HE OMAHA DAILY SIXTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , FRIDAY MORNING , NOVEMBER 20. 1880 , NUMBER 101 , COAL DISCOVERY IS OMAHA A Vein Seven Tcet Thick is Struck Near the Union Pacific Bridge WHILE BORING FOR NATURAL GAS Thr foundation Tor n Tremendous Jloom Tor Onmlin Cticnp Conl Ncarnt Hand and Plenty or it , loo. A Great "Want Killed * Some tin PO months ago while paitios were boilng a tube welt at tlio South Omaha union block yaids to secino an additional supply ot water , they struck a vein ol gas at the depth of about 20) feet. Tills gas was supposed to be natural gas , such as Is found in Pennsyl vania , An analysis , wlilch was completed only a few day sago , showed , hovvovei , that It was nltiogcn gas , and not the natmal gas used foi maiiitlactuiing , beating and Illumi nating pin poses. Meantime n stock company was or ani/ed In this city for the purpose of boring for n.ituial g is. Thu capital was llxc-d nt gJO.OCO. 'Ihe pilnclpal oiiani/er ; of tills company was Mr. 1'etei I' . Her , who had bu- comu an enthusiast on tlio subject of natural R.as , and assuitcd that ho would bear the ex pense himself ol boilng for it , If nobody would join with him In tlio enteipiise. Hut ho had no ainiculty In Inducing olhers. among whom were such men as Herman Kountru , William A. Paxton and John Mc- Shanc , to utittowilli him in tlie project , Operations were accordingly begun some weeks ago at Fourth and Plcico stieeU , near tlio Willow Springs distillery , and onlv a few bundled feet fiom tlie west end of the Union Pacific brldco. At a depth of MiO feet thu boreis struck A VI. IN OP COAT. seven inches thick. Although this occa- hloued some little surprise , It was not consld- eied of vciy great Importance , as such thin veins bad bulote been discovered in various sections of the stale , and would not pay to woik. In fact , thu discovery ofcoal was con- hideied of such little consequence tliat the men engaged in thowork failed to make men tion of the find In ic-ports ot theh pie iess to outsiders. Tliu boicis continued to boio for natural ga , not ex pecting to strike any piotitabie bed of coal. Yesterday , however , a great Mirprlso was occasioned when they 'an their drill through a v eln of coal si , vi \ rn/i THICK al a depth of 511 leet just below a stratum of blue limestone. Specimens wereseeuied and placed on exhibition. Tlie coal is what is known as soft or bituminous coal , and ot pplendid quality. Those who understand ( oal mining bay tliat this bed of coal In all probability underlies the whole of Douglas county. run vr.iv 10 nn wonum. A coal mlnlnir company will bo onranUed at once with ample capital , and mining will be begun immediately. In this connection it may be stated that the Union Pacllic a few years ago bored an artesian well near the west end of thebiidgo and struck a v ein of coal at tlie depth of about Blx bundled feet , buteveiy effort was made tn keep the mattei quiet. Tlie public obtained but very little Infoimatlon about the matter , and It w as genei ally given out in rather an Industrious manner that tlio discovery really amounted to nothing. It looks very much now as If the valuable hcciot had been kept with the Intention of not destroying the Omaha maikct foi the Wyoming coal mines of the Union Pacific , Hut tliu great bccret has at last been uncov cred , and the era of cheap fuel in Omaha Is near at band. AN UNUSUAM.Y a HICK VEIN. Incie.ased value attaches to tlio dlscovciy from the thickness of the vein. While it i' trim that In the immense coal legions ol Pennsylvania veins have been struck thai have a thickness of liom thirty toeighty leet any find approaching this nizo is entirely un known In tlio wcbt. The Iowa coal tieldn , the ilcliestyet found in the west , contain bui few veins that .no more than fem or live feel in thickness , and none that are more tliar blx feet in depth. The mines In the vicinity ol Angus and other towns along tlio DC" Molnes liver have been giving an Immensi viold for ycius fiom veins tiial have no avei. aged mote than four feet in thickiiLbS. hum : TO PAY. The distance fiom the binfacc of the ills coveiy Is anothei good fc.ituie , Miuy of tin low.i mines aio all the way liom six hiindtei to one thousind feet in depth , and yet a veil of coal tlneo feet in thickness at biicli a deptl Is woikcd at great profit. At Leavcnwoith : coal company has iiiado a foi tune from the opoiatlon of a vein of coal only one and i bait feel thick at a depth of ovei nine bun died leet. With tlie improved machinery ol the piesent day tbo depth of a vein cuts bu little llguio after tlio first cost of i caching tin bed lias been met. Hy tlio impiovcd ma cliincry the coal is hoisted by steam on ai endless chain on which are hung buckets- working on the piinclplo of the ouco populai chain pump. This will make the operatloi ot the mine an easy matter. A itiwAin : > rnoM i in : STATK. A number ot ye.us ago thcst.ito legislature for tlio puiposu of eiicouiaglng niospectlnt foi coal , padsc-d an act offering arowaid o : S..OOO tor the dlbcovcty of coal in paying quantities within the ht.ite. Several time1 atteiuptb have been made to secure this 10 ward by patties who have discovered btual coil veins In different sections oC the state but the linl as yet hat , not been sulliulent t < iccover the bonus. Tliu men wilt ) are inlet ( hted In the find of yebteiday will bo entlllci to the money. irsiivn TIU : QUAMIV. Samples ol the coil taken fiom the drll weio examined yeMenlay evening by .severa coal men of the city , w ho nronounced it of i 111 st-clasb quality. Samples of tlio coal wil bo taken to tliu laboiatory at Crelichton college logo to day foi an examination , itEioie-iNO ovr.ii HIE DISCOVKKY. The dlseoveiy ot jesteulay has causei Kicat enthusiasm and rejoicing , U wll hiipply a long-felt want , namely , cheap coal which means a great boom In nianufactutln euteipilses otall kinds , and consequent won deiful giowth and development ol llio elty In fact tliu discovery U legarded as bavin a more important Dealing upon the future a thu eity than even the jreat ; South Oinali union stock yards and packing houb ludiiilile.s. hull Continued. Fm'MoxT , Xeb. , .NOV. 25. [ Special t < thu HIM : , ] Dldtilct court has been In ses Mon foi ten days , Judge Post presiding Jiu&lum progiossed slowly , Tlie piliicipa business has ticen the granting of two o tluee dtvrees of dlvoue and tlie eontlnuauc until die next tenn of the S-iu.OOO libel suil bre light by Martin Luther against Georg Wigrei. Hoth of thojo men aioilcb fauu ( H who live in the vicinity of Hooper. J Jew