Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1886, Image 1

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Report of the Government Directors to the
Secretary of the Interior.
Itnndall finld in Ho Preparing a
Tariff Htll to Suit All Classes-No
Further Induction tit
IjCttOl1'OHtaRC. .
Dnlon Pacific and tlio Government.
WA xii i NOTON , Nov. 29. [ Special Telegram
lo fhe Uii.1 : The government directors of
Iho Union Pacific railway have tiled their
nnmial report with the secictnry of the In
terior , by whom It will bo-rent to congress.
The report contains little that Is now and In
teresting and the recommendations aie but a
reiteration of those tlmt were made last year.
They recommend Iho passage of the bill now
pending In congress for the lofundlng of the
Indebtedness of the government and prefer
that which was Introduced by Mr. Hoar In
the senate and Mr. Oulhwalto In the house.
The directors discuss at length the various
propositions tlmt Imvo been made for the set
tlement of the Indebtedness to the govern
ment and ask for this legislation In order
tlmt the controversy that has been existing
HO long may be settled once and forever with
out future trouble for cither congress or the
courts. The company under the Hoar bill
would simply Imvo to nmko Its semi-annual
pa > montsorloso nil Its property , and the
amount nt risk by the government would
grow less and the security for Us payment
greater year by year. The directors recom
mend that the period for the final payment
be fixed at eighty years Instead of sixty years ,
as originally proposed In the
Hoar bill , but suggests no further modifica
tion. This bill provides and directs
the secietary of the treasury to ascertain the
Indebtedness to the government of the
various subsidised railroad companies on the
1st of April next. It provides fuilhcr that
the railway companies shall Issue bonds of ,
redemption to the secretary of the treasury
ono of which shall mature every six months ,
nnd tlmt each of them shall bo for a sum
equal to the ICOth part of the Indebtedness
of the railway company , with Interest at the
rate ot ! i per cent. The company Is authorised
to anticipate the payment of these bonds of
redemption. In case of the failure to pay
any of the said redemption bonds It shall bo
secured and held by the president of thu
United States to make all tlio bonds duo and
payable at once , and It shall be tlio duty of
the attorney general to take such steus ns
nmy bo necessary to protect the Interests of
the United States and before the stipulation
of the contract. The directors recommend
tlmt In any new legislation the amount ot tlio
annual payment shall bo a fixed sum , to bo
paid absolutely without regard to net earn
ings , gross earnings , or any contingency
whatever. Under the existing law the
annual payments of the company are
made to depend upon the "net earnings , "
which Is a term so vague and indefinite that
it will require a decision of a court to deter
mine Us meaning , Tlie directors also rec
ommend that when this change Is made the
restriction upon the final operations of the
company Intended to protect the annual net
earnings shall bo removed , so tlmt the com
pany may not bo icstiained thereby In the use
of Us ciedlt. It Is also urged as to tlie com
pany and to the United States , Us principal
debtor , tlmt congress shall pass a bill permlt-
tlin : the Union Pacific to occupy adjoining
teirltory with Iiranches , so that U may not bo
left behind by Its ilvals and be deprived of
important connections. Tlio lion of the
government uuon the property should bo ex
tended , but under that condition the com
pany should bo nt liberty to develop and ex
tend Its system.
A gentleman who ai rived here Irom New
York to-day says a private subscription has
been stalled among tlio peisonal Iricnds ol
the late ex-Picsldent Arthur to erect a bronze
monument over the lattei's grave. Only
those who weio well known peisonnl r.d-
mlrcr.s of General Arthur nre asked to sub
scribe. On tlio lirst day over § 42,000 was
TIM : sii.icTioN : : AM : AT > Y MADI : .
Telegrams are pouring Into the white
house from Dakota recommending for
governor of that territory M. H.
Day , who ran ngalnst Delegate Gilford for
congiess at tlio election this month. Day Is
n stalwart democrat and very popular. It Is
stated , however , tlmt the piesldcHt Ims
selected Governor Plorco's successor , and
he Is nuta lesldentoC thetcirltory.
First Lieutenant Peter Jt. Kuan , assistant
suigeon , 1ms been assigned to duty at Fort
Clark , Texas.
Brigadier General Wilcox assumed com
mand , Nov ember 2:1. : of that pail ol Coloiadc
( Including Fort Lowlsj which was lecontly
part , ot flu ) Department of Arl/.ono.
Major Henry It. Tllton , surgeon. Ims been
relieved as attending surgeon at General
Howard's headquaiters at San Francisco by
Captain Kdward B. Moscly , assistant Mir
First Lieutenant Adi Ian S. Polhcmus , as
Distant suigi'on , nnd Hospital Steward
Charles Keenan havobeoiuelloved from dutj
ntthe discontinued no t of Fort Hnlleck ,
Nevada , and ordered to San Fianclsco.
Aimy hnves granted : Lieutenant Colonel
David U. Clemlennln , Thlid cavalry. Forl
Davit ) , Texas , one month from December 1 :
Major Daniel G. Caldvvcll , suigeon , Fort D ,
A. Hussell , Wyoming , ono month , with per
mission lo niiply for twenty das extension
Lieutenant Charles J. Stevens , Ninth cav
airy , Foit Nlobrara , Nebraska , ono monlli
from December 1 and one month's extension
Major David D. Van Val/at , Twentieth In
fantry , Foil Asslnobaln extended until December
comber 2fl ; Lieutenant Baldwin I ) . Spellnmn
Seventh cavalry , Fort Mead , Dakota , twt
months , with permission to nnply for otu
month extension ; Lieutenant Heaumont II
Buck , Sixteenth Infantry , until December ! i
Lieutenant ChiIstopherC. Miner , Ninth In
fantiy , Fort Apache , Arizona , ono montli ex
tension : Lieutenant Lawrence D. Lyon
Ninth Infantry , Fort Anachc , two months
with two months' extension.
rintSONAI. ilKNl ION.
J. N. Brown , of Council BlunV , la , , is a
rosTAt , niANnr.s.
A postolllee bus been established at Untie
Keith county , ft eh. , and Drury W. Alsmai
appointed postmaster.
D'l'he time schedule of the star mall rout
Irom North Bend to Dodge Citv , Neb. , ) m
been changed as follows , to take effect 01
Wednesday next : Leave. North Bend Mon
days nnd Fridays at 8 a. m. ; iirrl vo at Dodgi
CityIiy5l5pan. ; LeavoDoduoCltyTuesday
and Saturdays at 7 a.m. ; arrive at Nortl
Bend by 4:15 p. m.
Curtis will bo Iho supply office on the sin
mall route fiom Moonlield , Fiontler county
to StockvlIIu utter December 1.
A Pennsylvania member who Ih close t
Mr , Itnndall Is authority for tlie stntemon
: that nt the opening of the Fiftieth congres
n tariff bill will bo Introduced which wi !
meet the appiovnl on linal passage , ef neail
nil the protectionists and tarill reformers. 11
does not know Its exact aim , but savs It vvil
embrace the simplifications contained In th
Hewitt bill for the collection of customs due
and will put on the fice list such articles o
common use ns will not materially nftcct ou
nw n Industiies , Anotheretfort Is to bo mad
to cheapen sugar , nnd the antagonisms wi
come , he thinks , pilnclpally fiom certain set
lions of th < i south. The Iron Interests are t
be dealt with gingerly , if at all.
