Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1886, Image 1

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They Are Wialded at Sligo to Disperse
Meetings of Irishmen.
Ho Urges All Lojal Oelts to Stand lirm in
the Doming Struggle ,
James O'Kcllv's ' Gloomy Predictions Tor the
Puturo in Ireland.
A Dangerous Peat Performed in a Lion's
Den By a Mesmerist.
OIK- With anil tlio Other Without
Wine A lltiiiKarlnn Kobfocr Chief
tain Rentenooil to lie ;
The lttinrlnii ) Question
Uuropeiiii N < < XXH lit
The Bllc < > Mooting
tlii/Jitmci ( Ionian IttimcK.l
It iiLi.v , Nov. ! i8. [ Koxv York lleralel
Cable-bpeclal to the Ur.n.J Xolwlthstand-
ing the proclamations , xx hat may be called
peilpatctlc meetings xveio held In thoxlcln-
lly of bilge and othei places xxhlch were xarl-
onslj dispersed by the bajonet or club. At
Jtillaghadcrln John Dillon w as delimit , The
folloxvlng extract trom his speech will xoico
the general tcellng ot Irishmen :
"Iho goxcinmont may attempt to suppress
Hie movement. They haxe slruck a bloxx
already. A detectixo from Dublin
has handed mo n process. ' 1 hat Is the bloxx' .
1 am still heie. These papers declare that I
haxobecn guillv of bad conduct toward the
queen because indci d I ha\o induced the ten
ants on sexeral estates In licland to com
bine together In older lo compel
Iho landlords to reduce the rents.
All I can say Is this : If
the government haxo no other bloxv lo
strlko they xxlll haxo xeiy llltlo etlcct on mo
by such bloxxs. They must rest perfectly
ceitaln that if writs orpiocosscshaxu no moro
effect on 3011 than these documents haxo on
mo it xxlll bo along time beloio J.oid Dillon
gets Ids rents. In spite of those
ground legal documents xxo
shall continue to co around and advise
the people lo take theli stand now 01 never
for fall rents and fico homes. I say that > on
need not be at all at raid as to the result of
this movement. Yon follow 0111 policy as
honest men , us braxo mon and
as men faithful to ono another.
Lord Dillon Is nbsolutcly powerless before
jou , but I must lemind > ou that In carrying
out this policy > on are not to Ilo down and
sleep. In exery dlslilct on this estate Ihu
members of tlio different leagues
should meet by Sunday and icgularly
ns they go to mass discuss the
.situation. Whenoxei wilts or pro
cesses mo seixcd , jou should meet
together and express jour deteimiiialion lo
support the men xxho haxe been struck and
sci.d up xxoid to us In Dublin as soon as the
writ seixlng begins , and -\xo xvill call the
biggest meeting that oxer assembled In toxxn.
[ Cheers. ] If > ou stand linn , as I Knoxv xou
xvlll. the battle Is won and jou will 00011 see
Lord Dillon haul down his colors. "
Undoubtedly U'ltilen will bo mtested to
A iiJiAVii > ijirrxnu.
,1 nines O'ICellj'H Direful Predictions
ol'Comlne JIviMits.
[ Cnfuji ttiM ; V < W liniiiiifn OiiiilnllcilllflM
SLK.I ) . Xnv. ST. INoxv Yoik lleinld
Cable .Special to the Hi.i : . | lly the piocla-
mat'on of the bllgo meeting the tory goxein-
ment confesses that Its policy ot i tiling Ire
land by onlinaiy law is n tnllure. Undei
the pretense of governing Ii eland with a
strong hand the Sallsbuij-Chuichlll combina
tion haxo been le.illy ncllng as the accom
plices ot the n itlonnllsteiders ( in compelling
Inndloidsto givuconsldeiablo reductions of
lents lo their tenants. This policy ol com
promise was concealed under u big talk In
tended to beguile and sootlto rnnipint toilcs
In nuirliuul. ( ii'iu'ial lluller's appolntnicnt
xxas triimpeled as Iho sign to all men that a
xlgorous policy would bo Inaugurated when
the toiies had to deal with the icbellloiib
lilsh , but Iho i.iglng lion Iioni London has
piox'cd n xery lamb In Kenx. So tai from
using mltitaij loieo to compel tcnnnts to piy
unjust tents bo iM'd his poxx ei lo control un
just landloiiU , xxho wished to me the mined
loicesbt the ei own to xxilng Irom thu miser-
nblo tenants rents xxhlih their fauns nexei
jiroduced , So notorious has ( Ion-
i rat BulleTs sjmpithy with thu
Irish teniinls become that the same
mon who weio tor his appointment ns
butcher-In chief to the UMi landlords now
loudlj demand Ids recall , as an nbotlor nnd
s.vmp.ithl/er with land leaguers and othei ob
jectionable persons of. nationalistic convic
tions. It seems exldent that parly lepies-
slou has again thu upper hand in ( ho councils
of the tory government , and xxo aio nbout to
sco a nuxv conflict betxxeen thn Itish people
nnd the Kngllsh goxeinmcnt , which Is likely
to be blttei and luolongcd. The now policy
initialed In the pi in of campaign pro
posed b ) United lieland compels Ihu tenants
to deposit In the hands of nationalist leaderd
a halt ) eai't > u'nt lo form u fund with xxhlcli
to light the landlords. Under this artangO'
inent Iho tenants oneo engaged In the stru , '
glo must light on to tlio end nnd cannot gc
behind each othersInelc logo at their land
' 'Uds. Their danger In this new comblna
. on Is cleailj peiceixed bj the lanilloids anil
the government , and Dublin rastlo has do
teimlnedto nuUuagroit elToit to eiushthc
iiioxemcnt bcfoio It spreads 01 takes root 11 :
the country. So lar , tlio sphlt shown by tin
people Id extraordlnatj and seems growing
Theio is no doubt that seilous reslstancu xxll
bo offered this xxlntei to the eollectlon ol
icnts in the west nnd south of lieland 01 :
these estates xxhero ie.isoii.ible reduction
haxo boon refused , The Irish members nn
resolxed to push the struggle to thu utmos
limit and them Is no doubt Ilio government
on tholrsldo , are equally tosolxeil to mcc'tio
Mstanco from the people with a litiu
even cruel , hand. Soldiers and police ante
to day coming Into Sli.o . in largo i n nbui
tiom all parts to suppress to moirovx's meet'
iuich } force should tlio promoters i > or ist Ii
lioldiui ; It , There Is the utmost excHemeu
niuoiie luo people , and a collision might xerj
easily bo provoked by an Intemperate net 01
cither side. This sudden dlstuibanco Of tin
political atmosphere slio\X3hox llttlo IOTU
dnllon there was for 1 licks-Beach's recent
boast that the National leapuo xxas almost
beaten. It would be dlfh > ult to cxafgerato
the Importance of a nrxv conflict on the
futnro of the tory coxcrnmcnt. Could they
haxo prrsiiadf-d the Irish landlords to a t
with justice towards their tenants , Ireland
would haxo passed through the winter in
absolute peace ami the lories would haxo
gained an enormous prestige for piloting the
snip of state through a stormy period by
means only ot the ordinary law. But the
Irish hudloids insist on their pound of llesh.
nnd to silence their outcries the tory goxcrn-
mcnt once moro has recourse to their tin-
ilitloiiiil weapon-coercion. It Is , wo all
think , the beginning of their downfall.
