Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1886, Image 1

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The Omaha Sunday Bee will bo DAILY Twelve pagtvs to-morrow , Look
n great paper to-morrow. Don't ontfor interesting special features.
fail to get it , Don't fail toicail The Sunday Bee.
I I \ r
Opening of Another Scandalous Divorce
Case in the Aristocracy.
nl tin- Court Itnoin ' " Hoar
liioNnnty Dotulls Another Vic
tim DICH On tlic Pield of
Ioid nnd Lndj In Court.
\fopti' \ ' > uM IV-J I'll liimn fiiinliiii llennell 1
LOVIION , Nov.'JO-lNow York Herald Cable
Special to the Hn.J : 'Uio Cimpbells aio
comlin , ' was the tune piaUlcallj hummed III
the royrtl courthouse tlitoualioiii this morn-
Ing. As earlj .is 'J o'clock tlio building was
fairly bc'-clgcd by masses , wlioalnly ex
pected to get into a loom about tlio sl/o of
the New oik court ol common pleas cham
ber. Nhen two honis had passed they
found thov could not oven ontei the build-
Ing. Only nebs and swells weio
allowed Insldo it and oven these
woio stopped within twenty feet
of the tilal 1 can only Ilkon thecriish of bon
nets and wicck ot dolmans dining a short
tlmo to what has often occtiried at the Acad
emy ot Music at a Patti or Mlsson matinee.
Lngllsli men and the pipcis hero uio loud
of expiating on tlie love of Ameileans for
scandal , but by the sensation at this ttlal , as
attho ictent SebrlL'ht nnd Coleridge trials ,
tlie London anxiety tor spicy cases is abund
antly shown.
IN TIII : co PUT itoovi.
lly tlie couitesy of ( Jcotgo Lewis , sollcltoi
for Ladj Colin , and ol all her alleged corre
spondents , 1 was enabled to escape the crush
and enter tlie well of the com t room. The
counsel and solicHois' benches weie already
tilled with horsu liaii , silk and serge. At
Hist I see Hobort H.inatyno Flnlnj , lj. C. and
M. P. , with ills clean bhavon , hcavj brewed ,
decisive Scotch face.
llo leads lot Loid Colin , is tlio union
liberal member lot Inverness , mid unlimited
Sli Hobeit Peel , lie began llfo by pi.ietlclng
medicine bofoio taking to law , and Is In the
casd malnlj because It turns greatly on med
ical evidence. llo loinlnds one of beciotnry
Havaid as he sat leading a document. With
him Is Frank Lockvvood , Q. C. , liberal mem-
bei ol paillament foi Yolk and leader of the
noithcnst circuit , llo is famous foi liis
persuasiveness and power of Ingenious de
duction. IJoiimd these , on two benches , are
Attoiney ( leneral Webstoi , Solicitor General
Claike , \ \ Illlain Oullv , member for Cailisle ,
with a Shakespearian head and
n smooth face ; John Patilck Murplij- ,
Q. C. and a bencher of ; the middle temple ,
fumed lei cross-examination ; Indervvick , Q.
C. , without whom bcemingij no divorce case
can bo proceeded , and Charles Matthews , a
Xevv Ycukboj' , son of "Dollj Davenport and
Ll/zle Weston , " but adopted by his step-
fathei , Iho late comedian. 'I'hcso appear tor
the various coi respondents or for Lady Colin.
( ieorgo Lewis , with his glass In his right
cje , looks live a gunner Mirvcjlng his ar
nir. .lunciK nous rr.
Now Justice Hull pops through a little door
Into liis peichedup pen. All rise , bows are
changed , and for an Instant the expiessivo
silence ot the muses piaisos this sundcrer of
those whom heaven is popularly presumed to
have joined like the traditional execu
tioner. Tlio judge seems tlio least con-
coined of actors or spectators , llo is
looked at , scominsly with the most In-
teiost , by Lady Colin , wlio sits on u
side bench vv lib hcrpatilarchal looking father
and mother ; by Lady .Miles , who is that curi
ous kind ol a "mutual friend" known In the
great Hiooklyn c iso , and tlio lit st witness ;
by Lord Colin , as Ills Argyleshiie tenants
dub him ; by Lou ! Walter Campbell , wlio not
long ago was a Wall street habitue , and by
the Duke ol Argyle , who looks sad , as though
nuvv about fo piactically reiil/o that very
"Helgn of Law" lie has wiltten about.
Piescntlj the piellmlnaiy fence begins.
Tlio special jurors have taken their stands ,
lor tliu challenge laicos are not in vogue heie.
Mi. Flnlay moves that Lord Collu's plead
ings bo lirst opened , blr Chailes Husscll
shows that his client's plaint was filed eailiost
and Justice Unit docldos lor tlio latter co
inciding the law vvitli the old motto , "Placu
mix dams. "
Mi. Seailo for Loid Colin ilscs and begins
to speak. Ho had only said : "Will jour
ioidshlp allow mo to " When the littoi , In
u poiemptorv tone , interrupted : "Mr.
Searlo , 1 h ivo decided the point. * '
In Now ork .Mr. Soarlo would have said :
" 1 except. " lluro lie had to accept now amid
what an Irish bairlster , once callid "a second
burst ot sllonce. "
Sir Chailes Hnssell lises. He looks at
Lord Colin as otten us Sli Chailes Ins looked
at the lories in tlio house , but ho logaids the
Jmors as when glancing at the I'.unellito
I'.vmiva M in : TALI' .
Ho begins by painting , with Mitissolnor-
llko mlnut.e , thu stoiy already outlined to
lloiaid leadeiH In a lecent interview vvitli
Lad ) Colin Campbell. His tone tovvauls the
husband N .so hitter nnd contemptuous that
thn pi oud laeo ot the Duke of Aigvlo
blanches. Again , as Hnssell mentions thu
name of his tali client , his tone glows ca-
tondoi. She howovci , seemsehllly ,
and wraps her capacious sables around
her , vvhilu her mother hands
her a gold flacnn. Sir Charles
lias Invectives for tlio husband who
has dared lo become such while almost a
patient in n repulsive hospital , llo goes over
the gioniui ot the sepniato divotco trial and
decree , lloiccounts , with eloquent detesta
tion of the noble lord , dwelling upon the
vvoid "noble" with an lej inllootlon , his St.
Laiaro ptoeeduio. llo lon'ibly purtiajs
the degradation of thu noblu luid In
caressing his wife's own housemaid and
tondling the mlnlon'.s tresses at his own
health stone , Hu outlines the inventive
fashion of the stoiy about the coicspoiul-
cuts , his leading idea tlnuiuhout thu two
horn's opening having boon to color the
wife's woos and waken sympathies foi hot
at the outtel , while iiieuk'atlng piejinlko to <
ward hoi husband. It was to got his Ills )
lieannt ; with thu jiuois that Loid Colin's
counsel fought at thu outset for hrt.1 plaeo.
Dining the uildiess Mossis. Finluj , Luck-
wood and Searlo make notes , and look as It
wilting on the margins , "Vastly line , but
wait until our artllhry opens. " Simllaily ,
they boom to look at lliu butler and lain
Mevvaidof thu jacht Atlanta , upon the vorj
back bench.
Meanvvlillo , from ( I o ladles In tlio galleiy ,
romu nuiU or shakes ot bonnets , as thu > line-
liotisly listen to tlio orator's mc'lical allu
sions , ur ids b.ull > stated lefeienees to Lady
Miles' trmlnlnu tiit-k of making believe to
leave thu house , slammliu the door .so us to
return as .v spy upon the amoious Colin and
Ihoupioned Phjrno.