"There w ill bo no fuitherreduction of h'tte
, iostacu In this cougreas , nnd I do not bellov
" said
member of the house commlttceon jiostofticc
and post roads tills mornlinr. "Wo nru lu
now lecovoring Horn the etlects of tlio ream
tlon from 3 to 'J i-ents , nnd we will wait tl
the etl-ic-t is entirely past. 1 speak ofexpeiu .
of course. The coveniment Miners vt.r
little now from the reductionand within tvv
years lier receipts as large as they wei
when it eost 3 cents to send a letter. The
moment tlmt point Is reached congress will
begin taking steps for penny letter postage.
1 believe It will Hrst come at a penny for each
half ouneo or fraction , and then for each
ounce or fraction. "
roviMiTTnr. wonic.
There will bo verv little committee work In
congiess this winter. The time is too short
to consider measures which have not already
been nollccd and reported by committees. It
Is estimated , however , that enough was done
by committees nt the last session to occupy
the attention of congress for n whole year if
they were taken tin seriatim. Two-thirds of
the committees In the house. It Is said , will
not have n tegular meeting during the rest of
this term , while not mnio than n dozen of
them all wllltry to Imvo any business re-
ortcd by them disposed of on the floor of
10 house.
It scorns to be prettv well settled in the
minds of senators nnd members airived heio
tiom all parts of the country tlmt nn
Inter-stato commerce bill of some charac
ter will be parsed during the next eight
weeks. Most of the statesmen who have
been keeping run of the question say the
measure will practically be thn Cullom bill ,
which places the icgnlatlon of common car-
Icr" In the hands ol n commission. Judge
Seagnn. of Texas , whoso bill making an nr-
litiarv law passed tlio house Inst winter has
ecently said that for the purpose of begin-
ilng the regulation ho would accept the Cnl-
tun hill , and this is ns near n compromise ns
ho most ardent monopolist can hope for.
Jullom has fought the Reagan bill on the
ground that It is not wise to place on tlio
statutes n law directing to tlio letter how far
i common carrier shall go without ascci taili
ng something about the practical regulation
of 1L In other words , lie believes In feeling
.ho way , instead of going tlieia nt one leap.
Senator Voorhecs and other prominent
democrats say there Is no foundation tor the
statement tlmt there is a scheme on foot for
their party to secure a majority by admitting
Washington tcrrltoiy to statehood and thus
secure two senators , through nn undcistand-
Ing whereby bills tor the admission of both
D.ikota and Washington have passed the
senate and now nwalt tlio action of the house.
Ills true , they admit , that the demociats
could lake advantage of the republicans by
getting control of tlie senate , but tncy dis
claim any Intention to do such a dishonor
able act , ns It was well undeistood at the
time thu republicans in the senate voted to
admit Washington , n democratic territory ,
that It was done to effect Dakota politically.
It Is intimated that the luesldent would not
sign the bill admitting Washington if advan
tage was taken of the situation and Dakota
was refused admission at the same time.
The secretary of the National Drill to beheld
held hero in May of next year , says that
tlie success of the enterprise Is assured. Ho
believes tlmt Washington will entei tain more
guests at that time and will have more
foreigners in the city , and that the occasion
will be more of n national character than
anything tlmt has ever taucn place here. Ho
Ims iccclved Inquiiles from people in nearly
every section of tlio woild , Indicating that
the project 1ms attracted attention wide
spread. The interest of the American people
Is so widespread that tlio participation in the
drill will undoubtedly be far in excess of all
anticipation when the project was first
oiiglnated and put on foot.
THK OMAHA rosTornci ; .
The civil service commlssloneis have taken
under consideration tlie proposition to place
Iho Omaha postollico under civil service
rules. They believe tlio olllco 1ms now fifty
employes , the loquircd number to coma
within civil service protection nnd reguln-
.lons. Some of the spoils democrats at
Omaha , It Is stated , are accusing the civil
service reformers with walking for this move
10 as to piotect the employes of the ofllco
a change Is nmdo In the postmaster-
Bids Accepted.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 29. The secretary of
the navy to-day accepted the following bids
for the construction ot now cruisers and gun
boats : Cruiser No. 3. ( Charleston ) , Union
ron works ot San Francisco at $1,017WO ;
cruiser No. 3 , ( Baltimore ) , Cramp & Sons ,
Phllidelplila , S1'J25,000 ; gunboat No. 2 , Co
lumbia Iron woiks & Dry Dock company of
lialtlmore , at 5247,000. In the case of gun
boat No. 1 , no decision 1ms yet been reached
as Delwccn the bid of Reedcr & Sons nnd the
bid of Ciamp&Sons. Although tlio Union
hen woiks of San Finncisco put In the least
bid on cruiser No. 1 , ( Newark ) , yet as tlie
figures exceeded maximum amount fixed In
tlio appropriation bill the secictary was un
able to accept their bid. Ho will piobably
icfer the matter to congress witli a statement
of the facts and lecommend tlmt the nppro-
piiation lor the construction of cruiser. No.
1 bo Incieased , or tlmt the government be
authori/ed to build the vessel at one ot tlie
nayy yaids. _
Inlcr-State Commerce Discussion.
WASIIINOTON , Nov. 29. On the last day of
the last session of congress ( lie conferees on
the Inter-state commerce bill held a meeting
nnd discussed for an horn thu comparative
merits of tlie Reagan and Cullom bills , but
finding It impossible , within the time at
their command , to reach a conclusion , they
adjourned to meet to-day. Four of the con-
leiees Senators Cullom and Hauls and
Kopresentatlves Reagan and Weaver made
their appearance at the canitol during tlie
day , but were not nil present at the same
hour. It was decided to meet to-monow at
12 o'clock.
The Afternoon Hcccptlnn Omitted.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 29. The president
was compelled lo omit his usual afternoon
recepllon to-day In order to devote his atten
tion to his message nnd other matters to be
submitted to congress.
IJnrned Ills AVIfo to Dentil.
Kr.ADixa , Pa. , Nov. 29 , A terrible story
was developed at the eoionei's inquest lieio
to-day on tlio body of .Mrs. Frank Kcicor ,
who was burned to death while In bed yes-
teiday afternoon , her husband bolng away at
the time , as ho said , to bring a physic ! an foi
his wlfo , vv horn , ho alleged , was sick , It was
shown tlmt she was not 111 , but tlmt only
twenty minutes befoio she was In excellent
health , Having visited a neighbor. Then
she went homo and another nelghboi
diouped in. This woman dl&cov
ered Keiner bending over hit
wife , who t-eoiiied to bo unconscious. Af
soon as ho saw ttio visitor he slammed the
door in her face and told her to go homo. Ih
then can led tlio body ot his wife upstairs
put her to tied , nnd set It on lire to make li
appear that it caught tiom tlio stovepipe ,
whllo ho ran downstairs and out Into llu
street after a doctor. When ho relumed slu
was burned to death. He Deemed greatlj
surprised , Tlio coroner's Jury returned r
veidict Unit Kerner set the house on hro vvltl
the deliberate purpose ot killing lus wife
'Iho dlattlct attorney advised his nriest
Kerner was then arrested on tlie doubh
chaige of homicide and aison.
