s 'wrf . 'jc ft HI i * : _ * "iTii > n.it irir--irr. 8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FJRIDAV. NOVEMBER 2(5 ( , 1886. THE TURKEY IN OMAHA The Royal Bird the Admired of A Admirers. HE DIES WITH HONORS And Is Amirrolntcel AVlillo lilt A ( mlrori Turn Their Tlmtiglttft to Morality. JIoiirtlnrsH , nml 12x- Good Cliccr. In Gnnornl. A brighter day could sparcoly bo tli sircel for ThruikigivinK. The wind \v.i cold , but llio person under ronsonnbl ample : and scii&oniiblo wrnji ? found invif oration in Iliu hrucliiLT ntmosplioru. Business us a ruluns dead. I'll streets wcro comparatively dosurtod , an the majority of those who appeared npo them were ntthvd in Sunday clolhei The occasional unfortunate with shabb attire , shambling gait and demorul/ ! : tion Btamped upon his features , served t point the moral thai happiness , for var ous reasons , comrs not to all in thi world of ours. And yet , fewer of thus mlseiablo specimens , some of whom ar houseless , homeless outcasts , wore visilil than in former years. The great wor of public improvement \\hich has bee carried on during the past yea lias placed many a strange ] and even resident beyond tli pinching want of a possibly proloiiRc winter. This fact , coupled with the in questioned prosperity which has attende the more thrifty eili/.en dnrin < ; the pn < eleven months , deprived the hum In , crowds of a number of victims wno presence is wont to detract from tli pleasure of the hcono. The horse cars \vero busy tlirongboii the dav , and came ami went to and fror nil places of pubiiu Catherine wit crowds of pnsscnccrs. 'L'hoso who ills daincd to crowd themselves into thos conveyances , and there were thousand of them , indulged in a walk , \vliicl against the sharp wind , brought coin nn d beauty to many a houso-bleachci clicek. Occasionally , under the sain inspiriting inlluence , one also cuujrht ; glance of many a bright eye and rnelel ; np , which rcalucd an ideal of holida' life and beauty. The saloons were open , and tli Thanksgiving drink was easily aecom modatcd. In all tiie larger places , mas sive punch bowls were placed upon tli counter , and from this , cliampagn- - punch , egp nog , Tom and Jerry , wer dispensed in complimentary doses ti many of the regular patrons of the place There was quite a number of family rr unions , in all parts of the city , some o which were taken part in by relative from abroad , while others at a distant : attracted , from our midst some of Hi more prominent of our youthtul people In Detail. TIII : UNION suitvior. . About four thousand people atlendei the union service led by Sam Jones a the exposition building yesterday morn inir. After prayer and singing , tin speaker commenced : This Is tlio'natlunal Thanksgiving day t'o the United States ot America. Uv pibcla illation of the incsident of these stales am by the pioulaiuatlon ot'tlin gnveinor of you state wo declare this om ThnnksiIviiiK clay Annually those occasions brlns us to Ja& the fact that Cod Is the Kl\er ofeveiy KOOI and every peifert fjift. Tlie United States I but an enlarged tamily. Your household brother , is but an Ameiica In mlnattirc. "It Is n , good thlni to glvo thanks unto the Loid. ' And now my COIIIMRation to-day the ulael Ucst tli.inksglvliic wo can inako to (5od Is ti see that the mercies and blessing1 * that Got has bestowed upon us. that we shall thanl illin for them otnsclvcs and that we fallal divide with others who are less fortiiuati than omselvos. The Lord loves auheutlu iccolver , and the Lend loves a cheerful ulvc * ami the clicci fid l\er loves Cod. C.iaUtiul la the highest expression of tuio manhooi and true womanliood. \\ro \ owe A debt ol Krntitudo to Oed , mair of us , because we ImM ! not only beard tba irospe.1 but we believed it and we rejoice tc day in the salvation of Cod thiouith .Icsu Christ , and above all tlilnps to-day tlio objee upon which uo should lavish out platitude i the Lord Jesus Chi 1st , Oh. but lor hbi where would this cuilty woild bo to-day The hope would die cmt of my heart nin every falhei's heart and every mother's heart IJut for the hope and light that the ores slicds ntion our woild todaye would pion In darkness and despair and wo would luv nothing to cheer us and nothing to comtoi us and to-clny i want yon to look.s 1th giatt lid hearts towards the cross. lha\o said some mighty sharp things , ' mean naid things , since I lia\o been hero h this town that cut both ways llko a tw < edpcdsMoid. Listen , U'hat is the tioubl In Omaha , the tact that you h.ixo scarce ! ' seating lor ten thousand people in tli churches and jou have eighty tliousani people in the town ? No ; that is not it ; it I because tlieio is nobody comes to hearth' ' Kosnol. No ; that Is not It. Is it because tli pieachets don't in cachtho gospel ? Xei ; that I not It. Hut 1 can tell you what It is , tin trouble is that e\e.i > uodj'n head and h-.ut I- chuck lull ot enor ; tlieio Is no 100111 lor tli truth. Tlieio is the philosophical Mntemcn wo know two objects cannot occupy the sam place at the same time , and when his mai gets hla head and heart full of onors thei ; there Is no room tor truth. JIcio ene'iybnel ; is lull ol opinions , everybody boio is lull 01 opinions but jou have not got a tldnktni man in this city. Unooi two gicat men di thn thinking for Kuio ] > e. Two or tlncogica men do the thinkiiu lor America , fieiu woaruwltliovciT man , woman and child their heads chuck full ot opinions mul no body thinking. One trouble is you have got too'much lirar religion in this countiy , anil atovciy meet ing some tool gets up ami say " 1 have RO it , got It ! " CotwnatV What do yon mean Lookhoio ; 1 bullevo In heait religion , but bellovuCod puts his minor In thotnn ot i man's hend and boms down and bore tlnouKh to bis heart and then down into Id pocketbook , ami then ho has got an arteslai well hiiiiimlni : uji Into etcinal life. Jin ( iod don't becin with the hnaitand bnioni What would ho do with thu dlit' . ' I wan BOIIIO head iclldim In this coiintiv , That I the bc.st kind ol religion. Cct Hillgloi wheio your sonsu Is and tlicn jou will bo i sensible clnlstlnn. AT 'iitiNirv . A union Thanksgiving service of i. thu Episcopal eliurohcs ot the city in eluding thu congregation of Tr'initj Uriico , St. 1'hillip , St. Uarnabas and St John was hold.'yi'sttirday morning at Trii : ity Cathedral. The services were well til tended , and there worn few vacant scat > u the audiurium. when the oponiiij hymn was rendered. The services wer conducted by Hishop Worthington , as Bisted by Dean ( Jardner , of Tnnitj ISishop Worthington preached the sei moil , a thoughtful and nnprossivo di ! conrso , taking as ids to\t the verso scripture , "Can ye not discern tlio sign of the times * " JIo said tnat the occasio which called for our thanks as a natio as well as individuals. Wo should than ( iod for the spiritual light which is om jn Jesus , as well af for thu 10,000 blcs- ings which have been vouch safecl u Hut after all , it h as a nnliou tliat wu n joice to-day for the blessings that have ai tended us in our ] > : ibt caicer. Our An cncan history appears as a last ellbrt c Providence in behalf of oppressed ! himiar ity. Jn America thcro is really no ell ; tii'ctlon of caste no otratiliuaiion t our society , which keeps ilow ono class. Hatlier , all wh arc worthy may rise to the surface There is no country in the world whic nllbrds tlio advantages which are to I found in thu United States. It lias bee from what wo call the working classc thatthii greatest men of our country bav comoi For this wu ought to bo dul thankful. Commenting on the fact thai , as inet viduals.wo are responsible ) for thu health action of the national eoiibfieuco-k thu shaping of thu national cai'cor. tli bishop snoKO of the dangers which lic ! country. Our duties Ho in the . clco ing of the rulers who arc to govern th country Miel shape its destinies. 1 we place tlic power of this governmcr in the bands of an ignorant anel irn sponsiblu class of men , what can we c liwt ? The speaker pointed out tliat the n : lion was , if the signs of tbp times wer rinhlly discussed , drifting into a conel tion of voluptuousness which was dangerous ge-rous and must bn counteracted , Thu speaker closed with an appeal t liis hearers to learn a lesson from th signs of the times which would hel them on their pilgrimage. ( Joil , lie sale is to-day preparing our hearts for a ric liarvcst. Thu process may lie painfu Hut the plow nnel the harrow must com before the seed and sunshine. At the conclusion of tlio discourse .handsome collection was taken up for tli Child's Hospital. CATHOLIC cm iie'in : " . At the cathedral of St. I'lnlomeiia , th were masses at 5 , 0 , 7'oO : , ami JMJO oVloe all of which were attemelcd by a lurg number of elovout worsbippors. At Hi last mass thei church was throngedchair be-ing passed in the aisles for the nccoui modation of the nrpplc. The "ermo was preached by Hov. F. Ivoopmnns , h J. , the eloipiont Jesuit who is now irivni ; a mission at this church , which nightl attraeHs hundreds of Catholics. Thi evening the sumo elqigyman wu elelivor another sermon in his serie e > f popular e\hortutions ami will elotibl less bo lislencel to by an immens audience. At the church of the Holy family , Hi principle service * was at ! l o'clock , whei muss was celebrated by Kov. F. blioll'el S. ) . , the > pastor. At St. Alary Alagelaloiip's anil SI Patrick's churches , as also in the chape' ' of Croighton colle-ge , masses were nisi celebrated , though the-ro was nothiiij else in the way ol re'hgienis ceremony t < Mgnali/.e the lestival. THI ; itr.roint rt.i'ii. About sKty couples , members of tli Reform club with their families am friends , onjoycd a sumptuous 5 o'clocl dinner at tlio Buckingham homo yesloi elay afternoon. The occasion was enlivened livened by the introduction of luusica featuies followed by a social session. TIII : NKWsiiejvs. The newsboys , whoso union was cnactee by Colonel lloairlaml , about a year ago pave an interesting matinee at the Buck ingham ycstoieluy afternoon at ! J o'oloek The entertainment consistoel of a pro gramme of speeches declamations ant tableaux" , interspersed with music am followcel by a royal spread to whiel ample justice was elone by the liapp1 gtuiHiis. Tim nosriTAr , . 1'he unfortunates to whom losses have romuin the way of maimuel limbs or per inanent or temporary incapacity for the performance- the duties e > f tlie'ir state of life , or on such occasions as Thanks giving , to bo especially commiserated if they be pe > sses.sod of friendstheiy are subject to temporary ostrjiigcmcn or forgctfnlness. If they are without relatives or appreciative acquaintances , they are doomed to eke out the1 festival amid the selfish nssocia tion as brothers in misery , with nothing but the self-sacrificing eliorts of ennobloe womanhood to make life tolerable. O such , there wcie about eighty-livo in St Joseph's hospital yesteiday morning Their isolation anel unfortunate conditioi was not forgotten by the sisters n charge. Several expedients were re * sortoel to makes the elay pass pleasantly one of which was as beautiful a sprout at noon as both circumstances ami tlic physical condition of the patients would admit. The spread did not lack in sup ply , booause a number of charitably dis posed people in town , who always make it a point of remembering the hospita on .Thanksgiving anel other festivals sent to it , last evening , a larco .1111011111 of poultry anel other substantial tor the elay'b feast at Buckingham hall , run MII.LAKI ) . Tins hotel celebrated the day will what is known as a turkey dinner. Tur key ran all through the card , the ami able fe > wl being utilized in no less thai eight elitVerent styles. Besides , there wn1 a lavish spread of other viands whiel amplifieel u bill such as was newer pro Rented by the Millurd before' . Tlio wine list , too , presented a particularly elelcct able array ol nectarine decoctions , wlucl loft little to bo desircel to satisfy the wants of the epicurean diner. The meut was as follows : I'niee of Turkey Soup Alemanelo Consomme Koyal rillet nl Cainialibut , Sclnimp Sauce Potatoes Holl.inelulbO Celeiy Olives Lettuce Tin key AIngs Uicaded and Tiled , Tomnte Sane-o lioilcd Turkey , Oieain Sauce Itonsl Ileef J.oa&t I.eiln of I'ork , Annie Sauce . Jto.ibl Voting I'm key , Cranboiiy S.uiei SvM-et liieaels Bial/cd Mushrooms Ciejqnettos ot Tmkev. Tartar Sauce Small 1'atlles ot Oysters 1'ilnces1 Honed Tin ken' Cold Tongue Tin key Saul ! : Cold blaw Jlam lleeli lle > .i l IOK of Venison , Cunant .lolly Ko.ibt fillets of lilncktall Deei CliamiiaKiie Punch Diovviipd Sweet Potatoes Stilus Jlean1 .M.is'ieel ' anil ISoiled Potatoes Succotash IIico ( Jieen Peas Tlianksfrlvlnij Plum Pudding , Haul and Ituimly Saueo Mince Pie heinem .Meiiiigiie Pie Almond Ice Cream Maenroons Ansel I'ooe As-uitud Cake Cream Klases Champagne Wlno.Ielly ilaee'donl.tVlno .lolly Clmilotto Kussi > \ hllo r.inpes U'ulntits and Almond I.nxei Kalslns Apples C.illloinla ( iiajies Kil.un and Sngo Chccsi Cnfenolr Till ! I'AXTOX , Tlio guests at this hotel were numerous and among thorn was n number of loael ing traveling mon , whom circumstances the principal of which vvas distance , pro routed from going to their home * in the cast. Hi' ides these , was a largo ntimbo of the regular guests of the hotel , all o whom with the greatest relish , sat etowi to a discussion of the following ; W.NNblt. " Oybtcra on Half Shell Celery Mock Tin lie Soup Consomme , KovlKno Olives Hulled Halibut , HollamUl.sp Sauce . . . Peitato Croquette Itolled Cumn , tSnuco .Supreme Uoa&t Iteet. 