3PHB OMAHA BEE : THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 25 , 18Sa WAR DECLARED ON TURKEY , Bat it Will Ocase After Thanksgiving Daj. HEARTY PEASTS AND THANKS. How the Day nnil KvcniiiBvlll to Spent anil lii'joyocl by Hvcry boily TliroiiKliout < Uo City To-ilny. To-dny the city will bo tflvcn over sncli us it wns never itivcn before , to the celebration of Tlmnks ivin tiny. Them arc now indications Hint it will bo r. day of pleasure to many people , while , of course , us may i > o expected , to others it will conic with but little to make thorn to feel tlml it is other than a day of sail- Tile weather , It is expected , will be mild , mid church iniinauumont , thealri- cnl cnUirpriso , and llio wits and uoodness of other people will enable everybody to pass the day and even- ili < I in a very sitisfi : > ctory manner. Tlio supply ot poultry this year has been unprecedented , and when this edi tion of the HEB appears upon the street tons of it which has been brought to the cily will have been transferred to the shops and stores to tempt the appetite for to-day's dinner. The following will tflvo the average reader an idea as to ho\v Uio day may be spent : oi.osi : rr. At a meeting of the Ministerial associa tion held Monday afternoon , 'Jlst inst. , the pastors present expressed an earnest desire and hope for a general participa tion in the Union Thanksgiving service. Jl was therefore on motion Itt.'solved , That we hereby respectfully ro- ( Uicstour business men to close tliulr stores , olliccs anil shops at 10 n. in. , or earlier , on Thnnk&xlvlin ; ilay so that they jintUheir cni ; res inny Imve nn oppotunity ( to nttund llio Union * Tlmiiksjrlvini ; service In cxitusl- tlOll i limit beginning iiioiuptly at 10:80 : a. in. , nnil furtficr , Kesolved , That thn officers of the nssncln- tlou communicate this resolution to the busi ness community through the dally papurs. I. K. DKTIVKII.KK , President. GKO. A. JOPI.IN , Seeietary. TUB UA1MVAY HKADQITAIITEIIS. Hoth the H. & Al. and Union Pacific headquarters will be closed to-day to iillow the clerks a chance to fitly celebrate the day. flTV AND COtrNTV OKI'ICES. These will bo all closed , and the em ployes will be only too glad to one day In which to get paid \vitlioui working for it. M. B. The inombors of this church will give a Thanksgiving entertainment and oyster supper , commencing at C o'clocK in the ovenitig. The following gentlemen will talco part , in the exercises : Messrs. Sanford Uowmaii , chairman , Hobert , Johnson , C. A. Dishmau , Robert .Baldwin , N. J. Lloyd , Win Johnson , Harry Lee , ,1. A. Howinan , Volncy Carter , Jlenry Hums , secretary. The following named ladies will also assist : Mrs. Mattie Franklin , Mrs. Annie Hanks from Denver ; Mrs. Kllen Golden , Mrs. Jessie Newman , Miss Lulu King , Mrs. John Thorn , Miss Sadie Sloy , Mrs. Josie Waters. Door keepers Mr. Simon Williams and Mr. Thos. Campbell. Admission , lo cents. t i TIII : coi'sciL. C3 This august body will meet at the nsual ] ) lace in the ovoniiii ; , but , it is not expected that they will do more than simply adjourn. THE I'lKUMKN'S 1'AISADK AND HALT. . The lirst annual parade of the lire de partment will take place to-day at 10 : ! o'clock. Chief Galligan , who is now in Chicago , rcturnhd last night. The men will appear for the first time in their new uniforms , and with engines and carts deeorateu for the occasion. The procession will form in the neigh borhood of No. 3engiie : house on Harncy street. It will move in the following order : J. J. ( lalligan , chief marshal ; Chas. Sailor and J. J. Barnes , assistants ; Omaha police force , under Marshal Cum- inings , assisted by Captain Cormick and Sergeants Mat/a and Mostyn ; Musical Union band ; mayor and members of the council in carriages ; DurantKiigino com pany with steamer ; No. 1 llose com pany with engine ; No. 1 ! . hose : No. U hose ; No. 4 hose with engine ; No. 5 engine and hose cart. The j > roeof slon will move east on llarney to Ninth , thence to Douglas , Sixteenth counter-march to Farnam , thence to Kleventh , thence to llarnoy , thence to Fourteenth whore the parade will bo reviewed by the marshal and other olllcials. At the cnnelusion of the parade , there will be given at all the en gine houses , one-half hour of exhibition practice in the hitching of horses