wivkb ace tlieio wus posted upon luulBo In their neiuliborhood a placard set tlnir forth that Luther was in the habit of ail piiiiisleniiKiinmcrcitul abusu to his wife ant also chaosring him with other misdemeanors Luther employ en , at iirc-nt expense , tluibei vices of Omaha detectives to ierret out th uiuluirorthQ publication , and U was tracei to W .if ncr , Wh % n the < use eamo on for tris the defendant admitted Ihu publication an will iimlcrtalve to prove In court the allega tions he made concerning Luther. Hoth sides have employed tlio best attorneys and the matter will be fought to the bitter end. Tovvnthlii Orcnnl/ntlon In Dodcc. FHP.VIO.VT. Xeb. , Xov. 25. | Special to the Hi i. . I Dodge county has adopted township organl/ation , and Hie new board ot suneivls- ors , niimbciIng sixteen , closed a live days' Cession yesterday. J. P. Dlerks , of Fremont , was chosen chairman of the board. Tbc county has been divided Into townships In accordniro with the governmental survey. 'Ihcboaid proceeded In Its deliberations up to the 1 ist session , upon the theory tliat these new sub-divisions with their olllrers elect should d lie twin the 1st ot Jauuiry next. Hut at the last moment all opinion upon tliu subject by I ) lstilet Attorney Marshall , that It should not l-iKe effect until after the next general election , the old precincts to remain as tlie tnwnsMp boundaries In tlie meantime , upset their tlicoiics and thu board adjourned 'o lliusieonil 'Inesday in Januaiy. Mean- ivhlle , they will enrneslh seek more liuht , ipon tlio complicated subject ot tow nship or- ganl/atlon. on. Uilshln'H I'arevvell to Nlobrnra VAI i MINI : , Xeb. , Xov. 25. [ Special Tel- jgiam to tlio llii : . ] An Informal iceeptlon ivas tendeicd Gcueial Htibbin herobefoio Is depaitiiro for Fort Koblnson last evun- ng , wlilch was attended by a largo number of clti/ens. The f.ucwell address on llio i.art of tliecltl/ens was delivered by Judge Tucker. Gcitctal Hrlsbln , In his lesponse , Iwelt upon tiiodevelonment of Northwestern Nibraskaand the importance of laige mil- 'tnry stiongholds , and congiatulated tlio leoploon thogiowth of Xiolnara. General UMiiu takes tliu beit wishes of the com munity with him. Geneial Kant/ , with leadquarters and the Kiglitb Inlantry , will bu liere Satuiday. Itnilrnnd DovelopnicnlH nt Krcmont. Fr.r.vio.NT , Xob. , Nov. 25. ( Special to the Hr.r.J Kvcry indication points to rallioad levclopmcnts hcio that will bo of vast Im portance to the city of Fremont. Fremont , Klkhorn & Missouri Valley ofllclals and con tractors aio quietly investing their spare cap- tal in Fiemont real estate , while tlie pro jected lines from hero to Omaha and south west to Hastings , Sew aril and Voik , both of which will bo built next yeai , will make this tlie centei of the extensive system of the Xoithwestorn in Xebraska. Tlio tempoi.aiy heailqiiutorsot Supoiinlomlent of Constun1- tion Hall , tliu cliieC engineer nnd othei of ficials are being abandoned tor permanent ( purlers which have been proemed in tlie Hlles block , up town , and which aie being eliborately furnished for theii occuuancy. There is eveiv reason to bclievo that ma chine shops sullielent in si/o to accommodate the mud's necessities will be built heie in the futine. near _ _ _ HucrcsHful Firemen's Jliill. 1'm.jioNr , Xeb. , Xov. 25. ( Special to tin Hisr.J Tlio opera house last night was densely packed with partlcipinls In the an nual ball ot tlie lire department. Tlio depart ment clears 5105 Auotlici grand success was scoied by tlio nmiiageis. Died of His MoundH Cm STOV , In. , Xov. 25. [ Spect.il to the HI.I : . ] Xelse llogue , who was bliot by A. S. llughus with adoublu-b.airelcd shotgun , attei suffering Intensely tiom ills teniblo wound died last evening about T o'clock at ids lesi deuce. Hughes was arraigned yesterday and committed to jail without bail. There i- much excitement aud tlie tragedy h > tlie sen sation ol thu horn. A UX10N bWllCII. Minors Ahnudoii Their nnd Join tlio PitTSiiuiKJ , Xov. 2. ) . An important laboi iiioveuient wab consummated last niglit. II coiiblstsof thocoiupletodibbandmcnt of the Miners' and Mlnc-L.iboicis' Amalgamated association of tlio Monongalieia valley , ami the i.ailioad mines in tbe Pittsburg districts which supply all tliu lake aud soul hem livei ports witli coal , Asa result , the organUa tion of the Kniglitb of Labor has an acces sion to its ranks at 0110 lell-swoop of U.OOi men. Tlie whole matter was decided upoi in a hall In tlio little mining town of Hanks vllle , near tills eity. A meeting 01 tlio Illinois' oigaiil/alion was ii progress , and in the picbcnco of aboul fifty men , the ofliccrs of the oiganl /ation tendeied their lesignatlons , surreud- eied the chaiter of the organl/ation , and de elded to at once Invite the Knights ot Laboi authorities to bend theii on.rinl/crs amoii ) . tlio miners. There will not be tliu sliglitesi opposition oll'eied by tlio mlneis , ami they will boon bo enrolled In Knlnlits ot Labor as bemblies. John Costcllo , president ot tin disbanded oig.inbatlon , is also piesldent ol tliu trades assembly of webtern Peniibyl vatihi. To emphasl/o his loyalty to tin Knights ot Labor he will at once goto the Counellsvillo eoko ii-glons and tiy te Induce tlio amalgamated men then to join tlio Knighls of Laboi also. In that icglon the amalgamated men outnumber the knights three to one , they numbering about ten thousand to tluei thousand knights. Piesident Costello in i speech bpokoot thorivahythat had oxlstei between tlio two oigani/atlons inthisvlcln Ity , and Incidentally icmarkcd tliat to ) stumping thu .state during tlio katogubeina toilid campaign In the interest ot the demo ciatlc llckut be bad been bevoiely eensurei by President Hauls , ot the state organUatioi of the Mlneis' and Mlnu-Liboroin' Aninliia mated association. Costuilo sinaited iiiulei the coiibiire of his biipeiloi , anil last niglit'i action is believed to bu partly due to this. Keen red Ills I'onsion. ATtAM'A , Gii , , > ov. 2) ) . Itobeit Woody of ( llluier county , has stepped out of tin penitentiary into the possession of a sniij little sum. Woody is a typical mountaineer blx feet tall , broad of shoulder , with lone black hair just tinged with giav. When tin wai bioke out lie was undei twenty , but bi btiong weio his sympathies with the unloi tliat ho woikcd himself through to L'ast Ten -nessc r-wliwe ! w jolnel a fcdei.al leglmcnt lluhting against thu confederacy until tin end. When the war closed Woodv returneu to his homo In dllnier county , The peopli were about equally divided between ledeia and eonfedeiate , and between them manvi hind encounter took place Fcdeial spiei would inform tbo ruvenuo men on confcdcr ate moonshlneis. and vice versa , in these un pleasant affairs Woody alway s hoio a consple nous pait. About tlneo year.s ao Woody kl tliat tliu time had come to piy elf old scores A protincteil inciting was In pron'ic .s Ii Tlekiinetl ) . The night was dark , and tin mouiintia were in tliu midst of their fervo when a bullet crashed through one of Un windows , followed by several others. 