I.AIIV Jiti.i s TAKI.S mi : SIAXD.
liulerwii'lf , as soon us the murmurs of as-
tout or dissent to tlio speech had reased ,
ailed Lady Miles , when u ladv , .seemingly
If ly , wearing a rich , blae k silk robe , pro-
liscly trlmmoa vUth otter , entered thu wit
ness box. She at first sociued acltated , but
soon testified with clearness , and In decisive ,
dramatic tones. She is the daughter of
that Sir David Hoche whom many Irish-
Americans from Limerick mij remember
as member ot parliament for that city during
tlic most of O'ConncH's agitation. She Is the
wife f a military bironet , recently o lory
member ( if paillament. Her testimony was
icmarkalilo Indeed A life-long friend of
Lid v Colin's family , she seems to havobc-
como , soon alien know ing the duke's son , ex
ceedingly friendly with Lord Colin. She
turned hur nngnificont , high court
residence. near Bristol , u show
place. Into a hospital for him.
bho testified that Lord Colin was novcr with
out on attendant hospital nurse to cue foi
ids health. Lettei s between herself and my
lord vv cio produced In which site addressed
him as "My Dear Coca. " and signed her elf
"Mn//io , " which a humorous London 10-
uoitor near mo whispered ou lit to icad
"Mtissie. "
She witnessed , by a trick , one ol'mj lotd's
inlidelltics. She never told his w Ho ol this
until itftci the lines ot btttlo weio torniod
with the husband. Site volunteered lobe the
go between for the couple. In the box she
suggested a feminine PecksnllT. At times
she seemed to have boon forget ! ill of her
oaily friendship for Lady Colin In
hoi anxiety to servo the husband.
Except for her mutual friendship the
case at the bar would never have come on.
Shu alone muddled Hie water In which fie
lavvjers lishcd. One of Loid Colin's solici
tors said this afternoon that her cross-exam
ination by Ftnlay would be as ineielless as
Matthews' was ot Dilke. Hesldes , her
veracity is to be challenged by tlio house
maid's oath in denial. 1 l.incy the dobs-
examlnatlon vviildestioj Iiei stoiy ,
A "vitv/.u : " i.iiTiit. :
The Inconsistency of hci mutual friend
ship can bo best judged by the following ex
tract fiom one of Lady Miles' "Mu/ie' let
ters to "Deal Coca : "
" 1 think she ( meaning Lidy Colin ) ins
no light to do any thing In your house. She
never had any bialns and is acting most un-
vvlselj' for her own icputatlon , 1 now think
dear Coca , that jou will bu much happier
when all tills business is at an end and jou
no longer live with a woman who told jou
before hei whole family that she pretoired a
loen othei men to von. Gertrude thinks
iciselt veiy much aggtloved. bho is a cold
tvumaii and unable to nndoi stand join wai in-
icartod , impresslvo natuie. "
A UISAOISII.MINT : I'ltonAiii.n.
Many lavvjers who heard tlie opening
Mieceli and Ladj Miles' testimony , so fai as
"l has gone , agice aliead > that theie is the
greatest probaullitj' , whatever the testimony
maybe , in it tlio juiors will dlsagiee , some
v otlng lor tlio noble lot d and some for the in
jured lady.
As I conclude this dispatch hundreds of
ncvvsbojsare jelling "special" in all the
treets and the prices have gone up from a
pennj' toll pence and 0 pence. Possibly the
proverbial Biitish ination of tlio piess will
burn tlio midnight oil over the eight columns'
rcpoi t.
A Danker Vindicates Hla Honor on
tlic IJIooUy Field.
I Cupi/rli/ht / / J&Stf Ijy Jain's ( Ionian llriiii'tM
MANMIKIVI , Nov. 'M. [ New Yoik llciald
Cable bjieclal to the Hii.J : A domestic
drama vvitli a tragic ending Is making a
great stir throughout tlio grand duchy. The
dramatis personae arc a wealthy Mannheim
banker , Ids wife , and a fashion-going
lieutenant of diagoons , named Sithlohl , well
known and a great l.ivoritu in
German spoiling ciicles. Tlio banker ,
a mooilj' , preoccupied mm , had
lattcilv lett his wife a gieat deal
tohciown devices. Apparently she found
her isolation tedious , and when the lieuten
ant olforod to act as hci cav aller servant she
did not offer any vuiy xiolent objection.
Malicious minors soon began to link the
names ot the ladj and the ofllcci , but as the saw no harm In their riding and
driving about together , people caiiio to tlio
conclusion that minor had again piovcd a
liar , 'llio other day , howevei , it was repotted
that the cotinlo had eloped. Nothing con
tinued the * and the * indeed
stotj ladj , , soon
after went to visit her father-in-law's conn-
tiy homo.
nu : i.n rnvANT : en vi.t r.Norn.
Nevertheless the banker's suspicions were
amused , llo m uio inquiries , and appaiontly
bollovlng ho had boon betrajed , sent tlio
lieutenant a challenge. A regimental jtny
ol honor decided a meeting was necessaiy.
The dual was fought j'ostordaj in a wood
ncai .Mannheim. Silldold's biother was one
of his seconds. The husband came on tlio
hold wearing thoiiiiifoim of his old t'hlan
leglment and determined to kill his advcr-
saij. Tlio lioutc'iiant was eqmllj dotonnlned
not to baulk him. When the signal was given
Slthlcld deliberately liied vvldcot his man.
A vi , AIVI.
Thcbankci , taking catolul aim , also liicd
The next moment the jonng ollleor loll 11101-
tally wounded and died halt an hour aftet.
The tragedy has cast a gloom over thu town.
All sympathy his gone with tlio lieutenaiii
and nobodj lias a wuid to saj toi the injuiod
To-day the dead man's body was homo
through the town , accompanied by an im
posing military oseoit , the pioccsslon heiiiL.
headed by ( lie regimental bind plajing a
dead maieli. The ftinotal took place at
It is slid the binker , who Is prosti.itod
fiom uxtlti niont , intends to sttoioi a dlvoico
Coining "Meet I ncs In Ireland.
liivrfi/i ( | ( / ( IBtuiii \ ] JIIIHM (7iii ) / llcnnclt. ]
Dt max , Nov. 20 , [ Now Vork Herald Ca
bio Special to tlio Hr.ic.J 'lliu old-lashionei
tory organ tovoiscs Its anti-Irish methods
The evei suggobtlvo words , "God have the
Queen , " came In to-night's G.-uctto of tlio
proclamation ot Loid Londonderrj' . bickec
by Secretary Hicks-Beach , forbidding tin
Sligo mectini : . Nevertheless Dillon am
olheis will hold , scattcicd over the county o
bllgo , vai Ions bnnday meetings , Hills aio
now bolng pilnted in the Fieeman's Jour
nal olllui announcing these , nnd also bextoi
and Nolan nt Louih , the lord tnajo
nnd Haitlngtoii at Mnllliiirar , John O'Coi
not at Kllslieelan , In Tippeiarj' , etc. Theie
will bou Snnda ) night binquot nt Sllgo to
0 llilon , Dillon ami O'Kelloy , vvheiothov
can speak thioiuh the ] ne\\spapeis. L'liitei
1 1 ohm d has received a vvaiiilng toclaj' , Dil
Ion's summons lor the queen's bench nox
week is lei the so called Intimidatlm
speech ot Nnvembei T , which was dull
lopoited on the Mh. "Jlo must line
ball tor good behavioi , " sajs til
Mimmons , I'ooplu hem aio asking
"Will ho lollow Fathei bluolj's pioci'denty
C. H. O'Htlon's entliiihlistie loceptlonut Hil
la luuivruun was sisnlilcint. ( invornmen
( illlflals m ike no secret th it coL'U'i.m o
uvei ) Kind will now ho tiscd ,141 list whit is
already railed the "No It nt" campaign
The ) call Dillon the .Storm ) Petrel of na
tlonalUm , Hut leaders of thu lattei ask , " 1
our government to bo by j tilers' kcjs am
swoids against it ineferilng coercion to ton
tout' ' " 'Ihusitvvlll bo soon that Dillon'
tactics have drawn thu cov eminent lue , a
ho inU'ndcd.