Colonel Morrison's Case.
CIIIOAOO. Nov. 28. Congressman W. H
Moirlson left heio this evening for Wash'
Ington. He declined to say anything about :
contest or Investigation except to declare thn
ho would not contest an election even It hi
were defeated by a majoilty of only one. I
Is known to a number of filends of Colone
Morrison In this city that Speaker Carlisli
desiiesnn Investigation to be made of tin
election In Moirison's dlstilct. Such nn in
quiiy could bo undertaken by a resolution o
the house , under which a special commlttei
can bo created. Tins can be done wlthou
any contest liCInc made by Colonel Morrison
Tlio object ot such an Investigation would b
the bearing It might have In the next pics !
dontial campaign. If made It will not l >
until the Flllieth congress opens. Mcantlm
Colonel Moiiison intends tn follow the. . evci
tenor of his way dining the coining session
While at home Ids name Is beinc consldeiei
nt > that of u candidate for governor.
Heat the "Western Union.
MKMi'ins , Tenn. , Nov. 29 , The Unltei
States circuit court to-day decided In favor o
the complainant In a suit against tin
Western Union Telegraph company fo
0,000 damages for non-delivery of ttii im
vortant message. Tlio court said the mes
ease bhovveu on Us face its importance.
Congressman Dorsey Talks on Ills
AVork nt Washington.
Fnr.MoxT , Neb. , Nov. 29. [ Special to the
BIK. : | Congressman Dorsey will leave to
morrow afternoon for Washington to bo
present nt the opening ot congress next
Monday. On account of poor health , Mrs.
Dorsoy will not accompany him until ho
returns after the holidays. The BEE corre
spondent Interviewed him this morning
concerning the work ho Ims laid out for the
coming winter. He says that so far as ho
now knows , ha will Introduce nt this session
no now bills ot general Interest. The now
ones which aio to be ofTeicd will iclalo
wholly to pension mattcis and private
claims. His bill for a now government
postoftlco building for Fremont has been re
ported favorably to the committee by the
sub-committee of the house , nnd ho will
endeavor to push It through to n successful
Issue. Ho will also interest himself In tlio
judicial olll , providing for holding sessions
of Iho United States com t at Heat rice , Kear
ney , Norfolk , and other places. This bill ho
succeeded In getting through the house at
the last session , and he will endeavor to get
It thiough the senate , also , this winter. lie
will likewise tenovv ids efforts on the bill
providing for nn appropriation for Forts
Robinson nnd Niobrarn , that they may bo
"iicreased In si/e and efficiency.
The Acid Th tower Hold.
AVY.MOIH : , Neb. , Nov. 29. [ Special Tele
gram to tlicUKi : . ) The pipllmlnary exami
nation of hnencer G. Bryant for assault with
ntent to malm T. D. Cobboy by throwing
nlphtirlc add upon him on the night of Oc-
oberfll. came up for hearing before County
Judge Lnlow at Beatrice this atteinoon and
resulted In Bryant's being bound over in the
sum of S5.000 to await the action of the dis
trict court , which will piobably meet In the
eirly part of Fcbiimry.
Hoard of Trade Organized.
NOIIKOL.K , Neb. , Nov. 29.--Special [ Tele
gram to the Bin : . | The Norfolk uoard of
rado was organi/ed to-night. N. A. Rain-
bolt was elected president , J. L. Pierce , vice-
resident , William Gerclic , secretary , D. K.
Daniel , treasurer. Tlio organization starts
out witli 10:1 : members , and will bo of gieat
benefit to our city.
Suffocated by Gnu.
WisNin : , Neb. , Nov. 29. [ Special Tel-
igram to tlio Bii : . | Schultz one of Cnmlng
county's most prominent German citl/.ens
and farmeis , living near Wlsner , was suf-
'oeat''d by foul air while repairing his well.
Ho leaves a wife and live children , with a
'argo estate In lands and chattels.
General Thayor's Travels.
Wis.vnit , Neb. , Nov. 29.-fSpccial Tele
gram to the BEI.J Geneial John M. Tlmjer
arrived here at noon to-day. Ho will inspect
the G. A. H. post here , after which ho will
address the public nt tlio Masonic hall.
A New Oonioany to Bo Formed to
Construct the Line.
Nnw YOIIK , Nov. 29. An Ottawa ,
( Out ) special to the Post says : It is said
n well Informed circles that Sanford
Fleming's scheme of a Pacific Austialinn
cable will at once assume tangible form , and
that a uew company , who will carry out the
work , will bo appointed at the coming session
of parliament. Among those mentioned ns
llrectors and heavy shareholders are Sir
George Steven , baronet ; Sir John MacDonald -
ald , A. Smith , Krastus Wyman , Sanford
Fleming and leading English financiers.
The capital stock is to bo fixed at 810,000,000.
It Is proposed to raise 5,000,000 In fi per cent.
shares , and 35,000,000 In 4 per cent , stock ,
secured by an imperial colonial guaianty ,
divided as follows : Canada. 875,000 ; Aus
tralia , S175.000 , and Great Britain , 82 : > 0,000.
It is proposed to give a rate from London to
Vancouver Island of 12 cents per word , and
4 shillings per word from Kngland to Aus
tralia. The piess rate is to bo one-fourth of
the regular late.
Marvelous Escape From Drown ! ng.
Sioux Ctrv , la. , Nov. 29. | Special Tele-
; ramtothc Bni.J : As Mrs. Farrand and
: ierson and Mr. Paiker , a brother-in-law and
ils son , were crossing the river on the Ice
last night fiom Covinuton to attend services
in this city , ono of the boys stepped into nn
air hole. Mr. Parker in attempting to assist
the boy broke through the ice and dlsap-
peaicd from sight Foitmmtelv , alter passing
down stieam under tlie ice a short distance ,
lie found another air hole and bv heroic ef
forts managed to draw himself to a place of
safety. Tlio cacapo of the entire paity fiom
a lion iblo death Is almost miraculous. Tlio
boy who lirst full In only saved himself by
throwing out Ids arms and keeping himself
above the water by resting them on tlio ico.
Opened For Tralllc.
, la. , Nov. 29. [ Special Telegram
to the Bin : . ] The Minnesota & Northwest
ern lallway was formally opened this morn-
nip by the arrival of the Hist passenger train
from St. Paul. The lirst regular passenger
train left Dubiique at 9 o'clock with eleven
passengers. It leached St. Paul this evening
at7.r : > 0. There will bo ono local and ono
through train on the road daily from this on.