'J'niKov Mutleel , Cranbeiry Snuc Vomit ; Pijf , Apple Saueo ] leneh IVas Oyster Plan I'llletseif Ileof Laielcd , with Mn-.liroenns S Oi'tbicails , en Cajsjlcs1 , Miulolin Snuc Peaches with Itico CliamiKiL'iio Punch , lloast IVxliIuClileken ! , Smldlo ef Venison , Currant Jelly. Chteken Mijoiinaise. Vonni ; Onion : J.otttieo. Itadlshes. Mnslied Potatoes. Asparagus on Toast , i'rled Sweet Potatoe : Axn DKsniir. , jj , Victoria. Sltnco Pie. Pumpkin Pie. Plain and Fancy Cuku. Hlsiiio ] Jeo Cre a'n. ' Jelly , Maeceloluc Assoited Ki ults. Coulectloiib. Mils. 1 Mom and Itueuwfurt Chceso. lee. Tea. TUB OTHII : ; IIOTKI.S. The oilier hotels maJu eispocial am lavish preparations for ihuuntortainmen of thejrTnankfgivlnif guests. Tlio Light o1 London Co. were.ut thu Motroponta : wlieru Jerry Kuita bad a spread of yc usual variety and excellence. At tli Co//cns the menu attracted unlimlte praise and comment from its partaker , The Merclnuts , Windsoranei Arcade his had magnificent spreads for their guest TIII : HAii.itoADS. Thepn scngcr trains came and went r usual , ami many ot tuVm were loado with people who were making tlio latc < ctlbrts to reach their point of dcsllnatio before the hour of dinner and the ever ing meal. All the olliees , freight an local , were closeel , and only those whos presence was absedittely required put i a nappeari'iico ami then only for as shot time as was absolutely required. Cienerr Kustls , ami General Freight Agent All lor. of the B. iV : M. , ate their turkey 1 Chicago. ( toni-ral Supcrintcnduii Smith and his private secretary , 11. I ! Pike , 11. B. Tlioinpson.car commlssionei J. J. Dickey , suporintonelont of telegraphy graphy , and Mr. Korty , enjoicd thei feast in Denver. Tin : run : IHU'AUTMKXT. The lirst annual parade1 of tlic liremu of Omaha took placoyesterdaraftcrnoo at lyj o'clock. It paraeled tliofollowin , streets : Hast on llarne'V street , to Nintli north on Ninth te > l/ouglas , wi' t o Douglas to Sixlcontli , noilh on Sixlecnt to Cuming ; t'ountcimarch south on Sh tconlh to 1-ariiam , cast on Farnani t Eleventh , ontli on Klevciilli to llariio ami west on Hamey to Fourteenthwhen the elcpaiUncut svas levienveel by Mayo Bo. d and the city council. The followuij was the order e > f t'no parade : Clilet , J. .J. ( Salligaii , mnislial. Assistant Chiefs CharlesSaltcr andJ.J Dai IK" , assistant marshals. Omaha police force. Musical Union band. Majen and city council in cairlages. Umaiit Imsu company with euulne. Hook and Ladder company , No. 1. No. 1 Heisc , with engine. No. - ilose. Xo.iHoMs. : Ne > , 4 Hose1 , with cnclnc. No. 5 Kmine ; and Hose coinpnuy. The parade was a success. The appn ratns was nicely deeeH-ate-d , the horse appeareel in excellent trim , anel the mei themselves in their new suits presente a handsome appearance. Following th parade was an oxhibitjon of lighting hitching , which was witnessed at eao , house by many people. tin : TUKATUKS. Largo aueliciiccs WITU in attemlanc upon the matinee performances at bol thei Be > yel and tlio People's , thus afford ing them the ; evening to enjoy the com foils of the liresido and the pleasures o dance. THI : enntMAx COMI'ANV. place. This evening they proeluc at the same place/'lhrt Faiinlio1 wliic is the German veisiem of ' 'Caste. ' " NOTKb. Wednesday evening , tlio most succcs. ful ballcver given under the auspice to the A. O. II. took place at Cunning ham's hall , where ; the band of this soeict took abe-nelit anel from it will bo enable' ' to secure their now uniforms. Thorcjwas largo attcmlancc and everybody seemci to enter into a hearty enjoyment of th occasion. 