tc trncKS by way of preparation for lire. Jn the evening the members of Iho de partment will give their urand ball 'in the exposition annex und iTwill dountluss bo the most suecesaf ul one ol the kind ovei given in Omaha. TIII : SCHOOLS. The schools closed last night , and classes will not ho called until next Mon < day , thus allbrding the little ones twc days of extra time for rest and rccro- ntion , KIMSCOl'AI.IAV. There will boa grand union Thanks giving service in Trinity cathedral , com- mcnciiiir at 10:11' : ' . ) . This will be attended by members of the Episcopal parishes throughout the city , and especially thu pastors of those organizations. These comprise the parishes of Trinity , St. Phillip's , St. Marimba's. tirneo ami St. John's , The choral flinging will bo of tin excellent nature and the sermon will be preached by Hlshop Wortlilngtoii. Till : SVNAGOr.l'K. ' Thanksgiving services will bo hold in this institution at 7W : : o'clock in thu evening , Jtabbi llonson delivering list lecture. Nr.WfilJOYS' MATI.NKK. Atfl o'clock this afternoon the news boys , under the direction of Mr. lloyco , will give a matinee at lite Buckingham home , to which the admission will bolt cents , . The ladies of thn W. C' , T. U. will iv < n dinner to the members of the P.etorni dub , at 5 o'clock , in Buckingham homo , tw which all the mcmbors ot the club and tlwir families are in\itcd. Sam Juno- will be present. iwrr.i.s. These are now tilling up with traveler.- who liavo not been able to return to then homes. Kaeh of them will prepare c special dinner and it wil. no doubt bi appreciated , TIIKTHKATKKS. Both Bovd's and the i'uoplu'ri wil ! b ( open , "Liglds o1 London" being playei at the former and another attraction no yet announced , to bo ulven in the Doug las street house. At Loth places then will be a mntiiK'O , \v. P. o , The ex-students of Wyman's Commer nial college , who have formed an a-soula tion will give a literary and musical en tortalnuicnt at tie ! old room : of thu college , 111-1 Farnam street at 3 o'clock in in the afternoon when tin following programme will bo rendered. Piano solo by Prof. K. P. IVt'iu-li. ( > IHMIHK | nililiess hy li. .1. Hoiuiui'l , i > rc > l lini'tniui solo , "Jack's Yum , " by U. T Xliiiiaeruiau. Swr , "A GUinco at the 1'utiuo , " by E. K Zimmerman. Cornet illicit , selected , by Messrs. Kldml i anil ll Ui.b.iiilli. Kssay , "Chani.fter , " b/MI'i XctJHn Itapp Tt'iioY solo , soleclod. by 1) . U. McDonald accompanied by Piof. JiutU'r , 1'ocmby J. U. ( Viur.vil. Seluothw by Miss lilla ilViimie , UouUt. Orfttlon by Kdwnrd Hniinlc. Jr. Violin solo by Herbert AI. liogr-rs , Congratulatory remarks by teachers. Piano duct by Profs. J. K. Uutlcraiid K. A , Todd. In the evening there will bo a party at the Metropolitan hall- consisting ol eighteen numbers. Ornud march will take nlaco at 8 o'clock sharp. f.MO.V TtlANKSOIVINO PKHVIPB. 'J'hls will bo held in the exposition Vjuilding , bp inning promntly at 10Ul : ) a , in. The onler of exercises will be as fol lows : Invitatory , Nov. K. B. ( "raham , United Presbyterian church ; hymn , "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name ; " reading the Scripture , Itov. S. Clandennlmr. Method' 1st l-'piseopal church ; prayer , Hov. \ \ \ H , Henderson , Presbyterian church ; hymn , "All People that on Karth Do Dwell ; collection ; hymn , ' " 'Pis By Thy Strength the Mountains Stand ; " solo , Professor I , O , Kxt'cl ; sprmon , liev. Sam Jones prayer , Kov. Willard Scott , ( . 'ongrcga- tional church ; hymn , "My Country , 'Tt. of Thee ; " iloxology , "Praise ( ted , from whom All Blessings 1'lows" benediction , Hnv.H. S. Inil-ev , Baptist church. All resident and visiting ministers in attendance anco will please take scats on thu plat form. J. S. DiTWi.li.iit ; : , Uio. : A. JDI-LIV , President. Secretary. OFF l-'Olt LINCOLN. The Ocrtnan Comedy company ol Baureis , Puls & Sehmit/ . will le.ivr this morning for Lincoln , where they will play in German this and lrida > evenings giving excellent performance. in Funke's opera house , at the special re quest of the Germans of the cily. rosTori'iru. The letter earners will leave the ofllec on I heir respective routes at ! ) o'clock hi the morning and make ono delivery , The ollleo will be closed , but from 18 tc 1 o'clock , ] ) . m. , there will be