Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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    G TH12 OMAHA DAILY BEE : ' FHIDAY , OVEMBEK 20 , 1880.
Pellicrcd by cnrrirr in nn ? part of Oiocltrnt
twenty writs I > IT week.
II. W. TILTOX. Malinger ,
r. . No. 43.
HKIIIT inn ; on No. ) .
N.y. Plumbing Co.
Now fall goods til Heller's.
Cooper & Mcoo ( ! sell stoves.
Yarns ami Xephyrsat II. Friedman's.
Panels at.ti9 \ per duxcn at Schmidt's
gallery , Main street.
Then' were no arrests made during the
lay'ami tlio police gave thanks.
Tlio hotels yesterday had special menus
which would do credit to tiny metropolis.
Tlio iK'CPsrary wedding permit was
issued to Fred Busso ami Lydla Ucisler
Tlio only turkey served at thn city jail
yesterday was the one with tin "n1' in it ,
milking it a turnkey.
The ( puulrillo party Riven by the Catho
lic ladles last evening Droved one of the
most enjoyable of the series.
Tlio net proceeds of the policemen's
ball at DCS Muinos were § S5. which will
be divided among thirty oll'ieers.
Most of the business house ? were
closed for the greater part yesterday ,
and the city put on a Sunday look , o.v-
copl for the .social entertainments and
merry doings in the residence parls of
the city. The business htrcots , public
olllccs , etc. , were unusually < | iiiet.
Miss Welrich had her dining rooms
beautifully adorned yesterday with cut
llowurs and green pbnts and vines. The
tables were spread most temptingly , in
banquet style in fact , and tlio rooms
being darkened , the lights burning
brightly , the scone resembled a royal
least indeed.
In the accident on the Oscoola Wed
nesday morning , the I lyrrs .sisters com
bination were among tlio passengers.
I'orlimatcly most of the men wore in the
Mnoke.r , and thus escaped injury. Wal
lace King received a bad cut on the head.
The ladies were badly shaken up. Mrs.
Sum Lucas had her left arm broken at
the elbow , Mi > s Freeman had her right
arm broken at the wrist , and her head
out. Others were bruised , but none
Mr. II. C. Crowl and Dora Jour-
gens wore united in marriage yesterday
morning at the resilience of C. L.or -
baugh , on Seventh avenue , Kov. G. W.
Crofts oflioialing. Itotli ol the parties are
deaf mutes , and the ceremony was inter
preted in the sign language bv Professor
jNlcDcirmul , of tlie institution for the deaf
and dumb , of which institution both the
contracting parties were formerly pupils.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. Leo .lour-
gens , one of the oldest and best known
settlers gf Mills _ comity. Mr. Crowl is
well known in this city and here they
will make their home. The ceremony
was a peculiarly interesting and im-
prcssivo one , ami the many friends pres
ent will bp joined by others in extending
the heartiest congratulations and well
Dr. llanchctt. oIlicoNo 12 Pearl streets
llesidcnco ISO Fourth street. Telephone
Js'o. 10.
Wall paper , shades , paints , etc. 11. P.
Kilos , No.lOJ Uroadway.
Call lor everything you need , bottom
prices , Everybody's store , 8Main. ! !
Host dinner in the city at Joe and
Uilly's , -1U1 Broadway , 2.T cents.
Mrs. Dr. I ) Trnesdell , a graduate of
Iho Toronto , Canada , Therapeutics in
stitute , is prepared to treat all classes of
diseases "and demonstrate the curative
power of electricity'1 in accordance with
n new and complete system ot Electro-
Therapeutics , consisting of Galvanism ,
Magnetism , Electro-Magnetism and
Static Electricity. Female diseases a
( specialty. Located at ! N'o. ! ! 07 Broad-
waysecond lloor. Olllcc hours i ) a. in.
to o p. m.
I desire to inform the public that in
compliance with the wish of my late hus
band , Mr. Ernst Hurhorn , T shall con
tinue the jewelry and watchmaker's busi
ness at tlie old stand , No. 17 South M-tin
street , and under the former linn name
of E. Hiirhorn. Thanking tue many
iwtrons and friends of Mr. Hurhorn for
their liberal patronage in tlie past I now
respectfully solicit a continuance of tlie
bame. MOM. IK Lii : : Humous ,
Council HluDs , Nov. i. : ) , 18SO.