'I ho programme for the evening con taineel thirty numbers , music being fur nished by Professor Hoffman's orchestra The executive committeu consisted u follows : Master of ceremonies , Jame Douglas ; committee of arrangements , ( ! C. Douglas , C. Baker , J. McDermott , M Bolan , S. AI. Sheuhoy ; reception com nuttee , P. Casey , S. T. Uolan , James Me Coy , D. Clifton , B. Burke , P. d. Vale door committee , P. Demglas , D. Ale' Aulifl'u , A. A. McGuigan , M. Donyla : anel James McBridc. Airs. T. G. Magrano , assisted by tliepu piis of her dancing class , gave a selec social at Aletropolltion hall Wednesday night. About lify couples tooK part , ane the occasion was a very enjoyable ) one. The Klks gave a social session Wcelnos day niirht at their loelge room in Bo.yd" one.'ra house , after the performance ! o "Lights o' London. " It was ono * of tinniest niost cnjoyablu all'airs of tlic kind ye given. One hundred visitors were pres cut , among them ciirlit or ten members o the "Lights o' London" company who be long to the order. Police Court. Nine drunks were brought up bcfor his honor , Judge Stonbeig , yesterday Twopaidh'nes ] ; , three were sent upland tli rest of thorn were discharged. 1'ranl Williams , charged with stealing nn over coat troin S. P. Alorsc , received thirl' ' days in the county jail. James Kile' ' anel Chas. Gallagher , who stole an over coat from the New York anel Omalu Clothing company , received a senlunci of thirty elays , the lirst and last ton elay on bread and water. Court then adjourned for the nay. AN HOUIl WITH TKNXYSOX. Vycr Pleasantly .Spent liy Ihe Youii ; Ijiidien ol' tlio Sucrcd Heart Academy. The third of tiio series of delight ful "Hours with the Poets , " literary on terlainmonts taking place once a montl at the Academy of the Sacred Heart was given Weelm-Mlay evening. The an their seleetcd was Tunn.von , fiom wlmsi writings the young laches considered : number of selections , anel about whosi life , time anel methods they dlsconrsee witli a great eleal of interest anil advance ment. Thu lilorary programme was sup jilomontod with a number of vocal am instrumental selections all of which won most satisfactorily rendered by the younj laelies , disDlaying a wealth of talent am run genius of u high order. 'J he follow ing is thu I'ltOOIIAMMr. Piologuc . MIssK. MelliiL'l Loeksloy Hall . Miss A. MuPnrm In Memoilam . Miss It .leinc < Jiieen Mary , . . Miss I Deillon Tlicsllolyrall ( ! . Miss S. Low Tlmldxlsof the King . Miss A. Habeocl The Princess . MissC. Cieightoi ML.SICAI. I.NII.UI.l Dl > . Entree . LoTyio blisses M , and S. Nash. "Sweet and Low" . Tcnnjsoi C. and K. Crekhton , Addle liabcock , A.McNaiujhten. "Mikado" . . . - Miss M. Xasli. Margueilto Iloiuan/a . C. A , Whit MlssKl Isliton. "Kllsir el' Amen o" . - Misses Dullonn and McIIiigh. "Storm and Sun hlno" . , . Hue ] Miss C. UabcocK. "Tho Brook" . Tcnnysoi Miss P.Jxme. "Sweet Hour of Xlght" . Whit .Misses C. UivlKldon. .1. ( iregg , L. A. MjXaiighten. NJ5W Thei Oinnlia Typo I'ouudry an el Sii ] l > ly lloiifio Tor Printers mid Publishers. The Western Newspaper Union n Omaha is prepared at all times to ontll publishers on she < * t notice with presses typo , rules , borders , inks , composition sticks and rules , and in tact orerythinj in the linu of printers and publishers supplies. Better terms and more libora prices can be secured than by sending I Chicago or elsewhere. Saro money b buying near homo. Second hand good in the printing line bought and sold. W often bare great bargains in this paiticu lar. Send for Tun PitiNTKH1 AUXILIARY our monthly trade journal , that give lists of gooels and prices and from tun to time proclaims unequalled bargains IE now and second hand material. WtSTKItN NEWSI'Al'EU UNIOX , } 2th Street , bet. Hawardund Jackson HioOtlirrSldo. The arrest of Dr. llaughawout , th dentist , at the imdnnco of Aliss Chas the owner of the building in which 1 has his quarters , has called that gcntl man to a defunco of his position. It mn bo remembered that the doctor w charged with tlio malicious destructio of property , because lie repcatcdl broke down a storm door which Mi : Chase had placed nt the main omranei Dr. 11. says that thu door was place there simply to inconvenience him an injure his uusinuss. 'J he facts of tli case arc , ho claims , that a rival deMitii of this city has bcon dosineig to get hoi of his rooms , and this putting up of tli storm door was simply a scheme to gt him out. Acting upon th advice of his attorney , Dr. llaughawov took the eloor down twice , nml for thn heinous offense Aliss Chase liael him ai rested ami bound over to keep the peac toward tlio olei barn door. The doctei says that this storm eloe > r serves to kce out customers , and lias alreaely injure his business to the extent of $30 a elaj These statements the doctor says he ca prove , iu a damage suit which ho isaboi to commoncu against Aliss Chao. A large consignment of Antelope Sae elles received In the Omaha Commtsaio Co. , Ml ) South lath -it. ; for sale cheap Hebrew Ijndlcs' Society. A