the usual Sunday delivery at the windows. To-NlRlit. This is Thanksgiving eye , ami the fol lowing entertainments will take place Ball of the A. O. It. , Cunningham's hall ball of the Typographical union , oxposl tion annex ; "Lights o' London" at Boyd'i ami "Monte Cristo" at the People's. THIJ I < AXI > SHARKS. Tlioy nre Arrnlminil in the United Stales Court , Before Judge Dundy yesterday after noon the cases of the United States gov eminent airainst Frank P. Swindler and A M. Wells were taken up. The defendants are charged with conspiracy in cxtcnsivt land frauds which were unearthed a veai or two ago by United States ollicials They are a portion of the Arnold-Moore cang that for some time operated ex > tensivelv in western Nebraska. Swindler and Wells were , at the lime of the commission of the crime witii which they nre charged , both residents of Denver , Col. It was hero that they , with other men , hatched nn the scheme tt beat Uncle Sam out ot vast tracts of government land. Their plan was lirst to bargain with wealthy ranchmen to sell them tracts ol' land 11 : Nebraska , which as they claimed , they could procure from the goV' eminent at a low liguro. Thcj would then hire impecunious follows tt go to the different land ollices in Nebraska braska , and under assumed names sweai in their claims , under the homestead act to different tracts of lands. They man aged to gobble up about 8,000 acres in Ibis way , makinc final proof on the same They were headed oil' in time to proven ! them from pre-empting about 25,00 { more. The matter was brought to the surface by the sharpsightednuss ol George B. Cobnrn , special agent of the general land oilicc , who noticed thai these tracts were being taken side bv side , on the Republican and Frenchman rivers , instead of in dilferent parts of tin state , as was usually the case. This let ! him to the believe that something was wrong , and upon further information procured Iroiu the district attorney al Denver , the facts wcro ferrettcd out , rO' suiting in the arrest of Swindler , Wells and other associated confederates. K. A. Crisswell the notary public al Indianola also charged with being impli cated in land frauds is not exactly charged with perjury as has been stated His crime is that of appending his notaria seal to allldavits in land entries , whicl were'not sworn ar.d subscribed to before him as they should have been. The grand jury was discharged yostcr- daylatternoon after making itb final repor Jn this , after reporting that it had foum indictments in twenty-four cases , it re commended an increase in the pav o grand jurors. It was claimed in the" report port that the pay was greatly below the expenses of attendance upon court. Tin grand jury recommended that the mattei be brought to the attention of the Nc braska delegation to congress. Late yesterday afternoon James Grosi was arrested for perjury alleged to bavi been committed by him while a witness ii the case of his father , Peter Gross vs. tin Union Pacific. Jt is alleged that ho swon falsely in testifying that bis brother wa kicked on" the Union Pacilic freight train Overcoat Thieves. Persons owning overcoats which the ; care to keep should see to it that they dt not fall into Iho hands of a gang ot shari thieves now working the town. Tlicsi men do not scruple to boldly cntci i man's house in broad daylight and la' their hands on the best coat they cai find. ThoFo coats they hold for a day n ; two and then dispose of to .second-hum dealers in Omaha or Council Blull's The latest victim is J. 11. McShirley o the Now ! l ork chop house , who reports : valuable chinchilla coal stolen from hi : establishment last night , Four ThoiiHiuul AureH. The undersigned has for sale over foir thousand acres in one body ( not alter nate ) about 70 miles \\est of Omaha will 100 acres broke , with house and barn 01 it. There are on this largo body of lam seven running streams , not sunk in tin ground , but even with I lie bank. It ii surrounded by liye railroads and wouk bo desirable lor a slock ranch. Fine soil no sand or swam ) ) on the place. Addrcsi Josici-i ! A. Coxxoit , PlatlEinouth , Nob. Hull Notes. II. D. Pike , of the general suportond nut's ollleo , Union Paelllo headquarter.8 has gone to Denver. Harry Jordan , ot the Union Pacific lei frraph department left yesterday for St