Tlie road made Us first connection with the
track ovei the Dubuque A : Dakota hi luge tills
Moro Salvationists Jailed.
MAIISIIAI.I.TOVVN , la. , Nov. 29. [ Special
Tclegiam to the BKI.J : The district court
jury , having acquitted Peckham , the Salva
tionist , tlio army began to parade on the
streets. Eight weio arrested Sunday night.
and llvo more weio clven ten days In jail to
day. Two agieed to paiade no moio.
Ufa on the
, Mich. , Nov. 29. The Journal's
Ludlngton special says at daylight this
morning a schooner passed Ludlngton , and
when otf Point Saublo she hoisted n Hag at
half mnst. The Point Snuble Hfu boat went
to the rescue , but when live hundred yaids
out the ling went to the masthead. The Ufa
boat attempted to turn and was eapsi/.ed.
The ctew riling to the boat , which did not
train nn upright position , but drifted ashore.
Tlnee ot the cruw lost their lives , two
from exposure , nnd tlio thlid was drowned.
The schooner kepton In her com so.
WATKiirow.v , N , Y. , Nov. 29 , Saturday
night the schooner Comanche , owned in
Oswego. laden with corn from Chicago for
OKdeiisbuig , ran on a about thiee-
rnmitersot a mile from the vvestsldo of Point
Peninsula , and sunk. Fied Tucker , n far
mer , while rescuing the eiew , consisting of
eight persons , was diovvned by Iho capsizing
ot lil.s boat.
The schooner Lorn Kllsworth Is ashore at
Carllon Island. A largo tug has tiled unsuc
cessfully to relieve her. Charles W. Voree.
of the ciow , was caught In the tow line and
killed. The Kllflxvoith had on boaul ' . ' 3,000
bushels of coin tor Ogdensbuig ,
Invcstluntlni ; Army Slioon.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 29. The board ot
commissioners 01 the military prison , which
was dliocled to Inqulie Into the charges
made by Gen. Miles to the effect tlmt shoes
furnished Lawton's command were of In
ferior quality , has made a thorough Investi
gation of tlio woi kings of the government
shoo factory at i'ort Leaven worth military
prison , 'lliey tepoited to the secretary of
war tlmt the best material Is used In the fac
tory and llio wolkmanslilp is good. In the
case of Law ton's command shoes weio sub
jected to extraordinary wear over tlio rough-
eat country , where shoes traveout wltliln a
month. Tlio men have been lelmburoud In ac
cordance with army regulations.
Successful Diamond Itobhcry.
NKW Yonic , Nov. 29. A young man wcnl
into the stoie of J. 11. Johnson , Jeweler , nl
Broome street and tlio Bowery to-night , and
asked to see some diamond rings. He
snatched , the tray as a customer came In ami
ted. Though holly pursued ho escaped , Tht
Uay contained rings valued at $5QW ,
Grand Charitable Matiuce Given by the
American Consul at Paris.
One Hundred Irish
1'rlsoncrs Cheered to I lie Helm by
Crowds In Cork The Crisis
Declared nt Hand.
Charitable Theatricals.
[ fojij/r/oM / / ISffS by Jamt * Gordon fkmuU.l
PAHI , ( via Havre ) Nov. 29-tNew York
lleinld Cable Special lo the Ihi.J : : Consul
General and Mrs. Walker gave a grand
chnrltahlo matinee this afternoon at their ics-
Idencc , 14 nto Piern ) Charon , for the benefit
of n young , charming , but penniless actress.
The weather was most disagreeable , as n
drenching rain was falling , but this did not
prevent bevies of joung Amcilcan ladles and
their mamas fiom nulling In an appearance
Mrs , Walker had obtained some of the best
musical and dramatic talent in Parts , In
cluding Mine. Janvier , of the Opera ; Mine.
Worms Barrctta , of the Comedle Fracalso ;
M. nnd Mine. Plecaluqim , of the
Bonlfes ; Mile. Clahe Denlse , M. nnd Mine.
C. Bernlcr , of the Varieties ; M. Lanmrch , of
the Opera ; M. Garcin , piolessor at the Con
servatory ; M. Prudhon , of the Comedlo
Francalsc ; M. Bonssagol , haiplst of the
Opera ; M. C. Chocct , first violin of the Opera ,
and M. Theme , pianist.
M. Plccaltiqua and his pretty wlfe.a slight ,
graceful brunette , with the most , bewitching
jycs Imaginable , made a splendid hit with
.ho famous turkey and sheep duct from the
"Ma cotto. " Madam Plecaluqim was dressed
n exquisite taste In black silk nnd jet tilm-
inIngs , nnd all those picscnt seemed to fall
n love with her.
Mine. Woims Unrretta and M. Prudhon ,
of the Comedle Fianealso , also scored
a brilliant success and weio warmly
applauded by the fine flower of the American
colony piesent , among whom were the
American minister , Miss McLnno , Mr and
Mrs. William Tudor , Mr. nnd Mrs. D. Haute-
ville , Miss Monroe , Miss Htehards , Mrs.
Jackson , Mrs , Potter , Miss Mary Anderson ,
Miss Posl , Miss Whllowell , and a most
charmliiL- collection of all the marriageable
young ladles In Paris.
Owing to the horrible weather the toilets
generally were daik and subdued. 1 noticed
one or two charming lints , quite pointed in
front but not so high as last year's fashion.
Almost everybody wore sealskin mantles.
All complained of the execrable weather
lately in Paris and said to each oilier : "If
this Insls we must soon bo oft to the Rivi
era. "
The Excitement in Ireland.
Dunr.iN. Nov. 29. Vlfty prisoners charged
with being implicated In "moonlighting" In
Kerry and Clare arrived to-day at Cork , es
corted by a largo force of police. They will
be tried at the Minister assi/cs. Upon their
arrival at the railway station in Cork the al
leged "moonlighters" received an ovation
from tlio great crowd that had assembled
theie. Commoner O'Connor railed lortlnco
cheers for tlie prisoners and they were given
witli a will. Commoner.Kodmond. speaking
in Dublin to-nieht , said that it ono hair of
Dillon's or O'Brien's head was injured the
Irish neoplo would know how to avenge
themselves for the outrage.
LONDON. Nov. 29. The Standaid's Dublin
coirespondent savs tlmt a wairant will be
issued tor tlie anost of O'Biien. Sir Michael
Hicks-Beach has held n conference witli the
magistrates from all parts of South and West
Ireland. _
O'liricu'H Views.
DunuN , Nov , 20. In an interview to-day
O'Brien said ho was of the opinion tlmt tlie
government would defeat themselves in try
ing to stem the tide of opinion In favor of a
reduction of rents , oven General Buller
having declared in favor of a produce rent.
He feared the governments action would
load to troublous times , but ho was conlident
that the English people would see the justice
ot thecl.iims ot the Irish peasantry and tlmt
the icpressive policy would speedily produce
a levtilsion of feeling in England against
the author.of tlmt policy.
Dillon His Own Lawyer.