A very pleasant , modest wedding oc
curred at Oakland last evening , by
which Mr. W. T. Wilcux and Miss Min
nie Dab.uiy were made one in fate and
fortune. The ceremony was performed
at the residence of the bride's parents by
Hov. Mr. Wood , pastor of the Methodist
church , and in the presence of a small
company , the invitations being limited to
the intimate friends. The bride is a
young lady highly esteemed by her many
friends , who cannot but regret that Oak
land is to lose her , but who also cannot
but rejoice that so worthy a young man
lias won hiir. Air. Wilco\ for some time
practiced law in Oakland , and won for
himself an enviable reputation through
out this part of the state. He is now lo
cated at North 1'latte , Neb , , which will
bu thiiii homo. He is a yovng man of
marked ability and .sterling integrity ,
gind cnimol but be Miccussful in his
chosen profession.
Yost onlay afternoon there was a gath
ering of friends at the residence of Mr.
and Mrs. E. 11. Gardner , No. 207 South
First street , the occasion being the mar
riage ot Mr. Frank A , Shepard to Miss
llattie Gardner. The ceremony was per
formed by Kev. T. .1. Mat-key , rector of
St. I'liul's church , and in accordance with
tlie beautiful ritual surviuc of that church.
The attendants weio Mr. Robert Mullis
and Miss Ida M. Harris The Invitations
were cunlincd to the relatives and imme
diate friends , and while thu occasion was
without ostentation or display , the event
in all of its details was characterized by
elegance and rare good taste in all the ar
rangements , Mr. Shepard lived hero for
live years , coming hero from lioston. Ho
was , while hero , connected with Hark-
ness liros , , and speedily won and surely
lias held the esteem and confidence ol
business circles , and socially has been no
less a favorite. For the past two yeans
ho has been living at North 1'latte , Neb. ,
and is now with a largo clothing house
there. The bride is a young lady who
has many friends hero , and worthily so.
and has been also a very successful
teacher in the public schools of tlio city ,
Mr. Shepherd is to bu congratulated on
having won so worthy a bride , while il
half the well wishes expressed for her arc
realized , their lot will indeed bo a happ }
and prosperous one. They left last e.vun.
ing on the Denver train for their futun
homo in North 1'latte , where they will
within a few days bu settled to house
keening in their new hoiue.
Stam ping and full variety of embroiders
materials. Mrs. 11. 1' . Niles , 4021J'dway.
Five Hundred Overcoats for Hoys anil
Children from $1.00 up.
MtrrcALK Hitos.
Weather .fitnps at Chapman's ,
The BluflHcs Have Their Share and Qivo
Duo Thanks.
Children Too Poor to Get School
Hooks TIIO Hospital Plan Cupid
ttirc.'H Several Ilnnt t > < The
Wonderful Hook Sale.
Tlio OlvliiR of Thniiks.
The Prnsbytcrhui church was lillr.d yes-
tcnlay morning nt tie ! union services Held
there in observance of the day of giving
thanks. Tim pastor of thu church , Uev.
A. K. Hales , opunud tliu services with the
rcadinjj of lite president's proclamation ,
following it with a brief prayer , the con-
ociiliun slnmlinir. Kcv. Dr. Coolu.v
read approptiato selections of scriptures ,
Huv. Dr. MeCreary oll'ural prayer , and
the ulioir gave a very choice musical ser
vice. Miss Wcslcolt served as organist
niul her opening voluntary was especially
line , Tlic choir , consiBtinj : of the .Misses
Mcrkel , : inti .Messrs. Treynor anil Noble ,
rendered most excellently Millard's 'J'e
Dmiui. Tlio solo irivun by Mr. Treynor
as an oflertory , "Charity,1 was verv line.
Thu Misses Ak-rkel jriivu a most pleasing
duet in which their voices blended with
even more than usual sweetness. The
opening services included also the prac
tical giving of thanks by an expression
of the pocket hooks , the proceeds to bo
devoted to the now Hospital project.
Tins sermon was delivered by Hov. G.
