THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , /NOVEMBER 30. 188G. THE FOUNTAINS IN COURT The Adventuress talks of Her Bing an the Baby. CONFERENCE OF CHARITIES 'Jlio Hoard of Trntlo Mcctlne Th Donlvnti Case An Itnllnn Uob- tcry Court Notes null Other Ijocnl Matters , Mm. I onntnln'a Trlnl. The case of Mrs. Laur.i U. Fotintal was called in Ilia court of Justice llclslc lust night nt half past seven o'clock. ] will ho remembered the liulyvn chnrpctl with carrying out of the stnt mortgaged property , namely A ? 350 dlr inotid ring winch she had procured : i the store of Edholm & Kdckaon. The fair dcfondont was ou hand wit her husband and snt in u euutmlcd cornc of the room. Hur plump , v/cll-roundci form was clad In a pluin traveling dress which was nearly covered by a hcav. miltunt or capo. She wore n dark veil which filio did not lift until nt the conclt Hlon of thn session , when she whlspcro * ! i few hurried words into the oar of ou of her attorneys. MessM. Thnrston & Martlclt ropn sented Airs. 1'ountnin , whllo the stnt \Tjis roprcsontcd by Judge Lake nnd \ \ S. Folkcr. The court room was crowdc with spectators. The llrst witness examined was W. J IMIiolm , of the linn ot Kdholm & Knck BOH , who had sold the ring to Mrs. Four tain , lie testified that Mrs. Fountain ha some tlmo in June , about IhclUtliorllU come into the store nnd purchase ) the ring for $350 , making a.smuH pa\ incut down , nnd giving n chattel raorl cage for the balance. After a day or tw Hliu en mo back , and in nn angry Wn threw the ring on the counter and sal that SIIK JII > N1T WAST IT. Jlcr httsband , she said , objected to he giving a mortgage for the ring. She sai furthermore , witness testified , that h objected to Her wearing It. She did no say that she had purchased it as a prcsen lor her husband. The witness then wen on to say thnt Mrs. Fountain had lei the ring , but returned again aftoru whil ho could not say how long and sail that she would like to get the ring for : while to wear to Spirit Lake. Shu vrouli return in n few days nnd settle up every thing satisfactorily. Witness ngreed ti let her have the ring on those terms , ox cc tiled r.o mortgngu , nnd only nipilo : memorandum of the event in a book kop purposely for such things. Severn months after Mrs. F. returned fron Spirit Lake , and on or about Novcmbui 14 , 1883 , a second mortgage was exccutct and signed by Mrs. Fountain , who gnv' ( n Buries of notes , payable nt $2 monthly , AND TOOK THE KINO. The hooks of the linn were produced , bu failed to throw much light upon tin trnnsnotion , Indeed , the tended ruthc to confuse it. Witness testified ti having loaned Mrs. Fountain $5li ) tit one time , having taken ii security , thorctore , a mortgage 01 nil her household goods and furniture She had repaid the amount. The nigh before Mrs. F. had left for St. Paul wit ness sent a mau to her house to got th ring. She refused to give it up , aaynif thnt she did not intcndto leave the city Up to that time , Mr. Kdholm testilied , In had the train watched for KKAIt JtlW. FOUNTAIN WOUL1 > SKIP. As soon .an she said she did not intend t < leave Unmha ho did not have any om stationed at the depot. The next morning she left town. "How do you know she took the rim with her ? " asked Air. Uartlett. "Because she told mo so herself. " "WhonV" "A few days ago. " "WhercV" "At the transfer. When she wai coming back with the constable from St Paul.'r "You were over there ? " "yes. " "What did you go over for ? " The witness hesitated and blushed. 'Did you go over on business ? " nsdc ( Mr. Uartlett. "Yes , " replied tlio witness , "I did. " "Didn't you say that you went over t < compromise the nflairv' "No , I didn't , I did not say a word l < her about money when f mot her in tin room at the Transfer hotel in the HIiifTa I don't remember all that was said. . know thnt , for one tiling , wo TAI.KKO AUOUT THE IIVHY that was found on her door.steps. 'Shi ' wfxiil she didn't want mo to say anvlli'mi about it , because film didn't want poopl hero to know that it wasn't her own She showed me its picture. It seemed t' ' boa real nice baby. " At tin's juncture a titter ran throng ! the court room. Judge Thurston adjustoi his gold-rimmed spectacles thoughtfully Air. Fountain looked confused , and hi b | > 'juso blushed and giggled. Several wltnewcs men employed ii Kdholm' : ) store were examined , bu throw no further light on the ease. Constable Kdgerton testified to havin/ / arrested her in St. Pan ! and brought ho to Omaha. On the way down she talkoc considerably about the ring. Shu sail that site took it out of thu state by ndvic of her attorney. Mr. Fountain was the first witness fo the defense. He appeared to be ratlio nervous. At first he talked in a low am almost iunudible voice. Later on Ii guthurcd conlidenco and spoke so that In could bo heard nil over the court room llu snid thnt on the 14th of Jim lie was presented with the rin ; hy Ids wifn as a birthday present. Sin did not say anything at the time nbon its being mortgaged , but he discovorci afterwards from a paper that such wa thn case. He immediately told her to re turn it , which she did , Subsequently shogotthu ringiigain , and ho had won it since. It was A COMIIIN.VTION ItlXO , nnd could bu worn either as it stud or 01 thu hand. He learned nftcnvurds that i second iuortga < ; u had been givun by hi wife , which mortgage was illegal be calif o slut had been eoerccil into giving it by threats ou the part of Mr. Kdholm In January , 1880 , Mr. Fountain tuMilied lie went to Washington , leaving the riii ; with his attorney. Came bauk in n fev ilaysi and , when going away with hi wife in January , took the ring with him Went from Omaha to Now York. " "What did you do with the rlngV asked th attorney for the prosecution. "Do I have to tcllY" asked Fountain turning to the judge. I'pou being assured that he did. tin