Duni.i.v , Nov. 29. Lord Mayor Sullivan Ims
summoned n meeting of the citi/ens of Dub
lin to assemble next Friday to protect against
"tho government's tyianny towards the Irish
National league. " John Dillon will defend
himself In the case hi ought against him by
the government. Hush Holmes , attorney
ireneral of lieland , nnd John G , Gibson ,
solicitor general , will conduct the prosecution
against Dillon. _
ANowspaper Man Jjost ,
[ ro ) > ir/gM ; / ISSGliu Jainta Gunlon IlciiHctt. ]
Bi'i > A-Pr.brn , Nov. 29. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the Bii : . | Hungarian ami
Roumanian papers icpoit from Constanti
nople the disappearance of a Herald corre
spondent who left Sofia some time ago for
Rustnhuck and has not icachcd his destina
" " " " " " " "
Kmporop AVIllinm'H Iilcns.
HKHI.I.V , Nov. 29. Kmperor William to-day
In iccclvlng the jncshlcnt and vlce-proaldenl
of the relchstag , i el erred to the work now be
fore the members as of the Hist importance
to the empire. Ho hoped the military bll
would bo passed willingly. Other paiJIa
ments showed themselves disposed lo meet
demands lor army expenditures , and Gcr-
Imd to consider tlmt she Is already out
stripped by neighboring states. He eon-
eluded by expiessing ids belief tluit peace
\\onld be maintained.
AVlint RlnOstnnu Will On.
LONDON , Nov. 29. Gladstone has declined
cvciy lequest to speak ; until paillamcnt re
assembles. o
his late colleagues stating his programme
for the coming session. Ho approves an Im
mediate challenge to the government to state
Its lilbh policy In the debate upon tlio address
dross , although ho exacts tlmt the unionists
\ > ill maintain their adhesion to the govern
ment. Afterwaids ho will assist in an etlec
live settlement of the procedure question ,
Bulgarian Affairs.
PnsTir , Nov. 29. In the Austrian deloxa
lion to-day Count Slzchy asked whatposltlot
Austria occupied with icgard to Russia's pro
posal tlmt Prince NiclipluH of Minsrclla be
elected to the liulsiuian tjiiono as usuccessor
to 1'ilnce Alexander. Jlqrr S/oosyenyl , sec
letary of the Imperial foroicn department 10
plied tlmt Count Kalnoky , foreign minister
had no knowledge that such proposal hat
been made by Russia , and added , that If i
sliould bo made. It would require sanction o
the other powcis before It could be carriei
Into effect.
Tlio Tniuinln Credit 1'nHSCtI ,
PAHIS , Nov. 29. In the debaio in the chain
ber of ( lenities to-day on the Toiujnln credl
Prime Minister Do Fieycinet api > ealed to the
patitotlsm of the members , asking them tc
give an unanimous vole In order to hho\\
foreigner that the J'lench settlement h
Tonquin had a solid foundation. The tola
credit was voted 278 against 2W. Thol uni
credit was aUo passed.
Our isolations AVith Cnnnila.
LONDON , Nov. 29. At the Urltlsli foreign
oftlco doubts are entertained whether Picsl
dent Cleveland will be In a position to an
nounce in his coming message the solution
of the fisheries dispute. N < > progress i
being made toward a settlement. Lord
ddloslelgh Is absorbed In the eastern ques-
lon , and Ims completely relegated to Min
ster West all negotiations with the United
States. The attitude of the Dominion gov
ernment Is not favorable to a ottlcincnt. An
extradition treaty has been definitely settled
ipon , the exact terms of the convention
Iratted by Minister Phelps and Lord Kose-
berry. Itepurts tlmt amendments h.xve been
nado by Canada are Incorrect.
Plottrrsnt Worlc.
HrriiAtii ST , Nov. 29. At n mcetlne hero
ycstciday of Ingltlve members of the Uulga-
ion revolution patty , headed by Xankoff , 11
was decided tlmt n now rebellion should bo
attempted In Bulgaria. Tlio meeting was
participated in by Sclmkatktnc. Among the
/ankollltes present were IJciideiolT , GruelT
ind other otrcers vvljo had been dismissed
torn the liulgarlan set vlro because of their
connection witli the recent uprising. Sclmk-
ttkinu piomlscd tlmt the Itn slnn consul nt
llucharestoiild alford the plotters ptotec-
lon in the o\ent of falluio In their under
Cut to tlio Wnli-r's
LONDON , Nov. 29. A dispatch trom Hone
Kong to-day saj-s that the Fionch steamer
5aghnben Ims been cut tn tlic wntot's edge by
the Paciiiu mail .steamer City of Pekin.
The Holslutn JInll
iif-sr.i. , Nov. ' . " .I. Soveial Knglislnnen
lm\ebcen nirestedon suspicion ot connec
tion with the lobberv ot legisteied lettcis
Mom tlio mail canleis oftlieOstend ex pi ess
Satutday. _
Cholera AIIIOHK Solillrrn. : ) ! > i : , Nov. 29. Dining Ilio past
wccktheie ha\ . been lilty cases of choleia
and ten deaths from that disease in the In-
fantiy baiiackshcrc.
IIANOOON , Nov. 29. The Uritlsh troops in
Hut nmh In n tecent encounter v\ith the foices
ofHashwoy killed thhtcon of his followers
without losing n soldier , but tlnce of the
liiitlsh t loops were wounded.
Not Kxnctly Cliolern.
IJrr.Nos AYiir.y , Nov. 29. A despatch
fiom Ilio Jancrlo states that tlio cases of
sickness announced as cholera \\cro only
cases ol cholerine. The epidemic Is Incicas-
In Rcsario.
ing _ _ _
Ilnvnim ClRnrmnkors nt AVork.
HAVANA , Nov. 29. A settlement has been
elTected between the cigar manufacturers
and their employes , and work 1ms again been
Put Illin Down "X. "
KOMI : , Nov. 29. The pope has Invited the
editors of Catholic papers throiuiiout the
world to send their publications rcgulaily to
tlio pi ess ofllcc of the Vatican.
Kanlliar's Kit Koine to Sr. Petersburg.
ODI > SA , Nov. 29. General Kaiilbats ar
rived here and has piocceded to St. Peleis-
buig. _ _
Depraved Youths Sentenced.
SYDNHY , N. S. W. , Nov. 291 Nine youths
hive been .sentenced to death for committing
an outiagc on a sixteen-year-old seivant girl.
Stanley Tells ol' Ills Explorations on
the Darlc Continent.
New YOUK , Nov. 29. Henry M. Stanley
lectnied in Chickerlnglmll to-night to a largo
and appreciative audience. His subject was :
"My African Travels. Explorations and
Works. " Itov. llcury Ward Ueeclicr In
troduced the lecturer , who was greeted with
enthusiasm. Ho bald -that when Living
stone's body was on its way to bo Interred in
Wct-tmlnster Abbey , ho was traveling along
the west coast of Africa. He heaid of Liv
ingstone's death through a cable message.