Dt in ix , Nov , Cfl The Irish Times ( conservative
sorvativo ) sij thuguvuiuuien ( has icsolu'c
o promptly suppress all anti-rent and other
llceal combinations to cm tall the license of
he press , to forcibly snppicss Intimidation ,
o enforce the laws governing processes for
collection of debts , to proclaim all meetings
ailed for ccilaln purposes , and to arrest
citaln prominent agitators of the anti-rent
lollcy. The Times also sajs It Is reported
hat troops 1m e been sent to different pirts
> f the country where uprisings and anti-rent
ngitatlon is Imminent.
nu.i.oVs st MVIONS TO vt'
John Dillon lias been summoned io appear
n court Monday next and show cause whj
limlnal Information should not be swoin
iKalnst him for the sentiments ho iccontiy ex-
ncsscd in n speech encouraging tenants to
ollovv the cximplo of tlioso on theClanrleado
estates In the county of G.ilwaj' . Dillon , In
his speech , advocated general submission to
eviction lalliot than pay rents , as llio best
neaii" for bringing tlio landlords of licland
to terms with the occupiers of lands In Ire-
and. The speech which Dillon l cited to
explain was delivered at Woodfoid October IS.
'hiechief seeiotary for Ireland has been
busily engaged all day at Dublin castle con-
Vi ring with legal and mllitaty aulhoiltlos.
I'heeltj Is agitated by minors of the wildest
rhaiaetoi lolallngto the guvenunent's Inten
tions. The meeting of nationalists ,
called to assemble In tlio siibtnb ot liish-
town , Sunday , will , It Is thought bo prohib-
ted. Ollleialsof the liish National League
lo not appeal to bo dlstiubcd. Thoj aio all
pitistiing theli avocations in theli ordlnaij
way , and all of them siy tliev have no Idea
\vliat thu government decided to do , if it has
decided to do anything.
Di ni.ivo \ . T . John Dillon 1m boon
summoned to appeal in couitTucsiKy next ,
ho chaigos against him being that his
laiuiugo at a meeting hold at Longloid on
the 7th Inst. led to an assault upon a ballltl
Hid rosi stance to the execution of decieos ;
that nt a meet Ins : on Monciav last he made a
spc'ech Cftlciihted to intimidate. The affi
davits on which the summons were Issued
were lodged by police inspectors and sien-
Oiraphois wlio wore present at tlie meetings
rofeiredto. Tlio citation calls upon Dillon
to lind sinctles for his good behavior , In de
fault of which ho will bo committed to jail.
Messis. Dillon and O'Urlen attended a moot
ing of Lord Dillon's tenanttonight. . They
inged tiie tenants to tirmlv resist all attempts
to compel them to pay unjust rents.
Tlio Press Upholds the * Government.
ICopirfiJilsso / by Jamt * flunlon He > inct.l (
LOMIOV , Nov. U7. [ New York Herald
Cable-Special to the Uu : ] All the moining
papois join in upholding tlio government tor
its Irish action last evening In Sllgo
and Dublin , except the News , which , hovv-
ovei , advises the nationalists not to hold a
meeting , and adds : " 'iliey cannot doslio to
inn the risk of draw ing unaniiod people into
a contlict with tlie a' mod forces of the crow n
ana they must remcmbci that by defjlng the
law they alienate a number of Lnglisli
friends. "
Bulgarian AtTalrs.
SoriA , Nov. 'M. Agitation lias been
started for tlie puipose ol securing the nomi
nation ot PiinccKmmitnl Vogrldos , nephew
of Aleko Pasha , to the Bulgarian thsone.
The pilncc Is a Unssophilc Giccolf , and has
returned trom Constantinople. The so-
bran lew 111 send a deputation of Bulgarian
notables to Vienna , St. Potersbuig , Berlin ,
London , Paris , Komo and Constantinople to
hilly explain to the powers tlie actual
condition of all airs in lnliaria ) nnd
toask the powers to make their choice ot
candidates tor tlio Bulgarian throne , w Ith
duo legaicl to the country's needs and dispo
sition. The depiititlon stirts on its mission
next w cek and vv ill v islt V ionna liist.
Cntlcraiit Steamship Pool.
Hum , ix , Xov. 20. The Hamburger Boer-
senliallo announces that German nnd Kngllsh
steamship companies have made an agice-
inont icspcctlng the carrying of emigrants.
Henceforth nil omigiation ngents will bo
mulct the contiol of the clilof agent residing
at ll.imbure , and tlio companies establish
lixod differential rites1. Under the agree
ment the German-Llojds , tlio Hamburg-
American company and the Union have raised
tholi ratc-s to 110. 100 and 'JO maiks , respectively -
ively , the Uuglish lines charging K > marks.
Troops ! I < 'or the Colony.
Lovnox , Nov. 20. General Itobeits lias
demanded -l.OJO additional Indian and
native troops to reinforce the British army
of occupation In Burmah. The government
of Queensland has offered to establish and
pav all the expenses of the government in
tlio island ol New Guinea it the queen will
apptoveotit. _
Lovnov , Nov. 2(1. ( Karoljl , tlio Austrian
Ambtssidorto Kngland , is visitingSallsbuiy
at llatlield house.
Admiral Hamilton , commanding Iiei
majesty's fleet on the China stitlon , notllicil
the admitality it would lequiro .3,000 troops
and three toils to bo hinlt to letaln 1 oil
"Walt Per Jiomn Iliilc.
Drill IN , Nov. 20. The Limerick branch of
the national league at n meeting lo day
adopted a resolution in wiiloli they dopier ate
assisting in the queen's jubilee nnd advise ,
IiMi mnjois to roluso piolleis ot kiilgnthooc
until home into has been granted to lieland
A Trpasonnhlo Junior S iv , Nov. 20. Kdltoi Prohl has been
sentenced by the siipienio com t to nine vrars
Imprisonment foi treason. It was nrovei
that ho supplied Fiance , tlnoiuh Captain
S.uainvs , with ( ieiinan military and naval
The Reichstag Klcctton.
Hi in iv , Xov. 20. In the loiohstag todaj
thopiosldont , vice presidents and societatios
ol the last icichstag weio ie elected ,
A Tliront to cho
Bnii is" , Nov. "A The Koveinmont has
decided to dissolve the iclchstaif it it 10-
jects tlio military estimates.
"Mllncl Tom" Alontnlly
Nr.vv Vouif , Nov. 20. Dr. James W.
Jtnnnoj , as commissioner in lunacy , nnd tlic
sheiltf's juiy licaid the tostlmonj today in
the application ot Chatlty Wiggins , nn
eightj'-jcai-old colored woman who Is tlic
mother of "Blind Tom , " tlio celebrated
negro pianist , to have her son adjudged In
sane and incompetent to ciru lor hlmsoll.