witnessronlioii : "Isold it. " "t'or bow much * " " . " "Igot-tlSOforit. "AH cnsh " I "No , partly in money and partly ii another ring which I hnvo since worn,1 "Did your wife know that you wen going dispose of it ? " "ifo. sir , she did not. " Mr. Fountain made a bad break in s.ty Ing that his wife had come to Omali : about three weeks ngo. Ho was sure o it , ho said , because lui had received tclo trains from her while at this point Afterwards ho hastily corrected hirasel nnd said that his wife Uad only coiho a far as Council Blufls. The case was then adjourned until to morrow evening when Mrs. Fountal will testify. The defense is that Mr Fountain gave the second mortgage o the ring when it did not belong to he but to her husband , ami furthermore tin the ring was taken but of the slate , n < by licr but by her husband. CHAUITV Tlic Otijcct of the National Confcrone to He IIcUl Here Next Year. Last night in response to the call of tli UKC' there was a gathering of Indies nn gentlemen In the parlor of the Paxton , I meet 11. II. Giles , of Madison , Wis. , prc idcnt of the national board of chnritu nnd reform , and Andrew E. Elmorc , i Ft. Howard , Wis. , president of the stai board of charities and reform of \ \ \ consm. Among these present were Sci ntor Saundcrs , Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Strl bins. Prof. Gillcspic , of the state instltnl for the deaf and dumb ; General nntl Mr Crook , Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Graff , Mr James II. Woolworth , Miss Duncan an several other ladies nnd gentlemen. After an informal introduction to tl : gentlemen from abroad , the ladies an gentlemen were .addressed by Mr. Gile llu gave a short and accurate account c the origin nnd progress of the nation : board of chartlcs and reform. The lin gathering of fc representative charactc had been held in Chicago , with repn sentatives from three states only prescn From that small beginning it had grow to bo national , comprising the stat Mnss.ichusctts , in which tlie llrst stat board was organized : Connecticut , Noi York , Pennsylvania. Ohio , Indinnr Illinois , Maryland , Wisconsin nnd Min nesota. The mm of the board was to deal will and ameliorate the condition of the in mates of all charitable and corrective in HlituUons , and at the same time to con tribute to a more beneficial and sati.sfac tory conduct of the institution * m wliicl they nro confined. It could ensily , there fore , bo seen that the acts of the boun applied to individuals who are dufuotiv in mental powers , dependent and vicious The cost of im > ! ntaimng all these institu tious , could not bo accurately estimate ) but it is certainly ran tip into the him drcd millions. Their object in coming hero was t < speak to the people of Omaha in genera about the scope of the board nnd nt tin same time to have a certain mutual understanding dorstanding between themselves and tin citizens of Omaha , as to what should b done to advance the interests of tlinbonn mid especially insure the success of th next national conference which is to hi held in .this city sometime next year They wanted to nave COO people in at tcntcndancc upon that conference. The ; had never had less than 000 and the' ' hoped OmuSa would do as well as St Paul did last summer. The conference had no constitution. Kacli state boart was an individual body and might as i thought the needs of its community re quired. The citv in which the conference once is to be held appointed an oxccutivi committee , which in conjunction witl the executive committee of the confer cene , decided upon thn papers to be rent other. details necessary to the conduct o the conference. Mr. El more here paid , that he had bcci around the city during the day , am from the enterprise which ho hat noticed ho had no hesitation in sayin < that Omaha would do her share in tnak ing the gathering a success. Witli re snect to the time at which the confcronci should bo held , he snid that ho bad beoi written by a certain professor who hail expressed a desire to bo present , urn hoped that tlc | conference might be heir during vacation , in order that lie migh bo enabled to do so. The time , however ho snid could be determined upon by thi local executive committee. The last conference , which had boot held at St. Paul , had lasted ono week- Mr. Giles said , and had appointed Severn committees composed ot members n dilVercnt parts of the country , who hi had no doubt would be prepared to re port upon the work assigned them. The executive committee from thi : place , it was further stated , would be expected pected to provide the hall , the nccessnr printing , the badges and details of sucl a nature as would likely be suggested b ; the gathering proposed. It was further stated that there was m initiation tee , and that the expenses outside of those provided for by theloca com mjtteo. worn satisfied by the sales o the wrintcd procodings of tlie conference It was as nearly as possible a free institu tion. Papers wore read , and then an ; lady or gentlemen present was entitled t < discuss it to the extent of live minutes Any person who had anything to say said .Mr , Elmoro , could say a great den in that time. Those who could say noth ing ought not to occupy the time. bcnator Snundcrn moved that Prof Glllespic , Mrs. Dr. Dinsmoro and G. M Hitchcock bo appointed members of tin local executive committee. Prof. Gillespie said that it would bi preferable to appoint a committee o larger numbers and one moro represent : * . tivo of the business , social and profcs sional life of Omaha. Mrs. Dinsmore begged to bo permittee to retire from the committee and loft t < work on the outside , holding that tin committee should bo composed oxelu sivcly of men. Prof. Gillespio she said , had been appointee chairman of the executive committee b1 the last conference , and an Omaha lad ; hns been appointed