'I In congregation bcattored. Ono party , vvhlcl ran aciossTIckanetly cieek , was pursued b ; tlio enemy , who finally winged one of it' number , A pistol bhot Bent back lor ai answer winded tliu pursuer , who proved ti bo Woody , liu was tried foi shooting a another , and sentenced to ono year in th penitentiary. On Friday list his time oxnired , when b nuido for Atlanta. Hero liowasmet bv hi lawyer , who had boon mulling his claim fo nrre.aiB ot pension , with success. Tim evl deuce of this success was a check for S I.2CHJ whldiVoody \ hnd cashed iieio , and atone stalled home. Iln \jsho Is going to qul mooiislduln ; , and buy a little farm ol hi own. Liberty Saved I'rom liuln , Xivv : VOISK. Nov. 'A The heavy clotl curtain , which , dining the daytime cover thu electric lenses on tlio Sttittto of Libert ; caught lire Monday night , and fell on th light woodwork In tlio Interior of the statue It was only by the hardest work that aba nru was averted aud tlio gicat statue savd 1 1 out tulii. A. Furniture factory In Klaine * . Pnu.AhKUMru. i a , , Xov. as. TJio foiu story ninmuro factory of John D. was Ouiucd tlib aiictucou. Loss , A ROYAL BABE'S ' RECEPTION , How Qneen Victoria's Thirtieth Grandchild Was Ushered Into the World. GOSSIP ON THE GREAT EVENT. The New American Church In 1'nt In Dedicated on Thunkslvlnit Dny With Solemn Ceicmoiiy Other I'orclKti AfTalis. Another Son Is Given. ICopvifuht 1S&I MJdniw / fioldou I/cilllttl.1 LONPO.V , Xov. 2. " . . IXuw Yoik ilci.ald 'able Special to the Hi i : . I celebrated Ihanksglvlngday by exchanging London's vellow fog for Windsor's bright sunlight. Thanksgiving pervaded tlio royal family over ho birth of the. thirtieth grandchild of llio queen. Windsor Is a loyal place , ' 'llio queen Iocs reign" Is a unlvcisal piovcrb. The oyal standard has waveretl over live fresh radios foi tlio puueny of the prince ot Wales , six for the crown princess of Germany , Ho for tlio Princess Alice , two for the luchess of Albany , live lor tlie duke ol Edin- jurgh , four for tlio Pilncess Christian , two "or llio duke of Connaughl , and now one for the Princess Hcatrlce. Hut It nevei jet waved toi the Princess Louise. COMIIVUY OI'IMONS. I found gie.it dllfuionces In Iho feeling liero and around the Kast End station , where 1 took the tialn. Said tlio porter at the lat ter : "Another German prince , eh , to Incie.ise our taxes ? " Tills appears to be the universal feeling among tlie masses. St. Giles and St. James disagree as to tlio new birthmark on tlio ex chequer ban. 'Yes ; bo's a bonnle prince , I bear , " said a Scotcli sentinel at tlio outer gate of the nur- seiy. Gossip had already permeated tliu at- niosplieio of the grounds and the village. 1 was told how the mother had only just ie- turned fiom a drive in time for her accouche ment ; how the queen lempoiarlly tiansferied her vigils fiom Fiogmooi to the cradle , as If finding her best consolation in a domestic event that daily consoles hundieds of thou sands of families In the clvlllml world ; how tlio boy weighed well for his si/e , taklnc attei his father. A seedy looking apothe cary , lit to appear in "llomco and Juliet/ venluied to joku about the biby Immediately dancing a Geiman in Iiis sumptuous blanket embroldeied with the royal arms of his mother. Every gossip had the n.imo lixed. but no two agieed as to wheie thn Henij would come In amid Victoi , Albert , Lco pold , etc. , etc. uu : IIAIIY'S IIOYAT , ur.cr.i'Tioy. I was told how a salvo of artilleiy bad shaken tlie tiecs and the dying leaves whei : unexpectedly lired In the long walk of Windsor ser park , and how tlio joy bells liom St George's ch.ipel and St. John's chinch hai seemed to take on a lullaby sound ; bow ; mayor , with tlio name ot Simpson , instantly catuo to pledge his loyal wishes ; how ar equerry , with the ominous name o : Higge , guaided the door ot the chain bers In Auiiiibta tower , directly ad joining these of the queen. AVItliti wcio the happy father and , at the pilncess lequebt , cabinet ministers , Loid liaudolpl Chuicliill and Viscount Cioss anotlie : ominous name. Under pressuiool legal am royal etiquette tlie queen anxiously waited ii her own privacy. Groups of yokels am rosy-checked maidens were found reading bulletins posted at the castle entrance , when figured tlio popular name ot "William Jen tier , M. D. " : NOTKIM > IA 1:1 cnivin. : Outside of royalty , Windsor , liowovet undei the piessuio ot laboi and socialistii tonics and feeling , tins Hattcnburg Guolpl event was little rejoiced at. The Tory Stand ard , everv oicing tlio general sentiment , w hei commenting on It , bald : "Tlio gramlchil dren ot the queen , If numerous enough iiii''ht conceivably find it w iso to betake themselves solves to bomo occupation more practical thai that of participating in princely or morel ] ceremonial duties , and as they accommodat ( themselves to tlio present condition ot thing ! tlie feeling of the nation foi them would lal into harmony with tlie new situation. " THAMtSOlVIXG DEDICATION. Consecration of the Aincilcan Churcl in 1'arin. [ TnjjyiuMSW / 1 > 1Jnmc * ( iniilon Jlrnnctt. \ PA IMS Xov. 25.fXew Yoilc lleiald Cabli --Special to the Hr.r.j The consecration o the Aincilcan chinch of the Holy Trinity , Ii the avenue deL'AIimi , came elf to-day will great eclat , and In tlie presence of a brill Ian gathering , including almost tlio entire Amor lean colony of Pails. M 1m bishop in chaigi ol foielgn churches , the Itlglit Itev. Tneo ( lore ! ! . Lyman , In full Episcopal canon icals , nsbisted by the Hight Itev. Henry C Potter , assistant bishop ot Now Voik , was lecclvcd at the entrance ti tlio church by tiio Itcv. John U , Morgan , lector of tlio Holy Tilnlty , and tin assistant cleigyof the clmioli , the waidens tlio cathedral choli ol young boy sin MIOW wlilto binpliees , and by tlio vcstiymen. Tin bishop and clurgy then niarcliea up tin centei alsluchanlingand singing llio twenty fourth psalm. The bishop placed the bontici of consecution upon tlio communion table and aftci players pionounced the churcl sanetllieU tiy tlio Holy Ghost. Players wen