady : for best
nt $ : ! , ro@4.00 ; common , dull ; S2.oo tt.ou : ;
v.Chtetn. S2.75ti.ti5 ( ( : ; Texans , t2.00ji2yO ( ;
lambs , 5l.tOkjJ5.70.
St. lioulH , Nov. 20. Cattle IIccelpN ,
1,000 ; bhijimcnts , 400 ; bti , idv ; cholee
native steers $4.nOtRI.7.i ; shlpplnc steeus
S'.10&4.'r. ! ; ImtclieiV leoib,52.l 0 .10 ; stock-
eis and lecdeis , S1.00iit.l5. :
Jloirs Iti-ceipls , 5.000 ; shipmonLs none ;
heavy Krades , lOishUhcr ; choice heavy and
butchers' selections , S4OOfiH15 ; paekiinr ,
; Voikeis , Sy.0i (
. .
ICtinnns City , Nov. 20. Cattle Kucclpts ,
l.BOO ; hhluments. noun : common to choice ,
S.80d4.rjOtoekeid ! { ; and lecdois. § 2.2554
( fll.tO.
Hogs Hecelpls , 7,003 ; shipments , 200 ;
5@10e lilsher ; commnn to choice , SMO.jtiUK )
Monday , Nov. 23.
The receipts 01 cattle In-day weie ll ht nni
thole was very Ittle iloiliiK in the nnuki-t
Ynlnes remain about the sime. :
The receipts of hozs weio very liberal fora
Momlay. Taklnc those left over irom Satur
day , together with the Ircah tecclnts , thcro
were about loity-sls cars on bale. The matke
opened Him with an advance of lOeon hnavj
ho s. The maikot was fairly active nnd i
Kood iniuiy loads chunked hands. There
were vcrv tew light hogs in and not enough
to niuko n mniKet. The averatro inn ot the
IILMVV hoes were very good , but there weui :
lew mixed loads ot veiy ordinary hois. Thu
market closed weaker , on iiceount ot one o
the heaviest bu > mri withdtawlng from tht
market , nnd tlieio weio ten to lillccn loatls
.Sin-op ,
There wrre no nheup In to-tlay and them
was nothing doing on the nun net.
Cattle . . . . . tfX )
lltys . l.WX )
Weekly HiicolptH.
Showing thu number of c.ittlnand hogs re
ceived on carh tiny of thu past \\eulc , nud o
hogs on uach coriespondini ; day of last jcar
Provallini ;
Showlngtlio prevailing prluai paid for live
Rtoe Icon this market.
Choice steers , 1350 to 1500 Ibs S1.00@1.40
Choice btecrs , 1100 to 130J Ihs. . . . . . . : i.75$4.i'i '
Medium steeis , 1250 to 1WJ Ib * . . 3.IWKC4.15
( lood feeders ,
( lood toclioicocorn-led cow.s'J
Hange cows
Fair lo medium grass cows. , . , . . . . 2.0
( iooJ to choice nulls. . . , l.'iV .l.JO
LiL'htaiul iiiuuiuni nog , , . . o.iKXgi.70 :
( iood to cliolco ln < avy uogs. . . . . . , , , 3.GO ( U.70
Oood'to choice mixed no < s , 3.50 i.C5 : !
< ! oed to clioiix ) sheep. , , . , > 2.75 ( 3.30
Fair to tooil ihoep 2.25012.50
iCeproaentativo Hales.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
00 , . . . UH S2.70
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Tr.
20. . . . nil S.S )
No. Av. Shk. Pr No. Av. Khk. Pr.
48. .2M ) 40 $ n.W Co. .27 ! ) M ) . " . .r.r ,'O ' 2M ) 3.631. ( . 2M 200 H.05
G1..2S5 2sO H.IJO 59..801 120 : U17
M..3U iO : i.CO 151. . 1MI 120 S.70
fi0..noO 3.00 57..2SK ) 120 3.70
r.7.iii : 120 < WK ori. o MI 3.70
S3.wo : ice : t.V ( > ii:50i ! ) : 210 : i,70
09. .200 SHO n.r , . ' ; snwi : 100 : i.7o
M..27S 100 3.r % . ' . ' . ) . .300 40 3.70
20.,272 im % I'Jl. . ! ! * ] 3iO 3.70
f0..30J 120 am 02..2S7 N ) 3.7(1 (
74..C T.I .C0 am 57 .315 123 3.70
GI./W7 'fl aw fW. 2T. ICO 370
54..272 120 : .W . ) . . : ! 200 ! 5.70
73..27S 1ft ) at i W .314 1'0 3.70
5U..204 hO 3.W 50..UC.J SQ - ; j- ; . i
of Prices.
Showing the hlghnst nnd lowest price *
iald for loads of hogs on this 111,11 kot during
hepistst'vendais anil for the same time
Sov. iss.1.
tlin number of n.ns of cattle , hos
and sheep shlpimd fioin South Uuiaha during
the day :
CAT ! lr.L'XlAV. .
No. cars. litmte. Dcstlnntlon ,
0 . It. 1 . Chlca.u'o
snr.ii : % .
7 . . .It. 1. . Chicago
All sties of stock in this market ate made
ic i cwt. live welsht unless otherwise staled.
Dead IIOKS sell at KC per Ib. tor all weights.
'Sllns : , orho 's weUldnc less than 10J Ibs.
ov.iltie. I'le nant sows mo tlocked 40 Ibs.
and stags SO Ibs , by the public Inspector.
Very tew ll ht hots ; In.
Heavy hoes advance 10 , ; ,
Com steers In llfrlit ilt'iiiand.
IJntclicrs' stuff movl m : .slowly.
Lltrht lecclpt ol all Kiade ? of cattle.
Air. Caitcr liccmcr was in with ling ? .
There weie a low loatls ot hojjsleft over.
] ) . S. Rliisell , ' . , r.inaiua , la. , was at the
lr. Hall , of Cicstoii , la. , was looking over
the yards to-day.
Kd. Cooper had In a load of cattle Irom
weeping Water.
H. ! ' . Mnichoiisp , llov.'el" , Neb. , topped the
ho , : maiket to-day.
T. C.ilc-i. I.Inic Hui'liiL'S , la. , had ol
cattle on the maiKet.