to assist. Nevcrthc less , slio favored an enlargement of tin committee , and confining its incmbcrshi ) exclusively to gentlemen , Mr. Hitchcock thought it would bo i good Idea to refer the appointment o tlie committed to the board of trade. Hi also favored October as the time for hold ing the conference because it wns tin commencement of our beautiful Indini summer. Messrs. Giles nnd Elmoro hnd bcei invited 10 attend the meeting o the board of trade , at the exposition building , The meeting then adfourned and the strangers , accompanied by Senator ator Sanders , Prof. Gillcspht , and sovera otlmrs , repaired to the boar.d of tradi rooms , but the board had adjourned. Messrs , Giles nnd Elmoro wore intro dueed to President Alyers and Severn ether loading citizens. An informal ox plnnntion of the objects of the conferonci wns undo and assurances were givei that in furthering the success ot tins un dcrtaklng Oinuha would do its duty. IJolh Mr Giles and Mr. Elmoro leavi this morning ; for the cast. A OA.NiNK HI mo. Adcl.ililo Moore's Dog Scottle Bnvc Her Our Prom Fire. Apropos of the engagement o the beautiful young English ac tress , Miss Adelaide Moorevh appears at lloyd's opera house on nox Wednesday and Thursday nights , DC cembcr 1 and 3 , producing "Tho Lady o Lyons , " "Tho Happy Pair" and "Pyg niallon and Galatea , " it may prove inter usting to the public to know that ho special onr in which Him travels caugh firu on last Monday night , and iiad it no been for her Scotch collie dog , "Scot land , " it might have been necessary d chronicle the destruction of probably tin fmest railroad car over built in this cuun try , and possibly an account of the los of the lives ot the occupants. The car left Stillwator at 1:30 : Monday night , and Miss Moore , 'who was vcri much fatigued from playing the arduou role of Juliet , had retired before the trail started , accompanied by her ooustan companion , "Scottier , " a black out tan Scotch collie. Mr. WllUnn B. Moore , Miss Moore's brothel nnd Mr. Edward L. Hlooni , he manager , retired also and the sorvnnl wore not long in following their ovnn plo. The lights were all cxtingulsho excepting ono small hall lamp near th rear of the car , which is always koi burning in case the train officials shotii have occasion to go through , In som unaccountable manner the lamp fell ot of its socket , and in n moment the on of the car wns ablaze. Scottlo was nlci nnd wide nwnko , and his keen mstlm told him something was wrong. Ho sot tip n most terrific howling nnd whining he jumped ami pulled and tugged r Miss Moore , whom ho succeeded i awakening , and she , to her horror , con prchcnded the situation , She called he brother , who , by applying four hand grei ndc. nnd two blankets , succeeded in cj tingulshing the flames before any scrioti damngc hail been done except the ruin : tion of a couple of yards of carpel an the scorching of a little woodwork. Ha the lire had two or thrco minutes mor headway it might have been necessary t chronicle a holocaust instead of nn ac count of a dog's sagacity. This is IK the first time thnt ScoUio hns prove himself a hero , as he once saved a chil from drowning in .tho surf by olutchin Its dross in his mouth and swimmin ashore- when it wns lmiK > sslblo to Inunc a boat. Scottie was owned by tli Duchess of Athol. Ho wns presented t Miss Moore by the Marquis of Duiismon a cousin of the Duke of Athol , when hi three weeks old And has been her fiutl ful companion for five ycara. Kd. Hlooi snys that nothing is too rich for Scotth and that ho shall live on quail on ( oa. < for the remainder of his life. AFTKH TUB INDIAN DKl'OT. Xho Meeting of tlio Board of Trail Lmst Night. A largely attended meeting of tli members of the board of trade and othe citizens wns held al the board of trad rooms last evening for the purpose o tnktng stops to secure- the location i Omaha of the Indian ngonts' suppl ; depot that is about to bo removed wcs from Now York. After President Meyer : had called the meeting to order am stated the object for which it had bee : called. Joseph Garnoau , jr. , made a state ment concerning the nature and cxtcn of the benefits that are to be dorivei from the location of the depot. Th depot , ho explained , wns a plncc for th annual meeting of tlio Indian commie sicners when bids are received for tin furnishing of all needed supplies for al of the IndiuiiH under the care of the gov eminent. Tlieso supplies amoun annually to about $23,000,000. The ex pcnditures for sal I meats , Hour , common and crackers alone amounts to § 0,000,00 annually. Tlic location of such an insti ttition would not only be great benefit tc the manufactories already located here but would bo a great inducement to othei manufacturers to locate hero. Colonel Chase moved that it be tin sense of tiic meeting that all effort shonli bo used to secure the location of tin depot. Air. A. Hosewatcr suggested that : committee of Jive should be appointed t < secure statistics to be presented to tin Indian commissioners , showing wit ; Omaha is a desirable location for tin depot , bemsr the center of the corn belt surrounded by manufacturing establish ments , and possessed of unequalled rail road facilities. Air. Garncau moved that a committee of five bo appointed to visit Wnshingtoi to place Omaha's advantages and claim before the Indian commissioner. Mr. E. Hosewater thought that it wn ; not necessary to send a delegation ti Washington. Tlio Nebraska dolegatipi in congress should be wired to place tin matter before tlie proper authorities. After some discussion Mr. Garncau' : motion was adopted and the presideti instructed to select the committee. 