Within a fexv weeks probably many of the
leadeis of the Irish party will bo In jail and
tlie Hood ot anser and stilfo xvlll bo let loos'O
thtough the countiy. On this occasion
Iho proxocalion has dlstlnclli come fiom
ho hindloids , nnd their challenge
ias been accepted. Within a foxv
ixeeks wo shall ho in the midst of a conlllct ,
'or the nationalist luttlu cry xvill be , "I'hls
ix Inter lindloidlsm must die , " xxhilo the
auulords will tix wltn bixonct ami bullet to
ollect tliuh back rent. On this occasion the
rlah lenanlswlll haxe behind them thus > m-
.nth > and help ol half the English people ,
and theio Is lllllo cause to doubt that when
he sttugglc clones lilsh landlordism xxlll
laxocome loan end. The not I tlneo dajs
> xlll shape great events. J.vxn.s O'Ki i.i.\ .
Spicy Items Prom the Ki-ctich Cniiltnl
> 'lcely Sr-nsonpil.
[ C pvrffih ( IKIS tin Jiimm ffonloii tlrnnrtt. ]
'Aitis , Xox. iW-fXexv York Herald Cable
Special to the Br.K.J Adiulrnl Aubo's
gunboat has just passed success ! idly through
.ho preliminary tilal trip at LiSe > iic. With
icr enormous cannon and ammunition
weighing over 111,000 kilogrammes she at
tained a speed of nineteen and one halt knots ,
bus exceeding by one-firth of n knot the
speed lequlied by the ministry of marine.
'I he sea was model. itely calm nnd shu kept
up this tremendous speed toi sexeial hours.
AT TIIKr Anrxm : .
At Hie Acadcmle Trancalso nearly all the
mmoitals wein in tlieh places , some xxear-
ng the ofliclal arms on their collars and
apel" , xxith the trndltlonnl palm leaxos cm-
> roldeied at the top. Those Included
\Ilnlstei .McLean , Senor I' and
M. Do Lessens , runclually at 1 o'clock Jl.
Care , director ; M. Camilla Doucet , secretary ,
and M. Haloxy , chancelloi of the Academic
Krancalse , made their entry xvlth military
101101 sand took their seats at the desk re-
serxed for them. M. Camille Doucet having
ead the leport and proclaimed the merits of
the laureates , M. llalexy lead aloud some ex
tracts from M. Do Lesctire's essay on "Ueau-
marehais , " xxhlch had xxon the Hist piie for
elocution , and then JM. Care delivered an ad-
liess on irl/cs ) lot good works or "Virtue , "
as thoolllclal oxpiesslon has it which was
much relished by his audience. .M.
Vltet's successoi In the academical chah
s the most ] ) opularof the Paris professors
and his leclures are always laigely attended
by ladles xxho admire ills sott voice nnd xvldto
lands as much as Ills eloquence. M. Care has
n happy delivery anil an easy style , much to
the tasle of the tomalo dox otees dubbed by
piofano critics , Carolines xxho loxo to woi-
hlpat Ills shrine and to ueiruile some ot their
olsuro hours by taking In as much of his phil
osophy as they can understand. Tlio object
of their smiles and blandishments does not
plquo himself on his fair "ellentele. "
.Most prominent and by lar the most
popular ol those that that weio "couronnes"
by the academy Is Jiilien Viand , tlio joung
naval olliccr , whoso books , "Mon Trero
"ives" and "Les Pecheurs d'Island , " had
such success this jear under the iioni do
Illume ot "IMerro Lotl. "
A HAsiiioxAiii.r. r.vr.xr.
The annual seance of the Institute , at which
the famous "I'K do Vcrlu Mont ) on , " the
pri/u tor which , by the way , iormcd the
basis ol that superlatively Immortal play
Fiacre 117 , " last jear , came oft on
Thmsday xxlth gieat eclnt. The cream
of the teminhio society of Pans
vxero piesent , and the loilets xxeie , of course ,
delicious. H uidsoino Countess I'otocka
xxoio an cntiio diess ot black silk
xelvet , cmbioldercd down Iho fiont xvlth
jet. Her tight-lilting corsage bail a large jut
collarette , fonnlnga pointed back and trout.
Around the edge ot the skill was placed n
baud of nstrnchan. bho also xxoio a black vel
vet bonnet xv 1th a jet brim , nnd on algiotte , n
line orange and black olid being lixml in the
eentie. A handsome pcllsso of ehlsseled
plush , bordeied with asliachan to match ,
was stiitwn ox 01 her shoulders.
The Comtesso do ilailly Neshsxlio is a
fair , dlaponouslopklng beauty , with aiisio-
iratlc lealuies , xxoro a daintj toilet of mouse
pia > cloth , einbroldcicd with steel cord In
aiabisqucs , and boideied vvitli chinchilla
fur. A linj capolo bonnet , of giay cloth ,
dechlquete , with a narrow border of fur and
a cornel bow ol puiplo velxet , thiougli which
xvcro passed a couple of short gi.iy quill
feathois , nud a mulf , on xxhlch were tastencd
a big biiucli of superb Russian violets and n
bow of pin pie velxet , matching that on thu
A xery costly s > icillicu by tire was lecently
cclebinted in tlio sumptuous npiitments ol a
young nit nmatuor In the. rue Mnrbonf. The
nnmtuer iuxiled a well-known art dealei and
espeil lo breakfast , and , after eolleo and eig-
aiellos , asked the expert , M. < ! eorgo Petit , to
visit his plutuiu gallery of gems , which wcto
signed 'Melssonlcr , " Corot , Trojon , Le-
fehvii' , lioiuuoieau , riomontln , Duprerso ,
The dealer , examining the picture ot "I'ho
Tvxo Chevalier. , ot Louis rrel/o , " salu :
"Why , that Is nut Mulssonler. I know
what Meisbonhu's plcluies aio. Tals
Is a false out ) . "
Then , pioeeedlng to the ox-amlnntlon of
"Coiot" "l'io-
other canxMsses signed and -
xou , " ho loiinil n iloMin spin Ions. The young
amiituoi had paid one-half a million tiancs
lei these pictures , and so disgusted xxas ho
with liisoxpeiumeo as .in art amatuei that ho
built a hu.'h bouliro In the laige medhexial
IUo- ) > lice of his plctuio gallery , lluovv thu
false Moisslonors , Coiots , Tioyons , Itoiijue-
leans , etc. , pell mell Into thu llauics and
walehed them until they vveto leducod to
i iitiiiii IM i. LION r.Miinrnov.
A frightful seeno was xvltue > ed tie ! other
day at Dijon , A mesmerist , M. Toicy , ac-
coimnnicd bj lilssubject , n citaleptic yuan , ;
pei son named Mile. Lucia , euteied the c.u'o
of lions lu Signor Salxa's nienaetie. Tin
animals siemed at quito stuptlied on
feeing stiaiuu persons before them , but they
soon bewail to show their molar broid sides ,
and piopaicu tor action M. Toicy lo-t no
time , and having sent Mile. Lucia Into a
magnetic trance , ho tola her to tix her nra o or
the beasts and toplaco her aims beloio them
allot which she did xvilli perfect impunity
Show as then plunged Into a cataleptic lit ,
her body was sttlfuncd , nud her foci nud le , ; :
fastened to two stools. The animals , goideil
by the koopcrs.aud by vigorous UuusU frou
M. Torey's sticks , xx ere made to jump sex ern
timca over Die youiu wouuu's body. This
inhuman exeiclso was continued until the
, audencet [ xxoiiul ) up to the koaueit pitch ol
'excitement irvvli.i ; to the tuuhilous grovrlint ;
o' thoiuCuriatud lluu * , crlOJ ou ; "euougu , "
nnd the three actors were loudly acclaimed
by the spectators.