A comparatively heavy inn of 1103 * ) Is au-
lieipated lor to-morrow.
Sava ic it Cln-cii opeueil n branch commis
sion olllce at Ijiiicolu to-day.
II. H. Umber \\as liorc with it load of cattle
and a lo.ul ho s hinii Tabor , la.
The Mil. ivVyo. . improvement company
hml In three loads , of. cattle fioni 1'iuo lllull.
The Omaha hnrcrs held Iho IIOK niarKet up
iciiKtiliably well last week cuiibidci.-Iii the
heavy iccclpts.
Kiank IJoss , St. I'aul , a well known poll-
llcian ol Howard eoiiuty , Neb , , was amung
tlie visitois at the yards to d.ty.
On the maiket svith hess : J. S. Klrvlmr ,
Stuart ; . ) . AskwiK .V ; Co. . M-OIIS ; Slater ,
Kra/.ler A : (5. ( , Wayne ; Tliiimns ( iieon it
Sons , dccndalc. In. ; I , . II. licnsley , I-'mly ,
la ; .l. II. Kehoo , 1'latl Center ; Nelson '
, OaUI.iud ; . ) . II. hainliMs , Notlawav ;
. Kllnt , Ltnchlield : O. A. Tiittlo. Otien't ;
jersiV Hall , Itavenna ; Dank of Ewlut , ' ;
Claike Uros. , lialtlo Cicelc , li. : ; II. J. b imp-
son & Co. , Council lllull'T. ; . 1'owcrs ,
t-nlton ; J. 11 , .Mooic , I'eiT.v , la.
General Protltioo.
Monday , Nov. 'Xl.
Tltcfollowlnri pricix arc jor round lol * nf
nnHtticc , < i3solilo > ithe murhei tn-ihiii. The
quotations un f ruin rcpraienl tns iirlcci ( U
whlchoulnhiconlcrs ( ire tilled.
Kites Single ease lots aie selling at 23c.
but the market is not lit in at that pi ice. The
iccelnts ot'.strletly iresli ews aie not heavy
but theie tuo plenty ot cold btoiage on the
Hultcr Choice dairy and country butter
continues in good request and the
market Is steady. Creamery , choice ,
iSc ; eieamery , fancy , : ! 0o ; lawy daily.
5e ; choice country , 2)gJJ ) ( ; fair to iiood
country. IS 'iO ; poor , ligl-J.
Livu rori/rnv There is a very limited
market for li\e poultry of any kind.
Dnr.ssLD POUI.IHV Chickens continue to
pour In , hhlppers not aiipeailinc to reali/.o
that clilekciisain nuvrr in very heavy de
mand even before Thanksgiving day and
ne\ersosnon after It. Thu maiket to-dav
was veiy dull ami blow , a lew chickens were
sold at Gc. ami a few tmkeys at Sc. but the de
mand was light. Some ot the held overstock
that was a little olT was closed out
as low as 3c. tor uoth chickens and turkeys.
Cnnnsi : 1'ull cream rheddars , slmrie , 13e ;
lull cieam lints , twins. l.'V ; yonnt ; Anicricaii ,
lii' c ; fancy Swiss , Ucain ; Swiss , impoited ,
2.e ; Ktiiibnrccr , 12Jtfe : biiei ; , | : iv < l4c.
Hl'-AXs Infeiior stuck. 75 ; 1.00 ; Rood
clean eounlrv. .SI.OOfisl.25 : inciKnin , Imnil
picked , sl.0iil.40 : ; ; hand picked , navy , S1.40
( icl.50.
I'ltovismxs-Ham , njiebrcakfast ; bacon ,
lOc : clear side bacon , b c ; dry &alt hides ,
So ; sliouldois , 7ediietl ; bcel , ictcnlar , lie :
titled beef , ham pieces , He ; laid , 50 Ib cans ,
tl e : lard , -Olb cans , Kaiibank , ti > ( o ; laid ,
10 Ib cans , Kuli hanks. 7e ; laid , 5 Ib cans ,
FalibanUs , 7'&c ' ; lard , 3 Ib cans , r.ihbunks ,
7'.je. '
Ai'i'i.i : * The mnikct icmiilns about slradv
rind falily active for this season ot the year.
Choice Missomi stock. S.Vr. < Z'J.J0 ; Michigan
stock. S2.50 ; fancy Mlchlmm. S3.00 ; limey
.Michigan , 10 to 25 bbl lots. S > 2,7'i.
I'oiATons Tliecohleathcr has cut oil'
011 tlie fresh supply anil dealers am depend
ing upon tlio stoeUt , nlieaily on hand tu sim
ply tlio tunic. ( Jliolco stock , per Im. , .Vc- ) ,
lancy stock , per bu. . 5Jc ; fair to good . ' ! . ' ( < ? | . " > c ;
cliolco stock , .small lots , Irom stoic , .Vjc ; Salt
l.ake , choice. bOc.
ONION'S The maiket lomalns about steady
at lornicr quotations. Common stuck pur
bu in bulk. 75c ; lair togonil per bu. . trom
store , lKc@S1.00 ) ; choice yellow , UOj@SI.00.
CiiiiTho : : ! maiket is .steady. Choice
slock per do4Uc : extra largo , per dosue. .
Ovsnins Mall orders have been very
heavy , and the bulk ol'oy 1ois shipped to the
outside trade has been unusually Janre.
Mediums , 2'Mi ; .stamlaids , 2S ; selects , 30 ;
evtra selects , U5c : N. V. counts , 3k1.
UA.MI : There has been a llbeial supply of
game nn the maiket and tlin demand has
been good. I'rairlo chicken , per doz ,
doz , S3.oO ( < ii.50 : ; deer , Middles , iier Ib. llC'C c ;
tloer , carcasses , per Hi , b@Jc ; elk saddles per
Ib , ' .i < j ; ell ; , carcasses , per Ib , SQGe ; antelope ,
sathlles. per Ib , HMl2e ; antelope , caicasses ,
peril ) , 7ftbu ; Jack labblts , per doS3.5D ;
small rabbits , per doSl.MX ( < il.25 ,
' Messina , per box 50.50(37.00 ( ;
r.s .lamalcas. per box. S5tO : Jam
aica , per Mil , S 10.00 ; Florida per box , 85.50.