Mis. Wiggins is suing General Hctliiino ,
Tom's lonnei ovvnci , us manager , foi an ac
counting of the money he has received
during the list twenty-three joars tlirongi
exhibiting "Blind Tom" In this cotintiyniu
In Kuione. The company took In an average
of S. ! , ooo per month cleai piolit , ' 1 he verdie
of the juiy was that "Blind I'om" was men
talh niisoiind and Incapable ot niana0'int ,
his own nilniis.
Trial of illotorH.
MII.VVALI.KH , Wov. AT. The trial of the
Milwaukee garden rioters Is piogrcssing before
fore Judge Sloan to day. Consldeiablo test !
mony has been taken on the part of the do
tense , mainly In regard to the good chauic
teis of the defendants and theli u hereabouts
the day of the ilot.
'lids afteinoon Judge Sloan dlschargei
Henry Gastel , one of the piisomis , alto
hearing his testimony. Gastel was one o
tlio vv oik mon whom tlio mob lorccd to qni
work , lie had wotkod steadily at his trade
for twelve j ears without losing u day , bu
vv hen forced out ho became grossly Intoxicated
c-atod and In this condition was induced to
join In the ilotous demonstration at Mil
uaukco garden. Judge Sloan commented ou
tlie evil consequences of workliigmon compelling
polling ethers to go intu Idleness and allowed
tlio prisoner to go.
CHICAGO , Noy , 26. A dispatch dated F.Ik
Hapld , was received to day trom Captali
Corbctt , of the schooner .Metropolis , un
pouncing that the vessel went ashore this
niornluc. She was scuttled to prevent he
t'olng to pieces. A wrockinc expedition ha
Lone to nor relief. It Is understood the crcv
nil escaped.
The Maryland Sachem On the Warpath
Against the Public Printer ,
Tim CnltlnK of Om > at Present Con-
Hldcrcd Iuirol | nblc The Presi
dent Said to Ho
Injl District Affairs.
Gorman After Gore.
Nov. sr . [ Special Tolp-
BUIII to the BIK. : | Some ncltatlon In deino-
cratic circles was created hero to-il.iy by lliu
announcement thai Senator Got man ol
Mnrjlnndlio has heretofore stood in so
inioh favorat lliohlto hou o , nnd who 1ms
so far outstripped nil otlieis in seeming
iln.ccs (01 constituents in the government
printing ollico. has refused to asktavoisat
lliu hands of I'ubllo 1'iintci Bonedictand
\\ill not assist In securing continuation ol the
appointment of thatolllclal when thu senate
ueets. Jt is repotted tint Got man has taken
olfonse at tliu refusal ot Heni'dlet to furtliur
101101 liis otdcrs for places in the ollloo , : tnd
tliattliorc is now \eiy little clt.inco of his
continuation , us Benedict lias maligned ills
predecessois' adiiiinlsti.itlon anil dismissed
lopublicans by wholesale.
i\Tttv : snssiov TAI u.
"Itlll loqulio aery lonuidablcdemand
from tlio labor organU.itlons to scciuo i\n
oxtia session of congiess , " said a southern
member to day. "Iheru Is a guneinl desire
nniongcoiuiossnionto pleasu the laboring el-
ciuunt. but an extrasesston of conniess is no
small matter. Only about > * > pci cent
ot tlie members ol the present house hive
been to-elected to tlio next huu e , nnd nn
extra session would necessitate nil thn now
mcmbeis coming lieto ; would icqiiito a re-
orcani/.ition. and bring about quite as unicli
tumble anil contusion , even though It assein-
bled immcdintclj attci tlic expiration ot tills
congiess. on the 4th ot .March , : is if congress
Mas not In session. "
"Will there bo a demand Jfoi an cxtia ses
sion ? " was asked.
"A demand has alrendj * been made , " \\as
theieply. " 1 have leceived petitions fiom
the trades unions in every district : am told
that oilier membets arc receiving them , and
thatagcncial ] ) etitlon , to be smned bj hun
dreds ot thousands of voteiss , Is in piopara-
lion for thu piesldent. "
"Do jou tiilnk itill effect an extra ses
sion ? "
"No ; and not because of anv inappiceia-
tion of the gravity ol the subject or tlio le-
bpect.ibility ot thu petitioners , but because
no plan ol alleviating the laliorets has been
manned , and because eoiigiess will hue a
session ol' unlimited Icnuth bediming in
Decemberof next jear. 'llien there is no
cmetgency. And , lurtliermore , this thins of
calling an extra session of congress toi class
legislation has a tai reaching picccdcncc. "
mi : siAII nouiK si uvirn.
' 1 o day youi conespondciit inquired of an
old ex-postotlico depaitment oflicial liow the
star mall soivlco was maintained so well
now at such n gieatly decreased expense ,
compaicd to that of h\o or six j ears ago.
"Bj-the decrease In tlio number ot tilns
and the lessoning in the number of miles ol
star service , " replid he. "AuuutdO pet cent
ol the routes covered by star seivicc six 01
cleht years ago arc now tiaversod by rail.
Thru vou cut tlio number ot trips dovv n iiom
10 tote per cent , and j ou see a v cry appiecla-
ble saving. Ten jeais hcnco tlio star mail
senIco won't cost more tlmu 35 per cent ot
what it did ten "
TUP rnusinKs , 's MI.SSAOE.
Very good abstracts ol the president's mes
sage may bu expected by the reading public
w itliin the next few days. Enterprising cor
respondents arc at work upon them. Thov
use as a basis tlio icports of the various
cabinetofliceis , Iromlilch the president
compiles lib message to congress. Hie public
is quite as capable ot anticipating the mes-
sige as ate those \\lio do so foi the press.
The expressions of the chief magistiatc upon
\arious topics fiom time to tune must bo
berne in mind , .so as to get the gencial trend
ot his opinion upon the questions likely to be
treated. ' 1 hen the recommendations ot the
cabinet ofliccis should be bomc in mind ,
as they in tlie main ate followed In the icc-
ommendatUms contained in tlio message.
Aftei much association and consultation the
cabinet ofliocis come to look at questions in
much the bamo light as the president , and so
the lattcr's cxpiesslons may bu toicshadovvcd
by those ol thn toiiner.
It is no secret and no iclleetinn upon tlie
genius 01 Individuality ot the ] ) rpsident that
the iiiombeis of the cabinet linnisli nearly all
ot the inateiial for tlio messaiio to congiess ,
and a veiy large propoition of the phraseol-
ogjf ot language cinplojed. Theli branches
me soanangcd that , natmally and piopcily
they cover neaily ail the le/itlmato subjects
in their icports which can bu tuuchcd upon
by the president in his message to congiess.
1111 : iiisiitir i ) ii DDIr.
It is stated that President Clcvolnml is In
stituting an Investigation of tiio nlhued con
nection ol the distiict commissioners with
the mil estate ling and speculations huie ,
and then1 aiu collateral evidences ot tlie
tmth ol this allegation , bumo timohcfoio
the \oiclict In thu police Investimation
madu known Lieutenant Ainoldvlio his
been loinovod , told a fiii'nd tliat it ho was
saciiticcd he intended to "show up'KM tain
ot his snpcrlois in connection with es
tate deds. It was believed that he meant
the commissioners , Since his removal
he has nothing to saj and his silence
elicits suspicions that something Impoi taut Is
transplant ; . Detective
MeDovilt , Arnold's most confidential and
hteadfast f i lend , Ins President Cleveland's
car , nnd It is said he has been cmplojcd to
htipeivlso the investigation ot theieal estate
ling's woik. Inasmuch as a congressional
Investivation Is threatened It is predicted
that there will be homo vacancies in the Dis-
tili't olllci's oicnted by oxoctitlvo ordeis. The
president so intimated tint othei day.