Ho at once determined to complete Living
stone's work and to find out what river it
was tlmt lured the latter to his death. It
was either the Congo or Nile. The lecturer
went on to describe tlio amccment of the
owncis of the London Telejinph
with Mr. Bennett to send linn
( Stanley ) to finish the woik. tie Jtold
ot his arrival at Zanzibar , his journey to
Lake Yictoria-Nyaiua , and his exuloiatlons.
He met live pirate ciatt and put them to
( light by tlio setting ol an explosive under
one of them. His sufferings nud that ot his
men weie giaphically depicted. Ho intro
duced tlio bible among tlie natives , and his
icqucst tor missionaries from Knglaml
was promptly granted. Speaking of
tlio Congo the .speaker dwelt at length upon
the obstacles In his path and frequent skir
mishes with tlio natives. The nuineioiis
tiibutaiies to tlio Congo wuio described at
length. lie humorously related how , after
all Ills vvoik being completed and ready to
let urn to Kir-'land , ho found that the left
bank of the Congo had been taken possession
of by the French. He told ot his plans to
prevent them Horn sei/.ing the right bank of
the i ivor.
Mrs. A. IJ. Stone gave a reception ] to Stan
ley to-day. It was one of the largest affairs
ol the season. All the notable society people
of Ntw Yoik attended , besides many dis
tinguished poisonagcs.
I3\otliiH of Colored People * .
COI/TMIIIA , 0. C. , Nov. 29. All exodus of
coloied people fiom soveial couuties in this
state Is taking place. The dlsastious fallmo
of the crops this year following the hard
season of 16S5 placed the coloied Hold laboicr
and .small farmer , as It does many of the
whites. In a very distiessed condition.
They cannot better their condition until the
next hai vest time , and they h.ivo nothing to
live on In tlio meanwhile. Kmlgnuit agents
tinil It easy to obtain large parties of coloied
people logo to Aikansas. Some have gone
to Liberia and others are piepaiing to follow ,
Heretofoio the l.nge planters Imvo been able
to assist tlio laboieis dining haul time.- , , bill
tills year all have lost heavily and eaeh man
istlnownon Ills own nomccs , For the
next twelve months there will DO gicat Mil-
lering among the laboring class.
Toolc n DohO of Btrj ulininc.
Ti'.minllAun ; , Ind. , Nov. 29. John Heed
a cripple , and known to oveiy ono In the citj
as a newsman , committed suicide in an ex
tiaordlnary manner to-day. Ho wheeled his
chair-wagon up to tlio dlning-tahle and un
folding a small pacuago swallowed the
contents. His brother asked what It was
"you'll tlnd It out soon enough. " the crlpnlo
replied. "How does it taste1 the brother
asked. "Walt , and I'll loll you. " Soon ho bo
can groaning , and befoio ho could bo wheele ,
into anothei room ho was a corpse. Tin
package contained .str > chnine. For sovera
days ho had been talking about the misery o
being on the streets selling pnpcis in winter
AVry Old Hut Very Happy.
NEW YOUK , Nov. 29. At Mlddleton , N. Y.
> 03terday , Sampson Tovvnsend , aged 70
years , of Llghtstreet , Pa. , was married t <
MIH. Julia Giesple , of that village , aged 74
years. The guests numbered neailj forty
the greater p.u t being children , grandchlldrei
and gieat-jiraiutchlUlrcn of the bildo. The
hrlduT paity were pieceded to the altar bj
Robbie T , liryant , a 0carold laandson , am
GiucoMapes , aa-year-old treat-t'randdam'h ;
ter of thobilde. The happy couple ha\o gone
on a wedding tour.
A Denver Ilofalcntlon.
DJNVKII : , Nov. 29. A report readies hen
late to-night from Fort Collins saying that T
L. Carter , manager of the North Poudro
canal and land company , mysteriously dts
appeared and has not been seen or heard of
since last Thursday , It Is supposed ho ob
sconded. leaving an Indebtedness in tin
neighborhood ot $ S05.0X ( ) . All is bccured ex
C'jpt $50,003 , or 875.000.
Illlud TOIII'H Guardian.
NKW Vouic , Nov. 29.-Kllso Uethune
widow of General Ucthiine , late maimgcro
Ullnd Tom , the musical \\onder , has beei
uplKilntcd u commltteo ou Tom'n ucrboil am
tstutc , .
\ddrc s oftlio AV. C. T. U. to Organ
ized Ij.itior.
CiiirAoo , Nov. 20 , In accordance with the
csolutlon adopted at the recent Minneapolis
onventlon , nn address was Issued by the Na-
lonal Women's Christian Tempeianco union
o all KniL'hts of Labor , trades unions and
other laboi organbatlons. It sajs the Wo-
nen's Temperanee Union Is In sympathy
vlth their methods as icgaids co-opeiatlon ,
ibllratlon and the ballot box. They rejoice
n the bro.ul platform of mutual help , which
ecognlzes neither -ex , race norcieed , and
ho olovallon to their rightful place of vv onion.
I'lioy mention with joy their hostile attitude
oward the saloons and the vow made by the
lewly-elcoted olllcursof thu Knlshts of La-
lor at lllclimond , Vn. . when they pledged
liemsehes to be total iittslainers throimhout
liolr term of oftice Th stales they
lo not believe it Is over-pioductlon so much
as undci-cnnsumptlon that gilnds the fares
of the woiklUTiucn , The Temperance Union
calls attention to theh while cross pledge of
equal chastity for men anil women : ot puie
angtMge and pure life. The address asks
'or tin1 iielp of labor oiganl/iitlons In cIToils
to seeuio adequate protection by law lei the
taughteisof the ilcli And poor alike fiom tlio
ciui'lty of base utid cruel men ; nNo in their
endf-avoi- preserve the Ameileaii Sabbath
with Its lest and quiet. An Is made
tooteis to east tlii'ir lullots only for such
measures and such men as aie solemnly com
mitted to tlio prohibition of cveiy brewery ,
dlstlllety and dram shop In the nation. Tlu
address is signed by Frances K. \ \ ill.ud ,
piesident , and Caiolino 1J. Uuell , coi respond
ing fceerctaiy. _ _
Important to ttomcntonilnr .
L.\tA.Mii ) : , Wyo. , Nov. 29. fSiieclol Tele-
giam to the HII : . | Onoof tlie most Import-
uit decisions over rendeicd in this territoiy
wasdell\ered today by Hon. Jacob lHalr ,
sitting as United States judge In tlio ease of
the United States vs. J. H. Simpson , Indicted
at this term or court for perjury on two
counts. Simpson had taken up a hoiucsicml
entry In tlie state of Wisconsin , aftcnvaid
commuted it to a cash entry , moved to this
leirltory , entered a homestead hero , swearing
in proving up that ho had never made a
homestead entry prior to the ono made In
this teirltory. The point Involved wiw whether
or not thu homestead entry made In Wiscon
sin and afterwauts commuted exhausted his
rights under the homestead law. Judge
lilalr insti ucted that Simpson's entry in
Wisconsin did not exhaust his lights under
the homestead law and In io-entering in this
tenltory ho did not commit perjiuy. This is
the time the question was e\er raised In
the cotnts of this tenllory and as tar as
known the lirst time over r.xised. The c.vo
has attracted much attention. Judirc Illali's
opinion is long and exhaustive. The lights
ot settlers under tlie various land laws Is
fully discussed. Tlio decision meets general
nppioval. Members ol the bar especially ex
press satisfaction.