( 'HANiir.iiRiis : Capo Cod , lancv , per bbl ,
57.75 .00 ; bell and bugle , per bbl. 87.50
bell and chorrv. ner bbl , ti7.00.
JJAXAXAs-Thero is no cliango in the
maiket. liananas , yellow , jxjr bunch , S2.00Q
2.2.5 ; bananas , yellow , large , per bunch , 5 > 'J.5o
( itAi'ES M alaga , rcciilar bbl , 57,50 ;
Malaga , extra large bbl. 5S..W.
Fi.oun AND MILLS-TUFF * Winter wheat
flour , best qualitj patent , 82.75 ; second niul-
jty. 32.40 ; best quality spring wlieat
flour , patent. S2.CObran,50o ; porc\vtchopied ; )
fenl , 70c per cwt ; white corn meal. jOe ;
yellow corn meal , Mta per cwt ; screening , fioc
per cwt ; hominy , JJ.Oo per cwt ; shorts , 5'xi
PPTcwt ; irraham , $1.00 ; hay , In bales , 55.503
Gi'ocerV Jdst. : In bbls. SC.50 ; dn , In
ha f bb s , Si.75 : ; small , in bbls. S7.50 ; do , In
! ihaif1Dbf84ii7k'tlorlslus' : ! " " " s-60 ;
Sviiui' Xo. 70. 4-gallon kegs , S1.20 ; Now
Orleans , per irallon 3sf40c ( : manle ; syrup ,
half bbls. "old time. " per gallon , 72c l gal
lon cans , ner doz , 810.00 ; halt gallon cans ,
per dor , S5.00 ; quait cans , S3.0u.
'loiiAcco-Pliig , rllmax , 4te ; horseshoe ,
37c ; btar.S'Jii ' ; spearhead , 3Uc ; plperheldaick ,
COc : gold shield , Sic ; merry war , 23c : J. T.
CASDY Mixed , 0fll'fc ( ; stick ,
CIIACKKIIS Uarnenu's soda , butter nnd
picnic.-V c : creams , s' ' o ; ginger snaps , sic ;
° '
Solu's 'ftlrk * sayon1 Imiwrlal , S170 :
Kirk's satinet. StOO ; Kirk's staml.ud , SSWOj
Kirk's white Kusslan. 54 00 : Kirk's whitecap -
cap , SC.'iO ; dome , F3. < ! 5 wnshboaul , Ea.10 ;
\ \ hllc cloud. S'1.75.
Uoi-E-'i Inch. ! 'Hc-s ' ? inch , 10c ; } $ Inch ,
P1 c.
c.Dnir.i > Fin IT No. J quarter apples
rowdercti , " 'ii'ie ' : cut loaf ,
0'i.ta re ; crnnnlntctl , oVc ; coniectloncrs' A
tiHtSGe' standanl extra 1fiVcW - c ; extar
.fiii5l ( ? < c ! mctllnm yellow , ; , @ . ' ) .
CANNKD (5ooiOy ( .tprs , Miuidard. per
case , S3.2 > ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , S J.OO ;
raspberi le . 2 lt > , per case , $ M' California
pears , per ca c , S4.5U ; apilrots , per ens.- ;
? l.OO ; peaches , per cs o , W.2oj white chcr-
lie * , per c.i'e , 5(5.00 ( ; p um , per case. S3.05 ,
blueberries per case , fl.S'i ; tuc plums. 2 Ib
per ease , . " 2.MJ ! pineapnli-o , 2 Ib , per cnso
H20 ( < r.rr > ; 1 lu mackerel , per tloS1.J50 ;
1 Ib salmon , per doz , SI. , V.1.GO ; 2 Hi goose ,
berile * . percale , SI. 75 ; 2 ID string beaux , per
ca e , S1.7U ; 2 Ibilma beans , per ca e , Sl.GO ;
2lb marrowfat peas , .per crt -e. 32.10 ; 2 Hi
r.iily Juno peas , par case , $2.7.'i ; : i Ib toma
toes. S2.10@2.2.'i : 2 lb.corn S'.MOvH'i'.Xi.
CorKims Ordinary crade , rKl5 tfc fair.
WJtfon-lc ; prlmi-l.@l4he ; cliolcel43j ( < U.Ve ;
lancy git-en ami jellow. IfXjUCc ; old nov
el iiment Java , 20 200 ; Intel lor Java , InJrfA
2c ( ) ; M ocha , ! Ka2-4c : Aibncklo'.s ro. sti-d
K'-ic ' ; MeLauchlin's XXXX roasted , 11V ;
Dilworth's , 17J < e ; Kcd Cios $ . 17Jfe.
Gcnornl 3lnrltots.
Wool. Medium l&.jWOc per Ib ; fine heavy ,
14'alilc ; light , ! C@lSc ; coarse , 14iC10c ( ; burry
wool , 2 ( < vrc oir. . . . . . . ,
im > is : ( irccii butchers , fit c ; gccen cured ,
8 > ifctbKcdiv ; Hint. IKfJUic ; thy salt. H&MOe ;
urcon c.ilf hklns , ' .Wac ; daiuaucd hliles ,
tuo-thlitls ] iilce. Tallow i'Ke. ( Si ease
I'l line white , 3i : yellow. 2c ; blown , 1 ?
hhcep 1'elts ITig'&c.
UIATIIIU ; : 1'rlmo slaughter sole leather ,
3 o ; piimeoak solo leather , JMiSibc. Upper
leatlii-i1 per foot , 20C't'-.V ; hem. kip. M&UMC ;
oak kip. J ® aV ; French kip , fcl.OOCrfl.20 ;
hem , calf , S1.00CJ1.10 : < uk call. 81.00c ? l.2. ;
French call , ; 51.2.@l.bO ; Morocco , boot log ,
ao iWe : : Moioccooil pebble. 2s > S'5.'c ; toppings
ttnil lining , oo < woc.