I III ! I lI'l.-sAMNC ! lit JIKAt .
The life-saving hiiiean lieio Is verv much
plated ovei tlio petInrinaiicu ( it the ciew ol
the Portage Lnku Canal station dnrln. tlio
recent seveie storms on I.aito .SujH'iIoi. The
report which lias just been u'telveJ nt the
depaitment shows that Uio piopelior iiobcit
Wallacu anil iiei consort , the David Wallace ,
weio wrecked near Maniuctte , and that the
clti/ens of that place ni'idu every elloit to
save the ciows without avail , Thu piesldcnt
of tlie Maiquette , lluuchton . Ontonagon
lailvMiy , seeing the rnospects weio tint
twentfour men wouldnmilsli , at onto tale-
giaphfd to the other end ot HID line lot the
llfe-oa\lng cunv of the 1'oituo haku Canal
station. Ho iilsodlioc.tpd thata special tiaiii
bo placed nt theii dlspo $ l and that tlie line
should ho kept clear lei this ti.iln. The ciew
prompt ! ) ifspondcd aud ti.iveled lliu 110
miles to Maiiiueltc as f.if-t as . the train . could .
taKu them. Tin boat wus launclied and uv <
cijono ot the twenty-four on thuvie < -kei !
vessel were saved , 'fhlj , is tlio longest dis
tame ever tiavelli-d by a lilo-savlng crow to
succor Impel lied Mullois. Thu gieatcst dis
tance heretofore credited 10 any ciew Is
sixty-live miles , 'llic iijinual repoit ol tlio
lite-saving bureau will make ) an excellent
showing for that important blanch of the
tieasnrj denailment. 1ho veti uasan ex
ceedingly illsastious one ; on thu lakes anil
sea coasts ol this country , vet the llfe-saUn. , '
crew shave a better reqini than ever , Al
though thei.i wereelghtj-eight > easels totally
Joit during tlio soar , tliu loss of juopeitv was
only about 505,000 tieatei than list jeai ,
while the amount saved was about S.,000,000
i.ioru than thn averaze , while tliu lo ot life
was far below the uvei.ige , and the number
of lives saved much greater ,
1 ho regimental headiiuartcis ot the Tenth
cavalry lias been transferred fiom IVitUiant ,
Aiizona , to .S ntaFe , New Mexico.
Trooji K , Tenth cavalry , Captain William
11. Kennedy , has bwn tianstorrixl from Korl
Thomas to roit Crant , Aiuoua , for station.
Company U. Nintn infantiy. Ciiptain
hamticl .Mnnson. has been oidered to take
station at Fort .Mojave. Arizona.
Lieutenant Colonel Alfred P. Morrow ,
Sixth cavalry , has been oidered fiom Forl
Hayaid to command of thu post of Foil
btanton , New Mexica
Major Von Huien llubbard , surgeon , lias
benn relieved fiom duty at Foil l.i ! > anl , New
Mexico , to enable him to report at the Foil
Leavenvvoitli militar.v prison.
First Lieutenant 'Fjixlheeler , i'ourth
i hasbteu mclered from I'oit llua-
cnuca to Tort Lowell , Arizona , for duly as
post quartermaster and commissary.
Colonel John S.M.ilon , Ninth Inlantry , 1ms
> ccn dctnlled ns ncilup Inspector general of
he depirtment of Ail/ona during the sick
cave of .Major William r. Drum , fourteenth
First Lieutenant Charles 11. ( Jateword ,
sixth Infantry , aide-de-camp to ( ienerai
Miles , has been detailed tcmporarllv In cliaigo
of the Judge advocate's ollleu of the Depart-
nent ot Arizona.
Troop C , Fem tomtit cavalry , Ciptaln
Staiiton M. Mason , Ins been tiansterred
from Tort lluachuca to Tort Lowell , Ail-
Troon M , Toiithc.unlry , Captain Slovens
1' . Norvell , fiom Foil lliomas to taku station
at Fort McDowell , ArUon.v ,
AiToiVTPtmu nrn.
Viederlck II , Smith , \ebraska Citv. has
> cen appointed ganger tot the Nobiaska in
ternal revenue distiict.
A win ir.i ) 10 pit \rTiri' .
Jabcz C. Ciooks , ot Lincoln , Xeb. ; T H.
Hanlcy. LeClairc la ; C. 1. Patterson. (5ils-
vvohl ; ( } , M. Weaver and ( Jeorgo Baker ,
Iowa Palls , la. weie today admitted to
puu'tieo before tlio Intel lor depirtment ,
Seoietary Lanmr has disallowed the claim
of Leon F , PallautVi of Lincoln eoiintv. Ne
braska , lor 61,000 , on account of Itiulu Indian
depredations on tliu gioiind of Insnlllclvnt
prool. llo aKo held that thu chtmwas not
| irescnted in the Unto prescribed bv law.
lliu deputation was committed in ISTi.
.John M. Speriy was today appointed
[ Mistmastei at h perry , Des Monies count j ,
Iowa , \ice W. K. At Id. resigned.
Itcport ol'ilio Chief of
W vsiii.viiTo.v , Nov. 'JO. In ills annual
lepott to tlie seciotiuy of war llrigadiei ( ten-
oral Dunne , clilef of engineers , avs that
dining the past > uar thu operations at sea
coast and lake frontier defenses have been
icstilctcdto tlioso nocessiry tor tlio prcserva-
ttonand icpiir of existing works. The sub
ject at the delcnslve sjstem of the conntiy ,
so far as regaidspoits at which fortifications
orotliei defenses aru most urgently leipdred ,
is siilllclently treated In an elaborate lepott
made to congress by tlie fortifications board ,
showing the neatly defenseless condition of
otii sea coist and lake frontier. Attention is
called to the estimates for torpedoes. For tlio
present , It Is said. 0111 pnncipal lellanco for
haibor defense In case of wai must rest upon
lixed mines , and it Is very necess.m that
there should be a full supply of these on liana
at the principal seaports ol the nation.
Nov. 20 , Secretaiy Wliit-
noy lias issued an older for the discharge ol
all employes in thu civ II establishments of the
Washington navy jatd with the exception ot
a loieman , and clerk toi eacli dcpittnient of
thoyaid. A do/en eiiipUnes under the bu
reau ot the \ards and docks , and about thiity
under the steim c'ligincering btueau will be
included in the disehaisei. as well as om-
plojes under othei bureaus which have been
_ _
funeral of U. M , Haxlc.
, la. , Nov. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to the Urc.l 'Ihu two special tiains
one bearing the remains of Mr. lloxio and
tlie vlsitois from Mew Yoilc and the cthei
the \isltors from St. Louis reached hereabout
about 11 a in. For hours before the tiains
airlved 'lldid and Fourth streets were
crowded with carriages and citizens who iiad
gathered to do honor to the dead. Eveiy car-
i ( ago in the city had been engaged foi the
occasion. The coitcce was very long , the
longest that Jias evei been seen in the city ,
nnd moved slowly to St. Paul's I'plsconal
church , where the beautiful and impressive
Episcopal funeral seivlco was read. Tlio
sermon being dispensed with , the boilywas
taken to Woodland cemetery and laid by the
side of his son. The elegant lloial decoia-
tions were ntimeions and included two lloial
pillows bearing the w oids , "Not Forgotten , "
and "lie. Is Not Heie. " The space befcne
the chancel lall was occupied by torn li.ind-
KOiuedinstcs and a beautiful centei piece.