meeting has been called for the lit brew Ladies Sc-wlnu society to lake plac this ( Friday ) afternoon at 2 o'cloc at the synagogue. Business of im poi lance will bu transacted. Aloihers of children attending the Sal bath school are especially requested t attend as committees for the "children' ball" to take plaeu on thu 2d ; ) prox , wil be appointed. Homo Circle ; Clul ) . This evening the Home Circle wil give its second party of this season a Masonic hall. It will take place upoi the usual Friday night , the sinus upoi which this organisation for the past si' years lias given its sociables , without missing but one party. Like all th others , the ociablu of 'to-morrow nigh will bo well atte'iidcel anel proiluctiye ot trrcat deal of entertainment. A largo consignment of Antelope Sail dies received by the Omaha Commissioi Co. , 511) ) South lyth St. ; for sale cheap. The hum * ! * Cnse. Thu trial ot the Lauer murder case wil be commenced in the district court 01 Monday next. A venire for ! 200 juror lias bee-n issued , and it is thought thn out of this number a jury can b picked. If the Air. lester , of St. Louis , will ae' ' diesH. . W. ( libson te Co , room f Wlllincll block , Im will learn somethiii ! to his advantage. The German. This evening the second party r the season by thu German club will b given at the Alillard hotel. Real Instate Transfers. The following transfers wore tiled No\ 24 , with thu county clurk : 1) . L , Thomas and wife to Jens il , Xelsot lot 10 blk 11. Jlanscom Place add. w el-S.V * John W. Coviei and wites to Win. K Klli worth , part ot ' 'n , in , 12 , e w d S2.0CO. John 1' . Hell and wife to I ) . L. Thoma ! lots 5 , S , in Sh'iloh. w d & 1.200. Umcison L. Stone and wife to IX I Thomas , lots , 0 , 7 , In Shiloh , w el Sl.-OO. ' C. S. Panottand wife ) to L. P. 1'iuvii part of lot'JO , W.A. Itedick's add. , Omalir w d Sl.COO. L. P. Piiiynand wife to El win M. Pail ; lot I blk n , Foster's add , w d SO.OOO. Bvron Uccel ami wife to T. O. Elehclbercci lot 10 bile 4. and lots B. 0 blk 5 , Heed's i add. Omaha , w el S'J,200. Thomas O. Eiehelbemer am ! wife to Oer haul S. ISenawa , lot n and pait lot 5 blk C Heed's ill d , w (1-81,300. J. S. Mouison to Agnes II. Ayres , lot blk : ! , Haitfoid Place , w d- $ ' o. Mason L. Dei win and wife to Lucv A Ilariis , being -within thu ejf no so 0 , 15 , it w el w el. 5iJOoO. Chailes liniuiy and wife to .1. U. Harris lots 1:1 : , w , blk 0 , ilanscom Place , w d- 85,200. _ A large consignment of Antelope Sad elles received by the Omaha Commissioi Co. , 519 South 13th st.- for salu cheap. Burled. The funeral of Jos. Klofat , one of th members of the K. of P. . took place yes toielay afternoon , attended by member of the oieler mentioned , as also of th society of Druids , of which ho was : member. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel o purity , ( strength and wholesotneness , Mor economical than the ordinary kinds nni cannot be sold In competition with tlie mul tittule of low test , short wc'gbt alum o phosphate povrd.-rt. Sold onlv in cans ' Royal HaKing Powder Co.103 'Wall St , NewYoik. PIANOS ORG FACTORY PEIGE5 FOR THE HOLIDAYS Great Bargains PIANOS , from $40 ORGANS , from $22 Easy Payments Taker Max Meyer & Br ( For several clays past , we have been constantly receiving new aclcli- ions to our already immense stock , These goods were manufactured- , expressly for our establishment here in Omaha , and they must and will > ! be sold , if low prices , and reductions on low prices will help us to do so. Among the new arrivals we have 900 heavy Overcoats , in all - grades and colors. To give you an idea how these goods are being slaughtered we enumerate the following prices : lOOMens' Heavy Chinchilla Beaver Storm Overcoats , cassimere lined , extra length , with larere fur collar and cuffs , at $8. This same class of coats were sold only a week ago tor $13.50. 75 All Wool Beaver Chinchilla Overcoats , lined with fine serge , and satin sleeve lining , at $9.75. Former price $13.75. 100 Plain , Smooth All Wool Beaver Overcoats , in black and brown , double breasted and elegantly trimmed , at $10.50. This coat sells at any other 'establishment at 15. 