HKAVY JlAitnwAitr. iron , rain S2.SO ;
plow hteul special east , le ; crucible steel , ic ) ;
cast tools , do. 12r < us ; ; wagon spokes , per set ,
S1.7. > ( : J.OO ; hubs , per set , 51.25 ; telloes ,
wiwetl tliv. SI'V ; tongues , each , 75c ; axels
each. 73u : snuitie nuts , per Ib. 10J71c ; coil
chain , per Ib. fi.ul''c ; malleable. G6i c ; mm
weilaes , Co ; crowbars , Oc : hairow teeth , 4c :
spring steel , 7 ( < cSe ; llurdon's horse shoe- . ?
kegs S2.CO ; < lo. half kegs , S2.0D ; < lo. ( mailer
kegs , Sl.,10 : blasting kegs , 52.33 ; fuse , per 10
Icet. We. l.eatl bat , Sli ) .
VAitxi < iir. ' < llunels , per gallon : j-nrnl-
ture. estia , S1.10 ; furniture , N'o. 1. St.Ofi ;
coach extra , SI. 10 ; coach , No. 1 , 1.20 : Da-
mar , extra , 81.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum ,
extta HJC ; shellac , S3.50 ; hard oil llnlsh ,
El.r > o
bi-iiiiTS Colocno spirits , i s proof , SI.17 ;
do 101 proof. Sl.l * > ; spirits wvoiul iinality ,
101 i > roof , 61.17 : ttii ISS pi oof. SI.10. Alcohol ,
1SS pitiof , S2.1S per wine gallon. Itedlstllleil
whiskies , 81. < K/rl.r ) 0. din , blended , il-dii
2.00 ; Kentucky bouibous , S2.oo@r. 00 ; Ken
tucky and I'Viinsyhanla i.ves , t' ;
( Johleii hoinbon and ivo whiskies ,
$ 1.50(3:1.00. ( : Jiiamlles , Impoiled , S.VOO a.W ) ;
domeslle , Sl.KjiS.OJ. ! ! ( Ciins. Imimiteil , Sl.M )
( Vtfl.OO ; domChtic , $ l.25nn.X ( ) . CliampaKnes.
imported , per case , 62&.00i ( :5..00 : ) ; Ameiican ,
per case. SlO.OOi/filO.oo. /
l'Ai.\is ix Oil. Wliile lead. OmahaV.5P. ,
7tfc } ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , 7.75 ; Mar
seilles fiieen , 1 ton Ib e-iiis , 2c ; ,
cieen seal , 12c ; Fiencll xine. red seal , lie ;
French /.inc. In varnish asit. ' ! 0e : I1 tench
zinc. 70e ; vermlllion , KnglMi , in oil , 7"jc ;
red , lOc : ro o plnic. lc ! ; Venetian led , Cook-
son'h , S c ; icil. Ameiican , IMc ;
ed , 7-tfc } : clnomo yellow , genuine , 'JOc ;
Ditv I'AIXTS Whitn lead , So ; Fiench sine ,
12e ; Paris wliitlntr , 2Mc ; whiting , cllder * .
2f c ; whiting , com' ] , 1'ic ; l.nnpbluck , ( ier-
iiianstown , lie ; lampblack , ordinary , tic ;
I'nissian biuor > 5c ; ultramarine , Ibc ; vanity K-
brown , tjc ; umber , btitnt. 4c ; umber , raw , 4o
Biciiim , burnt , 4e ; sienna , raw , le ; Pane
gieen , ceiiuine. 2.f , Paris green , com
mon. 22c ; chrome green , N. Y. . 20c ;
vermlllion American. Ibe ; Hunan
law ami bmnt timber. 1 tt < cans I2c ; raw and
btuntblcnna , 12c : Vandyke biown , i"e ; 10-
lineil lampblack 12ceoaclt black and ivory
black. lOc ; diop black. lOc : Prussian blue ,
40e : ultianmiine black. ISc ; cliiomo greenJj. ,
M. & I ) . , ICe ; blind and.sliuttergicun. L..M.
< fe D. , ICe ; I'.iris gieen , l c ; Ir.dmn icil , Me ;
Venetian retl , ! > c ; Tuscan , 22c ; American
\ermilllon. L. it I ) . , 20c ; yellow oclne , 2o ; h.
M. & O. D. , IS ; ; good oclne , lOc ; iiaten
diver , be ; training color , light oak , dark oak ,
walnut , chestnut and : ihh. 12e.
DiiUiSAXi ( ) tjiiKMif-V'-s. Acid , carbolic ,
2c ; acid , tartarie , .Vie ; Ij.Isam . copaiba , per
tti , 43cbaik ; sassalras. per Ib , lOe ; calomel ,
icr Ib , 7Sc , clilnclionldla , per oz , 40c ; chloto-
lonn , per Ib.'WJc ; Dover's powder' , per Jb ,
81.25 ; cp omsalts , per Ib , : iKc ; glycerine ,
pure , per Ib , 2jc ; lead , acetate , per Ib , 21c ;
oil , castor , No. 1. purer , ! . , 8I.50c ; oil cistor ,
No. 2 , per gal. , 31.10 ; oil olive , per gal. , SI ' "
oil oilL'annnm. SOc ; opium , S.S.20 ; quinl
P. it W. and It. it.S , , jicr o7c ( ) ; potassl
Iodide , par Iti , S2.K" > ; sallcin. p r oz , 40c ; :
pluto morphine , per oW35 ; sulphur ,
No. 1 Cow. s. 1. s. 12 , 14 and Hi ft S1T.50
No.'J " ' 12,11 audio ft 14.75
No.8 " " 12lJnndlO H W.50
Kq.4 " A * 12.14 and 10 ft 12.0J
IV. It II ft Id ft 18 ft sotrssn L-ift
! Ix4 10.WI | ( ! . ! M lli.50117.00 18.00 21. 00(21.00 (
: : \o'iu.riii ' io.r > ain.oj !
J.\8 . IOW17.00 ) | I8.O ) SI.W Jl.liO
'Ill.f/J ' 1UM 11 } MllT.tO'Ifc.O' ' ' ) ' . ' .MO "i bj ifi.uos . ( aK..iio
IIUiU IBfl ) !
tflf Vf 'I V ( ]
No. 1 , 4 & 0 Inch , 12 ami 1 1 it. , rough. . .817.05
No. 2 , 4 it Cinch , 12 ami 14 It. , rough. . . 14.0J
rilll.IN'O AND I'AIirlTIO.V.