NOT oot.vo ov TIII : STAOI :
ilrs. Hrovx n-I'ottor slid to a friend : "The
absurd stories going the rounds ot Noxv
York In the papers to the cITectthat 1 shall
soon appcir on the slice as a professional
actressaro without ono xxord ot truth. 1
hax oncxer spoken w llh any managcrou the
subject , llnxeseenno contract and have
no such plans whiicxer for Iho future. "
svu.r.n KOII NM.XX vonu.
The ( lascogue \lled lo dy from Haxro foi
Nexv Yoik xvlth the tliisslan and Bra/lllan
ministers to Washington on boird , Huron
Dllajubn , Iho Bi.ulllau minister , Is accom
panied by his chinning wife , who , it Is
feared , lathci legretfiilly takes hrr eouise
westwaul. M. Di' truxe , the Husslun niln-
Itst'T to Washinnlon , also silts in tlie lljis-
cogno , but Mine. Dcstiuxo lemalus In Pails.
Biron Kava , Iho Itillau mlnlstei to Wash
ington , : il so took passage In the ( lascogne ,
but at thu last moment a slight illness
nnd thedeslraot Mine. IMIXM to linger longer
In Paris Induced him to postpone his depart
ure for another xxeek. riic olhico mlulsteis
and their xxlxes vxeie cntcit lined nt a dtnliei
piilv by Mi. and Miss Mol/uiu on Thanksgiving -
giving day. Among the other passengersof
the Oascoguo is M. l.oubat , who declines to
siy anything nboul the Union club nITair , ns
the matter Is entirely In the hands of Ids law-
ji'is. The follow ing is a complete llsl ot Hie
passengersof the ( Jascoiiio : Mt. Li Pluin-
mer and l.imlly , Mr. U. I' . Cross , Mrs. B. W.
Horlon , Mr. A. I'tnlmann , Baton do Thorn-
sen and family , W. L. Boutelller , Mis Till-
lughast , Mi. H. D.eiiiker , M. Dcstrave. Min
ister foi Russia ; Senator Halo , M. 13. Pas-
quello Jiinod , Mr. K. Hclset , Do Ciarraendla ,
Mr. C. Capelle Lotibat , Mr. 0. A. begesta ,
Mis. llaylctte , Miss Uplou , Mr. nnd Mis.
Ha'nliighms. Miss Do Bauo , Mi. iiul Mis.
J'arkei Mann , M. O'Lhagaray , 3Ir. and Mis.
Blumharl , Mi. L. Urehiei , Mr. Ilondiicks ,
Colonel Agiiilar , Mi. Mendlth Head , ji. , Mr.
and Mrs. AlferitMr. . and Mis. W. Biett ,
Mr. 11. O. Beig , Mr. K. II. U.udner , Mi. i : .
Furgie , Mrs. Jaubert , Mr. 1 ! . Saxalut L"ru-
sti > lu. Iho Baroui D' Jtajuba , minister Irom
"Ira/il ; the Barouno D' Jtajuba , Mt. S.
Jottlleb , Mr. A. Von Wondt , Mi and Mis.
latthew Morgan , Mrs. llnrdenbrrg , Mr. C ! .
Slloup , Mi L. Itoomptpr , Mrs. Siwyei , Mr.
Cd Piicoand Dr. Landricit.
The north ( iermnn Llojd slcemer Traxo
onched on Thursday at Southampton and
ookou boaid Iho Amorlcan malls. He says
ho voyage is likely ( o bo a llxely one , as she
canles among her ias oiigeis the famous
uutie/y Xicgenner UanUngatjul by tlio Kden
niisee , of > exv York.
A iiArv srAM\i. ) .
A piquant scandal involving the reputation
ol Iho Abbe Houssel and a young boniding
school miss , Annette Haichous , crops out
ntrain to day , nnd ) ) iomtses to result in a
cause celebre. A lew days ago Ln Tiaiico
Dubiished a sensational stoiy nbout Annette
Ilnichoux , a young gill who had been placed
u a boaiding school at Antcnio dliected by
Abbe Houssel. That journal slated that
\nnelto had been seduced bv the
abbe , who afteixxnrd maintained net ns
Ills misticss in a co/.y little apartment
at No. 8 rue Simon Lo France foi txxo years.
Thotitsky abbe iinally got tiled ot her , the
moro so as Annette was not contenled wllh
the abbe and bad lavished her lavors with
prodigal generosity upon a do/en of young
Pntislan students. The abbo gave hei as a
parting gift n sum of money and a check lor
1,000 francs. Annette shOrlly aflci-
w.ud offered the check In pay
ment to her upholsteiei , who , before
accepting U , asked the abbe If U was all light.
The abbo Ueclared the check to be a forgery.
La France , hax Ing published the nbox'c story ,
M. Paul DuCassagnac , who once in n while
assumes the role ot champion to the Parisian
ecclesiastic , xvioto to the abbo and asked
whether that "infamy" xvns true 01 not The
, ibb3 vxi oto lo M. Paul DeCassaguas declar
ing thu xvholo matter to be a base labilcatlon
and enclosed a letter fiom Annette ,
saying that all Imputations against
his chastity were false , and that his
signature was in fact a toigcry. Annette
xxas then nrie ted and put into pilson nt
Saint Li/aro. To day her father nppenred on
the scene and wrote a Icttei published by Li
J'laiiee ' , saying that his daughter was ically
seduced by the Abbo Kousscl and xxas torced
to xv rite the letter which the abbo enclosed
to Paul Cassignnc by Iho abbe's laxvyer
under prcssuic ot sex eio tlueats ami prom
ises. Moieox ei , experts pi on ounced the abbe's
> ! gnatuio to thu check lo bo authentic.
Annette now most solemnly nllirms that she
was seduced by the nbbonnd aflerxvaid kept
by him as his mistress. The celebrated Pan-
si in advocate , Maillo Lnguue , has been 10-
laidcd for Annette , nnd La I'laneo
Is conhdent that a perlect nxn-
lancho of unimpeachable testimony
will soon bo forthcoming to pioxo the
abbe's bnckslldlng fiom chastity. Thoallali
causes a great sensation , ns the abbe has been
hitherto considered a model ol moiallly and
upiightncs1 : , has enjoyed the utmost conn-
deuce , and has foi been In supreme ol a lemalo orphan asylum and n
Imardini ; school containing upvxnrd of ono
bundled young ghls , aged ten to twenty , of
whom ho xxas the solo confessor and mentor.
Dinner' ) .
[ Cn\i\it \ \ < ijd ! Ids/Hill JuiMi flonlnn lloindt , ]
Bmii.iv , ( Via 11-ivie. ) .Nov. W f.N'oxv
York Heiald Cable Special to iho Hin.l
There xxasqulta a llxely time heie on Thurs
day about the American Thanksgiving din
ner , The American clergyman , Mr Schutt-
endyko , U a stiict tempeiauco man , and
although thu Thanksgiving dinner dining
lldrly-livoyeais lias boi-ii enlivened by xvlno ,
vx omen and song , ho thought a now depait-
uio in order , bo there weio two Thanksgiv
ing dinners in lleilln , ono nt the Hotel Im
perial and Ihu oilier at the chinch. The
former was enltxoned by the presence of
Miss Adam ? nnd by the charming Miss
iira.'e , of > ow Voile , and .Mrs. Sly x ester ,
whoso husband , an old Amcrlein resident of
lleilln , has feasted at oveiy Thanksgiving
nnnlxeisary lu lleilln fortilteen jenrs , Mln-
istei Pondleton , not being nblo to go lo both
dinners , adopts the I'abiau policy and goes
to neither. Mr. Crosby , secretary of legation ,
and Mi , Itiiln , consul , wo nl in for dancing
and champagne , much to thu dismay of thu
c'eigymen. '
Il | Mall Uohliory.