The vlsllois fiom abroad included .lav ( iould
and tlio icmcscntatlvcs of the leading tail-
loads in the west and southwest.
An Important Decision.
DBS MOIMX , la. , Nov. 'JO. ( Special Tele-
cram to tlio Hhi.I : United States Jmigo
Shiras tills morning denied the motion to ic-
mand to the Chickasavv county district court
on an application foi an injunction to ie-
strain tlio selling ot beer in the bicwery
\\lieio it where it was maniifactincd. holding
vvitli Judge liiewci that as a state could not
prevent the opeiatinn ol a lueweiy estab
lished beloie the piohibitoi ) law took ellect
without compensation to the owners of the
browei > . it could not piovent the sale of the
iiroduct of that biewery. This drcison al
lows a saloon to run in connection with the
bleweiy , and is theielore important.
Bndly Sunldoil.
DPS MOIM.S , la. , Nov. Ufl. [ .Special Tele
giam to the Hn.l Y"steicl.iy Kngineer
liiennan , ot ( illciest's [ planing mill , went to
dinner , leaving a joiing nnn named ' 1 homp-
son in chaige. Wlilio attending to the
machinery 'lhomii-on lost his balance and
tliinst his log into a hail el led by soveial
steam pines , and scalded it so bully as to al
most lemove the llesh Irom the limb , llo
was taken home and given medical attention.
'Hie Dance ; or Doatli ,
Dr.sMoi.M-s , la. , Nov. 'Ji ( [ .Special ' 1'ele-
gram to thu Id ) . . ] lU'idinand Hejtp , ngcd
tvventy , was taken sick at a dance Wcdii'-s- '
dav and died an limn later of vomiting
and hemoiih.ige ot tliebtoiinch ,
A riiobnu's AVoik.
CnifAic ) , Nov.- ( . During thu investiga
tion this morning Into the causes ot jester-
da > N hie In the Continental hotel , Inspcc-
toi hhaj dlscoveicd nnmlst.ikabio evidence's
of ineeiuliaiisin. At the head ol the hatch
way leading to tliegairet above tlio louilii
llooi and ' . \heie the rafters of tlio toof weie
within three and one half feet of the llonr ,
was a pllu ol bedtlcks Miilkd with hliav-
ings and daubed vvitli laid. The
ineendiaiy was piobiblv FCiucd awiiv
befoiu liuliad time to complete thu woik of
tiling the hoiiso. ' 1 he tiie was discoveied be
tween 'J anil : i o'clock jestciday niouihr , ' and
promptly put out. "Itud them tu en a delay of
ten minutes , " said the inspectoi , "In the dis-
covpiy ot the lire and giving the alaiin to thu
guests , I Iruen't a doubt lint that they
would have jumped to the gionnd In a p niic ,
ot been lost and smothered In smoke. " Hie
hiilldliig is an old Hie tiap , and was laod in
no less than six places.
A Solid Hank.
l\\r.M'oiii , la. , Nov. " ( ! . Some excite
ment existed here among thu ii'-ivous to
day ovei a generally ciiculated rumor that
tlio ( ieiinan sivlngs btnk Is insolvent At
the opening of thu bink this moinlng a
crowd gathered at the doors , mo.stlj women.
They entered tlm bank only to
lind eveiy demand lor money piomptly
met. Thu friends ot the bank impioved
the occasion to make deposits Ireoly. Tneio
Is not n shai'ow ' ot founitation lot tlio iniiioi ,
which is beliovecl tn have been stalled by
interested parties. Tlmbiuk is the latest
in thu statu and the most prospeious. It was
never mote successful than It is now , and has
sustained no loss whatever.
M'lII He ; Asked tn Itrcnn&lclcr.
WAsin.saio.v , Xov. 'JO. The Knglisli post-
olllco depaitment in London having decided
that American postal cards addressed by a
label machine cannot bu delivered In that
countiy , the postmaster general will request
thu liiitKli postal autlioiitlus to if consider
their decision. The postal treat ) provides
that nothing shall bu attached to postal cauls
except a postagu stamp.
Cooper * ' Slilko J ncletl.
Cisrix.VAii , Nov. Jt ) . Onethousam
coopers , who lecontlv struck foi liln'her
waxes , have adjusted their diU'uuua1 * will
the uianufrtcturcrs.
rarnicTs In tliu Nortlnvost on the
VPIKO uT Unnkriiptoy.
Si Pu i , , Mlm.ov. . ' , ' (5. ( [ Sv > cchl Tele-
cram to tlie llr.r.l A St. Paul tiavcllng
tgeut , who is now In Dakota , writes to the
Kvcnlng Dispatch : " Times arei bad litre b >
reason of the wheat blockade , as explained In
lie newspippr slip enclosed. The elevators
mo all full and running ovoi because tlio
Minneapolis Ar Manitobi 10id for some ioa-
son falls to finnlsli car . This is true of all
) olnts wlicio theie Is noooiupetltlonlnlians-
wrtalioti. Can jou not la > tills matter be-
ere the chamber of commerce and buslnes
lion In St. Paid and let them take such
notion as shall compel the lalliuad compxnj
o Ininlsli at once to i.ilso this block
ade. " The slip enclosed Is u communication
to the St. Thomas ( Dakota ) I'lmps , liom
which the follow ing is an extract :
For tlio past foiu J < MM tliero has in en a
ilockado at in near this season upon the
Manitoba load , tending In each o si > to dtveit
wheat fiom Dnlutli to Minneapolis and to
furlhei some great speculative movement ,
vvlio > e elleets nave become evident shorllj
after. That this has been tliu result ol any
tiling but aeouspiraej between the mill own-
cisatid i.illioad companies , nlded l y Igncit-
nil or vicious raihoad eommlssloncis , Is too
thin unit Uauspuont a statement to nuiko to
the- wheat gioweis ot the noithwest. 1 he
laimcis ol tlie whole legion uio to dav upon
the veiguol bankmptcy , anil wlieio Is theii
wheat gone to. ' homo r > , tKX,000 ) bushels ol it
lie to dav laving In the citv of London in tlio
shape ot llonr frum Minneapolis , which is lot
sale nt SI.l"0 " per HK , much less than we can
bu > it tor nt Lit. 'lliomas. Whit does this
mean except a collusion between tlm millets
nnd the tailroads , socict icbates , Insufficient
pav to the farmers and uiubeiy and
dishonesty all mounds With competent
railroad commisslonois thee wheat block-
titles would bu Impossible. "
W. 11. Derby , a hon,1117.1 fanner of St.
Thomas , wcllk'nown In New York and Hoi-
ton , is now In St. Paul. Hu fullv eonllrms
the above btatemonts and as an Instance ot
tlieli effect MJS that wlieat vvlileh at Dnlutli
tilings 7T cents pel bushel at St. Thomas sells
tor but Yi ,
A Deadly Kick.
AI.MI ntNob. . , Nov. 2C > . [ Special to tlio
HiiE.J A sad and fatal accident occurted at
tlio farm house of Hlid Snuigler a low dajs
ago. Fiom conlliating lepoits iccelved it
ajipeais Mr. Spanglcr had dismounted Irom
a fiacllons lioise , on retuining fiom a huntIng -
Ing trip , and set his loaded shnUun against
tlie side of the house. The lioiso continued
( titling up and timill.v kicked the gun and
dlscliaiged It. Tlie chugo stuick Mrs.
in the head , killing Iiei Instantly.
Seventy-live line shot penetrated her skuil.
A lour months' old liiue , which the mother
hold in "hoi aims , was nnlnjiiicd. Mis.