1st com. , J4'in White I'lim l'.utition..S 5.00
2d " " " . . . . 27.50
2d Com. ? b' in. Not way Pine Celling. . . . 14.00
filOOK r.OAKDb.
A 12 Inch. s. 1 s. 4iiO . 5 .00
It 12 inch " " 4JD . 'AJ.SO
No. 1 , com. 12 In. , s. 1 s. . 10. IB it'iO ft. . . 2l.0 > )
No. 2. " ' ' ' . . . 18.f.0
No.2 , " ' " 12& 14 It . 17.00
" " " " 10 ft . 10 , ( > o
No. 1. plaln.Sand 10 inch. . ! . S17.51
No. 2 , pliun.b ami 10 inch . 10.50
' ' ' '
XXjclear. SWorA 'Mand'ard ! S2.50 ; No. 1 ,
T'oHiWhHo'cedar.O In. , KS , We ; 8 In.
< irs. , .iJsTc.
riNi > iUNa.
1st ami 2d. clear , m inch , s. 2 s . S50.00
ad , clear , 1 Inch , s.2 s. , . . . 45.0J
fti. clear , I/ , , I1 J ( 2 in. . . 47.50
B helect , 1 incli , s. 2 k. . . . eii.OO
U select , IJi , 1 H , 2 ln\ .r. . Wl.OO
That Dellolaus Disli Hnsli !
AVnsirtiij.'ton CoviYiiponileiicoNuvv York
World : J iiennl u htory of liigh social life
Ilio other day which niny interest peolo | )
fond of studying tlnnlights nnd shades of
Wiisliinton Mfo. Tllu wife of a certain
millionaire wiio is well known in Wash
ington for her lavish social entertain
ments nnd her equally lavish social ec
centricities was calling thti other day
upon tin ) wlfo of a prominent. Washing
ton resident. The jcsill was inado just
before luncheon hour. The lady who wns
receiving this call is very plain and mat
ter-of-fact , She hojfcd all through tlio
call that lunch would not bu announced.
Slip had heard HO many stories of tins
Oriental splendor of tlin feasts served
each day in tlio lavishly furnished house
of her culler that sliu did not care to have
so distinguished a guest without .somo
special preparations in her honor. Thai
day u hot hash had been prepared by Ilio
cook. That was the mam feature of their
lunch , and tlio Washington liuly thought
with horror of asking the distinguished
caller to go out and lunch upon common ,
vnlcar , cvcry-day hash. Hut before the
caller was ready to go the- servant opened
tlio door between the nstrlor and dining-
room ami announced "Lunch I" The
lady of the house could not do less than
invite her caller to take lunch with Her ,
hoping that shu would rcfnso ami go.
lint the latter accepted and bailed out
with great dignity to tlio bright , modest
diuuigTooiu. Hash was placed in front
ot the crcat lady. She tasted it nt first
with great caution , and then she ex
claimed with great vivacity : "Oh , what u
< lcliciott dish ! You inns' tell me what it
is , 1 must have the recipe for that for
my cook. " Th < lady of the house said in
reply : "It is hash. " The visitor then
repeated the word "ha h , " ns if to fasten
this hitherto unheard-of word describing
this unknown dish In her mind. Hut this
is not the end. The lady of tlio hotiso
was surprised nt reccivinc the no\t day a
note from the rich lady , in which she
said : "Yon must surely send the recipe.
of that delicious dish hnsli , I think you
called itl ; am going ( n pivo a lunch party
to-morrow , and I wish to Introduce that
delicious dish in my menu. "
A tii-owlm * I'oojilp.
ban Francisco Calls In round numbers
the. population of tlio United States in
creases ut the rate of 1,000,000 u year.
The census of 1883 showed n population
of over oO.OOO.OOO , nnd clo o estimates
based on local censuses give in 185)0 ) fid-
000,000. Of this Increase about one-third
is from abroad. Two natives reach the
stage ot action for one foreign-born
resilient. 'J ho ratio of native increase
must in the future lie greater , as the na
tive clement is constantly growing larger
while the foreign is about stationary. ' 1 ho
Immigration lor last year wns a little
larger than that of IbSI. nnd this year
promises to exceed the last ; but both
years show a decrease on several pre
ceding years. .Many thoughtful persons
are anpreliensivo of future trouble
through this rapid increase of population ,
f.n largely drawn from foreign soinces.
Tlio .spectacle of from JSOO.OOK to100.000
foreiiriicis being absorbed annually into
our industrial force is one. they'tliink ,
which can not be continued without in
time producing a serious disturbance.
It should be borne in miiul that when a
foreigner comes to this country and Do-
comes a part of its laboring force lie be
comes also n part of its consuming foice.
In many cuscs he does work in this coun
try which In his absence would be done
in Kntopo. Until Urn population ni-
proaclies tlin limit of our producing ea-
jmi'itv the foreigner may as well work
hero as in Kurono. We now t\portgrnin :
nnd meats which are consumed in Europe.
and thr product ot the consumer's labor
is sent to lib. When the laborer comes
over and works in this country ho eon-
Mime * more of onr agricultural product
than when lie i. in I'urope and he only
atlds to tlin consuming force. In time
the foreign immigration will decrease in
actual numbers , as it is alioady decreas
ing relatively. The number of born
Americans , is every year larger , and will
increase for years ; but the inducements
lor foreigners to come here will grow le s
and less. The immigration question is
therefore Ir.rgely one of the imagination.
The politicians who are disturbed over it
live a quarter of a century too Into. This
country has passed successfully through
thu danger they now think they see in
tiic future. Whatever peril theio may
have been in that question when the na
tion was young and the population was
small has now pas ed away.
Umbqun Joe , well and favorably known
throughout Southern Oregon as chief
scout tor ( icncrnl I'rcmont in Ins explo
rations through Northern California antl
Southern Oregon anil the firm friend and
ally of the white sclllcrs in the Koguc
lUvor Indian war , was killed by Ins ton-
in-law. Albert Pico , on the 12tn inst. , at
his home on Kogue Hivcr , eighteen miles
below ( iraut's Pass. I'ico , after receiv
ing a mortal wound from Joe , who actcil
in , fired three shots from a
Martini rille. one taking cfl'ect in Joe's
lioait tind the other penetrating the
right lung. Both men were dead in one
minute alter the liritig commenced.