W. Crofts , pastor of the Congregational
church. Jt was one of the bust discourses
over heard on such an occasion. Jt had
among its merits that of brevity , the en
tire service lasting only an hour and a
half , which was a relief from tlio old-
time custom of dragging sueii services
out into the hours , spoiling the dinners
and rulnina the patience. The sermon
was closely listened to , and was full of
fresh thoughts on such an old subject.
Mr. Crofts scorned to rcali/.o that ho had
a big tliemu to handle and did not pro
pose to c.sliaiiht il , nor exhaust thu audi
ence in attempting to do so. It would
be a dilliciilt task to give a clear
idea of the discourse by any
brief summary. It was full of bright pas
sages , pleasing rhetoric , and bits of elo
quence. Ho briefly touched upon many
reasons for the giving of thanks ,
( illmpfcus were given of the wonderful
changes in the individual and natural
life. The progress made by inventions
of various kinds was strikingly illustrated.
The irlonous legacy of grand men and
grand deeds winch jrave every one .inst
pride at being an American , was another
occasion for thegivingof thanks. lovvans ,
especially , have occasion to bo thankful
for being residents of such a slate , to
which HID speaker paid nglowing tribute.
Not only were material blessings re
membuised , but the spiritual ones also.
Ho declared there were some men who
could see nothing but a stock yard or a
granary. There were rich blessings which
came from what were called tie ! trials
and misfortunes of life. Tnesu were often
the true blessings , developing beauties
and strength character , and wealth of
true manhood. These trials were the
chiselings of tlio sculptor , freeing the
angel imprisoned in the rough , rugged
stone ; the purifying lires , without the use
of which even gold was base , and by
which it was made lit to form the .scepter
and adorn the coronet. After the recent
earthquakes some one sneeriugly inquired
quired of an old colored woman : " 'Well ,
aunty , whcrc.s your Uod now1 She re-
plid : " 1'so mighty thankful dar's a God
that can shake dc whol' worl' . " There
was tlio true spirit of thankfulness , that
she had a God who was able to do all
those things. Some could only sec God
in the nnlight , but the true child saw
the smiling face , though hidden by a
As to the nation , he urged all to rest
not content with its material wealth , nor
to look to its future prosperity as depend
ing upon its physical advantages. There
was no need of anxiety as to its material
blessings. They were abundant for all
the future if rightly handled. The future
of tins nation really depended upon what
USD was made of what God had given it.
Manhood was wanted. There was a
great and growing demand for men ,
true men , of character and worth. The
speaker took occasion to sharply censure
those who came to this country from for
eign lands , where they had been kept
down , worked html , received little jiay
and small comfort , and , on reaching
here , instead of being thankful , began to
dynamite factories and poison employers.
Such should be taught their folly , and bo
made to join in the grand march onward.
With a united cllbrt , by seeking ( Sod's
blessing , and working in accordance
with his plans , it would be sometime
shown that the latter part of the nine
teenth century , glorious as it is , is only
one golden round in tlio ladder , reaching'
up to heaven , and upon which ( Sod's
angels of mercy were passing up and
down with blessings for all mankind.
Substantial attracts of titles and run
estate loans , . .J.V. . & 1C. L. ftimrc. No.
101 1'uarl street , Council Mulls.
Don' ! buy your new suit or overcoat
until you look at those at .Metealf Hros.
Can't AlToi'd Soliool Hooks.
Some of the charitably inclined ladies
have been investigating along a com
paratively new line of helpfulness. It is
discovered that there are a large number
of children in tlio city who are not , at
tending school because their parents do
not feel able to purchase the necessary
books. The c.xj'on o of securing books
is larger than many suppose. The amount
might seem small to any one in comfort
able circumstances , but to a poor family ,
struggling along to get food ami clothing ,
with expenses naturally increasing dur
ing the cold weather , the schooling
season , it proves a burden which some
parents do not feel that thuv can add to
their others , and the children are consequently
quently kept at home , Several such in
stances have already been found. One
family which just came hero from
Illinois , having several children , llud
that not one of the school hooks used at
their old homo will do now. For the
smallest of the children it required an
expendttnre for new bookn of nearly two
dollars , and other books would soon have
to bo purchased. As a result the chil
dren are being Kept out of school until
the lamily can provide themselves with
other necessaries , leaving school books
to the last. Some of the ladles who have
been inquiring into some of these cases
are surprised at the situation , and are in
favor of taking some stops by which poor
children may lie provided with books. It
is proposed to adopt some plan by which
the real worthiness of the cases may bo
assured , and the books thus furnished
them be simply loaned , EO as to be used
by other children when they have got
through with them. An attempt will bo
made to secure funds for this purpose ,
and secure thu co-operation of thu school
board in the project ,
Electio door bells , burglar alarms and
every form of domestic electrical appli
ances at the Now York Plumbing Co.