65 Heavy Dark Striped Overcoats , trimmed with fur collar and cuffs , $4.75. Another lot of our celebrated $3.60 Overcoats , which are fully worth $6. We also received about 20 different styles of childrens'and boys' Overcoats. For children from 4 to 12 years of age we have a very neat fur trimmed Overcoats for $1.95worth ; at least $3. We call your attention to 300 neatly gotten up Childrens' Suits , from 4 to 13 years at $1.85. These suits were sold formerly at $2.75. All of the above described goods are selling now very rapidly and we would advise all intending purchasers to examine them before sizes are broken. All goods at one price at Cor. Douglas and 14tli sts. , Omaha. FOK Tnz TMATMEhT or . Chronic & Surgical Diseases DR. NIoKlEHAMY , Propi fetor. fiuictn jtnrs' Hospital nuil 1'rlvulo J'raillcc We have the facilities , nppnralu * anil rcmtdle for tlio successful treatment of c\ cry form at ills case requiring cither medical or surgical tt-eitmeut and inutoalltoconioandlimfctigutcfor thcmseliL ir correspond with us Long experience in treat ln < jcn c > hy letter cna'nlemis tn treat many case acientiflc/ilfy without seeing them WHITE XOIl OltlCULAK on Defer ltle am Hrnce ? , Club Feet , Ciinflturen of the Spice D.'SEAsis or WOMEK. Piles , Tumors , Cancer ! Catarrh , Bronchitis , Inhalation , KIcclriclly , I'arnl jsls , Kpllppny , Kidney , Eju , liar , Skin , lllood on all curclCTl operatloni. Uuttoilrit , Inlialerii , Uracos , Trus oF , nn < all klndb of Medical and Surgiiul Ajipiluncee , mini ufnctured and for snlo. The only reliable Medical Institute ) making Private , Special $ Nervous Disease ; rA hl'ECIAl.'lV. AU , CONTAGIOUS AND III.OOD TISE\SKS from uhntovcrcaiifoproduced.niccentully tieatnl We cm re.mo\o SyplillUlc poleou from tliefjtten ultliout mercury. New rentorithotrentmcnt for loss of > Hal pern n ALT , COMMU.NK'ATIONS CONFlDENl'JAl. Cull and consult u or send nnmc nnd ] ) ost'Ofllr < nildross plainly uritlcjn cnolote pluinji , and < \ > 1H send jciii. In plnln wrapper , nnr PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO MEN uro1 * I'JUVATB , Pi'roui , AMI Nrn\oL's DIPBAFFH SEIIINAT.VAKMSHS. . fu'EnvATOiiKiunA , Iwi'ou ; : , < T , SllMIII.19 , ( lONOKIIllenA , ( JLLKT , VARICOCKI K STniCTL'lir , AMJ All. lll'KAtKS UV THE OtNlTO UniKAnv eiiiuANS , or tend h'.storj of your cate fo an opinion. I'ereoni * nmlilo to > Is It us mny bo treated at Ilitl liomcM , ty ( nrrcfpoiidcnce WcdlcincK and Initrn me lit * tent by mall or express SEC'UKtn.Y 1'AC'K El ) FUOM OIHIlllVA'nON.no markHolndlcal cnntcntn or Bender. One prinonal intrrxlew pri' ferred If convenient. Fifty rooms for tlie a"coin moilation of putkntc Hoard nnd atlendanjo it rratonalilo prices Addrrue all Lcltoni to Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute pnr. 13th St. and Caoltol 4vc. . OMAHA. NrR MnnR TAT \nitir. TlK-RrcntOmnn Jtcmeily Is.iiK'rUUnniio 1'fpceainpla I package and Itouk fur 1O ctntt limtnmpi. I U. U. ill.IMO.il , CO , Kail Jlauptuii , Cuoo. E. T. ALLEN , M. D. SS'Efl.U-SST , f ? Room 9 Williams nuihlinp , cor , 15th ane Dodge sts , Omaha. Hours 8 to 12 a.m. 2 to t and 7 to 8 p n ' Our productlotiH nrc ilie Fcrfecllon of HUoc-iiialtlnar. In them Every Objection to ready.mada hoei U removed , The luccess at nca Bttamed by our goodi wherever introduced IB because they are glovc-fittine , eleifint in style and finish , or the finest material * end worlmanbhip , nnd moderate in price. The horrors of brcaklne-ln are avoided : they are comfortable from the very first. Made in ell hci , width * and aliapes. Leak f Seltt/or ti'aiitrantiAJJreii e/ ' J. & T. COUSBNS , YOKZ i c For Sulu by JIuywnrd Uros. , GGTJIow aril Srtcct , Uinahu , . . OuaruntttOtto only ono In tlie world K ncraUoe econllnuoui ilKtrta if JJianrlie 'nirrnt. Bd ntlflc.l'c trlul. lmral.l , "Cpmfore Uu ud l.ffirllrf. AiuM fraudj. ' ' amitlet. -ii.kei Eilf.orji'i'c libL'i i on Ot.HQRKE.UvtNT08.IBi AYE. . TJE3IE3 Only Line Ilimnlntr IMint : HKCLINING CI1A11 CAItS , le.t ccu Oiniiltd , Lincoln , Kan-sits City an < St. Louis. 3 TRAINS DAILY 3 OMAHA&LINCOLN Ttalns will niilve ) nt iinillea\e from the ( C , St. P. , 31. A. O ) dt'iiot , IDth nm Webster St toots Direct connuctlon mndo in Union Depot , Knn pns City , for nil points South und Won ; In Fiilon Depot , St. Louis , lei nil points Unst nnd South. PULLMAN HL'J'li'nTSI.r.Kl'INO CA IIS on all niKlit trains. For ticket" , elceplnar cnr berths nnd other In- foi mutton , citllon licket nj'ontiC. , St. l'M. 0. It. Il.lupot ) , 15tn nnd Webster sti tots , or In. . Woeinni , T. P. GOOIII Hiv , TIcKet Awrnt. Trnsoliiitr 1'ans. Agent. 