Louis losiumd Thanksgiving. Tram No. a , on the Union Pacific , fron Oirden , yesterday morning , was six hour arid fifteen minutes late when she reachcc Grand Island. Knginccr Dotan look lioli of her there and imido up one hour am fifteen minutes , arriving hero at 1 o'clocl yoj-turduy afternoon , A large consignment of Antclopo Sad dle.s received by the Omaha Commisaioi Co , 510 South 10th St. ; for sale cheap. l-'lntrors Nipped. Kobort Morris , a switchman on th Union Pacific for tmv.oycara backycster day morning had two of hlsiin ; or , > caugh between a couple of drawheads. I Us in juries were attended .o by Dr. Gulbraith If the Mr. I'ostcr , of St. Louis , will ad dioss H. W. Gibson & Co. , room C Witlmoll block , ho will learn somuthlu ; to his advantage. Attention All au'ir.bcrs 1C. of P , will assemble a No. 4 hull al 3 o'clock November Sftth ti .attend the luucral of UroUu-r Kqlll'crf Dr. Kcls'cnrliiK II ) . Dr. Lolscnringis said to bo daiigcj onsly illat Ids residence ou Sou'.i Kightcdulu street. ) mo.n A Coroner'H Jury Jloldsan Inquest on the Ucinnlitftof Anlilo Ainlcrnon. The inquest over the remains of Annie Anderson , the young .Swede girl who was accidentally snot ft week ago with a revolver in the hands of u\nhie [ Jackson , who "didn't know it was loaded , " was held yesterday. The inquest was held at the boarding house of Gus Anderson on Kighth and Douglas streets , whore both the deceased and her slayer had been working. The lir witness examined was Dr. Harric'in. He related the ciretimrtaiiecs of his being called in to attend the case. At the start he considered the girl's chance for recovery very poor , as over l0 ! per cent of such cases died. Two or three days after the shooting she developed symptoms of inllamimttton of membrane of the brain , complicated with erysipelas , and this llually caused her death. She was rational to the last , but very irritable during the last few days. The .shot was a glancing one , and only half the bullet hi'd conic out. The other half was lodged undoubtedly In some part of the head. Might have entered the brain matter. Conversed with the patient about the shooting , through an inter preter , and she said that it was entirely accidental. Ida Mulvio , a girl svho was in the room at the time the sliooting occurred , told thostoryof the fatality as it has already been given in the Bii : : . She paid that Annie Anderson , the dead girl , had picked up a revolver ami pointed it play fully at Miss Jackson's head with the re mark that she was going to shoot , and that Miss Jack on picked up another and as she supposed unloaded revolver , and pointing it at Iho other girl's head shot her. The testimony of other witnesses wont to show that the shooting was accidental. Miss Jackson herself testified , through an Interpreter , that she and the dead girl had always been the best of friends. She hail a conversation with Miss Anderson shortly before she died , during which tne latter told her not to be afraid of being prosecuted for what she had done , as no blame was to be attached to her. The jury returned a vcnlict exoner ating Miss Jackson from all blame in connection with the affair. Tins being the case , the police judge will discharge her. CMQIUvS , ROUTES AND GAUUMOUS. All An'cctctl by the Ucccnt Action of the 1'ostal Department. The recent allowance made for the in crease of the clerical force in the post- oilicc , enables the addition to the force of Bert C.Vilkinson , who will act as dis tributing clerk ; Miss Kmma Krutli , . who will officiate at the general delivery and John Schreiner , whoso duties will be at the stamp table. Miss Krutli has already been placed at work , and the others will get into tiie harness by the lirst of next month. . The addition of three carriers to the regular force of the oilicc has necessi tated the change in the limits of nearly all the older carriers though the old routes will bo changed only in a few de tails. The number of deliveries by each of the men , has also been somewhat changed , and hereafter , will bo as fol lows : Davis , -1 ; Tibbins , 4 ; Overall , ! i ; Peterson , 2Mumaugh ; , 4 ; Parkins , 2 ; Bir- kett , 2 ; Fulton , 2 ; King , -1 ; Edwards , 2 ; Plat4 ; Stallord ; Oleson , 3 ; Hoffman , 2. Kastburg , 4 ; Pierson , 2 ; Hcmillard , 2 ; Brown , 2 ; Michaels , 2 ; Jableschnok , 3 ; limner , 4 ; Fairfield , 2 ; Cbivis , 2 ; Smith , 4. The three carriers last mentioned are those just added to the force. The dis tricts in which they will dclivnr-rriail will ho as follows : Fairfield , from Nineteenth west to Twenty-sixth , and from Leaven- worth south to Popploton avenue ; Smith , from Douglas north to Capitol avenue , and from Fifteenth cast to Ninth street , and Chivis from Webster north to Clark , and Twentieth west to Twenty-fourth street. These carriers' pay commences on the first of next month , though they begin work on Monday to learn their routes. POLiICI3 COUUT. Gnmhlcrfl , Thieves and Highway Rob bers Heforo Ills Honor. The police Tuesday night radcd the col ored gambling den of Payton & Cole , ami broke up an interesting "crap game " 01 two. Yesterday morning the men who had been captured in the place wcro ar raigned in court. The proprietor , Cole , paid a line of $20 and costs and was TO- leased. Some other gamblers paid the fine of $5 and costs , while others pleail not guilty and had their cases continued Chas. Ililey and .las. Miner , charged with stealing two overcoats , wore sentur for thirty days on bread and water. They claim to have bought ono coat from n man on the street for 50 cents. Tin other coat , which was stolen at the sanu time , they claim to know nothing about The judge offered to let them oil' easy if they would only tell where it was.Vi ! can't tell , jedgo , " replied ono of them , "simply because wo don't know anything about it. " Jf they do know the whereabouts of the coat , they will proba bly give it up before the expiration ol the thirty days , as a twenty days' sen tence on bread and water is usually cnougji to break down the strongest man , J. Fishback and Mike Lalhrop were ar rested for robbing James Hogan of $ ' „ ' ( in n saloon. Lathrop was committed and lined $20 and costs and sentenced tc twenty days in the county jail. Fishback was released. Temperance Army. The meeting of the Sunday School Tom- iterance army , held Tuesday evening in the Hillside Congregational church , was n grand success , The recitations ren dered by the Saratoga Band of Hope were received with great applause , and the addresses of HOYS , A. B , Penniman and II. C. Crane were full of interest and good advico. The speeches of Lydin Parker anil Arthur Adams of the Central Division , milled much to the interest of the meeting. Following are the names of those who took part ! u the exorcises belonging to the Saratoga Divisson : Nellie Vandormar , May McCoy , Etta Smith , Katie Robinson , Grace Stern , Nellie Loukc. Myrtle Smith , Mary Castlnbarder. Kildio Johnson , Willie McKay Herman Wallace , Charlie Madison , Charlie MoKonzie , Clarence HigginH , Horace Higgins , Silas NVallaco. Charlie Day , FloridioVallaco \ , Freddie Teal , Charlie Mortimer , Freddie Johnson , and the following young ladies and gentlemen : Nettie McKay , Kiltie Avers , Mngiria McKay , Minmo Avery , Kiltie BicEford , Kdith Parker , Grace Ynndcrmar , Anna Shenard , Li/.xin Me- Konx.io , George Craig , David MuKin/.iu , Tnomas Wallace , Win. AloKlnxIu.Henry .Sherwood , Calvin Page , David Christie , HoDcrt Monroe and Benjamin Day. Gtini'ral officers of this division Benja min Day. MissMinnioAvery.MUs Kmina Kllon , Miss Kittle Avory. Captains Fred Teal , Herman Wallace , Charles Day , Ktta Smith , Mamie Chcny and May McCoy. DcMroylug 1'rnpcrty. Dr. Haughawout , the dentist on the corner of Sixteenth and Douglas , 'was ar rested yestcrdaj at the instance of his land lady , Miss CUasc on a.chargp of destroy ing property. Miss Ohaso , it sterns , has put up a storm door for the front entrance of her building and this Dr. Haughawoui has repeatedly torn down' . Miss Chast cluhua that Uiu biorm door is ncccssari to keep the watcrplpcs from freezing , while the doctor claims that it interferes with his business. Miss Chase also had the doctor brought into Justice Ander son's oilicc on nipoacc warrant to-day , and ho was put under ? ! )00 ) bonds to keep the peace. SlovJnji Troops. General Crook received a telegram yes terday from Colonel Kantol the Kighth infantry , at Fort iLowell , Ari/.ona , stat ing that the headquarters band and three companies of the Eighth infantry left yesterday for * Omaha. Four more companies follow on the 20th. Hack Again. Fred Pickens , chief clerk