Them Will lit * a Hospital.
The city hospital plan is receiving much
encouragement and practical help , anil it
seem ? to be an assured success. Il is
proposed to make the experiment in a
modest way , and. .start an institution
which will without doubt bcja permanent
blessing to the community. It is pro
posed to lease a cottage for tlio present ,
and place in it a man and Ins wife , who
will be littetl for the taking care of such
patients as may be brought there. Those
having the plan In hand have estimated
that tlioy will be able to go ahead with it
just as soon as they are assured that tiierc
will be sf-'W a month plcdgca for the first
year. Mrs. Atkins and Mrs. Shugart
went out on Wednesday awl scoured in
pledges nearly fottr hundred dollars , to
bo paid in monthly installments during
the year. One gentleman gave $100 , mid
others smaller amounts , From this it
seems that there will bo little dilllculty in
securing abundant means to start the
hospital. This community feels that It
needs such an institution , and by each
bearing his share , no great burden need
rest on any. One gentleman , who with
his wife , is planning to go to California
the first of tlie month , to remain until
spring , has bison arranging to furnish
one bed complete , so as to have il in
readiness for the hospital ; is soon as the
institution is ready to open , this being
but one of the many instances showing
the deep interest the people feel in having
the enterprise a success.
Tlio host stove 1 ever had is tiio verdict
of thousands who haye used the liadiant
Homo base burner. Cooper & MeUeu ,
agents. _
Good overcoat if'J.oi ) , pants $1 to Sn.W ) ,
other goods in proportion. Kvcrybody's
store , SSI Main.
K. H.Sheafo & Co. , loan money on
chattlu security of every description ; of-
iico .No. 000 Uroadway , upstairs.
IVI liter Suits.
A number of now suits have been
begun in the district court , the term of
which opens December 7. To-day is the
last for liling. The 'locket is an unusu
ally heavy one , and there is a very large
amount of criminal business to be looked
after. There is also a great batch of di
vorce cases.
Among the divorce cases filed recently
is that of Martha C. Itrunow against
FritHrunow. . They were divorced once
before , and she secured considerable ali
mony. Then she concluded to re-marry
him , and now she is tickle enough to
seek another divorce and more alimony.
She claims that he drinks lee freely , and
that he has abused her , once coming for
her \vilh a razor , and threatening to put
her beyond the reach of alimony.
_ Bull Hriee wants a divorce sroin Wil
liam Hriec , who , she says , is now in jail
at Columbus , Nb. . , 'on a charge of
burglary , and will probably not be able
to boat Ihu trial of the case. She has been
married to him four years , and declares
that he has treated her very cruelly. One
time lie knocked her down when she hail
a sucking babe in her arms. He failed
to provide for her , and forced her to
pawn even her trunk to get money for
Ida Kahre wants freedom from Carl ll.
W. Kahro. She claims he got to drink
ing so hard that he abused her , oncp try-
iirjr to kill her and the children with "a
raxor. lie kept on with his drinking until
he became insane.
Lcanna Morrison is also an unfortunate
wife , her husband having deserted her ,
whih she puts forth as a reason for get
ting a divorce.
Li//.io A. Converse brings an action for
a like purpose against Charles 11. Con
verse , and states as her ground of com
plaint that her husband lias lavished his
allections unduly upon another woman.
Annie 1'arrott has commenced divorce
proceedings against U. T. i'arrolt , who
lias already gained some local notoriety
for his drunken and abusive conduct.