15 % Fiuimm blice-tUinnlin. W. II XKWMIN. H. C Towssb.vi ) , Gunl Tiutllo Mun'cr Onnl. I'upsXTIckct A t , tit. Louis. Nebraska National Bank OMAHA. NEiJRASKA. Pnid-iip Capital $2fiOOOO Surplus iJO.OOO II. W. Yules , rrpsidcnt. A. E. Tou/nlin , Vioo Prp'-ldrnt. ' W. II S. HuKlics , Cubhicr. WIIIKCTOHS : W. V. Morse , John S. Collins H.V. . YUICM , Lewis S. Heed. A. E. Toii/uiin. BANKING OFFICE : THE IRON JtANK , Cor 12th nnei rurnnin Sts AUciicrul liaukinjr liubini'ss 'JVai N , W. HARRIS & Co. JiANKKltS , CIIICACO , nnijnCUf Coiinlleig , Cilles and ollmipof DUliU 9 hlKliKindeihoimhtitnil soM Knslcrn ollloo ( W Uovuiibhiiu Bt. . Jlustun. Comtpoud- ontuEollultod , P. P rr.OOI > , A. > Ionilitrejahoriton Cnt * I { eiiilMtr .Nuvv eJrloititH Cot ton r.\'fO . { . ht I.ouU ton Kxcuuiun and Clilca- .MerthuiiU h'jthuiuj. | xollimidoC Inulu. S. S. FLOYD & CO HItOKIIHb I Grain , Provisions , Petroleum And Stocks , For Future Delivery Will ho Heady for HiiHliiPss About .No- vcinborTlli. lOiHlilil 111 SOUTH fltdi ST. THE BANK OF COMMERCE 3 , ; JO Xni'llt Kith tin-ret , Paid in OixpHiil , - - - - $100,000 GI.O V . liAHKlIlt , I're-bldont. IIUIIJ' . L. UAKMCII.S , Vieo-Vi < Mint. \ \ II JUIINto.\e .teliier. Diiini.ruiiS ! StMlin.lt .leillSI-OV , il O. 11. IlAKKLII , ItUHT. J. . ( j.AUl.ICIIHM , pKULKi r. li. JniiNbox , A ( rrncrixllmnkln business trntuactciJ. ullowcil on ( linn i JJt. . Genl. Insurance Agent , Me.rclinr.Vs Notional IlaeiK UuiMuif ? . Cor. Far- namniul Kith tin. , mom 1 ini.-italri. Toluphouo Np. ! > 73 Oiuuhu. Nobruska. STERN RAILWAY. Omaha , Council Bluffs AM Chicago. The only rend In Inks for Tits MolnPS , Mur- stinlliown , ( oilnr Hnnlclp , Clinton , Dixie , Cblca- iro.Mllwniiltdo and nil points cent. To tn * people - plo of Nohraskn , Colorailo , WvomliiK , Uti ft , Mrtlio.Novnfln , OICK"D. WiiRlilnKlnn find Cnll foinla , It offers Binioilor niUiuilugoa not poiiW bio In * any nth or line. Amoiiff n fovr nf the numerous pnlntK of in- perlorlty onjoycd liv the patrons of thiorond bntwce-nOmiilmutiil Chlcnuo.nio lln two trains atlRvof PAV COACHKS which BIO tlie Olicut tnnt humnn nrt mul ititfomilty can rro to. Ito J'AI/ACK SI.UKI'INQ OAlt.S , irlilcli nrn tnnilol < l ofoomfort mid olpjrAiico ItH I'Altl.eJItDllAW- 1NO HOOM CAKS , IIMPUIDII OI ] Innnv , niul Ha widely oololirntcd PALATIAL DI.N'INO CARS , tlio ominl of which onnneit ! ' foiiiul nliewlinro , At Connell IllnlTs the tnelnaof thn I'nloti Titol- flo nr. connect In I'nion nopnt with ( how * of the Chicago & NnilhvM-ilorn Ity. In ClilcnKO the tisiiiBof this line inukn close connection with thosnnf nlloantcrn llni10. Vor Dotrnlt , I'nliiinhiirt , InillnnKpnlla , Clncln * nntl , Nlaicuru Fulls. Iliilfaln , I'lttplmrpr , ToruntoJ Monlrciil. IIORton , NIIIT York , I'hllndolphln , IIul < tlnior * . WixKlilngtnn and all | olnta In tha oiuf. ask the tlcltut nprrnt for tlcknl * vln tlio "NOIiniWH&TBIIN. " If yon wlih thn lie t noceiinmnilntlons. Afl tlckot ugejntfJKoll llckuls via this lino. rr.mrr. n. P. uncial Mannirnr , ( loiil. I'ass'i Ajicnf " . ' , . ] . orM f THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE i' niu Chicago , Milwaukee& _ St. . Paul R'y ' THE BRST HOUTE hen MM aid COUNCIL BLUFFS ot TD53IH1 TWO TUAINH DAII.V OMAH4 COUNLII , Cliicnpro , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Jliiincapolis , Cedar RupIJj , Clinton , Dithuqite , Davenport , Hock Isiand.Freuport , Hock ford , Elgin , Madison , Junusvillo , UuJolt , Wlnona , Audall other'niporlnnt polnu Ea l , Norllioall und Oouthnaitt. Portlirouph tlckuta cull on thn TioUnt Agon at JlOl Kiirnuni Mruut ( Iu 1'iixton llololl.or . it Union 1'ni'iMo lu | > eit I'ullinieu hlouDuisiuvl the finest Dlnlnr Cart In the vroild nro run on tlio iniilu llnaior the ) ClIIUAOO , Mil.\V.UJK \ K 4. fir. I'AIII * ItAII.WAXt unj every ntleiitlon la paid to piuieuk'ors bjr cuui loons einplojcs of thu tompHiiy , Jt. Mil.i.Kit , Uuneral Mnnuijor. J , K. 'J etcKue , AeJl Utit CiHiietrM Mnn rer. A V. H t'Aiii'KM'iu : , ( lonoral 1'iuaeDifer and Tlokft Airont. ( iF.o. K HuArrniin , AcsUtuut GenorU 1'ajioa- Her and 'llcUot Ak'i'iit J , T. CI.AIIK Ucueial Suporlntcndont. CarrylniMlionpIarlura Uoyal atil United Slutoi Between Autwerjws ) \ \ York TO THE RHINE , GERMAN'/ / , ITALY , IIOL. LAND AND FRANCS. TALI. NM.vnu : ffm JW lo f"1' Ku-urJIoii Irip from tUO to fit i. gctond Cbui. tmtwiinl t 3i tuiiialel , * 4j ; Oifiiraion $ ' . > 0. Blocrii/o iiHS iiiru at low ratus. 1'etor Wrlirht & bung , ( Aunertt AHcnts. U Uroa'lWuj , Kuw VorK. lloiiry 1'unJt , J-J1S l > iiueiibt.i I'.iuUuu V Uu. 11 Kunium kt : L ) . 0 l'ici lauu ,