then olfered lei the president of tlio Unitei Slates and lor the president ot tlio Fiench lu public. THE sr.IlMON" . Tlio bishop , having ascended the pnlnit took for Iiis text the words : "This is noin other but the house ot God" Genesis \viii , 17 The bishop , who is u very liaml.somu man am hasan imposing appe.uance , and weais slier gray mutton-chop whlskois , related the btor ; of Jacob's ladder and dicaui , and drew a pat allel between Jacob wandering In forelgi lands and younir Ameilcansyandering ii Europe. The bishop then dwelt upon Lafay ctto'b timely assistance , without which tin oxlbtcncouftho Aincilcan nation would hav been prevented or gieatly retarded. Ho sail a good word for Peio Lacoidaho and Fat lie Hyaelnlho , and drew apruallel between thn now American cliuich , built with unstinted outlay by Americans In Paris , and tiu Hartholdl btatue , erected by French gen eroslty In Xew Toik. Tlio bishop lllusliatei the piescnt gteatness of the United State * that Franco had helped to become Indcpcnd cut , by saying that thostatuof Texas alone 1C laid upon Euiope , would extend overXoi way , England , Denmark and Germany , coy erlns Ediiibutghon one and Waisaw on th other , besides touching the North Sea am the Mediterranean , Tlio bishop ended hi sermon wltn tlio woids , "God bless tb Fienvb republic and all who live In It. " A SYMl'ATIIEnorOXOUI-.aAIIOX. The congregation were sympathetic nlmos to the v ergo of enthusiasm. They consistei nlo Uj of ladles. In fact the whole house o the churcu VA3 a vast wilderness ot man I tindrnieor shaped models ot tlio milliner1 I art , Velvet and plush C&i3 , soalski eacques , fur caps , costumes and coats c darkest hue , and bonnets following bull with Just a bunch of white or yellow stanc ing out hero and there like sea lights. Pa upuear UieuUar : btt'pj.l noticed the Unite Statci minister and Miss McLanc. The Post and Monroe families were grand sompto. Pielty Miss Alice M on too was dicsseit In sombre black , relieved only bv her pretty face , her bright , wavy hair , and a bionzo green bird in her large , round-brimmed hat. S'car by sat Mrs. Lawson , Mr. and Mrs ) ana , Miss K. Falrchlld , Mr. and Mrs. llcniy lacoii , Mr. and Mis. Lillle , Mi. and Mrs. Vauderhv in , Colonel Ilairlson lUtchte , Miss llchards Mrs. Hates , Mis. Cleveland , Mrs. .orlng Andrews , Mrs , and Miss Waie , Mrs. T. Waic , Mr . and Mhs 11. Kdge , Mrs. .osay , Mis. Faer-lt , Mis. Mycate , Mrs. ) undas , Prof , and Mrs. Yeatman. Mr. George > raper , Mi. Jolin Monroe , and Miss Van Schalck. Ml AsTONl Itl > a TO1M.TS. 'Ihe toilets were not paitlculaily creditable o tlio American colony , two or tlneo red velvet and pluMi capotes alone attracting attention by tlielr rather vivid hue. Ulack was the oidei or the day. Long black plush coats and rich broche velvet pelisses were iiost worn. The church was beautilully lecorated w 1th low 3 of clny baidhcmums and i > alms. _ Antl-Unislnn l'1cclliii flronlnrr. ( fniil/rfo/it / ISM Ity Jamc * ( JunloiiJnnictf.l Hi iA-l'r. iii , Xov. 'Jo. [ New York Her ald Cable Special to thn HIK. ] In tlio for eign affalis committee of thollunirnilan dele gation the onotidv no leport , contrary to ex pectation , caused a long debate which is btlll nnlinibhed. Count Andiassy spoke about and against tlio Mlngiellau candidature. The piospects of an agreement with Kusslaare inoio and more unlikely. . Unitarian Affairs. SoriA , Xov. W. Tlio regents , In an Interview - view with Gadban Klfondl , the Turkish envoy , stated that It was Impossible to recom mend the bobranjo to elect the Prince ot Mingiella to the vacant throne. The cadets of the military school Imvo been disarmed by orders of the commandant. The motive la unknown. Tlio Hulparlan government , replying to a note from the porto on the subject of tliu election of Piinco Nicholas of Mlngielia to the throne of Hulgarla , retusu to accept I'llute Nicholas as a candidate and says that action In the matter is incompatible witli the treaty of jieilin. A nothcr conspnacv against tliogov crnmenl has bLen dlscoveied. Two ollicers , one ol them a Husslaii , oruanl/ed a plot to kill Col' onel Nicol.ilolT. Major Pouotl anil the regents. The ciimo was to have been committed tills morning. Majoi I'opofl dlscoveied tin plot and caused the arrest of the twoofticer' and ot two others who aio implicated. 1'liej will be tried In a lew da > s. 1'oitj-ono cadets ate Implicated in the plol to revolt against the pen eminent. All ol them , including tliecaptlan , assisted in tin disposition ol Prince Alexandei , but wen subsequently paidoned. They liave sinc ( been shunned by their comrades and it i > piohable that the school w ill oo icomani/cd JjOMJON , Nov. ax The Vienna coiro sponilent ot the Times says that all the European governments except the Knglisl have notihcd liussia that tliey are willing tf accept the Prince ot Mingrclia as acundld.iU toi the Htilgaii.an tin one. Pioposnls toi mediation between Uussia and liulnuria an being suggested. Hiitiiv. : Xov. io. ! It is affirmed in Russiav ciiclestli.it the e/ai Is willing to accept anj anangcment that Kinpeiei William advise : for abettlemeut of the fSunaiian question. Vinv-.VA , Xov.3.r ) . Hie Political Coires pondencosajs tbat Hulgaiia Is tiling to ac cept the Prince ot OldonUerg as a ruler. SHINING TO TUB TKVANXS. Ijondon Cit > CoiiipaiilcH DlspoKin o Property ln.yreln.iil. LONDON , Nov.2.r . The London city com panieb have resolved to sell their lands in th north of Ireland on easy terms to tenants The Sailers' company will transfer 25,00 acies at the purchase pilcoof J. 0,000 undo the teimsof the Ashbourno act. The Fish mougeis'company will transfer 20,100acre at a i early rental of JEO.riOO. They oiler t sell to the tenants twenty ye.ns' purchase 01 government valuation , the tenants paying Ii per cent , nndei the present rental. Th Drapers' company offeis 3T,0. > acies at : jearly rental of Cl'J.MO at eighteen yeai puicliasc. The tenants accept the olfeis The transfer covers nearly all tlie county o Londondenv. Opcninc the Roiohotni ; . Ur.iu.iv , Nov. 25. The Keiehstag wa opened to-day by HerrVon Hoetichcr , mln Istei ot the Inteiioi , who lead the sjieecl Iroin the thioue. Among other things th empeioi savs : "The object of the policy o the enipite. which enjojb peacerul lelition v\ lib all scales , ito exert in tavoi of 111 niiiintonaiicoof concoid among all the pow ers , the inlliience which accuies to Germa'r from lici tone of peace liom the univers.i conlidence reposed in the empire owing ti tlio 1acttli.it Gcunnny Is not coneeined Ii pending questions and troin