[ Cii ) > iji t'jhl tSfHi I ill Jainn ( Ionian llrniitll. ]
liiLssiis ! ; , Nov. 2S. [ New Yoik Heiald
Cable Special to the Bin . ] A great iob-
beiy , especially inteicstlng to Americans ,
was committed yesteulay on Iho express
tialn stalling Iioni Osteuu at J o'clock In the
moinlng and cariyln ; to Vcixlers thu Kn ; >
llsh and Ameilcin malls on their way to
( jcrmaiiy , Austria and the east. On the ev
piess arriving In Iho morning ni b o'clock at
Veixier1- , where the passengers aio always
tiansferred to the ( iermnn train , It was dla-
coxcred the can lage containing thoKnglish
mall had been biokcu into and twenty-one
bass containing money and diamonds to the
supposed amount of S ! ' > ' ) , o : > 0 had been opened
and emptied. A lautcin was found in the
carriage , showing the robbeiy had been com
mitted dining the night by passengers travel-
ins on the train nnd xvho probably after-
xvard alighted at one of the intermediate sta
tions. Among the stolen property aio forty-
4 > no packages of diamonds shipped at Xexv
Yoik. for Aloxaudrovakl. The Jielsian gov-
eminent is responsible for .all.
Bell , of the forelen mall office , reports to
night the receipt of a dippatch from the post
master Koncral of Bcldum roixirtlni ; lo the
depirtment that the United States mall for
Iltissia. xx blip passing tliiouRh that country ,
was lobbed of HI regHlcn-d packages. This
Isbellexedto haxc been the mall thai left
Nexv Yoik on the 17th on the steamer Cider
and left London for St. Peteisbuig ou the
llo _ Apncnls Fiom n Mfo Sentence
nnil CctH One of Untieing.
[ O > pifiM ; IfsilivJaiAt * UtmtotiIcmirf'.l '
Hi nA-1'i.vrii , Nov.US. i Nexv York Herald
Cable Special lo Hie Bnr. I ' 1 he case of the
robber chief , Joseph Sax any a , who xxlthhls
band vxero long the terrors of northwcstein
Hiiugaiy. has just been decided on his ap
peal , nnd his sentence ol impiisonmeiit lor
II fo has been changed to dcnth on thognllows.
The judge icad n Ions list of murdcis and
robbers charged lo Ilio conx let , thu most ic-
markablo ot which xvas the stealing ot a
flock of sheep.
MtXIPItOt" ! rillMI .
The Hungarian police at Kssegclmxo come
upon the tiai'ks of the thieves who a loxv
weeks ago stole nil Iron safe containing'
about 8101,000 , chiefly In cash and bonds
from the house of a gentleman near .Maila
Thcrosiiipol. Ceitalti jcxvels had been ree-
ognl/ed at the paxxnbioKer shops. A baud
of six lobbcis ici ently nltncked Iho house ol
Leopold Mnradl , 110,11 Stnhlwclssenbcip ; , and
maltieated him nnd his luiuliy , bienking his
mm nud wounding his vxlfo with nil
n\e. The peasants , aimed , vtth clubs
nnd pltehfoiks came to tlio icscue , but tlneo
of them were shot , ns well as n ghl xxho
climbed into the beltiy to ling an alaim. The
lobbcrs , niter Dinning the house , escaped
with theh booty , about ? 70. Thecommunnl
notary of ' 1 ibis , , was nun-
dciedon Monday , Novcmbci SB , while to-
tinning in the eveniug from a meeting ot
notailes. Ho was shot In the back. He
had been notaiy for foity years
nml xvas much icspcctcd. 'I he Buda-Pestcr
Tapblalt of Nox ember 3t details eight cases
ot bmglaiy und highway robbcrv xxhlch have
lately occuned in the country at Baes , near
the county seit. Xomboi , Iho chief judge ,
xxas attacked bv four men on the public load
nnd hisco.ichman killed. The Tagblall snys :
1'hnt this Is by no means the lesiiltof poxeity
but of abnd administration of justice , and
calls foi the proclamation of martini law
against the lobbers ami their accomplices.
I'hls papci belongs to the opposition.
'Iho game of pulvCi xxhich had been making
apid progiess in Vlciiun , bns just been tor-
bid by Iho city authorities at thu clubs nnd
ruNin : vi , or A unriuri ) An m s .
The luneial of Uosa.liikos Laboisilvy , the
gteat Hungnilan actress , letlicd liom the
it.igo since 1SG' ) , has taken place hcic with
eliglous scixlco In the thealre. Caidinal
Ilavnald appealed wllh PrlmeMinlstcr LIsa
among the chief mouiucis. The emperoi
uul empiess of Austria and most ( it the
aichdiikcs sent xv tenths and telc iaius ofcoti-
Aiallxvay bianch , about Iifty-thiee miles
! eng , in Macedonia , Joining Iho station
Uskiitt , on Iho balonlca line , xxitli thn oiaina
: ei minus at Belgiado , xvlll bo opened foi
: rathc eaily in the spring , thus gieatly shoit-
enlngtlio distance from central Kuropo to
( ' .recce and Kgy pt. / Tl.o , earthworks are al
ready completed. A short strip which is still
lacking In the direct line to Constantinople
cannot bo linishcd until quiet and older
is icstored In Bulgaiia. Both Kuumelia and
iVustiia-Hutigary are becoming tiled of the
commerce war waged oxer the nexvtarlll ,
which amounts practically to a cessation ol
Imsinsss intercouise. The Austiians haxo
been consulting xvith the Hungailaii dele
gates dining the last week and have leached
a conclusion , which they will press upon the
lioumaiiia specialists , xvho aiu expccled in
Vienna eaily in December.
The Bulgarian 15roll.
[ C j > i/i tuM IS&d li\i \ Jdmc * ( Ionian Ucnnctt. ]
lltiiv Pi > in , No2S. . [ Xew York llei-
ald Cable Spocinl to the Bar. ] M. Karaxcl-
elf , in a recent pamphlet , icpoitcd the state
ment tlmt Blsmaiek nnd ICatiioky , In inter-
vlcxx sat Kissinger nnd ( laslein , consenlcdlo
the deposition of Prince Alexander. Tlie
liusslnii j-apers use this lo cxcilo hate ngninst
Anstiia. In the Hiingniian dclesntlon yes
terday Deputy r.ille : made an inteinolntion
on the subjec' ' . M. S. Xocgy en , speaking foi
KaliioUv , denied most emphatically any ne
gotiations and any kuoxxledge of the do
tliioneinent beforehand.
OM.'i \ MATTKIt OP COl'llTHsV.
Thedecoiatlon ot Kaulbais by the sultan
Is much crltici/eil , but Is leally meanineless ,
being only the sultan'i ; usual politeness to
any distinguished oflicinl guest presented by
an ambassador.
A Now Diocese.
liovir , Nov. & . Thepopo his divided the
diocese of Alton , In Illinois , making the
soutliein iHHt'on ' a new diocese , witlt the SPO
at Uelloxille.
rtnsolxcil to Ilolil Port Hamilton.