Spingloi wasonlj nineteen joais ol ago nnd
leaves twochildiun.
Ihoy Will Not ITinoh.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Nov. 2 ( ' > . President John
Flt/geiald , ol the liish National Leagno ot
America , lias to-day received the following
important table fiom the Hon. Timotlij Har-
lington , memhoi ot paillament , sotictarj of
the league in Ireland :
Dtrni.iv. Nov. 20 , IsV , . To John Fit/ger-
ald , Lincoln , Neb. Tlio government in pios-
eciillng.lohn Dillon , M. P. , and proclaiming
imblic meetings admits its inability to gov
ern Ireland without coercion. Wo will not
ilinch. ( Signed ) TIMOTHY HAUIUNOTO.V.
Tioops Coming.
; , Nob. , Nov. 20. | Special to tlio
Hr.r. ] Thico companies of tlio Second In-
fantrj one tiom Fort Jsiobrara and two
from Foi tllobinson lea\o here to nioirow
morning at 4 o'clock for Fort
Omaha. General K.ititand sl\ com
panies ol the Eighth iniantiy mo ex
pected to nrrlveatFort on Satm-
d.iy evening Irom Arl/ona. One compiny
of the Figl.tli lias alicady been soul to Foit
Kohinsnn , whcio Guncial Brisbln assumed
command jesteiday.
Broke Ilia Neck.
Oo U.I.AI.A , Neb. , Nov. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to the Un : . ] William Gilbeil , a jouiig
man , was instantly killed by a runaway team
tills morning , being tlnown out , causing a
dislocation of the neck.
Added to
Nov. .6. It has been discovered
tint William Heed , late licastnei of the
South Hoston lloisu lailroad compmy , who
is novvundoi aiiest for the embcv/lement ot
ovei SHW.ijlX ) , also addict foisory to his
ciimes1 , tlio "ianatinos ol Piesldont lleisey to
coitain ceitihcates being pronounced foi-
gerios by that gentleman. It is now stated u laige pinportlon ol the ceitihcates out
standing , and which aie mostly held b >
luokeisas collateial ten maigins on stocks ,
bear President Heisev's slgnatinc' . lleisey
states that lei all cvitilu ales slgni'd hi him-
belt ho has a duplicate check , which will ei- :
able him lo identitj eveij leitilieate ho has
issued. The dhectois have not vet decided
whether 01 not thoj will prosectitu Itccd lei
on the
CiiirAoo , Nov.0. . The icconthloiiii jirac-
tieally pid'a stop to navigation foi tlie seison
oflbNO. As fast as tlm Iiiinber fleet anlves
tlievessels aiesent Into wintei quitteis. Tlio
few low ei lake vesicis will leavu poit and
none but piopollais will make ) unv attempt
todoso The loss cit human lite lias IK en
gicat. 'Ihlit-thicovcssclt > have heon dilven
as'ioio ' 01 icmndeieil so tin this season.
Kiev en schooners and one prnpulhn aie a
total loss , The value of the vessels is about
ir.WO.UJO , and the valuool the c'aisoes mob-
iiblj double that .imonnt. Koitj-une sillois
losttiieii lives li > wicckingot vessels on Uio
lakes this season.
Cholera In liiic-nos Aj rc-B.
CIIK \ < i < ) , Xov , " ' ! . A special to the Intcr-
Oiean liom Austin , Tc'xai , M\S : Health
Ullhei Sweanngon and Di. Blunt , ijnaian-
tine oliicois at ( i.ilvcston , aio In ( oinmnnlia-
tlon with each othei ie'aulini : the repoils
that eholeui lias made its apiieurancn at lue- !
nosA > ies. A lettei licim Di. lllunt on thn
subject was received by Mi. SvvCiiringen to
day. The maltci Is mousing eonsideialile
dUciHsion , as theio is diieet roinniiinlcation
between Hnenos A > ns and bntli ( iaheston
and New Oilcans. It is .s.ild that eleven
ships bound lot the two places from Hnenos
uio duo toanlvoby Cliilstmas.
'I ho lUo Disnsior.
Mil vv u ui I , Nov 'M.-'l ho Chleago , Mil-
w.iukco > v. SI , Paul railioad company hns
settled about hall of the d imaire claims giovv-
Ie ; out of the dtsaslu at Kast Hio the
: Mh nit.
The husbands of Mis Slieiei and Mrs.
Johns , ol Winima , Minn.enli icieived their
iiKinnj. The amounts given i.innrit bo as-
eeilained , but the llrsl settlement has been
m.idt ) at the lati ) ol & : i.OUO e.iih. 'I he law
piovidcs thai diiinagea in each caio hall not
exceed 55,000. ,
Dm Ilioth ol' TaiiunrH.
S \ u M , Mats , , Nov. t--Theio ! " was con-
sldeiable noting bv tlio stilklng tanners in
tills city j i-bteida > . ' 1 hey iniisiied and beat
nniiieicllully a iiiimbei ol non-union men
and wiecKed ahlicel car. Oiuiol ilion mini-
bei vvasMueii'ly wounded by a pislol shot
tired t > y one ol their vletiins , A laigci biidy
of pnlicu weie ivquiiul to quell thudistuib
' .
_ _
Tlio > IMPi uiMM * Allanta ,
\nv \ oitK , Nui , ui [ .sjueeial Telegram
totlio llio.l The Wet d icpoilsthat tlio htiei
ciuisei Atlunla letuined ji"-teula > fiom a six
davs' ( in IMS in Long Uliud Mjiind , att-r
bu'.iking ( low n ix limes. It Is paid slio tails
to come up to the icquiicincnls ol the contiaut
In every respect < 'Meptnpeed , wlilch wits 14Ji
knots an hiiiir , Il'-i ' horse powei lallsshoit
MJ ) , and without armament 01 ntuiei hir
watci-line is too low.
Nelirasku and lima Wr-ittlior.
Fur Nebiaska mid Iowa : 1-aii wualhel ,
etatloiiary teiuperatuio ,
Wilkcsbairo Miners Blown Into Etmiitj
By nu Explosion of Gas.
Ox or I'ortj Poisons Itnilly Itiirncit
nnd Injured in the Shaft -llrnrt
icndliiK ScetipM nt llie Moiitli
of the Pit.
Another .Mine Dlsawtcr.
Wit M sn vittn , Pa. , Xov.V. . . This mom
iigshoitlj nfter the ininois nnd laboicrsciv
eied the Conjnchiini hnft , owned and oi > crated - \
ated by the Delaw ire A lltuKon eompiny ,
an explosion of gas took place , Botvvcoix
wonlv and thlrtv milieu aie said to bo
mined and scilonslj in Illicit , but none nroi
epoiti'd to bo dead. Hut voij little Infer *
nation legardlngtho accident can boloarned
is jet , as the men 1110 still In the pit , but wllE
1010moved as soon us possible.
U."i0.i. m.-It Is now known that theexplcj- llio fool ol the
shall , which was occupied bv llio lire boss.