Smith committed suicide at
Reno rccentlv. He had been nlaying
poker at the Palace saloon. In the last
hand he held four kings and staked all
Ins wealth about $10 on the cards. His
opponent held four aces , and raked down
the not. Early the next morning lie
walked to tiic center of the bridge span
ning the Truckce river on Virginia street ,
and leaping into the stream below was
"Indian ( icorgo. " a Cherokee Indian
who lias resided for many years in Oregon
gen , was found dead recently on the
Khisknnino. lie had been out hunting
with his pack of hounds and evidently
had fallen dead from heart disease. ' His
hounds guanlep his body nnd refused to
let anyone touch it lor several days.
Wlien the body w.ts placed in the colliii
one of the faithful dogs cnmo up , licked
his dead masters face , and then with a
low moan Jnid down nnd died.
Miss Sadie Hamill , ot Sacramento
county , Cnl. , hail two lovers , , J. H.
Humphrey anil Henry Mitchell. She
conkl not tell which she liked best , antl
the party drove to Sacr.imonto , anil by
agreement she remained sitting in a
vehicle on K street , while the two young
men went into the Peerless saloo'n and
played a game of poker to see which
should retire frcm I lie contest for her af
fections. Humphrey won the game and
drove oft"witn tlio young lady , while
Mitchell drowned his borrows in the
flowing bowl ,
Jtitlgo Stonherg had a. short session yes
terday morning , at which n number of un
important cast's were disposed of.
Drunks , vagrants and thieves made up
the liM.
Artists' Material.
" " "
A. JIOSl'Ej ,
Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
Till DoiiKliiB Street , Oinchi.
Agricultural Implements.
' "
Wliolepulo Jle.ilcr In
AerriPiilturnl ImplementH , Wagons ,
CarrlUifca mid llnci'li'K. Jones vtiect , betvtien 'Jill '
Agricultural Imiilements ,
Wnjont.rnrrlmtes , HiiBKles , Ktc.Vliole' < ale , Omaha.
WholCbuloDvnlRrs In
Agrk'tilinrtil ImplementP ,
( Vngontaml ISunsleg. ! JlWIi > JJ u nil'.07. Jones et
Butter and Eggs.
Imyers of Hut tor and Eggs.
RefrlccrJtornml 1'nrklni ; llouso , Jith nnd l.oa\en-
HurlhBt. , K.I' , u. It.Truck,4Jtnulm.
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
Huilders'Ifardwnrft&Scalo HepnirShop
Mochnulco'Toolinml IlntTilo Hralej. J(0i DuiijUa ( . ,
Onmbn , Neb.
JsELS , FRIED cl ) CO. ,
Jobbers of Hardware nud Nails ,
Tinware , Mieet Iron. Kto. Atientn tnr HOWB fccalen ,
ami Miami I > owderC'u.Omiilia.r < ub.
Wliolesalo Hardware.
Western ienti for JefTernon Mcel Nnlli. Austin
I'ondrrCo , Kulihankn btundurd r > o lc . Curutr
lOlb mid llarney. Otnoba.
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
Wrought unit Tatt Iron llulldlni : Work , Iron Ftalri ,
ItullTmr , Ileama unU ( ilrdori. Mcuin Kiij.-lnet.UruM
Work.ULiieral Foundry , Machine and DhukimliU
\Vor . UCc ] and Wurki.U. 1' . Ily.nndl7th lieet.
Butchers' Tools.
lintchers' Tools and Supplies ,
Ju se CulDfi of all kind ! ulwarBlo iitock. 1215
Juncmtr. , Ouivha ,
Boots and Shoes.
AHiER ic A N YL IND" ' .s / ; it'iTu
SHOE coMi'ANr ,
Mnnufacttiror * nnd Wholesale Doslpr * In
Hoots nml Shoes ,
Complete Hock of Itnt'hor oo.l < nlw jon hand
K > . | t = . 13th Bt. . Oiniiliii , Nrb. A. T. Atntln , Agent.
ir. r. MORSE CP Co.
.Tobbors of Hoots nml Shoes.
1 < 11 rnrnnmH.Orunlis.Nob. Mnmifaptot ) , Summer
t ir * ct , lloMnn ,
/ . T."LIX
Wholesale Kubber HooH nml Slides.
n < ) Toll lloot , a S. llth
Agt. for Auhcuser-Hnsh ttrcwinir Ass'u
Spcclnl nrnmK Vnutt.ltnitvelicrnml Krlnnscr.
' TLER ,
Hoer Ilrewer. < ,
VSl Nortli I8th Mrrot , Omnhn , Neb.
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
Omnha ColTeo ami Spice
Tc J.Coirro < , Fnlrc , Itaklni ! I'onilT. _ .
tractg.uunaiT Illuo , Ink , Kto. lilt lilll.irnejr
Mtrol.Oainlin. Nob.
Homo Cofleo nud Sjiieo Mills M'f'pr T < .
Ooffpo Kuixtera niul SplM-Oilmli'rs , Mamir.uturor
nf llnklnti I'owUcr. I H orint ! rxlrtict , Itlnltifr. Ktn.
1'rTolio rn otniir 1-t piKkiiKr lloinu lllcnil KiuMOJ
OoITco , lu > j 11 on a nl M , Omihn , Ncli.
lolin Eiioneter , 1'rop.
Mnnufnctiircr < if Ofthnnlfoil Iron nml Cornice. 033
l 103 nml IC5 y , IQlli > t. . timnln.Nct' .
Jl 11OLTE ,
Mitnuf.ictiirrrit of
Ornniuputnl ( talvnuixctl Cornices ,
Dormer WliuUiwn , VlnnlMcliillcMvjll Mcle. 3103.
lifi m. , Ouinlin.
C. Siieclit , 1'rop.
Gnlvnnlrcil Iron Oornlce . etc. HnoclVlraprovnt Tnt-
cut .Mrtnllcbkyllitit. Ml uiullU ) S. Kill vt.Oniiilia.