of the post- oilicc , who has been confined to his homo for several days back by rheumatism , is again at his post and much recovered from his illness. Forty-Six Kooins. The new addition to the Millard , which is now nearly finished , will add forty-six more rooms to that house. They will be 1 iiiiajicd and furnished by January 1st : . lOYAt-PJ&'clJ 1 ; Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies , A marvel of purity , strength \vholesomeness. . More economical than the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in competition with the mul titude of low test , short wc'ght alum Ol phosphate powders. Sold only in can ? . Royal Baiting Powder Co. , 403 Wall St. , New York. E. T. ALLEN , M. D. SPIJCIALilST , Eye , Ear , Nose & Throat Room 0 Williams Building , cor. lotb and Dodge'sts. , Omaha. Hours 8 to 12 a.m. 3 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m I CURE P ! ThemRra When I tar euro Ida not mcin merely to Hop tlra ndlhonliaTOtli rarrturnncaln. Impanaradlcfllcuio. I liavo m J the dt cas of FITS , KNLtirdY ft KAI.MSU K1CKNE&3 ft llfu-lonff Btndr. Iwftrrant myrotneny tocnro tlio worst cut * . Became otli r IIKTO failed Is no reason Tor . trentlio ami a not now rccelrlnga cure. Sondatoucn for n Fn-o llottloutmr luralllblt icmeilr. Ct oElplssana 1'uit OUlco. K cents yon noililBH for * trial. HBI | I 111 cure yon. AiUmsa Dr. U. O. IIUUT , Iti 1'carl St. New Turk. Nebraska National Bank OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Paid up Capital $250,000 Burplufa 30,000 II. W. Yntos , President. A. K. Tou/.nlin , Vtao Prefildnnt. W. li S. Hu bes , Cashier. DlltKCTOUS : W. V. Morse , John S. Collins , H. W. Ytites , Lewis S. Kecd. A. E. Tou/.alin. BANKING OFFICE : THE IRON BANK , Cor 12th and Farnnm Sts A Gevscral Hanking liusmoss Transacted. , W. HARRIS & Co. BANKEltS , CJ1ICA (10. BftHF&C or Counties , Cities nnd otliorsot DUHUw hiKliKrudobutmhtnnd nolil. Hasten ! offlco OH Dovoiiulilro Et. . Huston. Corresiioud' oncosollcltod. kMOItB CATAnnil. ThoGrr tnrrm n ] package ami Knuk fur \ o ctnta 1 n Etamju. I E. II. MEDICAL CO. , Kaet JUuutimOonu. Hallway Time Table OMAHA. The following Is thn tlmu of nrnrixl nii'l do- parturoof Iruiiisliy Contriil Stiuidnrd Tiinu nt tlio local dopots. Trntus of llio C. , St. 1' . , M. & O. nrrlvo nnddopnrt from tluiirdopot , corner ot 14th nnd Webster si rents : trains on tliu II. .te M. C. I ) . & ( } . nnd 1C. C. , SU .T. k P II. from thu II. & M. depot nil olhura from ttiu Union 1'acillo U0 | ' ° t' UltinaK TIIAIS3. Ilrldpo trains will ICHVO I' . I' , depot ill 8:05- : I > 7B : : 8iKi-HfiO : : HlOUi : ) 11:10 u. ni. : III :0 : ! ) :00 : 2W : 'lixi : IU:00 : 6:00-5W : : ! fliu-7ou : : EMS- 10:00 : 11:10 : p. ill. li'avu TruiHfer for Oinitlinnt 7:1S : IH:1S : PH : ! li:4i : IIIO7 : : ! II :47 : n. in. : 1 : : I7 Uii : : 'Ji7 : : ; i'J7- : 4i75:50il7:107:4a8.1UIU:17UT.'p.in. ; : : : : : : . CONNKOTING LINKS. Arrivnl nnd iloparturo or trains from the Transfer Depot nl Council lllulH : DCI'AUT. A1II1IVI % CIIICAOO , HOCK ISLAND Jt VACIKIC. II 7:15 : A. U. ! I ) 9 : 15 A.M. ASsl.iA. M. 115:25 : I' , M. AtiM'Ji' ' . M. 1 117:001' : . M. CHICAGO A NORTH WBSTniltr. A9ir.A. : M. I AUI5A. : M. A 8:40 : 1 > M. I A 7:00 : i > . u. CIIICAOO , nt'ltl.l.S'dTOS A gUINt'Y. A : : ! 5A , M. A 0:15 : A , u. A 6H : ! p. u. I A 7:00 : r. M. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE hT. I'AIII. A 9il5 A.M. I A'JilSA , M A 0:40 : r , M. I A7OJp. : M. KANSAS CITV , ST. JOE 1 COUNCIL Ill.UftS. A 10:00 : A.M. I nO.HA. : M. UtJ55l > . M. | ASMol' . M. WA1IAS1I , PT. I.OI'IS & 1-ACIDC. A 3:15 : P.M. I A3'JJf. : M. SIOUI CITV t I'ACIKIC. L. M. A 9r : > 5 A. M. . M. A H-W 1 . SI. Depart. WKSTWAUtt. Arrive r. Ji. I ONION I'ACIFUJ..M. . II * . u. jlenTiir Kipro-JH. , . 6:05a' : . 11. & M. IN NGII. 8:10u . . .Mull tuid l'zpieS9 . fiMOa _ lUijmrt. AiTlvoT" ] A.M. IV M. MI9SOCKI 1'AL'inO. A.M. ' ' ; } > ) ' Kfpruas j'Jiil : " ! ' ' - eU3a : . j'T'o ' ' ' . - ' ji.fl:25a : 0:10 ' - . . . .UiicoUiKxprcgs _ _ . . j li5 Depart" "NDUTIUVAHUT " Arrive. A. M : i p. M. i P. , ST. I' . , M. , V O. 