the ompcioi' close filendship with tlio two neldihorlni comts. " 'J lie speech announces that a mcas me will bo Introduced to raise the etfectna strength of the Gci man niiny , which Is jus tied by the Incieiisinir of the armies of tin neighboiing states. The measme. ho sa > 8 "Is indispensable to Gnim.tn hccuilty. " The soiilcnato bill fixes tlio peace etlectivc ness ot tlio aimy until lbU4 at ids,40' ' ) men not including tlie blnirio veai volunteeis ' 1 lie permanent expendltuio of the army i placed at 'AOOO.OOO maiks , and special am non-rcuuiiiiig oxpendlturo at ! T , ooOOJ mailcs. The preamble ot the bill icpoitsoi the danger be-etting Germany in tlie largi increase ot the French forces , and says tin postponement ot stieimtlieiiiug tlie Guimai aimy might bo attended with fatal results lor which reasons It Is uiged that the Im portamool active seivli'o ! . - < nbsolntelv ini puiatlvo beeaiibu Germ.mv Is olillged i make coiiiicnsatlon ] foi iuinieiie.il dill'ei ence.s by hlch tialnlng. Cliinfiliisllco Coleridge Auiuittnil. | LONDON , Xov. ti5. A veidlct has beei sendcred In tavoi of Loid Coleridge In tin libel suit ( nought against him by hisbon-in law , Adams. _ To Ilcceho Kiullliurs. I.OM)0Nov. . 2" . A dispatch fiom fen stantlnople nays tlio sultan will lecclve Gen eral Kaulbais toihiy. > Votrraii Carnnser. Xiw YOIIK. Nov. 25 , [ Special Telegiam t tlio Hii. : . ] The World'p ' AVashington di patch say a the report of the alleged misdi IIUB ot Minlstci Manning at the City o Mexico , which has been well chculated hen was not leceived at the Mate dcpaitiuen with any deuiee ot surprise , tliough It keen ! , felt the responsibility fpr bis appointmen and thodlhgiacu ho has bi ought upon the sei vice , and purtlculaily njioa thu secretaiy n state , whoso tilemlhe has long been , A tlio time of Jiutco MannliiK'n appointment I was whlspcicd amen > uis most Intlmat filonds ttiat wliileon tbp bench in Loulstan ho was In the habit of becoming too con vlvial , and nfton was imnblo to hold com lor days , blneo his 4l'l ointinenc It Is well known fact bare that whllu r White Sulphur Spiings the da alter Secretary liayaul notified hli of his upiiolntment thu minister bcram very mncii intoxicated and while in this con dlttun left for Xow Uileans. Dining th journey liu became M > unruly that tlio con ductor of the train threatened to put him o : at. some ob > cuio station. This , as told by piomlnent membei of tlio Loiilblana delen'i tlon in i ongrcss. would have been done l > n nut a friend ot the minititer interfered an nicvailed upon the conductor on account c Manning's nigh position , to do nothing th. could bo made public. After ho teaclie New Oilcans it was some days before he w.i seen upon the street , so extended was bis c ; lOUsC. Another Vessel I'rohahly Lost. DETUOIT , Nov. 25. The scb6oner Owasci It Is feared , has gone down on Lake Ki VTilliaciew of nl mi persons. Slio cleare hatuulay last from l.aiiport , Olilo , with cargo ot C > 00 ttws qt coal lor Detroit , Sh VMIS liibuiud for H1W. NATIONAL CAPITAL NEWS , kagnn nnd Oullom to Effect n Compromise Intcr-Stato Commcrco Bill. THE SPECIAL DELIVERY RECORD low the Hjetcin lint Worked In Xo- brnika nnd lovvn Cities Comptrol ler Trnnhntm on Nntlnnnl ! Jnnks--l ost.il Intor-Blmo Coinnieicc WASIIISOIOV , Nov. 2) . [ Special relegram otho Hi.r. . ] Uis probable that an inter- statccommeico bill of some < oi twill be passed at the approaching session of eongicss Last spiing the Oullom bill was passed in the sen ile and the Iteagan bill was parsed in tlie louse , and both wcio finally icfetredtoa conference committee. On Monday next the tvv o authors of these measuics will meet and woik till they clfectaeompiomlso. Sunatoi Cnllom ictuses lo accept an aibitr.uy law , suclias Judge Ke.uran proposes , and tlielat- ; er will likely ngreo to Cullnm's hill with a few niodilic.itloiis , giving dlicctions to the rallioad commission wlilch It creates. 1111 : si'rriAti urivriiv ni roitn. During the v ear ended June ! ! 0 last special dellveiy letteis weie iccoived and deliveied at postolliccb in Nebraska as follows : Lin coln Letters received from other points , 1SW2 ; deposited lor local delivery , i05. ! Omaha Fiom other points , it , : ! " ' * ; local , JM7. Pl.itlsiiiouth Piom othei points , bO ; local , U. Iowa uostofllees as follows : ISnilington Troin other placc , 711 ; local , ! M5. Cedar Kap- Ids Kiom other place" , 710 ; local , 210. Clin ton Prom other places , 22-J ; local , U. Coun cil Hlufls From other places , 717 ; local , -Ti" . Cieston Piom other plaics , 11U ; local , 42. Davenport From other places , 7:15 : ; local , 410. Des Molnes Fiom oilier places , 2,4'.0 ; local. SSI. Diibuque Fiom other places , 704 ; local , IfiJ. Fort Madison From othei places , CO ; local , none. Iowa City Fiom otiiei places 750 ; local. 1C. Keolutk Fiom other places , 2.U ; local , 14. Lyons From other places , bl ; local. 1. Maislialltown Fiom other places , 'J.291 ; local 157. Mount 1'lensint Fiom other places. Ol ; local , ' ! . Musratlno From othei pi ices , 1M ; local , 20. Oskaloosa Vrom otiiei places , 2ii ; local , 5'A Ottumwa From other plicos , 501 : local , 77. Sioux City From other pi ices , 471 ; local , rr > . Wateiloo From other places , 075 ; local , ' . ' 0. TOST OK roi i.i.ci 1N ( > < I'siovis. It cost SIO.IUJ to collect customs In Nc- lu.iska during the last liscal year , while in Iowa itcostbutSsOI. A OltVM ) AltMrOVMT. . VINT. Gland Army men lieroaro complaiuiiig tliat Di. D.ibnev , lecentlr appointed on the medi cal board of the pension oflice. was a guard at Andersonvillo iirison. Tlioy do netlike like the idea ot such an olllcer pas-dug upon the pension application ot union soldiers' . Comptroller Trciilinlm'H Rpport. WASIIINC.ION , Nov. 25. Tlio annual ic- poitofllon. William L. Tronliolm , comp troller ot tlio currency , contains suggestions ! for tlio amendment of tlio national hank laws in about a doen instances , including the contingent liability ot stockholders , the icnuiicments as to reserve , tne limit ot the loans to individuals , a more thorough exam ination of banksand thcli protection against unequal state taxation. Tlio specific chaiau- lor of these suggestions Is withheld for the present Thre-thousantl , llvo'liundrcd anc eighty national banks have organised In ail of wfiieli,858 are now in operation. Ol these 174 have been organi/ed dining the past year , witli a caiutal ot 21,000,000 , ciicii' latlon 8AH)0,000. ) Twenty-livo banks went Into voluntiiiy liquidation during the yeai , one ceased to exist by uxpir.v tlon ot chaiter , and eight failed , Since the beginning of the system , In lbT3 , only 112 national banks have lail'-d. Ol fhnse sixty-three have paid tbeli ciedilois in full , and twenty have piid Inteiest , besides fifteen In full , nnd live in put. The conti.ie- tion In national bank ciieiilution dining the yeai exceeds Sj'fl,000,0H ( ) . 