SIIANOHXI , Nox. 23 , It Is asseited pn-
xately hero that the Knglish goxcinmunt has
icsolxed to hold Port Hamilton.
A Ciookcil Family.
PiiiL\iii : i'iii.No \ ' . 2s. Considerable
mystciy enxclopcs tlio atfaiis of the I'list
National binkofdleii Uock , Yoik county , Pa ,
Within n bhoit tlmo the president and cashlei
haxo broil deposed and noxv ulllcers elected.
The leason lor this action xvas not made ap
parent until the Issuinco of warrants last
ox'onlng by Henry H. I'dmiinds , United
States commissioner , for Iho nncst of Wil
liam lleihst , late iircslilent ot the hank , and
llnnrv Slebst , hie cashier , nnd Jacob Horbst
nnd William Herbst , BOIIS of Piesldont
Jlerbst , coiuposinc the Him of lleibst v. bens ,
ot ( ilen Itock. Monday nfteinoon the de-
tendnnts xxlll bo inesutit to aiisvxei to the
ehargo of embe/llng lunils ol the bank
nmountlng to 57r < oooo.
SlosROn Heats Kuhunror.
St. Louis , Nox % i-'T.-Tho lirst two games
at cushion carom billiards between ( Uoin'eP ,
Slossou , of Chicago , and Jacob Schaofei , of
this city , wore played at Masonic hall this
evening. Tlio games are each for2,000a
sldo and gate iecelpts.r.OJ points on regulni
. ' > \.0 table. In Hit ) 110th run Senaefur sue-
eeeded in gelling ono jwlnt uhead of hie ad-
xeisaiy.tho scoio htaiullng-i ; ! to 421 , but lie
Held thu load toi onlvu moment , Slossou tak
ing it aznin nud holding It to the finish , win
ning by 111 points. Tow aid the clo o
hchaefer rallied , but codld not last and the
close xxas ratliei tame.
Kloxversini n Htrilco.
Nov. 23.-- The bottlei sdix 1s-
lon of thu dlass lilovveis league met In con
vention In this city jcsteulay and In secret
session ordeied a strike among its members
in thri east dt vision , which Includes all the
tenllory eastot the Alltghenics. Including
Cauail a. ' 1 ho Mi ik'o goes Into ellect at once
nnd Is against apprentices and a icdtu tlon ot
5 per cint in wa0re.s. About : ii , 0 men are. at-
fectud by thu strike and the hres weic
oidered to bo banked lo-ni ht.
A lll Siii ( for Property.
Mil WAI MFNov. : . > . Papers have been
served In a suit ihvohing 100 acres In the
heart uf Supeilor Clly , Wl3. Thohndij
valued at i-IWjO'W , being covered vxith costly
Immoxcmeiil.s. A number ol prominent
politicians arc patties lo the nttumpt to sue
fcssfully dispute the present title uudei
Which the projiertv is lie-Id
A Colored Gentleman Grazed by Department
favoritism nt Washington.
ncinnctnts lUlnoliii ; Xoroniiieis nw
to Who Plorco's Successor AV1II Ilo
Prolmblo Siiironio ) Court
Ctinnses Capital News.
r.fTect of Too Much Olllclnl Pnvor.
WAIIUNOION , Nov. 2 ? . [ Special Teleciam
to the Hm : . | It transplics that John 1 ; .
West , iho niulatlo bookccper at the ceneral
land oflict' , who ono night n week nuo en
tered the house of Mis. I'nge , a department
clerk , and ass-inlted her foi some \lelous
purpose unknown , but piesnmcd to bo iob-
beiy , and who , attei cludiiij ; the police till
\estcrday 1110111111 ; ; , icturned here fioiu Hos-
ton and BH\O himself up , ilalmln ; ; that ho
was labotliiK nndei a tit of mental abciatlon
otsoinoelmiactpi when he tiiudu the assault ,
1ms his head turned hi fa\oiltism as the de-
paitment. Ho has been the pel of the Alilean
lace , and , besides showeis ot olllcial in\ois ,
has been woishlpped by MHitinuMitat l > oll-
tlclans and soft minded soclelv eads. When
he was icoenllj promoted In his ollldul posi
tion there was surpilse , and the Indications
aio that ho was can led o\ci the heads ot
oldci tlciks airl moio deseixlns because , It
Isallesed , ho wascoloied , and a desiio pie-
\allcd to eater to the lace. Ho leeched "rl.i'iOO
a jeav. At the tliuu ol promotion much com-
inent was made , as lew cleiks lecclxed so
much s\laiy In thai branch ol the sei\ko
and West had been only n short time cm-
plojcd ami Ids qu.ililleatlnns were by no
menus c\liaoulnar ! } . It was lenaided as n ,
tribute to the eoloiodoteand theic eeitainly
seemed to bo a time whan the Miicst load ( o
fa\oi In Ihodcpailmenl was to be moie or
less tinged with Af i lean blood. 1'iobably it
lesultcd iioni a teal of dlserlmlnalini ;
against them. Intheetloit to be fall the
line was dtawn lee fai. Though well meant ,
the eft ect was bad. in the case of West , If
his attempt at crime was committed In a half
erased condition It may ; be tineeil back lo a
biulden elc\ation which pinxcd too much foi
a moial ciinllibiium none lee stable.
kh.NA.IOIl VKsI 111s \ 1IOMI.
Senatoi Vest is the latest ol the law-mau-
eis topuiehaso hiniselt a homo In this city ,
nnd he paid $1.000 lot acomtoi table house on
U stieet , nndei Iho siiadow ol the Hlalno
mansion , lie makes the twentieth senator
ot sccntsl \ to iintst in leal Cblatc In lids i : firnr-MK COUHT CIIANOI .
In a leucntcoiuoisttfon with a justice ot
the United Mates Mipicmc coint , youi corie-
spondenl leai tied that It Is nmoni ; the possi
bilities foi 1'iesident Clcxeland to ha\e the
naming of lour and possibly Iho now mem-
beis ol this court betoro the c\piintion ot tlio
piesent adnilnislialion. When li t spoken
this announcement appeared staillin , but a.
detailed explanation , while InterestinK. lobs
the item of much ot Its point. Tim teamed
justice went on to say : Justices JIlHer , Field
and Hiadley aie now eligible foi ictlrement
with full pay. as they aio moio than se\enty
j ears of use and ha\e occupied seats upon
the sitpiemo comt hencli moie than ten jeais.
The law reaulrcs that a judge ot til's ' eouit
shall haw * leaclied the aio reteried to nnd
served the peiiod mentioned beloio retire
ment on lull pay. Chief Justice Walte will
celebrate his seventieth birthday on tlie' HIi
of thopicsont month , when ho will also bo
eligible lor ictircment. All the justices named
appear to bo onjovinir c\cellcnt health , and
there seems but Iltlle ptobability ot any of
them availing tlienisehcs at the retlicment
clause in the neat fiitiue. Howuvei , sliould
ellhei of these Gentlemen dosiioto tluow olV
their silken noun and lead u life of case and
comfort at 810,000 per ji-u Hlstheii pihlii-KO
to do so. .MI. Justice Woods , who is now in
New Oilcans endea\oriiiK lo seek icliol lioin
a se\cro piilnionarv atledion , is not expected
to [ urlicipite in the ] > roccedliiKS of tiic comt
iiiuiiiB ( lie present term , and his liiends say
tint ho will nexer be able to
lebtmio his judicial dunes on the
bench. He Is not \ct eligible tor letliemcnl ,
otheiwlse hewould i-ladly permit 1'icsidont
Cle\elanu to name his siueessoi. Justice
Woods is said to bo in only modeiatc cli-
cums'aiicesand , llieictoie , does not feel able
togho up his sum ; beilh on the supiemo
bencli so long as theio Is the slightest clianco
ot rei ainiiii ; his health.
roMiNo i vnirr ro.vir.sTiov.