'A.M. ' ' 1 > . M. :15a : . I .Sioux City Kxprcai. D:15a : J ? " "Liiii : _ lKiinrt | EAffrw.Mtn. ArFlve. _ _ A.U. IP. M. O. , H. i Q. . A. u. ' r. . t-M\ \ 600.Vu | I'luttsniotlth. . . : ) ] 7:10 STOCK VAHD'THAlNd will leave U. r. depot , Omalm , at Il ; 40 7:35 : 1W1U:00 : a. m.i L'W-a:05 : 1:035:25B00 ; . in. I'uulflo l-'xprcss , 8-0 p , m : Dcnvnr I'-x. , 10:55 : a. m. ; Local ix.U5 : : p. in. l.onvo hloeli yiiiJcbforOnmliu at 117:0.ri 118:10 tu p. in. ChloJiro Kxpress le. S. O.5:07 : ; Local Kxn le. S. O. 1U:01 : a.m. ' NOTK-i.A , trains diillj' ! I ) , dally except feun- iiy j c , dally luccc'ui tJnturdttjr : It , dully cACcpt For several clays past , we have been constantly receiving new addi- ions to our already immense stock , These goods were manufactured expressly for our establishment here in Omaha , and they must and will be sold , if low prices , and reductions on low prices will help us to do so. Among the new arrivals we have 900 heavy Overcoats , in all grades and colors. To give you an idea how these goods are being slaughtered we enumerate the following prices : 100 Mens' Heavy Chinchilla Beaver Storm Overcoats , cassimere lined , extra length , with lara-e fur collar and cuffs , at $8. This same class of coats were sold only a week agoior $13.50. 75 All Wool Beaver Chinchilla Overcoats , lined with fine serge , and satin sleeve lining , at $9.75. Former price $13.75. 100 Plain , Smooth All Wool Beaver Overcoats , in black and brown , double breasted and elegantly trimmed , at $10.50. This coat sells at any other establishment at 15. 65 Heavy Dark Striped Overcoats , trimmed with ± ur collar and cuffs $4.75. Another lot of our celebrated $3,60 Overcoats , which are fully worth $6. We also received about. 20 different styles of childrens'and boys'Overcoats. For children from 4 to 12 years of age we have a very neat fur trimmed Overcoats for $1.95worth ; at least $3. We call your attention to 300 neatly gotten up Childrens' Suits , from 4 to 13 years at $1.85. These suits were sold formerly at $2.75. All of the above described goods are selling now very rapidly and we would advise all intending purchasers to examine them before sizes are broken. All goods at one price at Cor. Douglas and 1.4th sts. , Omaha. ORflAHA 13th St. , Cor. Capitol Avcnus. TOU TH TBKATJIENT OF Af.t Chronic & Surgical Diseases. DR. MoMENAWIY. Proprfotoi- . Sulccn yenrs' IjoBimal and J'rivaTe l-racuca Wajiavu Hie facilities , cpparnliit and rcmedtri for the successful treatment of every form of die- civc Tcnulrliij ; cither medical or Atirgicnl ( re.itmtnl , and Invlto nil to come and Investigate f or thcmBrlrci nr corrcipoml with us. Long experience in treat ing cases by letter enables un to treat many cases scientiflcnUvvltlioiit poclni ? them. WHITE > 'OU CinCL'hAU on Deformltio and Braces , Club Feet , Curvature * of the Spine II EBKS or WOMEN , Piles , Tumor * , Cancers , Cntorrli , Bronchitis , Inhalation , Klcctriclty , 1'nrnl- yiU , EplleiiBy , Kidney , Eye , Ear , Skin , lilood aud all surgical operations. linttorloa , Inhalers , TJrncri , Truates , and ail klndn of Medical and Surgical Appliances , man ufactured and for e.tlc. The only reliable Medical Institute making Private , Special $ Nervous Diseases ' A BPKTIAI.TY. ALT , CONTAGIOUS AND HLOOD DISEASES , from whatever cause produced , pnccesHfnllylrculud , Wo can rcmcivo Syphilitic poison from ihcijitvra without mercury. New rc-itorntlvo treatment for loss of vital power. AtL COMMUNICATIONS CIONKIOKNTIAI , Cull run ] consult n or nond iiainn and poM-ofl'icc midrcsn plainly written enclose stamp , uud wo will "end you. In plain wrapper , our PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO MEN ui'ON I'KIVATB , SPECIAL AM ) NERVOUS DISBASKH. SEMINAL \VrAKNKbs. RfEiiuATOiiniiorA , IMF-OVEN- cv , Svritiu , ( iosoniiiKKA , ( iLEr.r , VAKICOCEI.K , STRICTUIIE , AND AI.IDIHEAKKH or TUB OKMTO- UiiiNAitr OiuiANi , or tend history uf your ctue for on opinion , Persons iinahle to-\lflt lie may be treated at their homes , hy correspondence. Medicine * mid Instru rnenta tent by mail or e prcs BKOUHKLY J'ACK- El ) KItOJI ODShllVATION. no marks to Indicate contend or sender. One personal interview prc ferred If convenient. Fifty rcioms for thu acconi , niodatlnn uf patients. Hoard nnd nttcndaiiw'u at reatonnble ptlccs- Address all hellers to Omaha Medical and Surgical institute , Cor. 13th St. and CMltoUvc. . OMAHA. NED. A Hook thrt oTfrr father liouUI tlaco IP ( ill eeu't linnil * DitU rwu tiltnseir w Ith tbeutmoMt cam. Him .11 HID riui'toma ' lii.d terrlltld icbultu of IXicaut-i iluota iurlrlcu : B d JKUUT- U'rof. Jean Clvialu. ) Jluslwndi ftmt Heads of FA. . . ( Of 1'ailn 1'rnnpo. ) lUuB iitii.il It. Tentlinunlold tl onuvuilneut Ixiiidoit It oc tori FREtiGH HOSPITAL TREAT EHT For Hr ln , Pway , " Veakn < . Ix t Vitality , r.tc. Bcnl olilv ealfil. l-'rrr t'onKtillallnn. FriJin V A M.luftr II. I.K AUi.SOi , 174 Fulluu ftt. . > 1T Vurl. WEAK , HHRVOU3 PEOPLE Anil cthcm tutrnlni ; frow uvi ilclrlliij , c > lmui > tliu 110 < ll"eM * . picmnlure n" of yuunK or ulU "to iKikltl vcly cuiiU by Dr. llorno'n firiu.UH Klirlro. Masnrlto llrll. ThoUkoncH ll In the union h K lifrn i-ur u. OR. < H. J. HORUE. iMVNrr . 