'llio average de posits in banks have increased fiom Sr > ' ' , ' 000.000 in Jnnuniv. ibno , to SU7i,000Ooo : in October , ibbO , whiio loans and discounts have ilson liom S100.00J.OJO to Sl,44 i.000,000. Tin specie held bvnatioii.il banks In fbOO wac 810,000,000 ; In Octolicr. Ib7ri. It was only SbOO.OOO , while iir Julv , iss1) ) , It was S177- 000,000 , and Ib now 5150,000,000. The rJnoinirasiiiK Post.il Outlook. WASIIIMUOV , Xov. . " ; . Third Assistanl Postmaster Gcneia ! H i/en , in his annual 10 poit to the postmastei general , refers to tin encouraging outlook for the curient year , ami says tint there is scucely a doubt that it will rcall/o still greiter iiuprovement lu postal lexenno. ' 1 he i eduction In the i.ito ol postage of second class umttei and the in- cie.ase of the unit of weight ot first class mat ter have been In elleet since the 1st ol July , Ibs5 , and aecoidliuU the levcnuuwil notsuffer fiom these sources in the comp.ni- son ol the piesent with tlio past fiscal vear. Foi the next hscalye.u , milling June ; a , lt > 87 , lie estimates the dolK-iciiey ot revenue to be supplied out ot tlio u'oneial tuasiny as ? l,7A .r > rJ , which Is only Sb.21,014 more than the amount charged to the tre.astm In the yeai ended Juno : : olhb4 , , and SJ.m.Gl'J less for the v ear ended June W , liS' . Fiinn the tendencies shown it Is evident that , witli thonrospuious condition in tliu business ol thu country to favorably inlUicncu the leu'nne , and with tlie coutluiud exeiclse ot c.ue In iLgnldtliig expendituies , the postal sen Ice will again , at no ilist.uit diy , liecomu a scll-biippoitiiig Institution. Itnninrci ] Atlenipt to Kill Cleveland , vVASiiiMirox , Xov. 25.Tho rcpori leached Washington from the wojt to-nlghi that an attempt bid been made to kill tin president to day , but up to 11 o'clock all w r quiet and Rccinoat the while house , and tin in.st Intelligence ol the attempt was comuycc theto in tliu topoit from the west , The Pi rsldont'K ThankHlv Ilijr. WAsiiiXiiro.s , Nov. ' > . Piesidimt Clcvo land.sneut the day vciy quietly at the whlti house , entertaining no one. Sovwalof tin ciblnct oliiccis cnteitalnod a lew persona tilends but them was no foim.il dining It.dii. snow and slush uliaiacteil/ed tin w ea 1 1 1 ei . DastaiMly SAX A To I ( ) , Tex. , Xov. ii1) . Parties win airived last night tiom Del lEio , on the Ki < Grande , In Kinney county , bring intelligent' ' of a dastaidlyasbaMlnation which occuim theietlio evening before about 7 o'clock James Prow itt , a promlnen t-y ounu' man of tin town , wasstaiidiiig In the Mom of J , J Hiown , talking with the pioprictoi , whei boiiin ono Hied through a window bending a load ot buckshot tlnutigl I'm wilt , killing him In Imlf an hour .lust pefoie ho explitd Pruwltt static tli.it he had three enemies , and ho bcllevu one ot them had killed him , Ono of tin Unco men namei ! by the dying man wa Oscar Carmidiael , a young and arlstociatli A'lrK'lniiin , who recently eamn to Del Klo Ollicers immediately rode to Carmlciiael' ranch , two miles distant , and found him Ii bed , but on searching tlio house found i shotgun that had been recently discharged Carmiehael was ai rested , and ciictimstancc , puint bo strongly toward him as thu asassh that theio are ciavo fcara that he will b lynched , as Prcwltt was \ ery popular. Italn and Slcct. PtrrfiJit no , Xov. 25. It has been snowlni and raining hero tlnco daylight. On tit mountains east of hero a sleet storm is ratlin and all wires are down for thirty miles be twcen Deny and Concmaiigh on the Penn bvlvanla uulroad. Tolesraphlc miuinunlc.i tion Iwj also boon Interrupted between tin city and Washington. Nebraska "Weather Tor Xebraska and Iowa : Fair weather slightly cooler , XKK si'OAU IJ\IMIUMIXTS. ; : O ( ) > criiincnt Trial i > r rnrtionntlon 1'rovoM n I'nlliue. VoitrSfoTT Kan. , Nor. 5.V. 'I ho expcrl- nents conducted hcio by the depaitment of imlculturo on Louisiana cane closed hero o-dav with a jleld of second sucars , the second bollliiR giving nine pounds ot sugar on ton of caue. 'I ho tiiMs weio liM.I Miunds to a ton of eano ; tlie second11 , added 0 the lint" , give 14 ? t pounds pei Ion. Lsti- iiatingthesucai fin in tlie Ihlul bolllnir , now n progiess , at one-half of tlie seconds , as Ihe usual ba Is , and the total yield of the Irsl inn of Louisiana eano wa * 14 ; . ' . ) pounds ici ton of cane. Tlie lii t run of Louisiana 'ano ' gave considerably less. Tills a gicat lls.ippointment to the advocates ol c.ubon- ntlnn , and falls far below the estimates of Chief CliemUt Wiley , based upon bis run off stlniatc- ! . Tills Is accounted On by tliu fact that the Hist boiling was not only ogr.iin , but to stilnir , as pei proof , thus inacticailv giving tlwwhole sintai eiojiin the list boiling. Tins expel iment but conllrius Ihoiesiilt ol experiments with soigliumcaiie ; miiiel ) , tli.it flu < dllluslun extiacts are pric- Jcailv all sinar and Is a success , while c-ir- iKiimtion , as a method id floating the juice , is a falliue. And this again is only a con tinuation ol like expeiimcnts on tinnlcal jane made In dllTeieut puts of the woihl , 'xtending over a peilod of sovci.il yeut. llio success of diltUMon Is a gieat point cilued toi soighum. Cusblng's melhod gives a lelalively laiger Meld fiom the lirmei stalk of Ironical cane than fimn tlio moiespiuigv sorglium cauu st.ilk. The experiments that me being conducted bv thu Paiklnson Sugai eompiny he the most eiieom.aging lesulls in the mattei of sugar lelinlng. Hy leboillng and staining tlie sugar in a vacuum pan a boaiitl- fill sugar is being pioducrdureallv to the en- couiagement of the soihiim Industiyhleh llmgovernment expeilmenfs were designed to piomotoas we II us to demonstrate ami pie mote the best sugai inteiosts. Caiboiiation.as anjilied toboth tiopleal and .soighum cane , invcs no moie sugai , and that ol jtooier qual ity , than thu old pioccss , while mohsscs , a valuable pioduct fiom bulb , is wholly destioyed by the toieiuei. Itepiesentatlves heio from the southern oano Inteiests are anxiously imiiiiiliiL' whelliei the fatal policy ot tieating tlio dlttusioii juice by rarbonatlon will bo puisiied b > the agtlcul- Uu.ildcpailmunt in the sugar exiieitnu'iils iiliout tobo iindeilaken by It In Louisiana. Chief Chemist Wiley coiistiucs the law mak ing the appropilation as ipqulilng tlie pur suit of tins seemingly Insane pollcv. JJetter things aie expected of Commissioner Col- man , who , it is believed , will leqiiire the adoption of the mine rational svstcm and tlio ahoiiilomucnt of exploded thcoiics and expensive hobbies. LONGHll TO LIVI7. .Justice Scott Granm a Siipersedoan In the Anni olilsts' Caho. HIOOMIVOIOV , III. , Xov. 2At U ) ' tills nioiiiing Judge Scott ui.tnted the supersedeas In the an.ueliist case. Mesbis. Dlack , Swell and Solomon started at once to Ottawa to have thn cieilc issue tlio oidei in pursuance of Judge bcott's insliuctioiis. Tlie cllect ol the supersede.