Dlt Is eleai theio will be contention In the
demoeiatic ranks In the house on thetuill.
The aiiministiation will iccommcnd the
Hewitt bill botli In the picsideni's mcssigo
and In .Secietaiy Manning's lejioit. 'lo this
Mill Mou i-on is unaltciably ojijiosed n iless
ho can add to It his noutiali/ing amendment.
He has alieady since HIP election unnoimccd
his opposition to the Uewilt bill. .Morrison
chaiiiestlmt the bill will ineuase tlie laiill
on soiiieaitlclcs. The attempt ol the admin-
Istintion to pass Ibis bill \\ltliout the Moiri-
SOD attacliiiientwlll pciclpitate the Ihstdcm-
ocinlic lisilit of the session. Jl will be inlei-
estlng lo spectalois lei Iho lea on that it w 111
bo the last appvaiance ot Morrison and Hew
itt in tlm political niena heie lor at least two
jears. Uoth aie hei\lly roated with wai
j'.iliit. MoiiUon dechues Ihat Heultlin an
Inten lew he published was lamely inslru-
mcntnl In dcleallnghlni. lle\\ltta\n.s that
Morrlsoii's bull-headed obitinacy on thetarilf
maj defeat the democi atk- pail ) In l ss. In
this tespect the administration will sup
port Hewitt. Hewitt's relusal to jeslgn
until , January isn icsiiit of hlsdclcrinlnntlon
lotiy to i > ans this bill. Unless all signs mo
mlsleadiiiK Mmrlson will oppose Ilowltl , nnd
In so ( loin r will apju > ar lo oppose the admin-
isliallon. The tieasuiy depiitmeiit has In
piepainllon faets and litivics showing the de
plorable condition into which the adminis
tration o ! the customs laws h.uo tallcn.
These inctslllshov that merchandise that
should pay trom 2.1 to lUpei centdulles Iscom-
IIIK In ill 10 and 'Miiei cent. Hoththosrciotaiy
ot tlio liiMsuiy and the pieshlcnt will haxo
somethlin ; to say about tins ami will stiongly
lecommcnd thu passage ol the ilcnltt udmln-
Istrntlon bill.
Kepiosentatho .leny Mmphj.of the Da-
\enp.nt ( Iowa ) dlstiict , has been In New
York lei some tlmo complaining of ni.ilaila
nnd thu workings of eongiess. Ho sijs
nothing will be done thlswintoi further thiin
the pass ign ol aimiopri itlon bills. He thinks
thu house iseomiwsed ot too many members , > s If there weio only IW Instead of
"i niiieh morn satlsfncllon to the country
could bo ociomplNheil. "Them Is no moro
nnsatlsfacloiy position , " fiaj.sMuiphy , ' 'tlian
that of a member ot coniriess , I sencd In
the slate fcciiiato of Iowa tor sineial teimsbe-
foni I went to congress , and tliero things nro
dllleicnt.Vhcn \ 1 madonspcicii 1 was lis
tened to wltb lespecttul attention , nnd I
don't lememiier ottering a bill that was not
passed , but In Washington ono cannot get
icspectful attention , and It Is almost as much
asmn life is woith togct a bill through. 1
was In the house buen mouths heloie 1 said
'Mi. ( speaker.1 I nexer atlempttd to inako
moro tiiiin two or threw speeches It was no
use. I shall bo Klad to have done with It
Washington society is made up of hj pin ilsy ,
1'eoplo toadv to jou as long as jou aio in
powei. but the moment j on go oul they ilioji
joiillko a hot potato , ( innci Clex eland , ft
ho should not bo re elected , on theSlhof
March , ISb' ' , would at trait no notiio what-
oxer. Ves , dux eland will piobalih bo ie-
nominated and re-elected , .Should ( loxcrnor
Hill ( ontest the Nexv YinK deletMtion with
Cloxelnml Iho nomination \\iil piobably go
west to McDonalil. Tliero will bo four can
didates among the republicans lilalne ,
Lo.'an , Shcrman and Allison. It Hliinn
does not sweep thn deck on the lust b illot I
think the chances would b In Allison s
faxor. lilnlno would pieler Allison to either
.Shrrman 01 LO.MII. 1 lux en' t taken much
Interest in thu lilaino-KdmundK episode. It
Ismuely a personil matter. 1 think it has
no moro hignitic.inco tlian a light betw een
luodogs. 1 wouldn't go across the stieet to
see a dog Tight , ami cannot eo much excite
ment in the Ulalno-Kdmnnds quaircl ,
c = n < Aiii.isi i : 10 i KAI > TIII : norm : .
It is generally conceded that Speaker Carlisle -
lisle xx 111 ha > o to submit to a contest foi his
seat In the next house , as Mi. Tholbe , the
labor candidate who opposed him no xlgor
otioly. has a powertul iulluuuce behind tiiiu ,
xhlchwlll ln | st upon annojlng Mr. Cir-
l lo as much as possible. A promineiil deiu-
ictalie enalor who Is a warm personal
friend of bpenknr Carlisle , In commenting
ipon till'prob.iblo eon lest , .a > s the demo-
i.illc paitv In thohoiHe needs uch n nitii ns
'arllslo to Ic.xd them ncnlnst the strong men
in the other side. There xx ill bo maiix- now
mil Inoxpeilenceil men In the next house ,
in it as the malorllx' xvlll bo sunll Iho eool ,
eleir head of Carlisle \xlll be of grealcr xalue
ipon the Moor tlinn In the spiMkoi's chair. It
ias been deiuonslialpd lime nnd again that
> uo man cannot lend UK ; majoiltx In the
ion e liotn Hie speakers de > k Should Ciir-
hleeonsont to neccpt Iho leadership of hit
initj tlieie Is no man better lilted to succeed
olho speakers clnlr than Chniles V , Cilsp ,
iflieoigla. Mr. Ciisp has had eonsldernmu
oxperlenee In ptcsldliig oxer the house xxhen-
rxet Mi. Cntllslo x\ns obliged lo be absent ,
ind his nilliips luixe alwajs bcon fair nnd
mp.mial and his peisonal popuhritv on
loth stdos of the house will make him a xery
ol mldable enndldatc.
Mil IN XXII I Not 111 IN'Vl T10Tltl ) .
Theio Is no more Inlk about the once-
hieidcni'd eongiesolonnl Inxeslli'atloii Into
ho lei nis upon \\hlch < ! eionliuo , the Apicho
chlet , suiiendetcd. The presence of ( icneial
Miles In llm eltx and ids \erbil asullns
xiltlon explanation of the siiriender seems
0 put nt lust till ipH'Mlon nbout u pihntunnd
negular undcrslaiiding between the mur-
leious Indian nnd the commander of the
Jnited Stales troops who recoixcd him. It Is
stated as the belief of ( ienenil Miles that
heie would tiiixu been noeoniplalnt about
lie niannci hi which the tumble on the soulh-
westein bordci XMIS luoutrlit to nn end had It
not been dlscoxeiedhen the end htinlly
camotlmt tlie Indians had no leal backing
md the Iron bin xvns practically at an end
K'cause llm hostllesxeiofexxandstnrxlng. .