131 WABASH Av. . DREXEL & MAUL , Successors to .Jno. G. Jacob ? , AM > ldritniui 1 107 l-'arntim st. ) r < lurs by tulu rnili ) so.k-itotl nnd iironipily at- terulcil lo , Tiilopliono No. 'Ji5. ! njrt"h f , - „ liuUou" . inlld , roothit g currrnn , of " itj-alrtttly itiruuj-ti hit ek parti.rrdor- V' " > tahcalthBi-lYUvrou ( f > trnxJi. ( . ( rdt'.o ' Current - VJJ lt JiiiUnt/cr ] wefur/Vit / tv-W ( ui ih. ( irrUeitImpri\rmrnt otrr ll fthrr li-ll * . Wurilitiripei * manently rurrUluthrreinanlb > . hi1nt i > iuphift4 * Um ThoSanden Elnctric Co. IC9 LaSillot. , 21,829,060 Tansill's ' Punch Cigars were eblpixul dorliie tlio past two yeara , without a dniin * iucrfuuurt'iui > i > > ] r. Nu other lioueo lu tb woi M rftn trulU- fullyiuakoiusb a tliuwitii : . Onu ateot Mi-nlt-r uuljr ) wanlodia encli town. _ SOLD BY IEADINQ ODUCCISTS. R.W.TANSILUCO.,65 Stale StChiQiiflO. HIMEBATJGH & TAYLOR DEALERS IN ICE TOOLS. Ice Plows , Markers , Hooks , Grapples , Tongs , Saws , OMAHA. Bun Iron , Etc. Of Imported Draft Stallions , AtKcarneyMM26at , , 10 a. Fourteen iniporfcil and registered liorses will be sold : 11 Xurumns , 1 Clyde , 1 English Draft , and 1 Uelginn. Those horses have all been in this slate the nast season and are thoroughly acclimated , and have bern selected from ( lie stables of loading iiniiortcr am' are fine specimens of their class. They will be sold on a credit of three equal annual payments without inter est until April 1st , 1.1U7 , and 7 per cent thereafter. This stock has been taken under mortgage and must be sold , lirei'ders will save time , expense , danger of shipment , llmoor at'climution , etc. , by pur chasing ul this sulo. Dumber and pedigree will be furnished on application. C. W. .MOSI1HH , Owner , Lincoln , Neb. 0. 1' . SHALLUXUKIKiKIl , Manager , Hastings , Xe'j. ' To whom all inquiries should be sent. V. M. WOOD. Aiictioner , Liin'oln. Neb. . .E.S. S. W. C'OSi. AM > FAK.V.Affl , O5IA3I.1. Properly 9f every description for sale in all parts of t'tio city. Lauds foi sao ! 1 every county in .Nebraska. A COMPLETE SKT OF AlJSTIUCTS Of Titles of Douglits county lcpt. Mans ot HIP city state or county , or any oilier information dcsircu , furulbliod frco of charge upon application. o" RELIABLE JEWELER , Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware The largest slock. J'nn-s this lowest. Kupairing a iiociitliy. | All worli warrant- ud. Cornur Douglas ami lOlli ulrools , Ouialu " HOW TO ACQUIRE WEALTH. jVt'j/ : / Di'dii'liijThis Month , on Xoi'DinberXOth , Iliy J'l'lsru. .Y Vlitnl ; * With W You Can Hur.mo One City of Barletta 100 Francs Gold Bond These bonds are drawn 4 times , annually , with nri/es of .fhW,000. 100,000000 , 500,000 , aOOXK ( ) , 100Oi'M ) , 50,000 , etc. , down to Hit- lowest pri/o of 100 Francs ' Gold. Anyone bending us $2 will nceiirc ono uf these Uonds and U ibcn UN'TII'LKI ) to the whole prize that itinay draw in next drawing , balance payabU on easy ' In-itall- ments. This is the licit Invcktineiit over offorcd , Ik-sidcb tbu ccrtainty-rccc'uhj } back 100 Franc * fioid , you liavn the chance to win four limes a year. Lints of drawings will be tent J'rec of charge. Money can be MIII by rcyi'-teiod letter or poital no'c. For uirther information , call on 01 acdrch 1SKKLIN HANKING CO. , , ; o5 Hroadway , New York. N. JJ. 'J'hcsc JloiuK are nut lott i-y tkkoian < l are by law pcrn.itlcJ * i > be soli ! in HR- United Staicc. SHERMAN ROAD CART. ' "BEST CART ON EARTH. " SINGLE , DOUBLE anH LIGHT , l 311i . lrIn. | H" lh . " > * ' , . " W1 . % f . " I-ASY , DURABLE and CHEAP. t Ciatcd frco on board cnrs. 4 ' ' # _ $ & * fiilAg , T , ALLEN , * < > "r * 1 ' * * COLDWATER , Mich. . Mention Oiimh * , ) lu .