There are a number of now cases
brought against the city. The niost im
portant of' these is tliu case of Vinotta.
Vernon , in which she claims $12,000 , on
account ot an accident which occurred in
December , 188-1. Mrs. Vernon and her
daughter were riding along Vaughn
avenue , when the buggy went oil' from
a bridge into a ditch. It is claimed that
the bridge was not properly protected by
.James 11. Vernon , the head of the
family , sues the city lor the damage done
to tlie buggy , ? loO.
W.V. . Dearborn sues the city on a
grading assessment , claiming ! ? ! ( ) . ' .
Annie Co.yle sues her brother-in-law ,
.lames Coylo , for slander , setting up four
counts , and claiming ! ? . " ) ,000 damages on
each. It appears that lie called her an
insulting feminine name four timesand at
$20,000 for the four , it brings the co-ts so
high as to make it a good deal of a
Weather strips at Chapman's , lOOMain.
All varieties of game and /ish. / Oysters
all stylus. Short orders a specialty , Doc
& Hilly's101 Uroadway. Just look in
their window.
Sec West Point base heater. Latest
improvements in heating stoves.
A Worthy , Now FSntorpriPC.
Tlio publishers' book sale , of which
mention has been made before in these
columns , opened yesterday at Xo. : ) I7
Uroadway , the More formerly occupied
by the linn of CoeUe & Morgan. The
firm is composed of young men of enter
prise and stability , and they propose
making their permanent home hero , and
becoming a part and parcel of Council
Ulull's. They have established themselves
hero because they have faith in the city
and its future , and the methods which
they are adopting clearly show that they
mean to work for the interests of the city
with winch fhoy have become identified ,
as well as work for themselves , as is
their bounden duty. They have an excel
lent showing of books , a larger and more
varied one than was ever before made
here , llisjio old stook nor damaged
one , The books are fresh from the pub
lishers , and there is such an endless
\ nrit'ty of binding niul of matter that one
cannot but Hud just what they want.
Thofo who are looking for holiday gifts
in this line should also improve this won
derful chaneo to make selections. The
prices quoted are astonishingly low , in
fact so low as to make the
enterprise quite a sensational one ,
and causes tlio qucrry to come from
many a looker-on , how can they bo bold
sn cheap v It is proposed to sull these
booKs at prices which will not only
cause Council Ulnfls folks to buy hero , at
home , but will also draw to the city a
large trade in this line from UiOMirround-
ing cities , villages and country. There
are many holiday books , beautiful art
books , aiid the choicest guts of standard
works , and even on these thu prices are
placed so low that the bale , although
begun but yesterday , has already caused
a sensation among those who have
learned prices or seen the stock. The
book sale is to bo kept up for every day ,
and will prove an additional attraction
for thosu who seek holiday gifts in Coun
cil Ulull's. The house is to bu a perma
nent one. and as such it Is welcomed
here , and will meet with heart ) * encour
agement in its attempts to present bar
gains which will hold some trade , and
induce trade from ulscwiieru to come to
this city.
Kvcrybody's store , good place to buy
goods , No , b'3 Main street.
Hard and soft coal , best quality , all
sixes. .Missouri and Iowa wood. "u. U
Fuel company. .030 Uroudway. Tele ,
phone 100. :
.Muslo anil Olinsts.
The entertainment given last evening
in Temple hall by the Methodist society
proved a great success and drew a largo
crowd. There were bountiful awl tempt
ing refreshments , a novel art galUry ,
and a weiglunaslor as side novelties.
The Mage programme was as follows ,
and was oxccfJeiitly rendered :
a I'A I1T I.
Stophlediaso ( iallop . lln chlo
Messrs. Hrmu'lt , Hailollet and 'Pulleys.
UFiior D'Aunina . llazzoni
Miss hlnTostevln.
"Tins Uobolluk ) ' , : ; . "The Aldlne' '
.Miss L. } , . Smith.
Our Country . Oration
Mr. James Knotls.
IJniearole . Kuokcn
Colonel L. W. 'Pulleys and 1'ntnk
Cnrnevnl Dn Venice . Henpilict
Mrs. ,1. 0 Wndsn tilth.
I'AllT 11.
Feline Infelicity . A. C. Atlnwell
Spooks ( Jii.uleltc.