No work was clone jestcitfaj , and ennso- '
pientlj thoio was n laieei uniount of KIISA
; iiin usual In tlioshatt. The men mo now
icing icmovrd Irom Iho pit and taken to ,
ihoir homos 01 to Iho hosplt l In ambulances )
mil w.uoiis. It is thought all ol them will1
' 1 lit1 accident In the Con.vngliam shaft oe >
uiiodat 7:10 : this moining , whlln the inert
weiegettiiiK ready lo go to woik. About ,
iftv men , mlnois and l.tuoicis were silting
it the bottom of the shall waiting tin tlio In
side boss , when a tonible explosion toolc
place , nnd onlj tliioo 01 fotn men ,
so far us eould bo a'-cci tallied ,
) scaed | without Injuiv. Most ol the men1
vvoiu sent totlu-li hiimes nt once , and as thejc
ire scattered tut and ncai , long distances
tiom the shiitt , no account of the lesiilt ol'
oilier Injmies ( > an nt piosont bo ohlalned. It
s known , howcvei. that , possibly1
twel\ooi liftecn , will die. 'I he othois.vlll bo
seal led ami maimed foi lite. Tito disaster
was onisc'd by Coiiielins Hojlo , a inino
laborer , who slopped Into a worked out
chamber which was tilled vvitli gas , with u
Limp ou his lint. Uovlo will die. Manwj
mules weio killed and wounded , and thoj
damage to the inside woikings ot the shaft ]
isgieal. The luo bosses. Williams nmtl
Evans , iiioiopoitod Intallj binned. There )
is great excitement in and about the shaft ; ?
and lull knowledge an to the exact number
hint and tlio chai.ictoi ot the wounds ot
tlioso injinod cannot be obtained at piesentv
' 1 ho explosion was the most soi Ions Hint ;
has Declined In the intlmiclto teal Holds this
joar. It is now delinllolv known that foity-
ivvo men weio sevc'iolv binned and othei a' '
slightly Iniiiieil. Twelve mon will die o
tlioh injnncs. 'llio see-no at tlio colliery
while tlio Injuiod mon vvoto bolng taken trom
[ hostiatt was tumble. A iiovvd ot several
Hindied p"isous gathered at the mouth of
the shall , among them ttie who * , iiiothorn
and daiightois ot the Injuiod men. As they
were taken out ot the pit thoj weio hi ought'
to thoongiiK ) house' , nnd the women made
desperate ellorts to gain ontiaiico. 'Iho
11 an tie demolish.itions ot gilel vvero
lieaitiending. but tliev weio sternly
keptontsido the building , while the blackened
scoichod and bleeding victims of the disaster
wore wrapped in blankets soaked with olP.
The llooi ol the engine room was covercei
with \\nthlnz human loims. so dlshgiirccl
liylnuasto bo niuecognlzablo. As fast as
possible thcj' wcic taken to the hospital on
to their homes , ami so rapidly was the world
done by U o'clock every one had bceiv
taken out aud can led away.
mis rviAi.irii : .
The rccoverj of the lollovving Is believed'
to bo hopeless :
Hiuiii SWI.LN-IY : , aged 27 , laborer , unmnr-
LnvvAito Ki MNS aged J9. laboici , unmar
Itic it vni ) Coi'i 11 u , 2' ' ) , wile and familj' .
CoNi.r.v Sn V.NNO.N , : il , minor , wlto an < I >
l.ugo lamily.
Tnovi\s O'Biticv , ! ! 0 , minor , wife ancT
laigo fnmllj.
CoitNi'.i.iUs COM.K , ! ! s , niinoi , wife nnd
JOHN CONXIII , 10 , niinoi , wife and fam
Ciintsioi'iinit linr.NDAdi. , 'n. laboier , un-
iliciiAi.r. O'Bnii'v ' , I0 ! , laborer , unmar
DAMIT , A. , : u , miner , wife amt
laigo Inmilj.
JOHN Doi oiimti v , ! ! , laliorci , uniiianlcd }
DI.NIS .MrC vni : , III , minei , nnmartU'd.
Thom is O'Brien and Coinelins Hojlii diecb
fiom the elleets ot tholi injuiies nt y p m.- ;
Two inineiH. whose names , nu nnkiiown , are
missing and It is helieved that they weioj
blown Into a dump containing Unity leet ol
watei and wcioiliownecl.
in llio HOIISOH Suali Worlc-
inen .Slnuged.
Cmr voo , Nov. 20. [ Special Tclccram to.
the Hi. E. | Within < i ihiy 01 two ptst theroi
has been some noliiblo changes in the man
.tgcmcnt . ol some of tlic big packing firms at , "
thu stock j.uds. S. A. Kent ret lies liom thai
active management ot the Chicago , Packing ; ;
1'ioMsion company. It Is said 1' . Ihj
Aimoiii and ItoheiL Fowler , of thu Anglo-
Anicilc.ili Packing company , are about to/
taku a short vacation , Aniimn going cast to
look utter his inieiesls in that p.nt of Iho
( iniiiliy. Comphilnls continue to be nmdo of'
tint ci nelly ot tliu old oiiiphootu thu new
men emulojed in thc > picking houses
Hiilliins I ave dlseoveied that thediik and ,
crowded can that can > thu men to thelij ;
homos at night Is whore they can cany mil'
tlicir Inutality. Scarcely a ti.iln loivos HHI
jaids ut night , esieclall ] > on the Foil Wayno'
oul , but sumo ol the mon are hintAlly
Slii''god" and men. iced with ill lieatment.
There Is no pollcu motcctlon on this tialn ,
and beloie tlm condiu.loi , who Is | iowerlos4 <
anv way , can inteileio , llio victim is attacked'
and mciclles slj beaten.
Itiilcliciy of.i Painily.
Lei ISMII i : , .Nov. yo. Tlio Times' t. )
sajs n lopoit reached Wllli.imslnirg , ICy. ,
thu Pee famllj , thought to have been du-
stiojod by the lire In Knox county a month.
ago , weioie.illj nniiilcred bj a neighbor and'J
his concubine , whom the Pees had hlighticl'l
socially. A ten-vuai old son of thoj
concubine savs his latliei tut thel
tluoats of the eiiht ; poisons while '
tliev slept , nnd that his inolher
diaggeil the bodlc's to the middle of the loom
and hot them on lite. On the Iwv's state
nienl anostsainl Investigation lollowed , tinir
the articles belonging to thu Pee Innilly
lonnd in the hoiiso ol the siispoetod parties.
The > uio now In the lliiiiibonvillo jail.
Coi-'iiMtter Woik.
W \PIIIVOICIN , .iov , iiO. The house sub-
cotninUtco on the Distiict ol Columbia ami
sundry civil appioprliitlun bills has been iu
session to dav. ThuM-irt lai ) ol wai , adlu-
tant gonoial , quiulciiimstoi goneial nnd chleC
nl ordnance won ) befiiiu the lattei to explain
tlio estimates ol the dopiitiiionts so iai us
I he ) lel.ile to tliesnndlj livllhlll ,
Hcliooner Ahlnii e.
KiK Kvi'JliB. Mich , Nov. 20 Tlio
bchoonei Mitropolltan , leaded with lumber
and iron for C'hie.vo , wont ashoio threu
mlle huiitluMst "f the old Mission light In a
blinding snow stoim at : t this moiiiini. , 'Iho
new Inhale. A tug and steam pumps havn
hi on tclo iuphed.
Hlilp and Cur o JliiiiHid ,
0\i vi slow , 'iVx. , Nov. Jfi.-'lnu Uiillsh
Iniu Dnimadsun , tO'J ton- . , Captain 'lliomti-
son , for Liverpool , I ) ing in the onloi loads
awaiting thu b.ilancu of her caun , Imiiied
tills moinlng , Thu vessel and l.iou bales of
cotton aio a total loss.
A Uuid ol ItoblieiH.
Snru Cm , Neb , .Nov. ' . 'J'lie store
nnd postotlici ) hoio was robbed vistoiday
iiKiining , Thu sato was riddll-d with ponder
and $ : > > > In muno > nnd pu.-tage staiiijis taktn ,
The ipbbeu I