- to postpone the date ol execution until attei the hearing ol the motion lei a new tnal by the btipieme court. Judge Scott's oidei giauting ( ho superse ile.is is pinch loim.il. Without going into any mitlciilais , or giviiiL' any ieason , ho simpfvceitilies that in his oninion "theio is icasonabiogiotmd lot giantin ; ; the wilt. " CIIICAOO , Xov. 23. A special to tlie lutci- Occ.in from Ottawa , Ilk , savs. Counsel lei the condemned anatchlHts airived this even ing , but did not press thesuiuomo couit cleik to linnicilliitely Ihsiio.tlio bupertuleas ordered by Cblef Justice Scott. There was a ques tion as to the legality of having tlie wiit i siif > d on Thinksgt\iiipr. When the liolldav hail ended , one minute altei midnight , tlio icdiitl was Hied and the cci tided vviltibsued. ' 1 lie news was received by tlie condemned men quietly , with some expiessious ol pleasiuo but few ol hinpisi ( . Tiiey tic.dul the super cueas as : i matter ot couise nnd said little except to intimate an increasing belief that the Illinois biimcmc court would grant them a new tiial , though thev admitted h iving been still moio confi dent that Jiulm Gary's rulings would Le in theii l.axoi. i'aisoiis' luothei. General I'ai- bous. was wailing at tlie telephone in the jail ollieoand was the first to convey thu inloi- matlon to the piisoneis. Hotel on I'iro. CIIICAOO , Xov.2r > . The Continental hotel , at the southeast coiner of Walmsii avenue and M.ulibon street , was damaged by Ino e.aily thlb moining to the extent of about SbOO. The tno stalled in loom 17 on the tliiul flooi in a lot ot bed clothing. A panic ensued among the guesls. lliosc who weio Hist awakened huiileilly amused tlio occupants of 100 odd looms. M inv ol the women iiishcd out 'creaming in tlHt night clothes 01 scantily el.ul nt best. The Hie burned lanidly and smoke Idled the v.hole house. When the derailment airived most of the guests weio assembled in tlio pulois and the olllco with 1 lightened laces and bcantv dicss. 'llio blair.vays weio litti'iid witli piles ol clothing , peisonal rlTects ami Irunks , the latter in all imaginable conditions , 'Jhc Hie pencti.ited thiough the ceitlng of the secondlloor and liad to he fought liom below. It was < nci half an hour lieloio tlie bla/e was entiiely extlngiilsliud , Luckily no oiia was Injuied , "Tlio Ino was undiiiibtedly In- u nd > aiy , " salJ Chief Kweenie. "Tim Ino did not st.ut In loom 17alone. Tlie hotel was on ( lie in dilleient jilaees on dllleii-nt HDHIS and dlsciinneeteil. U was a haul Hie to light tOl tlllb IC.IbOll. " Dij SAX l'llA ClbCo , Xov. i' The extra day's lacing of ttio lilooilecl Iloisc a so ( < htlon at Oakland 1'aik today brought out a fail at tendance. Thu weather was line and tlio tiaek last. Five eighths mile : Huillc 1 ! . won , Minnie It. second , Atelil'on thud Time- 1 :0 : ! f Tiiic-o-louiths mild : Itobson won , Leap Yeai bcconcl , G.aidne'i tliiid. ' 1 line -1:10. : JMilii ami sixteenth , heits : Miss Com tney won hrst heat , Ainro second. Jiunnette thlld ami fouith. Hcst tliun-l-l-M. Seven eighths mile : He'lie ' it. wou. 'lehon ficeoml , Cleveland tlilidTln.ii 1 : 7' ' , . Ciasli tit' 'i i Pin SIM no , Xov 2" . Thothioiigh express on the Cleveland > Pillsburg i.ailioid , which left IhiHcltyat 11r : last niglit , i.in into a fiei.'ht fi.iin at Conways station , twenty-font miles fiom I'ittsbuig on thu Port Way no mad SIKH tly after mldnlcht , detailing tlio caboose and two Height earn and tliu engine of the oxpiess tialu. Flictuan Hauy Hiiikbliaw , of Cleveland , was hiiiled finin tlio cab and killed ( iiitiight , Xiine of the pas'ieugei ! ) ( in the expiess weio Injuii'd. Tholielght lialn had stopjiud to taKu on a supply ot watui when tlie exuie s lialn naslud into it. Do.itli of an Aimy Veteran. VANCOI \ r.i : HAIIKACKS , \ \ ' . T. , Nov. 2'i. Major Frank II. Titylor , ll-thl bitteiy K , U. S. A. , died suddenly Ibis aftcinooii of iheuma- tlsm of the heart. Ho leaves a wile anil live children , Ho was appointed second llenlon- ant of tlio First Aillllery In JVl ] , nt the ago ol seventeen years , and lias been eomlnii- oiisly with thu Imtteiy to tliU day , The budy bu enb.tlmed uiul bent cast 1m buna ! . Out In llm Uli//aid. Uak , Nov. 2" --T\vo children named Meib.it were fiocen todcatli ten miles north of here while looking lei lost Mock. Two young men , brothers , named hlms , vveiofioan to death wlulo iLtiitniiig liom SANIIOIJV , Dak. , Nov. 2'i. Mis. Jobepl Ha/letinu was lust In thu blu/.ird Monday night and wlien found wan so badly fto/eil that bet ncoveiy is doubtful. VaWoiksou Klic. Ci.r.vi i. VMI , Xov. 25. Thu wax depatt- mcnt of llio Standard oil vvoiks on Hioad- way aroburiiinz. Ki lit eiinin.e * aie pi ijins on the flames and It Is feared that V ! . < > build- Ipg will bu a total loss. i'Ue luji will pro- tably DESPERATE FIGHT AT SEA A Ship's Grow Set nt Dofmnco By a Spanish Sailor , THREATENED TO BURN THE SHIP. Secreted Ainonu UiuroN of Petroleum the Mutineer Malios ft Toirlhlo KcHKtniicn With n Knlfo and 'llHMI n Mutlnror. Xrw YOIIK , Nov. 25.-Tlu Ameilcan iianlto State , wlilch aiiived heie yesterday. iflei a p.assigoof l.Utliys fiom Manlll.a , h.atl I nil expeilunce tint his lately been equaled on tlio high seas. The stoiv told bv her skippei. C.aplaln Flit ? . Is a iccllal of des- icialo deeds which would appeal extiaonlln- uj , oven In the paces of a dime novel The subject of the tale was a Spanish sailor i mined Loon S.alaies. It was In the mlddlo' ) fNovembei that the man commenced his I uuidcious work Tlie ship was then sall- ng along In the south Atlantic with unfavor- iblevlniH On account ol squally wealher nuchc.iiu was reiiulrcd In thclmudilugot the 'raft , and Ihe ciew hid to lem.iln eonstanlly in deck. S.ilaies was asked 01113 moiniiiR to aslst In some woik. He Inrned to Captain 'rlt/ and saia : "I'll bo It 1 do. This Is i tloitlng hell , and 1 won't allow yon to kill no by. wet K. " The captain spnko to several of Ids men and asked them to advise Salaies ooboy Ini-tiuctions. I'liev. weie going for- vaidto tty peisuasioii when hahiics stepped . owaid the foie-liatch , wlilcli was partly ipen , and shouted : "If you come neu mo 1 swear by all that's good I'll set lire to llio argo in tlie hold , 1 urn well piepned for his attack , and 1 will bland no nonsense. " The men did not heed his tlue.ats , but con- limed to move foiwaul. 