Another Leap From Itrooklyn
Nr.w YOUK , Nov. 29. A man named Will-
lam Kur/ jumped Into tlio river Jrom Iliook-
lyn bridge about IHO o'clock this afternoon.
An eye witness , who was on the Dover street
pier , said to a reporter : "I was looking up
nt tlio bridge and saw a man got over the rail
ing next tntholnmp post outstdn thu New YoiK
tower. Ho clung to tlie tail lor a minute and
then let go. Ho turned two somer.Minlts In
the air and foil on Ills back in tlie water and
disappeared nt once. The water seemed to
suck" him In and the spray splashed
up several teet In tlio air. Very
few people were on the bridge
at the time , but several hundred gathered in
afevv.uiQiufintsandllioro was gieat excite
ment The captain of the lighter steamed
out and picked up Kur/ who had been under
the water about llvo minutes. When
picked up ho was frothing at
tlio mouth and too exhausted to
speak. His face had a j ellovv look and his
eves were glnssv and vacant in expiesslnn.
When the lighter reached the whaif Kur/
was placed in an express wagon and taken
to the Cliambeis stiect hospital. He told the
ollicer in charge of the police station to
where lie was first taken tlmt ho
wanted to commit suicide. He complained
of a pain'in his head and began to tave. At
the hospital ho was found to bo siill'ering
liom tlie shock ot the concussion. It is
thought lie will recover. When asked Ills
reason for the jump he replied : " 1 wish 1
was dead. "
Hritisli lira In Trade Review.
LONDON , Nov. 29. The Mark Lane Kx-
nress , in Its review of tlie Hritisli grain trade
the past week sa > s : Sparse oilers of native
wheat are attracting the attention of trade
and it is believed tlmt tlio crop has been
hugely overestimated. It Is now calculated
at only 0r,00UOU , , nimrtciH. In the piovlnclnl
markets the supplies aie rather cie.itei.
Values have not rrlsen. Sales of Kngllsh
wheat dining the week wern 49,09. ! quaitei.s
atillslld , against G18 qimileis at : Js ! U
last year. In London the trade lor w heat oil'
stands Is Ih mer and values are generally lid
higher , with Is advance on Anicilcan , Rus
sian and choice Indian. Prleci tor tloui and
corn are maintained. O.its are in huge sup
ply and dull. At to-day's m.ukct wheat was
In good demand. Flgur : > &Gd higher. Coin
3d dearer. _ _
A Garllcld Crank ArrcHtcd.
Ci.ivriAND , Nov. 29. Slnee last August
Mrs. Gaificld , wife of the late president ,
been erentlv annoyed at her country homo In
Mentor by the receipt of letteis of advice ,
etc. , from a person signing himself S. A.
IJodde. Yesteiday he appealed for the second
end time at the Garlleld faun house , iinil ,
lieing icfnscd pel mission to see .Mis. Car-
Held. ho eiinsed all the mcinbeis of thu lamily.
Ho was lollnwcd from the house and placed
under anestat Painesville. Itodde is thhtj-
eiglit jeai.sof age and a native of Holland.
Ho loimerlv lived at Foil Wayne. Ind. Alter
an Inquest in lunacy , tlio judge decided tlmt
Ifoclde was not siilllcieiitly unsound ol mind
to wainint his Incarceration in an asylum.
Ho , theiofore , sent to tlie county poor
house lei sale keeping.
Pointers Per American Opera.
Sr. Lens , Nov. 29. The KvaiiRellcal nlli-
mice of this city , at a meeting this moinlng
discussed the loitlmomlng season of the
Ainci lean Opera company , devoting special
attention to consideration ot the fact that the
company's ! performances were to include
ballet. A committee was appointed , which ,
alter deliberation , leported resolutions con
demning ceitain leatmes of the American
Opera company's rnteitulnmcnts as having
a corrupting tendency and counseling clnis-
thin people Horn patronl/ing enteitiiimncnts
presenting Mich icatuics.
Now York'H Coul Hyndlnnr > ,
Nr.wYonif , Nov , 29. A meeting of coal
manageiH , nl which lemcsentatlves of nil the
coal companies were uiescnt , was hold this
attcrnoon , Them were many Indlvldun
shippers also represented , making the mos
fully attended meetlnir the eoal trade has
held Ihl * Alter long discussion It was
decided to nmko no change ot anvklnd in
tlio pilces of antliiaclto Chaiiinan
Pott : ; stated alter thu meeting that In his
opinion theie would be no lurtlier advance in
prices and that they would lenmlii titatlonaiy
until spring , when aie.luctlon would jnoha
bly ba oideied.
Tim BlaiiKlitor or ilrevcw.
Aov. 29. The blani.'ltciliig ) of
quarantined cattle was routined to thu
Harvey farm tonlay , Fifty cows were
killed. Out of Ryan's 17. ) head blaughterci
ycsteiday four weio condemned , and of Nel
BOH Morris' stcorri about thlity were fount
diseased with pleino-pneumonln , The an
piaiseis were working among the .ShiitelU
dlblllloi v eattle to-day. No material change
was made from the previous awaids at other
Dairy Market.
CIIIOAOO , Nov , 39. The Inter Ocoan'.s
F.lgln , III. , saysi Ou the bo.itd o
trade to-day the leguUr sales weie. I'J..OO
pounds of butter at 2vci'23 ic , No
sold , Total sales , S'n.073.29.
Additional Particulars of the Devilish
Operations of Prof , Do Leon.
Ho Calls It n Neat Schoino
Dead Oli-ls Tell No Tales-
Other AVIuUod Dcrda
of CrliiitnalH.
A Drvlt in nisculso.
Niw : Vuntt , Nov. 29. | Special Telecram
to the 11 r.n.J After the Woild rcporterlmd
prepared his cxposmi1 , Saturday night , ot
Astrologer Do Leon , ho rejoined thn hitter
and tool ; a stroll , during which the professor
spoke1 fieely of the ncfaiIons trade In women.
They visited many notations losorts for
women of the town , and tiveiyvvhero Iho pro
fessor seemed to bo well known. Ho was
famlllaily greeted by Iho women , ono ot
whom bolder limn the lest , said to htm : "I
think\oiioiendevil. " To the reporter the
professor said : "Tills business ol .lending
supplies to Panama , Limn and Valparaiso is
the very neatest ono 1 have ever fallen Into.