At no tlmu beloro the suriender were the
repiesonlalhes of the goxeinmnut nblo to
ascertain the power of the Indians , theli
lumber or thelrsonrce of supplies. At times
t soeiued that ihox'xxeio xei > lormhhihlc , nnd
It x\as bollnxed liiev had nllles across the
midei in Mexico. When finally they thicxx-
loxxn their arms and came In under promise
Hint thov should not bo killed outilght.
t xx ns leai licit that they went fexv and
weak , and that they had llxedbx1 plunder
nnd their xxaifaro was modeled alter that of
Iho long-to-bo remembered Modocs. It xxas
seen thatthex could lm\o been readily exteiiu-
Inatcd had they been surrounded nnd brought
to bay , and ( ieneial Miles xxns criticised xery
sexerelj because ho did not r 'cclxe their dead
bodies instead of their peslllerous Ihes. He
s.usthuv would have stood out nnd continued
theli gueillla work foi many jcars jet had
lie not crowded them to imikoamoxc to sur-
rendei. Hebolicxes , fuitheimoie , that the
old manner ol lighting would not haxe won ,
and that It is enough that thov aio in the
pil-on In Kloiida and can bo tiled foi their
Tin : novrnvousinr or TIAKOTX.
A good deal of nenoitsncss is being shoxvn
by the Dakota democrats oxei Iho nppioach-
ins appointment ol a Roxernoi lei theli tei-
iltoiv. ( iiixeinoi 1'ieico has resigned , and
will bccomonti ediloi neain as soon as his
sueccssoi is appointed. The democrats of
the tenltoix * haxo been tnfoimed that the
man lifts been detcimlned upon , and they
cannot leai n his name. Thev belicxe. how-
oxer , that ho Is not a resident ot the teirltory ,
hence Ihelr ncnoiisness. Theio Is a proxl-
slon In Iho parly plattorm adojited atChleigo
in issi piovldlng that territorial ollices shall
bo Idled by resldentsot Hie tcnltorx xxheieln
the ofllccs arolncatcil. His iindcistood that
Coxcinoi 1'Ierce laxois the appolnlmeiit of a
teniloij mm , but ho his no xolce In the
mallei. The appointment Is anticipated
daily nnd Is expected to be a rojal binptise to
DaUot i dcmociiits.
coxnuniiMr.v Aninvjvn.
Members ol the loxxcr house of congress arc
.u riving lapldly , and by biturday moio than
half of them will be In the city. About 40
percenter thorn will atrixe betxxoen Satur
day atteinoon and Mondiv morning , and it
Is likely that xxhcn Speaker Cirlisle calls thn
house to outer at noon on Monday the at
tendance will bo < iuito lull. The speedy man
ner in whiclu the committees Imx Ing appro
priation bills to compile aie going to woik
indicates that the appropriations may bo
clcaied tip befoie tlio lirst ot Kebruaiy , thus
fixing tixo 01 six xxeeks In xvhlch to do xxoik
xxhich xvlll affect the country.
Agcneial expiession is heaid that the bulk
01 this time shall bj gheu to laws iclating to
labor and nuanceIt Is staled thil the re-
< liiesl has gone tiom the white house thai
something should bo done toi the laborers ot
the counliy , so as to obxlate the necessity , or
landed necessity , of eilllng an extia sOislon
ol the riftietfi congiess Membeis s..y
thoiowlll bo umplo time at this session to leg
islate lei the laboreis , ns all mo willing to
gho It pieeedenco , but theie Is a serious oh-
slncle in Iho way : No one knows xx hat Is
wanted. Not n single Icasibie idea has hi on
advanced In ; > ll the demind and lalk about
nn extia session foi the woikingmen. Mr.
Dcpcxv seems to h.uo spoken \\iselx when ho
-aid tint tlie labmlng man had a gnexance ,
but did not knoxx how to oxmess it. And no
ono blames the class lei that. All mew 11-
liiu to help Und the grievance nnd nj to nl-
lexlate It : hut It is feaied that it nu > tnko
jOino tiiiiu to locde it nnd suggest the icmcilx' .
That Is whj the president does not see the
necessity ol an exli a session.
All agieo that there will be no time to dxe
to the subject ol tailll. 'I lul is too volumin
ous , they all sax , lo Inko hold of now. It will
conic u ] ) In time to make a shibboleth lei
ss , howexei.
Gills Procured l < 'or
I'urposi's in Korolcri Count rle .
Xr.xx YOII : > , Xox. 'JS. , IVlugiani to
Iholii.r. J A gentleman connected with the
Panama laiho id who has lecuntlj leturncd
from the Isthmus , called at the Woild olllci *
jestenliy nnd luinlshed a statement xvhleh
shows that foi some time past ceilaln per
sons In this city luxe been engaged In the
sxslematic piocnrement ot jomu xvomeii
ami their sliipmont to Madnnu Do Illen at
Panama foi immoial puiposes. The giealest
ollcndct xxas sud to bo 1'iof. Delon , an as-
tiolo er , whose place ol business Is So. US
Ihst Kouitli slicel. This peibon was seen bj
a Woild iPiiorter last night , tin fully ad
mitted that ho had been engigcd In the lie
iiii Ions business. He xvas Mapped Into talk
ing freely with the repmtei and said : "I
pick up all of these girls In thu rouiso ol
in ) ptactlce. borne of them xxant a change , so
1 send them to I'miama as seamstresses.
Veiy texv ot Iheni oxer como bixek , The
ellmalo settles neaiiy all of them , and so > on
see xxluit aoiy neat business It Is. 1 haxo u
picttx1 big business In Spinlsh Ami'iifin '
eounlilc's. I haxo lettcis Iioni Lima , VnU
pualso , l.lhnl.iil , Hid Jnnlcio and othei
places , nil nsking lor .supplies. Wo muei
linvo any dllllculty In sliipi > lng gills on Iho
steamers Soxxpoil nnd City ot I'ails , xxheieis
It Is neatly imposslblo to gut ono oil on tlio
Colon or Acipulco. The jirofessor staled
that ho Intended to send some gills to I'ana-
lii.ion an uarlv steamer. Huslitod that they
weio lesinclable , jiretty and > oung , All in-
xestlgntlon of tlio miltei lioin beginning to
end will be Instituted xei > boon.
The Canadian Pieiiilor'n Dupllolly ,
CIIIOAIIO , Xov.2S. ibpcclal Telegiam to
the HI.I..J A special fiom Toronto , Out. ,
sa > s : An Instance of the dupllcltx of Sit
John MacDnnald , Iho Canadian piemlcr , is
glxen bx , tlio press heio to da > . Ills shown
that blr John MucDon.ilU ndmlly icad.coi-
reeled and npproxed tlie pionl sheets ot a lit-
lie pamphlet c.illliu' on Itoman Catholics
ot Canada to suppoit him ns their filend ,
nnd pointing out what hls ovcriiinrnt would
do for them If ho rrcched ihuii sujipml , This
) iiinphlet xvas Issued before the Kiench Cana
dians turned against Sir John McDonald for
conseiiliiu to tlio political munlei ot Kiel ,
und ho is now loadiiiu lu the oiangemen ot
Canada , thieatonlng lo distiaiichlso the
Kiench Canadian xoleis and abusing them lo
such nn extent that sonii ) jnoplo luxu fear
that II this war of men and icll.'lon U con
tinued much longei annihoi revolution may
tin ) Kaphlii H r : ly.