'they had just reached tlio aftci end ol llio loiecastle when Salares pulled a box of matches tiom Ills locUel , and , nftei ignillug one , field it alolt o show ho would can } out Ids designs. Tb lien stopped shoit and Captain I lit/ railed > ut : "For God's bake , come back ; tlie man s mad. " The vessel was louled with oil. The en raged Spiuiud then loweiod himself down through the h.itth on to ( lie lop liui of ease- oil , and ciaw ling up lonvaid Into the eyes of the ship scctefctl himself between tlie cargo. The wile and d.uulitci ol Cnpl.iln Fill/ weio on bii.ud , and they , fear ing the man would set tuo to the ship , hedged tin * olllceis to ire loiwuid and pioiuisehim imiuunity liom punishment it he would letiiin to work , "he captain In- doiscd the oidei , but tlnmizii ( lie mates called to the Spin laid thioiub the Ii itch , ho re ! used to come bick to tlie deck. All that night the captain's wife and daimlitei paced tlio iiibln , expecting something to happen eveiy min ute. Ontlieearly luoiuing of tliu following day the ciew agi evil to uo below and tiy to captuieh.il.ires. 'I heir last oidei tiom Cap tain I'llwas ! to take him alive if possible , and nnth inn him. Captain Flit/ led the men. Hvvis veiy diik between decks , nnd that lliey might not have a stiugiilo in the dull ; lanleiiis weie procuicd. lliey had ciawleil along on the case of oil foi only a few sec- ondb when the voice of baluies m\de : \ them halt. "Go back , " he shouted , " 01 I'll k II you ! " Cautaln Flit/ was thu neaiest to him , and ualurnllv pioved the object ol his wiath. With .iHheatti knife which liu liadlabtenodto the end of a stiovel lie m.ulu a luiigo at the captain. The kiiilo landed on the wilst of the baud which held the I.intcin. It wab al most feveied from tliu 111 in by the blow , and tholaiiteiu fell to pieces on the ull casis. Thu llaini s fiom it binst uu , and but for the cantain's picsence ot mind n ItUhltnl disasici : would have ixenud. Tlie ( .aplain , wounded us he was , succeeded in cxlinguisliing the II , lines , \\hile in dismay llio men ictie.itul to the deck. I'heeaplain was gnme1 , howevei.aud insislid that thu man should bo taken. A lew hours altei this a tci end attempt to ciptmo the Spaniaul w.is ni.iili1. ' 1'wool the .sailors now i.auied pit- lols , but tliough thov find neaily tlilily hhots in all dircctioiibtlic Spaniard escaped injuiy. After tlio cliaigcs had been exhausted Salaios bewail his work. Hueiawlcd t-llentlv up to the men , and with thu hhe.ith kullo on tlio sliovel-liandle , ne.ailv cut in twain tlio back of one of thu Danish sailors. Following up tlio onslaught he stubbed bum liohcit in the left eye. and Alexandei Ciigg on tlie iluht arm. He then moved further forwaid. 'I ho blood was Doming ftom tlio wounded men , but they deteimlncd to tnka Sakaies lie Hist tiled to bieik lint lanterns by filing quoins which weio used lo stow thu e.u.o , but when that had tailed liu hecaiiio quiet. For an hour theirew he , IK lied about tne cargo without lallinaeioss Salares , but they filially found him wedged between two boxes. He was dyinr , having eul Ills tin oat. Ton minutes aflei bein bumgiit on duck ho lied. Tlie body was bulled at .sea. KllilKMI 111 I'dliliOH. ST. Lei is , Mo , N'ov. 25 J. Finnklln Aeoid , ol Pails , Mo , was found yesterday In a loom of the Moua house wllh Iiis tlnoat cut and ills head neaily severed linmbis body. The ra/oi "with which the bloody deed had been done lay at his side on the bed. Acoid was foit\ \ two yea-s old and un- mariied. Just buluie election ho le I ncda position In a diy goods stoie to run foi shei- llf of Monioo ( ounty. 'I Ills county is ho BtioiiRly ileiuocialic that no loiiventloim weie held , and cadi candidate inns on hi't own uieiiKcoid v\'is defeated by a bin , ill majoilty and was gie.illv depressed. Ho soiiiit ) woiU iieio but failed to him employ ment. On Monday lie inched a b th'i from aphvslclin In Floild.i , Mo , lefusiug to lend him money nud was hist si-en alive ilondav night. It Is piobiblo th it in desp.ni ho loolc his own life. He was a piomliieiit Odd Fel low and Fico M.I..UII , and was aeouied < latu vetuian. _ Annioliy in n S.iloon , Ni w VOIIK , Nov. 25.Jo'eph Daman , n cRft.uloi \ and an avowed anarchist , onteied Pfall'KK saloon on Allen stiret , slx-shootei ; In hand , and y oiling : " ' 1 ho social luvolutloii Iiis come , lllooill Hlooill' * ben' in hiliif. ' . Pfatl dived undei bib bir.ind eight ciistoiiieiu followed salt , hiding behind tableanil ) chairs. ' 1 he pIMn'-hhot ' wlilch i'falf dodged bh.at- tered the glassvv uo ol thu liu hib.istiiiii Knnl/min , a painter , was .stinek In a bailee Iliat lunowed the top ol his head , Jiihtthen Policeman .Sp.iKiiiburg nin In , knockid down the aiiuii hist ami LM.ilibcd the pistol. ' 1 he pilsoner vv.isdi igiri d to a polko station , yelllin : "lilond" all tlie way. A iiinuber ( it esi.ivs were loiind In his juirkets denouncing the Jews iisiiaiuial cilmfiuils , and pialbln the nodal revolution winch WHS < iimlng. ICunt/iuan is badly bint and is in a hospital. the old 'Ir.iKor. Mi Mi-ins , 'I ( Min , Nov,2'i Jell Davh re- inalni'ii over today and icecivid calls. Uu attended the Memphis theater to wilnecs thu lendi ling ol thu "Chimes ( d Noimanily" by Knima Abhult and licr ojieia licujie , Alibi Abbott , "by special rcouest uf the dlhtiug- ulshcd visitoi , ' who dieiiplid a box , suit ; " 'IhoLabt itoso ot hiimnier. " Mi Daviu joint d with tbo large audience piescnt in iiianilesling liisapiielallon | ot lor biijieil ) dl'oit. Hudcp.uts ( ailv tii-morrow nioiului ; lei bla homo in Missis Ippi. Whipped to Deal It Jiy Ills r.Ulicr. Sriiixoi n i.D , Mass , .Nov. Ti There Is much excltunent In Jlntyoko over t b < ) deatli of Potei Caioy , nxul nine yc.arF , presumably fiom the ( IT ( i Is uf awhlpiilng udmluliteied by Ins father. It seems tluit thu boy got hold ot emu whisky Sunday and went homo drunk. Ills f.ilhei puniblicd him K > seven ly with a lath that t-ouiu of tlio neiulib'iis ' inter- leicd , 'Ihu boy wa put to hid and diid Monday. Dealh ( it KruMiit. \ jvvolil > , Xov 25-Kl.Hlu at s < > ' lock tins mo , ii.neit ! ' lioitu oo- MM1'U