" \ousee there Is not u paitlclo of danger in
the whole mailer. D nd gills as well as dead"
men tell no tales , nnd what with life and
climate these gills have just about
six months to live. Of n paity of fifty
girls that I Imvo sent to Mine. DeBlnn dur
ing the past tlnee yeais , not one has over
luined tmln New York again. Forsevoial
months I hear liom them and when the cor
respondence slops I suppose U Is the tesult
ol yellow fever. Tim girls nro nil silly and
unsophisticated and so the madam has no
ditlicnlty at all In managing them. A great
many women come to me In my pinctlce , 1
study theli characteristics and when 1 see
ono whom 1 should lilo ; to send away 1 adopt
a trick which I think will tool her the easiest.
Many young girls who aio unhappy In their
homo lelations come to me , they wnnt money
to amuse themselves and sometimes 1 ad
vance money. They spend the money
quickly and then 1 put the sciews
on. I tell them how Ihev may
nmko money. Of course nt first
they nre indignant. They spurn my propo
sition. Alter I tell them lepcatcdly that It
they will only consent to go to Panama lor a
few months they would bn enabled to pay me
olT. save a lot of money , nnd come linek
wearing seal skin saequcswhy thovgenerally
consent to po. "
"What fools these morlnls be. "
Last night Do Leon attempted to explain
matters. While ho Ims helped many nil-
foitunate women to ire to Panama , he claims
tlmt ho exngp-inted many of his lirst state
ments. This Is legnnled ns the result of tlio
sc.uo consequent upon seeing his matter pub
A Gang ol' Criminals Cniiuniltinc
Murder and Kajilno.
Nr.w OIII.IANS : , Nov. 29. A speelal to the
Picayune from Lake Piovidence , La. , says :
S. Wllkovvski , a representative fiom West
Can oil parish , came hero this alteinoon ana
repoited having been waylpld In his parish
by a gang ol outlaws , numbering about ten
persons. He was accompanied by two
filends. He expressed himself fortunate In
escaping assassination by taking to tlio
woods. He tnrther repoited that at about 10
o'clock last night his bookkeeper , Major
John MeKay , justice of tlio peace , was shot
and killed at his home , about four miles Irom
Caledonia , together with his cook. His
dwelling was set on Ilio nnd both bodies
were consumed. Wilkowskl Ims largo busi
ness interests in West CanoII pailsli ,
wheie ho has Ihcd a gicat
many ye.u.s mid biouiiht up his
family. v\liom he wascompellcd to le.ivo be
hind to o capo the clutches of the outlaws.
Tlio murderers ot McKay will no doubt bo
fully nientilicd because they .stopped the
team ot Wllkowski about noon , when it brat
tiaveised half tlio distance , and beat tlio
driver unmeiclfully. Tlnee coloied men in
charge of the wagon knew the men , but only
ono ol them has returned , and he is in town
witli Wilkowhkl. It was Wllkowski's
custom to go to Asliton every Sunday to
meet the packet , but for home te.ison ho did
not go yesterday. Thu lawless gang were
thus disappointed in not meeting him. When
asked why he did not go to Floyd , get the
sheriff ninl npnssu ami hunt down the assas
sins , Wilkowskl leplled tlmt it would Imvo
cost him his life to attempt to get theu > .
Major McKay was a quiet , law-abiding cill-
7en , and was much lespected.
Philadelphia Had I Ian leers.
Pinr.ADiH.riiiA , Nov. 29. Kx-Piesldcnt
AVilllam Ilcrb&l nnd Cashier Henry SelfoC
the Flist National bank of Glen Uock , York
county , Pa. , weio held in S-VJOO bail each tills
alteinoon by UnituI Stales Commissioner
Kdinunds to answei the charge ol cmbe/zle-
ment. The testimony .showed that notes
amounting to over 850,000. most of which
were dinvvn In favor of Hcibsr , were dis
counted at the bank by the cashier without
thu knowledge or consent of the boaid ot dl-
rcctois. Heibst obtained bail , but Soil/ was
unable to sccme hondsnien and went to jail ,
Jacob nud William Heibst , , lr. . sons of the
ex-lianlc pres'dcnt , are under iniest at Haiti-
more on the same clmice. and will be given
a healing on December 1'itli.
A ft or tlia lUnrilororH.
Loiiisvini.r , Nov. 29-rA Couilei .loinnal
special says : Fivn airests Imvo been nmdo
lor complicity In the murder of the Pee lam
ily In Knox county. Theio Is no longer any
douht tliat ) per-onn weie miirdeied. H.
M. Mitchell , hi other of Mis , Poe , admllsi
siichhilefh and h.ivs . the pornetiatois will
soon be ai Misled. The husband Is liiHine and
nut capable ot attending to the matter him-
sell , hut Ilio people ol Knox rounty Imvo
taken the airmr in hand and are vlgoioiisly
investigating eveiy clue.
Defniillitr Heed's Itnd Mess.
BOSTON , Nov. 29. Among the complica
tions which aie constantly lining biought to
lijht by expei Is In the nccoiintH of the South M
Hoston liorso rnlhoad company , It Ims been
discoveied tlmt some of the ceitllicatcs ot !
stock have been ic-Issui'd under the ham
inimlierri to second puties , A block ot ono
hundred shnie.s tuns twice Issued has been
found , The e.Npeit.i will have to tiacoeveiy
certllicato Issued sincir the heL'Innlng ot !
Rccd'K udmlnlstiatlon. This will bo a work
of weeks , and until It Ih llnlshcd thu stoclc-
holdeiH cannot asceitaln thu actual condi
tion ol the company.
Second Trial of DIcQundc.
Nr.w YOIIK , Nov. 29. The second tital of
e.x-Aldenunn Mifjnado was llxed to begin
to-day. When a mass of eager people reached
the comt of geneial sessions , they lonnd be
foio the dooi.s of pail one a bar with sliding
gate. Jichlnd this no one was mini ft ted except -
cept comt olllcers , jiliois , icpoileirt and the
accused with Ills counsel. Dlslrlet Attoiney
Marline and his nsslstiuit.s weio on liana
rally. The com t was opened at. 11 US a. m.
Convicted Klotpnt Tried.
Mii.w.vt'K-ii : : . Kov. 29. In the ease of Call
Musstcldt , John Lunge and August Outi ,
Milwaukee gaidcn iloleru , Judge Sloan , this
morning , niipemled spiiluneo. The pilsoners
weie immediately heed. Itreipilied all day
to scciiie a jiuy toiry Paul < iiotlkan , who U
charged with having Incited the ilots hero
last spiinu by nmhlng incendiary speeches.
( Jiiu ot the cluiL'cs is tlmt ho uiged the bin n-
ingof the comt liouse and an attack on the
uollcc. Giottkitn was the picdecessor of
.Spies ns editor of the Clileago nnaichlst
organ , The taking of testimony in lib casiy
\ \ 111 commence to-morruw.
Thn Iff hull of n Prolonced Sjirre.
CiiiCAf.o , Nov. 29. U' . Sohaireiiber , n.
fiocer at2tlOVentworlli avenue , blow his
biains out in n loom ot tlie ( hand Pad lie \t \
hotel bluntly after noon to-day. The self-
niuidei was nppaiently thu result of
longed drlnUihi , ' .