1 nnmber of names were suggested by tin meeting from which tlio selection -shouh bo made. Among them wore : Mayo lioyd , John A. McShano , Joseph Garnean jr. , E. Hosewnter , 11. W. Yatcs , Dr Miller , W. A.L. Gibbon , II. G. Chirk' am Herman Kount/o. A petition urging congress to pass tin Hatch bill providing for tlio upproprht tion of mo nay for the purpose of prornot ing agrioiiHurvil experiments was pro Rented and received a number of signn lures. The Doiiivaii Cnsc. Tlic Ford-Ettgorton-Hart combination formed for the purpose of doing up Mar shnl Cnmmings on the Donivan invest ! gallon case , has been broken. The flrm'i stock of affidavits has been exhausted and Hart , the attorney , is out. Mrs Buckley , who made the affidavit alleginf that she had been induced by Marsha Curamings to maka charges agnins Donivan , has made a statement to tin efi'ect tiiat she lias boon oflbred $50 bi Pat Ford and Edgcrton to sign the alii davit , and that she hud signed it withou knowing its contents. Yesterday Alonz < Jay Hart , the attorney who has bcoi playing tlio fiddle for Ford's dancing made a statement which fully confirm Mrs. Bucklcy'ti statement. He says tha ho was hired by Ford and Kdgorton t < prepare the allidavit for Airs. Itucklcy'i signature , but has not boon able to maki a collection. He also-paid $7.65 to go Mrs. Buckley out of jail sri slio conic sign the affidavit. Ford nnd Kdgertoi have refused to refund this amount , am Hart is out the amount in cash In addl tion to his service. It is understood tha the police committee will be asked ti continue the case another week In ordc : to make the investigation of the wholi matter more complete. tlio Koliber. Pietro Hlunco , a wouthur- beaten Italian appeared at the police station in a badl ; excited condition yesterday afternoon am asked for an ofllcer to arrest a man win hud robbed him. Sargcant Mostyn ans wered the call and brought In a villiunoiu looking son of tlie land of song wlu gave his name as Lcmgo Falbro. Th story of the trouble between the two mci was gained through un interpreter ant dates back to the 'first of May. liinnci was working on the Marysville branch o the Union Pacific , and nad saved $20 which he was going to send to the oh country to bring his family here. Falbn stele this money and skipped out. II was arrested at Beatrice , but wa * rolcasei on a promise of his friends to make gooi thu amount. The promise wns not kep and Falbro caaio to Omaha , where In was found by his victim yesterday . Whei searched at the jail letters from the eli country addressed to Bianco fonm on his person , showing that ho has beoi taking the old man's mail ana thus preventing venting him from getting ! communion tion from his family , Falbro'a friend hayo offered to return the nmouia lo = hy Bianco , and a compromise will probn bly bo olVectod , They Colrt-Dccked Jllm. Gustavo Lindstrom commenced sul yesterday against the Omaha Heal Kstao & Trust company. The petition allege that in August ho contracted with ai agent of the defendants for the purchas of two lots in Walnnt Hill. Afterward ho found out that the deeds whicl were given him were for two lots of ai inferior quality. . Uy the change Lmd stroin considers hinuelf damaged m th sum of $500 , for winch amount ho ask judgement. _ _ Nebraska and Iowa WoatUcr. For Nebraska and Iowa : Light rains slightly warmer , S.MUOQMNO GOODS. How ttio Latest Attempt Cost thi Hmiicclera Only $4OO. About ten days ago n number of chests o tea , in transit between Snn Francisco nm the cast , were opened nt Council BlutTs nm found to contain a number of silk hanclkci chiefs. The goods were PiilTcrod to RO eas upon nn order from Collector Hnsjcr. of Sai rranciseo , on the mymont of SJOU. Tills ac tion on the patt of the tontlcnmn mcnllonei Is n surprise to tlio government olliccrs , who though they had tlothliiK to do with the ox animation of the elirsts , still claim that thi action was lllcital. ' They claim thnt tlio tci should have Ucon forfeited 'to the govern ment , as provided for by section sso-i of tin revised statutes ; and section U&V proscribe further tlmt ono who smuggles or attempts ti enitiefrli' slmll bo lined , upon conviction , no uxcri-dltiK Sffl.OOO. The oflleers hero claln that the California people propose to luiuiln Into the mutter. I'c mi Its , Superintendent W hillock issued build ing permits yesterday as follows : Central Investment company , one- story frame eottapre , Lindsay nvenuo and Thirty-second htrcot S CO a. 12. Well ! , ono and three-quarters * story frame dwelling , Charles , near Twenty-fifth 1,00 Christ Hans , jive one-story frame cottaifPs , Twenty-Ural nnd tirnca streets n.OO Missouri Vnclllc , round house , Sulphur Siirlmcs addition 4,00 S. N. Bell , ono nnd thrcc-qttartcra * story trnnio dwelling , Nineteenth and Locust 2X , ! ) W. It. Ilownr , ono-story frame addi tion to cottacn , Twenty-lifth , near Patrick avenue if. John ( } . Willis , four oiic-storv frame cottapos on extension ot Twenty- tlrststn-et ese Samuel ( . TnthU ! , ono and one-half- story frame dwelling , Twenty-eighth and MlnmI ioo Mne permits. agcrcBathiB $14,21 Two Coxvboys Roblicd. Two cowboj-s from the wild west 01 their way east were tlio victims ot sncnl thieves Sunday night. They stopped a a cheap lodging house , and on retiring placed their vests , containing theii watches and money , under their pillows In the morning , liowovor , when thej awoke , they found tlul thieves had sue cecded in sneaking part of their posses sions while they slept. From one pocke' ' a watch and iff.50 were taken , the robbcn failing to find $30 which was in nnolhci pocket. In tlio other vest tlio Ihicvra found § 20 in money but overlooked a dm gold watch. Tlie cowboys complained tc tlio police , but oould give no clue to the identity of the robbers. DcnU "Wife , Pnuncr Husband. Edward Wood , an old-time resident o ! the city , fell while at work on Thirtcontl street yesterday nnd received a bnctlj sprained ankle. Ho was In dostittitc cir cumstancps and had to bo removed tc tlio poor farm. At the same tlmo a col lection wns being taken up by his friend.