TwoNwoTwones . II. V. Combs
Spooks nnil Phantom ; .
Distuib N'ol My l > remiiiiin..Mlss Ida I.utz
Spook and Pli.intoin Obligate.
Lame Crane .
Spooks Quartette.
I'lmiitom Chorus . Opera I.n Somimmbiib
"i5lmiiiKSki'wi".Mrs. ; K. S. HiuncttSlm'cr
Spook and I'luuitom Arcoiiipanhuunt.
Oveilure Supper Is now Iteady In tlie DinIng -
Ing Car .
By I'.iinil of Spooks and Phantoms.
APConiiiaiiMs Me rs. Ollleer , AVestcott
and Dale , Colonel L. W. Tulleys and II. K ,
One of the chief features of the pro-
gramma in point of real merit was the
song given by Mrs. Wadsworth. This
was her first appearance before an audi
ence , and while there were high expecta
tions by thee who knew of her reputa
tion as a singer in her Illinois home , those
expectations were more than met. She
has a voice of wonderful sweetness and
evident cultivation , and it is by no means
weak. Her tones are as smooth as those
of allutc , and her voice has the llexibility
of a bird. Tlio audience verts enthusi
astic , and rightly so. As an encore she
sang "Maid of Dundee , " which caused
even more enthusiastic applause than her
lirst and really more dilliciilt and mer
itorious number. Council Ulull's may
well feel proud of having such an acces
sion to its musical talent.
The other miiaica natures of the enter
tainment were much bettor than are
usually found in a local entertainment.
The ghosts in their ghastly garbs made
much merriment , antl their inujic was
taking. Son.c ot the choruses wore quite
pleasing , and the novelty of their appear
ance disarmed criticism anil entertained
_ _
P. C. DoVol sells Stewart , Climax ,
Acorn and Westminster hard coal burn
ers. Charter Oak and Acorn cook stoves
and ranges. Economy steam and warm
air furnaces , No. r > 0 1 _ Uroadway.
lOvot-jliocly Likes It.
Any person sending 15 cents to the ad
vertising department of tiic Wabasli
route , St. Louis , Mo. , will receive by re
turn mail a handsome , well bound book ,
entitled "Social Amusements , " contain
ing all the latest. and most novel parlor
games _ , charades , etc. The best publica
tion ever issued for anyone giving an
evening party. _ _
Cupid in Clmroli.
At tlio close of an interesting address
by Presiding Kldcr Ulodgott , at Oakland
last evening , in the Methodist church ,
there was a wedding , which while it did
not come as a surprise , interested a large
number none the less. The contracting
parties were Mr. L. L. Grecnwall and
Miss Lulu Wood , the daughter of the
pastor of the church. There were a
large number present , and the reception
which followed gave opportunity for the
many friends to express their congrat
ulations and well wishes.
Try Garland Cook Stove for soft coal.
Cooper & AlcGcc have them.
J. Loon Fourmcr. representing M. C.
Lindlcy & Co. , of Columbus , U. , is in the
Attention ,
All members interested in Uniform
Kank are requested to moot with No. 53
Knights of Pythias this Friday evening.
lininiiiiso stock of Ladies' and Cliiltlrcns'
Underwear will be .sold uliuaii this
We wilCGniiiuisoiir Special Saie
-OK -
For Another Week.
New Gootls ,
.Lowest Prices !
Carpets aid Dry Goods
Mail Onlors Promptly AUomlctl To.
401 Broadway , Council Biuffs
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha ,
Ladles buying a $5 hat or bonnet , one fare
will be.'jaidjio , lound Irip.
W@ Are Still Offering fhs Greatest Bargains
JSi'ci' ojcrcd in Hits city or the treat. Our stock is tts lartfc anil et
as any Uon can /Ind , and n'c anarantei' prices aimy
bcloio all comni'titton.
A Full Line of Qurtains ,
Of alt tirades anil make , inctndinu Lace. Turcoman , Chenille , Irislt I'oint
Me. , Me.
Our Sutig Department Comprises Turkish
Sniyraiia , Kerracli , Brussels , Axminster ,
Etc. , at Prices Lower Than the Loivest.