NIAGAKA. FALLS , Nov. " \ ( Jeoigo
lettand Mlbs.S.idlo Allen , a gill of cightcci
sens , wc'iit tliroiiyh the rapida nndxxlilpoo
snfi'ly this afteinoon In a toipedo-shapcil
b irrtl used by U.ulctt and Volts last sum
I'oi tUraska ; Fall weather , cooler.
The Stock Market Closes Higher Than For
Three Ycnrs.
Ihc Vntidcrlillts Kcpoitcil to Ho lltiy
t Tlioir Oxx ii Stock 1 ho Slonoy
"Maikot strong the 1'iiat
The Highest In Ttiroo Years.
MCW Youie , Nox. 2s. ( Special Telegram
o tlio llir.l Wo aio still In finhiou nnil
ii\o : nun 111 closed the stock mniKct lit tlio
ilghest point whlih It has attained In tnoro
Imn three years. Although the nvctngo oC
ulcc's last nlcht was hlghc'i thiin It lias been
' 01 iiioio than three years , tlio rKo has not
lecn rapid for Ilio list fortuljihl nnil tliero I ?
; oiu'ial Itclli'f In n Decembei ilso instead of
liolireaklilch vvo Inul last year. It Is true
hat many or the non-dlx liloiul pay Ing storks
ia\o atUanced morn than they xxould have
mder other clicumslniices. Tliero has been
x licnlthy advance in thine stocks \\lilch lm\o
OUR liad lilKh places on the list and hnxti
ilxxnysbeen In high favot with Investors.
Iheio Is tlio host lensoti to bellexo thai the
Vatidcibllts h.uo bcon btivlng tlu'ir own
itocks. What eta * should thoj linest their
anplns Iniunic In" They luixo abstained
loin taklnc nny unenitied dividends mid now
hat they ha\o paid otr Moating debts and
accumulated a surplus xxhlch wnirnnts a ru
sumption of dividends xxhat Is moie
natuinl than they should Increase the
intdlugs of stocks xxhlch they know
uoro about any othei people.
Mew York Central \\ns quiet , but up to the
il hest pilcelt Ins seen this 3ear and xorr
Ittlu doing. Wltli all Its eitotmous capital it
us almost ceased to bo a speculative stock.
lake Shore hat done so xxell that tt Is only a
luestlon ho\v much Itlll bo able to pay 101
.ho jeai. It has eatm'd something oxer
i\ed charges every iniartei In the year.
Michigan Central is In splendid condition ,
lax ing no llo.itlng debt , no incnmhraiicti' *
nnd a e.ish surplus quite stilllcient to allow a
! ) per cent for the stock , und Canada
nthemlll ceitalnly be able In do amiiuch.
I'ho line show Ing ot the Vanderbllt to.ids has
encuuiagcd a better tooling In Nickel IM.ito
securities .mil bonds II.IMI been sold at higher
[ triceslth Indications of a movement In the
stock. "pi dilation has
jeun active all xvoek , but ol a less pj iiiteeh-
nlcal ehai.tctti tlian hcietoloie , and It looks
is If the toji had been leached. Hut of nil
the clicusscs that the exiliangu lias seen that
n Heading was the gtenlesi und occuiied
Saturday. Who was ii'.dly buying and why
they bought \\as not easy to tell. Woemer
xvas the principal bioker on the llooi and ho
liad t\\o 01 tlnee biokof- besides Lewis , xxho
is their loanlar lirokot. They were open and
eaget In their purchases and the poltitei to A
Jny IhoMock was so xxldolv disliibuled that
oxery one had it. One bioker attei another
; i\e It to theli customers , but Ihey all seemed
to light shy ot It until the stock had gone up
tw o 01 tluce points and then they rushed In
nnd helped to pot it up 0 per cent , ( ieneral
Is not what man } people looked for.
The bank exchanges show that tliero lias
lieen a falling oil in mercantile business and.
the banks haxe morn funds than they had in
pile ot the l.ict that money was bid up to 10
l > ei cent on the exchange Mondav. bineo
then It has been easy and has axciaged abnnt
4 to C per cent. Nevertheless tlicio is a llttln
more demand foi loans on goo ( I collateral
nnd piiiuo meicantllo paper and tlio average
of lates on such collaterals hits bcon marked
up about 3 iioi cent nnd in some cases moio
thin that. I'ho bank statement show s a con
siderable Incieasn in loans and the loss of.
more than fr 1,000.000 in specie , with a COIISP-
liicnt loss of moio than Sl.OOJ.OOO In the surplus -
plus rescue. _
Detailed St.itcmiMit , ol' the Business
of tlio Con lit i y.
Uosiox , No\-\ [ Special Telegiam to the
Ui.r. ] The follow line table , com | > iled fioni
special dlspitehos to the Post tiom the mnna-
ijers of the \dlntcle u Inir houses of Ihu Uni
ted bliiles , nl\es the hioss nNchanges at oacli
point toi the week ending Noxembei 'JS , Ihkrt ,
in Loiiipniisnn with the coriespondiiig week
In l T :
* Dcnverliol Included In tol.ils
HOJIOI ts I'lom Iho Winter Wheat Holt
Cinr\oo , Nov. 3S. The tollowlir ' eioj )
summary will appear in this week's Issue of
the r.umeis' Ituxluw : Thu leports liomtho
xvlnlei wheat scctloiiH xxeio uniformully lr.-
x'oinblo uj ) to the closu ot the week , as to
piospects lor fall sown grain-moiu gonei-
nlly fnvorablo than heloio tor a number ot
years. In Illinois , Ohio , Indiana und Mis
souri the reports staU that gialn Is looking
unusually good. In , Wisconsin
and Kansas , vxhllu the repoils , in > niil6a
faxoinble , none ol the lonoipondenl-'ripoit
nny of the helds as looking othei mom-
ising. 'Hie plant is upinled as vigoious ,
nnd , with nn axiragu snow piotcclioii , the
gonu nlcioii piomlses lo go Into Iho xv inter
in unusually good shape , ( jut ol 14' ' ) pilncl-
pll winter xxheat counties In fin stati'H
named , 101 lepoil an axi'iagu ui iiunascd
acreage ascompaitil xvllh l sO , and W lupoit
a decreased ane ue. Illinois and Kan : n In-
ilicatu tint lir 'ist ileiieaae , lu Dlno only ! 5
( oiiiities out ol'- ! ' . ) show a deeriMsu .mil only 1
III Indlann. II out ot 1'J lonutiis icpoitlng.
In Illinois lit counties out ot . ; j u'poit , i do-
cie.ifco nml in K'ausib 10 counties out of'Jl ic-
poita decrease.
Tim Onfial li.vxa l > onil
PiiicCici , Nox.'i. . H. btieknex. the ncxv
lircsident of the Central Iowa railmad , 10
commejidsa leer nnl/ation ol tin nlfniih to
Ihu diiectors , Jlu estlniali'h the cost of put-
tin. ; thu pioperty In ns good i-ondilmn ns that
of othei roads lu Iowa at about , ' OOO.iXW.
Hesaxs thu jnoimty should be placi'd In the
bands of a icceixir al OIKO and the company
should then ciUei upon thu vxoil ol u < > r im-
i/.allon ot HID I'ompanj" Js-il litiitt ni
Us laedc-iiaiuts vvilldii Jis piiUaWy ui-i lu