- to pav the funeral expenses of his wife who died at St. Joseph's hospital ycster day morning. Wood at one time was r foreman in the Union Pacific shops am : had a neat home and other property , bul lost all through the drinking habit. A Ijnucr motion. lu the district court yesterday aftornoot the attorneys for the defense in the Lauei case made a motion to bo allowed to ( ill nn acquittal of the charge of murder in tins first and second degrees. The motioi will be argued to-day. Brevities. Tlie Wells nnd Swindler land cases wore argued before Judge Dundy in tin United States court yesterday. Five children , ono colored , have been born at the poor farm during the present month. One of tlfdm has boon adopted by n family living on Nineteenth street , Judge Neville is hoarins : the case ol Schallcr vs. the City and Judge Wnkoly , the suit of Jas. Goelncr vs. the Nail Work. * Co. , for $22,000 for damages sus taincd in a broken leg. Pat McGtiiro , an old timer , was up be fore Judge Stenberg yesterday on tin charge ot drunkenness' . "I'll give you ten days to sober up , " snid the judge , "I'll not take it , ycr honor , " was Pat's generous response. Car Ho. 1 on the South Thirteenth lint camu very near mectinjr with a serious acciilentycstcrday morning. Tie ! horse ? ran away down the inclinofrom Hasoall'f hall and overturned the car at the foot ol the hill. There wore seven or eight pas- pengcrs aboard at tlie time , but beyond n few bruises none of them wore injured. Emigrant travel to the west has been increasing slightly during tlio past few days , and extra cars have boon put upon the Union Pacific overland train nt this place to accommodate the rush of pns- songors. First-class travel , however , remains - mains light , and will probably not in crease until after the holidays. Itot For u Hoarder. CoitUN'XA , SHcli. , Noy. ! . At midnight Saturday nlsht a mob of twelve masked men broke Into tlio house of Charles Pringle , dragged out a boarder named Coletnnii , tarred and feathered him and escorted him from town with Instructions to leave immediately. He has disappeared. It Is alleged ho was ton familiar with Prince's wife and has long been an offensive character In the neighbor hood. The "reformers" are unknown. A Deadwood justice of the peace was called upon to marry ayonngcoiiploand did so with his accustomed sangfroid. Hardly an hour had elapsed , before a female friend of the now-made bride catnc nnd explained that thu latter had been married to spite a lover with whom shu bad quarreled , and had since made up tlio tin" , and therefore desired to bo divorced , She could not bo accommo dated. _ Last Tuesday the romalns of Jim Swan , alias Jack Sheppard , prince of north western highwaymen , were found in the Hig Horn mountains. Ho escaped some time ago while hundcuficd and was never caught afterward. Ho died from starvation , as ills manacled condition prevented - vented him from'proeuring ' food , A knife and revolver , ebUmbers empty , wore found beside him. ' In Glendive , M. T. , the nion have or- ganizcd a club , It has finely lilted up rooms in the sucond story of a brick block , furnished with a billiard table , cards , checkers , ! chess , and all similar games. Cigars are kept upon a stand , to which the members help themselves , depositing - positing a niokollin a box for that pur pose. Neither gambling nor drinking ia allowed in the rooms. They are open every afternoon and evening. Free AbstraoJ * Frco Abstract ! ! And Warranty Deed to every purchaser in Hanscom Pafk Addition. There ia not one I'oou LOTT ,111 Ihia beautiful Iract of ground. You can como and see it and 'udgo of the facts yourself , Selling at 550 to $050 on easy terms. AMES. 1507 FARNAM ST. Yon can buy lurnuuro cheaper of A. L. Fitch * Co. , 12th St. , bet Farnam and Douglas , ' , ban anv other place ia the city , Bargain corner Farnam and 3lst sts. , OSxl'ifil. south nnd cast front , | 0,500. S. A. SLOMAN , 1513 F arnnm st , The best woolens and trimmings aroused used m Unmge's clothes. Bargain Corner Cass and 82d , 07x100 , ? 1,500 ! $800 cash. S..A. SI.OHAN- , 1513 Farnam si. Whitebreaitnutct > all,00 , portora the cheapest and best fuel. NEB. FUEL Co.,214 South 13th St. MY FRIEND THE BURGLAR. O. U I'mlfripood , < ii tt > t O' WP ) ! Wan. When I wns a young man just startin in practice in the town of Dixon I wi appointed counsel by the court for a nt torious burelar , who , after having Ion been a terror to our county , had nt In : been captured nnd was now awaltin trial. trial.He He wns supposed to bo one of a hni gang , and as I entered the room whet ho wns confined 1 expected to sen n abandoncd-lookingrufliau of middle agi Judco of my surprise , tiicn , to find in ; self in the presence of n mild-looklnj biuo-oycd , flaxen-haired youth of n ] parent- ! not moro than two-and-lwent years , though I afterwards learned tli ! al leasl n decndo must bo added to tha My miioli-stinlicd repose of manner wr rather shaken for a moment , but ho t onoo came forward , offered mo a chni introduced himself as Mr. Brown , an asked for my name. 1 had previous ! known him ns "Black Jack , " a sarcasti appellation , I suppose , on account of h : cstrcmn fairness. On being told that I wns the nttornc appointed for his detonsu his whole mat nor changed. A look of crafty ciinnin crept into his face , tlio clonk of pee manners dropped from his shouldcrsfnn I saw bcioto mo the unmistakable despe : ado whose apprehension had dolightc so many hearts. Alter a quarter ol an hour of confidoi tial talk I plainly onw that the stnl would win its case against this man. M client and I wore beaten before wu In gan , Ho wns very guarded in all hi admissions , oven under the sacred sc : ol legal conlidenco nnd so I was sir prised to hear him say , as 1 wns lenviti him thnt day ; "Well. Mr. Clarkson , ot course I pr < for