O-u.rta.irL C3-oocis loy tlie 'Y'a.rci
WindowShades and Fixtures
Oil Cloths , drattintfs , Iincolenms , We. A lari/e line of Silk and Jlohttir
J'lashcsand l'i > holstei'n Goods , Ktisy Chairs , Ottomans , Font Jlesls , Me. ,
or the holiday trti
en's furnisher ,
506 douucil .
liccdipg Styles and Imporbabiops Qopstapbly op
14OO Farnam Street , Omaha , Nob.
26 Pearl Street.
I Will Pay the Highest Price in Cash
SC'CI > SOiST ! ( >
Abst'iicts of Titls , Loan and Real Es-
tali Broker ) , No. 236 Main St.
JirJifpurcluiicil / the "ninut rclin-
Me itlwti'iict lntoliH in thix eonnt\i \ , "
lnown us the ' 'JlnJItihon jt list met
Hooks , " H'cat'ftiow jn'i'inimltofiir-
uliih tilitstritets anil ' / so
licit the iHttt'ontif/eof all fhost' ili'sir-
iiifj correct abstracts ofiitli" to Inmls
and lots in I'oltairaltdinic count/ ! .
& fc
fine irani/intf Lttinns , House Ftir-
nishlny ( Jooils , clc.
JVo. : tfft , ti HX5 Jiroada-ai/ ,
COtJNClf , IH.UI'I'.S , . . . IOWA
Camptell's Baling Powder. nro Oil Paintings in ( lilt Frninos ,
3U.\S4 , Wo also keep u line line of
Fancy and Staple Groceries ,
All Orders to Tolopliono No. 29 , will bo
Promptly l'ille. < l.
JVO. 3tr
Practice in lUe State and Federal court
Itooma 7 and 8 Shu art-Hono Ulo- * .
18 N. Main st , Council Bluffy la. , anil SOU
S. Ifltli st , room 10 , Omaha , Neb.
MamifiK'tnror'8 Aiceiitfor Iho
Tents , Awnings , Roofing , Slate , Mantels
Plate and Window Glass , Show Cases ,
Elevators , ( hand andauliu , etc.
Horses and Mules
For all purposes , bought and sold , at retail
and in lots , Large quantities to Kclect
liom. Several pairs of line drivers , sin
gle or double.
Council IJliifls.
l nilvmlliuwonls , mirli us Lost , To , mil
ii , For Silk' , To Hi'iil , Vtnrits Ii ! irUlirr ,
etc. , will lielusortccl lit tills column nt tlio low
ratuorrnx CKXTS run LINK toniio iirst imer.
Ion mid rjvoC'milal'or III no for ( inch huljh0tim > nt
Insurllon , I.uiivo ndvcrlljonu'iilti at our ullleo
No. 11'cul striiut , no.uliroailwuy , Council
"p"01t ItGNT-Kimilsliud looms , filfl llluirs. t
WAXTiA : boy with pony Io carry llto
> U1I SAMC Old puporj [ nr sulu m the lieu
I7 olDco.
\\rAN'TIJIl I'Hrtlcgliituiidlii ? to l > n imiri-iod
' ' nro wanted Io itnll at tlio I'ryor's llto job
ollico to bclucl tliuir wciM
Justice of the Peace
Ofllce over Ainciican Express.
H , .lotii'iiali , iroiintjniiU
Knnli ' . 'iM'K ol' All liEiutt n Spec
Prompt Attention to Mail Orders
Room 1 Evcrct Hlock , Council Illiifis.
Standard Papers Usud All styles of bind
ing in Magazines uud
Ln. . Nullonal Hank , 51 , i : . Biiilth & Co. ,
CUUenb' Hunk , Deere , Well * It Co. ,
HrntnllMil Hunk , ( " , . II. Insurance ( Xj. .
Officer & l'uitfyllttnlcerfllU davjiii-d Hunk.
Fora buyer to go where the largest Sto. k
and Greatest Varieties nro kept In nnv one
line. Again , if seller has KxrKitir.N'cr.D
ACCOMMOMATIONS fiutliful and trusty help-
those who buy will be agreeably served ,
and if seller glycs rt M. weights and meas
ures , you have three excellent rcnsoiu for
patronizing such a firm.