OMA icAlU'ET CO. ,
Jobbon of
Carpeto , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Tlnys ,
J.lnoliMuii' , .Miittlnc ! . Kto. 1511 DotiK'n * ttrot'l.
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
K , CiirtHln Coed < . Ktc. m.l rninnm Mrcct ,
Omalm , Neb.
Crockery and Notions.
Agent for tlin Mnmifncturcrs nn J Importers of
Crocker } ' , Glassware ,
Lnmpr , Cliliunc > ! ' , rtr. omro , 317 South 13tb ct.
Oinulin , Ncti.
Commission and Storage.
Commission anil .lobbiup ; .
lluttPr. rwnnnil I'roiliice. CiinilKiioicnti pnllclted.
UuiilqiiiutcrH foi Moncnnru. llt'rry Iloxi Hint
( irni'U ' Hi9kuti < . HU
Commis ion Merchants.
1,1'rochice ntnl 1'rovlslona , OmnliH , Nob.
Storapro and Commission Jferehaut.
Uiioelnltle' Kultc1KBB . ( 'heoae , P.itiltrjCiimo ,
Oymeni , Ktc. . lUv. llSbontli Kth trect.
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , llutltr , fimne , rnilln , etc. 2 ) S. th t
Unutlui. Cseli ,
General C'onunission Merchants ,
Antl.loblier of roiulKii Hml DnniCBllo Kriiltn. Corrc-
sponflenee enllcltcil. Wairlumse ami olllep , II'J ' N.
Thirteenth M , ( ) mnliiNtib. : TeleplHinoTT't.
1' . ROCCO < C CO. ,
inportcri' nml whciloinlo Oenlurj In
Italiiiu Produce ,
rorrlpn , nninosllcmi'l California Fruitj nml Cotnmli.
Bion Mcrtliar.U. 104 S. 14th nU Only eielutlro
fraltliouie liiOinnlin.
Coal oneLime. .
Dealers In
] Iard ami Soft Coal ,
Officennrt rani , icth nml Nlcliolnn sl . , Ornnlm , Neb.
Ytir > M'clciliiinoUI7. |
Ueu. . . iAiiA..i [ . I'rex. C. P. GOODMAN , v. rrc .
J. A. hUXiEHlANl ! . MnU Troim.
.Tobbors of Hard nml Soft Coal.
801 "until TlilrtPPiitli Street , OniHhn , Neb.
, LT. .lOIlXNON' ,0 CO. ,
jranufacturers of Illinois White Lime.
And MilpppiK of t' unit C'o' ' < . Comcnt , 1'lnntnr ,
Ume , II ilr. Klro llrlik , Dr.iln , ailu ami Si-nerl'lpn ,
onuc , I'axtoii llot'il. Fnrmim t > t. , Oin itm , r eb.
, r { Y f { , (
MannfactnrinsrConfectioiier.s ,
Jobbernof riullBKit iunl Clxam. 1211 runiutn Kl.
Live Stock Commission.
M. JtiriiJCK i NOXti ,
Live Stock Coiiiinission.
Cna. Hurke , .
iJnlnnFtnck Viml" , : ; . omnhn. 'I clepdono W2.
Live Stock Coinmissloii Jlerclmuts ,
Bblpmcnts of MIT nni ) all klailx of hinrk eolloltcd.
Union Stock Vniiln , Omahn , Neb.
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobber : ) of Cigars , Tobacco ,
Guns Hiul Ainmiinlllnii to2 lh lllh H. . 1070 to
JU.'I rurmiin btOin ili.'i.Noli ,
Manufacturers of Fine Ciirurs ,
And Wholomln Denlers In I.enf Tobareoii , NOB. 103
and 111) ) N. Hlb ftreet , t ) nuliu.
Wlioloiala Hauler * In
Cigars , Tobaccos , Pipes and Smokers'
Articles ,
r I ) . lorf \ Co. , rino-Cutnnl Hniok-
lnirTnbacco , Mllnraukoa , Wlncontln. No. J12
North SUtsontliblroet , ( iiutlin. Neb.
Dry Goods.
M. E. SMITir , V CO , ,
Dry Goods , Fumlali ing Goods iV Notions
IKWuncl 110 < Douiilng , cor. lltliHt. , Oiniihu.NHi.
Ulttlllererif llruni ] . Alcohol nml Spill ) ! , Iniporlem
mill JoUbtTkufVluubUiiU Liquor ! ,
CO. and ILER < 0 CO. ,
Importer * anil Jobber * of Fine \Vlnen iiml I.lqnnrt.
boloinHiiuf&ctuiemof KcuiiPd } ' * Kn t ladhi llll-
tiTJiiiulDoini 'lc I.l < | iioi3.1IU llarnef t-t.
Drugs , Paints , Etc ,
Lai-gout Jrnir ) , i'aint.Oil Ailiins ( House
Wettof Clilfaco , Complolo Line nf liruj : ! H BUD-
diitii. llll llANiur tt.Omnlia ,
Drain Tile , Etc ,
A , ll.SAi'Kii.Pren. JAV lltril
11 , J. CAitPo.v. V.I'rcB.und
Office 511 K. Kth el. . Onalia , Neb. Jlndilncrj-jnd
unufacturltiK Cuuicnt Drain 'Jlle.
Wholesale Dealers In Furniliirj ,
rornatn t. , Omaha , Nob.
Furniture , 15eddln'i ( Upholstery ,
Mlrruri.etr. IW.iaa ji.a 1210 K r'o m t , Ocuabn.
Groceries ,
Wholesale Groceries nml Provisions ,
No * tft.-i.7tr ? . TIP Bnil 711 S. IQtli St .Onnln. Neb.
McCORD , llRA D Y l ! CO. ,
Wholesale ( Jrocers ,
Pth onil l.r Tnwort1i M < , Om hi.
w./ .
Heavy Hardware , Iron niul Steel.
Spring * , WfiRim Slock , llnnln/ Lumberetc. 1303
unit Ull llnnier M. , ( imnlin.