to bo cleared , and I shall try m chances on that ; but it really matter little in the end. If the court convict mo I shall not be caged very long. " "What do you mean ? " exclaimed ' startled. "Only that 1 never have been long bi hind the liars , and I noyor moan to bo , have good friends outside who will lee after mo. " I smiled incredulously. "You hnv ' never been in Blacktown'state prison , sii or perhaps your assurance would be less Once there , you nro1 safe to staj' , I en assure you.1' Ho laughed liglilly nnd said good nighl ( hanking me for my kindness in accept ing his defense. In our subsequent meetings I took pain lo It'll him thnt I believed in his guilt am that the utmost L would undertake wouli be a mitigation of his sentence. But Ii always accepted my assertions with ai airy pleasantry and seemed determine ! to bo friendly in spite of me. The trial cnmo on , as 1 expected Brown was convicted nnd sentenced ti stale prison for fourteen j'cars.There wer few redeeming circumstances In the case and his sentence wns a severe one. looked for his composure to desert bin under this blow but , on the contrary , h bndo mo a cheerful good evening as In was marching off to spend his last nigh in our town jail. I went home with a very uncomfort nblo feeling in my heart. Was it m' duty as a man to warn the officers of tli jail of this fellow's hints of escape' Bu what bait 1 really to tell ? Only vagtii assertions about friends whoso p'owors did not believe in ; and even these mail in 'confidential talks with his lawyer No , I would say nothing. lie would un iloubtcdly be well guarded , and tomorrow row the doors of Blacktown prisoi would close securely upon him for man ; ix long year. When I went to my office next morn ing I saw at once that something unustin had taken plaoo. Little knots of excitci talkers find collected on _ tlio street corn tsrs ; ticrco gesticulations accompanici stealthy glances thrown over shoulders and , as I approached , room was made fo mo to enter the first of these bubblm < springs of gossip , "Well. Clarkson , " said an old lawyer ivlio had lonz been my friend and patron "it seems tlmt'Black Jack1 is free , and m thanks to you , my boy ! " 1 started , almost guiltily. "Freo What do you moan ? " "I mean that , to all appearances , hi was abed and asleep whenever the war Jon looked in last night , but that whoi liis breakfast was taken to him this morn ing tlio figure in bed turned out to bi only the pillow well covered up , wtiil an r bird had flown through the windov l > y means of the neatest sawing on tin bars you ever saw. " "Sawing ? Where eouh ! he have con scaled an instrument ? Was ho no thoroughly searched ? " "Of course.and he had nothing. Every thing was taken from him except a little ild , wcll-lhumbod Bible thut luus 'Jcssii Brown' faintly traced in it in old-fash ioned letters. Ho said that it hail beet iiis mother's and begged that he migh icccpitas the last tic to bettor ilavs Naturally , they hadn't the heart or thi jonciencb to refuse lhat. He must liav < Ueen helped from outside. " "Who Is after him ? For I supposi lomobody is. " " 1 should say so. The sheriff and al ils posse , nnd half tlio town besides They are wild at 'Black Jack's' escape int I don't believe they will lay hands 01 liim again very soon. Ho has too good : i itart. " And so it proved. After a three days fruitless search the hunters all returned ivinfir up tlio game as too wily for thorn : ho sheriff fuming and fretting at an cs ; ape thnt had cost him his reputation. Just iv week later the morning pos Jrought mo a square , stylish-looking Jot : cr , addressed in a neat feminine ham ! [ opened it with seine surprise , for mi ady correspondents were few , but hnii iiardly road two lines when surprise bo 3amo astonishment , and that , in turn ininzemeinenr. This was the missive : Mr. Obecllali Clarkson Sir : You wontlc ; lowlconld have escaped from lilacktowi wlson. In the same way , I reply tlmt 1 es : aiied from Dixon jail. I never knov t prison warden yet ( and I liavo in my linn : ome across a good many of them ) that wai lard-licartcd enmijrli to take away from mi my mother's Bible. Well concealed betwc.n its cUwblo covers are the only Instruments 1 need to pick the stronjrcht lock that ever wai nailu or to tile the thickest bar that ever wai Forced , 1 should not tell you this now ex septthat 1 nm elf for foreign paiw.nni never expect to see thin country azaiii. iiu I liked you. and can't resist this parting word. When you defend mother burular iliid a worthier one than ' 'Ur .rK JACK. " You sec , the scamp wns well educated , for his letter bore every evidence of that is did his conversation. Ho had ovi Joutly seen better days , nnd the traces o lend'inanhood in him wuro doubllesi what had attracted me. The loiter was 3f course , post-marked from a ilistan town where lie had never been seen , an- was no help in tracing the lost clew Well , 1 thought this was the end of 1113 idventuro. But the queerest part was still to conic , The cares of lifo accumulated rnpidlj upon mo soon after these occurrences Mid my constantly increasing practice followed by my marriage , succeeded ii 30 tilling my thoughts that "Black Jack' ivas driven almost from my memory. Some live yours after this episode mj wife and 1 found ourselves making a ncn liome in a western state , and in spite ol ? ome unavoidable twinges of regret , we soon settled into contenment and happi ness in our unaccustomtcd quarters. We had been inhabitants of the thnv ing town of X only a Jew months ivheti our quiet life- was rudely arroused into excitement by a general ularm oi burglars. A half-dozen houses wen arouen into ia one night ; watches , silver jewels , everything valuable and smal iiiongh to bo eu ily carried , takea off ind yet the occupants of the various ran tacked dwellings not oncu aroused fro * their slumbers. It