Fuel consumers Oiighl therefore to buy of
No. ( iW llro.idw.iy. Council UlulTs.
Telephone 110.
A(11H' < LTI 11A L MMV.JJIK ; \ 7N.
Agricullaral Implements , Bn Iej ,
rnrrliiRi's , Kto . llto. Council UlulTs , town.
Mniiurnctui-oisol' niul Dealers In
Hand and Power Corn Shell rs ,
And KKCMiniiil line or llr.M uln s ii rnnilt inil
NOP. 1F.OI.1WI , IAI niul inn fn l\\ \ Main Street ,
Coinu'lt ltiiilT < , loitn.
" "DAN ID JJK.VDLKY , v t'o.7"
Mnnnf'rs i\n \ 1 , loblii < rs of
flgrlcultural ImplementsWagons , , Buggies ,
( 'in-Huge' , mnt nil klmU or Karm Mnchlitbrr. * f
1100 to 1113 Souili Main Sireut , Council lllulT * .
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades
Oil Clothe , Cuitnln rixturcft , I'plmNtoiT CHio
Etc. No. 103 llrrmilwrty Coinioll U luffs.
rco , irir.
ri-UE(5OV : ( & MOOUK ,
Wliolc.inlo .lobbert In tlio
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco 5 Pipes
NOE. 3Mnin uud .7 I'oarl Sis , Council Uluiri ,
I own. "
Frnit and Produce Commission Merchants.
No. 14 l'o.u-1 St , Council ' .limn.
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
' Sundries , Kto. No. ! Mnln St. , ami
No.1 I'onrl SI. , Council ItlullH.
O.V. \ . Ul'TTS ,
Y/holesale / California Fruits a Specialty
Gonufal Cominli ion. Nn. 51llrandtvay ! ,
Council Itluirs.
WJKT & Dl'qUKTl'E ,
Wholesnle Fruits , Confectionery ,
-A Nil-
NOB. It ) mid IS Punil St. , CnuuHl lllulls.
llmiu'ncliirurs of nml Wholesale Do ilursl i
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
No. tSj Mnln Pt. . Council lllurN , lown.
/MTN , c.-i/vs. FTC.
Jobbers In Hats , Caps and Gloves.
NoK : \ unit Oil IlroiKliva- , Council lllutT-i.
Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware ,
JVilil Wood Strvk , Council IHiHta , loivii.
Wholesale Dealers In
Illuminating & Lubricitiaj 01U Cuiu ) !
F.Theoiloro. AKOMI , Coiinuil Illiura. low.i.
Hard Y/ood / , Southern Lumbar , Piling ,
Ami llriiliro Malcrhil iii'i'lilll"d\V'liolni.lii | : : l.uiii-
beret al ] Kinds. Ollluit N'n. Ill ) Mnlu St. ,
Council Illiill : ' . Joint.
/fl'fJ.-i AXI ) LIQl'UllS.
Imported aiid Domestic Vflna ? & Liquors
Aacut lor SI. ( intlhp.iiVH llorli IlutcrJ. Xo.ll
Main.St. Council 111.ills.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquon ,
. . Cuoiril ll'.itjs. '
L. KIKSC11T & CO. ,
Wholesale Liquar Dealers ,
No. 410 llroiidwiiy , Coiiuoil lllulN.
The only hotel in Council Illnlla having
IB"1 : re Esoa/pe
And all mo lei n improvements.
1M5 , iJH and ' , ' 10 Main st.
MAX MO JIN , J'roji.
Reduction in Prices ,
China Glassware Etc.
, , . ,
At W. S llomor & CoX No.'ll Main bl
Council Illiitl'a ,
Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards. .
OjoMto | ) iJinaiuv l uioU |
Horses unil inuk'.s kcH | ooiibtuiUlv on
junil , forgitlo at rt'tail or in car Joa l .
Odors promptly lillcd by contract on
bliort iiolico. Slock 8old oitvoiumission.
.SiiLfrnic A : Houv : , Proiirietors ,
Tolcftliono No , 1M
Formerly of Jvnil Sato felubles , corucr
1st. live and 4th btreet.