Wliolcsnlo Iron nml Stcol ,
wrnniinit OirrlniroWooil Ptorlc , ItraTT lU
htc. JSI , nnil Mill \ . .tncimortli t. , Umitlm , Neb ,
Stoves , nances , Furnace ? , Tiles ,
M/mllcn , ( Uitlfii , ltni oed . 1:21 : nnd 133 Fnumm
Dealer in Lumber. Imth , Mine , Snsli ,
Doort , Kto. Timid-Corner Ttli nml DoiijUil Corner
lull nnil
Wholesale Lumber ,
8US. 14th droolOmnhnNcli. F.Ootpcttor ,
Wholesale .Itnvclei'.s nud Music .Dealers.
UpnlPM III Sllvcrnnro. Dlninnmliv , Wntptipt. C'lnrkt ,
JonelcTB Tools niul M uMnli > . oiC. till nmllOJ 15th
it. , cor. IH lK < * , ( unlm , Noli.
1.1th nml Pnllforrln MrocI" , Oninht , N b.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. . Etc.
Cor. f.tli mill IKniiilin it * , , Omnlm. Nul.
3' W. HAltrEYLUMliER CO. ,
To Dealers Only.
Office , 1(0.11'lirnitin ( trect.Orunlm.
ClIAS. Jl. LEE ,
Hardwood LnmbcV ,
\Vooil CiirpoU nml 1'nrqnrt Fluorine. Dili nml DouictM
Wholesale Lumber , Kte.
Impnrlnl nml AniiMlean I'orlluiiil t'i'iiienl. Hints
Agcnl lorMllnmUiM ) llv > lniiillf < Vuiuul uiul Httt
Lire Slock.
Of Omaha.
I.lmttml. Joint K. rtojrd , S'lperlnler.dent.
Millinery and Notions.
iiwwilittd ?
liniiortcru nml Jobber * of
Millinery nnd Motions ,
1311 nnd UMSllnrncy , Om lm , Noh.
C s. Goomncir , ccol ,
Are the only Direct Importer'of
Gorman & French Toys & Fancy fJ
Iu Nulirnnkn. Chlcnfo prlrc-n dinillcntcil without udd-
InetrclKlit. Ul.'i r rnMn : Slri'rt.OninliH.
jm rj'ionr o wrioif co. ,
Wholcenlu Donlerfl In
Notions and FuriiNliim ; Ooodn ,
(0.1 itiul ( W H Truth SI , Omnlin.
Jobbers In
Xotioii3 , Hosiery nnd ( tents' Furnishing :
( iomls.
lOOrtnnd 1OT Rirnnrn t. Omnhn. Null.
Paper Boxes
rL. . U'lLKJK ,
Jrniiufne.tnrer of Paper Hexes ,
ID'S. Uili St , Oinnhi , Nclinmkii. Onlcri by inall-a-
lltkl'il anil will ruiclvo | ironi | > t ictU'iitlun.
MannfnetnrcrH of OvrrnlN ,
Jennn I'.nitB , Milrln , lltr. llfr.'niicl HOI Douiflin Street ,
( Illlllllll , NHI. |
, N h Printers , Jlluiik Hook .
And Hook lllmlcr.IU. . ! nml KH Soutli ruiirtuuntb
Ktrect. Omuli i , N'ob.
Auxiliary I'I
I > rliitrr
f-inlMi Tnolftll Mri'Ol.
Pic files. Vinegar , Etc.
Miuiiifncturerfi , I'licUcra mid lie.ilpis In
Plekle ? ft. Strictly i'nro Apple Vjuepni *
UnUI'iK I'DHiler , riiivurlni : iTtinrit ; , T.ililu .s.iuce.
frrn'li Mini'1 'Viuli Illuliu , liini'i1 ! ' . > - " . " ' - ' ! ?
holu iiKi'iiti Inr VoiU hliiti ! Muni llolliivil Ai | | > lu Cl-
ULT , It'lfl ' I oavrnwijrlli hi. , ouiiili i.
Safes , Etc.
, .
Affouts for Hall's Sufo & Lock To.s'
Mr i ) mill llurtf r Proof SufiTlnin l ielcv , V&nlts
nndjitil Worn. 1IU ) Kiirniiin ntrnut Oinahn , .N'eb.
Oinnha Sato Work" .
llnniiriiclurcrxof I'lreunil nurelarl'iixifSnros , Vault
Diiors , \VniUMnitior jicicl VV ini Wruk. Cur.
lltliHliilJiu'kBdu hl . , < lni.hii ( , .Nub.
Sas/i / , Doors , Etc ,
lu M nmfactiircM of
Susli , Dooi'K , IHinils anil Moulding ,
lltiiiidi oincu,12lli mid 1/iinl flu , < lmitin.Sell. :
< / . / ' . LYMAX ,
Sasli , Duo i1 , ISIiiuls , Jlmil
Ilullillni ; rjpur , it . lull S.Milli . 'riilrtconlli Htreet ,
OniuljnNeb. A fomiilflB toclio < llulhler '
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Moulct'jin.r-liilr ' WorUmiil Interior Hani Wnml I'lnleb
Juit oiJt'liuJ. N , I. for. Bill mid l.uuveiiwi > rtlibl .
Oruuba , Neti.
Wholesale Pumpn , Pipe , Fittings ,
Btcmiiiinil Witter huppllet llen < liuniler | < fi < r Mait
1 oMCo' ( iuo'l > . llll I uruaiii > t. . Omabu.Neb.
Pumps , 1'lpcs and J'ngiiies ,
Btcutn , Water , llullwny ami .Mllllnir htiiilleii. | | Elo.
WO , 1. ar.ilW4 Furniun t.t > nmh.i. Nub. _
ivT7 WIND EXCINEttml 1'UML *
nnll.ulnr Wind MIUn r1 1 earn nnd Whter Huprlles.
J'liuntilniMJoi-'lii , Hefting HII.H. VI * ami ' .Ml fur-
uuu UiOmaba. h 1C. hulton , MiiuaKcr.
'lelephimu No.VIU.
Wholesale. 'J'ninks ' ,
Mlllaril Hotel llloek , Omalm ,
Wagons and Carriages ,
Tlie heailing Carriage Factory ,
( KHTAIII IHIII II ! . > . )
KdJand 1411 D lgu ilrcet Omaha.
Building Material.
Ill'.ikTln All KlniUof
lluilding Material at Wholesale.
18th btruct and Union 1'adllo Trnek , Onuha.