wns in these dnj almost like magic , and wo hardly kno how to protect ourselves. The burglai were certainly doing their work in tl most professional anil dult-fiugorcd wa' Our neighbor on the right had been oi of thn latest victims , and wo feared tin our turn might como. Double looks an bars were employed , the police gnat doubledand I slept nightly with a loadc pistol under my pillow , which alnrmc my wile almost as much ns nn anticipate Hut nil our precautions were of no aval Wo waked one morning to lind ourselvi minus our pmult sliver ( all that wr solid ) , my wife's diamond earrings , he fathers wedding gift , and , crontcst lo : of all , my watch , a family heirloon which I prized highly and which tnonr could never replace , It bore nmid tli quinnt engraving of its inner cn. e tl of my grent-grnndfatlier , whlc was also my own , "Obcdiah II. Clarl son. " The jewels and the watch had hot been taken from what wo hnd considers a snfo hiding-place in our own room , nn yet wo hnd been conscious of no iioisi nor even an un pleasant dream. But faint , sickening oiler * in thu room , con bincd with headaches , of which wo hot complain , left no doubt that chlorofort had been the ngcnt of ( this bulglary , n doubtless in all tlio others. Of course , snid that wo must accept o'ur fate lik the rust , ns tliorc seemed sinnll chnnco c the rascals Doing caught. Such a slrci guard , however , was now put upon Hi whole town that our house was the ln. on the list of tlie victimized. Three days later , ns my wife nnd were sitting down to breakfast , whlc just now wn had to bo content to cat wit plated forks nnd teaspoons , there came loud rinir at tlio door bull. The fnlthfi Bridget answered tlio summons , and rt turned after a short parley with a sin a express package marked "raid. " "My siioes from Now Yon ? , " said m wife. "No , " said I ; "it is addressed to me The new books I sent to Boston for , tearing off the wrapper as 1 spoke. Imaizino our .sensations when , on re moving tlie cover of a wooden box , ou lost forks and spoons , the blue vclve case containing my wife's ear-rings , nni my own beloved watch were revealed t our amazed eyes. " " wife "whore ill "Harry , gasped my , they come from ? " I don't know , " I answered helplessly Just at that moment my gaze fell upon : small folded note at tiio bottom of th box , nnd ns 1 looked memory began ti stir and waken ; for that peculiar , dulicnt handwriting had certainly come undo mynotieo before. Still struggling witl this faint anil elusive remomberancu , unfolded the bit of paper and read its con tents : Mr. Ohrfltnti Clnr1nr lr\n Sin : Yoi may thank your queer name for brlngim these things back to you ajnin. It was iiftc wo had leu your house and the town that saw tlio marking on your watch and knev thnt wo had i ribbed a man that I have alway : felt was n friend. I vowed yrars ago Ufa I'd do you a good turn Rome day , and nov hero It is. 1 have found out tlmt you are th same Obcdlali who defended me at Dixnn and you're welcome to the "s\vaz. " I'l never rob you If 1 know it ; for there is hone evenamon ? thieves. "Bi.ACic JACK. " "O , Harry , Harry ! " sobbed my witi ( for I am happy to state that my middl name ! H Henry ) , "I'll never abuse you poor old name again ! I did think it wa frightful , but sco what it has done for u that and your kindness to that dread ful burglar. " I smiled rather wearily , rememberini the sentence in the note about "hono among thieves , " nnd almost felt that hnd been included under that nppelln tion ! But from thai day to this we havi hoard no moro of "lilnck Jack , " nm have concluded that , m any event , th Obediali Clnrksons are &afo from Ins gen tlemanlv depredations. Ho is known ii tlie family as "JMy iricnd the burglar , ' and his preference for mo is rather ! sore .subject. SPRAINS AND BRUISES. WONDERFUL EFFECTS. Could not ! Ur. Cliiirlrs .Inscjili , 110 LaiiRton St. , San Kramlsro : , Cul. , says : " I sprained my ankln * o luullr I could not walk , ami tried ulmost vurytliliiK known , without relief , wlion ono liny a friend advised mo tu use Kt. .Tncobx ( ill. I did PO and was Buccdlly and wonderfully cured. " Jammed Itatwoeii Cars. "Hot Ii Iocs were onoecaiiclit In between oar , severely brnlslnu tlieiii"Hiiys Jtr , H. \V. Johnson , ot tlio Detroit , Mleli. , Ilronze Co. , "and my Injuries wur > i n-lloved ! , jr thu u fl of St. Jacobs OH. Tills remedy also cured mo of u sprained ankle. " Coulil Scurculy Move. Houston , Toxn . Mr. Wm. . 11. Toyln , Cliict of Klre DO' piirtrnent. says : "I wa.i Msverely Injured by a fHlIhitf wall ; timid wjireoly inniu. Fly iiilnsr St. Jiu-olis Oil , my htmtncis db- appeared und 1 was cured. ' An Injured TJnck Curoil. Curoil.Kanmi Kanmi City. Mo. Mr. Fnink If. Jlrookn , Ex-munairer of Tlnint , writes : "I ttoopod to Insert my luU'h key , when my foot Mlpprxl from nniler mo mid I fell , strlklui : the small of my baek nonmim Iron ralTlnu. I wai Injured und my buek wan nw l. ! < en mid discolored ; [ used SI. Jacobs Oil fccvenil times and was promptly euivil. ' Crilnhcd Ilndnr n llnllilliif ; . itl : 1 Seventh St. , Louisville , Kr. Whllo helping to remove a framn bund- ln of the ( , 'lty Hallway Co. , It fell over on me , prcsshiK mu to the ( .Tounil and vpralnliiK my back. I wan carried homo on u i < ti etcher , and thn doctors utU'iided nm two weeUs , when my wlfu persuaded me to mo St , Jacobs oil , und the jialu wus scon L'ono entirely , JASU'EU imOVTKK. Tin : ciunus A.VOCKLKI ! co. FRRK FTIOU OPIATES AND POISON. FOL [ WHISKER8.JKUSTACHES AND BALDNESS MiUrkt'r. iM < * tf WF * ! * * * * "t w t * * * * i. * * * + * , tl- * * 1 * l | 'tf * * IMl MpM. Kit * * * * * * * * . U < * * " > I'M lld * fcllf § ! & * . I * -if fc * HMttlW WEAK MENJ ! : iit * cr P wS--JiiS 13nk ? ' ! ' ' " . . " . ' . ' . LMKiNTK7O ! ureav > n Current Urcitf tIntrovrmfat ] ov r UotKf rbelt * . riin ntly cured In lUroauiootbi. Htl * < i ThoSindenEloctrioCo. ( CURE FITS ? ni ri > lj'lo nop i ( ! i r > \7hra I do put m n Ittt cui \ llmi T.Vdl J i returu l. .1 IB.M . r i l - ' ' > FALLINU of ms. KrlLCMT r dlicEM do ItN I h TB in C NKM ll ( l x > Ui < lr. Ivwrut urremaa ; tocuio i w ritc r B * lM eOi r li.vo f . ll l l oa r.won far " Do.l r B - . r trill. n l I lUrur Ton. n cuuses , and u nevr arid Miwobitul fL'llKntyour own uoine by one who iftg d af twenty eight rears. Tre .tnd by most of the noted upouliil lit * without benefit : cured bnntutf In tlireo uiontht , and since tb n hundrndi ol otliora. Pull particular * tent on nppl cation. T. II , i : , No. 41V st3Ut 8t. , Now Vork City. iuunnn H nNHllll | uuthf urimuruirnpe rjurir-8 M Mil I III UU ITemAtur f * Dc * , , Ntiraui brUUtT.IxwiMknk < x > d'Uwb4 > liittrloillii tola titry known r ui dp.JiM illaco'frixl . bluk k will arlnl ftt til to IU. f lla r > alt . U ) . oi c B ri , d w k UTTERLY DISCOURAGED Expresses the feeling of many victims of rheumatism , neuralgia , sciatica and ner vous or sick headache. Having tried num berless so-called remedies , and physicians of all school ! " , without relief , there seems to be no hope. Manv such have as a last resort tried Athloplioros , and to their sur prise and joy have found that it was a safe , sure and quick cure. Athlophoros is not an experiment ; tho-sands have been cured by its use and they testify as to its value , G' W. Oaks , Klllcy , Mo , says ! "Athlo phoros 1m done more for my rheumatism than anything 1 have tried , 1 have paid out two or three hundred dollars for doc tors' and other medic incs but nothing did me any good until I found Athlophoros. " K , L , Davis , Insurance and Loan Agent , at Missouri Valley , Iowa , says : "I have used Athlophoros , and it cured tr.c coin4 plctcly Several years ago while away in an adjoining town on business , my atten tion was called lo this medicine by a phy sician and friend who showcdmc a bottle , and package , and made the remark , that if I was ever troubled with rhcuinalifm , use this medicine and it will scon cure you. About two years ago , my legs suddenly began to swell pain , particularly at the knee joints ; on my right knee there was a bright red spot which pained the most. In a few days I was aware it was rheumatism , my legs and feet kept on swelling , until I could not move my toes , and for many days and nights I was obliged to sit , cat and sleep in a chair. I placed myself In the care of a physician ) hut he did mono peed , 1 then abandoned the medicine I had been using and commenced with Ath lophoros. The first three doics iclicvcd me and with one bottle I wns well. Every ilnipulsl should kcop Athloplio ros nntl Athlophoros I'ltls , but wliwolhoy cannot ho bought of thn dnteciiit the Athlophoros Co. , 11U Wall St. . Now York , will send cither ( csirr'mjju paid ) on receipt of regular nrico , which is $1.00 per holtlu for Athlophoros nnd 50c. for I'ills. For liver mill kidttoy dUon os , dyapppiln.ln. dlirostlon , ivt'uUnosi , norvoiis dotilllty , illKcnKcs nl women , rornllpHtlnn , hrndnclie , tinpuro lilnodi 3ic. , Athloplioros Pills nro mienualcd. 11 I Cure without modi- A POSITIVE oino. 1'ntontoA Octo- I bor lit. lino. Ono lei will ottra tliomoit obtlnctoc.iso In four J ts es. . No nftiisooim doses of rubab * . conMM or oil nt snndnlwood tlmt nro rorlnln to produce drspon- lnbvdotrorlnir tlio ooMtlnir * ot the nlomreah , I' Sold t > r nil ilruirll < t or mulled on rocelptof price. For Hirlliur nurtlrulart snnt TorcirovilBr. P. O. Box ITO. or. G. .A.r uxJiT co. , WJohn l. . Now Yor . iuus-tu-tauytn& Tbe miy perfect substitute 'or Mother's milk. Invaluable In cholera Infnntum und Teething. A pnvcllgwtml rood for Dys peptic * , Connumptlvei , Convalescents. I-orfBct iiatrlent In nil Wanting Olsensci. Ilequlron no coot Inc. Our nook , The Cam and Feeding of Infants , mailud freo. COLIUER. QOODALU * CO. . Boston. Hunt BEFORE - ANDAFTER Electric Appliance ) are tent on 30 Day > ' Trial TO MEH ONLY , YOUNG OR OLD , "TTTIIO are cufTorintr from NIRTOOS DKBIUTY , W I OST VITALITY. JACK OF NKHVK FORTH IKD Vrooit , VTAtTlitn WEiKHltsHM. and nil thosn dteeiuiftft of a rKiutoNAi * NATUR.H rculu nK from Anutu and OTHKR CAUSM. RuwUy relief and cmmplute re tot - t tllrcnvery . of the Nineteenth Onturj. fiend ntonco for lllustraUxl Pamphlet fru . Addrvu VOLTAIC BUT CO. , MARSHALL , MICH. froin foh WEAK MEN ! ! YTv f. rk tUu , lf I > * > rll * t.etc.rettuliliitrioui ( Imllicitllnnio irfflfTR.tturr * ! | ttiwt I HI. > mti < lt l - 1lr tnn , 1)J ) lt CHI 1C AT MAUSTOJV THKATMKJVT. be rf * | ty < . -MADE STRONG * * K > t > lrrwltli IhrorniatlonorvnluetoHllnirn. MARSTON REMEDY CO.I9PnrkPlaco.NevYork. Mention Oirmlm lino. 21,829,850 TansilPs Punch Cigars wore shipped daring tbn past two yuarH , without n drum * iiiorlu oureniiiloy. Nootlior limiBO In tun world ran tniU > IHttT [ ullyinaknauau a elionluu. taM Ono iiu'eni ( dealer only ) i wanted In each town. EOIO D Y LEADING DHUCCISTS. .R.W.TANSILLACO. . A Book tt t every father ilionld pita * IP lil > on' IuuiJ jid rua.l hluiKlf with th * utinout cuire. OTM | all tha irmptomi And f rrlbln rnralU or WMIIM * duo to KrlVice and J n r- . * U'rof , J uCI UJe. ) l nri > ( nil Itruli of Ftm ( Of r ili Kr.nre. ) | U i uci-J It. TtitlmunUli from rmliieut London IMclori FREHCH HOSPITAL TREATMENT For Dr ln , Y/ukneii. Ix t Tltnllty , 8eul ED CLARK , CITY CHIMNEY SWEEP ' lilmnoy * iiiumlnc J nnd faro tiikPii t" | irn < > iit no HUM ( irili'n pruruptly uttvncJuUlu. I.ouvu onlor * itir.'MX'.IKuruiim ktrret. " " b.r. DATnts"&co. Nebraska Land Agency Scneral ileacn ! > in real esUitc and real es tate mortgatf F , 1505 Farnam st , , Oma Nebraska. Nebraska.CHAS , R , LEE , Lumte AM > WA < O.STOCK. . ALSO AdKNT TOR And WOOD SJHil , Corner 9th and Douglasj MENDELSSOEH & FISUBR ARCHITECTS Z > . I SHAN E , Xuiierlutenileii